Research Periodic Test 1

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Penablanca National High School

Penablanca, Cagayan

1st Periodic Exam in Practical Research 1

Grade 12 SY 2017-2018

Directions: The following items are provided with choices. Choose the answer that most
fittingly modifies what is asked. Write your answers in your paper. Please dont write
anything on this questionnaire.

1. The study hopes to promote awareness on alternatives to address the health needs of
the jurisdiction. This statement constitutes what part of Chapter 1?
A. Significance of the Study C. Scope and Delimitation
B. Introduction D. Statement of the Problem
2. Lebron was tasked to conduct an analysis on the story elements of John Wick 2 as
part of her requirement in her Contemporary Literature subject. What approach will
she most likely utilize?
A. Quantitative Approach C. Qualitative Approach
B. Affective Approach D. Intellectual Approach
3. The objectives or goals of the study are stated in this subtopic.
A. Significance of the Study C. Scope and Delimitation
B. Introduction D. Statement of the Problem
4. This pertains to the collection of academic articles related to a study.
A. Related Literature C. References
B. Related Studies D. Citation
5. Which of the following is not a Citation Style?
A. Chicago Style C. NLA
6. What Citation Style is used when a researcher conducts a study about the marketing
strategies of Iphone?
A. MLA C. Chicago Style
7. What is the independent variable in this Title? The Role of Teachers Comments
During Book Reading in Childrens Vocabulary Growth
A. Book Reading C. Childrens Vocabulary Growth
B. Teachers Comments D. Children
8. Refer to Question No. 6. What is the dependent variable in the title mentioned?
A. Book Reading C. Childrens Vocabulary Growth
B. Teachers Comments D. Children
9. This study aimed to investigate the healthy lifestyle practices and health condition
among high risk diabetic clients before and after the utilization of Community-Based
Lifestyle Intervention (CBLI). This statement constitutes:
A. Statement of the Problem C. Significance of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation D. Conceptual Framework
10. This refers to the demographic profile of the respondents.
A. Independent C. Dependent
B. Extraneous D. Demography
11. The focus of the study is to propose and to test the effectiveness of the Bricolage
Approach Model in a blended learning environment for Isabela State University (ISU)
San Mateo Campus. This is a statement for:
A. Statement of the Problem C. Significance of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation D. Conceptual Framework
12. Here is an excerpt from the abstract of a particular study. The authors present
teachers' perceptions of their interpersonal experiences with students in both positive
and problematic relationships. Interview data from 28 teachers were examined by

1st Periodic Exam_Practical Research 1 Page 1

coding utterances on teacher and student interactions. What is the main objective of
A. To present the perceptions of teachers on their interpersonal experiences with
B. To perceive teachers interpersonal experiences with students
C. To interview 28 teachers on their interpersonal experiences with students
D. To examine the teacher-student interaction
13. Refer to the previous item. Who are the respondents in the study?
A. Students C. Teachers and Students
B. Teachers D. Authors
14. Which of the following is not an importance of Citation?
A. To give credit to the author
B. To combat plagiarism
C. To make the study well-known
D. To locate particular sources
15. The following are the reasons why Literature Review is necessary except:
A. It gives credit to the author
B. It gives the researcher a feeling of confidence
C. It helps the researcher develop new research questions
D. It helps the researcher understand his topic better
16. This refers to the ethical principles a researcher needs to adhere to in conducting a
A. Research Defense C. Research Ethics
B. Research Problem D. Research Questions
17. This is a process used in data collection in which a predetermined number of
respondents are taken from a larger population.
A. Data Collection C. Statistics
B. Sampling D. Instrumentation
18. What Qualitative Approach is being used in this study, Students Experiences and
Perceptions of the K-12 Curriculum?
A. Grounded Theory C. Ethnography
B. Phenomenology D. Case Study
19. The following are characteristics of Research except:
A. Objectives C. Systematic
B. Empirical D. Analytical
20. A Research paper must follow an orderly and sequential procedure. This
characterized a study that is:
A. Empirical C. Systematic
B. Critical D. Replicable
21. It is a formal, objective and systematic process aimed to test connections and
examine cause and effect relationships.
A. Research Paper C. Qualitative
B. Quantitative D. Case Study
22. Which of the following method is not utilized by a Quantitative Research?
A. Immersion C. Questionnaire
B. Survey D. Interview
23. What Citation style should Chris Evans employ if he will study about the behavior of
SHS students towards group studies?
A. APA C. Chicago Style
B. MLA D. none of the mentioned options
24. If a researcher wants to study about the Holocaust that transpired during the Hitlers
regime in Germany, what style is appropriate in his citation?
A. APA C. Chicago Style
B. MLA D. none of the mentioned choices
25. Which of the following does not characterize Quantitative Research?
A. Structured C. Theoretical
B. Exploratory D. Correlative
26. Which of the following does not describe a Qualitative Research?
A. Interpretative C. Investigative

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B. Comparative D. Subjective
27. Which of the following is not an appropriate data collection method for an
ethnographic study?
A. Immersion C. Description of experience
B. Direct observation D. Interaction with subjects
28. A Historical Research is conducted for the following reasons except:
A. to make predictions C. to formulate idea
B. to fully understand practices and policies D. to help resolve current issues
29. GRIT, is defined as the child's perseverance and passion for long-term goals, coupled
with a powerful motivation to achieve his respective objective (Duckworth, 2007).
This citation uses what style?
A. APA C. Chicago Style
30. Refer to the previous item. What type of citation was used?
A. In-Text Citation for Short-Direct Quotation
B. In-Text Citation for Direct Short Quotation
C. Typical In-Text Citation
D. Simple In-Text Citation


Directions: Identify whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE
if the statement shows truthfulness and FALSE if it shows otherwise.

