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PROJECT 4 UNIT 5 NAME: ________________ CLASS: _________ G: ___/20 C: ___/24

1. Use the words to write sentences. 2. Complete the sentences.

1) my mother / shave / head / wouldnt / her 1) I want to have a t_ _ _ _ _ on my shoulder.

2) like / you / go / where / to / would / ?

2) I would p _ _ _ _ _ my ears, but not my
3) pierced / tongue / she / would / have / her eyebrows.

4) parents / what / say / would / your / ?

3) My friend has had her t _ _ _ _ _ pierced.

4) I d _ _ _ my hair blue last summer.

____/ 4 ____/4

3. Complete the email.

Hi Karen and Sam,

I hope youre enjoying your holiday. Were having a nice time at Grandmas. But theres one
problem. She cant cook! We have to cook for (1) __________ but we arent very good. I cut (2)
__________ when I was opening a tin yesterday. This morning Mary and Peter tried to make (3)
__________ an omelette but Peter burnt (4) __________ and the omelette fell on the floor. The
cat enjoyed (5) __________ because we let it eat the omelette!
Were all very busy. Peter is teaching (6) __________ the guitar. He makes a terrible noise! Mary
spends hours looking at (7) __________ in a mirror. She says she wants to be a fashion model!
And Im teaching (8) __________ how to cook!
Come back soon!
Suzie _____/8

4. Rewrite the sentences using the words provided.

1) We often discuss things. (discussions) 5) 5) I never lie. (lies)

2) John often argues with his friends. (has) 6) Did she advise you? (give)

3) It is difficult to choose. (make) 7) We finally agreed. (reached)

4) He solved the problem. (found) 8) I have decided to work harder. (decision)

5. Translate into English AND write a response to Emma in English.


Imam jedan problem i ne znam to uiniti. Odluila sam uiniti neto ludo. Probuila sam jezik prije
nekoliko dana. Moji roditelji mrze tetovae i piercinge. Mama mi ne bi dozvolila ak ni obojiti kosu. Ne
znam to da radim. Inae nikada ne laem. Bojim se kako e reagirati. to da uinim? Moete li mi
dati savjet?

Emma _____/20
PROJECT 4 UNIT 5 NAME: ________________ CLASS: _________

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Use the words to write sentences.
1) I want to have a t_ _ _ _ _ on my shoulder.
1) my mother / shave / head / wouldnt / her

2) like / you / go / where / to / would / ? 2) I would p _ _ _ _ _ my ears, but not my

3) pierced / tongue / she / would / have / her

4) parents / what / say / would / your / ? 3) My friend has had her t _ _ _ _ _ pierced.

4) I d _ _ _ my hair blue last summer.

____/ 4 ____/4

3. Complete the email.

Hi Karen and Sam,

I hope youre enjoying your holiday. Were having a nice time at Grandmas. But theres one
problem. She cant cook! We have to cook for (1) __________ but we arent very good. I cut (2)
__________ when I was opening a tin yesterday. This morning Mary and Peter tried to make (3)
__________ an omelette but Peter burnt (4) __________ and the omelette fell on the floor. The
cat enjoyed (5) __________ because we let it eat the omelette!
Were all very busy. Peter is teaching (6) __________ the guitar. He makes a terrible noise! Mary
spends hours looking at (7) __________ in a mirror. She says she wants to be a fashion model!
And Im teaching (8) __________ how to cook!
Come back soon!
Suzie _____/8

4. Rewrite the sentences using the words provided.

1) We often discuss things. (discussions) 5) 5) I never lie. (lies)

2) John often argues with his friends. (has) 6) Did she advise you? (give)

3) It is difficult to choose. (make) 7) We finally agreed. (reached)

4) He solved the problem. (found) 8) I have decided to work harder. (decision)

5. Translate into English AND write a response to Emma in English.


Imam jedan problem i ne znam to uiniti. Odluila sam uiniti neto ludo. Probuila sam jezik prije
nekoliko dana. Moji roditelji mrze tetovae i piercinge. Mama mi ne bi dozvolila ak ni obojiti kosu. Ne
znam to da radim. Inae nikada ne laem. Bojim se kako e reagirati. to da uinim? Moete li mi
dati savjet?

Emma ____/20
PROJECT 4 UNIT 5 NAME: ________________ CLASS: _________

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