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Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word A prompt is given in

1 Prenup agreement enforced under UK law
2 20 October 2010
3 Owen Bowcott
4 Supreme court case finds _______ (PREMATRIMONIAL) agreement between German heiress and
5 former husband to be legally _________ (MANDATORY).

7 The supreme court ruled that German heiress Katrin Radmacher's prenuptial agreement with her former
8 husband was binding. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA

9 Prenuptial agreements have been _______ (FOUND) as __________ (APPLICABLE) under

10 British divorce law for the first time, in a supreme court ruling today.

11 Judges found ________ (FOR) the 40-year-old German heiress Katrin Radmacher, who had
12 __________ (TRIED) to protect her 106m fortune in the _______ (CONTINGENCY) of a
13 marriage breakdown.

14 Radmacher and her French ex-husband, Nicolas Granatino, 38, a former investment banker, had
15 signed a prenuptial agreement before their wedding in London in 1998. The agreement _________
16 (SPECIFIED) that neither party would benefit financially if the marriage ended.

17 By _________ (DECIDING) that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has altered
18 the landscape of divorce _________ (AGREEMENTS). It is likely to be a severe blow to the UK's
19 reputation as the "divorce capital of Europe".

20 By a majority of eight to one, the supreme court justices ________ (DISCARDED) Granatino's
21 ________ (PETITION), saying that after their ruling "it will be natural to infer that parties entering
22 into agreements will intend that effect be given to them".

23 The judges agreed that in the right case a prenuptial agreement could have decisive or compelling
24 ________ (IMPORTANCE). Lord Phillips, the _________ (HEAD) of the supreme court, said the
25 courts would still have the _________ (CHOICE) to waive any pre- or postnuptial agreement,
26 especially when it was unfair to any children of the marriage.

27 Some lawyers claimed that the ________ (LEADING) decision represented a constitutional upset in
28 which judges had started making rather than interpreting the law.

29 Granatino had given up his six-figure investment banker's job to become a 30,000-a-year
30 biotechnology researcher at Oxford University in 2003, the year the marriage began to ________
32 When the couple divorced in 2006, Granatino claimed that at the time they married he had had no
33 idea of his wife's ___________ (FORTUNE) and had not received ________ (APPROPRIATE)
34 legal advice, or had the German prenuptial agreement translated for him before he signed.

35 Despite regular visits to Radmacher's Chelsea flat, her family's Swiss ski chalet in Verbier and the
36 family home, her wealth was not "particularly __________" (OBVIOUS), said Granatino, adding
37 that the latter property had "shared bathrooms and no great art".

38 He was ___________ (GRANTED) 5.85m by a high court judge in 2008, but this was cut a year
39 later on appeal to a lump ________ (AMOUNT) of 1m in lieu of ________ (ALIMONY), with a
40 2.5m fund for a house to be returned to Radmacher when the youngest of the couple's two
41 daughters, now seven, reaches the age of 22. Radmacher had earlier agreed to _____ (SETTLE) his
42 debts of 700,000.

43 Radmacher, who was at the supreme court for the ruling, said afterwards: "I am really ________
44 (HAPPY) with the ruling but saddened at the four-year process that brought us to this point. I am
45 delighted that Britain has upheld _______ (JUSTICE). It is important to me that no one else should
46 have to go through this."

47 An heiress to a German paper company, Radmacher was reputed to be one of the richest women in
48 Europe in 2007.

49 In a ____________ (DECLARATION), Radmacher added: "For Nicolas and I, in our homelands

50 France and Germany these agreements are entirely normal and routine. We made a promise to each
51 other that if anything went wrong between us, both of us would walk away without making financial
52 _____ (DEMANDS) on each other. The promise made to me was broken.

53 "I know some people think of prenuptial agreements as being unromantic, but for us it was meant to
54 be a way of proving you are marrying only for love. It was a natural part of the marriage process. In
55 my case, my father insisted upon it to protect my ________ (BEQUEST)."

