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Flying Solo 1st Class

5 Sources to Make Money

5 Sources to Make Money Handbook Flying Sam Lacquaniti

Table of Contents


What This Handbook Will NOT Do....09

How to Make Money..10

SECTION 1. Get a Job; Become an Employee...14

Top 15 Most Popular Job Websites.. 17







Top 20 Affiliate Networks ........55

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APPENDIX A -Top 15 Most Popular Business Websites ...65



About the Author69

Copyright Notice Legal Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication This book is not intended as legal, investment,
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or accounting advice. The purchaser or reader
or by any means, electronic or mechanical. Any of this book assumes all responsibility for the
unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, or use of these materials and information.
distributions is strictly prohibited. Sam Lacquaniti and Flying Solo.1st Class
assumes no responsibility or liability
Copyright @ 2015 whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or
reader of these materials.
NOTE: Individual contributions are copyright to
the individual authors. While attempts have been made to verify
information provided in this book, neither the
publisher nor the authors assume any
responsibility for errors, omissions, or
contradictory information contained within
this book.

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5 Sources to Make Money Handbook Flying Sam Lacquaniti

Introduction - Welcome to Flying Solo.1st Class

5 Sources to Make Money Handbook

Do you know this man Warren Buffet the Oracle of Omaha. He is called the "Oracle
of Omaha" because his investment picks and comments on the stock market are very
closely followed by the investment community, and he lives and works in Omaha,

On any given day Mr. Buffet is one of the worlds richest people and most likely in the
Top 5. At time of writing he was #3 with a Net Worth of $63.1 billion following at #1 Bill
Gates of Microsoft $79.1 billion, and #2 Amancio Ortega of Zara $74.8 billion).

The purpose of this Handbook is to explain some of the different ways that are available
for you to make money so that you will not have to depend on a single source of income.
Mr. Buffet is an advocate of creating income through investments. You need to have
money to begin investing. Investments are only one of five ways to earn income:

1. Get a Job
2. Start a Side-line Business
3. Make Money from Money (investments)
4. Affiliate Sales, Direct Selling and Network Marketing
5. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Shared Economy

Our financial requirements change throughout our working life and into our retirement
years. The days of get a degree, get a job with a good company, work hard, and you
will have a good retirement, no longer apply. Job tenure and security for life are things

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of the past. The workplace has changed all over the world due to continuous advances
and improvements in technology and automation.

The traditional work model of working 5 or 6 days a week for one employer for the rest
of our lives is no longer a cornerstone of work life. Business is now conducted 24/7 all
around the world. We dont need stores with inventory to do our shopping. Vendors can
sell their products directly to consumers online using lap-tops or smart phones.
Products are shipped out daily from centrally located warehouses and distribution
centres all over the world by courier services.

When you read Section 5, dealing with the shared economy you will see the vast growing
number of market exchanges that now exist for products and services. You can be a
buyer or a seller of products and services in these market exchanges. You dont have to
visit a store and have interaction with a salesperson or a cashier to make a purchase.

The objective of this Handbook is to introduce you to 5 Sources to Make Money so

that you can bullet-proof your ability to earn and make a living. Having an additional
source of income is like having an insurance policy. What will you do if you lose your job
or your business fails? In the future a more realistic scenario is that people will earn a
living from multiple revenue streams and not one single source.

There are 3 groups of workers:

1. Professionals (white collar) such as doctors and lawyers.

2. Trades-people (blue collar) like electricians, plumbers and contractors.
3. Hourly or salary paid workers such as office clerks, salespeople, food servers.

Professionals and trades-people can usually work in their career fields for as long as
they want as long as they remain up to date and are competent.

Hourly and salary paid workers have no protection for life-time employment.
Companies merge, go bankrupt or move location searching to lower their operating
costs - lower tax rates and wages and occupancy costs such as rent.

It is interesting to note that most professionals and trades-people are not your
traditional employees. In many cases they are actually self-employed individuals.

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Unless you actually have a goal to make money from more than one revenue stream, you
dont have a chance of accomplishing it. Dreaming is a productive activity when you are
sleeping. Without a specific plan on which revenue sources and how you will earn
money - its not going to happen.

Having a full- time job can provide a stable income, but its not secure. Majority of
employees complain about having a hectic life, inadequate salary and frustrating office

Its risky to have only one main source of income what happens if you get fired? What
if you have a business and you rely on one major customer - what happens if you lose
that customer or a new competitor enters the market? What happens if your primary
product falls out of favour with the public? We have all heard the expression

Meet Gregory

Gregory is an accountant working for a major accounting firm. In order to earn more
money and have more sources of income he does freelance photography on the side. At
night he tutors grade school students in Math. He also trades stocks online. Not too long
ago he joined a Network Marketing company that sells health related products. He
definitely has multiple sources of income that take up most of his time. He is so tired
that he is having trouble doing his day job properly.

Gregory should focus on only a few revenue sources that provide him with the most
income. Its important to have balance in ones life and not over-extend yourself.

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Paying your bills on time and having enough to get by is fine if you want an average life.
But if youre looking for something MORE something that you can hold onto and build
over time to create other sources of income then average isnt going to cut it.

We are all different. We all have our own way of living and lifestyle, our own way of
spending, and how we plan to live in our retirement years.

Some of us would like to make more money for different reasons:

Tired of living paycheque to paycheque

Provide better education opportunities for our children and grand-kids.

To help pay for quality health-care and medical services for your family.

To have reliable income to supplement your government retirement pension.

To travel more and have better and more enjoyable vacations.

To upgrade yourself pursue that hobby or interest you have had for so many

Maybe you want to retire sooner or go back to school and get that degree you
never finished when you were younger.

Pay off existing loans or credit card balances.

This Handbook is not about how to get rich or become a millionaire. There are hundreds
of books, courses and workshops already written on that topic. Peoples desire to have
more money creates a constant interest and demand for the providers of those books
and courses. Im not one that will try to make you believe I can make you become a

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millionaire. If you think that someone can teach you how to become a millionaire,
please register for their program and then come back and show me how its done.

The purpose of this Handbook is to help you find ways to create income from more than
one revenue source. Additionally, this Handbook can help you find ways to change job
so you do something you enjoy and that may lead to a higher wages. I will never advise
you to quit your job unless you have another job to go to. In fact, you should protect the
job you have so that you can rely on it, as one of your main revenue sources.

This Handbook is organized as follows:

Section 1 - highlights strategies you can follow to help you further develop your
employment career and earn more. Included are 20 tips to manage your employment
career and the Top 15 Most Popular Job Websites.

Section 2 - includes 20 business categories with over 100 side-line business

opportunities that may interest you.

Section 3 - provides an overview about Making Money from Money (Investments).

Sections 4 - explains the concepts of Affiliate Sales Marketing, Direct Selling and
Network Marketing that are available around the world. Also known as Relationship
Selling as a lot of business is done through friends, family and acquaintances.

Section 5 - deals with money making opportunities using the latest technology Peer
to Peer (P2P) or the Shared Economy also known as collaborative consumption.

The challenge for you is to identify the activities that interest you and match with the
skills, knowledge, expertise that you have. Avoid activities strictly based on high income
potential. Dont get involved with things you are not familiar with. If you are interested
in a task but have no experience plan to work for someone as an apprentice to learn.
Stick with what you know and have proven knowledge and experience in being able to
do. People will not hire you to learn your craft at their expense.

Its simply not enough to be good at something, whether its freelance writing, dog
walking or social media. Millions of other people know this stuff. You have to package
your knowledge into something that clients will recognize as valuable.

Find a way to make money that you feel passionately about.

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What This Handbook Will Not Do

Before you start this program commit to one or more of the reasons previously
mentioned as to why you want to make more money. If you are not seriously committed
to making more money you will fold at the first obstacle you encounter.

This is not a get rich scheme or how to become a millionaire while you sleep or sit next
to the pool or on a beach. Im sure you have seen and heard many pitches that claim
they can teach you to make lots of money. This Handbook will not cover:

Investing and speculating in Real Estate

How to invest your money in the stock market

Buying gold, diamonds or other commodities

Gambling and Lotteries

Marrying a rich partner or inheriting wealth

Filing claims and lawsuits against people and businesses for damages


Most self-made millionaires have had limited education and did not make
their money from investing in real estate but rather from starting their own
business. They identified a need in the market-place and came up with a
solution or improved upon what was already available to potential
customers. You only have to make something better by offering the
customer better value for their money.

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How to Make Money

Having money is a lot better than not having money. If you agree with this statement
then you would also agree that having more money is better than having less money.

Whether we like to admit it or not we need money to live comfortably in todays world.
How much you need is purely personal. Its true that money does not buy happiness.
Happiness comes from how you earn your money and what you do with it to make your
life and that of your family, friends and strangers better.

Why are so many people running around trying to earn as much money as they possibly
can? They sacrifice today so that they may have a better future. The amount of money
you have does not translate into a better life. Having a million dollars is not going to
cure you of a life threatening disease. Most people only want the simple pleasures of life.
A good home to live in, quality shoes and clothing, good food, a nice vacation,
opportunity to provide themselves and their children with a good education

Lets make as much money as we can and do with it what we want. There are basically 4
ways to Make Money, and you get to pick and choose your way - you are not restricted to
only one of these 4 methods.

1. Choose to be an employee

Get an education, learn a trade, and develop a skill so that you are employable. Get a
good job, work hard and earn a fair and reasonable income. Your employment income is
limited to the rate per hour or salary that you are paid to do your job. You may be able to
earn more if you work extra hours and qualify for overtime pay. Some management level
jobs may not pay you for overtime hours as its already implied in your salary.

Find a good employer that provides health and medical benefits, retirement savings
plans. Try to find an employer that also provides career development opportunities at
no cost to you. You want to be able to increase your skills and knowledge so that you can
take on additional responsibilities to grow your income.

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Some employers may not offer career advancement training but will reimburse you for
courses you complete on your own at designated colleges and universities.

Not only do you depend on your paycheck, but you may also have a significant other,
children and parents that rely on you. If that pay-check is gone or reduced what will you

2. Start a Business Full-Time or Sideline

a) Traditional Store-front

Sell products or services not created by you to the market-place, for example a
retail store. You source products and services made by others and sell them to the
public. This can include operating a franchise business. Typically you need
money to start a business because you need inventory to sell and a location to sell
it from like a restaurant or a clothing store. These are not businesses you can
operate from home or on your laptop. Usual methods to get into business are:

Buy an existing business.

Can be very costly to buy

Start your own business from the ground up.

Can be least expensive way to get into business but will need sales and
marketing expertise to get customers

Buy a franchise.

