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/* 1 */

"_id" : "bH3c3yiDXS73GF396",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" : "http://blog.ubi.com/app/uploads/2015/04/RafranzDavis_ACSlide.jpg",
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "Imagine being a 17-year-old high school student and having a
class schedule for your upcoming fall semester look something like this: 1st
Period: P.E."

/* 2 */
"_id" : "NaiwqKDNFXE24LrjP",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "Faced with a world stuck in \"nostalgic fantasies about going
back to the past\", where politicians are \"no longer capable of producing
meaningful visions for the future\", Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari is turning to
the present in a new book announced on Thursday."

/* 3 */
"_id" : "EWTaLa5vcqX7YcAJi",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
"description" : "\"This prize is a tribute to the tireless efforts of many
millions of campaigners and concerned citizens worldwide who, ever since the dawn
of the atomic age, have loudly protested nuclear weapons, insisting that they can
serve no legitimate purpose and must be forever banished from the face of our
earth,\" ICAN said in a statement."

/* 4 */
"_id" : "vcJjmzHzSMeyEG2qn",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "http://cdn.vox-
"title" : "Assassin's Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "AnAssassin's Creed Origins educational mode will be released
in early 2018. Absent combat and action, it's being designed to teach players about
life in ancient Egypt. \"Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient Egypt\" is due
to be released as a free update for owners of Origins, which will debut Oct."

/* 5 */
"_id" : "KpvzgiLx4qhEta9zD",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "http://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi's 35-day Bharat Yatra,
an effort to ensure a safe childhood for future generations, was launched at the
Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari on September 11. ' Nikal Pade Hein ',
written by Satyarthi, composed by Indian Ocean, and featuring Sonam Kalra has,
within 24 hours, crossed two million views on Facebook and YouTube."

/* 6 */
"_id" : "YJSt2uLhJr62n9qry",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/mark-zuckerberg-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/30/opinion/29tufekci-promo-
"title" : "Opinion | Zuckerberg's Preposterous Defense of Facebook",
"description" : "Mr. Zuckerberg's preposterous defense of Facebook's failure in
the 2016 presidential campaign is a reminder of a structural asymmetry in American
politics. It's true that mainstream news outlets employ many liberals, and that
this creates some systemic distortions in coverage (effects of trade policies on
lower-income workers and the plight of rural America tend to be underreported, for

/* 7 */
"_id" : "NYDYSF99iH9o9ZhWa",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/23/opinion/sunday/facebook-ad-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | Facebook's Ad Scandal Isn't a 'Fail,' It's a Feature",
"description" : "People who use the platform to keep in touch with loved ones
may forget that the site makes its money by serving as a conduit for whatever
messages people with money want to push at us."

/* 8 */
"_id" : "JcqJ6dq7xhXpGQzjj",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/world/middleeast/saudi-yoda-king-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/22/world/22saudi-
"title" : "Saudi Textbook Withdrawn Over Image of Yoda With King",
"description" : "\"I am the one who designed it, but I am not the one who put
it in the book,\" said the artist, Abdullah Al Shehri, by phone from Riyadh. The
image was part of a series in which Mr. Shehri, who is 26 and goes by the nickname
Shaweesh, mixes pop culture icons into historic photographs."

/* 9 */
"_id" : "ij8ev6kpkhwvDGhRH",
"url" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/kids-bored-entitled/",
"image" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Reasons-
"title" : "Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored At School, Feel Entitled, Have Little
Patience & Few Real Friends",
"description" : "By Jacqueline Victoria Prooday, OT finds today's kids come to
school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern
lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with
years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers."

/* 10 */
"_id" : "9Er8fJeWfvZy9nx4H",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/hcirodov",
"image" :
"title" : "H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov) | Twitter",
"description" : "The latest Tweets from H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov). A shadow
account of PM Modi, by following those whom PM follows. Follow to see what appears
on PM Modi's timeline. Varanasi, India"

/* 11 */
"_id" : "ef7YmpPRAHhopiark",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealand's Election Had Been Predictable. Then 'Jacindamania'
"description" : "One recent poll showed Labour slightly ahead. Since Ms.
Ardern's rise, the party's projected share of the vote has jumped by around 20
points. \"In the last two elections, it's been relatively clear that the governing
party would be the National Party,\" said Andrew Geddis, a professor at the law
school of the University of Otago."

/* 12 */
"_id" : "ncTZfaAdkje82TZNC",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Myanmar will refuse entry to members of a United Nations
investigation focusing on allegations of killings, rape and torture by security
forces against Rohingya Muslims, an official has said. The government, led by Nobel
laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, had already said it would not cooperate with a mission
set up after a human rights council resolution was adopted in March."

/* 13 */
"_id" : "hheu6RyNE9Ww5qD8P",
"url" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/kai-fu-lee-speech",
"image" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/files/engineering/DSC_2930_1.jpg",
"title" : "An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy",
"description" : "Thank you, Class of 2017. Thank you so much for inviting me to
speak at this wonderful commencement ceremony. It's an honor to be back at Columbia
to address this distinguished group of graduates, parents, siblings and special
guests. We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day."

/* 14 */
"_id" : "fLsTxj5ZdGWzpZPZc",
"url" : "http://www.adeanet.org/en/news/leading-young-people-to-win-up-to-
"image" : "http://www.adeanet.org/sites/default/files/yvonne_and_young.jpg",
"title" : "Leading Young People to win up to US$10,000 - Register here!",
"description" : "The African Union Commission's Department of Human Resources
Science and Technology (AUC-HRST) - Education Division and the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa's Working Groups on Communication for Education
and Development (ADEA WG-COMED) and Education Management and Policy Support (ADEA
WG-EMPS) This award is in the form of a competition that is open only to innovation
hubs and youth councils in Africa."

/* 15 */
"_id" : "DPapTSaMGM4dmcR9N",
"url" : "https://qz.com/994486/the-way-you-draw-circles-says-a-lot-about-you/",
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/circle-beeswarm-1.png?
"title" : "How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how
culture shapes our instincts",
"description" : "Let's do a quick exercise. Are you ready? Draw a circle in the
box below. Don't think too hard! Did you start at the top or bottom? Clockwise or
counterclockwise? New data show that the way you draw a circle holds clues about
where you come from."

/* 16 */
"_id" : "3Z8F3BTj3YshhoGJ3",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/26/opinion/sunday/good-robot-teacher-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Secret to a Good Robot Teacher",
"description" : "To investigate the importance such social cues might play in
learning from technology, we recently conducted a study with 4- to 7-year-old
children from schools in Boston. The children listened to a story read by a robot
that looked like a cute plush creature with an animated face that allowed for
emotional expressions and eye and mouth movements."

/* 17 */
"_id" : "52ha9gmxANpYvtLce",
"url" : "http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/why-psychopathic-brains-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why psychopathic brains overvalue immediate rewards",
"description" : "Joshua Buckholtz wants to change the way you think about
psychopaths - and he's willing to go to prison to do it. An associate professor of
psychology at Harvard, Buckholtz is the senior author of a study that relies on
brain scans of nearly 50 prison inmates to help explain why psychopaths make poor
decisions that often lead to violence or other anti-social behavior."

/* 18 */
"_id" : "8RvmqZ8KQKwumpEw9",
"url" : "https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienturbot/2017/08/22/artificial-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Don't Ignore it, Harness it!",
"description" : "\"Human plus machine isn't the future, it's the present,\"
Garry Kasparov said in a recent TED talk. And this \"present\" is transforming the
world of education at a rapid pace.With children increasingly using tablets and
coding becoming part of national curricula around the world, technology is becoming
an integral part of classrooms, just like chalk and blackboards."

/* 19 */
"_id" : "yac6q8tGWwEfQ4kjv",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/20/elon-musk-killer-
"image" :
"title" : "Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer
"description" : "Some of the world's leading robotics and artificial
intelligence pioneers are calling on the United Nations to ban the development and
use of killer robots. Tesla's Elon Musk and Alphabet's Mustafa Suleyman are leading
a group of 116 specialists from across 26 countries who are calling for the ban on
autonomous weapons."

/* 20 */
"_id" : "RgfT6jK8tnAfbR9of",
"url" : "https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/the-worlds-
"image" :
"title" : "The World's Smartest Countries",
"description" : "The countries most likely to produce the next Google. When
Sergey Brin was 16 and his family had already been living in the United States for
a decade, his father took him on a short trip back to Russia. It was 1990 and the
Soviet Union was collapsing."

/* 21 */
"_id" : "bP8mKLemmFB3xYuLy",
"url" : "https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/forced-sexual-intercourse-
"image" :
"title" : "Forced Sexual Intercourse With Wife Above 15 Yrs Of Age Not Rape,
Says SC",
"description" : "The raging issue whether to make forced marital intercourse
and sexual acts part of offence of rape in penal law has been extensively debated
and now it cannot be considered as a criminal act, the Supreme Court today said."

/* 22 */
"_id" : "7WJ3oDZY7P4MByrCB",
"url" : "https://www.economist.com/news/business/21726078-sacked-james-damore-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "A Google employee inflames a debate about sexism and free speech",
"description" : "SILICON VALLEY'S leading firms celebrate disruption, but not
disruptive employees. Google has found itself at the centre of controversy after an
anonymous software engineer, later revealed to be a young Harvard graduate called
James Damore, published a ten-page memo on two internal company networks explaining
why there are so few women in the upper echelons of the technology industry."

/* 23 */
"_id" : "Ggn3BLhDdgXgXqnLb",
"url" : "http://ithrivegames.org/putting-it-in-context-using-commercial-video-
"image" : "http://ithrivegames.org/wp-
"title" : "Putting It In Context: Using Commercial Video Games In Education",
"description" : "08/8/17 Paul Darvasi Editor's note: As teens head back to
school, we're putting the focus on how one inventive and passionate educator makes
commercial video games (as well as games of his own invention) a vibrant part of
his teaching approach. Paul Darvasi teaches high school English at Royal St."

/* 24 */
"_id" : "HsKY8SZCKWX4RPu6n",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/05/world/asia/china-textbooks-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/04/world/04china-textbooks-
"title" : "Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores",
"description" : "But experts say England is the first country to forge ahead
with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the
East. Under a $54 million initiative funded by the government, more than half the
primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to math that is used in
top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore."

/* 25 */
"_id" : "xtTkkxhTQG62Cyxz4",
"url" : "https://scroll.in/article/726354/i-am-not-against-one-nation-in-
"image" : "http://d1u4oo4rb13yy8.cloudfront.net/69fdf26e-95e7-4ca6-9f70-
"title" : "'I am not against one nation in particular, but against the general
idea of all nations.'",
"description" : "Our real problem in India is not political. It is social. This
is a condition not only prevailing in India, but among all nations. I do not
believe in an exclusive political interest. Politics in the West have dominated
Western ideals, and we in India are trying to imitate you."

/* 26 */
"_id" : "NCy3EAtbgW5rbhCEv",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/04/pearson-to-axe-3000-
"image" :
"title" : "Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business",
"description" : "Pearson is to cut 3,000 jobs as the embattled company looks to
slash costs after a slump at its US higher education business. The world's largest
education company, which has issued five profit warnings in the last four years,
intends to cut about 10% of its 32,000 global workforce."

/* 27 */
"_id" : "cdZbzhsbR6GDZvhPf",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/sci-hub-s-cache-pirated-papers-
"image" :
"title" : "Sci-Hub's cache of pirated papers is so big, subscription journals
are doomed, data analyst suggests",
"description" : "There is no doubt that Sci-Hub, the infamous-and, according to
a U.S. court, illegal-online repository of pirated research papers, is enormously
popular. (See Science's investigation last year of who is downloading papers from
Sci-Hub.) But just how enormous is its repository?"

/* 28 */
"_id" : "GHxp56YNknkW9Ht3j",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-tracker/",
"image" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-
"title" : "Hate Tracker: India's first national database of hate",
"description" : "Hate tracker: Latest news on hate crime, racism, mob lynching,
gau rakshaks engaged in vandalism, cow vigilantes taking law into their hands,
attacks on Dalits, caste and religion based crimes in India from Hindustan Times"

/* 29 */
"_id" : "D6JQuvyj7L4BBNYfL",
"url" : "https://hackernoon.com/what-educators-must-learn-from-ibms-betrayal-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "What educators must learn from IBM's 'betrayal of science'",
"description" : "There are two versions of mathematics. The first is the
mathematics of schooling, a collection of closed problems and hard truths to be
learned for exams. We've all experienced it, few of us have enjoyed or excelled at
it. The second version is a more open, beautiful and empowering representation of
the subject, often the focus of my writing."

/* 30 */
"_id" : "cMam6EjPH3iQ8irDN",
"url" : "https://www.theatlas.com/charts/rkGpbqWbW",
"image" : "http://www.theatlas.com/i/atlas_rkGpbqWbW@2x.png",
"title" : "More people were displaced due to conflict in DRC than anywhere
"description" : "Countries with the most displacements by violence | Atlas -
charts and data, powered by Quartz."

/* 31 */
"_id" : "rpQnaqA6LGSYcuhJQ",
"url" : "https://searchingforsyria.org/en/",
"image" : "http://searchingforsyria.org/images/share/facebook/en/en-
"title" : "Searching for Syria",
"description" : "Exploring the world's top questions about the Syrian refugee
crisis. A project from UNHCR in partnership with Google. searchingforsyria.org"

/* 32 */
"_id" : "yxd7KMjBBC8tMqxFr",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 33 */
"_id" : "fT5TzbXaArhJwPqbJ",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/opinion/how-we-are-ruining-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | How We Are Ruining America",
"description" : "Over the past generation, members of the college-educated
class have become amazingly good at making sure their children retain their
privileged status. They have also become devastatingly good at making sure the
children of other classes have limited chances to join their ranks."

/* 34 */
"_id" : "4G4azSgyPAp9hadHJ",
"url" : "https://www.cfr.org/global/global-conflict-tracker/p32137",
"image" : "http://www.cfr.org/content/ips/assets/gct-content-entry-
"title" : "Global Conflict Tracker",
"description" : "Learn about the world's top hotspots with the Center for
Preventive Action's (CPA) interactive Global Conflict Tracker."

/* 35 */
"_id" : "mvXghQ9iqWJps9AdW",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b9a4c754-fa46-4a14-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aabd109f-b76f-4f2f-
"title" : "26adf679-bbca-4e28-ad2c-d097808d6d2e_IMG_20170117_141550830",
"description" : null

/* 36 */
"_id" : "yukGKzJTY82aGgiz9",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/magazine/can-a-tech-start-up-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/07/02/magazine/02bridge2/02mag-
"title" : "Can a Tech Start-Up Successfully Educate Children in the Developing
"description" : "Bridge International Academies - a chain of inexpensive
private schools - has ambitious plans to revolutionize education for poor children.
But can its for-profit model work in some of the most impoverished places on

/* 37 */
"_id" : "QZDwcxaGfAgX6dMuF",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/24/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/06/25/opinion/sunday/25lee/25lee-
"title" : "Opinion | The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence",
"description" : "BEIJING - What worries you about the coming world of
artificial intelligence? Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot
of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about
the \"singularity\" - that point in history when A.I. surpasses human intelligence,
leading to an unimaginable revolution in human affairs."

/* 38 */
"_id" : "axKQauAjxXGfjTX4d",
"url" : "https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/creepy-futures-nicholas-carrs-
"image" : "http://lareviewofbooks-org-cgwbfgl6lklqqj3f4t3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-
"title" : "Creepy Futures: Nicholas Carr's History of the Future - Los Angeles
Review of Books",
"description" : "IN 1964, having taken a year off from college, I got a job in
the General Motors pavilion at the New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows.
Sporting a red blazer emblazoned with the Cadillac crest, I escorted VIP guests on
the Futurama II ride, a successor to the original 1939 Fair's Futurama, billed
as \"a journey for everyone today into the everywhere of tomorrow.\""

/* 39 */
"_id" : "aFJWDyPsqCyTL4NQw",
"url" : "https://www.susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-
"image" :
"title" : "Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber",
"description" : "As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe
in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why
I left and what my time at Uber was like."

/* 40 */
"_id" : "aYrPEwQyoWA77td84",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40273700",
"image" :
"title" : "UN warns 'no progress' on 260 million missing school places - BBC
"description" : "Global pledges to provide education for all young people show
little chance of being achieved, according to annual figures from the United
Nations. There are 264 million young people without access to school, with few
signs of progress, says Unesco. Around the world, almost one in 10 children does
not even have access to primary level education."

/* 41 */
"_id" : "QAS5s4uTCbRBnBLug",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/women-react-to-sexism-in-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/06/22/us/14kamala-vid/14kamala-
"title" : "'Is There a Man I Can Talk To?': Stories of Sexism in the
"description" : "\"I have been on email threads with a team of colleagues, and
if I state a fact that is not in agreement with what one of my male co-workers has
said, he sends me a message later telling me that I need to 'soften my responses'
to him."

/* 42 */
"_id" : "fvBZiMMkqGBEjZ5xf",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/2017/06/announcing-the-new-envoy-on-
"image" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Capture-
"title" : "Announcing the new Envoy on Youth - Jayathma Wickramanayake",
"description" : "United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres has
appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his next Envoy on Youth."

/* 43 */
"_id" : "ChqtyN67pGB7FGFYt",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpUSNxuuwfA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Math That Predicted the Arab Spring",
"description" : "In this Pilot of Math that Explains the World, Motherboard
talks to Yaneer Bar Yam, founder of the New England Complex Systems Institute who
used new physics based math to explain the correlation between food supply and the
Arab Spring."

/* 44 */
"_id" : "dC2YmDej9A9dvcqxp",
"url" : "http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/17/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Everyone keeps talking about AI-here's what it really is and why
it's so hot now",
"description" : "Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from Apple's iPhone
keyboard to Zillow's home price estimates. There's also a lot of stuff out there
that marketers are calling AI, but really isn't. Perhaps things reached a new high
point last month when AlphaGo, a virtual player of the ancient Chinese board game
Go developed by Alphabet's DeepMind AI research group, trounced the top human
player in the world, China's Ke Jie."

/* 45 */
"_id" : "siiH62JzKRGPMmJ8F",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40250219",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Tough school? War, illiteracy and hope in Afghanistan - BBC News",
"description" : "The idea of drafting a nation's brightest new graduates to
become teachers in the most deprived areas has been used in both the United States
and the UK, where the approach was pioneered by Teach for America and Teach First

/* 46 */
"_id" : "gRXfDMSAFzM3oXKwv",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/13/open-university-
"image" :
"title" : "Open University jobs at risk in 100m 'root and branch' overhaul",
"description" : "Staff at the Open University are preparing for job losses as
part of a radical overhaul to try to secure the institution's financial future. The
OU vice-chancellor, Peter Horrocks, told staff on Tuesday that a \"root and branch
review\" of every aspect of the university's operations was being launched to
achieve savings of 100m from the annual budget of 420m, the bulk of which would
be invested in a digital transformation programme."

/* 47 */
"_id" : "AaChh7wE7Kh8yFkJK",
"url" : "https://www.engadget.com/2017/06/08/video-game-trailernominated-for-
"image" : "http://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?
"title" : "A video game trailer is eligible to be nominated for an Academy
"description" : "With its thought-provoking trailer running at almost 11
minutes long, the promo video highlights the interconnected nature of, well,
everything. Overdubbed with a speech from renowned British philosopher, Alan Watts,
the trailer uses in-game footage to show life in all its strange and wonderful
forms. Thanks to its length and intriguing subject matter, this clever promotional
video could theoretically win an Academy Award for best animated short film."

/* 48 */
"_id" : "9tn82vQctjrYin3XN",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/mar/19/yuval-harari-sapiens-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: 'Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a
century or so'",
"description" : "Last week, on his Radio 2 breakfast show, Chris Evans read out
the first page of Sapiens, the book by the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari.
Given that radio audiences at that time in the morning are not known for their
appetite for intellectual engagement - the previous segment had dealt with Gary
Barlow's new tour - it was an unusual gesture."

/* 49 */
"_id" : "EDcHjBPp7ss8DFPYw",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49a3af57-9271-41a4-
be10-edd83f180a31_15th AMA with James Paul Gee.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f23cc023-3188-4bde-
"title" : "15th AMA with James Paul Gee",
"description" : null

/* 50 */
"_id" : "sG3uhEFsmuLg3r8do",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/tech-billionaires-
"image" :
"title" : "The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America's Schools",
"description" : "The involvement by some of the wealthiest and most influential
titans of the 21st century amounts to a singular experiment in education, with
millions of students serving as de facto beta testers for their ideas. Some tech
leaders believe that applying an engineering mind-set can improve just about any
system, and that their business acumen qualifies them to rethink American

/* 51 */
"_id" : "mpyN8JkvDQ75Bzhzy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORthzIOEf30&feature=youtu.be&t=33s",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The biology of our best and worst selves | Robert Sapolsky",
"description" : "How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also
so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert
Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to
millions of years before they occurred."

/* 52 */
"_id" : "BiKXYqE9kQrbDQTqX",
"url" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-
"image" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business
"title" : "The role of expertise and judgment in a data-driven world",
"description" : "The Obama campaign's former data-analytics chief explains why
a healthy dose of skepticism and a clear understanding of the process behind data
collection leads to stronger strategies and real impact. Using data can drive
better decision making, but numbers alone don't paint the entire picture when it
comes to forming a cohesive strategy."
/* 53 */
"_id" : "ToXq6xFB7y77DA9si",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-40118188",
"image" :
"title" : "Global Peace Index 2017: World slightly more peaceful than last year
- BBC News",
"description" : "Levels of peace around the world have improved slightly for
the first time since the Syrian war began, but harmony has decreased in the US and
terrorism records have increased, a Sydney-based think-tank has found. The
Institute for Economics and Peace published its Global Peace Index on Thursday for
the 10th year running."

/* 54 */
"_id" : "T8EEfi7jaZ5QXrfuw",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psM_C8oqJQs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllnen |
"description" : "Marjo Kyllnen at TEDxHamburg (www.tedxhamburg.de) on
redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllnen is the
Education Manager at General Education division in Helsinki. She has PhD in
Education. She defended her doctoral thesis on Future School and Leadership in
December 2011."

/* 55 */
"_id" : "hqaZ2ktjN9Eqt8a2f",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/05/30/donald-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Analysis | Donald Trump just threatened Germany over trade. Here's
what you need to know",
"description" : "This morning, President Trump wrote a tweet saying that the
U.S. had a \"MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany.\" He further said that this was
bad for the U.S. and (in what seemed to be a vague threat against Germany) said
that this would change."

/* 56 */
"_id" : "g6e8SxKdyWWENxLJb",
"url" : "https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/",
"image" : "http://willrobotstakemyjob.com/img/og.jpg",
"title" : "Will Robots Take My job?",
"description" : "Find out how susceptible is your job is to computerisation"

/* 57 */
"_id" : "KLbp7zR83HB94G54u",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/world/europe/manchester-bombing-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/05/28/world/ABEDI1/ABEDI1-
"title" : "'Forgive Me': Manchester Bomber's Tangled Path of Conflict and
"description" : "It is the story of a strict father's flight from the
repression of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya's leader at the time, and a personal
jihad against that dictatorship, which in turn shook up his children's world."

/* 58 */
"_id" : "nJSFbcTZiyh6QNXYw",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfahDTQDFg",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Little Big Shots - The Planet Is in Good Hands (Episode Highlight)",
"description" : "Henry is passionate about the planet and couldn't be more
awesome. \" Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/NBCLittleBigShots \" Little Big Shots
Returns Wednesday May 31 8/7c on NBC!"

/* 59 */
"_id" : "fEoTp4hksAcnDhgRC",
"url" : "http://time.com/4792596/mindfulness-exercises-morality-carpe-diem/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/mindfullness-
"title" : "How We Ruined Mindfulness",
"description" : "Those are familiar words, I'm sure, because we are living
through a mindfulness revolution. Mindfulness courses have swept the world, with
hundreds of thousands of people taking classes in Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) and other meditation techniques in community centers, schools,
hospitals, prisons and businesses."

/* 60 */
"_id" : "rpTPhGDcjYf2dxzht",
"url" : "https://www.ted.com/speakers/rutger_bregman",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Rutger Bregman",
"description" : "The world is changing faster than ever, bringing with it
brand-new problems, while our most persistent troubles - like poverty and health -
haven't gone anywhere. One thing has become abundantly clear: our machines aren't
going to save us; people are. How do we respond to problems new and old with
humanity and dignity?"

/* 61 */
"_id" : "RazhjZRtbeRQyn9Qa",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/31bddd9b-3493-46a9-
8d0b-953f5f2ba53e_Things my teachers can do better.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2278ae05-b1a0-4c2d-
"title" : "Things my teachers can do better",
"description" : null

/* 62 */
"_id" : "LqpmHWdxakA3fkiYp",
"url" : "https://medium.freecodecamp.com/the-race-is-on-for-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The race is on for artificial intelligence. Here's who is winning.",
"description" : "On Saturday, Louisville, Kentucky hosted the 143rd running of
the Kentucky Derby. It was a spectacle where more than 150k people watched in
person. Millions more followed on television and streaming media. The winner
received a $1.4 million prize, and the opportunity for more winnings in later races
this year."

/* 63 */
"_id" : "yfNXwzLvgbj7NDqGk",
"url" : "https://futurism.com/harvard-may-have-pinpointed-the-source-of-human-
"image" : "http://futurism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/800px-
"title" : "Harvard May Have Pinpointed the Source of Human Consciousness",
"description" : "A study of 36 patients with brainstem lesions revealed that
the majority of those in comas had damage in a specific area of the brainstem,
while most conscious patients did not. The identification of the areas of the brain
responsible for consciousness could lead to new treatment options for patients in
comas or vegetative states."

/* 64 */
"_id" : "oDYv7T9DtToQNcsef",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f35e0e0b-b524-41a5-
8d13-782fca83f562_14th AMA with Chris Plutte.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9a1a8edd-7394-493d-
"title" : "14th AMA with Chris Plutte",
"description" : null

/* 65 */
"_id" : "Q6G4XQiCy5RWqr2E2",
"url" : "http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/89245588/unique-school-
"image" :
"title" : "Unique school helps unlock minds of dyslexic children",
"description" : "Toby van Rensburg felt dreadful when he was criticised by a
previous teacher because he couldn't write. The 11-year-old has dysgraphia -
difficulty with writing; auditory processing disorder - caused when the ears and
brain do not fully coordinate; dyscalculia - a mathematical learning difficulty and
\"traces\" of dyslexia - a common reading difficulty."

/* 66 */
"_id" : "9LdWBYBkiQN5mXha8",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/children-should-be-playing-
"image" :
"title" : "Children should be playing more games in the classroom. Here's why",
"description" : "Learning games take students deeper into the engaging content
already available in classrooms, museums, parks, and homes."

/* 67 */
"_id" : "hN3R5eHhH6bz2e5Bp",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a93d4fdf-dd8d-489f-
ada2-7f2ebb3e83e0_13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ec486ae5-a6bf-43a7-
"title" : "13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan",
"description" : null

/* 68 */
"_id" : "eLyRFvJab7iio2pcP",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f81afc5b-47cb-4f76-
955f-6059885cebc7_12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7a814922-1bd7-47b9-
"title" : "12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat",
"description" : null

/* 69 */
"_id" : "FmGAq8F2Bi5v3JSpP",
"url" : "http://www.cet.iitkgp.ac.in/cet_site/ab_research.jsp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur",
"description" : "Signs and manifestations of dyslexia have been studied for
alphabetic and logographic languages [1,2,5-7]. However, such initiatives are still
in infancy for Indian languages, such as Bangla, Devnagri and other Indian scripts,
which follows abugida writing system."

/* 70 */
"_id" : "TX89jvf6ufnvXQH3T",
"url" : "https://backchannel.com/the-myth-of-a-superhuman-ai-59282b686c62?
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The Myth of a Superhuman AI - Backchannel",
"description" : "I' ve heard that in the future computerized AIs will become so
much smarter than us that they will take all our jobs and resources, and humans
will go extinct. Is this true? That's the most common question I get whenever I
give a talk about AI."

/* 71 */
"_id" : "eM825DejkJbjNHWme",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0e1a3f8e-2c13-497e-
bfab-20cc27ecae98_11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4f028ef9-c5d7-4c1d-
"title" : "11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik",
"description" : null

/* 72 */
"_id" : "wnNKSwDtsjpRLg98h",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0a33ce3e-0efe-455d-
8830-4dce18f7b1cc_10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/8a8c7107-e579-4744-
"title" : "10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson",
"description" : null

/* 73 */
"_id" : "k8bXXL2bg7dKfo6MY",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2017/05/france-secularism-and-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "France, secularism and religion: Emmanuel Macron has a history
buff's view of Islam and religious strife | The Economist",
"description" : "America's founding fathers, influenced by the French
enlightenment, were determined not to let European-style religious wars tear their
young republic apart. Although people still argue about what exactly those founders
believed, historians agree that avoiding internal strife was one of their main
concerns when they barred the establishment of any particular religion."

/* 74 */
"_id" : "9P6nzyvyAeyMcmJZW",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700760-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Education and policy: Re-educating Rita | The Economist",
"description" : "IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a
professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a
colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their \"Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence\" course available free online."

/* 75 */
"_id" : "GXZEbKWQtyN49SBaf",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Regulating the internet giants: The world's most valuable resource
is no longer oil, but data | The Economist",
"description" : "A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry,
prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A
century ago, the resource in question was oil. Now similar concerns are being
raised by the giants that deal in data, the oil of the digital era."

/* 76 */
"_id" : "Xn7trSJjerwJR4Bm6",
"url" : "https://thewire.in/132585/india-is-facing-a-mental-health-crisis-one-
"image" : "http://thewire.in/wp-
"title" : "India Is Facing a Mental Health Crisis - and Its Education System Is
Ill Equipped to Handle It",
"description" : "On an April evening in a campus town, a group of college
students across various disciplines - sciences and humanities - stepped away from
their studies to meet under the stars and share stories through art and readings.
All these narratives were on mental health struggles."

/* 77 */
"_id" : "v7Qi2oEQu29GNrEbb",
"url" : "https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/200-free-art-books-download-
"image" : "http://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1493766758907-
"title" : "200+ Free Art Books Are Now Available to Download from the
"description" : "Tomes of work by Picasso, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, Flavin,
Klimt, Rothko, and more are as good as yours."

/* 78 */
"_id" : "hbNwGEusvs4MSzjap",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/33a37248-b116-4d56-
a93a-e49d1e2cba47_9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bc0b56f8-49ba-4649-
"title" : "9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson",
"description" : null

/* 79 */
"_id" : "X6TmLL4yCcyDBLst4",
"url" : "http://ideas.ted.com/are-you-ready-for-the-impending-age-of-robots/",
"image" : "http://tedideas.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/web_brain-
"title" : "Are you ready for the impending age of robots?",
"description" : "The next big new-era-inducing change is likely to be the
arrival of artificial intelligence, in the form of robots smart enough to
substitute wholesale for human workers."

/* 80 */
"_id" : "Qa5d9QJAFTj4szm4s",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVC6FlDKvmA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Heineken Commerical Alternative Ending",
"description" : "Original video credits :https://streamable.com/3m65z Support
this channel by buying as you normally would on amazon: http://amzn.to/2pnV1NO Damn
that's cold"

/* 81 */
"_id" : "MLumzWYmWMaedzWsB",
"url" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/about-mindfulness/research/",
"image" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/wp/wp-
"title" : "Research on Mindfulness in Education | Mindful Schools",
"description" : "Numerous studies show improved attention1 , including better
performance on objective tasks that measure attention.2 Mindfulness is associated
with emotion regulation across a number of studies3 ."

/* 82 */
"_id" : "pxDd2zmNSno8ysdgK",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/18706b30-8ee7-491d-
b918-b0cf409cd165_8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e2aa501a-6bab-4a3b-
"title" : "8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin",
"description" : null

/* 83 */
"_id" : "KdEQua4ohTvnaeN48",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it?",
"description" : "Scared of superintelligent AI? You should be, says
neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris -- and not just in some theoretical way.
We're going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven't yet grappled
with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we
treat ants."

/* 84 */
"_id" : "EDinxc8rRobCnkoSu",
"url" : "https://www.fastcompany.com/40412848/heineken-just-put-out-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Heineken Just Put Out The Antidote to That Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad",
"description" : "WHAT: \"World's Apart,\" a new Heineken ad that involves some
frank conversations between people with differing views. WHO: Agency Publicis
London WHY WE CARE: Earlier this month, Pepsi tried to walk in step with the
#Resistance, and ended up falling on its face. Hard."

