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Borehole No.

Pier no. 33
Bored Pile Compressive strength, fc' 28 MegaPascals
Pile Length 38 meters
Pile Diameter 2.50 meters
WT from ground 2.50 meters
Length of shaft group dimension 2 meters
Width of shaft group dimension 5 meters

A. Cohesionless soils (uses beta method;based on effective

Side Resistance
depth z at midheight N Value Soil RQD Beta gamma(kN/m3)
0 0
1.5 0.75 34 SM 0 1.2 14.5
3 2.25 16 SC 0 1.2 19
4.5 3.75 11 SM-SP 0 1.089065277 19
6 5.25 7 CL 0 0.691766639 19
7.5 6.75 2 CL 0 0.25 19
8.05 7.775 0 CL 0 0.25 19
9 8.525 32 MH 0 1.2 19
10.5 9.75 35 CL 0 1.2 19
12 11.25 25 CH 0 1.2 19
13.5 12.75 44 CL-CH 0 1.2 19
15 14.25 32 CH 0 1.2 19
16.5 15.75 33 SM 0 1.2 19
18 17.25 40 SM-SP 0 1.2 19
19.5 18.75 40 CL 0 1.2 19
20.95 20.225 50 CL 0 1.2 19
22.4 21.675 50 SM 0 1.2 19
23.87 23.135 50 CL 0 1.2 19
25.37 24.62 50 CL 0 1.2 19
26.84 26.105 50 CL 0 1.2 19
28.3 27.57 50 CL 0 1.2 19
30 29.15 50 CL 0 1.2 19
31 30.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
32 31.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
33 32.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
34 33.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
35 34.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
36 35.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
37 36.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
38 37.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19
Shaft Resistance
depth z at midheight N Value Soil qsi (Mpa) Qsi Qs (N)
0 0
1.5 0.75 34 SM 0.01305 153,741.69 153,741.69
3 2.25 16 SC 0.024813 292,321.27 446,062.96
4.5 3.75 11 SM-SP 0.0375319 442,162.42 888,225.38
6 5.25 7 CL 0.0240625 283,479.65 1,171,705.03
7.5 6.75 2 CL 0.006875 80,994.19 1,252,699.22
8.05 7.775 0 CL 0 0.00 1,252,699.22
9 8.525 32 MH 0.0940137 701,462.78 1,954,162.00
10.5 9.75 35 CL 0.1057472 1,245,805.03 3,199,967.03
12 11.25 25 CH 0.0852027 1,003,770.20 4,203,737.23
13.5 12.75 44 CL-CH 0.113625 1,338,612.99 5,542,350.22
15 14.25 32 CH 0.100396 1,182,762.98 6,725,113.20
16.5 15.75 33 SM 0.173691 2,046,248.89 8,771,362.09
18 17.25 40 SM-SP 0.19 2,238,384.77 11,009,746.85
19.5 18.75 40 CL 0.1131188 1,332,649.61 12,342,396.46
20.95 20.225 50 CL 0.113625 1,293,992.56 13,636,389.02
22.4 21.675 50 SM 0.19 2,163,771.94 15,800,160.96
23.87 23.135 50 CL 0.113625 1,311,840.73 17,112,001.69
25.37 24.62 50 CL 0.113625 1,338,612.99 18,450,614.69
26.84 26.105 50 CL 0.113625 1,311,840.73 19,762,455.42
28.3 27.57 50 CL 0.113625 1,302,916.65 21,065,372.07
30 29.15 50 CL 0.113625 1,517,094.73 22,582,466.80
31 30.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 23,474,875.46
32 31.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 24,367,284.13
33 32.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 25,259,692.79
34 33.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 26,152,101.45
35 34.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 27,044,510.12
36 35.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 27,936,918.78
37 36.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 28,829,327.44
38 37.5 50 CL 0.113625 892,408.66 29,721,736.11
Substructure width
Required exploration points
Are erratic surface conditions
Therefore, additional exploration points unnecessary!
Condition at pile tip
Required depth of rock core
Required depth of exploration

ses beta method;based on effective stress analysis)

