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Logic Gates and their Symbols

As it has already been explained, a logic gate is either a model of a physical component or the actual
component which implements a Boolean function. In other words, it performs a logical operation on
one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. There are two sets of logic gate symbols
in common use, both now defined by ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 and its supplement ANSI/IEEE Std
91a-1991. The one based on traditional schematics is known as "distinctive" or "military" base
shape. It is used for simple drawings and for describing the complex logic functions of digital circuits
with schematic symbols. The "rectangular shape" set, based on IEC 60617-12, has
rectangular shapes for all types of gates and allows for the representation of a wider range of devices
than the traditional symbols. IEC 617-12 and its successor IEC 60617-2, the standard adopted in
Europe, do not include the "distinctive shape" symbols.

During this course, The ANSI/IEEE rectangular shape symbols will be used for showing real
schematic circuits, while the ANSI/IEEE distinctive shape symbols will rather be used for explaining
Boolean algebraic concepts or for Boolean simplifications. The following table shows those symbols.
However, the individual gates will be presented one by one in the exercises that follow.

ANSI/IEEE Distinctive ANSI/IEEE Rectangular

Operation IEC 60617-12 Symbol
Shape Shape






In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of a NOT gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
Boolean TTL
IEC 60617-12 ANSI/IEEE Recta Algebra Family
Operation Distinctive
Symbol ngular Shape Expressi IC
on Example

NOT 74XX04
x = A

The NOT operation is different from other operations because it can be applied to only one input
variable. The output has the opposite logical value of the input. The NOT operation is also called
inversion or complement. As you can see on the table, both A and A mean inversion (negation). In
this course, both of them will be used with no difference in meaning.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
Assemble the following circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.
In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of an AND gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
Operati IEC 60617-12 ANSI/IEEE Distinctive ANSI/IEEE Rectangul Algebra
on Symbol Shape ar Shape Expressi


AND x = A B 74XX08

x = AB

The AND operation logically multiplies its inputs. The output of an AND gate is high only when all its
inputs are high. For all other cases, the output is expected to be low.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
Now you will make the connections for performing two simple experiments which together with the
previous results will help you derive four simple rules concerning AND operators.

In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of an OR gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
IEC 60617-12 ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Rectangular Family
Operation Algebra
Symbol Distinctive Shape Shape IC

OR 74XX32
x = A B

The OR operation logically adds its inputs. The output of an OR gate is high when either or both of its
inputs are high and low when both inputs are low.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
Now you will make the connections for performing two simple experiments which together with the
previous results will help you derive four simple rules concerning OR operators.

In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of a NAND gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
IEC 60617-12 ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Rectangular Family
Operation Algebra
Symbol Distinctive Shape Shape IC

x= AB

NAND x = A B 74XX00

x = AB

As you have probably noticed, the NAND gate's symbol is almost the same as that for the AND,
except that a small circle at the output is added. This small circle denotes the inversion operation.
Therefore, as you can already imagine, the NAND gate operates as an AND gate followed by a NOT
gate, but let us corroborate this with the following experiments.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation and answer the questions below.
Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation and answer the questions below.
NOR (Not OR)
In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of a NOR gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
Operati IEC 60617- ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Rectangul Algebra
on 12 Symbol Distinctive Shape ar Shape Expressi

x= A+

As you have probably noticed, the NOR gate's symbol is almost the same as that for the OR, except
that a small circle at the output is added. This small circle denotes the inversion operation. Therefore,
as you can already imagine, the NOR gate operates as an OR gate followed by a NOT gate, but let
us corroborate this with the following experiments.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation and answer the questions below.
Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation and answer the questions below.
Additional Boolean Functions: XOR and XNOR
In the following experiment, you will observe the outputs of an XOR gate according to its inputs and
determine the Boolean expressions which define its behaviour.
ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Rectangular Family
Operation IEC 60617-12 Algebra
Distinctive Shape Shape IC

XOR (also
x = A B

The XOR operation is also known as exclusive OR. The exclusive OR might be thought of as the
"John-Wayne OR": "...Stranger, this town ain't big enough for both of of us is gonna have to
leave, either YOU or ME"... Can you guess why? If not, you will discover it with the following

Assemble the circuit as shown in the diagram and animation.

Open the virtual instrument Digital Input/Output Display via the menu option Instruments | Digital |
Input and Output or by clicking on the image below.

Variable(s) State Logic value

Outputs Q0...Q15

Outputs Q0...Q15

Inputs I0...I15

Inputs I0...I15
ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Rectangular Boolean Family
Operation IEC 60617-12
Distinctive Shape Shape Algebra IC

(also 74XX266

The XNOR operation is also known as exclusive NOR or exclusive Not OR and you will discover why
in the following experiment.

Assemble the circuit as shown in the animation. Notice that in this case, the circuit for an XNOR gate
was indirectly built using an XOR and a NOT gate. However, the XNOR IC circuit for the TTL family
is available with the number 74LS266, for example.

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