/* 85 */
"_id" : "5N3tJ2WdHScicBCGy",
"url" : "http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/iceland-teen-substance-
"image" : "http://www.abc.net.au/cm/lb/8208376/data/iceland-2-data.jpg",
"title" : "Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse - but the rest of the
world isn't listening",
"description" : "It's a little before three on a sunny Friday afternoon and
Laugardalur Park, near central Reykjavik, looks practically deserted. There's an
occasional adult with a pushchair, but the park's surrounded by apartment blocks
and houses, and school's out - so where are all the kids?"

/* 86 */
"_id" : "AGtAWPoHgomLL7LTD",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/552395e1-82c3-4cd0-
8064-3722898c02f7_7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9c87a9af-2972-44d1-
"title" : "7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman",
"description" : null

/* 87 */
"_id" : "wr6vxAGKNKD2bqiAL",
"url" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2017/04/20/benefits-of-video-
"image" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/gone-
"title" : "Roundtable Discussion: Teaching with Games, Part 1",
"description" : "I recently met Paul Darvasi and Aleksander Husy at the annual
UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education in Ottawa, where we were on a panel
hosted by the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable
Development. The subject of our panel was a debate on the topic, \"Innovative
pedagogies for ESD and Global Citizenship Education: Is game-based learning the

/* 88 */
"_id" : "2ftadsN92TqeBzXW2",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/video-gaming-to-be-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-
"title" : "Video gaming to be featured at 2022 Asian Games",
"description" : "Video gaming will be featured as a full sport at the 2022
Asian Games, with competitors in electronic sports set to receive medals for their
digital prowess. The Olympic Council of Asia says it will introduce esports to the
official program of the Asian Games at Hangzhou, China."
/* 89 */
"_id" : "GAtSADHa75PbZCqWj",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qym11JnFQBM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens",
"description" : "Microsoft HoloLlens brings holography into physical world. Now
its possible to create what you think. Its easy to convert your imagination into
designs. Easier to explore the places never actually being there. According to
Microsoft \"The era of holographic computing is here.\""

/* 90 */
"_id" : "xprPyRDcnRhHb6joC",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/opinion/the-point-of-hate.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Point of Hate",
"description" : "Individuals experiencing hate, on the other hand, retain
nearly all of their capacity for evaluating a situation. Neuroscientists have
suggested that rational planning is maintained because \"the hater may want to
exercise judgment in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise extract
revenge\" - hardly an encouraging conclusion."

/* 91 */
"_id" : "Z5SRGGu5zMRHa6DEk",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/let-s-talk-about-trolls-
"image" :
"title" : "Let's Talk About Trolls | Online abuse a modern-day weapon to
silence women: Barkha Dutt",
"description" : "I have been called a whore, a 'randi', 'c***\", bitch and
'presstitute\" on Twitter and other social media platforms so often that now I
barely notice it. It is not unusual for me to get tweets that go like this: \"Tum
agar randi bhi ban jaogi, phir bhi tujhe koi nahi ch*****\" (even if you become a
prostitute, no one will have sex with you)."

/* 92 */
"_id" : "nSDpa76PcyxQ2SbXD",
"url" : "http://www.atimes.com/playing-sustainability-games-can-transform-2030-
"image" : "http://static.atimes.com/images/atlogo-fb-1200x630.png",
"title" : "Playing for sustainability: How games can transform the world",
"description" : "Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs
across Asia"

/* 93 */
"_id" : "jeMufuxGC44ginG5o",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/the-data-or-the-hunch",
"image" : "http://1843magazine.static-
"title" : "The data or the hunch",
"description" : "John Hammond was a boy of ten when he fell in love with the
new music called jazz. Rather than heading home after school to his family's
mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he would jump on an uptown bus and
deposit himself, 30 blocks away, in a different world."

/* 94 */
"_id" : "MFdY7KK6rgc45dusT",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4404422/UN-peacekeepers-child-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2017/04/12/17/wire-388173-1492016115-
"title" : "UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests",
"description" : "Rape victim has revealed how she was forced to have sex with
UN workers She claims peacekeepers in Haiti offered children cookies in return for
sex In Haiti, 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited children from 2004 to 2007 A
rape victim has told how she was forced to have sex with UN workers who were
supposed to be on a peacekeeping mission in Haiti."

/* 95 */
"_id" : "GiDsFEFMHskgiyKLz",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/12/doughnut-growth-
"image" :
"title" : "Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics - the
doughnut | George Monbiot",
"description" : "So what are we going to do about it? This is the only question
worth asking. But the answers appear elusive. Faced with a multifaceted crisis -
the capture of governments by billionaires and their lobbyists, extreme inequality,
the rise of demagogues, above all the collapse of the living world - those to whom
we look for leadership appear stunned, voiceless, clueless."

/* 96 */
"_id" : "ekQzxmzWjh3jrgMrR",
"url" : "http://blog.ed.ted.com/2017/02/24/should-emotions-be-taught-in-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/blog.ed.ted.com/wp-
"title" : "Should emotions be taught in schools?",
"description" : "Who taught you how to identify and manage your emotions, how
to recognize them when they arose, and how to navigate your way through them? For
many adults, the answer is: No one. You hacked your way through those confusing
thickets on your own."
/* 97 */
"_id" : "rk9EXeaGmbGPkLa3h",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/00108fee-edb1-42cc-
bb53-bd1691b794ab_Finland schools.mp4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Finland schools",
"description" : null

/* 98 */
"_id" : "uoBv2sroWmJS23qkw",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/youth-modern-in-look-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth modern in look, conservative in outlook: survey",
"description" : "Indian youth are certainly becoming more modern in their
appearance and consumption habits, \"but their thoughts and views reflect a
troubling inclination towards intolerance and conservatism\", says a national
survey of their attitudes, anxieties and aspirations, released in New Delhi on

/* 99 */
"_id" : "nBqgHZEtzKJqhmSFq",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Emtithal Mahmoud: A young poet tells the story of Darfur",
"description" : "Emtithal \"Emi\" Mahmoud writes poetry of resilience,
confronting her experience of escaping the genocide in Darfur in verse. She shares
two stirring original poems about refugees, family, joy and sorrow, asking, \"Will
you witness me?\""

/* 100 */
"_id" : "afb9YM7TDpXRS7aGb",
"url" : "https://www.elitereaders.com/performance-artist-marina-abramovic-
"image" : "http://www.elitereaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/performance-
"title" : "Performance Artist Stood Still For 6 Hours to Let People Do What
They Wanted to Her Body",
"description" : "by Faye 349.6k Views Many of us know Yugoslavian performance
artist Marina Abramovic through the video of her painfully silent reunion with and
her former lover Frank Uwe \"Ulay\" Laysiepen. Many people have hailed Abramovic as
the \"grandmother of performance art.\" After all, she has been staging thought-
provoking interactive installations for more than 40 years."

/* 101 */
"_id" : "PJZTddGZac6m2Z7xz",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/explained/lokniti-csds-kas-survey-
"image" : "http://images.indianexpress.com/2017/04/graph-one.jpg?w=600",
"title" : "LOKNITI-CSDS-KAS survey: Mind of the youth",
"description" : "A year ago, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
(CSDS) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) conducted a sample
survey-based study that sought to answer key questions about how India's youth
thought and lived. The respondents were aged 15-34, and interviews were conducted
across the country."

/* 102 */
"_id" : "EyBYifpYuEDdJyK6X",
"url" : "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/how-finland-is-
"image" :
"title" : "Finland's fighting inequality with education, and winning. What's
their secret?",
"description" : "Finland has remade its education system to help kids like Lara
Osman - born to poor, immigrant parents - grow up to be middle-class success
stories. Doug Saunders reports Photography by Sakari Piippo for The Globe and Mail
In most other countries, Lara Osman's prospects would not be good."

/* 103 */
"_id" : "bmkFx8Ptedd2Ervgb",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/ceiling-fans-with-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Ceiling fans with springs, sensors to check suicides in Kota",
"description" : "A siren sensor and a spring device that will lower ceiling
fans if anyone over 20 kg tries to hang from it will be affixed to fans in hostel
rooms in the coaching hub of Kota. The city is grappling with rising cases of
student suicides."

/* 104 */
"_id" : "Eu7CfthaWtEXrBJSP",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/dispatches/the-daily/virtual-revenge-is-
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/woman-with-gun.jpg",
"title" : "Virtual revenge is sweet in Bangladesh",
"description" : "It is a sunny day in the Pakistani countryside. From your
vantage point you can see mud huts, palm trees and blue skies. Suddenly, an army
truck pulls up and from the back jump half a dozen soldiers - straight into the
path of a shooter."

/* 105 */
"_id" : "mJyPMPMkZ6RhGFWGg",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/computers-learn-cooperate-
"image" :
"title" : "Computers learn to cooperate better than humans",
"description" : "For the first time, computers have taught themselves how to
cooperate in games in which the objective is to reach the best possible outcome for
all players. The feat is far harder than training artificial intelligence (AI) to
triumph in a win-lose game such as chess or checkers, researchers say."

/* 106 */
"_id" : "eLqtNnQTqaqj93gJv",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155918517468452/?
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Juice Media",
"description" : "The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i
and it's surprisingly honest and informative. <3 aloha Please help to keep us
going! https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Mahalo (thank you) to all the Patrons
who made this video possible!"

/* 107 */
"_id" : "JKoMyQbk8c8hWWdAm",
"url" : "https://www.edge.org/conversation/jaron_lanier-the-myth-of-ai",
"image" :
"title" : "The Myth Of AI",
"description" : "That mythology, in turn, has spurred a reactionary, perpetual
spasm from people who are horrified by what they hear. You'll have a figure
say, \"The computers will take over the Earth, but that's a good thing, because
people had their chance and now we should give it to the machines.\""

/* 108 */
"_id" : "uuo2HRfWzFzxezGYn",
"url" : "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/trudeau-canada-refugees-banned-u-
"image" : "http://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/newshour/wp-
"title" : "Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.",
"description" : "TORONTO - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message
for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also
intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada's refugee policy. Trudeau
reacted to Trump's ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: \"To
those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of
your faith."

/* 109 */
"_id" : "34tmYGZXjqDKEEyuX",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" :
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence's White Guy Problem",
"description" : "This is fundamentally a data problem. Algorithms learn by
being fed certain images, often chosen by engineers, and the system builds a model
of the world based on those images. If a system is trained on photos of people who
are overwhelmingly white, it will have a harder time recognizing nonwhite faces."

/* 110 */
"_id" : "rE6dZtzF8vXg5hPqR",
"url" : "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sound-science-sound-
"image" : "http://cdn.psychologytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-
"title" : "When Good Intentions Go Awry",
"description" : "Online gaming is booming-consumers are champing at the bit to
play an increasingly large number of fun, free, and easily accessible games. Some
entrepreneurs have taken this opportunity to create online games meant to increase
empathy and positive attitudes toward certain marginalized groups, such as LGBT

/* 111 */
"_id" : "orNs3g8ew7f3GGQ43",
"url" : "http://lindfield.mindmixer.com/about-this-site",
"image" : "",
"title" : "About This Site | Lindfield's School of the Future: A Learning
Village by MindMixer",
"description" : "The Department of Education and Communities is seeking your
input in redeveloping the former UTS Ku-ring-gai site in Lindfield as an innovative
centre of learning. Leave feedback for the Department's consideration."

/* 112 */
"_id" : "gW7SZNGHwpQKGM7Ft",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"image" : "",
"title" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"description" : null

/* 113 */
"_id" : "yP53zqQ4Z2fSevbMD",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/20/meritocracy-
"image" :
"title" : "Meritocracy: the great delusion that ingrains inequality | Jo
"description" : "\"We must create a level playing field for American companies
and workers!\" shouted Donald Trump in his first address to Congress last month,
before announcing that tighter immigration controls would take the form of
a \"merit-based\" system."

/* 114 */
"_id" : "b9YjEDJhyrXrhuX6A",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvQ2AyCCu4&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "This Bloody Line",
"description" : "Directed by Ram Madhvani"

/* 115 */
"_id" : "D5wfGhsE3SbzbWzrB",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-
"title" : "The lazy person's guide to saving the world - United Nations
Sustainable Development",
"description" : "End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix
climate change. Whoa. The Global Goals are important, world-changing objectives
that will require cooperation among governments, international organizations and
world leaders. It seems impossible that the average person can make an impact.
Should you just give up? No! Change starts with you."

/* 116 */
"_id" : "7RRNfZw2tFef5Q6Xc",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-Sk7_ykzU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sesame Street and Autism: We're Amazing, 1, 2, 3!",
"description" : "How is your child the same or different from Julia, Elmo, or
Abby? Tell us at #seeamazing. Sesame Street in Communities brings free video
content of everyone's favorite, furry Muppet friends as they help children and the
adults in their lives reach their highest potential."

/* 117 */
"_id" : "K5YgPMiuGiNDStZEm",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/technology/be-your-selves",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201704_TE_CON_01-RT-
"title" : "Be your selves",
"description" : "A friend who stumbled upon my Twitter account told me that my
tweets made me sound like an unrecognisable jerk. \"You're much nicer than this in
real life,\" she said. This is a common refrain about social media: that they make
people behave worse than they do in \"real life\"."

/* 118 */
"_id" : "qajHdeKjrERWgM6iN",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JyTW4Rg2tE&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Internet Warriors",
"description" : "Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten
people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? Director Kyrre Lien meets
a global group of strongly opinionated individuals, who spend their time debating
online on the subjects they care most strongly about."

/* 119 */
"_id" : "JtbSFyowS4fsMcHsA",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/11/world-faces-worst-
"image" :
"title" : "World faces worst humanitarian crisis since 1945, says UN official",
"description" : "The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end
of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing
starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned."

/* 120 */
"_id" : "HgiGeuoG2R8TeS99c",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/12/no-evidence-to-back-
"image" :
"title" : "No evidence to back idea of learning styles | Letter",
"description" : "There is widespread interest among teachers in the use of
neuroscientific research findings in educational practice. However, there are also
misconceptions and myths that are supposedly based on sound neuroscience that are
prevalent in our schools."

/* 121 */
"_id" : "mMHcgdcKAFaem27K5",
"url" : "https://hbr.org/2013/08/why-do-so-many-incompetent-men",
"image" : "http://hbr.org/resources/images/hbr_opengraph_940x490.png",
"title" : "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?",
"description" : "There are three popular explanations for the clear under-
representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they
are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break
the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes,
that prevents women from accessing the ranks of power."

/* 122 */
"_id" : "A72AfEnxaebr56abY",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5163103f-9e79-4e9e-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f82bb555-09f3-4466-
"title" : "KIDSAI001",
"description" : null

/* 123 */
"_id" : "Nwt7BrnQkZqLYWrBD",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/09/opinion/a-ticket-to-hell.html",
"image" :
"title" : "A Ticket to Hell",
"description" : "He upset social conventions. For him, things had to be gilded
to be glamorous. All modesty - either real or contrived to guard against exposure -
was absent from the man. He was a glutton for attention and adoration. He chased
the spotlight and pimped celebrity for profit."

/* 124 */
"_id" : "QBvvgiTMyNyTm3LLw",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/unesco_mgiep/status/839688883646443523",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP on Twitter",
"description" : "Highlights of day 3: UNESCO MGIEP's first ever #YesPeace
champion and @TheXFactor winner @emmanuelktwiter moves the delegates with Imagine

/* 125 */
"_id" : "sLnGjPq3jqXLoLbmr",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/content/ideas/anonymous/class-her-own",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/0513ILFE10-web.jpg",
"title" : "A class of her own",
"description" : "In the settlement of Moach Goth on the outskirts of Karachi
lives a heroine. To meet her you must drive out towards the provincial border of
Sindh and Balochistan. En route to Moach Goth, you are shown the flyover that
collapsed, the factory that burned, and an entrance to Lyari, the ghetto whose gang
wars and body-counts are in the papers every day."

/* 126 */
"_id" : "jXFhrbnrC5G7Nhimo",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political
"description" : "How do we make sense of today's political divisions? In a
wide-ranging conversation full of insight, historian Yuval Harari places our
current turmoil in a broader context, against the ongoing disruption of our
technology, climate, media -- even our notion of what humanity is for."

/* 127 */
"_id" : "cGToNc4HEMRZBCWDy",
"url" : "https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-
"image" : "http://ourworldindata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Two-centuries-
"title" : "A history of global living conditions in 5 charts",
"description" : "This is the introduction to Our World in Data - the web
publication that shows how global living conditions are changing. A recent survey
asked \"All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse,
or neither getting better nor worse?\". In Sweden 10% thought t"

/* 128 */
"_id" : "RXEKQWtRnwCwkHMbb",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/moral-economy-of-a-
"image" :
"title" : "Moral economy of a university",
"description" : "Indians do not have the patience to focus on a problem for an
extended period of time. We do not think of institutions in the long run. We panic
when there is a crisis but when a crisis dims, we lose our focus. As a result, we
are poor at institution-building."

/* 129 */
"_id" : "sMLu57A6eiN9exoRr",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/mar/01/burning-lakes-experts-
"image" :
"title" : "City of burning lakes: experts fear Bangalore will be uninhabitable
by 2025",
"description" : "On the evening of Thursday 16 February, residents in the
south-east part of Bangalore noticed huge plumes of smoke rising into the sky. The
smoke was coming from the middle of Bellandur Lake - the biggest lake in the city
at a little over 890 acres."

/* 130 */
"_id" : "Xp84XSE7TQmTwcwvZ",
"url" : "https://qz.com/778767/to-tell-someone-theyre-wrong-first-tell-them-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A philosopher's 350-year-old trick to get people to change their
minds is now backed up by psychologists",
"description" : "The 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal is perhaps best
known for Pascal's Wager which, in the first formal use of decision theory, argued
that believing in God is the most pragmatic decision. But it seems the French
thinker also had a knack for psychology. As Brain Pickings points out, Pascal set
out the most effective way..."

/* 131 */
"_id" : "2Xgh9dbBLfxtom6u3",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/857d1b8a-fc65-4de6-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/27cc31a7-01f3-455b-
"title" : "gged5",
"description" : null

/* 132 */
"_id" : "vKWkZmzzpu9Ywdmpa",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hKS4rucTY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Neuroscience of Compassion | Tania Singer",
"description" : "http://www.weforum.org/ Can training our brains help make the
world a better place? Tania Singer from the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences thinks it can. She's a social neuroscientist and
psychologist who says the brain's plasticity means it can be trained to make us
less selfish and more compassionate."

/* 133 */
"_id" : "noPGh7TkXAKdBx9bC",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkueGrrQKu8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teacher Interviews / Destroying Poverty with Education / Sierra
"description" : "Miriam Mason-Sesay is a Top 50 Finalist of the Global Teacher
Prize and a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. She was a
teacher in the UK for eight years before she visited Sierra Leone."

/* 134 */
"_id" : "HmoQuCBpmmsx9e6SC",
"url" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"image" : "",
"title" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"description" : null

/* 135 */
"_id" : "xNjnBaNACS8J8RdFR",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Kiran Sethi: Kids, take charge",
"description" : "Kiran Bir Sethi shows how her groundbreaking Riverside School
in India teaches kids life's most valuable lesson: \"I can.\" Watch her students
take local issues into their own hands, lead other young people, even educate their

/* 136 */
"_id" : "4Xca4T7Fb2C2qauWD",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/24/education-publisher-
"image" :
"title" : "Education publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history",
"description" : "Pearson has reported a pre-tax loss of 2.6bn for 2016, the
biggest in its history, after a slump at its US education operation. The world's
largest education publisher, which in January saw almost 2bn wiped from its stock
market value after issuing its fifth profit warning in two years, reported the
record loss after taking a 2.55bn non-cash charge for \"impairment of goodwill
reflecting trading pressures\" in its North American businesses."

/* 137 */
"_id" : "kwtTbrQzonpnv6Ki9",
"url" : "http://carnegieindia.org/2016/08/11/india-and-artificial-intelligence-
"image" : "http://carnegieendowment.org/images/article_images/GettyImages-
"title" : "India and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution",
"description" : "Shashi Shekhar Vempati Recent advances in artificial
intelligence (AI) are a wake-up call to policymakers in India, with every one of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flagship programs likely to be directly affected
within the next few years. With China making rapid progress in AI-based research,
it is imperative that India view AI as a critical element of national security

/* 138 */
"_id" : "thpqQg3yYSPtMHSwk",
"url" : "http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-video-games-be-allowed-in-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Should video games be allowed in school",
"description" : "Debate.org is a dynamic social community where you can voice
your opinion on today's hottest issues."

/* 139 */
"_id" : "xmr9SEQWFXEXsaHaB",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/96689c56-b167-4ff1-
9852-c598d69a2cc5_Gamers brain.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Gamers brain",
"description" : null

/* 140 */
"_id" : "SS2A3gAqRHrTdNY9o",
"url" : "http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-
"image" : "http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/170227_r29468-
"title" : "Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds",
"description" : "In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of
undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with
pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random
individual, the other by a person who had subsequently taken his own life."

/* 141 */
"_id" : "z7cxt72BWwPGBfwzH",
"url" : "http://theirworld.org/voices/cameroon-youth-ambassador-on-teachers-
"image" :
"title" : "\"When we teach children from birth in their first language, it
provides them the best chances of educational success\"",
"description" : "To mark International Mother Language Day on February 21,
Global Youth Ambassador Joannes Paulus Yimbesalu explains why teachers are on
strike over French being imposed in Cameroon's English-speaking regions. Whenever I
introduce myself as a Cameroonian to my peers globally, one thing they always ask
me about is our soccer team (which has just won the African Cup of Nations 2017)."

/* 142 */
"_id" : "oPfSwN2yB5HzW7Y4H",
"url" : "http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015",
"image" :
"title" : "World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior",
"description" : "The World Bank launched the Global Insights Initiative (GINI).
GINI puts conclusions from the 2015 World Development Report into practice."

/* 143 */
"_id" : "dg4eikXe99JKP2oXa",
"url" : "http://newmediaresearch.educ.monash.edu.au/lnm/the-failure-of-moocs/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The failure of MOOCs",
"description" : "failure, noun: \"The fact of failing to effect one's purpose\"
(Oxford English Dictionary, failure, n. 3a) Have MOOCs failed us? This depends on
their purpose. If their purpose was broadening access to chunks of higher
education, they're a success: Coursera alone has more than four times as many
students as the entire Australian higher education system."
/* 144 */
"_id" : "KLkz5CQz2cHj2xceY",
"url" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/10-best-teachers-world/",
"image" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/GTP-
"title" : "These are the 10 best teachers in the world - The Global Teacher
"description" : "We've all had teachers who have inspired us, who have made a
difference to our lives. Teachers have the power to make or break lives. A great
lesson can inspire a passion for a subject that lasts a lifetime, while lacklustre
teaching can kill any desire for learning."

/* 145 */
"_id" : "RKeNwMgErMZXgkpT3",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/digital-education-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/images.indianexpress.com/2017/02/thinkstockphotos-
"title" : "A new divide in class",
"description" : "It is amusing to see an article fit for the advertisement
section managing to find space instead in the \"Ideas\" section of The Indian
Express. The article, titled \"A More Democratic Learning\" (February 16, 2017),
tries to persuade us to buy an academic product \"Micromasters in Data and
Economics for Development Policy\", a package of five online courses, leading to a
degree from MITx."

/* 146 */
"_id" : "CA84DmiDa3eYpyjxh",
"url" : "https://www.edutopia.org/article/border-crossings-matthew-farber",
"image" :
"title" : "Exploring the World in Your Class",
"description" : "In the past several years, the National Endowment of the
Humanities (NEH) has supported and funded digital games, including Mission US: City
of Immigrants, a game about the immigrant experience. You play as Lena Brodsky, a
Jewish immigrant in 1907 New York."

/* 147 */
"_id" : "6XT7LA4dGoH9T6Lgx",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 148 */
"_id" : "X4qTnwD29hHStGzox",
"url" : "http://theconversation.com/which-countries-punch-above-their-weight-
"image" : "http://cdn.theconversation.com/files/102815/width1356x668/image-
"title" : "Which countries punch above their weight in education rankings?",
"description" : "Rankings of countries based on how well their students perform
in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) always receive a great
deal of attention from the media and politicians. But PISA rankings, produced by
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, are limited when it
comes to evaluating the quality of education systems and their efforts to improve
children's lives."

/* 149 */
"_id" : "KyjbnJ3asxST4Fbgy",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/02/digital-
"image" :
"title" : "We're over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience |
Simon Jenkins",
"description" : "Stepping outside the bubble of gloom this week I noticed
something surreal. Kodak was reviving its Ektachrome film range to meet a surging
demand for high-end traditional film. Was this the same Kodak, I wondered, that
went bankrupt in 2012 after 47,000 job losses, a moment hailed by seers as when the
digital revolution finally came of age?"

/* 150 */
"_id" : "aCesWxzTggEdraN5f",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/20/global-arms-weapons-
"image" :
"title" : "Global arms trade reaches highest point since cold war era",
"description" : "The global transfer of major weapons systems rose over the
past five years to the highest volume since the end of the cold war as the Middle
East nearly doubled its imports, according to an annual report on arms sales."

/* 151 */
"_id" : "FddPquxwyJn9PwTNb",
"url" : "http://hechingerreport.org/can-virtual-reality-teach-empathy/",
"image" : "http://hechingerreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chris-Berdik-
"title" : "Can Virtual Reality \"teach\" empathy? - The Hechinger Report",
"description" : "In November 2015, middle-school students from Westchester
County, New York, found themselves on a windswept field in South Sudan mingling
with a crowd of refugees fleeing civil war. Suddenly, they heard the deafening roar
of low-flying military cargo planes overhead, followed by large bags of grain
thudding to the ground all around them."

/* 152 */
"_id" : "AKzYWwz9bN49pHJy9",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQnyPeQRuCI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth of the World - For a Better World",
"description" : "180 students from classrooms in ten different countries on six
different continents contributed to the making of this video. In our classroom in
Germany, we started with the question: \"What in this world makes you worried? How
could you express your worry and anger?\" and started to make plans for a video."

/* 153 */
"_id" : "BneSAQ2MYPK3yTb6W",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ng-interactive/2017/feb/14/are-you-
"image" :
"title" : "Are you at risk? How pollution increases your chance of death -
"description" : "Greenpeace has calculated the increased risk of death at
varying levels of air pollution in 3,000 cities around the world - by combining
risk analysis from the IHME's Global Burden of Disease project with annual average
background levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5s) from the WHO"

/* 154 */
"_id" : "C38nk99YGa3SQjiFo",
"url" : "https://www.buzzfeed.com/emeynardie/13-childrens-books-that-encourage-
"image" : "http://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-
"title" : "Community Post: 13 Children's Books That Encourage Kindness Towards
"description" : "This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or
endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone
can post awesome lists and creations. Learn more or post your buzz!"

/* 155 */
"_id" : "pt9ymP6XNz9XLQ5tt",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 156 */
"_id" : "KrMXrCad4CYzn5Zfd",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/02/daily-chart-10",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Daily chart: Young people and free speech | The Economist",
"description" : "YOUNG people have always been more idealistic than their
elders, and more liberal too. In the 1960s baby-boomers spearheaded the social
revolution that liberalised values across Western countries. What were then fringe
issues, such as equality for women and racial minorities, are now social norms in
most rich countries."

/* 157 */
"_id" : "WEEAXXEThf9ucqZnZ",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/15/robots-schools-
"image" :
"title" : "In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be
redundant| George Monbiot",
"description" : "In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a
machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children
being taught to behave like machines? Children learn best when teaching aligns with
their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity."

/* 158 */
"_id" : "KoLMxs2PGkopms5kC",
"url" : "http://nation.time.com/2013/09/26/the-class-of-2025/",
"image" : "http://timemilitary.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/class.jpg?w=260",
"title" : "What Colleges Will Teach in 2025",
"description" : "Reports on what supposedly educated Americans know-and more
sensationally, don't know-come along fairly regularly, each more depressing than
the last. A survey of recent college graduates commissioned by the American Council
of Trustees and Alumni and conducted by GfK Roper last year found that barely half
knew that the U.S."

/* 159 */
"_id" : "TLKEHfQFi2GYRMS6n",
"url" : "http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/we-are-chicago-video-game-
"image" :
"title" : "Can a video game be the ultimate empathy machine?",
"description" : "You're seated at the kitchen table, chatting with your mother,
sister, and a classmate between bites of spaghetti when a gunshot rings out from
somewhere near your house. Are you in danger? It's possible, but you've lived in
Englewood all your life and now that you're 18 years old, you're relatively used to
the disruptive sound of random gunfire."

/* 160 */
"_id" : "AHviBYzzpnwbvC2TG",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a02b35e1-e041-4365-
bc1d-7f1705fd9aee_emma changemaker.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4cd57f02-32ac-4bf9-
"title" : "emma changemaker",
"description" : null

/* 161 */
"_id" : "srmriyiAAaJRFXB3M",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/The-temptation-to-go-
"image" :
"title" : "The temptation to go viral",
"description" : "Newspapers recently published a story about a young man who
lay bleeding on a road while onlookers took pictures of him and made a video. The
incident happened in Koppal in Karnataka. The bicycle this 18-year-old was riding
was caught under the rear wheel of a State transport bus."

/* 162 */
"_id" : "aLNnLrMC74qRQtMdZ",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 163 */
"_id" : "HktnPBZ9DzsTdMaud",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 164 */
"_id" : "o8mafE2KATTrwGmQE",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 165 */
"_id" : "BkTqE7TYusJxDcfsQ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6b810333-ebb6-44c9-
a47f-405833e702a3_Hajar IDRISSI.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ca9b5a27-61e3-4487-
"title" : "Hajar IDRISSI",
"description" : null

/* 166 */
"_id" : "ruEtpJCf52HY7hBbi",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/quora/how-will-education-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/5080158/images/o-PRIMARY-SCHOOL-CHILDREN-
"title" : "How Will Education Change in the Next Ten Years?",
"description" : "How will education change in the next 10 years? originally
appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to
learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Salman-Khan, founder
of Khan Academy, on Quora: Mastery Learning Here is where I see education moving
over the next ten years: First, mastery-learning will become much more mainstream."

/* 167 */
"_id" : "CXZp7sPm73WnYnyBn",
"url" : "http://www.theage.com.au/world/australia-must-speak-up-about-myanmars-
"image" :
"title" : "'Sorrow beyond belief': Australia must speak up about devastating
cruelty loudly and clearly",
"description" : "Bangkok: A soldier slits a baby's throat for crying out for
his mother's milk. Soldiers stomp on the stomach of a mother while she is in labour
and then burn down her family home. Mass rapes, murders, forced disappearances,
beatings and families locked in torched houses and burnt alive."

/* 168 */
"_id" : "8ZZ8SJ6FiSnBKPihr",
"url" : "http://forum.peaceopoly.org/blogs/paul-iregbenu-s-blog/945-how-we-
"image" : "",
"title" : "How We Make Way for Peace and Democracy Across Africa",
"description" : "As we look forward to the International Day of Peace, we at
PeaceOpoly are proud to play a small role in a very big world. Were on a journey to
ensure there is peace as Africa brings bear the tenets of democracy amidst its many
challenges, and technology is our ticket."

/* 169 */
"_id" : "xu3obMScJZHj56TTJ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5OcbNTqbM4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teaching - The Most Important Profession in the World | Mareike
Hachemer | TEDxHeidelberg",
"description" : "\"Why would you sit here and listen to a teacher?\" - simply
because Mareike flips the coin and beautifully shows us why we should rethink our
perspective on teaching. It is incredible which impact she and other teachers have
- social change, shaping the year 2100 and their students' everyday lives."

/* 170 */
"_id" : "K6HWZMcZCruRYBcu3",
"url" : "http://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/china-to-ban-minors-
"image" : "http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-57017896,width-
"title" : "China to ban minors from playing online games from midnight to 8
a.m. - ET Telecom",
"description" : "Beijing: China is planning to ban online games for minors from
midnight to 8:00 a.m., according to a draft regulation on the protection of minors
issued by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs."

/* 171 */
"_id" : "Bi6WFok25GsfHBuDo",
"url" : "https://hundred.org/news/the-first-ten-global-innovations-global-
"image" : "http://hundred-
"title" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education Cities
and Blueprints",
"description" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education
Cities and Blueprints Last week at Bett, an education and technology event held
annually in London attended by thousands of teachers, students and education
professionals, we announced our first ten global innovations in education! You can
find all ten of them here."

