Islam LP Jhu

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Albemarle Road Middle School

7E Lesson Plan Template

Name: Asraiel Harewood Date: 16-17 Class/Block: Social Studies/All


6.H.1.1, 6.C&G.1.1
Which of the following is the Islam is a monotheistic religion
OBJECTIVE: Identify and examine founder of Christianity? Muslims must follow the 5 pillars
the major characteristics and the a. Jesus Christ and live their lives accordingly
beliefs of Islam through guided notes b. Abraham
c. Muhammad
and stations on the 5 pillars
d. Moses
All of the following are
monotheistic religions except:
a. Judaism
b. Islam
c. Christianity
d. Hinduism
What similarities exist
between the two monotheistic
religions we have covered?

ELICIT (access prior knowledge): MATERIALS

Teacher will: provide do-now question

Students will: answer do-now on worksheet
Guided Notes and
ENGAGE (get students minds focused on the topic (short; picture or question))
Teacher will: review do-now questions and ask what monotheism is
Students will: volunteer responses to the Do-Now, turn and talk before providing a response to Paper Stations
Online Station
EXPLORE (provide students with a common experience) Websites

Teacher will: show video of Ramadan practices Chromebook

Students will: answer video questions on designated space on worksheet
EXPLAIN (teach the concept; should include teacher-student interaction)

Teacher will: present information on the origins and characteristics of Islam

Students will: complete guided notes and ask questions as necessary

ELABORATE (students apply information learned in the EXPLAIN)

Teacher will: assign students to stations about the 5 pillars, stations will be differentiated
according to student proficiency level
Students will: visit each station and identify the pillar, its meaning and a sticky detail
EVALUATE (how will you know students learned the concept?)

Teacher will: Circulate room and observe student progress, review 5 pillars chart and key
takeaways from activity
Students will: volunteer responses and edit/complete chart

EXTEND (deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context)

Teacher will: Give triple venn diagram exit ticket on monotheistic religions
Students will: complete exit ticket

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