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9/8/98 AC 43.

Appendix 1
The following words and terms represent some of those that are often encountered in the
field of aviation. For a more complete list of definitions, a mechanic or technician should
consult an aviation dictionary.

abrasion resistant PTFE a solid insulation wall of or intended to be used in operating or controlling
PTFE with hard, nonconductive grit positioned mid- an aircraft in flight, is installed in or attached to the
way in the wall thickness, and significantly improves aircraft, and is not part of an airframe, engine or
the resistance of the PTFE material to damage from propeller.
arm a measurement of distance, in inches, feet,
acetylenegas composed of two parts of carbon etc., used in weight and balance calculations.
and two parts of hydrogen. When burned in the Normally only the longitudinal arm is of practical
atmosphere of oxygen, it produces one of the high- importance. The three axial arms are longitudinal
est flame temperatures obtainable. arm, lateral arm, and vertical arm.

acetylene regulatormanually adjustable device automatic direction finder (ADF) a radio re-
used to reduce cylinder pressure to torch pressure ceiver utilizing a directional loop antenna that en-
and to keep the pressure constant. They are never ables the receiver to indicate the direction from
to be used as oxygen regulators. which a radio signal is being received; also called a
radio compass.
adherendone of the members being bonded to-
gether by adhesive. automatic flight control system (AFCS) a flight
control system incorporating an automatic pilot with
Airworthiness Directive a regulation issued by additional systems such as a VOR coupler, an ILS
the FAA that applies to aircraft, aircraft engines, approach coupler, and an internal navigation sys-
propellers, or appliances, when an unsafe condition tem that is fully automatic, so the aircraft can be
exists and that condition is likely to exist or develop flown in a completely automatic mode.
in other products of the same type design.
avionicsthe science and technology of electron-
airworthyis when an aircraft or one of its com- ics as applied to aviation.
ponent parts meets its type design and is in a con-
dition for safe operation. azimuth angular distance measured on a hori-
zontal circle in a clockwise direction from either
ambient lightthe visible light level measured at north or south.
the surface of the part.
balance the condition of stability which exists in
ampere (A) the basic unit of current flow. One A an aircraft when all weight and forces are acting in
is the amount of current that flows when a differ- such a way as to prevent rotation about an axis or
ence of potential of 1 V is applied to a circuit with a pivot point.
resistance of 1 . One coulomb per second.
base metalthe metal to be welded, brazed, sol-
antennaa device designed to radiate or intercept dered, or cut.
electromagnetic waves.
black lightelectromagnetic radiation in the near
anti-tear stripsstrips of fabric of the same mate- ultraviolet range of wavelength.
rial as the airplane is covered with, laid over the
wing rib under the reinforcing tape.

apparent powerthe product of volts and am-

peres in AC circuits where the current and voltage
are out of phase.

appliance any instrument, mechanism, equip-

ment, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or accessory,
including communications equipment, that is used

AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 9/27/01
Appendix 1

blade stationis a reference position on a blade an instrument or standard, for the purpose of de-
that is a specified distance from the center of the tecting and reporting, or eliminating by adjustment,
hub. errors in the instrument tested.

bondthe adhesion of one surface to another, center of gravity that point about which the air-
with or without the use of an adhesive as a bonding craft would balance if suspended. For field weight
agent. and balance purposes/control, the center of gravity
is normally calculated only along its longitudinal
bondinga general term applied to the process of axis (nose to tail), disregarding both the lateral and
electrically connecting two or more conductive ob- vertical location.
jects. In aircraft, the purpose of bonding (except as
applied to individual connections in the wiring and certificationimplies that a certificate is in exis-
grounding systems) is to provide conductive paths tence which certifies or states a qualification.
for electric currents. This is accomplished by pro-
viding suitable low-impedance connections joining checka lengthwise separation of the wood, the
conductive aircraft components and the aircraft greater part of which occurs across the rings of an-
structure. Another purpose of bonding is to ensure nual growth.
the safe passage of current caused by lightning or
static electricity through the aircraft structure. chemical conversion coating (Specification
MIL-C-81706)is a chemical surface treatment
borescopea long, tubular optical instrument de- used on aluminum alloys to inhibit corrosion and to
signed for remote visual inspection of surfaces. provide a proper surface for paint finishing.

