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Small Area Estimation with Application to

Disease Mapping

Article March 2014

DOI: 10.5923/j.ijps.20140301.03


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1 author:

Etebong Peter Clement

University of Uyo


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International Journal of Probability and Statistics 2014, 3(1): 15-22
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijps.20140301.03

Small Area Estimation with Application to

Disease Mapping
E. P. Clement

Department of Mathematics and Statistic University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

Abstract Small Area Estimation is important in survey analysis when domain (subpopulation) sample sizes are too small
to provide adequate precision for direct domain estimators. Small Area Estimation (SAE) is a mathematical technique for
extracting more detailed information from existing data sources by statistical modeling. The estimates are often mapped, so
the technique is often generically called mapping. These maps and estimates (together with estimates of accuracy) are key
information in aid allocation within a country. They are also increasingly important inputs to negotiations on allocation of
international aid to particular countries. This paper provides a critical review of the main advances in small area estimation
(SAE) methods in recent years with application to disease mapping. The review discusses in detail earlier developments of
small area estimation methods in the field of disease mapping which serve as a necessary background for the new studies in
disease mapping of small areas which we termed Extensions. Illustrative examples of the application of Small Area
Estimation (SAE) to disease mapping are presented.
Keywords Disease Mapping, Empirical Bayes (EB), Hierarchical Bayes (HB), Relative Risk (RR), Small Area
Estimation (SAE), Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs)

1. Introduction The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) provide a
context for small area estimation, since local estimates
As with the analysis of any data set, it is always good (small area estimates) of disease rates and their updates have
practice to begin by producing and inspecting graphs. A feel potential to provide fine-detailed national monitoring
for the data can then be obtained and any outstanding information against which progress can be measured. Small
features identified. In spatial epidemiology this is called Area Estimation is a statistical technique involving the
disease mapping. estimation of parameters for small sub-populations (small
Disease mapping is considered as exploratory analysis areas) where a sample has insufficient or no sample for the
used to get an impression of the geographical or spatial sub-population (small area) to be able to make accurate
distribution of disease or the corresponding risk. Disease estimates for them. The term small area may refer strictly
mapping is an epidemiological technique used to describe to a small geographical area such as a county, but may also
the geographic variation of disease and to generate refer to a small domain, that is, a particular demographic
etiological hypotheses about the possible causes for apparent within an area. Small area estimation methods use models
differences in risks. A disease map is used for reporting the and additional data sources (such as census data) that exist
results of a geographical correlation study or to highlight for these small areas in order to improve estimates for them.
geographical areas with high and low incidence, prevalence Small area estimation is important in survey analysis when
and mortality rates of specific disease and the variability of domain (sub-population or small area) sample sizes are too
such rates over a spatial domain (small area). They can also small to provide adequate precision for direct domain
be used to detect spatial clusters which may be due to estimators. It is a mathematical technique for extracting
common environmental, demographical, or cultural effects more detailed information from existing data sources by
shared by neighbouring regions. The correct geographical statistical modeling. The estimates are often mapped to
allocation of health care resources would be greatly obtain and identify any outstanding features, so the
enhanced by the development of statistical models that allow technique is often generically called mapping. These maps
a more accurate depiction of true disease occurrence and and estimates (together with estimates of accuracy) are key
information in aid allocation within a country. They are also
* Corresponding author: (E. P. Clement) increasingly important inputs to negotiations on allocation of
Published online at international aid to particular countries by the World Health
Copyright 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved Organization (WHO) and other International Aid Agencies
16 E. P. Clement: Small Area Estimation with Application to Disease Mapping

