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Aarakocra (birdman)

Abilities (Focuses)
+1 Accuracy (Bite)
-4 Communication
+0 Constitution
+2 Dexterity
+2 Fighting (Claw)
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Seeing, Hearing)
+1 Strength (Might)
+0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

12 35 12 4

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Talon +4 1d6+3
Javelin +1 1d6+2 Piercing melee or ranged 30/120

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP),
Skirmish (1SP).

Dive Attack: (SP 2) Can Perform a dive attack instantly if within 15 yards adding a 1d6 to the

Summoning Air Elementals: (SP 6) Can summon an Air Elemental and place on any spot
anywhere within 15 yards.

Threat: Minor
Ankheg (monsterous insect)
Senses Dark Sight & Tremorsense 20 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
3 Constitution (Stamina,Burrowing/Tunneling)
3 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
-2 Intelligence
0 Perception (Seeing, Tremorsense)
4 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

14 (8 Burrow) 40 13 5

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +4 2d6+4

Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Pierce Armor, Acidic Bite 2SP
Acidic Bite: aditional 1d6 penetrating damage
Tough Shell: Ankheg gets an Armor of 5.
Acid Spray 5SP: The ankheg spits acid in a line that is 10 yards long and 2 yards wide, provided
that it has no creature grappled. Each creature in that line must make a TN 13 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) test, taking 2d6 penetrating damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Quick Grapple 2 SP: After successfully making a Bite attack on a target, the Ankheg can
automatically obtain a grapple. The target must succeed at a Strength (Might) test versus the
Ankhegs Strength (Might) to break free.
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy
-4 Communication
1 Constitution
0 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Gauntlets)
-4 Intelligence
-3 Perception
2 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10 35 10 10

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Gauntlet +4 1d6+3

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP),
Skirmish (1SP).

Blindsight:The animated armorcan see perfectly within 60 feet, regardless of lighting, but is blind
beyond that point.

Animated with Magic:The animated armorwill become a harmless suit of armor if it issuccessfully
target by the Arcane Abatement spell.

Threat: Minor
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Brawling)
-3 Communication
+0 Constitution
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting
+1 Intelligence
+0 Perception (Seeing, Hearing)
-2 Strength (Intimidation)
+5 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

6 55 12 3

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Touch +4 2d6+2 Necrotic Damage

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP),
Priority (1SP).


Detect Living: (SP 1) Can detect the general location of living creatures within 60 yards.

Incorporeal: (SP 2) Can walk through walls/people/terrain. Every creature passed through takes
Id6 damage. Cannot end turn inside object or 2d6 damage.

Horrifying Gaze: (SP 3)Anyone within 30 yard must test willpower TN12 or be frightened for
2mins. Test can be repeated each turn but TN is increased to 15.

Deathly Wail: (SP 6) Banshee can wail anyone within 15 yards must pass TN 13 constitution or
drops to 2 Health on success PC takes 10 points Psychic damage.
Abilities (Focuses)
+4 Accuracy (Bite)
-4 Communication
+5 Constitution (Stamina)
+0 Dexterity (initiative)
+3 Fighting
-4 Intelligence
+0 Perception (Smelling)
+4 Strength (Might)
-3 Willpower (Courage)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

16 85 10 8

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +6 2d6+4 piercing damage

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Confusing Gaze (4 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5
SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP).


Deadly Leap: (SP 3) Can Leap 12 yards on to a creature and any creature within base contact
must pass a TN 14 Strength or Dex test. or be knocked prone 2d6+2 Bludgeoning damage. Half
Damage on save and pushed 2 yards away.

Tunnel: (SP 6) May immediately tunnel beneath the earth disappearing from sight and all attacks
and travel up to 30 yards and remain so until attacking or being detected by a TN 16 Perception

SinkHole: May dive under creature and create a sinkhole all PCs must pass a TN 12 Dex test. or
be knocked prone and take 1d6+1 falling damage.
Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
2 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Claws)
-2 Intelligence
0 Perception (Hearing)
4 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower (Morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

15 (10 Burrow) 50 10 6

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +3 2d6+4
Claw +4 1d6+5

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Confusing Gaze (4 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5
SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP).

Burrow:The bister behemoth can move through rock and stone at a Speed of 10.

Confusing Gaze (4 SP):The bister behemoth's target generates -2 Stunt Points until the beginning
of the target's next turn.

Darkvision:Thebister behemothcan see perfectly in total darkness.

Aberrant Monster
Defense 13, AR 5
Health 30, Speed 12 (16 Swimming)
Dark Vision (60 yards), 360 Degree Sight

+2 Accuracy (Throwing, Staves)

+0 Communication (Deception)
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+2 Fighting (Spears, Bludgeons)
+0 Intelligence
+1 Perception
+2 Strength (Jumping)
+1 Willpower

Melee: Spear +3 (1d6+3) Morning Star +3 (1d6+3) Throwing Spear (1d6+3) (If used) Shield (+1
AC) Light Mail (Turtle Shell) ( - 2 Speed)

On a successful contested Dexterity (Acrobatics) test a Bullywug can make a second bite attack.

Bite: +2 (2D6+5)

Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike, Leap Frog.

Marsh Move (Ex): Bullywugs suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Skills: Bullywugs have a +6 racial bonus on Hide checks when in marshes because of their skill at

Slippery When Wet: Bullywugs skin is moist and slippery and when an adversary tries to grapple
one he must first test TN 11 Strength (Might) or fails to hold on.

Special Stunts: Leap Frog (SP 3) The bullywug may swaps positions with an adjacent the ally.
Bullywug Shaman
Aberrant Monster
Defense 12, AR 4
Health 60, Speed 12 (16 Swimming)
Dark Vision (infin), 360 Degree Sight

+2 Accuracy (Arcane Blast, Bite, Staves)

+3 Communication (Deception,Leadership)
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+1 Fighting
+4 Intelligence (Fire Arcana, Healing Arcana, Historical Lore, Religious Lore, Shadow Arcana)
+1 Perception
+1 Strength (Jumping)
+6 Willpower (Faith, Self-Disipline)

Magic Points: 90 Spellpower: 18

Arcane Blast +4 2d6+6
Staff +3 1d6+1
On a successful contested Dexterity (Acrobatics) test a Bullywug can make a second bite attack.
Poisonous Bite: The bites poison slows and partially paralyzes the victim, who suffers a 3
penalty to Dexterity, Fighting, and Accuracy until the end of the encounter or until they receive
magical healing.

Favored Stunts: Threaten, Sway the Crowd, Stunned Silence, Fast Casting. Poison Arrow,
Hopscotch, Swamp Air, Summoning Storm.

Special Stunts:

Leap frog (SP 2) The Bullywug may swaps positions with an adjacent ally.

Poison Arrow (SP3) Inflict an addition 2d6 Poison Damage

Swamp Air: (Poison) (SP3) AOE (6): Any enemy that cast healing and or is healed within the AOE
receives (-2) to either healing or the casting of. This stacks if both healer and the recipient are in
the AOE. Lasts: 1d6Rounds

Summoning Storm (SP 5): Bullywug Shaman may summon two allied guardian creatures to its
side these must be visible on the board (or resurrect two if none are left), all creatures are
immediately returned to full health. When a Bullywug Shamen uses a Summoning Storm, there is
a 50% chance that one more creature than the spell would ordinarily summon will appear. In such
cases, there is then a 25% chance that the monsters will not be in the Bullywugs control.

Mage Powers: Arcane Blast, Big Blast, Power Blast, Spell Blast

Magic Talents: Healing Arcana (Master), Fire Arcana (Master), Shadow Arcana (Master)

Spells: Arcane lantern, Burning Shield, Flame Blast, Firestorm, Healing Aura, Healing Touch,
Restoration, Revival, Shadow Dagger, Shadows Embrace, Shadow Slip, Veil of Darkness.

Slippery When Wet: Bullywugs skin is moist and slippery and when an adversary tries to grapple
one he must first test TN 11 Strength (Might) or fails to hold on.

Marsh Move (Ex): Bullywugs suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.
Bullywug Elite Guard
Aberrant Monster
Defense 14, AR 5
Health 35, Speed 12 (16 Swimming)
Dark Vision (60 yards), 360 Degree Sight

+3 Accuracy (Throwing, Staves)

+0 Communication (Deception, Leadership)
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+4 Dexterity (Stealth)
+2 Fighting (Spears, Bludgeons)
+0 Intelligence
+1 Perception
+3 Strength (Jumping, Might)
+1 Willpower

Melee: Spear +4 (1d6+3) Morning Star +4 (1d6+3) Throwing Spear +5 (1d6+3) (If used) Shield
(+1 AC) Light Mail (Turtle Shell) ( - 2 Speed)

A Bullywug CAN make a second bite attack.

Bite: +3 (2D6+5)

Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike, Leap Frog, Hopping Mad.

Special Stunts: Hopscotch (SP 3) The Bullywug may swaps positions with an adjacent the ally.

Hopping Mad (SP 3) : The Elite Bullywug can call any creature ally within 4 yards to jump
adjacent to it and to make an immediate melee attack. Rolling doubles on these bonus attacks
does not generate stunt points.

Marsh Move (Ex): Bullywugs suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Slippery When Wet: Bullywugs skin is moist and slippery and when an adversary tries to grapple
one he must first test TN 12 Strength (Might) or fails to hold on.
Crab (Bone Crab)
Aberrant Monster
Defense 13, AR 3
Health 27, Speed 8
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+2 Accuracy (claws)
+0 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Initiative)
+4 Fighting (claws)
+0 Intelligence
+3 Perception
+2 Strength (Jumping)
+2 Willpower


Claws +4 1D6+2

Favored stunts: Hive Tactics, and Skirmish.

Hive mind: All bone crabs within 30 yards of one another can communicate perfectly. If one is
aware of danger, they all are. None in a particular group can be surprised unless all can be

Hive Tactics: For 2 SP, a bone crab can allow another member of the hive adjacent to its target to
make an immediate attack. This granted attack cannot generate stunt points.

Leap: Bone crabs have incredibly powerful legs and can leap up to four yards straight ahead or
backwards as a minor action. This ability can be used in conjunction with a charge attack.

White ghost shivers: A bone crab that scores stunt points on a claw attack can inflict its White
Ghost Shivers disease upon a victim, who must make a Constitution (Stamina) test against a TN of
(10 + the number of stunt points). The number of stunt points merely sets the appropriate TN, the
bone crab still gets to spend the stunt points normally. A failed test means the victim is infected. An
infected victim makes a new Constitution (Stamina) test against the same target number each
morning after the initial infection. If the victim fails three tests they die. Any type of magical healing
allows the victim to make a new test.
Aberrant Monster
Defense 14, AR 5
Health 125, Speed 10
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+3 Accuracy (Brawling)
-1 Communication
+5 Constitution (Stamina)
+0 Dexterity
+4 Fighting (Axes, Bludgeons)
+0 Intelligence
+0 Perception (hearing, smelling)
+5 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
+2 Willpower

Melee: Attack x2

Two Handed Maul: +6 (2D6+3)

Push a Rock: (3 SP) Can throw large rock (10 yards) TN 11 Dex to avoid 2d6+1 bludgeoning

One Eyed Fear: (2 SP) everyone in line of sight must pass a TN 10 Willpower test or be Feared
for 1min or until test passed.