56 The case will set a significant legal ____________ (AUTHORITY).

57 Brenda Long, of the law firm Blandy & Blandy, said: "This supreme court ruling means the
58 _________ (BENCH) judiciary has overstepped its prescribed role of interpreting law and actually
59 created law instead. This is particularly surprising given that one of the judges, Baroness Hale, has
60 previously expressed the view that development in this area should be dealt with by legislative reform
61 rather than judicial development and gave a ________ (DISAGREEING) opinion in today's
62 _________ (DECISION).

63 "This decision could introduce a(n) ___________ (INBUILT) degree of sex discrimination within
64 the family court system as prenuptial agreements predominantly benefit the rich and it is more
65 commonly the woman in the marriage who is the financially weaker party."

Choose the correct answers according to the text:
1. Prenuptial agreements have been recognised _________ enforceable under British divorce

a) as b) like

2. Judges found in favour ________ the 40-year-old German heiress Katrin Radmacher.

a) to b) of

3. Katrin Radmacher had sought to protect her 106m fortune in the eventuality of a marriage

a) breakdown b) downbreak

4. By ruling that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has altered the landscape
of divorce _____________.

a) agreements b) settlements

5. It is likely to be a severe blow ____________ the UK's reputation as the "divorce capital of

a) for b) to

6. By a majority of eight _______ one, the supreme court justices dismissed Granatino's appeal.

a) against b) to

7. ()"it will be natural to infer that parties entering into agreements will intend that effect
_______ given to them".

a) be b) is

8. Lord Phillips, the president of the supreme court, said the courts would still have the
discretion to waive any pre- or postnuptial agreement, especially when it was ___________ to
any children of the marriage.

a) unjust b) unfair

9. Some lawyers claimed that the landmark decision represented a constitutional __________
in which judges had started making rather than interpreting the law.

a) upset b) setup

10. Granatino had given up his __________ investment banker's job to become a 30,000-a-
year biotechnology researcher at Oxford University in 2003.

a) six-figures b) six-figure

11. When the couple divorced in 2006, Granatino ________ that at the time they married he
had had no idea of his wife's wealth.

a) claimed b) demanded

12. _________ regular visits to Radmacher's Chelsea flat, her family's Swiss ski chalet in
Verbier and the family home, her wealth was not "particularly evident", said Granatino.

a) in spite b) despite

13. He was awarded 5.85m by a high court judge in 2008, but this was cut a year later ______
appeal to a lump sum of 1m ().

a) on b) in

14. Radmacher had earlier agreed to pay _______ his debts of 700,000.

a) up b) off

15. "I am really pleased with the ruling but saddened ________ the four-year process that
brought us to this point.

a) for b) at

16. An heiress __________ a German paper company, Radmacher was reputed to be one of the
richest women in Europe in 2007.

a) of b) to

17. We made a promise to each other that if anything went wrong between us, both of us would
walk away without making financial claims _________ each other.

a) on b) to

18. "I know some people think of prenuptial agreements ________ unromantic, but for us it
was meant to be a way of proving you are marrying only for love.

a) to be b) as being

19. This is particularly surprising given that one of the judges, Baroness Hale, has previously
expressed the view that development in this area should be dealt ______ by legislative reform
rather than judicial development ()

a) with b)

20. I am delighted that Britain has ____________ fairness.

a) upheld b) held up

State the genre and text type of the text, justifying your answer.

Make a list of all the adjectives and adverbs of the text and say
whether they are neutral or try to persuade the reader

Try to find any structures that indicate emphasis (inversion,

thematisation, rhetorical questions, etc.)

Try to find structures that emphasize impersonality (passive

structures, ergative structures, lack of agent, etc.)

In the following sentence, what does it refer back to? By ruling

that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has
altered the landscape of divorce settlements. It is likely to be a
severe blow to the UK's reputation as the "divorce capital of

Prenup agreement enforced under UK law

Supreme court case finds prenuptial agreement between German heiress and
former husband to be legally binding
Prenuptial agreements have been recognised as enforceable under British divorce law for the first
time, in a supreme court ruling today.
Judges found in favour of the 40-year-old German heiress Katrin Radmacher, who had sought to
protect her 106m fortune in the eventuality of a marriage breakdown.
Radmacher and her French ex-husband, Nicolas Granatino, 38, a former investment banker, had
signed a prenuptial agreement before their wedding in London in 1998. The agreement
stipulated that neither party would benefit financially if the marriage ended.