(IAA). using model-based estimators, has received increased

The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of attention in recent years. Typically, sampling is not involved
the main advances in small area estimation with application in disease mapping applications.
to Health surveys in general and disease mapping in
particular. Four statistical models: Poisson-gamma,
log-normal, conditional autoregression normal 3. Mortality and Disease Rates Models
(CAR-normal) and two-level models are discussed. The
empirical bayes (EB) and the hierarchical bayes (HB) Mortality and disease rates of small area in a region or a
models are also discussed as extensions to the four basic county are often used to construct disease maps such as
models. The review discusses in detail earlier developments cancer atlases. Such maps are used to display geographical
of small area estimation (SAE) methods in the field of variability of a disease and identify high-rate areas
disease mapping which serve as a necessary background for warranting intervention. A simple small area model is
the various extensions of the disease mapping models obtained by assuming that the observed small area counts
proposed in recent literature. Illustrative examples of studies are independent Poisson variables with conditional mean
so far proposed are presented. The paper ends with a brief ( | ) = (1)
summary and some concluding remarks. and that ~ (, ).
where is the true rate, is the number exposed in the ith
area, and (, ) are the scale and shape parameters of the
2. Application of Small Area Estimation gamma distribution under this model, smoothed estimates of
to Health are obtained using EB or HB methods[6],[7].
Small area estimation of health related characteristics has If denotes a set of neighbouring areas of the ith area,
attracted a lot of attention in the Western countries like the then a conditional autoregression (CAR) spatial model
U.S, Britain, U. K and Canada because of a continuing need assumes that the conditional distribution of given
to assess health status, health practices and health resources ( ) is given by
at both the national and sub-national levels. Reliable |{ : }~ , 2 2 (2)
estimates of health-related characteristics help in evaluating
the demand for health care and the access individuals have to where { } are known constants satisfying 2 =
it. Health care planning often takes place at the state and 2 ( < ), and = (, 2 ) is the unknown parameter
sub-state levels because health characteristics are known to vector.
vary geographically. CAR spatial models of the form (2) on log rates
Health System Agencies in the United States, mandated = ( ) (3)
by the National Health Planning Resource Development Act have also been proposed by[6].
of 1994, are required to collect and analyse data related to the The model on can be extended to incorporate area level
health status of the residents and to the health delivery covariates , for example:
systems in their health service area [1].
= + with ~ (, 2 ) (4)
The U.S. National Centre for Health Statistics pioneered
the use of synthetic estimation, based on implicit linking [8] studied regression models on age-specific log rates
models, developing state estimates of disability and other = (5)
health characteristics for different groups from the National
Health Interview Survey (NHIS) [2]. [3] studied HB involving random slopes, where j denotes age.
estimation of overweight prevalence for adults by states, Joint mortality rates (1 , 2 ) can also be modeled if
using data from NHANES III, [4] produced survey-weighted ( 1 , 2 ) are asummed independently distributed
HB estimates of small area prevalence rates for states and conditional on (1 , 2 ) and
age groups, for up to 20 binary variables related to drug use, = (1 , 2 ) ~ 2 (, ) (6)
using data from pooled National Household Surveys on Drug Further, 1 2 are assumed to be conditionally
Abuse. [5] studied EB estimates of state-wide prevalence of independent Poisson variables with
the use of alcohol and drugs (e.g. Marijuana) among civilian
non-institutionalized adults and adolescents in the United E(1 | 1 ) = 1 1 (7)
States. These estimates are used for planning and resource and E(2 | 2 ) = 2 2
allocation, and to project the treatment needs of dependent where 1 and 1 denote the number of deaths due to a
users. disease (say malaria) and the population at risk at site (or
Direct (or crude) estimates of rates, called standardized area) 1 respectively and 2 and 2 denote the number of
mortality ratios (SMRs) can be very unreliable, and a map of deaths due to the same disease and the population at risk at
crude rates can badly distort the geographical distribution of site (or area) 2 respectively. [9] showed that the bivariate
disease incidence or mortality because the map tends to be model leads to improved estimates of the rate ( 1 , 2 )
dominated by areas of low population. Disease mapping, compared to estimates based on separate univariate models.
International Journal of Probability and Statistics 2014, 3(1): 15-22 17