AC 11-12 to Armor 3
AC 13-14 to Armor 4
AC 15 to Armor 5
AC 16 to Armor 7
AC 17 to Armor 8
AC 18+ to Armor 10
Aberrant Monster
Defense 14, AR 4
Health 52, Speed 10
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+3 Accuracy (Brawling)
+0 Communication
+3 Constitution (Stamina)
-1 Dexterity
+3 Fighting
-3 Intelligence (Deception)
+0 Perception (insight))
+0 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
-2 Willpower

Melee: Attack +1***

Slam: +5 (2D6+1)

Read Thoughts: (4 SP) Can read a PCs thoughts and before a creature take a next action . can
after move andinterrupt and take action.

Surprise Attack (3 SP) TN 14 on Perception or take (2d6+1)

2 Yard surrounding is Difficult Terrain !!!

Gibbering Mouther
Aberrant Monster
Defense 9, AR 1
Health 67, Speed 10
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+3 Accuracy (Bite)
+0 Communication
+2 Constitution (Stamina)
+4 Dexterity
+3 Fighting
+0 Intelligence (Deception)
+1 Perception
+0 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
+2 Willpower

Melee: Attack x2

Bite: +5 (1D6+3) + TN 10 Knocked Prone

Blinding Spit: (3 SP) Spits Poison 5 yards Explodes into blinding Light All PCs in 2yards TN
13 Dex or be blinded till end of MOUTHERS next turn.

Gibbering (3 SP) Any creature within 8 yards TN 10 willpower test any creature within range take
Gibbering Bite 2d6+3

Aberrant Monster
Defense 14, AR 5
Health 80, Speed 14
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+3 Accuracy (Staves)
-1 Communication
+3 Constitution (Stamina)
-1 Dexterity (Stealth)
+3 Fighting (Axes, Bludgeons)
-1 Intelligence
+4 Perception (seeing, hearing, smelling)
+5 Strength (Jumping, Might)
+1 Willpower

Melee: Attack x2

Morningstar: +5 (1D6+3)
Battleaxe: +5 (2d6)

Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike.

Aberrant Monster
Defense 12, AR 2
Health 55, Speed 10
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+2 Accuracy (Bite)
-0 Communication
+1 Constitution (Stamina)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+3 Fighting (Tentacles)
+1 Intelligence
+0 Perception (Tracking)
+2 Strength (Might)
-1 Willpower

Melee: Attack x2
Tentacles: +5 (2D6+2) TN11 of be poisoned for 1min Target Grapple TN15 to Escape
Beak: +5 (2d6)

Immunity: Lightning
Duel Attack with Beak and Tentacles
Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike.

Aberrant Monster
Defense 12, AR 4
Health 27, Speed 10
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+2 Accuracy (Bite)
-0 Communication
+0 Constitution (Stamina)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+3 Fighting (Tentacles)
-2 Intelligence
+2 Perception (Tracking)
+2 Strength (Might)
-3 Willpower

Melee: Attack x2

Tentacles: +4 (1D6+1) On a successful hit target must pass TN11 Dex test for each unsuccessful
test hit they continue tentacle damage continues.

Beak: +4 (1d6+2)

Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike.

Giant Frog
Giant Beast
Defense: 12, AR 3
Health 40 Speed 14
Dark Vision (60 yards), 360 Degree Sight

+2 Accuracy (Bite)
-3 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+0 Intelligence
+1 Fighting
+2 Perception
+3 Strength (Jumping,Might)
+2 Willpower

Bite +4 (1d6+3)
Ranged Tongue Lash +2 (6 yards)

Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Skirmish Tongue Lash.

Tongue Lash (SP 3): The Frog can attack targets at up to 4 yards away with its tongue. Targets
who are hit must roll Strength (Might) versus the Frogs's Strength or be grappled and pulled 2 yard
towards the toad's mouth each round. After this grapple is initiated, the frog must either expend a
Minor action each round to continue grappling the target or let the target go as a free action.

Bite +4 (1d6+3) and the target is grappled (escape TN 11). Until this grapple ends, the
target is restrained, and the frog can't bite another target.

Swallow. The frog makes one bite attack against a target it is grappling. If the attack hits,
the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded and
restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the frog, and it takes
1d6 acid damage at the start of each of the frog's turns and suffer -3 penalties to every
action and take. The frog can have only one target swallowed at a time. If the frog dies, a
swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5
feet of movement, exiting prone.
Giant Frog Elite
Giant Beast
Defense: 13, AR 3
Health 40 Speed 16
Dark Vision (60 yards), 360 Degree Sight

+3 Accuracy (Bite)
-3 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+0 Intelligence
+1 Fighting
+2 Perception
+4 Strength (Jumping,Might)
+2 Willpower

Bite +5 (1d6+3)
Ranged Tongue Lash +3 (6 yards)

Favored Stunts: Knock Prone and Skirmish, PoisonTongue Lash, Kick Back.

Kick Back (SP): Using its mighty hind legs a Frog can Kick 1d6(round to even)*yards away in any
direction and is knocked prone. If the creature crosses the path of another creature(s) then they
both take 1d6+1 damage and are both (all) knocked prone.

PoisonTongue Lash (SP 3): The Frog can attack targets at up to 6 yards away with its tongue.
Targets who are hit must roll (TN11) Strength (Might) or be grappled and pulled 2 yard towards the
toad's mouth each round. After this grapple is initiated, the toad must either expend a Minor action
each round to continue grappling the target or let the target go as a free action. The target is
weakened by poison and suffers -2 to all abilities while grappled.

Poison Bite +4 (1d6+3) and the target is grappled (escape TN 11). Until this grapple ends, the
target is restrained, and the frog can't bite another target. The target is weakened by poison and
suffers -1 to all abilities while grappled.

Swallow. The frog makes one bite attack against a target it is grappling. If the attack hits,
the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded and
restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the frog, and it takes
1d6 acid damage at the start of each of the frog's turns and suffer -3 penalties to every
action and take. The frog can have only one target swallowed at a time. If the frog dies, a
swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5
feet of movement, exiting prone.
Ghoul Bonepowder
Aberrant Monster
Defense 18, AR 0
Health 70, Speed 18
Dark Vision (60 yards)

+4 Accuracy (Claws)
-2 Communication
+0 Constitution
+8 Dexterity (Stealth)
+0 Fighting
+2 Intelligence
+3 Perception (hearing, smelling)
-3 Strength
+6 Willpower (Courage, Self-Discipline)

Ripping claws +10 2D6+6 Penetrating

Favored stunts: Dust Lash, Jaws of Dust, Surprise Attack, and Skirmish.

Dust Lash: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Dust Lash stunt for 4 SP. All enemies
within six yards of the ghoul are buffeted by a life draining storm of bone dust, inflicting 2d6+6
penetrating damage to each.

Font of Death: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Font of Death stunt for 5 SP. One
enemy within four yards of the ghoul takes 2d6+6 penetrating damage, and the ghoul heals an
amount of health equal to the damage dealt.

Grave Dance: A bonepowder ghoul can make a stealth check to hide from sight without needing
cover or concealment.

Incorporeal: Bonepowder ghouls are incorporeal, forming temporary bodies of bone dust and ash.
They ignore the effects of terrain and non- magical damage, which passes through them
harmlessly. Magical attacks (spells and magical weapons) harm them normally.

Jaws of dust: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Jaws of Dust stunt for 3 SP. The ghoul
bites a creature struck by one of its other attacks for an additional 1d6+6 penetrating damage, and
causes the target to be paralyzed as per the spell. The target can make a TN 15 Constitution
(Stamina) test to avoid being paralyzed.

Surprise Attack: A bonepowder ghoul can make a surprise attack by vanishing and
rematerializing nearby. This works like a rogues backstab power (Set 1 Players Guide), requiring
an opposed test of the ghouls Dexterity (Stealth) and the targets Perception (Seeing). If the ghoul
wins, its next attack on the target has a +2 bonus to hit and inflicts an additional +1d6 penetrating
Defense 14, AR 4
Health 40, Speed 12, Swim 12
Senses Night Vision

+2 Accuracy (Staves, Bite, Brawling)

+1 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+2 Fighting (Bludgeons)
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Smelling)
+3 Strength (might)
+1 Willpower

Duel Attack: Lizardfolk can make 2 melee attacks each with a different weapon.

Bite +4 (2D6+5)
Club +4 (1d6)
Spear +2 (1d6+2)
Ranged Throwing Spear +2 (1d6+3, 8/16 yards -2)
Sling +2 (1d6+1 8/16 yards -2)
Blow Gun +2 (1d6+1 16/32 yards -2)
Trident +2 (2d6+1)
Dagger +2 (1d6+1)

Favored Stunts: Disarm, Mighty Blow, Tail Lash.

Tail Lash (SP3): Lizard Folk can attack any target within 2 yards with its tail. Targets must pass a
(TN 11) Dexterity (Acrobatics) or be knocked prone.

Weapon Groups: Bludgeons, Brawling and Spears.

Marsh Move (Ex): Lizardfolk suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Lung Capacity: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes before they risk drowning.

Equipment: Club, Medium Shield, Spear or Throwing Spear, Trident.

Lizardfolk Shaman
Defense 13, AR 3
Health 50, Speed 12, Swim 12
Senses Night Vision

+2 Accuracy (Arcane Blast, Bite, Staves)

+3 Communication (Deception,Leadership)
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+1 Fighting
+4 Intelligence (Fire Arcana, Healing Arcana, Historical Lore, Religious Lore, Shadow Arcana)
+1 Perception
+1 Strength (Jumping)
+4 Willpower (Faith,Self-Disipline)

Magic Points: 50 Spellpower: 16

Arcane Blast +4 2d6+6
Staff +3 1d6+1

Duel Attack: Lizard Folk can make 2 melee attacks each with a different weapon.

Bite +4 (2D6+5)
Claw +4 (1d6+6)

Tooth & Claw: The Lizardfolk Shamen can make a bite and claw attack with a single attack action.
Each attack check is rolled separately and can generate stunt points.

Favored Stunts: Powerful Casting, Mighty Spell, Tail Lash.

Lightening Tail Lash (SP3): Lizardfolk Shaman can attack with a Lightening Shock any target
within 2 yards with its tail. Targets must pass a (TN 11) Strength (Might) or be pushed back 2yards
and knocked prone.

Weapon Groups: Bite, Claws

Marsh Move (Ex): Lizardfolk suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Lung Capacity: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes before they risk drowning.

Equipment: Club, Medium Shield, Spear or Throwing Spear, Trident.

Spells: Watery Doom, Water Wall, Forest Blend, Water Whip, Jolt, Shocking Blast, Lighting Blast,
Healing Touch, Revival, Healing Aura
Lizardfolk Elite King/Queen

Defense 14, AR 4
Health 80, Speed 12, Swim 12
Senses Night Vision

+3 Accuracy (Trident, Bite, Brawling)

+1 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+3 Fighting (Bludgeons, Claws)
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Smelling)
+4 Strength (might)
+1 Willpower

Duel Attack: Lizard Folk can make 2 melee attacks each with a different weapon.

Bite +5 (2D6+5)
Claw +5 (1d6+6)
Two Handed Trident +5 (2d6+3)

Tooth & Claw: The Lizardfolk Shamen can make a bite and claw attack with a single attack action.
Each attack check is rolled separately and can generate stunt points.

Favored Stunts: Disarm, Mighty Blow, Tail Lash.

Tail Lash (SP3): Lizard Folk can attack any target within 2 yards with its tail. Targets must pass a
(TN 11) Dexterity (Acrobatics) or be knocked prone.

