1 July2010

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July 2010

In Defence
of Fashion
Lisa Phua
Arts Society

In Defence of Fashion Celebrity, Commerce, and

Oh, so you think the Church
fashion is frivolous? And why they can go together.
Lisa Phua 8 37 Wong Yong Sheng

Sport Philosophy Politics Philosophy Society Politics

Fifalisation and Puddleglum Politics and On On Sex and Globalisation of

the Global Cup A Fool’s Faith the Public Understanding Sexuality Governance

7 14 15 18 23 28
Joel Lim Cheriel Neo Zhang Yifan Yoong Ren Yan Michele Koh Rokhini Prabhu

Sean Yap | Abel Ang
58 pages in 4 sections.

Xiao Yi Fei Hou Shi hang | Crystal Ang John Choo Victoria Ting Joyce Ong | Hou Shi Hang

53 49 46 44 34 30 31

Arts Politics Proposition Opposition

Society Arts Arts
Mad with Serious power Austerity Out of the
Biodiversity The Pussification Emperors and
Malvolio (For not too is Need- Rabbit
Not in the fiction section
A Reflective Review
of Hamlet serious people) New Dresses less Pain Hole
All images in VFC abide by the the respective Terms and Conditions of PicApp and other image providers.

e are extremely proud to This journal is our response. We wanted
Chief Editor Wong Yong Sheng
present the very first edition of something that would circulate and share
Editor Yoong Ren Yan Very Fine Commentary. It is a talent in its many forms, where opinions
Editor Huang Jiahui collection of strong, sharp, sensitive com- matter and knowledge becomes accessible.
mentary written by fine writers from 4 This means that it would have to be nei-
Abel Ang Lisa Phua JCs, brimming with new ideas and opin- ther “atas” nor abstruse. We aspire toward
Cheriel Neo Michele Koh
Crystal Ang Rokhini
ion. something that people will read, learn, and
Hou Shi Hang Sean Yap go “wait I didn’t think of that” – some-
Joel Lim Victoria Ting The journal is written by and for Singa-
Join us! thing anyone could write and contribute,
John Choo Xiao Yi Fei pore’s JC (or higher) students. It is entirely
Joyce Ong Zhang Yifan
out of their own volition. There was to be
student-run, student-written and student-
none of the typical essay-writing that has
Layout and design © 2010 Wong Yong Sheng.
published. This is the age where we are
Typeset in Caecilia Linotype Standard and Sabon Pro
with Adobe® InDesign®. inspired the intellectual aboulia we find in
at our most impressionable: our opinions
Website design © 2010 Huang Jiahui
Singapore’s young generations. We were
are like hot wax, moulded into forms that
VFC Logo © 2010 Wong Yong Sheng.

© 2010 Very Fine Commentary. All rights reserved.

tired of wearing a straightjacket of par-
Reproduction in whole or in part without prior explicit
persistently shape our thinking in future
ticular topics or essay prescriptions used
permission is prohibited.

years. And yet, for all the MOE rhetoric

Published monthly. to death.
about new learning, we get few opportuni-
 veryfinecommentary.tk ties, in or out of school, to actually ex- In place of that was an entirely free style
press ourselves. Even when we do, thought of writing that was engagingly clear, and
 veryfinecommentary@gmail.com
is sanctioned and creativity is institution- clearly engaging. We were born from this
Very Fine Commentary™ is a budding publication: a no-cost, commentary journal published online monthly. alised. circumstance, but we are not about to re-
It has a subscription base of over 1300. Its 34 contributors come from 4 different JCs. peat it. In contrast, we aim to be as intel-
We are a society that mocks genuine crea-
lectually rigorous as possible. And above
tivity, a culture that sneers at cultural-
all, we seek to make ideas engaging and
❝ Respond Contribute ❞ intellectual nutrition. It is not unfair to
say that intellectual expression is almost
always met with some degree of derision
intellect inclusive.
The first edition has been a pleasure to
Our commentary may stir a strong re- We believe not that everyone has some- and even jeering at its perceived “high- edit. You’ll find commentary on practi-
sponse in you. Starting next issue, we thing to say, but that if you do, you brow” nature. The Malay term “atas” cally any topic imaginable: from politics
welcome you to express it, even if you should. We want you, whoever you may captures this treatment perfectly: it liter- to philosophy, from society to fashion. We
aren’t a regular contributor. be and wherever you come from. ally means “upstairs”, and here, it means hope it’s a pleasure to read as well. ❞
Email your comments to us. Let us know you better. Yong Sheng
Chief Editor
Letters to the Editor may be edited for space We welcome all JC students or Alumni. Tell
or clarity. Sensible psuedonyms may be used, us your full name, phone, JC and the writing
but Letters must include the responder’s full interests you may have. Contribution is a com-
name. They should also refer to the specific mitment, but it is an extremely enjoyable and
article in question. The Editors reserve the rewarding one.
right to edit your article.

and the
Global Cup
Four years on, soccer is a very
different ball game.

The Goal that Wasn’t : Lampard sent a hard shot from outside the area off
the underside of the crossbar. The ball bounced down, and television replays
showed it had crossed the goal line.The ball then bounced back up off the
crossbar again and landed outside the goal area.
Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer collected the ball as England shouted for a
goal, but Uruguayan referee Jorge Larrionda motioned for play to continue. Europe’s elite Champions League. cus that globalisation has allowed partially adopted by the Span-
for might instead cause a country ish national team. Off the field,
The World Cup is also under to fold back on itself, cutting its the vuvuzela has added a distinct
more scrutiny that before. This football team off from the world, African flavour to the normal
Joel Lim erees from across the globe. Football
scrutiny is not only extended to undermining the common lan- chants and cheers of the fanatics.
teams and referees would have been

the teams at the World Cup, but guage that is football. Nigeria’s When these thousands of fans
he titanic quarter-final restricted to the traditional power-
also FIFA itself. With globalisa- president Jonathan’s now rescind- go back to their own stadiums,
Argentina-Germany clash was houses in Europe and South America.
tion of media, fans all around the ed 2-year ban on Nigerian partic- they might bring back with them
refereed by a Uzbekistani, Clearly, this is no longer the case.
world could see every twist and ipation in international football is a small part of this plurality to
alongside two assistants from neigh- Japan and South Korea had a good
turn of France’s agonising exit. a warning of what could possibly share with comrades back home.
bouring countries in Central Asia, showing, with Japan most impressive
I doubt there would have been happen.
backed by a fourth official from hosts as they comprehensively outplayed
such a well-publicised and drastic Football as a global sport defi-
South Africa. Denmark, a nation with a compara-
reaction on the part of the French The World Cup has not mere- nitely owes its immense com-
tively richer heritage in football.
The world has definitely grown small- football authorities without this ly been passively moulded glo- mercial success to globalisation
er. The number of fans that now make It is possible that this evolving of the scrutiny. They would not have balisation, but has itself been an - at least in part. When we see
their way from around the world to international football scene is really felt as much shame or disgust active agent. The ball is an iconic Germany take on Argentina on
support their teams in Africa would due to globalisation. Football would if they had not been as exposed symbol for the art of sport, and an African pitch under the watch-
not have been imaginable two or three have remained alien to Asian nations as they were to football fanatics the game is a common language ful eye of an Asian referee, we do
decades ago, and neither would the if not for it. The increased movement worldwide. Without international across different races and socie- not see these forces at work; we
immense numbers that have watched of global talent has definitely allowed coverage, there would not be as ties across the world. As diverse merely celebrate the brilliant skill
this World Cup live on television. for the development of players who much pressure on FIFA to use peoples converge on South Africa of the players and the effervescent
These changes merely point to the would have been constrained by being technology to prevent travesties for this event, the exchange of passion of the fans.
undeniable fact that the World Cup is denied the opportunity to play in a such as the recent unacknowl- cultures can be seen off and on
edged goal that England scored the field. On the field, the Dutch But behind the scenes, globalisa-
a different ball game today. more professional league. The star of
when they played Germany. dream of Totaalvoetbal, where tion has made this celebration
Japan’s 2010 World Cup team, Kei-
Years ago, there probably would not any player can take on the role one that the entire world will
suke Honda, plies his trade for CSKA
have been such a diverse range of ref- On the other hand, the intense fo- of any other player, has been remember. ❞
Moscow, a club that has featured in
6 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 7

In Defence If you thought that fashion exists in

a vacuum devoid of rationality, wor-
Does fashion matter?:
shipped by a strange cult of deluded,
of Fashion
Is fashion frivolous and
materialistic? Or is it
more relevant than we hypnotized individuals, then you are
have given it credit for?
SXC/Wagner Novaes probably right. And wrong.

The Chanel 2.55: A blessing for

women wanting to free their hands, or
a curse for the industry?

Oh, so you think fashion is frivolous?

Lisa Phua there is still a defence to be mounted for Take popular prevailing paradigms of fashion, keep customers coming back for more. And
this misunderstood love child of creativ- for instance. The fashion industry is we see a stunning parallel in what we’d like

f you thought that fashion exists ity and imagination. That’s driven by a handful of very recog- to call the “real world”: with Fukayama’s
in a vacuum devoid of rationality, not to say that fashion is nized designers, praised at such claim of “the end of history”, democratic
controlled by several loopy puppet in fact a very serious length that surely these creative governments and free markets claim to best
masters and worshipped by a strange cult matter or a case of minds could do no wrong. Karl represent or benefit their peoples. We have
of deluded, hypnotized individuals, then life-and-death, Lagerfeld is the chief designer certainly grown increasingly disillusioned
you are probably right. As long as Karl but neither does of Chanel, Fendi and his own with them: deregulated markets have given
Lagerfeld keeps the Chanel 2.55s flying off it exist in a label, Karl by Karl Lager- us Lehman Brothers and irresponsible gov-
the assembly rack and Marc Jacobs starts vacuum of real feld, while Marc Jacobs ernment has bequeathed Greece. Power is
his New York Fashion Week showcase world con- designs for Louis Vuitton concentrated in the wealthy firms and their
on time, the fashion world is happy and cerns. Truth and his eponymous label, wealthy individuals – and it is power used
dandy. Fashion is the face of materialism is, beneath its Marc by Marc Jacobs. poorly.
and frivolousness, and when compared glitzy glamor- Every fashion season,
to problems such as global warming and ous exterior, major labels are show- As much as we may claim to be a fashion
intensifying interstate tensions that plague the fashion cased at major fashion democracy with millions of labels and aspir-
the real world, fashion is at best a sign of industry is weeks in major cities, ing designers in the world, but these millions
hypocrisy and selfishness, and at worst a governed by and the designers behind of labels have become followers of the major
bunch of mentally deluded patients deco- the same rules these labels are regarded creative labels, more counterfeit rip-offs than
rating themselves with markers. and restric- as the trendsetters. Oligopo- creative originals. In February 1955, Mad-
Proenza Schouler PS1 : ASOS Satchel : emoiselle Coco Chanel designed the Chanel
tions, and faces The 2010“It” Bag listic creative forces drive
But all is not lost for the fashion indus- The not-so-“it” bag 2.55 to free women’s hands from having to
the same dilem- Net-A-Porter.com ASOS Online Fashion Store the fashion industry; even
try. In the face of those condescending mas and worries mid-range street labels balance their tiny clutch bags while enjoying
stares and patronizing shake-of-heads $2250 $98 cocktail drinks at social parties. In 1984, the
as the real world. such as Topshop and H&M have taken
that conveniently fling fashion off the list to producing Gucci, Chanel or Hermes “inspired” iconic Hermes Birkin bag was designed to
of “Things That Matter To Mankind”, (i.e. near-carbon copies) clothes and bags in order to optimize storage compartments for women’s

