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PowerbusTM 225 Busway

100 Ampere600 Volt maximum 225 Ampere240 Volt maximum

Table 12.5: 1 Phase SystemsStraight Lengths and Fittings Table 12.1: 1 Phase SystemsStraight Len

Component Configuration 3E Configuration 3B Component

Straight 10f 18,740,800 18,740,800 Straight 10f
Straight 4f 1,047,000 1,047,000 Straight 4f
Elbow Lef 1,773,440 1,773,440 Elbow Lef
Elbow Right 17,734,400 17,734,400 Elbow Right
Cross Fitting 20,862,400 20,862,400 Cross Fitting
Tap Box 20,563,200 20,563,200 Tap Box

Table 12.6: 33WStraight Lengths and Fittings Table 12.2: 33WStraight Lengths and F

Component Configuration 3A Configuration 4B Component

Straight 10f 18,740,800 22,494,400 Straight 10f
Straight 4f 10,472,000 13,164,800 Straight 4f
Elbow Lef 17,734,400 18,577,600 Elbow Lef
Elbow Right 17,734,400 18,577,600 Elbow Right
Cross Fitting 20,862,400 22,032,000 Cross Fitting
Tap Box 20,563,200 22,603,200 Tap Box

Table 12.7: 34WStraight Lengths and Fittings Table 12.3: 34WStraight Lengths and F

Component Configuration 4A Configuration 5A Component

Straight 10f 22,494,400 28,179,200 Straight 10f
Straight 4f 13,164,800 14,579,200 Straight 4f
Elbow Lef 18,577,600 29,539,200 Elbow Lef
Elbow Right 18,577,600 29,539,200 Elbow Right
Cross Fitting 22,032,000 26,438,400 Cross Fitting
Tap Box 22,603,200 26,683,200 Tap Box

Table 12.8: 100 A Accessories Table 12.4: 225 A Accessories

Component Configuration 4A Configuration 5A Description

Straight 10f 22,494,400 28,179,200 Hanger
Straight 4f 13,164,800 14,579,200 End Closure
Elbow Lef 18,577,600 29,539,200 Wall Flange
Elbow Right 18,577,600 29,539,200 Plug-in Opening Cover
Cross Fitting 22,032,000 26,438,400
Tap Box 22,603,200 26,683,200

Table 12.8: 100 A Accessories

Description Price
Hanger 680,000
End Closure 1,632,000
Wall Flange 1,904,000
Plug-in Opening Cover 816,000
225 Ampere240 Volt maximum
12.1: 1 Phase SystemsStraight Lengths and Fittings

Configuration 3A Configuration 3B
35,468,800 35,468,800
14,198,400 14,198,400
26,710,400 26,710,400
26,710,400 26,710,400
40,528,000 40,528,000
28,152,000 28,152,000

12.2: 33WStraight Lengths and Fittings

Configuration 3A Configuration 4B
35,468,800 43,955,200
14,198,400 17,571,200
26,710,400 32,776,000
26,710,400 32,776,000
40,528,000 40,528,000
28,152,000 28,152,000

12.3: 34WStraight Lengths and Fittings

Configuration 4A Configuration 5A
43,955,200 57,555,200
17,571,200 29,920,000
32,776,000 52,224,000
32,776,000 52,224,000
40,528,000 87,148,800
28,152,000 56,032,000

Table 12.4: 225 A Accessories


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