Gloablisation Free Trade Worksheet

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The Global Market

Activity 1.
Look carefully at the above cartoon and answer the following questions in your book.

1. What is free trade?

2. This cartoon suggests that a number of countries take part in free trade. List them.
3. Who seems to be at the head of the free trade dinner? Suggest reasons why.
4. How old do you think this cartoon is? How can you tell?
5. What is the message that the artist is trying to convey?

Activity 2.
Using the internet, answer the following questions in your books:
o What are tariffs?
o What is a quota?
o What is free trade
o Explain the term level playing field, as it applies to international trade.
o Why was APEC formed?
o Outline the advantages to Australian exporters of a free trade agreement with a huge country such
as the USA.
o What might be some negatives of Free Trade? See if you can come up with at least 3.

Activity 3.
1. How does globalisation increase our standards of living?
2. What does environmental sustainability mean?
3. Research a company that claims to be environmentally sustainable or uses environmentally sustainable
practices. Tell me a bit about the company. 5-6 dot points.

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