Costly franchise fees and restrictive franchise agreement

Crowding of locations within market place

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b) Non-Store (Freelancer or Independent Contractor)

Sell your skills and experience to either people or businesses that are in need of
your services. You are your single most important asset. You have skills, talent
and experience so that you can solve the problems of others.

You may engage in doing limited time projects or assignments. The hours you
work and where are determined in consultation with your client.

c) Personal Selling

This category includes Direct Selling, Network Marketing and Affiliate Sales. The
basic common premise is that the products offered are not available in traditional
stores. Each of these groups is dependent on individuals to market and sell their
products via personal demonstration usually in group settings. Each of these
groups may offer online reordering through a representatives web site. You
personally will market and distribute products through your personal network of
family, friends and acquaintances. Investigate and research thoroughly before
you join any such company.

d) Invent or create a product or service

This is probably the most difficult category from which to make money. There is
no market data to help you test and plan your business. You need to have the
creative genius to come up with a marketable product or service.

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Make something for potential clients and consumers to buy from you. You are not
retained exclusively by an employer to provide them with the same services on a
daily basis. There is no limit on the amount of income you can earn. The only
limitation is on your ability to provide products and services to the market-place.

Where are your potential customers located? In the immediate region that you
live or anywhere in your territory or possibly other countries.

3. Making Money from Your Money (Investments)

You need money or access to it to acquire assets that you can put to work for you
to generate income. Acquire assets that can generate revenue for you such as
rental properties, vacation homes, machinery and equipment and so on.
You can earn interest on term deposits, buy stocks and bonds that may appreciate
in value or pay you interest and dividends. Generally, the higher the risk the more
you can earn. The key is to earn more than you spend to have money to invest.

Most people will start earning income by finding a job and becoming an
employee. Try to find work you will enjoy, and will challenge you. Join a
company that shares your values and makes or sells products that you believe in.

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Lets get started with the most common way that people have to earn income that is by
working in a job as an employee. You are hired to perform a very precise list of duties.
You are not required to invest or contribute any money to your employer to retain your
employment. You will have the normal costs of being an employee such as commuting
costs, clothing and meals.

Not everyone wants to have their own business. Some people would rather have a set job
with a guaranteed pay-check. Some people do not have the personality traits to seek out
clients and do their own marketing. They are content in earning enough to meet their
financial obligations.

If you choose to be an employee what can you do to make more money? If you have
completed your formal education, how you can advance your career and earn more.
Going back to school full time to upgrade your education may not be an option.

If you are still in school and not certain what is your calling in life dont be frustrated
and dont get discouraged. As one of my friends says how is someone at the age of 18
supposed to know what they will be happy doing at age 45. You may change your career
interest several times before you find the work that you enjoy best.

1. If you choose to be an employee you need to get a job so you can start earning.
Some of the most common jobs to start working are as food and beverage servers
in restaurants and coffee shops, salesperson in a retail store at the local mall, or
an entry level position in an office. See these as stepping stones to build from.

2. If you are currently employed be noticeable and visible to your manager and
team. Show up to work on time and dont be the first employee to leave at the end
of the day. Work over-time if requested by your manager. Support your manager
and work team.

3. Keep an updated and current resume on hand as unexpected opportunities may

become available in your industry or with competitors. Update your resume as
your job changes in any significant way.

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4. Apply for all jobs you feel you are qualified to do even if you do not meet all the
requirements. Most employers have a dream list of requirements and will most
likely never find one person who has everything specified in the job ad.

5. Attend networking events, build your contacts. When someone gives you a
business card write down when and where you met. If you want to contact this
person in the future its helpful if you can remember who they are and how you

6. If you are currently unemployed or are seeking a higher paying job, prepare a
resume with a list of references. Before you offer up the names of any references
advise them so they can be prepared if a prospective employer contacts them.

7. Are you entitled to any unemployment benefits or training programs while you
are out of work or trying to upgrade your skills?

8. Send out your resume to your all your contacts and ask them to recommend you
for open positions they know about. Ask your friends for job referrals.

9. Search online job boards and local employment agencies in your line of work

10. List your resume with a job search firm that specializes in your field.

11. Are you promotable where you are working now? Discuss with your Manager
what you must you do to advance to the next higher level or a position in the
company that is of interest to you and realistic given your experience and skills.

12. Maintain good relationships with colleagues, vendors and suppliers in your
industry. You may need to call on them in the future for assistance with getting a
new job.

13. Can you take some employer provided courses or training to qualify for a higher
paying job? Invest in yourself and take some part-time courses to upgrade your
personal skills. Ask your employer for reimbursement if the courses you take can
be applied to your current job.

14. Are you willing to relocate in order to find a new job or a higher paying job?

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15. Does your field of work have an association and are you a member.

16. Ask your employer for a raise but make sure you can back up the reasons you
deserve to be paid more. Do you have market surveys you can discuss with your
employer? Do not threaten to quit your job if they dont give you a raise if you
dont have another job to go to.

17. To earn more income work overtime when its available.

18. Consider getting a part time job. Seek out seasonal employment opportunities.
There are businesses operating 24/7 that need workers for alternate shifts.

19. Do not change employer for a lower paying job unless there are market and
economic considerations involved:
Your employer is about to go out of business
Your job is being eliminated due to automation
Your employer is moving your job out of country
Your employer is moving out of your region
Your new employer is offering a much better and improved benefits
Your new employer is offering improved retirement benefits
Your new employer is the top rated company in your industry
Your new employers location will substantially reduce your commute time

20. Sometimes you may have no option but to seek another job:
You dont like or cant get along with your boss
Your personal values are in conflict with your employer
Your job is not sufficiently challenging you
You simply do not enjoy what you are doing or want to earn more.


Most jobs are never advertised externally. Companies may use the services
of employment agencies to recruit specifically qualified people for a job. In
other situations many jobs will be filled from the referrals of existing
company employees. This serves to provide the company with ideal
candidates it may not otherwise have the time or resource to find on their
own and also reduce the risk where someone is hired through an existing
employee referral. Not every company has an extensive Human Resources
Department to screen applicants.

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Top 15 Most Popular Job Websites

Run your own Google search to find the top Job Search Sites in your market. Below
are my results for - Top 15 Most Popular Job Sites as derived from our eBizMBA Rank
October 2015

1 | Indeed 9 | ZipRecruiter

2 | Monster 10 | USAJobs

3 | GlassDoor 11 | Snagajob

4 | CareerBuilder 12 | theLadders

5 | SimplyHired 13 | Dice

6 | Aol Jobs 14 | Salary

7 | JobDiagnosis 15 | Bright

8 | Beyond

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There are many side-line business opportunities that are available all around the world.
Its amazing how you can be up and running your own business with a smart phone or a
laptop and a printer and internet access. Ideas and information can be shared around
the world in minutes. You dont have to be a big business to get started. Technology and
the internet are available to all. Perhaps you can visit a local library in your area and use
their equipment and internet connection at no cost.

A primary reason for the growth in the services industry is that women have moved into
the labour force since the early 1960s. Times have changed and the majority of women
now work outside the home. As a result, women have less time for traditional home-
making tasks and many of these tasks have been transferred to the market-place. A
secondary reason for the growth in the service sector is the increase in the number of
unmarried people who often live alone and have full-time jobs and careers. Single or
divorced people do not have partners to share household tasks, do home maintenance
and repairs, or run errands.

People in the service industry help people. The key to having a successful business is to
solve problems of others. Their work may involve caring for people, entertaining them,
supplying them with information, advising or motivating them or making their lives
easier in many different ways.

We are living in a very fast paced world. People are spending more time commuting and
sitting on congested highways. Children need to be dropped off and picked up from
daycare centres, schools and after school activities. People dont have the time or
interest to do some of the house chores that need to be done.

After the work day or work week is done, most people would like to sit back and relax
and simply have fun with their family and friends.

Why is there always too much month left at the end of the money? Do you feel stressed
or squeezed in making it to the next pay-check.

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Some people will not seriously consider starting their own business for one or more of

the following reasons:

Fear of failure which is the single biggest reason for failure in adult life and stops
you from even taking the first step

Prefer security of having a regular risk-free pay check

Have existing financial obligations

Believe they must have lots of money to start a business

Cant come up with some spectacular break-through idea like inventing Google,
Facebook, You Tube, Samsung Galaxy, Twitter or Apple I-pods

Have an idea but no time to develop a business plan

Do not think they can come up with one idea

The truth is that you dont need to come up with a totally new product or service idea to
start your own business. You can steal existing viable business ideas that you can
tweak and improve upon:

Add features and improve service

Give better value for the money
Upgrade the existing product or service by introducing complimentary services

A great example is in the Food business. Years ago someone decided to add home
delivery service at no additional cost. This operator didnt change the products in any
way, but found a way to bring the food to your door. Restaurants have expanded their
business by adding Pick-up and Take-Out service in addition to home delivery. You can
enjoy the meal with family or friends in your own home. Reduce cost of beverages.

Some other major services and products that we assume to be market

leaders did not invent the concept of the business:

Hamburgers and french fries existed before McDonalds

Cafes and coffee shops existed world-wide before Starbucks
Discount stores were around before Wal*Mart
Independent video and movie rental stores like Blockbuster were around before

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Before Facebook there was Friendster and then MySpace

Before Google there were search engines like Alta Vista and Yahoo, and AOL
Do you remember Palm Pilot? One of the first personal digital assistant electronic
Before Apple I-Phones and Samsung Galaxy there were phones by Motorola and

Motorola DynaTAC - 1973 Motorola Startac 1997 Palm Pilot 1999

Blackberry Rim 850 1999 Nokia 6110 - 1997

I have chosen to highlight mobile phones because its a great example of the speed and
progress at which technology moves. Look at your current handset and compare it these
earlier models.

Mobile Phone FACTS

Here is a selection of facts, courtesy of Fact Slides, about mobile phones that show just
how much the world has changed since the early days of mobile communication:

In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the U.S. at almost $4,000 each.

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Over 250 million Nokia 1100 devices were sold, making it the bestselling
electrical gadget in history.
More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets.
So many Facebook photos and videos are uploaded via mobile that it takes up
27% of upstream web traffic.
The technology behind smartphones relies on up to 250,000 separate patents.
The average person unlocks his or her smartphone 110 times each day.

The world is going mobile. Every major company has a mobile app so you can easily
access their stuff. Mobile apps are now accessed more than the internet. We have
entered the era of tablets which are really a hybrid of the personal computer and smart
phone. The evolution of these electronic devices have impacted the entire world and
both personal and business life.

The iPad is the new laptop. The smartphone is the Now communication device.

How do you make a living today and how does it compare to 25 years ago and how will it
change over the next 10 years.

