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The relevant portions of the answer

A.C. No. 6711 July 3, 2007
5. I specifically deny the allegation of F/SUPT. MA.
MA. LUISA HADJULA, complainant, LUISA C. HADJULA in paragraph 4 of her
AFFIDAVIT-COMPLAINT for reason that she never
ATTY. ROCELES F. MADIANDA, respondent. WAS MY CLIENT nor we ever had any LAWYER-
CLIENT RELATIONSHIP that ever existed ever since
and that never obtained any legal advice from me
PERSONAL SECRETS. She likewise never delivered
GARCIA, J.: to me legal documents much more told me some
confidential information or secrets. That is because I
never entertain LEGAL QUERIES or
Under consideration is Resolution No. XVI-2004-472 of the CONSULTATION regarding PERSONAL MATTERS
Board of Governors, Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), since I know as a LAWYER of the Bureau of Fire
relative to the complaint for disbarment filed by herein Protection that I am not allowed to privately practice
complainant Ma. Luisa Hadjula against respondent Atty. law and it might also result to CONFLICT OF
Roceles F. Madianda. INTEREST. As a matter of fact, whenever there will
be PERSONAL MATTERS referred to me, I just
The case started when, in an AFFIDAVIT- referred them to private law practitioners and never
COMPLAINT1 bearing date September 7, 2002 and filed with entertain the same, NOR listen to their stories or
the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline, complainant charged examine or accept any document.
Atty. Roceles F. Madianda with violation of Article 2092 of the
Revised Penal Code and Canon Nos. 15.02 and 21.02 of the 9. I specifically deny the allegation of F/SUPT. MA.
Code of Professional Responsibility. LUISA C. HADJULA in paragraph 8 of her
AFFIDAVIT-COMPLAINT, the truth of the matter is
In said affidavit-complaint, complainant alleged that she and that her ILLICIT RELATIONSHIP and her illegal and
respondent used to be friends as they both worked at the unlawful activities are known in the Bureau of Fire
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) whereat respondent was the Protection since she also filed CHILD SUPPORT case
Chief Legal Officer while she was the Chief Nurse of the against her lover where she has a child .
Medical, Dental and Nursing Services. Complainant claimed
that, sometime in 1998, she approached respondent for some Moreover, the alleged DOCUMENTS she purportedly
legal advice. Complainant further alleged that, in the course of have shown to me sometime in 1998, are all part of
their conversation which was supposed to be kept confidential, public records .
she disclosed personal secrets and produced copies of a
marriage contract, a birth certificate and a baptismal certificate,
only to be informed later by the respondent that she Furthermore, F/SUPT. MA. LUISA C. HADJULA, is
(respondent) would refer the matter to a lawyer friend. It was filing the instant case just to get even with me or to
malicious, so complainant states, of respondent to have refused force me to settle and withdraw the CASES I FILED
handling her case only after she had already heard her secrets. AGAINST HER since she knows that she will certainly
Continuing, complainant averred that her friendship with her ILLICIT, IMMORAL, ILLEGAL and UNLAWFUL
respondent soured after her filing, in the later part of 2000, of ACTS.
criminal and disciplinary actions against the latter. What, per
complainant's account, precipitated the filing was when
respondent, then a member of the BFP promotion board, On October 7, 2004, the Investigating Commissioner of the IBP
demanded a cellular phone in exchange for the complainant's Commission on Bar Discipline came out with aReport and
promotion. Recommendation, stating that the information related by
complainant to the respondent is "protected under the attorney-
client privilege communication." Prescinding from this postulate,
According to complainant, respondent, in retaliation to the filing the Investigating Commissioner found the respondent to have
of the aforesaid actions, filed a COUNTER COMPLAINT3 with violated legal ethics when she "[revealed] information given to
the Ombudsman charging her (complainant) with violation of her during a legal consultation," and accordingly recommended
Section 3(a) of Republic Act No. 3019, 4 falsification of public that respondent be reprimanded therefor, thus:
documents and immorality, the last two charges being based on
the disclosures complainant earlier made to respondent. And
also on the basis of the same disclosures, complainant further WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully
stated, a disciplinary case was also instituted against her before recommended that respondent Atty. Roceles
the Professional Regulation Commission. Madianda be reprimanded for revealing the secrets of
the complainant.
Complainant seeks the suspension and/or disbarment of
respondent for the latter's act of disclosing personal secrets On November 4, 2004, the IBP Board of Governors issued
and confidential information she revealed in the course of Resolution No. XVI-2004-472 reading as follows:
seeking respondent's legal advice.
In an order dated October 2, 2002, the IBP Commission on Bar hereby ADOPTED and APPROVED, the Report and
Discipline required respondent to file her answer to the Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner
complaint. of the above-entitled case, herein made part of this
Resolution as Annex "A"; and , finding the
recommendation fully supported by the evidence on
In her answer, styled as COUNTER-AFFIDAVIT,5 respondent record and the applicable laws and rules, and
denied giving legal advice to the complainant and dismissed considering the actuation of revealing information
any suggestion about the existence of a lawyer-client given to respondent during a legal consultation, Atty.
relationship between them. Respondent also stated the Roceles Madianda is hereby REPRIMANDED.
observation that the supposed confidential data and sensitive
documents adverted to are in fact matters of common
We AGREE with the recommendation and the premises holding what at bottom is before the Court is two former friends
it together. becoming bitter enemies and filing charges and counter-
charges against each other using whatever convenient tools
and data were readily available. Unfortunately, the personal
As it were, complainant went to respondent, a lawyer who
incidentally was also then a friend, to bare what she considered information respondent gathered from her conversation with
personal secrets and sensitive documents for the purpose of complainant became handy in her quest to even the score. At
obtaining legal advice and assistance. The moment the end of the day, it appears clear to us that respondent was
complainant approached the then receptive respondent to seek actuated by the urge to retaliate without perhaps realizing that,
legal advice, a veritable lawyer-client relationship evolved in the process of giving vent to a negative sentiment, she was
between the two. Such relationship imposes upon the lawyer violating the rule on confidentiality.
certain restrictions circumscribed by the ethics of the
profession. Among the burdens of the relationship is that which IN VIEW WHEREOF, respondent Atty. Roceles F. Madianda is
enjoins the lawyer, respondent in this instance, to keep inviolate hereby REPRIMANDED and admonished to be circumspect in
confidential information acquired or revealed during legal her handling of information acquired as a result of a lawyer-
consultations. The fact that one is, at the end of the day, not client relationship. She is alsoSTERNLY WARNED against a
inclined to handle the client's case is hardly of consequence. Of repetition of the same or similar act complained of.
little moment, too, is the fact that no formal professional
engagement follows the consultation. Nor will it make any SO ORDERED.
difference that no contract whatsoever was executed by the
parties to memorialize the relationship. As we said in Burbe v.

A lawyer-client relationship was established from the

very first moment complainant asked respondent for
legal advise regarding the former's business. To [A.C. No. 5108. May 26, 2005]
constitute professional employment, it is not essential
that the client employed the attorney professionally on
any previous occasion.

ROSA F. MERCADO, complainant, vs. ATTY. JULITO D.

It is not necessary that any retainer be paid,
VITRIOLO, respondent.
promised, or charged; neither is it material that the
attorney consulted did not afterward handle the case
for which his service had been sought. DECISION
It a person, in respect to business affairs or troubles
of any kind, consults a lawyer with a view to obtaining
professional advice or assistance, and the attorney Rosa F. Mercado filed the instant administrative complaint
voluntarily permits or acquiesces with the against Atty. Julito D. Vitriolo, seeking his disbarment from the
consultation, then the professional employments is practice of law. The complainant alleged that respondent
established. maliciously instituted a criminal case for falsification of public
document against her, a former client, based on confidential
information gained from their attorney-client relationship.
Likewise, a lawyer-client relationship exists
notwithstanding the close personal relationship Let us first hearken to the facts.
between the lawyer and the complainant or the non-
payment of the former's fees. Complainant is a Senior Education Program Specialist of
the Standards Development Division, Office of Programs and
Standards while respondent is a Deputy Executive Director IV
Dean Wigmore lists the essential factors to establish the of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). [1]
existence of the attorney-client privilege communication, viz:
Complainants husband filed Civil Case No. 40537 entitled
(1) Where legal advice of any kind is sought (2) from a Ruben G. Mercado v. Rosa C. Francisco, for annulment of their
professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, (3) marriage with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City. This
the communications relating to that purpose, (4) made annulment case had been dismissed by the trial court, and the
in confidence (5) by the client, (6) are at his instance dismissal became final and executory on July 15, 1992. [2]
permanently protected (7) from disclosure by himself
In August 1992, Atty. Anastacio P. de Leon, counsel of
or by the legal advisor, (8) except the protection be
complainant, died. On February 7, 1994, respondent entered
his appearance before the trial court as collaborating counsel
for complainant.[3]
With the view we take of this case, respondent indeed
breached his duty of preserving the confidence of a client. As On March 16, 1994, respondent filed his Notice of
found by the IBP Investigating Commissioner, the documents Substitution of Counsel,[4] informing the RTC of Pasig City that
shown and the information revealed in confidence to the he has been appointed as counsel for the complainant, in
respondent in the course of the legal consultation in question, substitution of Atty. de Leon.
were used as bases in the criminal and administrative
It also appears that on April 13, 1999, respondent filed a
complaints lodged against the complainant.
criminal action against complainant before the Office of the City
Prosecutor, Pasig City, entitled Atty. Julito Vitriolo, et al. v.
The purpose of the rule of confidentiality is actually to protect Rose Dela Cruz F. Mercado, and docketed as I.S. No. PSG 99-
the client from possible breach of confidence as a result of a 9823, for violation of Articles 171 and 172 (falsification of public
consultation with a lawyer. document) of the Revised Penal Code.[5] Respondent alleged
that complainant made false entries in the Certificates of Live
The seriousness of the respondent's offense notwithstanding, Birth of her children, Angelica and Katelyn Anne. More
the Court feels that there is room for compassion, absent specifically, complainant allegedly indicated in said Certificates
compelling evidence that the respondent acted with ill-will. of Live Birth that she is married to a certain Ferdinand
Without meaning to condone the error of respondent's ways, Fernandez, and that their marriage was solemnized on April 11,

1979, when in truth, she is legally married to Ruben G. recommending his suspension from the practice of law for one
Mercado and their marriage took place on April 11, 1978. (1) year.
Complainant denied the accusations of respondent On August 6, 2003, complainant, upon receiving a copy of
against her. She denied using any other name than Rosa F. the IBP report and recommendation, wrote Chief Justice Hilario
Mercado. She also insisted that she has gotten married only Davide, Jr., a letter of desistance. She stated that after the
once, on April 11, 1978, to Ruben G. Mercado. passage of so many years, she has now found forgiveness for
those who have wronged her.
In addition, complainant Mercado cited other charges
against respondent that are pending before or decided upon by At the outset, we stress that we shall not inquire into the
other tribunals (1) libel suit before the Office of the City merits of the various criminal and administrative cases filed
Prosecutor, Pasig City;[6] (2) administrative case for dishonesty, against respondent. It is the duty of the tribunals where these
grave misconduct, conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the cases are pending to determine the guilt or innocence of the
service, pursuit of private business, vocation or profession respondent.
without the permission required by Civil Service rules and
regulations, and violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt We also emphasize that the Court is not bound by any
Practices Act, before the then Presidential Commission Against withdrawal of the complaint or desistance by the complainant.
Graft and Corruption;[7] (3) complaint for dishonesty, grave The letter of complainant to the Chief Justice imparting
misconduct, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the forgiveness upon respondent is inconsequential in disbarment
service before the Office of the Ombudsman, where he was proceedings.
found guilty of misconduct and meted out the penalty of one
We now resolve whether respondent violated the rule on
month suspension without pay;[8] and, (4) the Information for
privileged communication between attorney and client when he
violation of Section 7(b)(2) of Republic Act No. 6713, as
filed a criminal case for falsification of public document against
amended, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical
his former client.
Standards for Public Officials and Employees before the
Sandiganbayan.[9] A brief discussion of the nature of the relationship
between attorney and client and the rule on attorney-client
Complainant Mercado alleged that said criminal complaint
privilege that is designed to protect such relation is in order.
for falsification of public document (I.S. No. PSG 99-9823)
disclosed confidential facts and information relating to the civil In engaging the services of an attorney, the client reposes
case for annulment, then handled by respondent Vitriolo as her on him special powers of trust and confidence. Their
counsel. This prompted complainant Mercado to bring this relationship is strictly personal and highly confidential and
action against respondent. She claims that, in filing the criminal fiduciary. The relation is of such delicate, exacting and
case for falsification, respondent is guilty of breaching their confidential nature that is required by necessity and public
privileged and confidential lawyer-client relationship, and should interest.[15] Only by such confidentiality and protection will a
be disbarred. person be encouraged to repose his confidence in an attorney.
The hypothesis is that abstinence from seeking legal advice in
Respondent filed his Comment/Motion to Dismiss on
a good cause is an evil which is fatal to the administration of
November 3, 1999 where he alleged that the complaint for
justice.[16] Thus, the preservation and protection of that relation
disbarment was all hearsay, misleading and irrelevant because
will encourage a client to entrust his legal problems to an
all the allegations leveled against him are subject of separate
attorney, which is of paramount importance to the
fact-finding bodies. Respondent claimed that the pending cases
administration of justice.[17] One rule adopted to serve this
against him are not grounds for disbarment, and that he is
purpose is the attorney-client privilege: an attorney is to keep
presumed to be innocent until proven otherwise.[10] He also
inviolate his clients secrets or confidence and not to abuse
states that the decision of the Ombudsman finding him guilty of
them.[18] Thus, the duty of a lawyer to preserve his clients
misconduct and imposing upon him the penalty of suspension
secrets and confidence outlasts the termination of the attorney-
for one month without pay is on appeal with the Court of
client relationship,[19] and continues even after the clients
Appeals. He adds that he was found guilty, only of simple
death.[20] It is the glory of the legal profession that its fidelity to
misconduct, which he committed in good faith. [11]
its client can be depended on, and that a man may safely go to
In addition, respondent maintains that his filing of the a lawyer and converse with him upon his rights or supposed
criminal complaint for falsification of public documents against rights in any litigation with absolute assurance that the lawyers
complainant does not violate the rule on privileged tongue is tied from ever disclosing it.[21] With full disclosure of
communication between attorney and client because the bases the facts of the case by the client to his attorney, adequate legal
of the falsification case are two certificates of live birth which representation will result in the ascertainment and enforcement
are public documents and in no way connected with the of rights or the prosecution or defense of the clients cause.
confidence taken during the engagement of respondent as
Now, we go to the rule on attorney-client privilege. Dean
counsel. According to respondent, the complainant confided to
Wigmore cites the factors essential to establish the existence of
him as then counsel only matters of facts relating to the
the privilege, viz:
annulment case. Nothing was said about the alleged
falsification of the entries in the birth certificates of her two
daughters. The birth certificates are filed in the Records (1) Where legal advice of any kind is sought (2) from a
Division of CHED and are accessible to anyone.[12] professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, (3) the
communications relating to that purpose, (4) made in
In a Resolution dated February 9, 2000, this Court confidence (5) by the client, (6) are at his instance permanently
referred the administrative case to the Integrated Bar of the protected (7) from disclosure by himself or by the legal advisor,
Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and (8) except the protection be waived.[22]
The IBP Commission on Bar Discipline set two dates for In fine, the factors are as follows:
hearing but complainant failed to appear in both. Investigating
Commissioner Rosalina R. Datiles thus granted respondents (1) There exists an attorney-client relationship, or a
motion to file his memorandum, and the case was submitted for prospective attorney-client relationship, and it is by reason of
resolution based on the pleadings submitted by the parties. [14] this relationship that the client made the communication.

On June 21, 2003, the IBP Board of Governors approved Matters disclosed by a prospective client to a lawyer are
the report of investigating commissioner Datiles, finding the protected by the rule on privileged communication even if the
respondent guilty of violating the rule on privileged prospective client does not thereafter retain the lawyer or the
communication between attorney and client, and latter declines the employment.[23] The reason for this is to
make the prospective client free to discuss whatever he wishes

with the lawyer without fear that what he tells the lawyer will be Indeed, complainant failed to attend the hearings at the
divulged or used against him, and for the lawyer to be equally IBP. Without any testimony from the complainant as to the
free to obtain information from the prospective client. [24] specific confidential information allegedly divulged by
respondent without her consent, it is difficult, if not impossible to
On the other hand, a communication from a (prospective) determine if there was any violation of the rule on privileged
client to a lawyer for some purpose other than on account of the communication. Such confidential information is a crucial link in
(prospective) attorney-client relation is not privileged. Instructive establishing a breach of the rule on privileged communication
is the case of Pfleider v. Palanca,[25] where the client and his between attorney and client. It is not enough to merely assert
wife leased to their attorney a 1,328-hectare agricultural land the attorney-client privilege.[37] The burden of proving that the
for a period of ten years. In their contract, the parties agreed, privilege applies is placed upon the party asserting the
among others, that a specified portion of the lease rentals privilege.[38]
would be paid to the client-lessors, and the remainder would be
delivered by counsel-lessee to client's listed creditors. The IN VIEW WHEREOF, the complaint against respondent
client alleged that the list of creditors which he had Atty. Julito D. Vitriolo is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.
confidentially supplied counsel for the purpose of carrying out
the terms of payment contained in the lease contract was SO ORDERED.
disclosed by counsel, in violation of their lawyer-client relation,
Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., and Chico-Nazario,
to parties whose interests are adverse to those of the client. As
JJ., concur.
the client himself, however, states, in the execution of the terms
Tinga, J., out of the country.
of the aforesaid lease contract between the parties, he
furnished counsel with the confidential list of his creditors. We
ruled that this indicates that client delivered the list of his
creditors to counsel not because of the professional relation
then existing between them, but on account of the lease
agreement. We then held that a violation of the confidence that [Syllabus]
accompanied the delivery of that list would partake more of a
private and civil wrong than of a breach of the fidelity owing EN BANC
from a lawyer to his client.
(2) The client made the communication in confidence.
The mere relation of attorney and client does not raise a [G.R. No. 105938. September 20, 1996]
presumption of confidentiality.[26] The client must intend the
communication to be confidential.[27]
A confidential communication refers to information
transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure between attorney and TEODORO R. REGALA, EDGARDO J. ANGARA, AVELINO
client in confidence and by means which, so far as the client is V. CRUZ, JOSE C. CONCEPCION, ROGELIO A.
aware, discloses the information to no third person other than VINLUAN, VICTOR P. LAZATIN, and EDUARDO U.
one reasonably necessary for the transmission of the ESCUETA, petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE
information or the accomplishment of the purpose for which it SANDIGANBAYAN, First Division, REPUBLIC OF
Our jurisprudence on the matter rests on quiescent
GOVERNMENT, and RAUL S. ROCO, respondents.
ground. Thus, a compromise agreement prepared by a lawyer
pursuant to the instruction of his client and delivered to the
opposing party,[29] an offer and counter-offer for
settlement,[30] or a document given by a client to his counsel not
in his professional capacity,[31] are not privileged [G.R. No. 108113. September 20, 1996]
communications, the element of confidentiality not being
(3) The legal advice must be sought from the attorney in
his professional capacity.[33] PARAJA G. HAYUDINI, petitioner, vs. THE
The communication made by a client to his attorney must PHILIPPINES, respondents.
not be intended for mere information, but for the purpose of
seeking legal advice from his attorney as to his rights or
obligations. The communication must have been transmitted by DECISION
a client to his attorney for the purpose of seeking legal
If the client seeks an accounting service, [35] or business or These cases touch the very cornerstone of every State's
personal assistance,[36] and not legal advice, the privilege does judicial system, upon which the workings of the contentious and
not attach to a communication disclosed for such purpose. adversarial system in the Philippine legal process are based -
the sanctity of fiduciary duty in the client-lawyer
Applying all these rules to the case at bar, we hold that
relationship. The fiduciary duty of a counsel and advocate is
the evidence on record fails to substantiate complainants
also what makes the law profession a unique position of trust
allegations. We note that complainant did not even specify the
and confidence, which distinguishes it from any other calling. In
alleged communication in confidence disclosed by respondent.
this instance, we have no recourse but to uphold and
All her claims were couched in general terms and lacked
strengthen the mantle of protection accorded to the
specificity. She contends that respondent violated the rule on
confidentiality that proceeds from the performance of the
privileged communication when he instituted a criminal action
lawyer's duty to his client.
against her for falsification of public documents because the
criminal complaint disclosed facts relating to the civil case for The facts of the case are undisputed.
annulment then handled by respondent. She did not, however,
spell out these facts which will determine the merit of her The matters raised herein are an offshoot of the institution
complaint. The Court cannot be involved in a guessing game as of the Complaint on July 31, 1987 before the Sandiganbayan by
to the existence of facts which the complainant must prove. the Republic of the Philippines, through the Presidential
Commission on Good Government against Eduardo M.

Cojuangco, Jr., as one of the principal defendants, for the In their answer to the Expanded Amended Complaint,
recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, which includes shares of petitioners ACCRA lawyers alleged that:
stocks in the named corporations in PCGG Case No. 33 (Civil
Case No. 0033), entitled "Republic of the Philippines versus
4.4. Defendants-ACCRA lawyers participation in the acts with
Eduardo Cojuangco, et al."[1] which their co-defendants are charged, was in furtherance of
Among the defendants named in the case are herein legitimate lawyering.
petitioners Teodoro Regala, Edgardo J. Angara, Avelino V.
Cruz, Jose C. Concepcion, Rogelio A. Vinluan, Victor P. 4.4.1. In the course of rendering professional and legal services
Lazatin, Eduardo U. Escueta and Paraja G. Hayudini, and to clients, defendants-ACCRA lawyers, Jose C. Concepcion,
herein private respondent Raul S. Roco, who all were then Teodoro D. Regala, Rogelio A. Vinluan and Eduardo U.
partners of the law firm Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala Escueta, became holders of shares of stock in the corporations
and Cruz Law Offices (hereinafter referred to as the ACCRA listed under their respective names in Annex A of the expanded
Law Firm). ACCRA Law Firm performed legal services for its Amended Complaint as incorporating or acquiring stockholders
clients, which included, among others, the organization and only and, as such, they do not claim any proprietary interest in
acquisition of business associations and/or organizations, with the said shares of stock.
the correlative and incidental services where its members acted
as incorporators, or simply, as stockholders. More specifically,
4.5. Defendant ACCRA-lawyer Avelino V. Cruz was one of the
in the performance of these services, the members of the law
incorporators in 1976 of Mermaid Marketing Corporation, which
firm delivered to its client documents which substantiate the
was organized for legitimate business purposes not related to
client's equity holdings, i.e., stock certificates endorsed in blank
the allegations of the expanded Amended Complaint. However,
representing the shares registered in the client's name, and a
blank deed of trust or assignment covering said shares. In the he has long ago transferred any material interest therein and
therefore denies that the shares appearing in his name in
course of their dealings with their clients, the members of the
law firm acquire information relative to the assets of clients as Annex A of the expanded Amended Complaint are his assets. [6]
well as their personal and business circumstances. As
members of the ACCRA Law Firm, petitioners and private Petitioner Paraja Hayudini, who had separated
respondent Raul Roco admit that they assisted in the from ACCRA law firm, filed a separate answer denying the
organization and acquisition of the companies included in Civil allegations in the complaint implicating him in the alleged ill-
Case No. 0033, and in keeping with the office gotten wealth.[7]
practice, ACCRA lawyers acted as nominees-stockholders of
the said corporations involved in sequestration proceedings.[2] Petitioners ACCRA lawyers subsequently filed their
"COMMENT AND/OR OPPOSITION" dated October 8, 1991
On August 20, 1991, respondent Presidential with Counter-Motion that respondent PCGG similarly grant the
Commission on Good Government (hereinafter referred to as same treatment to them (exclusion as parties-defendants) as
respondent PCGG) filed a "Motion to Admit Third Amended accorded private respondent Roco.[8] The Counter-Motion for
Complaint" and "Third Amended Complaint" which dropping petitioners from the complaint was duly set for hearing
excluded private respondent Raul S. Roco from the complaint onOctober 18, 1991 in accordance with the requirements of
in PCGG Case No. 33 as party-defendant.[3] Respondent Rule 15 of the Rules of Court.
PCGG based its exclusion of private respondent Roco as party-
defendant on his undertaking that he will reveal the identity of In its "Comment," respondent PCGG set the following
the principal/s for whom he acted as nominee/stockholder in the conditions precedent for the exclusion of petitioners,
companies involved in PCGG Case No. 33.[4] namely: (a) the disclosure of the identity of its clients; (b)
submission of documents substantiating the lawyer-client
Petitioners were included in the Third Amended relationship; and (c) the submission of the deeds of
Complaint on the strength of the following allegations: assignments petitioners executed in favor of its clients covering
their respective shareholdings.[9]
14. Defendants Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr., Edgardo J.
Angara, Jose C. Concepcion, Teodoro Regala, Consequently, respondent PCGG presented supposed
Avelino V. Cruz, Rogelio A. Vinluan, Eduardo U. proof to substantiate compliance by private respondent Roco of
Escueta, Paraja G. Hayudini and Raul Roco of the conditions precedent to warrant the latter's exclusion as
the Angara Concepcion Cruz Regala and Abello party-defendant in PCGG Case No. 33, to wit: (a) Letter to
law offices (ACCRA) plotted, devised, respondent PCGG of the counsel of respondent Roco dated
schemed. conspired and confederated with May 24, 1989 reiterating a previous request for reinvestigation
each other in setting up, through the use of the by the PCGG in PCGG Case No. 33; (b) Affidavit dated March
coconut levy funds, the financial and corporate 8, 1989 executed by private respondent Roco as Attachment to
framework and structures that led to the the letter aforestated in (a); and (c) Letter of the Roco, Bunag,
establishment of UCPB, UNICOM, COCOLIFE, and Kapunan Law Offices dated September 21, 1988 to the
COCOMARK, CIC, and more than twenty other respondent PCGG in behalf of private respondent Roco
coconut levy funded corporations, including the originally requesting the reinvestigation and/or re-examination
acquisition of San Miguel Corporation shares of the evidence of the PCGG against Roco in its Complaint in
and its institutionalization through presidential PCGG Case No. 33.[10]
directives of the coconut monopoly. Through
insidious means and machinations, ACCRA, It is noteworthy that during said proceedings, private
being the wholly-owned investment arm, respondent Roco did not refute petitioners' contention that he
ACCRA Investments Corporation, became the did actually not reveal the identity of the client involved in
holder of approximately fifteen million shares PCGG Case No. 33, nor had he undertaken to reveal the
representing roughly 3.3% of the total identity of the client for whom he acted as nominee-
outstanding capital stock of UCPB as of 31 stockholder.[11]
March 1987. This ranks ACCRA Investments
On March 18, 1992, respondent Sandiganbayan
Corporation number 44 among the top 100
promulgated the Resolution, herein questioned, denying the
biggest stockholders of UCPB which has
exclusion of petitioners in PCGG Case No. 33, for their refusal
approximately 1,400,000 shareholders. On the
to comply with the conditions required by respondent PCGG. It
other hand, corporate books show the name
Edgardo J. Angara as holding
approximately 3,744 shares as of February, x x x.

ACCRA lawyers may take the heroic stance of not revealing the 3. Respondent Sandiganbayan sanctioned
identity of the client for whom they have acted, i.e. their favoritism and undue preference in favor of Mr.
principal, and that will be their choice. But until they do identify Roco in violation of the equal protection clause.
their clients, considerations of whether or not the
privilege claimed by the ACCRA lawyers exists cannot even III
begin to be debated. The ACCRA lawyers cannot excuse
themselves from the consequences of their acts until they have The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
begun to establish the basis for recognizing the privilege; the discretion in not holding that, under the facts of this case, the
existence and identity of the client. attorney-client privilege prohibits petitioners ACCRA lawyers
from revealing the identity of their client(s) and the other
This is what appears to be the cause for which they have been information requested by the PCGG.
impleaded by the PCGG as defendants herein.
1. Under the peculiar facts of this case, the
5. The PCGG is satisfied that defendant Roco has attorney-client privilege includes the identity of
demonstrated his agency and that Roco has apparently the client(s).
identified his principal, which revelation could show the lack of
2. The factual disclosures required by the PCGG
cause against him. This in turn has allowed the PCGG to
are not limited to the identity of petitioners
exercise its power both under the rules of Agency and under
ACCRA lawyers' alleged client(s) but extend to
Section 5 of E.O. No. 14-A in relation to the Supreme Court's
other privileged matters.
ruling in Republic v. Sandiganbayan (173 SCRA 72).
The PCGG has apparently offered to the ACCRA lawyers the
same conditions availed of by Roco; full disclosure in exchange The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
for exclusion from these proceedings (par. 7, PCGG's discretion in not requiring that the dropping of party-defendants
COMMENT dated November 4, 1991). The ACCRA lawyers by the PCGG must be based on reasonable and just grounds
have preferred not to make the disclosures required by the and with due consideration to the constitutional right of
PCGG. petitioners ACCRA lawyers to the equal protection of the law.

The ACCRA lawyers cannot, therefore, begrudge the PCGG for Petitioner Paraja G. Hayudini, likewise, filed his own
keeping them as party defendants. In the same vein, they motion for reconsideration of the March 18, 1991 resolution
cannot compel the PCGG to be accorded the same treatment which was denied by respondent Sandiganbayan. Thus, he
accorded to Roco. filed a separate petition for certiorari, docketed as G.R. No.
108113, assailing respondent Sandiganbayan's resolution on
Neither can this Court. essentially the same grounds averred by petitioners in G.R. No.
WHEREFORE, the Counter Motion dated October 8, 1991 filed Petitioners contend that the exclusion of respondent Roco
by the ACCRA lawyers and joined in by Atty. Paraja G. as party-defendant in PCGG Case No. 33 grants him a
Hayudini for the same treatment by the PCGG as accorded to favorable treatment, on the pretext of his alleged undertaking to
Raul S. Roco is DENIED for lack of merit. [12] divulge the identity of his client, giving him an advantage over
them who are in the same footing as partners in the ACCRA
ACCRA lawyers moved for a reconsideration of the above law firm. Petitioners further argue that even granting that such
resolution but the same was denied by the respondent an undertaking has been assumed by private respondent Roco,
Sandiganbayan. Hence, the ACCRA lawyers filed the petition they are prohibited from revealing the identity of their principal
forcertiorari, docketed as G.R. No. 105938, invoking the under their sworn mandate and fiduciary duty as lawyers to
following grounds: uphold at all times the confidentiality of information obtained
during such lawyer-client relationship.
Respondent PCGG, through its counsel, refutes
petitioners' contention, alleging that the revelation of the identity
The Honorable Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion in of the client is not within the ambit of the lawyer-client
subjecting petitioners ACCRA lawyers who undisputably acted confidentiality privilege, nor are the documents it required
as lawyers in serving as nominee-stockholders, to the strict (deeds of assignment) protected, because they are evidence of
application of the law of agency. nominee status.[13]
In his comment, respondent Roco asseverates that
respondent PCGG acted correctly in excluding him as party-
defendant because he "(Roco) has not filed an Answer. PCGG
The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of had therefore the right to dismiss Civil Case No. 0033 as to
discretion in not considering petitioners ACCRA lawyers and Roco `without an order of court by filing a notice of
Mr. Roco as similarly situated and, therefore, deserving of dismissal,'"[14] and he has undertaken to identify his principal. [15]
equal treatment.
Petitioners' contentions are impressed with merit.
1. There is absolutely no evidence that Mr. Roco I
had revealed, or had undertaken to reveal, the
identities of the client(s) for whom he acted as It is quite apparent that petitioners were impleaded by the
nominee-stockholder. PCGG as co-defendants to force them to disclose the identity of
their clients. Clearly, respondent PCGG is not after petitioners
2. Even assuming that Mr. Roco had revealed, or but the bigger fish as they say in street parlance. This ploy is
had undertaken to reveal, the identities of the quite clear from the PCGGs willingness to cut a deal with
client(s), the disclosure does not constitute a petitioners -- the names of their clients in exchange for
substantial distinction as would make the exclusion from the complaint. The statement of the
classification reasonable under the equal Sandiganbayan in its questioned resolution dated March 18,
protection clause. 1992 is explicit:

ACCRA lawyers may take the heroic stance of not revealing the but gives up all that he gained by the contract to the person
identity of the client for whom they have acted, i.e., their who requested him.[18]But the lawyer-client relationship is more
principal, and that will be their choice. But until they do identify than that of the principal-agent and lessor-lessee.
their clients, considerations of whether or not the privilege
claimed by the ACCRA lawyers exists cannot even begin to be In modern day perception of the lawyer-client relationship,
debated. The ACCRA lawyers cannot excuse themselves from an attorney is more than a mere agent or servant, because he
the consequences of their acts until they have begun to possesses special powers of trust and confidence reposed on
establish the basis for recognizing the privilege; the existence him by his client.[19] A lawyer is also as independent as the
and identity of the client. judge of the court, thus his powers are entirely different from
and superior to those of an ordinary agent. [20] Moreover, an
attorney also occupies what may be considered as a "quasi-
This is what appears to be the cause for which they have been judicial office" since he is in fact an officer of the Court [21] and
impleaded by the PCGG as defendants herein. (Underscoring exercises his judgment in the choice of courses of action to be
ours) taken favorable to his client.

In a closely related case, Civil Case No. 0110 of the Thus, in the creation of lawyer-client relationship, there
Sandiganbayan, Third Division, entitled Primavera Farms, are rules, ethical conduct and duties that breathe life into it,
Inc., et al. vs. Presidential Commission on Good Government among those, the fiduciary duty to his client which is of a very
respondent PCGG, through counsel Mario Ongkiko, manifested delicate, exacting and confidential character, requiring a very
at the hearing on December 5, 1991 that the PCGG wanted to high degree of fidelity and good faith, [22] that is required by
establish through the ACCRA that their so called client is Mr. reason of necessity and public interest [23] based on the
Eduardo Cojuangco; that it was Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco who hypothesis that abstinence from seeking legal advice in a good
furnished all the monies to those subscription payments in cause is an evil which is fatal to the administration of justice. [24]
corporations included in Annex A of the Third Amended It is also the strict sense of fidelity of a lawyer to his client
Complaint; that the ACCRA lawyers executed deeds of trust that distinguishes him from any other professional in
and deeds of assignment, some in the name of particular society. This conception is entrenched and embodies centuries
persons, some in blank. of established and stable tradition.[25] In Stockton v. Ford,[26] the
We quote Atty. Ongkiko: U.S. Supreme Court held:

ATTY. ONGKIKO: There are few of the business relations of life involving a higher
trust and confidence than that of attorney and client, or
generally speaking, one more honorably and faithfully
With the permission of this Hon. Court. I propose to establish discharged; few more anxiously guarded by the law, or
through these ACCRA lawyers that, one, their so-called client is governed by the sterner principles of morality and justice; and it
Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco. Second, it was Mr. Eduardo is the duty of the court to administer them in a corresponding
Cojuangco who furnished all the monies to these subscription spirit, and to be watchful and industrious, to see that confidence
payments of these corporations who are now the petitioners in thus reposed shall not be used to the detriment or prejudice of
this case. Third, that these lawyers executed deeds of trust, the rights of the party bestowing it.[27]
some in the name of a particular person, some in blank. Now,
these blank deeds are important to our claim that some of the
shares are actually being held by the nominees for the late In our jurisdiction, this privilege takes off from the old
President Marcos. Fourth, they also executed deeds of Code of Civil Procedure enacted by the Philippine Commission
assignment and some of these assignments have also blank on August 7, 1901. Section 383 of the Code specifically forbids
assignees. Again, this is important to our claim that some of the counsel, without authority of his client to reveal any
shares are for Mr. Cojuangco and some are for Mr. communication made by the client to him or his advice given
Marcos. Fifth, that most of these corporations are really just thereon in the course of professional employment.[28] Passed
paper corporations. Why do we say that? One: There are no on into various provisions of the Rules of Court, the attorney-
really fixed sets of officers, no fixed sets of directors at the time client privilege, as currently worded provides:
of incorporation and even up to 1986, which is the crucial
year. And not only that, they have no permits from the Sec. 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged
municipal authorities in Makati. Next, actually all their communication. - The following persons cannot testify as to
addresses now are care of Villareal Law Office. They really matters learned in confidence in the following cases:
have no address on records. These are some of the principal
things that we would ask of these nominees stockholders, as
they called themselves.[16]

An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be

It would seem that petitioners are merely standing in for
examined as to any communication made by the client to him,
their clients as defendants in the complaint. Petitioners are
or his advice given thereon in the course of, or with a view to,
being prosecuted solely on the basis of activities and services
professional employment, can an attorneys secretary,
performed in the course of their duties as lawyers. Quite
stenographer, or clerk be examined, without the consent of the
obviously, petitioners inclusion as co-defendants in the
client and his employer, concerning any fact the knowledge of
complaint is merely being used as leverage to compel them to
which has been acquired in such capacity. [29]
name their clients and consequently to enable the PCGG to nail
these clients. Such being the case, respondent PCGG has no
valid cause of action as against petitioners and should exclude Further, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court states:
them from the Third Amended Complaint.
II Sec. 20. It is the duty of an attorney:

The nature of lawyer-client relationship is premised on the (e) to maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to
Roman Law concepts of locatio conductio operarum (contract himself, to preserve the secrets of his client, and to accept no
of lease of services) where one person lets his services and compensation in connection with his clients business except
another hires them without reference to the object of which the from him or with his knowledge and approval.
services are to be performed, wherein lawyers' services may be
compensated by honorarium or for
hire,[17] and mandato(contract of agency) wherein a friend on This duty is explicitly mandated in Canon 17 of the Code
whom reliance could be placed makes a contract in his name, of Professional Responsibility which provides that:

Canon 17. A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and is.[32] He cannot be obliged to grope in the dark against
he shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. unknown forces.[33]
Notwithstanding these considerations, the general rule is
Canon 15 of the Canons of Professional Ethics also however qualified by some important exceptions.
demands a lawyer's fidelity to client:
1) Client identity is privileged where a strong
The lawyer owes "entire devotion to the interest of the client, probability exists that revealing the clients name
warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his rights and the would implicate that client in the very activity for
exertion of his utmost learning and ability," to the end that which he sought the lawyers advice.
nothing be taken or be withheld from him, save by the rules of In Ex-Parte Enzor,[34] a state supreme court reversed a
law, legally applied. No fear of judicial disfavor or public lower court order requiring a lawyer to divulge the name of her
popularity should restrain him from the full discharge of his client on the ground that the subject matter of the relationship
duty. In the judicial forum the client is entitled to the benefit of was so closely related to the issue of the clients identity that the
any and every remedy and defense that is authorized by the privilege actually attached to both. In Enzor, the unidentified
law of the land, and he may expect his lawyer to assert every client, an election official, informed his attorney in confidence
such remedy or defense. But it is steadfastly to be borne in that he had been offered a bribe to violate election laws or that
mind that the great trust of the lawyer is to be performed within he had accepted a bribe to that end. In her testimony, the
and not without the bounds of the law. The office of attorney attorney revealed that she had advised her client to count the
does not permit, much less does it demand of him for any votes correctly, but averred that she could not remember
client, violation of law or any manner of fraud or chicanery. He whether her client had been, in fact, bribed. The lawyer was
must obey his own conscience and not that of his client. cited for contempt for her refusal to reveal his clients identity
before a grand jury. Reversing the lower courts contempt
Considerations favoring confidentiality in lawyer-client orders, the state supreme court held that under the
relationships are many and serve several constitutional and circumstances of the case, and under the exceptions described
policy concerns. In the constitutional sphere, the privilege gives above, even the name of the client was privileged.
flesh to one of the most sacrosanct rights available to the
accused, the right to counsel. If a client were made to choose U.S. v. Hodge and Zweig,[35] involved the same exception,
between legal representation without effective communication i.e. that client identity is privileged in those instances where a
and disclosure and legal representation with all his secrets strong probability exists that the disclosure of the client's
revealed then he might be compelled, in some instances, to identity would implicate the client in the very criminal activity for
either opt to stay away from the judicial system or to lose the which the lawyers legal advice was obtained.
right to counsel. If the price of disclosure is too high, or if it The Hodge case involved federal grand jury proceedings
amounts to self incrimination, then the flow of information would inquiring into the activities of the Sandino Gang, a gang
be curtailed thereby rendering the right practically involved in the illegal importation of drugs in the United
nugatory. The threat this represents against another sacrosanct States. The respondents, law partners, represented key
individual right, the right to be presumed innocent is at once witnesses and suspects including the leader of the gang, Joe
self-evident. Sandino.
Encouraging full disclosure to a lawyer by one seeking In connection with a tax investigation in November of
legal services opens the door to a whole spectrum of legal 1973, the IRS issued summons to Hodge and Zweig, requiring
options which would otherwise be circumscribed by limited them to produce documents and information regarding payment
information engendered by a fear of disclosure. An effective received by Sandino on behalf of any other person, and vice
lawyer-client relationship is largely dependent upon the degree versa. The lawyers refused to divulge the names. The Ninth
of confidence which exists between lawyer and client which in Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals, upholding non-
turn requires a situation which encourages a dynamic and disclosure under the facts and circumstances of the case, held:
fruitful exchange and flow of information. It necessarily follows
that in order to attain effective representation, the lawyer must A clients identity and the nature of that clients fee
invoke the privilege not as a matter of option but as a matter of arrangements may be privileged where the person invoking the
duty and professional responsibility. privilege can show that a strong probability exists that
disclosure of such information would implicate that client in the
The question now arises whether or not this duty may be very criminal activity for which legal advice was sought Baird v.
asserted in refusing to disclose the name of petitioners' client(s) Koerner, 279 F.2d at 680. While in Baird Owe enunciated this
in the case at bar. Under the facts and circumstances obtaining rule as a matter of California law, the rule also reflects federal
in the instant case, the answer must be in the affirmative. law. Appellants contend that the Baird exception applies to this
As a matter of public policy, a clients identity should not case.
be shrouded in mystery.[30] Under this premise, the general rule The Baird exception is entirely consonant with the
in our jurisdiction as well as in the United States is that a lawyer principal policy behind the attorney-client privilege. In order to
may not invoke the privilege and refuse to divulge the name or promote freedom of consultation of legal advisors by clients, the
identity of his client.[31] apprehension of compelled disclosure from the legal advisors
The reasons advanced for the general rule are well must be removed; hence, the law must prohibit such disclosure
established. except on the clients consent. 8 J. Wigmore, supra sec. 2291,
at 545. In furtherance of this policy, the clients identity and the
First, the court has a right to know that the client whose nature of his fee arrangements are, in exceptional cases,
privileged information is sought to be protected is flesh and protected as confidential communications. [36]
2) Where disclosure would open the client to civil
Second, the privilege begins to exist only after the liability, his identity is privileged. For instance,
attorney-client relationship has been established. The attorney- the peculiar facts and circumstances
client privilege does not attach until there is a client. of Neugass v. Terminal Cab
Corporation,[37] prompted the New York
Third, the privilege generally pertains to the subject Supreme Court to allow
matter of the relationship. a lawyers claim to the effect that he could not
reveal the name of his client because this would
Finally, due process considerations require that the
expose the latter to civil litigation.
opposing party should, as a general rule, know his adversary. A
party suing or sued is entitled to know who his opponent

In the said case, Neugass, the plaintiff, suffered injury It appeared that the taxpayers returns of previous years
when the taxicab she was riding, owned by respondent were probably incorrect and the taxes understated. The clients
corporation, collided with a second taxicab, whose owner was themselves were unsure about whether or not they violated tax
unknown.Plaintiff brought action both against defendant laws and sought advice from Baird on the hypothetical
corporation and the owner of the second cab, identified in the possibility that they had. No investigation was then being
information only as John Doe. It turned out that when the undertaken by the IRS of the taxpayers. Subsequently, the
attorney of defendant corporation appeared on preliminary attorney of the taxpayers delivered to Baird the sum of
examination, the fact was somehow revealed that the lawyer $12,706.85, which had been previously assessed as the tax
came to know the name of the owner of the second cab when a due, and another amount of money representing his fee for the
man, a client of the insurance company, prior to the institution advice given. Baird then sent a check for $12,706.85 to the IRS
of legal action, came to him and reported that he was involved in Baltimore, Maryland, with a note explaining the payment, but
in a car accident. It was apparent under the circumstances that without naming his clients. The IRS demanded that Baird
the man was the owner of the second cab. The state supreme identify the lawyers, accountants, and other clients
court held that the reports were clearly made to the lawyer in involved. Baird refused on the ground that he did not know their
his professional capacity. The court said: names, and declined to name the attorney and accountants
because this constituted privileged communication. A petition
That his employment came about through the fact that the was filed for the enforcement of the IRS summons. For Bairds
insurance company had hired him to defend its policyholders repeated refusal to name his clients he was found guilty of civil
seems immaterial. The attorney in such cases is clearly the contempt. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that, a lawyer
attorney for the policyholder when the policyholder goes to him could not be forced to reveal the names of clients who
to report an occurrence contemplating that it would be used in employed him to pay sums of money to the government
an action or claim against him.[38] voluntarily in settlement of undetermined income taxes, unsued
on, and with no government audit or investigation into that
x x x xxx xxx.
clients income tax liability pending. The court emphasized the
All communications made by a client to his counsel, for exception that a clients name is privileged when so much has
the purpose of professional advice or assistance, are privileged, been revealed concerning the legal services rendered that the
whether they relate to a suit pending or contemplated, or to any disclosure of the clients identity exposes him to possible
other matter proper for such advice or aid; x x x And whenever investigation and sanction by government agencies. The Court
the communication made, relates to a matter so connected with held:
the employment as attorney or counsel as to afford
presumption that it was the ground of the address by the client, The facts of the instant case bring it squarely within that
then it is privileged from disclosure. xxx. exception to the general rule. Here money was received by the
government, paid by persons who thereby admitted they had
It appears... that the name and address of the owner of
not paid a sufficient amount in income taxes some one or more
the second cab came to the attorney in this case as a
years in the past. The names of the clients are useful to the
confidential communication. His client is not seeking to use the
government for but one purpose - to ascertain which taxpayers
courts, and his address cannot be disclosed on that theory, nor
think they were delinquent, so that it may check the records for
is the present action pending against him as service of the
that one year or several years. The voluntary nature of the
summons on him has not been effected. The objections on
payment indicates a belief by the taxpayers that more taxes or
which the court reserved decision are sustained. [39]
interest or penalties are due than the sum previously paid, if
In the case of Matter of Shawmut Mining Company,[40] the any.It indicates a feeling of guilt for nonpayment of taxes,
lawyer involved was required by a lower court to disclose though whether it is criminal guilt is undisclosed. But it may well
whether he represented certain clients in a certain be the link that could form the chain of testimony necessary to
transaction. The purpose of the courts request was to convict an individual of a federal crime. Certainly the payment
determine whether the unnamed persons as interested parties and the feeling of guilt are the reasons the attorney here
were connected with the purchase of properties involved in the involved was employed - to advise his clients what, under the
action. The lawyer refused and brought the question to the circumstances, should be done.[43]
State Supreme Court. Upholding the lawyers refusal to divulge
the names of his clients the court held: Apart from these principal exceptions, there exist other
situations which could qualify as exceptions to the general rule.
If it can compel the witness to state, as directed by the
order appealed from, that he represented certain persons in the For example, the content of any client communication to a
purchase or sale of these mines, it has made progress in lawyer lies within the privilege if it is relevant to the subject
establishing by such evidence their version of the litigation. As matter of the legal problem on which the client seeks legal
already suggested, such testimony by the witness would assistance.[44] Moreover, where the nature of the attorney-client
compel him to disclose not only that he was attorney for certain relationship has been previously disclosed and it is
people, but that, as the result of communications made to him the identity which is intended to be confidential, the identity of
in the course of such employment as such attorney, he knew the client has been held to be privileged, since such revelation
that they were interested in certain transactions. We feel sure would otherwise result in disclosure of the entire transaction.[45]
that under such conditions no case has ever gone to the length
of compelling an attorney, at the instance of a hostile litigant, to Summarizing these exceptions, information relating to the
disclose not only his retainer, but the nature of the transactions identity of a client may fall within the ambit of the privilege when
to which it related, when such information could be made the the clients name itself has an independent significance, such
basis of a suit against his client.[41] that disclosure would then reveal client confidences. [46]

3) Where the governments lawyers have no case against The circumstances involving the engagement of lawyers
an attorneys client unless, by revealing the clients name, the in the case at bench, therefore, clearly reveal that the instant
said name would furnish the only link that would form the chain case falls under at least two exceptions to the general
of testimony necessary to convict an individual of a crime, the rule. First, disclosure of the alleged client's name would lead to
clients name is privileged. establish said client's connection with the very fact in issue of
the case, which is privileged information, because the privilege,
In Baird vs Korner,[42] a lawyer was consulted by the as stated earlier, protects the subject matter or the substance
accountants and the lawyer of certain undisclosed taxpayers (without which there would be no attorney-client relationship).
regarding steps to be taken to place the undisclosed taxpayers
in a favorable position in case criminal charges were brought The link between the alleged criminal offense and the
against them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). legal advice or legal service sought was duly established in the
case at bar, by no less than the PCGG itself. The key lies in the
three specific conditions laid down by the PCGG which
constitutes petitioners ticket to non-prosecution should they the client would open up other privileged information which
accede thereto: would substantiate the prosecutions suspicions, then the clients
identity is so inextricably linked to the subject matter itself that it
(a) the disclosure of the identity of its clients; falls within the protection. The Baird exception, applicable to the
instant case, is consonant with the principal policy behind the
privilege, i.e., that for the purpose of promoting freedom of
(b) submission of documents substantiating the lawyer-client consultation of legal advisors by clients, apprehension of
relationship; and compelled disclosure from attorneys must be eliminated. This
exception has likewise been sustained in In re Grand Jury
(c) the submission of the deeds of assignment petitioners Proceedings[51] and Tillotson v. Boughner.[52] What these cases
executed in favor of their clients covering their respective unanimously seek to avoid is the exploitation of the general rule
shareholdings. in what may amount to a fishing expedition by the prosecution.
There are, after all, alternative sources of information
From these conditions, particularly the third, we can available to the prosecutor which do not depend on utilizing a
readily deduce that the clients indeed consulted the petitioners, defendant's counsel as a convenient and readily available
in their capacity as lawyers, regarding the financial and source of information in the building of a case against the
corporate structure, framework and set-up of the corporations in latter. Compelling disclosure of the client's name in
question. In turn, petitioners gave their professional advice in circumstances such as the one which exists in the case at
the form of, among others, the aforementioned deeds of bench amounts to sanctioning fishing expeditions by lazy
assignment covering their clients shareholdings. prosecutors and litigants which we cannot and will not
countenance. When the nature of the transaction would be
There is no question that the preparation of the revealed by disclosure of an attorney's retainer, such retainer is
aforestated documents was part and parcel of petitioners legal obviously protected by the privilege. [53] It follows that petitioner
service to their clients. More important, it constituted an integral attorneys in the instant case owe their client(s) a duty and an
part of their duties as lawyers. Petitioners, therefore, have a obligation not to disclose the latter's identity which in turn
legitimate fear that identifying their clients would implicate them requires them to invoke the privilege.
in the very activity for which legal advice had been sought, i.e.,
the alleged accumulation of ill-gotten wealth in the In fine, the crux of petitioners' objections ultimately hinges
aforementioned corporations. on their expectation that if the prosecution has a case against
their clients, the latter's case should be built upon evidence
Furthermore, under the third main exception, revelation of painstakingly gathered by them from their own sources and not
the client's name would obviously provide the necessary link for from compelled testimony requiring them to reveal the name of
the prosecution to build its case, where none otherwise their clients, information which unavoidably reveals much about
exists. It is the link, in the words of Baird, that would inevitably the nature of the transaction which may or may not be
form the chain of testimony necessary to convict the (client) of illegal. The logical nexus between name and nature of
a... crime."[47] transaction is so intimate in this case that it would be difficult to
simply dissociate one from the other. In this sense, the name is
An important distinction must be made between a case
as much "communication" as information revealed directly
where a client takes on the services of an attorney for illicit
about the transaction in question itself, a communication which
purposes, seeking advice about how to go around the law for
is clearly and distinctly privileged. A lawyer cannot reveal such
the purpose of committing illegal activities and a case where a
communication without exposing himself to charges of violating
client thinks he might have previously committed something
a principle which forms the bulwark of the entire attorney-client
illegal and consults his attorney about it. The first case clearly
does not fall within the privilege because the same cannot be
invoked for purposes illegal. The second case falls within the The uberrimei fidei relationship between a lawyer and his
exception because whether or not the act for which the advice client therefore imposes a strict liability for negligence on the
turns out to be illegal, his name cannot be used or disclosed if former. The ethical duties owing to the client, including
the disclosure leads to evidence, not yet in the hands of the confidentiality, loyalty, competence, diligence as well as the
prosecution, which might lead to possible action against him. responsibility to keep clients informed and protect their rights to
make decisions have been zealously sustained. In Milbank,
These cases may be readily distinguished, because the
Tweed, Hadley and McCloy v. Boon,[54] the US Second District
privilege cannot be invoked or used as a shield for an illegal
Court rejected the plea of the petitioner law firm that it breached
act, as in the first example; while the prosecution may not have
its fiduciary duty to its client by helping the latter's former agent
a case against the client in the second example and cannot use
in closing a deal for the agent's benefit only after its client
the attorney client relationship to build up a case against the
hesitated in proceeding with the transaction, thus causing no
latter. The reason for the first rule is that it is not within the
harm to its client. The Court instead ruled that breaches of a
professional character of a lawyer to give advice on the
fiduciary relationship in any context comprise a special breed of
commission of a crime.[48] The reason for the second has been
cases that often loosen normally stringent requirements of
stated in the cases above discussed and are founded on the
causation and damages, and found in favor of the client.
same policy grounds for which the attorney-client privilege, in
general, exists. To the same effect is the ruling in Searcy, Denney,
Scarola, Barnhart, and Shipley P.A. v. Scheller [55] requiring
In Matter of Shawmut Mining Co., supra, the appellate
strict obligation of lawyers vis-a-vis clients. In this case, a
court therein stated that "under such conditions no case has
contingent fee lawyer was fired shortly before the end of
ever yet gone to the length of compelling an attorney, at the
completion of his work, and sought payment quantum meruit of
instance of a hostile litigant, to disclose not only his retainer, but
work done. The court, however, found that the lawyer was fired
the nature of the transactions to which it related, when such
for cause after he sought to pressure his client into signing a
information could be made the basis of a suit against his
new fee agreement while settlement negotiations were at a
client.[49]"Communications made to an attorney in the course
critical stage. While the client found a new lawyer during
of any personal employment, relating to the subject
the interregnum, events forced the client to settle for less than
thereof, and which may be supposed to be drawn out in
what was originally offered. Reiterating the principle of fiduciary
consequence of the relation in which the parties stand to each
duty of lawyers to clients in Meinhard v. Salmon[56] famously
other, are under the seal of confidence and entitled to
attributed to Justice Benjamin Cardozo that "Not honesty alone,
protection as privileged communications."[50] Where the
but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is then the
communicated information, which clearly falls within the
standard of behavior," the US Court found that the lawyer
privilege, would suggest possible criminal activity but there
involved was fired for cause, thus deserved no attorney's fees
would be not much in the information known to the prosecution
at all.
which would sustain a charge except that revealing the name of

The utmost zeal given by Courts to the protection of the truth may require, which includes... the identity of the
lawyer-client confidentiality privilege and lawyer's loyalty to his principal."[59]
client is evident in the duration of the protection, which exists
not only during the relationship, but extends even after the First, as to the bare statement that private respondent
termination of the relationship.[57] merely acted as a lawyer and nominee, a statement made in
his out-of-court settlement with the PCGG, it is sufficient to
Such are the unrelenting duties required of lawyers vis-a- state that petitioners have likewise made the same claim not
vis their clients because the law, which the lawyers are sworn merely out-of- court but also in their Answer to plaintiff's
to uphold, in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes, [58] "xxx is an Expanded Amended Complaint, signed by counsel, claiming
exacting goddess, demanding of her votaries in intellectual and that their acts were made in furtherance of "legitimate
moral discipline." The Court, no less, is not prepared to accept lawyering.[60] Being "similarly situated" in this regard, public
respondents position without denigrating the noble profession respondents must show that there exist other conditions and
that is lawyering, so extolled by Justice Holmes in this wise: circumstances which would warrant their treating the private
respondent differently from petitioners in the case at bench in
Every calling is great when greatly pursued. But what other order to evade a violation of the equal protection clause of the
gives such scope to realize the spontaneous energy of one's
soul? In what other does one plunge so deep in the stream of To this end, public respondents contend that the primary
life - so share its passions its battles, its despair, its triumphs, consideration behind their decision to sustain the PCGG's
both as witness and actor? x x x But that is not all. What a dropping of private respondent as a defendant was his promise
subject is this in which we are united - this abstraction called to disclose the identities of the clients in question. However,
the Law, wherein as in a magic mirror, we see reflected, not respondents failed to show - and absolutely nothing exists in
only in our lives, but the lives of all men that have been. When I the records of the case at bar - that private respondent
think on this majestic theme my eyes dazzle. If we are to speak actually revealed the identity of his client(s) to the PCGG. Since
of the law as our mistress, we who are here know that she is a the undertaking happens to be the leitmotif of the entire
mistress only to be won with sustained and lonely passion - arrangement between Mr. Roco and the PCGG, an undertaking
only to be won by straining all the faculties by which man is which is so material as to have justified PCGG's special
likened to God. treatment exempting the private respondent from prosecution,
respondent Sandiganbayan should have required proof of the
We have no choice but to uphold petitioners' right not to undertaking more substantial than a "bare assertion" that
reveal the identity of their clients under pain of the breach of private respondent did indeed comply with the
fiduciary duty owing to their clients, because the facts of the undertaking. Instead, as manifested by the PCGG, only three
instant case clearly fall within recognized exceptions to the rule documents were submitted for the purpose, two of which were
that the clients name is not privileged information. mere requests for re-investigation and one simply disclosed
certain clients which petitioners (ACCRA lawyers) were
If we were to sustain respondent PCGG that the lawyer- themselves willing to reveal. These were clients to whom both
client confidential privilege under the circumstances obtaining petitioners and private respondent rendered legal services
here does not cover the identity of the client, then it would while all of them were partners at ACCRA, and were not the
expose the lawyers themselves to possible litigation by their clients which the PCGG wanted disclosed for the alleged
clients in view of the strict fiduciary responsibility imposed on questioned transactions.[61]
them in the exercise of their duties.
To justify the dropping of the private respondent from the
The complaint in Civil Case No. 0033 alleged that the case or the filing of the suit in the respondent court without him,
defendants therein, including herein petitioners and Eduardo therefore, the PCGG should conclusively show that Mr. Roco
Cojuangco, Jr. conspired with each other in setting up through was treated as a species apart from the rest of the ACCRA
the use of coconut levy funds the financial and corporate lawyers on the basis of a classification which made substantial
framework and structures that led to the establishment of distinctions based on real differences. No such substantial
UCPB, UNICOM and others and that through insidious means distinctions exist from the records of the case at bench, in
and machinations, ACCRA, using its wholly-owned investment violation of the equal protection clause.
arm, ACCRA Investments Corporation, became the holder of
approximately fifteen million shares representing roughly 3.3% The equal protection clause is a guarantee which
of the total capital stock of UCPB as of 31 March 1987. The provides a wall of protection against uneven application of
PCGG wanted to establish through the ACCRA lawyers that Mr. statutes and regulations. In the broader sense, the guarantee
Cojuangco is their client and it was Cojuangco who furnished all operates against uneven application of legal norms so that all
the monies to the subscription payment; hence, petitioners persons under similar circumstances would be accorded the
acted as dummies, nominees and/or agents by allowing same treatment.[62] Those who fall within a particular class
themselves, among others, to be used as instrument in ought to be treated alike not only as to privileges granted but
accumulating ill-gotten wealth through government also as to the liabilities imposed.
concessions, etc., which acts constitute gross abuse of official
position and authority, flagrant breach of public trust, unjust x x x. What is required under this constitutional guarantee is the
enrichment, violation of the Constitution and laws of the uniform operation of legal norms so that all persons under
Republic of the Philippines. similar circumstances would be accorded the same treatment
both in the privileges conferred and the liabilities imposed. As
By compelling petitioners, not only to reveal the identity of
their clients, but worse, to submit to the PCGG documents was noted in a recent decision: Favoritism and undue
preference cannot be allowed. For the principle is that equal
substantiating the client-lawyer relationship, as well as deeds of
assignment petitioners executed in favor of its clients covering protection and security shall be given to every person under
their respective shareholdings, the PCGG would exact from circumstances, which if not identical are analogous. If law be
petitioners a link that would inevitably form the chain of looked upon in terms of burden or charges, those that fall within
testimony necessary to convict the (client) of a crime. a class should be treated in the same fashion, whatever
restrictions cast on some in the group equally binding the
III rest.[63]

In response to petitioners' last assignment of error,

We find that the condition precedent required by the
respondents allege that the private respondent was dropped as
respondent PCGG of the petitioners for their exclusion as
party defendant not only because of his admission that he
parties-defendants in PCGG Case No. 33 violates the lawyer-
acted merely as a nominee but also because of his undertaking
client confidentiality privilege. The condition also constitutes a
to testify to such facts and circumstances "as the interest of
transgression by respondents Sandiganbayan and PCGG of
the equal protection clause of the Constitution.[64] It is grossly
unfair to exempt one similarly situated litigant from prosecution TRENT, J.:
without allowing the same exemption to the others. Moreover,
the PCGGs demand not only touches upon the question of the An appeal from a judgment dismissing the complaint upon the
identity of their clients but also on documents related to the
merits, with costs.
suspected transactions, not only in violation of the attorney-
client privilege but also of the constitutional right against self-
incrimination.Whichever way one looks at it, this is a fishing The plaintiff seeks to recover the face value of two insurance
expedition, a free ride at the expense of such rights. policies upon a stock of dry goods destroyed by fire. It appears
that the father of the plaintiff died in 1897, at which time he was
An argument is advanced that the invocation by conducting a business under his own name, Uy Layco. The
petitioners of the privilege of attorney-client confidentiality at plaintiff and his brother took over the business and continued it
this stage of the proceedings is premature and that they should under the same name, "Uy Layco." Sometime before the date
wait until they are called to testify and examine as witnesses as of the fire, the plaintiff purchased his brother's interest in the
to matters learned in confidence before they can raise their business and continued to carry on the business under the
objections. But petitioners are not mere witnesses. They are co- father's name. At the time of the fire "Uy Layco" was heavily
principals in the case for recovery of alleged ill-gotten indebted and subsequent thereto the creditors of the estate of
wealth. They have made their position clear from the very the plaintiff's father. During the course of these proceedings,
beginning that they are not willing to testify and they cannot be the plaintiff's attorney surrendered the policies of insurance to
compelled to testify in view of their constitutional right against the administrator of the estate, who compromised with the
self-incrimination and of their fundamental legal right to insurance company for one-half their face value, or P6,000.
maintain inviolate the privilege of attorney-client confidentiality. This money was paid into court and is now being held by the
sheriff. The plaintiff now brings this action, maintaining that the
It is clear then that the case against petitioners should policies and goods insured belonged to him and not to the
never be allowed to take its full course in the estate of his deceased father and alleges that he is not bound
Sandiganbayan. Petitioners should not be made to suffer the by the compromise effected by the administrator of his father's
effects of further litigation when it is obvious that their inclusion estate.
in the complaint arose from a privileged attorney-client
relationship and as a means of coercing them to disclose the
identities of their clients.To allow the case to continue with The defendant insurance company sought to show that the
respect to them when this Court could nip the problem in the plaintiff had agreed to compromise settlement of the policies,
bud at this early opportunity would be to sanction an unjust and for that purpose introduced evidence showing that the
situation which we should not here countenance. The case plaintiff's attorney had surrendered the policies to the
hangs as a real and palpable threat, a proverbial Sword of administrator with the understanding that such a compromise
Damocles over petitioners' heads. It should not be allowed to was to be effected. The plaintiff was asked, while on the
continue a day longer. witness stand, if he had any objection to his attorney's testifying
concerning the surrender of the policies, to which he replied in
While we are aware of respondent PCGGs legal mandate the negative. The attorney was then called for that purpose.
to recover ill-gotten wealth, we will not sanction acts which Whereupon, counsel for the plaintiff formally withdrew the
violate the equal protection guarantee and the right against self- waiver previously given by the plaintiff and objected to the
incrimination and subvert the lawyer-client confidentiality testimony of the attorney on the ground that it was privileged.
privilege. Counsel, on this appeal, base their argument of the proposition
that a waiver of the client's privilege may be withdrawn at any
WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the time before acted upon, and cite in support thereof Ross vs.
Resolutions of respondent Sandiganbayan (First Division) Great Northern Ry. Co., (101 Minn., 122; 111 N. W., 951). The
promulgated on March 18, 1992 and May 21, 1992 are hereby case of Natlee Draft Horse Co. vs. Cripe and Co. (142 Ky.,
ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. Respondent Sandiganbayan is 810), also appears to sustain their contention. But a preliminary
further ordered to exclude petitioners Teodoro D. Regala, question suggest itself, Was the testimony in question
Edgardo J. Angara, Avelino V. Cruz, Jose C. privileged?
Concepcion, *Rogelio A. Vinluan, Victor P. Lazatin, Eduardo U.
Escueta and Paraja G. Hayuduni as parties-defendants in SB
Civil Case No. 0033 entitled "Republic of the Philippines v. Our practice Act provides: "A lawyer must strictly maintain
Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr., et al.". inviolate the confidence and preserve the secrets of his client.
He shall not be permitted in any court, without the consent of
SO ORDERED. his client, given in open court, to testify to any facts imparted to
him by his client in professional consultation, or for the purpose
Bellosillo, Melo, and Francisco, JJ., concur. of obtaining advice upon legal matters." (Sec. 31, Act No. 190.)
Vitug, J., see separate opinion.
Padilla, Panganiban, and Torres, Jr., JJ., concur in the
result. A similar provision is inserted in section 383, No. 4, of the same
Davide, Jr. and Puno, JJ., see dissenting opinion. Act. It will be noted that the evidence in question concerned the
Narvasa, C.J., and Regalado, J., joins Justice Davide in dealings of the plaintiff's attorney with a third person. Of the
his dissent. very essence of the veil of secrecy which surrounds
Romero, J., no part. Related to PCGG Commissioner communications made between attorney and client, is that such
when Civil Case No. 0033 was filed. communications are not intended for the information of third
Hermosisima, Jr., J., no part. Participated in persons or to be acted upon by them, put of the purpose of
Sandiganbayan deliberations thereon. advising the client as to his rights. It is evident that a
Mendoza, J., on leave. communication made by a client to his attorney for the express
purpose of its being communicated to a third person is
essentially inconsistent with the confidential relation. When the
attorney has faithfully carried out his instructions be delivering
G.R. No. L-9231 January 6, 1915 the communication to the third person for whom it was intended
and the latter acts upon it, it cannot, by any reasoning
UY CHICO, plaintiff-appellant, whatever, be classified in a legal sense as a privileged
vs. communication between the attorney and his client. It is plain
THE UNION LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED, ET that such a communication, after reaching the party for whom it
AL., defendants-appellees. was intended at least, is a communication between the client
and a third person, and that the attorney simply occupies the
role of intermediary or agent. We quote from but one case
Beaumont and Tenney for appellant. among the many which may be found upon the point:
Bruce, Lawrence, Ross and Block for appellees.
The proposition advanced by the respondent and his law practice. Complainant acceded and introduced
adopted by the trial court, that one, after fully respondent to Atty. Benjamin Dacanay, complainants retained
authorizing his attorney, as his agent, to enter into lawyer, who accommodated respondent in the building and
contract with a third party, and after such authority made him handle some of complainants cases. Hence, the start
has been executed and relied on, may effectively of the legal relationship between complainant and respondent.
nullify his own and his duly authorized agent's act by
closing the attorney's mouth as to the giving of such The conflict between the parties started when respondent
authority, is most startling. A perilous facility of fraud borrowed two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) from
and wrong, both upon the attorney and the third party, complainant which he intended to use as downpayment for the
would result. The attorney who, on his client's purchase of a new car. In return, respondent issued to
authority, contracts in his behalf, pledges his complainant a postdated check in the amount of P176,528.00
reputation and integrity that he binds his client. The to answer for the six (6) months interest on the loan. He
third party may well rely on the assurance of a likewise mortgaged to complainant his house and lot in Quezon
reputable lawyer that he has authority in fact, though City but did not surrender its title claiming that it was the subject
such assurance be given only by implication from the of reconstitution proceedings before the Quezon City Register
doing of the act itself. It is with gratification, therefore, of Deeds.
that we find overwhelming weight of authority, against
With the money borrowed from complainant, respondent
the position assumed by the court below, both in
purchased a new car. However, the document of sale of the car
states where the privilege protecting communications
was issued in complainants name and financed through City
with attorneys is still regulated by the common law
Trust Company.
and in those where it is controlled by statute, as in
Wisconsin. (Koeber vs. Sommers, 108 Wis., 497; 52 In January 1993, respondent introduced to complainant a
L. R. A., 512.) certain Emmanuel Romero. Romero likewise wanted to borrow
money from complainant. Complainant lent Romero the money
Other cases wherein the objection to such evidence on the and, from this transaction, respondent earned commission in
ground of privilege has been overruled are: Henderson vs. the amount of P52,289.90. Complainant used the commission
Terry (62 Tex., 281); Shove vs. Martin (85 Minn., 29); In to pay respondents arrears with the car financing firm.
re Elliott (73 Kan., 151); Collins vs. Hoffman (62 Wash., 278);
Subsequently, respondent failed to pay the amortization
Gerhardt vs. Tucker (187 Mo., 46). These cases cover a variety
on the car and the financing firm sent demand letters to
of communications made by an authority in behalf of his client
complainant. Complainant tried to encash respondents
to third persons. And cases wherein evidence of the attorney as
postdated check with the drawee bank but it was dishonored as
to compromises entered into by him on behalf of his client were
respondents account therein was already closed.
allowed to be proved by the attorney's testimony are not
wanting. (Williams vs. Blumenthal, 27 Wash., 24; Koeber vs. Respondent failed to heed complainants repeated
Sommers, supra.) demands for payment. Complainant then filed a criminal
case against respondent for violation of Batas Pambansa
It is manifest that the objection to the testimony of the plaintiff's Blg. 22 and a civil case for judicial foreclosure of real
attorney as to his authority to compromise was properly estate mortgage.
overruled. The testimony was to the effect that when the
In the foreclosure case, respondent made the following
attorney delivered the policies to the administrator, he
allegation in his Answer:
understood that there was a compromise to be effected, and
that when he informed the plaintiff of the surrender of the xxxxxxxxx
policies for that purpose the plaintiff made no objection
whatever. The evidence is sufficient to show that the plaintiff
acquiesced in the compromise settlement of the policies. 4. That complainant is a businessman who is engaged in the
Having agreed to the compromise, he cannot now disavow it real estate business, trading and buy and sell of deficiency
and maintain an action for the recovery of their face value. taxed imported cars, shark loans and other shady deals
and has many cases pending in court;
For the foregoing reasons the judgment appealed from is
affirmed, with costs. So ordered. xxxxxxxxx
Complainant denied respondents charges and claimed
Arellano, C.J., Torres, Carson and Araullo, JJ., concur. that respondents allegation is libelous and not privilege as it
Moreland, J., concurs in the result. was irrelevant to the foreclosure case. Complainant further
pointed to paragraph 12 of respondents Answer, thus:
12. That on January 29, 1993, before paying for the next
installment on his car on January 30, 1993, defendant Essex L.
Silapan asked the complainant to execute a Deed of Sale
transferring ownership of the car to him but the latter said that
[A.C. No. 4078. July 14, 2003] he will only do so after the termination of his criminal case at
Branch 138 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro
Manila, x x x where he (complainant) wanted Essex L.
Silapan, his former counsel in that case, to offer bribe
money to the members of the review committee of the
Department of Justice where a petition for review of the
SILAPAN, respondent.
resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor was pending at
the time, x x x or, in the event that the said petition for
DECISION review is denied, he wanted Essex L. Silapan to offer bribe
money to the prosecutor assigned at the above-mentioned
PUNO, J.: Court, and even to the presiding Judge, for his eventual
acquittal, which defendant Essex L. Silapan all refused to
In this complaint for disbarment filed by William Ong do not only because such acts are immoral and illegal, but
Genato against respondent Atty. Essex L. Silapan, complainant also because the complainant confided to him that he was
alleged that in July 1992, respondent asked if he could rent a really involved in the commission of the crime that was
small office space in complainants building in Quezon City for charged of in the above-mentioned case. (emphasis
Complainant gripes that the foregoing allegations are Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
false, immaterial to the foreclosure case and maliciously provides that a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client
designed to defame him. He charged that in making such and shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed on
allegations, respondent is guilty of breaking their confidential him. The long-established rule is that an attorney is not
lawyer-client relationship and should be held administratively permitted to disclose communications made to him in his
liable therefor. Consequently, he filed this complaint for professional character by a client, unless the latter
disbarment, praying also that an administrative sanction be consents. This obligation to preserve the confidences and
meted against respondent for his issuance of a bouncing check. secrets of a client arises at the inception of their
relationship.[3] The protection given to the client is perpetual
When required by the Court to comment, respondent and does not cease with the termination of the litigation, nor is it
explained[1] that it was complainant who offered him an office affected by the partys ceasing to employ the attorney and
space in his building and retained him as counsel as the latter retaining another, or by any other change of relation between
was impressed with the way he handled a B.P. 22 case[2] filed them. It even survives the death of the client.[4]
against complainant. Respondent insisted that there was
nothing libelous in his imputations of dishonest business It must be stressed, however, that the privilege against
practices to complainant and his revelation of complainants disclosure of confidential communications or information is
desire to bribe government officials in relation to his pending limited only to communications which are legitimately and
criminal case. He claimed to have made these statements in properly within the scope of a lawful employment of a lawyer. It
the course of judicial proceedings to defend his case and does not extend to those made in contemplation of a crime or
discredit complainants credibility by establishing his criminal perpetration of a fraud.[5] If the unlawful purpose is avowed, as
propensity to commit fraud, tell lies and violate laws. He argued in this case, the complainants alleged intention to bribe
that he is not guilty of breaking his confidential lawyer-client government officials in relation to his case, the communication
relationship with complainant as he made the disclosure in is not covered by the privilege as the client does not consult the
defense of his honor and reputation. lawyer professionally. It is not within the profession of a lawyer
to advise a client as to how he may commit a crime as a lawyer
Secondly, respondent asserted that he executed the real is not a gun for hire. Thus, the attorney-client privilege does not
estate mortgage in favor of complainant without consideration attach, there being no professional employment in the strict
and only as a formal requirement so he could obtain sense.
the P200,000.00 loan and for this reason, he did not surrender
his title over the mortgaged property to complainant. Be that as it may, respondents explanation that it was
necessary for him to make the disclosures in his pleadings fails
Thirdly, respondent claimed that he issued the postdated to satisfy us. The disclosures were not indispensable to protect
check, not for account or for value, but only: (a) to serve as his rights as they were not pertinent to the foreclosure case. It
some kind of acknowledgment that he already received in was improper for the respondent to use it against the
advance a portion of his attorneys fees from the complainant for complainant in the foreclosure case as it was not the subject
the legal services he rendered, and (b) as a form of assurance matter of litigation therein and respondents professional
that he will not abandon the cases he was handling for competence and legal advice were not being attacked in said
complainant. case. A lawyer must conduct himself, especially in his dealings
with his clients, with integrity in a manner that is beyond
Lastly, respondent denied that he received a P52,289.90
reproach. His relationship with his clients should be
commission from Romeros loan which he allegedly helped
characterized by the highest degree of good faith and fairness.
facilitate. He alleged that the amount was paid to him by
Romero as attorneys fees, the latter being his client. He used Thus, the Court agrees with the evaluation of the IBP and
this amount to pay his arrears with the car financing firm. On finds that respondents allegations and disclosures in the
January 29, 1993, before paying the next amortization on the foreclosure case amount to a breach of fidelity sufficient to
car, he asked complainant to execute a deed of sale warrant the imposition of disciplinary sanction against
transferring ownership of the car to him. Complainant refused him. However, the recommended penalty of one (1) year
and insisted that he would transfer ownership of the car only suspension of respondent from the practice of law seems to be
after the termination of his criminal case which respondent was disproportionate to his breach of duty considering that a review
handling as his defense lawyer. Consequently, respondent of the records of this Court reveals that this is the first
stopped paying the amortization on the car. Respondent also administrative complaint against him.
alleged that he filed a perjury case against complainant
who, in turn, filed a complaint for libel against him. IN VIEW WHEREOF, respondent Atty. Essex L. Silapan
is ordered suspended from the practice of law for a period of six
In a Resolution, dated October 27, 1993, the Court (6) months effective upon receipt of this Decision. Let a copy of
referred the administrative case to the Integrated Bar of the this Decision be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant and
Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation. the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. The Court Administrator is
directed to circulate this order of suspension to all courts in the
On August 3, 2002, the Board of Governors of the IBP
approved the report of the investigating commissioner finding
the respondent guilty as charged and recommending his SO ORDERED.
suspension from the practice of law for one (1) year.
Panganiban, Corona, and Carpio-Morales, JJ., concur.
We affirm the findings and recommendation of the IBP. Sandoval-Gutierrez, J., on official leave.
Prefatorily, we stress that we shall not delve into the
merits of the various criminal and civil cases pending between
the parties. It is for the trial courts handling these cases to
ascertain the truth or falsity of the allegations made therein. For
this reason, it is not for us to sanction respondent for his SECOND DIVISION
issuance of a bouncing check. His liability has yet to be
determined by the trial court where his case is pending. [A.C. No. 4426. February 17, 2000]
The only issue in this administrative case is whether
respondent committed a breach of trust and confidence by RAMON SAURA, Jr., complainant, vs. ATTY. LALAINE
imputing to complainant illegal practices and disclosing LILIBETH AGDEPPA, respondent.
complainants alleged intention to bribe government officials in
connection with a pending case.
[A.C. No. 4429. February 17, 2000]

HELEN BALDORIA and RAYMUNDO were photocopies of the front and dorsal
SAURA, complainants, vs. ATTY. LALAINE LILIBETH portion of the return card evidencing
AGDEPPA, respondent. Sd-aad-sc receipt by herein respondent of the
documents enumerated by Atty. Ochoa in
RESOLUTION her Compliance dated February 10, 1998.
The return card is dated March 2, 1998.


"To date, no response has been forth
coming from Atty. Agdeppa."[4]
Two (2) petitions, one by Ramon Saura, Jr. and the other by
Helen S. Baldoria and Raymundo Y. Saura[2], were filed before
this Court charging Atty. Lalaine Lilibeth Agdeppa for violation For her continued defiance of orders of this Court for her to
answer the administrative charges leveled against her,
of her lawyers oath and disregard of Sections 15, 22, 25, 29, 31
and 32 of the Canons of Professional Ethics. [3] respondent was recommended to be penalized with a fine of
P10,000.00 and suspension from practice for one (1) year in
each of the two (2) cases pending against her.
The two (2) complaints are related and arose from the handling
of the respondent of a settlement case involving a piece of
property owned in common by the petitioners with their other Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration alleging that the
petitions should be dismissed because she was not accorded
siblings, Macrina, Romeo and Amelita, all surnamed Saura,
who were then the administrators of the said property of the late her right to due process and that she could not answer the
Ramon E. Saura who died intestate on May 15, 1992. xl-aw administrative charges against her without divulging certain
pieces of information in violation of the attorney-client
privilege. Sc
The pertinent facts, as delineated in the report of the National
Grievance Investigation Office of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines, are as follows: Respondent does not convince.