Weapon Groups: Bludgeons, Brawling and Spears.

Marsh Move (Ex): Lizardfolk suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Lung Capacity: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes before they risk drowning.

Equipment: Two Handed Trident.

Lizardfolk Sling Shooter
Defense 13, AR 4
Health 40, Speed 12, Swim 12
Senses Night Vision

+2 Accuracy (Lightblades, Bite, Sling)

+1 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+2 Fighting
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Smelling)
+3 Strength (might)
+1 Willpower

Duel Attack: Lizardfolk can make 2 melee attacks each with a different weapon.

Bite +4 (2D6+5)
Sling +4 (1d6+1 8/16 yards -2)
Dagger +4 (1d6+1)

Favored Stunts: Disarm, Mighty Blow, Tail Lash.

Tail Lash (SP3): Lizard Folk can attack any target within 2 yards with its tail. Targets must pass a
(TN 11) Dexterity (Acrobatics) or be knocked prone.

Two Stones (SP2): You can make a second sling attack with no range

Weapon Groups: Brawling, Light Blades, Sling.

Marsh Move (Ex): Lizardfolk suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Lung Capacity: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes before they risk drowning.

Equipment: Sling, Dagger.

Lizardfolk Two-Headed
Defense 13, AR 4
Health 40, Speed 12, Swim 12
Senses Night Vision

+3 Accuracy (Staves, Bite, Brawling)

+1 Communication
+2 Constitution (Swimming)
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+2 Fighting (Bludgeons)
+1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Smelling, Seeing)
+3 Strength (might)
+1 Willpower

Duel Attack: Lizardfolk can make 2 melee attacks each with a different weapon. And each head
can make a BITE attack

Bite +5 (2D6+5)
Blow Gun +2 (1d6+1 16/32 yards -2)
Trident +2 (2d6+1)

Favored Stunts: Disarm, Mighty Blow, Tail Lash.

Tail Lash (SP3): Lizard Folk can attack any target within 2 yards with its tail. Targets must pass a
(TN 11) Dexterity (Acrobatics) or be knocked prone.

Weapon Groups: Bludgeons, Brawling and Spears.

Marsh Move (Ex): Lizardfolk suffer no movement penalties for moving in marshes or mud.

Lung Capacity: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes before they risk drowning.

Equipment: Club, Medium Shield, Spear or Throwing Spear, Trident.

Orc Warrior
Defense 10, AR 5
Health 30, Speed 10 Senses
Night Vision

+2 Accuracy (Bows)
-1 Communication
+3 Constitution (Running, Stamina)
+0 Dexterity (Brawling)
+2 Fighting (Axes, Bludgeons, Heavy Blades)
+0 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Searching)
+3 Strength (Intimidation)
+1 Willpower

Melee Battle Axe +4 (2d6+3), LongSword +4 (2d6+3)

Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish and Mighty Blow.

Weapon Groups: Axes, Brawling and Bludgeons

Talents: Armor Training (N), Weapon and Shield Style (N)

Equipment: Battle Axe, Heavy Leather

Weapons Group: Axes, Bludgeons, Brawling, Heavy Blades equiPment: Battle Axe or Longsword,
Light Mail
Orc Shaman

Defense 12, AR 3
Health 25, Mana 14, Speed 10
Senses Night Vision
+2 Accuracy (Arcane Blast, Bite, Staves)
+3 Communication (Deception,Leadership)
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+1 Fighting
+3 Intelligence (Fire Arcana, Healing Arcana, Historical Lore, Religious Lore, Shadow Arcana)
+1 Perception
+1 Strength (Jumping)
+4 Willpower (Faith,Self-Disipline)

Melee Two-Handed Maul +3 (2d6+6)

Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor and Puissant Casting.

Weapon Groups: Brawling and Bludgeons Talents: Shadow Magic (J)

Magic Points: 90 Spellpower: 18

Spells (3): Divine (Shadow), Spellpower 14, 4 spells +1 Shadow.

Equipment: Light Mail, Two-Handed Maul
Shaman usually know the Drain Life, Paralyze, Obscuring Darkness, and Vulnerabilty Hex spells.
Most orcs revere the immortal Wogar, but some revere Atzanteotl instead, mostly those living in the
Broken Lands. Orcs often need some form of motivation, and the Shamans provide it by shaming
those too lazy to go on raids, and lashing those too slow to forge ahead to glory fast enough.
Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
2 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Claws)
-2 Intelligence
0 Perception (Hearing)
4 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower (Morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

15 (10 Burrow) 50 10 6

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +3 2d6+4
Claw +4 1d6+5

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Confusing Gaze (4 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5
SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP).

Burrow:The hulk can move through rock and stone at a Speed of 10.

Confusing Gaze (4 SP):The bister behemoth's target generates -2 Stunt Points until the beginning
of the target's next turn.

Darkvision:Thebister behemothcan see perfectly in total darkness.


Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy (Beak)
-3 Communication
2 Constitution (Stamina)
1 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Claws)
-4 Intelligence
4 Perception (Seeing, Smelling)
4 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower (Morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

15 35 11 4

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Beak +4 1d6+3
Claw +4 1d6+5

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Knock Prone (2 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP).

Armored Hide:The strigibear's hide provides natural armor.

Darkvision:The strigibear can see perfectly in total darkness.

Maul:If the strigibear hits with a claw attack, they may make a beak attack as a free action
against the same target.

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Brawling, Whips)

-1 Communication (Deception,Persuasion)
3 Constitution (Stamina)
2 Dexterity (Acrobatic, Stealth)
2 Fighting
0 Intelligence (Historical Lore)
2 Perception (Smelling)
3 Strength
1 Willpower (Self-Discipline)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

12 30 12 5

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Whip +4 1d6+6

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Dual Strike (4 SP),Lethal Blow Attack (4 SP), Mighty Blow (2
SP), Taunt, (2 SP), Threaten (2 SP), Whiplash (4 SP).

Whiplash: As a special 4 point stunt, in addition to its normal effects, your whip ensnares one
opponent of your choice within 3 yards of you. You must make an opposed test of
yourStrength(Might) vs. the targets Strength (Might). If you win, the target must spend 2 (SP) to
take a major action until the end of their next turn.

Armored:+2 Armor

Diabolical apex predators who machinations prey on entire worlds.
Grey masters lurk in the deepest, darkest of places waiting to consume you.

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy
1 Communication (Deception,Persuasion)
1 Constitution
1 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
4 Intelligence (Arcane Lore, Historical Lore, Natural Lore, Religious Lore)
3 Perception (Empathy, Seeing)
0 Strength
4 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

12 71 12 5

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Mind Blast +4 2d6+4 penetrating
Tentacles +2 1d6+1

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Defensive Stance (2SP),Knock Prone (2 SP), Lightning Attack

(4 SP), Psychovore (5 SP), Seize the Initiative (4 SP).

Psychovore (5 SP):In addition to its normal effects, your melee attack with your tentacles is
sopotent that the target must pay 3 SP to take a major action until the end of its next turn and you
inflict an additional 2d6 penetrating damage.
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Eye Blast)
1 Communication (Deception)
3 Constitution
1 Dexterity (Stealth)
-2 Fighting
2 Intelligence (Arcane Lore, Natural Lore, Research)
3 Perception (Seeing)
-2 Strength
1 Willpower (Self-Discipline)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

12 (Fly) 90 14 6

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Eye Blast +5 2d6+2

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Charming Gaze (2 SP),

Disrupting Gaze (3 SP),Knock Prone (1 SP), Lethal Blow (4 SP), Paralyzing Gaze (4 SP), Mighty
Blow (1 SP), Slowing Gaze (1 SP).

Charming Gaze (2 SP):In addition to its normal effects, your attack is sobeguilingthat the target
must pay 5 SP to attack theoculusuntil the beginning of its next turn.

Disrupting Gaze (3 SP):In addition to its normal effects, your attack is so powerful that the target
must pay 5 SP to cast a spell until the beginning of their its turn.

Paralyzing Gaze (4 SP):In addition to its normal effects, your attack is sopotent that the target
must pay 5 SP to take a major action until the beginning of its next turn.

Slowing Gaze (1 SP):In addition to its normal effects, your attack is sodraining that the target
may only move half their Speed until the beginning of its next turn.
Deep One
The children of Dagon and Hydra have ruledthe waves for uncountedmillennia. Eventually, Dagon
became aware of humanity and inspired both races to meet. From these revels, the hybrids were
born. Most humans found the hybrids monstrous, however Dagon's children embraced them as
royalty. And so the deep ones wait, quietly watching andsubtlety shaping the lives of the land
dwellers by inserting hybrid lords and ladies as agents of change.

Abilities (Focuses)
1 Communication (Performance, Seduction)
0 Accuracy

1 Communication (Seduction)

3 Constitution (Stamina, Swimming)

0 Dexterity (Stealth)

1 Fighting (Spears)

1 Intelligence (Arcane Lore)

0 Perception (Seeing)

2 Strength (Intimidation, Might)

0 Willpower (Faith)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

8/18 (Swim) 30 10 4

Weapon Attack Roll Damage Bite +1 1d6+2

Trident +3 1d6+5

Special Qualities Favored Stunts: Skirmish, Pierce Armor, Seize the Initiative (3).

Strange Song: A deep one can perform a Strange Song stunt for 6 points. 1d3 more deep ones will
appear the following round, however they lack this ability.

Armored: Their fishy hides give deep ones an armor rating of 4.

Amphibious: Deep ones have gills and lungs.

Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy
-2 Communication
2 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Talons)
-2 Intelligence
2 Perception (Hearing)
3 Strength (Climbing, Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10 (10 Climb) 35 10 4

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Talons +4 1d6+3

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Dual Strike (4 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP),
Pierce Armor (2 SP).

Darkvision:The talon terrorcan see perfectly in total darkness.

Fanatical servants ofthe Spider Goddess.

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite, Bows)
1 Communication
3 Constitution (Stamina)
2 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting (Heavy Blades)
0 Intelligence
1 Perception (Seeing)
3 Strength (Climbing, Intimidation, Jumping, Might)
1 Willpower (Self-Discipline)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

15 45 12 5

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +4 2d6+3
Long Bow +4 1d6+4
Long Sword +4 2d6+3

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Darkness (5 SP), Defensive Stance (2 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP),
Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP).

Darkness (5 SP):Thearachnitaur cloaks the area around it in darkness and gains+2 to defense
for 1 minute.

Darkvision:Thearachnitaurcan see perfectly in total darkness.

Spider Climb:The arachnitaur can move up walls, on ceilings, and across webbing at its full Speed

Sunlight Sensitivity:While in sunlight thearachnitaur has a -2 to all ability rolls.

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Brawling)
0 Communication
7 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Axes, Bludgeons, Heavy Blades)
2 Intelligence (Earth Arcana, Fire Arcana, Power Arcana)*
2 Perception (Smelling, Tracking)
7 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
3 Willpower (Self-Discipline)

Speed 12 Health 81 Defense 10 Armour Rating 5

Weapon/Attack Roll/Damage
Ogre Staff +4 3d6+7
Unarmed +4 1d6+7

Special Qualities
Spellcasting: The Ogre Mage has the equivalent of Novice in three Arcana Talents, typically
Earth, Fire and Power Arcana. The Ogre Mage has Magic Points equal to 15 + their Willpower
(18). * - If the Ogre Mage has different Arcane Talents, adjust their focuses accordingly.
Favored Stunts: Lethal Blow (4 SP), Knock Prone, Mighty Blow (1 SP), Threaten

Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts used against ogres require 1 additional SP than normal to
work. Also, ogre-sized weapons do an additional 1d6 damage over their human-sized counterparts
(their fists do 1d6 base damage).

