CrimRev 6th Assignment

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Criminal Law Review (6th Assignment)

ARTICLES 89 - 113 informed of his death. Amistosos death on December 11, 2012
renders the Courts Decision dated January 9, 2013, even
98. People v. Bayot (2012) though affirming Amistosos conviction, irrelevant and
Facts: ineffectual. Moreover, said Decision has not yet become final,
and the Court still has the jurisdiction to set it aside.
The accused Nelson Bayot was charged with rape, and
was convicted by the RTC and the CA. Pending appeal before Thus, the Court set aside its Jan. 9, 2013 decision and
the CA, he died. dismissed the criminal case by reason of Amistosos death.

Issue: What is the effect of Bayots death during the 100. People v. Consorte (2014)
pendency of his appeal before the CA?
Held: Bayots death extinguished not only his criminal liability
The accused Benjie Consorte was charged with murder for
but also his civil liability ex delicto. Cited in this case was
killing Elizabeth Palmar. He was convicted by the RTC, the CA
People v. Bayotas which laid down the following guidelines:
and the Supreme Court. During the pendency of his motion for
1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction reconsideration, he died.
extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil
Issue: What is the effect of Consortes death?
liability based thereon.
2. The claim for civil liability survives despite the Held: Criminal liability and civil liability ex delicto are
accuseds death if the same may also be predicated extinguished.
on a source of obligation other than delict, pursuant
to Art. 1157 of the Civil Code. 101. People v. Bautista (2007)
3. Where the civil liability survives, as explained in Facts:
Number 2 above, an action for recovery therefor may
be pursued but only by way of filing a separate civil The private complainant, Felipe Goyena, Jr., filed a
action which may be enforced either against the complaint for slight physical injuries against Clemente and
executor/administrator or the estate of the accused. Leonida Bautista with the Office of the City Prosecutor (OCP)
4. The private offended party need not fear a forfeiture Manila on Aug. 16, 1999. The complaint alleged that the crime
of his right to file this separate civil action by was committed on June 12, 1999. However, it was only on
prescription, in cases where during the prosecution of June 20, 2000 when the Information was filed with the MeTC.
the criminal action and prior to its extinction, the
Clemente moved for the dismissal of the case on the
private offended party instituted together therewith
ground that the 60-day period of prescription from the date of
the civil action. In such case, the statute of limitations
the commission of the crime had already elapsed. The MeTC
on the civil liability is deemed interrupted during the
denied his motion. Clemente filed a petition for certiorari with
pendency of the criminal case, conformably with the
the RTC, which affirmed the MeTCs order. He filed another
provisions of Article 1155 of the Civil Code, that
petition for certiorari with the CA, which ruled that while the
should thereby avoid any apprehension on a possible
60-day prescriptive period was interrupted when the offended
privation of right by prescription.
party filed a complaint with the OCP, it began to run again
99. People v. Amistoso (2013) upon approval of the investigating prosecutors
recommendation for the filing of the Information.
Issue: Whether or not the CA is correct.
The accused Anastacio Amistoso was charged with
statutory rape for raping his 12-year-old daughter. The RTC Held: No. The proceedings against respondent was not
convicted him of qualified rape and was required to pay the terminated upon the City Prosecutor's approval of the
victim P75,000.00 as indemnity and P50,000.00 as moral investigating prosecutor's recommendation that an information
damages. be filed with the court. The prescriptive period remains tolled
from the time the complaint was filed with the Office of the
The CA affirmed the lower courts ruling on Jan. 9, 2013, Prosecutor until such time that respondent is either convicted
but added P30,000.00 as exemplary damages. And on Jan. 9, or acquitted by the proper court.
2013, the Supreme Court affirmed Amistosos conviction.
102. Abellana v. People (2011)
However, in a letter dated Feb. 7, 2013, an officer from
the Bureau of Corrections informed the court that Amistoso Facts:
had already died as early as Dec. 11, 2012. Nevertheless, the
Felixberto Abellana extended a loan to Spouses Alonto
PAO lawyer representing Amistoso filed a motion for
secured by a real estate mortgage over two lots in Cebu. In
reconsideration of the Jan. 9, 2013 decision.
1987, Abellana prepared a deed of sale conveying the lots to
Issue: Whether or not the Supreme Court may still entertain him. The deed of sale was signed by the spouses in Manila,
the PAO lawyers motion for reconsideration. but it was notarized in Cebu allegedly without the spouses
appearing before the notary public. Thereafter, Abellana
Held: Yes. Undeniably, Amistosos death on December 11, caused the transfer of the titles to his name and sold the lots
2012 preceded the promulgation by the Court of its Decision to third persons.
on January 9, 2013. When Amistoso died, his appeal before
the Court was still pending and unresolved. The Court ruled Abellana was charged with estafa through falsification of
upon Amistosos appeal only because it was not immediately public documents.
Criminal Law Review (6th Assignment)

