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Salazar, Nica Sharmaine C.


3NUR-8 Maam Aboy

Reflection: Life Story of Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day once said; Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the
soul. Dorothy Day dedicated much of her life in service to her socialist beliefs and her adopted
faith. She was an activist and journalist at the same time, working for such social causes as
pacifism and women's suffrage. Socially and politically active, Day was arrested several times
for her involvement in protests. She even went on a hunger strike after being jailed for protesting
in front of the White House in 1917 as part of an effort to secure the right to vote for women. She
had abortion from her then partner, Lionel Moise. Together with Christian Brother, they founded
a newpaper company, which promotes catholic teachings and examines societal issue. Despite
the people against her doings, Day continued to do her works and spread teachings.

Dorothy Days life is truly inspirational. As a student nurse, her works channel my
hospitality and boldness in fighting for what is right and standing firm in what I believe. Her
story would help me as I build my character as a future nurse that provides care for the needy
just like what she did to her people. Her fierceness is undeniable. Her story proves to show that
we are responsible for each other. The Bible repeatedly expresses the obligation to help those
who, for whatever reason, cannot help themselves. It is indeed admirable as she acted as bridge
and medium in preaching the teachings of the lord. By her works it is the living proof that in
order for Faith to live, it must be lived. Charity is always in us, but we have to live for it, we
have to practice it in order to mold our values and us generally. The movement she created
continues to thrive to this day, with more than 200 communities across the United States and
another 28 communities abroad. And I know through her works, together with the works of other
noble people, the teachings of the lord will forever live and will be endeavoured. And this will
still be passed from generations to generations. One thing I realized is that no matter how bad
you are as a person, no matter how sinful you could be, you could always change and go back to
HIM. He will always be forgiving and merciful. He would always welcome us with open arms.

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