First. The respondent was given notice on various occasions

"It appears that negotiations for the
settlement of the property (referring to the but she chose to ignore them and failed to exercise her right to
intestate estate of Ramon E. Saura) be heard.
dragged on for three (3) years until on April
27, 1995, petitioners learned that the Section 30, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court specifically provides
administrators of the property, Macrina, that:
Romeo and Amelita, had, with the
assistance of the respondent, who in fact "Sec. 30. Attorney to be heard before
notarized the Deed of Sale, sold the removal or suspension. No attorney shall be
property to Sandalwood Real Estate and removed or suspended from the practice of
Development Corporation without the his profession, until he has full opportunity
knowledge and participation of petitioners. upon reasonable notice to answer the
To compound matters, petitioners alledge charges against him, to produce witness in
[sic] that despite repeated demands, the
his behalf, and to be heard by himself or
vendors or their counsel, respondent counsel. But if upon reasonable notice he
herein, have refused to disclose the
fails to appear and answer the accusations,
amount of the sale or account for the the court may proceed to determine the
proceeds. The petitioners have thus been matter ex parte."
constrained to institute criminal and civil
actions to enforce and protect their rights.
Since respondent repeatedly ignored the notices sent to her by
this Court, we cannot be expected to wait indefinitely for her
"This case was refered [sic] to the Integrated answer. While respondent may have changed her address and
Bar by the Supreme Court in a resolution did not, thus, receive the previous notices, still, on March 2,
dated November 20, 1995, after its earlier 1998, she came to know of the Supreme Court Resolution
resolution dated June 19, 1995, was dated June 19, 1995.[5] The prudent thing for her to do was to
returned unserved with the Postmasters file an answer immediately and not to delay the matter any
notation that the same was "unclaimed". further. Sadly, the respondent ignored the Resolution [6] of the
Supreme Court ordering her to file an answer.
"At the scheduled hearing of this case on
February 5, 1998, the petitioners counsel, Second. The request for the information regarding the sale of
Atty. Carolina Esguerra-Ochoa filed a the property and to account for the proceeds is not a violation of
written entry of appearance. There was no the attorney-client privilege. Rule 130, Section 24 (b) of the
appearance for the respondent but this
Rules of Court provides: Scmis
office, noting the new address of the
respondent as furnished by Atty. Ochoa,
suggested that the latter furnish a copy of "Sec. 24. Disqualification by reason of
the complaint to respondent at the latters privileged communication. The following
new address. In a Compliance dated persons cannot testify as to matters learned
February 10, 1998, Atty. Ochoa informed in confidence in the following cases:
this Office that she had furnished the
respondent with a copy of the petition dated xxx xxx xxx
May 24, 1995, plus the Supreme Courts
resolution dated June 19, and November 20,
1995, plus our Order dated December 8, (b) An attorney cannot, without the consent
1997, and Notice of Appearance dated of his client, be examined as to any
February 5, 1998. x-sc communication made by the client to him, or
his advice given thereon in the course of, or
with a view to, professional employment, nor
"On March 10, 1998, the petitioners counsel can an attorneys secretary, stenographer, or
submitted a Manifestation attached to which clerk be examined, without the consent of
the client and his employer, concerning any which has not been proved, or in those jurisdictions where a
fact the knowledge of which has been side has an opening and closing arguments to mislead his
acquired in such capacity." Missc opponent by concealing or withholding positions in his opening
argument upon which his side he intends to rely.
The information requested by petitioners is not privileged. The
petitioners are only asking for the disclosure of the amount of `It is unprofessional and dishonorable to deal other than
the sale or account for the proceeds. Petitioners certainly have candidly with the facts in taking the statements of witnesses, in
the right to ask for such information since they own the property drawing affidavits and other documents, and in the presentation
as co-heirs of the late Ramon E. Saura and as co- of causes.
administrators of the property. Hence, respondent cannot
refuse to divulge such information to them and hide behind the `A lawyer should not offer evidence which he knows the court
cloak of the attorney-client relationship. should reject, in order to get the same before the jury by
arguments for its admissibility, nor should he address to the
WHEREFORE, for the refusal of Atty. Lalaine Lilibeth Agdeppa judge arguments upon any points not properly calling for
to comply with our Resolutions dated June 7 and 19, 1995 determination by him. Neither should he introduce into an
directing her to file an answer to the petitions, the Court hereby argument, addressed to the court, remarks or statements
penalizes her with a FINE of two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) intended to influence the by-standers.
which should be paid within ten (10) days from receipt hereof;
otherwise, a penalty of imprisonment for five (5) days shall be "25. Taking technical advantage of opposite counsel;
imposed. This resolution shall be immediately executory. agreements with him

SO ORDERED. Misspped `A lawyer should not ignore known customs or practice of the
bar or of a particular court, even when the law permits, without
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, Quisumbing, and Buena, giving timely notice to the opposite counsel. As far as possible,
JJ., concur. important agreements, affecting the rights of clients should be
reduced to writing, but it is dishonorable to avoid performance
of an agreement fairly made because it is not reduced to
writing, as required by the Rules of Court.

Dated May 17, 1995 and docketed as Adm. Case. No. 4426. "29. Upholding the honor of the profession
Dated May 24, 1995 and docketed as Adm. Case No. 4429.
`Lawyers should expose without fear or favor before the proper
"15. How far a lawyer may go in supporting a clients cause. tribunal corrupt or dishonest conduct in the profession, and
should accept without hesitation employment against a member
`Nothing operates more certainly to create or foster popular of the bar who has wronged his client. The counsel upon the
prejudice against lawyers as a class, and to deprive the trial of a cause in which perjury has been committed owes it to
profession of that full measure of public esteem and confidence the profession and to the public to bring the matter to the
which belongs to the proper discharge of its duties than does knowledge of the prosecuting authorities. The lawyer should aid
in guarding the bar against admission to the profession of
the false claim, often set up by unscrupulous for the defense of
questionable transactions, that it is the duty of the lawyer to do candidates unfit or unqualified because a deficient in either
moral character or education. He should strive at all times to
whatever may enable him to succeed in winning his clients
cause. uphold the honor and to maintain the dignity of the profession
and to improve not only to the law but the administration of
`It is improper for a lawyer to assert in argument his personal
belief in his clients innocence or in the justice of his cause.
"31. Responsibility for litigation.

`The lawyer owes "entire devotion to the interest of the client,

warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his rights and the `No lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or advocate for
every person who may wish to become his client. He has the
exertion of his utmost learning and ability," to the end that
nothing be taken or be withheld from him, save by the rules of right to decline employment. Every lawyer upon his own
responsibility must decide what employment he will accept as
law, legally applied. No fear of judicial disfavor or public
popularity should restrain him from full discharge of his duty. In counsel, what causes he will bring into court for plaintiffs, what
the judicial forum the client is entitled to the benefit of any and case he will contest in court for defendants. The responsibility
every remedy and defense that is authorized by the law of the for advising as to questionable defenses is the lawyers
land, and he may expect his lawyer to assert every such responsibility. He cannot escape it by urging as an excuse that
remedy or defense. But it is steadfastly to be borne in mind that he is only following his clients instructions.
the great trust of the lawyer is to be performed within and not
without the bounds of the law. The office of attorney does not "32. The lawyers duty in its last analysis.
permit, much less does it demand of him for any client, violation
of law or any manner of fraud or chicanery. He may obey his `No client, corporate or individual, however powerful nor any
own conscience and not that of his client. cause, civil or political, however important, is entitled to receive
nor should any lawyer render any service or advise involving
"22. Candor and fairness. disloyalty to the laws whose ministers we are, or disrespect of
the judicial office, which we are bound to uphold, or corruption
`The conduct of the lawyer before the court and with other of any person or persons exercising a public office or private
trust, or deception or betrayal of the public. When rendering any
lawyers should be characterized by candor and fairness.
such improper service or advice, the lawyer invites and merits
stern and just condemnation. Correspondingly, he advances
`It is not candid nor fair for the lawyer knowingly to misquote the the honor of his profession and the best interest of his client
contents of a paper, the testimony of a witness, the language or when he renders service or gives advice tending to impress
the argument of opposing counsel, of the language of a upon the client and his undertaking exact compliance with the
decision or a textbook; or with the knowledge of its invalidity, to strictest principles of moral law. He must also observe and
cite as authority a decision that has been overruled or a statute advice his client to observe the statute law through until a
that has been repealed, or in argument to assert as a fact that
statute shall have been construed and interpreted by competent Antonio and Gloria Casquejo, as no such authorization was
adjudication he is free and is entitled to advise as to its validity shown to be on record in Civil Case No. 2067. On August 24,
and as to what he conscientiously believes to be its just 1983, respondent, on behalf of Celestino Yokingco, et al., also
meaning and extent. But above all a lawyer will find his highest filed Special Civil Case No. 161 for injunction with a prayer for
honor in a deserved reputation for fidelity to private trust and to preliminary injunction, with damages, against petitioner.
public duty, as an honest man and as a patriotic and loyal
citizen. Aggrieved by respondent's acceptance of professional
Record No. AC 4426, Report of the Integrated Bar of the employment from their adversary in Civil Case No. 2067, and
Philippines, Commission on Bar Discipline. Emphasis ours. alleging that privileged matters relating to the land in question
Record No. AC 4429, Omnibus Motion For Reconsideration had been transmitted by petitioner to respondent in Civil Case
and/or New Trial and/or Re-investigation and Motion to 1783-11, petitioner filed an administrative complaint against the
Consolidate Above-Captioned Cases with Corresponding former for immoral, unethical, and anomalous acts and asked
Answer or Comment, p.7.
[6] for his disbarment.
Record No. AC 4429, Annex "12".

Respondent, in a comment dated January 25, 1984, denied

A.C. No. 2597 March 12, 1998 having committed any malicious, unethical, unbecoming,
immoral, or anomalous act against his client. Respondent
GLORITO V. MATURAN, petitioner, declared that he was of the belief that filing a motion for
vs. issuance of a writ of execution was the last and final act in the
ATTY. CONRADO S. GONZALES, respondent. lawyer-client relationship between himself and petitioner, and
that his formal withdrawal as counsel for the Casquejos was
unnecessary in order to sever the lawyer-client relationship
RESOLUTION between them. Furthermore, he alleged that his acceptance of
employment from Yokingco was for him, an opportunity to
honestly earn a little more for his children's sustenance.

ROMERO, J.: The investigating commissioner of the Integrated Bar of the

Philippines, in his report dated August 21, 1997, found
respondent guilty of representing conflicting interests and
A complaint for disbarment was filed with this Court on October
recommended that he be suspended for three (3) years. The
25, 1983, by Glorito V. Maturan against his counsel, Atty.
Board of Governors of the IBP adopted and approved the report
Conrado S. Gonzales, charging him with immoral, unethical,
and recommendation of the investigating commissioner but
and anomalous acts. The respondent filed his comment thereto
recommended that the suspension be reduced from three (3)
on February 6, 1984. On November 11, 1997, or after thirteen
years to one (1) year.
(13) years, the Board of Governors of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines submitted their report and recommendation on the
instant case. This Court adopts the findings of the investigating
commissioner finding respondent guilty of representing
conflicting interests. It is improper for a lawyer to appear as
The facts, as culled from the records, are as follows:
counsel for one party against the adverse party who is his client
in a related suit, as a lawyer is prohibited from representing
Spouses Antonio and Gloria Casquejo instituted their son-in- conflicting interests or discharging inconsistent duties. He may
law, Glorito V. Maturan (herein petitioner), as their attorney-in- not, without being guilty of professional misconduct, act as
fact, through a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) dated counsel for a person whose interest conflicts with that of his
November 6, 1981. Said SPA authorized Maturan to file present or former client.1 That the representation of conflicting
ejectment cases against squatters occupying Lot 1350-A, Psd- interest is in good faith and with honest intention on the part of
50375, located in General Santos City, as well as criminal the lawyer does not make the prohibition inoperative.
cases against the latter for violation of P.D. 772, again in
connection with said lot. Respondent, Atty. Conrado Gonzales,
The reason for the prohibition is found in the relation of attorney
prepared and notarized said Special Power of Attorney.
and client, which is one of trust and confidence of the highest
degree. A lawyer becomes familiar with all the facts connected
Subsequently, Glorito Maturan engaged the services of with his client's case. He learns from his client the weak points
respondent in ejecting several squatters occupying Lot 1350-A, of the action as well as the strong ones. Such knowledge must
Psd-50735. While said lot was registered in the name of be considered sacred and guarded with care. No opportunity
Celestino Yokingco, Antonio Casquejo had, however, instituted must be given him to take advantage of the client's secrets. A
a case for reconveyance of property and declaration of nullity lawyer must have the fullest confidence of his client. For if the
against the former, docketed as Civil Case No. 2067. confidence is abused, the profession will suffer by the loss
As a consequence of his engagement by petitioner, respondent
Gonzales filed Civil Case No. 1783-11 for Forcible Entry and This Court finds respondent's actuations violative of Canon 6 of
Damages against several individuals. On February 18, 1983, a the Canons of Professional Ethics which provide in part:
judgment was rendered in favor of petitioner. Petitioner, through
respondent, filed a motion for issuance of a writ of execution on
It is unprofessional to represent conflicting interests,
March 10, 1983.
except by express consent of all concerned given
after a full disclosure of the facts. Within the meaning
In the interim, the parties to Civil Case No. 2067 entered into a of this canon, a lawyer represents conflicting interests
compromise agreement, which was judicially approved in a when, in behalf of one client, it is his duty to contend
judgment dated March 28, 1983. for that which duty to another client requires him to
On June 22, 1983, while the motion for issuance of a writ of
execution was pending, and without withdrawing as counsel for Moreover, respondent's justification for his actions reveal a
petitioner, respondent filed, on behalf of Celestino Yokingco, et patent ignorance of the fiduciary obligations which a lawyer
al., Civil Case No. 2746, an action to annul the judgment owes to his client. A lawyer-client relationship is not terminated
rendered in Civil Case No. 2067. The action was predicated on by the filing of a motion for a writ of execution. His acceptance
the lack of authority on the part of petitioner to represent of a case implies that he will prosecute the case to its

conclusion. He may not be permitted to unilaterally terminate The same records also represent that sometime in 1976,
the same to the prejudice of his client. respondent Paredes applied for a free patent over Lot No.
3097-A, Pls-67 of the Rosario Public Land Subdivision
Survey. His application was approved and, pursuant to a free
As to the recommendation that the term of suspension be
reduced from three years to one year, we find the same to be patent granted to him, an original certificate of title was issued
unwarranted. In similar cases decided by the Supreme Court, in his favor for that lot which is situated in the poblacion of San
the penalty of two or three years suspension has been imposed Francisco, Agusan del Sur.
where respondent was found guilty of representing conflicting However, in 1985, the Director of Lands filed an
interests. In Vda. De Alisbo vs. Jalandoon, Sr.,3 the respondent, action[2] for the cancellation of respondent Paredes patent and
who appeared for complainant in a case for revival of judgment, certificate of title since the land had been designated and
even though he had been the counsel of the adverse party in reserved as a school site in the aforementioned subdivision
the case sought to be revived, was suspended for a period of survey. The trial court rendered judgment[3] nullifying said
two years. In Bautista vs. Barrios,4 a suspension of two years patent and title after finding that respondent Paredes had
was imposed on respondent Barrios, who had drafted a deed of obtained the same through fraudulent misrepresentations in his
partition for petitioner, but who appeared for the other party application. Pertinently, respondent Sansaet served as counsel
therein, when the same was sought to be enforced by of Paredes in that civil case.[4]
petitioner. In PNB vs. Cedo,5 the Court even suspended the
respondent therein for three years, but only because Consequent to the foregoing judgment of the trial court,
respondent not only represented conflicting interests, but also upon the subsequent complaint of the Sangguniang Bayan and
deliberately intended to attract clients with interests adverse to the preliminary investigation conducted thereon, an information
his former employer. Finally, in Natan vs. Capule,6 respondent for perjury[5] was filed against respondent Paredes in the
was suspended for two years after he accepted professional Municipal Circuit Trial Court.[6] On November 27, 1985, the
employment in the very case in which his former client was the Provincial Fiscal was, however, directed by the Deputy Minister
adverse party. of Justice to move for the dismissal of the case on the
ground inter alia of prescription, hence the proceedings were
ACCORDINGLY, this Court resolves to MODIFY the IBP terminated.[7] In this criminal case, respondent Paredes was
recommendation to suspend respondent for one year and likewise represented by respondent Sansaet as counsel.
modifies it to SUSPENSION from the practice of law for TWO Nonetheless, respondent* Paredes was thereafter haled
(2) YEARS, effective immediately. before the Tanodbayan for preliminary investigation on the
charge that, by using his former position as Provincial Attorney
SO ORDERED. to influence and induce the Bureau of Lands officials to
favorably act on his application for free patent, he had violated
Section 3(a) of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended. For the
Narvasa, C.J., Regalado, Davide, Jr., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno,
third time, respondent Sansaet was Paredes counsel of record
Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Martinez and Quisumbing, JJ.,
On August 29, 1988, the Tanodbayan, issued a
Panganiban and Purisima, JJ., took no part. resolution[8] recommending the criminal prosecution of
respondent Paredes. Atty. Sansaet, as counsel for his
aforenamed co-respondent, moved for reconsideration and,
EN BANC because of its legal significance in this case, we quote some of
his allegations in that motion:

x x x respondent had been charged already by the

[G.R. Nos. 115439-41. July 16, 1997] complainants before the Municipal Circuit Court of San
Francisco, Agusan del Sur, went to jail on detention in 1984
under the same set of facts and the same evidence x x x but
said case after arraignment, was ordered dismissed by the
court upon recommendation of the Department of Justice. Copy
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. of the dismissal order, certificate of arraignment and
HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN, MANSUETO V. the recommendation of the Department of Justice are hereto
HONRADA, CEFERINO S. PAREDES, JR. and attached for ready reference; thus the filing of this case will be a
GENEROSO S. SANSAET, respondents. case of double jeopardy for respondent herein x x x. [9] (Italics
A criminal case was subsequently filed with the
Sandiganbayan[10] charging respondent Paredes with a
violation of Section 3(a) of Republic Act No. 3019, as
Through the special civil action for certiorari at bar, amended. However, a motion to quash filed by the defense was
petitioner seeks the annulment of the resolution of respondent later granted in respondent courts resolution of August 1,
Sandiganbayan, promulgated on December 22, 1993, which 1991[11] and the case was dismissed on the ground of
denied petitioners motion for the discharge of respondent prescription.
Generoso S. Sansaet to be utilized as a state witness, and its
resolution of March 7, 1994 denying the motion for On January 23, 1990, one Teofilo Gelacio, a taxpayer
reconsideration of its preceding disposition. [1] who had initiated the perjury and graft charges against
respondent Paredes, sent a letter to the Ombudsman seeking
The records show that during the dates material to this the investigation of the three respondents herein for falsification
case, respondent Honrada was the Clerk of Court and Acting of public documents.[12] He claimed that respondent Honrada, in
Stenographer of the First Municipal Circuit Trial Court, San conspiracy with his herein co-respondents, simulated and
Francisco-Bunawan-Rosario in Agusan del Sur. Respondent certified as true copies certain documents purporting to be a
Paredes was successively the Provincial Attorney of Agusan notice of arraignment, dated July 1, 1985, and transcripts of
del Sur, then Governor of the same province, and is at present stenographic notes supposedly taken during the arraignment of
a Congressman. Respondent Sansaet was a practicing Paredes on the perjury charge.[13] These falsified documents
attorney who served as counsel for Paredes in several were annexed to respondent Paredes motion for
instances pertinent to the criminal charges involved in the reconsideration of the Tanodbayan resolution for the filing of a
present recourse.

graft charge against him, in order to support his contention that relationship, the facts surrounding the case, and other
the same would constitute double jeopardy. confidential matter must have been disclosed by accused
Paredes, as client, to accused Sansaet, as his lawyer in his
In support of his claim, Gelacio attached to his letter a professional capacity. Therefore, the testimony of Atty. Sansaet
certification that no notice of arraignment was ever received by on the facts surrounding the offense charged in the information
the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Agusan del Sur in is privileged.[19]
connection with that perjury case; and a certification of
Presiding Judge Ciriaco Ario that said perjury case in his court
did not reach the arraignment stage since action thereon was Reconsideration of said resolution having been likewise
suspended pending the review of the case by the Department denied,[20] the controversy was elevated to this Court by the
of Justice.[14] prosecution in an original action for the issuance of the
extraordinary writ of certiorari against respondent
Respondents filed their respective counter-affidavits, but Sandiganbayan.
Sansaet subsequently discarded and repudiated the
submissions he had made in his counter-affidavit. In a so-called The principal issues on which the resolution of the petition
Affidavit of Explanations and Rectifications, [15] respondent at bar actually turns are therefore (1) whether or not the
Sansaet revealed that Paredes contrived to have the graft case projected testimony of respondent Sansaet, as proposed state
under preliminary investigation dismissed on the ground of witness, is barred by the attorney-client privilege; and (2)
double jeopardy by making it that the perjury case had been whether or not, as a consequence thereof, he is eligible for
dismissed by the trial court after he had been arraigned therein. discharge to testify as a particeps criminis.

For that purpose, the documents which were later filed by I

respondent Sansaet in the preliminary investigation were As already stated, respondent Sandiganbayan ruled that
prepared and falsified by his co-respondents in this case in the due to the lawyer-client relationship which existed between
house of respondent Paredes. To evade responsibility for his
herein respondents Paredes and Sansaet during the relevant
own participation in the scheme, he claimed that he did so upon periods, the facts surrounding the case and other confidential
the instigation and inducement of respondent Paredes. This
matters must have been disclosed by respondent Paredes, as
was intended to pave the way for his discharge as a client, to respondent Sansaet, as his lawyer. Accordingly, it
government witness in the consolidated cases, as in fact a found no reason to discuss it further since Atty. Sansaet cannot
motion therefor was filed by the prosecution pursuant to their be presented as a witness against accused Ceferino S.
agreement. Paredes, Jr. without the latters consent.[21]
Withal, in a resolution[16] dated February 24, 1992, the The Court is of a contrary persuasion. The attorney-client
Ombudsman approved the filing of falsification charges against privilege cannot apply in these cases, as the facts thereof and
all the herein private respondents. The proposal for the the actuations of both respondents therein constitute an
discharge of respondent Sansaet as a state witness was exception to the rule. For a clearer understanding of that
rejected by the Ombudsman on this evaluative legal position:
evidential rule, we will first sweep aside some distracting mental
cobwebs in these cases.
x x x Taking his explanation, it is difficult to believe that a lawyer
of his stature, in the absence of deliberate intent to conspire, 1. It may correctly be assumed that there was a
would be unwittingly induced by another to commit a crime. As confidential communication made by Paredes to Sansaet in
counsel for the accused in those criminal cases, Atty. Sansaet connection with Criminal Cases Nos. 17791-93 for falsification
had control over the case theory and the evidence which the before respondent court, and this may reasonably be expected
defense was going to present. Moreover, the testimony or since Paredes was the accused and Sansaet his counsel
confession of Atty. Sansaet falls under the mantle of privileged therein. Indeed, the fact that Sansaet was called to witness the
communication between the lawyer and his client which may be preparation of the falsified documents by Paredes and Honrada
objected to, if presented in the trial. was as eloquent a communication, if not more, than verbal
statements being made to him by Paredes as to the fact and
purpose of such falsification. It is significant that the evidentiary
The Ombudsman refused to reconsider that rule on this point has always referred to any communication,
resolution[17] and, ostensibly to forestall any further controversy, without distinction or qualification. [22]
he decided to file separate informations for falsification of public
documents against each of the herein respondents. Thus, three In the American jurisdiction from which our present
criminal cases,[18] each of which named one of the three private evidential rule was taken, there is no particular mode by which
respondents here as the accused therein, were filed in the graft a confidential communication shall be made by a client to his
court.However, the same were consolidated for joint trial in the attorney.The privilege is not confined to verbal or written
Second Division of the Sandiganbayan. communications made by the client to his attorney but extends
as well to information communicated by the client to the
As stated at the outset, a motion was filed by the People attorney by other means.[23]
on July 27, 1993 for the discharge of respondent Sansaet as a
state witness. It was submitted that all the requisites therefor, Nor can it be pretended that during the entire process,
as provided in Section 9, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, were considering their past and existing relations as counsel and
satisfied insofar as respondent Sansaet was concerned. The client and, further, in view of the purpose for which such
basic postulate was that, except for the eyewitness testimony of falsified documents were prepared, no word at all passed
respondent Sansaet, there was no other direct evidence to between Paredes and Sansaet on the subject matter of that
prove the confabulated falsification of documents by criminal act. The clincher for this conclusion is the undisputed
respondents Honrada and Paredes. fact that said documents were thereafter filed by Sansaet in
behalf of Paredes as annexes to the motion for reconsideration
Unfortunately for the prosecution, respondent in the preliminary investigation of the graft case before the
Sandiganbayan, hewing to the theory of the attorney-client Tanodbayan.[24]Also, the acts and words of the parties during
privilege adverted to by the Ombudsman and invoked by the the period when the documents were being falsified were
two other private respondents in their opposition to the necessarily confidential since Paredes would not have invited
prosecutions motion, resolved to deny the desired discharge on Sansaet to his house and allowed him to witness the same
this ratiocination: except under conditions of secrecy and confidence.

From the evidence adduced, the opposition was able to 2. It is postulated that despite such complicity of Sansaet
establish that client and lawyer relationship existed between at the instance of Paredes in the criminal act for which the latter
Atty. Sansaet and Ceferino Paredes, Jr., before, during and stands charged, a distinction must be made between
after the period alleged in the information. In view of such confidential communications relating to past crimes already

committed, and future crimes intended to be committed, by the II
client. Corollarily, it is admitted that the announced intention of
a client to commit a crime is not included within the confidences On the foregoing premises, we now proceed to the
which his attorney is bound to respect. Respondent court consequential inquiry as to whether respondent Sansaet
appears, however, to believe that in the instant case it is qualifies, as a particeps criminis, for discharge from the criminal
dealing with a past crime, and that respondent Sansaet is set to prosecution in order to testify for the State. Parenthetically,
testify on alleged criminal acts of respondents Paredes and respondent court, having arrived at a contrary conclusion on the
Honrada that have already been committed and consummated. preceding issue, did not pass upon this second aspect and the
relief sought by the prosecution which are now submitted for
The Court reprobates the last assumption which is flawed our resolution in the petition at bar. We shall, however, first
by a somewhat inaccurate basis. It is true that by now, insofar dispose likewise of some ancillary questions requiring preludial
as the falsifications to be testified to in respondent court are clarification.
concerned, those crimes were necessarily committed in the
past. But for the application of the attorney-client privilege, 1. The fact that respondent Sandiganbayan did not fully
however, the period to be considered is the date when the pass upon the query as to whether or not respondent Sansaet
privileged communication was made by the client to the was qualified to be a state witness need not prevent this Court
attorney in relation to either a crime committed in the past or from resolving that issue as prayed for by petitioner. Where the
with respect to a crime intended to be committed in the determinative facts and evidence have been submitted to this
future. In other words, if the client seeks his lawyers advice with Court such that it is in a position to finally resolve the dispute, it
respect to a crime that the former has theretofore committed, will be in the pursuance of the ends of justice and the
he is given the protection of a virtual confessional seal which expeditious administration thereof to resolve the case on the
the attorney-client privilege declares cannot be broken by the merits, instead of remanding it to the trial court. [28]
attorney without the clients consent. The same privileged
2. A reservation is raised over the fact that the three
confidentiality, however, does not attach with regard to a crime
private respondents here stand charged in three separate
which a client intends to commit thereafter or in the future and
informations. It will be recalled that in its resolution of February
for purposes of which he seeks the lawyers advice.
24, 1992, the Ombudsman recommended the filing of criminal
Statements and communications regarding the charges for falsification of public documents against all the
commission of a crime already committed, made by a party who respondents herein. That resolution was affirmed but,
committed it, to an attorney, consulted as such, reportedly in order to obviate further controversy, one
are privileged communications. Contrarily, the unbroken stream information was filed against each of the three respondents
of judicial dicta is to the effect that communications between here, resulting in three informations for the same acts of
attorney and client having to do with the clients contemplated falsification.
criminal acts, or in aid or furtherance thereof, are not covered
This technicality was, however, sufficiently explained
by the cloak of privileges ordinarily existing in reference to
away during the deliberations in this case by the following
communications between attorney and client. [25] (Emphases
discussion thereof by Mr. Justice Davide, to wit:
3. In the present cases, the testimony sought to be Assuming no substantive impediment exists to block Sansaets
elicited from Sansaet as state witness are the communications discharge as state witness, he can, nevertheless, be
made to him by physical acts and/or accompanying words of discharged even if indicted under a separate information. I
Paredes at the time he and Honrada, either with the active or suppose the three cases were consolidated for joint trial since
passive participation of Sansaet, were about to falsify, or in the they were all raffled to the Second Division of the
process of falsifying, the documents which were later filed in the Sandiganbayan. Section 2, Rule XV of the Revised Rules of the
Tanodbayan by Sansaet and culminated in the criminal charges Sandiganbayan allows consolidation in only one Division of
now pending in respondent Sandiganbayan. Clearly, therefore, cases arising from the same incident or series of incidents, or
the confidential communications thus made by Paredes to involving common questions of law and fact. Accordingly, for all
Sansaet were for purposes of and in reference to the crime of legal intents and purposes, Sansaet stood as co-accused and
falsification which had not yet been committed in the past by he could be discharged as state witness. It is of no moment that
Paredes but which he, in confederacy with his present co- he was charged separately from his co-accused. While Section
respondents, later committed. Having been made for purposes 9 of Rule 119 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure uses the
of a future offense, those communications are outside the pale word jointly, which was absent in the old provision, the
of the attorney-client privilege. consolidated and joint trial has the effect of making the three
accused co-accused or joint defendants, especially considering
4. Furthermore, Sansaet was himself a conspirator in the that they are charged for the same offense. In criminal law,
commission of that crime of falsification which he, Paredes and persons indicted for the same offense and tried together are
Honrada concocted and foisted upon the authorities. It is well
called joint defendants.
settled that in order that a communication between a lawyer
and his client may be privileged, it must be for a lawful purpose
or in furtherance of a lawful end. The existence of an unlawful As likewise submitted therefor by Mr. Justice Francisco
purpose prevents the privilege from attaching. [26] In fact, it has along the same vein, there having been a consolidation of the
also been pointed out to the Court that the prosecution of the three cases, the several actions lost their separate identities
honorable relation of attorney and client will not be permitted and became a single action in which a single judgment is
under the guise of privilege, and every communication made to rendered, the same as if the different causes of action involved
an attorney by a client for a criminal purpose is a conspiracy or had originally been joined in a single action. [29]
attempt at a conspiracy which is not only lawful to divulge, but
which the attorney under certain circumstances may be bound Indeed, the former provision of the Rules referring to the
to disclose at once in the interest of justice.[27] situation (w)hen two or more persons are charged with the
commission of a certain offense was too broad and indefinite;
It is evident, therefore, that it was error for respondent hence the word joint was added to indicate the identity of the
Sandiganbayan to insist that such unlawful communications charge and the fact that the accused are all together charged
intended for an illegal purpose contrived by conspirators are therewith substantially in the same manner in point of
nonetheless covered by the so-called mantle of privilege. To commission and time. The word joint means common to two or
prevent a conniving counsel from revealing the genesis of a more, as involving the united activity of two or more, or done or
crime which was later committed pursuant to a conspiracy, produced by two or more working together, or shared by or
because of the objection thereto of his conspiring client, would affecting two or more.[30] Had it been intended that all the
be one of the worst travesties in the rules of evidence and accused should always be indicted in one and the same
practice in the noble profession of law. information, the Rules could have said so with facility, but it did
not so require in consideration of the circumstances obtaining in

the present case and the problems that may arise from guilty. What the law prohibits is that the most guilty will be set
amending the information. After all, the purpose of the Rule can free while his co-accused who are less guilty will be sent to
be achieved by consolidation of the cases as an alternative jail. And by most guilty we mean the highest degree of
mode. culpability in terms of participation in the commission of the
offense and not necessarily the severity of the penalty
2. We have earlier held that Sansaet was a conspirator in imposed. While all the accused may be given the same penalty
the crime of falsification, and the rule is that since in a by reason of conspiracy, yet one may be considered least guilty
conspiracy the act of one is the act of all, the same penalty if We take into account his degree of participation in the
shall be imposed on all members of the conspiracy. Now, one perpetration of the offense. Fifth, there is no evidence that he
of the requirements for a state witness is that he does not has at any time been convicted of any offense involving moral
appear to be the most guilty.[31] not that he must be the least turpitude.
guilty[32] as is so often erroneously framed or submitted. The
query would then be whether an accused who was held guilty
by reason of membership in a conspiracy is eligible to be a xxx
state witness.
Thus, We agree with the observations of the Solicitor General
To be sure, in People vs. Ramirez, et al.[33] we find this that the rule on the discharge of an accused to be utilized as
obiter: state witness clearly looks at his actual and individual
participation in the commission of the crime, which may or may
It appears that Apolonio Bagispas was the real mastermind. It is not have been perpetrated in conspiracy with the other
believable that he persuaded the others to rob Paterno, not to accused. Since Bermudez was not individually responsible for
kill him for a promised fee. Although he did not actually commit the killing committed on the occasion of the robbery except by
any of the stabbings, it was a mistake to discharge Bagispas as reason of conspiracy, it cannot be said then that Bermudez
a state witness. All the perpetrators of the offense, including appears to be the most guilty. Hence, his discharge to be a
him, were bound in a conspiracy that made them equally guilty. witness for the government is clearly warranted. (Italics ours.)

However, prior thereto, in People vs. Roxas, et al., [34] two The rule of equality in the penalty to be imposed upon
conspirators charged with five others in three separate conspirators found guilty of a criminal offense is based on the
informations for multiple murder were discharged and used as concurrence of criminal intent in their minds and translated into
state witnesses against their confederates. Subsequent thereto, concerted physical action although of varying acts or degrees of
in Lugtu, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al.,[35] one of the co- depravity. Since the Revised Penal Code is based on the
conspirators was discharged from the information charging him classical school of thought, it is the identity of the mens
and two others with the crime of estafa. The trial court found rea which is considered the predominant consideration and,
that he was not the most guilty as, being a poor and ignorant therefore, warrants the imposition of the same penalty on the
man, he was easily convinced by his two co-accused to open consequential theory that the act of one is thereby the act of all.
the account with the bank and which led to the commission of
the crime. Also, this is an affair of substantive law which should not
be equated with the procedural rule on the discharge
On appeal, this Court held that the finding of respondent of particeps criminis. This adjective device is based on other
appellate court that Lugtu was just as guilty as his co-accused, considerations, such as the need for giving immunity to one of
and should not be discharged as he did not appear to be not them in order that not all shall escape, and the judicial
the most guilty, is untenable. In other words, the Court took into experience that the candid admission of an accused regarding
account the gravity or nature of the acts committed by the his participation is a guaranty that he will testify truthfully. For
accused to be discharged compared to those of his co- those reasons, the Rules provide for certain qualifying criteria
accused, and not merely the fact that in law the same or equal which, again, are based on judicial experience distilled into a
penalty is imposable on all of them. judgmental policy.