/* 172 */
"_id" : "KPsYwdKhcuQCiEjHA",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/528e7ab2-95f4-4842-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b50e6496-0525-4a05-
"title" : "doc",
"description" : null

/* 173 */
"_id" : "LtCnAQq6nRjSXsSwu",
"url" : "http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-
"image" : "http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-
"title" : "Saudi Arabia celebrates its first ever Women's Day",
"description" : "Saudi Arabia has celebrated its own Women's Day, a first for
the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom. A three-day gathering was held at the King
Fahd Cultural Centre in the capital of Riyadh. It featured speakers who argued for
women's rights to drive and called for an end to the country's male guardianship

/* 174 */
"_id" : "tSmAremBKHMihgnpc",
"url" : "http://www.youthforchange.org/latest-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth power is the key to end FGM",
"description" : "Francis is a member of Youth For Change Tanzania Team - he
explains why it's crucial to recognise the role young people must play in in the
fight to end FGM. This blog was originally published for FGM Everybody's Business,
and we've republished it as part of our #WhyZeroFGM series."

/* 175 */
"_id" : "jRykj76Xkooy9xCxS",
"url" : "http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/oped/Radical--not-cosmetic-reforms-needed-
"image" :
"title" : "TOUGH JUSTICE : Radical, not cosmetic reforms needed in",
"description" : "Monday, February 6, 2017 Dr Matiang'i's name became a Twitter
trend back in December 2016, where some people compared him to President Magufuli
because of his approach. Others made calls for him to run for the top office in
this year's polls."

/* 176 */
"_id" : "mMZ32genqkBGNbqoN",
"url" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/2017/01/26/effective-teaching-harvard/",
"image" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/files/2016/08/technology-teaching.jpg",
"title" : "What educators can learn about effective teaching from a Harvard
"description" : "Editor's note: This post by Alan November, written exclusively
for eSchool Media, is part of a series of upcoming articles by this notable
education thought leader. Check back soon for the next must-read post!] Harvard
professor David Malan has managed to pull off a neat trick: His Computer Science 50
course is the most popular course at both Harvard and Yale."

/* 177 */
"_id" : "Aqx9fPKCGbw2LTm5a",
"url" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/2017/01/norwegian-robot-learns-to-self-
"image" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/wp-
"title" : "Norwegian robot learns to self-evolve and 3D print itself in the
"description" : "WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF For the first time we are seeing how
it's possible for robots in the future to design and evolve, manufacture and
assemble themselves without human input Experts at the University of Oslo, Norway
have discovered a new way for robots to design, evolve and manufacture themselves,
without input from humans, using a form of artificial evolution called \"
Generative design,\" and 3D printers - although admittedly the team, for now at
least, still has to assemble the final product, robot, when it's printed."

/* 178 */
"_id" : "rNSEzzBEXJAYEpnZf",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21716030-young-voters-are-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Vote early, vote often: Why the voting age should be lowered to 16 |
The Economist",
"description" : "HOW young is too young? Rich democracies give different
answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and
cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an
adult at 14. Such thresholds vary wildly from place to place."

/* 179 */
"_id" : "Eiq7rFP3sCqSLCc3Q",
"url" : "http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/montreal/in-his-own-words-imam-
"image" :
"title" : "In his own words: Imam Hassan Guillet's address at Quebec City
funeral for 3 mosque victims",
"description" : "Ibrahima Barry, 39, Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Azzeddine
Soufiane, 57, were among the six men who died when a shooter entered the mosque
where they were attending evening prayers last Sunday. Here is a complete text of
Imam Hassan Guillet's English address."

/* 180 */
"_id" : "kYyGdoo4nBBBZ65C2",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/these-are-the-books-the-most-
"image" :
"title" : "The top reads of 2016 - as chosen by influential leaders around the
"description" : "Facebook asked 62 of its 'global influencers' what they read
in 2016. This is what they said."

/* 181 */
"_id" : "5JoX7BSLRbJayAz9n",
"url" : "http://www.dw.com/en/america-first-but-which-european-country-is-
"image" : "http://www.dw.com/image/37398066_304.jpg",
"title" : "'America First,' but which European country is second? Parody videos
make their pitch to Trump | Digital Culture | DW.COM | 03.02.2017",
"description" : "Shortly after Trump's inaugural declaration that from now on,
it would be only \"America First,\" a Dutch comedy show called \"Zondag Met
Lubach\" parodied the new US president's rhetoric, absurdly promoting all the
reasons why the Netherlands should come in second. The clip went viral."

/* 182 */
"_id" : "AJ3gwWELNBbDuFrie",
"url" : "http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/ak47-kalashnikov-russia-assault-
"image" : "http://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/gettyimages-
"title" : "Kalashnikov Is Hiring 1,700 People to Meet Demand for AK-47s",
"description" : "A steep surge in demand for AK-47s has led Russian gunmaker
Kalashnikov Group to increase its staff by 30%, with most orders being made for
export. CNBC reports that the company plans to create 1,700 new jobs this year, as
announced in a press release this week."

/* 183 */
"_id" : "r9zHKHCJ9hkYd5jzy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H-uJu3hiDk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "YouthFirst_NGLS_Capacity Building Session_Advocacy",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-12-26."

/* 184 */
"_id" : "ndxPg4Tv7dCdzd6dw",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqbAT8JA4k8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth First Madagascar_YWLP trailer_English_2015",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-05-21."

/* 185 */
"_id" : "zJmNKqq7TTmJrREW7",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/Maharashtra-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Maharashtra textbook says 'ugliness' is reason for dowry demands",
"description" : "A textbook for Class XII in Maharashtra has cited \"ugliness\"
and physical handicap of a girl as a reason behind the dowry issue prevalent in the
country. The remark appears in a chapter in the sociology textbook titled 'Major
Social Problems in India' of the state Secondary and Higher Secondary education

/* 186 */
"_id" : "XA4Mjx47gLScC9STT",
"url" : "https://qz.com/677380/1700-years-ago-the-mismanagement-of-a-migrant-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/rtr2r5qg.jpg?
"title" : "1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its
"description" : "On Aug. 3, 378, a battle was fought in Adrianople, in what was
then Thrace and is now the province of Edirne, in Turkey. It was a battle that
Saint Ambrose referred to as \"the end of all humanity, the end of the world.\""

/* 187 */
"_id" : "CucdX4DjepgNqwdwR",
"url" : "http://www.documentarytube.com/videos/undercover-care-the-abuse-
"image" : "http://d1nz104zbf64va.cloudfront.net/dt/v/o/undercover-care-the-
"title" : "Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed",
"description" : "On the top floor of a special hospital, locked away from their
families and friends, a group of men and women are subjected to a regime of
physical viole..."

/* 188 */
"_id" : "P4EneqkRy2xC9MJtX",
"url" : "https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/",
"image" :
"title" : "The 'Busy' Trap",
"description" : "If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably had
to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default
response when you ask anyone how they're doing: \"Busy!\" \" So busy.\" \" Crazy
busy.\" It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint."

/* 189 */
"_id" : "2ZNjvdrpmJSDBCW6p",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/25/industrial-farming-one-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history",
"description" : "Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of
domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history. The
march of human progress is strewn with dead animals. Even tens of thousands of
years ago, our stone age ancestors were already responsible for a series of
ecological disasters."

/* 190 */
"_id" : "edro7xJLkjg8pjua6",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21715634-moral-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "The case for compassion, not empathy",
"description" : "Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. By Paul
Bloom. Ecco; 304 pages; $26.99. Bodley Head; 290 pages; 18.99. IN an age of
partisan divides it has become popular to assert that the wounds of the world would
heal if only people made the effort to empathise more with each other."

/* 191 */
"_id" : "qdvktLx3tZz3EjkLk",
"url" : "https://www.wsj.com/articles/can-mindfulness-help-students-do-better-
"image" : "http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/IV-
"title" : "Can 'Mindfulness' Help Students Do Better in School?",
"description" : "\"Mindfulness\" has gotten a lot of buzz recently, with
everyone from tech executives to professional athletes to lawmakers saying they use
it to combat stress, stay balanced and perform better on the job. Now some
educators and psychologists think schoolchildren could benefit from the practice,

/* 192 */
"_id" : "hAoe9tYG95o6w7epk",
"url" : "https://norrag.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/for-global-learning-metrics-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/norrag.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/learning.png?
"title" : "For Global Learning Metrics, Ask Cognitive Scientists",
"description" : "By Helen Abadzi, College of Education, University of Texas at
Arlington. The December of 2016 brought worrisome messages to many Ministries of
Education. The 2015 PISA and TIMSS[1] scores were publicized. Despite efforts,
Latin American countries have low scores, as do the wealthy Gulf States.
Policymakers are unsure how to improve instruction for better outcomes...."
/* 193 */
"_id" : "H2oztAtbApsfJeHYv",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 194 */
"_id" : "ghnw48dg62P7TvECy",
"url" : "http://inspire.nayd.org/2017/01/in-conversation-with-stephen-
"image" : "",
"title" : "In Conversation with Stephen Machua",
"description" : "Progress, Challenges and the Future of Development in Africa
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the implementation of SDGs in Af..."

/* 195 */
"_id" : "LcqB3ATeMuT39DQvx",
"url" : "http://www.aeinstein.org/nonviolentaction/198-methods-of-nonviolent-
"image" : "",
"title" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action",
"description" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action (PDF version) 198 METHODS OF
NONVIOLENT ACTION Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal
of \"nonviolent weapons\" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them,
classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion,
noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention."

/* 196 */
"_id" : "K3eTrDDbjQBpDZYMN",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 197 */
"_id" : "cPeQNFi4Wkb87HXYK",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/01/six-year-old-
"image" :
"title" : "Six-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About
"description" : "They're more likely to avoid games meant for \"really, really
smart\" children."

/* 198 */
"_id" : "xvxd3u8DXmBSp2vYm",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mt3Q40RnaY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Nandini Singh at the Heritage School TEDx filmed by EducationWorld
"description" : "Nandini Chatterjee Singh is a cognitive neuroscientist at the
National Brain Research Centre. Her laboratory works on brain circuits for
Language, Literacy and Music. She is passionate about achieving universal literacy
by 2020. Her research shows that learning in the native language is the key to
functional literacy."

/* 199 */
"_id" : "WZrjN5G2Nqd47y2hu",
"url" : "https://scinfolex.com/2017/01/25/hamon-veut-constitutionnaliser-les-
"image" : "http://scinfolex.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/flint7.jpg",
"title" : "Benot Hamon veut &laquo; constitutionnaliser les biens communs
&raquo; : pour quoi faire ?",
"description" : "Benot Hamon a donc termin en tte du premier tour de la
primaire de la Belle Alliance Populaire. Dans son programme, ce sont surtout des
propositions comme l'instauration d'un revenu universel d'existence ou une taxe sur
les robots qui ont retenu l'attention. Mais il comporte une autre mesure qui mrite
mon sens que l'on s'y..."

/* 200 */
"_id" : "KHhR2cco86PSdn2yn",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2017/1/24/14364864/unesco-video-games-
"image" : "http://cdn3.vox-
"title" : "Here's why the UN is getting interested in video games",
"description" : "Many of us have experienced playing a game that changed our
mind or our heart. Perhaps it was about injustices visited upon people who live
different lives to our own. Or it was about an ailment or illness sitting at the
periphery of our own experience. Or maybe it challenged lazy assumptions about

/* 201 */
"_id" : "x26FKMrPW8Ju2M836",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 202 */
"_id" : "vFgCB3h2LMYA2apgv",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11331034/Mindfulness-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Mindfulness: the saddest trend of 2015",
"description" : "How does your mind feel? Slowly revving back up after the
festive fug of Christmas? Chances are, in the slew of \"New Year New You\"
suggestions, you will have read about mindfulness. Indeed, it was pretty hard to
get through last year without noticing it."

/* 203 */
"_id" : "zqe2oNjGbPzaDis5r",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/23/is-mindfulness-
"image" :
"title" : "Is mindfulness making us ill?",
"description" : "I am sitting in a circle in a grey, corporate room with 10
housing association employees - administrators, security guards, cleaners - eyes
darting about nervously. We are asked to eat a sandwich in silence. To think about
every taste and texture, every chewing motion and bite."

/* 204 */
"_id" : "q7gKCm8BDgi4XGe2m",
"url" : "https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-ai-revolution-the-road-to-
"image" : "http://img.readitlater.com/direct?resize=w2000&url=http%3A%2F
"title" : "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why -
"description" : "PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline
viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three
weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could
not believe what I was reading."

/* 205 */
"_id" : "u7Su9YZsY77EjiCfn",
"url" : "http://www.hope-education.co.uk/netalogue/hope/classroom-of-the-
"image" : "http://images.findel-education.co.uk/classroom-of-the-future/img/f-
"title" : "The Classroom of The Future | Hope Education",
"description" : "The digital world means we're on the cusp of a technical
revolution which is limitless in education. Welcome to our classroom of the

/* 206 */
"_id" : "fGoxYxqQZBqNhA2mq",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/474588/why-empathy-is-a-bad-
"image" :
"title" : "Empathy Doesn't Make You a Good Person",
"description" : "Paul Bloom, psychologist and Yale professor, argues that
empathy is a bad thing-that it makes the world worse. While we've been taught that
putting yourself in another's shoes cultivates compassion, it actually blinds you
to the long-term consequences of your actions."

/* 207 */
"_id" : "DvJjdnFADaTWtays7",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-
"image" :
"title" : "Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems",
"description" : "Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of
communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name.
Mention it in conversation and you'll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your
listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it."

/* 208 */
"_id" : "cY6P2p6KoypbSxZQK",
"url" : "http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeanbaptiste/2016/05/23/french-
"image" : "http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jeanbaptiste/files/2016/05/IMG_4797-
"title" : "French Billionaire Opens Free Coding University '42' In Silicon
"description" : "A rendering of the free coding school '42' that will open in
Fremont, Calif., in July for its first coding bootcamp. (Credit: Ecole 42) French
technology entrepreneur and billionaire Xavier Niel (#129 in 2016 and #7 in France
with a net worth of $8 billion) is investing $100 million of his [...]"

/* 209 */
"_id" : "KvksLTkLqLNrh7Z8Y",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38639891",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Chinese billionaire offers biggest education prize - BBC News",
"description" : "A Chinese technology billionaire is offering the world's most
valuable education prize. The Yidan Prize will award nearly $8m (6.64m) every year
to two research projects that have the potential to \"transform\" global education.
Charles Chen Yidan, who co-founded China's internet company, Tencent, wants to use
the prize to scale up innovative education research projects and replicate them
across the world."

/* 210 */
"_id" : "6s9ES7qEW6Xpj7ja4",
"url" : "http://www.unescobkk.org/education/education-2030/2nd-apmed2030/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO Office in Bangkok: 2nd APMED2030",
"description" : "Senior officials from ministries of education from 32
countries, representatives from sub-regional, intergovernmental organizations,
civil society, UN agencies, UNESCO institutes and academia across the Asia-Pacific
region will convene at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030
II) from 16-18 November 2016 at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand."

/* 211 */
"_id" : "2G5phHbS8yfpkqqYk",
"url" : "http://yolocaust.de/",
"image" : "http://yolocaust.de/images/fb.jpg",
"title" : "YOLOCAUST",
"description" : "Yolocaust is a project by Shahak Shapira that explores our
commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
with footage from Nazi extermination camps."

/* 212 */
"_id" : "5zS2dDmt9B78G57Y3",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper",
"description" : "Long before sustainability was a buzzword, architect Shigeru
Ban was using ecologically sound building materials such as cardboard tubes. He
uses them to build remarkable temporary structures for disaster-struck nations such
as Haiti, Rwanda and Japan. Yet often, these buildings remain a beloved part of the
landscape long after they have served their intended purpose."

/* 213 */
"_id" : "8Q82fLJ2t6iJk98Ei",
"url" : "http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/01/slavoj-i-ek-charlie-
"image" :
"title" : "Slavoj iek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really
full of passionate intensity?",
"description" : "Now, when we are all in a state of shock after the killing
spree in the Charlie Hebdo offices, it is the right moment to gather the courage to
think. We should, of course, unambiguously condemn the killings as an attack on the
very substance our freedoms, and condemn them without any hidden caveats (in the
style of \" Charlie Hebdo was nonetheless provoking and humiliating the Muslims too

/* 214 */
"_id" : "dQgt9ukZw65yD2PbJ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7Edq-QanM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Prof Krishna Kumar address at FICCI Publicon 2016",
"description" : "Uploaded by TheAGcreatives on 2016-12-04."

/* 215 */
"_id" : "QiiQwusmfQtSkQBdF",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/world/asia/bhutan-gross-national-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/29/world/03BHUTAN-1/03BHUTAN-
"title" : "In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills",
"description" : "As the president of the Center for Bhutan Studies and GNH
Research, Mr. Ura has spent much of his time asking Bhutanese questions about
interactions with neighbors, quality of sleep and physical vigor in an attempt to
understand and measure subjective well-being."

/* 216 */
"_id" : "hzuLeMqafgkheor2T",
"url" : "http://www.games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Browse Sustainability Gamepedia - Games4Sustainability",
"description" : "Cities and communities. Simulation. Floods and Culture. 1-2
hours. Gifts of Culture is a board game role-playing simulation of a diverse
cultural community. It allows players to experience how cultural differences can
lead to troubles but at the same time they can also be helpful."

/* 217 */
"_id" : "LWY59nKYNFRdPTzEG",
"url" : "http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/01/14/508991615/5-big-ideas-in-
"image" : "http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/01/09/measurement-ideas2-
"title" : "5 Big Ideas In Education That Don't Work",
"description" : "Small classes. High standards. More money. These popular
remedies for school ills aren't as effective as they're sometimes thought to be.
That's the somewhat controversial conclusion of education researcher John Hattie.
Over his career, Hattie has scrutinized more than 1,000 \"meta-analyses,\" looking
at all types of interventions to improve learning."

/* 218 */
"_id" : "thZRi3F64qiejPuMB",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/4/30/8514675/a-saudi-prince-is-
"image" : "http://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "A Saudi Prince is using video games to fuel an intellectual
renaissance in the Middle East",
"description" : "Terrorist, cartoon stereotype, evil oppressive dictator. It's
through those lenses - those unfair representations of a complex, massive grouping
of a wide variety of people and what they believe in - that much of the non-Arab
world sees the population of the Middle East."

/* 219 */
"_id" : "P9w2G2c6vgoKTJASx",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/body-politics",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201606_FE_RUS_005-
"title" : "Body Politics",
"description" : "Robert Rauschenberg, the subject of a major forthcoming
retrospective, has long been overshadowed by Andy Warhol. Caroline Roux looks at
how his influence on China is leading to a reassessment of his importance"

/* 220 */
"_id" : "LHNCmYpoHnTgEDrjh",
"url" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/research/curriculum-future-digital-game",
"image" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/system/files/CFF-icon2.jpg",
"title" : "Curriculum for the Future: The digital game | New Zealand Council
for Educational Research",
"description" : "Curriculum for the Future: The Digital Game is designed to
generate thought-provoking conversations about learning and curriculum today and in
the future. It's a fun way to think about complex ideas and it's great for playing
with a group of people who care about what we will learn in the future."

/* 221 */
"_id" : "MfwpgsHgZ5FCpFX72",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2017-05-01/language",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Finding a voice",
"description" : "Language: Finding a voice Computers have got much better at
translation, voice recognition and speech synthesis, says Lane Greene. But they
still don't understand the meaning of language I'M SORRY, Dave. I'm afraid I can't
do that.\""

/* 222 */
"_id" : "e5twyBD9cuspeK7ry",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/infographics/gamification-education/",
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/gamification-
"title" : "The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech",
"description" : "Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space.
How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? Learn all
about the impact of gaming on education in this infographic."

/* 223 */
"_id" : "RAygbEDHeLPuYp882",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c2bf7e-a038-48c5-
bea7-6e035f98bbc3_Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth",
"description" : null

/* 224 */
"_id" : "9yKn9k2BuiP2dePBL",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-adaptive-learning-anyway-zach-
"image" :
"title" : "What is adaptive learning anyway?",
"description" : "As emerging technologies and methodologies reshape corporate
training, one phrase \"adaptive learning\" is among the biggest of the buzzwords. I
get asked all the time what exactly \"adaptive learning\" means. Most know the
technology has something to do with e-learning, personalized education, micro-
learning, badging, gamification, cloud-based learning, etc."

/* 225 */
"_id" : "WkoQ7oXX5EAKBjmtN",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RdMDY5rYnY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pick Your Teacher: Democratic Schooling in the UK - Rebel
"description" : "The London Nautical School was founded in 1915 to train
students in maritime skills. Today it's a modern, non-selective inner London state
school for boys - with a very different approach to learning. At the start of the
year, teachers pitch their courses to the students, who are given the power to
choose what courses they want to study."

/* 226 */
"_id" : "jD7S3sc4FfhxfdgLX",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Interactive Feature -
"description" : "A history of classroom technology, from the writing slate to
the electronic tablet."

/* 227 */
"_id" : "2TMdtQkcKEiwTcmxt",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c1477b-eccf-4f9f-
9974-bccd4b72c3fa_The Critical Thinking workbook.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Critical Thinking workbook",
"description" : null

/* 228 */
"_id" : "oqQdHvo5DAuAwiCfb",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/61864513",
"image" : "",
"title" : "V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"",
"description" : "This is \"V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"\" by Being
Human on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them."

/* 229 */
"_id" : "WX8Gz27fWLHZFZifn",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Education alone doesn't prevent violent extremism. Here's what else
you need.",
"description" : "In November, 15 years into the \"Global War on Terror,\" the
Obama administration expanded the scope of the war. The outgoing administration
declared al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group in Somalia, to be part of the armed
conflict that Congress approved in its Authorization of Military Force resolution
after the Sept."

/* 230 */
"_id" : "duPGYCXRQfrb9i6es",
"url" : "https://www.thequint.com/blogs/2017/01/04/bengaluru-shame-you-can-
"image" : "http://images.assettype.com/thequint/2017-01/3ec173d1-8629-4dfa-
"title" : "Bengaluru Shame: You Can Choose to Be Safe, So Don't Blame the Mob",
"description" : "Let us examine if this issue was about gender inequality or
rather a law and order issue. It was the New Year's Eve. People were happy and in a
mood for fun and revelry. Each individual was wearing what they wanted to. Each
chose the beverage they liked the most."

/* 231 */
"_id" : "s6CzFdagY8DWiMXfn",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/07/information-
"image" :
"title" : "Only 20% of US adults have information overload, but those who do
feel burden",
"description" : "Some 20% of American adults feel the burden of information
overload, with that figure at least doubling among those from poorer or less
educated backgrounds, according to a report released today by the Pew Research

/* 232 */
"_id" : "4Apqk2P68PmMGSR2b",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/resources/blog/adaptive-learning/good-
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/knewton-math-homework-tim-
"title" : "Good Students Do Their Homework | Knewton",
"description" : "As the school year begins again, so do the homework debates:
Do students have too much homework or too little? How young is too young? Is
homework making a difference? Or would kids be better off playing outside and going
to bed early, as one Texas teacher told her second-grade class?"

/* 233 */
"_id" : "k8DJvYu8g9ibrzgBg",
"url" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/",
"image" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/images/app1.jpg",
"title" : "With AI, our words will be a window into our mental health- IBM
"description" : "If your brain is a black boxwe don't fully understand, then
speech is akey to its unlocking. In five years, what we say and write will be used
as indicators of our mental health and physical wellbeing. Patterns in our speech
and writing analyzed by cognitive systems will provide tell- tale signs of early-
stagemental disease that can prompt us to seek treatment."

/* 234 */
"_id" : "ZETSyyxdDFeeLT55M",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/01/no-grades-no-timetable-
"image" :
"title" : "No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down",
"description" : "Anton Oberlnder is a persuasive speaker. Last year, when he
and a group of friends were short of cash for a camping trip to Cornwall, he
managed to talk Germany's national rail operator into handing them some free

/* 235 */
"_id" : "J6TT79SsgwZgnrRqM",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 236 */
"_id" : "YX2B4YThGnLLmJusd",
"url" : "http://www.thankyouforplayingfilm.com/",
"image" :
"title" : "Home",
"description" : "Ryan, an indie video game developer, is creating a poetic
video game to document his experiences raising Joel, his 5-year-old son who has
terminal cancer."

/* 237 */
"_id" : "JbvyHFo52vi2J74W7",
"url" : "https://qz.com/841877/learn-how-to-meditate-through-video-games-and-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A practical guide for learning meditation through the art of
"description" : "Gaming and meditation have more in common than you think.
These seemingly unrelated pursuits both offer important self-development lessons
that use similar parts of our brains to mold us into better humans. Both also
suffer from public perception problems: Gaming is often seen as a potentially
harmful, violent waste of time dominated by teenage boys with..."

/* 238 */
"_id" : "RHSPwtBNJfCQsWCEX",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151109-the-infinite-quotable-wisdom-
"image" :
"title" : "The infinite, quotable wisdom of Carl Sagan",
"description" : "His quotes and insights are all over the internet, but here's
why you should really care about Carl Sagan."

/* 239 */
"_id" : "zxLxcEJaucHRdx459",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/VineSurvivor/videos/1232136226872420/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Vine Survivor - I Never Finished Watching A Video This... |
"description" : "I Never Finished Watching A Video This Long Before But This
One Really Got Me !! For More Videos Visit: brutenews.com Credit:

/* 240 */
"_id" : "JJepuxhwHhQD9h6WA",
"url" : "http://www.ipsnews.net/2016/11/coordinates-of-safety/",
"image" : "http://cdn.ipsnews.net/Library/2016/11/crime_3081396e.jpg",
"title" : "Coordinates of Safety",
"description" : "If we go by the National Crime Records Bureau reports,
incidence of serious crimes against women rose from 237 per day in 2001 to 313 per
day in 2015. These crimes include rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry deaths and
cruelty by husbands and relatives."

/* 241 */
"_id" : "qyv69ZdN2ebdhYaaS",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyc0M41k-mA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Best Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor festival-
Sara Rozik",
"description" : "It's an Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor
festival and the filmmaker Sara Rozik is only 20 years old!"

/* 242 */
"_id" : "2tgn5CcTmCPHQzAwD",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0tahJ4f7k&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon \"Give Peace a Chance\" Live in Toronto 1969",
"description" : "John Lennon played as part of the Plastic Ono Band, whose
members also included Yoko Ono, Klaus Voorman, Alan White, and Eric Clapton, a one
day festival, as Sweet Toronto Peace Festival, held September 13, 1969 at Varsity
Stadium on the campus of the University of Toronto and attended by some 20,000

/* 243 */
"_id" : "CZtiHrofoE9QStRDG",
"url" : "http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/12/researchers-create-minecraft-
"image" : "http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-
"title" : "Minecraft expansion successfully tricks students into learning",
"description" : "Two chemists, a materials scientist and a game developer (all
professors), have created a Minecraft expansion designed to sneakily teach
chemistry and engineering concepts. They used the mod as part of a college course
and found preliminary results that suggest it works reasonably well."

/* 244 */
"_id" : "Xkn8cvkXBCZ8gQa2g",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?",
"description" : "Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing Where Is The Love?.
(C) 2003 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc."

/* 245 */
"_id" : "3izw8ZB75QDRpWdpA",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/this-nifty-infographic-is-a-great-
"image" :
"title" : "This Nifty Infographic Is a Great Introduction to Neuroplasticity
and Cognitive Therapy",
"description" : "It's startling to think about how we've got a spaceship
billions of miles away rendezvousing with Pluto, yet here on Earth there are major
aspects of our own anatomy that we're almost completely ignorant about. We've
climbed Everest, sent men to the moon, and invented the Internet - but we still
don't know how our brains work."

/* 246 */
"_id" : "9MQmSRuCZ3sPxJwzv",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161116-astronaut-andrew-thomas-we-
"image" :
"title" : "Astronaut Andrew Thomas: We need to teach rational thinking",
"description" : "Australian-born astronaut Andrew Thomas recently described his
life in orbit at BBC Future's World-Changing Ideas Summit. We caught up with him
after his session to ask which one idea could help improve society. Now a US
citizen, Thomas reflects on the recent presidential election and explains why
schools need to teach scientific and rational thinking."

/* 247 */
"_id" : "4p6ph2fnbhp4MfqDs",
"url" : "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Argumentative_Indian",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Argumentative Indian - Wikipedia",
"description" : "The Argumentative Indian is a book written by Nobel Prize
winning Indian economist Amartya Sen. It is a collection of essays that discuss
India's history and identity, focusing on the traditions of public debate and
intellectual pluralism."

/* 248 */
"_id" : "KpqdmkzhvuMjBoMCL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbKQ7nXx0o8&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas",
"description" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas Other videos seem to have war
pictures, famine, sadness and the like. John Lennon's Happy Christmas is about
peace, love, and happiness. Let's try to embrace that and not focus on the
atrocities. Have a Happy Christmas :)"

/* 249 */
"_id" : "RCggfjxemRbxzEsca",
"url" : "http://childrenstech.com/blog/archives/17504",
"image" : "",
"title" : "A Heartfelt Tribute to Seymour Papert",
"description" : "\"The world lost an amazing wit, intellect, inventor,
bricoleur, scholar, freedom fighter, and friend with the passing of Seymour Papert.
He was arguably the most influential educator of the past half century. It would be
wise for us all to start thinking about what we each might do to build upon his
mighty legacy.\""

/* 250 */
"_id" : "8xL4cSqxnJpwSD6Kt",
"url" : "http://learningforaction.com/the-learning-curve/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Learning Curve",
"description" : "Consistent with our mission, our aim is to advance the
sustainability and impact of social sector organizations. And, consistent with our
name, we endeavor to share that results in that will bring greater equity and
justice to all communities."

/* 251 */
"_id" : "axgWn5vDqZpYbF5jy",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 252 */
"_id" : "PjvNGYDwzYMgK492e",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/to-prevent-rapes-it-s-important-
"image" :
"title" : "To prevent rapes, it's important to understand why they occur",
"description" : "Between 2001 and 2015 the number of rapes doubled in India. In
Delhi, the rise was six-fold. If we go by the incidence of rapes (i.e. number of
rapes divided by 100,000 women), it was the worst state in 2015, followed by the
Northeast (excluding Assam)."

/* 253 */
"_id" : "uXcrciyhPmLdCz3cE",
"url" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/",
"image" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016",
"description" : "A Hack Education Project"

/* 254 */
"_id" : "TRakCdYGYawezPRi3",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/11-ted-talks-that-highlight-
"image" :
"title" : "11 TED talks that will bring you one step closer to understanding
yourself and everyone around you",
"description" : "These 11 TED Talks show how strange and mysterious the human
mind really is."

/* 255 */
"_id" : "FMCHY2fxhuxckG8aw",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 256 */
"_id" : "nbPtpbdQGrLT49eew",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 257 */
"_id" : "orsz2LzLZQHo9Ra5p",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 258 */
"_id" : "WnwkB6wYQweRYgK4o",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5bd5ef6c-d822-413c-
b342-a6cc53391364_Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\".jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/04212627-08e6-4c4a-
"title" : "Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\"",
"description" : null

/* 259 */
"_id" : "WNa4vNaMeNrGrTodv",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/magazine/the-great-ai-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/12/18/magazine/18ai-cover-
"title" : "The Great A.I. Awakening",
"description" : "Four days later, a couple of hundred journalists,
entrepreneurs and advertisers from all over the world gathered in Google's London
engineering office for a special announcement. Guests were greeted with Translate-
branded fortune cookies. Their paper slips had a foreign phrase on one side - mine
was in Norwegian - and on the other, an invitation to download the Translate app."

/* 260 */
"_id" : "8Ghcksp5mnbzoPedL",
"url" : "http://nordic.businessinsider.com/this-swedish-billionaire-has-issued-
"image" :
"title" : "This Swedish billionaire has issued a $5 million award for anyone
who comes up with a UN 2.0",
"description" : "Laszlo Szombatfalvy, one of Sweden's most successful investors
of all time, is urging on the younger generation to re-think global governance."

/* 261 */
"_id" : "KvLRm4QhxPj9WHgj8",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21712093-new-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Neuroscience: Scanning reveals what pregnancy does to a mother's
brain | The Economist",
"description" : "AS ANY parent will tell you, once you have had children
nothing is ever quite the same. Including, it seems, their mothers' brains. In a
paper just published in Nature Neuroscience, a team led by Elseline Hoekzema of the
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, in Spain, describe for the first time how
pregnancy alters women's brains, rewiring them in ways that persist long after a
child has been born."