10 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 11

Alexander McQueen’s 10-inch booties:
Horse hooves or heels?
Huffington Post

one of the best couture design-

ers and remembered for his wild
imagination. On Project Run-
way, however, Chris March’s
collection featuring real hu-
man hair made into dresses
and shawls resulted in him
being ousted right before
the grand finale showcase
at New York Fashion Week.
Indeed, such levels of in-
sanity can be perceived as
unnecessary farce in the real
world; if no one world wear
such outrageous outfits in corsets
real life, then why is the fash- and
ion industry condoning, and wore
even encouraging such excessive pants for
fashion indus- forms of expression? Is couture the first
try? Is there a limi- insanity or art? time.
tation to what the human imagina-
tion can accept? Perhaps the most frustrating In more re-
criticism of fashion is that it cent times, Body
Viewed differently, this also is frivolous, materialistic and Shop made a stand against Third
Katy Perry’s Light Up Dress at the 2010 MET Ball : Stupid or creative?
Steven Lovekin/Getty Images
illustrates the thin line between encourages vanity and selfish- World exploitation by producing
insanity and ingenuity that exists ness – all of which work against cosmetics that were “exploit-
in both the fashion industry and humanity’s progress and solidar- free”, Dove made a statement
handbags. Unfortunately, the of the legends could be a golden things to design without becom- the real world. Einstein’s extreme
consumer confidence in the crea- age of democracy in the fashion ing outrageous and tacky. The ity. Critics argue that fashionable against the size zero trend by
intelligence made him a genius, but individuals are at best shallow encouraging its consumers to
tive dictatorship of Chanel, Louis industry. fashion industry has gone from Hitler’s ideological excesses made
Vuitton, and associated luxury jeans to rompers to jumpsuits to and self-serving, and at worst too embrace all body types, and Anya
Furthermore, the creative him the face of evil. Greek poly- busy admiring themselves in the Hindmarch designed the “I’m not
labels has stifled this innovative maxi dresses to every seemingly math Pythagoras paved the way
progress in fashion certainly mirror to contribute actively to a plastic bag” shopping carrier
spirit. imaginable silhouette and shape for Physics by arguing that natural
seems to be leveling off (as their societies. People wrongly to discourage the use of dispos-
– if the next outfit were to be a phenomenon could be explained
The solution, then, lies in democ- evidenced by the hideous ap- equate fashion as simply an artifi- able plastic bags. People criticise
jumpsuit-maxi-dress combina- mathematically, but he was also
ratizing the industry’s creative pearance of Crocs on the fashion cial exterior mask that is used to fashion for being frivolous, choos-
tion, then the results could be irrationally terrified of beans.
voice. Woodrow Wilson, the 28th scene), as is industrial progress in flaunt wealth, disregarding the as- ing to occlude its contributions
disastrous. Lady Gaga’s insist-
President of the United States, many developed countries today. This is paralleled in the fashion in- pect of fashion that allows for the by conveniently closing one eye.
ence on not wearing pants, and
believed in democracy “because As economies reach the limits of dustry, where strokes of brilliance expression of self. The real world While the real world dishes them
Katy Perry’s light up dress at the
[democracy] releases the energies human and natural resources, as can almost similarly be regarded had corrupt dictator Mobutu out in formal forums and bilateral
recent MET Ball have divided the
of every human being”. In order well as technological advances, it as bouts of insanity, and the an- Sese Seko, but it also had Mo- meetings, fashion is a massive ad-
house equally, with some criti-
to reach its creative potential, the seems that the developed world is nual couture pieces designed by handas Gandhi; the fashion vertising campaign. It uses visuals,
cizing such acts as hideous and
fashion industry needs to reduce approaching full growth capacity. the various designers demonstrate world has its wealthy label-crazy not words, and it touches hearts,
“costume-y”, and others prais-
its dependence on its creative And as much as scientific thought the grey area between genius and consumers, but it also has its cult not minds.
ing it as bold and creative. Eco-
dictators and move forward with encourages limitless discover- madness. The late Alexander Mc- of teenagers searching for the
nomics tells us that economies If we can’t make people listen,
real world democratic ideals. Af- ies- the fact remains that limits Queen, despite his theatrical and right identity. And while consum-
producing on the production then let’s make them see what
ter all, Karl Lagerfeld is turning exists. Similarly, it is possible whimsical designs that featured ers today collect Louis Vuitton
possibilities curve have reached we can do. Bless fashion and its
77 in September and Valentino to argue that the fashion world models wearing entire bed frames and Hermes for the sake of prov-
full capacity – could there be a whimsical soul. ❞
Garavani, aged 78, retired from has reached its acceptable crea- and never-seen-before ten-inch ing their wealth, there was also
similar progress curve for the
the industry in 2007; the decline tive capacity, and has run out of exotic painted heels, was hailed as a time when women lost their

12 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 13

Philosophy Politics

A Fool’s Faith Politics and
Cheriel Neo claim, the truth of which will be said. But there’s one thing more usual charming eloquence?
the Public
immediately apparent to all: “I to be said, even so. Suppose we
n C. S. Lewis’ The Silver Let’s examine the argument
think, therefore I am.” Had Pud- have only dreamed, or made up,
Chair, an evil witch-serpent
masquerading as a beauti-
dleglum, Eustace or Jill actually all those things- trees and grass Puddleglum’s making here-
we’ll call it the Faith Argument.
Sometimes a bunch of people
pulled the cogito ergo sum card, and sun and moon and stars and
ful lady abducts Rilian, prince
of Narnia, and traps him in her
however, it would have proved Aslan himself. Suppose we have. He hasn’t been convinced that blabbering is really just that
fairly useless- what is the point Then all I can say is that, in that all the things they’ve believed
dark, dank realm of Underworld in aren’t real, but he’s accepted
of knowing you exist when you case, the made-up things seem a
for ten years. Aslan, the great the idea that they can’t know
can’t know much else about said good deal more important than
golden lion who rules Narnia, for sure, he’s weighed up the
existence? the real ones…I’m on Aslan’s
sends a boy and girl named Eus- options available to him, and
side even if there isn’t any Aslan
tace and Jill, and a marshwiggle Now, this would have gone the he’s made a choice. Aslan and
to lead it. I’m going to live as like
named Puddleglum to Under- Narnia might or might not be
a Narnian as I can even if there
world to rescue Rilian from his real. It might or might not be
isn’t any Narnia. So…we’re leav-
deep enchantment. In the final that the only reality is that of
chapters of the book, Eustace, Jill Underworld. But even if the
and Puddleglum, along with the witch’s version of reality is the
dis-enchanted Rilian, confront true one, Puddleglum’s cho-
Protesters at the re-
the witch, struggling to preserve sen to go with the things he’s cently-concluded G-20 Zhang Yifan
their grip on reality in the face of hoping for but can’t be sure of. summit in Toronto:

her persuasive charms. She chal- He’s chosen, against all doubt, Should the G-20 lead- verypolitician knows public opin-
lenges everything that they hold fear and logic, to hold on to his ers listen to this crowd ion is often the single most important
dear: sunshine, trees, Narnia, and belief. (Furthermore, it may be and do away with our
determinant of the success of his rheto-
even Aslan himself. that the witch’s realm is in fact global economy as we
know it, then? ric and policy: it is his ultimate arbitrator.
less real than Narnia; he can’t When the British public demands a govern-
Trapped in Underworld’s gloom,
be sure of that either.) ment which can manage its finances after the
our heroes try everything they
can think of to defend Narnia Puddleglum has shifted the worst recession since the Great Depression,
and Aslan from the attacks of Puddleglum : paradigm; rather than logic you’d better campaign on a platform of fiscal
skepticism, but it’s a losing bat- Illustration by Pauline Baynes ing your court at once and set- and reasoning, it’s about faith. responsibility. And unsurprisingly, the Con-
tle. It’s the Matrix, way before ting out in the dark to spend our His conclusion is by no means servatives, called for spending cuts to reduce
way of a typical skeptical argu- lives looking for the Overland. the huge 11% budget deficit, won the day.
the Wachowski brothers; it’s necessarily true, but there is
ment – a series of failed attempts Not that our lives will be very
Plato’s cave; it’s Descartes’ evil far more security in his faith That seems like a no-brainer. Democracy is
to answer questions like “How long, I should think; but that’s a
demon all over again. Their than there is to be found in the power of the people. If the officials we
do you know?” and “Can you small loss if the world’s as dull a
memories their fruitless search for logi- elect fail to listen to our will, who else is there
It’s the Matrix, can’t be be sure?” and then an infinite place as you say.”
regress of justification- if not for cal certainty. In a world where to safeguard and advance our interests? And
way before the trusted, and beautiful women turn out to yet what one hears from the ground may not
Puddleglum’s honest, desperate, With this speech, Puddleglum
Wachowski neither can
surprising answer: turns the tables on the witch, be poisonous serpents and the always be the right thing to follow.
brothers; it’s their senses. reassuring physical presence of
who reverts to her serpent form
The only way “One word, Ma’am,” he said, the Great Lion cannot always This may seem like anathema to ardent
Plato’s cave; to stop the coming back from the fire; limp-
and resorts to brute force to de-
be counted on, Puddleglum’s defenders of this key political ideology. Pub-
it’s Descartes’ witch’s inces- feat the small company. But why
ing because of the pain. “One faith is worth more than gold, lic opinion may well decide the future of a
does Puddleglum’s argument in-
evil demon all sant question- word. All you’ve been saying is furiate her so? Why is the witch silver or precious stones. He nation. Look at Japan. Following a hand-
over again. ing is with a quite right, I shouldn’t wonder… has chosen, and it can never be over of the premiership to former Finance
unable to respond to it with her
self-justifying So I won’t deny any of what you taken away from him. ❞
14 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 15
Minister Naoto Kan, public support for the The wrong angle: U.S.
ruling administration rose from the abysmal Republican Senate candidate
20s to above 60 per cent, a stunning leap of Sharron Angle speaks during
the Nevada Republican Party
faith. However, after Kan raised the specter of 2010 State Convention at the
increasing the sales tax to 10 per cent, double Green Valley Ranch Station
the current value, 10 points were instantly Casino July 9, 2010 in Hen-
shaved off public support for his Cabinet. derson, Nevada
With public debt nearing 200 per cent of Getty Images/Ethan Miller
gross domestic product, few would dispute
the need for such measures. Two-thirds of the
Japanese public agreed the raise was neces-
sary. Yet, they somehow remained skeptical of
the policy itself.
Sombre moment : Japan’s PM at a Democratic Party
In this case, it is probably wiser for Kan to news conference in Tokyo, on 12 July 2010. Voters dealt
heed his economist instincts and push ahead Japan’s government a stinging blow in upper house
with the sales tax hike, rather than be short- elections, possibly thwarting its ambitions to curb the
sighted and save as many Upper House seats country’s massive public debt and threaten his job.
Reuters/Issei Kato However, due regard must still be given to A politician has to pay attention to the senti-
as he can in upcoming elections. In the end,
pressing ahead may even pay off politically sentiment on the ground, as citizens may have ment of the population as a whole, not just
for the fifth Prime Minister in four years; vot- genuine concerns that warrant investigation. the more vocal elements of it. Sharron Angle,
ers may come around to support the hike after Time for reflection : A man is reflected in a mirror as
So it was with Republicans and financial the Republican candidate for Senator from
a tangible reduction in debt. This was exactly he walks past posters of Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto reform. They had opposed the creation of a Nevada, pandered to the ultra-conservative
what happened with healthcare reform in the Kan at the ruling Democratic Party of Japan’s election consumer financial protection agency, claim- Tea Party base to win the nomination, with
US. After a relentless campaign by the Repub- headquarters in Tokyo July 11, 2010. ing it would constitute excessive government fiery anti-establishment rhetoric including
licans to demonise the ‘socialist’ reforms, the Reuters/Toru Hanai intervention in the economy, but backed proposals to axe the education department
fate of the largest overhaul of the sector since down after it became clear that reform had and abolish the 16th amendment which cre-
Medicare in 1960 was on the rocks, with the support of Americans. In Taiwan too, ated the federal tax regime. Obviously, she
the elderly hysterical over ‘death panels’ that the opposition Democratic Progressive Party does not realise that she faces an electorate
would forcibly counsel them on options to (DPP) made a ruckus over the signing of the much larger than just the Tea Party in her bid
prematurely end their lives. When the “death Economic Cooperation Framework Agree- against Harry Reid, and key moderates would
panels” was exposed as a dirty myth, and ment (ECFA) with China, but they dared not never endorse a fringe candidate like her.
a patient’s bill of rights that would guaran- oppose the trade pact itself, as the public sup- Representative Joe Barton from Texas made
tee more transparency in insurance schemes ported the agreement. a huge oily splash as well with his characteri-
emerged instead, America woke up. Americans sation of the US$20 billion escrow fund set
now support health care reform 45% to 42%, It is clear that politicians need to pay up by BP in wake of the Deepwater Horizon
according to a recent Associated Press-GfK attention to public opinion in their policy- incident as a ‘shakedown’, and defying public
poll; the figure was 39% to 46% in May. ❯❯ making process. But this is provided they do opinion, made a public, scripted apology to
It is necessary for politicians to look not get blinded by what appears to be public BP. His blind faith in Big Oil nearly cost him
beyond the poll numbers when tackling issues opinion, but is in fact a distortion of it. With his chairmanship of a House committee, saved
... few would dispute the of concern, as the public might not be well- the power to decide the fate of any segment only by his later retraction of his statements.
need for such measures. informed on the issue at hand. Manipulation of society or the economy, politicians are
Two-thirds of the Japanese of public opinion by interest groups, such as besieged with lobbying from special interests Public opinion is definitely a huge part in any
public agreed the raise giant insurance companies in the healthcare and constituent groups, which often employ policy-making calculus; the public is, after
drama, may also present a facade of twisted grossly exaggerated or one-sided statistics to all, the recipient of the benefits, or perhaps
was necessary. Yet, they
viewpoints that “unsuspecting” politicians make their case. This can make even the most consequences, of such policies. Having said
somehow remained skep- may well fall into. And at the end of the day, clear-headed legislator confused about what this, politicians must be cautious in navigating
tical on the policy itself. a well-crafted piece of legislation may yet win the masses really think. through the vast minefield of false sentiments
the consent of the masses even if they were and uninformed opinions to get to the real
slow to grow on it. concerns of the people, and address them. ❞
16 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 17
Palestinians ride boats: In a preparation for the arrival of Israel Investigation : Prime Minister Benjamin Net- Keeping the fragile peace: Obama hosted Abbas at the Yet another Commission : Retired Israeli Supreme Court Jus-
Lebanon-Gaza flotilla at Gaza Seaport. Israel told the United anyahu announced in a weekly cabinet meeting on 13 White House on Wednesday seeking to ensure that fallout tice Jacob Turkel (2nd R) leads an Israeli commission of inquiry
Nations that it reserved its right to use all necessary means to June that former Supreme Court Justice Yaakov Tirkel from Israel’s Gaza flotilla raid does not derail fragile U.S.- into a deadly raid on a Gaza aid flotilla. The opening statement
stop ships that it said planned to try to sail from Lebanon to will head an Israeli based investigation into the deaths led peace efforts. is officially observered by jurists, army officials and politicians
bring aid to Gaza, blockaded by the Jewish state. of nine people on the Gaza bound aid flotilla. Reuters / Larry Downing from Israel, Canada and North Ireland. Israel’s PM and defence
Reuters/Ismail Zaydah Getty / Uriel Sinai chief will be called to testify.
Reuters/Ronen Zvulun

Philosophy But consider the response of PM Stephen were still fuzzy, the world went into ‘Blame Israel’
Harper: “Canada deeply regrets this action, the mode. Airwaves were filled with anti-Israel vitriolic

On Understanding
loss of life and the injuries that have occurred and for several days. I’m no fan of Israel’s recent ac-
obviously we’ll be looking in the days that follow tions either, and without an international investiga-
to get all the information we can get to find out tion I doubt we’ll see the truth, or that justice will
exactly what has transpired.” Canadians criticised take its course. Nevertheless, this was not a simple
Understanding makes us realise that we’re not so their government for what seemed to be a relatively
soft and less headline-grabbing stance on the raid.
case of bloodthirsty Israeli soldiers massacring pro-
testers holding placards. Some states declared that
diffferent, after all Their country has a reputation for respecting and no excuse could absolve Israel of murder: that’s
promoting human rights, and clearly, the killing of easy to say when they aren’t the ones with guns or
unarmed civilians is deplorable. But there is much knives pointed at them. And this is why judicial
Yoong Ren Yan sense in Harper’s meek but measured approach. systems around the world accept self-defence as a
legitimate reason for manslaughter.

