Questionnaire Sampl 2

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Male Female

2. Age (in Years)

Less than 25 26 35 36 45 Above 45

3. Income (in lakhs)

Less than 5 6 12 13 18 Above 18

4. Do you buy luxury fashion branded products, such as Versace,

Armani, Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Christian Dior,
Ralph Lauren, Hermes, Giorgio Armani, DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger, Louis
Vuitton, Escada, Givenchy, Elizabeth Arden, Diesel, Benetton, Guess,
Coach, etc.?
Yes No

5. Do you possess any luxury good?

Yes No

6. How often do you purchase luxury brand products?

Often Sometimes Seldom

7. Reasons for buying purchase luxury products (You are required to

rate each of the following statements on a scale arranging from 1 to 7
where 1 indicates Strongly agree and 7 indicates strongly disagree and 4
indicates that you are Neither agree nor disagree)?
Strongly Partially Agree Neutral Disagree Partially
Agree Agree Disagree

High Quality

Best Design & Aesthetic

To fit in with Friends

Esteem of Brand

Follow the Trend

Value for Money

Brand Name

Show Off

To differentiate myself
From others

Want others to view me

As an upper class status

Envy others with luxury

Brand products, so I want
The same products that
They have
Representation of celebrities
Associates with luxury brand
Products influence me into
Purchasing them

8. Reasons for buying purchase luxury products

High Quality Best Design & To fit in with Esteem of Brand
Aesthetic Friends

Follow the Trend Value for Money Brand Name Show Off

To differentiate Want others to Envy others with Representation

myself from view me as an luxury brand of celebrities
others upper class products, so I associates with
status want the same luxury brand
products that products
they have influence me into
purchasing them

9. What is the source of information about luxury fashion products for
Television Online Adds Facebook/Twitter Newspaper

Fashion Friends Videos Others__________


10. Name the factor which influenced you in the purchase of luxury
fashion products?
Friend influence Ask a relative for Ask Media
on me to make advice Colleague/mates significantly
purchase for advice influence me to
make purchase

No influence

11. While purchasing luxury fashion products, which Brand Variable

drives you most to purchase
Core Brand Brand Attitude Brand Brand trust
Images Attachment

Brand Loyalty

12. When do you prefer the most to buy luxury fashion products?
Festive Offers Seasonal Offers Special Day Offers At any point of

13. What are the ways through which you buy luxury fashion products
(rational variables)?
You Compare Comparison of You do Online Search local
the feature with Price Survey shops to get best
other Brand deals


What are the ways through which you buy luxury fashion products
(Emotional variables)?
You do not You purchased You buy the
bother to the product from products bcoz
compare its your known ones your family liked
features & price it, irrespective of
with other Brand all other reasons

What do you feel when buying luxury fashion brands? Why?

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback
is valued and very much appreciated!


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