Et Al.: Economics, Business, Marketing, Policy

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02 Liquid fuels (economics, business, marketing, policy)

99102457 Preparation of high activity catalysts, the catalysts 99102462 Synthesis gas to branched hydrocarbons: a com-
and their use parison between %-based catalysts supported on ET!%10 and
Mauldin, C. H. PCT Int. Appl. WO 98 47,617, (Cl. BOlJ37/02), 29 Ott on A1203 (doped with sulfated zirconia)
1998, US Appl. 845,015, 22 Apr 1997, 24 pp. Bianchi, C. L. et al. Stud. Surf Sci. Catal., 1998, 119, (Natural Gas
In this paper, the preparation process, use and composition of a catalyst for Conversion V), 173-178.
carbon monoxide conversion is presented. The catalyst is particularly useful This paper details a study of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of branched
in Fischer-Tropsch reactions. A polyol solution is employed to impregnate hydrocarbons directly from synthesis gas. A comparison was made between
and disperse a compound or salt of catalytic metal(s) such as copper and the traditional catalyst Ru/AIZOj, a hybrid catalyst comprised of this
Iron Group metal (such as iron, cobalt or nickel) or preferably a catalyst and sulfated zirconia, and a ruthenium catalyst supported on a
combination of a compound/salt of rhenium and a compound/salt of the titanium silicate (ETS-10).
aforementioned catalytic metal(s) onto a refractory inorganic oxide
support, such as Ti02. The presence of rhenium, only in small amounts, 99102463 Two forms of condensation products on a silver
permits full and complete reduction of the catalytic metal(s) dispersed by catalyst for methanol oxidation and a possible mechanism of
the polyol. In this way, higher catalyst activities with lower rhenium their formation
loadings can be achieved than in previous preparations where higher Kuznetsova, 0. G. et al. Kim-t. Catal., 1998, 39, (4), 538-541.
concentrations of rhenium are required to effectively disperse and reduce Electron spectroscopy and TGA were used to analyse the formation of
the catalytic metal(s) during the preparation. As little as (approximately) li condensation products in the oxidation of MeOH to HCHO over a
10 of the rhenium is required to accomplish the reduction promotion where commercial silver-pumice catalyst. The process of forming the two types of
the dispersion is effected with the polyol. condensation products (polycryst and filamentous) found is proposed.

99102450 Preparation of high activity catalysts, the catalysts 99102464 The use of detailed chemical analysis and diag-
and their use nostic source calculations to identify sources and ages of
Mauldin, C. H. PCT Int. Appl. WO 98 47,618, (Cl. BOlJ37/02), 29 Ott petroleum contamination in soils
1998, US Appl. 847,958, 22 Apr 1997, 31 pp. Wade, M. J. Prepr. Extract Abstr. ACS Natl. Meet., Am. Chem. Sm., Div.
In this paper, the preparation process, use and composition of a catalyst for Environ. Chem., 1998, 38, (2). 236-238.
carbon monoxide conversion is presented. The catalyst is particularly useful A former petroleum storage site was investigated to determine the type and
in Fischer-Tropsch reactions. A multifunctional carboxylic acid solution age of petroleum products that were present in the soils. The nature of the
having 3-6 (preferably 4-5) total carbon atoms, is employed to impregnate petroleum derived hydrocarbons in the soils from the unsaturated zone at
and disperse a compound or salt of catalytic metal(s) such as copper and ten locations at the site were characterized using three different chemical
Iron Group metal (such as iron, cobalt or nickel) or preferably a
techniques. Three different types of petroleum products were identified,
combination of a compound/salt of rhenium and a compound/salt of the including two middle distillate fuels: a No. 1 fuel oil (kerosene) identified at
aforementioned catalytic metal(s) onto a refractory inorganic oxide three locations and a No. 2 fuel oil/diesel oil distillation range identified at
support, such as TiOz. The presence of rhenium, only in small amounts, two other locations. The third petroleum product identified was a
permits full and complete reduction of the catalytic metal(s) dispersed by lubricating oil. This qualitative data was supported by quantitative cluster
the polyol. In this way, higher catalyst activities with lower rhenium analysis performed using polynuclear aromatic and isoprenoid hydrocarbon
loadings can be achieved than in previous preparations where higher data. The absence of normal paraffin hydrocarbons indicated that the
concentrations of rhenium are required to effectively disperse and reduce middle distillate petroleum products had been present in the soils for more
the catalytic metal(s) during the preparation. As little as (approximately) l/ than 20 years. This is consistent with the known use of this petroleum
10 of the rhenium is required to accomplish the reduction promotion where storage area.
the dispersion is effected with the acid.

