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to do:
1. print a list
2. add a name to list
3. remove a item in the list
4. change an item in the list
5. quit
nameList = []
while True:
print("\n\n1. Print list\n2. Add a name\n3. Remove a name\n4. Change a name\n5.
menuItem = int(input("Enter the number from menu list: "))
length = len(nameList)
if menuItem == 1:
print("1. Print list")
if length > 0:
print("--List is empty")
elif menuItem == 2:
print("2. Add a name")
addName = input("--Enter name to add: ")
print("List: ", nameList)
elif menuItem == 3:
print("3. Remove a name")
removeName = input("--Enter name to remove: ")
for i in nameList:
if removeName == i:
print("List: ", nameList)
elif menuItem == 4:
print("4. Change a name")
findName = input("--Enter the name you want to change form list: ")
changeName = input("--Enter the name to change in list: ")
counter = 0
for i in nameList:
if findName == i:
nameList[counter] = changeName
print("not found")
counter += 1
print("List: ", nameList)
elif menuItem == 5:


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