brashnessa condition of wood characterized by chordan imaginary straight line joining the leading
low resistance to shock and by an abrupt failure and trailing edges of an airfoil.
across the grain without splintering.
circuita closed path or mesh of closed paths
braze weldinga welding process variation in usually including a source of EMF.
which a filler metal, having a liquidus above 450 C
(840 F) and below the solidus of the base metal is circuit breakera protective device for opening a
used. Unlike brazing, in braze welding the filler circuit automatically when excessive current is
metal is not distributed in the joint by capillary ac- flowing through it.
close-grained woodwood with narrow and in-
brazingthe joining of two pieces of metal by wet- conspicuous annual rings. The term is sometimes
ting their surface with molten alloy of copper, zinc, used to designate wood having small and closely-
or tin. spaced pores, but in this sense the term fine-
textured is more often used.
bus or bus barsolid copper strips to carry cur-
rent between primary and secondary circuits; also coil shotproduction of longitudinal magnetization
used as jumpers. accomplished by passing current through a coil en-
circling the part being inspected.
butt jointa joint between two members aligned
approximately in the same plane. compass a device used to determine direction
on the Earths surface. A magnetic compass util-
butyrate dopea finish for aircraft fabric consist- izes the Earths magnetic field to establish direc-
ing of a film base of cellulose fibers dissolved in tion.
solvents with the necessary plasticizers, solvent,
and thinners. compression woodidentified by its relatively
wide annual rings, usually eccentric, and its rela-
cable(electrical)assembly of one or more con- tively large amount of summer wood, usually more
ductors within an enveloping protective sheath so than 50 percent of the width of the annual rings in
constructed as to permit use of conductors sepa- which it occurs. Compression wood shrinks ex-
rately or in a group. cessively lengthwise as compared with normal
calibration a set of operations, performed in ac- wood.
cordance with a definite document procedure,
which compares the measurements performed by

9/27/01 AC 43.13-1B CHG 1
Appendix 1

conductora wire or other material suitable for datainformation that supports and/or describes
conducting electricity. the original aircraft design, alteration or repair includ-
ing the following: (1) drawings, sketches, and or pho-
conduit a rigid metallic or nonmetallic casing, or tographs; (2) engineering analysis; (3) engineering
a flexible metallic casing covered with a woven orders; and (4) operating limitations.
braid or synthetic rubber used to encase electrical
cables. datum imaginary vertical plane from which all hori-
zontal measurements are made or indicated when
contact electrical connectors in a switch, sole- the aircraft is in level flight attitude.
noid or relay that controls the flow of current.
deratingis a technique whereby a part is
control panel an upright panel, open or closed, stressed in actual usage at values well below the
where switches, rheostats, meters, etc., are in- manufacturers rating for the part. By decreasing
stalled for the control and protection of electrical mechanical, thermal, and electrical stresses, the
machinery. probability of degradation or catastrophic failure is
corrosionthe electrochemical deterioration of a
metal resulting from chemical reaction to the sur- direct current electrode negativethe arrange-
rounding environment. ment of direct current arc welding leads in which
the work is the positive pole and the electrode is
crackis a partial separation of material caused the negative pole of the welding arc.
by vibration, overloading, internal stresses, nicks,
defective assemblies, fatigue, or rapid changes in direct current electrode positivethe arrange-
temperature. ment of direct current arc welding leads in which
the work is the negative pole and the electrode is
creepageis the conducting of electrical current the positive pole of the welding arc.
along a surface between two points at different po-
tentials. The currents ability to pass between two discontinuityan interruption in the normal physi-
points increases with higher voltage and when de- cal structure or configuration of a part, such as a
posits of moisture or other conductive materials ex- crack, lap, seam, inclusion, or porosity.
ist on the surfaces.
distal tipthe tip, lens end, of a borescope.
cross graingrain not parallel with the axis of a
piece. It may be either diagonal or spiral grain or a dopeliquid applied to fabric to tauten it by shrink-
combination of the two. ing, strengthen it, and render it airtight by acting as
a filler.
cross coata double coat of dope or paint. It is
sprayed on in one direction, and then immediately Dope-proofingprotecting a surface from the
after the solvent flash-off, it is sprayed at right an- chemicals and chafing qualities of dope and doped
gles to the first coat. fabrics.

cureto change the properties of a thermosetting drapethe ability of tape and broad goods to con-
resin irreversibly by vulcanization or chemical reac- form to a contoured shape.
tion. May be accomplished by the addition of curing
(cross-linking) agents, with or without a catalyst, and a bundle installation method used to
drip loop
with or without heat or pressure. prevent water or other fluid contaminants from run-
ning down the wiring into a connector.
temperature to which a resin
curing temperature
or an assembly is subjected in order to cure the dry rota term loosely applied to many types of
resin. wood decay but especially to that which, when in
an advanced stage, permits the wood to be easily
cutting torcha device used in gas cutting of crushed to a dry powder. The term is actually a
metals. misnomer for any decay, since all fungi require
considerable moisture for growth.
damping limiting the duration of vibration by ei-
ther electrical or mechanical means.

AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 9/27/01
Appendix 1

dwell timethe total time that a penetrant, emulsi- emulsion-type cleanera chemical cleaner which
fier (or remover), or developer remains on the sur- mixes with water or petroleum solvent to form an
face of the test part. emulsion (a mixture which will separate if allowed
to stand). It is used to loosen dirt, soot, or oxide
dye penetrant inspectionan inspection method films from the surface of an aircraft.
for surface cracks in which a penetrating dye is al-
lowed to enter any cracks present and is pulled out epoxyone of various usually thermosetting res-
of the crack by an absorbent developer. A crack ins capable of forming tight cross-linked polymer
appears as a line on the surface of the developer. structures marked by toughness, strong adhesion,
high corrosion, and chemical resistance, used es-
edge grainedge-grain lumber has been sawed pecially in adhesives and surface coating.
parallel with the pith of the log and approximately at
right angles to the growth rings; that is, the rings epoxy primera two-part catalyzed material used
form an angle of 45 degrees or more with the sur- to provide a good bond between a surface and a
face of the piece. surface coating.

electricityone of the fundamental quantities in epoxy resina common thermosetting resin

nature consisting of elementary particles, electrons which exhibits exceptionally good adhesion, low
and protons, which are manifested as a force of at- cure shrinkage, and low water-absorption proper-
traction or repulsion, and also in work that can be ties.
performed when electrons are caused to move; a
material agency which, when in motion, exhibits erosionloss of metal from metal surfaces by the
magnetic, chemical, and thermal effects, and when action of small particles such as sand or water.
at rest is accompanied by an interplay of forces be-
tween associated localities in which it is present. (Frequently referred to by the trade name,
TEFZEL) a copolymer of PTFE and polyethylene.
electromagnettemporary magnet which is mag-
netized by sending current through a coil of wire excitersmall generator for supplying direct cur-
wound around an iron core. rent to the alternators field windings.

Electromagnetic/Radio Frequency Interference exfoliation corrosiona form of intergranular

(EMI/RFI)frequency spectrum of electromagnetic corrosion that attacks extruded metals along their
radiation extending from subsonic frequency to layer-like grain structure.
X-rays. This term should not be used in place of
the term Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). (See expandable sleevingopen-weave braided
radio frequency interference.) Shielding materials sleeving used to protect wire and cables from
for the entire EMI spectrum are not readily avail- abrasion and other hazards (commonly known by
able. trade name EXPANDO).

electromotive force (EMF)difference of electri- FEPfluorinated ethylene propylene (commonly

cal potential measured in volts. known by the trade name, TEFLON). A melt ex-
trudable fluorocarbon resin, very similar in appear-
electrona negative charge that revolves around ance and performance to PTFE, but with a maxi-
the nucleus of an atom; a unit of a negative electri- mum temperature rating of 200 C.
cal charge.
ferrous metaliron, or any alloy containing iron.
electronicsgeneral term that describes the
branch of electrical science and technology that fiberglassthe most common material used to re-
treats the behavior and effects of electron emission inforce structures in home-built and experimental
and transmission. aircraft. Available as mat, roving, fabric, etc. It is in-
corporated into both thermoset and thermoplastic
electron Volt (eV)a unit of energy equal to the resins. The glass fibers increase mechanical
energy aquired by an electron falling though poten- strength, impact resistance, stiffness, and dimen-
tial differences of one volt, approximately sional stability of the matrix.
1.602X 10-19 joule.
threads in a fabric that run crosswise of the
woven material.

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Appendix 1

global positioning system (GPS) a navigation

filiform corrosiona thread, or filament-like cor- system that employs satellite transmitted signals to
rosion which forms on aluminum skins beneath the determine the aircrafts location.
grainthe direction, size, arrangement, appear-
finishexternal coating or covering of an aircraft ance, or quality of the fibers in wood or metal.
or part.
grain - diagonalannual rings in wood at an an-
flat grainlumber has been sawed parallel with gle with the axis of a piece as a result of sawing at
the pith of the log and approximately tangent to the an angle with the bark of the tree.
growth rings; that is, the rings form an angle of less
than 45 degrees with the surface of the piece. grommetan insulating washer that protects the
sides of holes through which wires must pass/or a
fluorescenta substance is said to be fluorescent metal or plastic drain attached to fabric on aircraft.
when it will glow or fluoresce when excited by ultra-
violet light. Some types of dye-penetrant material gross weight the total weight of the aircraft
use fluorescent dyes which are pulled from the including its contents.
cracks by a developer and observed under black
ultraviolet light. groundingthe term is usually applied to a par-
ticular form of bonding that is the process of elec-
fluxmaterials used to prevent, dissolve, or facili- trically connecting conductive objects to either con-
tate removal of oxides and other undesirable sur- ductive structure or some other conductive return
face substances. Also, the name for magnetic path for the purpose of safely completing either a
fields. normal or fault circuit.

fretting corrosioncorrosion damage between harnessa cable harness is a group of cables or

