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English Test


1) Answer the questions with the correct structure:


Would you like to eat some cake?

__Yes, I would.__

-Would you like to go sightseeing in the Amazonas?


-Would you like to have an extra exam today?


2) Select the correct question:

a) Gina like would shopping in New York?

b) Would Gina like to go shopping in New York?

c) Gina would like shopping in New York?

a) Julia would like go hiking in the Andes?

b) Would Julia like to go hiking in the Andes?

c) Julia would to like go hiking in the Andes?

a) Tyler would go sandboarding in Brazil?

b) Tyler would like to sandboarding in Brazil?

c) Would Tyler like to go sandboarding in Brazil?

-go sandboarding in Brazil?/Would/to/Tyler/like


3) Complete the sentences with would like to and the verb given.

Example: (NEGATIVE) Ian and I __wouldnt like to go__(go) to Bahamas, its too

-(AFFIRMATIVE) Tina told me that she _________________________ (travel) to


-(NEGATIVE) I _______________________ (have) more homework.

4) What are these people doing? Fill in the gaps with the words given.

Skydiving - scuba diving skiing - snorkeling

_______________ ________________ _______________ ______________

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