There are 5 key attributes to having a successful business. Your business

must deliver at least one of the following:

1. People always want to make more money. If your product or service will help
them earn more or save money they will always buy it.

2. People are always looking to learn something new. "How to" guides are always
popular for this reason. Self-study programs offered on DVDs and CDs.

3. People want to be entertained music, movies, comedy, books, theatre and

sports and leisure activities.

4. People want to live as comfortably as they can, without any aches and pains.

5. People love pressing a button and getting things done! Can you create a software
application that will save your customer or businesses hours of work?

Making money takes time and effort. There are many ways you can make extra money
to supplement your income from your full-time job. If you want to start a side-line
business, Ive compiled a summary of activities spread over 20 categories with lots of
ideas to help you get started. Go through the entire Handbook and identify those ideas
that may be of interest to you. Focus on those activities where you have expertise and
knowledge. Consider working with an existing service provider to enter the market place

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to learn the way business is currently done prices, deposits, payment terms, general
expectations of what you must deliver to the client.

Many businesses fail because people choose businesses they like to patronize or the
cheapest and easiest to start. Experts recommend that a person should get into a
business in which they have knowledge and experience and understand the market-
place. You need to solve problems of your customers; not create more headaches for
them, if you want to be successful.

Once you decide what it is that you want to do test your idea to confirm there is a
viable market available for you to service. Dont choose something only because it is of
interest to you. You are doing this to make money, which means you need customers
that have problems you can solve for them. Dont go out and spend your entire
marketing and advertising budget before you know your market. You can spend
hundreds of dollars on web sites, business cards, stationary; flyers only to find out there
are no buyers. Talk to trusted friends and advisors for critical and constructive feedback.
Meet with some of the existing competitors in your market and find out what are the
current opportunities.

Before you get actively involved with any business it is strongly recommended that you
undertake to find out what rules, laws and licensing regulations must be complied with
in you market area. Some of the businesses listed here may be subject to obtaining
licenses and permits. Also consult with an insurance advisor to ensure you are protected
from personal liability or other damages should something go wrong.

Additionally, you want to protect yourself financially on any job order you get. Get your
customers to sign off on the services to be performed and the full price. Avoid
discrepancies and surprises before you present your final invoice. You should also
request a deposit of approximately 25% of the total project cost before you start the job.
If a project requires substantial costs to acquire materials, you may want to consider
having the client pay for these items. For example if you are going to paint someones
house you may want to have the client purchase all of the paint when they choose
colours. You want to make sure you are protected in the event the client is unable to pay
you for the work and materials provided. You want to make money not lose it.

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What follows next are 20 categories with many examples of side-line businesses you
can easily and quickly get started into. There are many more that you can think of using
the many examples I am providing you with. Some of these businesses are not going to
work in every market. Use the examples as a guideline to develop an idea of what you
can do in your specific market. If you want to set up some of these businesses outside of
your personal location, consider building alliances with other people living in those

If you want more details on any business ideas, simply Goggle

It or use your search engine of preference.


You can use the internet to research any business ideas that you may have.
There are also many business publications that are devoted to business
trends and ideas, such as

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This category involves using your creative skills and talents usually developed from the pursuit
of your hobbies and other general interests that you may have.

Art, Music and Dance Lessons

Teach kids, teens and adults how to play a musical instrument, how to dance or how to draw.

Musical performance
Can you play a musical instrument or sing and dance. Use that talent to start a business
performing at parties, weddings or other formal and corporate functions.

Candle making
This is one of the oldest cottage industries in the world.

T-shirt design
Start a home based design business with your work.

Creating custom clothing

Design custom clothing for special events creating custom outfits.

Furniture Making
Do you have wood-working and carpentry skills to make customized items?

Wood worker
Do you have a talent of making unique sculptures?

Toy making
Make handcrafted toys - avoid hazardous paints and chemicals.

Converting hand written documents to word processing

Many writers who lack the skills to convert their manuscripts into formats demanded by

Slide-shows to commemorate the passing of a loved one, an anniversary, or a special birthday.

Jewelry making
Can you design and make costume jewelry.

Knitting, crocheting, or quilting

Skilled at creating custom made blankets and sweaters?

As a seamstress or tailor you can you make or altering clothes. Work with local clothing stores
and dry cleaners.

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Upholstery Repair
Can you repair or replace upholstery from old furniture pieces.

Soap making and spa products

Make homemade soaps and other spa products. You can add these items to a gift basket.

Gift Baskets - Seasonal & Party

There is a gift basket that can be put together for every personal and business event or occasion.

Flower Shop
Can you design or put together floral arrangements and holiday or special event wreaths.

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If you own or have access to a car or some vehicle there are many ways you can use it to make
extra money and help reduce your ownership cost. There are also many other services involving
the cleaning and maintenance of other peoples vehicle you can provide to make money.

Auto detailing
Your job is to make cars sparkle inside and out. Consider also making your services available to
Used Car Dealerships.

Mobile Mechanic
Bringing your service directly to clients' homes or places of business.

Mobile Car-Wash and Detailing

Take your business on the road, soap and water along with a few rags, brushes, and elbow
grease. Market your services to car dealers, rental fleet owners, and corporations.

Auto Windshield Repair

Canvas local parking and used-car lots for cars with cracked, chipped windshields. A basic
repair kit enables you to offer clients what is clearly a better alternative to costly glass

Used-Car Inspection
Most people have no clue how to inspect or test a used car. With some basic diagnostic
equipment and mechanical know-how, however, inspectors can help steer clients away from

Car Errand Service

Provided you have a car with a spacious back seat you can do pick- up and drop offs. Are you
interested in driving for Uber, a taxi like service using your own vehicle?

Driving School Instructor

Teach new drivers how to drive and get their drivers permit or license.

Limousine Service
Consider setting up mystery romance evenings in a limo skip the hotel room.
Drive for a limo service company or join Uber (see Section 7 Shared Economy)

Valet Parking
Restaurants, hotels and convention centers can all use the services of a well-dressed, bonded
parking staff.

Designated Driver Option

Rent yourself out to drive vehicles of others after party events or pre-arrange pick up with your
own vehicle.

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If you are adept at using computers, internet and software there are many business services you
can provide on a part time or temporary basis to local small business as well as to other
individuals locally or globally.

Business Advisory Services

Do you have expertise with business administration, accounting, human resources, and banking
to be an advisor to small businesses in your market?

Business Plan Consulting

Businesses that are looking for bank financing require a business plan for disclosure to potential
lenders. Also serves as a tracking tool so that actual results can be measured against

Do you have the ability to write effectively and work on creating advertisements for businesses
for print or media promotions?

Distribute Newspapers and Flyers

Despite the internet National and local/community newspapers depend on their publications to
be delivered door to door. That also includes advertisers who send out flyers weekly to shoppers.

Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

For business owners with little time to spare, a bookkeeping service is not only a time-saver, but
an asset. There are a number of small businesses out there that need a bookkeeper, but dont
want to pay someone full time

Tax Preparation and Advisor

There will always be a need for individual and business tax preparers. Filing tax returns is
mandatory and most people and small business owners have no time and desire to do their own
returns. Tax preparation software is available to complete and file tax returns.

Broker or Agent
Match buyers with sellers for cars, luxury items such as watches & handbags, electronics and
books. Can you match people to trade services professionals, handypersons and cooks?

Private Shopper
Big brands are paying people to shop for their products. Your job will be to report back on
customer experience.

Private Investigation
Clients include attorneys gathering evidence for a case, or individuals seeking information about
a significant other.

Bodyguard and Escort Protection Services

People need protection for themselves or family members when they attend public events. Are
you skilled in martial arts or security services?

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Security companies
People are willing to pay for services to help protect them from identity theft. Businesses in this
area include home security, document shredding and personal surveillance.

Data entry
You generally get paid for the number of entries you make rather than by the hour, which means
you can go back and forth to it when you get a spare few minutes.

Debt-Collection Service
Do you have experience with Credit and Collections? You get paid when your clients get paid by
the people who you get to pay them. Track down and collect money from clients with overdue
and unpaid balances.

Call Center Representative.

Many companies are outsourcing general, routine and repetitive tasks to external workers.
External contractors can be given access to a companys website or internal system to handle
customer inquiries.

Paralegal Services Conflict Resolution

Be a resource for both personal and business clients. Private attorneys, who lack the time to do
much footwork themselves, often turn to para-legal to file various claims and court documents.

Language Translation
If you are proficient at more than one primary language you can act as a language translators
and interpreter. More businesses have global operations for sourcing and selling products.

Freelance Writing
There are thousands of websites and blogs and more set up every day. All these websites require
fresh content. A variety of publications need online content in the form of stories, product or
service descriptions, and reports.

Graphic Design
If you have good skills in software such as Photoshop, InDesign, etc. There are people on
internet sites willing to pay good money for quality work.

Network for Business Professionals

Create a group for business professionals to share ideas and contacts.

Freight Brokerage
Trade is done all over the world by large and small companies requiring a thorough knowledge
of land, sea, air and rail shipping rates and regulations If you know how to move merchandise
from market to market you can be an important resource.

Internet Research Analyst

Find and gather information as required by your clients on their competitors, new business
trends, new products and services. Provide a sample report to prospective clients so they can get
an idea of what you can provide to them.

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Pay Day Loans

So you have honest and trustworthy friends or colleagues that cant seem to make it from one
pay day to the next. Perhaps you can make a safe and secure loan and earn some interest. Be
prepared for excuses on late payments or default situations.

Insurance, Mortgage and Real Estate Agents

Self-study and online programs are available. Get your license and start calling on your family
and friends?

Business-Travel Management
Small businesses do not have staff available to search for low cost fares and hotels, keep expense
records, and manage frequent-flier miles.

Debt-Reduction Service
By explaining alternative payment structures to clients (which can result in a smaller total
payment in a shorter period of time), mortgage and debt-reduction-service professionals are
helping to relieve

Proof-reading and editing

Have strong grammar skills? You may have opportunities to work as a proof-reader from home.
Able to write effectively and issue press releases or other information articles.

If you have a pick-up truck you can earn money from the recycling of old computers, ink
cartridges, phones, scrap metals, plastic, bottles, cans, paper, and wood.

Review Books and get paid: Check out search/paid-

Review Music and get paid: Check out

Review Products: Check out and

Money Counselor
You help your client understand the cause of their money problems and develop a plan to cure
it. You may work with the client to negotiate settlements with creditors.

Retirement Coach
People are approaching retirement and have not made financial plans and determined if they
will have enough money during their retirement years.

Barter Services
Organize a barter club where members (who pay a fee to join) can exchange services.