close-fitting parts which are allowed to rub to- wires securely tied as a unit.
gether. The rubbing prevents the formation of pro-
tective oxide films and allows the metals to cor- honeycomb manufactured product consisting of a
rode. resin-impregnated sheet or metal material which has
been corrugated or expanded into hexagon-shaped
fusea protective device containing a special wire and other structural-shaped cells. Primarily used as
that melts when current exceeds the rated value for core material for sandwich constructions.
a definite period. inductance (L) the ability of a coil or conductor to
oppose a change in current flow.
functional check this test may require the use of
appropriate test equipment. a material that will not conduct current
to an appreciable degree.
galvanic corrosioncorrosion due to the pres-
ence of dissimilar metals in contact with each integrated circuitsmall, complete circuit built up
other. by vacuum deposition and other techniques, usu-
ally on a silicon chip, and mounted in a suitable
gas cylindera portable container used for trans- package.
portation and storage of a compressed gas.
intergranular corrosionthe formation of corro-
gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW) an arc weld- sion along the grain boundaries within a metal al-
ing process which produces coalescence of metals loy.
by heating them with an arc between a tungsten
(nonconsumable) electrode and the work. Shield- interlocked-grained woodwood in which the fi-
ing is obtained from a gas or gas mixture. Pres- bers are inclined in one direction in a number of
sure may or may not be used and filler metal may rings of annual growth, then gradually reverse and
or may not be used. are inclined in an opposite direction in succeeding
growth rings, then reverse again.
generatora device for converting mechanical
energy into electrical energy. invertera device for converting direct current to
alternating current.

AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 9/27/01
Appendix 1

laminatea product obtained by bonding two or nomex braid NOMEX is the trade name for a
more laminae of the same material or of different high-temperature polyamide thread that is braided
materials. over the larger sizes (# 8 gage and larger) of many
of the military specification wires. It can be encoun-
laminated wooda piece of wood built up of plies tered in either an off-white or black/green color.
or laminations that have been joined either with
glue or with mechanical fastenings. The term is normalizingreforming of the grain structure of a
most frequently applied where the plies are too metal or alloy by proper heat treatment to relieve
thick to be classified as veneer and when the grain internal stresses.
of all plies is parallel.
an incomplete or broken electrical
open circuit
leakage fieldthe magnetic field forced out into circuit.
the air by the distortion of the field within a part,
caused by the presence of a discontinuity or open-grained woodcommon classification of
change in section configuration. painters for woods with large pores, such as oak,
ash, chestnut, and walnut. Also known as coarse-
the short fiber left on the cotton seed after
linter textured.
operational check this is an operational test to
that section of an ILS that produces the
localizer determine whether a system or component is func-
directional reference beam. tioning properly in all aspects in conformance with
minimum acceptable manufacture design
LORAN (Long-Range Navigation) a radio navi- specifications.
gation system utilizing master and slave stations
transmitting timed pulses. The time difference in optical fiberany filament or fiber made of dielec-
reception of pulses from several stations estab- tric materials that guides light whether or not it is
lishes a hyperbolic line of position that may be used to transmit signals.
identified on a LORAN chart. By utilizing signals rificeopening through which gas or air flows. It
from two pairs of stations, a fix in position is ob- is usually the final opening controlled by a valve.
magnetic fieldthe space around a source of oxidizingcombining oxygen with any other sub-
magnetic flux in which the effects of magnetism stance. For example, a metal is oxidized when the
can be determined. metal is burned, i.e., oxygen is combined with all
the metal or parts of it
marker beacon a radio navigation aid used in an
instrument approach to identify distance to the oxidizing flamean oxy-fuel gas flame having an
runway. As the aircraft crosses over the marker- oxidizing effect due to excess oxygen.
beacon transmitter, the pilot receives an accurate
indication of the airplanes distance from the run- oxygen cuttingcutting metal using the oxygen
way through the medium of a flashing light and an jet which is added to an oxygen-acetylene flame.
aural signal.
oxygen regulatormanually-adjustable device
master switch a switch designed to control all used to reduce cylinder pressure to torch pressure
electric power to all circuits in a system. and to keep the pressure constant. They are never
to be used as fuel gas regulators.
moisture content of woodweight of the water
contained in the wood usually expressed in per- peel plya layer of resin-free material used to pro-
centage of the weight of the kiln-dry wood. tect a laminate for later secondary bonding (some-
times referred to as a release film).
multiconductor cableconsists of two or more
cables or wires, all of which are encased in an picklingthe treatment of a metal surface by an
outer covering composed of synthetic rubber, fab- acid to remove surface corrosion.
ric, or other material.
pitchis the distance, in inches, that a propeller
nicka sharp notch-like displacement of metal section will move forward in one revolution, or the
surface. distance a nut will advance in one revolution of the
screw in a single thread.

9/27/01 AC 43.13-1B CHG 1
Appendix 1

tered with heat, fusing the layers into a virtually ho-

pitch distributionis the gradual twist in the pro- mogeneous mass. It is used both as a primary insu-
peller blade from shank to tip. lation against the conductor, and as an outer layer or
jacket over a shield. Maximum temperature rating is
pittedsmall irregular shaped cavities in the sur- 260 C.
face of the parent material usually caused by cor-
rosion, chipping, or heavy electrical discharge. PVF2 Polyvinylidine Fluoride a fluorocarbon
plastic, that when used in aircraft wire, is invariably
pittingthe formation of pockets of corrosion radiation cross-linked and employed as the outer
products on the surface of a metal. layer.