Tip Resistance
gamma' qsi (MPa) 0.057N60 qpi (Mpa)
0 0
14.5 0.01305 1.938 2.3256
9.19 0.024813 0.912 1.0944
9.19 0.0375319121 0.627 0.7524
9.19 0.0333760109 0.399 0.4788
9.19 0.015508125 0.114 0.1368
9.19 0.0178630625 0 0
9.19 0.0940137 1.824 2.1888
9.19 0.107523 1.995 2.394
9.19 0.124065 1.425 1.71
9.19 0.140607 2.508 3
9.19 0.157149 1.824 2.1888
9.19 0.173691 1.881 2.2572
9.19 0.19 2.28 2.736
9.19 0.19 2.28 2.736
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
9.19 0.19 2.85 3
tance Service State
qpi (Mpa) Qpi (N) Nominal Axial Resistance (N)

2.3256 11,415,762.30 153,741.69

1.0944 5,372,123.44 446,062.96
0.7524 3,693,334.86 888,225.38
0.3885 1,907,044.92 1,171,705.03
0.1125 552,233.08 1,252,699.22
0 0.00 1,252,699.22
2.1888 10,744,246.88 1,954,162.00
1.96875 9,664,078.96 3,199,967.03
1.40625 6,902,913.55 4,203,737.23
2.2725 11,155,108.29 5,542,350.22
1.8 8,835,729.34 6,725,113.20
2.2572 11,080,004.59 8,771,362.09
2.736 13,430,308.59 11,009,746.85
2.25 11,044,661.67 12,342,396.46
2.2725 11,155,108.29 13,636,389.02
3 14,726,215.56 15,800,160.96
2.2725 11,155,108.29 17,112,001.69
2.2725 11,155,108.29 18,450,614.69
2.2725 11,155,108.29 19,762,455.42
2.2725 11,155,108.29 21,065,372.07
2.2725 11,155,108.29 22,582,466.80
2.2725 11,155,108.29 23,474,875.46
2.2725 11,155,108.29 24,367,284.13
2.2725 11,155,108.29 25,259,692.79
2.2725 11,155,108.29 26,152,101.45
2.2725 11,155,108.29 27,044,510.12
2.2725 11,155,108.29 27,936,918.78
2.2725 11,155,108.29 28,829,327.44
2.2725 11,155,108.29 40,876,844.39
12 m

48 m

B. Cohesive Soils
Side Resistance Tip Resistance
Su,6.25*N60 Su/Pa Alpha qsi (Mpa) Nc qpi=NcSu (Mpa)
0 0 0.55 0 6 0
0.2125 2.1039604 0.489604 0.1040408 6.72 1.428
0.1 0.990099 0.55 0.055 7.44 0.744
0.06875 0.6806931 0.55 0.0378125 8.16 0.561
0.04375 0.4331683 0.55 0.0240625 8.88 0.3885
0.0125 0.1237624 0.55 0.006875 9 0.1125
0 0 0.55 0 9 0
0.2 1.980198 0.5019802 0.100396 9 1.8
0.21875 2.1658416 0.4834158 0.1057472 9 1.96875
0.15625 1.5470297 0.545297 0.0852027 9 1.40625
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2 1.980198 0.5019802 0.100396 9 1.8
0.20625 2.0420792 0.4957921 0.1022571 9 1.85625
0.25 2.4752475 0.4524752 0.1131188 9 2.25
0.25 2.4752475 0.4524752 0.1131188 9 2.25
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
0.2525 2.5 0.45 0.113625 9 2.2725
Strength State
Factor for Side Resistance



Alpha method - used to estimate the short-term load capacity of piles embedded in fine-grained soil
'-based on laboratory tests on model piles installed in a uniform deposit of soil

Beta Method- used to determine the short-term and long-term pile load capacity.
-the value of beta is a subject of debate for coarse-grained soils

Typical Values of Unit Weight of Soils (from Muni Budhu, Soil Mech
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 Gamma Sat Gamma Dry
Min Max Average Min
Gravel 20 22 21 15
Sand 18 20 19 13
Silt 18 20 19 14
Clay 16 22 19 14








es embedded in fine-grained soils
a uniform deposit of soil

load capacity.

oils (from Muni Budhu, Soil Mechanics and Foundations 2nd Ed.)
Gamma Dry
Max Average
17 16
16 14.5
18 16
21 17.5
Borehole No. BH-34
Pier no. 33
Bored Pile Compressive strength, fc' 28 MegaPascals
Pile Length 38 meters
Pile Diameter 2.50 meters
WT from ground 2.50 meters
Length of shaft group dimension 2 meters
Width of shaft group dimension 5 meters