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4. CAREGIVER SERVICES Kids and Seniors

In todays world most parents must return to work after their allotted maternity leave has
expired. Children are not entered in school systems until the age of 5 and even then its not on a
full time basis. More people are living longer than in the past but with age comes deteriorating
health. Many seniors that need assistance with a lot of the simple tasks we take for granted.
Some seniors are living in old age homes and others still living in their own personal residence.

Nanny Placement
Nanny-placement agents, who screen applicants, check references, match personalities, and set
schedules, provide clients an invaluable service by saving them considerable time and worry.

Baby Sitting Daycare and Adult Care

Both preschool children and elders need caring and attention. Families have busy lives with
work and social activities and are in need of good helpers. Seniors have medical appointments
and shopping needs. Many office complexes, gyms and other businesses need quality child care.

Children's Fitness
Design children's fitness programs by renting a location, then coordinate activities such as
tumbling, dance, gymnastics and karate.

Child-Identification Program
New parents, grandparents, and even baby sitters could all benefit from a more kid-friendly
house. Stairs, cabinets, electrical cords and outlets-they're all potential baby hazards

Children's Party Planning -

Allowing parents to relax and have fun, too if you can plan birthday, holiday, and religious-
ceremony celebrations.

Children and Seniors Transportation Service

Kids have after school activities to attend and need a ride or to be picked up after the event.
Most seniors no longer drive and may not have family members to drive them to doctors,
dentists and medical service providers and also to pick up prescriptions from pharmacies.

Computer Training for Kids and Seniors

Reading, writing, arithmetic, internet and computer games is good for kids and also for seniors
to keep young ones learning and elders alert using the brain to combat disease like Alzheimers.

Design Kid Friendly Spaces

Create friendly places for children in retail stores, gyms, restaurants, medical offices, car
dealerships, libraries and churches.

Engage Seniors
Work with elderly people to help keep their minds engaged in activities to reduce risk of disease
like Alzheimer. Spend time with them playing cards, chess or checkers, reading books and
magazines or newspapers, social chat and light exercise programs.

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Many affluent home owners and small business that do not have a full time cleaner on contract
are using service providers on an as required basis.

Carpet Cleaning
Clean carpets for both residential and commercial clients can be done if you have the necessary

Carpet Dyeing
For a fraction of the cost of replacing unsightly or stained carpeting, carpet-dyeing professionals
provide hotels, community centers, nursing homes and other businesses an attractive

Cleaning services for businesses

Many businesses and government institutions need individuals who can clean their offices and
common areas outside of normal business hours.
Consider cars, boats and private planes.

Residences, Apartments, Vacation properties - Prepping

Do you have any basic plumbing, painting, caulking and scrubbing skills? Busy landlords and
leasing offices can benefit from your handyman skills.

New Residences
New homes coming on the market for the first time need a cleaning before buyers or renters can
move in. Contact new condo and home builders and also real estate agents to let them know of
your availability

Sports Equipment Cleaning Service

Clean uniforms, equipment, shoes and eliminate smelly odours. Protect their investment from
the rusting, pitting and discoloration of supplies.

Mini-blind Cleaning
Put an end to dusty mini-blinds in offices, homes and other buildings with your mini-blind-
cleaning service. Immerse blinds in tanks of gentle, yet effective, cleansing solution.

Power Washing
Wash oil stained driveways, mud-caked semi-trucks, or barnacle-ridden boats with specialized
power-washing equipment can probably clean it. Target commercial as well as residential

Graffiti Removal
Equipped with some paint and other preventive treatments, you're set to serve residential as
well as commercial clients with your own graffiti-removal business. City governments and
schools can also benefit from the removal of unsightly "tagging" in their districts.

Window Washing and Cleaning

All homes and businesses have windows that need cleaning. Grab your bucket, squeegee, and
glass-cleaning solution, and rap at the dirty windows of local businesses and residences alike.

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Mattress Cleaning Services

Learn to inspect and remove and disinfect mattresses that have been infested with bed bugs and
mites in homes and hotels.

Stoves/Ovens & BBQ Grills

Clean stoves, ovens and other food cooking products. People love eating BBQ but dont look
forward to cleaning the grills. Many rental units and vacation properties have food cooking
devices that need cleaning between changes in renters.

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Just like the early days of televisions now every home has a computer and with an internet
connection as well as a smart phone. Owners of these devices are at times overwhelmed by the
many technical features and need someone to help them learn how to properly use them. Many
businesses like coffee shops and restaurants are now offering customer free internet access on
their Wi-Fi network

Computer Consulting
Do you have knowledge in IT.? Many small businesses do not have expertise in setting up or
using software and laptops for their businesses.

Computer Programming
Many businesses need external experts to help then with upgrades and changes they are making
to their computer systems or when upgrading equipment.

Computer Repair Viruses and Hacking

Almost every home and business has a PC or Laptop but not IT staff to service and repair
equipment. Computer security is a constant threat.

App creator
How does an app make you money primarily in 2 ways:
The app makes money through ads or by selling it.
Just think of all those apps you have seen on your smartphone or on social media sites like
Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, just to name a few.

Software Instructor/Creator
Do you have expertise in general use software that you can teach people or employees at
business offices how to use EXCEL, MS-Word, QuickBooks and other programs?

Design Blogs and Web-Sites

If you enjoy writing or research start a website. Check out a web site to learn
how to start a blog. It can start as a hobby and turn into a business. You need to have a
following if you want to get clients to advertise on your blog.

Online Gaming and Surveys

Online games and gambling sites are available in some countries. It is a lucrative business for
those who have the ability to design and provide IT support. Get paid to complete surveys

Social Media Expert

Help individuals and businesses maintain and promote their presence on social media sites.
Prepare some samples of what you can do for local businesses.

Smart Phones and Tablets

Can you teach people how to use their smart phones and tablets? Many people dont want to
spend time researching online instructions manuals.

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Most people can use help to prepare customized resumes and cover letters in their search for
new employment opportunities.

Resume Service/ Cover Letter

Can you help people get a job by helping them put together a high quality resume?
With your editing and basic layout skills, a laser printer, and some high-quality stationery,
you're set to start

Executive Search
As an executive-search specialist, help busy clients find the right man--or woman--for the job.
Your job involves placing ads and conducting interviews to screen potential employees for
clients. Do you have experience hiring and interviewing people?

Get a Part Time Job

You can get a job using some of your available evening and week-end time at coffee shops or fast
food outlets and shopping malls. Consider Bartender or Waiter or food server at private parties
tips can be more than the hourly rate. Use a temp worker agency.

Work as an extra (local film and TV)

Are you an accomplished actor/actress? Movies/TV Productions/ Advertisers are looking for
people to fill in. They pay is not the greatest for starters but it can open opportunities for bigger

Specialized Staffing
Helping clients meet their work-force needs is a matter of finding a niche and filling it--and
keeping up with human resources trends. Work your way up in the industry by developing a
roster of specially skilled workers, and then use your "people skills" to build your business.

Career Coach
If you have skill in Human Resources you can help job seekers to prepare for job interviews and
salary negotiations.

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People and businesses like to have amazing parties, festivities and celebrations covering
occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and weddings, and business events to recognize
employees and customers, to highlight a few.

Event Planning
Be an event planner weddings, family reunions, convention, classes, clinics, conferences,
seminars and work-shops. Coordinate everything from room rentals, entertainment, speakers,
decorations and food.

Celebration Balloons
Every event can use balloons to make it happy colourful and memorable as part of the venue

Food and Refreshments

Can you supply finger food platters and non-alcoholic beverages for guests attending?

Master of Ceremonies
If youre the type of person who can get the attention of a room easily, being a master of
ceremony might be for you.

Events - Reunion Organizing

Reunions of family, high school class, can be a joyful-and lucrative-occasion for reunion
organizers. Schedule the accommodations, coordinate the catering and entertainment, and send
out the invitations.

DJ (Disc Jockey)
Do you have a great sound system and a large selection of music Disc jockey for weddings,
parties and other corporate events? You can start by performing at neighbourhood birthday
parties, weddings and social events.

Personal Greeting Cards

Make greeting/birthday cards from scratch using blank cards. Lots of affordable software is
available. Keep in mind that people are now using less physical cards because of Facebook and
other electronic messaging.

Organize social events - Singles Parties

Can you organize social functions for singles? Wine and cheese parties, dinner and dance parties
and singles tours and trips

Wedding Planner
Clients will pay professional wedding planners to plan and coordinate their wedding. Wedding
dresses, photographers, videographers, bakers, caterers, florists, DJs, and banquet halls need to
be hired.

Divorce Parties
Create party events for divorced people to meet up

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People love to eat well but sometimes they dont have the time or skill to prepare what can be
easy to make recipes for you. Many people think they can be successful in the food and
restaurant business because they are good cooks. Its very difficult business with lots of
competitors. Think carefully what you are serving up and why people will choose you.

If you love to cook service weddings, holiday parties, and other festive gatherings start a home
catering business. Catering is a business thats can perfectly fit into weekends.

Catering - Meal-to-go preparations

Making meals in advance is a great way to save money for yourself - but you can often prepare
these for others as well and sell them. Prepare eight casseroles, for example, then sell six of them
to cover your costs, and youve got two free dinners for your family (and maybe a bit more).

Cake, cupcake and cookie baking and decorating

Enjoy baking and have a bit of an artistic touch? Learn how to decorate sweet treats and make
them for special events. Sell your creations online or your local neighborhood Facebook page, or
at local farmers markets. Many people are willing to pay others to create custom cakes for
birthday parties and special events.

Personal Chef
Find hungry clients among busy working families. Go to someones house once or more per
week and prepare a home-made meal for their family, then do all the dishes and cleanup work.
Or, market your business to clients for those special occasions when they prefer to dine in.

Restaurant Delivery Service

If you can get enough clients so you can do a pick-up and delivery service from the favourite
business in the area for workers that cant get out for lunch.

Candy making
Homemade candies are easier to make than you think and quite popular. Package them in nice
little boxes and sell them through a local gift shop.

Jerky maker and other Deli Meats

Wondering who is a jerky maker. Jerky is lean meat that has been trimmed of fat, cut into strips,
and then dried to prevent spoilage. This is a job that requires skillful operation. You can get
orders from neighbours, local restaurants and butchers.

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There are many pharmaceutical companies that need people to test new products and

Are you having knowledge of healthy eating habits? People need help managing their diets to
deal with obesity and diabetes.

Vitamins and Other Supplements

Not many people know about vitamins and which ones may be beneficial to them.

Clinical and Medical Trials

Pharmaceutical and Medical groups may be recruiting people meeting their testing criteria to
participate in tests and studies to evaluate new drugs or procedures. Search for such
opportunities in your area. Some tests will require that you spend overnight time in their
facilities usually on a week-end and may require follow up monitoring. The fees earned can be
substantial and make sure what are the terms you are agreeing to if you must sign legal
documents to participate.

