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Practice 11: Premium and Ethernet Network

Help trainees understand and be able to configure, program for Premium Ethernet
network applications. Ethernet Network is a advanced feature of Premium PAC that
allow Premium to communicate to all of devices in market supported Modbus TCP
protocol. In these exercises we will do 3 applications that is supported by ETY port
integrated with Premium PAC TSX P573 3634M.
Tool :
Device Manufacture
Premium PAC TSX P573 3634M Schneider Electric
Ethernet distributed I/O Schneider Electric
Twido PLC Schneider Electric

IO Scanning service Application

Exercise 1 :
Application of I/O Scanning service to exchange data between Premium PLC and
Ethernet distributed I/O. the input of Ethernet distributed I/O
Solution :
Step 1: Create a project and configure hardware following the table below
Rack/ Module Part Number
Digital Input TSX DEY 08D2
Digital Output TSX DSY 08T2
Analog Input TSX AEY 414
Analog Output TSX ASY 410
Step 2: Create new Ethernet network :
Communication network right click New network.

Step 3: After creating Ethernet_1 network, configure Ethernet service for the module.
Ethernet_1 double click

Step 4: Configure IP address for the Premium PAC in IP configuration tab.

Step5: : Configure Enable I/O scanning service .
I/O scanning service yes

Step 6: On I/O scanning tab, configure I/O scanned slaves flowing table :
Order IP address RD RD RD WR WR WR length
master slave length master slave
object index object index

1 0 0 1 100 100 0

Step 7 : Validate to finish configuration

Step 8: Make connection to connect PLC to Premium PAC, download project to PLC
and debug project.
- Create animation table to supervise the data of project.
Exercise 2:
Application of I/O Scanning service to exchange data between Premium PLC and Twido
Premium reads 10 words data from %MW0 - %MW9 of Twido PLC and store them in
%MW0 - %MW9 of Premium PAC. Premium writes 10 words data of Premium PLC from
%MW100 to %MW109 to %MW100- %MW109 of Twido PLC.
Start at Step 6, reconfigure IO scanning tab as following table.
Order IP address RD RD RD WR WR WR length
master slave length master slave
object index object index

1 0 0 10 100 100 10

Continue from Step 7.

Exercise 3 :
Application of I/O Scanning service is used to exchange data between Premium PAC
and Premium PAC.
Premium 1 reads 20 words data from %MW0 - %MW19 of Premium PAC 2 and store
them in %MW10 - %MW19 of Premium PAC 1. Premium PAC 1 writes 20 words data of
Premium PAC 1 from %MW100 to %MW119 to %MW100- %MW119 of Premium PAC 2.
Solution ( option).

Global Data service Application

Exercise 1 :
Premium in the segment 1 publishes data to other segments in the center.


Subscriber Subscriber

Step1: Define a new network and enable Global service.
Step2 : Create new group : Group name :

Step 3: Link Ethernet_1 network to ETY port module.

Step 4 : define elementary variables to be exchange in the group1 following the table
For publisher:
Name Type address Global group ID
Data_exchange Array[0..10] of INT %MW0 PUB Group1 1

For Subscriber:
Name Type address Global group ID
Data_exchange Array[0..10] of %MW0 SUB Group1 1

Step 5: Connect PC to Premium PAC and download your project.

Step6: Debug to supervise the operation of application.
Create new animation table:

Modbus TCP messaging service

Exercises 1:
Applying Modbus messaging to exchange data between Premium PAC and Ethernet
Modbus distributed IO:
Premium PAC role is Client read input of Ethernet distributed IO ( modbus Address:
And write data to Output of Ethernet distributed IO ( Modbus Address: 100 ).
Step1: configure stations network on Messaging tab.
Xway address Ip address Comment
1.100 Ethernet distributed IO station

Step 2: Define elementary variables as following table below:

Variable Type Comment
Data_Read Array [0..0] of INT The array of values read from Ethernet
Data_Written Array [0..0] of INT The array of values written to Ethernet
EthIO_Address Array [0..5] of INT The array contains address of Ethernet
distributed IO
Read_Manager_Par Array [0..3] of INT The array manages communication
parameters of READ_VAR function
Write_Manager_Par Array [ 0..3]of INT The array manages communication
parameters of WRITE_VAR function

Step 3: Create new section in master task named communication_section and write
the program below:
Step 4: Build your project and download your project to PLC.
Step 5: Debugging:
Create new animation table and copy all elementary variables that you want to

Your animation table will be as the picture below:

Exercise 2:
Develop your project to read 10 words ( %MW0-%MW9) from Twido PLC by using ST
language and write 10 words to Twido PLC ( %MW100 - %MW109).

Step1: Add Twido station ( IP address : ) to Ethernet_1 network :

Step2: Define new elementary variables for communication between Premium and
Variable Type Comment
Data_Read_Twido Array [0..9] of The array of values read from Twido
Data_Written_Twido Array [0..9] of The array of values written to Twido
Twido_Address Array [0..5] of The array contains address of Twido
Twido_Read_Manager_Par Array [0..3] of The array manages communication
INT parameters of READ_VAR function for
Twido_Write_Manager_Par Array [ 0..3]of The array manages communication
INT parameters of WRITE_VAR function

Step 3: Create new section named Twido_Communication and write the program
Step4: Build your project and download it to controller.
Step5: Add variables into animation table to supervise your result.

Exercise 3: ( Options)
Configure and write application to exchange data among Premium PLCs in the lab by
using Function block language.
Suggested Solution
Define new
stations in your network
Define new
variables that associates with the stations in network
Write program

Practice 12: Premium and CANopen Network

Exercise 1
Exchange data between CANopen distributed I/O and Premium PAC where
Premium is CANopen master reads data ( input of CANopen distributed IO ) and
write data to output of CANopen distributed IO.
Device, software Manufacture
Premium PAC TSX 57 3634M Schneider Electric
CANopen Distributed IO ( CANopen Schneider Electric
Sycon Software Schneider Electric
Unity pro 4.0 Schneider Electric

Step1: configure CAN network by using Sycon software
- Open Sycon , create new field bus and chose CANopen

- Insert CAN open master:

- Insert CANopen slave ( node)

- Save as your configuration file with name :

Step 2: Configuration for CANopen PCMCI card
- Insert card CANopen PCMCI card: Double click on slot B

- choose TSX CPP 110 card

- configure for CANopen master.
Symbolizing for input and output of CANopenOTB in IODT.
Step 3: Download your project to Premium PAC and debug application

Exercise 2:
Make connection allow Premium PAC control Inverter Altivar 31 through CANopen
Device, software Manufacture
Premium PAC TSX 57 3634M Schneider Electric
Altivar 31 Schneider Electric
Sycon Software Schneider Electric
Unity pro 4.0 Schneider Electric

- Step1 : Insert new Node ( Altivar 31 node) into CANopen network:
- Save your configuration file as Altivar31.Co

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