The RTC found that Abellana did not intend to defraud the an Information was filed against Pangilinan for two counts of
spouses as they actually did sign the deed of sale, hence, it violation of BP 22.
concluded that Abellana could only be held guilty of
Pangilinan filed a motion to quash on the ground of
Falsification of a Public Document by a private individual. The
prescription, which was granted by the MeTC.
RTC also directed him to pay the spouses the following:
P15,000 for nominal damages; P20,000 for attorneys fees; The RTC reversed the MeTCs order, considering that
P50,000 for litigation expenses; and P30,000 for exemplary proceedings had already commenced with the Office of the
damages. Prosecutor in 1997.
The CA acquitted Abellana, ruling that he could not also The CA reversed the RTCs decision, invoking Zaldivia v.
be guilty of Falsification of a Public Document by a private Reyes which held that the running of the prescriptive period
individual, because it was not alleged in the Information. The shall be stayed on the date the case is actually filed in court.
CA, however, affirmed the trial courts finding with respect to
his civil liability. Arguing for the People, the OSG pointed out that the
Zaldivia doctrine had already been abandoned by subsequent
Issue: Whether or not Abellana is civilly liable. cases. On the other hand, Pangilinan contended that the
arguments advanced by the OSG are anchored on erroneous
Held: No. Simply stated, civil liability arises when one, by
premises, claiming that the cases relied upon by the OSG
reason of his own act or omission, done intentionally or
involved felonies punishable under the Revised Penal Code and
negligently, causes damage to another. Hence, for petitioner
are therefore covered by Art. 91 of the RPC and Sec. 1, Rule
to be civilly liable to spouses Alonto, it must be proven that the
110 of the Rules of Court. She pointed out that the crime
acts he committed had caused damage to the spouses. Based
imputed against her is for violation of BP 22, a special law and
on the records of the case, we find that the acts allegedly
as such, is governed by Act 3326.
committed by the petitioner did not cause any damage to
spouses Alonto. First, the Information charged petitioner with Issue: Whether or not prescription has set in.
fraudulently making it appear that the spouses Alonto affixed
their signatures in the Deed of Absolute Sale thereby Held: No. The current rule, per recent jurisprudence, is that
facilitating the transfer of the subject properties in his favor. the filing of the complaint with the prosecutor suspends the
However, after the presentation of the parties respective running of the prescriptive period of a criminal offense.
evidence, the trial court found that the charge was without Pangilinans contention that a different rule should be applied
basis as the spouses Alonto indeed signed the document and to cases involving special laws is bereft of merit. There is no
that their signatures were genuine and not forged. Second, more distinction between cases under the RPC and those
even assuming that the spouses Alonto did not personally covered by special laws with respect to the interruption of the
appear before the notary public for the notarization of the period of prescription.
Deed of Absolute Sale, the same does not necessarily nullify or 104. SEC v. Interport Resources Corporation (2008)
render void ab initio the parties transaction. Moreover, we
cannot sustain the alternative sentence imposed upon the Facts:
petitioner, to wit: to institute an action for the recovery of the
properties of spouses Alonto or to pay them actual and other On Aug. 6, 1994, IRC approved a Memorandum of
kinds of damages.First, it has absolutely no basis in view of the Agreement with Ganda Holdings Berhad (GHB) wherein it
trial courts finding that the signatures of the spouses Alonto in acquired shares over the Ganda Energy Holding Inc. (GEHI).
the Deed of Absolute Sale are genuine and not forged. Second, However, IRC has delayed its public disclosure which is a
[s]entences should not be in the alternative. There is nothing violation of the Corporation Code.
in the law which permits courts to impose sentences in the Thus, on Aug. 16, 1994, SEC Chairman issued a directive
alternative. While a judge has the discretion of imposing one requiring IRC to submit to the SEC a copy of its aforesaid
or another penalty, he cannot impose both in the alternative. Memorandum of Agreement with GHB. The SEC Chairman
He must fix positively and with certainty the particular penalty. further directed all principal officers of IRC to appear at a
hearing before the Brokers and Exchanges Department (BED)
103. People v. Pangilinan (2012)
of the SEC to explain IRC's failure to immediately disclose the
Facts: information as required by the Rules on Disclosure of Material
Facts. Later on it issued an Order that IRC violated Rules on
Sometime in 1995, the accused Pangilinan issued nine Disclosure of Material Facts, in connection with the Old
checks amounting to around P9.6 million which all bounced. Securities Act of 1936, when it failed to make timely disclosure
On Sept. 16, 1997, private complainant Virginia Malolos of its negotiations with GHB.
filed a complaint for estafa and violation of BP 22 against The officers questioned the SECs order with the CA which
Pangilinan with the Quezon City Office of the Prosecutor. sided with the officers and issued a writ of preliminary
Meanwhile, Pangilinan filed a civil case for accounting, injunction enjoining SEC from filing any criminal, civil or
recovery of commercial documents, enforceability and administrative case against them.
effectivity of contract and specific performance against
Malolos, and on the basis of such civil action, Pangilinan asked When the case was already with the Supreme Court, IRC
the prosecutor to suspend the criminal case on the ground of contended that the case has already prescribed because
prejudicial question. violation of Revised Securities Act shall have a prescription
period of 12 years. Since the offense was committed in 1994,
The prosecutor suspended the criminal proceedings, but they reasoned that prescription set in as early as 2006 and
this was reversed by the Secretary of Justice. On Feb. 3, 2000,
Criminal Law Review (6th Assignment)

