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Math 553 - Topology Todd Riggs

Assignment 1 Sept 10, 2014

Problems: Section 13 - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; Section 16 - 1, 5, 8, 9;

13.1) Let X be a topological space and let A be a subset of X. Suppose

that for each x A there is an open set U containing x such that U A.
Show that A is open in X.
Since Sfor each x A there exist Ux T such that x Ux and Ux A, we have
A= Ux . That is, A is the union of open sets in X and thus by definition of the
topology on X, A is open.

13.3) Show that the collection T c given in example 4 (pg 77) is a topology
on the set X. Is the collection T = {U |X U is infinite or empty or all
of X} a topology on X.
Proof: PART (1)
From example 4 Tc = {U |X U is countable or is all of X}. To show that Tc is a
topology on X, we must show we meet all 3 conditions of the definition of topology.
First, since X X = is countable and X = X is all of X we have X and Tc .
Second, let U Tc for I. We must look at two cases: (1) X U = X for all
and (2) There exist such that X U is countable.

Case (1): X U = X S T
This implies U = for all . So X ( U ) = (X U ) = X and thus,
U Tc .

T that X U is countable.
Case (2): ThereSexist such
We have X ( U ) = (X U ) X U which is countable. Thus, since
subsets of countable sets are countable, U Tc .
Third, we must show finite intersections are in Tc . Let U Tc for 1 n.
Again, we must check two cases.

Case (1): There exists an such that X U = X.

n n n
U Tc .
So X ( U ) = (X U ) = X and thus,
=1 =1 =1
Case (2): X U is countable for all .
Tn n
We have X ( U ) = (X U ).
=1 =1
U Tc .
Since a finite collection of countable sets is countable, we again have
Thus Tc is a topology on X.

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Proof: PART (2)
The collection T = {U |X U is infinite or empty or all of X} is NOT a topology
on X.
By counterexample let X = R and let U1 = (, 0) and U2 = (0, ). U1 and U2 are
in T since X U1 = [0, ) and X U2 = (, 0] are both infinite. Condition 2
of the definition of topology fails. That is, U1 U2 6 T since X (U1 U2 ) = {0}.

T is a topology
13.4a) If {T } is a family of topologies on X, show that
on X. Is T a topology on X?
13.4b) Let {T } be a family of topologies on X. Show that there is a
unique smallest topology on X containing all the collections T , and a
unique largest topology contained in all T .
13.4c) If X = {a, b, c}, let T 1 = {, X, {a}, {a, b}} and T 2 = {, X, {a}, {b, c}}.
Find the smallest topology containing T 1 and T 2 , and the largest topology
contained in T 1 and T 2 .

Proof: 13.4a.1
Since each T is a topology, X and ST . For T for
arbitrary unions, let U
I. Then U T for all and thus U T . Finally, for finite intersections,
n n
let Uj T for 1 j n. So Uj T for all and hence Uj T . Thus
j=1 j=1
T is a topology on X.

Proof: 13.4a.2
T is NOT
S a topology on X. For U1 T and U2 T , U1 U2 are not neces-
sarily in T . As a counter example, let X = {a, Sb, c}, T = {X, , {a, b}}, T =
{X, , S{b, c}}, U1 = {a, b}, and U2 = {b, c}. Then T = T T but, U1 U2 =
{b} 6 T .

Proof: 13.4b.1
For existence, let = , where {T } is the collection of all topologies containing
T . We claim that T = T is the uniquely smallest topology on X containing all

S collections T . First, by part a, we know that T is a topology andST contains

T for all . Since T is the intersection of all topologies containing T , it must
be the smallest.
For uniqueness, assume there exists a topology T 0 that contains T and is such
that T 0 TT. Since T is the smallest, we must have T T 0 . Thus T 0 = T as desired
and T = T is the uniquely smallest topology on X containing all the collections
T .

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Proof: 13.4b.2
As for the largest topology contained in all T , consider T = T . It is contained
in T for all alpha and, by part a, is a topology. Since it is the intersection of all
T , it must be the largest. Now for uniqueness, assume there is another topology T 0
contained in each T and such that T 0 T. SinceT T is the largest, we must have
T T 0 . Thus, again, T 0 = T as desired and T = T is the uniquely largest topology
on X contained in all T .

Prof: 13.4c
The smallest topology containing T1 and T2 is {, X, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {b, c}}.
The largest topology contained in both T1 and T2 is {, X, {a}}.

13.5) Show that if A is a basis for a topology on X, then the topol-

ogy generated by A equals the intersection of all topologies on X that
contain A. Prove the same if A is a subbasis.
Proof: PART (1)
Let TA be the topology generated by the basis A and let {TA } be the collection of
all topologies containing A.
First, TA TA since TA {TA }.
For the reverse inclusion let U TA . Then for all x U we have Ax S A such
T that
Ax . Now since TA contains A for all alpha, U = Ax TA .
Ax U and U =
T xU xU
That is, TA TA and TA = TA as desired.

Proof: PART (2)
Let TA be the topology generated by the subbasis T A and let {TA } be the collection
of all topologies containing A. Then as above, TA TA since TA {TA }.
S Tn
Conversely, let U TA . So U = ( Ai ), where A1 , . . . , An A. Since
I i=1

TA and TA is a topology, we have TA for all .
A1 , . . . , An Ai
S Tn
Ai ) = U TA and hence TA TA .
Now we have (
T I i=1
Thus TA = TA as desired.