4. Disease Mapping methods for each of the disease model discussed based on
simple linking models.
Mapping of small area mortality (or incidence) rates of
disease such as cancer, malaria is a widely used tool in Public 4.1.1. Poisson-Gamma Model
Health research. Such maps permit the analysis of
Given a two-stage model, at the first stage, assume
geographical variation in rates of diseases which may be
~ Poisson ( ), = 1, 2,, m. A conjugate model
useful in formulating and assessing etiological hypotheses,
linking the relative risks is assumed in the second stage:
resource allocation, and identifying areas of unusually high ~ gamma (,) denotes the gamma distribution with
risk warranting intervention. shape parameter (> 0) and scale parameter ( > 0) .
The following are examples of studies of disease rates in Then we have
the literature: [6] studied lip cancer rates in the 56 counties

(small areas) of Scotland; [7] studied the incidence of f( | ,) = 1 (11)
leukemia in 281 census tracts (small areas) of upstate, New
York. [8] studied all cancer mortality rates for white males in
health service areas (small areas) of the United States; [10] ( ) = = , ( ) = 2 (12)
studied prostrate cancer rates in Scottish counties; and [11] where:
studied infant mortality rates for local health areas (small | , , ~ ( + , + ) , the bayes
areas) in British Columbia, Canada. estimators of and posterior variance of are obtained
Worthy of note is the fact that sampling is not used in from (3) by changing to + and to + such
disease mapping only administrative data on event counts that:
and related auxiliary variables are used in disease mapping.
(, ) = ( , , ) = ( + )( + ) (13)
4.1. Disease Mapping Models and
Suppose that the country (or the region) used for disease ( , , ) = 1 (, , ) = ( + )/( + )2 (14)
mapping is divided into m non-overlapping small areas. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimator of and
Let be the unknown relative risk (RR) in the ith area. A from the marginal distribution, , ~ negative
direct (or crude) estimator of is given by the standardized binomial, using the log likelihood is:
mortality ratio (SMR)
= m yi 1 log ( v + k ) + v log ( a ) (15)
i 1 =
l ( a, v ) == k 0 ( y + v ) log ( e + a )
where and denote the observed and expected number i i
of deaths (cases) over a given period ( = 1,2, , )
respectively. Closed form expressions for and do not exist.
However, [12] obtained simple moment estimators by
Where: 1
equating the weighted sample mean . = ( .)
= ( ) (9)
and the weighted sample variance 2 = 1 ( .)
where is the number of person years at risk in the ith area,
and then treated as fixed. Some authors use mortality (event)
.2 to their expected values and then solving the resulting
moment equations for and , where . = ( ). This
rates as parameters instead of relative risks, and a crude
leads to moment estimators, and , given by:
estimator of is then given by = . However, the
two approaches are equivalent since is treated as

= . (16)

a constant.
A common assumption in disease mapping is that | = 2 . (17)
~ Poisson ( ). Under this assumption, the maximum
likelihood (ML) estimator of is the SMR, = [13] provided more efficient movement estimators. The
moment estimators may also be used as starting values for
However, a map of crude rates { } can badly distort the
geographical distribution of disease incidence or mortality maximum likelihood (ML) iterations.
because it tends to be dominated by areas of low population, Substituting the moment estimators and into (13) we
exhibiting extreme SMRs that are least reliable. get the empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of as

( ) = (10) = (, ) = + (1 ). , (18)
is large if is small. where = /( + ). It should be noted that is a
Empirical Bayes (EB) or hierarchal bayes (HB) methods weighted average of the direct estimator (SMR) and the
provide reliable estimators of relative risk (RR) by synthetic estimator . , and more weight is given to as the
borrowing strength across areas. As a result, maps based on area expected deaths, , increase. If 2 < . . then
empirical Bayes (EB) or hierarchical bayes (HB) estimates is taken as the synthetic estimator . . The empirical
are more reliable compared to crude maps. We will give bayes (EB) estimator is nearly unbiased for in the sense
account of empirical Bayes (EB) and hierarchical bayes (HB) that its bias is of order 1 , for large .
18 E. P. Clement: Small Area Estimation with Application to Disease Mapping