Eventually, what was just somehow assumed but not III

explicitly articulated found expression in People vs. Ocimar, et
al.,[36] which we quote in extenso: The Court is reasonably convinced, and so holds, that the
other requisites for the discharge of respondent Sansaet as a
state witness are present and should have been favorably
Ocimar contends that in the case at bar Bermudez does not appreciated by the Sandiganbayan.
satisfy the conditions for the discharge of a co-accused to
become a state witness. He argues that no accused in a Respondent Sansaet is the only cooperative eyewitness
conspiracy can lawfully be discharged and utilized as a state to the actual commission of the falsification charged in the
witness, for not one of them could satisfy the requisite of criminal cases pending before respondent court, and the
appearing not to be the most guilty. Appellant asserts that since prosecution is faced with the formidable task of establishing the
accused Bermudez was part of the conspiracy, he is equally guilt of the two other co-respondents who steadfastly deny the
guilty as the others. charge and stoutly protest their innocence. There is thus no
other direct evidence available for the prosecution of the case,
We do not agree. First, there is absolute necessity for the hence there is absolute necessity for the testimony of Sansaet
whose discharge is sought precisely for that purpose. Said
testimony of Bermudez. For, despite the presentation of four (4)
other witnesses, none of them could positively identify the respondent has indicated his conformity thereto and has, for the
accused except Bermudez who was one of those who pulled purposes required by the Rules, detailed the substance of his
the highway heist which resulted not only in the loss of cash, projected testimony in his Affidavit of Explanations and
jewelry and other valuables, but even the life of Capt. Caeba, Rectifications.
Jr. It was in fact the testimony of Bermudez that clinched the His testimony can be substantially corroborated on its
case for the prosecution. Second, without his testimony, no material points by reputable witnesses, identified in the basic
other direct evidence was available for the prosecution to prove petition with a digest of their prospective testimonies, as
the elements of the crime. Third, his testimony could be, as follows: Judge Ciriaco C. Ario, Municipal Circuit Trial Court in
indeed it was, substantially corroborated in its material points San Francisco, Agusan del Sur; Provincial Prosecutor and
as indicated by the trial court in its well-reasoned Deputized Ombudsman Prosecutor Claudio A. Nistal; Teofilo
decision. Fourth, he does not appear to be the most guilty. As Gelacio, private complainant who initiated the criminal cases
the evidence reveals, he was only invited to a drinking party through his letter-complaint; Alberto Juvilan of the Sangguniang
without having any prior knowledge of the plot to stage a Bayan of San Fernando, Agusan del Sur, who participated in
highway robbery. But even assuming that he later became part the resolution asking their Provincial Governor to file the
of the conspiracy, he does not appear to be the most appropriate case against respondent Paredes, and Francisco
Macalit, who obtained the certification of non-arraignment from DECISION
Judge Ario.
On the final requirement of the Rules, it does not appear
that respondent Sansaet has at any time been convicted of any
The profession of law exacts the highest standards from
offense involving moral turpitude. Thus, with the confluence of
its members and brooks no violation of its code of
all the requirements for the discharge of this respondent, both
conduct. Accordingly, a lawyer who trifles with judicial
the Special Prosecutor and the Solicitor General strongly urge
processes, engages in forum shopping and blatantly lies in his
and propose that he be allowed to testify as a state witness.
pleadings must be sanctioned.
This Court is not unaware of the doctrinal rule that, on this
procedural aspect, the prosecution may propose but it is for the
trial court, in the exercise of its sound discretion, to determine The Case
the merits of the proposal and make the corresponding
disposition. It must be emphasized, however, that such
discretion should have been exercised, and the disposition
taken on a holistic view of all the facts and issues herein This is an administrative complaint against Atty. Ernesto
discussed, and not merely on the sole issue of the applicability Flores filed by Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BENECO)
of the attorney-client privilege. before this Court on July 5, 1993, seeking his removal or
suspension from the bar for forum shopping, which amounted
This change of heart and direction respondent to grave misconduct, x x x unduly delaying the administration of
Sandiganbayan eventually assumed, after the retirement of two justice, and violating with impunity his oath of office and
members of its Second Division [37]and the reconstitution applicable laws and jurisprudence.[1]
thereof. In an inversely anticlimactic Manifestation and
Comment [38] dated June 14, 1995, as required by this Court in After the respondent submitted his Comment, dated
its resolution on December 5, 1994, the chairman and new August 21, 1993, we referred the case to the Integrated Bar of
members thereof [39]declared: the Philippines (IBP) on September 27, 1993 for investigation,
report and recommendation. On August 15, 1997, we received
a resolution from the IBP Board of Governors, finding
4) That the questioned Resolutions of December 22, 1993 and
respondent guilty of violating Canons 10 and 12 of the Code of
March 7, 1994 upon which the Petition for Certiorari filed by the
Professional Responsibility and recommending his suspension
prosecution are based, was penned by Associate Justice
from the practice of law for a period of six months, viz:
Narciso T. Atienza and concurred in by the undersigned and
Associate Justice Augusto M. Amores;
5) That while the legal issues involved had been already
Adm. Case NO. 4058
discussed and passed upon by the Second Division in the
Benguet Electric
aforesaid Resolution, however, after going over the arguments
Cooperative, Inc. vs.
submitted by the Solicitor-General and re-assessing Our
Atty. Ernesto B. Flores
position on the matter, We respectfully beg leave of the
Honorable Supreme Court to manifest that We are amenable to
setting aside the questioned Resolutions and to grant the RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is
prosecutions motion to discharge accused Generoso Sansaet hereby ADOPTED and APPROVED, the Report and
as state witness, upon authority of the Honorable Supreme Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner in
Court for the issuance of the proper Resolution to that effect the above-entitled case, hereinmade [sic] part of this
within fifteen (15) days from notice thereof. Resolution/Decision as Annex A; and finding the
recommendation therein to be fully supported by the
evidence on record and the applicable laws and rules,
WHEREFORE, the writ of certiorari prayed for is hereby
Respondent Atty. Ernesto Flores is hereby SUSPENDED
granted SETTING ASIDE the impugned resolutions and
from the practice of law for six (6) months for violating the
ORDERING that the present reliefs sought in these cases by
provision of Canon[s] 10 and 12 of the Code of
petitioner be allowed and given due course by respondent
Professional Responsibility.[2]
The Facts
Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo,
Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza,
Francisco and Panganiban, JJ., concur.
Hermosisima, Jr. and Torres, Jr., JJ., on leave. Because the parties[3] agreed to dispense with the
presentation of testimonial evidence, the case was submitted
for resolution on the basis of their documentary evidence. As
found by Investigating Commissioner Plaridel C. Jose, the facts
are as follows:
SHOPPING x x x. On February 25, 1993, Labor Arbiter
Irenarco Rimando of the National Labor Relations
EN BANC Commission, Regional Arbitration Branch, Cordillera
Administrative Region, Baguio City, issued a Writ of
Execution (x x x) in NLRC Case No. RAB-1-0313-84 to
enforce the decision rendered by the Supreme Court on
May 18, 1992 in G.R. No. 89070 (Benguet Electric
[A.C. No. 4058. March 12, 1998] Cooperative, Inc. vs. NLRC, 209 SCRA 55). The Writ of
Execution was issued on motion of Benguet Electric
Cooperative (BENECO for short) to collect the amount
ofP344,000.00 which it paid to Peter Cosalan during the
pendency of the case before the Supreme Court, on the
BENGUET ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. complainant, basis of its decision ordering the respondent board
vs. ATTY. ERNESTO B. FLORES, respondent. members to reimburse petitioner BENECO any amount

that it may be compelled to pay to respondent Cosalan by The complainant further alleges that respondents
virtue of the decision of Labor Arbiter Amado T. Adquilen. claim for damages against the defendant Sheriff is
another improper and unprocedural maneuver which is
likewise a violation of respondents oath not to sue on
After issuance of the writ of execution, the
respondent, as new counsel for the losing litigant- groundless suit since the said Sheriff was merely
members of the BENECO Board of Directors, filed a enforcing a writ of execution as part of his job.
Motion for Clarification with the Third Division of the
Supreme Court in G.R. No. 89070, the minute resolution
to wit: to note without action the aforesaid motion. Recommendation of the IBP

Thereafter, the respondent instituted a suit

docketed as Civil Case NO. 2738-R (x x x) with the As noted earlier, Investigating Commissioner Plaridel C.
Regional Trial Court, Branch 7, Baguio City, seeking to Jose recommended, and the IBP Board of Governors
enjoin the defendants Clerk of Court, et al. from levying concurred, that respondent be suspended from the bar for six
on their properties in satisfaction of the said writ of months for:
execution. That case, however, was dismissed by the
Presiding Judge Clarence Villanueva in his Order dated 1. Falsehood, for stating in his comment before this
March 18, 1993 (x x x). Court that the order of the RTC dismissing the
complaint in Civil Case No. 2738-R was not
Accordingly, the Office of the Clerk of Court, MTC, appealed on time
Baguio City, through Sheriff III Wilfredo Mendez, 2. Failure to comply with Supreme Court Circular
proceeded to levy on the properties of the losing board No. 28-91 on forum shopping
members of BENECO. Thus, a sale at public auction was
set on June 1, 1993, at 10:00 oclock in the morning in
front of the Baguio City Hall, per Sheriffs Notice of Sale Commissioner Jose ratiocinated:
dated May 4, 1993 (x x x), of the properties of Abundio
Awal and Nicasio Aliping[,] two of the losing members of A cursory glance of (sic) x x x the complaint filed by the
the Board of Directors of BENECO in the aforementioned respondent in Civil Case No. 2738-R before the RTC of Baguio
case. City, which complaint was signed and verified under oath by the
respondent, reveals that it lacks the certification required by
Respondent claims in his comment (x x x) that Supreme Court Circular No. 28-91 which took effect on January
Branch 7, motu proprio, dismissed Civil Case No. 2738-R 1, 1992 to the effect that to the best of his knowledge, no such
for lack of jurisdiction on March 18,1993, which dismissal action or proceeding is pending in the Supreme Court, Court of
was [sic] became final due to respondents failure to Appeals or different divisions thereof or any tribunal or
perfect an appeal therefrom which claim according to the agency. If there is any other action pending, he must state the
complainant, constitute[s] deliberate misrepresentation, if status of the same. If he should learn that a similar action or
not falsehood, because the respondent indeed interposed proceeding has been filed or pending before the Supreme
an appeal such that on May 11, 1993, the RTC 7 of Court, Court of Appeals or different divisions thereof or any
Baguio City transmitted the entire record of Civil Case tribunal or agency[,] he should notify the court, tribunal or
No. 2738-R to the Court of Appeals per certified machine agency within five (5) days from such notice.
copy of the letter transmittal of same date (x x x).
Among the other penalties, the said circular further provides
While respondent never essentially intended to that the lawyer may also be subjected to disciplinary
assail the issuance by the NLRC of the Writ of Execution proceedings for non-compliance thereof.
x x x nor sought to undo it (x x x) the complaint in Civil
Case No. 2738-R which he filed prays for the immediate In sum, it is clear that the respondent violated the provisions of
issuance of a temporary restraining order and/or Canon[s] 10 and 12 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
preliminary writ of injunction for defendants Clerk of Court under which the lawyer owes candor, fairness and good faith to
and Ex-Officio City Sheriff to cease and desist from the court and exert[s] every effort and consider[s] it his duty to
enforcing the execution and levy of the writ of execution assist in the speedy and efficient administration of justice.[4]
issued by the NLRC-CAR, pending resolution of the main
action in said court (x x x) which complainant likewise
claims as an unprocedural maneuver to frustrate the
execution of the decision of the Supreme Court in G.R. This Courts Ruling

No. 89070 in complete disregard of settled jurisprudence

that regular courts have no jurisdiction to hear and decide
questions which arise and are incidental to the We adopt and affirm the recommendation of the IBP
enforcement of decisions, orders and awards rendered in suspending the respondent from the bar, but we increase the
labor cases citing the case of Cangco vs. CA, 199 SCRA period from six (6) months to one (1) year and six (6) months.
677, a display of gross ignorance of the law.

On May 26, 1993, respondent again filed for Abundio

Forum Shopping
Awal and Nicasio Aliping with the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 9, La Trinidad, Benguet, separate complaints for
Judicial Declaration of Family Home Constituted, Ope
Lege, and thus Exempt from Levy and Execution the Circular No. 28-91,[5] dated September 4, 1991 which
subject properties with Damages, etc. docketed as Civil took effect on January 1, 1992, requires a certificate of non-
Cases Nos. 93-F-0414 (x x x) and 93-F-0415 (x x x), forum shopping to be attached to petitions filed before this
which are essentially similar actions to enjoin the Court and the Court of Appeals. This circular was revised on
enforcement of the judgment rendered in NLRC Case No. February 8, 1994. The IBP found that the respondent had
RAB-1-0313-84. He also filed an urgent Motion Ex-parte violated it, because the complaint he filed before the RTC of
(x x x) praying for temporary restraining order in these Baguio City lack[ed] the certification required by Supreme Court
two (2) cases. Circular No. 28-91.[6]

We distinguish. Respondents failure to attach the said disposition.[15] The most important factor in determining the
certificate cannot be deemed a violation of the aforementioned existence of forum shopping is the vexation caused the courts
circular, because the said requirement applied only to petitions and parties-litigants by a party who asks different courts to rule
filed with this Court and the Court of Appeals. [7] Likewise on the same or related causes or grant the same or
inapplicable is Administrative Circular No. 04-94 dated substantially the same reliefs.[16]
February 8, 1994 which extended the requirement of a
certificate of non-forum shopping to all initiatory pleadings filed After this Court rendered its Decision[17] in Benguet
in all courts and quasi-judicial agencies other than this Court Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. National Labor Relations
and the Court of Appeals. Circular No. 04-94 became effective Commission, et al.[18] and upon motion of BENECO, Labor
only on April 1, 1994, but the assailed complaint for injunction Arbiter Irenarco R. Rimando issued a writ of
was filed on March 18, 1993, and the petition for the execution[19] ordering the clerk of court and ex officio city sheriff
constitution of a family home was instituted on May 26, 1993. of the Municipal Trial Court of Baguio City to levy on and sell at
public auction personal and real property of the members of the
Be that as it may, respondent is still guilty of forum Board of Directors of BENECO.
shopping. In Chemphil Export and Import Corporation vs. Court
of Appeals,[8] this Court declared that (t)he rule against forum On March 18, 1993, Respondent Flores, acting as
shopping has long been established and subsequent counsel for BENECO Board Members Victor Laoyan, Nicasio
circulars[9] of this Court merely formalized the prohibition and Aliping, Lorenzo Pilando and Abundio Awal, filed with the RTC
provided the appropriate penalties against transgressors. The an injunction suit praying for the issuance of a temporary
prohibition is found in Section 1(e) of Rule 16 and Section 4 of restraining order (TRO) to preserve the status quo as now
Rule 2 of the 1964 Rules of Court, which provide: obtaining between the parties, as well as a writ of preliminary
preventive injunction ordering the clerk of court and the ex
officio city sheriff of the MTC of Baguio to cease and desist
SECTION 1. Grounds. -- Within the time for pleading, a motion from enforcing by execution and levy the writ of execution from
to dismiss the action may be made on any of the following the NLRC-CAR, pending resolution of the main action raised in
grounds: court.[20]

xxx xxx xxx When this injunction case was dismissed, Respondent
Flores filed with another branch of the RTC two identical but
separate actions both entitled Judicial Declaration of Family
(e) That there is another action pending between the same Home Constituted, ope lege, Exempt from Levy and Execution;
parties for the same cause; with Damages, etc., docketed as Civil Case Nos. 93-F-0414
and 93-F-0415.[21] The said complaints were supplemented by
xxx xxx xxx[10] an Urgent Motion Ex Parte[22] which prayed for an order to
temporarily restrain Sheriff Wilfredo V. Mendez from proceeding
with the auction sale of plaintiffs property to avoid rendering
SEC. 4. Effect of splitting a single cause of action. -- If two or ineffectual and functus [oficio] any judgment of the court later in
more complaints are brought for different parts of a single this [sic] cases, until further determined by the court.
cause of action, the filing of the first may be pleaded in
abatement of the other or others, in accordance with section 1 Civil Case Nos. 93-F-0414 and 93-F-0415 are groundless
(e) of Rule 16, and a judgment upon the merits in any one is suits. Modequillo vs. Breva,[23] reiterated in Manacop vs. Court
available as a bar in the others.[11] of Appeals,[24] shows the frivolity of these proceedings:

The prohibition is also contained in Circular No. 28- Under the Family Code, a family home is deemed constituted
91. This circular did not only require that a certification of non- on a house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family
forum shopping be attached to the petitions filed before this residence. There is no need to constitute the same judicially or
Court or the Court of Appeals; it also decreed that forum extrajudicially as required in the Civil Code. If the family actually
shopping constituted direct contempt of court and could subject resides in the premises, it is, therefore, a family home as
the offending lawyer to disciplinary action. The third paragraph contemplated by law. Thus, the creditors should take the
thereof reads: necessary precautions to protect their interest before extending
credit to the spouses or head of the family who owns the home.
3. Penalties.
(a) Any violation of this Circular shall be a cause for the
summary dismissal of the multiple petition or complaint. The exemption provided as aforestated is effective from the
time of the constitution of the family home as such, and lasts so
(b) Any willful and deliberate forum shopping by any party and long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein.
his lawyer wit the filing of multiple petitions and complaints to
ensure favorable action shall constitute direct contempt of Adhering to the Courts declaration in said cases, the
court. subject properties are deemed constituted as family homes by
operation of law under Article 153 of the Family Code.
(c) The submission of false certification under Par. 2 of the The suits for the constitution of a family home were not
Circular shall likewise constitute contempt of Court, without only frivolous and unnecessary; they were clearly asking for
prejudice to the filing of criminal action against the guilty reliefs identical to the prayer previously dismissed by another
party. The lawyer may also be subjected to disciplinary branch of the RTC, i.e., to forestall the execution of a final
proceedings. (Underscoring supplied.) judgment of the labor arbiter. That they
were filed ostensibly for the judicial declaration of a family home
The foregoing were substantially reproduced in Revised was a mere smoke screen; in essence, their real objective was
Circular No. 28-91[12] and Administrative Circular No. 04-94.[13] to restrain or delay the enforcement of the writ of execution. In
his deliberate attempt to obtain the same relief in two different
In a long line of cases, this Court has held that forum courts, Respondent Flores was obviously shopping for a
shopping exists when, as a result of an adverse opinion in one friendly forum which would capitulate to his improvident plea for
forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion (other than by appeal an injunction and was thereby trifling with the judicial
or certiorari) in another,[14] or when he institutes two or more process.[25]
actions or proceedings grounded on the same cause, on the
gamble that one or the other court would make a favorable We remind the respondent that, under the Code of
Professional Responsibility,[26] he had a duty to assist in the
speedy and efficient administration of justice. [27] The Code also receipt of such certificate in the lower court the case shall stand
enjoins him from unduly delaying a case by impeding the there as though no appeal had ever been taken, and the
execution of a judgment or by misusing court processes. [28] judgment of the said court may be enforced with the additional
costs allowed by the appellate court upon dismissing the
In consonance with Millare vs. Montero[29] and Garcia vs. appeal.
Francisco,[30] respondent should be suspended from the
practice of law for one year. In Millare, the respondent filed with
different courts a total of six appeals, complaints and petitions xxx xxx xxx
which frustrated and delayed the execution of a final
judgment. Holding that respondent made a mockery of the SEC. 4. Withdrawal of appeal.-- An appeal may be withdrawn
judicial processes and disregarded canons of professional as of right at any time before the filing of appellees brief. x x
ethics in intentionally frustrating the rights of a litigant in whose x. The withdrawal of an appeal shall have the same effect as
favor a judgment in the case was rendered [and], thus, abused that of a dismissal in accordance with section 2 of this rule.
procedural rules to defeat the ends of substantial justice,[31] this
Court suspended the respondent from the practice of law for
one year. Respondents explanation misses the point. True, he
withdrew his appeal. But it is likewise true that he had actually
In Garcia, the respondent was also suspended for one filed an appeal, and that this was perfected. False then is his
year from the practice of law, for violating the proscription statement that no appeal was perfected in the injunction
against forum shopping. This Court held that he deserve[d] to suit. Worse, he made the statement before this Court in order to
be sanctioned, not only as a punishment for his misconduct but exculpate himself, though in vain, from the charge of forum
also as a warning to other lawyers who may be influenced by shopping.
his example.[32]
A lawyer must be a disciple of truth. Under the Code of
Professional Responsibility, he owes candor, fairness and good
faith to the courts.[37] He shall neither do any falsehood, nor
Falsehood consent to the doing of any. He also has a duty not to mislead
or allow the courts to be misled by any artifice. [38]
For this offense, we suspend the respondent from the
The investigating commissioner also held respondent practice of law for another year. True, in Ordonio vs.
liable for committing a falsehood because, in this administrative Eduarte,[39] Porac Trucking, Inc. vs. Court of
case, he stated in his comment that he had not perfected an Appeals[40] and Erectors, Inc. vs. NLRC,[41] we imposed a
appeal on the dismissal of his petition for injunction. In his said suspension of only six months for a similar malfeasance. But in
comment, the respondent stated: Flores case, his falsehood is aggravated by its brazenness, for
it was committed in an attempt, vain as it was, to cover up his
Branch 7 (of the RTC) motu proprio, dismissed the case for lack forum shopping.
of jurisdiction on March 18, 1993. Not having perfected an
Before we close, we note that this simple case was
appeal on the dismissal, the order of dismissal became final
referred to the IBP on September 27, 1993. It was deemed
under the Rules 15 days after its receipt by respondent on
submitted for resolution per the investigating commissioners
record, or before April 6, 1993. So that today this case is no
order dated May 10, 1995. However, the investigating
longer pending.
commissioner submitted his report only on May 5,
1997. Moreover, the IBP transmitted its recommendation to the
xxx. Court only through a letter dated July 31, 1997, which was
received by the Office of the Bar Confidant on August 15,
It should be noted that when Civil Case Nos. 93-F-0414 and 93- 1997. Why it took the IBP almost four years to finish its
F-0415 for family homes and damages were filed in the court investigation of the case and over two years from the date the
below on May 26, 1993, Civil Case NO. 2378-R which seems to parties filed their last pleadings to resolve it escapes us. After
give basis to the present Complaint was deemed terminated, all, the case did not require any trial-type investigation, and the
there being no appeal formally taken and perfected in parties submitted only documentary evidence to prove or rebut
accordance with the Rules. their respective cases. Thus, we find it opportune to urge the
IBP to hasten the disposition of administrative cases and to
remind it that this Court gives it only ninety days to finish its
xxx. investigation, report and recommendation. Should it require
more time, it should file with the Court a request for extension,
And that precisely was the primal reason why respondent giving the reason for such request.
decided not to appeal any further anymore [sic] the order of
WHEREFORE, for trifling with judicial processes by
dismissal for lack of jurisdiction of the court below in Civil Case
resorting to forum shopping, Respondent Ernesto B. Flores is
No. 2738, and let it be deemed final by the Rules and
hereby SUSPENDEDfrom the practice of law for a period of
jurisprudence.[33] (Underscoring supplied.)
ONE (1) YEAR and, for violating his oath and the Canon of
Professional Responsibility to do no falsehood, he
The indelible fact, however, is that respondent did file an is SUSPENDED for another period of ONE (1) YEAR, resulting
appeal which was perfected later on. The original records of the in a total period of TWO (2) YEARS, effective upon finality of
injunction suit had been transmitted to the appellate this Decision. He is WARNED that a repetition of a similar
court.[34] Moreover, the Court of Appeals issued a resolution misconduct will be dealt with more severely.
dismissing the appeal.[35] Thus, in denying that he had
appealed the decision of the RTC, respondent was making a Let a copy of this Decision be included in his files which
false statement. are with the Office of the Bar Confidant, and circularized to all
courts and to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
Respondent argues that the withdrawal of his appeal
means that no appeal was made under Section 2 of Rule 50 of SO ORDERED.
the Rules of Court.The pertinent provisions of Rule 50[36]read:
Narvasa, CJ. Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo,
Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Martinez,
SEC. 2. Effect of dismissal.-- Fifteen (15) days after the Quisumbing and Purisima, JJ., concur.
dismissal of an appeal, the clerk shall return to the court below
the record on appeal with a certificate under the seal of the
court showing that the appeal has been dismissed. Upon the

FIRST DIVISION selling sundry merchandise, more particularly religious articles,
flowers and ornamental plants, and medicinal herbs;" they had
[G.R. No. L-75349. October 13, 1986.] been religiously paying "the corresponding license and permit
fees imposed by prevailing ordinances of the City of Manila,"
ROSALINA BUAN, RODOLFO TOLENTINO, TOMAS but this notwithstanding they had been given written notice
MERCADO, CECILIA MORALES, LIZA OCAMPO, Quiapo dated May 3, 1986 emanating from the Mayors Office, advising
Church Vendors, for themselves and all others similarly of the cancellation of their permits and their possible relocation
situated as themselves, Petitioners, v. OFFICER-IN- to another site; and these acts "are unjust, illegal, arbitrary,
CHARGE GEMILIANO C. LOPEZ, JR., OFFICE OF THE oppressive and constitute grave abuse of discretion on the part
MAYOR OF MANILA, Respondent. of the Respondent."cralaw virtua1aw library

There thus exists between the action before this Court and RTC
DECISION Case No. 86-36563 identity of parties, or at least such parties
as represent the same interests in both actions, as well as
identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, the relief being
NARVASA, J.: founded on the same facts, and the identity on the two
preceding particulars is such that any judgment rendered in the
other action, will regardless of which party is successful,
On August 5, 1986 petitioners instituted in this Court a special amount to res adjudicata in the action under consideration: all
civil action for prohibition to the end that respondent Gemiliano the requisites, in fine, of auter action pendant. 13
C. Lopez, Jr., acting as Mayor of the City of Manila, be
"perpetually prohibited from arbitrarily, whimsically and Indeed, the petitioners in both actions, described in their
capriciously revoking or cancelling . . . their licenses or permits petitions as vendors of religious articles, herbs and plants, and
(as hawkers or street vendors) and threatening the physical sundry merchandise around the Quiapo Church or its
demolition of their respective business stalls in the places "periphery," have incurred not only the sanction of dismissal of
specified in such licenses or permits. 1 They also sought a their case before this Court in accordance with Rule 16 of the
temporary restraining order in view of Mayor Lopez actual Rules of Court, but also the punitive measure of dismissal of
threats of physical demolition of their respective small business both their actions, that in this Court and that in the Regional
establishment at 12:00 noon today." This the Court granted on Trial Court as well. Quite recently, upon substantially identical
the same day. 2 factual premises, the Court en banc had occasion to condemn
and penalize the act of litigants of filing the same suit in
Petitioners claim to be five of about 130 "licensed and duly different courts, aptly described as "forum-shopping,"
authorized vendors of . . . religious articles, medicine herbs and
plants around the Quiapo Church, . . . Manila," bringing suit for
themselves and all others similarly situated as themselves." 3 "The acts of petitioners constitute a clear case of forum-
They allege that their licenses "were revoked or cancelled (by shopping, an act of malpractice that is proscribed and
respondent Mayor) for reasons unknown to them which is condemned as trifling with the courts and abusing their
tantamount to deprivation of property without due process of processes. It is improper conduct that tends to degrade the
laws," written notice of such cancellation having been served administration of justice. The rule has been formalized in
on them on or about May 30 (actually May 3), 1986; that the Section 17 of the Interim Rules and Guidelines issued by this
revocation of their licenses was beyond respondent Mayors Court on January 11, 1983 in connection with the
competence, since Section 171 (n) of the Local Government implementation of the Judiciary Reorganization Act, specifically
Code (B.P. Blg. 337) authorizes the same only "for violation of with the grant in Section 9 of B.P. Blg. 129 of equal original
the law or ordinances or conditions upon which they have been jurisdiction to the Intermediate Appellate Court to issue writs of
granted," and no such violation had been committed by them; 4 mandamus, prohibition, etc., and auxiliary writs or processes,
but this notwithstanding, respondent Mayor "bad given (them) whether or not in aid of its appellate jurisdiction Thus, the cited
an ultimatum of 7:00 up to 12:00 oclock in the afternoon" (of Rule provides that no such petition may be filed in the
August 5, 1986) to vacate the premises where their respective Intermediate Appellate Court if another similar petition has
stalls are situated or suffer physical demolition thereof." 5 been filed or is still pending in the Supreme Court and vice
versa. The Rule orders that A violation of the rule shad
In the light of the facts disclosed by the pleadings 6 and at the constitute contempt of court and shall be a cause for the
hearing of the case on August 13, 1986, the petition must be summary dismissal of both petitions, without prejudice to the
given short shrift.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary taking of appropriate action against the counsel or party
concerned. The rule applies with equal force where the party
The action must in the first place be abated on the ground of lis having filed an action in the Supreme Court shops for the same
pendens, or more correctly, auter action pendant; pendency of remedy of prohibition and a restraining order or injunction in the
another action between the same parties for the same cause. 7 regional trial court . . . (or vice versa). . . ." 14

It appears that on July 7, 1986 there was filed in the Regional As already observed, there is between the action at bar and
Trial Court of Manila, docketed as Civil Case No. 86-36563, a RTC Case No. 86-36563, an identity as regards parties, or
special civil action of "prohibition with preliminary injunction" interests represented, rights asserted and relief sought, as well
against Acting Manila City Mayor Gemiliano Lopez, Jr. 8 It was as basis thereof, to a degree sufficient to give rise to the ground
filed by Samahang Kapatiran Sa Hanapbuhay Ng Bagong for dismissal known as auter action pendant or lis pendens. 15
Lipunan, Inc." (hereafter, simply "Samahan") composed, That same identity puts into operation the sanction of twin
according to the petition, of "some 300 individual owners and dismissals just mentioned. The application of this sanction will
operators of separate business stalls . . . mostly at the prevent any further delay in the settlement of the controversy
periphery immediately beyond the fence of the Quiapo Church." which might ensue from attempts to seek reconsideration of or
The president of the Samahan is Rosalina Buan and its Press to appeal from the Order of the Regional Trial Court in Civil
Relations Officer, Liza Ocampo. 9 Rosalina Buan and Liza Case No. 86-36563 promulgated on July 15, 1986, which
Ocampo are two of the five petitioners in the case at bar, 10 dismissed the petition upon grounds which appear persuasive.
described in the petition before this Court as suing "for 16
themselves and all others similarly situated as themselves" :
i.e., vendors "around the Quiapo Church." 11 The three other It would seem that after the filing by Rosalina Buan and Liza
petitioners also appear to be Samahan members. 12 Ocampo (president and press relations officer, respectively, of
the Quiapo Church vendors association known as the
The petition in Case No. 86-36563 is grounded on the same Samahan) of the petition in this case, "for themselves and all
facts as those in the case at bar: the members of the Samahan others similarly situated as themselves" (i.e., the members of
had been legitimately engaged "in their respective business of the Samahan, who are vendors in the area of Quiapo Church)
they came to the belated realization that in view of the FAR EASTERN SHIPPING COMPANY, petitioner,
pendency of the identical action filed by them in the Regional vs. COURT OF APPELAS and PHILIPPINE PORTS
Trial Court (Case No. 86-36563), they were vulnerable to the AUTHORITY,respondents.
accusation of "forum shopping," and thus amenable to its dire
consequences. This explains the filing in this Court by their
WITHDRAWAL" on August 11, 1986, 17 another
"MANIFESTATION AND MOTION" on August 29, 1986, and an [G.R. No. 130150. October 1, 1998]
September 13, 1986. In these manifestations the claim is made
that the five (5) petitioners in the action before this Court who MANILA PILOTS ASSOCIATION, petitioner, vs. PHILIPPINE
are members of the Samahan, "were forcibly brainwashed and PORTS AUTHORITY and FAR EASTERN
guarded by . . . (Atty. Reynaldo Aralar) and his associates to SHIPPING COMPANY, respondents.
accede to the invitation of the said counsel . . . to appear for
them and file the case before the Honorable Court knowingly
(sic) that he was furnished the status quo-order of the same DECISION
case pending before the Regional Trial Court Branch 45 of
Manila," and/or said Atty. Aralar and his associates had REGALADO, J.:
perpetrated "piracy" of clients and "should be condemned and
suspended for committing act of shopping for courts." The These consolidated petitions for review on certiorari seek
claim does not inspire belief It is so out of the ordinary as to in unison to annul and set aside the decision[1] of respondent
require clear and convincing evidence of its actuality, which is Court of Appeals of November 15, 1996 and its
lacking in this case. It is also belied by the fact that Rosalina resolution[2] dated July 31, 1997 in CA-G.R. CV No. 24072,
Buan and Liza Ocampo themselves were among those who entitled Philippine Ports Authority, Plaintiff-Appellee vs. Far
verified the petition at bar before a notary public. 18 And the Eastern Shipping Company, Senen C. Gavino and Manila Pilots
claim is undermined by the misrepresentation in Buans and Association. Defendants-Appellants, which affirmed with
Ocampos "Joint Affidavit of Withdrawal" that the status quo modification the judgment of the trial court holding the
order in RTC Case No. 86-36563 was still subsisting and the defendants-appellants therein solidarily liable for damages in
case still pending trial 19 when in truth, the case had already favor of herein private respondent.
been dismissed and the restraining order lifted by Order of July
27, 1986.chanrobles law library : red There is no dispute about the facts as found by the
appellate court, thus --
Yet another reason exists for the denial of the petition. Not one
of the petitioners or the "others similarly situated as x x x On June 20, 1980, the M/V PAVLODAR, flying under the
themselves" had a valid and subsisting license or permit as of flagship of the USSR, owned and operated by the Far Eastern
the date of the filing of their petition in this Court, August 5, Shipping Company (FESC for brevitys sake), arrived at the Port
1986, all licenses and permits having expired prior thereto. 20 of Manila from Vancouver, British Columbia at about 7:00
This is confirmed by the few receipts submitted by petitioners oclock in the morning. The vessel was assigned Berth 4 of the
21 which all set out expiry dates before August 5, 1986. The Manila International Port, as its berthing space. Captain
petitioners thus have no basis whatever to postulate a right to Roberto Abellana was tasked by the Philippine Port Authority to
ply their trade in the Quiapo area or elsewhere. The argument supervise the berthing of the vessel. Appellant Senen Gavino
that the non-renewal by the municipal authorities of their was assigned by the appellant Manila Pilots Association (MPA
licenses was in effect a cancellation or revocation thereof for brevitys sake) to conduct docking maneuvers for the safe
without cause is puerile. berthing of the vessel to Berth No. 4.

Finally, the action for prohibition has become moot and

academic by the occurrence of the acts sought to be inhibited. Gavino boarded the vessel at the quarantine anchorage and
The petitioners permits and licenses have all expired; hence, stationed himself in the bridge, with the master of the vessel,
there can be no occasion whatsoever to speak of the inhibition Victor Kavankov, beside him. After a briefing of Gavino by
of any revocation or cancellation thereof. And the "physical Kavankov of the particulars of the vessel and its cargo, the
demolition of their respective business stalls" has already been vessel lifted anchor from the quarantine anchorage and
consummated. proceeded to the Manila International Port. The sea was calm
and the wind was ideal for docking maneuvers.
WHEREFORE, the petition is denied for lack of merit, and the
Regional Trial Court is commanded to dismiss Civil Case No. When the vessel reached the landmark (the big church by the
86-36563 and to conduct no further proceedings in connection Tondo North Harbor) one-half mile from the pier, Gavino
therewith save in accordance with and in implementation of this ordered the engine stopped. When the vessel was already
Decision. Costs against petitioners. about 2,000 feet from the pier, Gavino ordered the anchor
dropped. Kavankov relayed the orders to the crew of the vessel
SO ORDERED. on the bow. The left anchor, with two (2) shackles were
dropped. However, the anchor did not take hold as
Yap, Melencio-Herrera, Cruz and Feliciano, JJ., concur. expected.The speed of the vessel did not slacken. A
commotion ensued between the crew members. A brief
conference ensued between Kavankov and the crew
members. When Gavino inquired what was all the commotion
about, Kavankov assured Gavino that there was nothing of it.
After Gavino noticed that the anchor did not take hold, he
ordered the engines half-astern. Abellana, who was then on the
pier apron, noticed that the vessel was approaching the pier
[G.R. No. 130068. October 1, 1998] fast. Kavankov likewise noticed that the anchor did not take
hold. Gavino thereafter gave the full-astern code. Before the
right anchor and additional shackles could be dropped, the bow
of the vessel rammed into the apron of thepier causing
considerable damage to the pier. The vessel sustained damage
too. (Exhibit 7-Far Eastern Shipping). Kavankov filed his sea

protest (Exhibit 1-Vessel). Gavino submitted his report to the Petitioner asserts that since the MV PAVLODAR was
Chief Pilot (Exhibit 1-Pilot) who referred the report to the under compulsory pilotage at the time of the incident, it was a
Philippine Ports Authority (Exhibit 2-Pilot) Abellana likewise compulsory pilot, Capt. Gavino, who was in command and had
submitted his report of the incident (Exhibit B). complete control in the navigation and docking of the vessel. It
is the pilot who supersedes the master for the time being in the
Per contract and supplemental contract of the Philippine Ports command and navigation of a ship and his orders must be
Authority and the contractor for the rehabilitation of the obeyed in all respects connected with her
damaged pier, the same cost the Philippine Ports Authority the navigation. Consequently, he was solely responsible for the
amount of P1,126,132.25 (Exhibits D and E).[3] damage caused upon the pier apron, and not the owners of the
vessel. It claims that the master of the boat did not commit any
act of negligence when he failed to countermand or overrule the
On January 10, 1983, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA, orders of the pilot because he did not see any justifiable reason
for brevity), through the Solicitor General, filed before the to do so. In other words, the master cannot be faulted for
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 39, a complaint for a relying absolutely on the competence of the compulsory pilot. If
sum of money against Far Eastern Shipping Co., Capt. Senen the master does not observe that a compulsory pilot is
C. Gavino and the Manila Pilots Association, docketed as Civil incompetent or physically incapacitated, the master is justified
Case No. 83-14958,[4] praying that the defendants therein be in relying on the pilot.[10]
held jointly and severally liable to pay the plaintiff actual and
exemplary damages plus costs of suit. In a decision dated Respondent PPA, in its comment, predictably in full
August 1, 1985, the trial court ordered the defendants therein agreement with the ruling of respondent court on the solidary
jointly and severally to pay the PPA the amount liability of FESC, MPA and Capt. Gavino, stresses the
of P1,053,300.00 representing actual damages and the cost of concurrent negligence of Capt. Gavino, the harbor pilot, and
suit.[5] Capt. Viktor Kabankov,* shipmaster of MV Pavlodar, as the
basis of their solidary liability for damages sustained by PPA. It
The defendants appealed to the Court of Appeals and posits that the vessel was being piloted by Capt. Gavino with
raised the following issues: (1) Is the pilot of a commercial Capt. Kabankov beside him all the while on the bridge of the
vessel, under compulsory pilotage, solely liable for the damage vessel, as the former took over the helm of MV Pavlodar when
caused by the vessel to the pier, at the port of destination, for it rammed and damaged the apron of the pier of Berth No. 4 of
his negligence? And (2) Would the owner of the vessel be liable the Manila International Port. Their concurrent negligence was
likewise if the damage is caused by the concurrent negligence the immediate and proximate cause of the collision between the
of the master of vessel and the pilot under a compulsory vessel and the pier - Capt. Gavino, for his negligence in the
pilotage? conduct of docking maneuvers for the safe berthing of the
vessel; and Capt. Kabankov, for failing to countermand the
As stated at the outset, respondent appellate court orders of the harbor pilot and to take over and steer the vessel
affirmed the findings of the court a quo except that it found no himself in the face of imminent danger, as well as for merely
employer-employee relationship existing between herein private relying on Capt. Gavino during the berthing procedure. [11]
respondents Manila Pilots Association (MPA, for short) and
Capt. Gavino.[6] This being so, it ruled instead that the liability of On the other hand, in G.R. No. 130150, originally
MPA is anchored, not on Article 2180 of the Civil Code, but on assigned to the Court's First Division and later transferred to
the provisions of Customs Administrative Order No. 15- the Third Division, MPA, now as petitioner in this case, avers
65,[7] and accordingly modified said decision of the trial court by the respondent court's errors consisted in disregarding and
holding MPA, along with its co-defendants therein, still solidarily misinterpreting Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 which
liable to PPA but entitled MPA to reimbursement from Capt. limits the liability of MPA. Said pilots' association asseverates
Gavino for such amount of the adjudged pecuniary liability in that it should not be held solidarily liable with Capt. Gavino who,
excess of the amount equivalent to seventy-five percent (75%) as held by respondent court, is only a member, not an
of its prescribed reserve fund.[8] employee, thereof. There being no employer-employee
relationship, neither can MPA be held liable for any vicarious
Neither Far Eastern Shipping Co. (briefly, FESC) nor liability for the respective exercise of profession by its members
MPA was happy with the decision of the Court of Appeals and nor be considered a joint tortfeasor as to be held jointly and
both of them elevated their respective plaints to us via separate severally liable.[12] It further argues that there was erroneous
petitions for review on certiorari. reliance on Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 and the
In G.R. No. 130068, which was assigned to the Second constitution and by-laws of MPA, instead of the provisions of
Division of this Court, FESC imputed that the Court of Appeals the Civil Code on damages which, being a substantive law, is
seriously erred: higher in category than the aforesaid constitution and by-laws
of a professional organization or an administrative order which
bears no provision classifying the nature of the liability of MPA
1. in not holding Senen C. Gavino and the Manila Pilots for the negligence its member pilots.[13]
Association as the parties solely responsible for the resulting
damages sustained by the pier deliberately ignoring the As for Capt. Gavino, counsel for MPA states that the
established jurisprudence on the matter. former had retired from active pilotage services since July 28,
1994 and has ceased to be a member of petitioner pilots'
association. He is not joined as a petitioner in this case since
2. in holding that the master had not exercised the required
his whereabouts are unknown.[14]
diligence demanded from him by the circumstances at the time
the incident happened; FESC's comment thereto relied on the competence of the
Court of Appeals in construing provisions of law or
3. in affirming the amount of damages sustained by the administrative orders as basis for ascertaining the liability of
respondent Philippine Ports Authority despite a strong and MPA, and expressed full accord with the appellate court's
convincing evidence that the amount is clearly exorbitant and holding of solidary liability among itself, MPA and Capt.
unreasonable; Gavino. It further avers that the disputed provisions of Customs
Administrative Order No. 15-65 clearly established MPA's
solidary liability.[15]
4. in not awarding any amount of counterclaim prayed for by the
petitioner in its answer; and On the other hand, public respondent PPA, likewise
through representations by the Solicitor General, assumes the
5. in not granting herein petitioner's claim against pilot Senen same supportive stance it took in G.R. No. 130068 in declaring
C. Gavino and Manila Pilots' Association in the event that it be its total accord with the ruling of the Court of Appeals that MPA
held liable.[9] is solidarily liable with Capt. Gavino and FESC for damages,
and in its application to the fullest extent of the provisions of

Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 in relation to MPA's This motion having been granted, FESC subsequently filed its
constitution and by-laws which spell out the conditions of and petition on September 26, 1997, this time bearing a "verification
govern their respective liabilities. These provisions are clear and certification against forum-shopping" executed by one
and ambiguous as regards MPA's liability without need for Teodoro P. Lopez on September 24, 1997,[22] to wit:
interpretation or construction. Although Customs Administrative
Order No. 15-65 is a mere regulation issued by an VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION
administrative agency pursuant to delegated legislative AGAINST FORUM SHOPPING
authority to fix details to implement the law, it is legally binding
and has the same statutory force as any valid statute. [16] in compliance with Section 4(e), Rule 45 in relation to Section
[17] 2, Rule 42 of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure
Upon motion by FESC dated April 24, 1998 in G.R. No.
130150, said case was consolidated with G.R. No. 130068. [18]
I, Teodoro P. Lopez, of legal age, after being duly sworn,
Prefatorily, on matters of compliance with procedural depose and state:
requirements, it must be mentioned that the conduct of the
respective counsel for FESC and PPA leaves much to be
desired, to the displeasure and disappointment of this Court. 1. That I am the Manager, Claims Department of Filsov
Shipping Company, the local agent of petitioner in this case.
Section 2, Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure[19] incorporates the former Circular No. 28-91 which 2. That I have caused the preparation of this Petition for Review
provided for what has come to be known as the certification on Certiorari.
against forum shopping as an additional requisite for petitions
filed with the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, aside
from the other requirements contained in pertinent provisions of 3. That I have read the same and the allegations therein
the Rules of Court therefor, with the end in view of contained are true and correct based on the records of this
preventing the filing of multiple complaints involving the same case.
issues in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or different
divisions thereof or any other tribunal or agency. 4. That I certify that petitioner has not commenced any other
action or proceeding involving the same issues in the Supreme
More particularly, the second paragraph of Section 2, Court or Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency, that
Rule 42 provides: to the best of my own knowledge, no such action or proceeding
xxxxxxxxx is pending in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals or any
other tribunal or agency, that I should thereafter learn that a
similar action or proceeding has been filed or is pending before
The petitioner shall also submit together with the petition a the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal
certification under oath that he has not therefore commenced or agency, I undertake to report the fact within five (5) days
any other action involving the same issues in the Supreme therefrom to this Honorable Court. (Italics supplied for
Court, the Court of Appeals or different divisions thereof, or any emphasis.)
other tribunal or agency; if there is such other action or
proceeding, he must state the status of the same; and if he Reviewing the records, we find that the petition filed by
should thereafter learn that a similar action or proceeding has MPA in G.R. No. 130150 then pending with the Third Division
been filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, the Court of was duly filed on August 29, 1997 with a copy thereof furnished
Appeals or different divisions thereof, or any other tribunal or on the same date by registered mail to counsel for
agency, he undertakes to promptly inform the aforesaid courts FESC.[23] Counsel of record for MPA, Atty. Jesus P. Amparo, in
and other tribunal or agency thereof within five (5) days his verification accompanying said petition dutifully revealed to
therefrom. (Italics supplied.) the Court that--
For petitions for review filed before the Supreme Court, Section
4(e), Rule 45 specifically requires that such petition shall
contain a sworn certification against forum shopping as 3. Petitioner has not commenced any other action or
provided in the last paragraph of Section 2, Rule 42. proceeding involving the same issues in his Honorable Court,
the Court of Appeals or different Divisions thereof, or any other
The records show that the law firm of Del Rosario and Del tribunal or agency, but to the best of his knowledge, there is an
Rosario through its associate, Atty. Herbert A. Tria, is the action or proceeding pending in this Honorable Court, entitled
counsel of record for FESC in both G.R. No. 130068 and G.R. Far Eastern Shipping Co., Petitioner, vs. Philippine Ports
No. 130150. Authority and Court of Appeals with a Motion for Extension of
time to file Petition for Review by Certiorari filed sometime on
G.R. No. 130068, which is assigned to the Court's August 18, 1997. If undersigned counsel will come to know of
Second Division, commenced with the filing by FESC through any other pending action or claim filed or pending he
counsel on August 22, 1997 of a verified motion for extension of undertakes to report such fact within five (5) days to this
time to file its petition for thirty (30) days from August 28, 1997 Honorable Court.[24] (Italics supplied.)
or until September 27, 1997.[20] Said motion contained the
following certification against forum shopping [21] signed by Atty. Inasmuch as MPA's petition in G.R. No. 130150 was
Herbert A. Tria as affiant: posted by registered mail on August 29, 1997 and taking
judicial notice of the average period of time it takes local mail to
CERTIFICATION reach its destination, by reasonable estimation it would be fair
AGAINST FORUM SHOPPING to conclude that when FESC filed its petition in G.R. No.
130068 on September 26, 1997, it would already have received
I/we hereby certify that I/we have not commenced any other a copy of the former and would then have knowledge of the
action or proceeding involving the same issues in the Supreme pendency of the other petition initially filed with the First
Court, the Court of Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency; Division. It was therefore incumbent upon FESC to inform the
that to the best of my own knowledge, no such action or Court of that fact through its certification against forum
proceeding is pending in the Supreme Court, the Court of shopping. For failure to make such disclosure, it would appear
Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency; that if I/we should that the aforequoted certification accompanying the petition in
thereafter learn that a similar action or proceeding has been G.R. No. 130068 is defective and could have been a ground for
filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, the Court of dismissal thereof.
Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency, I/we undertake to
Even assuming that FESC has not yet received its copy
report that fact within five (5) days therefrom to this Honorable
of MPA's petition at the time it filed its own petition and
executed said certification, its signatory did state "that if I shopping by counsel is a defective certification. It is clearly
should thereafter learn that a similar action or proceeding has equivalent to non-compliance with the requirement under
been filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, the Court of Section 2, Rule 42 in relation to Section 4, Rule 45, and
Appeals or any other tribunal or agency, I undertake to report constitutes a valid cause for dismissal of the petition.
the fact within five (5) days therefrom in this Honorable
Court."[25] Scouring the records page by page in this case, we Hence, the initial certification appended to the motion for
find that no manifestation concordant with such undertaking extension of time to file petition n G.R. No. 130068 executed in
was then or at any other time thereafter ever filed by FESC nor behalf of FESC by Atty. Tria is procedurally deficient. But
was there any attempt to bring such matter to the attention of considering that it was a superfluity at that stage of the
the Court.Moreover, it cannot feign non-knowledge of the proceeding, it being unnecessary to file such a certification with
existence of such other petition because FESC itself filed the a mere motion for extension, we shall disregard such error.
motion for consolidation in G.R. No. 130150 of these two cases Besides, the certification subsequently executed by Teodoro P.
on April 24, 1998. Lopez in behalf of FESC cures that defect to a certain extent,
despite the inaccuracies earlier pointed out. In the same vein,
It is disturbing to note that counsel for FESC, the law firm we shall consider the verification signed in behalf of MPA by its
of Del Rosario and Del Rosario, displays an unprofessional counsel, Atty. Amparo, in G.R. No. 130150 as substantial
tendency of taking the Rules for granted, in this instance compliance inasmuch as it served the purpose of the Rules of
exemplified by its pro forma compliance therewith but informing the Court of the pendency of another action or
apparently without full comprehension of and with less than proceeding involving the same issues.
faithful commitment to its undertakings to this Court in the
interest of just, speedy and orderly administration of court It bears stressing that procedural rules are instruments in
proceedings. the speedy and efficient administration of justice. They should
be used to achieve such end and not to derail it. [34]
As between the lawyer and the courts, a lawyer owes
candor, fairness and good faith to the court.[26] He is an officer Counsel for PPA did not make matters any better. Despite
of the court exercising a privilege which is indispensable in the the fact that, save for the Solicitor General at the time, the
administration of justice.[27] Candidness, especially towards the same legal team of the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG, for
courts, is essential for the expeditious administration of short) composed of Assistant Solicitor General Roman G. Del
justice. Courts are entitled to expect only complete honesty Rosario and Solicitor Luis F. Simon, with the addition of
from lawyers appearing and pleading before them. [28] Candor in Assistant Solicitor General Pio C. Guerrero very much later in
all dealings is the very essence of honorable membership in the the proceedings, represented PPA throughout the appellate
legal profession.[29] More specifically, a lawyer is obliged to proceedings in both G.R. No. 130068 and G.R. No. 130150 and
observe the rules of procedure and not to misuse them to was presumably fully acquainted with the facts and issues of
defeat the ends of justice.[30] It behooves a lawyer, therefore, to the case, it took the OSG an inordinately and almost
exert every effort and consider it his duty to assist in the speedy unreasonably long period of time to file its comment, thus
and efficient administration of justice.[31] Being an officer of the unduly delaying the resolution of these cases. It took several
court, a lawyer has a responsibility in the proper administration changes of leadership in the OSG -- from Silvestre H. Bello III
of justice. Like the court itself, he is an instrument to advance to Romeo C. dela Cruz and, finally, Ricardo P. Galvez -- before
its ends -- the speedy, efficient, impartial, correct and the comment in behalf of PPA was finally filed.
inexpensive adjudication of cases and the prompt satisfaction
In G.R. No. 130068, it took eight (8) motions for extension
of final judgments. A lawyer should not only help attain these
of time totaling 210 days, a warning that no further extensions
objectives but should likewise avoid any unethical or improper
shall be granted, and personal service on the Solicitor General
practices that impede, obstruct or prevent their realization,
himself of the resolution requiring the filing of such comment
charged as he is with the primary task of assisting in the
before the OSG indulged the Court with the long required
speedy and efficient administration of justice.[32]
comment on July 10, 1998.[35] This, despite the fact that said
Sad to say, the members of said law firm sorely failed to office was required to file its comment way back on November
observe their duties as responsible members of the Bar. Their 12, 1997.[36] A closer scrutiny of the records likewise indicates
actuations are indicative of their predisposition to take lightly that petitioner FESC was not even furnished a copy of said
the avowed duties of officers of the Court to promote respect for comment as required by Section 5, Rule 42. Instead, a copy
law and for legal processes.[33] We cannot allow this state of thereof was inadvertently furnished to MPA which, from the
things to pass judicial muster. point of view of G.R. No. 130068, was a non-party.[37] The OSG
fared slightly better in G.R. No. 130150 in that it took only six
In view of the fact that at around the time these petitions (6) extensions, or a total of 180 days, before the comment was
were commenced, the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure had just finally filed.[38] And while it properly furnished petitioner MPA
taken effect, the Court treated infractions of the new Rules then with a copy of its comment, it would have been more desirable
with relative liberality in evaluating full compliance and expedient in this case to have furnished its therein co-
therewith. Nevertheless, it would do well to remind all respondent FESC with a copy thereof, if only as a matter of
concerned that the penal provisions of Circular No. 28-91 which professional courtesy.[39]
remain operative provides, inter alia:
This undeniably dilatory disinclination of the OSG to
seasonably file required pleadings constitutes deplorable
3. Penalties.- disservice to the tax-paying public and can only be categorized
xxxxxxxxx as censurable inefficiency on the part of the government law
office. This is most certainly professionally unbecoming of the
(c) The submission of a false certification under Par. 2 of the
Circular shall likewise constitute contempt of court, without Another thing that baffles the Court is why the OSG did
prejudice to the filing of criminal action against the guilty not take the initiative of filing a motion for consolidation in either
party. The lawyer may also be subjected to disciplinary G.R. No. 130068 or G.R. No. 130150, considering its familiarity
proceedings. with the background of the case and if only to make its job
easier by having to prepare and file only one comment. It could
It must be stressed that the certification against forum not have been unaware of the pendency of one or the other
shopping ordained under the Rules is to be executed by the petition because, being counsel for respondent in both cases,
petitioner, and not by counsel. Obviously it is the petitioner, and petitioner is required to furnish it with a copy of the petition
not always the counsel whose professional services have been under pain of dismissal of the petition for failure otherwise.[40]
retained for a particular case, who is in the best position to
know whether he or it actually filed or caused the filing of a Besides, in G.R. 130068, it prefaces its discussions thus -
petition in that case. Hence, a certification against forum -

Incidentally, the Manila Pilots' Association (MPA), one of the exercised prudence and extra diligence to prevent or minimize
defendants-appellants in the case before the respondent Court damage.
of Appeals, has taken a separate appeal from the said decision
to this Honorable Court, which was docketed as G.R. No.
The Master shall retain overall command of the vessel even on
130150 and entitled "Manila Pilots' Association, Petitioner, pilotage grounds whereby he can countermand or overrule the
versus Philippine Ports Authority and Far Eastern Shipping Co., order or command of the Harbor Pilot on board. In such event,
Respondents.[41] any damage caused to a vessel or to life and property at ports
Similarly, in G.R. No. 130150, it states - by reason of the fault or negligence of the Master shall be the
responsibility and liability of the registered owner of the vessel
Incidentally, respondent Far Eastern Shipping Co. (FESC) had concerned without prejudice to recourse against said Master.
also taken an appeal from the said decision to this Honorable
Court, docketed as G.R. No. 130068, entitled "Far Eastern
Such liability of the owner or Master of the vessel or its pilots
Shipping Co. vs. Court of Appeals and Philippine Ports
shall be determined by competent authority in appropriate
proceedings in the light of the facts and circumstances of each
particular case.
We find here a lackadaisical attitude and complacency on
the part of the OSG in the handling of its cases and an almost
SEC. 32. Duties and responsibilities of the Pilot or Pilots'
reflexive propensity to move for countless extensions, as if to
Association. - The duties and responsibilities of the Harbor Pilot
test the patience of the Court, before favoring it with the timely
shall be as follows:
submission of required pleadings.

It must be emphasized that the Court can resolve cases xxxxxxxxx

only as fast as the respective parties in a case file the
necessary pleadings. The OSG, be needlessly extending the
pendency of these cases through its numerous motions for f) a pilot shall be held responsible for the direction of a vessel
extension, came very close to exhausting this Court's from the time he assumes his work as a pilot thereof until he
forbearance and has regrettably fallen short of its duties as the leaves it anchored or berthed safely; Provided, however, that
People's Tribune. his responsibility shall cease at the moment the Master
neglects or refuses to carry out his order.
The OSG is reminded that just like other members of the
Bar, the canons under the Code of Professional Responsibility Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 issued twenty
apply with equal force on lawyers in government service in the years earlier likewise provided in Chapter I thereof for the
discharge of their official tasks.[43] These ethical duties are responsibilities of pilots:
rendered even more exacting as to them because, as
government counsel, they have the added duty to abide by the
policy of the State to promote a high standard of ethics in public Par. XXXIX. - A Pilot shall be held responsible for the direction
service.[44] Furthermore, it is incumbent upon the OSG, as part of a vessel from the time he assumes control thereof until he
of the government bureaucracy, to perform and discharge its leaves it anchored free from shoal; Provided, That his
duties with the highest degree of professionalism, intelligence responsibility shall cease at the moment the master neglects or
and skill[45] and to extend prompt, courteous and adequate refuses to carry out his instructions.
service to the public.[46]
Now, on the merits of the case. After a judicious
examination of the records of this case, the pleadings filed, and
the evidence presented by the parties in the two petitions, we Par. XLIV. - Pilots shall properly and safely secure or anchor
find no cogent reason to reverse and set aside the questioned vessels under their control when requested to do so by the
decision. While not entirely a case of first impression, we shall master of such vessels.
discuss the issues seriatim and, correlatively by way of a
judicial once-over, inasmuch as the matters raised in both I. G.R. No. 130068
petitions beg for validation and updating of well worn maritime
jurisprudence. Thereby, we shall write finis to the endless Petitioner FESC faults the respondent court with serious
finger-pointing in this shipping mishap which has been error in not holding MPA and Capt. Gavino solely responsible
stretched beyond the limits of judicial tolerance. for the damages caused to the pier. It avers that since the
vessel was under compulsory pilotage at the time with Capt.
The Port of Manila is within the Manila Pilotage District Gavino in command and having exclusive control of the vessel
which is under compulsory pilotage pursuant to Section 8, during the docking maneuvers, then the latter should be
Article III of Philippine Ports Authority Administrative Order No. responsible for damages caused to the pier. [48] It likewise holds
03-85,[47] which provides that: the appellate court in error for holding that the master of the
ship, Capt. Kabankov, did not exercise the required diligence
SEC. 8. Compulsory Pilotage Service.- For entering a harbor demanded by the circumstances.[49]
and anchoring thereat, or passing through rivers or straits within
a pilotage district, as well as docking and undocking at any We start our discussion of the successive issues bearing
pier/wharf, or shifting from one berth or another, every vessel in mind the evidentiary rule in American jurisprudence that
engaged in coastwise and foreign trade shall be under there is a presumption of fault against a moving vessel that
compulsory pilotage. x x x strikes a stationary object such as a dock or navigational aid. In
admiralty, this presumption does more than merely require the
ship to go forward and produce some evidence on the
In case of compulsory pilotage, the respective duties and presumptive matter. The moving vessel must show that it was
responsibilities of the compulsory pilot and the master have without fault or that the collision was occasioned by the fault of
been specified by the same regulation in this wise: the stationary object or was the result of inevitable accident.It
has been held that such vessel must exhaust every reasonable
SEC. 11. Control of vessels and liability for damage. - On possibility which the circumstances admit and show that in
compulsory pilotage grounds, the Harbor Pilot, providing the each, they did all that reasonable care required.[50] In the
service to a vessel shall be responsible for the damage caused absence of sufficient proof in rebuttal, the presumption of fault
to a vessel or to life and property at ports due to his negligence attaches to a moving vessel which collides with a fixed object
or fault. He can only be absolved from liability if the accident is and makes a prima facie case of fault against the
caused by force majeure or natural calamities provided he has vessel.[51] Logic and experience support this presumption:

The common sense behind the rule makes the burden a heavy by the circumstances, and usually shown by an expert in his
one. Such accidents simply do not occur in the ordinary course profession. Under extraordinary circumstances, a pilot must
of things unless the vessel has been mismanaged in some exercise extraordinary care.[58]
way. It is not sufficient for the respondent to produce witnesses
who testify that as soon as the danger became apparent In Atlee vs. The Northwestern Union Packet
everything possible was done to avoid an accident. The Company,[59] Mr. Justice Miller spelled out in great detail the
question remains, How then did the collision occur?The answer duties of a pilot:
must be either that, in spite of the testimony of the witnesses,
what was done was too little or too late or, if not, then the x x x (T)he pilot of a river steamer, like the harbor pilot, is
vessel was at fault for being in a position in which an selected for his personal knowledge of the topography through
unavoidable collision would occur.[52] which he steers his vessel. In the long course of a thousand
miles in one of these rivers, he must be familiar with the
The task, therefore, in these cases is to pinpoint who was appearance of the shore on each side of the river as he goes
negligent - the master of the ship, the harbor pilot or both. along. Its banks, towns, its landings, its houses and trees, are
all landmarks by which he steers his vessel. The compass is of
A pilot, in maritime law, is a person duly qualified, and little use to him. He must know where the navigable channel is,
licensed, to conduct a vessel into or out of ports, or in certain in its relation to all these external objects, especially in the
waters. In a broad sense, the term "pilot" includes both (1) night. He must also be familiar with all dangers that are
those whose duty it is to guide vessels into or out of ports, or in permanently located in the course of the river, as sand-bars,
particular waters and (2) those entrusted with the navigation of snags, sunken rocks or trees or abandoned vessels or
vessels on the high seas.[53] However, the term "pilot" is more barges. All this he must know and remember and avoid. To do
generally understood as a person taken on board at a particular this, he must be constantly informed of the changes in the
place for the purpose of conducting a ship through a river, road current of the river, of the sand-bars newly made, of logs or
or channel, or from a port.[54] snags, or other objects newly presented, against which his
vessel might be injured.
Under English and American authorities, generally
speaking, the pilot supersedes the master for the time being in
the command and navigation of the ship, and his orders must xxxxxxxxx
be obeyed in all matters connected with her navigation. He
becomes the master pro hac vice and should give all directions It may be said that this is exacting a very high order of
as to speed, course, stopping and reversing, anchoring, towing ability in a pilot. But when we consider the value of the lives and
and the like. And when a licensed pilot is employed in a place property committed to their control, for in this they are absolute
where pilotage is compulsory, it is his duty to insist on having masters, the high compensation they receive, the care which
effective control of the vessel, or to decline to act as Congress has taken to secure by rigid and frequent
pilot. Under certain systems of foreign law, the pilot does not examinations and renewal of licenses, this very class of skill,
take entire charge of the vessel, but is deemed merely the we do not think we fix the standard too high.
adviser of the master, who retains command and control of the
navigation even on localities where pilotage is compulsory.[55]
Tested thereby, we affirm respondent court's finding that
It is quite common for states and localities to provide for Capt. Gavino failed to measure up to such strict standard of
compulsory pilotage, and safety laws have been enacted care and diligence required of pilots in the performance of their
requiring vessels approaching their ports, with certain duties. Witness this testimony of Capt. Gavino:
exceptions, to take on board pilots duly licensed under local
law. The purpose of these laws is to create a body of seamen
thoroughly acquainted with the harbor, to pilot vessels seeking You have testified before that the reason why the
to enter or depart, and thus protect life and property from the vessel bumped the pier was because the anchor was
dangers of navigation.[56] not released immediately or as soon as you have
given the order. Do you remember having stated that?
In line with such established doctrines, Chapter II of
Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 prescribes the rules of A Yes, your Honor.
compulsory pilotage in the covered pilotage districts, among
which is the Manila Pilotage District, viz. -- Q And you gave this order to the captain of the vessel?
A Yes, your Honor.
PARAGRAPH I. - Pilotage for entering a harbor and
anchoring thereat, as well as docking and undocking in any pier Q By that testimony, you are leading the Court to
or shifting from one berth to another shall be compulsory, understand that is that anchor was released
except Government vessels and vessels of foreign immediately at the time you gave the order, the
governments entitled to courtesy, and other vessels engaged incident would not have happened. Is that correct?
solely in river or harbor work, or in a daily ferry service between
ports which shall be exempt from compulsory pilotage A Yes, sir, but actually it was only a presumption on my part
provisions of these regulations: provided, however, that because there was a commotion between the officers
compulsory pilotage shall not apply in pilotage districts whose who are in charge of the dropping of the anchor and
optional pilotage is allowed under these regulations. the captain. I could not understand their language, it
was in Russian, so I presumed the anchor was not
dropped on time.
Pursuant thereto, Capt. Gavino was assigned to pilot MV
Pavlodar into Berth 4 of the Manila International Port. Upon Q So, you are not sure whether it was really dropped on
assuming such office as compulsory pilot, Capt. Gavino is held time or not?
to the universally accepted high standards of care and diligence
required of a pilot, whereby he assumes to have skill and A I am not sure, your Honor.
knowledge in respect to navigation in the particular waters over
which his license extends superior to and more to be trusted xxxxxxxxx
than that of the master.[57] A pilot should have a thorough Q You are not even sure what could have caused the
knowledge of general and local regulations and physical incident. What factor could have caused the incident?
conditions affecting the vessel in his charge and the waters for
which he is licensed, such as a particular harbor or river. He is A Well, in this case now, because either the anchor was not
not held to the highest possible degree of skill and care, but dropped on time or the anchor did not hold, that was
must have and exercise the ordinary skill and care demanded the cause of the incident, your Honor.[60]

It is disconcertingly riddled with too much incertitude and "full-astern". By then, it was too late. The vessel's momentum
manifests a seeming indifference for the possibly injurious could no longer be arrested and, barely a minute thereafter, the
consequences his commands as pilot may have. Prudence bow of the vessel hit the apron of the pier. Patently, Gavino
required that he, as pilot, should have made sure that his miscalculated. He failed to react and undertake adequate
directions were promptly and strictly followed. As correctly measures to arrest fully the momentum of the vessel after the
noted by the trial court - anchor failed to claw to the seabed. When he reacted, the
same was even (haphazard). Gavino failed to reckon the bulk
of the vessel, its size and its cargo. He erroneously believed
Moreover, assuming that he did indeed give the
command to drop the anchor on time, as pilot he should have that only one (1) anchor would suffice and even when the
seen to it that the order was carried out, and he could have anchor failed to claw into the seabed or against a hard object in
done this in a number of ways, one of which was to inspect the the seabed, Gavino failed to order the other anchor dropped
bow of the vessel where the anchor mechanism was immediately. His claim that the anchor was dropped when the
vessel was only 1,000 feet from the pier is but a belated
installed. Of course, Captain Gavino makes reference to a
commotion among the crew members which supposedly attempt to extricate himself from the quagmire of his own
insouciance and negligence. In sum, then, Appellants' claim
caused the delay in the execution of the command. This
account was reflected in the pilot's report prepared four hours that the incident was caused by "force majeure" is barren of
later, but Capt. Kavankov, while not admitting whether or not factual basis.
such a commotion occurred, maintained that the command to
drop anchor was followed "immediately and precisely." Hence, xxxxxxxxx
the Court cannot give much weight or consideration to this
portion of Gavino's testimony."[61]
The harbor pilots are especially trained for this job. In the
Philippines, one may not be a harbor pilot unless he passed the
An act may be negligent if it is done without the required examination and training conducted then by the
competence that a reasonable person in the position of the Bureau of Custom, under Customs Administrative Order No.
actor would recognize as necessary to prevent it from creating 15-65, now under the Philippine Ports Authority under PPA
an unreasonable risk of harm to another. [62] Those who Administrative Order 63-85. Paragraph XXXIX of the Customs
undertake any work calling for special skills are required not Administrative Order No. 15-65 provides that "the pilot shall be
only to exercise reasonable care in what they do but also held responsible for the direction of the vessel from the time he
possess a standard minimum of special knowledge and assumes control thereof, until he leaves it anchored free from
ability.[63] shoal: Provided, that his responsibility shall cease at the
moment the master neglects or refuse(s) to carry out his
Every man who offers his services to another, and is instructions." The overall direction regarding the procedure for
employed, assumes to exercise in the employment such skills docking and undocking the vessel emanates from the harbor
he possesses, with a reasonable degree of diligence. In all pilot. In the present recourse, Gavino failed to live up to his
these employments where peculiar skill is requisite, if one offers responsibilities and exercise reasonable care or that degree of
his services he is understood as holding himself out to the care required by the exigencies of the occasion.Failure on his
public as possessing the degree of skill commonly possessed part to exercise the degree of care demanded by the
by others in the same employment, and if his pretensions are circumstances is negligence (Reese versus Philadelphia & RR
unfounded he commits a species of fraud on every man who Co. 239 US 463, 60 L ed. 384, 57 Am Jur. 2d 12age 418).[67]
employs him in reliance on his public profession. [64]
Furthermore, there is an obligation on all persons to take This affirms the findings of the trial court regarding
the care which, under ordinary circumstances of the case, a Capt. Gavino's negligence:
reasonable and prudent man would take, and the omission of
that care constitutes negligence.[65] Generally, the degree of This discussion should not however, divert the court from
care required is graduated according to the danger a person or the fact that negligence in manuevering the vessel must be
property attendant upon the activity which the actor pursues or attributed to Capt.Senen Gavino. He was an experienced pilot
the instrumentality which he uses. The greater the danger the and by this time should have long familiarized himself with the
greater the degree of care required. What is ordinary under depth of the port and the distance he could keep between the
extraordinary of conditions is dictated by those conditions; vessel and port in order to berth safely. [68]
extraordinary risk demands extraordinary care. Similarly, the
more imminent the danger, the higher the degree of care. [66]
The negligence on the part of Capt. Gavino is evident; but
We give our imprimatur to the bases for the conclusion of Capt. Kabankov is no less responsible for the allision. His
the Court of Appeals that Capt. Gavino was indeed negligent in unconcerned lethargy as master of the ship in the face of
the performance of his duties: troublous exigence constitutes negligence.
xxxxxxxxx While it is indubitable that in exercising his functions a
pilot-is in sole command of the ship[69] and supersedes the
x x x As can be gleaned from the logbook, Gavino master for the time being in the command and navigation of a
ordered the left anchor and two (2) shackles dropped at 8:30 ship and that he becomes master pro hac vice of a vessel
o'clock in the morning.He ordered the engines of the vessel piloted by him,[70] there is overwhelming authority to the effect
stopped at 8:31 o'clock. By then, Gavino must have realized that the master does not surrender his vessel to the pilot and
that the anchor did not hit a hard object and was not clawed so the pilot is not the master. The master is still in command of the
as to reduce the momentum of the vessel. In point of fact, the vessel notwithstanding the presence of a pilot. There are
vessel continued travelling towards the pier at the same occasions when the master may and should interfere and even
speed. Gavino failed to react. At 8:32 o'clock, the two (2) displace the pilot, as when the pilot is obviously incompetent or
tugboats began to push the stern part of the vessel from the intoxicated and the circumstances may require the master to
port side but the momentum of the vessel was not contained. displace a compulsory pilot because of incompetency or
Still, Gavino did not react. He did not even order the other physical incapacity. If, however, the master does not observe
anchor and two (2) more shackles dropped to arrest the that a compulsory pilot is incompetent or physically
momentum of the vessel. Neither did he order full-astern. It was incapacitated, the master is justified in relying on the pilot, but
only at 8:34 o'clock, or four (4) minutes, after the anchor was not blindly.[71]
dropped that Gavino reacted. But his reaction was even The master is not wholly absolved from his duties while a
(haphazard) because instead of arresting fully the momentum pilot is on board his vessel, and may advise with or offer
of the vessel with the help of the tugboats, Gavino ordered suggestions to him.He is still in command of the vessel, except
merely "half-astern". It took Gavino another minute to order a so far as her navigation is concerned, and must cause the

ordinary work of the vessel to be properly carried on and the Q You want us to understand, Mr. Witness, that the
usual precaution taken. Thus, in particular, he is bound to see dropping of the anchor of the vessel was not timely?
that there is sufficient watch on deck, and that the men are
attentive to their duties, also that engines are stopped, towlines A I don't know the depth of this port but I think, if the anchor
cast off, and the anchors clear and ready to go at the pilot's was dropped earlier and with more shackles, there
order.[72] could not have been an incident.

A perusal of Capt. Kabankov's testimony makes it Q So you could not precisely tell the court that the dropping
apparent that he was remiss in the discharge of his duties as of the anchor was timely because you are not well
master of the ship, leaving the entire docking procedure up to aware of the seabed, is that correct?
the pilot, instead of maintaining watchful vigilance over this
A Yes sir, that, is right.
risky maneuver:
Q Will you please tell us whether you have the right to
intervene in docking of your ship in the harbor? Q Alright, Capt. Kavankov, did you come to know later
whether the anchor held its ground so much so that
A No sir, I have no right to intervene in time of docking, only
the vessel could not travel?
in case there is imminent danger to the vessel and to
the pier. A It is difficult for me to say definitely. I believe that the
anchor did not hold the ship.
Q Did you ever intervene during the time that your ship was
being docked by Capt. Gavino? Q You mean you don't know whether the anchor blades
stuck to the ground to stop the ship from further
A No sir, I did not intervene at the time when the pilot was
docking my ship.
A Yes sir, it is possible.
Q Up to the time it was actually docked at the pier, is that
correct'? Q What is possible?
A No sir, I did not intervene up to the very moment when A I think, the 2 shackles were not enough to hold the
the vessel was docked. vessel.
xxxxxxxxx Q Did you know that the 2 shackles were dropped?
Atty. Del Rosario (to the witness) A Yes sir, I knew that.
Q Mr. Witness, what happened, if any, or was there Q If you knew that the shackles were not enough to hold
anything unusual that happened during the docking? the ship, did you not make any protest to the pilot?
A Yes sir, our ship touched the pier and the pier was A No sir, after the incident, that was my assumption.
Q Did you come to know later whether that presumption is
Court (to the witness) correct?
Q When you said touched the pier, are you leading the A I still don't know the ground in the harbor or the depths.
court to understand that your ship bumped the pier?
Q So from the beginning, you were not competent whether
A I believe that my vessel only touched the pier but the the 2 shackles were also dropped to hold the ship?
impact was very weak.
A No sir, at the beginning, I did not doubt it because I
Q Do you know whether the pier was damaged as a result believe Capt. Gavino to be an experienced pilot and
of that slight or weak impact? he should be more aware as to the depths of the
harbor and the ground and I was confident in his
A Yes sir, after the pier was damaged.
Q Being most concerned with the safety of your vessel, in
Solicitor Abad (to the witness)
the maneuvering of your vessel, to the port, did you
observe anything irregular in the maneuvering by Q Now, you were standing with the pilot on the bridge of the
Capt. Gavino at the time he was trying to cause the vessel before the incident happened, were you not?
vessel to be docked at the pier?
A Yes sir, all the time, I was standing with the pilot.
A You mean the action of Capt. Gavino or his condition?
Q And so whatever the pilot saw, you could also see from
Court: that point of view?
Q Not the actuation that conform to the safety maneuver of A That is right.
the ship to the harbor?
Q Whatever the pilot can read from the panel of the bridge,
A No sir, it was a usual docking. you also could read, is that correct?
Q By that statement of yours, you are leading the court to A What is the meaning of panel'?
understand that there was nothing irregular in the
docking of the ship? Q All indications necessary for men on the bridge to be
informed of the movements of the ship?
A Yes sir, during the initial period, of the docking, there was
nothing unusual that happened. A That is right.

Q What about in the last portion of the docking of the ship, Q And whatever sound the captain... Capt. Gavino would
was there anything unusual or abnormal that hear from the bridge, you could also hear?
A That is right.
A None Your Honor, I believe that Capt. Gavino thought
that the anchor could keep or hold the vessel.
Q Now, you said that when the command to lower the Q So that you were in full accord with all of Capt. Gavino's
anchor was given, it was obeyed, is that right? orders?
A This command was executed by the third mate and A Yes sir.
Q Because, otherwise, you would have issued order that
Court (to the witness) would supersede his own order?
Q Mr. Witness, earlier in today's hearing, you said that you A In that case, I should take him away from his command or
did not intervene with the duties of the pilot and that, remove the command from him.
in your opinion, you can only intervene if the ship is
placed in imminent danger, is that correct? Court (to the witness)

A That is right, I did say that. Q You were in full accord with the steps being taken by
Capt. Gavino because you relied on his knowledge,
Q In your observation before the incident actually on his familiarity of the seabed and shoals and other
happened, did you observe whether or not the ship, surroundings or conditions under the sea, is that
before the actual incident, the ship was placed in correct?
imminent danger?.
A Yes sir, that is right.
A No sir, I did not observe.
Q By that answer, are you leading the court to understand
that because you did not intervene and because you Solicitor Abad (to the witness)
believed that it was your duty to intervene when the
Q And so after the anchors were ordered dropped and they
vessel is placed in imminent danger to which you did
did not take hold of the seabed, you were alerted that
not observe any imminent danger thereof, you have
there was danger already on hand?
not intervened in any manner to the command of the
pilot? A No sir, there was no imminent danger to the vessel.
A That is right, sir. Q Do you mean to tell us that even if the anchor was
supposed to take hold of the bottom and it did not,
there was no danger to the ship?
Q Assuming that you disagreed with the pilot regarding the
A Yes sir, because the anchor dragged on the ground later.
step being taken by the pilot in maneuvering the
vessel. whose command will prevail, in case of Q And after a few moments when the anchor should have
imminent danger to the vessel? taken hold the seabed but not done (sic), as you
expected, you already were alerted that there was
A I did not consider the situation as having an imminent
danger to the ship, is that correct?
danger. I believed that the vessel will dock alongside
the pier. A Yes sir, I was alerted but there was no danger.
Q You want us to understand that you did not see an Q And you were alerted that somebody was wrong?
imminent danger to your ship, is that what you mean?
A Yes sir, I was alerted.
A Yes sir, up to the very last moment, I believed that there
was no imminent danger. Q And this alert you assumed was the ordinary alertness
that you have for normal docking?
Q Because of that, did you ever intervene in the command
of the pilot? A Yes sir, I mean that it was usual condition of any man in
time of docking to be alert.
A Yes sir, I did not intervene because I believed that the
command of the pilot to be correct. Q And that is the same alertness when the anchor did not
hold onto the ground, is that correct?
Solicitor Abad (to the witness)
A Yes sir, me and Capt. Gavino (thought) that the anchor
Q As a captain of M/V Pavlodar, you consider docking will hold the ground.
maneuvers a serious matter, is it not?
Q Since, as you said that you agreed all the while with the
A Yes sir, that is right. orders of Capt. Gavino, you also therefore agreed
with him in his failure to take necessary precaution
Q Since it affects not only the safety of the port or pier, but
against the eventuality that the anchor will not hold as
also the safety of the vessel and the cargo, is it not?
A That is right.
Atty. Del Rosario:
Q So that, I assume that you were watching Capt. Gavino
May I ask that the question ...
very closely at the time he was making his
commands? Solicitor Abad:
A I was close to him, I was hearing his command and being Never mind, I will reform the question.
Q And that you were also alert for any possible mistakes he
might commit in the maneuvering of the vessel? Solicitor Abad (to the witness)

A Yes sir, that is right. Q Is it not a fact that the vessel bumped the pier?

Q But at no time during the maneuver did you issue order A That is right, it bumped the pier.
contrary to the orders Capt. Gavino made?
Q For the main reason that the anchor of the vessel did not
A No sir. hold the ground as expected?
A Yes sir, that is my opinion.[73]
Further, on redirect examination, Capt. Kabankov fortified The findings of the trial court on this aspect is noteworthy:
his apathetic assessment of the situation:
Q Now, after the anchor was dropped, was there any point For, while the pilot Gavino may indeed have been
in time that you felt that the vessel was in imminent charged with the task of docking the vessel in the berthing
danger. space, it is undisputed that the master of the vessel had the
corresponding duty to countermand any of the orders made by
A No, at that time, the vessel was not in imminent danger, the pilot, aid even maneuver the vessel himself, in case of
sir."[74] imminent danger to the vessel and the port.