By ruling that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has altered the landscape of
divorce settlements. It is likely to be a severe blow to the UK's reputation as the "divorce capital
of Europe".
By a majority of eight to one, the supreme court justices dismissed Granatino's appeal, saying
that after their ruling "it will be natural to infer that parties entering into agreements will intend
that effect be given to them".
The judges agreed that in the right case a prenuptial agreement could have decisive or compelling
weight. Lord Phillips, the president of the supreme court, said the courts would still have the
discretion to waive any pre- or postnuptial agreement, especially when it was unfair to any
children of the marriage.
Some lawyers claimed that the landmark decision represented a constitutional upset in which
judges had started making rather than interpreting the law.
Granatino had given up his six-figure investment banker's job to become a 30,000-a-year
biotechnology researcher at Oxford University in 2003, the year the marriage began to
When the couple divorced in 2006, Granatino claimed that at the time they married he had had
no idea of his wife's wealth and had not received proper legal advice, or had the German
prenuptial agreement translated for him before he signed.

Despite regular visits to Radmacher's Chelsea flat, her family's Swiss ski chalet in Verbier and the
family home, her wealth was not "particularly evident", said Granatino, adding that the latter
property had "shared bathrooms and no great art".
He was awarded 5.85m by a high court judge in 2008, but this was cut a year later on appeal to
a lump sum of 1m in lieu of maintenance, with a 2.5m fund for a house to be returned to
Radmacher when the youngest of the couple's two daughters, now seven, reaches the age of 22.
Radmacher had earlier agreed to pay off his debts of 700,000.

Radmacher, who was at the supreme court for the ruling, said afterwards: "I am really pleased
with the ruling but saddened at the four-year process that brought us to this point. I am delighted
that Britain has upheld fairness. It is important to me that no one else should have to go through
An heiress to a German paper company, Radmacher was reputed to be one of the richest women
in Europe in 2007.
In a statement, Radmacher added: "For Nicolas and I, in our homelands France and Germany
these agreements are entirely normal and routine. We made a promise to each other that if
anything went wrong between us, both of us would walk away without making financial claims
on each other. The promise made to me was broken.
"I know some people think of prenuptial agreements as being unromantic, but for us it was
meant to be a way of proving you are marrying only for love. It was a natural part of the marriage
process. In my case, my father insisted upon it to protect my inheritance."
The case will set a significant legal precedent.
Brenda Long, of the law firm Blandy & Blandy, said: "This supreme court ruling means the
judiciary has overstepped its prescribed role of interpreting law and actually created law instead.
This is particularly surprising given that one of the judges, Baroness Hale, has previously
expressed the view that development in this area should be dealt with by legislative reform rather
than judicial development and gave a dissenting opinion in today's judgment.
"This decision could introduce an inherent degree of sex discrimination within the family court
system as prenuptial agreements predominantly benefit the rich and it is more commonly the
woman in the marriage who is the financially weaker party."

Choose the correct answers according to the text:
1. Prenuptial agreements have been recognised _______ enforceable under British divorce law.

a) as b) like

2. Judges found in favour ________ the 40-year-old German heiress Katrin Radmacher.

a) to b) of

3. Katrin Radmacher had sought to protect her 106m fortune in the eventuality of a marriage

a) breakdown b) downbreak

4. By ruling that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has altered the landscape
of divorce _____________.

a) agreements b) settlements

5. It is likely to be a severe blow ____________ the UK's reputation as the "divorce capital of

a) for b) to

6. By a majority of eight _______ one, the supreme court justices dismissed Granatino's appeal.

a) against b) to

7. ()"it will be natural to infer that parties entering into agreements will intend that effect
_______ given to them".