Responses are supposed to be matched to the
he condemnation came swift and
actions that instigated them. But what really hap- Nor can we so quickly dismiss Israel’s invasion
harsh. Minutes after the news that activists
pened on those ships? No one denied the deaths, of Gaza. The Israeli spokespersons, as a matter of
aboard civilian ships off the coast of Gaza
but for days after Israel’s legendary foreign affairs course, came up with a host of justifications: pos-
had been killed by Israeli commandoes emerged,
spokespersons repeated the same line to the media: sibly the most striking was that the government
the world responded.
it was self-defence. Granted, the world had good was obligated – as all governments are – to pro-
To citizens and governments, there was no need reason to doubt Israel, because it has a history of tect its people, and its people were under constant
to wait. In Muslim countries, the reaction was (very) disproportionate force: 18 months ago, its threat of death from rocket fire. How else can a
unambiguously fiery, and while foreign ministries army invaded the Gaza Strip in retaliation for re- state respond to a threat that is already using force,
issued a barrage of angry statements branding the peated Palestinian rocket fire, which killed less than other than by force? Perhaps the collateral was far
raid a massacre, citizens poured into the streets, 10 people in Israel. During the 3 week invasion, too high, but it is difficult to say unequivocally that
outraged at this brazen attack ostensibly on un- more than 1000 Palestinians perished. However, Israel’s actions were appalling. Things are not so
armed civilians (most of them Muslims). Other it has yet to be established whether the shots fired simple indeed.
nations reacted with less vehemence, but the were in response to provocation.
When facing the complexities of such clash-
global backlash was palpable.
Despite the fact that facts surrounding the raid es, a French adage comes to mind. Tout compren-
18 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 19
Persistent protest. :
Thousands of Gilad
Shalit support-
ers calling for his
release march into
Jerusalem during
the last day of a
200-kilometre, 12-
day protest march
from his family
hometown to the
PM Netanyahu’s
residence. The
march marks four
years since Gilad
Shalit was cap-
tured by Palestinian
militants in Gaza in
Gaza’s food supply: A Palestinian man stands near trucks loaded June 2006.
with fruits and vegetables parked at the Kerem Shalom border Getty/ Uriel Sinai
crossing after their arrival in the southern Gaza Strip.
Reuters/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

dre c’est tout pardonner; example of the crime of our make-believe with The German Resistance
to understand all is to desperation: a parent reality. Extrapolate this had a few brave souls,
Israel and Hamas, an Islamic resistance movement, who now run the Gaza
forgive all. If you try to must choose between to war, and killing be- but the majority went Strip have failed to agree terms of a prisoner swap in which around 1,000 of the
understand why people stealing a life-saving drug comes self-defence, even with the irresistible flow 7,000 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails would be released in exchange for
act in a certain way given and watching his or her if you don’t know your of society. I don’t believe Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held in the Gaza Strip since 2006.
certain circumstances, child die. Our imagined victim. As deranged as we are any more or less
you can place yourself choices may differ, but we may dismiss them to moral, or human, than
in a similar position because it’s such a well- be, genocidaires from those societies. We’re just
and consider how you established moral dilem- Germany to Rwanda not in the circumstance
might act. If there is the ma, we can understand used self-defence in their they were in.
slightest possibility of both choices. We find propaganda to justify
the same action, you can ourselves instead sympa- mass murder. I tread on sensitive On the other side... :
understand the action, thising with the circum- ground. I am not con- Palestinian women
and in the process they stance the parent was This feeling of being doning genocide. It is hold photos of rela-
are relieved of blame, put in, and the choice threatened is one with an possibly the single most tives who are jailed
extraordinary amount of morally reprehensible in Israel , during
because you could have becomes immaterial. a protest in Gaza
done it too. As far as the power – enough to over- act one can commit. My
City calling for the
ancient grudges of the But beyond the realm of turn the most basic of contention is with this
release of Palestin-
Middle East go, this is an what we perceive as dif- moral codes in hundreds attitude that some things ian prisoners from
unlikely proposition. ficult choices, we begin of thousands. Yet it is are above questioning, Israeli jails.
to not understand, and one all of us have expe- too evil to fathom in our UPI/Ismael Mo-
The proverb goes two the proverb starts to get rienced, however small. too pure minds. Sticking hamad. Photo via
ways. It could be a good controversial. Can we If we were Germans in our fingers in our ears in
thing or a bad thing that understand and forgive 1939 or Rwandan Hutus response to any discus-
everything is understood genocide? Most people in 1994, can we honestly sion seeking reasons for
and forgiven. The con- can’t imagine themselves stand up and proclaim genocide is a plain case
cept of understanding ever choosing to kill, so that the sway of an entire of double standards.
could be easier to swal- the choice is taken for society would not slant By relegating genocide
low with the typical granted, but we limit us from our morality? and other crimes to the
20 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 21
By relegating genocide and other Society

crimes to the “they’re just mad”

bin, we will never comprehend
why they occur, and more vitally, On Sex and Sexuality
Right choices and wrong premises
we erase any chance of stopping
them in the future.

“they’re just mad” bin, all. If we can’t under- I suspect that, after Michele Koh
we will never compre- stand an action, we’re reading this title,
hend why they occur, effectively declaring the
and more vitally, we perpetrator as some- Blame is a dichotomous some of you might Sexuality is a vital
concept: it distinguishes be- wonder what I’ve part of human
erase any chance of thing less than human. been getting up to in existence. Our no-
stopping them in the I know I’m no comfort tween the innocent victim- my spare time, think- tions of closeness,
future. to the distraught Uzbek self and the guilty perpetra- ing too much about desire, intimacy
or Palestinian who’s just
There is a distinction tor-other. The reality is rarely sex. I can’t claim and pleasure are
lost a spouse, child, par- that I have any real
to be made between so simple. very much bound
ent or friend to Kyrgyz experience, or that
seeing how something up in it. Because
hooligans or Israeli I’m anything of an
might be justified, and of this, sexuality
soldiers, and I don’t expert.
judging that as justifi- shapes our identi-
ask them to seek un-
able. It’s a problem of ty, the way we see
derstanding while they is what the modern Blame is a dichotomous But I’ve been writ-
semantics. If we attempt our relationships,
grieve. I’d rather con- justice system assumes, concept: it distinguishes ing this in my head
to give reasons or jus- and the way that
sole them, because while and therefore individu- between the innocent for quite some time.
tifications for morally we think other
I’ve never experienced als remain culpable for victim-self and the Maybe these are
reprehensible acts, we people should be-
this kind of loss, I can their actions, because guilty perpetrator-other. pointless questions Lock and Key: Perhaps sex isn’t quite as simple as turning the
are accused of making have. This is true
imagine the pain they they are judged on how The reality is rarely so to ask about sex and pins right, to gain access to the right places.
the act reasonable or even if one wants
feel, a shadow of what they chose to respond simple. Considering relationships and Free Digital Photos/Suat Eman
justifiable. But we need to remain celibate,
they might feel. That’s to circumstances. We circumstance is essential life – experience may
to go through the pro- or isn’t interested
an attempt at under- ought to do the same. in moderating this crude teach me far more. means more to us. ability to under- are able to de-
cess of suggesting causes in having sex.
standing. comparison of self- Yet maybe I will Our society tends stand what sex cide whether it is
before we can decide I don’t advocate do- One’s sexuality
worth of who is right or never find a satisfying to embrace sexu- means to us. right to have sex.
that we don’t agree. If And that’s precisely ing away with punish- still spills over
wrong, moral or im- answer to them. But I ality, in a naively In other words,
we say that to embark the understanding that ments. The Israelis into one’s daily
moral. must ask, and I must eyes-wide-shut humans make
on the process is to im- should be extended to shouldn’t get away with life, and view of
try to understand.
plicitly agree, then we’re all, both victim and a self-run investigation We are, of course, aim- the world. fashion.
Instinct and more meaning
in dangerous territory. If perpetrator. Perhaps the with a foregone conclu- ing for the impossible So maybe what out of sex than
Sexuality in From the surface, human will just reproduction,
the result of reasoning is proverb went too far in sion. Nor do I accept here. Understanding you’re beginning it would appear
to make things that we ask- that is an ideal because no on is just a tall tale: human life that we are ac- As human beings, copulation or
feel are unreasonable ing for geno- one can experience the “told by an idiot, full It is not hard to cepting as a cul- we are separated release.
If we can’t understand cidaires exact same thing. But understand why other animals
reasonable, why reason? of sound and fury, ture. We recognise So it gets messier.
No further analysis, ness, an action, we’re ef- live with reflecting on the hor- signifying nothing”. we have come to by our free will:
people’s needs, Many animals
or thought, is required but I’d fectively declaring the impu- rible things we do to I cannot say. But I do seeing sexuality even if they’re that is, we are can mate, and
before we consign peo- rec- perpetrator as some- nity like each other, trying to invite you to hear my as just “natural” straight or gay. able to make just wander off
ple dissimilar to us to oncile thing less than human. Pol Pot. understand takes us musings, on the mat- – something that But as a result, we decision based on without a second
‘beyond reason’. it by But we back to the realisation ter of what sexuality should be enjoyed tend to judge oth- rational thought. thought, and
giving sure that we’re not so differ- means. and indulged in, er people by their Thus sexuality bear the next
Understanding is a basic in to both camps. We could do with more ent after all. Once we’ve whenever the is infinitely more generation of
recognition of common sexual preference.
are as much victims of understanding. Too realised how similar we mood strikes. It Hence, the space complex for us life. No problem
humanity: faults, self- circumstance as sov- much trouble is are, it’s much harder to is natural. It does than for animals. there. We, on the
defensive feelings, and that our culture
ereign in choice. This caused by blind blame. be horrible.❞ feel good. But gives to indulging We are able to other hand, have
because we are in sex, limits our choose when to it – and then the
human beings, sex have sex, and we thinking kicks in.
22 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 23
Consider Boston mar- from. But there is another and triumphantly hetero- You can’t match your
(Now, if the act was with close and intimate hu- there for a little love. them. By doing so, we
riages , for instance: two effect that is more damag- sexual are convinced that sexuality so well with
a stranger, the closeness man relationships. We’re all a little lost, and fail to recognise that they
grown straight women ing. the most masculine of all your affections, or even
that it brings might be uncertain of ourselves, are merely human. They
Pigeon-holing, making a family unit and activities is not tending to the affections you intend
unsettling. As a matter what we want. We want are uncertain, trying to By pigeonholing, we make the sexual needs of wom-
sticking together in life. yourself to have, or even
of fact, we may have had society and hu- a special someone to be make sense of who they
They are content, the ourselves uncomfort- en but watching other what society wants your
no really good reason man nature ours, to call our own. We are and what they want. able with any grey area,
situation works for them, men play games.’ affections to be.
to enter their body, or want that someone to They keep making mis- where there may or may
it is a stable foundation
let them enter our body. Though it sounds trite, be there through all the takes. not be sex, or unresolved Pigeonholing other people Conclusion
We’d both just hoped let me call to mind sev- lonely nights, to sexual tension - where by their sexual preferenc-
to get lucky, and have a eral assumptions about never leave us. there is only ambiguity. es simply ignores all this Our society accepts our
good time. And chances the way human nature We want some- And life is most often ambiguity. We’re out to sexual desire, but this ac-
are that it wasn’t quite as and human society work: one to under- changing, and ambigu- get what we want. What ceptance simply doesn’t
satisfying as we’d both stand, to simply ous. People constantly we want has overridden recognise that sexuality
First, we human beings is more complicated than
thought it would be. love and accept reinvent and redefine most rational thought.
have a tendency to make we often give it credit for.
us for who we themselves in response. Therefore, instead of see-
Then pragmatism kicks snap judgements. We Sexuality spills over into
are. ing their humanity, we
in. We cannot help think we know enough, The straight-gay begin to people as means emotion, into relation-
but wonder what it all we think we understand Alright, we’re ships, into being close to
means. If it was good, the way human nature rarely certain
binary to our ends.
other people.
then we’d want more. works. And it comes out about how that Sometimes people need We then begin to sort
But might the other per- of the simple need to special someone to explore and become people in our heads by Being obsessed with sex
son feel the same way? make sense of the world would look like. comfortable with their their attractiveness and (and confusing it with
If we have been careless, in its staggering com- (Even if we think sexuality. Sometimes whether they are a poten- the need for closeness)
then what will we do plexity. So we judge. we’ve met them, they may not even tial partner (that is, if you has left us with judging
if children come out of we rarely know want to have sex, or be both swing the same way, people by their sexual
On the other hand, this preferences. The tendency
this? What will happen what to do.) attached, because it is or if the other person’s
means we are also under fails to ac-
to the rest of my life?) On the other too complicated. attached). You can’t match
their weight of other knowledge
hand, if faced That leaves
Wanting to have sex can people’s judgement. We Many of us may not your sexuality so that some-
with someone the rest of
be a very good – and don’t want to say or do even be aware of what well with your af- times rela-
else’s bad habits, the human
often satisfying – thing, the wrong thing. If we’ve
idiosyncrasies we may “truly want”. race as (1) fections, or even tionships
if acted on in the right made mistakes, the guilt Most often, getting this just have
and emotional competi- the affections you
way. But our biologi- and the shame haunt right takes time and no labels
baggage, who’d tion in the intend yourself to
cal mechanisms do not us. We hate being made patience both from us on them.
want to stay running
have to have the final vulnerable.
with the self- The question is, what do we see in them? and from other people, for the (2)
have, or even what It doesn’t
say on everything in our
(For instance, even if this same person all for the rest of their lives through all our mistakes potential society wants your recognise
lives. Because we give it and failures.
claim was false, it would day? Surely there’s some- But when we can’t re- to rest on. But people’s mates, or affections to be. that society
such a wide berth, we thing better out there. ally accept them for tongues still start wag- doesn’t need
be very difficult and Our society may also dic- else (3)
let our instincts control We are all a little bit what they are as people, ging. I mean, these lovely to be bifurcated, to be un-
traumatic to deal with tate that we should want frustratingly unattainable
us. When we hand over messed up, and a little we look instead to all ladies, still together like derstood in such oversim-
this kind of gossip: He to be a certain way to be eye candy, or finally (4)
our will to our pleasure bit hopeful. We are all a the things they do, and college roommates? Sure- plified black and white.
made out with that guy “normal”, as idiosyncratic the revolting losers, the
centres, it warps the way little bit fragile. what those things mean. ly they are together – you
on the sly, all through as its definitions can be. suckers who can’t ever get
we understand any kind know, in that way. You’ve At the end of it, one thing
first term? Didn’t know We judge them because it right. But sex simply
of relationship. We often got to be kidding me that remains clear. It’s simply
he was a flaming poofter. we think I was amused recently by isn’t everything.
see others We are all a little we know they’re ‘just friends’. a quote from the Ameri-
better to accept people
In fact, I think that, be- That other guy isn’t even
making bit messed up, and too much can essayist, Gore Vidal: It’s simply not true, that for what they are, instead
cause of this, some peo- hot!) Judging based on sexu- of judging them without
ple may confuse sexual
messes a little bit hopeful. about the quote from the American it’s as simple as “he’s a
This brings me to my of their ality, therefore, tends guy; I’m not into guys; I fully understanding.❞
desire with something far We are all a little bit way peo- to make us pigeonhole
essayist, Gore Vidal:
second point, which is lives, of- will never consider him”
deeper, far greater and ten over
fragile. ple work,
people. And that brings ‘A peculiarity of American or conversely, “I’m a girl,
this: we are all human they’re ‘just
far more fundamental other us further from under- sexual mores is that those
beings. Someone once going at it’, I liked her that time and
– the desire to be close people. We call them standing who they are, men who like to think of
called us ‘noble ruins’. ‘doing what’s natural’. she’s a girl, therefore I am
to other people, to have and where they’re coming themselves as exclusively
It seems apt. We are out suckers, and laugh at into girls and I am gay!”
24 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 25
Adapted from WNYC’s Radiolab podcast