Savage Killers: Ogres can perform the Mighty and Lethal Blow stunts for 1 SP. They also gain a
+2 attack and damage bonus against any target who doesnt succeed in a contested Willpower
(Courage) vs. the ogres Strength(Intimidation) at the beginning of an encounter.
Tough Skin: Ogre Mages have a natural AR of 5.
Weapon Groups: Axes, Bludgeons, Brawling, Heavy Blades
Threat Level: Major
The Weaver
Epic Giant Spider
Ability Scores
Abilities ( Focuses)
5 Accuracy ( Bite )
0 Communication
4 Constitution ( Stamina )
7 Dexterity ( Stealth )
2 Fighting
0 Intelligence
4 Perception ( Tracking, Touch )
5 Strength ( Intimidation, Jumping )
0 Willpower
Combat Ratings
Speed 16 Health 70 Defense 17 Armor 7

Melee Bite +5 2D6+5

Special Qualities
Favored Stunt: Knock Prone, Poison Bite (2SP)
Eight Legs: The Weaver can make two attacks.

My Domain: The Weaver knows where any creature is at that is touching her webs.

Poison Bite Stunt: The Weaver can inject venom as a special stun costing 2 SP. The poison
debilitates the victim, who suffer a -2 Accuracy, Dexterity, and Fighting until the end of the
encounter or they receive magical healing and deals 1D6 penetrating damage

Wall Crawler: The Weaver can walk along vertical surfaces and ceilings.
Web: As a major action The Weaver can shoot a web at a visible enemy within 15 yards. The
target must make a successful TN 15 Dexterity (acrobatics) test or become immobilized. The
target or an ally can free the victim by taking a major action and making a successful TN 13
Strength (Might) test. This is the only action the immobilized character can take until freed

Threat level: Minor

FTG -1
SPD 12
Bite, Brawling Stamina, Running
Smelling, Seeing, Hearing Might
HT 22 DEF 9 AR 2
Bite +2 1d6+1 Kick +2 1d6+2

Favored Stunts
Lightning Attack, Knock Prone, Skirmish, Trample.
Trample: On a charge attack, a horse or its rider can spend 3SP to knock an opponent prone and
make a trample attack for 1d6+ the mount's STR. At the end of the attack the horse is adjacent to
the prone target.

Threat level: Minor

SPD 12
Bite, Brawling Stamina, Running Smelling, Seeing, Hearing Might
HT 70 DEF 12 AR 4
Gore +4 2d6+2
Kick +4 1d6+2 Crushing Damage

Favored Stunts
Lightning Attack, Knock Prone, Skirmish, Trample.
Trample: On a charge attack, a horse or its rider can spend 3SP to knock an opponent prone and
make a trample attack for 1d6+ the creatures STR. At the end of the attack the Mammoth is
adjacent to the prone target.
Tusk Toss: for 3SP On a successful gore Mammoth can toss creature 2d6 spaces in any direction
leaving creature prone and on a failed dec save 1d6 damage.

Threat level: Minor

FTG -1
SPD 12
Bite, Brawling Stamina, Running
Smelling, Seeing, Hearing Might
HT 26 DEF 9 AR 2
Bite +2 1d6+1 Tusks +2 1d6+2

Favored Stunts
Lightning Attack, Knock Prone, Skirmish, Trample.
Trample: On a charge attack, a horse or its rider can spend 3SP to knock an opponent prone and
make a trample attack for 1d6+ the mount's STR. At the end of the attack the horse is adjacent to
the prone target.
Giant Spider
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy(Bite)
-2 Communication (Deception,Persuasion)
2 Constitution (Stamina)
4 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting
-2 Intelligence (Touch)
2 Perception (Empathy, Seeing)
3 Strength (intimidation, Jumping)
2 Willpower (Morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

14 35 14 4

Bite +5 2d6+3

Favored stunts: Knock Prone, Poison Bite (2 SP) exoskeleton: The tough exoskeleton of a giant
spider gives the creature an AR of 4.

Poison bite stunt: A giant spider can inject poison as a special stunt costing 2 SP. The poison
debilitates the victim, who suffers a 2 penalty to Dexterity, Fighting, and Accuracy until the end of
the encounter or until they receive magical healing.

Wall Crawler: A giant spider can walk up walls and even on ceilings.

Web: As a major action a giant spider can shoot a web at a visible enemy within 12 yards. The
target must make a successful TN 11 dexterity (acrobatics) test or become immobilised. The target
or an ally can free the victim by taking a major action and making a successful TN 13 strength
(might) test. This is the only action the immobilised character can take until freed.
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Arcane Lance)
4 Communication (Deception, Persuasion, Seduction)
0 Constitution
5 Intelligence (Entropy Arcana)
3 Dexterity
3 Fighting (Brawing)
3 PerCePtion (Empathy)
1 Strength
2 Willpower
Speed Health Defense AR
13 (13fly) 70 13 7
Weapon Attack roll Damage
Arcane Lance +5 1D6+5
Fist +5 1D3+1
Spellpower: 15 (17) Mana: 55
Arcana: Entropy Arcana [M] , Hex Arcana [M].
Favored stunts: Scream (3 SP) and Taunt.
Special Features

Aura of Magic Resistance: A Succubus and all its allies within 6 yards gain a +1 bonus on all ability
tests to resist spells and other magical effects.

Demon hide: The magical aura of a Succubus gives it an Armor Rating of 7.

Immoveable: A Succubus is immune to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock Prone.

Scream: The Succubus can let out a piercing scream as a special stunt with a cost of 3 SP. Any
character within 10 yards takes 1d6 penetrating damage and must make a successful TN 15
Willpower (Courage) test or lose their major action on their next turn.
Attacks In Depth
Rolling Strike (Knockdown, Speedover)
The Scrap Crawler curls itself into a large spherical shape and uses speed to roll into targets
with its heavy metallic body! This attack travels forward in any cardinal direction until a target is hit,
be it the intended one or something else
Any target hit by this attack is knocked over for one turn while the Scrap Crawler pins it down
and prepares to devour them.
If this attack misses, it continues on until it hits another target. If the target is a structure or wall,
the Scrap Crawler takes 2d6 damage and is knocked over instead of them. (Pending the strength
of the wall/structure)
Mouth Grinder (Repeater)
When a target is knocked down, the Scrap Crawler will make an attempt to grind them apart as it
would a pile of delicious scrap metals. To escape from this pining requires a Strength (Might) check
to break free from the heavy metallic form keeping the target down. If this check is successful, the
attack automatically fails, and the Scrap Crawler itself is rolled onto its side or back for a round.
If this attack hits, the Scrap Crawler will repeat it instantly until it misses. Each repeat is at +1
difficulty to hit.
Monster Tactics
When an impure metal source, or when threatened, a Scrap Crawler will let out a deep bellowing
shriek, to alert any nearby allies of the finding. Scrap Crawlers rarely, if ever, work alone.
During its turn, it will assess if any targets are within range of the Rolling Strike, if not, it will move
and then strike if possible.
If Rolling Strike hits, then it will always follow it up with Mouth Grinder until the target is destroyed.
A Scrap Crawler will drop 10~12 Arches* of sellable materials. Additionally a Graff Crystal may be
pulled from the body by a capable user. This crystal is MEDIUM in size and GOOD in quality.
* 5~6 GP

Attacks In-Depth
Water Strike
Pon Jellies store water in their sac-like tentacles (the big ones) and push it out so fast at their
prey that it almost seems like magically burning water streams! This attack can only be used
underwater, naturally, and is based off of the Accuracy Stat.
Tentacle Strike
Exactly what it says on the tin. Pon Jellies use their tentacles to strike and grab when forced to
be in close quarters, or just when theyre ready to chow down!
Monster Tactics
When on the prowl, a Pon Jelly will always stay out of sight of any potential targets, choosing to fire
at them from the shadows. But when discovered they will do everything they can to take them
down as soon as possible!
On their turn, they will move as far as they can while still being able to hit with its Water Strike
Pon Jellies will run away if their HP is below 1/4th, and it becomes their turn.
A Pon Jelly will generally drop 3~6* Arches in salvageable materials.

This three-legged freak is mostly mouth. Three tentacles, two tipped with barbs and one with eyes,
extend from its sides.
Defense 13, AR 3
Immune: poison
Health 40 Speed 12,
Senses Dark Vision (20 yards)
+1 Accuracy (Brawling, Bite)
+0 Communication
+2 Constitution
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+1 Fighting
-1 Intelligence
+0 Perception
+3 Strength (Might)
+1 Willpower
Bite +3 (1d6+4)
Tentacle +3 (1d6+4)
Favored Stunts: Filth fever 2 SP, Quick Grapple 2SP and Lightning Attack 2SP.
Constriction: A Otyugh can deal 1d6+2 damage to a target it is grappling with a Minor action. This
damage is penetrating if the target is wearing armor.

Quick Grapple: 2 SP, After successfully making a tentacle attack on a target, the Otyugh can
automatically obtain a grapple. The target must succeed at a Strength (Might) test versus the
Otyughs Strength (Might) to break free.

Tentacle Onslaught: Otyughs can attack with two tentacles per Attack Action, although only one
can generate SP.

Filth fever 2 SP: When an Otyugh bites a foe it is verry likely to sicken him. The target must make a
Constitution (Stamina) test vs TN:13 or loose 1d3 points of Dex and Con. (Can make a save as a
Major action on each following turn.)
Dire Bat
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite)
-3 Communication
0 Constitution (Stamina)
-2 Intelligance
2 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
2 Perception (Blindsense, Hearing)
3 Strenght
1 Willpower (Courage)
Combat Ratings
25 Health
13 Defense
3 Armor Rating
6 (Fly 20) Speed
Bite +4 (1d6+3)
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow , Blood Drain , Swoop

Blood Drain Stunt: For 3 SP, a Dire Bat can strike and latch onto its target to drain blood from the
victim. The damage from the Bite attack ignores armour.

Swoop: 2 SP, the Dire Bat can pick up and throw a target it hit with its large mouth while flying.
The target is left prone and takes 1d6 penetrating damage from the fall.
Horned Serpent
A 30-foot-long greenish silver snake-like serpent with a prehensile body. It has two pairs of horns
on its head that it uses to gore to death his victims before swallowing them whole.
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite)
1 Communication
3 Constitution (Stamina, Swimming)
0 Intelligence
5 Dexterity (steAlth)
3 Fighting (Gore, Tail Bash)
3 Perception (hearing, tracking)
5 Strength (climbing)
2 Willpower
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
20 50 15 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Gore +5 3d6+5
Tail bash +5 1d6+5
Bite +4 2d6+5
Favored stunts: Skirmish, Knock Prone, and Lightning Attack.
Scales: The horned serpents scales give it an armor rating of 5.
Constrict: After a successful Tail Bash attack, the horned serpent may automatically coil itself
around its victim and constrict, suffocating him for 1d6+5 damage in each subsequent round. The
serpent can constrict up to two human-sized victims at once in this way, and is free to continue
goring other targets in the meantime. A constricted victim can wriggle free with a hard TN 15
Strength (Might) test. Each roll requires a major action to escape.
Constricted victims can also try to do other things (with the exception of anything involving
movement), but suffer a 2 penalty to all actions, including attacking.
A constricted victim has a special stunt available,Escape the Snake.It costs 4 SP and the victim
manages to wriggle himself free, but he lands prone somewhere adjecent to the serpent.
Abilities (Focuses)
-1 Accuracy
-4 Communication
2 Constitution
-1 Dexterity
2 Fighting (Bite)
-4 Intelligence
1 Perception (Seeing)
3 Strength (Might)
-1 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

8 40 9 4

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +4 1d6+2

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Defensive Stance (2 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP),Mighty Blow (2

SP), Petrifying Gaze (2 SP), Threaten (2 SP).