Body Specimens
Where allowed and permissible by law in your area, sell plasma, hair, and breast milk.

Sperm Donor (Where allowed and permissible by law in your area)

Men can earn money by donating sperm if youre relatively young and in good health, this could
be an option for you to add some significant income to your budget.
Check out

Egg Donor (Where allowed and permissible by law in your area)

Women can earn money by donating your eggs? If youre relatively young and in good health,
this could be an option for you to add some significant income to your budget.
Check out

Surrogate Mother (Where allowed and permissible by law in your area)

If you dont mind carrying a fetus for 9 months, this is an opportunity to make money.
According to the average fee in the USA is approximately
$20,000. Please note that it may be illegal in your location to make such agreements

Have you previously given birth? You can use your past experience to help expecting mothers
prepare to give birth.

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Again another growth area where people want to have beautiful looking homes and gardens but
dont have the time to do it themselves or simply dont have what we call a green thumb. Some
people dont know how to take care of plants and flowers.

Gardening services
Some people are willing to pay others to get a vegetable or flower garden started for them in
their yard. Maintain the vegetable or flower gardens on their property.

Urban farming
Farming is not just for the rural folks. There is growing movement of urban farmers; people who
are doing small scale farming on roof tops of storeyed buildings in large cities like New York.

Landscaping services
Willing to mow and fertilize lawns and trim bushes and trees for office complexes and
residential clients?

Pool Services
Load up your tools, cleaning equipment and make the rounds in your area and region. Clean up
debris and insects that end up floating in pools.

If you have a truck that can have a plough attachment clearing entrances to malls and shopping
centres. You could even build your business by clearing driveways and walkways with a shovel
or a snow-blower.

Autumn Leaves
During the fall season, homes, yards and driveways are covered with leaves.

Plants, Veggies and Herbs

People are into organic products and home grown veggies. From seedlings and plant clippings
you can start pot plants for selling.

Tree Care
Weather and insects can damage trees. Trees may need spraying and trimming to keep them

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This is a category with endless possibilities. People want to live in a comfortable home with
upgrades that meet their personal lifestyle. Jobs can be minor to very expensive. Many people
make changes to homes after buying or for a fresh new look. Some people will repair and
renovate their existing home to increase its market value before putting it up for sale. Stay away
from major projects if you are not fully experienced with that kind of work. Maybe you can
change lighting fixtures but not rewire the house or electric panel.

Handyman services
Skilled at basic home repair jobs like leaky pipes and dripping faucets, clogged drains, electrical
fixtures and lighting equipment, fixing broken appliances and windows around the house.
Advertise in local newspapers and bulletin boards.

Hardwood Floors Installation/Refinishing

People are buying older homes and want to restore the hardwood floors. Some people want to
remove carpeting due to dirt and allergies by installing hardwood floors.

Kitchen and Bathrooms Renovations

Another area of home repairs and remodelling that is in large demand.

Basement Renovations
People are modernizing their home basements for more living and entertainment space for their
own family, home gym, business office. Some basements are being renovated to make tenant
quarters for nannies or adult children, singles or young couples. How about making living
quarters for your own parents to come live with you.

Plumbing Services.
Can you repair clogged drains and leaky pipes; install water lines for washing machines. You
can advertise your services through local classifieds.

Porcelain Repair
Fixing chips and cracks in tubs and other porcelain accessories. With a porcelain-repair kit in
hand, sinks and tubs can be made to look new again.

House cleaning
Many people simply dont enjoy cleaning their homes and are willing to pay a reasonable price
to have someone do the work for them. Are you available during weekdays as people are usually
home on week-ends?

Home-owners can rest assured that, that while they're away, their plants and pets will be tended
to. Don't wait for opportunity to come knocking; a reliable set of references get you in the door.

Junk Removal Service

People need to clear space in their homes and are getting rid of out-dated belongings. You need
to have or rent a pick- up truck.

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Home Decorating
Get into the decorating business with your flair for design. Work with local furniture and
accessory stores, paint shops, and carpet and drapery outlets to coordinate clients' interiors.
And remember: Can you use your own residence as a show piece to get clients.

Home-Entertainment Installation
Just watch a novice attempt to connect the wires, cables and other components of their new or
relocated stereo and television equipment, and you're likely to view consumer impatience at its
finest. But with your sound electrical and wiring expertise, you'll have all systems buzzing in no

Home-Inspection Service
A keen eye for structural detail paves the way to success in your home-inspection service. Start
by assessing clients' homes for problems such as structural damage and foundation
abnormalities, and then refer customers to contractors who can ensure their homes are in good
repair. Anyone who has worked in the construction or housing industry will have an advantage.
Work with real estate agents who have clients searching to buy a home.

Mobile Locksmith
You hold the keys to success as a mobile locksmith. For best results, be ready for 24-hour action
with a cell phone and van. With some training and basic equipment, you'll have this business
mastered--lock, stock and barrel.

Moving Services
Be a mover with your own local moving service. Make sure you're equipped with some
upstanding leveraging techniques . . . as well as brawn.

Outdoor Patios and Decks

People want to have upgraded facilities in their backyards as they spend more time there in the
fall, spring and summer months for rest and relaxation or for family and friend BBQ parties `

Property Caretaker
Live rent free as a property caretaker in mansions and estate homes, vacation homes, hunting
and fishing lodges, apartment or condo rental units.

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People want to look and feel good and are taking more interest in working out and staying fit.

Reseller of Sports Equipment

Buy and sell quality sports equipment at huge discounts from people that have given up on a
sport. There are new entrants to a sports and fitness program and just need equipment to get
started. Another repeat market is kids as they grow from year to year or join different sport

Yoga, Pilates and Aerobics Instructor

Can you get a church hall or room at your local community centre to teach Yoga? You can post
notice on your local bulletin boards at the laundromat or distribute flyers to your neighbours.

Boot Camp
If you live in a farm area or out in the country you can convert some of your land space into a
boot camp. To get started you just need to set up challenging obstacles.

Exercise instructor/Personal Fitness Trainer

Some gyms will trade membership for a person willing and able to teach an exercise class. You
can also find people who dont want to go to a gym and train them at home as a personal trainer.
If youre in good shape, this is a great opportunity to earn some extra money, plus it can often
lead to additional income with one-on-one instruction opportunities.

Boating Excursions
Do you have a boat or access to one? Can you take people out for local sightseeing tour or on the

Hunting and Fishing Expeditions

Can you take out a group to hunt or fish? Do you know the good spots in your area?

Massage Therapy (Home or Mobile Service)

Do you have a spare room? You can set up the room as a massage studio. Alternatively you can
meet client in their homes bring a portable massage table--to clients' homes or places of work.
Serve people who want to pamper themselves after their stressful day. Advertise your stress-
relieving services at local workout clubs, spas and physical therapists' offices.

Bike Sharing and Rental Business

Are you living in an area that is popular and friendly to bicycles?

Self-Defense (Martial Arts) Instructor

People of all ages and backgrounds can benefit from the self-defence skills you can teach them.
Get your business jump-started by training others in the disciplines you've learned--Aikido,
Karate, or simply basic safety-awareness skills.

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Many offices both large and small have cut back in staffing and are prepared to hire help as
needed when situations arise that require more manpower or some specific expertise.

Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants handle any number of tasks for a business or individuals with too much on
their plate. Tasks include check and answer e-mails, organize task lists, update calendars, and
other administrative tasks. Be clear about your fee structure, most assistants bill hourly plus
expenses, or offer prepackaged monthly deals for a set number of tasks. There is plenty of
competition in this field with skilled office workers and university grads out of work.

Lead generator
Marketers are always looking for qualified leads to promote and sell their products. If you can
develop a well targeted email list of a niche market, you can sell those contacts to marketers.

Moving Service Local

Be a mover with your own local moving service. This is no business for the faint of heart,
however: Make sure you're equipped with some upstanding leveraging techniques . . . as well as

Network Marketing or Direct Sales (please refer to SECTIONS 5 and 6)

Network Marketing companies like Amway, Avon, and Herbal Life and many others are always
looking for representatives to sell their products. Research thoroughly any companies you may
be interested in joining.

Direct Mail/Coupon
Cash in on consumers' coupon-cutting craze with a direct-mail coupon service. Get started by
selling ad space in a direct-mail coupon package to local businesses. When you mail coupons to
local residents, your clients will benefit from the exposure and you'll benefit from a first-class
business of your own.

Mystery Shopping
Get paid to shop as a "mystery" shopper. Rate local retail stores' employees on attitude,
friendliness, and overall quality of service, then report back to your store-owner clients.

Office-Relocation Service
Helping businesses get plugged in to a new neighborhood comes easy for office-relocation-
service entrepreneurs who, as "locals," know who's who in providing such services as printing,
restaurant delivery and equipment repair.

Office - Plant Maintenance

Set your roots in a growing business as an office-plant-maintenance entrepreneur. Regular
watering, light pruning, and fertilizing are all in a day's work. Though a green thumb is helpful,
some clients may also request maintenance of their silk plants. Either way, your business is sure
to grow.

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Office Consultant
It's one thing to spend a day at the office, and another altogether to run the office. As a
professional office consultant, you'll oversee such responsibilities as marketing, insurance and
daily operations for professional lawyers, doctors or other specialists--while leaving the rest to
the "pros."

Office-Support Service
Preparing and sending out invoices, filing, sorting mail, entering data, and answering phones
are just a few tasks an office-support service can perform to help out harried business owners.
Hand out business cards to every business-person you know.

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People want to learn more and expand their skills and knowledge. There are many free and pay
as you go services. Part time courses and self-study materials like audio and video DVDs, as well
as online sources such as You Tube.

Coaching and Personal Development

Use your passion and expertise to give advice and suggest actionable steps people can take to
improve their professional and personal lives. Produce information products and How to Do It
manuals, on CDs, DVDs, and PDF files, including a seminar or webinar.

Offer freelancing, coaching or consulting services. Starting a freelancing, coaching or consulting
service is another way to build a successful business on the cheap. This strategy appeals to
writers, designers, life coaches, business experts and anyone else who can provide a useful

Coach - Life
You need no real credentials, no degree, and no special business license to give people your
opinion on how they should run their lives.

Can you teach students a subject like Math and Science?

Tutors - Online
Tools such as web chat, Skype, webcam combined with high speed broad band internet has
made communicating over the internet

Home Inspector or Real Estate Agent

You enjoy a career with homes and home design but are not an architect

Teach How to Use Software

Do you have proficiency in products like Word and Excel, creating PDF files, making Power
point presentations?

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People are working and commuting longer and dont have the time to pamper themselves. This
is where you can provide that service or pampering people need, massage, running around and
taking care of some routine errands or shopping tasks.