99102466 The use of naturally occurring selectively isolated

99102459 Preparation of high-activity catalysts, the catalysts bacteria for inhibiting paraffin deposition
and their use Lazar, I. et al. .I. of Pet. Sci. & Eng., 1999, 22, (l-3). 161-169.
Culross, C. C. and Mauldin, C. H. PCT Int. Appl. WO 98 47,620, (Cl. One of the most severe problems at any of fields producing paraffinic oils is
BOlJ37/02), 29 Ott 1998, US Appl. 847,957, 22 Apr 1997, 26 pp. that of paraffin depositions. Romania which has a long experience in oil
In this paper, the preparation process, use and composition of a catalyst for production is also faced with this problem in many oil fields. The microbial
carbon monoxide conversion is presented. The catalyst is particularly useful treatment, based on the activity of naturally occurring, selectively isolated
in Fischer-Tropsch reactions. A solution of a carbohydrate or sugar, bacteria, is already proved as an effective alternative to conventional
notably a monosaccharide or disaccharide, in particular sucrose, is methods to prevent and remove paraffin damage. Using such kind of
employed to impregnate and disperse a compound or salt of catalytic bacterial products, exciting results for inhibiting paraffin depositions have
metal(s) such as copper and Iron Group metal (such as iron, cobalt or been obtained. In this paper results concerning the naturally occurring
nickel) or preferably a combination of a compound/salt of rhenium and a bacteria selectively isolated from hydrocarbon polluted sites as well as from
compound/salt of the aforementioned catalytic metal(s) onto a refractory paraffinic oils, semi-solid and solid paraffin depositions are presented.
inorganic oxide support, such as TiOz. The presence of rhenium, only in After a laboratory screening, 15 bacterial strains (BS l-15). three bacterial
small amounts, permits full and complete reduction of the catalytic metal(s) consortia (BC l-3) and a Special Bacterial Consortium (SBCl) were
dispersed by the polyol. In this way, higher catalyst activities with lower
selected. For the selection of bacterial consortia, the classical enrichment
rhenium loadings can be achieved than in previous preparations where culture method has been used. The Special Bacterial Consortium resulted
higher concentrations of rhenium are required to effectively disperse and
from a mixture of BS 1-15 and BC l-3 following the steps of the classical
reduce the catalytic metal(s) during the preparation. As little as enrichment culture method. The BS 1-15, BC l-3 and SBCl have been
(approximately) l/10 of the rhenium is required to accomplish the tested for their performances in producing biosurfactants and biosolvents as
reduction promotion where the dispersion is effected with the carbohy-
well as for hydrocarbon utilization. The SBCl has been tested for its ability
in degradation of hydrocarbons contained in several types of paraffinic or
non-paraffinic oils, and then for inhibiting paraffin deposition on a flow
99102460 Preparation of ruthenium based catalysts ultradis- equipment using two types of paraffinic oils. The SBCl has been also
persed in a silica matrix tested for degradation of hydrocarbons contained in semi-solid and solid
Di Silvestri, F. et al. Stud. Sufl Sci. Catal., 1998, 115, (Preparation of paraffin depositions. The results obtained could support further applica-
Catalysts VII), 219-228. tions to prevent and control paraffin depositions.
Ruthenium was selected as the base for catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis because it shows the highest specific activity and selectivity,
among the Group VIII metals, for the production of long-chain
hydrocarbons. Ruthenium-based catalysts can also be used in selective Economics, Business, Marketing, Policy
hydrogenation of carbonyl groups, carboxylic acids, substituted anilines and
aromatic and heterocyclic compounds. The catalytic activity is influenced by
metal/support interactions, metal loading and dispersion. Furthermore,
activity and selectivity control are also determined by the choice of the
99102466 Economics of gas to liquids manufacture
support, the metal precursor and the preparation procedure. Generally, Gradassi, M. J. Stud. Surf Sci. Catal., 1998, 119, (Natural Gas Conversion
silica-supported ruthenium is considered as the most active and stable V), 35-44.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst. In this paper Ru/SiOz systems, prepared A large amount of literature has been produced concerning the rebirth of
by different synthetic procedures, are characterized. A comparison of gas to liquids processes, the most prolific subject being the Fischer-Tropsch
the catalysts is presented from the point of view of the surface area, metal process. It is suggested that improvements in technology have been so
dispersion and catalytic activity and selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch extensive as to make it a commercially attractive option for natural gas. The
synthesis. reason for this positive economic change is the result of several technology
improvements that together have halved the capital cost of Fischer-Tropsch
99102461 The Shell middle distillate synthesis process: gas to liquids projects. These improvements include lower cost syngas
commercial plant experience and outlook into the future preparation and lower cost gas to liquids reactors. The economics of
Senden, M. M. G. Pet. Tech., 1998, 415, 94-97. Fischer-Tropsch gas to liquids manufacture are examined here, using
The economics of and future prospects of Shell middle distillate synthesis recent literature articles to develop process capital costs, operating
process, a commercial experience in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, are expenses, liquid product value parameters and other economic factors, to
examined. create an overview of the technologys current economic status. Manufac-

Fuel and Energy Abstracts July 1999 259

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