Armored Hide: The basilsks hide provides a natural Armor Rating of 4.

Darkvision: The basilisk can see perfectly in total darkness.

Petrifying Gaze stunt: For 2 SP per target affected, a basilisk can catch a characters eye during a
battle or other encounter. A basilisk must be able to see each target directly to use this stunt.
Anyone locking eyes with a medusa must succeed in an opposed Willpower (self- discipline) test
vs. the medusas Perception (seeing). Failure results in 4d6 penetrating damage. Any target
reduced to 0 Health by this attack is turned to stone. Any target who survives this effect is partially
petrified and suffers a 2 penalty to all actions until they can rest for at least 8 hours as their body
slowly and painfully reverses this effect.
Senses Dark Sight & Tremorsense 10 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy (Bite)
-5 Communication
-0 Constitution (Stamina,Burrowing/Tunneling)
-5 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
-5 Intelligence
1 Perception (Seeing, Tremorsense)
-5 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

0 15 5 1

Lets out large shrieking sound audible 100 yards

Violet Fungus
Senses Dark Sight & Tremor-sense 10 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy (Bite/Brawling)
-5 Communication
-0 Constitution
-5 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
-5 Intelligence
1 Perception (Tremor-sense)
-5 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

2 yards 20 5 1

Rotting Touch: +2
1 attack within 3 yards 1d6+2 necrotic dammage

Stunt: Rotting Storm (SP3) 4 attack within 3 yards

1d6+2 necrotic dammage

Senses Dark Sight & Tremor-sense 10 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Bite)
-1 Communication
+2 Constitution
+1 Dexterity (Stealth)
3 Fighting(Bludgeoning)
-3 Intelligence
3 Perception (Tremor-sense)
+3 Strength (Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

6 yards 50 11 3


Major Action to change its form.
Adhesive any object that touches it stick TN 13 Strength to escape. No movement/Disarm

Melee: Pseudopod Tongue +5 (1d6+3) Adhesive = Second Bite

Bite: + 5 (1d6+3) piercing damage + (1d6) Acid damage

Stunts: Hide and Seek (SP3) Can Immediately take the shape of any object within 15 yards
disappearing and have an immediate action ready.

Senses Dark Sight & Tremor-sense 10 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
+0 Accuracy (Brawling)
+0 Communication
+4 Constitution
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
3 Fighting(Touch)
+0 Intelligence
+2 Perception (Tremor-sense)
+5 Strength
+2 Willpower (morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10 yards 47 12 3

Debilitating Touch +5 1d6 penetrating damage

Stunts: Stunning Spores (SP2) all PCs in 2yards must pass TN11 or be stunned for One min.
Rinse and repeat.

Deadly Spores (SP4) 8 yard radius creatures must pass a TN11 loosing 2d6 a round until passed
or healed.

DeathCap Mycolid
Contact Poison: Any living opponent that begins its turn within two yards of a deathcap mycolid
takes 1d6 penetrating damage. Creatures that pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test suffer only
half damage.

Paralytic Spores: For 4 SP the deathcap mycolid can emit a burst of spores that affect all
creatures within 6 yards as per the Paralyze spell. Resisting the spores effects requires a TN 13
Constitution (Stamina) test.

Psilocybe Mycolid

Hallucinogenic Poison: Any creature other than a mycolid that begins its turn within 2 yards of a
Psilocybe Mycolid finds its senses dulled by the Mycolids Spores, inflicting a -1 to all perception
tests and making it easier to manipulate in battle. A psilocybe mycolid can perform the skirmish
stunt against afflicted creatures as if it had spent 1 more SP than normal, i.e. it can shift an
opponent 4 yards for 1 point, 6 yards for 2 points, etc.

Hallucinogenic Spores: For 4 SP, a psilocybe mycolid can emit a blast of spores causing all
creatures within ten yards to see three illusory copies of the mycolid appear within six yards of
itself. The mycolid can direct the illusory copies each to move on the mycolids turn at its
movement rate, but they can do nothing else. They use the mycolids defenses and dissolve to
nothingness if hit. As a free action, the mycolid can instantly trade places with an illusory copy by
teleportation. On their turn, creatures within the blast can make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test
against a TN 13 to determine which is the real mycolid.

Talents: Unarmed Style (Novice)

Boss Duel Spore and Fist attack!

Myconid Elite/Royal
Senses Dark Sight & Tremor-sense 10 yards
Abilities (Focuses)
+1 Accuracy (Brawling)
+0 Communication
+4 Constitution
+2 Dexterity (Stealth)
+4 Fighting(Touch)
+0 Intelligence
+2 Perception (Tremor-sense)
+5 Strength
+4 Willpower (morale)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10 yards 60 12 4

Debilitating Touch +6 1d6+1 penetrating damage

Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack, Seize the Initiative, and Spore Breath.

Stunts: Stunning Spores (SP2) all PCs in 2yards must pass TN11 or be stunned for One min.
Rinse and repeat.

Deadly Spores (SP4) 8 yard radius creatures must pass a TN11 loosing 2d6 a round until passed
or healed.

Fungal Aura: Creatures that start their turn within two yards of a thrall take 3 points of Penetrating
damage and run the risk of infection from the cloud of acidic spores that surround it. They must
pass a test as per the thralls Spore Infection power.

Reckless: A creature that lives only to replicate, the fungus cares little for its current host. It
automatically passes any Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.

Spore Breath: A thrall can exhale a blast of acidic spores from its rotten lungs as a ranged attack
with a short range of Four yards and a long range of six yards. For 2 SP, a thrall can spread the
spores to cover an area 4 yards across. Creatures caught in the blast must pass a test as per the
thralls Spore Infection power to avoid infection.

Spore Infection: Creatures exposed to the thralls spores must pass a Constitution (Stamina) test
against a TN 15 or become infected. An infected creature makes a new Constitution (Stamina) test
against the same target number each morning after the initial infection. An ally performing magical
healing on the target can add its Intelligence (Healing) to the targets test score. If none of the tests
have succeeded after three days, the victim becomes a thrall under the control of the fungus.

Talents: Unarmed Style (Novice)

Boss Duel Spore and Fist attack!

Giant Eagles
Abilities (Focuses)
+3 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
+1 Constitution
+3 Dexterity (Stealth)
+3 Fighting(Claw)
+0 Intelligence
+3 Perception (Seeing)
+3 Strength
+2 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

3/18 yards 28 11 3

Multi Attack:
Beak: +5 1d6+1
Claw: +5 1d6+1

Stunts: Pick up and Drop off: (3SP) Can pick up PC lift them 1d6 yards into the air and Drop
them for 2 points of Damage per yard lifted (no damage on 1s) TN 11 Strength to resist.

Abilities (Focuses)
+2 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
+1 Constitution
+4 Dexterity (Stealth)
+1 Fighting(Claw)
+0 Intelligence
+3 Perception (Seeing,Smelling)
+2 Strength
+1 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

4 24 10 3

Multi Attack:
Bite: +5 1d6+1

Giant ticks are found In forests and occasionally In caves or caverns or well. These insects seek to
drop upon prey, lnsert their hollow mouthtube, and suck blood from the vichm. Each melee round
thereafter ii will drain 1d6 hit points of blood, unti l reaching satiation at a blood drain equal to its hit
points, when it drops off. A giant tick must be killed, severely burned, or Immersed ln water to
detach It prior to satiation. Any creoture bitten hos a 50% chance of conractlng a fatal disease from
the tick. The diseose will be fatal in 2-8 days unless a cure disease spell ls cost upon the victim.
Abilities (Focuses)
+4 Accuracy (Tendril)
-2 Communication
+3 Constitution (Stamina)
-1 Dexterity
+4 Fighting (Bite)
-2 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Seeing)
+3 Strength (Climbing, Might)
+2 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10 55 8 7

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +6 3d6
Tendril +6 1d6

Special QualitiesFavored Stunts:Defensive Stance (2 SP), Disarm (2 SP), Dual Strike (4 SP),
Knock Prone (2 SP), Lethal Blow (5 SP), ,Mighty Blow (2 SP), Petrifying Gaze (2 SP), Pierce
Armor (2 SP), Rope (2 SP)*, Skirmish (1 SP).

Armored Hide:The hawser's hide provides a natural Armor Rating of 7.

Darkvision:The hawser can see perfectly in total darkness.

Rope stunt: For 2 SP on a successful tendril attack, a Roper can grab the target (or targets if using
the Dual Strike stunt) who becomes restrained and can only attempt to escape as their action. To
escape the character must spend their major action trying to succeed on an opposed Strength
(Might) check versus the hawser. If the character generates 3 SP, they may make an attack
against the Roper.

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Tendril)
7 Communication (Bargaining, Deception, Persuasion)
7 Constitution (Drinking, Stamina, Flying)
2 Dexterity (Stealth)
8 Fighting (Bite, Claws, Bludgeons, Tail)
6 Intelligence (Arcane Lore, Cultural Lore, Heraldry, Historical, Lore, Religious Lore)
4 Perception (Seeing, Smelling)
8 Strength (Intimidate, Might)
4 Willpower (Fire Arcana, Self-Discipline)

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10/20 Fly 150 12 7

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Bite +10 1d6+8
Claws +10 1d6+9
Mace +10 2d6+8
Tail +10 1d6+10

Spell Attack Roll Damage

Flame Blast +6 2d6+5

Special Qualities
Favored Stunts:Burning Shield (2 SP), Defensive Stance (2 SP), Dual Strike (3 SP), Fire Storm (5
SP), Knock Prone (2 SP),Mighty Blow (2 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP), Poison (5 SP)*, Taunt (2 SP)

Burning Shield:The chasm demon surrounds itselfwith afiery aura. Any adjacent enemy that
makes a melee attack against the chasm diablo takes 2 penetrating damage. Burning shield lasts
until the end of the battle.

Armored Hide:The chasm demon's hide provides a natural Armor Rating of 12.

Fire Storm:The chasm diablocreates an explosive firestorm with a 4-yard radius anywhere within
50 yards of it. Anyone caught in the area takes 3d6+4 damage and may be knocked prone.

Darkvision:The chasm diablo can see perfectly in total darkness.

Poison stunt: For 5 SP on a successful bite attack, a chasm demon can inflict 3d6 extra damage
on theirattack.

When resting or lying in wait, these creatures are almost impossible to distinguish from common
black cloaks (the cloakers ivory claws look very much like bone clasps). Only when it unfurls does
the horrific nature of the creature become apparent.
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite, Tail)
-1 Communication
3 Constitution (Stamina)
4 Dexterity (Stealth)
0 Fighting
0 Intelligence
2 Perception (Seeing)
3 Strength (Climbing, Intimidation, Might)
2 Willpower
Speed / Health / Defense / Armor Rating
8 (Fly/Swoop 14) / 35 / 14 / 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 2d6+3
Tail +4 1d6+5
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Engulf 2SP, Pierce Armor, Mighty Blow

Darkvision: The Cloaker can see perfectly in total darkness.

