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Electromagnetism Finals

Topic: Electric Flux

1. What is the electric flux through a sphere that has a radius of 1.00m and carries a charge of
+1.00C at its center?

Topic: Capacitance

2. A solid cylindrical conductor of radius a and charge Q is coaxial with a cylindrical shell of
negligible thickness, radius b > a and charge Q. Find the capacitance of this cylindrical capacitor
if its length is l .

Topic: Magnetic Fieldssbbsbsb bsbyikt'''''

3. A rectangular coil of dimensions 5.40cm x 8.50cm consists of 25 turns of wire and carries a
current of 15.0mA. A 0.350-T magnetic field is applied parallel to the plane of the loop.

Topic: Transmission Lines

4. The input impedance of a short-circuited lossy transmission line of length 1.5 m (< /2) and a
characteristic impedance of 100 (approximately real) is 40 - j280 .
a) Find and of the line.
b) Determine the input impedance if the short-circuit is replaced by a load resistance
ZL = 50 + j50 .
c) Find the input impedance of the short-circuited line for a line length of 0.15.

5. Design a quarter-wave transformer is to match a 10 resistor to a 50 line at 2 GHz. The

transmission line used is coaxial cable whose dielectric has a dielectric constant r = 2.25. Sketch the
final design, specifying the dimensions and impedance of the transformer.

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