plastic an organic substance of large molecular radar (radio detecting and ranging) radio
weight which is solid in its finished state and, at equipment that utilizes reflected pulse signals to lo-
some stage during its manufacture or its processing cate and determine the distance to any reflecting
into a finished article, can be shaped by flow. object within its range.
polyester braid a plastic braiding thread, when
used as the outer surface of a wire, provides a cloth- radomea nonmetallic cover used to protect the
like appearance. antenna assembly of a radar system.

polyimide tape a plastic film (commonly referred rectifiera device for converting alternating cur-
to by the trade name, KAPTON). The tape has a rent to direct current.
dark brown color, and is frequently coated with a
polyimide varnish that has a very distinct mustard reinforcing tapea narrow woven cotton or poly-
yellow color. At times, the spiral edge of the outer- ester tape used over aircraft fabric to reinforce it at
most tape is apparent under the varnish topcoat. It the stitching attachments.
may be used for wire insulation. Total polyimide tape
insulated wire constructions are inactive for new de- an electrically-operated remote-control
sign on military aircraft and are subject to the proce- switch.
dures defined in FAA Advisory Circular AC 29-2A
Change 2 Paragraph 29.1359 in Civil Aircraft. resinvast profusion of natural and increasingly,
synthetic materials used as adhesives, fillers, bind-
polyimide varnish a liquid form of polyimide that ers and for insulation.
is applied to the outer surface of a wire through the
process of repeated dipping through the varnish resistance the opposition a device or material of-
bath with subsequent heat curing. The successive fers to the flow or current.
layers rarely reach a total buildup of 1 mil.
resonance method (ringing) of ultrasonic in-
polymerizationbasic processes for making large spectiona method of detecting material thick-
(high-polymer) molecules from small ones, nor- ness or indications of internal damage by injecting
mally without chemical change; can be by addition, variable frequency ultrasonic energy into a mate-
condensation, rearrangement, or other methods. rial. A specific frequency of energy will produce the
clearest indication of damage in a given thickness
porositycavity-type discontinuities in metal of material. When the equipment is calibrated for a
formed by gas entrapment during solidification. specific thickness, and this thickness changes, an
aural or visual alert is given.
preprega mat, a fabric, or covering impregnated
with resin that is ready for lay up and curing. resonant frequencythe frequency of a source of
vibration that is exactly the same as the natural
propelleris a rotating airfoil that consists of two vibration frequency of the structure.
or more blades attached to a central hub which is
mounted on the engine crankshaft. resonatea mechanical system is said to reso-
nate when its natural vibration frequency is exactly
protractoris a device for measuring angles. the same as the frequency of the force applied.
When an object resonates at a particular fre-
PTFE Tape (Insulation) polytetrafluoroethylene quency, the amplitude in its vibration will increase
tape (commonly known by the trade name, TEF- immensely as that frequency is reached and will be
LON), wrapped around a conductor and then cen- less on either side of that frequency.

AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 9/27/01
Appendix 1

secondary leading and trailing structures are

ribpart of primary structure, whose purpose is to added.
maintain profile of airfoil and support fabric or thin
wood covering. spiral graina type of growth in wood which the
fibers take a spiral course about the bole of a tree
sacrificial corrosiona method of corrosion pro- instead of the normal vertical course. The spiral
tection in which a surface is plated with a metal may extend right-handed or left-handed around the
less noble than itself. Any corrosion will attack the tree trunk.
plating rather than the base metal.
the part of an AC generator or motor which
sandwich construction a structural panel con- contains the stationary winding.
cept consisting in its simplest form of two relatively
thin, parallel sheets (face sheets) of structural ma- stress corrosioncorrosion of the intergranular
terial bonded to and separated by a relatively thick, type that forms within metals subject to tensile
lightweight core. High strength-to-weight ratios are stresses which tend to separate the grain bounda-
obtained with sandwiched materials. ries.
scarf jointa joint made by cutting away similar
angular segments of two adherents and bonding surface tapepinked-edge strips of fabric doped
the adherents with cut areas fitted together. over all seams, rib stitching, and edges of fabric
covering (also called finishing tape).
scorea surface tear or break on a surface that
has a depth and length ranging between a scratch switch a device for opening or closing an electri-
and a gouge. cal circuit.