1. Summarizing is the same with paraphrasing

2. Related Literature is the compilation of scholars opinions related to a certain study
3. Chapters should start on a new page but sections and subsections should not
4. Scope is the coverage of the study and delimitation is the focus of the study.
5. A Research has four chapters including the preliminary pages and references.
6. The Scope and Delimitation tackles the description of the respondents.
7. Specific objectives must be stated in the form of questions.
8. In Research Ethics, to be objective is to be able to clearly define the goals of the
9. Research questions are questions asked to the respondents of the study.
10. Bibliographic information are facts found in the References section.

Directions: Identify what is being referred to in the following items. Write your answer in
your Answer Sheet.

1. This is a variable in the study manipulated by the researcher

2. This is the basic element of analysis in Qualitative Research
3. A Qualitative approach that examines the uniqueness of individuals lived
4. This refers to the coverage or focus of the study
5. It emphasizes objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or
numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys.
6. It is designed to explore and describe the characteristics of culture.
7. What kind of detail should be presented in a Statement of the Problem?
8. This portion presents the importance or relevance of the study.
9. It is a Qualitative approach involving the construction of theory through the
analysis of data.
10. An in-depth study or description on the behavior of an individual, group,
organization or situation used as a basis in concept development.

IV. IDENTIFICATION B. Quantitative vs. Qualitative

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Directions: The following items describe or tell something about the two approaches of
Research - Qualitative and Quantitative. Write the complete word of the approach being
referred to in your answer sheet.

1. The data-gathering instrument is the researcher himself.

2. It makes predictions.
3. It allows statistical comparison
4. It provides details about human behavior, emotion and personality characteristics.
5. It takes some form of naturalistic observation.
6. It is exploratory in nature.

For the following titles, identify if they are Qualitative or Quantitative

7. The Impact of Graduate Level Education on the Wage Gap of Government Employees
8. Academic Motivation in Children with Dyslexia
9. Characteristics of Philippine National Female Leaders in the 21st Century
10. A Tracer Study on the Graduates of Penablanca National High School Batch 2000-


This study used a descriptive survey method to assess the socio-demographic

characteristics of the respondents such as gender, age, parents occupation, size
of income, preference of student in choosing a career and anticipated problems
that affect the career choices of High School students of PNHS for the AY 2010-
2011. Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analysis,
classifying and tabulating data. Hence, this method was employed.

The article cited above is a sample statement under Research Methodologies. Study its
components then answer the following questions.

1. The article is an example of what section under Methods?

A. Introduction C. Respondents of the Study
B. Research Design D. Instrumentation

2. What was the method the researcher utilized as mentioned in the article?
3. What kind of variable was presented in the article?
A. Independent C. Extraneous
B. Dependent D. Demography

4. Which among the following is the corresponding title for the study presented?
A. Preference of Students in Choosing a Career
B. Problems Affecting the Career Choices of PNHS Students for the AY 2010-2011
C. Assessment on the Socio-Demographic Characteristics of PNHS students
D. Students Preference and their Socio Demographic Characteristics

5. What was the objective of the study as mentioned above?

A. To describe the effect of the students socio-demographic characteristics
B. To evaluate the socio-demographic profile of the respondents which affect their
career choices
C. To assess the respondents career choices
D. To anticipate some problems of the respondents in their career choice

6. Which of the following is not a socio-demographic information as cited in the

A. Parents educational attainment
B. Parents occupation
C. Age

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D. Size of Income

7. Who are the respondents in the study?

A. Students C. School
B. Parents D. Respondents

8. What kind of survey was conducted in the study?

A. Descriptive Survey C. Sample Survey
B. Descriptive Normative Survey D. Poll Survey

9-10. For 2 points, what makes the study descriptive?

VI. MAKING AN OUTLINE. Below is an Incomplete Structure of a Research Paper. Fill

in the missing sections to complete the structure. Write your answers in your paper.

Chapter 1
(1) _______________
Scope and Delimitation
Definition of Terms

Chapter 2
Data Gathering Procedures
Data Analysis

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

VII. ENUMERATION. Answer the following items in an enumerative form.

1-3 (List down the Importance of Citation)
4-8 (Present the different Citation Rules)
9-11 (Lay down 3 Ethical Principles of Research)
12-15 (Provide 4 Characteristics of a Good Problem)
16-20 (Give 5 examples of Bibliographic Information)

Its not about how bad you want it

Its about how hard youre willing
to work for it! God Bless!

Prepared by:

Mary Jane Carag Villarin

Subject Teacher
Practical Research 101 janeville

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