Lesson 2 Webercise

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Lesson 2 Webercise: Amazing Grace

1. Who wrote this Hymn? Summarize his life story.

2. Review the lyrics. Which line do you think best represents

what he went through in his lifetime? Why?

3. Identify what genre this song is considered to be under.

Why do you think "Amazing Grace" is under this genre?

4. Watch this clip. Do you think this young orchestra conveyed

the meaning of the song in their performance? Did they use
proper expression? Why or why not?

5. Choose two aspects you liked and one aspect you didn't like
about their interpretation of this song. Explain your


6. Here is a vocal representation of "Amazing Grace". How is

this version different from the previous example? How are
they similar?

7. Which version was more technically accurate? Which was

more expressive?

Now it's your turn!

Now that you have explored the history and expression behind
this song, it's time for you to try singing it! I will play the song
for you on the piano in class, and in small groups you will use
the virtual piano to find the harmony to the melody of this
song! I have provided the sheet music for you below. Write
the notes of the harmony you find under the melody line.

8. Now that you have found a harmony for this melody, how
difficult or easy do you think this task was?

In your small group, assign each person to either the harmony

or melody of the song and start rehearsing it!
9. In what ways can you and your peers sing this song
accurately? Ex. What kind of expression should you convey?
What should your tone be?

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