Errands & Personal Shopper

Dry-cleaning, prescriptions and groceries pickup-and-delivery, Provide pickup and drop-off at a
place that's convenient for busy professionals

Networking and Meet up Groups.

Organize groups and events for like -minded people.

Personal Grooming Services Barber/Hairstylist.

If you have experience cutting and styling hair and giving pedicures and manicures

Packing and Unpacking Service

Packing up to move to a new home or office not to mention unpacking on the other end.

Personal Assistant
People have learned to pick up work doing a variety of side jobs that other people just dont have
time or interest in doing. Common tasks can include anything from picking up dry cleaning to
making dinner or assembling Ikea furniture.

Become a Professional Services Worker

You enjoy working with elderly and homebound adults but are not a hospital worker or
registered nurse, get certified as there is a demand for this service.

Put together a book or guide with help tips and do it yourself (DIY) on topics including personal
health, obesity, nutrition and smoking cessation. Submit stories and articles to magazines and
local community newspapers.

Travel Agency
Some people dont have the time to plan for holiday or vacation. You can charge people to do for
them all the research and booking. How to get cheap tickets and updates on late breaking news
and deals. Many online services are now available such as Expedia or Trivago and most hotels
and airlines have web sites.

Travel - Tour Guide

Become a tour guide from your knowledge of living in the same town organizing sightseeing
tours for visitors to your city. Give a sample tour photo package by building a Website or Blog.
Write up a tour guidebook and sell it as a print-on-demand book as well as an e-book and
smartphone app.

Travel - Adventure Tours/Cruises

Organize sea cruises, adventure tours exploring South American caves, mountain climbing, and
scuba diving or touring English teahouses, homes of famous people, city walking and shopping

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Adult Entertainment Services

Male and female exotic dancers needed for clubs and private parties such as stags/stagettes.

Personal shopping
Some rich people dont have time to do shopping. They hire people to do shopping for them or
stand in lines for them to acquire event tickets.

Professional Organizer
Messy closets, home offices and commercial offices alike could benefit from a more efficient
setup. Put some order into others' lives, and arrange yourself some pretty profits.

Closet Organizer Systems

Many do it yourself closet organizer kits are available but most people are not able it do the
installation work that is required.

Referral Service
For referral-service entrepreneurs--who act as a "welcome wagon" to newcomers--getting to
know new as well as existing businesses pays off in more ways than one. Local companies pay to
get their services introduced to newcomers, while these new customers pay for a little friendly

Welcoming Service
Greet newcomers to town with a package of coupons, samples from local businesses, and other
community information.

Handy-person Camps
Train people basic home maintenance such as plumbing and electrical, and basic auto services.
Most drivers have no idea on minor auto repairs and maintenance changing oil, light bulbs, or
air filters.

Club for People Breaking Up

Start a meet up club for people going through relationship break-downs.

Dating Coach
Help your clients figure out who is the right romantic partner and where likely to be found.

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Sometimes working people just dont have the time to spend with their pet but dogs need to be
taken out for a walk or run. Pets become the extension of a persons family and have the same
needs as other people. Pets need to be taken to the vet and shopped for.

Pet Sitting
Pet sitters take care of pets while their owners are out of town or busy out for dinner or some
other event. Offer yourself as a safe place to leave their pets, or be willing to go to their home to
take care of their pets.

Pet Grooming
Millions of dollars are spent each year on making pets look good. Many people loathe bathing
their pets and grooming their fur.

Pet Walking
Perfect side business for anyone who has a few hours to kill during the day. Walking dogs may
help you in your quest to stay fit as well. A well exercised dog is a happy dog.

Pets - Yard Waste Clean-up

Think of it as waste management for dogsDogs are always pooing in the yard and many people
have a problem scooping up that poo. Their problem is your business opportunity.

Organic Pet Food

Making fresh home-made chemical and preservative free food and snacks for pets.

Pet-Food and Supplies Home Delivery

Lugging pounds of pet food and supplies from the store each week or so can be a burden on pet

Custom Pet Clothing and Accessories

Outfits for pets winter season or festive holidays or general occasions.

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Cameras and video recorders are everywhere but sometimes people need an expert to put
together a photo album or a video. Help people keep their best moments. Podcasts are used now
routinely for making pitches to acquire business. Another need by people is to have keepsake
moments professionally compiled.

Work weekends and evenings at weddings, parties, and special events.

Help people take their ideas and photos and assemble a scrapbook for them. Consider extending
this to transferring to video.

Photo Birth Announcements

Create fanciful photo-cards, including those all-important details: name, birth date, time and
weight using available software products.

The rise of internet has created a demand in quality videos. The demand is from personal
bloggers, small and medium sized businesses. Upload videos to YouTube for clients.

Video Brochure
Record corporate events into video brochures.

Video Family History

Family-history videographers are hitting home by filming personalized accounts of weddings,
births and other memorable occasions.

Videotaping Service
Capture clients weddings, bar mitzvahs, birthdays and more on videotape.

Video Tutorials and Webinars:

Create videos that offer training and education to viewers. People prefer to learn from watching
videos than reading instructions or text materials.

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19. RENTAL INCOME (Refer to SECTION 5 Shared Economy)

Do you own rental facilities that you can earn rent from - room, basement, garage, and parking
spot? Perhaps you have tools sitting around idle that friends and neigbours can use to complete
a small project.

Room Rentals - Residence or Home

If you live near some tourist destination, college, or hospital you can rent out an extra room you
may have in your residence.

Bed and Breakfast

If you own a home with many rooms you want to consider opening a small bed and breakfast?

Boarding House
Take in borders/tenants and provide them with a place to sleep, eat and wash.

Student Home Stay Program

Do you have a college or university close to your home? Students from out of town need
affordable housing room and board.

Other Space Rentals

Rent out parking spot, garage or storage space.

Equipment Rentals
If you have tools for jobs around the home, lawn-movers and snow blowers you may consider
renting them out to neighbours

Household Appliances
Consider renting out any major kitchen tools, appliances and cleaning equipment. Some of this
equipment is expensive to purchase and is not used on a regular basis.

Rentals of Sports Equipment

People will try sports but not commit and are in need of general equipment, bowling shoes, golf
clubs, skis, snowboards, roller blades and others.

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With the internet, its very simple to buy and sell without a middle man. All kinds of exchanges
exist for both buyers and sellers. If you enjoy shopping for bargains and going to flea markets
you may find other peoples junk that you can refurbish and sell for a profit.

Its quick and easy to open an online store but what will you sell and how will customers find
you. You need lots of visitors to your online store to make money. Where will you get your
inventory and how will you ship it to the buyers? Who will pay the shipping costs? Today every
big retail store around the world offers online shopping.

Affordable luxuries
Affordable luxuries include products such as perfumes, belts, glasses and sunglasses, small
ticket jewelry, shoes and handbags, wines and chocolates. In customers minds, affordable
luxury is still a luxury and theyre willing to buy.

Antiques and collectors items reseller.

Shop flea markets, yard and garage sales, home contents sell-offs, and thrift shops like Value
Village, Salvation Army, Goodwill stores and find items that you can sell for a premium once

Buying and Reselling - New and Used Merchandise

Go to garage sales, flea markets and storage-center forfeiture sales for bargain value items, and
then resell.

Sell Stuff - Used Clothing and Accessories, Musical Instruments, Sports Equipment
Do you have items of your own that you no longer require, or can you sell or dispose of items for
others. Items that sell well and easily are gently worn items that are a brand name, including
casual and business clothing, shoes and handbags, musical instruments such as guitars, drums,
keyboards, and sports and exercise equipment.

Creating e-books and special reports that customers download directly to their computers is a
great first step for any aspiring e-infopreneur.

E-Commerce website
With blogging you make money through advertising but with ecommerce website you will make
money by selling stuff.

Garage Sales
Garage sales are not just a small matter of getting rid of your unwanted stuff. You can make
money turning other peoples trash into treasures.

Sales-Lead Generating
Identify prospects and generate sales leads compiling a list of potential customers for your

Sales Training
Do you have experience in Sales and Marketing to help boost clients' bottom line.

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Resell Event Tickets

Sell at a premium tickets to sold out concerts, theatre and sporting events

Seminar Promotion
You don't need to be an expert yourself; just schedule the speakers, reserve a location, promote
the event.

Assemble Theme Based Gift Packages

An example might be a Romance gift basket of erotic oils and other romance enhancing

Cosmetics Sales (See Section 4 )

A social business activity so be prepared to spend lots of time meeting and talking to people.

Road side sales

Sell flowers, fruits and vegetables as is seasonally available in your market-place from a road-
side stand or cart.

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In the perfect world we would love to put our hard earned money to work for us. Let our
money earn money for us. This topic is beyond the scope of this guide but here is a quick
and simple overview. In general you must deploy assets to generate income. The assets
can be cash deposits, physical property and equipment such as real estate and
machinery, or intellectual properties such as patents, copyrights and licenses from
which you can generate income such as franchise or usage fees.

Before you can use your money to make more money you need to earn it from whatever
source you choose. You save more than you spend so that you can build what is known
as Working Capital. If you are spending what you earn to pay off debts and loans its
very unlikely you will ever accumulate any working capital.

What are some of the most common ways to use your working capital:

1. Never let your money sleep or be idle. Always have your money earning interest
on bank deposits, government bonds, loans and mortgages.

2. Buy assets that appreciate in value over time and not erode or become outmoded.
Rental properties can generate cash flow and help you offset some of the costs of

Buy your home and become your own personal landlord. You will never recover
your rental payments made to property owners.

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3. Use the services of reputable financial advisors to make financial investments.

The stock market is not a casino. Stocks will go up and down over the short term
so you need to have a long term view of your investments.

Buy proven quality stocks with a solid record of earnings and payment of
quarterly dividends.

4. Acquire rare items like coins, stamps, art, photos, sports memorabilia and other
keepsake items of famous current or past celebrities.


Find a trustworthy insurance advisor and make sure you have appropriate
protection coverages to safeguard you, your family and your assets.

Unexpected events happen such as accidents, illnesses and even death.

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Affiliate Marketing is one of the worlds fastest and cheapest ways to start making
money online as you dont have to create any products yourself. It is a marketing
practice in which a business rewards its affiliates with a commission when the visitor
you send from your site makes a purchase. Effectively, this is a commission based
income system. You need a list of contacts to drive your offers to. Having a website is

What are some of the other reasons that make affiliate marketing popular:

1. Cost Effective products are already developed by the seller and you dont need a
physical business location or employees.