A man
named Stu
I’d like to end with a story about anything like it in his life. It was a town. Had it been any stranger
a man named Stu, who grew up in seminal moment, in his words. new in town, many rednecks

a small old-fashioned town named would likely have rebelled, and
Silverton, in Oregon, USA.
Very gradually, he tried manicur-
forced him out of the town. But And people simply
ing his nails – first clear lacquer,
Stu grew up a mostly normal then with polish. After some years,
Stu was a rarity. He was a native did not think he had
son. Everyone knew him as the changed, as a person.
lad, though he was quiet and shy he became the owner of the movie
cable guy, the computer geek, the
around girls, and did not date in theatre, and gamely tried to bring
man collecting tickets at the thea- Yes, he was running
his teens. He helped out at the lo- in some new releases. Slowly, he
cal gild-age movie theatre his dad decided to promote that week’s
tre every Sunday. around in stilettos
owned, as the projectionist, and movie by dressing up in character And people simply did not think now, with breasts.
eventually owned it. He grew up - and often, the character he had he had changed, as a person. Yes,
avid metalworker, woodworker, chosen would be female. he was running around in stilet-
But he was – just Stu.
and electrician. Everyone in the tos now, with breasts. But he was
People did not put it together with
town knew Stu, and knew him to – just Stu. They had known him
transsexuality, at first. They just
be a normal, sweet, helpful guy. all their lives. They knew him to
thought he was just getting into
be too complicated a person, to
Then one day in 1975, when he the spirit of things. But ‘when Stu
be able to make snap judgements
was 27, Stu was in the projection- looked in the mirror, he felt that
about him. They accepted him,
ists’ booth as The Rocky Horror he liked himself better when he
gender confusion and all. Finally,
Picture Show was playing. And the was in female clothes’. Eventually,
they elected him their mayor.
song Sweet Transvestite came on. he underwent surgery at 40, to get
Here was a movie, and was a guy artificial breasts. Stu Rasmussen became America’s
on the screen, who was in women’s first openly transsexual mayor on
Now, Silverton was a small tradi-
clothing. Stu played it over and January 5th, 2007.
tional, conservative, Republican
over again. He had never seen

26 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 Stu Rasmussen : Running for mayor 27

From Stu’s Mayor website

Despite ‘globalisation’, nothing to earthquakes or tsunamis. When driven corporations. With this, the
The posters say it has been done to increase regu- humanitarian disasters occur, as welfare of the entire globe is com-
best : Our failure to lation to pursue justice for the in the recent Haitian earthquake, promised for the vested interests
globalise governance victims of such disasters, and to countries rush to provide aid, of these few companies.
is our failure to solve prevent them from happening with even African nations lending
the most urgent issues again. In fact, the exploitation a hand. A clear structure of aid This is in stark contrast to hu-
of our time.
that comes with globalisation relief has been established and the manitarian disasters where there
Reuters/ Raj Patidar is a ticking time bomb of fa-
and the subsequent lack of in- international community plays a
ternational regulation and strict clear role in contributing to and talities, which we perceive as far
enforcement has left thousands regulating the recovery of the af- more urgent. However, this is not
exposed and vulnerable. fected region. By contrast, when an ideal attitude to have if we
environmental disasters take want to push for change to help
In the recently concluded Copen- place, responses are lacklustre as ourselves and our planet.
hagen Climate Change Confer- countries place it far lower on
ence, we displayed our absolute The solution
their lists of priorities, and there-
complacency in choosing not to fore do little, as demonstrated by In order to address this issue, we
Politics take a bold step towards reducing the lack of international support
need to break the vicious cy-
carbon emissions. Even though to contain the oil spill in the Gulf cle of passivity that plagues the

Globalisation of
global warming is a matter of of Mexico. global community. The lack of
international concern, we lack
international regulation leads to
the courage and urgency to come Perhaps this stems from a mindset
the nonchalance of governments
forward and help ourselves, in- issue: since human lives were not
in the face of crises, especially
stead citing excuses such as biased taken and are not immediately at

environmental disasters, and this
regulations and the need to bal- risk, an environmental disaster is
passivity in turn leads to a lack
ance economic and environmental not of great concern. Why does
of regulation. To change this, we
issues. The contradiction between such a barrier exist? This might
need to pave the way for globali-
our words that declare boil down
sation of governance, which will
Beyond economic integration the urgency of the prob- While waiting for the
lem and our mediocre G8 countries to reach a distinct
to the
cultivate a far more ideal outlook
on the imperative to deal with
actions only serves to between
further illustrate our
consensus, the rest of what is
environmental disasters with the
same resolve as we do with hu-
Rokhini Prabhu evidence depicts the globalisa- mostly poor, who were affected. hypocrisy. While wait- the world has taken a important
tion of the industry. However, The first ever domestic judge- manitarian crises.
ing for the G8 countries backseat, casually ob- and what

henever the issue globalisation has not made us ment on this incident came 26
of globalization as “global citizens” in a “global years after the accident took
to reach a consensus, serving the situation as is urgent. The global community thus far
the rest of the world if watching a pee-wee With the has done close to nothing to
arises as a topic of village”: we have yet to achieve place and only imprisoned the has taken a backseat, recent fo- address this problem of passiv-
discussion, most of us automat- globalisation of governance – charged officials (which ex- casually observing the cricket match in sub- cus on the ity. However, the solution is not
ically jump on the bandwagon essential in addressing and aid- cluded then-president of Union situation as if watching urban New Delhi. Copenha- just to break the vicious cycle,
to claim with great surety that ing the recovery of what Barack Carbide, Warren Anderson) a pee-wee cricket match gen Con- but to also integrate policy with
the world has become more in- Obama calls a “planet in peril”. for a mere 2 years. While this in sub-urban New Delhi. Cohe- ference, many are aware of the enforcement, and is not so much
tegrated, interdependent and in- incident may be considered a sive governance on an interna- crisis of climate change we face, so as about breaking the circular
terconnected. We cite examples A globalisation of gov- domestic affair, it is of global tional level is clearly absent. but choose to remain passive. The reasoning stated earlier but more
of how companies in the US ernance? concern. It involved a US com- general view of environmental about integrating the solutions
have production units in China Take the Bhopal Union Carbide pany, killed millions of Indian Long-term disaster disasters is that they are impor- and enforcements into it so as to
and call centres in India; how industrial disaster in 1984 for citizens and was an echo of failures tant, but not urgent. This could achieve desirable results. Instead
mechanical and technical work instance. Despite the global a highly similar Italian acci- The utter complacency with be because environmentally- of addressing the problem on the
is outsourced to parts of Asia; community’s knowledge of the dent in Seveso. Yet the global which we handle environmental friendly measures result in short surface level, this would target the
how the wonders of the World scale of the catastrophe, it has community failed to interfere, disasters is most evident when term economic losses which are root causation and lead to a long
Wide Web bring information failed to push for a quick and hoping that time would slowly juxtaposed against our response undesirable especially for profit term solution. ❞
from around the world to our just judgment for the people, erase the anguished memories.
doorstep. The aforementioned It has not.
28 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 29
Debate Debate
Joyce Ong include years of pain. Fiscal auster-
ity is not a short term pose by gov-

verybody seems to fear Shhhhh.... : ernments to calm jittery markets,
becoming the next Greece. Protestors hold Heart at- but a genuine commitment to cor-
David Cameron promised up improvied tack : British
recting unsustainable debt positions
masks of the PM, PM Cameron
“painful” spending cuts for the gestures in his
which have led to imbalanced trade
UK, Republicans proposed $1.3 and Communities warning of the patterns, with China and Germany
trillion worth of spending cuts Secretary outside UK economic having abnormally strong surpluses
for the US, and even the Japanese Westminster situation. in goods, and the US with a large
Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said Palace. Getty/Peter surplus in capital.
Getty/Andrew Macdiarmid
that fiscal reforms are necessary
Winning The US and much of the world
to prevent a “Greek-style fiscal
collapse”. currently face the twin problems
of an unsustainable fiscal position
The arguments for spend- and a weak real economy at the
ing cuts can be distilled Proposition Opposition same time. The primary argument
into one word: markets. against fiscal austerity is that an
People are afraid that in- imposed contraction in govern-

Austerity is Clambering
vestors will suddenly turn ment spending stagnates growth
on every country with a in the real economy. Furthermore,
significant fiscal deficit, Krugman claims that markets’
leaving governments un- fundamental concern is not debt,