This cavalier appraisal of the event by Capt. Kabankov is

disturbingly antipodal to Capt. Gavino's anxious assessment of In fact, in his testimony, Capt. Kavankov admitted that all
the situation: throughout the man(eu)vering procedures he did not notice
anything was going wrong, and even observed that the order
Q When a pilot is on board a vessel, it is the pilot's given to drop the anchor, was done at the proper time. He even
command which should be followed-at that moment ventured the opinion that the accident occurred because the
until the vessel is, or goes to port or reaches port? anchor failed to take hold but that this did not alarm him
because there was still time to drop a second anchor.
A Yes, your Honor, but it does not take away from the
Captain his prerogative to countermand the pilot.
Under normal circumstances, the above-mentioned facts
Q In what way? would have caused the master of a vessel to take charge of the
situation and see to the man(eu)vering of the vessel
A In any case, which he thinks the pilot is not maneuvering himself. Instead, Capt. Kavankov chose to rely blindly upon his
correctly, the Captain always has the prerogative to pilot, who by this time was proven ill-equipped to cope with the
countermand the pilot's order. situation.
Q But insofar as competence, efficiency and functional
knowledge of the seabed which are vital or decisive in xxxxxxxxx
the safety (sic) bringing of a vessel to the port, he is
not competent? It is apparent that Gavino was negligent but Far Eastern's
employee Capt. Kavankov was no less responsible for as
A Yes, your Honor. That is why they hire a pilot in an
master of the vessel he stood by the pilot during the
advisory capacity, but still, the safety of the vessel
man(eu)vering procedures and was privy to every move the
rest(s) upon the Captain, the Master of the vessel.
latter made, as well as the vessel's response to each of the
Q In this case, there was not a disagreement between you commands. His choice to rely blindly upon the pilot's skills, to
and the Captain of the vessel in the bringing of the the point that despite being appraised of a notice of alert he
vessel to port? continued to relinquish control of the vessel to Gavino, shows
indubitably that he was not performing his duties with the
A No, your Honor. diligence required of him and therefore may be charged with
negligence along with defendant Gavino.[76]
May proceed. As correctly affirmed by the Court of Appeals -
Atty. Catris:
We are in full accord with the findings and disquisitions of
In fact, the Master of the vessel testified here that he the Court a quo.
was all along in conformity with the orders you gave to
him, and, as matter of fact, as he said, he obeyed all In the present recourse, Captain Viktor Kavankov had
your orders. Can you tell, if in the course of giving been a mariner for thirty-two years before the incident. When
such normal orders for the saf(e) docking of the MV Gavino was (in) the command of the vessel, Kavankov was
Pavlodar, do you remember of any instance that the beside Gavino, relaying the commands or orders of Gavino to
Master of the vessel did not obey your command for the crewmembers-officers of the vessel concerned. He was
the safety docking of the MV Pavlodar? thus fully aware of the docking maneuvers and procedure
Atty. del Rosario: Gavino undertook to dock the vessel. Irrefragably, Kavankov
was fully aware of the bulk and size of the vessel and its cargo
Already answered, he already said yes sir. as well as the weight of the vessel. Kavankov categorically
admitted that, when the anchor and two (2) shackles were
Court: dropped to the sea floor, the claws of the anchor did not hitch
on to any hard object in the seabed. The momentum of the
Yes, he has just answered yes sir to the Court that
vessel was not arrested. The use of the two (2) tugboats was
there was no disagreement insofar as the bringing of
insufficient. The momentum of the vessel, although a little bit
the vessel safely to the port.
arrested, continued (sic) the vessel going straightforward with
Atty. Catris: its bow towards the port (Exhibit "A-1"). There was thus a need
for the vessel to move "full-astern" and to drop the other anchor
But in this instance of docking of the MV Pavlodar, do with another shackle or two '(2), for the vessel to avoid hitting
you remember of a time during the course of the the pier. Kavankov refused to act even as Gavino failed to
docking that the MV Pavlodar was in imminent danger act. Even as Gavino gave mere "half-astern" order, Kavankov
of bumping the pier? supinely stood by.The vessel was already about twenty (20)
meters away from the pier when Gavino gave the 'full-astern"
A When we were about more than one thousand meters order. Even then, Kavankov did nothing to prevent the vessel
from the pier. I think, the anchor was not holding, so I from hitting the pier simply because he relied on the
immediately ordered to push the bow at a fourth competence and plan of Gavino. While the "full-astern"
quarter, at the back of the vessel in order to swing the maneuver momentarily arrested the momentum of the vessel, it
bow away from the pier and at the same time, I was, by then, too late. All along, Kavankov stood supinely
ordered for a full astern of the engine."[75] beside Gavino, doing nothing but relay the commands of
Gavino. Inscrutably, then, Kavankov was negligent.
These conflicting reactions can only imply, at the very least,
unmindful disregard or, worse, neglectful relinquishment of duty
by the shipmaster, tantamount to negligence. xxxxxxxxx
The stark incompetence of Kavankov is competent evidence to admonition to the pilot proximately contributed to the injury
prove the unseaworthiness of the vessel. It has been held that complained of. We are of opinion that the evidence mentioned
the incompetence of the navigator, the master of the vessel or tended to prove conduct of the pilot, known to the master,
its crew makes the vessel unseaworthy (Tug Ocean Prince giving rise to a case of danger or great necessity, calling for the
versus United States of America, 584 F. 2nd, page intervention of the master. A master of a vessel is not Without
1151). Hence, the Appellant FESC is likewise liable for the fault in acquiescing in conduct of a pilot which involves
damage sustained by the Appellee."[77] apparent and avoidable danger, whether such danger is to the
vessel upon which the pilot is, or to another vessel, or persons
We find strong and well-reasoned support in time-tested or property thereon or on shore. (Italics ours.)
American maritime jurisprudence, on which much of our laws
and jurisprudence on the matter are based, for the conclusions Still in another case involving a nearly identical setting, the
of the Court of Appeals adjudging both Capt. Gavino and captain of a vessel alongside the compulsory pilot was deemed
Capt. Kabankov negligent. to be negligent, since, in the words of the court, "he was in a
position to exercise his superior authority if he had deemed the
As early as 1869, the U.S. Supreme Court declared, speed excessive on the occasion in question. I think it
through Mr. Justice Swayne, in The Steamship China vs. was clearly negligent of him not to have recognized the
Walsh,[78] that it is the duty of the master to interfere in cases of danger to any craft moored at Gravell Dock and that he should
the pilot's intoxication or manifest incapacity, in cases of danger have directed the pilot to reduce his speed as required by the
which he does not foresee, and in all cases of great necessity. local governmental regulations. His failure amounted to
The master has the same power to displace the pilot that he negligence and renders the respondent liable."[81] (Italics
has to remove any subordinate officer of the vessel, at his supplied.) Though a compulsory pilot might be regarded as an
discretion. independent contractor, he is at all times subject to the ultimate
control of the ship's master.[82]
In 1895, the U.S. Supreme Court, this time through Mr.
Justice Brown, emphatically ruled that: In sum, where a compulsory pilot is in charge of a ship,
the master being required to permit him to navigate it, if the
Nor are we satisfied with the conduct of the master in master observes that the pilot is incompetent or physically
leaving the pilot in sole charge of the vessel. While the pilot incapable, then it is the duty of the master to refuse to permit
doubtless supersedes the master for the time being in the the pilot to act. But if no such reasons are present, then the
command and navigation of the ship, and his orders must be master is justified in relying upon the pilot, but not blindly.
obeyed in all matters connected with her navigation, the master Under the circumstances of this case, if a situation arose where
is not wholly absolved from his duties while the pilot is on the master, exercising that reasonable vigilance which the
board, and may advise with him, and even displace him in case master of a ship should exercise, observed, or should have
he is intoxicated or manifestly incompetent. He is still in observed, that the pilot was so navigating the vessel that she
command of the vessel, except so far as her navigation is was going, or was likely to go, into danger, and there was in the
concerned, and bound to see that there is a sufficient watch on exercise of reasonable care and vigilance an opportunity for the
deck, and that the men are attentive to their duties. master to intervene so as to save the ship from danger, the
master should have acted accordingly. [83]The master of a
vessel must exercise a degree of vigilance commensurate with
xxx (N)otwithstanding the pilot has charge, it is the duty of the circumstances.[84]
the master to prevent accident, and not to abandon the vessel
entirely to the pilot; but that there are certain duties he has to Inasmuch as the matter of negligence is a question of
discharge (notwithstanding there is a pilot on board) for the fact,[85] we defer to the findings of the trial court, especially as
benefit of the owners. x x x that in well conducted ships the this is affirmed by the Court of Appeals. [86] But even beyond
master does not regard the presence of a duly licensed pilot in that, our own evaluation is that Capt. Kabankov's shared
compulsory pilot waters as freeing him from every obligation to liability is due mainly to the fact that he failed to act when the
attend to the safety of the vessel; but that, while the master perilous situation should have spurred him into quick and
sees that his officers and crew duly attend to the pilot's decisive action as master of the ship. In the face of imminent or
orders, he himself is bound to keep a vigilant eye on the actual danger, he did not have to wait for the happenstance to
navigation of the vessel, and, when exceptional circumstances occur before countermanding or overruling the pilot. By his own
exist, not only to urge upon the pilot to use every precaution, admission, Capt. Kabankov concurred with Capt. Gavino's
but to insist upon, such being taken."[79] (Italics for emphasis.) decisions, and this is precisely the reason why he decided not
to countermand any of the latter's orders. Inasmuch as both
In Jure vs. United Fruit Co.,[80] which, like the present lower courts found Capt. Gavino negligent, by expressing full
petitions, involved compulsory pilotage, with a similar scenario agreement therewith Capt. Kabankov was just as negligent as
where at and prior to the time of injury, the vessel was in the Capt. Gavino.
charge of a pilot with the master on the bridge of the vessel
In general, a pilot is personally liable for damages caused
beside said pilot, the court therein ruled:
by his own negligence or default to the owners of the vessel,
and to third parties for damages sustained in a collision. Such
The authority of the master of a vessel is not in complete negligence of the pilot in the performance of duty constitutes a
abeyance while a pilot, who is required by law to be accepted, maritime tort.[87] At common law, a shipowner is not liable for
is in discharge of his functions. x x x It is the duty of the master injuries inflicted exclusively by the negligence of a pilot
to interfere in cases of the pilot's intoxication or manifest accepted by a vessel compulsorily.[88] The exemption from
incapacity, in cases of danger which he does not foresee, and liability for such negligence shall apply if the pilot is actually in
in all cases of great necessity . The master has the same power charge and solely in fault. Since, a pilot is responsible only for
to displace the pilot that he has to remove any subordinate his own personal negligence, he cannot be held accountable for
officer of the vessel. He may exercise it, or not, according to his damages proximately caused by the default of others, [89] or, if
discretion. There was evidence to support findings that there be anything which concurred with the fault of the pilot in
plaintiff's injury was due to the negligent operation of the producing the accident, the vessel master and owners are
Atenas, and that the master of that vessel was negligent in liable.
failing to take action to avoid endangering a vessel situated as
the City of Canton was and persons or property thereon. Since the colliding vessel is prima facie responsible, the
burden of proof is upon the party claiming benefit of the
exemption from liability.It must be shown affirmatively that the
A phase of the evidence furnished support for the pilot was at fault, and that there was no fault on the part of the
inferences x x x that he negligently failed to suggest to the pilot officers or crew, which might have been conducive to the
the danger which was disclosed, and means of avoiding such damage. The fact that the law compelled the master to take the
danger; and that the master's negligence in failing to give timely
pilot does not exonerate the vessel from liability. The parties does in this case, that the officers and crew of the ship failed to
who suffer are entitled to have their remedy against the vessel obey his orders." Nonetheless, it is possible for a compulsory
that occasioned the damage, and are not under necessity to pilot and the master of the vessel to be concurrently negligent
look to the pilot from whom redress is not always had for and thus share the blame for the resulting damage as Joint
compensation. The owners of the vessel are responsible to the tortfeasors,[98] but only under the circumstances obtaining in
injured party for the acts of the pilot, and they must be left to and demonstrated by the instant petitions.
recover the amount as well as they can against him. It cannot
be maintained that the circumstance of having a pilot on board, It may be said, as a general rule, that negligence in order
and acting in conformity to his directions operate as a discharge to render a person liable need not be the sole cause of an
of responsibility of the owners.[90] Except insofar as their liability injury. It is sufficient that his negligence, concurring with one or
is limited or exempted by statute, the vessel or her owner are more efficient causes other than plaintiff's, is the proximate
liable for all damages caused by the negligence or other cause of the injury. Accordingly, where several causes combine
wrongs of the owners or those in charge of the vessel. Where to produce injuries, a person is not relieved from liability
the pilot of a vessel is not a compulsory one in the sense that because he is responsible for only one of them, it being
the owner or master of the vessel are bound to accept him, but sufficient that the negligence of the person charged with injury
is employed voluntarily, the owners of the vessel are, all the is an efficient cause without which the injury would not have
more, liable for his negligent act.[91] resulted to as great an extent, and that such cause is not
attributable to the person injured. It is no defense to one of the
In the United States, the owners of a vessel are not concurrent tortfeasors that the injury would not have resulted
personally liable for the negligent acts of a compulsory pilot, but from his negligence alone, without the negligence or wrongful
by admiralty law, the fault or negligence of a compulsory pilot is acts of the other concurrent tortfeasor.[99] Where several causes
imputable to the vessel and it may be held liable therefor in producing an injury are concurrent and each is an efficient
rem. Where, however, by the provisions of the statute the pilot cause without which the injury would not have happened, the
is compulsory only in the sense that his fee must be paid, and injury may be attributed to all or any of the causes and recovery
is not in compulsory charge of the vessel, there is no exemption may be had against any or all of the responsible persons
from liability. Even though the pilot is compulsory, if his although under the circumstances of the case, it may appear
negligence was not the sole cause of the injury, but the that one of them was more culpable, and that the duty owed by
negligence of the master or crew contributed thereto, the them to the injured person was not the same. No actor's
owners are liable.[92] But the liability of the ship in rem does not negligence ceases to be a proximate cause merely because it
release the pilot from the consequences of his own does not exceed the negligence of other actors. Each
negligence.[93] The rationale for this rule is that the master is not wrongdoer is responsible for the entire result and is liable as
entirely absolved of responsibility with respect to navigation though his acts were the sole cause of the injury. [100]
when a compulsory pilot is in charge. [94]
There is no contribution between joint tortfeasors whose
By way of validation and in light of the aforecited liability is solidary since both of them are liable for the total
guidepost rulings in American maritime cases, we declare that damage. Where the concurrent or successive negligent acts or
our rulings during the early years of this century in City of omissions of two or more persons, although acting
Manila vs. Gambe, [95] China Navigation Co., Ltd. independently, are in combination the direct and proximate
vs. Vidal,[96] and Yap Tico & Co. vs. Anderson, et al.[97]have cause of a single injury to a third person, it is impossible to
withstood the proverbial test of time and remain good and determine in what proportion each contributed to the injury and
relevant case law to this day. either of them is responsible for the whole injury. Where their
concurring negligence resulted in injury or damage to a third
City of Manila stands for the doctrine that the pilot who party, they become joint tortfeasors and are solidarity liable for
was in command and complete control of a vessel, and not the the resulting damage under Article 2194[101] of the Civil
owners, must be held responsible for an accident which was Code.[102]
solely the result of the mistake of the pilot in not giving proper
orders, and which did not result from the failure of the owners to As for the amount of damages awarded by the trial court,
equip the vessel with the most modern and improved we find the same to be reasonable. The testimony of Mr.
machinery. In China Navigation Co., the pilot deviated from the Pascual Barral, witness for PPA, on cross and redirect
ordinary and safe course, without heeding the warnings of the examination, appears to be grounded on practical
ship captain. It was this careless deviation that caused the considerations:
vessel to collide with a pinnacle rock which, though uncharted,
was known to pilots and local navigators. Obviously, the captain Q So that the cost of the two additional piles as well as the
was blameless. It was the negligence of the pilot alone which (two) square meters is already included in this -
was the proximate cause of the collision. The Court could not P1,300,999.77.
but then rule that -
A Yes sir, everything. It is (the) final cost already.

The pilot in the case at bar having deviated from the Q For the eight piles.
usual and ordinary course followed by navigators in passing
A Including the reduced areas and other reductions.
through the strait in question, without a substantial reason, was
guilty of negligence, and that negligence having been the Q (A)nd the two square meters.
proximate cause of the damages, he is liable for such damages
as usually and naturally flow therefrom. x x x. A Yes sir.
Q In other words, this P1,300,999.77 does not represent
x x x (T)he defendant should have known of the existence only for the six piles that was damaged as well as the
and location of the rock upon which the vessel struck while corresponding two piles.
under his control and management. x x x.
A The area was corresponding, was increased by almost
Consistent with the pronouncements in these two earlier two in the actual payment. That was why the contract
cases, but on a slightly different tack, the Court in Yap Tico & was decreased, the real amount wasP1,124,627.40
Co. exonerated the pilot from liability for the accident where the and the final one is P1300,999.77.
order's of the pilot in the handling of the ship were disregarded Q Yes, but that P1,300,999.77 included the additional two
by the officers and crew of the ship. According to the Court, a new posts.
pilot is "x x x responsible for a full knowledge of the channel
and the navigation only so far as he can accomplish it through A It was increased.
the officers and crew of the ship, and I don't see that he can be
held responsible for damage when the evidence shows, as it Q Why was it increased?

A The original was 48 and the actual was 46. liable for all natural and proximate damages caused to persons
or property by reason of her negligent management or
Q Now, the damage was somewhere in 1980. It took place navigation.[106]
in 1980 and you started the repair and reconstruction
in 1982, that took almost two years? FESC's imputation of PPA's failure to provide a safe and
reliable berthing place is obtuse, not only because it appears to
A Yes sir. be a mere afterthought, being tardily raised only in this petition,
but also because there is no allegation or evidence on record
Q May it not happen that by natural factors, the existing
about Berth No. 4 being unsafe and unreliable, although
damage in 1980 was aggravated for the 2 year period
perhaps it is a modest pier by international standards. There
that the damage portion was not repaired?
was, therefore, no error on the part of the Court of Appeals in
A I don't think so because that area was at once marked dismissing FESC's counterclaim.
and no vehicles can park, it was closed.

Q Even if or even natural elements cannot affect the

damage? II. G.R. No. 130150
A Cannot, sir.

xxxxxxxxx This consolidated case treats on whether the Court of

Appeals erred in holding MPA jointly and solidarity liable with its
Q You said in the cross-examination that there were six member pilot,Capt. Gavino, in the absence of employer-
piles damaged by the accident, but that in the employee relationship and in applying Customs Administrative
reconstruction of the pier, PPA drove and constructed Order No. 15-65, as basis for the adjudged solidary liability of
8 piles. Will you explain to us why there was change MPA and Capt. Gavino.
in the number of piles from the original number?
The pertinent provisions in Chapter I of Customs
A In piers where the piles are withdrawn or pulled out, you Administrative Order No. 15-65 are:
cannot re-drive or drive piles at the same point. You
have to redesign the driving of the piles. We cannot
"PAR. XXVII.-- In all pilotage districts where pilotage is
drive the piles at the same point where the piles are compulsory, there shall be created and maintained by the pilots
broken or damaged or pulled out. We have to
or pilots' association, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, a
redesign, and you will note that in the reconstruction, reserve fund equal to P1,000.00 for each pilot thereof for the
we redesigned such that it necessitated 8 piles.
purpose of paying claims for damages to vessels or property
Q Why not, why could you not drive the same number of caused through acts or omissions of its members while
piles and on the same spot? rendered in compulsory pilotage service. In Manila, the reserve
fund shall be P2,000.00 for each pilot.
A The original location was already disturbed. We cannot
get required bearing capacity. The area is already PAR. XXVIII.-- A pilots' association shall not be liable under
disturbed. these regulations for damage to any vessel, or other property,
Q Nonetheless, if you drove the original number of piles, resulting from acts of a member of an association in the actual
six, on different places, would not that have sustained performance of his duty for a greater amount than seventy-five
the same load? per centum (75%) of its prescribed reserve fund; it being
understood that if the association is held liable for an amount
A It will not suffice, sir."[103] greater than the amount above-stated, the excess shall be paid
by the personal funds of the member concerned.
We quote the findings of the lower court with approval:
PAR. XXXI.-- If a payment is made from the reserve fund of an
With regards to the amount of damages that is to be awarded to association on account of damages caused by a member
plaintiff, the Court finds that the amount of P1,053,300.00 is thereof, and he shall have been found at fault, such member
justified. Firstly, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur best expounded shall reimburse the association in the amount so paid as soon
upon in the landmark case of Republic vs. Luzon Stevedoring as practicable; and for this purpose, not less than twenty-five
Corp. (21 SCRA 279) establishes the presumption that in the per centum of his dividends shall be retained each month until
ordinary course of events the ramming of the dock would not the full amount has been returned to the reserve fund.
have occurred if proper care was used.
PAR. XXXIV. - Nothing in these regulations shall relieve any
Secondly, the various estimates and plans justify the cost of the pilots' association or members thereof, individually or
port construction price. The new structure constructed not only collectively, from civil responsibility for damages to life or
replaced the damaged one but was built of stronger materials to property resulting from the acts of members in the performance
forestall the possibility of any similar accidents in the future. of their duties.

The Court inevitably finds that the plaintiff is entitled to an Correlatively, the relevant provisions of PPA
award of P1,053,300.00 which represents actual damages Administrative Order No. 03-85, which timely amended this
caused by the damage to Berth 4 of the Manila International applicable maritime regulation, state:
Port. Co-defendants Far Eastern Shipping, Capt. Senen Gavino
and Manila Pilots Association are solidarity liable to pay this
amount to plaintiff.[104]
Article IV
The Solicitor General rightly commented that the adjudicated
amount of damages represents the proportional cost of repair
and rehabilitation of the damaged section of the pier. [105] SEC. 17. Pilots' Association -- The Pilots in a Pilotage District
shall organize themselves into a Pilots' Association or firm, the
Except insofar as their liability is limited or exempted by members of which shall promulgate their own By-Laws not in
statute, the vessel or her owners are liable for all damages conflict with the rules and regulations promulgated by the
caused by the negligence or other wrongs of the owners or Authority. These By-Laws shall be submitted not later than one
those in charge of the vessel. As a general rule, the owners or (1) month after the organization of the Pilots' Association for
those in possession and control of a vessel and the vessel are
approval by the General Manager of the Authority.Subsequent members thereof, individually or
amendments thereto shall likewise be submitted for approval. collectively, from any civil,
administrative and/or criminal
responsibility for damages to life
SEC. 25. Indemnity Insurance and Reserve Fund--
or property resulting from the
individual acts of its members as
a) Each Pilots' Association shall collectively well as those of the Association's
insure its membership at the rate employees and crew in the
of P50,000.00 each member to performance of their duties.
cover in whole or in part any
liability arising from any accident
resulting in damage to vessel(s), The Court of Appeals, while affirming the trial court's
port facilities and other properties finding of solidary liability on the part of FESC, MPA and
and/or injury to persons or death Capt. Gavino, correctly based MPA's liability not on the concept
which any member may have of employer-employee relationship between Capt. Gavino and
caused in the course of his itself, but on the provisions of Customs Administrative Order
performance of pilotage duties. x x No. 15-65:
The Appellant MPA avers that, contrary to the findings and
b) The Pilotage Association shall likewise set disquisitions of the Court a quo, the Appellant Gavino was not
up and maintain a reserve fund and has never been an employee of the MPA but was only a
member thereof. The Court a quo, it is noteworthy,, did not
which shall answer for any part of
the liability referred to in the state the factual basis on which it anchored its finding that
Gavino was the employee of MPA. We are in accord with
immediately preceding paragraph
which is left unsatisfied by the MPA's pose. Case law teaches Us that, for an employer-
insurance proceeds, in the employee relationship to exist the confluence of the following
following manner: elements must be established: (1) selection and engagement of
employees; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of
dismissal; (4) the employer's power to control the employees
1) Each pilot in the Association shall with respect to the means and method by which the work is to
contribute from his own account an be performed (Ruga versus NLRC, 181SCRA 266).
amount of P4,000.00 (P6,000.00 in
the Manila Pilotage District) to the
reserve fund. This fund shall not xxxxxxxxx
be considered part of the capital of
the Association nor charged as an The liability of MPA for damages is not anchored on Article
expense thereof. 2180 of the New Civil Code as erroneously found and declared
by the Court a quo but under the provisions of Customs
2) Seventy-five percent (75%) of the Administrative Order No. 15-65, supra, in tandem with the by-
reserve fund shall be set aside for laws of the MPA."[107]
use, in the payment of damages
referred to above incurred in the There being no employer-employee relationship, clearly
actual performance of pilots' duties Article 2180[108] of the Civil Code is inapplicable since there is
and the excess shall be paid from no vicarious liability of an employer to speak of. It is so stated in
the personal funds of the member American law, as follows:
The well-established rule is that pilot associations are immune
xxxxxxxxx to vicarious liability for the tort of their members. They are not
the employer of their members and exercise no control over
5) If payment is made from the reserve them once they take the helm of the vessel. They are also not
fund of an Association on account partnerships because the members do not function as agents
for the association or for each other. Pilots' associations are
of damage caused by a member
thereof who is found at fault, he also not liable for negligently assuring, the competence of their
members because as professional associations they made no
shall reimburse the Association in
the amount so paid as soon as guarantee of the professional conduct of their members to the
practicable; and for this purpose, general public.[109]
not less than twenty-five
percentum (25%) of his dividend Where under local statutes and regulations, pilot
shall be retained each month until associations lack the necessary legal incidents of responsibility,
the full amount has been returned they have been held not liable for damages caused by the
to the reserve fund. Thereafter, default of a member pilot.[110] Whether or not the members of a
the pilot involved shall be entitled pilots' association are in legal effect a copartnership depends
to his full dividend. wholly on the powers and duties of the members in relation to
one another under the provisions of the governing statutes and
regulations. The relation of a pilot to his association is not that
6) When the reimbursement has been
completed as prescribed in the of a servant to the master, but of an associate assisting and
participating in a common purpose. Ultimately, the rights and
preceding paragraph, the ten
percentum (10%) and the interest liabilities between a pilots' association and an individual
member depend largely upon the constitution, articles or by-
withheld from the shares of the
other pilots in accordance with laws of the association, subject to appropriate government
paragraph (4) hereof shall be regulations.[111]
returned to them. No reliance can be placed by MPA on the cited American
rulings as to immunity from liability of a pilots' association in
c) Liability of Pilots' Association -- light of existing positive regulation under Philippine law. The
Nothing in these regulations shall Court of Appeals properly applied the clear and unequivocal
relieve any Pilots' Association or provisions of Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65. In doing
so, it was just being consistent with its finding of the non- timely filing of requisite pleadings, in the interest of just, speedy
existence of employer-employee relationship between MPA and and orderly administration of justice.
Capt. Gavino precludes the application of Article 2180 of the
Civil Code. Let copies of this decision be spread upon the personal
records of the lawyers named herein in the Office of the Bar
True, Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 does not Confidant.
categorically characterize or label MPA's liability as solidary in
nature.Nevertheless, a careful reading and proper analysis of SO ORDERED.
the correlated provisions lead to the conclusion that MPA is
Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug,
solidarity liable for the negligence of its member pilots, without
Kapunan, Panganiban, Martinez, Quisumbing and Purisima,
prejudice to subsequent reimbursement from the pilot at fault.
JJ., concur.
Article 1207 of the Civil Code provides that there is Narvasa, C.J., and Mendoza, J., on leave.
solidary liability only when the obligation expressly so states, or
when the law or the nature of the obligation requires
solidarity. Plainly, Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65,
which as an implementing rule has the force and effect of law, G. SUB-JUDICE RULE
can validly provide for solidary liability. We note the Solicitor
General's comment hereon, to wit:

x x x Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 may be a mere G.R. No. L-30894 March 25, 1970
rule and regulation issued by an administrative agency
pursuant to a delegated authority to fix "the details" in the EDUARDO L. MARTELINO, CIRILO OROPESA, TEODORO
execution or enforcement of a policy set out in the law FACELO, RUPERTO AMISOTO, ALBERTO SOTECO,
itself. Nonetheless, said administrative order, which adds to the SOLFERINO TITONG, ET AL., petitioners,
procedural or enforcing provisions of substantive law, is legally vs.
binding and receives the same statutory force upon going into JOSE ALEJANDRO, RUBEN S. MONTOYA, SIXTO R.
effect. In that sense, it has equal, not lower, statutory force and ALHAMBRA, AVELINO C. MENEZ, EFRAIN S. MACLANG,
effect as a regular statute passed by the legislature." [112] ET AL., respondents.

MPA's prayer for modification of the appellate court's Amelito R. Mutuc for petitioners.
decision under review by exculpating petitioner MPA "from
liability beyond seventy-five percent (75%) of Reserve Fund" is
unnecessary because the liability of MPA under Par. XXVIII of Colonel Manuel V. Reyes (Judge Advocate General, GSC),
Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 is in fact limited to Major Samuel M. Soriano (JAGS), Major Higinio E. Dacanay,
seventy-five percent (75%) of its prescribed reserve fund, any Jr. (JAGS, PC) and Solicitor General Felix V. Makasiar,
amount of liability beyond that being for the personal account of Assistant Solicitor General Crispin V. Bautista, Solicitor Jaime
the erring pilot and subject to reimbursement in case of a M. Lantin and Guillermo Nakar, Jr. for respondents.
finding of fault by the member concerned. This is clarified by
the Solicitor General:

Moreover, contrary to petitioners pretensions, the provisions of CASTRO, J.:

Customs Administrative Order No. 15-65 do not limit the liability
of petitioner as a pilots' association to an absurdly small
amount of seventy-five per centum (75%) of the member pilots' This case presents another aspect of the court-martial
contribution of P2,000.00 to the reserve fund. The law speaks proceedings against the petitioner, Major Eduardo
of the entire reserve fund required to be maintained by the Martelino,alias Abdul Latif Martelino, of the Armed Forces of the
pilots' association to answer (for) whatever liability arising from Philippines, and the officers and men under him, for violation of
the tortious act of its members. And even if the association is the 94th and 97th Articles of War, as a result of the alleged
held liable for an amount greater than the reserve fund, the shooting on March 18, 1968 of some Muslim recruits then
association may not resist the liability by claiming to be liable undergoing commando training on the island of Corregidor.
only up to seventy-five per centum (75%) of the reserve fund Once before the question was raised before this Court whether
because in such instance it has the right to be reimbursed by the general court-martial, convened on April 6, 1968 to try the
the offending member pilot for the excess."[113] case against the petitioners, acquired jurisdiction over the case
despite the fact that earlier, on March 23, a complaint for
frustrated murder had been filed in the fiscal's office of Cavite
WHEREFORE, in view of all of the foregoing, the City by Jibin Arula (who claimed to have been wounded in the
consolidated petitions for review are DENIED and the assailed incident) against some of the herein petitioners. The
decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED in toto. proceedings had to be suspended until the jurisdiction issue
could be decided. On June 23, 1969 this Court ruled in favor of
Counsel for FESC, the law firm of Del Rosario and Del
the jurisdiction of the military court.1
Rosario, specifically its associate, Atty. Herbert A. Tria, is
REPRIMANDED and WARNED that a repetition of the same or
similar acts of heedless disregard of its undertakings under the The jurisdiction question thus settled, attention once again
Rules shall be dealt with more severely. shifted to the general court-martial, but no sooner had the
proceedings resumed than another hitch developed. This came
The original members of the legal team of the Office of about as the petitioners, the accused in the court-martial
the Solicitor General assigned to this case, namely, Assistant proceedings, in turn came to this Court, seeking relief against
Solicitor General Roman G. Del Rosario and Solicitor Luis F. certain orders of the general court-martial.
Simon, are ADMONISHED and WARNED that a repetition of
the same or similar acts of unduly delaying proceedings due to
delayed filing of required pleadings shall also be dealt with It appears that at the hearing on August 12, 1969 the petitioner
more stringently. Martelino sought the disqualification of the President of the
general court-martial, following the latter's admission that he
The Solicitor General is DIRECTED to look into the read newspaper stories of the Corregidor incident. The
circumstances of this case and to adopt provident measures to petitioner contended that the case had received such an
avoid a repetition of this incident and which would ensure amount of publicity in the press and other news media and in
prompt compliance with orders of this Court regarding the fact was being exploited for political purposes in connection

with the presidential election on November 11, 1969 as to challenged the court-martial president on the ground that
imperil his right to a fair trial. After deliberating, the military court newspaper accounts of what had come to be referred to as the
denied the challenge. "Corregidor massacre" might unduly influence the trial of their
case. The petitioner's counsel referred to a news item
Thereafter the petitioners raised peremptory challenges against appearing in the July 29, 1969 issue of the Daily Mirror and
Col. Alejandro, as president of the court-martial, and Col. cited other news reports to the effect that "coffins are being
Olfindo, Lt. Col. Camagay, Lt. Col. Valones, Lt. Col. Blanco and prepared for the President (of the Philippines) in Jolo," that
Col. Malig, as members. With regard to peremptory challenges according to Senator Aquino "massacre victims were given sea
it was the petitioners' position that for each specification each burial," and that Senator Magsaysay, opposition Vice President
accused was entitled to one such challenge. They later candidate, had gone to Corregidor and "found bullet shells." In
changed their stand and adopted that of the trial judge addition the petitioners cite in this Court a Manila
advocate that "for each specification jointly tried, all of the Times editorial of August 26, 1969 which states that "The
Jabidah [code name of the training operations] issue was
accused are entitled to only 1 peremptory challenge; and that
with respect to the specifications tried commonly, each one of bound to come up in the course of the election campaign. The
opposition could not possibly ignore an issue that is heavily
the accused is entitled to one peremptory challenge." They
there contended that they were entitled to a total of eleven loaded against the administration." The petitioners argue that
peremptory challenges. On the other hand the court-martial under the circumstances they could not expect a just and fair
ruled that the accused were entitled to only one peremptory trial and that, in overruling their challenge for cause based on
challenge as the specifications were being jointly tried. this ground, the general court-martial committed a grave abuse
of discretion. In support of their contention they invoke the
rulings of the United States Supreme Court in Irvin v.
The petitioners therefore filed this petition for certiorari and Dowd,5 Rideau vs. Louisiana,6 Estes v. Texas,7 andShepard v.
prohibition, to nullify the orders of the court-martial denying their Maxwell.8
challenges, both peremptory and for cause. They allege that
the adverse publicity given in the mass media to the Corregidor
incident, coupled with the fact that it became an issue against An examination of the cases cited, however, will show that they
the administration in the 1969 elections, was such as to unduly are widely disparate from this case in a fundamental sense. In
influence the members of the court-martial. With respect to Irvin, for instance, the Supreme Court found that shortly after
the petitioner's arrest in connection with six murders committed
peremptory challenges, they contend that they are entitled to
eleven such challenges, one for each specification. in Vanderburgh County, Indiana, the prosecutor and police
officials issued press releases stating that the petitioner had
confessed to the six murders and that "a barrage of newspaper
On August 29, 1969 this Court gave due course to the petition, headlines articles, cartoons and pictures was unleashed
required the respondents as members of the general court- against him during the six or seven months preceding his trial."
martial to answer and, in the meantime, restrained them from In reversing his conviction, the Court said:
proceeding with the case.
Here the "pattern of deep and bitter
In their answer the respondents assert that despite the publicity prejudice' shown to be present throughout
which the case had received, no proof has been presented the community, ... was clearly reflected in
showing that the court-martial's president's fairness and the sum total of the voir dire examination of
impartiality have been impaired. On the contrary, they claim, a majority of the jurors finally placed in the
the petitioner's own counsel expressed confidence in the jury box. Eight out of the 12 thought
"integrity, experience and background" of the members of the petitioner was guilty. With such an opinion
court. As a preliminary consideration, the respondents urge this permeating their minds, it would be difficult
Court to throw out the petition on the ground that it has no to say that each could exclude this
power to review the proceedings of the court-martial, "except preconception of guilt from his deliberations.
for the purpose of ascertaining whether the military court had The influence that lurks in an opinion once
jurisdiction of the person and subject matter, and whether, formed is so persistent that it unconsciously
though having such jurisdiction, it had exceeded its powers in fights detachment from the processes of the
the sentence pronounced," and that at any rate the petitioners average man. ... Where one's life is at stake
failed to exhaust remedies available to them within the military and accounting for the frailties of human
justice system. nature we can only say that in the light of
the circumstances here the finding of
I impartiality does not meet the constitutional
It is true that civil courts as a rule exercise no supervision or
correcting power over the proceedings of courts-martial, and Irvin marks the first time a state conviction was struck down
that mere errors in their proceedings are not open to solely on the ground of prejudicial publicity. 10 In the earlier
consideration. "The single inquiry, the test, is jurisdiction." 2 But case of Shepherd v. Florida, 11 which involved elements of
it is equally true that in the exercise of their undoubted publicity, the reversal of the conviction was based solely on
discretion, courts-martial may commit such an abuse of racial discrimination in the selection of the jury, although to
discretion what in the language of Rule 65 is referred to as concurring Justice Jackson, who was joined by Justice
"grave abuse of discretion" as to give rise to a defect in their Frankfurter, "It is hard to imagine a more prejudicial influence
jurisdiction.3 This is precisely the point at issue in this action than a press release by the officer of the court charged with
suggested by its nature as one for certiorari and prohibition, defendants' custody stating that they had confessed, and here
namely, whether in overruling the petitioners' challenges, the just such a statement unsworn to, unseen, uncross-examined
general court-martial committed such an abuse of discretion as and uncontradicted, was conveyed by the press to the jury. 12
to call for the exercise of the corrective powers of this Court. It
is thus obvious that no other way is open to this Court by which In Rideau, the petitioner, suspect in the robbery of a bank in
it may avoid passing upon the constitutional issue thrust upon Lake Charles, Louisiana and in the kidnapping of three of its
it. Nor will the fact that there may be available remedies within employees, and in the killing of one of them, was similarly given
the system of military justice bar review considering that the "trial by publicity." Thus, the day after his arrest, a moving
questions raised are questions of law. 4 picture film was taken of him in an "interview" with the sheriff.
The "interview," which lasted approximately 20 minutes,
And so the threshold question is whether the publicity given to consisted of interrogation by the sheriff and admission by
the case against the petitioners was such as to prejudice their Rideau that he had perpetrated the bank robbery, kidnapping
right to a fair trial. As already stated, the petitioner Martelino and murder. The interview was seen and heard on television by
24,000 people. Two weeks later he was arraigned. His lawyers from reporting events that transpire in the
promptly moved for a change of venue but their motion was courtroom. But where there is a reasonable
denied and Rideau was convicted and sentenced to death. likelihood that prejudicial news prior to trial
Rideau's counsel had requested that jurors be excused for will prevent a fair trial, the judge should
cause, having exhausted all of their peremptory challenges, but continue the case until the threat abates, or
these challenges for cause had been denied by the trial judge. transfer it to another county not so
In reversing his conviction, the Court said: permeated with publicity. In addition
sequestration of the jury was something the
[W]e hold that it was a denial of due process judge should have sua sponte with counsel.
of law to refuse the request for a change of If publicity during the proceeding threatens
venue, after the people of Calcasieu Parish the fairness of the trial, a new trial should be
had been exposed repeatedly and in depth ordered. But we must remember that
reversals are but palliatives; the cure lies in
to the spectacle of Rideau personally
confessing in detail to the crimes with which those remedial measures that will prevent
the prejudice at its inception. The courts
he was later to be charged. For anyone who
has ever watched television the conclusion must take such steps by rule and regulation
cannot be avoided that this spectacle, to the that will protect their processes from
tens of thousands of people who saw and prejudicial outside interference. Neither
heard it, in a very real sense was Rideau's prosecutors, counsel for defense, the
trial at which he pleaded guilty to murder. accused, witnesses, court staff nor
Any subsequent court proceedings in a enforcement officers coming under the
jurisdiction of the court should be permitted
community so pervasively exposed to such
a spectacle could be but a hollow to frustrate its function. Collaboration
between counsel and the press as to
formality. 13
information affecting the fairness of a
criminal trial is not only subject to regulation,
In the third case, Estes, the Court voided a televised criminal but is highly censurable and worthy of
trial for being inherently a denial of due process. disciplinary measure. 15