/* 262 */
"_id" : "HEpafeLPtokzM5nWq",
"url" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/children-explain-
"image" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/magazine/rights-
"title" : "In Their Words: How Children Are Affected by Gender Issues",
"description" : "This story appears in the January 2017 issue ofNational
Geographic magazine. If you want candid answers about how gender shapes destiny,
ask the world's nine-year-olds. At nine, a girl in Kenya already knows that her
parents will marry her off for a dowry, to a man who may beat her."

/* 263 */
"_id" : "xxgfexKtJosjGfykj",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/19/france-plans-
"image" :
"title" : "France plans internet ombudsman to safeguard free speech",
"description" : "France is considering appointing an official internet
ombudsman to regulate complaints about online material in order to prevent
excessive censorship and preserve free speech. A bill establishing a \"content
qualification assessment procedure\" has been tabled in the French senate and the
initiative was debated last week at a high level meeting attended by senators and
judges as well as policy officers from Google and Twitter."

/* 264 */
"_id" : "vkD9q9Ny58fkukdMS",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/18/aleppo-elegy-for-doomed-
"image" :
"title" : "Aleppo: Elegy for a doomed city whose history spans centuries",
"description" : "I made my last visit to Aleppo, Syria's most populous city and
once its commercial hub, now a deeply wounded and broken city, just four months
before the Syrian uprising started in March 2011."

/* 265 */
"_id" : "t8JuNC6Bffv56TN5q",
"url" : "http://ed.ted.com/featured/pkeqPuzO",
"image" : "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3MYEtQ5Zdn8/0.jpg",
"title" : "Why you think you're right - even if you're wrong",
"description" : "Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to
examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all
costs - or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Julia Galef examines the motivations
behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information,
interweaved with a compelling history lesson from 19th-century France."

/* 266 */
"_id" : "AHA2uy23tdW9ffWoc",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-broken-starting-from-scratch-
"image" :
"title" : "The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix
"description" : "My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty
years, it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and
miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats in the belfry,
and trolls in the basement."

/* 267 */
"_id" : "9SDWkNYC2PosiqpGe",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-
"image" :
"title" : "Could the best way to make money from science be to give it away for
"description" : "The Neuro, or the Montreal Neurological Institute and
Hospital. is setting up an experiment in experimentation, an Open Science
Initiative with the express purpose of finding out the best way to realise the
potential of scientific research. It is hard to be against 'open science'."

/* 268 */
"_id" : "XkpQEfPAMRsN2kGPS",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/China-slams-India-over-
"image" :
"title" : "China slams India over invite to Dalai Lama at Rashtrapati Bhavan",
"description" : "China has slammed India for inviting the Dalai Lama, Tibetan
spiritual leader, at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, and urged New Delhi to
respect Beijing's \"core interest\" in order to avoid \"any disturbance\" in
bilaateral ties."

/* 269 */
"_id" : "r63677oCiEZcFPMjj",
"url" : "http://www.asianage.com/opinion/columnists/171216/how-to-lead-
"image" : "http://images.asianage.com/images/aa-Cover-
"title" : "How to lead UN",
"description" : "Secretary-Generals often fail to deliver because the method of
their selection itself is flawed and non-transparent. Antonio Guterres (Photo: AP)
The swearing-in of Portugal's Antonio Guterres as the ninth Secretary-General of
the United Nations on December 12 is an occasion to reflect on the leadership
required in the world body in the face of mounting challenges."

/* 270 */
"_id" : "riTeuMfvnExtrWoyL",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/11dd2b58-d8c3-49e0-
8c50-3fd9a61df6d0_Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill",
"description" : null

/* 271 */
"_id" : "sFgPDL67qbZD5ibaW",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/efc8f0d5-e407-46b7-
9ded-8f5318e4eb33_OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38",
"description" : null

/* 272 */
"_id" : "jXgQtD3h4tsK53tS3",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0369d081-c6dd-47c5-
b291-3889dc44797c_PISA 2015 Results.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "PISA 2015 Results",
"description" : null

/* 273 */
"_id" : "BnH6GL6uHpyPZp2mM",
"url" : "http://www.torontosun.com/2016/12/14/colorado-school-district-decides-
"image" : "http://storage.torontosun.com/v1/suns-prod-
"title" : "Colorado school district decides whether to arm teachers",
"description" : "A rural Colorado school district is deciding whether to arm
its teachers and other school staff to protect its students."

/* 274 */
"_id" : "wqGRmihQyKvC9f92Y",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/83e7b50d-91ae-469a-
91ac-993f72853854_Dear Friend.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/eadbcbd7-7ed7-4972-
"title" : "Dear Friend",
"description" : null
/* 275 */
"_id" : "KKp7aW4K8qHkYTBn3",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnD-3q8ays",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OEB 2016 - Plenary Debate",
"description" : "Christoph Benzmller - Freie Universitt Berlin - Germany
Donald Clark - Plan B Learning - UK Andrew Keen - Author and salonFutureCast - USA
Nell Watson - Poikos - Belgium As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB's expert speakers consider just how far AI can go."

/* 276 */
"_id" : "R6zYakaWYneyMedt6",
"url" : "http://distractify.com/trending/2016/12/13/horrors-of-war",
"image" : "http://wp-prod-02.distractify.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/aleppo-
"title" : "People Are Sending Their Final Goodbyes From Inside Aleppo",
"description" : "As the battle for Aleppo comes to a close, with Syrian regime
forces closing in on the last remaining pockets of resistance. The Assad regime has
been found killing every man, woman, and child in sight in what the United Nations
is calling a 'complete meltdown of humanity.'"

/* 277 */
"_id" : "49EWBPoHTgijMqQ9z",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9vbCcI-JN4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Future of Learning Intro",
"description" : "Original video \"The Future of Learning, Networked Society by
Ericsson can be found at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quYDkuD4dMU"

/* 278 */
"_id" : "E9Ct896pCW8XMc3Xz",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4c9dff42-bd76-4289-
805c-0a823b1929c2_6th AMA with Jules Csillag.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e3d32ff3-ddc6-4187-
"title" : "6th AMA with Jules Csillag",
"description" : null

/* 279 */
"_id" : "eTwhnGwu3mKN7EoGH",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l4nVByCL44",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Blowin in The Wind - Bob Dylan",
"description" : "Blowin in The Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk
down, Before you can call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail, Before
she sleeps in the sand? Yes, and how many times must cannonballs fly, Before
they're forever banned?"
/* 280 */
"_id" : "aqKbzT2cfS9SNdjps",
"url" : "http://www.wikihow.com/Start-Your-Own-Country",
"image" : "http://www.wikihow.com/images/c/cb/Start-Your-Own-Country-Step-
"title" : "How to Start Your Own Country",
"description" : "Tired of the crazy politics and government interference or
social permissiveness? Has your tax burden become more than you can bear? If you've
ever thought that if people just did it your way, things would be much better...we
have good..."

/* 281 */
"_id" : "iR8XrKWJXAwhvTvkz",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bb8dd51f-0599-43eb-
80e3-8ba8517196ae_Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ceda6f5a-98e9-423e-
"title" : "Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?",
"description" : null

/* 282 */
"_id" : "hgLojCLffmZxTDawH",
"url" : "http://forward.com/culture/356537/why-times-trump-cover-is-a-
"image" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.forward.com/images/cropped/trump-
"title" : "Why Time's Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art",
"description" : "Time Magazine's annual \"Person of the Year\" announcement is,
year after year, grossly misunderstood. Time Magazine is clear on its sole
criterion - \"the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on
the events of the year\" - yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find
countless people who seem to think that the \"Person of the Year\" selection is
tantamount to an endorsement."

/* 283 */
"_id" : "hZSbwLPJdBDqfoN7a",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDrzKBF6gDU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "LOUIS ARMSTRONG what wonderful world",
"description" : "I see trees of green red roses too Veo rboles verdes y rosas
rojas tambin I see them bloom, for me and you las veo florecer, para ti y para mi
and I think to myself, What a wonderful world."

/* 284 */
"_id" : "ncaLWPkwDeRpg6NqR",
"url" : "https://www.opendemocracy.net/geoffrey-macdonald-luke-waggoner/from-
"image" :
"title" : "From countering to preventing violent extremism",
"description" : "Fighting extremism isn't just about military and intelligence
solutions. What strategies should governments and civil society groups pursue?
Countering violent extremism (CVE)-which aims to hinder the recruitment efforts of
violent extremists as well as address the conditions that facilitate
radicalization-has become an umbrella term encompassing disparate non-coercive
responses to terrorism and other forms of ideological violence."

/* 285 */
"_id" : "WBfjwdDHgFWfHnKXd",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5d0d0fb0-094c-43ef-
bb47-398817927460_5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5df20c34-9743-40d7-
"title" : "5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz",
"description" : null

/* 286 */
"_id" : "LchzN3ARLqGz9vS7d",
"url" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2016/12/07/video-games-are-
"image" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/wp-
"title" : "Video games are more addictive than ever. This is what happens when
kids can't turn them off.",
"description" : "Video games are nothing new, and neither are reports of game
addiction. But today's most popular games are wholly immersive: Vast digital
landscapes unfold in eye-popping detail, nuanced characters evolve from one level
to the next.These games are deliberately designed, with the help of psychology
consultants, to make players want to keep playing, and they are available on every
platform - gaming consoles, computers, smartphones."

/* 287 */
"_id" : "6dzb86W3ehSh7zkTx",
"url" : "http://martinprosperity.org/content/the-global-creativity-index-
"image" : "http://martinprosperity.org/wp-
"title" : "The Global Creativity Index 2015 | Martin Prosperity Institute",
"description" : "This report presents the 2015 edition of the Global Creativity
Index, or GCI. The GCI is a broad-based measure for advanced economic growth and
sustainable prosperity based on the 3Ts of economic development-talent,
technology, and tolerance. It rates and ranks 139 nations worldwide on each of
these dimensions and on our overall measure of creativity [...]"

/* 288 */
"_id" : "n4docq9PefgNMcgDt",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAqz3Hf00g",
"image" : "",
"title" : "We're About To Cause A Mass Extinction",
"description" : "This is what extinction looks like - and here's how you can
still help. Video by: Eli Ralston You can help the conservation of endangered
species, by supporting our friends at: International Animal Rescue
(http://thedo.do/iar), the Ol Pejeta Conservancy (http://thedo.do/sudan) and
Wildcare Australia Inc: http://thedo.do/wildcare Love animals?"

/* 289 */
"_id" : "2XGXpgy6AwYq2YmjQ",
"url" : "https://www.cnet.com/news/polish-christmas-ad-old-man-rubber-duck-
"image" :
"title" : "The Polish Christmas ad that's making YouTube weep buckets",
"description" : "Commentary: From a little-known auction site comes a tale of a
grandpa and his attempts to learn English."

/* 290 */
"_id" : "bqbHF54gkjzrAvFTq",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f0ed39dc-88f0-4379-
80ae-00deafe56985_4th AMA with James Jackson.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aef8ec71-0f00-4a8d-
"title" : "4th AMA with James Jackson",
"description" : null

/* 291 */
"_id" : "pCADKSfz5iEwmwwpW",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/196cf468-b3be-45ff-
a524-45780029e9d1_3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/970d5b59-8bff-4882-
"title" : "3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan",
"description" : null

/* 292 */
"_id" : "hh7zbirHpuD7FnZni",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sandy-hook-parents-release-eye-opening-
"image" : "http://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/12/05/b3de81e8-0fad-
"title" : "Sandy Hook parents release eye-opening PSA on gun violence",
"description" : "A video depicting a red-haired boy in search of a mystery girl
at his high school has captivated the internet, but not for the reason you might
think. The beginning of the ad focuses on a teenager named Evan, who's anxious for
summer break."

/* 293 */
"_id" : "dCKzKbmMuZB68ZBjr",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Introducing Amazon Go and the world's most advanced shopping
"description" : "Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world's most
advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout - just grab and go! Learn more
at http://amazon.com/go"

/* 294 */
"_id" : "Mxok7sE7T8Yakhmk6",
"url" : "https://www.thenation.com/article/did-medieval-muslims-invent-modern-
"image" : "http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Omar-
"title" : "Did Medieval Muslims Invent Modern Secularism?",
"description" : "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in Edward FitzGerald's
innovative and witty 1859 translation, went viral in the West for the first two-
thirds of the twentieth century. It created an alternative to Orientalist images of
the Middle East as roiled by religious fanaticism, puritanism, and obscurantism."

/* 295 */
"_id" : "CjzTySKnEBaFSjSyQ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4GLAKEjU4w",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Cooke - What A Wonderful World (Official Lyric Video)",
"description" : "Lyric Video for \"What A Wonderful World\" performed by Sam
Cooke. Directed by: Hector Santizo Producers: Julian Klein, Robin Klein, Mick
Gochanour, Hector Santizo (C) 2015 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc."

/* 296 */
"_id" : "NLAbn4xo6KdLPC6tp",
"url" : "http://www.businessinsider.in/Stephen-Hawking-Automation-and-AI-is-
"image" : "http://static-
"title" : "Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class
"description" : "Artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to
decimate middle class jobs, worsening inequality and risking significant political
upheaval, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a column in The Guardian, the award-
winning physicist wrote that \"the automation of factories has already decimated
jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the
most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 297 */
"_id" : "dCfM5SBWSwTkEvsmx",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-gz4FtI83U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Raindropss \"EDUCATE A CHILD\" - Theme Song",
"description" : "\"Raindropss\" concentrates on delivering social awareness
messages to the public in the form of Short movies and theme songs through
entertainment & media."

/* 298 */
"_id" : "bw29Fxb9STZedYJ8x",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/nov/23/its-not-all-anal-
"image" :
"title" : "'It's not all anal sex': the German schools exploring love, equality
and LGBT issues",
"description" : "Last month in Wiesbaden, the picturesque German city famous
for champagne and hot springs, around 2,000 parents protested over changes to the
school curriculum. The cause of the furore? That children would be bombarded with
lessons about anal sex, dildos and dark rooms. Despite their fears, anal sex is not
being snuck into lessons."

/* 299 */
"_id" : "d5f5adpf3tbwz4AZJ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)",
"description" : "HIT SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CLASSIC VIDEOS Pink Floyd - Another
Brick In The Wall Lifted from \"Pink Floyd The Wall\" film, this video is actually
comprised of two songs: \"The Happiest Days Of Our Lives\" and \"Another Brick In
The Wall Pt. 2\" This video became the official video of \"Another Brick In The
Wall Pt."

/* 300 */
"_id" : "f9EZdavPvTdbYcDDj",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6949df01-787e-49e8-
a188-81fa60e16229_2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya.jpeg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49fe6d8b-b9cb-4ae6-
"title" : "2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya",
"description" : null

/* 301 */
"_id" : "cF5rgoSTu89CFYqEX",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth",
"description" : "In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his
three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial
photographs in his series \"The Earth From Above,\" personal interviews from around
the globe featured in his web project \"6 billion Others,\" and his soon-to-be-
released movie, \"Home,\" which documents human impact on the environment through
breathtaking video."

/* 302 */
"_id" : "rf7f77ov5aQW9DEA5",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eeyx9S1hOV4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Aerosmith Dream On Lyrics HQ Sound",
"description" : "Aerosmith - Dream On (lyrics) : Very time when I look in the
mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like
dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know
nobody knows Where"

/* 303 */
"_id" : "RGQyf7TEtztwanXtK",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2015/04/08/heres-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Here's how we can reinvent the classroom for the digital age",
"description" : "When I was in elementary school, about 50 years ago, teachers
used to stand in front of a class of 40 or 50 children and write on a blackboard
with chalk. To make sure the material was absorbed, the teacher asked occasional
questions and assigned lots of homework."

/* 304 */
"_id" : "MQr22p2GLeYoKRm9o",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/homeschooling-in-india-alternative-
"image" : "http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories/home-school-
"title" : "Class of their own",
"description" : "Almost a century ago, Rabindranath Tagore wrote Tota Kahani,
the story of a free-spirited parrot who would do nothing but hop, skip, fly and
sing all day. A king ordered that the bird be civilised, and so it was put in a
golden cage."

/* 305 */
"_id" : "M58eNnvWynFcaCZpH",
"url" : "http://warontherocks.com/2016/11/thinking-historically-a-guide-for-
"image" : "http://warontherocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Umbrella-
"title" : "Thinking Historically: A Guide for Strategy and Statecraft",
"description" : "Editor's Note: This is adapted from the 12th Annual Alvin H
Bernstein Lecture at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies of the Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, delivered by the author on November
/* 306 */
"_id" : "zs43b8vL89JJKLLeY",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGMKvoEv1A",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper With Lyrics",
"description" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper : LYRICS : I come from far away My
boots don't know this ground But they know it's real It doesn't take too long For
this road to become A battle field And before I let one more fire go out Understand
that I won't"

/* 307 */
"_id" : "FeB8k24ACd29mSrJJ",
"url" : "http://milunesco.unaoc.org/mil-articles/connecting-the-dots-media-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Connecting the dots: Media & Information Literacy, Preventing
Violent Extremism, and the Global Goals",
"description" : "Most of the efforts to prevent young people's attraction
towards violent extremism fall on ears that are mainly already immune to the lure
of violence connected to some form of religious extremism. Many research and
studies indicate that social exclusion (real or perceived) is in fact the main
engine that pushes young people towards violent forms of political and religious

/* 308 */
"_id" : "hpDCGFJevDPN2FFJF",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8DBwchocvs&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "What are you going to make?",
"description" : "This International Women's Day, we're celebrating women
inventors, how they've changed the world, and are inspiring the next generation.
Learn more about them and tell us what you're going to make www.MakeWhatsNext.com"

/* 309 */
"_id" : "SMB5cFWeSZXj9YG4N",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Imagine",
"description" : "Video clip"

/* 310 */
"_id" : "tRR9zhqpBL8K2vRTz",
"url" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/2016-winners/",
"image" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/wp-content/uploads/pluralplus.png",
"title" : "2016 Winners Archives | PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival",
"description" : "\"Ardiana\" portrays the life of Ardiana and her family after
migrating from Kosovo to Slovenia. From the lenses of her family, the video
describes why they migrated and the difficulties faced."
/* 311 */
"_id" : "GaJ9gauYoEfqPwDvR",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 312 */
"_id" : "uQ9LyH9dJ2poBDY5n",
"url" : "https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/finland-will-become-the-
"image" : "http://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_25/259910/preview-
"title" : "Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All
School Subjects",
"description" : "Finland's education system is considered one of the best in
the world. In international ratings, it's always in the top ten. However, the
authorities there aren't ready to rest on their laurels, and they've decided to
carry through a real revolution in their school system. Finnish officials want to
remove school subjects from the curriculum."

/* 313 */
"_id" : "hoyugrirw6W36wD3N",
"url" : "https://aeon.co/ideas/how-video-games-unwittingly-train-the-brain-to-
"image" : "http://alpha.aeon.co/images/e4fc00d9-f4fd-465c-a377-
"title" : "How video games unwittingly train the brain to justify killing -
Teodora Stoica | Aeon Ideas",
"description" : "Let's play a game. One of the quotes below belongs to a
trained soldier speaking of killing the enemy, while the other to a convicted felon
describing his first murder. Can you tell the difference? (1) 'I realised that I
had just done somethin..."

/* 314 */
"_id" : "r3kDsN72tQPe3fMD6",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 315 */
"_id" : "t3smk35f9kQwGAzrT",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/47a4608c-4a90-4e9f-
852b-a25272c65ef9_Pope Francis's.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pope Francis's",
"description" : null

/* 316 */
"_id" : "4HrZnihw3yEXDHWRc",
"url" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/",
"image" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/images/matrix-pom.jpg",
"title" : "No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter",
"description" : "Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative
reporter for over 30 years."

/* 317 */
"_id" : "Jk3xXKfK3dCp89t9X",
"url" : "http://commongroundmag.com/main-page.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Main Page",
"description" : "It's November, and we find ourselves at the end of a long,
nasty, and unavoidable election process. The nation is splintered, and the suspense
is palpable. Let's pray for subsequent unity-and peace. For our 42nd anniversary
Gratitude issue, I spoke with John Perry Barlow in his hospital room, where he is

/* 318 */
"_id" : "nmMsfKG2bvWuFg4vG",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-
"image" :
"title" : "Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China",
"description" : "The current and former Facebook employees caution that the
software is one of many ideas the company has discussed with respect to entering
China and, like many experiments inside Facebook, it may never see the light of

/* 319 */
"_id" : "R6fv6dMwMppzebQvH",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/alt-right-
"image" :
"title" : "We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men
| Abi Wilkinson",
"description" : "For several years now, I've had a dark and fairly unusual
hobby. When I'm alone and bored and the mood strikes me, I'll open up my laptop and
head for a particularly unsavoury corner of the internet. No, not the bit you're
thinking of. Somewhere far worse."

/* 320 */
"_id" : "9D79pSC9f4ATDjugN",
"url" : "http://www.online-educa.com/programme/agenda/sessions/plenary-b",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Plenary Debate: This House Believes Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Could, Should and Will Replace Teachers | OEB",
"description" : "As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB`s expert speakers consider just how far AI can go. Could
intelligent machines really replace teachers? Should they? Would AI or a robot do a
better job?"

/* 321 */
"_id" : "ysdqj83og7cWkLnav",
"url" : "https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn",
"image" :
"title" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master
tough subjects - University of California, San Diego | Coursera",
"description" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you
master tough subjects from University of California, San Diego. This course gives
you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art,
music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines."

/* 322 */
"_id" : "hySEv68tmGXMBXotW",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoeeLxyNLQ",
"image" : "",
"title" : "WAR On Black Money - Is India READY For Radical Changes?: The
Newshour Debate (14th Nov)",
"description" : "BREAKING NEWS: PM Modi Gets Emotional In Goa
http://bit.ly/2fP5Ceu On THE NEWSHOUR, TIMES NOW Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami,
along with panelists - Siddharth Nath Singh, National Secretary, BJP; Sanjeev
Sanyal, World's Leading Financial Economist; Bejon Misra, Consumer Policy Expert &
Founder Consumer Online Foundation; Chengal Reddy, Farmers' Activist; Shahid
Siddiqui, President, Inter Faith Peace Foundation & Former Member of Parliament;
Saba Naqvi, Senior Journalist; Dr. Sameer Kaul, Political Analyst; and Dr. Fuad
Halim, Leader, CPI (M) - discussed - \"Is India ready for radical changes?\""

/* 323 */
"_id" : "ABYe7qFdDTWJyThkY",
"url" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/julian-assange-google-cia/",
"image" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/assange-
"title" : "Julian Assange -- 'Google is Not What it Seems' -- They 'Do Things
the CIA Cannot'",
"description" : "Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein
of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google - the
insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity's research - plays
the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas."

/* 324 */
"_id" : "3koMf4EGmh3CeAfYD",
"url" : "http://www.popmatters.com/post/dying-is-a-learning-opportunity/",
"image" : "http://images.popmatters.com/blog_art/m/mario-dead.jpg",
"title" : "Dying Is a Learning Opportunity",
"description" : "by Kym Buchanan 10 November 2016 A game's cues and feedback
shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it
can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong. Losing XP
for dying is wrong. Game design is often a matter of style and taste."

/* 325 */
"_id" : "xksZ3NWBqHXxQdG4o",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3921334/Indias-curb-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/m_logo_636x382px.png",
"title" : "India's move to curb",
"description" : "NEW DELHI, Nov 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nobel
laureate Kailash Satyarthi has welcomed India's overnight move to withdraw 500 and
1,000 rupee notes from circulation to crack down on corruption and counterfeit
currency, saying it would also to help curb human trafficking and child slavery."

/* 326 */
"_id" : "Kx29XvbRiExT8zpqx",
"url" : "http://www.amazon.in/People-You-May-See/dp/1539070468",
"image" : "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e8s9yI3BL.jpg",
"title" : "The People You May See",
"description" : "Amazon.in - Buy The People You May See book online at best
prices in India on Amazon.in. Read The People You May See book reviews & author
details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders."

/* 327 */
"_id" : "CJ7sxtBfQWaptGr6c",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-live.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/07/us/politics/07POLDAILY-
"title" : "Presidential Election: Voters Decide Between Donald Trump and
Hillary Clinton",
"description" : "From watching these communities, it will become clear on
Tuesday why Mrs. Clinton's party enjoys a structural advantage in the Electoral
College. But this election may also hasten the day when more of the heartland
becomes out of reach, illustrating what Democrats lost as much as what they gained.
Madam President?"

/* 328 */
"_id" : "AZKuXz68yo7iHHpyW",
"url" : "https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/negative-emotions-key-well-
"image" : "http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/3AF238AE-3D54-
"title" : "Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being",
"description" : "A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his
relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and
encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his
painful experiences, he says, \"I'm sorry for being so negative.\""

/* 329 */
"_id" : "W7yJRPxb5yc38mNWL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoGej6BqMc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "'I don't vote with my vagina': Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary
Clinton - BBC Newsnight",
"description" : "Hollywood actress and environmental activist Susan Sarandon
talks to Evan Davis about the civil resistance on the Dakota access pipeline, the
US election and why she's not supporting Hillary Clinton for US president.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with
analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews."

/* 330 */
"_id" : "PDYhrXEoy7xgeRxAQ",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/air-so-dirty-you-can-smell-taste-
"image" :
"title" : "Air so dirty you can smell, taste: Delhi grapples with toxic
"description" : "The concentration of PM2.5, tiny particulate pollution that
can clog lungs, averaged close to 700 micrograms per cubic meter. That's 12 times
the government norm and a whopping 70 times the World Health Organisation

/* 331 */
"_id" : "jo4BDDQFnxrNv9phf",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/03/pious-progressives-have-
"image" :
"title" : "Pious progressives have created a spiral of silence which could yet
conceal a Donald Trump victory",
"description" : "Ultimately, those behaviours collectively trigger a spiral
effect. This effect is well illustrated by the fact that the results came as a
surprise for voters themselves: the partisans of the more controversial choices did
not expect those balances of power, having had the false impression that their
choice was unpopular when interacting with other individuals."

/* 332 */
"_id" : "vzDMMHkKq9AYWkPRp",
"url" : "http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding,
Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
"description" : "Mindful of the responsibility incumbent on States to achieve
through education the aims set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, the
Constitution of UNESCO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva
Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 12 August 1949, in order to"

/* 333 */
"_id" : "K5n3wBzKy6vkHYRCk",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/manish-jain-shikshantar-swaraj-
"image" : "",
"title" : "My freedom to unlearn: Real freedom is not the ability to just
choose our politicians. Real freedom is when we can choose our gurus",
"description" : "Co-founder of Shikshantar: The Peoples Institute for
Rethinking Education and Development, Udaipur; Manish Jain, 47, studied at Harvard
and Brown; Champion of unlearning and freedom from degrees; cofounded Swaraj
University, dedicated to the regeneration of local culture, economy and ecology."

/* 334 */
"_id" : "eKoMGQTxWiYsAxTf4",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UGsRcxaSAI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Before the Flood Official Trailer #1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD",
"description" : "Before the Flood Trailer 1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD [Official Trailer]"

/* 335 */
"_id" : "jHvN6fcauGgBPuvSX",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/40384173",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Unreasonable@Sea 2 Minute Video!",
"description" : "(www.unreasonableatsea.com) Unreasonable at Sea is a mentor
driven accelerator for tech entrepreneurs who desire to take their ventures into
new international markets. We are selecting exclusively for technology based
companies who are working to solve the greatest social and environmental challenges
of this century. Why Unreasonable?"

/* 336 */
"_id" : "GgARhHbqgZaZ88QoW",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/27/angela-merkel-internet-
"image" :
"title" : "Angela Merkel: internet search engines are 'distorting our
"description" : "Angela Merkel has called on major internet platforms to
divulge the secrets of their algorithms, arguing that their lack of transparency
endangers debating culture. The German chancellor said internet users had a right
to know how and on what basis the information they received via search engines was
channelled to them."

/* 337 */
"_id" : "nDehXbkCEGp2jMTh6",
"url" : "http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003290607",
"image" : "https://the-japan-news-archives.s3-ap-northeast-
"title" : "PCs empower kids with learning disabilities",
"description" : "By Toshiko Kuba / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff WriterYoung students
who have difficulty learning to read and write using printed materials are
discovering that personal computers and tablets are a significant help. Schools
have begun introducing these devices, but tests in many cases are still
administered on paper, preventing students with learning disabilities from having
their academic ability evaluated accurately."

/* 338 */
"_id" : "5acHLE46taTvRYZ4E",
"url" : "https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/the-slow-science-
"image" :
"title" : "The \"Slow Science\" Movement Must Be Crushed!",
"description" : "Does science sometimes move too fast for own good? Or anyone's
good? Do scientists, in their eagerness for fame, fortune, promotions and tenure,
rush results into print? Tout them too aggressively? Do they make mistakes?
Exaggerate? Cut corners? Even commit outright fraud? Do journals publish articles
that should have been buried?"

/* 339 */
"_id" : "22jjEF7r6QLaAu9pF",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/science-great-giver-bill-gates",
"image" :
"title" : "Science is the Great Giver",
"description" : "I'm traveling to the United Kingdom and France this week to
talk about how political leadership can accelerate innovation. The first promise of
any good politician is to make people's lives better, and scientific research
leading to innovation is one of the best ways to honor that promise."

/* 340 */
"_id" : "5qioX5fpSi68EZDWm",
"url" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/09/26/how-mindfulness-and-
"image" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/wp-
"title" : "How Mindfulness and Storytelling Help Kids Heal and Learn",
"description" : "By Juli Fraga When mindfulness teacher Laurie Grossman
instructed a class at Reach Academy to let their eyes rest and close so they could
focus on their breathing, one student's eyes remained wide open. Instead of
following Grossman's cues, the student refused to close her eyes and stared at her

/* 341 */
"_id" : "BbLoNw2NjAkiMjA3Q",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/11/job-advertisement-uk-
"image" :
"title" : "Marketing firm posts 'only dyslexics need apply' job advert",
"description" : "A marketing firm has released a job advertisement that
stipulates applicants must be dyslexic as it wants employees who think differently.
The ad - which features a photograph of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was
dyslexic - says: \"We require people with a unique mind, so only dyslexics (like
Steve) should apply.\""

/* 342 */
"_id" : "RBiCTahW7qRZzWkjq",
"url" : "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why the increase in Japanese Nobel laureates since 2000? | United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization",
"description" : "'Every year, Japanese people excitedly await the announcement
from Sweden of the year's Nobel laureates,' comment the authors of the chapter on
Japan in the UNESCO Science Report, released in November 2015. 'If Japanese
scientists are named, there is great celebration in the media and the general

/* 343 */
"_id" : "uQ8kpT2n3rWYp9o98",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Six-out-of-10-Indian-men-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives: UN study -
Times of India",
"description" : "NEW DELHI: Six out of 10 Indian men admit to having
perpetrated violence against their wives or partners, with men who experienced
discrimination as children or faced financial stresses more likely to be abusive,
said a study released on Monday."

/* 344 */
"_id" : "TSxsqqHYFm3jmpxy4",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Fibonacci in Lateralus",
"description" : "The Fibonacci sequence in Tool's Lateralus. *3-31-10* Youtube
just informed me that EMI owns this music and it's copyrighted, so if they decide
to remove the audio, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just for a school
project anyway. No big deal."

/* 345 */
"_id" : "8fT635dhRADTaHXkc",
"url" : "https://www.fordfoundation.org/ideas/equals-change-blog/posts/weapons-
"image" : "https://fordfoundcontent.blob.core.windows.net/media/3116/cathy-o-
"title" : "\"Weapons of Math Destruction\": Data scientist Cathy O'Neil on how
unfair algorithms perpetuate inequality",
"description" : "Mathematical models-algorithms-increasingly fuel the decisions
and judgments that affect our lives: whether or not we get approved for a home
loan, how our job performance is evaluated, where we go to school, and how our
communities are policed. We like to think that math is neutral and these models
unbiased-certainly fairer than humans, with their opinions and prejudices."

/* 346 */
"_id" : "8HHEa7G9izwGPcHHg",
"url" : "http://www.learningrx.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-dyslexia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia",
"description" : "As many as 15 - 20 percent of the population exhibit symptoms
of dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association, \"Dyslexia\"
simply means \"Poor with words or trouble with reading.\" This can refer to trouble
reading fluently, reading out loud, reading new words, and/or pronouncing words

/* 347 */
"_id" : "F2EFCSK6tXmaWmqTt",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/11/scrap-sex-education-and-
"image" :
"title" : "Scrap sex education and make school children watch pornography,
suggests Dame Jenni Murray",
"description" : "Teenagers, meanwhile, should be given pornography to watch in
the same way they analyse literature or how a news bulletin is put together. \"Why
not show them pornography and teach them how to analyse it?\" she asked."