Spider Climb: The Cloaker can move up walls, on ceilings, and across webbing at its full Speed

Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight the Cloaker has a -2 to all ability rolls.

Stillness: Cloaker can stand perfectly still, and are often mistaken for a normal worn out cloak.
Those who observe a Cloaker that is remaining motionless under observation, suffer a -3 penalty
to notice them.

Engulf 2SP: After succesfull attack the cloaker may ''grapple'' the atacked creature. In addition, half
of all damage dealt to a grappling cloaker is automatically transferred to the creature it is grappling
(AR still applies on both sides). This damage exchange is only one-way and cannot be used to
transfer damage to the cloaker.

Swooping Attack: The Cloaker has the ability to glide, if starting from a height, such as a tree or a
cliff. In combat this can be used to get close to prey, and as an element of surprise. Add 1d6 points
of damage to the claw attacks if they are combined with a swooping attack.

Moan: As a major action useable at will, a cloaker may unleash a baleful moan that emits an ear-
splitting yell that dazess and damages creatures in its path (2 yards wide 8 yards long). Any
creature within the area is dazed( half movement and -1 on checks) for 1d6 rounds and takes 2d6
points of penetrating damage. A successful Willpower (Self-Discipline) DC 14 save negates the
dizziness and reduces the damage to only 1d6 penetrating.
Threat: Moderate
Grave Titan
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 20 yrds
HP: 150 Defense: 10 AR:5
+0 Accuracy
-2 Communication
+6 Constitution (Stamina)
+0 Dexterity
+4 Fighting (Heavy Blades)
-2 Intelligence
+0 Perception (Seeing)
+8 Strength (Might, Intimidation)
+2 Willpower (Courage, Self-Discipline)
Melee Greatsword +6 (4d6+8)
Favored Stunts: Dual Strike 3SP, Hurl Zombies 3SP
Hurl Zombies 3SP: The Grave Titan reaches into his stomach and takes out few Walking Dead that
he hurls up to 16 yards awey. Anyone that is hit by this must make a TN 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
test or fall prone and take 2d6 dmg. On a succes the creature manages to step awey and doesent
take any dmg and remains standing. Anyway after that 1d3+1 Walking Dead rise up where the
Titan has hurled them.
Treat: Major/Dire
Dream Eater
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charm, exhaustion, fright, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
Senses truesight 40yrds.,
Languages all, telepathy 40yrds
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy
2 Communication
3 Constitution
1 Intelligence
5 Dexterity
3 Fighting (Draining Touch)
2 Perception
3 Strength
4 Willpower
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
15 (Hover) 55 15 2
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Draining Touch +5 2d6+4 Penetrating
Favored Stunts: Terrorize 5SP, Dream Walk 2SP*, Deep Slumber 3SP, Lightning Attack 2SP*.
* can use Lightning Attack with combination of Dream Walk (payng the SP for each one)

Incorporeal: Dream Eaters are incorporeal, forming temporary bodies of ash and debris. They
ignore the effects of terrain, which they can pass through, and non-magical damage, which passes
through them. Only the damage wrought by spells and magical weapons harms them normally.

Terrorize 5SP. The dream eater emits nightmarish visions. Each creature within 10 feet of the
dream eater must make a TN 14 Willpower (Courage) test or become paralyzed for 1 round (cant
take any actions).

Dream Walk 2SP. The dream eater magically teleports up to 15 yards to an unoccupied space it
can see.

Deep Slumber 3SP:. The dream eater targets one creature that it can see within 20 yards of it. The
target mustnmake a TN 14 Willpower (Self Discipline) test or fall unconscious for 8 hours. The
target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an major action to shake it awake.
Coven Horror
Defense 10, AR 5
Damage Resistance (hald damage, rounded down) from cold, fire; and nonmagical weapons
Wails of the Unborn: Humanoids within 20 yards of the horror that can hear it have -2 on Willpower
Magic Resistance. The horror has +2 on rolls to resist magical effects.
Health 80,
Speed 10
Senses Dark Vision (20 yards), 360 Degree Sight
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Primordial
+4 Accuracy (Brawling)
+3 Communication (Deception)
+4 Constitution
+0 Dexterity
+2 Fighting
+3 Intelligence
+2 Perception (Seeing, Searching,Empathy)
+5 Strength
+2 Willpower (Courage, Self-Discipline)
Claw Bite +6 (2d6+5)
Ranged Gaze*+4 (Varies, 20 yards)
no need to roll to hit if its a stunt.
Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Lightning Attack, Dual Strike and Gaze 4 SP.
Special Powers
1. Gaze of Agony:The target creature must make a TN14 Constitution(Stamina) test, taking 3d6
penetrating damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

2.Gaze of Lethargy: The target creature must make a TN 14 Constitution(Stamina) test. On a fail,
the target can use only minor or major actions on his turn, its speed is halved, and it can't use
Lightning attack and Dual Strike stunt. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

3. Gaze of Despair: The target creature must make a TN14 Willpower (Courage) test. On a fail, the
target becomes overwhelmed with despair for 1 minute, and has -2 on all rolls (except damage).
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success.
Threat: Major
Loup du Noir (Skinchanger) - wolf form
Senses Night Vision
Vulnerabilities* Fire (+1d6 dmg), Silver (takes normal damage)
Immune: cold, non-magical weapons, mind effects and related spells
*Takes half damage from magical weapons. Damage from normal weapons heal way too quickly.
Abilities (Focuses)
4 Accuracy (bite)
0 Communication
4 Constitution (Running)
1 Intelligence
3 Dexterity (Stealth)
1 Fighting
2 Perception (Hearing, Seeing, Smelling)
4 Strength (Jumping, Might)
2 Willpower (Courage)
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
14 75 13 3
Weapon // Attack Roll // Damage
Bite // +6 // 2d6+6
Frost Breath // +4 // See Description Below
Favored Stunts: Overwhelm, Knocked Prone, Lethal Blow and Lightning Attack.

Tough Hide: AR of 3.

Animal Speech: Werewolves can understand wolves, and when transformed may communicate
with themas well. Even in human form they can communicate with wolves using posture, but at a
-2 penalty. Wolves are likely to answer summons from a werewolf that has been in the area for a

Fast Healing: Loup du Noir regain +1d6 Health as minor action. Outside of combat they regain
+3d6 HP when using a breather.

Howl [Fear]: A Loup du Noir in beast form can force every being within 180 yards to test Willpower
(SelfDiscipline) versus TN 10 + Strenght. Those who fail are affected by fear. It may Howl once per

Overwhelm: 3 SP, The creature knocks its opponent prone and pins it, giving the Loup du Noir a +2
bonus to further attacks (this includes the usual +1 for attacking a prone target). The pinned
character must
make an opposed Strength (Might) vs. Strength (Might) test against the Loup du Noir to escape.

Frost Breath: You project a blast of freezing air from your outstretched hands that is 2 yards wide
and 8 yards long. Anyone caught in the blast suffers 2d6 + 2 penetrating damage and a 10
penalty to Speed for a number of rounds equal to half your Intelligence. Subjects who make a
successful Constitution (Stamina) vs. TN: 13 only suffer 1d6 + 2 penetrating damage and a 5
penalty to their Speed for the same round.
Treat: Major
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Arcane Lance)
4 Communication (Deception, Persuasion, Seduction)
0 Constitution
5 Intelligence (Entropy Arcana)
3 Dexterity
3 Fighting (Brawing)
3 PerCePtion (Empathy)
1 Strength
2 Willpower
Speed Health Defense AR
13 (13fly) 70 13 7
Weapon Attack roll Damage
Arcane Lance +5 1D6+5
Fist +5 1D3+1
Spellpower: 15 (17) Mana: 55
Arcana: Entropy Arcana [M] , Hex Arcana [M].
Favored stunts: Scream (3 SP) and Taunt.
Special Features

Aura of Magic Resistance: A Succubus and all its allies within 6 yards gain a +1 bonus on all ability
tests to resist spells and other magical effects.

Demon hide: The magical aura of a Succubus gives it an Armor Rating of 7.

Immoveable: A Succubus is immune to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock Prone.

Scream: The Succubus can let out a piercing scream as a special stunt with a cost of 3 SP. Any
character within 10 yards takes 1d6 penetrating damage and must make a successful TN 15
Willpower (Courage) test or lose their major action on their next turn.
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Web)
-1 Communication
2 Constitution (Stamina)
2 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting (Brawling)
0 Intelligence
3 Perception (Seeing)
3 Strength (Climbing, Intimidation, Jumping, Might)
2 Willpower
Senses: Dark Vision
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12 (15 climb) 35 12 3
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Clawed Hands +4 2d6+3
Web Projectile +4 1d6+3 (12 yards)
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Skirmish, Pierce Armor (1SP)

Barbed Hands: When it manages to hit and wound there is a 50% chance that the Dharkhanians
hand sticks to the player. If so it will inflict another 1d6 points of penetrating damage every round it
remains stuck.The target or an ally can free the victim by taking a major action and making a
successful TN 14 strenGth (miGht) test.

Swooping Attack: The Dharkhanian has the ability to glide through the forest, if starting from a
height, such as a tree or a cliff. In combat this can be used to get close to prey, and as an element
of surprise. Add 1d6 points of damage to the claw attacks if they are combined with a swooping

Spider Climb: Can walk up walls and even on ceilings.

Web Projectile: As a major action a Dharkhanian can shoot a web at a visible enemy within 12
yards (if it manages to hit the target it pins it down).The target or an ally can free the victim by
taking a major action and making a successful TN 12 strenGth (miGht) test. This is the only action
the pinned character can take until freed.

Threat: Moderate
Dharkhanians are dark creatures that live in damp and murky forests, preferably up in and near
large trees. Like spiders they have the ability to produce vast amounts of web at great speed. The
web is shot out through a hole in their chest, quick enough if needs be, to be used
as a projectile in combat. Normally the Dharkhanian generates great tangles of these webs to
make for a chaotic and sticky mesh between the trees of the forest. The web itself is not a dead
substance but alive. It cant move about, but is able to quiver and curl up to some
Umber Hulk 2
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy
-2 Communication
5 Constitution (Stamina,Burrowing/Tunneling)
3 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting (Claw)
-2 Intelligence
0 Perception (Seeing)
5 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense Armor Rating

10/6 (Burrow) 45 13 5

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Claw +4 2d6+5
Mandible +2 1d6+5

Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Confusing Gaze 2SP, Mighty Blow, Pierce Armor
Confusing Gaze: Anyone within 6 yards looking at the umberhulk must make a Willpower (Self
Discipline) vs TN 12 or get a -1 penalty to all rolls (save ends-at the end of each turn).
Tough Shell: Umber Hulk gets an Armor of 5.

An Umber Hulk burrows trough the earth and scoursunderground caves in search of prey. As it
burrows, it leaves roughhewn tunnels in its wake.
Although it doesnt speak, an umber hulk understands.