scratcha superficial small cut on a surface. tapea tape or a narrow fabric is loosely defined
as a material that ranges in width from 1/4 inch to
semiconductor device any device based on ei- 12 inches.
ther preferred conduction through a solid in one di-
rection, as in rectifiers; or on a variation in conduc- TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance system.
tion characteristics through a partially conductive An airborne system that interrogates mode A, C,
material, as in a transistor. and S transponders in nearby aircraft and uses the
replies to identify and display potential and pre-
severe wind and moisture problem (SWAMP) dicted collision threats.
areas such as wheel wells, wing folds, and
near wing flaps, and areas directly exposed to ex- thermocouple device to convert heat energy into
tended weather conditions are considered SWAMP electrical energy.
areas on aircraft.
thermoplastic material a material that can be re-
silicone rubber a high temperature (200 C) plas- peatedly softened by an increase in the temperature
tic insulation that has a substantial silicone content. and hardened by a decrease in the temperature with
no accompanying chemical change. For example, a
solderinga group of welding processes that pro- puddle of tar on the road in the summer during the
duces coalescence of materials by heating them to heat of day: the tar is soft and fluid; however, when
the soldering temperature and by using a filler cooler in the evening, it becomes solid again.
metal having a liquidus not exceeding 450 C
(840 F) and below the solidus of the base metals. thermoset material a material which becomes
The filler metal is distributed between the closely- substantially infusible and insoluble when cured by
fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary action. the application of heat or by chemical means. A ma-
terial that will undergo, or has undergone, a chemical
solenoida tubular coil for the production of a reaction (different from a thermoplastics physical re-
magnetic field; electromagnet with a core which is action) by the action of heat, catalysts, ultraviolet
able to move in and out. light, etc. Once the plastic becomes hard, additional
heat will not change it back into a liquid as would be
sparmain spanwise structural member(s) of an the case with a thermoplastic.
aircraft wing or rotorcraft rotor. A wing may have
one or two made into a single strong box to which tippart of the torch at the end where the gas
burns, producing the high-temperature flame.

9/27/01 AC 43.13-1B CHG 1
Appendix 1

transceivera unit serving as both a receiver and

a transmitter. wavy-grained woodwood in which the fibers
collectively take the form of waves or undulations.
a device for raising or lowering AC
voltage. weldinga materials-joining process used in mak-
ing welds.
transmitter an electronic system designed to
produce modulated RF carrier waves to be radiated welding roda form of welding filler metal, nor-
by an antenna; also, an electric device used to col- mally packaged in straight lengths.
lect quantitative information at one point and send welding torchthe device used in gas welding.
it to a remote indicator electrically.
transponder an airborne receiver-transmitter de- wood decaydisintegration of wood substance
signed to aid air traffic control personnel in tracking through the action of wood-destroying fungi.
aircraft during flight.
wood decay - incipientthe early stage of decay
unbondingadhesive or cohesive failure between in which the disintegration has not proceeded far
laminates. Compare definitions of adhesive, cohe- enough to soften or otherwise perceptibly impair
sive debond, and disbond. the hardness of the wood.

a frequency between
very high frequency (VHF) wood decay - typical or advancedthe stage of
30 and 300 MHz decay in which the disintegration is readily recog-
nized because the wood has become punky, soft
VHF omnirange (VOR) an electronic air naviga- and spongy, stringy, pitted, or crumbly.
tion system that provides accurate direction infor-
mation in relation to a certain ground station. x-raya radiographic test method used to detect
internal defects in a weld.
videoscopea type of borescope.
XL-ETFE A process of radiation cross-linking the
visible lightelectromagnetic radiation that has a polymer chains is used to thermally set the plastic.
wavelength in the range from about 3,900 to 7,700 This prevents the material from softening and melt-
angstroms and that may be seen by the unaided ing at elevated temperature.
human eye.
XL-Polyalkene an insulation material based on the
visual check utilizing acceptable methods, tech- polyolefin family that has its normally thermomelt
niques, and practices to determine physical condi- characteristic altered by the radiation cross-linking
tion and safety item. process to that of a nonmelt, therm-set material.

voltunit of potential, potential difference, or elec-

trical pressure.

voltage regulatordevice used in connection with

generators to keep the voltage constant as load or
speed is changed.

threads in a fabric that run the length of the

woven material as it comes from the mill.

wattthe unit of power; equal to a joule per sec-


an instrument for measuring electrical


waveguide a hollow, typically rectangular, metal-

lic tube designed to carry electromagnetic energy
at extremely high frequencies.

9/27/01 AC 43.13-1B CHG 1
Appendix 2
The acronyms and abbreviations listed are some AWSAir Weather Service
of many that are likely to be encountered by the B/CUbattery/charger unit
aviation mechanic or technician involved in the BAT or BATT battery
maintenance of aircraft. BCDbinary-coded decimal
binary digit; built-in test
ARINC 429 data bus standard
429 built-in test equipment
ARINC 629 data bus standard
629 bus interconnect transfer switch
analog/digital; analog-to -digital
A/D BNRbinary numerical reference; binary
A/D CONV analog-to -digital converter BPband-pass
A/L BPCU bus power control unit
ACAdvisory Circular BTbus tie
alternating current
ac BTBbus tie breaker
ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and BTCbefore top center
Reporting System BUSelectrical bus; 429 digital data bus
ACOAircraft Certification Office Center of Gravity
ADAirworthiness Directive CACcaution advisory computer
ADCair-data computer CAGE commercial and government entity code
ADCPATC dual-control panel CAWS central aural warning system; caution
ADEDS advanced electronic display system and warning system
ADFautomatic direction finder CB, C/B, or CKT/BKR circuit breaker
attitude-director indicator; air data
ADI course-deviation indicator
instrument CDUcentral display unit
AFCautomatic frequency control CFCcarbon fiber composite
AFCSautomatic flight control system CFDIUcentralized fault display interface unit
AFDSautopilot flight director system CFDScentralized fault display system
Aeronautical Information Manual
AIM CH or CHAN channel
AIRCOM air/ground communications CHGR charger
AMamplitude modulation CKTcircuit
AMP or AMPL amplifier CLKclock
AMPamperes CLRclear
AMSAerospace Material Specification CMCS central maintenance computer system
ANArmy/Navy CMPTR computer
ANDArmy Navy Design COcarbon monoxide
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute COAX coaxial
ANTantenna COPcopper
APautopilot CPcontrol panel
APBauxiliary power breaker CRTcathode-ray tube; circuit
APCUauxiliary power control unit CSE or CSEU control system electronics unit
APUauxiliary power unit CSEUP control system electronics unit panel
ARINCAeronautical Radio Incorporated CTcomputed tomography
ARNC IO ARINC I/O error CTcurrent transformer
ARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error CTNcaution
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials CUcontrol unit; copper
ATAAir Transport Association CVRcockpit voice recorder
ATCair traffic control CWcontinuous wave
ATCTATC transponder digital-to-analog
ATCTS ATC transponder system DACdigital-to analog converter
AUXauxiliary DADC digital air-data computer
AVCautomatic volume control DBTdead bus tie
AWG American Wire Gauge direct current

