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pee soos pen Aanévtan6 ny FouNosnION : bey FENTERIOR LEGAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH . i SAR REVIEW PROGRAM oe LABOR L: A UAL PRE-WEEK NOTES. i sae: FOR THE 2014 BAR EXAMS : | oe By Io f | Prof. Joselifo Guianan Chan \ is scheme etna | 1 | TOPIC'NO.1 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES | | (CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS 1 What aré te Inport consitutonl principles related fo Labor Law? “The following principlds should be taken note of | . i + Under Arfisle I (Detaeson of Principles and State Pi | i ‘s Promotion of fll doploynont,¢ bing sonra of Tung, sd an improved qual of Ms fora 1, Promotion of ogi Lastice in all pases of natioat development | ¢)- Pall vespectforlmman sich " (GV ole of the youl in nafinn-bulling, o Raisct earnen brngton building, nd fdamentl eouliy before ths law of wanen and men E> Indupersble role pf the neivatesscien,” e ‘Pectettn-to-lebyclwae: *Section 1, The State affirms labor as a peimare social eeonamis {bree I shal profgst the ahs of remote tir wellare : NOTE: Ancle 1 ls merely a stieient of praciles and eat: poliies. ts provisions se not sel “atetings Png G6 ot enhody jody enforceable fonsstunonal ights but goldlioes for leeelasion, These ood cotattutcnl principles need lellaveenacents to plement her 1 Under Article Lil af Rights 5 ‘Due neocess end dual protection ofthe I. Patton of meet, of expression or af he ness, or te ight ofthe people peaceably te sssemble ~ and pion the gover sires of grievances a eRe plete information on mars of pullic concern. sees to otal rests sn to Secoments and papers ertxning 1 oficial acts tra lrg, at well 36 (0 aaa escorah da sede ss fr polis development sal be aferded the ze, uest {eave limifoiods as may be proved by In. a FR RUEE private tector enpoyee o form unions, assocatons. or ssistit for purposes nbrideeds af eonteace. * cn frill, quasadical ce administrative bodies, se ak vee tend a8 lon a ears and sng euge They shall. cling thee iat aed ei 8 aye TB IARI : ie Loe a8 it dot un Aste tern dency connote, sero oer a those whe maser of werk onder the eat of ‘tne Smployen will uaseporecd forts are those woes work in comolied mare inthe exalts tan the manner or tho of pecorming os “he law does not make any categoricel iferetnion mong the’ workers paid by ros. Ths the wore may be on polyao comets spelled “pobvow", lay orplcerate or output bass. All of em we ‘Noite caver fn tht they arel all pid on he Basis of tho esis of thelr work When thew does rat alitingssh, we shuld not dstngsa. ‘AG OF APFRI ND LEARNERS Wha the woge rate of epprent “The wages leaab ofan appraise yenysive paren (5%) of ie toy nd Warners? WAGE RAITE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY (PWD) Whats he wage rte of PD? qj ‘hte 27, fost POD ad bs nom wi i 00% oh pent ‘nian ; eee : | commissions Winars "comission"? s comin he pan canpeian nat fie, i nia ae, inte, aselvan, ter, biker or ails, when tho same’B calculated a4 a percentape on the amount of his {tatsactons or on he profit ofthe pra. a aiarono citielaie 18 ‘ a WEEKES CHLAZOR LAW “But ARD US AIRDELLIUIAIN © Fo dete oat BAR Review PROGRAM 4s commtvion part of wage?» ‘Carnmissen may or may nt he conidered pr of wage/slary depening onthe peli crcumstanes of ‘case and onthe pupost for which the determination eel made, Far instance, the rule onthe inclusion of “ommistons fr papowes of comptng the separation pay mo essndlly fe from the hcesionry mle thetcot for purposes ofcempting te 13* neath pay “Is inere alow which mandates the payment ofcomssou? NLRC, ther no law whish quires employer to pay commissions ‘is there a standard formate 60 compate commission? Nee Acorn None: There so law which preseribes mith fof computing comission. ‘The dctecmiaton of the “amount of commissions isthe Fesult of eolletive bargsjlag negotiations individl employment contact ot ‘abled employer praca, penncrioin inesuidaid 1 alee ta inf cit ‘The general rule is thaljan cimployer, by himself or throsgh his representative, is prohibited from making ny deductions feem the wager of hs employees, The employer is ect allowed to make unacessery deductions ‘eit the knoe or atheraton ofthe employee, Are there exceptions (a this rt Ye f (a) a cases whee the winker i, fanired with ie consent by the émployer, and the dadacton is to recompense the employer forthe eon ald by tio as premim on he fnsurance, (@) Far union dis, i cases where the righ ofthe worker or his union to checkoff has been recognized bythe employer or authorized i wring by the Individual vocker eoacered; nd {nesses where the employer is authorized by ta or regulations issued by the DOLE Secreta. (4) Dedacton frst or damage under Atle 114 ofthe Labor Coe; (@ Deductions sande for agency fess from nov union members who acept the benef under the CBA pegotsed by the bargaining anion, Thi for of deduction doesnot require the writen authorization ‘tthe noa-bargtinfag union member coasemed; © Dedstions for valu af meal and other fuetes (o,Dedusina for pedeanns for SSS, Pile (0) “‘Wuotaing tax sanded wader the Natind letral Revenue Code (MIRC); () Wutolaing of wigesbecawie ofthe employee's debt othe employer which is already de, |G) Deductions made ipursiant to’ « court judgment against the worker under citevmsiances where the “wages may be thé subject of attachment or execution but only for debts incurred for food, clothing, ies od med atcndanees : (@ Wes deductions fom wages reordered by the cows | NON-DIMINUTION OF BENEEITS ‘What the pplicbity fthe jon dination rin Ail 10 ofthe Labor Coed ‘albeit Aneie'100 is Sete dat the uicipie of rm-limiation and ace-

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