/* 348 */
"_id" : "Ga5kRiPZTLWYXeA8t",
"url" : "http://www.france24.com/en/20121204-2012-12-04-0717-wb-en-focus",
"image" : "http://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/home_1024/edition/FM
"title" : "Teachers rebel against 'curriculum of hate' - France 24",
"description" : "Latest update : 2012-12-06 Pakistani children are being fed a
diet of hatred, with government-approved textbooks inciting hatred and intolerance
of other cultures. Some teachers have now started deviating from the state
curriculum, which describes Hindus as gangsters and refers to Christians as
deranged crusaders."

/* 349 */
"_id" : "bbuikZqt438mYc4jG",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/how-mindfulness-meditation-permanently-
"image" :
"title" : "How Mindfulness Meditation Permanently Changes Your Brain",
"description" : "While many studies have focused on how mindfulness meditation
affects newcomers to the practice, a new study out of the University of Pittsburgh
examined the brains of long-time meditators specifically when they were not
meditating. \"MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness
practice, the brain's 'fight or flight' center, the amygdala, appears to shrink."

/* 350 */
"_id" : "XZs34R4QfpLyXpwWr",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/99991b47-9b6a-4201-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/727bc85a-bcff-43ca-
"title" : "Disrupting Extremism Profile Vignette",
"description" : null

/* 351 */
"_id" : "j9nK9tKwqLqg8a7u7",
"url" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/dundee/299043/dyslexia-
"image" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/wp-
"title" : "Dyslexia-friendly educational comics created by former Dundee
student used in schools - The Courier",
"description" : "A former Dundee student has created a series of comics to help
pupils with dyslexia and autism. Rossie Stone used crowdfunding to get his project
off the ground, and it is now being rolled out in schools across the country.
Rossie, who studied animation in the city, wants to use his comic book creations to
help ..."

/* 352 */
"_id" : "6PFHSgMuwd9857Go3",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/55cb63b3-3bbc-412d-
a6d6-680284ee1f85_Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16",
"description" : null

/* 353 */
"_id" : "tQqNkt37wXJxFiuTz",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-
"image" :
"title" : "Open dialogue in schools is the first step in fighting violent
"description" : "In the last year the world has seen attacks by violent
extremists in Gaziantep, Turkey, Brussels, Orlando, Nice and far too many others.
No longer are these isolated incidents; they are global threats to lives and to
freedom of speech, movement and choice. Fighting fire with fire is clearly not a
viable solution."

/* 354 */
"_id" : "Ku2ysdsQo4W6n7gPu",
"url" : "http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-binladen-climatechange-
"image" : "http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?
"title" : "Bin Laden called for Americans to rise up over climate change",
"description" : "WASHINGTON Osama bin Laden wrote a letter calling on the
American people to help President Barack Obama fight \"catastrophic\" climate
change and \"save humanity\", in the latest evidence of his worries about
environmental issues, newly released documents show The letter was among materials
that were seized in the May 2, 2011, U.S."

/* 355 */
"_id" : "DuWZwKTqwCh2eMDSv",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 356 */
"_id" : "BKj5rcjX58KknpBxp",
"url" : "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2rt8fhqyv9pisp/Diff%20Learn%20Concept
"image" : "",
"title" : "Diff Learn Concept Paper.2",
"description" : null

/* 357 */
"_id" : "4kyk5fvy2rTZ3ZAxe",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/sep/30/elon-musk-spacex-mars-
"image" :
"title" : "Prepared to die: meet the people willing to risk their lives to
visit Mars",
"description" : "Why are people willing to risk their lives for a chance to
visit Mars? After SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced on Tuesday that he hoped to
send manned missions to Mars by 2022 but admitted there was a \"high\" chance of
death for participants, we asked readers why they'd risk it all."

/* 358 */
"_id" : "uwZdPxEtLY98ndBej",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdNAUJWJN08",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education",
"description" : "Noam Chomsky discusses the purpose of education, impact of
technology, whether education should be perceived as a cost or an investment and
the value of standardised assessment."

/* 359 */
"_id" : "Xx3FLobKSrMbYis2M",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/09/26/being-expelled-for-poor-
"image" : "https://o.aolcdn.com/dims-
"title" : "Two Class XII Students Stab Teacher In Delhi's Nangloi After Being
Expelled For Poor Attendance",
"description" : "NEW DELHI -- Two class XII students of a government school in
West Delhi's Nangloi area allegedly stabbed their teacher in front of their
classmates yesterday after one of them was rusticated for low attendance. Teachers
protesting at Nangloi's govt school where a teacher was stabbed to death by 2 class
12th students."

/* 360 */
"_id" : "u8bi8pCDDonyDodif",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sal-khan-duck-duck-moose-apps-preschool-
"image" : "http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/08/30/97ab75c9-85f7-
"title" : "Khan Academy expands its digital education to preschoolers",
"description" : "Online education pioneer Sal Khan is expanding his learning
empire to reach its youngest students yet. Khan Academy has delivered more than 800
million free lessons on subjects ranging from basic math to computer science and
beyond, for everyone from kindergarteners to college students to adults wanting to
expand their knowledge."

/* 361 */
"_id" : "uHnMXSmBafvAf53PG",
"url" : "http://hackeducation.com/2016/09/22/pigeon",
"image" : "http://hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "ReConFigures: The Pigeons of Ed-tech",
"description" : "This talk was presented today at the Designs on eLearning
conference. The full slide deck is available here."

/* 362 */
"_id" : "gyejuYXxcJBSfRSoN",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 363 */
"_id" : "KCwxKdmy4givAKNRJ",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Seminar-on-
"image" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-54473821,width-
"title" : "Seminar on learning disabilities, inclusive education - Times of
"description" : "The schemes, Pragati and Saksham, will be implemented by the
All India Council for Technical Education. CHNADIGARH: A seminar on learning
disability and inclusive education was organized for government school teachers of
Chandigarh administration and St. John's High School with an aim to promote
inclusive education."

/* 364 */
"_id" : "rBZ3zy3Gz6ddswLFL",
"url" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/03/bioblitz-recognized-
"image" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/files/2016/09/Photo-2.jpg",
"title" : "BioBlitz Recognized as Integral to Cutting Edge Action-Oriented
Inquiry-Based Social Studies Teaching and Learning",
"description" : "The winning BioBlitz was designed specifically for the
students of Kailua High School, which is located on the Windward side of the
Hawaiian Island of Oahu. It was structured using the following learning steps:
First, the students were introduced to the compelling question, \"Can humans
reverse the negative effects they have had on the environment?\""

/* 365 */
"_id" : "x47CQ3HB6r8Qy52FW",
"url" : "http://learnmore.economist.com/story/57c964d86f729017617b2098",
"image" : "http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/turtl-
"title" : "The Future of Work",
"description" : "THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion
at Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligen... As Silicon Valley fights for talent, universities struggle to hold on
to their stars THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion at
Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligence (AI)."

/* 366 */
"_id" : "oQvrWZ2NTPd4LYoXZ",
"url" : "http://www.livemint.com/Sundayapp/r8ESEnsr0UOnU0KiXDJT6M/Micro-
"image" : "http://www.livemint.com/rf/Image-
"title" : "Micro schools: Going beyond textbooks",
"description" : "Last month, Mumbai-based homeschooler Malvika Joshi made
headlines for getting a scholarship for the prestigious BSc programme at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) without having appeared in either the
10th or 12th board exams. It is interesting to read what Joshi's mother, Surpiya
Raj, has to say on the matter: \"Malvika was doing well in school, but somehow I
felt that my children need to be happy.\""

/* 367 */
"_id" : "AkBv8sHhp2ukuuiAx",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null
/* 368 */
"_id" : "CEFzsABzKG5E7QKoP",
"url" : "http://time.com/4484681/new-atheism-jihad-apocalypse/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/isis-islamic-state-
"title" : "How to Fight Extremism with Atheism",
"description" : "The world isn't ending, but we face a tremendous problem from
people who believe it is. The beliefs of many radicals have become increasingly
apocalyptic over the past decade. They're convinced the end of the world is
imminent and that they have a special role in bringing it about."

/* 369 */
"_id" : "jjivLSWFCAm8wJZLN",
"url" : "http://unoy.org/2250-toolkit/",
"image" : "http://unoy.org/wp-content/uploads/YPS-logo.jpg",
"title" : "2250: A youth toolkit",
"description" : "Use the toolkit, share it, copy it! Just mention that it came
from UNOY Peacebuilders.Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. In December 2015 the United
Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250, the first ever thematic
resolution on Youth, Peace and Security. This historic document is very"

/* 370 */
"_id" : "iNQiJcqoZGW9tnTb7",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0m_uuFB0h8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Economics of Happiness",
"description" : "Does earning a higher salary really make a person happier? Not
permanently, according to GSE Affiliated Professor and ICREA-IEA Researcher Ada
Ferrer-i-Carbonell. Her research in happiness economics has shed new light on what
determines a person's happiness, particularly the effects of income changes and
other life events on subjective satisfaction."

/* 371 */
"_id" : "RFaAdqi3go3XHWQYm",
"url" : "https://en.unesco.org/news/lynn-davies-can-education-prevent-violent-
"image" :
"title" : "Lynn Davies: Can education prevent violent extremism?",
"description" : "Hard power is not enough to counter violent extremism based on
hatred and ignorance. How can education help? What should we do to build resilience
to propaganda among youth around the globe? How should schools address the issue?
Should teachers have a surveillance role?"

/* 372 */
"_id" : "GuPRpytjCQFmPCF4R",
"url" : "http://www.storypick.com/iraqi-sex-slave/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Iraqi Woman Who Was Captured By ISIS And Sold As A Sex Slave, Is Now
An UN Goodwill Ambassador.",
"description" : "The atrocities committed by ISIS are infamous across the
globe. The terrorist faction has raped, murdered and enslaved countless men, women
and children. A survivor of this terror, Nadia Murad, recently testified before the
UN regarding the horror she faced and brought the much needed attention of the
global organisation to this issue."

/* 373 */
"_id" : "eKNPJLj6bKAsqEy8W",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/world/europe/muslim-teenager-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/09/15/world/15Emoji-web/15Emoji-
"title" : "Muslim Teenager Proposes Emoji of Woman Wearing a Head Scarf",
"description" : "BERLIN - The choice of princess, bride or dancer did not
really allow Rayouf Alhumedhi to express herself in a chat room she was creating.
As a Muslim teenager in Germany who wears a head scarf, she was disappointed by the
standard emoji options on her smartphone keyboard."

/* 374 */
"_id" : "BhkhqkpXbP4HueqDv",
"url" : "http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/09/heres-how-obamas-female-staffers-made-
"image" : "http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/fashion/daily/2016/09/13/13-obama-
"title" : "Obama's Female Staffers Made Sure Their Voices Were Heard With a
Genius Strategy",
"description" : "When President Obama first took office, the White House wasn't
exactly the friendliest place for female staffers. Most of Obama's senior staffers
- such as former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and former economic adviser Lawrence
Summers - were men who'd worked on his campaign and subsequently filled his

/* 375 */
"_id" : "BaH54u9McJvbKu6PQ",
"url" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/damsels-of-the-sky-meet-the-demoiselle-
"image" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/demoiselle-
"title" : "Damsels of the Sky: Meet the Demoiselle Cranes",
"description" : "Demoiselle cranes were christened by the infamous queen Marie
Antoinette after the French word for damsel. They might look delicate, but the
birds are by no means fragile, and are known to make one of the harshest migrations
in the world. Every September, demoiselles make the arduous journey from Ch"

/* 376 */
"_id" : "NXmTJ3X2Dg3HoAjw9",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/182406879",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Dyslexia, As I See It",
"description" : "Dyslexia, As I See It, is a short film created in an effort to
educate viewers on the effects of dyslexia, taking a humanistic approach by talking
to those who have been diagnosed about their experiences, both growing up and with
daily living. Contact: callanmarchetti@gmail.com 2016 Callan Marchetti"

/* 377 */
"_id" : "QdDwQ7JuQRxF8c5pD",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/fashion/the-demise-of-the-pen.html",
"image" :
"title" : "The Demise of the Pen",
"description" : "The pen is dead. It was murdered by the finger. I first
realized this last week when my girlfriend asked to borrow a pen to sign the back
of one of those paper check things. \"Sure,\" I replied, picking up my laptop bag
to rummage inside."

/* 378 */
"_id" : "KSTewfdLhHdbPCubf",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/dec/09/nobel-winner-boycott-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals",
"description" : "Leading academic journals are distorting the scientific
process and represent a \"tyranny\" that must be broken, according to a Nobel prize
winner who has declared a boycott on the publications."

/* 379 */
"_id" : "AukiGTjqtzNivBNEa",
"url" : "https://www.wired.com/2016/09/googles-clever-plan-stop-aspiring-isis-
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/maxresdefault.jpg",
"title" : "Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring ISIS Recruits",
"description" : "Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of
divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field. In
the process, it's stumbled on a powerful tool for getting inside the minds of some
of the least understood and most dangerous people on the Internet: potential ISIS

/* 380 */
"_id" : "nbuhjxK5b6JavBnPw",
"url" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/momondo-the-dna-journey-how-it-was-
"image" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/wp-
"title" : "momondo - The DNA Journey: how it was made - momondo",
"description" : "As of writing, our video campaign has been viewed more than 28
million times on our Facebook page, viewed more than five million times on our
YouTube channel, shared more than 600,000 times globally and commented on by
thousands of people from all over the world."

/* 381 */
"_id" : "TywbCicLiYC6LyCsL",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/28/search-engines-
"image" :
"title" : "Search engines' role in radicalisation must be challenged, finds
"description" : "More than 484,000 Google keyword searches a month from around
the world, including at least 54,000 searches in the UK, return results dominated
by Islamist extremist material, a report into the online presence of jihadism has

/* 382 */
"_id" : "TaC5Eunv3dvRYivxE",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/09/india-street-kids-
"image" :
"title" : "India: Street kids publish newspaper to raise awareness",
"description" : "Delhi, India - Sexual abuse, torture, drug addiction,
harassment at the hands of thugs and policemen sums up life of street children in
India. Delhi's Balaknama newspaper - the Voice of Children, which is run by the
street children has been working to highlight the plight of fellow youngsters."

/* 383 */
"_id" : "XbRjo7jovPxBXkhv3",
"url" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/",
"image" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/sites/gem-
"title" : "Global Education Monitoring Report",
"description" : "Attend a launch event for the new Global Education Monitoring

/* 384 */
"_id" : "4r4o5DLsc8zxifbMt",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1892d4d9-bc87-4ab7-
85be-b9701e410e38_Modern day activism.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1b3c28c1-893c-4f09-
"title" : "Modern day activism",
"description" : null
/* 385 */
"_id" : "tpizedHSXiXSoQDfL",
"url" : "http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-will-be-late-by-50-years-in-
"image" : "http://i.ndtvimg.com/mt/2015-01/Youth_college_generic_650.jpg",
"title" : "India Could Be Late By 50 Years In Achieving Education Goals:
"description" : "New Delhi: Going by the current trend, India will be half a
century late in achieving its global education commitments and the country needs
fundamental changes in the education system if it wants to meet the 2030
sustainable development goals, a UNESCO report has said."

/* 386 */
"_id" : "taFGr2oand7y64Xws",
"url" : "http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/02/did-chinese-civilization-come-
"image" : "http://foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/unknown-1.jpeg",
"title" : "Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?",
"description" : "On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun
Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at
the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the
landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn't just talk
about geochemistry."

/* 387 */
"_id" : "aNKkrBzgeQjGjYDYG",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7bcded16-1894-44b6-
81b1-46f4b3cb644c_1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a8f9c662-4c5e-49ae-
"title" : "1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh",
"description" : null

/* 388 */
"_id" : "rX4bGAXFvExhP5xR4",
"url" : "https://esist.tech/2016/08/18/cognitive-offloading-how-the-internet-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/esistme.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/1311.jpg?
"title" : "Cognitive offloading: How the Internet is increasingly taking over
human memory - ESIST",
"description" : "Is our increasing use of the internet harming our memory?
Credit: Sergii Mostovyi / Fotolia Our increasing reliance on the Internet and the
ease of access to the vast resource available online is affecting our thought
processes for problem solving, recall and learning. In a new article published in
the journal Memory, researchers..."

/* 389 */
"_id" : "JxegfHnQ6Gxr3ntsQ",
"url" : "https://medium.com/@mohamedmelgadhafi/the-united-nations-is-neither-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The United Nations is Neither Good Nor Evil .. The UN is Just Dumb",
"description" : "What I usually hear from different people in different
countries when I meet with them and tell them I'm working for the UN is either \"OH
that's awesome you're doing so much good for the world you're my hero\" or \"Ha!
The most corrupted and evil entity on planet earth!"

/* 390 */
"_id" : "ozjR3BnEBfw6ZK33D",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=54812",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/News/dh/photos/large/2014/December/boy.jpg",
"title" : "UN News - Inclusive education vital for all, including persons with
disabilities - UN rights experts",
"description" : "Inclusive education is central to achieving high quality
education for all learners, including those with disabilities, and for the
development of inclusive, peaceful and fair societies, UN human rights experts have
said in authoritative new guidelines on the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities."

/* 391 */
"_id" : "ZsK2JMXY9sWqo2YNi",
"url" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/unesco-mgiep-launches-yespeace-india/",
"image" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yp-launch-
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India | MGIEP",
"description" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India 15th February, New Delhi
- UNESCO MGIEP took the next big stride after Malaysia, and towards youth
empowerment, with the launch of YESPeace-the Youth for Education, Sustainability
and Peace-India Country Programme."

/* 392 */
"_id" : "S75ncGZFjAQRLGNRC",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3694732/No-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/17/22/365E3E0300000578-0-
"title" : "Centre frets over where to keep national treasures worth $100m",
"description" : "India is welcoming back a bevy of priceless artefacts, but the
central government is in a quandary over where to put these long-lost national
treasures amid massive security concerns. A series of ministerial meetings has
failed to find an answer, with scores of antiques - either stolen or illegally
exported from the country - due to be returned."

/* 393 */
"_id" : "FsZX5WMNZJxNu7e53",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/aishwarya-subramanyam/i-get-so-annoyed-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/4474804/thumbs/o-ARUNDHATI-ROY-570.jpg?7",
"title" : "I Get So Annoyed When 'Cool' Young Women Say They Are Not Feminists:
Arundhati Roy",
"description" : "I have often wondered whether we should never meet the writers
whose books we love. Never watch them give lectures, never listen to them read,
never talk to them except to spell our names for an autograph in a controlled
environment where conversation may not serendipitously ensue."

/* 394 */
"_id" : "AT89cFkTggb3LBYZX",
"url" : "http://qz.com/252456/what-it-feels-like-to-be-the-last-generation-to-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/michael-harris.jpg?
"title" : "What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before
the internet",
"description" : "Technology has a lot to answer for: killing old businesses,
destroying the middle class, Buzzfeed. Technology in the form of the internet is
especially villainous, having been accused of everything from making us dumber
(paywall) to aiding dictatorships. But Michael Harris, riffing on the observations
of Melvin Kranzberg, argues that \"technology is neither good nor evil."

/* 395 */
"_id" : "nYizATQmpkkpQxk5v",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7762ba13-f7c4-4c60-
9af0-556085d8fbbc_5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria..jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/c700809e-0c6f-424a-
"title" : "5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria.",
"description" : null

/* 396 */
"_id" : "A4eewRvjPWc8jyyrh",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 397 */
"_id" : "8nCtzMihNXSoXrrLD",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/08/texas-guns-campus-
"image" :
"title" : "Texas colleges open with guns allowed in classrooms",
"description" : "Denton, Texas - As history professor Todd Moye returned to
campus after the summer break, he felt a certain unease. Under a new campus carry
law in Texas, concealed handguns are now allowed to be carried in university
buildings, including classrooms and dorms. Moye, whose curriculum at the University
of North Texas (UNT) centres on race relations in US history, told Al Jazeera that
he worries especially about the presence of guns during lectures on topics that
arouse strong feelings."

/* 398 */
"_id" : "YfprwpfvCJHXkBGXk",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 399 */
"_id" : "L3W7e338DjPEdj9PD",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-
"title" : "Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she
"description" : "Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out,
one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found.
Her report is in following post, which appeared on the blog of Grant Wiggins, the
co-author of \" Understanding by Design\" and the author of \" Educative
Assessment\" and numerous articles on education."

/* 400 */
"_id" : "uezZyKBrix6h5mxL4",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 401 */
"_id" : "bPx2hDktKyiHuXTJ5",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 402 */
"_id" : "Ks4heknTeNvny2yAp",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/iit-a-no-go-but-unschooled-
"image" : "",
"title" : "IIT a no go, but 'unschooled' 17-year-old makes it to MIT",
"description" : "Seventeen-year-old Malvika Raj Joshi doesn't have a class X or
XII certificate but has made it to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), thanks to her computer programming talent. Hers is a story about
a mother's conviction to break stereotypes and the self belief of the teen."

/* 403 */
"_id" : "erzkE2asZGiny9YxR",
"url" : "http://www.wired.com/2014/02/dyslexic-musicians/",
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-
"title" : "What Musicians Can Tell Us About Dyslexia and the Brain",
"description" : "Dyslexia is a frustrating disorder that gives otherwise smart
people trouble with reading. Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but one popular
hypothesis is that the root of the problem is a deficit in the brain's ability to
process sounds, especially during childhood."

/* 404 */
"_id" : "FpCfvu9tKfyWZQwwy",
"url" : "http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/46340/20160830/adults-
"image" :
"title" : "Most Adults Suffering From Depression Left Untreated, Here's Why",
"description" : "First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 04:10 AM EDT Medical practitioners
are now calling for a stronger effort to help those with depression. Recent
findings showed that fewer than one-third of American adults who are said to have
the disease are treated, and most of those who do receive treatment may not have
even screened positive."

/* 405 */
"_id" : "au3CHeDeWfJCpDrzK",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142547/Schools-deliberately-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/10/article-2142547-
"title" : "Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling errors to avoid
'damaging pupils' self esteem'",
"description" : "Teachers 'told to correct no more than three mistakes in one
piece of work' because 'too much red pen is discouraging' MP has called for Commons
debate on what he calls 'false kindness' - but refuses to name offending school
Teachers are being told not to correct more than three spelling errors at a time to
avoid damaging pupils' self-confidence, an MP revealed yesterday."

/* 406 */
"_id" : "RMF8qLu2qPXyf6ArT",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "The GENERATOR",
"description" : "When adults and youth work together for Youth Liberation
causes, there is always a danger that the adults will bring adultism with them,
getting in the way of the youths' work or taking over entirely. I believe it's
important to articulate a code of conduct for \"adult allies\"."

/* 407 */
"_id" : "mh2Dcdpxyxg2oxGif",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/can-india-have-a-future-
"image" :
"title" : "Can India have a future without critical thinkers?",
"description" : "The committee advising on a new education policy offers a
frank diagnosis and comes up with a big wish list. But it pays little attention to
the humanities and social sciences and reinforces the anti-intellectualism of this
government With 65 per cent of its population under the age of 35 and 290 million
students (in schools and universities), no issue is arguably more critical for
India's future than education."

/* 408 */
"_id" : "yHah5sxe4SFdiWm5m",
"url" : "http://europe.newsweek.com/how-big-data-crowdfunding-internet-tech-
"image" : "http://d.europe.newsweek.com/en/full/61184/mohamed-bouhlel-nice-
"title" : "Crowdfunding and big data will stop violent extremism: here's how",
"description" : "Orlando. Baghdad. Nice. Dhaka. Munich. Normandy. The wave of
attacks sweeping across the world feels unstoppable, yet we may be the final
generation to deal with this problem. Using the same disruptive technology that has
overturned the music, hotel and taxi industries, we could solve the problems of
violenct extremism in one generation."

/* 409 */
"_id" : "fd3qnqjpqn83bhfaQ",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" : "http://blog.ubi.com/app/uploads/2015/04/RafranzDavis_ACSlide.jpg",
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "Imagine being a 17-year-old high school student and having a
class schedule for your upcoming fall semester look something like this: 1st
Period: P.E."

/* 410 */
"_id" : "tqatHfdShWcEgDT9k",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "Faced with a world stuck in \"nostalgic fantasies about going
back to the past\", where politicians are \"no longer capable of producing
meaningful visions for the future\", Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari is turning to
the present in a new book announced on Thursday."

/* 411 */
"_id" : "inQuvLeyyjwQKBD6w",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
"description" : "\"This prize is a tribute to the tireless efforts of many
millions of campaigners and concerned citizens worldwide who, ever since the dawn
of the atomic age, have loudly protested nuclear weapons, insisting that they can
serve no legitimate purpose and must be forever banished from the face of our
earth,\" ICAN said in a statement."

/* 412 */
"_id" : "pW5N53msBwHypnJPo",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "http://cdn.vox-
"title" : "Assassin's Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "AnAssassin's Creed Origins educational mode will be released
in early 2018. Absent combat and action, it's being designed to teach players about
life in ancient Egypt. \"Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient Egypt\" is due
to be released as a free update for owners of Origins, which will debut Oct."

/* 413 */
"_id" : "nZGNT23oxidqNZ6px",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "http://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi's 35-day Bharat Yatra,
an effort to ensure a safe childhood for future generations, was launched at the
Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari on September 11. ' Nikal Pade Hein ',
written by Satyarthi, composed by Indian Ocean, and featuring Sonam Kalra has,
within 24 hours, crossed two million views on Facebook and YouTube."

/* 414 */
"_id" : "yHJoSeyKrvbFq2gma",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/mark-zuckerberg-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/30/opinion/29tufekci-promo-
"title" : "Opinion | Zuckerberg's Preposterous Defense of Facebook",
"description" : "Mr. Zuckerberg's preposterous defense of Facebook's failure in
the 2016 presidential campaign is a reminder of a structural asymmetry in American
politics. It's true that mainstream news outlets employ many liberals, and that
this creates some systemic distortions in coverage (effects of trade policies on
lower-income workers and the plight of rural America tend to be underreported, for

/* 415 */
"_id" : "NuJExSzAdPRj9gE7E",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/23/opinion/sunday/facebook-ad-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | Facebook's Ad Scandal Isn't a 'Fail,' It's a Feature",
"description" : "People who use the platform to keep in touch with loved ones
may forget that the site makes its money by serving as a conduit for whatever
messages people with money want to push at us."

/* 416 */
"_id" : "w2vzFa8HDj27MjQCe",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/world/middleeast/saudi-yoda-king-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/22/world/22saudi-
"title" : "Saudi Textbook Withdrawn Over Image of Yoda With King",
"description" : "\"I am the one who designed it, but I am not the one who put
it in the book,\" said the artist, Abdullah Al Shehri, by phone from Riyadh. The
image was part of a series in which Mr. Shehri, who is 26 and goes by the nickname
Shaweesh, mixes pop culture icons into historic photographs."

/* 417 */
"_id" : "JcihhKye3yxBWCjN3",
"url" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/kids-bored-entitled/",
"image" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Reasons-
"title" : "Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored At School, Feel Entitled, Have Little
Patience & Few Real Friends",
"description" : "By Jacqueline Victoria Prooday, OT finds today's kids come to
school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern
lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with
years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers."

/* 418 */
"_id" : "4voP2d6p5YD6EvG7D",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/hcirodov",
"image" :
"title" : "H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov) | Twitter",
"description" : "The latest Tweets from H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov). A shadow
account of PM Modi, by following those whom PM follows. Follow to see what appears
on PM Modi's timeline. Varanasi, India"

/* 419 */
"_id" : "cRha5R2jpGXbxd98Z",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealand's Election Had Been Predictable. Then 'Jacindamania'
"description" : "One recent poll showed Labour slightly ahead. Since Ms.
Ardern's rise, the party's projected share of the vote has jumped by around 20
points. \"In the last two elections, it's been relatively clear that the governing
party would be the National Party,\" said Andrew Geddis, a professor at the law
school of the University of Otago."

/* 420 */
"_id" : "JYFry8MTyFZwKDFe5",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Myanmar will refuse entry to members of a United Nations
investigation focusing on allegations of killings, rape and torture by security
forces against Rohingya Muslims, an official has said. The government, led by Nobel
laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, had already said it would not cooperate with a mission
set up after a human rights council resolution was adopted in March."

/* 421 */
"_id" : "KkjeC9iyt8S9YGwsB",
"url" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/kai-fu-lee-speech",
"image" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/files/engineering/DSC_2930_1.jpg",
"title" : "An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy",
"description" : "Thank you, Class of 2017. Thank you so much for inviting me to
speak at this wonderful commencement ceremony. It's an honor to be back at Columbia
to address this distinguished group of graduates, parents, siblings and special
guests. We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day."

/* 422 */
"_id" : "5YLYgEbvTA7jXxBBJ",
"url" : "http://www.adeanet.org/en/news/leading-young-people-to-win-up-to-
"image" : "http://www.adeanet.org/sites/default/files/yvonne_and_young.jpg",
"title" : "Leading Young People to win up to US$10,000 - Register here!",
"description" : "The African Union Commission's Department of Human Resources
Science and Technology (AUC-HRST) - Education Division and the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa's Working Groups on Communication for Education
and Development (ADEA WG-COMED) and Education Management and Policy Support (ADEA
WG-EMPS) This award is in the form of a competition that is open only to innovation
hubs and youth councils in Africa."

/* 423 */
"_id" : "MyCr34FD4f4pHinfa",
"url" : "https://qz.com/994486/the-way-you-draw-circles-says-a-lot-about-you/",
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/circle-beeswarm-1.png?
"title" : "How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how
culture shapes our instincts",
"description" : "Let's do a quick exercise. Are you ready? Draw a circle in the
box below. Don't think too hard! Did you start at the top or bottom? Clockwise or
counterclockwise? New data show that the way you draw a circle holds clues about
where you come from."

/* 424 */
"_id" : "R7rtLaXWmMSNP8r8r",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/26/opinion/sunday/good-robot-teacher-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Secret to a Good Robot Teacher",
"description" : "To investigate the importance such social cues might play in
learning from technology, we recently conducted a study with 4- to 7-year-old
children from schools in Boston. The children listened to a story read by a robot
that looked like a cute plush creature with an animated face that allowed for
emotional expressions and eye and mouth movements."

/* 425 */
"_id" : "74M7s9ft5ZTsYpxNt",
"url" : "http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/why-psychopathic-brains-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why psychopathic brains overvalue immediate rewards",
"description" : "Joshua Buckholtz wants to change the way you think about
psychopaths - and he's willing to go to prison to do it. An associate professor of
psychology at Harvard, Buckholtz is the senior author of a study that relies on
brain scans of nearly 50 prison inmates to help explain why psychopaths make poor
decisions that often lead to violence or other anti-social behavior."

/* 426 */
"_id" : "9bqLi8h6aqaf2idg4",
"url" : "https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienturbot/2017/08/22/artificial-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Don't Ignore it, Harness it!",
"description" : "\"Human plus machine isn't the future, it's the present,\"
Garry Kasparov said in a recent TED talk. And this \"present\" is transforming the
world of education at a rapid pace.With children increasingly using tablets and
coding becoming part of national curricula around the world, technology is becoming
an integral part of classrooms, just like chalk and blackboards."

/* 427 */
"_id" : "P27osgYndwQPXhMet",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/20/elon-musk-killer-
"image" :
"title" : "Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer
"description" : "Some of the world's leading robotics and artificial
intelligence pioneers are calling on the United Nations to ban the development and
use of killer robots. Tesla's Elon Musk and Alphabet's Mustafa Suleyman are leading
a group of 116 specialists from across 26 countries who are calling for the ban on
autonomous weapons."

/* 428 */
"_id" : "wz4W8wDmjyBbzWT8f",
"url" : "https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/the-worlds-
"image" :
"title" : "The World's Smartest Countries",
"description" : "The countries most likely to produce the next Google. When
Sergey Brin was 16 and his family had already been living in the United States for
a decade, his father took him on a short trip back to Russia. It was 1990 and the
Soviet Union was collapsing."

/* 429 */
"_id" : "QmQekkwLqWA92Z4eY",
"url" : "https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/forced-sexual-intercourse-
"image" :
"title" : "Forced Sexual Intercourse With Wife Above 15 Yrs Of Age Not Rape,
Says SC",
"description" : "The raging issue whether to make forced marital intercourse
and sexual acts part of offence of rape in penal law has been extensively debated
and now it cannot be considered as a criminal act, the Supreme Court today said."