The Jackknife method may be used to obtain a nearly generated directly from (i) and (ii) of (24), but we need to
unbiased estimator of MSE . The jackknife estimator use the Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) algorithm to generate
is given by samples from (iii) of (24). Using the Monte Carlo Markov
() ()
1 +
2 (19) Chain (MCMC) samples , , , () , ; = +

where 1, , + , posterior quantities of interest may be

computed, in particular, the posterior mean [ |] and
1 posterior variance ( |) for each area = 1,2, , .
1 = 1(,, )

[ 1 (
, , )
=1 4.1.2. Log-Normal Model
1 (, , )]
Log-normal two-stage models have also been proposed.
2 = ,

2 The first-stage model is not changed, but the second-stage
linking model is changed to = ( ) ~ (, 2 ), =
1,2, , .
( , , ,

= ( , , )
As in the case of logit-normal models, implementation of
where are the delete moment estimators empirical bayes (EB) is more complicated for the log-normal
obtained from {( , ), 1,2, } . Note that model because no closed-form expression for the bayes
is area-specific in the sense that it depends on estimator, (, ) , and the posterior variance,
. [13] obtained a Taylor expansion estimator of MSE, ( | , , ) exist. [6] approximated the posterior
using a parametric bootstrap to estimate the covariance density, (|, , ), by a multivariate normal which gives
matrix of (, ). an explicit approximation to , where = ( , , )
The linking gamma model on the can be extended to and = (1 , , ) . Maximum likelihood estimators of

allow for area -level covariates , such as degree of relative model parameters and 2 were obtained using the EM
risk (). [6] allowed varying scale parameters, , and algorithm and then used in the approximate formula for
assumed a loglinear model on to get EB estimators of and = ( ) of .
( ) = : ( ) = (20) The empirical bayes (EB) estimator , however, is not
nearly unbiased for . Moment estimators of and
Empirical bayes (EB) estimators for this extension are proposed by [15] may be used to simplify the calculation of
given by: Jackknife estimator of .
(, ) = [ | , , ] = [( + )/( + )] (21)

The basic log-normal model readily extends to the case of
and covariates : = ~ ( , 2 ).
(a) Hierarchical Bayes Estimation
( | , , ) = 1 ( , , ) = ( + )/( + )2 (22)
A hierarchical bayes (HB) estimator of the basic
[14] studied the Poisson-gamma regression model in log-normal model is given by:
detail and proposed accurate approximations to the posterior
(i) | ~ ( )
mean and the posterior variance of . The posterior mean
approximation is used as the empirical bayes (EB) estimator (ii) = ( )|, 2 ~ (, 2 )
and the posterior variance approximation as a measure of its (iii) (, 2 ) ()( 2 ) (25)
(a) Hierarchical Bayes (HB) Estimation with () 1; 2 ~(, ); 0, > 0
Let , respectively denote the relative risk (RR), The joint posterior (, , 2 |) is proper if at least one
observed and expected number of cases (deaths) over a given is greater than zero, it is easy according to[2] to verify that
period in the ith area ( = 1,2, ). A hierarchical bayes the Gibbs conditionals are given by:
(HB) estimation of the Poisson-gamma model, is given by: 1 1
(i) ( |, 2 , ) 2 ( )2
(i) | ~ ( )
2 1 2
(ii) |, ~ (, ) (ii) [|, , ]~ ,

(iii) (, ) ()() (23) (iii) [ 2 |,
, ]~( + , ( )2 + ) (26)
2 2
1 1
with () ; ~ = , > 0 See [16]
See [7]. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) samples can be
The joint posterior (, , |) is proper if at least one generated directly from (ii) and (iii) of (26), but we need to
is greater than zero. The Gibbs conditionals are given by: use Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) algorithm to generate
(i) [ |, , ] ~ ( + , + ) samples from (i) of (26). We can express (i) as:

(ii) [|, , ] ~(, ) ( |, 2 , ) ( )( |, 2 )

(iii) (|, , ) ( 1 ) () / () (24) Where ( ) = ( )
Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) samples can be and ( |, 2 ) ( ){( )2 /2 2 }
International Journal of Probability and Statistics 2014, 3(1): 15-22 19

with ( ) = ( )/ and ( ) = ( ) with () 1; 2 ~ (, ); 0, > 0; ~(0, 0 )