Umber Hulk Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful skill check.
Natural Lore TN 13: Umber hulks use their thick claws to hew passages through earth and stone.
Many deep caverns in the underground are linked together by umber hulk tunnels.
Natural Lore TN 15: An umber hulks gaze causes confusion among its enemies, making them
wander in a daze or, in the case of shadow hulks, attack their friends.
Naga (of Nagapuram)
3 Accuracy
0 Communication
2 Constitution
4 Dexterity (stealth)
4 Fighting (constriction, bite, polearms)
3 Intelligence (any two arcana)
3 Perception
4 Strength (intimidation, swimming)
2 Willpower
Speed 14 Health 32 Defense 14 AR 4 (natural scales)
Weapon (attack/damage)
Halberd +6 to hit, 2D6+7 damage
Bite +6 to hit, 1D4+4 damage and target must make a contested Constitution check vs. TN 13 or
suffer total paralysis for 1D6X10 minutes. Naga can only bite once every 2D4 hours with the
paralytic venom.

Special Qualities:
Favored stunts: constriction (see below, 3 SP), lighting attack (2 SPs)
Special Stunt: Constriction 3 SPs: the target must make a contested strength roll vs. Nagas
strength or become constricted (unable to move, target suffers -2 Defense while restrained, and -2
to attacks with ability to use light one-handed weapons only). Each round the target can make a
new strength test vs. the naga to escape.
Scaly Hide: naga have a natural AR of 4.
Aquatic: naga can swim and move at normal speed unhindered under water and fight without
Weapon Groups: bows, spears, brawling, polearms, light and heavy blades
Arcane Talent: many naga (20%) are spell casters. Priests of YamaDragoth tend to learn the
arcane talents of the Lighting Arcana and Water Arcana. Worshippers of Manasa tend to favor the
Divination and Water arcana, while heretics of Agharda favor Fate and Power.
+0 Accuracy (Bite)
-2 Communication
+3 Constitution (Swimming)
+1 Cunning
-2 Dexterity
+3 Fighting (Tongue)
+5 Perception (Seeing, Tracking)
+5 Strength
+4 Willpower (Self Discipline)

8 85 10 3 (Natural)


Tongue Attach +5 No Damage - Special *

Favoured Stunts: Skirmish, Tongue Drag, Knock Prone.

Tongue Drag - 1+ SP: When hit by a Tongue Attach, The Bloodbeast can spend as many stunt
points as it wishes to drag its victim closer to the acidic slime pool, which is 4 yards from the
creature on all sides. 2POINTS PER SQ.

Powers: Indefatigable: Immune to all movement impairing effects.

Monstrous Size: Can treat any target within 12 yards as being in melee range of its Tongue Attach.

Fear: This huge beast causes a fear test at the start of battle, TN 13 Willpower (Courage) or be
stunned as per the paralyse spell rules.

* Tongue Attach: If this attack hits, it causes no damage, however, the target is now stuck to the
tongue unless they can pass a TN 21 Strength (Might) test to break free. Allies can assist in this,
adding +2 each to the roll, or + 3 if they have the focus Strength (Might). MAJOR ACTION

Noxious Fumes: Anyone within 30 yards of the creature risks being choked by the acidic fumes
spiralling up from the slime pool. This test is required as soon as they are in range or at the start of
their next turns. Anyone in range must take a Constitution (Stamina) test or suffer penetrating
damage that cannot be prevented by Talents. This damage represents the fumes choking the PC
and bringing them ever closer to unconsciousness (i.e. zero wounds).
12 Yards = TN 14. Damage: 1D6

Slime Pool: If anybody ends up within 4 yards of the Bloodbeast, they will be suffering 1 D6 + 5
penetrating damage immediately and at the start of each round thereafter due to standing in acidic

Covered in Acid Slime!: If anybody is knocked prone within 4 yards of the Bloodbeast, they suffer
3D6 + 5 penetrating damage immediately, and at the start of every round still laying in it. For each
round you are prone in the slime, permanently reduce your armour value by 1.
Go For The Mouth: If anyone attacks the Bloodbeasts Mouth, they will suffer a -2 penalty to hit with
that called shot. If successfully hit, the attack penetrates the mouth. The player rolls damage but
also rolls a 2D6. If the result is 3 or lower (3 is the Bloodbeasts constitution) then they hit its true
eyes and the creature will sink to the bottom of the pool, either dead or dying.

Go For The Tongue...: 6 SP. This is a special player character stunt for this encounter. If the player
hits and generates stunts enough, they can spend 6 SP to disable the tongue for 1D3 rounds.

Bite ME Covering: The creature is covered in teeth all over. If anyone attacks with melee but
misses, they immediately suffer 2D6 piercing damage from bite damage.
Fachans are grossly misshapen humanoids with a single eye, a single ear, and a tuft of tough, wiry
hair on their head. They have a broad, slightly hunchbacked torso, one arm protruding from the
middle of their chest, and one leg which they use to move surprisingly quickly. Their horrid
appearance sows terror in their enemies, and the wicked maces they wield pound opponents into
pulp. Nasty creatures bent only on causing pain, they use their keen hearing to seek out their prey.

Abilities (Focuses)
Constitution (Running)
Dexterity (Brawling)
Perception (Hearing)
Strength (Bludgeons, Intimidation, Jumping)
Combat Ratings
Armor Rating
Attack Roll
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Terrorize and Skirmish.

Terrorize: A fachan may terrorize an opponent as a special stunt for 2 SP by making a Strength
(Intimidation) test opposed by the opponents Willpower (Courage). If the fachan wins, the
opponent may only take a Move or Run action away from the fachan until it succeeds at a
Willpower (Courage or Self-Discipline) test.
Uncanny Agility: When a fachan uses the Skirmish stunt to move itself, it may move an extra 2
yards for free.
Equipment Wicked mace.
Troll Boar
Defense: 11
AR: 3
Health: 45
Speed: 14
Senses: Dark Vision
+2 Accuracy
-2 Communication
+4 Constitution (Running)
+0 Dexterity
+4 Fighting
-1 Intelligence
+1 Perception (Smelling, Tasting)
+5 Strength
+2 Willpower
Melee Tusk +4 (2d6+5)
Favored Stunts: Dual Strike and Ferocious Charge.
Ferocious Charge: 2 SP, After charging an opponent, the Troll Boar deals an additional 2d6
damage to the target, and knocks the target prone.
Regeneration: as minor action the Troll Boar can regenerate 1d6+Con hitpoints.
Treat: Moderate (alone) / Major (pack)
Khimaira humanoid/demon
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite)
-1 Communication
6 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Intelligence
2 Dexterity
3 Fighting (Claws, Gore)
3 Perception (Seeing, Smelling)
6 Strength (Might, Intimidation)
4 Willpower (Courage)
Combat RatingsSpeed / Health / Defense / Armor Rating
10/14 (Fly) / 90 / 12 / 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +4 3d6+6
Gore +5 2d6+6
Claws +5 2d6+6
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Lightning Attack (2SP), Gorgon Breath
(3 SP), Dragon Breath (5 SP)
Fly-By Attack: While flying, the Khimaira can move its speed, make an attack and then move again
as a single major action as long as all movement is flying.

Dragon Breath: As a 5 SP stunt, the Khimaira can breathe fire on all creatures on front of it (8
yards long 6 yards wide cone) dealing 3d6 + 3 penetrating damage. Creatures within the blast may
make a TN 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test to take half damage.

Gorgon Breath: As a 3 SP stunt, the Khimaira can breathe poison on all creatures on front of it (10
yards long 4 yards wide cone). Creatures within the blast may make a TN 13 Constitution
(Stamina) test.
On failed test: -2 to all rolls and speed is halved rounded down (until the end of the eoncounter). If
a creature is hit 3 times with the Gorgon Breath it is turned to stone (no matter if it succeeded or
not on the tests).
On successful test: -1 on all tests and speed is halved until the start of the Khimairas next turn.

Tough Hide: The Khimaira has a toughened hide that gives it an Armor Rating of 5.

Treat: Major

Crimson Basilisk
''This creature looks like a stocky, 8-legged, crimson scaled reptile. A row of bony spines juts from
its back and runs the length of its body. Its eyes have a ghostly blue glow.''
Defense 12, AR 4
Health 30, Speed 12
Senses Dark Vision (20 yards)
+1 Accuracy (Bite)
+0 Communication
+4 Constitution
+2 Dexterity
+2 Fighting
+0 Intelligence
+2 Perception (Smelling)
+3 Strength
+2 Willpower (Morale)
Melee Bite +3 (2d6+3)
Favored Stunts: Acidic Bite 2SP, Knock Prone and Lightning Attack.
Acidic Bite 2SP: The basilisks bite deals additional 1d6 penetrating damage.

Blood Frenzy: A crimson basilisk that detects fresh blood within 10 yards enters a frenzied state at
the start of its next turn, as do any other crimson basilisks within 10 yards of the frenzied basilisk.
Frenzied crimson basilisks fight until they are slain or until 1 minute has passed without the basilisk
being attacked. While frenzied, they gain +2 on attack rolls and Conatitution,and Strength tests,
their acid damage increases to 2d6, and their Defense decreases to 10 and they Gain -2 on
Dexterity tests.

Stone Camouflage: A crimson basilisk gains +2 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) tests in a stony
environment or when it has a stony background.

Wounding Gaze: A creature within 10 yards of a crimson basilisk that meets the monsters gaze
make a TN 13 Con(staina) test. Failure means the creature takes 1d6 points of penetrating
damage as blood weeps from the victims eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Creatures without blood
and other crimson basilisks are immune to this effect. A creature that is capable of taking actions
can look away at the start of its turn to avoid the basilisks gaze, but if it targets the basilisk while
averting its gaze, it suffers -3 penalty on all tests (except damage) that target the basilisk.
Threat: Moderate (solo) / Major (pack 1d3+2)
Giant Jack-in-Irons
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Chains, Brawling, Throwing)
0 Communication
6 Constitution (Stamina)
1 Intelligence
3 Dexterity
4 Fighting (Giant Weapon)
3 Perception
7 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
5 Willpower (Courage)
Combat Ratings
13 Speed 90 Health 12 Defense 6 Armor Rating
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bash +5 1d6+10
Giant Weapon +6 3d6+8
Giant Rock +5 1d6+10 up to 20 yards
Chain +5 2d6+7 up to 10 yards +Grapple (TN 14 Dex Acrobatics to save from it, to break free is a
major action and requires succesfull TN 14 Dex Acrobatics or TN 15 Strenght Might test)
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow (1 SP), Pound

Big: Must spend 3 SP to use the Defensive Stance and 4 SP to use Lightning Attack stunts. Since
their blows can more easily catch more than one target, however, they can perform the Dual Strike
stunt for only 2 SP

Pound 2SP: A jack-in-irons that grapples an opponent of smaller size can smash the opponent into
the ground or any other nearby solid object. This attack hits automatically and does 2d6 + 6
damage and the creature must make a successful TN 15 Con (Stamina) test or loose a major
action on his next turn. (The creature is freed from the grappling chains afterwards)

Shake the Earth: As an minor action, a jack-inirons can stomp its foot on the ground, causing
powerful vibrations to radiate out around the giant. Any creature within 6 yards of the jack-in-irons
must make a successful DC 14 Dex (Acrobatics) test or fall prone.