/* 430 */
"_id" : "aBuCqG6PkzHP8tCQP",
"url" : "https://www.economist.com/news/business/21726078-sacked-james-damore-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "A Google employee inflames a debate about sexism and free speech",
"description" : "SILICON VALLEY'S leading firms celebrate disruption, but not
disruptive employees. Google has found itself at the centre of controversy after an
anonymous software engineer, later revealed to be a young Harvard graduate called
James Damore, published a ten-page memo on two internal company networks explaining
why there are so few women in the upper echelons of the technology industry."

/* 431 */
"_id" : "tBgAnqfBpHSjbamZo",
"url" : "http://ithrivegames.org/putting-it-in-context-using-commercial-video-
"image" : "http://ithrivegames.org/wp-
"title" : "Putting It In Context: Using Commercial Video Games In Education",
"description" : "08/8/17 Paul Darvasi Editor's note: As teens head back to
school, we're putting the focus on how one inventive and passionate educator makes
commercial video games (as well as games of his own invention) a vibrant part of
his teaching approach. Paul Darvasi teaches high school English at Royal St."

/* 432 */
"_id" : "fKpEe6GqMrzEzp5Gb",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/05/world/asia/china-textbooks-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/04/world/04china-textbooks-
"title" : "Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores",
"description" : "But experts say England is the first country to forge ahead
with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the
East. Under a $54 million initiative funded by the government, more than half the
primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to math that is used in
top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore."

/* 433 */
"_id" : "4cj7WHyEHiyvp59gn",
"url" : "https://scroll.in/article/726354/i-am-not-against-one-nation-in-
"image" : "http://d1u4oo4rb13yy8.cloudfront.net/69fdf26e-95e7-4ca6-9f70-
"title" : "'I am not against one nation in particular, but against the general
idea of all nations.'",
"description" : "Our real problem in India is not political. It is social. This
is a condition not only prevailing in India, but among all nations. I do not
believe in an exclusive political interest. Politics in the West have dominated
Western ideals, and we in India are trying to imitate you."

/* 434 */
"_id" : "xYvKp6xze8NAzfvfo",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/04/pearson-to-axe-3000-
"image" :
"title" : "Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business",
"description" : "Pearson is to cut 3,000 jobs as the embattled company looks to
slash costs after a slump at its US higher education business. The world's largest
education company, which has issued five profit warnings in the last four years,
intends to cut about 10% of its 32,000 global workforce."

/* 435 */
"_id" : "68Qxzg8PJPMnLPACA",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/sci-hub-s-cache-pirated-papers-
"image" :
"title" : "Sci-Hub's cache of pirated papers is so big, subscription journals
are doomed, data analyst suggests",
"description" : "There is no doubt that Sci-Hub, the infamous-and, according to
a U.S. court, illegal-online repository of pirated research papers, is enormously
popular. (See Science's investigation last year of who is downloading papers from
Sci-Hub.) But just how enormous is its repository?"

/* 436 */
"_id" : "ycAHn8H4jcfzQKhsd",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-tracker/",
"image" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-
"title" : "Hate Tracker: India's first national database of hate",
"description" : "Hate tracker: Latest news on hate crime, racism, mob lynching,
gau rakshaks engaged in vandalism, cow vigilantes taking law into their hands,
attacks on Dalits, caste and religion based crimes in India from Hindustan Times"

/* 437 */
"_id" : "6X5xLk8b4AdjZpCrh",
"url" : "https://hackernoon.com/what-educators-must-learn-from-ibms-betrayal-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "What educators must learn from IBM's 'betrayal of science'",
"description" : "There are two versions of mathematics. The first is the
mathematics of schooling, a collection of closed problems and hard truths to be
learned for exams. We've all experienced it, few of us have enjoyed or excelled at
it. The second version is a more open, beautiful and empowering representation of
the subject, often the focus of my writing."
/* 438 */
"_id" : "WgokBYcCrWoBzKWwz",
"url" : "https://www.theatlas.com/charts/rkGpbqWbW",
"image" : "http://www.theatlas.com/i/atlas_rkGpbqWbW@2x.png",
"title" : "More people were displaced due to conflict in DRC than anywhere
"description" : "Countries with the most displacements by violence | Atlas -
charts and data, powered by Quartz."

/* 439 */
"_id" : "aer23svzrGwvzaaLa",
"url" : "https://searchingforsyria.org/en/",
"image" : "http://searchingforsyria.org/images/share/facebook/en/en-
"title" : "Searching for Syria",
"description" : "Exploring the world's top questions about the Syrian refugee
crisis. A project from UNHCR in partnership with Google. searchingforsyria.org"

/* 440 */
"_id" : "MJr4nti7EF2TvubQP",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 441 */
"_id" : "yAoKpXNHEduAT4jpx",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/opinion/how-we-are-ruining-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | How We Are Ruining America",
"description" : "Over the past generation, members of the college-educated
class have become amazingly good at making sure their children retain their
privileged status. They have also become devastatingly good at making sure the
children of other classes have limited chances to join their ranks."

/* 442 */
"_id" : "JgRnqMkmyhjgj2NP6",
"url" : "https://www.cfr.org/global/global-conflict-tracker/p32137",
"image" : "http://www.cfr.org/content/ips/assets/gct-content-entry-
"title" : "Global Conflict Tracker",
"description" : "Learn about the world's top hotspots with the Center for
Preventive Action's (CPA) interactive Global Conflict Tracker."

/* 443 */
"_id" : "NQNnZGYgWvhNJKAZ3",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b9a4c754-fa46-4a14-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aabd109f-b76f-4f2f-
"title" : "26adf679-bbca-4e28-ad2c-d097808d6d2e_IMG_20170117_141550830",
"description" : null

/* 444 */
"_id" : "63SJmLciHCFvweywM",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/magazine/can-a-tech-start-up-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/07/02/magazine/02bridge2/02mag-
"title" : "Can a Tech Start-Up Successfully Educate Children in the Developing
"description" : "Bridge International Academies - a chain of inexpensive
private schools - has ambitious plans to revolutionize education for poor children.
But can its for-profit model work in some of the most impoverished places on

/* 445 */
"_id" : "BSSmgKh5gm3rSnZ8D",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/24/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/06/25/opinion/sunday/25lee/25lee-
"title" : "Opinion | The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence",
"description" : "BEIJING - What worries you about the coming world of
artificial intelligence? Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot
of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about
the \"singularity\" - that point in history when A.I. surpasses human intelligence,
leading to an unimaginable revolution in human affairs."

/* 446 */
"_id" : "4y9Hu5rFdhvWsuX7B",
"url" : "https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/creepy-futures-nicholas-carrs-
"image" : "http://lareviewofbooks-org-cgwbfgl6lklqqj3f4t3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-
"title" : "Creepy Futures: Nicholas Carr's History of the Future - Los Angeles
Review of Books",
"description" : "IN 1964, having taken a year off from college, I got a job in
the General Motors pavilion at the New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows.
Sporting a red blazer emblazoned with the Cadillac crest, I escorted VIP guests on
the Futurama II ride, a successor to the original 1939 Fair's Futurama, billed
as \"a journey for everyone today into the everywhere of tomorrow.\""

/* 447 */
"_id" : "DYEXg3BT72Cdi7x6Q",
"url" : "https://www.susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-
"image" :
"title" : "Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber",
"description" : "As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe
in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why
I left and what my time at Uber was like."

/* 448 */
"_id" : "myaSrQXWEEtKNRMpe",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40273700",
"image" :
"title" : "UN warns 'no progress' on 260 million missing school places - BBC
"description" : "Global pledges to provide education for all young people show
little chance of being achieved, according to annual figures from the United
Nations. There are 264 million young people without access to school, with few
signs of progress, says Unesco. Around the world, almost one in 10 children does
not even have access to primary level education."

/* 449 */
"_id" : "MCxsNcSwY58QyPo7o",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/women-react-to-sexism-in-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/06/22/us/14kamala-vid/14kamala-
"title" : "'Is There a Man I Can Talk To?': Stories of Sexism in the
"description" : "\"I have been on email threads with a team of colleagues, and
if I state a fact that is not in agreement with what one of my male co-workers has
said, he sends me a message later telling me that I need to 'soften my responses'
to him."

/* 450 */
"_id" : "tdsoxdJCXsYv4Z7sY",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/2017/06/announcing-the-new-envoy-on-
"image" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Capture-
"title" : "Announcing the new Envoy on Youth - Jayathma Wickramanayake",
"description" : "United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres has
appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his next Envoy on Youth."

/* 451 */
"_id" : "H9FzGndxbrL7872BS",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpUSNxuuwfA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Math That Predicted the Arab Spring",
"description" : "In this Pilot of Math that Explains the World, Motherboard
talks to Yaneer Bar Yam, founder of the New England Complex Systems Institute who
used new physics based math to explain the correlation between food supply and the
Arab Spring."

/* 452 */
"_id" : "DRSnALv2z3gucE2R8",
"url" : "http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/17/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Everyone keeps talking about AI-here's what it really is and why
it's so hot now",
"description" : "Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from Apple's iPhone
keyboard to Zillow's home price estimates. There's also a lot of stuff out there
that marketers are calling AI, but really isn't. Perhaps things reached a new high
point last month when AlphaGo, a virtual player of the ancient Chinese board game
Go developed by Alphabet's DeepMind AI research group, trounced the top human
player in the world, China's Ke Jie."

/* 453 */
"_id" : "QHJ9gtsnAbvHEsAvc",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40250219",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Tough school? War, illiteracy and hope in Afghanistan - BBC News",
"description" : "The idea of drafting a nation's brightest new graduates to
become teachers in the most deprived areas has been used in both the United States
and the UK, where the approach was pioneered by Teach for America and Teach First

/* 454 */
"_id" : "An9k3MeKd6kFgjuYA",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/13/open-university-
"image" :
"title" : "Open University jobs at risk in 100m 'root and branch' overhaul",
"description" : "Staff at the Open University are preparing for job losses as
part of a radical overhaul to try to secure the institution's financial future. The
OU vice-chancellor, Peter Horrocks, told staff on Tuesday that a \"root and branch
review\" of every aspect of the university's operations was being launched to
achieve savings of 100m from the annual budget of 420m, the bulk of which would
be invested in a digital transformation programme."

/* 455 */
"_id" : "YLd9WbRAFj9x5TSDz",
"url" : "https://www.engadget.com/2017/06/08/video-game-trailernominated-for-
"image" : "http://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?
"title" : "A video game trailer is eligible to be nominated for an Academy
"description" : "With its thought-provoking trailer running at almost 11
minutes long, the promo video highlights the interconnected nature of, well,
everything. Overdubbed with a speech from renowned British philosopher, Alan Watts,
the trailer uses in-game footage to show life in all its strange and wonderful
forms. Thanks to its length and intriguing subject matter, this clever promotional
video could theoretically win an Academy Award for best animated short film."

/* 456 */
"_id" : "DywdztiGbzATiCKSr",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/mar/19/yuval-harari-sapiens-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: 'Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a
century or so'",
"description" : "Last week, on his Radio 2 breakfast show, Chris Evans read out
the first page of Sapiens, the book by the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari.
Given that radio audiences at that time in the morning are not known for their
appetite for intellectual engagement - the previous segment had dealt with Gary
Barlow's new tour - it was an unusual gesture."

/* 457 */
"_id" : "4SM5WjAPb2ogFjhTZ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49a3af57-9271-41a4-
be10-edd83f180a31_15th AMA with James Paul Gee.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f23cc023-3188-4bde-
"title" : "15th AMA with James Paul Gee",
"description" : null

/* 458 */
"_id" : "G95xZSD3ujH9kihij",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/tech-billionaires-
"image" :
"title" : "The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America's Schools",
"description" : "The involvement by some of the wealthiest and most influential
titans of the 21st century amounts to a singular experiment in education, with
millions of students serving as de facto beta testers for their ideas. Some tech
leaders believe that applying an engineering mind-set can improve just about any
system, and that their business acumen qualifies them to rethink American

/* 459 */
"_id" : "oFtSxDEccYACdL44A",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORthzIOEf30&feature=youtu.be&t=33s",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The biology of our best and worst selves | Robert Sapolsky",
"description" : "How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also
so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert
Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to
millions of years before they occurred."

/* 460 */
"_id" : "xejM9YnpitYbwXFqr",
"url" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-
"image" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business
"title" : "The role of expertise and judgment in a data-driven world",
"description" : "The Obama campaign's former data-analytics chief explains why
a healthy dose of skepticism and a clear understanding of the process behind data
collection leads to stronger strategies and real impact. Using data can drive
better decision making, but numbers alone don't paint the entire picture when it
comes to forming a cohesive strategy."

/* 461 */
"_id" : "GcovJJazrzpvQL2zy",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-40118188",
"image" :
"title" : "Global Peace Index 2017: World slightly more peaceful than last year
- BBC News",
"description" : "Levels of peace around the world have improved slightly for
the first time since the Syrian war began, but harmony has decreased in the US and
terrorism records have increased, a Sydney-based think-tank has found. The
Institute for Economics and Peace published its Global Peace Index on Thursday for
the 10th year running."

/* 462 */
"_id" : "N6mNx6PsEYM5ccWSe",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psM_C8oqJQs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllnen |
"description" : "Marjo Kyllnen at TEDxHamburg (www.tedxhamburg.de) on
redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllnen is the
Education Manager at General Education division in Helsinki. She has PhD in
Education. She defended her doctoral thesis on Future School and Leadership in
December 2011."

/* 463 */
"_id" : "6k7ucon3e6ZouoYq7",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/05/30/donald-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Analysis | Donald Trump just threatened Germany over trade. Here's
what you need to know",
"description" : "This morning, President Trump wrote a tweet saying that the
U.S. had a \"MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany.\" He further said that this was
bad for the U.S. and (in what seemed to be a vague threat against Germany) said
that this would change."

/* 464 */
"_id" : "wHo66cY6PttEjGTQB",
"url" : "https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/",
"image" : "http://willrobotstakemyjob.com/img/og.jpg",
"title" : "Will Robots Take My job?",
"description" : "Find out how susceptible is your job is to computerisation"

/* 465 */
"_id" : "PsFGbaw4KzaiHfTBh",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/world/europe/manchester-bombing-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/05/28/world/ABEDI1/ABEDI1-
"title" : "'Forgive Me': Manchester Bomber's Tangled Path of Conflict and
"description" : "It is the story of a strict father's flight from the
repression of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya's leader at the time, and a personal
jihad against that dictatorship, which in turn shook up his children's world."

/* 466 */
"_id" : "94qTysyhC29PdW3Dy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfahDTQDFg",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Little Big Shots - The Planet Is in Good Hands (Episode Highlight)",
"description" : "Henry is passionate about the planet and couldn't be more
awesome. \" Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/NBCLittleBigShots \" Little Big Shots
Returns Wednesday May 31 8/7c on NBC!"

/* 467 */
"_id" : "RWrv7EzxL8qvXMWcK",
"url" : "http://time.com/4792596/mindfulness-exercises-morality-carpe-diem/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/mindfullness-
"title" : "How We Ruined Mindfulness",
"description" : "Those are familiar words, I'm sure, because we are living
through a mindfulness revolution. Mindfulness courses have swept the world, with
hundreds of thousands of people taking classes in Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) and other meditation techniques in community centers, schools,
hospitals, prisons and businesses."

/* 468 */
"_id" : "JKW9o8xJ7BoZpiwgD",
"url" : "https://www.ted.com/speakers/rutger_bregman",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Rutger Bregman",
"description" : "The world is changing faster than ever, bringing with it
brand-new problems, while our most persistent troubles - like poverty and health -
haven't gone anywhere. One thing has become abundantly clear: our machines aren't
going to save us; people are. How do we respond to problems new and old with
humanity and dignity?"

/* 469 */
"_id" : "tiBL98dJHDPvKo9Z8",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/31bddd9b-3493-46a9-
8d0b-953f5f2ba53e_Things my teachers can do better.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2278ae05-b1a0-4c2d-
"title" : "Things my teachers can do better",
"description" : null

/* 470 */
"_id" : "YgeNPPAJqWtDoKnwS",
"url" : "https://medium.freecodecamp.com/the-race-is-on-for-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The race is on for artificial intelligence. Here's who is winning.",
"description" : "On Saturday, Louisville, Kentucky hosted the 143rd running of
the Kentucky Derby. It was a spectacle where more than 150k people watched in
person. Millions more followed on television and streaming media. The winner
received a $1.4 million prize, and the opportunity for more winnings in later races
this year."

/* 471 */
"_id" : "WNYcLjASmY9vPvKBk",
"url" : "https://futurism.com/harvard-may-have-pinpointed-the-source-of-human-
"image" : "http://futurism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/800px-
"title" : "Harvard May Have Pinpointed the Source of Human Consciousness",
"description" : "A study of 36 patients with brainstem lesions revealed that
the majority of those in comas had damage in a specific area of the brainstem,
while most conscious patients did not. The identification of the areas of the brain
responsible for consciousness could lead to new treatment options for patients in
comas or vegetative states."

/* 472 */
"_id" : "4d7QGoEGcDmpHxd3T",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f35e0e0b-b524-41a5-
8d13-782fca83f562_14th AMA with Chris Plutte.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9a1a8edd-7394-493d-
"title" : "14th AMA with Chris Plutte",
"description" : null

/* 473 */
"_id" : "NNDdRpHbHF5Jpy6Mp",
"url" : "http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/89245588/unique-school-
"image" :
"title" : "Unique school helps unlock minds of dyslexic children",
"description" : "Toby van Rensburg felt dreadful when he was criticised by a
previous teacher because he couldn't write. The 11-year-old has dysgraphia -
difficulty with writing; auditory processing disorder - caused when the ears and
brain do not fully coordinate; dyscalculia - a mathematical learning difficulty and
\"traces\" of dyslexia - a common reading difficulty."

/* 474 */
"_id" : "qTxTjhWMELpAnTm3n",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/children-should-be-playing-
"image" :
"title" : "Children should be playing more games in the classroom. Here's why",
"description" : "Learning games take students deeper into the engaging content
already available in classrooms, museums, parks, and homes."

/* 475 */
"_id" : "ghKrxNgrZxRCv3789",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a93d4fdf-dd8d-489f-
ada2-7f2ebb3e83e0_13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ec486ae5-a6bf-43a7-
"title" : "13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan",
"description" : null

/* 476 */
"_id" : "B4ZZgY2YbR5w9aFQD",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f81afc5b-47cb-4f76-
955f-6059885cebc7_12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7a814922-1bd7-47b9-
"title" : "12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat",
"description" : null

/* 477 */
"_id" : "eMs8eCLXSYuJtmnrz",
"url" : "http://www.cet.iitkgp.ac.in/cet_site/ab_research.jsp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur",
"description" : "Signs and manifestations of dyslexia have been studied for
alphabetic and logographic languages [1,2,5-7]. However, such initiatives are still
in infancy for Indian languages, such as Bangla, Devnagri and other Indian scripts,
which follows abugida writing system."

/* 478 */
"_id" : "F2upTYTZFTWdaiZ6j",
"url" : "https://backchannel.com/the-myth-of-a-superhuman-ai-59282b686c62?
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The Myth of a Superhuman AI - Backchannel",
"description" : "I' ve heard that in the future computerized AIs will become so
much smarter than us that they will take all our jobs and resources, and humans
will go extinct. Is this true? That's the most common question I get whenever I
give a talk about AI."

/* 479 */
"_id" : "rRuh6eYhkgyppMDC7",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0e1a3f8e-2c13-497e-
bfab-20cc27ecae98_11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4f028ef9-c5d7-4c1d-
"title" : "11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik",
"description" : null

/* 480 */
"_id" : "xuB7wyeg7fvq75RdL",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0a33ce3e-0efe-455d-
8830-4dce18f7b1cc_10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/8a8c7107-e579-4744-
"title" : "10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson",
"description" : null

/* 481 */
"_id" : "MKrymQuwL46bLuZdF",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2017/05/france-secularism-and-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "France, secularism and religion: Emmanuel Macron has a history
buff's view of Islam and religious strife | The Economist",
"description" : "America's founding fathers, influenced by the French
enlightenment, were determined not to let European-style religious wars tear their
young republic apart. Although people still argue about what exactly those founders
believed, historians agree that avoiding internal strife was one of their main
concerns when they barred the establishment of any particular religion."

/* 482 */
"_id" : "ASuy3xH6tCLqMAQjQ",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700760-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Education and policy: Re-educating Rita | The Economist",
"description" : "IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a
professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a
colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their \"Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence\" course available free online."

/* 483 */
"_id" : "4Y5PumGjao8EvfDiz",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Regulating the internet giants: The world's most valuable resource
is no longer oil, but data | The Economist",
"description" : "A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry,
prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A
century ago, the resource in question was oil. Now similar concerns are being
raised by the giants that deal in data, the oil of the digital era."

/* 484 */
"_id" : "Ww2C2pKQLLavLQQ9f",
"url" : "https://thewire.in/132585/india-is-facing-a-mental-health-crisis-one-
"image" : "http://thewire.in/wp-
"title" : "India Is Facing a Mental Health Crisis - and Its Education System Is
Ill Equipped to Handle It",
"description" : "On an April evening in a campus town, a group of college
students across various disciplines - sciences and humanities - stepped away from
their studies to meet under the stars and share stories through art and readings.
All these narratives were on mental health struggles."

/* 485 */
"_id" : "w3X7aXDbamTnhCppS",
"url" : "https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/200-free-art-books-download-
"image" : "http://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1493766758907-
"title" : "200+ Free Art Books Are Now Available to Download from the
"description" : "Tomes of work by Picasso, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, Flavin,
Klimt, Rothko, and more are as good as yours."

/* 486 */
"_id" : "AQpaJwz4mJxTjm2LX",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/33a37248-b116-4d56-
a93a-e49d1e2cba47_9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bc0b56f8-49ba-4649-
"title" : "9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson",
"description" : null

/* 487 */
"_id" : "3HKsFdSzMHq678NHr",
"url" : "http://ideas.ted.com/are-you-ready-for-the-impending-age-of-robots/",
"image" : "http://tedideas.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/web_brain-
"title" : "Are you ready for the impending age of robots?",
"description" : "The next big new-era-inducing change is likely to be the
arrival of artificial intelligence, in the form of robots smart enough to
substitute wholesale for human workers."

/* 488 */
"_id" : "zrYChwi9LXe69wkF2",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVC6FlDKvmA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Heineken Commerical Alternative Ending",
"description" : "Original video credits :https://streamable.com/3m65z Support
this channel by buying as you normally would on amazon: http://amzn.to/2pnV1NO Damn
that's cold"

/* 489 */
"_id" : "yRLrC6RboodhXMNDv",
"url" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/about-mindfulness/research/",
"image" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/wp/wp-
"title" : "Research on Mindfulness in Education | Mindful Schools",
"description" : "Numerous studies show improved attention1 , including better
performance on objective tasks that measure attention.2 Mindfulness is associated
with emotion regulation across a number of studies3 ."

/* 490 */
"_id" : "CCEqwzzAk4pt8ygD9",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/18706b30-8ee7-491d-
b918-b0cf409cd165_8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e2aa501a-6bab-4a3b-
"title" : "8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin",
"description" : null

/* 491 */
"_id" : "FuhdAD67cc3W6CGfu",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it?",
"description" : "Scared of superintelligent AI? You should be, says
neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris -- and not just in some theoretical way.
We're going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven't yet grappled
with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we
treat ants."

/* 492 */
"_id" : "2KnHuMNQK23ukqNrz",
"url" : "https://www.fastcompany.com/40412848/heineken-just-put-out-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Heineken Just Put Out The Antidote to That Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad",
"description" : "WHAT: \"World's Apart,\" a new Heineken ad that involves some
frank conversations between people with differing views. WHO: Agency Publicis
London WHY WE CARE: Earlier this month, Pepsi tried to walk in step with the
#Resistance, and ended up falling on its face. Hard."

/* 493 */
"_id" : "hWxWCZ28NuZm4dCwY",
"url" : "http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/iceland-teen-substance-
"image" : "http://www.abc.net.au/cm/lb/8208376/data/iceland-2-data.jpg",
"title" : "Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse - but the rest of the
world isn't listening",
"description" : "It's a little before three on a sunny Friday afternoon and
Laugardalur Park, near central Reykjavik, looks practically deserted. There's an
occasional adult with a pushchair, but the park's surrounded by apartment blocks
and houses, and school's out - so where are all the kids?"

/* 494 */
"_id" : "sKwQ4tmNg3zTCMYwf",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/552395e1-82c3-4cd0-
8064-3722898c02f7_7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9c87a9af-2972-44d1-
"title" : "7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman",
"description" : null

/* 495 */
"_id" : "r8GEFjDGMvPbxh4va",
"url" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2017/04/20/benefits-of-video-
"image" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/gone-
"title" : "Roundtable Discussion: Teaching with Games, Part 1",
"description" : "I recently met Paul Darvasi and Aleksander Husy at the annual
UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education in Ottawa, where we were on a panel
hosted by the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable
Development. The subject of our panel was a debate on the topic, \"Innovative
pedagogies for ESD and Global Citizenship Education: Is game-based learning the

/* 496 */
"_id" : "PvL9d6GCZ3P6x3x5M",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/video-gaming-to-be-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-
"title" : "Video gaming to be featured at 2022 Asian Games",
"description" : "Video gaming will be featured as a full sport at the 2022
Asian Games, with competitors in electronic sports set to receive medals for their
digital prowess. The Olympic Council of Asia says it will introduce esports to the
official program of the Asian Games at Hangzhou, China."

/* 497 */
"_id" : "Gz6bbxBJTZ2Dw7uhy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qym11JnFQBM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens",
"description" : "Microsoft HoloLlens brings holography into physical world. Now
its possible to create what you think. Its easy to convert your imagination into
designs. Easier to explore the places never actually being there. According to
Microsoft \"The era of holographic computing is here.\""

/* 498 */
"_id" : "GawhWAtxwJnYhMxqw",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/opinion/the-point-of-hate.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Point of Hate",
"description" : "Individuals experiencing hate, on the other hand, retain
nearly all of their capacity for evaluating a situation. Neuroscientists have
suggested that rational planning is maintained because \"the hater may want to
exercise judgment in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise extract
revenge\" - hardly an encouraging conclusion."

/* 499 */
"_id" : "tmbyr6rkKNaSQfrTS",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/let-s-talk-about-trolls-
"image" :
"title" : "Let's Talk About Trolls | Online abuse a modern-day weapon to
silence women: Barkha Dutt",
"description" : "I have been called a whore, a 'randi', 'c***\", bitch and
'presstitute\" on Twitter and other social media platforms so often that now I
barely notice it. It is not unusual for me to get tweets that go like this: \"Tum
agar randi bhi ban jaogi, phir bhi tujhe koi nahi ch*****\" (even if you become a
prostitute, no one will have sex with you)."

/* 500 */
"_id" : "jsAMXPB7hgD2qwLA4",
"url" : "http://www.atimes.com/playing-sustainability-games-can-transform-2030-
"image" : "http://static.atimes.com/images/atlogo-fb-1200x630.png",
"title" : "Playing for sustainability: How games can transform the world",
"description" : "Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs
across Asia"

/* 501 */
"_id" : "WCTfLBt3DQew47KfN",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/the-data-or-the-hunch",
"image" : "http://1843magazine.static-
"title" : "The data or the hunch",
"description" : "John Hammond was a boy of ten when he fell in love with the
new music called jazz. Rather than heading home after school to his family's
mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he would jump on an uptown bus and
deposit himself, 30 blocks away, in a different world."

/* 502 */
"_id" : "bzHSr2jNAfynhbuf2",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4404422/UN-peacekeepers-child-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2017/04/12/17/wire-388173-1492016115-
"title" : "UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests",
"description" : "Rape victim has revealed how she was forced to have sex with
UN workers She claims peacekeepers in Haiti offered children cookies in return for
sex In Haiti, 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited children from 2004 to 2007 A
rape victim has told how she was forced to have sex with UN workers who were
supposed to be on a peacekeeping mission in Haiti."
/* 503 */
"_id" : "xBkAFAF9ykpDcKiGw",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/12/doughnut-growth-
"image" :
"title" : "Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics - the
doughnut | George Monbiot",
"description" : "So what are we going to do about it? This is the only question
worth asking. But the answers appear elusive. Faced with a multifaceted crisis -
the capture of governments by billionaires and their lobbyists, extreme inequality,
the rise of demagogues, above all the collapse of the living world - those to whom
we look for leadership appear stunned, voiceless, clueless."

/* 504 */
"_id" : "6sb5g2rCSf3weS4TD",
"url" : "http://blog.ed.ted.com/2017/02/24/should-emotions-be-taught-in-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/blog.ed.ted.com/wp-
"title" : "Should emotions be taught in schools?",
"description" : "Who taught you how to identify and manage your emotions, how
to recognize them when they arose, and how to navigate your way through them? For
many adults, the answer is: No one. You hacked your way through those confusing
thickets on your own."

/* 505 */
"_id" : "SuZYLtpJH69o9NwrL",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/00108fee-edb1-42cc-
bb53-bd1691b794ab_Finland schools.mp4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Finland schools",
"description" : null

/* 506 */
"_id" : "ytDCZsz262BPKeKTq",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/youth-modern-in-look-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth modern in look, conservative in outlook: survey",
"description" : "Indian youth are certainly becoming more modern in their
appearance and consumption habits, \"but their thoughts and views reflect a
troubling inclination towards intolerance and conservatism\", says a national
survey of their attitudes, anxieties and aspirations, released in New Delhi on

/* 507 */
"_id" : "G67fsa4JhHjSmrmK2",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Emtithal Mahmoud: A young poet tells the story of Darfur",
"description" : "Emtithal \"Emi\" Mahmoud writes poetry of resilience,
confronting her experience of escaping the genocide in Darfur in verse. She shares
two stirring original poems about refugees, family, joy and sorrow, asking, \"Will
you witness me?\""

/* 508 */
"_id" : "P8x3nPfY5f8qv4izj",
"url" : "https://www.elitereaders.com/performance-artist-marina-abramovic-
"image" : "http://www.elitereaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/performance-
"title" : "Performance Artist Stood Still For 6 Hours to Let People Do What
They Wanted to Her Body",
"description" : "by Faye 349.6k Views Many of us know Yugoslavian performance
artist Marina Abramovic through the video of her painfully silent reunion with and
her former lover Frank Uwe \"Ulay\" Laysiepen. Many people have hailed Abramovic as
the \"grandmother of performance art.\" After all, she has been staging thought-
provoking interactive installations for more than 40 years."

/* 509 */
"_id" : "ABMJagt9k8tvaS5r9",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/explained/lokniti-csds-kas-survey-
"image" : "http://images.indianexpress.com/2017/04/graph-one.jpg?w=600",
"title" : "LOKNITI-CSDS-KAS survey: Mind of the youth",
"description" : "A year ago, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
(CSDS) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) conducted a sample
survey-based study that sought to answer key questions about how India's youth
thought and lived. The respondents were aged 15-34, and interviews were conducted
across the country."

/* 510 */
"_id" : "g5XtZB6snXfkKWx33",
"url" : "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/how-finland-is-
"image" :
"title" : "Finland's fighting inequality with education, and winning. What's
their secret?",
"description" : "Finland has remade its education system to help kids like Lara
Osman - born to poor, immigrant parents - grow up to be middle-class success
stories. Doug Saunders reports Photography by Sakari Piippo for The Globe and Mail
In most other countries, Lara Osman's prospects would not be good."

/* 511 */
"_id" : "zaN6yKK7GNdtKAeaG",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/ceiling-fans-with-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Ceiling fans with springs, sensors to check suicides in Kota",
"description" : "A siren sensor and a spring device that will lower ceiling
fans if anyone over 20 kg tries to hang from it will be affixed to fans in hostel
rooms in the coaching hub of Kota. The city is grappling with rising cases of
student suicides."

/* 512 */
"_id" : "5ctLkTva6F5EGcMy8",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/dispatches/the-daily/virtual-revenge-is-
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/woman-with-gun.jpg",
"title" : "Virtual revenge is sweet in Bangladesh",
"description" : "It is a sunny day in the Pakistani countryside. From your
vantage point you can see mud huts, palm trees and blue skies. Suddenly, an army
truck pulls up and from the back jump half a dozen soldiers - straight into the
path of a shooter."

/* 513 */
"_id" : "FqqrfwmJG7uZkhiDf",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/computers-learn-cooperate-
"image" :
"title" : "Computers learn to cooperate better than humans",
"description" : "For the first time, computers have taught themselves how to
cooperate in games in which the objective is to reach the best possible outcome for
all players. The feat is far harder than training artificial intelligence (AI) to
triumph in a win-lose game such as chess or checkers, researchers say."