rendered this case moot. However, it was contended that the never be held liable for such act or omission. There being no
same has not yet prescribed considering that the same was delict, civil liability ex delicto is out of the question, and the
tolled by investigation made by the SEC. civil action, if any, which may be instituted must be based on
grounds other than the delict complained of. This is the
Issue: Whether the investigation made by the SEC tolled the
situation contemplated in Rule 111 of the Rules of Court. The
running of the prescriptive period.
second instance is an acquittal based on reasonable doubt on
Held: Yes. A preliminary investigation interrupts the the guilt of the accused. In this case, even if the guilt of the
prescription period. A preliminary investigation is essentially a accused has not been satisfactorily established, he is not
determination whether an offense has been committed, and exempt from civil liability which may be proved by
whether there is probable cause for the accused to have preponderance of evidence only.
committed an offense. Under Section 45 of the Revised
Thus, the acquittal of an accused does not prevent a
Securities Act, which is entitled Investigations, Injunctions and
judgment from still being rendered against him on the civil
Prosecution of Offenses, the Securities Exchange Commission
aspect of the criminal case unless the court finds and declares
(SEC) has the authority to "make such investigations as it
that the fact from which the civil liability might arise did not
deems necessary to determine whether any person has
violated or is about to violate any provision of this Act XXX."
After a finding that a person has violated the Revised Although it found the Prosecutions evidence insufficient to
Securities Act, the SEC may refer the case to the DOJ for sustain a judgment of conviction against the petitioner for the
preliminary investigation and prosecution. While the SEC crime charged, the RTC did not err in determining and
investigation serves the same purpose and entails substantially adjudging his civil liability for the same act complained of
similar duties as the preliminary investigation conducted by the based on mere preponderance of evidence. The petitioners
DOJ, this process cannot simply be disregarded. In one case contention that he could not be held civilly liable because there
decided by the Supreme Court, it enunciated that a criminal was no proof of his negligence deserves scant consideration.
complaint is first filed with the SEC, which determines the The failure of the Prosecution to prove his criminal negligence
existence of probable cause, before a preliminary investigation with moral certainty did not forbid a finding against him that
can be commenced by the DOJ. In the aforecited case, the there was preponderant evidence of his negligence to hold him
complaint filed directly with the DOJ was dismissed on the civilly liable.
ground that it should have been filed first with the SEC.
Similarly, the offense was a violation of the Securities 106. Daluraya v. Oliva (2014)
Regulations Code, wherein the procedure for criminal Facts:
prosecution was reproduced from Section 45 of the Revised
Securities Act. SC held that under the above provision, a Marina Oliva was crossing the streat when a Nissan
criminal complaint for violation of any law or rule administered Vanette, said to be driven by the accused Antonio Daluraya,
by the SEC must first be filed with the latter. If the SEC finds ran her over resulting in her death.
that there is probable cause, then it should refer the case to
Daluraya was charged with Reckless Imprudence Resulting
the DOJ.
in Homicide.
105. Lumantas v. Calapiz (2014) After the prosecution rested its case, Daluraya filed a
Facts: demurrer to evidence on the ground that the prosecution failed
to establish that he was the driver of the Nissan Vanette,
Spouses Calapiz brought their eight-year-old son, Hanz, to which was granted by the MeTC, which also ruled that no civil
a hospital for an emergency appendectomy. Dr. Encarnacion liability can be awarded absent any evidence proving that
Lumantas, who was attending to Hanz, suggested to the Daluraya was the person responsible for Olivas demise.
parents that Hanz also undergo circumcision at no added cost
to which they agreed. But after the operation, Hanz had The RTC affirmed the MeTCs ruling.
complications with his penis, and later on he was diagnosed to However, the CA reversed the RTC decision and ordered
have a damage urethra which, despite medical treatment, Daluraya to pay Olivas daughter P50,000 as indemnity and
could not be fully repaired and restructured. P50,000 as moral damages. According to the CA, the MeTCs
Dr. Lumantas was charged with Reckless Imprudence order granting the demurrer was actually based on the fact
Resulting in Serious Physical Injuries. that the prosecution failed to prove Dalurayas guilty beyond
reasonable doubt.
The RTC acquitted Dr. Lumantas but ordered him to pay
Hanz P50,000 as moral damages. The CA affirmed the RTCs Issue: Whether or not the CA was correct in awarding
ruling. damages.