Tough Hide: A mixture of thick leathery skin and giant-sized chains grants Armor Rating 6.
Weapons Group: Bludgeons, Brawling, Heavy Blades, Spears

Treat: Major/Dire
A nightmare resembles a powerful jet black horse, though flames wreathe its hooves and trail from
its nostrils. Its eyes are akin to glowing embers and it has a ragged mane and tail like tattered

Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Fire Gout)
-2 Communication
4 Constitution (Running, Stamina)
-2 Intelligence,
4 Dexterity
3 Fighting (Hooves)
2 Perception (Hearing, Seeing)
5 Strength (Might)
2 Willpower
sPeed health deFense arMor ratinG
20; fly 30 45 14 3
WeaPon attaCK roll daMaGe
kick +5 2D6+5
Fire Gout +4 3d6
Favored stunts: Skirmish, Mighty Blow
Fire Gout: A Nightmare can spit a gout of flame as a ranged attack with a short range of 6 yards
and a long range of 12 yards. For 2 SP, a Nightmare can spread the flames to cover an area with
an 8-yard diameter centered on the original target. Targets other than the primary target who fall
inside this area can make an opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Dexterity (Fire Gout) test to take
only half damage. The nightmare never takes damage from such a stunt, even if inside the burning

Fire Resistance: A Nightmare suffers no damage from firebased attacks.

Confer Fire Resistance. The nightmare can grant resistance to fire damage to anyone riding it .
Illumination. The nightmare sheds torchlight like light around himself.

Treat:Moderate (alone) / Major (with a rider)

A nightmare can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also fight unless he or she
succeeds on a TN 13 Dexterity[Riding] test (once, every 1 minute).
Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Bite, Fire Gout, Tail Strike)
0 Communication
5 Constitution (Running)
0 Intelligence
3 Dexterity (Initiative)
3 Fighting (Claws)
4 Perception (Seeing, Tracking)
5 Strength (Jumping)
2 Willpower (Courage)
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
12; 20 fly 110 13 5
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Bite +5 2d6+5
Claws +5 2d6+5
Fire Gout +5 3d6
Tail Strike +5 1d6+5
Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor, Rake (2 SP), and Tail Blow (3 SP).
Gaze Attack: [Constitution (Stamina) test : TN 13] - as Petrify Spell from Dragon Age RPG.

Vorpal Bite: Dracolisk can bite through mineral as if it were not present, its bite deals penetrating
damage to those protected by stone or metal. Basilisks are 10 long lizards with snakelike heads,
necks and tails

Fire Gout: A Dracolisk can spit a gout of flame as a ranged attack with a short range of 6 yards and
a long range of 12 yards. For 2 SP, a drake can spread the flames to cover an area with an 8-yard
diameter centered on the original target. Targets other than the primary target who fall inside this
area can make an
opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs. Accuracy (Fire Gout) test to take only half damage. The
Dracolisk never takes damage from such a stunt, even if inside the burning area.

Rake: A Dracolisk can perform a special rake stunt for 2 SP following a successful claw attack. The
creature makes an additional, raking claw attack against the same target. Doubles on the raking
attack do not generate stunt points.

Tail Blow: A Dracolisk can perform the knock prone and mighty blow stunts simultaneously for 3 SP
by striking a lashing blow with its tail.

Fire Resistance: A Dracolisk suffers no damage from firebased attacks.

Tough Hide: The scaled hide of a Dracolisk gives it an Armor Rating of 5

Creatures that meet the gaze of the Dracolisk invariably are turned into stone statues.
While this magical effect can be dispelled to remove the onset of the effect (one token per point on the Dragon Die on one target) it can
only be reversed with a ritual. Tokens disappear at a rate of one per 10 minutes once combat ends. Particularly old Dracolisks also
exude petrification on touch. Characters who are bitten or slammed by the Dracolisk must test Constitution (Stamina) or gain a token,
just as if they had met its gaze. Anyone attempting an indirect attack on a basilisk, or simply using a mirror to avoid looking at it should
accept a -3 modifier as the combatant seeks to avoid its gaze. Killing the Dracolisk does not return petrified victims. Even Dracolisks are
not immune to petrification effects, and it can be turned to stone by its own reflection. However, on its native plane, the Elemental Plane
of Earth, a Dracolisk can be slowed by a petrification effect, but never turns to stone.

Hangman Tree
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy
2 Communication
7 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Intelligence
2 Dexterity
4 Fighting (Vine)
0 Perception (Touch, Tremorsense*)
6 Strength (Intimidation, Might)
2 Willpower (Morale)
*Tremor sense 30 yards - Hangman Tree can sense any movement (on or under the ground).
Concealed creatures have a -2 on Dex (Stealth) tests when are in the thremorsense range.
Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor Rating
4 105 10 6
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Vine +6 2d6+6 (+ Constrict)
Favored Stunts: Dual Attack 3SP, Knock Prone, Root Grab(2 SP), Lightning Attack 2SP
Constrict: After a successful Vine attack, the Hangman Tree may automatically coil its vine around
its victim and constrict, suffocating him for 1d6+5 damage in each subsequent round. The
Hangman Tree can constrict up to 4 human-sized victim in this way, and is free to continue
atacking other targets in the meantime. A constricted victim can wriggle free with an hard TN 14
Strength (Might) test. Each roll requires a major action to escape.

Root Grab: A Hangman Tree can use its roots to grab and immobilize up to three targets within 8
yards of it as a special stunt costing 2 SP. The targets each make an opposed Dexterity
(Acrobatics) test vs. the wild sylvans Strenght (Might) . Success means they avoid being grabbed.
Otherwise they are unable to move and suffer 1d6 penetrating damage each round as the roots
crush them. It requires a major action and a TN 15 Strength (Might) test to pull free, unless the
sylvan releases its victims to root grab new ones or moves farther than 4 yards away. A Hangman
Tree can continue to attack normally while maintaining a root grab.

Vulnerable to Fire: Made of wood, Hangman Tree are highly flammable. Fire attacks ignore their
armor and inflict an additional 1d6 damage. Anyone attacking a Hangman Tree with fire can also
perform a special ignite stunt for 4 SP, causing the creature to continue to burn for 1d6 penetrating
fire damage each round until the Hangman Tree dies or the fire is somehow extinguished.

Verry Thick Bark: Hangman Trees have an Armor Rating of 6.

Threat Level: Dire/Major

GM Note: Normally Hangman Trees have 1d6+1 Walking Dead hanging from them that can be set
loose (following the Hangman Tree instructions).

Venenumra, Who PoisonsAll

Legendary Dragon
Each beat of your heart drives the venom deeper
Ability Scores
Abilities ( Focuses)
5 Accuracy ( Bite, Breath Weapon )
0 Communication
10 Constitution
5 Dexterity
7 Fighting ( Sting )
2 Intelligence ( Historical Lore )
4 Perception (Seeing, Smelling )
11 Strength ( Intimidation, Might )
6 Willpower ( Courage )

Combat Ratings
Speed Health Defense Armor
15 ( 20 Fly ) 190 15 9

Weapon Attack Roll

Bite +7 1D6+10
Sting +10 2D6+10

Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Dual Strike (3 SP), Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Poison Fang (5 SP),
and Poison Sting (1 SP).

Poison Fang (5SP): Venenumra injects his most potent venom into a victim. . Victims must make a
TN 19 Constitution (Stamina) test,.Those who succeed shrug off the effects. Those who fail fall
immediately to 0 Health and soon expire according to the normal rules for dying. Attempts to
stabilize victims suffer a 3 penalty.

Breath Weapon: Venennumracan spew a toxic cloud in a wide arc ( 7 yards long and 10 yards
wide) or a narrow stream (15 yards long and 4 yards wide) as a major action. Those caught in the
area take 2d6+12 penetrating damage and are debilitated, suffering a -4 Dexterity, Accuracy, and
Fighting until they receive magic healing or the end of the encounter Or 2d6+6 penetrating damage
and suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity, Accuracy, and Fighting if a successful TN 18 dexterity
(acrobatics) test is made.

Large and in Charge: Few creatures compare to the size and strength of a Aurverumax. He is
immune to the combat stunts skirmish and knock prone except by other large creatures such as
giants or other dragons. It also treats enemies up to 6 yards away as adjacent.

Poison Sting(1SP): As a special 1 SP stunt, a Venenumura can inject a victim with a hallucinogenic
poison. Roll on the table to determine the effects.
(1) Even The Birds Are Mocking Me! The character spends the next turn raving at and attacking
something innocuous like a tree, barrel, wagon, shrub, or bird.
(2) Get It Off! Get It Off! Get It Off!: The character is convinced they are covered by bugs, leeches,
snakes, or the like. They spend the next turn swatting at non-existent creepy-crawlies.
(3) You Did This To Me! The character believes one of their comrades has back stabbed them or
is otherwise plotting their demise. On the next turn the character can only take the defend action
and yell in outrage at their betrayer. They also receive -1 constitution until they receive magical
(4) The Sky, The Hideous Sky! The character believes that some malign creature from the sky is
about to carry them off (or, for dwarves, that they are going to fall into the sky). The character
spends their next turn dropping their weapons and grabbing
something solid.
(5) The Shadows Are Alive! The character is overcome with fear of the surrounding shadows,
including their own. They spend the next turn running at top speed away from the closest
concentration of shadows.
(6) Foul Creatures! The character is suddenly convinced that a random nearby ally (determined
by the GM) is a monster or other natural enemy. The character spends the next turn attacking that
enemy, with a +1 bonus on attack rolls for their fervency.

Tooth and Claw: Venenumra is a vicious opponent. He can attack with a bite and a sting as a
single major action. Both attacks can generate stunt points.

Tough Hide: Dragon scale is legendary for its toughness, giving a dragon an Armor Rating of 9

Aurverumax, The IceWind (Dragon)

The chill wind brings ancient death

Ability Scores
Abilities ( Focuses)
Accuracy ( Bite, Breath Weapon )
Fighting ( Tail, Claws )
Intelligence ( Historical Lore )
Perception (Seeing, Smelling )
Strength ( Intimidation, Might )
Willpower ( Courage )
Combat Ratings
15 ( 20 Fly )
Attack Roll
Tail Bash
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Dual Strike (3 SP), Knock Prone (1 SP), Mighty Blow (1 SP), Pierce Armor (2 SP),
and Tail Bash (2 SP).

Coil: As a minor action Aurverumax can coil around a nearby creature. The target must make a TN
15 Dexterity (acrobatics) test or be wrapped in Aurverumax`s coils. If they fail their tests and have
a Stunt Die result of 1 or 2 they are also stunned for 1 round. At the beginning of the victims turns
they take 1D6+6 Penetrating damage for every round the remain coiled. A character can break free
with a TN 18 Strength ( Might ) check, and is the only action they can take.

Breath Weapon: Aurverumax can spew an icy mist in a wide arc ( 10 yards long and 8 yards wide)
or a narrow stream (20 yards long and 4 yards wide) as a major action. Those caught in the area
take 3d6+12 penetrating damage, are frozen in place, and take -4 to attack rolls from the thick dark
mist that clings to the ground. Or 2d6+6 penetrating damage and move at half speed while in the
mist and suffer a -4 penalty to attack if a successful TN 20 dexterity (acrobatics) test is made. A
character can attempt a TN 18 Strength ( Might ) to break free of the ice as their major action.

Large and in Charge: Few creatures compare to the size and strength of a Aurverumax. He is
immune to the combat stunts skirmish and knock prone except by other large creatures such as
giants or other dragons. It also treats enemies up to 6 yards away as adjacent.

Tail Bash: As a special 2 SP stunt, a dragon can make a tail bash attack against any adjacent
opponent. Rolling doubles on this attack does not generate stunt points.

Tooth and Claw: Aurverumax is a vicious opponent. He can attack with a claw and a bite as a
single major action. Both attacks can generate stunt points.

Tough Hide: Dragon scale is legendary for its toughness, giving a dragon an Armor Rating of 9

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