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To determine properties of a joint preload by bolts
By Alex Slocum, 6/6/2004, last modified 6/6/2004 by Alex Slocum
Enters numbers in BOLD, Results in

N 12
Ebolt 2.00E+05
vbolt 0.29
Eflange 2.00E+05
vflange 0.29
hf_1 10
hf_2 10
hflange 20
Db 6.00
Dbr 5.00
Dbore 6.5
Dbolthead 9.00
hnut 5
hbolthead 6
Lbolt 25
alpha 45
Fpreload 5498
Sigboltmax 400
percentpreload 70%
Stiffness results
kboltshaft 226195
kbolthead 4216149
knut 3513457
kbolt 2427787
kflangecomp 1303990
kflangeshear 3513457
kflange 11412304
kf_kb 4.70
kjoint 13840091
Force results
Fboltmax 7854
Fleak 80008
Fbolt 1170
Fbolttotal 6667
Fjointmax 94248
sigpreloadbolt 280
sigloadbolt 340
percentmaxload 85%
SF 1.2

k bolt
1 1 1

k boltshaft k bolthead k nut
E flange
k flange
1 1 ln 2
4h flange
d bolt head d bolt head 2h flange cos cone angle d bore
2 h flange

F leak F preload F preload k joint
F leak
k joint k flange k flange
etermine properties of a joint preload by bolts
um, 6/6/2004, last modified 6/6/2004 by Alex Slocum
n BOLD, Results in RED, All units in N, mm, degrees

Number of bolts
Young's modulus of bolt
Poisson ratio of bolt
Young's modulus of flange
Poisson ratio of flange
upper flange thickness
lower flange thickness
total resulting effective flange thickness
bolt diameter
bolt thread root diameter
bolt clearance hole
bolt head diameter
nut thicknes (enter 0 if threaded into flange)
thicknes of bolthead
bolt length assumed equal total effective flange thickness + hnut
cone angle
Preload force applied to a bolt
Maximum bolt stress
% of max stress used by bolt preload

Tensile stiffness of a bolt shaft FEA results compared to analysis (60o stress cones)
Shear stiffness of a bolt head Applied load (N)
Shear stiffness of a nut deflection under bolt head (mm)
Total stiffness of all bolts deflection from threaded region (mm)
Compressive stiffness of top flange in series with bottom flange Total deflection (mm)
Shear stiffness of top flange in series with bottom flange Stiffness (N/mm)
Total stiffness of all flange elements under all bolts FEA/Analytical
Ratio flange-to-bolt stiffness
total joint stiffness

Maximum allowable force on a bolt

Total force that can be applied to joint till joint preload is lost
Force added to each bolt preload force by Fleak
Total force on a bolt when the joint starts to leak
Force on joint at which bolts break
Preload stress in a bolt (based on thread root diameter)
Total stress in a bolt when joint begins to leak
% of max stress used by total bolt load
Fbreak/Fleak: resulting safety factor
E flange
1 1 ln 2

lt head 2 h flange cos cone angle d bore
2 h flange
F preload k joint

k flange
o analysis (60o stress cones)
Ref only
Joint stiffness
kj 10000 Joint stiffness pressure (N/mm/mm^2)
Dsc 23 Diameter of stress cone at center of flange (joint)
Ascf 387 Area of stress cone at flange joint
Abh 30 Area under bolt head
kjbh 304342 Joint stiffness under bolt head
kjff 3874435 Joint stiffness flange-to-flange

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