2. Global Market online marketing allows you to reach people all over the world.

3. No Fees usually you dont have to pay any fees to join an affiliate program.

4. No Storage &Shipping the seller takes care of storage, packing and shipping of
the products.

5. No Customer Support the seller provides customer support and complaints.

6. Passive Income can provide income even when you are not in front of your

7. Work from Home you can work from the comfort of your own home

But always read the fine print in the terms.

There are 4 types of affiliate sales programs:

A. You offer to others your own products or services for them to sell as an
affiliate of yours.

B. You use your web site to sell products of others

C. You let others advertise or sell their products on your web site

D. You join an affiliate sales program that gives you access to many vendors such
as those listed below. There are also many individual companies that offer
direct affiliate sales programs that you can join.

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Top 20 Affiliate Networks

1. Rakuten Linkshare

A close competition between Rakuten LinkShare and CJ as always.

2. CJ by Conversant
(recently acquired by Rakuten Linkshare)

3. Amazon
Ease of use and broad product offerings make it simple.
4. Avangate
Very strong support from their vibrant publisher community.

5. eBay Partner Network

Absorption of Pepperjam and the bigger, stronger eBay Partner Network

6. ClickBank
Popular with entry-level merchants.

7. ShareASale
A stable network with a solid history.

8. FlexOffers
Network comprised of skilled online publishers with full compliance monitoring

9. Revenue Wire

Great reputation this Canadian network has built for itself.

10. AvantLink

Stable professionally operated and a great business model.

11. LinkConnector

A terrific range of trusted brands and a focus on proprietary technology

12 .Affiliate Window

Best network in Europe and increasingly prominent in the USA. Well worth a look.

13. NetworkDirect

Still popular but finds itself over-shadowed by newer digital download networks.

14. Affiliate Network

Based in Manhattan and with a great reputation, especially for their email campaigns.

15. Affiliatefuture

Based in NY and owned by Progressive Digital Media Group.

16 . AdMedia
Providing online advertising services to advertisers, publishers and consumers since 1998.
17. Tradedoubler
European network founded in 1999; has a global reach and a great publisher network.

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18. Webgains

Based in the UK but with an active US office, tries to stay focused on solid core values.

19.Impact Radius

Run by legends of the industry, with top-class technology and great results.

20. Valuleads

ValuLeads customized campaigns have fostered a dramatic rise in popularity.

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Many people get into Direct Selling because it is easy and inexpensive to join an
organization. Making money is not so easy if you are not having sales and marketing
background. Friends are not very anxious to have you try and pitch them on the
products or business opportunity. The industry is made up of approximately 75%
women representatives and 25% males. This is due to the past history of the industry
given the products it sells and the fact that it is not a salaried position it appealed to
single and stay home moms.

Do not pursue Direct Selling if you are not comfortable with:

Meeting new people

Uncertain income given amount of time and effort you put in
Making sales and giving product demonstrations to individuals or groups
Public speaking
Recruiting representatives
Being ignored and rejected
Attending meetings put on by your Direct Seller company
Setting and achieving business goals
Learning new selling and recruiting techniques

Direct Selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from
a fixed retail store location. It eliminates the need for intermediaries such as
wholesalers, advertisers and retailers. Direct Selling can be conducted one on one
demonstrations, in a group or party format, or online.

Direct Selling is made up of 2 primary business models with total industry sales for 2016
estimated to be under $183 billion:

1. Direct Selling
2. Network Marketing (MLM- Multi Level Marketing)

The 3 highest market categories for North America of sales in 2016 are:

1. 35% - Wellness vs. (Asia- Pacific 42%)

2. 17% - Cosmetics & Personal Care vs. (Asia- Pacific 26%)
3. 13% - Household Goods vs. (Asia- Pacific 13%)

The top 12 2016 Global Markets in sales are:

1. USA 4. Germany 7. Mexico 10. U.K.

2. China 5. Japan 8. Malaysia 11. Taiwan
3. Korea 6. Brazil 9. France 12. Italy

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The best way to explain the main difference between Network Marketing and Direct
Selling is that in network marketing, when a sale is made, all of the available profit from
that sale is shared between you and your upline. If you are recruited into a MLM
company then you will have a sponsor. Your sponsor along with other consultants in
levels above you is considered your upline. Your upline will receive a percentage of
your sales. This will entice them to recruit more consultants. The more people in line
above you, the more money they make, and the less there is for you.

The sales force (also known as consultants, representatives, distributors, stylists,

independent sales contractor, and directors) is compensated not only by the sale of
products and services to customers, but also for the sales made to other sales people
whom they recruit. As a consultant recruits other consultants, they generally earn a
percentage of their recruits sales. These recruits are called the downline distributors.

More information about Network Marketing follows in Section 6 of this Handbook.

With the direct sales business model, when a sale is made, all of the available profit from
that sale goes to one person - the person who made the sale. Direct sales companies are
known as "seller-based," which means they give more income to the distributor that
makes a sale at retail. Direct sales companies usually market higher-ticket, one-time-
sale, durable items.


If you are interested in learning more about the Direct Selling industry, visit these
web sites. Most countries will have their own specific web site. To see the complete list of the Global 100 - World Federation of Direct Selling Association - Direct Selling Association

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Another popular way for people to get involved with a sideline business is to join in a
Network Marketing program. Keep in mind that most of the available network
marketing business opportunities are with Health and Wellness products.

There is usually a cost to join and you can join at advanced levels if you pay more than
the basic fee of enrolment. Most programs have an auto-ship component which means
you must buy monthly a certain dollar amount of products.

Additionally, most companies provide general support and back room operations which
may also be fee based. Many make available a web site for you to use to recruit new
members and for clients to make purchases but may also be fee based.

What is the appeal of Network Marketing? Multi-level marketing schemes are a dime a
dozen. That is why it is crucial that you investigate any MLM opportunity before you
invest any money in it. Despite the fact that this industry is considered to be a scam by
many people due to some fraudulent companies. Look over the list of the Top 100
companies and you will see that they have been in business for many years and have
multi-billion dollar revenues:

Low cost of entry

Unlike a traditional business any person may be able to start and grow a network
marketing business. However, verify what your actual cost to join is, and what
ongoing financial obligations you will have such as online access to company
website, business cards, other supplies and your own personal required

Life transforming education

This business will help you eliminate personal fears and learn skills to work with
different kinds of people to build a thriving organization

Leverage and residual income

Allows you to create a residual income and to build a stable business which can
continue to grow whether you are there or not. Customers will continue to
reorder products that give them the results they are seeking.

You can start this business on a part time basis.
Research the companies that appeal to you and study their compensation plans and fee
structures before you sign up. Choosing a good network marketing company is crucial to
your success and your customers satisfaction.

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Some evaluation techniques of Network Marketing companies:

1. How Long In Business
Preferably you want to get involved with a company that has operated for at least
10 years. 90% of all network marketing companies fail within their first 2 years.
2. Financially Sound
The more you know about the companys finances the less likely you will wind up
with a company that goes under.
3. Unique and Useful Products
Are the products unique or are there many competitors. Who is the competition
and how strong are they.
Are the products something that you could see yourself using as well as your
family and friends.
4. Long Term Potential
Is the product something that is going to be in demand for the foreseeable future
or is it only having popularity due to short term or a fad.
5. Can You Actually Sell the Products
Are the products something that you are genuinely interested in? Does the
product excite you and other people?
6. Executive Leadership
Does the executive team have a solid track record in the industry?
7. Compensation Plan
Is the plan easy to understand and explain to others?
8. Ask Questions and Consult with Other Reps
Attend some sales meetings and verify what you have been told with other sales
reps. Get answers to all your questions before you join a company.

Direct Selling News (DSN) 2016 Global 100 (partial extract - Top 20)

Rank Name Revenue Rank Name Revenue

1 Amway $8.80Billion 11 Young Living $1.00B
2 Avon $5.70B 12 World Ventures $926.5M
3 Herbalife $4.50B 13 Isagenix $924.3M
4 Mary Kay $4.00B 14 Team Beachbody $863.0M
5 *Tupperware $2.20B 15 Market America $798.0M
6 Nu Skin $2.20B 16 ACN $750.0M
7 Primerica $1.52B 17 Stream Energy $735.0M
8 Jeunesse $1.41B 18 It Works! $686.0M
9 Ambit Energy $1.20B 19 Team Nstional $659.0M
10 USANA $1.01B 20 Advo Care $586.0M

NOTE: ** Direct Seller company (Tupperware is both)

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- Peer to Peer (P2P) and SHARED ECONOMY
Ive included this category as this is a business concept thats expected to explode over
the next 10 years. Today it is estimated that some $15 Billion is generated in global
revenues. However, by 2025 potential revenues of $335 Billion may be generated.

Additionally you can be a buyer or a seller in these businesses allowing you to save or
make money. Most of these businesses are currently operating in the USA, Canada and
Europe but can easily be set up to operate globally. Examine the businesses I have listed
for ideas in your market-place. After you have reviewed the list, you will find some new
ideas that may work for you.

In what is called collaborative consumption, the shared economy, or the peer economy,
owners rent out something they are not using, such as a car, house, high-end household
items, such as cameras, kitchenware or musical instruments bicycle to a stranger using
these peer-to-peer services. The company typically has an eBay-style rating or review
system so people on both sides of the transaction can trust the other. With the
popularity of these services, many people don't need to buy when they can rent from
others - lending and borrowing.

The New Customer

So who is the primary target for the sharing economy? 18-34 year olds the new gen
renters. This largely millennial group currently makes up 31% of all rental travelers and
is the primary target for other shared services and goods. They make their decisions not
only on cost savings, but on achieving unique experiences and that is a key
understanding. Theres also a healthy dose of anti-establishment and pride in breaking
from traditional ways of doing things. Travel is one of the primary groups in these
market exchanges, rental accommodations and cars. The other large market is for free-
lancers who offer their services and expertise to individuals and businesses. Additionally
people can participate in these market exchanges by selling and buying merchandise.

Some of the best known companies:

Ali Baba -

Not only Chinas but the worlds biggest online commerce company. Its 3 main sites Toabao,
Tmall and have hundreds of millions of users, and host millions of merchants and

Airbnb -
Travelers can rent a room or an entire home. They service over 34,000 cities and have over
600,000 listings in 190 countries. This San Francisco start-up is the poster child of the
collaborative consumption/peer economy sector.

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Priceline - is a $60 billion American company and a commercial website that claims to help
users obtain discount rates for travel-related purchases such as airline tickets and hotel stays.

HomeAway -
Recently purchased by Expedia for $3.9 billion who had already purchase Travelocity and Orbitz
Worldwide. A vacation rental marketplace with more than 1,000,000 vacation rental listings in
190 countries

Couch Surfing -

With Couchsurfing, you can stay with locals in every country on earth. Travel like a local, stay in
someone's home and experience the world in a way money can't buy.