The state ... says that the use of television in In contrast the spate of publicity in this case before us did not
the instant case was "without injustice to the focus on the guilt of the petitioners but rather on the
person immediately concerned," basing its responsibility of the Government for what was claimed to be a
position on the fact that the petitioner has "massacre" of Muslim trainees. If there was a "trial by
established no isolate prejudice and that this newspaper" at all, it was not of the petitioners but of the
must be shown in order to invalidate a Government. Absent here is a showing of failure of the court-
conviction in these circumstances. The martial to protect the accused from massive publicity
State paints too broadly in this contention, encouraged by those connected with the conduct of the
for this Court itself has found instances in trial 16 either by a failure to control the release of information or
which a showing of actual prejudice is not a to remove the trial to another venue or to postpone it until the
prerequisite to reversal. This is such a case. deluge of prejudicial publicity shall have subsided. Indeed we
It is true that in most cases involving claims cannot say that the trial of the petitioners was being held under
of due process deprivations we require a circumstances which did not permit the observance of those
showing of identifiable prejudice to the imperative decencies of procedure which have come to be
accused. Nevertheless, at times a identified with due process.
procedure employed by the State involves
such a probability that prejudice will result
that it is inherently lacking in due At all events, even granting the existence of "massive" and
process. 14 "prejudicial" publicity, since the petitioners here do not contend
that the respondents have been unduly influenced but simply
that they might be by the "barrage" of publicity, we think that the
In Sheppard, the celebrated murder case of Sam Sheppard, suspension of the court-martial proceedings has accomplished
who was accused of the murder of his wife Marilyn, the the purpose sought by the petitioners' challenge for cause, by
Supreme Court observed a "carnival atmosphere" in which postponing the trial of the petitioner until calmer times have
"bedlam reigned at the courthouse ... and newsmen took over returned. The atmosphere has since been cleared and the
practically the entire courtroom, hounding most of the publicity surrounding the Corregidor incident has so far abated
participants in the trial, especially Sheppard." It observed that that we believe the trial may now be resumed in tranquility.
"despite the extent and nature of the publicity to which the jury
was exposed during the trial, the judge refused defense
counsel's other requests that the jury be asked whether they II
had read or heard specific prejudicial comment about the case.
... In these circumstances, we assume that some of this Article of War 18 provides that "Each side shall be entitled to
material reached members of the jury." The Court held: one peremptory challenge, but the law member of the court
shall not be challenged except for cause." The general court-
martial originally interpreted this provision to mean that the
From the cases coming here we note that
unfair and prejudicial news comment on entire defense was entitled to only one peremptory challenge.
Subsequently, on August 27, 1969, it changed its ruling and
pending trials has become increasingly
prevalent. Due process requires that the held that the defense was entitled to eight peremptory
accused receive a trial by an impartial jury challenges, but the petitioners declined to exercise their right to
free from outside influences. Given the challenge on the ground that this Court had earlier restrained
pervasiveness of modern communications further proceedings in the court-martial.
and the difficulty of effacing prejudicial
publicity from the minds of the jurors, the It is the submission of the petitioners that "for every charge,
trial courts must take strong measures to each side may exercise one peremptory challenge," and
ensure that the balance is never weighed therefore because there are eleven charges they are entitled to
against the accused. And appellate tribunals eleven separate peremptory challenges. The respondents,
have the duty to make an independent upon the other hand, argue that "for each specification jointly
evaluation of the circumstances. Of course, tried, all of the accused are entitled to only one peremptory
there is nothing that proscribes the press challenge and that with respect to specifications tried commonly
each of the accused is entitled to one peremptory challenge." which our English laws are justly famous.
Although there are actually a total of eleven specifications This is grounded on two reasons: 1) As
against the petitioners, three of these should be considered as every one must be sensible, what sudden
merged with two other specifications, "since in fact they allege impression and unaccountable prejudices
the same offenses committed in conspiracy, thus leaving a we are apt to conceive upon the bare looks
balance of eight specifications." The general court-martial and gestures of another; and how necessary
thereof takes the position that all the 23 petitioners are entitled it is that a prisoner (when put to defend his
to a total of only eight peremptory challenges. life) should have a good opinion of his jury,
the want of which might totally disconcert
We thus inescapably confront, and therefore now address, the him; the law has conceived a prejudice even
issue here posed. without being able to assign a reason for his
dislike. 2) Because, upon challenges for
cause shown, if the reason assigned prove
We are of the view that both the petitioners and the general insufficient to set aside the juror, perhaps
court-martial misapprehend the true meaning, intent and scope the bare questioning his indifference may
of Article of War 18. As will hereinafter be sometimes provoke a resentment, to
demonstrated, each of the petitioners is entitled as a matter of prevent all ill consequences from which, the
right to one peremptory challenge. The number of specifications prisoner is still at liberty, if he pleases,
and/or charges, and whether the accused are being jointly tried peremptorily to set him aside.' 19
or undergoing a common trial, are of no moment.
The right to challenge is in quintessence the right to reject, not
In the early formative years of the infant Philippine Army, after to select. If from the officers who remain an impartial military
the passage in 1935 of Commonwealth Act No. 1 (otherwise court is obtained, the constitutional right of the accused to a fair
known as the National Defense Act), except for a handful of trial is maintained. ... 20
Philippine Scout officers and graduates of the United States
military and naval academies who were on duty with the
Philippine Army, there was a complete dearth of officers As we have hereinbefore stated, each of the 23 petitioners
learned in military law, this aside from the fact that the officer (accused before the general court-martial) is entitled to one
corps of the developing army was numerically inadequate for peremptory challenge, 21 irrespective of the number of
the demands of the strictly military aspects of the national specifications and/or charges and regardless of whether they
defense program. Because of these considerations it was then are tried jointly or in common. Three overriding reasons compel
felt that peremptory challenges should not in the meanwhile be us to this conclusion.
permitted and that only challenges for cause, in any number,
would be allowed. Thus Article 18 of the Articles of War First, a peremptory challenge is afforded to an accused who,
(Commonwealth Act No. 408), as worded on September 14, whether rightly or wrongly, honestly feels that the member of
1938, the date of the approval of the Act, made no mention or the court peremptorily challenged by him cannot sit in judgment
reference to any peremptory challenge by either the trial judge over him, impartially. Every accused person is entitled to a fair
advocate of a court-martial or by the accused. After December trial. It is not enough that objectively the members of the court
17, 1958, when the Manual for Courts-Martial 17 of the may be fair and impartial. It is likewise necessary that
Philippine Army became effective, the Judge Advocate subjectively the accused must feel that he is being tried by a
General's Service of the Philippine Army conducted a fair and impartial body of officers. Because the petitioners may
continuing and intensive program of training and education in entertain grave doubts as to the fairness or impartiality of
military law, encompassing the length and breadth of the distinct, separate and different individual members of the court-
Philippines. This program was pursued until the outbreak of martial, it follows necessarily that each of the accused is
World War II in the Pacific on December 7, 1941. After the entitled to one peremptory challenge.
formal surrender of Japan to the allies in 1945, the officer corps
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines had expanded to a very Second, Article of War 18 does not distinguish between
large number, and a great many of the officers had been
common trials and joint trials, nor does it make the nature or
indoctrinated in military law. It was in these environmental number of specifications and/or charges a determinant.
circumstances that Article of War 18 was amended on June 12,
Reference is made by the respondents here to US military law,
1948 to entitle "each side" to one peremptory challenge, with in support of their argument that for each specification jointly
the sole proviso that "the law member of court shall not be tried all of the accused are entitled to only one peremptory
challenged except for cause." challenge and with respect to all specifications tried in common
each of the accused is entitled to one peremptory challenge.
By its very inherent nature a peremptory challenge does not We have carefully scrutinized U.S. military law, and it is
require any reason or ground therefor to exist or to be stated. It unmistakable from our reading thereof that each accused
may be used before, during, or after challenges for cause, or person, whether in a joint or common trial, unquestionably
against a member of the court-martial unsuccessfully enjoys the right to one peremptory challenge. 22
challenged for cause, or against a new member if not
previously utilized in the trial. A member challenged Third, a perceptive analysis of the companion articles 23 to
peremptorily is forthwith excused from duty with the court-
Article 18 convinces us that the word, "each side," as used in
martial. the said article in reference to the defense, should be construed
to mean each accused person. Thus, Articles of War 17 (Trial
The right of challenge comes from the common law with the Judge Advocate to Prosecute; Counsel to Defend), 19 (Oath),
trial by jury itself, and has always been held essential to the 21 (Refusal or Failure to Plead), 28 (Court to Announce Action),
fairness of trial by jury. 18 29 (Closed Sessions), 30 (Method of Voting), and 36
(Irregularities Effect of), unequivocally speak of and refer to
As was said by Blackstone, and repeated by the "accused" in the singular.
Mr. Justice Story: 'In criminal cases, or at
least in capital ones, there is in favorem ACCORDINGLY, subject to our pronouncement that each of
vitae, allowed to the prisoner an arbitrary the 23 petitioners is entitled to one separate peremptory
and capricious species of challenge to a challenge, the present petition is denied. The temporary
certain number of jurors, without showing restraining order issued by this Court on August 29, 1969 is
any cause at all, which is called a hereby lifted. No pronouncement as to costs. .
peremptory challenge; a provision full of that
tenderness and humanity to prisoners, for

Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Makalintal, Zaldivar, meantime, the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, head sent to the
Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo and Villamor, JJ., concur. Office of Fiscal Salva copies of the same affidavits and
confessions and written statements, of which the motion for
new trial was based, and respondent Salva proceeded to
Dizon, J., took no part.
conduct a reinvestigation designating for said purposes a
committee of three composed of himself as chairman and
Assistant City Attorneys Herminio A. Avendaio and Ernesto A.
In connection with said preliminary investigation being
conducted by the committee, petitioner Timoteo Cruz was
G.R. No. L-12871 July 25, 1959
subpoenaed by respondent to appear at his office on
September 21, 1957, to testify "upon oath before me in a
TIMOTEO V. CRUZ, petitioner, certain criminal investigation to be conducted at the time and
vs. place by this office against you and Sergio Eduardo, et al., for
FRANCISCO G. H. SALVA, respondent. murder." On September 19, 1957, petitioner Timoteo Cruz
wrote to respondent Salva asking for the transfer of the
Baizas and Balderrama for petitioner. preliminary investigation from September 21, due to the fact
City Attorney Francisco G. H. Salva in his own behalf. that this counsel, Atty. Crispin Baizas, would attend a hearing
on that same day in Naga City. Acting upon said request for
postponement, Fiscal Salva set the preliminary investigation on
MONTEMAYOR, J.: September 24. On that day, Atty. Baizas appeared for petitioner
Cruz, questioned the jurisdiction of the committee, particularly
This is a petition for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary respondent Salva, to conduct the preliminary investigation in
injunction filed by Timoteo V. Cruz against Francisco G. H. view of the fact that the same case involving the killing of
Salva, in his capacity as City Fiscal of Pasay City, to restrain Manuel Monroy was pending appeal in this Court, and on the
him from continuing with the preliminary investigation he was same day filed the present petition for certiorari and prohibition.
conducting in September, 1957 in connection with the killing of This Tribunal gave due course to the petition for certiorari and
Manuel Monroy which took place on June 15, 1953 in Pasay prohibition and upon the filing of a cash bond of P200.00 issued
City. To better understand the present case and its implications, a writ of preliminary injunction thereby stopping the preliminary
the following facts gathered from the pleadings and the investigation being conducted by respondent Salva.
memoranda filed by the parties, may be stated.
The connection, if any, that petitioner Cruz had with the
Following the killing of Manuel Monroy in 1953 a number of preliminary investigation being conducted by respondent Salva
persons were accused as involved and implicated in said crime. and his committee was that affidavits and confessions sent to
After a long trial, the Court of First Instance of Pasay City found Salva by the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, and which were
Oscar Castelo, Jose de Jesus, Hipolito Bonifacio, Bienvenido being investigated, implicated petitioner Cruz, even picturing
Mendoza, Francis Berdugo and others guilty of the crime of him as the instigator and mastermind in the killing of Manuel
murder and sentenced them to death. They all appealed the Monroy.
sentence although without said appeal, in view of the imposition
of the extreme penalty, the case would have to be reviewed The position taken by petitioner Cruz in this case is that
automatically by this Court. Oscar Castelo sought a new trial inasmuch as the principal case of People vs. Oscar Castelo, et
which was granted and upon retrial, he was again found guilty al., G.R. No. L-10794, is pending appeal and consideration
and his former conviction of sentence was affirmed and before us, no court, much less a prosecuting attorney like
reiterated by the same trial court. respondent Salva, had any right or authority to conduct a
preliminary investigation or reinvestigation of the case for that
It seems that pending appeal, the late President Magsaysay would be obstructing the administration of justice and
ordered a reinvestigation of the case. The purpose of said interferring with the consideration on appeal of the main case
reinvestigation does not appear in the record. Anyway, wherein appellants had been found guilty and convicted and
intelligence agents of the Philippine Constabulary and sentenced; neither had respondent authority to cite him to
investigators of Malacaang conducted the investigation for the appear and testify at said investigation.
Chief Executive, questioned a number of people and obtained
what would appear to be confession, pointing to persons, other Respondent Salva, however, contends that if he subpoenaed
than those convicted and sentenced by the trial court, as the petitioner Cruz at all, it was because of the latter's oral and
real killers of Manuel Monroy. personal request to allow him to appear at the investigation with
his witnesses for his own protection, possibly, to controvert and
Counsel for Oscar Castelo and his co-defendants wrote to rebut any evidence therein presented against him. Salva claims
respondent Fiscal Salva to conduct a reinvestigation of the that were it not for this request and if, on the contrary, Timoteo
case presumably on the basis of the affidavits and confessions Cruz had expressed any objection to being cited to appear in
obtained by those who had investigated the case at the the investigation he (Salva) would never have subpoenaed him.
instance of Malacaang. Fiscal Salva conferred with the
Solicitor General as to what steps he should take. A conference Although petitioner Cruz now stoutly denies having made such
was held with the Secretary of Justice who decided to have the request that he be allowed to appear at the investigation, we
results of the investigation by the Philippine Constabulary and are inclined to agree with Fiscal Salva that such a request had
Malacaang investigators made available to counsel for the been made. Inasmuch as he, Timoteo Cruz, was deeply
appellants. implicated in the killing of Manuel Monroy by the affidavits and
confessions of several persons who were being investigated by
Taking advantage of this opportunity, counsel for the appellants Salva and his committee, it was but natural that petitioner
filed a motion for new trial with this Tribunal supporting the should have been interested, even desirous of being present at
same with the so-called affidavits and confessions of some of that investigation so that he could face and cross examine said
those persons investigated, such as the confessions of Sergio witnesses and affiants when they testified in connection with
Eduardo y de Guzman, Oscar Caymo, Pablo Canlas, and their affidavits or confessions, either repudiating, modifying or
written statements of several others. By resolution of this ratifying the same. Moreover, in the communication, addressed
Tribunal, action on said motion for new trial was deferred until to respondent Salva asking that the investigation, scheduled for
the case was studied and determined on the merits. In the September 21, 1957, be postponed because his attorney would
be unable to attend, Timoteo Cruz expressed no opposition to
the subpoena, not even a hint that he was objecting to his being With respect to the right of respondent Salva to cite petitioner to
cited to appear at the investigation. appear and testify before him at the scheduled preliminary
investigation, under the law, petitioner had a right to be present
at that investigation since as was already stated, he was more
As to the right of respondent Salva to conduct the preliminary
investigation which he and his committee began ordinarily, or less deeply involved and implicated in the killing of Monroy
when a criminal case in which a fiscal intervened though according to the affiants whose confessions, affidavits and
nominally, for according to respondent, two government testimonies respondent Salva was considering or was to
attorneys had been designed by the Secretary of Justice to consider at said preliminary investigation. But he need not be
handle the prosecution in the trial of the case in the court present at said investigation because his presence there
below, is tried and decided and it is appealed to a higher court implies, and was more of a right rather than a duty or legal
such as this Tribunal, the functions and actuations of said fiscal obligation. Consequently, even if, as claimed by respondent
have terminated; usually, the appeal is handled for the Salva, petitioner expressed the desire to be given an
opportunity to be present at the said investigation, if he latter
government by the Office of the Solicitor General.
Consequently, there would be no reason or occasion for said changed his mind and renounced his right, and even
strenuously objected to being made to appear at said
fiscal to conduct a reinvestigation to determine criminal
responsibility for the crime involved in the appeal. investigation, he could not be compelled to do so.

However, in the present case, respondent has, in our opinion, Now we come to the manner in which said investigation was
conducted by the respondent. If, as contended by him, the
established a justification for his reinvestigation because
according to him, in the original criminal case against Castelo, purpose of said investigation was only to acquaint himself with
et al., one of the defendants named Salvador Realista y de and evaluate the evidence involved in the affidavits and
Guzman was not included for the reason that he was arrested confessions of Sergio Eduardo, Cosme Camo and others by
and was placed within the jurisdiction of the trial court only after questioning them, then he, respondent, could well have
the trial against the other accused had commenced, even after conducted the investigation in his office, quietly, unobtrusively
the prosecution had rested its case and the defense had begun and without much fanfare, much less publicity.
to present its evidence. Naturally, Realista remained to stand
trial. The trial court, according to respondent, at the instance of However, according to the petitioner and not denied by the
Realista, had scheduled the hearing at an early date, that is in respondent, the investigation was conducted not in
August, 1957. Respondent claims that before he would go to respondent's office but in the session hall of the Municipal
trial in the prosecution of Realista he had to chart his course Court of Pasay City evidently, to accommodate the big crowd
and plan of action, whether to present the same evidence, oral that wanted to witness the proceeding, including members of
and documentary, presented in the original case and trial, or, in the press. A number of microphones were installed. Reporters
view of the new evidence consisting of the affidavits and were everywhere and photographers were busy taking pictures.
confessions sent to him by the Philippine Constabulary, he In other words, apparently with the permission of, if not the
should first assess and determine the value of said evidence by encouragement by the respondent, news photographers and
conducting an investigation and that should he be convinced newsmen had a filed day. Not only this, but in the course of the
that the persons criminally responsible for the killing of Manuel investigation, as shown by the transcript of the stenographic
Monroy were other than those already tried and convicted, like notes taken during said investigation, on two occasions, the
Oscar Castelo and his co-accused and co-appellants, including first, after Oscar Caymo had concluded his testimony
Salvador Realista, then he might act accordingly and even respondent Salva, addressing the newspapermen said,
recommend the dismissal of the case against Realista. "Gentlemen of the press, if you want to ask questions I am
willing to let you do so and the question asked will be
reproduced as my own"; and the second, after Jose Maratella y
In this, we are inclined to agree with respondent Salva. For, as
contended by him and as suggested by authorities, the duty de Guzman had finished testifying and respondent Salva,
addressing the newsmen, again said, "Gentlemen of the press
and role of prosecuting attorney is not only to prosecute and
secure the conviction of the guilty but also to protect the is free to ask questions as ours." Why respondent was willing to
innocent. abdicate and renounce his right and prerogative to make and
address the questions to the witnesses under investigation, in
favor of the members of the press, is difficult for us to
We cannot overemphasize the necessity of close understand, unless he, respondent, wanted to curry favor with
scrutiny and investigation of the prosecuting officers the press and publicize his investigation as much as possible.
of all cases handled by them, but whilst this court is Fortunately, the gentlemen of the press to whom he accorded
averse to any form of vacillation by such officers in the such unusual privilege and favor appeared to have wisely and
prosecution of public offenses, it is unquestionable prudently declined the offer and did not ask questions, this
that they may, in appropriate cases, in order to do according to the transcript now before us.
justice and avoid injustice, reinvestigate cases in
which they have already filed the corresponding
informations. In the language of Justice Sutherland of But, the newspapers certainly played up and gave wide
publicity to what took place during the investigation, and this
the Supreme Court of the United States,
the prosecuting officer "is the representative not of an involved headlines and extensive recitals, narrations of and
ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty comments on the testimonies given by the witnesses as well as
whose obligation to govern impartially is as vivid descriptions of the incidents that took place during the
compelling as its obligation to govern at all; and investigation. It seemed as though the criminal responsibility for
whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is the killing of Manuel Monroy which had already been tried and
not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be finally determined by the lower court and which was under
done. As such, he is in a peculiar and very definite appeal and advisement by this Tribunal, was being retried and
sense the servant of the law, the twofold aim of which redetermined in the press, and all with the apparent place and
complaisance of respondent.
is that guilt shall not escape nor innocent suffer. He
may prosecute with earnestness and vigor indeed,
he should do so. But, while he may strike had blows, Frankly, the members of this Court were greatly disturbed and
he is not at liberty to strike foul ones. It is as much his annoyed by such publicity and sensationalism, all of which may
duty to refrain from improper methods calculated to properly be laid at the door of respondent Salva. In this, he
produce a wrongful conviction as it is to use every committed what was regard a grievous error and poor judgment
legitimate means to bring about a just one. (69 United for which we fail to find any excuse or satisfactory explanation.
States law Review, June, 1935, No. 6, p. 309, cited in His actuations in this regard went well beyond the bounds of
the case of Suarez vs. Platon, 69 Phil., 556) prudence, discretion and good taste. It is bad enough to have
such undue publicity when a criminal case is being investigated
by the authorities, even when it being tried in court; but when
said publicity and sensationalism is allowed, even encouraged, DECISION
when the case is on appeal and is pending consideration by
this Tribunal, the whole thing becomes inexcusable, even AZCUNA, J.:
abhorrent, and this Court, in the interest of justice, is
constrained and called upon to put an end to it and a deterrent
against its repetition by meting an appropriate disciplinary This administrative case stemmed from the events of
measure, even a penalty to the one liable. the proceedings in Crim. Case No. 5144, entitled People v. Luis
Bucalon Plaza, heard before the sala of Presiding Judge Jose
Some of the members of the Court who appeared to feel more Manuel P. Tan, Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Surigao City,
strongly than the others favored the imposition of a more or less Branch 29.
severe penal sanction. After mature deliberation, we have
Crim. Case No. 5144 was originally raffled to the sala
finally agreed that a public censure would, for the present, be
sufficient. of Judge Floripinas C. Buyser, RTC of Surigao City, Branch 30.
In an Order dated March 14, 2002, Judge Buyser denied the
Demurrer to the Evidence of the accused, declaring that the
In conclusion, we find and hold that respondent Salva was evidence thus presented by the prosecution was sufficient to
warranted in holding the preliminary investigation involved in prove the crime of homicide and not the charge of murder.
this case, insofar as Salvador Realista is concerned, for which Consequently, the counsel for the defense filed a Motion to Fix
reason the writ of preliminary injunction issued stopping said the Amount of Bail Bond. Respondent Atty. Rogelio Z.
preliminary investigation, is dissolved; that in view of petitioner's Bagabuyo, then Senior State Prosecutor and the deputized
objection to appear and testify at the said investigation, prosecutor of the case, objected thereto mainly on the
respondent may not compel him to attend said investigation, for ground that the original charge of murder, punishable
which reason, the subpoena issued by respondent against withreclusion perpetua, was not subject to bail under Sec. 4,
petitioner is hereby set aside. Rule 114 of the Rules of Court.[1]

In view of the foregoing, the petition for certiorari and prohibition In an Order dated August 30, 2002,[2] Judge Buyser
is granted in part and denied in part. Considering the inhibited himself from further trying the case because of the
conclusion arrived at by us, respondent Francisco G. H. Salva harsh insinuation of Senior Prosecutor Rogelio Z. Bagabuyo
is hereby publicly reprehended and censured for the uncalled that he lacks the cold neutrality of an impartial magistrate, by
for and wide publicity and sensationalism that he had given to allegedly suggesting the filing of the motion to fix the amount of
and allowed in connection with his investigation, which we bail bond by counsel for the accused.
consider and find to be contempt of court; and, furthermore, he
is warned that a repetition of the same would meet with a more The case was transferred to Branch 29 of the RTC of
severe disciplinary action and penalty. No costs. Surigao City, presided by Judge Jose Manuel P. Tan. In an
Order datedNovember 12, 2002, Judge Tan favorably
resolved the Motion to Fix the Amount of Bail Bond, and fixed
Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, the amount of the bond atP40,000.
Concepcion and Barrera, JJ., concur.
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration of the
Order dated November 12, 2002, which motion was denied for
lack of merit in an Order dated February 10, 2003. In October,
2003, respondent appealed from the Orders dated November
12, 2002 andFebruary 10, 2003, to the Court of Appeals (CA).

Instead of availing himself only of judicial remedies,

respondent caused the publication of an article regarding the
EN BANC Order granting bail to the accused in the August 18, 2003 issue
of the Mindanao Gold Star Daily. The article, entitled Senior
prosecutor lambasts Surigao judge for allowing murder suspect
to bail out, reads:
SENIOR STATE PROSECUTOR Present: lashed at a judge in Surigao City for allowing
a murder suspect to go out on bail.
QUISUMBING, Senior state prosecutor Rogelio
YNARES-SANTIAGO, Bagabuyo lambasted Judge Manuel Tan of
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ. the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 29
CARPIO, based inSurigao City for ruling on a
AUST motion that sought a bailbond
RIA- for Luis Plaza who stands charged with
MART murdering a policeman . . . .
CORONA, Plaza reportedly posted a P40-
CARPIO MORALES, thousand bail bond.
TINGA, Bagabuyo argued that the crime of
CHICO-NAZARIO, murder is a non-bailable offense. But
GARCIA, Bagabuyo admitted that a judge could still
VELASCO, JR., opt to allow a murder suspect to bail out in
NACHURA, and cases when the evidence of the prosecution
REYES, JJ. is weak.

Promulgated: But in this murder case, Bagabuyo

October 9, 2007 said the judge who previously handled it,
X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X Judge F[lori]pinas B[uy]ser, described the

evidence to be strong. B[uy]ser inhibited
from the case for an unclear reason. Respondent posted the required bond and was
released from the custody of the law. He appealed the indirect
xxx contempt order to the CA.

Bagabuyo said he would contest Despite the citation of indirect contempt, respondent
Tans decision before the Court of Appeals presented himself to the media for interviews in Radio Station
and would file criminal and administrative DXKS, and again attacked the integrity of Judge Tan and the
charges ofcertiorari against the judge. trial courts disposition in the proceedings of Crim. Case No.
Bagabuyuo said he was not afraid
of being cited in contempt by Judge Tan. In an Order dated October 20, 2003, the RTC of
Surigao City, Branch 29, required respondent to explain and to
This is the only way that the public show cause within five days from receipt thereof why he should
would know that there are judges there who not be held in contempt for his media interviews that degraded
are displaying judicial arrogance. he said. [3] the court and the presiding judge, and why he should not be
suspended from the practice of law for violating the Code of
In an Order dated August 21, 2003, the RTC of Professional Responsibility, specifically Rule 11.05 of Canon
Surigao City, Branch 29, directed respondent and the writer of 11[8] and Rule 13.02 of Canon 13.[9]
the article, Mark Francisco of the Mindanao Gold Star Daily, to
appear in court on September 20, 2003 to explain why they In the Order, the trial court stated that respondent was
should not be cited for indirect contempt of court for the interviewed by Jun Clergio, and that the interview was
publication of the article which degraded the court and its repeatedly aired on September 30, 2003 and in his news
presiding judge with its lies and misrepresentation. program between 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. on October 1, 2003. He
was also interviewed by Tony Consing on October 1 and 2,
The said Order stated that contrary to the statements 2003, between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. in his radio program. In
in the article, Judge Buyser described the evidence for the those radio interviews, respondent allegedly called Judge Tan a
prosecution as not strong, but sufficient to prove the guilt of the judge who does not know the law, a liar, and a dictator who
accused only for homicide. Moreover, it was not true that Judge does not accord due process to the people.
Buyser inhibited himself from the case for an unclear
reason. Judge Buyser, in an Order dated August 30, 2002, The hearing for the second contempt charge was set
declared in open court in the presence of respondent that he on December 4, 2003.
was inhibiting himself from the case due to the harsh
insinuation of respondent that he lacked the cold neutrality of On November, 20, 2003, respondent filed an Urgent
an impartial judge. Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer to Contempt
alleging that he was saddled with work of equal importance and
On the scheduled hearing of the contempt charge, needed ample time to answer the same. He also prayed for a
Mark Francisco admitted that the Mindanao Gold Star Daily bill of particulars in order to properly prepare for his defense.
caused the publication of the article. He disclosed that
respondent, in a press conference, stated that the crime of In an Order dated November 20, 2003, the trial court
murder is non-bailable. When asked by the trial court why he denied the motion. It stated that a bill of particulars is not
printed such lies, Mr. Francisco answered that his only source applicable in contempt proceedings, and that
was respondent.[4] Mr. Francisco clarified that in the statement respondents actions and statements are detailed in the Order of
alleging that Judge Buyser inhibited himself from the case for October 20, 2003.
an unclear reason, the phrase for an unclear reason, was
added by the newspapers Executive Editor Herby S. Gomez.[5] On the scheduled hearing of December 4,
2003 respondent neither appeared in court nor informed the
Respondent admitted that he caused the holding of court of his absence.The trial court issued an Order dated
the press conference, but refused to answer whether he made December 4, 2003 cancelling the hearing to give Prosecutor
the statements in the article until after he shall have filed a Bagabuyo all the chances he asks for, and ordered him to
motion to dismiss. For his refusal to answer, the trial court appear on January 12, 2004 to explain in writing or orally why
declared him in contempt of court pursuant to Sec. 3, Rule 71 he should not be cited in contempt of court pursuant to the facts
of the Rules of Court.[6] The Courts Order dated September 30, stated in the Order dated October 20, 2003. However,
2003 reads: respondent did not appear in the scheduled hearing of January
12, 2004.
Mr. Mark Francisco for publishing On January 15, 2004, the trial court received
this article which is a lie clothed in half truth respondents Answer dated January 8, 2004. Respondent
to give it a semblance of truth is hereby denied the charge that he sought to be interviewed by radio
ordered to pay a fine of P10,000. Prosecutor station DXKS. He, however, stated that right after the hearing
Bagabuyo, for obstinately refusing to explain of September 30, 2003, he was approached by someone who
why he should not be cited for contempt and asked him to comment on the Order issued in open court, and
admitting that the article published in the that his comment does not fall within the concept of indirect
Mindanao Gold Star Daily on August 18, contempt of court. He also admitted that he was interviewed by
2003 and quoted in the Order of this Court his friend, Tony Consing, at the latters instance.He justified his
dated August 21, 2003 which is response during the interview as a simple exercise of his
contemptuous was caused by him to be constitutional right of freedom of speech and that it was not
published, is hereby adjudged to have meant to offend or malign, and was without malice.
committed indirect contempt of Court
pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 71 of the On February 8, 2004, the trial court issued an Order,
Rules of Court and he is hereby ordered to the dispositive portion of which reads:
suffer the penalty of 30 days in jail. The WHEREFORE, finding
BJMP is hereby ordered to arrest preponderant evidence that Prosecutor
Prosecutor Rogelio Z. Bagabuyo if he does Bagabuyo has grossly violated the Canons
not put up a bond of P100,000.00. of the legal profession and [is] guilty of
grave professional misconduct, rendering
SO ORDERD.[7] him unfit to continue to be entrusted with the
duties and responsibilities belonging to the
office of an attorney, he is hereby disbarred.
SUSPENDED from the practice of law. Thats it.)

Likewise, he is also found guilty of xxx

indirect contempt of court, for which he is
hereby ordered to suffer the penalty of BAGABUYO : Mao kana ang tinuod, Ton, ug
IMPRISONMENT for ninety (90) days to be kining
served at the Surigao City Jail and to pay akong
the maximum fine of THIRTY THOUSAND guibatonan
PESOS (P30,000.00). Future acts of karon nga
contempt will be dealt with more severely. hunahuna
Let copies of the relevant records d nianang
be immediately forwarded to the Supreme mga
Court for automatic review and for further Huwes
determination of grounds for [the] nga dili
disbarment of Prosecutor Rogelio Z. kahibalo
Bagabuyo.[10] sa balaod,
The trial court found respondents denials to be lame ay
as the tape of his interview on October 2, 2003, duly magkalami
transcribed, showed disrespect of the court and its officers, . Kada
thus: adlao
TONY CONSING: Fiscal, nanglabay ang ako. Naga
mga oras, basa ako
nanglabay sa mga
ang gamay bag-
ng ongjurispru
panahon dence ug
ang samad sa atong
sa imong balaod
kasingkasi aron sa
ng pagsiguro
nagpabilin gayod nga
pa ba ni. O inigsang-at
ingnon unya nako
nato duna sa kaso
na bay nga disbar
pagbag-o mentniinin
sa imong g di
huna-huna mahibalo
karon? nga
(Fiscal, after the lapse of time, are you still sigurado
hurt? Or gayod ako
have you nga
not katangtang
changed an siya sa
your mind lisensiya . .
yet?) . . Ang kini
BAGABUYO : Ang akong huna-huna kon Huwes
aduna nga dili
man mahibalo
ugaling sa balaod,
pagbag-o pagatangt
ang angon na,
pagsiguro, dili lamang
ang mga sa pagka-
Huwes Huwes kon
nga dili dili sa
mahibalo pagka-
sa balaod abogado.
tangtango Tan-awa
n pagka ra gyod
abogado, kining
mao kana. iyang
(If my mind has changed at all, it is that I nga Order,
ensure Ton,
that all ang iyang
judges pagkabaka
who are kon . . . .
ignorant of
the law (Thats true, Ton, and this conviction I have
should be now about
who are states that
ignorant of this Order
the law is was given
made in open
firmer by court,
time. I and in
study Gods merc
everyday. I y, he did
read new not
jurispruden state the
ce and the amount
law to of P100,00
insure that 0.00 as bai
when I file l bond. . .
the .)
case BAGABUYO : Kay dili man lagi mahibalo sa
against thi balaod, ak
s Judge o
who does siyang gui-ingnan, Your Honor, I have the
notknow right to
his law, I appeal. Mi
am certain balik
that he dayon, ug
loses his miingon
license. . . siya, BJM
. This P arrest
judge who Bagabuyo.
is ignorant
of the (Because
law should he does
not only be not know
removed the law, I
as a judge said, Your
but should Honor, I
also be have the
disbarred. right to
Just take a appeal. Th
look at his en he
Order, came back
Ton, and said,
and see BJMP,
what a liar arrest
he is . . . .) Bagabuyo.
BAGABUYO : Yes, nag-ingon ang
iyang Orde BAGABUYO : . .
r. . . . P100,000.00 ang iyang guipapiyansa.
. Ngano Naunsa
nga na? Dinhi
nakaingon makita
ako nimo ang
nga bakak iyang
on kini, pagka gros
nag-ingon s
nga kini ignorance
konong or of the law.
der given ...
in open
court, ang (He imposed a bail of P100,000.00. How
kalooy sa come? Thi
dios, ang s is where
iyang orde you will
r sa Korte see his
wala siya gross
mag-ingon ignorance
ug of the law.
kantidad ...)
nga P100,
000.00nga xxx
bail bond.
... TONY CONSING : So karon, unsay plano nimo
(Yes, his Order said that . . . . Why did I say
that he is a (So what is your plan now?)
liar? It
BAGABUYO : Sumala sa akong gui-ingon BAGABUYO : Ah, mi sit
moundang down sab
lang ako ako, conte
kon mpt ra ba
matangtan kadto . . . .
g na siya Mao kana,
sa pagka pero unsa
abogado. . may iyang
.. katuyoan
ang iyang
(As I have said, I will only stop if he is katuyoan
already nga ipa-
disbarred. adto ako
. . .) didto kay
didto, iya
xxx akong
BAGABUYO : Nasuko siya niini kay an kay iya
hambuger kong
o kuno, sikopon,
pero iya kong
angayan ipa-priso,
niyang pero kay di
hibaw-an man lagi
nga ang mahibalo
trabajo sa sa balaod,
Huwes dili ang iyang
ang gui
pagtan-aw orderan
kon ang BJMP,
tawo intawon
hambuger por dios
o . . . . Ug por Santo,
ang akong Mr. Tan,
gisulti mao pagbasa
lamang intawon ug
ang balaod balaod,
nga siya in naunsa ka
fact at that ba Mr.
time I said Tan? Unsa
he is not may imong
conversant hunahuna
of the law, nga kon
with ikaw
regards to Huwes,
the case of ikaw na
murder. . . ang
. diktador, n
o way, no
(He got angry because I was allegedly sir, ours is
bragging a
but he democratic
should country
know that where all
it is not for and
a judge to everyone
determine is entitled
if a person to due
is a process of
braggart. . law you
. .And did not
what I said accord me
was based due
on the process of
law. In law . . . .
fact, at that
time, I said (I sat down. . . . Thats it. But what was his
he is not purpose?
conversant He made
of the law, me come
with in order to
regards to humiliate
the case of me
murder . . . because
.) he wanted
xxx arrested,
he wanted
me sa balaod
imprisoned pagatangt
, but angon
because gayod sa
he is ilang
ignorant of pagka
the law, he Huwes. . .
ordered . Apan
the unsa man
BMJP. For intawon
Gods ang balaod
sake, Mr. ang iyang
Tan, whats gibasa
wrong with niini
you, Mr. nadungga
Tan? Plea n ko nga
se read kini kuno
the siya
law. What madjonger
is your o, mao
thinking? T bitaw
hat when na, madjon
you are a g ang
judge, you iyang
are also a guitunan?
dictator? N
o way, no (I am not worried because I have a truckload
sir, ours is of
a jurispruden
democratic ce that
country judges
where all who are
and ignorant of
everyone the law
is entitled must be
to due removed
process of from the
law you Bench. But
did not what law
accord me has he
due been
process of reading? I
law. . . .) heard that
he is a
TONY CONSING: So mopasaka mahjong af
kang disba icionado (
rment, mal mahjonger
aumon kita o) and that
nga is why he
maaksiyon is studying
an mahjong.[1
kini, with
all this
problem sa
The trial court concluded that respondent, as a
(So you are filing a disbarment case? We member of the bar and an officer of the court, is duty bound to
hope that uphold the dignity and authority of the court, and should
this be not promote distrust in the administration of justice.
action with The trial court stated that it is empowered to suspend
all the respondent from the practice of law under Sec. 28, Rule 138 of
problems the Rules of Court[12] for any of the causes mentioned in Sec.
in the 27[13] of the same Rule. Respondent was given the opportunity
Supreme to be heard, but he opted to be silent. Thus, it held that the
Court.) requirement of due process has been duly satisfied.

BAGABUYO : Dili ako mabalaka niana

kay usa ka
truck ang
akong juris
nga ang
nga di
In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 29, [14] Rule Star Daily. Respondents statements in the article, which were
138 and Sec. 9,[15] Rule 139 of the Rules of Court, the RTC of made while Crim. Case No. 5144 was still pending in court, also
Surigao City, Branch 29, transmitted to the Office of the Bar violated Rule 13.02 of Canon 13, which states that a lawyer
Confidant the Statement of Facts of respondents suspension shall not make public statements in the media regarding a
from the practice of law, dated July 14, 2005, together with the pending case tending to arouse public opinion for or against a
order of suspension and other relevant documents. party.

In its Report dated January 4, 2006, the Office of the In regard to the radio interview given to Tony Consing,
Bar Confidant found that the article in the August 18, 2003 respondent violated Rule 11.05 of Canon 11 of the Code of
issue of the Mindanao Gold Star Daily, which maligned the Professional Responsibility for not resorting to the proper
integrity and independence of the court and its officers, and authorities only for redress of his grievances against Judge
respondents criticism of the trial courts Order dated November Tan.Respondent also violated Canon 11 for his disrespect of
12, 2002, which was aired in radio station DXKS, both in the court and its officer when he stated that Judge Tan was
connection with Crim. Case No. 5144, constitute grave violation ignorant of the law, that as a mahjong aficionado, he was
of oath of office by respondent. It stated that the requirement of studying mahjong instead of studying the law, and that he was
due process was complied with when respondent was given an a liar.
opportunity to be heard, but respondent chose to remain silent.
Respondent also violated the Lawyers Oath, as he
The Office of the Bar Confidant recommended the has sworn to conduct [himself] as a lawyer according to the
implementation of the trial courts order of suspension dated best of [his] knowledge and discretion with all good fidelity as
February 8, 2004, and that respondent be suspended from the well to the courts as to [his] clients.
practice of law for one year, with a stern warning that
the repetition of a similar offense will be dealt with more As a senior state prosecutor and officer of the court,
severely. respondent should have set the example of observing and
maintaining the respect due to the courts and to judicial
The Court approves the recommendation of the Office officers. Montecillo v. Gica[19] held:
of the Bar Confidant. It has been reiterated in Gonzaga v.
Villanueva, Jr.[16] that: It is the duty of the lawyer to
A lawyer may be disbarred or maintain towards the courts a respectful
suspended for any violation of his oath, a attitude. As an officer of the court, it is his
patent disregard of his duties, or an odious duty to uphold the dignity and authority of
deportment unbecoming an the court to which he owes fidelity,
attorney. Among the grounds enumerated in according to the oath he has taken. Respect
Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court for the courts guarantees the stability of our
are deceit; malpractice; gross misconduct in democratic institutions which, without such
office; grossly immoral conduct; conviction respect, would be resting on a very shaky
of a crime involving moral turpitude; any foundation.
violation of the oath which he is required to
take before admission to the practice of law;
willful disobedience of any lawful order of a The Court is not against lawyers raising grievances
superior court; corrupt or willful appearance against erring judges but the rules clearly provide for the proper
as an attorney for a party to a case venue and procedure for doing so, precisely because respect
without authority to do so. The grounds are for the institution must always be maintained.
not preclusive in nature even as they are WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Atty. Rogelio
broad enough as to cover practically any Z. Bagabuyo is found guilty of violating Rule 11.05, Canon 11
kind of impropriety that a lawyer does or and Rule 13.02, Canon 13 of the Code of Professional
commits in his professional career or in his Responsibility, and of violating the Lawyers Oath, for which he
private life. A lawyer must at no time be is SUSPENDEDfrom the practice of law for one (1) year
wanting in probity and moral fiber which are effective upon finality of this Decision, with
not only conditions precedent to his a STERN WARNING that the repetition of a similar offense
entrance to the Bar, but are likewise shall be dealt with more severely.
essential demands for his continued
membership therein. Let copies of this Decision be furnished the Office of
the Bar Confidant to be appended to respondents personal
record as an attorney, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the
Department of Justice, and all courts in the country for their
Lawyers are licensed officers of the courts who are information and guidance.
empowered to appear, prosecute and defend; and upon whom
peculiar duties, responsibilities and liabilities are devolved by No costs.
law as a consequence.[17] Membership in the bar imposes upon
them certain obligations.[18] Canon 11 of the Code of SO ORDERED.
Professional Responsibility mandates a lawyer to observe and
maintain the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers
and [he] should insist on similar conduct by others. Rule 11.05 H. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY
of Canon 11 states that a lawyer shall submit grievances
against a judge to the proper authorities only.

