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Bicentennial Man 2 bachillerato.

Burlington Books

1. Who says this in the book?

a) When can you do the operation, Doctor?

b) Daddy said he hoped you would do the cleaning. Thats not a real order. Im ordering you.

c) The pieces of furniture he makes are worth a lot of money.

d) I dont want your stupid money, but Ill take it if it makes you feel free.

e) Its a shame to cover your body, especially when you dont need to worry about your body
temperature or modesty.

f) Im afraid youll have some trouble, Andrew, especially if you continue wearing those clothes.

g) Only the World Government can legally declare you to be a human, and that will probably
never happen.

h) What rights can you possibly want that you havent already got?

i) Hello Andrew, Im pleased to meet you. Youre the most famous robot weve produced.

j) Today, we declare you, Mr Andrew Martin, to be a bicentennial Man.

2. Complete each sentence with a correct expression

a) We will give you a ........................... robot while he is with us.

b) Half of the money goes into my bank ........................... .

c) Andrew received ........................... robotic parts as they were manufactured.

d) Sirs hair became grey and his face old and ........................... .

e) One room was a library and the other was a ........................... and workroom.

f) It would be nice if Sir were still in ........................... .

g) ........................... so that a robot can never be ordered to harm itself again.

h) Andrews movements werent ........................... enough.

i) Transparent clothes made her look as if she were ........................... in plastic.

j) A robot surgeon who was ........................... enough to do the operation.

3. Answer the following questions as accurate as you can.

a) What are the three laws that robots must follow?

b) What work did Andrew do when he first arrived at the Martins house?
c) How was Andrew different from other robots?

d) What did Sir do with the money he got from Andrews products?

e) What did Andrew want to do with his money? How did Sir react to this?

f) Why were many important people against giving Andrew his freedom?

g) What happened to most robots after 25 years?

h) How could Andrews designs of body parts help humans who used them?

i) What right did humans have that Andrew didnt have?

j) What argument was used by lawyers against Andrew?

k) What was the main reason that Andrew gave for choosing to die?

l) In your opinion, why did Andrew think of little Miss in his final moments?

4. Order the following events

a) Andrew was declared a 200-year-old man.

b) Andrew went to a doctor who would change his brain.

c) George helped Andrew to pass a new law about robots.

d) Andrew bought his freedom using the money he had earned.

e) Andrews first tasks were related to the housework.

f) Little Miss had a baby.

g) Andrew received an android body.

h) Andrew went to the moon and showed US Robotics his plans to make artificial body parts.

5. Are these statements true or false?

a) Sir was very pleased with Andrews ideas of freedom.

b) Andrew was a very skilful robot, he could do different jobs.

c) All humans respected Andrews appearance.

d) George believed that Andrews body was perfect.

e) Andrew didnt fulfil the order of dismantle himself.

f) Andrew never learned to give orders to other human beings.

g) Andrew was never pleased with his updates.

6. Join each concept with its correct definition

a) Miss 1.ordered Andrew to harm himself.

b) Paul 2. held Andrews last operation and its fingers and knife became
one piece of metal.

c) Peter and Janice 3. was Andrew creator and the first director of US Robotics.

d) Surgeon 4. someone who is 200 years old.

e) Mansky 5. Family Martins older daughter.

f) Bicentennial man 6. wore a fashionable make-up on his face.

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