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Lesson Plan Template


LANNI What will your students be able to do? ACHIEVEMENT GOAL
NG How does the objective
connect to your achievement

SWBAT By the end of the semester,

students will be expected to
Evaluate research sources for authority, write a 5 paragraph expository
accuracy, credibility, timeliness, and essay about advertising and
purpose/audience. the youth. Students will be
asked to do a substantial
amount of research in order to
support their claims. This
lesson will teach them the
importance of searching for
credible information while
conducting research. Further, it
will teach them that the media
is full of illegitimate, false
information. I want kids to
understand how easy it can be
to be fooled online, especially
in this day in age. I want my
students to think critically and
understand that they have
power over whether or not they
are fed false information when
browsing online.


What will your students need to know to How will you assess students
master the grade-level objective? mastery of these foundational

They should know the meaning behind Students will be asked to write
each of the Key Terms: down the 5 credibility criteria
Authority - Who/which organization is and single out their favorite one
behind writing this piece? during their do now. With all of
Accuracy - Are there facts that are cited the key terms labeled around
with reliable sources? the room, students will go to
Credibility - Is this piece biased or the term that they liked the
based solely on the opinions of the most and with a group, explain
author? why it is an important part of
Timeliness - Is this source outdated? credibility check. Students who
Purpose/Audience - Who is the forgot the other terms will be
audience for? Why is this piece written? able to write down their
definitions as their peers
explain them.


How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the

Students will be given a scavenger hunt in which they have to identify the
author, accuracy, credibility, timeliness and audience for a research article I
I will be grading this graphic organizer scavenger hunt to determine level of
mastery. I will also provide a quick write which will ask students to answer
the following question: How will being able to determine if a source is
credible or not be helpful to you in your daily lives?
They will think pair share this question before leaving class.

What three to five key points will you emphasize?

Why it is important to declare a source credible before citing from it in

your essay
The dangers of gathering information that is incorrect
Evaluating a source and who wrote it to determine bias. Ie: Not getting
health stats about people who eat McDonalds regularly from a
McDonalds sponsored website.
CYCLE (Consider: How will you communicate what is about to LS
How will you communicate how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?)

Do Now Directions: Written on the board

Write down the 5 criteria for determining the credibility of a PowerPoi
source. After you have done that, circle 1 criteria that you nt
think is the most important. [3 mins] Papers
with Key
Part 2: Written on board and explained by teacher [1 min] terms and
1. Look around the room and locate the criteria you chose definitions
was the most important. posted
2. Go to that section of the room and collaborate with your around
group and talk about why you all believe it is the most the room.
important. [ 2 minutes]
3. Choose one spokesperson to tell the class the words
definition and why it is important. Based on the spokes
persons answer, the group will receive 0-2/2 points. [5

Students will break into groups, collaborate and share their

answers with the class as directed. [8 minutes]


(Consider: What key points will you emphasize and
How will you ensure that students actively take in
How will you vary your approach to make information
accessible to all students?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate? Why
will students be engaged/interested?)

Emphasized Key Points:

Why it is important to declare a source credible before SpringBo
citing from it in your essay ard
The dangers of gathering information that is incorrect Books
Evaluating a source and who wrote it to determine
bias. Ie: Not getting health stats about people who eat
McDonalds regularly from a McDonalds sponsored
website. and
How to Ensure Students Actively take in information graphic
[2mins passing out materials] After the do now, I will organizer
have a source projected on the board. This source, as .
well as the graphic organizer, will also be available in
their SpringBoard Books which they will have.
[1 min] I will explain the graphic organizer which will
ask them to locate and record the 5 criteria in the
Guided Practice
[10 mins] I will read the paragraph out loud twice as
the students read along either in their books or on the
board. Together, we will determine the authority,
accuracy, credibility, timeliness and audience of the
source. By having it on the board, in their books, and
read out loud, I am varying the ways my students are
receiving information. I will allow them them to start
filling out the graphic organizer on their own. If some
are struggling, they will get the chance to catch up
during class discussion.
Potential Misunderstandings
Students may not immediately be able to remember
which each of the 5 key terms are and may have
trouble differentiating between credibility and accuracy.
Each time I mention a key term, I will repeat its
definition afterwards so the term and its meaning
begin to associate in my students minds.
Engagement Factor
Students will be interested in the scavenger hunt like
aspect of the lesson. They like to be the first to locate
answers and they love to help each other out if their
classmate gets the answer wrong. They are great at
explaining their answers and enjoy having the
opportunity to do so.

Formative Assessment for this portion of the lesson:


(Consider: How will you clearly state and model behavioral
How will you ensure that all students have multiple
opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
How will you monitor and correct student performance? Why
will students be engaged/interested?)

Student Work Time

Before allowing students to work on their own, I will
reiterate classroom rules and expectations on noise
level and staying on task. I will tell them that the
activity is worth 20 points and is expected to be
completed by the end of the period.
Opportunities to practice
Students will be allotted 15 minutes to work on their
own which will allow me time to float around the room
and answer questions if necessary. I will be able to
check on their work and guide them if they are
mistaken about something.
The first article will be a credible source with its
information readily available. Students who can locate
the criteria will show a solid understanding of the
The second article is trickier, in that it is not a credible
source. Students will find that they will not be able to
locate many of the criteria. Those who can determine
this and synthesize that the source is indeed not
credible, will show superior understanding of the
I have scaffolded it in this way so that I will have time
to work with students who are struggling with the
basics of the assignment. Students who understand it
will breeze through the first article then perhaps be
more challenged with the second article.
As aforementioned, I will be floating around the
classroom offering help to students who need it and
checking up on answers to make sure everyone is on
the right track. If I see the same common mistakes, I
may pause and reteach a certain aspect of the lesson I
may not have made clear.
Student should be invested because they will be
conducting their own research in the next few weeks
and will have to determine credible sources on their

Formative Assessment for this portion of the lesson:


(Consider: How will you clearly state and model behavioral
In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate
independent mastery of the objective? How will you provide
opportunities for extension? Why will students be

Student Work Time

Before allowing students to work on their own, I will
reiterate classroom rules and expectations on noise
level and staying on task. I will tell them that the
activity is worth 20 points and is expected to be
completed by the end of the period.
If students begin to be off task, I will remind them
individually to get back on task. When the class is
quiet, I will remind them that this is the expected
behavior for the rest of the assignment.
Guided Practice: Students will fill out their graphic
organizers which will help guide them to identify the 5
credibility criteria in each source. During their work
time I will scan their work to make sure they are
understanding the concepts and work with those in
small groups who are having difficulty. Further, after
school I will go through their books and check their
work. This will allow me to grade them and gauge their
engagement levels as well as their level of mastery.
Formative Assessment for this portion of the lesson:

CLOSING (_5_ min.)

(Consider: How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what
they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to
demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the objective?
Why will students be engaged/interested?)

Students will be asked to do a quick write about the

following question::How will being able to determine if a
source is credible or not be helpful to you in your daily lives?
[2 mins]
Students will Think-Pair-Share their answers with a neighbor
[1 minute]
Class discussion [3 mins]

Giving the students the opportunity to write down their

opinions about todays objective and share with a neighbor
will allow them to articulate the purpose of the days lesson. I
want kids to understand how easy it can be to be fooled on
the internet, especially in this day in age. I want my students
to think critically and understand that they have power over
whether or not they are fed false information when browsing

Heritage, M. (2010). Formative assessment: Making it happen in the classroom.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Jones, K. A., Vermette, P. J., & Jones, J. L. (2009). An integration of backwards

planning unit design with the two-step lesson planning framework. Education,
130(2), 357360.

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