Needless Pain Out of the

able to service their debt. but growth: a position vindicated
The G20 has shifted their by consistently low US bond yield
stance from encouraging rates. It has been an argument
fiscal support to recom- made by many prominent econo-
mending fiscal consolida- mists, not least of all Lawrence
The most worrying thing about fiscal

tion: Summers, that in the short term,
“The recent events austerity is how it’s all coming at the we should focus on addressing the
real economy before addressing
highlight the impor-
imbalances in the world economy.
tance of sustainable
Many have pointed out, however, that the US’ eco- Paul Krugman has gone as far as to
public finances… Those countries with serious
nomic recovery is shaky at best, and signs of a UK Perhaps a little fiscal austerity is accuse a push for fiscal austerity as
fiscal challenges need to accelerate the pace of
recovery are hardly in sight. With headlines like
“U.S. first-time jobless claims unexpectedly rise, up
not so crazy after all. a fundamentally masochistic en-
terprise, based on a psychological
But should fiscal consolidation be pursued 12,000 to 472,000 in latest week”, it is difficult to Hou Shi Hang belief that pain is good for us.
when real economies are still suffering? Yes, mar- see how these two economies can absorb the effects

he mindless Republican insistence of Krugman observes that bond rates are not
kets are worried about Greek debt. But as Martin of fiscal contraction. Much of global recovery has
instant austerity may smack of partisan rising and scathingly concludes that “Austerians”
Wolf points out, huge private sector surpluses must been based on businesses’ restocking of inventories,
stupidity, but beneath the politicking, they are being lead astray by a fictional “confidence
go somewhere. Investors are moving their money instead of job creation. This inventory restocking is
have a point. People have highlighted the unsus- fairy”. But bond markets in the US are relatively
to the US and UK in a bid for safety, not because only a one-time boost, and will run out eventually.
tainability of debt positions from before the 2008 stable not because the government has resisted
of these governments’ promises to inflict “pain” Consumer sentiment and domestic demand, on the
financial meltdown. In 2008, the problem of gov- calls for austerity but because of the USA’s relative-
on their economies. Markets are not demanding other hand, remain weak.
ernment debt was brought into public conscious- ly low bond yield rates are anchored by its geopo-
austerity. In fact, the reduced growth from spend-
Where then will growth come from? Mon- ness by the documentary film litical importance, and thus, the rates are likely to
ing cuts should be what rational investors are
etary policy is unlikely to be able to sustain an eco- I.O.U.S.A, which highlighted be undervalued. Given the US’s
concerned about. Krugman notes that:
nomic recovery, in view of near-zero interest rates Governments with unsus- geopolitical❯❯ ❮❮significance as
the unsustainability of the US
“Markets continue to treat Ireland, which has and a lack of consumer and business sentiment. debt position. In October 2009,
tainable deficits and little a major world power and its
accepted savage austerity with Some, like Raghu Rajan, have even George Osborne, then shadow geopolitical clout to as- economic prominence as the
little resistance, as being some- The wrong lessons argued that interest❯ Chancellor of the Exchequer, sure markets of their sol- reserve currency of the world,
what riskier than Spain, which are being drawn ❮rates are too low, and encourage told Britain that the UK was investors are sceptical about an
excess risk. But if interest rates are
vency are being hurt by US default. Conversely, smaller
has accepted austerity slowly from Greece. currently sinking into a “sea of
and reluctantly.” raised, public spending is cut, and their budgetary position. countries in the Eurozone with
debt” and that the solution will
30 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 31
Debate Debate

external demand reduced, economic theory sug- more fruit and olives and buy fewer toys. But this unstable debts are being washed
gests that growth will fall, and unemployment will would simply mean that the other kids receive less away by a regional crisis of confi-
rise. Deflation is no longer an exclusively Japanese money for their toys, and they in turn cut back on dence. Governments with unsus-
notion; Germany and the US’s core inflation is less spending as well. tainable deficits and little geopo-
than 1%, precariously tipping the scales into defla- litical clout to assure markets of
tion. Clearly, austerity not only causes pain for the in- their solvency are being hurt by
dividual, but for his neighbours. their budgetary position.
So why do people want to Krugman also noted that reduc-
experience such pain? The tions in government spending Opponents can argue that the US
main reason is fear that public would also lead to a fall in inter- anchoring its bond yields by its
debt will undermine market est rates, which would further geopolitical significance does not
confidence, seen in the recent weaken a country’s exchange rate. discount the fundamental point
panics in the Eurozone. But it In such a situation, the possibility that there is no urgent need to
seems that the wrong lessons of backlash is extremely high; the deal with budget deficits. Admit-
are being drawn from Greece. EU should not exacerbate existing tedly, they are right, but yield rates
trade tensions with Eurozone-wide can jump quickly when markets
The Greek crisis is essentially Unemployment? Pah! : Senator Ben Nelson of Nebrasksa.
austerity. finally react to the deficit. Alan Greenspan recently Getty/Chip Somodevilla
part of a larger balance of
argued that “perceptions of a large U.S. borrowing
payments crisis in the Euro- Furthermore, to expect surplus capacity are misleading” and that “long-term rate
zone. It is admittedly a struc- countries like China, Germany and increases can emerge with unexpected suddenness”,
tural problem of the Euro that Canada to readily increase domes- pointing to a period in late 1979 when the yield
the smaller Mediterranean tic demand is naïve. Western aus- jumped 4 points in four months. Given the serious- ment spending to correct.
countries were encouraged terity measures will only damage
It hurts! : Greece can’t go to school now. ness of this issue, at-
by Euro’s low interest rates Mum! their own domestic demand, while The solution to It is easy to overstate the case for fiscal
Newscom tempts should be made
to borrow excessively; but their exports to each other fall. high unemploy- austerity. It is true that austerity should not come
to address the deficit
even if a child has overspent McKinsey’s latest survey of corpo- at the cost of a stifled growth rate and unsustain-
ment is not an in- and the government is
his allowance, we should not necessarily punish rate executives showed that many large businesses able unemployment. However, it is also not simply
him by making him starve at recess. still depend on American and European markets, jection of liquidity justified in taking the a direct response to fears of a “Greek-style fiscal
first steps in doing so.
while only two-fifths of businesses expected even into the economy collapse”, which will lead to a Japanese style lost
We take this analogy further. A small child (Greece)
makes friends with a big boy (Germany), and
25% of profits to come from emerging markets. across the board. Also, it is unpolished decade for America, as Paul Krugman gloomily
A contraction in Western demand may encourage to view to see the dual predicts, but a commitment to the start of much
receives toy cars from him in exchange for fruit
surplus countries to reorient their economies from objectives of low unemployment and fiscal sustain- needed corrections to the crippling budgetary im-
and olives. Other children assume that Greece has
exports towards domestic demand, but this should ability as completely incompatible. Examining the balances in the world. Fiscal austerity should not
Germany’s backing, and agree to lend to Greece at
be done via consensus, or it might provoke backlash economic landscape more discerningly and we can be compared to Japan’s lost decade, when govern-
low interest rates. Encouraged thus, Greece bor-
from surplus countries if they are not given suffi- see that it is overly hasty to proclaim that all parts ment delay in restoring confidence in the markets
rows heavily and spends the money on more toy
cient time to work on increasing domestic demand. of our economy are wrecked beyond repair. China’s led to stagflation with structural weaknesses in the
cars (and other items), while producing the same
The problem of these imbalances needs to be cor- growth in the real economy is still robust and economy left unaddressed. A better comparison is
amount of fruit and olives. When the other chil-
rected, but not through unilateral decisions. many countries in Asia have tided over the finan- to Britain’s purging of inflation, when the macro-
dren finally realise that Greece might not be able
cial crisis. Even within the USA, the situation is not economic target of unemployment was sacrificed in
to pay his debt, some become unwilling to lend Private sector deleveraging is not over; businesses uniform across states. Senator Ben Nelson of Ne- the short run to return others to normalcy. Simi-
to Greece, and the remain- are still reducing debt supplies and accumulating
Clearly, austerity ing lenders demand higher savings. Public sector deleveraging (cutting govern-
braska recently rejected an unemployment bill in larly, austerity measures are needed to return us to
not only causes the Senate, arguing that employment in Nebraska sustainable levels of debt, even if there may be a
interest rates to compensate ment spending) threatens to take away the fragile
is a viable 4.9% and still, not all stimulus money short term effect on growth. ❞
pain for the in- for the additional risk they recovery we are experiencing and plunge the world has been put into the economy. Thus, to argue
dividual, but for are taking. This creates a back into a recession. With tensions rising between against fiscal management in Nebraska claiming
problem for Greece, who America, Europe and Asia, the external consequenc-
his neighbours. the weakness of the economy will be a crude over-
cannot meet growing inter- es of government policies must be taken into consid- simplification. The solution to high unemployment
est payments, and Greece considers quitting school eration. Otherwise, market confidence may fall, not
is not an injection of liquidity into the economy
altogether and defaulting on all his debts. because of government debt, but because of the very across the board. It is very possible that unemploy-
pain demanded in premature fiscal tightening. ❞ ment in the US has become structural in nature and
what can Greece do? He could cut back on
his borrowing (reduce government spending), sell requires more sophisticated allocations of govern-

32 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 33


and New
Even the Emperor refused to admit
he was naked.

Carine Roitfeld : dsquared2 or dstupid?

Getty/Bryan Bedder

Victoria Ting palming lines of “Oh honey, otherwise. Is this some inner- respondingly clambering to the benchmark of good music ments and contingent upon

ately, I’ve increas- no.” Polka dots? Translu- circle conspiracy to see how design that look, ludicrously is whether people want to mutual fears of appearing
ingly come to the con- cency? More polka dots? A many of the trend-following outlandish though it may be. listen to your stuff, but the unsophisticated, would come
clusion that there exists granny bra and loafers to the masses they can make dress If you look closely, further- minute you get popular – I’m crumbling down like a house
an inherent value in being red carpet? God forbid! And equally preposterously? Is more, you’ll find that this sorry, mainstream – you are of cards.
indie. It arose first from my this picture was ranked third this an elaborate agreement disease is not merely confined automatically no longer any
Firefox’s spontaneous jump in Style.com’s daily ‘Look of between Wintour, Wu and to Mia Wasikooky-what’s- good.) How, then, does any of this
from Cordell Hull’s Wikipe- the day’ list. 80s curtain manufacturers to her-name (who I sincerely make any difference to us
dia page to Style.com: purely clear three-decade-old mate- grieve for, as an unfortunate And if you think about it commonfolk? In reality, very
coincidental and had cer- I could barely believe it. I rial? Or perhaps this is some casualty): Michelle Williams, further, all sorts of uncanny little. Sometimes, however,
tainly nothing to do my lack don’t care what Bazaar tells heartbreaking folie à plus- Chloe Sevigny, Maggie Gyl- and altogether disquieting it can be a point of useful
of pre-exam discipline. This me; I don’t care how wildly ieurs: do they all genuinely lenhaal, Diana Kruger, (Ko- parallels to the real world – self-reflection to observe from
all began when I – entirely by Vogue swoons over this believe this looks good? rean actress) Kim Ha Neul, that is, the world that actu- far the heights of affecta-
chance, I swear – came across ensemble; I can just hear it and that chick who’s appar- ally matters – start to emerge. tion of the inhabitants of the
a picture of Mia Wasikowska now: “O divine! The feminin- What I believe, dare I say, All that sustains this, you see, ivory towers, just so we never
ently dating Shia Labeouf all
(Alice in Alice in Wonder- ity! The delightful pixie-chic! is that this is nothing more much like Japan in the late slip into them ourselves. No
seem to be afflicted with the
land, for the uninitiated) in a The oh-so-abstruse refer- than a classic case of acute vi- 1980s or even the sub-prime matter how puerile or je-
same condition. It’s not just
frock that looked something ences to modish androgyneity ral let’s-pretend-we-don’t-all- mortgage crisis, is the perfect june Vogue might insinuate
the fashion industry, either
like this. (See picture) tragically absent since the look-retarded-ivitis… more closure of this system. Can your taste to be for finding a
– ever seen one of the emo-
days of Saint Laurent un- commonly understood as the you imagine it? Just one lion- simple dress pretty, it is im-
type boys in a shirt that reads
While I may belong to a der Alber Elbaz!” I for one ‘Emperor’s new clothes’ syn- hearted, unpretentious intern mensely comforting to know
‘I listen to bands that don’t
minority that actually know think this outfit is full-on drome, but always exalted as who dares to tell Carine that, hey, the Emperor him-
even exist yet’? That’s merely
how to spell her name (okay, ridiculous. What troubles me, ‘acquired tastes’. I believe it’s Roitfeld her Dsquared2 was self refused to admit that he
the music industry’s version,
I cheated, I Googled it), I then, is how a (conceivably) the industry insiders clam- nothing short of Dstupid, and was naked. ❞
i.e. acute viral this-band-
doubt my reaction to this sane, sighted and supposedly ouring to fete a look – any all their ‘acquired’ opinions,
picture is in any way unusual qualified team of profession- look! – that hasn’t been feted assured by mutual compli-
indie-ialis. (Think about it:
– something along the face- als presumes to convince me before, and the designers cor-
34 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 35
This is Kong Hee,
a pastor. He is her husband.


and the
And why they can go together.