AC 43.13-1B 9/8/98
Appendix 2

DCDRdecoder EPROM erasable programmable read-only

DDBdigital data bus memory
DEMOD demodulator eVelectron volt
DEMUX demultiplexer EXCTR exciter
DFDRdigital flight data recorder EXT PWR external power
DGdirectional gyro FAAFederal Aviation Administration
DGTLdigital FAA-PMA Federal Aviation Administration Parts
DHdecision height Manufacturer Approval
DISC SOL disconnect solenoid FMfrequency modulation
DISC FM/CW frequency modulation continuous wave
DISTRdistribution FMCflight management computer
DMAdirect memory access FMCD flight management computer control
DMBdead main bus display unit
DMCdisplay management computer FMCS flight management computer system
DMEdistance-measuring equipment FMSflight management system
DMEAdistance-measuring equipment antenna FODforeign object damage
DNdown FREQ frequency
DUdisplay unit FSEUflap/slat electronic unit
or E & E electrical/electronic
E/E FW or FWD forward
first shelf, number 1 equipment rack
E1-1 glide slope
second shelf, number 2 equipment rack
E2-2 GAL or GALY galley
EADFelectronic automatic direction finder GCRgenerator control relay auxiliary contact
electronic attitude-director indicator
EADI GCUgenerator control unit
EAROM electrically alterable read-only memory GEBgenerator circuit breaker
ECEICAS computer GENgenerator
ECAMelectronic centralized aircraft monitoring GLRgalley load relay
EDSPEICAS display select panel GMAW gas metal arc welding
EDUEICAS display unit GMT Greenwich mean time; cordinated
EECelectronic engine control Universal time
electronic flight instrument
EFI GND PWR ground power
electronic flight instrument system
EFIS GND RET ground return
EFISCPEFIS control panel GND SVCE ground service
EFISCUEFIS comparator unit GND or GRD ground
EFISG EFIS symbol generator GPCU ground power control unit
EFISRLS EFIS remote light sensor GPSglobal positioning system
electronic horizontal-situation indicator
EHSI GPSW gear opposition switch
EHSIDelectronic horizontal-situation indicator GPUground power unit
display GPW ground proximity warning
EHSVelectrohydraulic servo value GPWS ground proximity warning system
EICASengine indicating and crew alerting GSRground service relay
system GSSR ground service select relay
ELCUelectrical load control unit GSTR ground service transfer relay
ELECelectric; electronic GTAW gas tungsten arc welding
ELECTelectrical GWPC ground proximity warning computer
ELEXelectronics; electrical high/low
ELTEmergency Locator Transmitter HEAhigh-frequency radio antenna
EMER GEN emergency generator HF (hf) high frequency (3 to 30 MHz)
electromotive force
emf HFCPhigh-frequency radio control panel
electromechanical flight instrument
Electromagnetic interference
EP AVAILexternal power available
EPexternal power
EPCexternal power contactor
EPCSelectronic power control switch