Issue: Whether or not the grant of moral damages was Held: No. A punctilious examination of the MeTCs Order,
proper. which the RTC sustained, will show that Dalurayas acquittal
was based on the conclusion that the act or omission from
Held: Yes. Our law recognizes two kinds of acquittal, with which the civil liability may arise did not exist, given that the
different effects on the civil liability of the accused. First is an prosecution was not able to establish that he was the author of
acquittal on the ground that the accused is not the author of the crime imputed against him. Such conclusion is clear and
the act or omission complained of. This instance closes the categorical when the MeTC declared that "the testimonies of
door to civil liability, for a person who has been found to be the prosecution witnesses are wanting in material details and
not the perpetrator of any act or omission cannot and can they did not sufficiently establish that the accused precisely
Criminal Law Review (6th Assignment)

committed the crime charged against him." Furthermore, when circumstances that have been established here do not present
Marla sought reconsideration of the MeTCs Order acquitting the factual and legal bases for validly doing so. His acquittal
Daluraya, said court reiterated and firmly clarified that "the did not derive only from reasonable doubt. There was really no
prosecution was not able to establish that the accused was the firm and competent showing how the injury to Gerard had
driver of the Nissan Vanette which bumped Marina Oliva" and been caused. That meant that the manner of administration of
that "there is no competent evidence on hand which proves the anesthesia by Dr. Solidum was not necessarily the cause of
that the accused was the person responsible for the death of the hypoxia that caused the bradycardia experienced by
Marina Oliva." Gerard. Consequently, to adjudge Dr. Solidum civilly liable
would be to speculate on the cause of the hypoxia. We are not
107. Solidum v. People (2014) allowed to do so, for civil liability must not rest on speculation
Facts: but on competent evidence.