Uber -
Using everyday cars for everyday use, and claiming to be better, faster, and cheaper than a taxi.
Uber invented the ride share concept. Taxi companies around the world are trying to pressure
local governments to bar Uber drivers.

Rover -
If you have an empty parking spot or side of your driveway sitting empty all night, why not
SHARE IT on rover.

Fiverr -
A global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job
performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by freelancers who
use Fiverr to offer services to customers worldwide.

Upwork -
Find freelancers to tackle any job, any size, any time. Formerly Elance-oDesk, is a global
freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate
remotely. In 2015, Elance-oDesk was rebranded as Upwork.

Freelancer -
A site used to hire Freelancers and find Freelance Jobs Online

Etsy -
Buy and sell on Etsy, the world's most vibrant handmade or vintage items marketplace, art and
supplies, unique factory-manufactured items including art, photography, clothing, jewelry,
food, bath and beauty products, quilts, knick-knacks, and toys.

Shopify -
The leading global ecommerce solution with over 200,000 successful merchants. Create an
online store or add ecommerce to an existing site or social media channel.

Sello -
Shopifys New App Sello Allo Anyone Create An Online Store From Their Phone. Sell anything to
anyone, anywhere

SnapGoods -

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A site for lending and borrowing high-end household items, such as cameras, kitchenware or
musical instruments.
DogVacay -
Dog owners can leave their dog with a host who will take care of the dog. It's cheaper than a
kennel and gives dogs a more comfortable place to stay, the company says.

TaskRabbit -
A mobile marketplace for people to hire people to do jobs and tasks, from delivery, to handyman
to office help. Founded in 2008, the site has 4,000 Taskrabbits on the service nationwide who
bid to do tasks that are posted by people looking for a service.

Tabl -
An offering of pop-up restaurants by individuals, who perceive themselves to be handy in the
kitchen, post glossy menus and invite people to dine in their own homes. Offering an enticing
and adventurous dining experience, currently in the UK, people can list their in home restaurant
offerings or dining event on the site. This one is bound to take off on a global scale.

Tutors - and

Market place for tutors you can hire or work as a tutor

Odd Job Nation -

Resource for todays growing army of part-time opportunists. If youve been laid-off, or are
unemployed search for jobs available

Lyft -
A ride sharing service for people to find rides from "regular" people who have a car. The service,
created by Zimride, only takes "donations" because it is not a taxi service.

Getaround -
Peer-to-peer car sharing company Getaround lets people borrow cars from others. Owners who
are out of town can also leave their car with Getaround, which will rent out the car, clean it and
take care of it. Currently operates in San Francisco, Austin, Portland, San Diego, Chicago

RelayRides - (owned by Google Ventures)

Enables people to borrow cars from neighbors. They can rent the cars by the hour or by the day.
If the car has OnStar, users can open the car automatically through a mobile app. Available

SideCar -
A ride sharing startup, now available in San Francisco and Seattle, allows "regular" drivers to
pick up people who want a ride. Drivers accept a donation, but don't charge a fee.

Liquid - (formerly known as Splinster)

You can make money by renting out your bike, surfboard, or snowboard.

A marketplace similar to Taskrabbit, but focused specifically on house and home care services
such as cleaning, painting and lawn and garden care. Its basically a marketplace of handyman
services where you can hire someone or list yourself for hire.

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Poshmark -
People buy or sell their clothing via Poshmark's mobile app. They can also display their virtual
closets and find friends who have similar styles.

Lending Club -

Forget houses, cars and dogs: use Lending Club's peer-to-peer network to get cold hard cash.
Lending Club is cheaper than credit cards for borrowers and provides better interest rates than
savings accounts for investors.

Fon - Startup Fon enables people to share some of their home Wi-Fi
network in exchange for getting free Wi-Fi from anyone of the 7 million people in their global

Neighborgoods -
A safe community where you can save money and resources by sharing stuff with your friends.
Need a ladder? Borrow it from your neighbor. Do you have a bike collecting dust in your closet?
Lend it out.

What other areas might be open in the shared economy?

1. If we can share cars, why not boats, motorcycles, RVs

2. Cottages? Cabins? While Airbnb no doubt covers this on some level, a service
specializing in unique or remote getaways is an experience with a desirable share

3. How about city tours? Hire a local guide or hire yourself out a la Taskrabbit style.
Guides could specialize for foodie interests, the sports enthusiast, or other
specialized interests.

4. How about childcare? There may be opportunity in linking young Moms and
shared childcare arrangements. While this happens informally in many areas
anyway, being able to find care via an app wherever and whenever you are like
Uber or Lyft for a ride could be an amazing offering.

5. Business Opportunities for Seniors or Retired People be a buyer or seller of

services catering to seniors

6. Business Network that can provide a small business owner advice in one place on
taxes, payroll and accounting software

7. Professionals such as accountants, architects and lawyers could organize a

market-place where searchers can find a service provider, or service providers can
look for potential clients. There are already services available for service
providers for household maintenance services such as
Angies List - and
Home Advisor

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APPENDIX A Top 15 Most Popular Business Websites

Oct 2015 - | The eBusiness Guide

Here are the top 15 Most Popular Business Sites as derived from

1 | Yahoo! Finance 9 | Fool

2 | Forbes 10 | BusinessInsider

3 | MSN MoneyCentral 11 | MarketWatch

4 | CNN Money 12 | BusinessWeek

5 | WSJ 13 | FT

6 | Google Finance 14 |

7 | Bloomberg 15 | SeekingAlpha

8 | CNBC

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Below is a listing of business publications and web sites that you can use for a
variety of business and finance information. Many others available for you to add
to your favourites. Some of these have in-country specific publications.

Entrepreneur -

Advice, insight, profiles and guides for established and aspiring entrepreneurs

Small Business Opportunities -

Money-making source for entrepreneurs and small business owners offering a step-by-
step guide to starting and operating your own business.

Forbes -

Follow Forbes writers, people, places, companies and organizations that interest you.

Lifehack Daily -

Source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life. Recognized as one of the premier
productivity and lifestyle blogs on the web. -

Offers authentic, engaging expertise on the subjects you want to know about from
writers who are actual experts in their topic.

Globe and Mail -

The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national
and international news.

Changing Course -

Dr. Valerie Young advocates that you Work at What You Love, Follow Your Own Road &
Live Life on Purpose.

Live Bold and Bloom -

Barrie Davenport writes on self-improvement topics like boosting self-confidence,

finding your passion, relationships and habits.

The Penney Hoarder -

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Ways to earn money, save money, and grow your money

Success Magazine -

According to the company, the magazine is "designed specifically to serve the growing
entrepreneur," and provides personal and professional development.

The Simple Dollar -

The Simple Dollar gets around one million visitors per month and is respected as one of
the best personal finance sites on the Internet.

Inc -

Inc. focuses on growth and improvement for entrepreneurs of all types. Articles include
ways to enhance public speaking skills, and profiles of successful companies.


Fortune magazine is a highly-respected publication covering all aspects of business.

The Economist

In addition to economics and business, it also delves into the world economy, providing
specific information on the various economies from countries throughout the world.

Bloomberg Business Week

Follows up to date news, especially pertaining to business. Offers financial news, stock
advice, and in-depth coverage on major businesses and business events.


Whether you're a tech geek or business entrepreneur, WIRED is the magazine that is
known for covering all things tech, & how these tech trends relate to other aspects of life.

Fast Company

Priding itself on covering the latest strategies and trends in business, Fast Company
cultivates a fresh minded approach to entrepreneurship.

Vulcan Post -

Where you find news about technology and products that affect your daily lifestyle.

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Now is the time to start expanding your revenue streams. Technology and automation
have affected all aspects of our daily lives. Electronic gadgets like smart phones,
personal computers, the internet and social media platforms allow us to do in minutes
what used to take hours, days or weeks and instant communication abilities around the

Further development in technology is inevitable. What used to take up to 25 years to be

discovered and implemented now happens in less than 10 years and usually only 5. You
need to stay current with technology or it will displace or outplace you.

Corporations will not protect you in your ability to generate income. High paying jobs in
manufacturing and assembly are being lost in North America and Europe to emerging
markets in countries in Asia, India, Mexico and South America.

Corporations are interested in making profits for their owners and shareholders. They
seek out stable countries with adequately educated workers to make their products at
the lowest cost employee wages, taxes and general operating costs. How many friends
and neighbours are you aware of that have suffered lost jobs and unemployment from
the relocation of factories to 3rd World countries, or closure of operations.

Is your job threatened by automation? Maybe not right now but will it be in the near
future. Look at trends around the world and take notice of major changes happening in
the market place. How will you survive?

If not automation then possibly mergers of existing businesses. Billion dollar mega deals
happen routinely in todays world markets. Usually, these merged companies will reduce
the number of workers or locations in order to cut costs and pay off debts incurred.

Finally, it may not be automation or economic factors that can cause significant
upheaval to your employer. Many companies that once dominated their industry have

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been knocked off by new entrants or other existing competitors as they failed to
reinvent themselves and maintain their dominant market position.

About the Author

Who is Sam Lacquaniti?

I have spent my life living and working in Toronto, Canada. I wrote this book to share
my work life experience. I have ridden the highs and lows of a single source of revenue
in a job setting. I started my working career in 1975 as an entry level accounting clerk
rising to a senior level management accountant. Despite my accomplishments, I was
never in absolute control of my ability to earn an income with my employer.

After 18 years of service with my first employer, financial difficulties caused by massive
debt load and a weak economy led to my termination. In my second long term job of 13
years with the biggest retailer in the world, a departmental restructuring led to my
termination. This was rather a nice way for them to say that since I didnt believe or
respect my primary managers it was time for me to go. In retrospect I must admit it was
best that we parted company as daily I was feeling miserable having to report to these 2

My last termination came in 2008 during one of the worst recessions experienced in
history. At that time I made a commitment to myself that I would never go back to work
as an employee in a corporate job. After 30 years of working month ends, quarter ends
and year ends, it didnt matter. Like many of you I gave up personal time with my family
and friends for the good of the business. So what - with a severance payment as dictated
by the courts, anyone can be terminated at the will of the employer.

Mr. Warren Buffett one of the richest persons in the world basically says never depend
on a single source of income. That applies to whatever that source of income may be a
job or your own business. You can lose your job, or your business can fail, for many
reasons beyond your control.

My objective in putting together this handbook is to open your mind to 7 revenue

streams. In the event that one source of revenue you are generating, you are protected if
you have more than one generating income for you.

Thank you for ordering this handbook. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this
Handbook, let me know as I am offering an unconditional 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Pease send your comments and feedback to

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