9/8/98 AC 43.13-1B
Appendix 2
HI Zhigh impedance MICRO-P microprocessor
HZhertz MIGmetal inert gas
inner diameter
I.D. MILLIone one-thousandth (0.001)
I/O MKR BCN marker beacon
IAPSintegrated avionics processor system MSmilitary standard
IASindicated airspeed MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
IDGintegrated drive generator MSEC (ms) milliseconds
intermediate frequency
IF MSG message
IFRinstrument flight rules MTBF mean time-between-failure
IGNignition MUX multiplexer
integrated instrument system
IIS mVmillivolts
ILSinstrument landing system NASNational Aerospace Standard
INDL indicator light NAVnavigation
INSTinstrument NCnormally closed; not connected;
INSTR instrument no connection
INTCON interconnect NDB nondirectional beacon
INTEC interface NDINondestructive Inspection
INTER interrogation NEG negative
INTPH interphone NSEC (ns) nanoseconds
INVinverter NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
IR ILSreceiver NVM nonvolatile memory
kHzkilohertz OAM original aircraft manufacturer
KSIthousands of pounds per square inch OBS omni bearing selection
kVkilovolts OCovercurrent
kVA kilovoltamperes OEM original equipment manufacturer
kVAR kilovoltampere reactive OFover-frequency
L-Band radio frequency band (390 to 1550 MHz) OVV or OV overvoltage
LCD liquid-crystal display OVVCO or OVCO overvoltage cutout
LDload P-Sparallel to series
LED light-emitting diode PApassenger address; power amplifier
LF (lf) low frequency (30 to 300 kHz) PARA/SER parallel to serial
LO Zlow impedance PCU passenger control unit; power control unit
LOC localizer PFDpermanent-magnet generator
LRU line replaceable unit PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval
LSloudspeaker POS positive
LSB lower sideband POTpotentiometer; plan of test
LSPTM limit switch position transmitter module PRpower relay
LTlight PRLparallel
LTS lights PROM programmable read-only memory
MAC mean aerodynamic chord PROX proximity
MAN/ELEC manual/electric PSEU proximity switch electronic unit
MBA marker-beacon antenna PSIpounds per square inch
MCDP maintenance control and display panel PWR power
MCDU multipurpose control and display unit PWR SPLY power supply
MDE modern digital electronics QPLQualified Products List
MEC main equipment center; main engine QTY quantity
control receiver-transmitter
MEG or MEGA million RAradio altimeter; radio altitude
MEK methylethylketone RAD radio
MEM memory
METO Maximum except-take off
MF (mf) medium frequency (300 kHz to 3 MHz)
MHz megahertz

AC 43.13-1B 9/8/98
Appendix 2

RAIND radio altimeter indicator tungsten inert gas

RAM random-access memory TMC thrust management computer
RART radio altimeter receiver-transmitter TMSterminal marking sleeve
RATram air turbine TMSthrust management system
RCCB remote-control circuit breaker TMSP thrust mode select panel
RCLrecall TRUtransformer-rectifier unit
RCVR receiver TSOTechnical Standard Order
RCVR/XMTR receiver/transmitter TXPDR transponder
RDMI radio distance magnetic indicator micro
RF (rf) radio frequency UBRutility bus relay
radio-frequency interference
RFI UFunderfrequency
RLSremote light sensor UHFultrahigh frequency (300 MHz to 3 GHz)
RMIradio magnetic indicator UNDF underfrequency
rpmrevolution per minute UNDV undervoltage
RTVroom temperature vulcanizing USunderspeed
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers USB (us)upper sideband
SATstatic air temperature USEC microseconds
SATCOM satellite communication UVundervoltage
SCRsilicon-controlled rectifier UVutraviolet
source destination identifier
SDI V ac, Vac, or VAC volts alternating current
SELCAL selective calling system V dc, Vdc, or VDC volts direct current
SER DL serial data link volts; voltage; vertical; valve
SGsymbol generator VAvolt-amperes
SITASocit International de VARvolt-ampere reactive
Telecommunications Aeronautiques VFRvisual flight rules
SMAW shielded metal arc welding VHF (vhf) very high frequency
SMD surface mounted device (30 TO 300 MHz)
SNRsignal-to-noise ratio VLSIvery large-scale integration
SOLsolenoid VORVHF omnirange; visual omnirange
SOLV solenoid valve VORTAC VOR tactical air navigation
SOM start of message VRvoltage regulator
SOTstart of transmission VRMS volts root means square
SPKR speaker Wwatts
SPRsoftware problem report WARN warning
SQLsquelch WCP weather radar control panel
SSBsingle sideband WEA weather
SSIDSupplemental Structural Inspection WEU warning electronics unit power supply
Documents WPT waypoint
SSM sign status matrix WX (WXR) weather radar
STsynchro transmitter XCVR transceiver
STAT INV static inverter XDCR transducer
STBY standby XFMR transformer
STCSupplemental Type Certificate XFRtransfer
SWswitch XMITtransmit
SYM GEN symbol generator XMTR transmitter
T-R XPDR transponder
TATtrue air temperature
TBDP tie bus differential protection
TCType Certificate
TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance
TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheets
TDCtop dead center

Atto (a) = quintillionth of = 10 times
Femto (f) = quadrillionth of = 10 times
Pico (p), or
= trillionth of = 10 times
Nano (n), or m
= billionth of = 10 times
Micro ()
= millionth of = 10 times
Milli (m) = thousandth of = 10 times`
Centi (c) = hundredth of = 10 times
Deci (d) = tenth of = 10 times
unity = 10 = 1
Deka (da) = ten times = 10 times
Hecto (h) = hundred times = 10 times
Kilo (k) = thousand times = 10 times
Mega (M) = million times = 10 times
Giga (G), or kM = billion times = 10 times
Tera (T) = trillion times = 10 times

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