/* 514 */
"_id" : "K5HegFk4zSG5uqGcn",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155918517468452/?
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Juice Media",
"description" : "The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i
and it's surprisingly honest and informative. <3 aloha Please help to keep us
going! https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Mahalo (thank you) to all the Patrons
who made this video possible!"

/* 515 */
"_id" : "NJaSGZgWYv3e3pXya",
"url" : "https://www.edge.org/conversation/jaron_lanier-the-myth-of-ai",
"image" :
"title" : "The Myth Of AI",
"description" : "That mythology, in turn, has spurred a reactionary, perpetual
spasm from people who are horrified by what they hear. You'll have a figure
say, \"The computers will take over the Earth, but that's a good thing, because
people had their chance and now we should give it to the machines.\""

/* 516 */
"_id" : "MnEShnt8KcTtPEddp",
"url" : "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/trudeau-canada-refugees-banned-u-
"image" : "http://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/newshour/wp-
"title" : "Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.",
"description" : "TORONTO - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message
for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also
intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada's refugee policy. Trudeau
reacted to Trump's ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: \"To
those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of
your faith."

/* 517 */
"_id" : "tT8HMPiSgHsLnFreL",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" :
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence's White Guy Problem",
"description" : "This is fundamentally a data problem. Algorithms learn by
being fed certain images, often chosen by engineers, and the system builds a model
of the world based on those images. If a system is trained on photos of people who
are overwhelmingly white, it will have a harder time recognizing nonwhite faces."

/* 518 */
"_id" : "fBrov5PfTRquNgRu8",
"url" : "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sound-science-sound-
"image" : "http://cdn.psychologytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-
"title" : "When Good Intentions Go Awry",
"description" : "Online gaming is booming-consumers are champing at the bit to
play an increasingly large number of fun, free, and easily accessible games. Some
entrepreneurs have taken this opportunity to create online games meant to increase
empathy and positive attitudes toward certain marginalized groups, such as LGBT

/* 519 */
"_id" : "eB8ctKZRwC3f96oZZ",
"url" : "http://lindfield.mindmixer.com/about-this-site",
"image" : "",
"title" : "About This Site | Lindfield's School of the Future: A Learning
Village by MindMixer",
"description" : "The Department of Education and Communities is seeking your
input in redeveloping the former UTS Ku-ring-gai site in Lindfield as an innovative
centre of learning. Leave feedback for the Department's consideration."

/* 520 */
"_id" : "3HARyqJaw3Fm5sHfM",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"image" : "",
"title" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"description" : null

/* 521 */
"_id" : "Zw7sggWhcEX2GRpWY",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/20/meritocracy-
"image" :
"title" : "Meritocracy: the great delusion that ingrains inequality | Jo
"description" : "\"We must create a level playing field for American companies
and workers!\" shouted Donald Trump in his first address to Congress last month,
before announcing that tighter immigration controls would take the form of
a \"merit-based\" system."

/* 522 */
"_id" : "uJw8zt5fRRns3zRHW",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvQ2AyCCu4&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "This Bloody Line",
"description" : "Directed by Ram Madhvani"

/* 523 */
"_id" : "GXJ7rgrvqFxvAD3ef",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-
"title" : "The lazy person's guide to saving the world - United Nations
Sustainable Development",
"description" : "End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix
climate change. Whoa. The Global Goals are important, world-changing objectives
that will require cooperation among governments, international organizations and
world leaders. It seems impossible that the average person can make an impact.
Should you just give up? No! Change starts with you."

/* 524 */
"_id" : "4qSoLbTsKGpPLpDS8",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-Sk7_ykzU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sesame Street and Autism: We're Amazing, 1, 2, 3!",
"description" : "How is your child the same or different from Julia, Elmo, or
Abby? Tell us at #seeamazing. Sesame Street in Communities brings free video
content of everyone's favorite, furry Muppet friends as they help children and the
adults in their lives reach their highest potential."

/* 525 */
"_id" : "DDcRZQ5rvC6ZrisbL",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/technology/be-your-selves",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201704_TE_CON_01-RT-
"title" : "Be your selves",
"description" : "A friend who stumbled upon my Twitter account told me that my
tweets made me sound like an unrecognisable jerk. \"You're much nicer than this in
real life,\" she said. This is a common refrain about social media: that they make
people behave worse than they do in \"real life\"."

/* 526 */
"_id" : "QXXvWJSKYq3T8hBBc",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JyTW4Rg2tE&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Internet Warriors",
"description" : "Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten
people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? Director Kyrre Lien meets
a global group of strongly opinionated individuals, who spend their time debating
online on the subjects they care most strongly about."

/* 527 */
"_id" : "C9jqSDpwPbeATvghd",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/11/world-faces-worst-
"image" :
"title" : "World faces worst humanitarian crisis since 1945, says UN official",
"description" : "The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end
of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing
starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned."
/* 528 */
"_id" : "Js54A2G33z4uBZHDM",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/12/no-evidence-to-back-
"image" :
"title" : "No evidence to back idea of learning styles | Letter",
"description" : "There is widespread interest among teachers in the use of
neuroscientific research findings in educational practice. However, there are also
misconceptions and myths that are supposedly based on sound neuroscience that are
prevalent in our schools."

/* 529 */
"_id" : "MkvMEH2oawHFhLSG7",
"url" : "https://hbr.org/2013/08/why-do-so-many-incompetent-men",
"image" : "http://hbr.org/resources/images/hbr_opengraph_940x490.png",
"title" : "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?",
"description" : "There are three popular explanations for the clear under-
representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they
are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break
the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes,
that prevents women from accessing the ranks of power."

/* 530 */
"_id" : "trQL9FfNzqRDMbZo8",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5163103f-9e79-4e9e-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f82bb555-09f3-4466-
"title" : "KIDSAI001",
"description" : null

/* 531 */
"_id" : "LaDFLGBiwbtnNjeiS",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/09/opinion/a-ticket-to-hell.html",
"image" :
"title" : "A Ticket to Hell",
"description" : "He upset social conventions. For him, things had to be gilded
to be glamorous. All modesty - either real or contrived to guard against exposure -
was absent from the man. He was a glutton for attention and adoration. He chased
the spotlight and pimped celebrity for profit."

/* 532 */
"_id" : "aeycNZ7fJyYkuxntw",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/unesco_mgiep/status/839688883646443523",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP on Twitter",
"description" : "Highlights of day 3: UNESCO MGIEP's first ever #YesPeace
champion and @TheXFactor winner @emmanuelktwiter moves the delegates with Imagine

/* 533 */
"_id" : "kTqbLD6PFiXoWZ4cc",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/content/ideas/anonymous/class-her-own",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/0513ILFE10-web.jpg",
"title" : "A class of her own",
"description" : "In the settlement of Moach Goth on the outskirts of Karachi
lives a heroine. To meet her you must drive out towards the provincial border of
Sindh and Balochistan. En route to Moach Goth, you are shown the flyover that
collapsed, the factory that burned, and an entrance to Lyari, the ghetto whose gang
wars and body-counts are in the papers every day."

/* 534 */
"_id" : "FnYYPhL5yTxggRu4a",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political
"description" : "How do we make sense of today's political divisions? In a
wide-ranging conversation full of insight, historian Yuval Harari places our
current turmoil in a broader context, against the ongoing disruption of our
technology, climate, media -- even our notion of what humanity is for."

/* 535 */
"_id" : "uKbzwRffFh5LwHyKX",
"url" : "https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-
"image" : "http://ourworldindata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Two-centuries-
"title" : "A history of global living conditions in 5 charts",
"description" : "This is the introduction to Our World in Data - the web
publication that shows how global living conditions are changing. A recent survey
asked \"All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse,
or neither getting better nor worse?\". In Sweden 10% thought t"

/* 536 */
"_id" : "7FLZTQy4YgB2XYTgg",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/moral-economy-of-a-
"image" :
"title" : "Moral economy of a university",
"description" : "Indians do not have the patience to focus on a problem for an
extended period of time. We do not think of institutions in the long run. We panic
when there is a crisis but when a crisis dims, we lose our focus. As a result, we
are poor at institution-building."

/* 537 */
"_id" : "Pqf7e7GKKvgDpDYCf",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/mar/01/burning-lakes-experts-
"image" :
"title" : "City of burning lakes: experts fear Bangalore will be uninhabitable
by 2025",
"description" : "On the evening of Thursday 16 February, residents in the
south-east part of Bangalore noticed huge plumes of smoke rising into the sky. The
smoke was coming from the middle of Bellandur Lake - the biggest lake in the city
at a little over 890 acres."

/* 538 */
"_id" : "DALzbRE9YE46XLhwH",
"url" : "https://qz.com/778767/to-tell-someone-theyre-wrong-first-tell-them-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A philosopher's 350-year-old trick to get people to change their
minds is now backed up by psychologists",
"description" : "The 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal is perhaps best
known for Pascal's Wager which, in the first formal use of decision theory, argued
that believing in God is the most pragmatic decision. But it seems the French
thinker also had a knack for psychology. As Brain Pickings points out, Pascal set
out the most effective way..."

/* 539 */
"_id" : "qWTxc2JuaSpic5Yt7",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/857d1b8a-fc65-4de6-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/27cc31a7-01f3-455b-
"title" : "gged5",
"description" : null

/* 540 */
"_id" : "64QJSBzou9HDyT7fx",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hKS4rucTY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Neuroscience of Compassion | Tania Singer",
"description" : "http://www.weforum.org/ Can training our brains help make the
world a better place? Tania Singer from the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences thinks it can. She's a social neuroscientist and
psychologist who says the brain's plasticity means it can be trained to make us
less selfish and more compassionate."

/* 541 */
"_id" : "E7DXyyDNxCNJKsebZ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkueGrrQKu8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teacher Interviews / Destroying Poverty with Education / Sierra
"description" : "Miriam Mason-Sesay is a Top 50 Finalist of the Global Teacher
Prize and a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. She was a
teacher in the UK for eight years before she visited Sierra Leone."

/* 542 */
"_id" : "PSxdEz92E5259sFdr",
"url" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"image" : "",
"title" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"description" : null

/* 543 */
"_id" : "GgnsXkEsYqhuNvyF6",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Kiran Sethi: Kids, take charge",
"description" : "Kiran Bir Sethi shows how her groundbreaking Riverside School
in India teaches kids life's most valuable lesson: \"I can.\" Watch her students
take local issues into their own hands, lead other young people, even educate their

/* 544 */
"_id" : "dBPgqgTz9Zmig2a4a",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/24/education-publisher-
"image" :
"title" : "Education publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history",
"description" : "Pearson has reported a pre-tax loss of 2.6bn for 2016, the
biggest in its history, after a slump at its US education operation. The world's
largest education publisher, which in January saw almost 2bn wiped from its stock
market value after issuing its fifth profit warning in two years, reported the
record loss after taking a 2.55bn non-cash charge for \"impairment of goodwill
reflecting trading pressures\" in its North American businesses."
/* 545 */
"_id" : "sRimhxQXhhANce6cW",
"url" : "http://carnegieindia.org/2016/08/11/india-and-artificial-intelligence-
"image" : "http://carnegieendowment.org/images/article_images/GettyImages-
"title" : "India and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution",
"description" : "Shashi Shekhar Vempati Recent advances in artificial
intelligence (AI) are a wake-up call to policymakers in India, with every one of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flagship programs likely to be directly affected
within the next few years. With China making rapid progress in AI-based research,
it is imperative that India view AI as a critical element of national security

/* 546 */
"_id" : "ovdAYZGJRJDjnt7uf",
"url" : "http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-video-games-be-allowed-in-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Should video games be allowed in school",
"description" : "Debate.org is a dynamic social community where you can voice
your opinion on today's hottest issues."

/* 547 */
"_id" : "hLFEZbbFod42GqsSA",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/96689c56-b167-4ff1-
9852-c598d69a2cc5_Gamers brain.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Gamers brain",
"description" : null

/* 548 */
"_id" : "gqgfWGh3iYQE2q9xy",
"url" : "http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-
"image" : "http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/170227_r29468-
"title" : "Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds",
"description" : "In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of
undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with
pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random
individual, the other by a person who had subsequently taken his own life."

/* 549 */
"_id" : "a5JNni5fqMDeTuBAu",
"url" : "http://theirworld.org/voices/cameroon-youth-ambassador-on-teachers-
"image" :
"title" : "\"When we teach children from birth in their first language, it
provides them the best chances of educational success\"",
"description" : "To mark International Mother Language Day on February 21,
Global Youth Ambassador Joannes Paulus Yimbesalu explains why teachers are on
strike over French being imposed in Cameroon's English-speaking regions. Whenever I
introduce myself as a Cameroonian to my peers globally, one thing they always ask
me about is our soccer team (which has just won the African Cup of Nations 2017)."

/* 550 */
"_id" : "WeRKGzuKiws53W6Xu",
"url" : "http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015",
"image" :
"title" : "World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior",
"description" : "The World Bank launched the Global Insights Initiative (GINI).
GINI puts conclusions from the 2015 World Development Report into practice."

/* 551 */
"_id" : "EZSZ5smrDvGohqiaY",
"url" : "http://newmediaresearch.educ.monash.edu.au/lnm/the-failure-of-moocs/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The failure of MOOCs",
"description" : "failure, noun: \"The fact of failing to effect one's purpose\"
(Oxford English Dictionary, failure, n. 3a) Have MOOCs failed us? This depends on
their purpose. If their purpose was broadening access to chunks of higher
education, they're a success: Coursera alone has more than four times as many
students as the entire Australian higher education system."

/* 552 */
"_id" : "X4Fz5yAgKecmnY3r6",
"url" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/10-best-teachers-world/",
"image" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/GTP-
"title" : "These are the 10 best teachers in the world - The Global Teacher
"description" : "We've all had teachers who have inspired us, who have made a
difference to our lives. Teachers have the power to make or break lives. A great
lesson can inspire a passion for a subject that lasts a lifetime, while lacklustre
teaching can kill any desire for learning."

/* 553 */
"_id" : "EhPJYqWEd4qmjKunD",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/digital-education-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/images.indianexpress.com/2017/02/thinkstockphotos-
"title" : "A new divide in class",
"description" : "It is amusing to see an article fit for the advertisement
section managing to find space instead in the \"Ideas\" section of The Indian
Express. The article, titled \"A More Democratic Learning\" (February 16, 2017),
tries to persuade us to buy an academic product \"Micromasters in Data and
Economics for Development Policy\", a package of five online courses, leading to a
degree from MITx."

/* 554 */
"_id" : "Bn3GQHPfSJWzkLD54",
"url" : "https://www.edutopia.org/article/border-crossings-matthew-farber",
"image" :
"title" : "Exploring the World in Your Class",
"description" : "In the past several years, the National Endowment of the
Humanities (NEH) has supported and funded digital games, including Mission US: City
of Immigrants, a game about the immigrant experience. You play as Lena Brodsky, a
Jewish immigrant in 1907 New York."

/* 555 */
"_id" : "aHRShHixztrfpy8NZ",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 556 */
"_id" : "C8vRFjxrcGDFknWpL",
"url" : "http://theconversation.com/which-countries-punch-above-their-weight-
"image" : "http://cdn.theconversation.com/files/102815/width1356x668/image-
"title" : "Which countries punch above their weight in education rankings?",
"description" : "Rankings of countries based on how well their students perform
in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) always receive a great
deal of attention from the media and politicians. But PISA rankings, produced by
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, are limited when it
comes to evaluating the quality of education systems and their efforts to improve
children's lives."

/* 557 */
"_id" : "ng3xq7ZdsvCnGYHit",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/02/digital-
"image" :
"title" : "We're over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience |
Simon Jenkins",
"description" : "Stepping outside the bubble of gloom this week I noticed
something surreal. Kodak was reviving its Ektachrome film range to meet a surging
demand for high-end traditional film. Was this the same Kodak, I wondered, that
went bankrupt in 2012 after 47,000 job losses, a moment hailed by seers as when the
digital revolution finally came of age?"

/* 558 */
"_id" : "29yWcDeLH3rf3pQi6",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/20/global-arms-weapons-
"image" :
"title" : "Global arms trade reaches highest point since cold war era",
"description" : "The global transfer of major weapons systems rose over the
past five years to the highest volume since the end of the cold war as the Middle
East nearly doubled its imports, according to an annual report on arms sales."

/* 559 */
"_id" : "WgRQPMhtSxtYEjh5g",
"url" : "http://hechingerreport.org/can-virtual-reality-teach-empathy/",
"image" : "http://hechingerreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chris-Berdik-
"title" : "Can Virtual Reality \"teach\" empathy? - The Hechinger Report",
"description" : "In November 2015, middle-school students from Westchester
County, New York, found themselves on a windswept field in South Sudan mingling
with a crowd of refugees fleeing civil war. Suddenly, they heard the deafening roar
of low-flying military cargo planes overhead, followed by large bags of grain
thudding to the ground all around them."

/* 560 */
"_id" : "WMNNJh8XH9oNg6Tfk",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQnyPeQRuCI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth of the World - For a Better World",
"description" : "180 students from classrooms in ten different countries on six
different continents contributed to the making of this video. In our classroom in
Germany, we started with the question: \"What in this world makes you worried? How
could you express your worry and anger?\" and started to make plans for a video."

/* 561 */
"_id" : "4hYMw5WbifnAt3Mx4",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ng-interactive/2017/feb/14/are-you-
"image" :
"title" : "Are you at risk? How pollution increases your chance of death -
"description" : "Greenpeace has calculated the increased risk of death at
varying levels of air pollution in 3,000 cities around the world - by combining
risk analysis from the IHME's Global Burden of Disease project with annual average
background levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5s) from the WHO"

/* 562 */
"_id" : "wawu4BAHEx8zmLxJ9",
"url" : "https://www.buzzfeed.com/emeynardie/13-childrens-books-that-encourage-
"image" : "http://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-
"title" : "Community Post: 13 Children's Books That Encourage Kindness Towards
"description" : "This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or
endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone
can post awesome lists and creations. Learn more or post your buzz!"

/* 563 */
"_id" : "uybqTCuiNw7uD88NX",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 564 */
"_id" : "Pz2SYSd89MJYH56y8",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/02/daily-chart-10",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Daily chart: Young people and free speech | The Economist",
"description" : "YOUNG people have always been more idealistic than their
elders, and more liberal too. In the 1960s baby-boomers spearheaded the social
revolution that liberalised values across Western countries. What were then fringe
issues, such as equality for women and racial minorities, are now social norms in
most rich countries."

/* 565 */
"_id" : "4dmxHRyS3H4St9wJz",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/15/robots-schools-
"image" :
"title" : "In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be
redundant| George Monbiot",
"description" : "In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a
machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children
being taught to behave like machines? Children learn best when teaching aligns with
their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity."

/* 566 */
"_id" : "CY4bYKFp3hQQpxcir",
"url" : "http://nation.time.com/2013/09/26/the-class-of-2025/",
"image" : "http://timemilitary.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/class.jpg?w=260",
"title" : "What Colleges Will Teach in 2025",
"description" : "Reports on what supposedly educated Americans know-and more
sensationally, don't know-come along fairly regularly, each more depressing than
the last. A survey of recent college graduates commissioned by the American Council
of Trustees and Alumni and conducted by GfK Roper last year found that barely half
knew that the U.S."

/* 567 */
"_id" : "zMR5in9JW7JaLbJEf",
"url" : "http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/we-are-chicago-video-game-
"image" :
"title" : "Can a video game be the ultimate empathy machine?",
"description" : "You're seated at the kitchen table, chatting with your mother,
sister, and a classmate between bites of spaghetti when a gunshot rings out from
somewhere near your house. Are you in danger? It's possible, but you've lived in
Englewood all your life and now that you're 18 years old, you're relatively used to
the disruptive sound of random gunfire."

/* 568 */
"_id" : "uEz4yfWq7uWAQnAzi",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a02b35e1-e041-4365-
bc1d-7f1705fd9aee_emma changemaker.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4cd57f02-32ac-4bf9-
"title" : "emma changemaker",
"description" : null

/* 569 */
"_id" : "wnTd7F4LjcLsHftxP",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/The-temptation-to-go-
"image" :
"title" : "The temptation to go viral",
"description" : "Newspapers recently published a story about a young man who
lay bleeding on a road while onlookers took pictures of him and made a video. The
incident happened in Koppal in Karnataka. The bicycle this 18-year-old was riding
was caught under the rear wheel of a State transport bus."

/* 570 */
"_id" : "xD62CbWjTYwPQiPYT",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 571 */
"_id" : "eZ4mWoXffkeeF7kNw",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 572 */
"_id" : "uZowY5FZreEsGQqoi",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 573 */
"_id" : "yfNJoXpp9tBNrJBLE",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6b810333-ebb6-44c9-
a47f-405833e702a3_Hajar IDRISSI.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ca9b5a27-61e3-4487-
"title" : "Hajar IDRISSI",
"description" : null
/* 574 */
"_id" : "FooNvzdsjRX5PYEJ3",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/quora/how-will-education-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/5080158/images/o-PRIMARY-SCHOOL-CHILDREN-
"title" : "How Will Education Change in the Next Ten Years?",
"description" : "How will education change in the next 10 years? originally
appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to
learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Salman-Khan, founder
of Khan Academy, on Quora: Mastery Learning Here is where I see education moving
over the next ten years: First, mastery-learning will become much more mainstream."

/* 575 */
"_id" : "ToMB2YZ7yM8Ap8W8b",
"url" : "http://www.theage.com.au/world/australia-must-speak-up-about-myanmars-
"image" :
"title" : "'Sorrow beyond belief': Australia must speak up about devastating
cruelty loudly and clearly",
"description" : "Bangkok: A soldier slits a baby's throat for crying out for
his mother's milk. Soldiers stomp on the stomach of a mother while she is in labour
and then burn down her family home. Mass rapes, murders, forced disappearances,
beatings and families locked in torched houses and burnt alive."

/* 576 */
"_id" : "8APHz4mtP9gYj2rG4",
"url" : "http://forum.peaceopoly.org/blogs/paul-iregbenu-s-blog/945-how-we-
"image" : "",
"title" : "How We Make Way for Peace and Democracy Across Africa",
"description" : "As we look forward to the International Day of Peace, we at
PeaceOpoly are proud to play a small role in a very big world. Were on a journey to
ensure there is peace as Africa brings bear the tenets of democracy amidst its many
challenges, and technology is our ticket."

/* 577 */
"_id" : "7HuDFWzgBksehWC45",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5OcbNTqbM4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teaching - The Most Important Profession in the World | Mareike
Hachemer | TEDxHeidelberg",
"description" : "\"Why would you sit here and listen to a teacher?\" - simply
because Mareike flips the coin and beautifully shows us why we should rethink our
perspective on teaching. It is incredible which impact she and other teachers have
- social change, shaping the year 2100 and their students' everyday lives."

/* 578 */
"_id" : "WuQeo5YGPeEcTH4iE",
"url" : "http://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/china-to-ban-minors-
"image" : "http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-57017896,width-
"title" : "China to ban minors from playing online games from midnight to 8
a.m. - ET Telecom",
"description" : "Beijing: China is planning to ban online games for minors from
midnight to 8:00 a.m., according to a draft regulation on the protection of minors
issued by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs."

/* 579 */
"_id" : "T2x3CgPYTF7AkZjEd",
"url" : "https://hundred.org/news/the-first-ten-global-innovations-global-
"image" : "http://hundred-
"title" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education Cities
and Blueprints",
"description" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education
Cities and Blueprints Last week at Bett, an education and technology event held
annually in London attended by thousands of teachers, students and education
professionals, we announced our first ten global innovations in education! You can
find all ten of them here."

/* 580 */
"_id" : "GgrAq6iMGXoDZ8oEb",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/528e7ab2-95f4-4842-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b50e6496-0525-4a05-
"title" : "doc",
"description" : null

/* 581 */
"_id" : "Hx4PmxQngmu73fLKt",
"url" : "http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-
"image" : "http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-
"title" : "Saudi Arabia celebrates its first ever Women's Day",
"description" : "Saudi Arabia has celebrated its own Women's Day, a first for
the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom. A three-day gathering was held at the King
Fahd Cultural Centre in the capital of Riyadh. It featured speakers who argued for
women's rights to drive and called for an end to the country's male guardianship

/* 582 */
"_id" : "edBGy7jDWkQtDCMvj",
"url" : "http://www.youthforchange.org/latest-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth power is the key to end FGM",
"description" : "Francis is a member of Youth For Change Tanzania Team - he
explains why it's crucial to recognise the role young people must play in in the
fight to end FGM. This blog was originally published for FGM Everybody's Business,
and we've republished it as part of our #WhyZeroFGM series."

/* 583 */
"_id" : "k42BBqwMcqkMcBWpA",
"url" : "http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/oped/Radical--not-cosmetic-reforms-needed-
"image" :
"title" : "TOUGH JUSTICE : Radical, not cosmetic reforms needed in",
"description" : "Monday, February 6, 2017 Dr Matiang'i's name became a Twitter
trend back in December 2016, where some people compared him to President Magufuli
because of his approach. Others made calls for him to run for the top office in
this year's polls."

/* 584 */
"_id" : "yrMyw3jR23HJsnRbT",
"url" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/2017/01/26/effective-teaching-harvard/",
"image" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/files/2016/08/technology-teaching.jpg",
"title" : "What educators can learn about effective teaching from a Harvard
"description" : "Editor's note: This post by Alan November, written exclusively
for eSchool Media, is part of a series of upcoming articles by this notable
education thought leader. Check back soon for the next must-read post!] Harvard
professor David Malan has managed to pull off a neat trick: His Computer Science 50
course is the most popular course at both Harvard and Yale."

/* 585 */
"_id" : "GGxRJEGSgXhbFx9NE",
"url" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/2017/01/norwegian-robot-learns-to-self-
"image" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/wp-
"title" : "Norwegian robot learns to self-evolve and 3D print itself in the
"description" : "WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF For the first time we are seeing how
it's possible for robots in the future to design and evolve, manufacture and
assemble themselves without human input Experts at the University of Oslo, Norway
have discovered a new way for robots to design, evolve and manufacture themselves,
without input from humans, using a form of artificial evolution called \"
Generative design,\" and 3D printers - although admittedly the team, for now at
least, still has to assemble the final product, robot, when it's printed."
/* 586 */
"_id" : "2inXYQ3RAT8mZjzhS",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21716030-young-voters-are-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Vote early, vote often: Why the voting age should be lowered to 16 |
The Economist",
"description" : "HOW young is too young? Rich democracies give different
answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and
cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an
adult at 14. Such thresholds vary wildly from place to place."

/* 587 */
"_id" : "ETivQwcwKFGd3CrMZ",
"url" : "http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/montreal/in-his-own-words-imam-
"image" :
"title" : "In his own words: Imam Hassan Guillet's address at Quebec City
funeral for 3 mosque victims",
"description" : "Ibrahima Barry, 39, Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Azzeddine
Soufiane, 57, were among the six men who died when a shooter entered the mosque
where they were attending evening prayers last Sunday. Here is a complete text of
Imam Hassan Guillet's English address."

/* 588 */
"_id" : "E4EKCg6kHwDG8fzJn",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/these-are-the-books-the-most-
"image" :
"title" : "The top reads of 2016 - as chosen by influential leaders around the
"description" : "Facebook asked 62 of its 'global influencers' what they read
in 2016. This is what they said."

/* 589 */
"_id" : "9hzHmy3NXcrQJzYmS",
"url" : "http://www.dw.com/en/america-first-but-which-european-country-is-
"image" : "http://www.dw.com/image/37398066_304.jpg",
"title" : "'America First,' but which European country is second? Parody videos
make their pitch to Trump | Digital Culture | DW.COM | 03.02.2017",
"description" : "Shortly after Trump's inaugural declaration that from now on,
it would be only \"America First,\" a Dutch comedy show called \"Zondag Met
Lubach\" parodied the new US president's rhetoric, absurdly promoting all the
reasons why the Netherlands should come in second. The clip went viral."
/* 590 */
"_id" : "uz85DACerFFY2ZgPZ",
"url" : "http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/ak47-kalashnikov-russia-assault-
"image" : "http://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/gettyimages-
"title" : "Kalashnikov Is Hiring 1,700 People to Meet Demand for AK-47s",
"description" : "A steep surge in demand for AK-47s has led Russian gunmaker
Kalashnikov Group to increase its staff by 30%, with most orders being made for
export. CNBC reports that the company plans to create 1,700 new jobs this year, as
announced in a press release this week."

/* 591 */
"_id" : "unwDwc6EReD4yv8n3",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H-uJu3hiDk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "YouthFirst_NGLS_Capacity Building Session_Advocacy",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-12-26."

/* 592 */
"_id" : "jv5fKz8vHxJRAT3RE",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqbAT8JA4k8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth First Madagascar_YWLP trailer_English_2015",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-05-21."

/* 593 */
"_id" : "FmMeM9XfYiYfoxciM",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/Maharashtra-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Maharashtra textbook says 'ugliness' is reason for dowry demands",
"description" : "A textbook for Class XII in Maharashtra has cited \"ugliness\"
and physical handicap of a girl as a reason behind the dowry issue prevalent in the
country. The remark appears in a chapter in the sociology textbook titled 'Major
Social Problems in India' of the state Secondary and Higher Secondary education

/* 594 */
"_id" : "rEMXkHKgMrzeaGmue",
"url" : "https://qz.com/677380/1700-years-ago-the-mismanagement-of-a-migrant-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/rtr2r5qg.jpg?
"title" : "1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its
"description" : "On Aug. 3, 378, a battle was fought in Adrianople, in what was
then Thrace and is now the province of Edirne, in Turkey. It was a battle that
Saint Ambrose referred to as \"the end of all humanity, the end of the world.\""

/* 595 */
"_id" : "xW7aKKZ6S4PaGpb9M",
"url" : "http://www.documentarytube.com/videos/undercover-care-the-abuse-
"image" : "http://d1nz104zbf64va.cloudfront.net/dt/v/o/undercover-care-the-
"title" : "Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed",
"description" : "On the top floor of a special hospital, locked away from their
families and friends, a group of men and women are subjected to a regime of
physical viole..."

/* 596 */
"_id" : "AJ75guJQMSBXNfrTk",
"url" : "https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/",
"image" :
"title" : "The 'Busy' Trap",
"description" : "If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably had
to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default
response when you ask anyone how they're doing: \"Busy!\" \" So busy.\" \" Crazy
busy.\" It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint."

/* 597 */
"_id" : "8xrsZsMZTTpzps2Rq",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/25/industrial-farming-one-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history",
"description" : "Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of
domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history. The
march of human progress is strewn with dead animals. Even tens of thousands of
years ago, our stone age ancestors were already responsible for a series of
ecological disasters."

/* 598 */
"_id" : "jWDxxYxopPqwGJsgw",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21715634-moral-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "The case for compassion, not empathy",
"description" : "Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. By Paul
Bloom. Ecco; 304 pages; $26.99. Bodley Head; 290 pages; 18.99. IN an age of
partisan divides it has become popular to assert that the wounds of the world would
heal if only people made the effort to empathise more with each other."

/* 599 */
"_id" : "7YD9n5XsQ4Q6SNDBQ",
"url" : "https://www.wsj.com/articles/can-mindfulness-help-students-do-better-
"image" : "http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/IV-
"title" : "Can 'Mindfulness' Help Students Do Better in School?",
"description" : "\"Mindfulness\" has gotten a lot of buzz recently, with
everyone from tech executives to professional athletes to lawmakers saying they use
it to combat stress, stay balanced and perform better on the job. Now some
educators and psychologists think schoolchildren could benefit from the practice,

/* 600 */
"_id" : "3g3gTS2Dx6Y69g6hC",
"url" : "https://norrag.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/for-global-learning-metrics-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/norrag.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/learning.png?
"title" : "For Global Learning Metrics, Ask Cognitive Scientists",
"description" : "By Helen Abadzi, College of Education, University of Texas at
Arlington. The December of 2016 brought worrisome messages to many Ministries of
Education. The 2015 PISA and TIMSS[1] scores were publicized. Despite efforts,
Latin American countries have low scores, as do the wealthy Gulf States.
Policymakers are unsure how to improve instruction for better outcomes...."

/* 601 */
"_id" : "ZbStJgKt8xZ5Sm224",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 602 */
"_id" : "dZXzbX5GkdHMWxpWF",
"url" : "http://inspire.nayd.org/2017/01/in-conversation-with-stephen-
"image" : "",
"title" : "In Conversation with Stephen Machua",
"description" : "Progress, Challenges and the Future of Development in Africa
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the implementation of SDGs in Af..."