The recent investigations into City Harvest Church’s (CHC)

finances couldn’t have been more damaging to the reputa-
tions of mega-churches in Singapore. The spectacular rise
This is Sun Ho, in membership has been treated with as much concern as
the exponential growth of the church’s business operations
a singer. – the latter is often met with disdain. And their
As if the bad press was not adequate, media attention shift- church owns
ed toward the activities of celebrity Sun Ho (Ho Yeow Sun),
the Senior Pastor’s wife and a co-founder of the church. A this building.
surge of comments with unrelentingly negative criticism
exploded instantaneously on ST, CNA and Yahoo! News.
The nation was talking.
Sun Ho/ Ho Yeow Sun: Getty/Bryan Bedder
Kong Hee: Anna Yap
Suntec City: Conference Bay

A Yahoo! News’ FTP article on Sun Ho collected some

10,117 comments by a spontaneous jury of individuals
ruling overwhelmingly – almost unanimously – Solomon had a
that their enterprise was a “fraud”. 1000-strong harem
Wong Yong Sheng The first response: VFC reproduces some comments on 20 June best repre-
of healing evange- of very high main- their calling,
turning to religion lism: “May your which should
sentative of the verdict: tenance women,

money perish with not be a mis-
n May 2010, a single Fo-
In-fighting Christians have been you, because you and silver was dirt sion of money. 1
rum post “A nation of spoilt around for as long as the per- “Did she use the church “Very easily, you Fools of thought you could in his kingdom. Timothy warns
princesses?” received tremen- son of Christ himself. Similarly, buy the gift of God that “Some peo-
dous feedback and was enough funds to live in such a luxu- CHC have been duped!”
in the 10 000-strong forum, with money!” (Acts 8) ple, eager for money, have wan-
to spur discussion of gender- many invoked the Christian rious place in LA?” – Jesus Baby dered from the faith and pierced
based expectations. Similarly, God, whom they believed would – Wondering “Oh my god.” – Seriously The most famous biblical fig- themselves with many griefs”.
the mere investigation – and not ures, from Abraham to Solo-
allegation – of City Harvest, its
condemn these “lavish lifestyles”. “Stop misusing Jesus’ name “Are we reading the same Bi- And in 1 Peter, a commandment
The Yahoo! News commentators mon, were the Bill Gates and directed at churches and reli-
pastor and his wife provided the to preach for money!” ble? Which Version is yours? Warren Buffets of their day.
screamed till their voices were gious leaders, “Be shepherds of
perfect condition for society to virtually hoarse (pun intended). – LOL CHC house brand?” – Truth Abraham had “sheep and cat- God’s flock that is under your
air its strong unhappiness. Take for instance FATsss: “Stop tle, silver and gold, menservants care… not greedy for money,

$ $ $
lavish lifestyles Con Hee and and maidservants, and camels but eager to serve…”
The messages left online and in
Sunho!!! [sic.]” Can Christians, and donkeys.” Solomon had a 1
the Forum showed a citizen base
or people of any religious faith, 000-strong harem of very high I find no possible religious case
both fiery and fierce. At the same
be exceptionally wealthy? maintenance women, and silver against a luxury life for charity
time, their opinions betrayed
was dirt in his kingdom. leaders. The National Council
confusion about the religious The Bible says Yes. While it of Churches (NCCS), the local
foundations of the Christian discourages dishonesty, it in fact The Christian God, notably, umbrella body for Protestant
church and the social ramifica- encourages wealth. It is a myth expresses no disgust at wealth churches, says the Bible teaches
tions of moral institutions doing born of preconditioned miscon- – in fact, very often we find him Christians to exercise “good
business. ceptions that religion is uniform- (Him) to be the reason attrib- stewardship”. The two caveats,
ly against wealth. uted for these men’s immense of course, are that the money
An investigation of wealth. Jesus often used money should be legally
moral investigation Firstly, it strongly condemns in his parables as means earned and that the
financial dishonesty, especially of illustrating certain church should “not
This article examines the re- in declaring assets. Ananias and spiritual principles,
sponses of Singaporeans, who allow itself to
his wife, a couple who under- from faith to be distracted
tore the happy veneer of “regard- declared profits from selling their evangelism, to
less of race, language or religion” from its
house, were struck dead immedi- the people of his mission
in two to reveal festering stereo- ately: not for earning supernor- day. They remain
types. It also attempts to bridge mal profits in real estate, but for relevant for the
two diverging understandings: a taking the money for personal modern man.
religious one from the Christian gain and not declaring the actual
Singaporean and a secular one circumstances. Another instance The secular under-
from our society’s common man. was Simon Peter, the apostle, standing of this is that
Big Religion and Big Finance who roundly rebuked a sorcerer charities and their stewards,
seem so incompatible. Put simply, for trying to pay him for the gift including churches and their
how could a pastor’s wife live in pastors, should not detract from
Hollywood Hill in L.A.? Does it really matter?
We take a look at the Sun Ho’s L.A. mansion.

Monthly rental: $28 000 Servant quarters: Butler;

Sale price: $7m Nanny; Maid
Money: God was never against this stuff.
Area: 29 000 sqft Amenities: Swimming pool, sun- Newscom
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society.
deck, 2-car garage, 9-car driveway

38 Image: Sun Ho Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 39

Stats: The New Paper

Fountain of Wealth : Suntec

City is partially owned by
City Harvest Church
Flickr/William Cho

of preaching the gospel by being in social churches simply need more

too deeply involved in business”. imagi- space. Donations (“offering”) be denied the right to religious
These should apply to local char- nation, are typically fast and forth- assembly just because of its
ities operating in all domains confined coming with larger popula- size? The answer is a certain
and denominations. Naturally, within tions, yet persistently rising “No”: we are a secular soci-
religious leaders whose religions neatly land prices make new loca- ety, and our law rightly has no
reject earthly wealth should act fenced tions big an expensive choice prohibitions against the size of
accordingly. OB mark- that cannot solely be funded a religious organisation. If the
ers, which by member generosity. purposes are genuinely to fit an
Next: Understanding enforce ever-expanding congregation,
It is precisely because it wants then I say, let the churches have
society’s response toler-
ance even to continue its religious mis- it. Not doing so puts Singapore
Yet this will not convince the when our sensibilities are ruffled. hurricane of disgust. The image of sion in the long run that a Pastor Kong Hee: Founder of City in the serious danger of repress-
man-in-the-MRT, for two rea- “pastor’s wife” and “L.A. man- church, of any size, must con- Harvest Church ing religious freedoms.
sons: first, Christian Singapore- The most odious are showy sion” seem jarring at best, and sider its long-term financial Anna Yap
ans occupy less than a sixth of displays of wealth: NCC’s multi- profane at worst. viability returns on investment. What of Sun Ho, then? Her
A dishonest pastor (or any re- gyrations in her latest “Fancy
the population (Census 2000), billion dollar complex provoked Blindly insisting that churches
Why “church” and ligious leader) should be pros- Free” will continue to attract
and the remaining population is strong criticism within both must not deal with seemingly
ecuted under the full force of ridicule – she herself dislikes the
unlikely to be swayed by biblical Christian circles and secular “commerce” go together large dollar-figures is a sure path
the law – but not Christ, Chris-
arguments. society. How can a church spend not to religious piety or moral “pastor’s wife” association. In a
Are they wrong because they defy tianity, or Christians. Yet this 2002 LianHe ZaoBao interview,
billions building a facility only righteousness, but long-term
Another reason is supported by social conventions? Let’s be quite is no justification for sentiment she said that her fans should see
partially dedicated to its core insolvency: this would handicap
a recent sociological study by unapologetic about this: there is such as those expressed by user her first and foremost as a sing-
religious purposes? CHC’s recent religious operations – includ-
Duke University, concluding that nothing wrong with the size or “mr&mrs smith”: who, with er, not a “pastor, cook or CEO”.
acquisition of space in Suntec ing paying deacons and mis-
that religion had a “direct effect” budget of a mega-church. Nor is a touch of irony, commented Local press is hardly positive,
was said to have prompted this sionaries, sponsoring meals,
on perceptions of wealth (Keister there anything sacrilegious about “The Lord is really shaking this despite her still unequalled feat
investigation. Shouldn’t church and supporting orphanages and
2008). To the extent that religion a church’s business ventures, or a church. He will of penetrating the
be about frugal deacons, spon- daycares.
does influence Singaporeans (less pastor’s wife celebrity status – it put an END to Should a religious Western music mar-
soring meals, supporting or-
than a sixth identify themselves may be shocking, but it is not But huge offerings are not a those who do evil ket – and the dance
phanages and daycares?
in his holy place.”
organisation be
as non-believers), attitudes to- wrong. It may be occasionally license for charities to misman- charts to boot.
wards wealth will continue to be The opulence on an individual indecent – Sun Ho’s acts are de- age their finances: social con- The statement denied the right to That represents an
inescapably entrenched in reli- level was bound to create a scribed as racy – but it is neither sensus is that accountability implies doom religious assembly achievement that
gious teachings. similarly huge fuss from the unholy nor dishonourable. should be greatest where moral to a congrega- just because of its should be lauded
start. Descriptions ground is highest. The NCCS tion innocent size? nationwide – not
What might a satisfactory re- of Sun Ho’s multi- Let’s be quite Then why do church- puts it wisely: investments must of wrongdoing. condemned, sim-
sponse then be to a population million mansion in unapologetic es spend so much receive “clear mandate” from Conclusions of ply because she’s
highly sensitive religion? Singa- L.A., complete with about this: there money on real estate, the senior board, be transparent, the investigation are uncertain, a “pastor’s wife”, or ignored,
pore has accumulated distrust “swimming pool, when they should be and the final recipient should be even to those privy to the intri- because we are a “conservative
for Big Charity – New Creation is nothing wrong above all the financial cacies of the case.
a sundeck and a the church alone (or, in fact, any Asian society”.
Church’s (NCC) retail megacom- two-car garage; its with the size or “transience”? The an- charity). Abusing secular au-
plex, NKF’s Durai administra- driveway still has budget of a swer is simple: certain thority for financial gain is legal Religious freedoms for How a person in any capac-
tion, Ren Ci’s Ming Yi, and now space for another 9 mega-church. Christian congrega- fraud: abuse in a church is not a secular society ity wants to live is entirely his
City Harvest’s Pastor Kong. Each cars”, awakened a tions are expanding, just that, but religious as well. or her choice. If it violates no
has simmered slowly and silently and therefore those Should a religious organisation constitutional law or religious
40 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 41

obligation, then there should be dals left by some in the past have may only force rents up and
neither guilt nor punishment. certainly left Singaporeans with literally price smaller and less
Simply put, a businessman of poor taste for excessive finan- financially endowed churches
morality has the same right to cial splurges. A hundred-fold out of the land market. On a
enjoy his or her life as a moral increase in accountability from more philosophical level, it may
businessman. Instead, the Singa-
pore we saw in discussion ex-
charities may only result in less
than a one-fold improvement in
also impinge on the freedom of
expression. Above all, the principle
posed highly stereotyped mind- trust.
sets from a nation steeped not in
sin, but age-old prejudices. The Commissioner of Charities
may be empowered with greater
Another would be separate
business arms managing church
funding, necessitating public
that any individual or
Regaining our trust
Therefore Singapore’s anger
authority, but it is at best a ret-
roactive body, reacting to crimes
like fraud. The business of
accountability. NCC has already
done this with its Rock Produc-
tions, and placed senior church
institution is fully en-
titled to spending his/
rises entirely from an unresolved morality must continue to ensure members as its directors. This is
confusion between business and the morality of business; other- a step in the right direction.
charity. The media is partly to wise, in our social vernacular,
Above all, the principle that

her own legally-earned

be blamed for this “celebrity” and
matter: its finger- any individual or institution in
A businessman of “commerce”,
society is fully entitled to spend-
pointing often un- will always be
morality has the ing his/her own legally-earned

money must stand.

helpfully exagger- the antonyms
ates sensitive issues. same right to enjoy of “church”. money must stand. Also, the
Yet society inde- his or her life as a What is left, freedom to religious expression,
pendently derived even if it entails churches acquir-
moral businessman. therefore, is the
its own collection modest ascen- ing and commercialising tracts of
of understandings: sion towards gaining public trust land, must be upheld in a secular
what we want to make of these and credibility. society. ❞
instances is often the prevailing
Perhaps one solution to allevi-

Also, the freedom

influence on popular opinion.
ate this matter is the URA easing
But changes in social paradigms space for religious use. Not
are organic – and can be pain- providing social organisations
fully slow. The frauds and scan- like a church space to expand
to religious expres-
sion, even if it entails
churches acquiring and
commercialising land,
must be upheld in a
Integrated CCRC megacomplex : Rock productions, the Largest of its kind : The highest floor in CCRC is the host-
secular society.
business arm of NCC, has a gross floor area of 54 000 sqm. ing venue for NCC’s weekly services. It has 5000 seats.
AEDAS Architecture AEDAS Architecture

42 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 43

Alvin Greene: The Democratic
Candidate No One Expected
Washington Post

Serious power
(For not too serious people)

nor Mark Sanford disappeared for six whole

days, scaring the entire state, before suddenly
John Choo
turning up and confessing an affair with an