On June 2, 1992, Gerald Albert Gercayo (Gerald) was born The Supreme Court also noted that the RTC erred in
with an imperforate anus. Hence, two days after his birth, he holding Ospital ng Maynila civilly liable jointly and severally
underwent colostomy which enabled him to excrete through a with Dr. Solidum, considering that Ospital ng Maynila, being an
colostomy bag attached to the side of his body. artificial entity, had not even been charged along with Dr.
Three years later or on May 17, 1995, he was admitted at
the Ospital ng Maynila for a pull-through operation. The For one, Ospital ng Maynila was not at all a party in the
surgical team consisted of Dr. Resurreccion, Dr. Luceo, Dr. proceedings. Hence, its fundamental right to be heard was not
Valea, and Dr. Tibio. The anesthesiologists included Dr. Abella, respected from the outset. The R TC and the CA should have
Dr. Razon and herein Petitioner Dr. Solidum. It was during the been alert to this fundamental defect. Verily, no person can be
said operation that Gerald experienced bradycardia or an prejudiced by a ruling rendered in an action or proceeding in
abnormally slow heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute. which he was not made a party. Such a rule would enforce the
He subsequently went into a coma which lasted for two weeks. constitutional guarantee of due process of law. Moreover,
When he regained consciousness after a month, he could no Ospital ng Maynila could be held civilly liable only when
longer see, hear, or move. Ma. Luz Gercayo (Luz) lodged a subsidiary liability would be properly enforceable pursuant to
complaint for reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical Article 103 of the Revised Penal Code. But the subsidiary
injuries against the attending physicians. liability seems far-fetched here. The conditions for subsidiary
liability to attach to Ospital ng Maynila should first be complied
The prosecution, however, filed an Information solely with. Firstly, pursuant to Article 103 of the Revised Penal Code,
against Dr. Solidum. Ospital ng Maynila must be shown to be a corporation
"engaged in any kind of industry." The term industry means
The RTC convicted Dr. Solidum and order him to
any department or branch of art, occupation or business,
indemnify, jointly and severally with the Ospital ng Maynila and
especially one that employs labor and capital, and is engaged
two other doctors who were with him, Luz P500,000 as moral
in industry. However, Ospital ng Maynila, being a public
damages and P100,000 as exemplary damages and to pay the
hospital, was not engaged in industry conducted for profit but
costs. On motion for reconsideration, the RTC relieved the two
purely in charitable and humanitarian work. Secondly,
other doctors from liability. The CA affirmed the RTCs
assuming that Ospital ng Maynila was engaged in industry for
profit, Dr. Solidum must be shown to be an employee of
Issue: (1) Whether or not Dr. Solidum is guilty of reckless Ospital ng Maynila acting in the discharge of his duties during
imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries; and (2) the operation on Gerald. Yet, he definitely was not such
Whether or not Dr. Solidum is civilly liable. employee but a consultant of the hospital. And, thirdly,
assuming that civil liability was adjudged against Dr. Solidum
Held: as an employee (which did not happen here), the execution
(1) No. Dr. Solidum was criminally charged for "failing to against him was unsatisfied due to his being insolvent.
monitor and regulate properly the levels of anesthesia
administered to said Gerald Albert Gercayo and using 100%
halothane and other anesthetic medications."However, the
foregoing circumstances, taken together, did not prove beyond
reasonable doubt that Dr. Solidum had been recklessly
imprudent in administering the anesthetic agent to Gerald.
Indeed, Dr. Vertidos findings did not preclude the probability
that other factors related to Geralds major operation, which
could or could not necessarily be attributed to the
administration of the anesthesia, had caused the hypoxia and
had then led Gerald to experience bradycardia. Dr. Vertido
revealingly concluded in his report, instead, that "although the
anesthesiologist followed the normal routine and precautionary
procedures, still hypoxia and its corresponding side effects did
(2) No. We have to clarify that the acquittal of Dr. Solidum
would not immediately exempt him from civil liability. But we
cannot now find and declare him civilly liable because the

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