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Literacy: Writing Lesson

W.A.L.T (We are learning to)

- We are learning to understand what adverbs of where are.

W.I.L.F (What I am looking for)

- Students who can make inferences of adverb of where.
- Students who can identify location of where the verb is happening may be
presented in an image.
Adverbs of where
Adverbs of where tell us where something is happening. It provides
information about the location of where the verb is carried out.

The plane flew over the house.

Adverbs of where

What is happening in this picture?

Where is it happening?
Adverbs of where

What is happening in this picture?

Where is it happening?
Adverbs of where

Can you compose a sentence about what is happening in this picture?

Adverbs of where
Brainstorm ideas
Running on the pathway

Lying under the umbrella

Sitting under the tree

Compose a sentence about what is happening in this picture?

Literacy: Writing Lesson
W.A.L.T (We are learning to)
- We are learning to write descriptive sentences using adverbs of where.

W.I.L.F (What I am looking for)

- Students who can write a sentence that uses a adverb of where to describe where
the verb is occurring.
- Students who can use adverb of time in their sentence.
- Students who can use adverbs of how in their sentence.
- Students who start their sentence with a capital letter.
- Students who end their sentence with a full stop.
Adverbs of where

Compose a sentence about what is happening in this picture?

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