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Devi Offerings

Various offerings are conducted in Devis abode to allow devotees to benefit from the Devis
abundant Grace.

Pournami Abhishekam & Maha Aarti

On every Pournami, an elaborate Abhishekam is celebrated with dance and

music, followed by a grand procession with the Linga Bhairavi Utsavamurti
(a consecrated icon of Devi). It culminates with the Maha Aarti in front of
the Dhyanalinga. The powerful energy created is particularly beneficial for
the overall wellbeing of the family, for good health, success, and prosperity.
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Pournami Abhishekam & Maha Arathi

Pournami Abhishekam & Maha Aarti On every Pournami, an

elaborate Abhishekam is celebrated with dance and music,
followed by a grand procession with the Linga Bhairavi
Utsavamurti (a consecrated icon of Devi). It culminates with the
Maha Aarti in front of the Dhyanalinga . The powerful energy
created is particularly beneficial for the overall well being of the
family, for good health, success, and prosperity.


Offering a cow is one of the revered ways to earn the Grace of Devi. The
cow is a symbol of wealth, strength, abundance, selfless giving and a full
earthly life. This life-giving and motherly creature sustains us with various
products from milk and curd, to butter and ghee. The milk of a cow
promotes sattvic qualities, while the ghee (clarified butter) is used in
ceremonies and preparation of Prasad (blessed food). Cow dung, mixed
with turmeric is used to clean and decorate the floor. If you would like to offer Godanam to the Devi,
please inquire at the Linga Bhairavi for additional details.
Thaali Arpana

Women with marital problems can offer their thaali/mangal sutra to plead
for Devis Grace and compassion. This Thaali Arpana is made only on
Pournami days, and will be kept at the sanctum in Devis Grace for one
month, after which it can be collected.

Kesha Arpana

An offering of ones hair to Devi. Giving a part of yourself to Devi signifies

a joyful surrender and paves the way for good health and wellbeing.

Mangalya Bala Sutra

A consecrated turmeric-dyed thread with a turmeric root that can be offered

by tying it around the Trishul. This offering ensures a long and prosperous
life of ones spouse.

Devi Abhaya Sutra

A specially consecrated thread, which, when tied around ones wrist, is

supportive in fulfilling ones ambitions and removing fear. Women wear it
on the left wrist, men on the right. It must be worn for a minimum of 40
days. It can be removed by untying or burning it (please do not cut it) and
disposed of either by burying it in wet soil, or burning it and applying the
ashes from your vishuddhi (chakra or energy center located at the pit of the
throat) down to the anahata (chakra in the heart region).
Devi Netra Arpana

A plea, with a powerful chant, to the Grace of Devis Third Eye, to fulfill
ones desires and wishes. The Third Eye is a symbol of going beyond the
limitations of the physical and beyond the duality of existence. The
Netra(symbolic eye available in copper or silver) is kept in the sanctum of
the Linga Bhairavi until it can be collected and taken home on the next
Pournami (full moon).


An important and generous custom of offering food to all, a symbol of

sharing that which sustains life You can make this auspicious offering to
honor and celebrate special occasions such as weddings, birthdays,
anniversaries, engagements, and memorials, or on any day of your choice.

Linga Bhairavi Vastram

This consecrated Vastram (sari) adorns the Devi. You can either offer a sum
amount towards a Vastram that will be offered to Devi, or buy a consecrated
one which you can wear for special occasions such as your marriage, or
hang it in a special place where it will create a powerful vibrant atmosphere.


A set of 11 offerings made three times a day: at 7:40 am, 12:40 pm and 7:40
pm, in a sacred ambiance of gratitude, to appeal to the Devis Grace.
Abhishekam can be offered on any given day, or on a particular special day
or occasion in ones life. At the end of the Abhishekam, Aarti is shared with
everyone, and the offerings made are given back as Prasad.


This offering establishes all that is auspicious for you and your family. It
can be made at any time to honor any occasion. The offerings are then given
back as a Prasad.
Mala Arpana

A decorative flower garland offering can be made daily, on any day or on

special days, in appreciation, to adorn Devi and receive her overflowing

Ney Deepam

A ghee lamp offering to Devi, which can be lit inside, near the Trishul
(trident). It symbolizes complete surrender to Devis Grace.


An offering of fragrant flowers as a gesture of appreciation and gratitude

towards Devi.

Devi Vastram

A sacred red cloth which is supportive in warding off negative influences

and brings good luck. It can be worn as a bandana around the head or neck
or kept in the pooja room, in front of the house, in the workplace, or in
ones vehicle.

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