We can use ( |, 2 ) to draw the candidate, , noting where 0 denotes the maximum value of in the
that = 1 ( ) and |, 2 ~(, 2 ). The acceptance CAR-model, and = ( ) is the adjacency matrix of the
probability used in the M-H algorithm is then given by map with = , = 1 if and are adjacent areas
() and = 0 otherwise.
() , = ( )/ , 1 . The basic
[16] obtained the Gibbs conditionals. In particular,
log-normal model with Poisson counts as noted earlier, [|, 2 , , ]~
readily extends to the case of covariates where (ii) and (iii)
of (25) become respectively: [ 2 |, , , ]~
[|, , 2 , ]~
(i) = |, 2 ~( , 2 )
and | ( ) , , 2 , , does not admit a closed form in
(ii) (, 2 ) ()( 2 ) (27) the sense that the conditional is known only up to a
With () 1, 2 ~(, ) multiplicative constant. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)
samples can be generated directly from the three conditionals,
4.1.3. Car-Normal Model but we need to use the M-H algorithm to generate samples
The basic log-normal can be extended to allow spatial from the conditionals | ( ) , , 2 , , , = 1,2,
correlations; mortality data sets often exhibit significant [2].
spatial relationship between the log relative risks, =
( ). A simple conditional autoregression (CAR)-normal 4.2. Two-Level Models
model on assumes that is a multivariate normal Let and denote the number of cases (deaths) and
specified by: the population at risk in the age class in the area
( | , ) = + () ( ) (28) ( = 1, , ; = 1, , ) respectively. Using the data
( | , ) = 2 (29) , it is of interest to estimate the age-specific
mortality rates and the age-adjusted rates
where is the correlation parameter and = ( ) is the
where the are specified constant.
adjacency matrix of the map given by = 1 if and
are adjacent areas and = 0 otherwise. It follows from The basic assumption is
[17] that is multivariate normal with mean = and ~ ( ) (34)
covariance matrix = 2 ( 1 ), where is bounded
[8] studied HB estimation under different linking models.
above by the inverse of the largest eigenvalue of . [6]
approximated the posterior density, (|, , 2 , ) similar ( ) = + , |2 (0, 2 (35)
to the log-normal case. ( ) = , |, ~ (, ) (36)
The assumption of equation (29) of a constant conditional
variance for the results in the conditional mean of (28) ( ) = + , |,
proportional to the sum of the neighbouring rather than ~ (, ), ~ (0, 2 ) (37)
the mean of the neighbouring (local mean). [18]
Proposed an alternative joint density of the given by: where is a 1 vector of covariance and is an
offset corresponding to age class . [1] assumed that flat
() ( 2 ) 2 [ ( )2 /(2 2 )] (30) prior () 1 and proper diffuse (that is, proper with very
This specification leads to: large variance) priors for 2 , and 2 . For model selection,
( | , ) = / (31) they used the posterior expected predictive deviance, the
posterior predictive value and measures based on the
And cross-validation productive densities.
( | , ) = 2 / (32)
Here the conditional variance is inversely proportional to
, the number of neighbours of area and the conditional 5. Examples
mean is equal to the mean of the neighbouring values . In We now present some illustrative examples of the
the context of disease mapping, the alternative specification application of Small Area Estimation (SAE) in health
may be more appropriate [2]. disease mapping.
(a) Hierarchical Bayes Estimation (i) Lip Cancer
As noted earlier, the basic log-normal can be extended to
[16] modeled = as (, 2 ) . He also
allow spatial covariates. A hierarchical bayes (HB) estimator
considered a CAR spatial model on the which relates
of the spatial CAR-normal model is given by:
each to a set of neighbourhood areas of area . He
(i) | ~( ) developed model-based estimates of lip cancer incidence in
(ii) | ( ) , , 2 ~[ + ( ), 2 ] Scotland for each of 56 counties.
[6] applied empirical bayes (EB) estimation to data on
(iii) (, 2 , ) ()( 2 )() (33) observed cases, , and expected cases, , of lip cancer
20 E. P. Clement: Small Area Estimation with Application to Disease Mapping