Respondent violated Rule 11.05 of Canon 11 when he EN BANC

admittedly caused the holding of a press conference where he
made statements against the Order dated November 12, A.C. No. 6288 June 16, 2006
2002 allowing the accused in Crim. Case No. 5144 to be
released on bail.
JON ALEXANDER RONQUILLO, represented by their
Respondent also violated Canon 11 when he
Attorney-in-Fact SERVILLANO A.
indirectly stated that Judge Tan was displaying judicial
CABUNGCAL, Complainants,
arrogance in the article entitled, Senior prosecutor lambasts
Surigao judge for allowing murder suspect to bail out, which
appeared in the August 18, 2003issue of the Mindanao Gold
DECISION Code of Professional Responsibility and he ought to be
disbarred or suspended from the practice of law.
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Investigating
Complainants seek the disbarment or suspension of Commissioner Milagros V. San Juan, to whom the instant
disciplinary case was assigned for investigation, report and
respondent from the practice of law for unlawful, dishonest,
immoral and deceitful conduct. They allege that respondent recommendation, found respondent guilty of dishonest and
deceitful conduct proscribed under Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the
sold them a piece of property over which he has no right nor
interest, and that he refuses to return to them the amount they Code of Professional Responsibility. In her Report dated
have paid him for it. October 9, 2003, she recommended that respondent be
suspended from the practice of law for a period of three (3)
years. The IBP Board of Governors, through Resolution No.
Complainant Marili C. Ronquillo is a Filipino citizen currently XVI-2003-226, dated October 25, 2003, approved the
residing in Cannes, France, together with her minor children, recommendation of Commissioner San Juan.
Alexander and Jon Alexander.
We agree.
In May 1999, complainants and respondent entered into a Deed
of Assignment.1 For the price of P1.5M, respondent transferred,
Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court, a
in favor of the complainants, his rights and interests over a
townhouse unit and lot, located at 75 Granwood Villas Subd., member of the Bar may be disbarred or suspended on any of
BF Homes, Quezon City. Respondent also obligated himself to the following grounds: (1) deceit; (2) malpractice or other gross
deliver to complainants a copy of the Contract to Sell he misconduct in office; (3) grossly immoral conduct; (4)
executed with Crown Asia, the townhouse developer, dated conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude; (5) violation of
April 19, 1996. Upon full payment of the purchase price, the lawyers oath; (6) willful disobedience of any lawful order of
respondent further undertook to have Crown Asia execute a a superior court; and (7) willfully appearing as an attorney for a
party without authority. Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of
Deed of Absolute Sale over the property in favor of the
complainants. Professional Responsibility provides that "A lawyer shall not
engage inunlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
conduct." "Conduct," as used in this rule, does not refer
Respondent received from complainants P750,000.00 upon exclusively to the performance of a lawyers professional duties.
execution of the Deed of Assignment. The balance was to be This Court has made clear in a long line of cases7 that a lawyer
paid by complainants in four equal quarterly installments may be disbarred or suspended for misconduct, whether in his
of P187,500.00 each. Thus, complainants issued in favor of professional or private capacity, which shows him to be wanting
respondent four postdated checks in the amount in moral character, honesty, probity and good demeanor, or
of P187,500.00 each. Respondent was able to encash the first unworthy to continue as an officer of the court.
check dated August 17, 1999.2
In the instant case, respondent may have acted in his private
Complainants subsequently received information from Crown capacity when he entered into a contract with complainant
Asia that respondent has not paid in full the price of the Marili representing to have the rights to transfer title over the
townhouse at the time he executed the Deed of Assignment. townhouse unit and lot in question. When he failed in his
Respondent also failed to deliver to complainants a copy of the undertaking, respondent fell short of his duty under Rule 1.01,
Contract to Sell he allegedly executed with Crown Asia. For Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. It cannot
these reasons, complainant Marili Ronquillo ordered the bank be gainsaid that it was unlawful for respondent to transfer
to stop payment on the second check she issued to respondent property over which one has no legal right of ownership.
in the amount of P187,500.00. Respondent was likewise guilty of dishonest and deceitful
conduct when he concealed this lack of right from
On March 6, 2000, complainants, through their counsel, wrote complainants. He did not inform the complainants that he has
respondent, informing him that they were still willing to pay the not yet paid in full the price of the subject townhouse unit and
balance of the purchase price of the townhouse on the lot, and, therefore, he had no right to sell, transfer or assign
condition that respondent work on Crown Asias execution of said property at the time of the execution of the Deed of
the Deed of Absolute Sale in their favor. In the alternative, Assignment. His acceptance of the bulk of the purchase price
complainants demanded the return of the amount amounting to Nine Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Five
of P937,500.00, plus legal interest, within ten days. 3 The Hundred Pesos (P937,500.00), despite knowing he was not
amount of P937,500.00 represents theP750,000.00 down entitled to it, made matters worse for him.
payment and the first quarterly installment of P187,500.00
which complainants paid respondent. Respondents adamant refusal to return to complainant Marili
Ronquillo the money she paid him, which was the fruit of her
In a letter dated May 2, 2000, addressed to labor as an Overseas Filipino Worker for ten (10) years, is
complainants,4 respondent claimed that he was "working now morally reprehensible. By his actuations, respondent failed to
on a private project which hopefully will be realized not long live up to the strict standard of morality required by the Code of
from now," and requested for "a period of twenty days from May Professional Responsibility and violated the trust and respect
15, 2000 within which to either completely pay Crown Asia or reposed in him as a member of the Bar, and an officer of the
return the money at your (complainants) option." The period court.
lapsed but respondent did not make good his promise to pay
Crown Asia in full, or return the amount paid by complainants. Respondents culpability is therefore clear. He received a letter
from complainants counsel demanding the execution of the
On February 21, 2002, complainants counsel sent respondent Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the complainants, or, in the
a second letter5 demanding the return of the amount alternative, the return of the money paid by complainants. In
of P937,500.00, including legal interest, for failing to comply reply to said letter, respondent acknowledged his obligation,
with his promise. The demand was unheeded. and promised to settle the same if given sufficient time, thus:

Hence, this administrative complaint 6 that respondent engaged xxx

in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. Allegedly,
respondent violated his oath under Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the I am working now on a private project which hopefully will be
realized not long from now but I need a little time to fix some

things over. May I please request for a period of 20 days from ATTY. ALAN S. MACASA,
May 15, 2000 within which to either completely pay Crown Respondent. Promulgated:
Asia or return the money at your option. (Emphasis supplied) July 23, 2009

In no uncertain terms, respondent admitted not having full x------------------------------------------------

ownership over the subject townhouse unit and lot, as he has ----x
yet to completely pay Crown Asia. Respondent even failed to
produce the Contract to Sell he allegedly executed with Crown RESOLUTION
Asia over the subject unit, which would show the extent of his Per Curiam:
right of ownership, if any, over the townhouse unit and lot in
This treats of the complaint for disbarment filed by complainant
Dolores C. Belleza against respondent Atty. Alan S. Macasa for
To be sure, complainants gave respondent sufficient time to unprofessional and unethical conduct in connection with the
fulfill his obligation. It was only after almost two years had handling of a criminal case involving complainants son.
passed, after respondent promised to pay Crown Asia or return
to complainants the amount they paid him, that complainants On November 10, 2004, complainant went to see respondent
sent respondent a second letter8 demanding solely the return of on referral of their mutual friend, Joe Chua. Complainant
the amount of P937,500.00, including legal interest. By this wanted to avail of respondents legal services in connection with
time, it was indubitable that respondent would not be able to the case of her son, Francis John Belleza, who was arrested by
perform his end of their agreement. policemen of Bacolod City earlier that day for alleged violation
of Republic Act (RA) 9165.[1] Respondent agreed to handle the
The practice of law is not a right but a privilege. It is granted case for P30,000.
only to those of good moral character.9 The Bar must maintain
a high standard of honesty and fair dealing. 10 Lawyers must The following day, complainant made a partial payment
conduct themselves beyond reproach at all times, whether they of P15,000 to respondent thru their mutual friend Chua. On
are dealing with their clients or the public at large, 11 and a November 17, 2004, she gave him an additional P10,000. She
violation of the high moral standards of the legal profession paid the P5,000 balance on November 18, 2004. Both
justifies the imposition of the appropriate penalty, including payments were also made thru Chua. On all three occasions,
suspension and disbarment.12 respondent did not issue any receipt.

On November 21, 2004, respondent received P18,000 from

Be that as it may, we cannot grant complainants prayer that complainant for the purpose of posting a bond to secure the
respondent be directed to return the money he received from provisional liberty of her (complainants) son. Again, respondent
them in the amount of P937,500.00. Disciplinary proceedings did not issue any receipt. When complainant went to the court
against lawyers do not involve a trial of an action, but rather the next day, she found out that respondent did not remit the
investigations by the court into the conduct of one of its officers. amount to the court.
The only question for determination in these proceedings is
whether or not the attorney is still fit to be allowed to continue Complainant demanded the return of the P18,000 from
as a member of the Bar.13 Thus, this Court cannot rule on the respondent on several occasions but respondent ignored her.
issue of the amount of money that should be returned to the Moreover, respondent failed to act on the case of complainants
complainants. son and complainant was forced to avail of the services of the
Public Attorneys Office for her sons defense.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, respondent Atty. Homobono T. Cezar Thereafter, complainant filed a verified complaint [2] for
is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period ofTHREE disbarment against respondent in the Negros Occidental
(3) YEARS, effective immediately. Let a copy of this Decision chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP). Attached
be furnished the Office of the Bar Confidant, the Integrated Bar to the verified complaint was the affidavit [3] of Chua which read:
of the Philippines, and all courts for their information and
guidance. I, JOE CHUA, of legal age, Filipino and
resident of Purok Sawmill, Brgy. Bata,
Bacolod City, after having been sworn to in
SO ORDERED. accordance with law, hereby depose and
1. That I am the one who
introduce[d] Mrs. Dolores C. Belleza [to]
EN BANC Atty. Alan Macasa when she looked for a
lawyer to help her son in the case that the
DOLORES C. BELLEZA, A.C. No. 7815 latter is facing sometime [i]n [the] first week
Complainant, of November 2004;
2. That by reason of my mutual
PUNO, C.J., closeness to both of them, I am the one
QUISUMBING, who facilitated the payment of Mrs.
CARPIO, Macasa;
CARPIO MORALES, 3. That as far as I know, I received
- v e r s u s - CHICO-NAZARIO, the following amount from Mrs. Dolores
VELASCO, JR., Belleza as payment for Atty. Alan Macasa:
ON,* November 11, 2004 P15,000.00
PE A week after 10,000.00
RALTA and November 18, 2004 5,000.00
4. That the above-mentioned
amounts which I supposed as Attorneys
Fees were immediately forwarded by me to so, he failed to observe Rule 12.03 of the Code of Professional
Atty. [Macasa]; Responsibility:

5. That I am executing this Rule 12.03 A lawyer shall not, after

affidavit in order to attest to the truth of all obtaining extensions of time to file
the foregoing statements. pleadings, memoranda or briefs, let the
period lapse without submitting the same
x x x x x x x x x[4] or offering an explanation for his failure to
do so.
In a letter dated May 23, 2005,[5] the IBP Negros
Occidental chapter transmitted the complaint to the IBPs Respondent also ignored the CBDs directive for him
Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD).[6] to file his position paper. His propensity to flout the orders of the
In an order dated July 13, 2005,[7] the CBD required respondent CBD showed his lack of concern and disrespect for the
to submit his answer within 15 days from receipt thereof. proceedings of the CBD. He disregarded the oath he took when
Respondent, in an urgent motion for extension of time to file an he was accepted to the legal profession to obey the laws and
answer dated August 10, 2005,[8] simply brushed aside the the legal orders of the duly constituted legal authorities. He
complaint for being baseless, groundless and malicious without, displayed insolence not only to the CBD but also to this Court
however, offering any explanation. He also prayed that he be which is the source of the CBDs authority.
given until September 4, 2005 to submit his answer.
Respondents unjustified disregard of the lawful orders
Respondent subsequently filed urgent motions [9] for second and of the CBD was not only irresponsible but also constituted utter
third extensions of time praying to be given until November 4, disrespect for the judiciary and his fellow lawyers. [13] His
2005 to submit his answer. He never did. conduct was unbecoming of a lawyer who is called upon to
obey court orders and processes and is expected to stand
When both parties failed to attend the mandatory conference on foremost in complying with court directives as an officer of the
April 19, 2006, they were ordered to submit their respective court.[14] Respondent should have known that the orders of the
position papers.[10] CBD (as the investigating arm of the Court in administrative
cases against lawyers) were not mere requests but directives
In its report and recommendation dated October 2, 2007, [11] the which should have been complied with promptly and
CBD ruled that respondent failed to rebut the charges against completely.[15]
him. He never answered the complaint despite several chances
to do so.
The CBD found respondent guilty of violation of Rule 1.01 of OND
the Code of Professional Responsibility which provides: ENT
Rule 1.01 A lawyer shall not SSLY
engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or NEG
deceitful conduct. LECT
It also found him guilty of violation of Rules 16.01 and THE
16.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility: CAU
Rule 16.01 A lawyer shall account OF
for all money or property collected or received HIS
for or from the client. CLIE
Rule 16.02 A lawyer shall keep the
funds of each client separate and apart from Respondent undertook to defend the criminal case
his own and those others kept by him. against complainants son. Such undertaking imposed upon him
the following duties:

The CBD ruled that respondent lacked good moral CANON 17 A LAWYER OWES FIDELITY
character and that he was unfit and unworthy of the privileges TO THE CAUSE OF HIS CLIENT AND HE
conferred by law on him as a member of the bar. The CBD SHALL BE MINDFUL OF THE TRUST
recommended a suspension of six months with a stern warning AND CONFIDENCE REPOSED IN HIM.
that repetition of similar acts would merit a more severe
sanction. It also recommended that respondent be ordered to CANON 18 A LAWYER SHALL SERVE
return to complainant theP18,000 intended for the provisional HIS CLIENT WITH COMPETENCE AND
liberty of the complainants son and the P30,000 attorneys fees. DILIGENCE.

The Board of Governors of the IBP adopted and approved the xxxxxxxxx
report and recommendation of the CBD with the modification
that respondent be ordered to return to complainant only the Rule 18.03 A lawyer shall not neglect a
amount of P30,000 which he received as attorneys fees.[12] legal matter entrusted to him, and his
negligence in connection therewith shall
We affirm the CBDs finding of guilt as affirmed by the IBP render him liable.
Board of Governors but we modify the IBPs recommendation
as to the liability of respondent. xxxxxxxxx



Respondent was given more than enough opportunity A lawyer who accepts the cause of a client commits to
to answer the charges against him. Yet, he showed indifference devote himself (particularly his time, knowledge, skills and
to the orders of the CBD for him to answer and refute the effort) to such cause. He must be ever mindful of the trust and
accusations of professional misconduct against him. In doing confidence reposed in him, constantly striving to be worthy
thereof. Accordingly, he owes full devotion to the interest of his did nothing that could be considered as effective and efficient
client, warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his clients legal assistance. For all intents and purposes, respondent
rights and the exertion of his utmost learning, skill and ability to abandoned the cause of his client. Indeed, on account of
ensure that nothing shall be taken or withheld from his client, respondents continued inaction, complainant was compelled to
save by the rules of law legally applied. [16] seek the services of the Public Attorneys Office. Respondents
lackadaisical attitude towards the case of complainants son
A lawyer who accepts professional employment from was reprehensible. Not only did it prejudice complainants son, it
a client undertakes to serve his client with competence and also deprived him of his constitutional right to counsel.
diligence.[17] He must conscientiously perform his duty arising Furthermore, in failing to use the amount entrusted to him for
from such relationship. He must bear in mind that by accepting posting a bond to secure the provisional liberty of his client,
a retainer, he impliedly makes the following representations: respondent unduly impeded the latters constitutional right to
that he possesses the requisite degree of learning, skill and bail.
ability other lawyers similarly situated possess; that he will exert
his best judgment in the prosecution or defense of the litigation RESPONDENT FAILED TO RETURN
entrusted to him; that he will exercise reasonable care and HIS CLIENTS MONEY
diligence in the use of his skill and in the application of his
knowledge to his clients cause; and that he will take all steps
necessary to adequately safeguard his clients interest.[18] The fiduciary nature of the relationship between
A lawyers negligence in the discharge of his counsel and client imposes on a lawyer the duty to account for
obligations arising from the relationship of counsel and client the money or property collected or received for or from the
may cause delay in the administration of justice and prejudice client.[25]
the rights of a litigant, particularly his client. Thus, from the
perspective of the ethics of the legal profession, a lawyers When a lawyer collects or receives money from his
lethargy in carrying out his duties to his client is both client for a particular purpose (such as for filing fees,
unprofessional and unethical.[19] registration fees, transportation and office expenses), he should
promptly account to the client how the money was spent. If he
If his clients case is already pending in court, a lawyer does not use the money for its intended purpose, he must
must actively represent his client by promptly filing the immediately return it to the client.[26] His failure either to render
necessary pleading or motion and assiduously attending the an accounting or to return the money (if the intended purpose of
scheduled hearings. This is specially significant for a lawyer the money does not materialize) constitutes a blatant disregard
who represents an accused in a criminal case. of Rule 16.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. [27]

The accused is guaranteed the right to counsel under Moreover, a lawyer has the duty to deliver his clients
the Constitution.[20] However, this right can only be meaningful if funds or properties as they fall due or upon demand. [28] His
the accused is accorded ample legal assistance by his lawyer: failure to return the clients money upon demand gives rise to
the presumption that he has misappropriated it for his own use
... The right to counsel proceeds from the to the prejudice of and in violation of the trust reposed in him by
fundamental principle of due process which the client.[29] It is a gross violation of general morality as well as
basically means that a person must be of professional ethics; it impairs public confidence in the legal
heard before being condemned. The due profession and deserves punishment.[30] Indeed, it may border
process requirement is a part of a person's on the criminal as it may constitute a prima facie case of
basic rights; it is not a mere formality that swindling or estafa.
may be dispensed with or performed
perfunctorily. Respondent never denied receiving P18,000 from
complainant for the purpose of posting a bond to secure the
The right to counsel must be provisional liberty of her son. He never used the money for its
more than just the presence of a lawyer in intended purpose yet also never returned it to the client. Worse,
the courtroom or the mere propounding of he unjustifiably refused to turn over the amount to complainant
standard questions and objections. The despite the latters repeated demands.
right to counsel means that the accused is
amply accorded legal assistance extended Moreover, respondent rendered no service that would
by a counsel who commits himself to the have entitled him to the P30,000 attorneys fees. As a rule, the
cause for the defense and acts accordingly. right of a lawyer to a reasonable compensation for his services
The right assumes an active involvement is subject to two requisites: (1) the existence of an attorney-
by the lawyer in the proceedings, client relationship and (2) the rendition by the lawyer of services
particularly at the trial of the case, his to the client.[31] Thus, a lawyer who does not render legal
bearing constantly in mind of the basic services is not entitled to attorneys fees. Otherwise, not only
rights of the accused, his being well-versed would he be unjustly enriched at the expense of the client, he
on the case, and his knowing the would also be rewarded for his negligence and irresponsibility.
fundamental procedures, essential laws
and existing jurisprudence.[21]

[T]he right of an accused to counsel is

beyond question a fundamental right. RESPONDENT FAILED TO UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND
Without counsel, the right to a fair trial itself DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION
would be of little consequence, for it is
through counsel that the accused secures For his failure to comply with the exacting ethical
his other rights. In other words, the right to standards of the legal profession, respondent failed to obey
counsel is the right to effective assistance Canon 7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility:
of counsel.[22]
The right of an accused to counsel finds substance in CANON 7. A LAWYER SHALL AT ALL
the performance by the lawyer of his sworn duty of fidelity to his TIMES UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND
client.[23] Tersely put, it means an effective, efficient and truly THE DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL
decisive legal assistance, not a simply perfunctory PROFESSION AND SUPPORT THE
(emphasis supplied)
In this case, after accepting the criminal case against
complainants son and receiving his attorneys fees, respondent
Indeed, a lawyer who fails to abide by the Canons and III FOR THE LIVE MEDIA COVERAGE OF THE CARPIO,
Rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility disrespects MAGUINDANAO MASSACRE TRIAL.
the said Code and everything that it stands for. In so doing, he CARPIO MOR
disregards the ethics and disgraces the dignity of the legal
profession. VELASCO, JR

Lawyers should always live up to the ethical
standards of the legal profession as embodied in the Code of BRION,
Professional Responsibility. Public confidence in law and in
lawyers may be eroded by the irresponsible and improper PERALTA,
conduct of a member of the bar.[32] Thus, every lawyer should
act and comport himself in a manner that would promote public BERSAMIN,
confidence in the integrity of the legal profession.[33]
Respondent was undeserving of the trust reposed in
him. Instead of using the money for the bond of the
complainants son, he pocketed it. He failed to observe candor, VILLARAMA, J
fairness and loyalty in his dealings with his client. [34] He failed to
live up to his fiduciary duties. By keeping the money for himself PEREZ,
despite his undertaking that he would facilitate the release of
complainants son, respondent showed lack of moral MENDOZA, an
principles. His transgression showed him to be a swindler, a
deceitful person and a shame to the legal profession. SERENO, JJ.

WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Alan S. Macasa is hereby

found GUILTY not only of dishonesty but also of professional
misconduct for prejudicing Francis John Bellezas right to
counsel and to bail under Sections 13 and 14(2), Article III of
the Constitution, and for violating Canons 1, 7, 17, 18 and 19
and Rules 12.03, 16.01, 16.02, 16.03 and 18.03 of the Code of June 14, 2011
Professional Responsibility. He is therefore DISBARRED from
the practice of law effective immediately.

Respondent is hereby ORDERED to return to complainant

Dolores C. Belleza the amounts of P30,000 and P18,000 with
interest at 12% per annum from the date of promulgation of this
decision until full payment. Respondent is further DIRECTED to A.M. No. 10-11
submit to the Court proof of payment of the amount within ten
days from payment. Failure to do so will subject him to criminal

Let copies of this resolution be furnished the Office of the Bar

Confidant to be entered into the records of respondent Atty. x-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alan S. Macasa and the Office of the Court Administrator to be -----x
furnished to the courts of the land for their information and




x ----------------------------------- x CARPIO MORALES, J.:


On November 23, 2009, 57 people including 32 journalists and
media practitioners were killed while on their way to Shariff
Aguak in Maguindanao. Touted as the worst election-related
violence and the most brutal killing of journalists in recent
history, the tragic incident which came to be known as the
Maguindanao Massacre spawned charges for 57 counts of
murder and an additional charge of rebellion against 197
A.M. No. 10-11-6-SC
accused, docketed as Criminal Case Nos. Q-09-162148-72, Q-
09-162216-31, Q-10-162652-66, and Q-10-163766, commonly
entitled People v. Datu Andal Ampatuan, Jr., et al. Following
the transfer of venue and the reraffling of the cases, the cases
are being tried by Presiding Judge Jocelyn Solis-Reyes of
Present: Branch 221 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon
x ---------------------------------x
City inside Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City.

Almost a year later or on November 19, 2010, the National
RE: LETTER OF PRESIDENT BENIGNO S. AQUINO Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), ABS-CBN
Broadcasting Corporation, GMA Network, Inc., relatives of the
victims,[1] individual journalists[2] from various media entities,
and members of the academe[3] filed a petition before this Court
praying that live television and radio coverage of the trial in
these criminal cases be allowed, recording devices (e.g., still
cameras, tape recorders) be permitted inside the courtroom to
assist the working journalists, and reasonable guidelines be
formulated to govern the broadcast coverage and the use of
devices.[4] The Court docketed the petition as A.M. No. 10-11-

In a related move, the National Press Club of the

Philippines[5] (NPC) and Alyansa ng Filipinong
Mamamahayag[6] (AFIMA) filed on November 22, 2010 a
petition praying that the Court constitute Branch 221 of RTC-
Quezon City as a special court to focus only on the
Maguindanao Massacre trial to relieve it of all other pending
cases and assigned duties, and allow the installation inside the
courtroom of a sufficient number of video cameras that shall
beam the audio and video signals to the television monitors
outside the court.[7] The Court docketed the petition as A.M. No.

President Benigno S. Aquino III, by letter of November 22,

2010[8] addressed to Chief Justice Renato Corona, came out in
support of those who have petitioned [this Court] to permit
television and radio broadcast of the trial." The President
expressed earnest hope that [this Court] will, within the many
considerations that enter into such a historic deliberation,

attend to this petition with the dispatch, dispassion and Putts Law[16] states that technology is dominated by two types
humaneness, such a petition merits.[9] The Court docketed the of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and
matter asA.M. No. 10-11-7-SC. those who manage what they do not understand. Indeed,
members of this Court cannot strip their judicial robe and don
the experts gown, so to speak, in a pretense to foresee and
fathom all serious prejudices or risks from the use of technology
By separate Resolutions of November 23, 2010, [10] the inside the courtroom.
Court consolidated A.M. No. 10-11-7-SC with A.M. No. 10-11-5-
SC. The Court shall treat in a separate Resolution A.M. No. 10-
A decade after Estrada and a score after Aquino, the Court is
once again faced with the same task of striking that delicate
balance between seemingly competing yet
Meanwhile, various groups[11] also sent to the Chief Justice certainly complementary rights.
their respective resolutions and statements bearing on these

The indication of serious risks posed by live media coverage to

the accuseds right to due process, left unexplained and
The principal accused in the cases, Andal Ampatuan, Jr. unexplored in the era obtaining in Aquino and Estrada, has left
(Ampatuan), filed a Consolidated Comment of December 6, a blow to the exercise of press freedom and the right to public
2010 in A.M. No. 10-11-5-SC and A.M. No. 10-11-7-SC. The information.
President, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
and NUJP, et al. filed their respective Reply of January 18,
2011 and January 20, 2011. Ampatuan also filed a Rejoinder
of March 9, 2011. The rationale for an outright total prohibition was
shrouded, as it is now, inside the comfortable cocoon of a
feared speculation which no scientific study in the
Philippine setting confirms, and which fear, if any, may be
On Broadcasting the Trial of the Maguindanao Massacre dealt with by safeguards and safety nets under existing
Cases rules and exacting regulations.

Petitioners seek the lifting of the absolute ban on live television In this day and age, it is about time to craft a win-win
and radio coverage of court proceedings. They principally urge situation that shall not compromise rights in the criminal
the Court to revisit the 1991 ruling in Re: Live TV and Radio administration of justice, sacrifice press freedom and allied
Coverage of the Hearing of President Corazon C. Aquinos Libel rights, and interfere with the integrity, dignity and solemnity of
Case[12]and the 2001 ruling in Re: Request Radio-TV Coverage judicial proceedings.Compliance with regulations, not
of the Trial in the Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Cases Against curtailment of a right, provides a workable solution to the
the Former President Joseph E. Estrada[13] which rulings, they concerns raised in these administrative matters, while, at the
contend, violate the doctrine that proposed restrictions on same time, maintaining the same underlying principles upheld
constitutional rights are to be narrowly construed and outright in the two previous cases.
prohibition cannot stand when regulation is a viable alternative.

The basic principle upheld in Aquino is firm [a] trial of any

Petitioners state that the trial of the Maguindanao Massacre kind or in any court is a matter of serious importance to all
cases has attracted intense media coverage due to the concerned and should not be treated as a means of
gruesomeness of the crime, prominence of the accused, and entertainment[, and t]o so treat it deprives the court of the
the number of media personnel killed. They inform that dignity which pertains to it and departs from the orderly and
reporters are being frisked and searched for cameras, serious quest for truth for which our judicial proceedings are
recorders, and cellular devices upon entry, and that under strict formulated. The observation that [m]assive intrusion of
orders of the trial court against live broadcast coverage, the representatives of the news media into the trial itself can so
number of media practitioners allowed inside the courtroom has alter and destroy the constitutionally necessary atmosphere
been limited to one reporter for each media institution. and decorum stands.

The record shows that NUJP Vice-Chairperson Jose Jaime The Court concluded in Aquino:
Espina, by January 12, 2010 letter [14] to Judge Solis-Reyes,
requested a dialogue to discuss concerns over media coverage
of the proceedings of the Maguindanao Massacre cases. Judge
Solis-Reyes replied, however, that matters concerning media Considering the prejudice it poses to the defendant's right to
coverage should be brought to the Courts attention through due process as well as to the fair and orderly administration of
appropriate motion.[15]Hence, the present petitions which assert justice, and considering further that the freedom of the press
the exercise of the freedom of the press, right to information, and the right of the people to information may be served and
right to a fair and public trial, right to assembly and to petition satisfied by less distracting, degrading and prejudicial means,
the government for redress of grievances, right of free access live radio and television coverage of court proceedings shall not
to courts, and freedom of association,subject to regulations to be allowed. Video footages of court hearings for news purposes
be issued by the Court. shall be restricted and limited to shots of the courtroom, the
judicial officers, the parties and their counsel taken prior to the
commencement of official proceedings. No video shots or
photographs shall be permitted during the trial proper.
The Court partially GRANTS pro hac vice petitioners prayer
for a live broadcast of the trial court
proceedings, subject to the guidelines which shall be
enumerated shortly. Accordingly, in order to protect the parties' right to due process,
to prevent the distraction of the participants in the proceedings
and in the last analysis, to avoid miscarriage of justice, the
Court resolved to PROHlBIT live radio and television coverage
of court proceedings. Video footage of court hearings for news 2007 all 50 states, except the District of Columbia, allow
purposes shall be limited and restricted as above indicated. [17] television coverage with varying degrees of openness.

Other jurisdictions welcome the idea of media coverage. Almost

all the proceedings of United Kingdoms Supreme Court are
The Court had another unique opportunity in Estrada to revisit filmed, and sometimes broadcast.[22] The International Criminal
the question of live radio and television coverage of court Court broadcasts its proceedings via video streaming in the
proceedings in a criminal case. It held that [t]he propriety of internet.[23]
granting or denying the instant petition involve[s] the weighing
out of the constitutional guarantees of freedom of the press and
the right to public information, on the one hand, and the
fundamental rights of the accused, on the other hand, along On the media coverages influence on judges, counsels and
with the constitutional power of a court to control its witnesses, petitioners point out that Aquino and Estrada,
proceedings in ensuring a fair and impartial trial. The Court like Estes, lack empirical evidence to support the sustained
disposed: conclusion. They point out errors of generalization where the
conclusion has been mostly supported by studies on American
attitudes, as there has been no authoritative study on the
particular matter dealing with Filipinos.
The Court is not all that unmindful of recent technological and
scientific advances but to chance forthwith the life or liberty of
any person in a hasty bid to use and apply them, even before
ample safety nets are provided and the concerns heretofore Respecting the possible influence of media coverage on the
expressed are aptly addressed, is a price too high to pay. impartiality of trial court judges, petitioners correctly explain that
prejudicial publicity insofar as it undermines the right to a fair
trial must pass the totality of circumstances test, applied
in People v. Teehankee, Jr.[24] and Estrada v. Desierto,[25] that
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. the right of an accused to a fair trial is not incompatible to a free
press, that pervasive publicity is not per se prejudicial to the
right of an accused to a fair trial, and that there must be
allegation and proof of the impaired capacity of a judge to
render a bias-free decision. Mere fear of possible undue
influence is not tantamount to actual prejudice resulting in the
deprivation of the right to a fair trial.
In resolving the motion for reconsideration, the Court
in Estrada, by Resolution of September 13, 2001, provided a
glimmer of hope when it ordered the audio-visual recording of
Moreover, an aggrieved party has ample legal remedies. He
the trial for documentary purposes, under the following
may challenge the validity of an adverse judgment arising from
a proceeding that transgressed a constitutional right. As pointed
out by petitioners, an aggrieved party may early on move for a
change of venue, for continuance until the prejudice from
x x x (a) the trial shall be recorded in its entirety, excepting such publicity is abated, for disqualification of the judge, and for
portions thereof as the Sandiganbayan may determine should closure of portions of the trial when necessary. The trial court
not be held public under Rule 119, 21 of the Rules of Criminal may likewise exercise its power of contempt and issue gag
Procedure; (b) cameras shall be installed inconspicuously orders.
inside the courtroom and the movement of TV crews shall be
regulated consistent with the dignity and solemnity of the
proceedings; (c) the audio-visual recordings shall be made for
One apparent circumstance that sets the Maguindanao
documentary purposes only and shall be made without
Massacre cases apart from the earlier cases is the impossibility
comment except such annotations of scenes depicted therein
of accommodating even the parties to the cases the private
as may be necessary to explain them; (d) the live broadcast of
complainants/families of the victims and other witnesses inside
the recordings before the Sandiganbayan shall have rendered
the courtroom. On public trial, Estrada basically discusses:
its decision in all the cases against the former President shall
be prohibited under pain of contempt of court and other
sanctions in case of violations of the prohibition; (e) to ensure
that the conditions are observed, the audio-visual recording of An accused has a right to a public trial but it is a right that
the proceedings shall be made under the supervision and belongs to him, more than anyone else, where his life or liberty
control of the Sandiganbayan or its Division concerned and can be held critically in balance. A public trial aims to ensure
shall be made pursuant to rules promulgated by it; and (f) that he is fairly dealt with and would not be unjustly condemned
simultaneously with the release of the audio-visual recordings and that his rights are not compromised in secrete conclaves of
for public broadcast, the original thereof shall be deposited in long ago. A public trial is not synonymous with publicized trial; it
the National Museum and the Records Management and only implies that the court doors must be open to those who
Archives Office for preservation and exhibition in accordance wish to come, sit in the available seats, conduct themselves
with law.[19] with decorum and observe the trial process. In the constitutional
sense, a courtroom should have enough facilities for a
reasonable number of the public to observe the proceedings,
not too small as to render the openness negligible and not too
large as to distract the trial participants from their proper
Petitioners note that the 1965 case of Estes v. functions, who shall then be totally free to report what they have
Texas[20] which Aquino and Estrada heavily cited, was borne observed during the proceedings.[26] (underscoring supplied)
out of the dynamics of a jury system, where the considerations
for the possible infringement of the impartiality of a jury, whose
members are not necessarily schooled in the law, are different
from that of a judge who is versed with the rules of
evidence. To petitioners, Estes also does not represent the
most contemporary position of the United States in the wake of
latest jurisprudence[21] and statistical figures revealing that as of
Even before considering what is a reasonable number of the
public who may observe the proceedings, the peculiarity of the
subject criminal cases is that the proceedings already The hardware for establishing an interconnection or link with
necessarily entail the presence of hundreds of families. It the camera equipment monitoring the proceedings shall be for
cannot be gainsaid that the families of the 57 victims and of the the account of the media entities, which should employ
197 accused have as much interest, beyond mere curiosity, to technology that can (i) avoid the cumbersome snaking cables
attend or monitor the proceedings as those of the impleaded inside the courtroom, (ii) minimize the unnecessary ingress or
parties or trial participants. It bears noting at this juncture that egress of technicians, and (iii) preclude undue commotion in
the prosecution and the defense have listed more than 200 case of technical glitches.
witnesses each.

If the premises outside the courtroom lack space for the set-up
of the media entities facilities, the media entities shall access
the audio-visual recording either via wireless technology
The impossibility of holding such judicial proceedings in a accessible even from outside the court premises or from one
courtroom that will accommodate all the interested parties, common web broadcasting platform from which streaming can
whether private complainants or accused, is unfortunate be accessed or derived to feed the images and sounds.
enough. What more if the right itself commands that a
reasonable number of the general public be allowed to witness
the proceeding as it takes place inside the
courtroom. Technology tends to provide the only solution to At all times, exclusive access by the media entities to the real-
break the inherent limitations of the courtroom, to satisfy the time audio-visual recording should be protected or encrypted.
imperative of a transparent, open and public trial.

(e) The broadcasting of the proceedings for a particular day

In so allowing pro hac vice the live broadcasting by radio and must be continuous and in its entirety, excepting such portions
television of the Maguindanao Massacre cases, the Court lays thereof where Sec. 21 of Rule 119 of the Rules of
down the following guidelines toward addressing the concerns Court[27] applies, and where the trial court excludes, upon
mentioned in Aquino and Estrada: motion, prospective witnesses from the courtroom, in instances
where, inter alia, there are unresolved identification issues or
there are issues which involve the security of the witnesses and
the integrity of their testimony (e.g., the dovetailing of
(a) An audio-visual recording of the Maguindanao massacre corroborative testimonies is material, minority of the witness).
cases may be made both for documentary purposes and for
transmittal to live radio and television broadcasting.
The trial court may, with the consent of the parties, order only
the pixelization of the image of the witness or mute the audio
(b) Media entities must file with the trial court a letter of output, or both.
application, manifesting that they intend to broadcast the audio-
visual recording of the proceedings and that they have the
necessary technological equipment and technical plan to carry
out the same, with an undertaking that they will faithfully comply (f) To provide a faithful and complete broadcast of the
with the guidelines and regulations and cover the entire proceedings, no commercial break or any other gap shall be
remaining proceedings until promulgation of judgment. allowed until the days proceedings are adjourned, except
during the period of recess called by the trial court and during
portions of the proceedings wherein the public is ordered
No selective or partial coverage shall be allowed. No media
entity shall be allowed to broadcast the proceedings without an
application duly approved by the trial court.
(g) To avoid overriding or superimposing the audio output from
the on-going proceedings, the proceedings shall be broadcast
without any voice-overs, except brief annotations of scenes
(c) A single fixed compact camera shall be installed depicted therein as may be necessary to explain them at the
inconspicuously inside the courtroom to provide a single wide- start or at the end of the scene. Any commentary shall observe
angle full-view of the sala of the trial court. No panning and the sub judice rule and be subject to the contempt power of the
zooming shall be allowed to avoid unduly highlighting or court;
downplaying incidents in the proceedings. The camera and the
necessary equipment shall be operated and controlled only by
a duly designated official or employee of the Supreme
Court. The camera equipment should not produce or beam any (h) No repeat airing of the audio-visual recording shall be
distracting sound or light rays. Signal lights or signs showing allowed until after the finality of judgment, except brief footages
the equipment is operating should not be visible.A limited and still images derived from or cartographic sketches of
number of microphones and the least installation of wiring, if not scenes based on the recording, only for news purposes, which
wireless technology, must be unobtrusively located in places shall likewise observe the sub judice rule and be subject to the
indicated by the trial court. contempt power of the court;

The Public Information Office and the Office of the Court (i) The original audio-recording shall be deposited in
Administrator shall coordinate and assist the trial court on the the National Museum and the Records Management and
physical set-up of the camera and equipment. Archives Office for preservation and exhibition in accordance
with law.
(d) The transmittal of the audio-visual recording from inside the
courtroom to the media entities shall be conducted in such a
way that the least physical disturbance shall be ensured in
(j) The audio-visual recording of the proceedings shall be made
keeping with the dignity and solemnity of the proceedings and
under the supervision and control of the trial court which may
the exclusivity of the access to the media entities.
issue supplementary directives, as the exigency requires,
including the suspension or revocation of the grant of
application by the media entities.

(k) The Court shall create a special committee which shall

forthwith study, design and recommend appropriate
arrangements, implementing regulations, and administrative
matters referred to it by the Court concerning the live broadcast
of the proceedings pro hac vice, in accordance with the above-
outlined guidelines. The Special Committee shall also report
and recommend on the feasibility, availability and affordability
of the latest technology that would meet the herein
requirements. It may conduct consultations with resource
persons and experts in the field of information and
communication technology.

(l) All other present directives in the conduct of the proceedings

of the trial court (i.e., prohibition on recording devices such as
still cameras, tape recorders; and allowable number of media
practitioners inside the courtroom) shall be observed in addition
to these guidelines.

Indeed, the Court cannot gloss over what advances technology

has to offer in distilling the abstract discussion of key
constitutional precepts into the workable
context. Technology per se has always been neutral. It is the
use and regulation thereof that need fine-tuning. Law and
technology can work to the advantage and furtherance of the
various rights herein involved, within the contours of defined

WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing disquisition, the

live broadcast by television and radio of the trial court
proceedings of the Maguindanao Massacre cases, subject to
the guidelines herein outlined.



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