Argentine woman.
here is a fundamental assumption
in our society that during elections of Does South Carolina prove, then, that democ-
any kind, voters as a whole are less racy does not work? No, I think not. What it
likely to make decisions that would be det- does prove, however, is that democracy must
rimental to them in the future. Yet, there are have certain conditions for it to operate suc-
times when this supposition is challenged. cessfully. One of them is a voter population
which is engaged, not apathetic. Only serious
In the United States, an unemployed thirty-
voting can get serious results. Voting based on
two year old political newcomer, involuntar-
superficial whims and fancies, as South Caro-
ily (but honourably) discharged from the
linians clearly showed, would not do anyone
military last year, has been elected to be the
any favours.
Democratic candidate for a South Carolina
seat in the U.S. Senate. He still lives with his It must be said, though, that serious
father, and is under legal action for showing voting cannot include protest voting. The
pornography to a university student. With United Kingdom demonstrated this in 2009
virtually no campaign whatsoever (no speech- when they gave the extreme right-wing Nazi-
es, no rallies, no staff, no website), this man reminiscent British National Party two seats
managed to secure the nomination with a in the European Parliament. According to
surprising 59% of the vote, beating his rival, BBC News, a voter claimed: “I wanted to use
former four-term state legislator Vic Rawl. my vote as a protest against the mainstream
Please welcome Alvin Greene, who, as Wash- parties... It was a tactic to raise awareness
ington Post blogger David Weigel describes, about what is happening in this country.” The
is “the kind of opponent candidates dream problem with this line of argument is that
about”. if everyone thought like he did during this
year’s general election, Britain would have
This piece of news shocked both the elector-
gone Orwellian. And if Hitler was anything
ate and party leaders in South Carolina. No
to go by, the Brits could forget about getting
one expected this man to win, but more than
their voices heard ever again.
100,000 people voted for him to do so. So,
why did these people put the tick beside his Fortunately, in South Carolina’s case, vot-
name? According to several residents, they ers have a chance to redeem themselves: two
voted for him because his name was the first chances, in fact. In November, the guberna-
on the ballot. Yes, they gave him the position torial elections will take place, where a new
purely because of his alphabetical advantage. governor will be installed by the people.
Concurrently, the Senate elections will also be
This is not the only incident in South Caro- Nick Griffin : The BNP Leader No One Wanted Mark Sanford : The Senator No One Respected
Getty/Ian Gavan Getty/ Davis Turner held, in which South Carolinians will hope-
lina where the process of democracy seem-
fully ignore Alvin Greene, and dismiss him as
ingly fails to surface good representatives of
an anomaly in history and in democracy. ❞
the people. Last year, South Carolina’s gover-
44 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 45

not credit”, justifying the Enlightenment man

The Pussification his actions.

Hamlet, on the other
hand, is the ‘sweet
– rational, logical, and
above all, humane – and
the primal, ‘primitive’

of Hamlet
desires tearing at Ham-
prince’, whose ‘gentle let: despair at a father’s
virtue’ was infinitely death, virulent hatred
more suited, as Henry of his usurper, and his
Hamlet and its Literary Forebears Mackenzie says, to reactionary, unreasoning
‘a life of felicity’. He anger at Ophelia and his
is a hero tasked with mother.
revenge, but is as
Goethe says, “a soul We see this in his
unfit”: a prince bur- moral disgust at his
dened with the most mother’s remarriage to
exquisite moral delica- his father’s murderer.
Crystal Ang Grammaticus. Amleth ing the stinking mire revenger, remorseless,
cies but without the Interestingly, there is
Hou Shi Hang is undoubtedly the with his hapless limbs”. brutal and capable of a
revenge hero’s hardness a close parallel in the
purer embodiment of Both finally succeed in single-minded fixation

and cruelty. Even as words Hamlet and Am-
amlet is litera- Bacon’s characterization exacting revenge, but upon the utter defeat
Amleth embraces his leth hurl against their
ture’s greatest of revenge as a “kind while Hamlet does so of his enemies. He is a
duty of revenge with a mothers. Amleth says of
coward to kill a of wild justice”. He is by turning Claudius’s typical hero in the Hel-
ferocious joy, Hamlet his mother: “for brute
man. His overwrought cruder in almost every own treachery against lenic mold, a successor
sinks beneath a burden beasts are naturally in-
moral scrupulousness aspect. The son of a him, Amleth’s revenge to Telemachus and Or-
which he cannot bear, cited to pair indiscrimi-
overcomes his impetus treacherously murdered mission culminates in a estes possessed of both
but cannot cast away. nately; and it would
for revenge, causing king (Horwendil) and a devastating fire which, boldness and a cruel,
He is torn between the seem that thou, like
vacillation and irreso- whoring mother, Am- as a metaphor for his sly wit, as we see from
Hellenic and the Chris- them, hast clean forgot
lution. Ironically, his leth vows to avenge his hatred and vengeance, his assiduous fashion-
tian tradition: imbued thy first husband”, and
greatness lies precisely father’s unjust slaughter, burns the castle to the ing and sharpening of
with the Christian Hamlet rages that “O
in his failure: even with Horwendil, by his uncle, ground. In a final grisly his stakes with which
injunction to “turn the God, a beast that wants
the motive and cue for Feng. Deprived of his stroke, he leaves Feng’s he will murder his
Hamlet comes upon King Claudius at prayer: Hamlet other cheek”, yet keenly discourse of reason
action, Hamlet waits, birthright to rule, he is “speared body” for the uncle and butcher the doesn’t killing his uncle because he hesitates. Act 3. desirous to emulate the would have mourned
ponders, and agonizes. forced to assume a guise townsfolk to burn and treacherous court. He Eugene Delacroix (1843)
sable cruelty of Pyrrhus, longer.” The vital differ-
Unable to carry through of idiocy to protect savage with their owns fixates on his revenge as
and to fulfill his filial ence is that Hamlet is
his vengeance, he turns, himself from his spying hands, so that they may a birthright, a just and
duty by being unaccept- trammelled by his moth-
as he always does, to uncle. Hamlet, upon dis- at least “at least wreak even necessary means
ably blood- er’s infidelity. He cannot
“[unpacking his] heart covering the eavesdrop- all [their] longing for a by which he must regain Even as Amleth embraces thirsty and sav- prevent himself from
with words”. Hamlet’s ping Polonius, merely righteous vengeance” his status and kingdom, his duty of revenge with age: to “drink thinking, and rancid
inaction makes it “a spears him through and a means to pun-
delaying play… a play Shakespeare un- a ferocious joy, Hamlet hot blood, and images of his mother’s
the arras; Feng’s spying ish the faithless and
doubtedly borrows sinks beneath a burden do such bit- ‘eruption of coarse sen-
about waiting”. advisor meets a far more disloyal: the fire which
suality’ (A C Bradley),
grisly end: “cut… into
narrative elements from
razes the castle, for which he cannot bear, but ter business
Hamlet, however, is not Amleth, but despite and the day “in the rank sweat of an
entirely original, and,
morsels, …seethed it in
these superficial similar-
example, punishes the cannot cast away. would quake enseamed bed, stewed
boiling water, and flung places where “fools are
in fact, has a literary ities, Hamlet could not to look upon”. in corruption, honeying,
through the mouth of sometimes favored and
ancestor: Amleth, the be more different from In Hamlet, and making love over
an open sewer for the backbiters preferred,
Scandinavian revenge- his literary forebear. we see the tensions the nasty sty”
swine to eat, bestrew- [and where] a lie lacks
tale chronicled by Saxo Amleth is a far better between the notion of
46 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 47
English actor Edmund Kean Black comedy for
as Hamlet : c. 1814 children, eh?
Public Domain

For Amleth, his mother cal histrionics and self- tion, and devoid of the
is a side concern impor- interrogation hint at a solemn, kingly inevita-
tant only insofar as she fundamental inability to bility which we see in
represented a rebellion accept the divine right- Amleth. Characters
against the aristocratic ness of revenge, which in Hamlet yield
order by betraying the makes him “three parts to fate and
patriarch and king (DH coward” and unable to metaphysi-
Lawrence). That dealt do the deed. This, cal forces
Shakespeare and Crouch : The
with, and her repent- however, only to guide Arts
writer and a group of 10 Theatre
ance assured, he moves serves to elevate their Studies and Drama students

Mad with
on to his sole concern: him from an ar- from RI, ACJC and TJC spent
his duty to demand chetypical revenge- the 2009 March holidays with
blood-vengeance. Am- hero to a human being, British theatre-maker Tim
leth’s worldview is one uncertain and afraid. Crouch exploring the character
bounded by Nietzsche’s ac- of Malvolio, the puritanical

Amleth’s moral uni- steward from Shakespeare’s
aristocratic principles tions,
verse, unlike Hamleth’s, comedy, Twelfth Night.
and the chivalric code: but the sheer
has a cast of moral
morality, therefore, is randomness of the
laxity, an overtone of
seen in relation to an ensuing “casual
paganism which puts
unbending adherence to
honour and duty. He is
Amleth’s actions outside
slaughter” present
A Reflective Review
the realm of Christian
unconvinced by Chris- evidence for the
morality. Amleth, as the
tian slave-morality, the prevalent sense of
undisputed hero and
belief that the meek will nihilism. Hamlet
moral pillar of the play, Xiao Yi Fei the rather meagre audience. world, and we the audience,
inherit the earth; thus, seems to be a
has the singular, unques- “You think it’s funny, don’t never stopped laughing. As

he pursues his revenge response to the
tioned goal of revenge he man was a sight you?” A couple more cack- he so often reminded us, we
with amoral conviction. hubristic popular-
and murderous justice. to behold. With horns les. “There you are, laugh- were exactly like Sir Toby
His unthinking adher- ity of humanism
Hamlet’s moral uni- and flies spiralling ing at me, ” he continues to Belch, the profligate uncle of
ence to the old revenge upon during the Renais-
verse, on the other hand, out of his head, a turkey’s mutter under his breath, set- his beloved Countess: find-
code makes him little Hamlet, sance period, a
is underpinned by a carbuncle sprouting from ting the routine for the next ing too many perfectly seri-
more than an instru- which stark reminder
trenchant Christian his chin and decked in rag- hour or so: doing something ous things funny, breaking
ment of that justice we causes him to of how pain-
understanding of the ged, bloodied long-johns, deliberately ridiculous – too many rules and worst
wish to overtake the bemoan cruel fate even fully limited
world; metaphysical and he looked like a Teletubby making the audience laugh – of all – drinking too much.
murders of Horwendil, as he submits himself human power
supernatural forces are who had just stepped out of chiding them again – laugh- And at this point he would
while Hamlet’s emo- to the responsibility: and control is and how
real, and sometimes lit- a dungeon from the Dark scold, until he moves on to a point a condemning finger
tional instability makes “Time is out of joint, O we are ultimately pawns
erally alive. Shakespeare Ages. And oh, the ugly new subject of complaint. at a particular madam or sir
him an exquisitely cruel spite, that ever I of flippant whims of
emphasizes this in the scowl on his face couldn’t in the crowd, rousing guilty
delineated character: a chance and fate. “Let
way he introduces the was born to set it right” have said it better: I hate A play about its au- giggles from the accused. But
noble mind o’erthrown, be”, says Hamlet, “we
his “noble and most
revenge quest in Ham- The last act of Hamlet, defy augury, there is a the world; and that includes dience instead of laughing at the
let: the ghost is “a voice however, is a testament you. It was amazing how a play sanctimonious Malvolio, it
sovereign reason like special providence in
from another world, to the indiscriminate could be so positive and seemed that we were laugh-
sweet bells jangled, out the fall of a sparrow”, “That’s the kind of thing
commissioned it would brutality of revenge, a negative at the same time. ing at each other, at our very
of time and harsh”. He as he acknowledges the you like. Coming late to
appear, by heaven, messy chaos in which Malvolio never stopped own foibles and flaws, which
aspires towards the Hel- inevitability of death the theatre.” He sneered at
which demands venge- the guilty and innocent making the slightest offence were suddenly as exposed as
lenic ideal embodied by and the impotence of the late-comers scurrying
ance for a monstrous are equally caught up or misdemeanour sound like Malvolio’s buttocks in the
Telemachus and even mankind with a weary into the NAFA’s black box,
enormity”. Thus, re- in the common destruc- the most grievous sin in the privacy of the black box.
Amleth, but his rhetori- resignation. ❞ only eliciting laughs from
venge is a burden thrust
48 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 49
Indeed, the first thing that struck end of the play, Malvolio was his internal anarchy.
me about the play was how dressed impeccably in his but-
Playing with the audi-
much Malvolio resembled the
stereotypical law-abiding Singa-
ler’s suit, complete with wig, face
paint and a Hitler-esque mous- ence
“I am not mad”, he insisted, implying that we were.
porean. Malvolio, just like us, tache. Yet his outward respect-
lived a world defined by rules. ability was unable to command Throughout the play, Crouch
No littering, no spitting in public, any strand of our respect. We was also playing a game of
and definitely, no chewing gum. had already witnessed how that control with the audience. Some-
What differentiated him from inner beast was always threaten- times, the more he tried to gain
the others was that he chose to ing to burst out, literally, like control, the more he lost it –
slipped in and out of character so teacher had also said “no” very into a sort of non-conformism
live by these rules. There has to the leopard-skin underpants telling us not to laugh being a
smoothly when asking for vol- loudly. My “no,” unfortunately, not just in the riotous world of
be someone to keep point in case. But when
unteers that you just felt you had was only audible to the people Twelfth Night, but in the real
order – a role Malvolio he sternly reminded
to help the man, even if he was sitting right next to me. It was world where many contradicted
had so self-sacrificially us to sit up straight
the most annoying fifty-year old a moral moment. Perhaps the their high and mighty moral
assumed. “Pleasure in our chairs, almost
virgin in the world. Volunteering audience played along with it principles.
is not free; actions everyone obeyed like
seemed like such a nice and fun precisely because they knew he
have consequences” good schoolchildren. Of course, after all that abuse, it
thing to do that it didn’t matter was trying to invoke feelings of
sounded uncannily like Crouch was a clearly was only natural that Malvolio
even when Malvolio pulled out a guilt, but all the same, that kind
the no-nonsense adage laying a bait when he wanted to be vindicated. That,
huge noose and asked us to assist of sadistic pleasure that one takes
of our excellent and told us that he was for Crouch, was the most chal-
him in his suicide. It was obvi- in mistreating a fellow human
pragmatic government. going to retire to his lenging aspect of the play. How
ous what Crouch was driving being, that ugly side of us, shone
Later, when asked if “private” and expected does an actor effectively pun-
at. How far would an educated, right through.
he consciously infused that nothing would ish the people who had paid to
civilised group of people go to
the not-so-subtle lo- be changed when he An adequate revenge? watch him? Well, Crouch simply
torment one of their own? The
cal allusions into his got back. Tempting as left the stage towards the end
audience’s raucous cheer and the
play, Crouch affirmed, the empty stage was, Malvolio typified those poor without giving us a sense of
excited grins on the volunteers’
“Illyria, to me, is Sin- it seemed that no one souls whom the world rejected whether the play had ended or
faces as they got ready for the
gapore.” True enough, had the guts to rise up and found difficult to pity, de- not, hoping to unseat us with the
kill reminded me chillingly of the
bubbling beneath the to his challenge. So it spite knowing full lack of closure. But really, I felt it
boys who celebrated
safe and clean streets was almost revolution- well that he hadn’t wasn’t sufficient to recompense
Piggy’s execution in
is the ever-present fear ary when a young man
Lord of the Flies. Be- How far would done anything par- for all our crimes against him,
that something would (who just happened to an educated, ticularly wrong ex- as most of the audience felt the
fore putting his head
one day go wrong (if be one of the students cept to try to do his play was thoroughly worth their
who had attended the
through the noose, civilised group job properly. Even
it hadn’t already), like Malvolio asked the money.
workshop) ran on stage of people go to if we understood
the garbage left in audience wistfully a Although some of the audience
the tropical heat that and started messing
few times, “Is everyone
torment one of where he was com-
up Malvolio’s neatly- ing from, we would felt that walking out straight
would simply rot away okay with this?” A their own? of the exit door without any
if not for the army of arranged clothes rack, rather compound
resounding “yes” was explanation would constitute
foreign road sweepers.
The Fifth Teletubby, fresh out of hell effectively breaking the the atrocities he
SingArts Festival the reply. Everyone wanted to see a more climatic ending instead
invisible line that separated actor had suffered with more ruthless
Malvolio dead. of stalking backstage only af-
Reverse stripping and audience. The character Mal- bullying than empathise or even
volio was helplessly fuming, but Well, everyone except for me. sympathise with him. In a world ter belabouring upon the effect
In the traditional interpretations the actor-Malvolio, on the other “We can’t do this! Even if we where order was upside down, he wanted to achieve with his
inside his long-johns. To play “revenge, the relatively weak
of the play, the deterioration of hand, was secretly pleased – this know he’s never going to do it, to be on the right side, as Mal-
up this internal-external strug- ending didn’t take away any of
Malvolio’s physical appearance was the first time someone had we shouldn’t help him or goad volio was, amounted to pasting
gle, Crouch took especial care to the inventiveness and provoca-
usually corresponds to his down- heeded his invitation to act out him on to it! It’s just not right!” “kick me” on one’s back – which
part the hole in his jumpsuit so tive prowess from the rest from
fall. Crouch cleverly inverted this the antithesis of his command. the silly little moral voice in me was what Crouch really did,
as to expose the raunchy lingerie I, Malvolio – a light-hearted yet
by making himself look like a protested. I later learnt that one even asking an audience member
whenever his back was facing us. As in all of Crouch’s work, audi- incredibly dark; a minimalist yet
Teletubby from hell at the start, of his volunteers in a previous to deliver the blow. Malvolio’s
Controlling the topsy-turvy ex- ence interaction was key; every so intellectually saturated; and as
and then gradually restoring show actually refused outright staunch conformism – “I am
ternal world seemed like an easy run of Malvolio was unique the first solo play I’ve watched, a
Malvolio’s standard costume as to help him commit suicide. A not mad”, he insisted, implying
task compared with controlling because of audience reaction. He great start. ❞
he recounts his tragic tale. By the that we were – became perverted
50 Very Fine Commentary™ July 10 51

