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The Abu Dhabi government operate an Abu Dhabi wide Trap, Neuter
Humane and
and Return program as a means to control the cat population in a
humane manner. In accordance with this AWAD liaise with Sustainable Community
government contracted animal control companies to undertake the
sterilisation surgery at The Falcon hospital. Additionally, the cats are Solutions
medically checked, vaccinated and microchipped.

In accordance with the government protocols the cats are then

returned to the exact same area. The process of sterilisation not only
controls the population but reduces fighting, spraying and noise and
makes for a happier community for all. The result is better for the
community, the cats and the UAE.

Animal welfare Abu Dhabi

Dr Susan L J Aylott
The issue of community cats The humane approach

The Arabian Mau is an officially recognised breed of cat indigenous AWAD facilitates a comprehensive feeding and sterilisation program.
to the Arabian Peninsula and a proud part of our heritage. However,
Feeding stations
they have become the standard street cat of the UAE and can
reproduce at an alarming rate, such that during her reproductive By providing feeding stations and a comprehensive sterilisation
lifetime a female can produce up to 100 kittens. program, cat populations are reduced over time and the existing cats
are healthy, vaccinated and no longer a nuisance to the community.
It is estimated that there are around 100,000 cats in Abu Dhabi
The trap, neuter and return program, a globally recognised method
alone. Such excessive numbers cause many cats and kittens to die of
adopted by the Abu Dhabi government to control cat populations
disease and starvation on our streets and thereby creates a negative
within the capital has proven very successful.
image of animal welfare in the UAE.
Feeding stations allow free grazing for cats and actively deters other
Within communities too, conflict erupts between community
cats from coming into the area since they are highly territorial.
members and animals, the common misconception is that there are
Feeding stations are hidden from public sight, unobtrusive and
too many animals and that killing them is the solution. These
hygienic. They are placed away from eating establishments in
methods are not only illegal and immoral but they just don't work.
accordance with hygiene standards and health and safety
Animal Welfare Abu Dubai understands that conflict between regulations. They contain only dry biscuits which do not emit odour,
animals and communities are complex. However, there is a solution. non toxic and an appropriate diet for the cats. They are extremely
AWAD brings communities together by facilitating a total solution simple to maintain and time efficient.
package; one that has proven to be very successful across
communities of the UAE.

The solution

AWAD approaches local communities respectfully and works with

them to understand their needs and goals to provide humane
management of the community animals, ensuring a harmonious A typical AWAD feeding station. Cats are sterilised and vaccinated
environment for all. and are now a healthy part of the community.

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