registered during the period 1975 1980 in each of 56 (39), to leukemia incidence estimation for m=281 census
counties (small area) of Scotland. They reported the SMR, tracts (small area) in an eight-county region of upstate New
the empirical bayes (EB) estimate of based on the York. Here = 1 if and are neighbours and = 0
Poisson-gamma model (1) and the approximate otherwise, and is a scalar ( = 1) variable denoting
empirical bayes (EB) estimates of based on the the inverse distance of the centroid of the ith census tract
log-normal model and the CAR-normal model (denoted from the nearest hazardous waste site containing
(2), (3)) for each of the 56 counties (all values trichloroethylene (TCE), a common contaminant of ground
multiplied by 100). The SMR-values varied between 0 and water (See [19] for details).
652 while the empirical bayes (EB) estimates showed (iii) Mortality Rates
considerably less variability across counties as expected: [8] applied the hierarchical bayes (HB) method to estimate
(1) varied between 31 and 422 (with cv = 0.78) and age-specific and age-adjusted mortality rates for U.S. Health
(2) varied between 34 to 495 (with cv=0.85), suggesting Service Areas (HSAs). They studied one of the disease
little difference between the two sets of empirical bayes (EB) categories, all cancer for white males, presented in the 1996
estimates. Ranks of empirical bayes (EB) estimates differed Atlas of United States Mortality. The number of HSAs
little from the corresponding ranks of the SMRs for most (small areas), m, is 789 and the number of age categories, J,
counties, despite less variability exhibited by the empirical is 10:0-4, 5-14, , 75 84, 85 and higher, coded as 0.25,
bayes (EB) estimates. 1, ,9. The vector of auxiliary variables is given by
For the CAR-normal model, the adjacency matrix, Q, was = [1, 1, ( 1)2 , ( 1)3 , {0, (( 1) )3 }]
specified by listing adjacent counties for each county . The for 2 and
maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of was 0.174
compared to the upper bound of 1.175, suggesting a high
degree of spatial relationship in the data set. Most of the where the value of the knot was obtained by maximizing
CAR estimates, (3) , differed little from the the likelihood based on marginal deaths = and
corresponding estimates (1) and (2) based on the population at risk, = , where , ~
independence assumption. Counties with few cases, and
( ) with = . The auxiliary vector
SMRs differing appreciably from adjacent counties are the
was used in the Atlas model based on a normal
only counties affected substantially by spatial correlation.
approximation to ( ) with mean log ( ) and
For instance, county number 24 with 24 = 7 is adjacent to
several low-risk counties, and the CAR estimate 24 (3)
= matching linking model given by (36) where = /
83.5 is substantially smaller than 24 (1) = 127.7 and is the crude rate.
[8] used unmatched sampling linking model, based on the
= 123.6 based on the independence assumption.
[16] applied hierarchical bayes (HB) estimator to the same Poisson sampling model of (34) and the linking models of
data using the log-normal and the CAR-normal models. The (35) (37). We denote these models as models 1,2 and 3
hierarchical bayes (HB) estimates ( |) of lip cancer respectively. Also they used the Monte Carlo Markov Chain
incidence are very similar for the two models, but the (MCMC) samples of generated from the three models to
calculate the values of the posterior expected predictive
standard errors, ( |) , are smaller for the
CAR-normal as it exploits the spatial structure of the data.
{(; )| } using the chi-square measure
[19] proposed a spatial log-normal model that allows
(, ) = ( , )2 /( + 0.5) . They also
covariates . It is given by:
calculated the posterior predictive p-values, using (, ) =
(i) | ~ ( ) ( )2 /( ) , the standardized
(ii) = + + (38) cross-validation residuals
where does not include an intercept term. , ( ( ), )
2, = (40)
~ (0, 2 ) and the have joint density of (30): ( )
() (2 ) /2 [ ( )2 /(2 2 )] ,
where ( ), denotes all elements of except ,
where 0 for all 1 .
(See [2]; section 10.2.28). The residuals 2, were
(iii) , 2 and 2 are mutually independents with
summarized by counting:
() 1
(a) the number of (, ) such that |2, | 3 , called
2 ~( , ) and 2 ~( , ) (39) outliers , and