A. Cohesionless soils (uses beta method;based on effective stress a

Side Resistance
depth z at midhei N Value Soil RQD Beta gamma(kN/ gamma' qsi (MPa)
0 0
1.5 0.75 34 SM 0 1.2 14.5 14.5 0.01305
3 2.25 16 SC 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.024813
4.5 3.75 11 SM-SP 0 1.0890653 19 9.19 0.0375319
6 5.25 7 CL 0 0.6917666 19 9.19 0.033376
7.5 6.75 2 CL 0 0.25 19 9.19 0.0155081
8.05 7.775 0 CL 0 0.25 19 9.19 0.0178631
9 8.525 32 MH 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.0940137
10.5 9.75 35 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.107523
12 11.25 25 CH 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.124065
13.5 12.75 44 CL-CH 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.140607
15 14.25 32 CH 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.157149
16.5 15.75 33 SM 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.173691
18 17.25 40 SM-SP 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
19.5 18.75 40 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
20.95 20.225 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
22.4 21.675 50 SM 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
23.87 23.135 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
25.37 24.62 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
26.84 26.105 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
28.3 27.57 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
30 29.15 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
31 30.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
32 31.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
33 32.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
34 33.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
35 34.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
36 35.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
37 36.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19
38 37.5 50 CL 0 1.2 19 9.19 0.19

depth z at midhei N Value Soil qsi Qsi

0 0
1.5 0.75 34 SM
3 2.25 16 SC
4.5 3.75 11 SM-SP
6 5.25 7 CL
7.5 6.75 2 CL
8.05 7.775 0 CL
9 8.525 32 MH
10.5 9.75 35 CL
12 11.25 25 CH
13.5 12.75 44 CL-CH
15 14.25 32 CH
16.5 15.75 33 SM
18 17.25 40 SM-SP
19.5 18.75 40 CL
20.95 20.225 50 CL
22.4 21.675 50 SM
23.87 23.135 50 CL
25.37 24.62 50 CL
26.84 26.105 50 CL
28.3 27.57 50 CL
30 29.15 50 CL
31 30.5 50 CL
32 31.5 50 CL
33 32.5 50 CL
34 33.5 50 CL
35 34.5 50 CL
36 35.5 50 CL
37 36.5 50 CL
38 37.5 50 CL
Substructure width 12
Required exploration points 1
Are erratic surface conditions
Therefore, additional exploration points unnecessary!
Condition at pile tip Soil
Required depth of rock core 0
Required depth of exploration 48

method;based on effective stress analysis) B. Cohesive Soils

Tip Resistance Side Resistance
0.057N60 qpi (Mpa) Su,6.25*N60 Su/Pa Alpha
0 0 0 0 0.55
1.938 2.3256 0.2125 2.103960396 0.489604
0.912 1.0944 0.1 0.9900990099 0.55
0.627 0.7524 0.06875 0.6806930693 0.55
0.399 0.4788 0.04375 0.4331683168 0.55
0.114 0.1368 0.0125 0.1237623762 0.55
0 0 0 0 0.55
1.824 2.1888 0.2 1.9801980198 0.5019802
1.995 2.394 0.21875 2.1658415842 0.4834158
1.425 1.71 0.15625 1.547029703 0.545297
2.508 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
1.824 2.1888 0.2 1.9801980198 0.5019802
1.881 2.2572 0.20625 2.0420792079 0.4957921
2.28 2.736 0.25 2.4752475248 0.4524752
2.28 2.736 0.25 2.4752475248 0.4524752
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45
2.85 3 0.2525 2.5 0.45


Tip Resistance
qsi (Mpa) Nc qpi=NcSu (Mpa) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 6 0 0
0.1040408416 6.72 1.428
0.055 7.44 0.744
0.0378125 8.16 0.561
0.0240625 8.88 0.3885 5
0.006875 9 0.1125
0 9 0
0.1003960396 9 1.8
0.1057472153 9 1.96875 10
0.0852026609 9 1.40625
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.1003960396 9 1.8
0.1022571163 9 1.85625 15
0.1131188119 9 2.25
0.1131188119 9 2.25
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725 20
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725 25
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725
0.113625 9 2.2725





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