Biodiversity: Not in the fiction section

It is ironic that while the need for environmental awareness has only been increasing in recent
years, it is the lack of just that which now plagues our society.
“Huh, you want to do biodi-
versity arh, like animals that
kind? Singapore got meh?”

ity as an entity separate ignored the former, and

Sean Yap crous, but in fact ut- from our natural envi- foregone the latter, and
Abel Ang terly impossible to claim ronment. Why then, we it is no longer just tree-
independence from our ask, is the reality of our hugging hippies who

t is ironic that natural environment. society so different? The push for conservation.
while the need for Our environment serves average student’s un-
environmental aware- as a natural carbon sink, The media has noticed
derstanding of our own
ness has only been in- a climate stabilizer and this too. “Conservation is
environment is cursory at
creasing in recent years, air and water purifier. in.” And perhaps that is
best, and while a genuine
it is the lack of just that Environmental degrada- another great irony. The
concern for the environ-
which now plagues our tion leads to a decrease sheer volume of media
ment may not be absent
society. in quality of life, and the attention regarding the
altogether, most lack any
economic costs involved issue is certainly stagger-
sort of real conviction
In an age of increasing ing, and in recent times,
in making up for these regarding its necessity.
urbanization and con- “environmentally friend-
shortfalls are significant
nectivity, it has become This finely tuned equi- ly” is without exaggera-
to say the least.
not only easy, but for librium was the one tion, probably the best
many, preferable, to A London-based con- thing that stood be- way to label a product,
remain cloistered within sultancy, Trucost, tween us and ecological short of “dirt cheap”.
our artificially synthe- launched an investiga- disaster, and thanks to But as with all trends,
sized comfort zones. tion into the activities of biodiversity, our environ- much of this “societal
Where man’s survival 3000 of largest public ment remains relatively change” is little more
once depended on his companies in the world, intact, even while species than a jumping onto the
These beautiful Knobbly Sea-stars (Protoreaster nodo-
attunement to nature, we and estimated that ap- Seeing our urban jungle in a different light sus) are increasingly threatened by the ripple+++ effect continue to die out at an shiny, new bandwagon
have instead fine-tuned proximately US$2.2 of industrialization alarming rate. Yet biodi- of conservation. How
our environment to suit trillion worth of envi- Projected economic if no other, our earth is of how little we truly this healthy and func- versity can only serve as many people truly feel
our modern lifestyles. We ronmental damages were losses aside, it would worth conserving. understand about the tional ecosystem that can a temporary buffer, al- a responsibility towards
have abandoned nature, incurred by these compa- be naïve to for a single intricacies of the natural allow for the provision lowing our environment their environment? How
losing our sensitivity to nies in the year of 2008 Our world is an envi-
moment assume that the world. Nature is a care- of the environmental ser- to be compromised to a many truly care?
its subtle tugs and nudg- alone. That’s almost 13 ronment more finely point, and unfortunately,
value of our environ- fully calibrated system, vices that in turn allow Genuine concern is both
es that warn and remind times Singapore’s GDP, tuned than any artificial
ment can be so easily kept balanced and func- for the continued growth we already have long developed and enhanced
us of our ultimate con- and the United King- one we could attempt to passed such a point.
quantified. Planet Earth tional by the unimagi- of the global economy, by knowledge of the sub-
nection to the great web dom’s GDP (ranked 6th create. The difficulty ex-
remains to this day, as nable complexity of the and more importantly, The crisis is happening ject, and perhaps a good
of life. in the world) would fall perienced by many zoos
far as we know, the only interactions amongst a for the very existence of now. We are long past question to ask would
just short of paying off and aquaria in recreating
In recent years it has place in the universe that myriad of living species. life itself. the age of dire warnings then be: “How well do
this debt to the environ- natural habitats, particu-
become eminently clear ment. supports living organ- people know the envi-
isms. It is the only home
larly ones conducive for And this is the case It is clear that we can no and vague long-term
that it is not only ludi- breeding, is a reflection for biodiversity. It is only longer think of human- commitments. We have ronment they live in?” A
we have. For this reason,
All images courtesy of the authors.
Bug crossing:
A less glamorous Abbey Road

Tropical Singapore:
Trees surrounding a HDB estate

Knobbly sea stars: Protoreaster nodosus

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve: There are more
plant species found here than the entire conti-
nent of North America.
Darwin would have been proud :
Singapore hosts a surprisingly wide
range of species. Pentaceraster mammillatus: Sean recorded the first local in-
(The Origin of Species) stance of a juvenile of this species discovered on our shores
only two years ago, indicating a breeding population.

Biology lecturer and na- is. only 35% of our live mammals, 25 species of upon our local ecosys- complexity of our lo- empathy for its applica- portant. The passion of a
ture enthusiast once told coral cover (due in no amphibians, 200 spe- tems, any further loss in cal ecosystems is far tion. The problem we friend or family member
While we have lost
his group: “Bukit Timah small part to reclama- cies of coral covering 55 species could prove fatal in excess of the norm; face is one of the heart, will likely be the greatest
95% of our original for-
Nature Reserve has more tion works and heavy sea genera and 111 reef fish to its ecological health. rainforests and coral and it is necessary for us agents of change for the
est cover, there are still
species of plants than the traffic), our reefs, 10 000 species in 30 families.” Furthermore, overall reefs are renowned to to not only integrate the foreseeable future.
over 840 flowering spe-
whole of North Ameri- times smaller than the stability of the ecosystem be the richest habitats message of conservation
cies in the 163 hectares But it is not just num- Our current state is
ca.” famed Australian Great aside, each extinct spe- in terms of biodiversity, into our syllabus, but
of the Bukit Timah Na- bers that we have on our not entirely without jus-
Barrier Reef, still possess cies is the eradication and Singapore, due to its to instill a love for our
This immediately drew ture Reserve, and in fact, side. Scientists regularly tification; the age-old cry
half as many species. of millions of years of world that can only be
an almost singular reac- discover new, rare species of land scarcity continues
painstaking trial and achieved through real
tion of shocked incre- within our borders, and to appear in any local
dulity around the room, not a trifling amount of
error, an irreplaceable We stand now at a experiences and first-
environmental debate.
with only a select few
How many people truly them either. Within just a
artifact of natural his- great crossroads, hand discoveries.
It is an argument we use
feel a responsibility tory, some of which we
glancing at each other in year, a Belgian entomolo-
may never be known and the stakes are School or interest-based with relish; after all, no
slack-jawed amazement towards their environment? gist described 150 new
to science. Finally, for significant. public groups have tried other country of similar
for an entirely different How many truly care? species of forest flies in bringing interested stu- size is similarly forced
the more pragmatic,
reason. Singapore. dents out into the field, to contend with both
their loss represents the
introducing them to our rainforests and coral
Even if it is understand- While the sheer quantity potential loss of chemi- fortuitous geography, is
natural gems, and car- reefs impeding urbaniza-
able that this fact may (and quality) of species cal blueprints for the home to both.
more plant species are According to Professor rying along with them a tion. “Something’s got to
not be particularly well is striking, perhaps it is pharmaceutical industry,
found in this one nature Tommy Koh, Chairman give” we say, and move
known (in spite of it the lamentable state of and a reduction in water We stand now at a great message of conservation.
reserve than in the whole of the National Heritage on, living our forest-cut-
being one of the most our environment, and the quality from the beloved crossroads, and the Guided walks like these
of North America, home Board , “to date, we have ting, coral-snuffing lives
commonly quoted epi- devil-may-care attitude reservoirs of water-scarce stakes are significant. are a heartening first
to world-famous na- more than 2900 species The Information Age step; however, societal in relative peace. Yet
thets regarding our local of many, that is far more Singapore.
tional parks like Yellow- of plants, 360 species may have blessed society change is a slow and ar- should we really contin-
biodiversity), it is surely stone, Yosemite, Sequoia so. Certainly then, we ue in our reliance on this
of birds, 270 species of with much knowledge, duous process. For now,
indicative of just how and Redwood. butterflies, 120 species cannot afford to allow but it has failed bring it may be the personal “Uniquely Singapore”
Due to the immense
underappreciated our of reptiles, 75 species of strain already placed this to continue. The with it the requisite battles that are most im- crutch? We think not. ❞
considerable biodiversity And while we retain

Chief Editor Wong Yong Sheng

Editor Yoong Ren Yan
Editor Huang Jiahui

Abel Ang Lisa Phua
Cheriel Neo Michele Koh
Crystal Ang Rokhini
Hou Shi Hang Sean Yap
Joel Lim Victoria Ting
John Choo Xiao Yi Fei Join us!
Joyce Ong Zhang Yifan

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Website design © 2010 Huang Jiahui

VFC Logo © 2010 Wong Yong Sheng.

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Reproduction in whole or in part without prior explicit
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Very Fine Commentary™ is a budding publication: a no-cost, commentary journal published online monthly.
It has a subscription base of over 1300. Its 34 contributors come from 4 different JCs.

1st Edition
July 2010

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