[19] showed that the Gibbs conditionals except (b) the number of HSAs is such that 2, 3 for at least
|() , , , 2 , 2 , , admit closed forms. They also one , called of HSAs.
established conditionals for the propriety of the joint [20] used models and methods similar to those in[19] to
posterior, in particular, we need > 0, > 0. estimate age-specific and age-adjusted mortality rates for
(ii) Leukemia Incidence chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for white males in
[19] applied the HB method based on the model given in HSAs.
International Journal of Probability and Statistics 2014, 3(1): 15-22 21

6. Extensions variance as a measure of variability. They applied the nested

error model to infant mortality data from the province of
Various extensions of the disease mapping models,
British Columbia, Canada.
studied so far have been proposed in recent literature. [9]
proposed a two-stage, bivariate logit-normal model to study
joint relative risks (or mortality rates), 1 and 2 , of two
cancer sites (e.g. lung and large bowel cancers) or two
7. Concluding Remarks
groups (e.g. lung cancer in males and females) over several Small area estimation of health related characteristics has
geographical areas. Denote the observed and expected attracted a lot of attention in the Western countries like the
number of deaths at the two sites as (1 , 2 ) and (1 , 2 ) U.S., U.K., and Canada because of a continuing need to
respectively for the ith area ( = 1, , ). The first stage assess health status, health practices and health resources at
assumes that ( 1 , 2 )|(1 , 2 )~ (1 1 ) both the national and sub national levels. Reliable estimates
(2 2 ), = 1, , , where * denotes that of health related characteristics help in evaluating the
(1 , 2 |1 , 2 ) = (1 |1 )(2 |2 ) . The joint risks demand for health care and the access individuals have to it.
(1 , 2 ) are linked in the second stage by assuming that Mortality and disease rates of small area in a region or a
(logit (1 ), logit (2 )) ~ bivariate normal with means county are often used to construct disease maps which are
1 , 2 , standard deviations 1 and 2 and correlation ,
used to display geographical variability of a disease and
denoted (1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , ) . Bayes estimators of 1 and
identify high rate and, or high risk areas warranting
2 involve double integrals which may be calculated
interventions. This article attempts to overview the main
numerically using Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Empirical
advances in small area estimation methods in the field of
bayes (EB) estimators are obtained by substituting maximum
likelihood (ML) estimators of model parameters in the bayes disease mapping and some relevant statistical models in
estimators. [9] applied the bivariate empirical bayes (EB) disease mapping. A critical review of earlier developments
method to two data sets consisting of cancer mortality rates of small area estimation methods in the field of disease
in 115 counties of the State of Missouri during 1972 1981. mapping which serve as a necessary background for the
(i) Lung and large bowel cancers various extensions of disease mapping models proposed in
recent literature with illustrative examples are presented.
(ii) Lung cancer in males and females
Two important issues not considered are model selection
The empirical bayes (EB) estimates based on the bivariate and model diagnostics. As mentioned earlier; small area
model lead to improved efficiency for each site (group)
estimation is one of the few fields in survey sampling, where
compared to the empirical bayes (EB) estimates based on the
it is widely recognized that the use of model dependent is
univariate logit-normal model, because of significant
often inevitable. Given the growing use of small area
correlation: = 0.54 for data set (i) and = 0.76 for data
estimates and their immense importance, it is imperative to
set (ii). [21] first-order approximation to the posterior
variance was used as a measure of variability of the empirical develop efficient tools for the selection of their goodness of
bayes (EB) estimates. fit.
[22] extended the bivariate model by introducing spatial A further issue which certainly deserves consideration is
correlations (via CAR) and covariates into the model. They the objective comparison of the different statistical models
used a hierarchical bayes (HB) approach instead of the for disease mapping and an evaluation of the quality of their
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