a) be b) is

8. Lord Phillips, the president of the supreme court, said the courts would still have the
discretion to waive any pre- or postnuptial agreement, especially when it was ___________ to
any children of the marriage.

a) unjust b) unfair

9. Some lawyers claimed that the landmark decision represented a constitutional __________
in which judges had started making rather than interpreting the law.

a) upset b) setup

10. Granatino had given up his __________ investment banker's job to become a 30,000-a-
year biotechnology researcher at Oxford University in 2003.

a) six-figures b) six-figure

11. When the couple divorced in 2006, Granatino ________ that at the time they married he
had had no idea of his wife's wealth.

a) claimed b) demanded
12. __________ regular visits to Radmacher's Chelsea flat, her family's Swiss ski chalet in
Verbier and the family home, her wealth was not "particularly evident", said Granatino.

a) in spite b) despite

13. He was awarded 5.85m by a high court judge in 2008, but this was cut a year later ______
appeal to a lump sum of 1m ().

a) on b) in

14. Radmacher had earlier agreed to pay _______ his debts of 700,000.

a) up b) off

15. "I am really pleased with the ruling but saddened ________ the four-year process that
brought us to this point.

a) for b) at

16. An heiress __________ a German paper company, Radmacher was reputed to be one of the
richest women in Europe in 2007.

a) of b) to

17. We made a promise to each other that if anything went wrong between us, both of us would
walk away without making financial claims _________ each other.

a) on b) to

18. "I know some people think of prenuptial agreements ________ unromantic, but for us it
was meant to be a way of proving you are marrying only for love.

a) to be b) as being

19. This is particularly surprising given that one of the judges, Baroness Hale, has previously
expressed the view that development in this area should be dealt ______ by legislative reform
rather than judicial development ()

a) with b)

20. I am delighted that Britain has ____________ fairness.

a) upheld b) held up

State the genre and text type of the text, justifying your answer.

Genre: newspaper article.

Text type: informative.

Make a list of all the adjectives and adverbs of the text and say
whether they are neutral or try to persuade the reader

The author only shows a bit of bias on lines 29-37, where he focuses on
Granatinos ex-husbands salary. The adjectives and adverbs used are neutral.

Try to find any structures that indicate emphasis (inversion,

thematisation, rhetorical questions, etc.)

By a majority of eight to one, the supreme court justices dismissed Granatino's

appeal ()
By ruling that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has altered
the landscape of divorce settlements.

An heiress to a German paper company, Radmacher was reputed to be one of

the richest women in Europe in 2007.
In a statement, Radmacher added ()

For Nicolas and I, in our homelands France and Germany these agreements
are entirely normal and routine ()
(..:) it is more commonly the woman in the marriage who is the financially
weaker party

Try to find structures that emphasize impersonality (passive

structures, ergative structures, lack of agent, etc.)

Some examples are:

Prenuptial agreements have been recognised as enforceable.
It is likely to be a severe blow to the UK's reputation ()
() it will be natural to infer that parties entering into agreements will intend
that effect be given to them.
Some lawyers claimed that the landmark decision represented a constitutional
upset ()
Granatino claimed that at the time they married he had had no idea of his wife's
wealth and had not received proper legal advice ()
Despite regular visits to Radmacher's Chelsea flat, her family's Swiss ski chalet
in Verbier and the family home ()
He was awarded 5.85m by a high court judge in 2008, but this was cut a year
later on appeal to a lump sum of 1m in lieu of maintenance, with a 2.5m fund
for a house to be returned to Radmacher ()
Radmacher was reputed to be one of the richest women in Europe in 2007.
The promise made to me was broken.
() some people think of prenuptial agreements as being unromantic ()
() development in this area should be dealt with by legislative reform rather
than judicial development ()

In the following sentence, what does it refer back to? By ruling

that such contracts are legally binding, the supreme court has
altered the landscape of divorce settlements. It is likely to be a
severe blow to the UK's reputation as the "divorce capital of

It refers back to the ruling by the Supreme Court, but it is only deducted from
the previous sentence (please bear in mind that in by ruling, ruling is not a
noun). Consequently it is a notional referent.


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