13.6) Show that the topologies of Rl and RK are not comparable.
The lower limit topology, TRl , is the topology generated on R by the collection of all
half-open intervals of the form [a, b) = {x|a x b}.
The K-topology, TRK , on R is the topology generated by the collection of all open
intervals (a, b), along with the sets of the form (a, b) K. Here K is the is the set of
all positive rationals of the form n1 , for n Z+ .
We must show TRl 6 TRK and TRK 6 TRl . That is, there exists an element Ul TRl
such that Ul 6 TRK and an element UK TRK such that UK 6 TRl .

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Notice that [0, 1) TRl . No bases element from RK exists that contains 0 and is
a subset of [0, 1). That is, there is no open interval (a, b) or interval (a, b) K that
is a subset of [0, 1) and contains 0. Thus [0, 1) 6 TRK and hence TRl 6 TRK .
Conversely, note that ( n1 , n1 ) K is an element of RK . Additionally, notice for
any neighborhood [a, b) containing 0 that it will also contain n1 for some n N.
That is, 0 ( n1 , n1 ) K but there is no interval [a, b) such that 0 [a, b) and
[a, b) ( n1 , n1 ) K. Hence ( n1 , n1 ) K 6 TRl and TRK 6 TRl .
Thus the topologies of Rl and RK are not comparable.

16.1) Show that if Y is a subspace of X, and A is a subset of Y , then

the topology A inherits as a subspace of Y is the same as the topology it
inherits as a subspace of X.
By the subspace topology on Y, U Y is open in Y if U = V Y for some V open in
X. Similarly, O A is open in A if O = U A. That is, O = U A = (V Y ) A =
V A and the topology A inherits as a subspace of Y is the same as the topology it
inherits as a subspace of X.

16.5) Let X and X 0 denote a single set in the topologies T and T 0 , re-
spectively; let Y and Y 0 denote a single set in the topologies U and U0 ,
respectively. Assume these sets are nonempty.
(a) Show that if T 0 T and U0 U, then the product topology on X 0 Y 0
is finer than the product topology on X Y .
(b) Does the converse of (a) hold? Justify your answer.
Proof: PART A
Let W be in the product topology on X Y . Then for all (x, y) W , there exist a
basis element T U such that T U W where T T and U U. Now since T 0
and U0 are finer than T and U respectively, T can be written as a union of elements of
T 0 and U can be written as a union of elements of U0 . That is, T and U are elements
of T 0 and U0 respectively. So T U is a basis element for X 0 Y 0 and hence is an
element of the product topology on X 0 Y 0 . Thus the product topology on X 0 Y 0
is finer than the product topology on X Y .

The converse is as follows: If the product topology on X 0 Y 0 is finer than the
product topology on X Y , then T 0 T and U0 U.
Claim: The converse is true.
Proof: PART B
Let T T and U U. We must show T T 0 and U U0 . We have that T U is
a basis element for the topology on X Y and hence is open in X Y . Since the
topology on X 0 Y 0 is finer, T U is open in X 0 Y 0 . Thus T T 0 and U U0 as

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16.8) If L is a straight line in the plane, describe the topology L inherits
as a subspace of Rl R and as a subspace of Rl Rl . In each case it is a
familiar topology.
All vertical lines inherit the standard topology.
All diagonal lines inherit the standard topology union the lower limit topology.
All horizontal lines inherit the lower limit topology.

All vertical, horizontal, and positive sloped diagonal lines inherit the lower limit
All negative sloped diagonal lines inherit the discrete topology.

16.9) Show that the dictionary order topology on the set R R is the
same as the product topology Rd R, where Rd denotes R in the discrete
topology. Compare this topology with the standard topology on R2 .
Proof:PART 1
We must show for the dictionary topology T on R R and the product topology Td
on Rd R, as stated, we have T Td and Td T. We will show that the bases
element of each contains a bases element of the other. Let (a b, a d) be a bases
element of T. Then for all x (a b, a d) we have x is contained in a bases element
of the form {a} (b, d) (a b, a d) of Td . That is, T Td .
Conversely, let {a} (b, d) be a basis element of Td . Then for all x {a} (b, d) we
have x (a b, a d) {a} (b, d) of T. That is, Td T.
Hence, T = Td .

Claim: The topology T from above is finer than the standard topology Ts on R2 .
Let (a, c) (b, d) be a bases element in Ts . Then for all x (a, c) (b, d) we have
x ({a} (b, d) . . . {c} (b, d)) ((a, c) (b, d)). That is, bases elements of Ts
can be written as the union of bases elements of T. Thus, Ts T as desired.


13.2) Consider the nine topologies on the set X = {a, b, c} indicated in

example 1 (pg 76). Compare them; that is, for each pair of topologies,
determine whether they are comparable, and if so, which is finer.
Name each topology in example 1 by its row column address (i.e. Trc ). Then we
have the following:
T11 is the trivial topology and NOT finer than any (coarser than all others).
T12 is finer than T11 , T31
T13 is finer than T11 , T21 , T31
T21 is finer than T11

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T22 is finer than T11
T23 is finer than T11 , T13 , T21 , T31
T31 is finer than T11
T32 is finer than T11 , T12 , T21 , T31
T33 is the discrete topology and finer than all others.

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