/* 603 */
"_id" : "JY37dkBKrMMEFaxt2",
"url" : "http://www.aeinstein.org/nonviolentaction/198-methods-of-nonviolent-
"image" : "",
"title" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action",
"description" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action (PDF version) 198 METHODS OF
NONVIOLENT ACTION Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal
of \"nonviolent weapons\" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them,
classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion,
noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention."

/* 604 */
"_id" : "5g3Y7ZDYGtCXJBazN",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 605 */
"_id" : "84A4Xqqb6RRb9te8S",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/01/six-year-old-
"image" :
"title" : "Six-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About
"description" : "They're more likely to avoid games meant for \"really, really
smart\" children."

/* 606 */
"_id" : "3v63aMEz5saihTPp6",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mt3Q40RnaY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Nandini Singh at the Heritage School TEDx filmed by EducationWorld
"description" : "Nandini Chatterjee Singh is a cognitive neuroscientist at the
National Brain Research Centre. Her laboratory works on brain circuits for
Language, Literacy and Music. She is passionate about achieving universal literacy
by 2020. Her research shows that learning in the native language is the key to
functional literacy."

/* 607 */
"_id" : "Rm2MdBinorazdK5kF",
"url" : "https://scinfolex.com/2017/01/25/hamon-veut-constitutionnaliser-les-
"image" : "http://scinfolex.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/flint7.jpg",
"title" : "Benot Hamon veut &laquo; constitutionnaliser les biens communs
&raquo; : pour quoi faire ?",
"description" : "Benot Hamon a donc termin en tte du premier tour de la
primaire de la Belle Alliance Populaire. Dans son programme, ce sont surtout des
propositions comme l'instauration d'un revenu universel d'existence ou une taxe sur
les robots qui ont retenu l'attention. Mais il comporte une autre mesure qui mrite
mon sens que l'on s'y..."

/* 608 */
"_id" : "XaxQXC8rSJxQYNEJS",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2017/1/24/14364864/unesco-video-games-
"image" : "http://cdn3.vox-
"title" : "Here's why the UN is getting interested in video games",
"description" : "Many of us have experienced playing a game that changed our
mind or our heart. Perhaps it was about injustices visited upon people who live
different lives to our own. Or it was about an ailment or illness sitting at the
periphery of our own experience. Or maybe it challenged lazy assumptions about

/* 609 */
"_id" : "eEjxKxb3C2EqkP9zJ",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 610 */
"_id" : "p6KFt8oF6ibGwo4jG",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11331034/Mindfulness-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Mindfulness: the saddest trend of 2015",
"description" : "How does your mind feel? Slowly revving back up after the
festive fug of Christmas? Chances are, in the slew of \"New Year New You\"
suggestions, you will have read about mindfulness. Indeed, it was pretty hard to
get through last year without noticing it."

/* 611 */
"_id" : "uzXjRH36eb8dLzuXt",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/23/is-mindfulness-
"image" :
"title" : "Is mindfulness making us ill?",
"description" : "I am sitting in a circle in a grey, corporate room with 10
housing association employees - administrators, security guards, cleaners - eyes
darting about nervously. We are asked to eat a sandwich in silence. To think about
every taste and texture, every chewing motion and bite."

/* 612 */
"_id" : "3SGtfteCEHMGfFvFD",
"url" : "https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-ai-revolution-the-road-to-
"image" : "http://img.readitlater.com/direct?resize=w2000&url=http%3A%2F
"title" : "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why -
"description" : "PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline
viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three
weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could
not believe what I was reading."

/* 613 */
"_id" : "FuR6XyMBR2maz3NYL",
"url" : "http://www.hope-education.co.uk/netalogue/hope/classroom-of-the-
"image" : "http://images.findel-education.co.uk/classroom-of-the-future/img/f-
"title" : "The Classroom of The Future | Hope Education",
"description" : "The digital world means we're on the cusp of a technical
revolution which is limitless in education. Welcome to our classroom of the

/* 614 */
"_id" : "ekZjwonFBpiTZxqRC",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/474588/why-empathy-is-a-bad-
"image" :
"title" : "Empathy Doesn't Make You a Good Person",
"description" : "Paul Bloom, psychologist and Yale professor, argues that
empathy is a bad thing-that it makes the world worse. While we've been taught that
putting yourself in another's shoes cultivates compassion, it actually blinds you
to the long-term consequences of your actions."

/* 615 */
"_id" : "qKNKYHnYT9C5qqZKE",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-
"image" :
"title" : "Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems",
"description" : "Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of
communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name.
Mention it in conversation and you'll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your
listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it."

/* 616 */
"_id" : "4DXykwnjJpCWPoJEJ",
"url" : "http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeanbaptiste/2016/05/23/french-
"image" : "http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jeanbaptiste/files/2016/05/IMG_4797-
"title" : "French Billionaire Opens Free Coding University '42' In Silicon
"description" : "A rendering of the free coding school '42' that will open in
Fremont, Calif., in July for its first coding bootcamp. (Credit: Ecole 42) French
technology entrepreneur and billionaire Xavier Niel (#129 in 2016 and #7 in France
with a net worth of $8 billion) is investing $100 million of his [...]"

/* 617 */
"_id" : "ZdjiqXpk9AyWTk5Lt",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38639891",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Chinese billionaire offers biggest education prize - BBC News",
"description" : "A Chinese technology billionaire is offering the world's most
valuable education prize. The Yidan Prize will award nearly $8m (6.64m) every year
to two research projects that have the potential to \"transform\" global education.
Charles Chen Yidan, who co-founded China's internet company, Tencent, wants to use
the prize to scale up innovative education research projects and replicate them
across the world."

/* 618 */
"_id" : "5wmDzNMh66ki8ZzFp",
"url" : "http://www.unescobkk.org/education/education-2030/2nd-apmed2030/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO Office in Bangkok: 2nd APMED2030",
"description" : "Senior officials from ministries of education from 32
countries, representatives from sub-regional, intergovernmental organizations,
civil society, UN agencies, UNESCO institutes and academia across the Asia-Pacific
region will convene at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030
II) from 16-18 November 2016 at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand."

/* 619 */
"_id" : "DTpfTw6BWTFLjw2p8",
"url" : "http://yolocaust.de/",
"image" : "http://yolocaust.de/images/fb.jpg",
"title" : "YOLOCAUST",
"description" : "Yolocaust is a project by Shahak Shapira that explores our
commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
with footage from Nazi extermination camps."

/* 620 */
"_id" : "jzKxk35WExQKQRxSR",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper",
"description" : "Long before sustainability was a buzzword, architect Shigeru
Ban was using ecologically sound building materials such as cardboard tubes. He
uses them to build remarkable temporary structures for disaster-struck nations such
as Haiti, Rwanda and Japan. Yet often, these buildings remain a beloved part of the
landscape long after they have served their intended purpose."

/* 621 */
"_id" : "HhkAKwor8nBitSh2z",
"url" : "http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/01/slavoj-i-ek-charlie-
"image" :
"title" : "Slavoj iek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really
full of passionate intensity?",
"description" : "Now, when we are all in a state of shock after the killing
spree in the Charlie Hebdo offices, it is the right moment to gather the courage to
think. We should, of course, unambiguously condemn the killings as an attack on the
very substance our freedoms, and condemn them without any hidden caveats (in the
style of \" Charlie Hebdo was nonetheless provoking and humiliating the Muslims too

/* 622 */
"_id" : "3mnqFs5mqiW77C96M",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7Edq-QanM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Prof Krishna Kumar address at FICCI Publicon 2016",
"description" : "Uploaded by TheAGcreatives on 2016-12-04."

/* 623 */
"_id" : "YGAzbTW77bDA7vthy",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/world/asia/bhutan-gross-national-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/29/world/03BHUTAN-1/03BHUTAN-
"title" : "In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills",
"description" : "As the president of the Center for Bhutan Studies and GNH
Research, Mr. Ura has spent much of his time asking Bhutanese questions about
interactions with neighbors, quality of sleep and physical vigor in an attempt to
understand and measure subjective well-being."

/* 624 */
"_id" : "r8NZ7MHNxqys49yr3",
"url" : "http://www.games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Browse Sustainability Gamepedia - Games4Sustainability",
"description" : "Cities and communities. Simulation. Floods and Culture. 1-2
hours. Gifts of Culture is a board game role-playing simulation of a diverse
cultural community. It allows players to experience how cultural differences can
lead to troubles but at the same time they can also be helpful."

/* 625 */
"_id" : "WBLQ9bnGEDd4cAHtB",
"url" : "http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/01/14/508991615/5-big-ideas-in-
"image" : "http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/01/09/measurement-ideas2-
"title" : "5 Big Ideas In Education That Don't Work",
"description" : "Small classes. High standards. More money. These popular
remedies for school ills aren't as effective as they're sometimes thought to be.
That's the somewhat controversial conclusion of education researcher John Hattie.
Over his career, Hattie has scrutinized more than 1,000 \"meta-analyses,\" looking
at all types of interventions to improve learning."

/* 626 */
"_id" : "JBTPMctCuvYtCiygS",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/4/30/8514675/a-saudi-prince-is-
"image" : "http://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "A Saudi Prince is using video games to fuel an intellectual
renaissance in the Middle East",
"description" : "Terrorist, cartoon stereotype, evil oppressive dictator. It's
through those lenses - those unfair representations of a complex, massive grouping
of a wide variety of people and what they believe in - that much of the non-Arab
world sees the population of the Middle East."

/* 627 */
"_id" : "Eg32htftSoh8yJbw7",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/body-politics",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201606_FE_RUS_005-
"title" : "Body Politics",
"description" : "Robert Rauschenberg, the subject of a major forthcoming
retrospective, has long been overshadowed by Andy Warhol. Caroline Roux looks at
how his influence on China is leading to a reassessment of his importance"
/* 628 */
"_id" : "95m26WLaMgo6W6MDB",
"url" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/research/curriculum-future-digital-game",
"image" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/system/files/CFF-icon2.jpg",
"title" : "Curriculum for the Future: The digital game | New Zealand Council
for Educational Research",
"description" : "Curriculum for the Future: The Digital Game is designed to
generate thought-provoking conversations about learning and curriculum today and in
the future. It's a fun way to think about complex ideas and it's great for playing
with a group of people who care about what we will learn in the future."

/* 629 */
"_id" : "PkvS7ozA8NFJhgbrR",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2017-05-01/language",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Finding a voice",
"description" : "Language: Finding a voice Computers have got much better at
translation, voice recognition and speech synthesis, says Lane Greene. But they
still don't understand the meaning of language I'M SORRY, Dave. I'm afraid I can't
do that.\""

/* 630 */
"_id" : "MfW3C9uGdMBjarWob",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/infographics/gamification-education/",
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/gamification-
"title" : "The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech",
"description" : "Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space.
How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? Learn all
about the impact of gaming on education in this infographic."

/* 631 */
"_id" : "BxiPRaZ3KCxvX3WE6",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c2bf7e-a038-48c5-
bea7-6e035f98bbc3_Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth",
"description" : null

/* 632 */
"_id" : "fdj5P8nkYYHtCn4uy",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-adaptive-learning-anyway-zach-
"image" :
"title" : "What is adaptive learning anyway?",
"description" : "As emerging technologies and methodologies reshape corporate
training, one phrase \"adaptive learning\" is among the biggest of the buzzwords. I
get asked all the time what exactly \"adaptive learning\" means. Most know the
technology has something to do with e-learning, personalized education, micro-
learning, badging, gamification, cloud-based learning, etc."

/* 633 */
"_id" : "wgivAkG8fXYdxbLBH",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RdMDY5rYnY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pick Your Teacher: Democratic Schooling in the UK - Rebel
"description" : "The London Nautical School was founded in 1915 to train
students in maritime skills. Today it's a modern, non-selective inner London state
school for boys - with a very different approach to learning. At the start of the
year, teachers pitch their courses to the students, who are given the power to
choose what courses they want to study."

/* 634 */
"_id" : "FMwjDANh45AvFnXXG",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Interactive Feature -
"description" : "A history of classroom technology, from the writing slate to
the electronic tablet."

/* 635 */
"_id" : "DQRSjkRQvLqzYXHoA",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c1477b-eccf-4f9f-
9974-bccd4b72c3fa_The Critical Thinking workbook.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Critical Thinking workbook",
"description" : null

/* 636 */
"_id" : "YHBjsJZjDqrdFWrp8",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/61864513",
"image" : "",
"title" : "V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"",
"description" : "This is \"V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"\" by Being
Human on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them."

/* 637 */
"_id" : "ZBJpTk79jNyPEnAa4",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Education alone doesn't prevent violent extremism. Here's what else
you need.",
"description" : "In November, 15 years into the \"Global War on Terror,\" the
Obama administration expanded the scope of the war. The outgoing administration
declared al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group in Somalia, to be part of the armed
conflict that Congress approved in its Authorization of Military Force resolution
after the Sept."

/* 638 */
"_id" : "ZZDtdGStrxZtL7mCw",
"url" : "https://www.thequint.com/blogs/2017/01/04/bengaluru-shame-you-can-
"image" : "http://images.assettype.com/thequint/2017-01/3ec173d1-8629-4dfa-
"title" : "Bengaluru Shame: You Can Choose to Be Safe, So Don't Blame the Mob",
"description" : "Let us examine if this issue was about gender inequality or
rather a law and order issue. It was the New Year's Eve. People were happy and in a
mood for fun and revelry. Each individual was wearing what they wanted to. Each
chose the beverage they liked the most."

/* 639 */
"_id" : "EpyYBTETGmMD3Ykgj",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/07/information-
"image" :
"title" : "Only 20% of US adults have information overload, but those who do
feel burden",
"description" : "Some 20% of American adults feel the burden of information
overload, with that figure at least doubling among those from poorer or less
educated backgrounds, according to a report released today by the Pew Research

/* 640 */
"_id" : "Z7o7x5XZ4KmyB6B6P",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/resources/blog/adaptive-learning/good-
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/knewton-math-homework-tim-
"title" : "Good Students Do Their Homework | Knewton",
"description" : "As the school year begins again, so do the homework debates:
Do students have too much homework or too little? How young is too young? Is
homework making a difference? Or would kids be better off playing outside and going
to bed early, as one Texas teacher told her second-grade class?"

/* 641 */
"_id" : "H8ZrJBMXo5MZPKaNo",
"url" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/",
"image" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/images/app1.jpg",
"title" : "With AI, our words will be a window into our mental health- IBM
"description" : "If your brain is a black boxwe don't fully understand, then
speech is akey to its unlocking. In five years, what we say and write will be used
as indicators of our mental health and physical wellbeing. Patterns in our speech
and writing analyzed by cognitive systems will provide tell- tale signs of early-
stagemental disease that can prompt us to seek treatment."

/* 642 */
"_id" : "rbY672dP3q9699sRK",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/01/no-grades-no-timetable-
"image" :
"title" : "No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down",
"description" : "Anton Oberlnder is a persuasive speaker. Last year, when he
and a group of friends were short of cash for a camping trip to Cornwall, he
managed to talk Germany's national rail operator into handing them some free

/* 643 */
"_id" : "gRoovSDxCLJDvGQkn",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 644 */
"_id" : "BfMv3v5b7BKyjsjpf",
"url" : "http://www.thankyouforplayingfilm.com/",
"image" :
"title" : "Home",
"description" : "Ryan, an indie video game developer, is creating a poetic
video game to document his experiences raising Joel, his 5-year-old son who has
terminal cancer."

/* 645 */
"_id" : "9CrAa3kNymdNRn3BH",
"url" : "https://qz.com/841877/learn-how-to-meditate-through-video-games-and-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A practical guide for learning meditation through the art of
"description" : "Gaming and meditation have more in common than you think.
These seemingly unrelated pursuits both offer important self-development lessons
that use similar parts of our brains to mold us into better humans. Both also
suffer from public perception problems: Gaming is often seen as a potentially
harmful, violent waste of time dominated by teenage boys with..."

/* 646 */
"_id" : "LXfjR6Cq73BJxNzRX",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151109-the-infinite-quotable-wisdom-
"image" :
"title" : "The infinite, quotable wisdom of Carl Sagan",
"description" : "His quotes and insights are all over the internet, but here's
why you should really care about Carl Sagan."

/* 647 */
"_id" : "Xsyfrw2ZBLqWNH6BL",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/VineSurvivor/videos/1232136226872420/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Vine Survivor - I Never Finished Watching A Video This... |
"description" : "I Never Finished Watching A Video This Long Before But This
One Really Got Me !! For More Videos Visit: brutenews.com Credit:

/* 648 */
"_id" : "2Rk3D8KQ9QmWCzhBR",
"url" : "http://www.ipsnews.net/2016/11/coordinates-of-safety/",
"image" : "http://cdn.ipsnews.net/Library/2016/11/crime_3081396e.jpg",
"title" : "Coordinates of Safety",
"description" : "If we go by the National Crime Records Bureau reports,
incidence of serious crimes against women rose from 237 per day in 2001 to 313 per
day in 2015. These crimes include rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry deaths and
cruelty by husbands and relatives."

/* 649 */
"_id" : "sGjD7bEYQPRCJG6Yr",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyc0M41k-mA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Best Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor festival-
Sara Rozik",
"description" : "It's an Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor
festival and the filmmaker Sara Rozik is only 20 years old!"

/* 650 */
"_id" : "iTu5asNRpsaLHLDBL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0tahJ4f7k&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon \"Give Peace a Chance\" Live in Toronto 1969",
"description" : "John Lennon played as part of the Plastic Ono Band, whose
members also included Yoko Ono, Klaus Voorman, Alan White, and Eric Clapton, a one
day festival, as Sweet Toronto Peace Festival, held September 13, 1969 at Varsity
Stadium on the campus of the University of Toronto and attended by some 20,000

/* 651 */
"_id" : "8ACJqAkdRSeXft7pZ",
"url" : "http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/12/researchers-create-minecraft-
"image" : "http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-
"title" : "Minecraft expansion successfully tricks students into learning",
"description" : "Two chemists, a materials scientist and a game developer (all
professors), have created a Minecraft expansion designed to sneakily teach
chemistry and engineering concepts. They used the mod as part of a college course
and found preliminary results that suggest it works reasonably well."

/* 652 */
"_id" : "CRvYhmtjEBgKmMGhQ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?",
"description" : "Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing Where Is The Love?.
(C) 2003 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc."

/* 653 */
"_id" : "FtsjWptPyAu7WMsbK",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/this-nifty-infographic-is-a-great-
"image" :
"title" : "This Nifty Infographic Is a Great Introduction to Neuroplasticity
and Cognitive Therapy",
"description" : "It's startling to think about how we've got a spaceship
billions of miles away rendezvousing with Pluto, yet here on Earth there are major
aspects of our own anatomy that we're almost completely ignorant about. We've
climbed Everest, sent men to the moon, and invented the Internet - but we still
don't know how our brains work."

/* 654 */
"_id" : "Bnrh6EpfDCaXKWMJk",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161116-astronaut-andrew-thomas-we-
"image" :
"title" : "Astronaut Andrew Thomas: We need to teach rational thinking",
"description" : "Australian-born astronaut Andrew Thomas recently described his
life in orbit at BBC Future's World-Changing Ideas Summit. We caught up with him
after his session to ask which one idea could help improve society. Now a US
citizen, Thomas reflects on the recent presidential election and explains why
schools need to teach scientific and rational thinking."

/* 655 */
"_id" : "5fHnwmJohz3HQzq6f",
"url" : "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Argumentative_Indian",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Argumentative Indian - Wikipedia",
"description" : "The Argumentative Indian is a book written by Nobel Prize
winning Indian economist Amartya Sen. It is a collection of essays that discuss
India's history and identity, focusing on the traditions of public debate and
intellectual pluralism."

/* 656 */
"_id" : "RpF6XLjCbXtBwcm93",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbKQ7nXx0o8&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas",
"description" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas Other videos seem to have war
pictures, famine, sadness and the like. John Lennon's Happy Christmas is about
peace, love, and happiness. Let's try to embrace that and not focus on the
atrocities. Have a Happy Christmas :)"

/* 657 */
"_id" : "tMEf2Q8cwCTDPSQ5k",
"url" : "http://childrenstech.com/blog/archives/17504",
"image" : "",
"title" : "A Heartfelt Tribute to Seymour Papert",
"description" : "\"The world lost an amazing wit, intellect, inventor,
bricoleur, scholar, freedom fighter, and friend with the passing of Seymour Papert.
He was arguably the most influential educator of the past half century. It would be
wise for us all to start thinking about what we each might do to build upon his
mighty legacy.\""

/* 658 */
"_id" : "Q5fDjCzPtNhvPXkTB",
"url" : "http://learningforaction.com/the-learning-curve/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Learning Curve",
"description" : "Consistent with our mission, our aim is to advance the
sustainability and impact of social sector organizations. And, consistent with our
name, we endeavor to share that results in that will bring greater equity and
justice to all communities."

/* 659 */
"_id" : "3NNQg5Fu83BhTvmdF",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 660 */
"_id" : "eRrPuMqZkDZZ3GwBT",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/to-prevent-rapes-it-s-important-
"image" :
"title" : "To prevent rapes, it's important to understand why they occur",
"description" : "Between 2001 and 2015 the number of rapes doubled in India. In
Delhi, the rise was six-fold. If we go by the incidence of rapes (i.e. number of
rapes divided by 100,000 women), it was the worst state in 2015, followed by the
Northeast (excluding Assam)."

/* 661 */
"_id" : "W8bRLLEFMG3wjESHq",
"url" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/",
"image" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016",
"description" : "A Hack Education Project"

/* 662 */
"_id" : "WQDKDqJujoRAotWxa",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/11-ted-talks-that-highlight-
"image" :
"title" : "11 TED talks that will bring you one step closer to understanding
yourself and everyone around you",
"description" : "These 11 TED Talks show how strange and mysterious the human
mind really is."

/* 663 */
"_id" : "68PoKuEr9AsmYdo2K",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 664 */
"_id" : "yp4unwGFExXesm65z",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 665 */
"_id" : "G5qLobHCZnYRnKRP2",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 666 */
"_id" : "2nacyPeZLiaY2wfiw",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5bd5ef6c-d822-413c-
b342-a6cc53391364_Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\".jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/04212627-08e6-4c4a-
"title" : "Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\"",
"description" : null

/* 667 */
"_id" : "x5TQit8D7AHoQFc2N",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/magazine/the-great-ai-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/12/18/magazine/18ai-cover-
"title" : "The Great A.I. Awakening",
"description" : "Four days later, a couple of hundred journalists,
entrepreneurs and advertisers from all over the world gathered in Google's London
engineering office for a special announcement. Guests were greeted with Translate-
branded fortune cookies. Their paper slips had a foreign phrase on one side - mine
was in Norwegian - and on the other, an invitation to download the Translate app."

/* 668 */
"_id" : "aeNrvpM3LDW9ovuXv",
"url" : "http://nordic.businessinsider.com/this-swedish-billionaire-has-issued-
"image" :
"title" : "This Swedish billionaire has issued a $5 million award for anyone
who comes up with a UN 2.0",
"description" : "Laszlo Szombatfalvy, one of Sweden's most successful investors
of all time, is urging on the younger generation to re-think global governance."

/* 669 */
"_id" : "GixNe5TpdcHbMFbn5",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21712093-new-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Neuroscience: Scanning reveals what pregnancy does to a mother's
brain | The Economist",
"description" : "AS ANY parent will tell you, once you have had children
nothing is ever quite the same. Including, it seems, their mothers' brains. In a
paper just published in Nature Neuroscience, a team led by Elseline Hoekzema of the
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, in Spain, describe for the first time how
pregnancy alters women's brains, rewiring them in ways that persist long after a
child has been born."

/* 670 */
"_id" : "ccTZmeed3kab9TZNW",
"url" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/children-explain-
"image" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/magazine/rights-
"title" : "In Their Words: How Children Are Affected by Gender Issues",
"description" : "This story appears in the January 2017 issue ofNational
Geographic magazine. If you want candid answers about how gender shapes destiny,
ask the world's nine-year-olds. At nine, a girl in Kenya already knows that her
parents will marry her off for a dowry, to a man who may beat her."

/* 671 */
"_id" : "3XwRxQCAworaBkPaP",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/19/france-plans-
"image" :
"title" : "France plans internet ombudsman to safeguard free speech",
"description" : "France is considering appointing an official internet
ombudsman to regulate complaints about online material in order to prevent
excessive censorship and preserve free speech. A bill establishing a \"content
qualification assessment procedure\" has been tabled in the French senate and the
initiative was debated last week at a high level meeting attended by senators and
judges as well as policy officers from Google and Twitter."

/* 672 */
"_id" : "PpyPuoaYA748D3ox2",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/18/aleppo-elegy-for-doomed-
"image" :
"title" : "Aleppo: Elegy for a doomed city whose history spans centuries",
"description" : "I made my last visit to Aleppo, Syria's most populous city and
once its commercial hub, now a deeply wounded and broken city, just four months
before the Syrian uprising started in March 2011."

/* 673 */
"_id" : "QtL8iTqMA8pHp3dR3",
"url" : "http://ed.ted.com/featured/pkeqPuzO",
"image" : "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3MYEtQ5Zdn8/0.jpg",
"title" : "Why you think you're right - even if you're wrong",
"description" : "Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to
examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all
costs - or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Julia Galef examines the motivations
behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information,
interweaved with a compelling history lesson from 19th-century France."

/* 674 */
"_id" : "QTjvZKC2Q9atHJm39",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-broken-starting-from-scratch-
"image" :
"title" : "The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix
"description" : "My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty
years, it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and
miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats in the belfry,
and trolls in the basement."

/* 675 */
"_id" : "wxhcRDBP2KLFP4LZx",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-
"image" :
"title" : "Could the best way to make money from science be to give it away for
"description" : "The Neuro, or the Montreal Neurological Institute and
Hospital. is setting up an experiment in experimentation, an Open Science
Initiative with the express purpose of finding out the best way to realise the
potential of scientific research. It is hard to be against 'open science'."

/* 676 */
"_id" : "kfhHgriqC8xJ9uMTM",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/China-slams-India-over-
"image" :
"title" : "China slams India over invite to Dalai Lama at Rashtrapati Bhavan",
"description" : "China has slammed India for inviting the Dalai Lama, Tibetan
spiritual leader, at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, and urged New Delhi to
respect Beijing's \"core interest\" in order to avoid \"any disturbance\" in
bilaateral ties."

/* 677 */
"_id" : "7sNF6jWSro3atuiog",
"url" : "http://www.asianage.com/opinion/columnists/171216/how-to-lead-
"image" : "http://images.asianage.com/images/aa-Cover-
"title" : "How to lead UN",
"description" : "Secretary-Generals often fail to deliver because the method of
their selection itself is flawed and non-transparent. Antonio Guterres (Photo: AP)
The swearing-in of Portugal's Antonio Guterres as the ninth Secretary-General of
the United Nations on December 12 is an occasion to reflect on the leadership
required in the world body in the face of mounting challenges."

/* 678 */
"_id" : "4W4vxypnetKKkEZux",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/11dd2b58-d8c3-49e0-
8c50-3fd9a61df6d0_Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill",
"description" : null

/* 679 */
"_id" : "njpBREd27aJ34esrj",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/efc8f0d5-e407-46b7-
9ded-8f5318e4eb33_OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38",
"description" : null
/* 680 */
"_id" : "uG6Syxpi74EPyyTJ9",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0369d081-c6dd-47c5-
b291-3889dc44797c_PISA 2015 Results.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "PISA 2015 Results",
"description" : null

/* 681 */
"_id" : "MDH7PZncz9Chag52L",
"url" : "http://www.torontosun.com/2016/12/14/colorado-school-district-decides-
"image" : "http://storage.torontosun.com/v1/suns-prod-
"title" : "Colorado school district decides whether to arm teachers",
"description" : "A rural Colorado school district is deciding whether to arm
its teachers and other school staff to protect its students."

/* 682 */
"_id" : "DoKDhshhuNmdKwCMn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/83e7b50d-91ae-469a-
91ac-993f72853854_Dear Friend.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/eadbcbd7-7ed7-4972-
"title" : "Dear Friend",
"description" : null

/* 683 */
"_id" : "oYzccwpTRSQaTw6RW",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnD-3q8ays",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OEB 2016 - Plenary Debate",
"description" : "Christoph Benzmller - Freie Universitt Berlin - Germany
Donald Clark - Plan B Learning - UK Andrew Keen - Author and salonFutureCast - USA
Nell Watson - Poikos - Belgium As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB's expert speakers consider just how far AI can go."

/* 684 */
"_id" : "dBqPsMYxCaxHPtj34",
"url" : "http://distractify.com/trending/2016/12/13/horrors-of-war",
"image" : "http://wp-prod-02.distractify.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/aleppo-
"title" : "People Are Sending Their Final Goodbyes From Inside Aleppo",
"description" : "As the battle for Aleppo comes to a close, with Syrian regime
forces closing in on the last remaining pockets of resistance. The Assad regime has
been found killing every man, woman, and child in sight in what the United Nations
is calling a 'complete meltdown of humanity.'"
/* 685 */
"_id" : "fKCmKhLXJ2en7Q8Jj",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9vbCcI-JN4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Future of Learning Intro",
"description" : "Original video \"The Future of Learning, Networked Society by
Ericsson can be found at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quYDkuD4dMU"

/* 686 */
"_id" : "um2p3NuBakbhuHXcc",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4c9dff42-bd76-4289-
805c-0a823b1929c2_6th AMA with Jules Csillag.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e3d32ff3-ddc6-4187-
"title" : "6th AMA with Jules Csillag",
"description" : null

/* 687 */
"_id" : "GmJh7tZogTbBuvaph",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l4nVByCL44",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Blowin in The Wind - Bob Dylan",
"description" : "Blowin in The Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk
down, Before you can call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail, Before
she sleeps in the sand? Yes, and how many times must cannonballs fly, Before
they're forever banned?"

/* 688 */
"_id" : "fbxk5Hakkq7W9JewM",
"url" : "http://www.wikihow.com/Start-Your-Own-Country",
"image" : "http://www.wikihow.com/images/c/cb/Start-Your-Own-Country-Step-
"title" : "How to Start Your Own Country",
"description" : "Tired of the crazy politics and government interference or
social permissiveness? Has your tax burden become more than you can bear? If you've
ever thought that if people just did it your way, things would be much better...we
have good..."

/* 689 */
"_id" : "XZXrFHPSWk6KDDDtT",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bb8dd51f-0599-43eb-
80e3-8ba8517196ae_Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ceda6f5a-98e9-423e-
"title" : "Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?",
"description" : null

/* 690 */
"_id" : "uvzvBFFX5Lqt4tydM",
"url" : "http://forward.com/culture/356537/why-times-trump-cover-is-a-
"image" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.forward.com/images/cropped/trump-
"title" : "Why Time's Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art",
"description" : "Time Magazine's annual \"Person of the Year\" announcement is,
year after year, grossly misunderstood. Time Magazine is clear on its sole
criterion - \"the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on
the events of the year\" - yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find
countless people who seem to think that the \"Person of the Year\" selection is
tantamount to an endorsement."

/* 691 */
"_id" : "f8oBKWs9Gb25zjPNo",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDrzKBF6gDU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "LOUIS ARMSTRONG what wonderful world",
"description" : "I see trees of green red roses too Veo rboles verdes y rosas
rojas tambin I see them bloom, for me and you las veo florecer, para ti y para mi
and I think to myself, What a wonderful world."

/* 692 */
"_id" : "aQ9FRKNcyWg2L3Wgp",
"url" : "https://www.opendemocracy.net/geoffrey-macdonald-luke-waggoner/from-
"image" :
"title" : "From countering to preventing violent extremism",
"description" : "Fighting extremism isn't just about military and intelligence
solutions. What strategies should governments and civil society groups pursue?
Countering violent extremism (CVE)-which aims to hinder the recruitment efforts of
violent extremists as well as address the conditions that facilitate
radicalization-has become an umbrella term encompassing disparate non-coercive
responses to terrorism and other forms of ideological violence."

/* 693 */
"_id" : "coBdJoeieFBYyCzyM",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5d0d0fb0-094c-43ef-
bb47-398817927460_5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5df20c34-9743-40d7-
"title" : "5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz",
"description" : null

/* 694 */
"_id" : "kNFE853H3xCZuYhPW",
"url" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2016/12/07/video-games-are-
"image" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/wp-
"title" : "Video games are more addictive than ever. This is what happens when
kids can't turn them off.",
"description" : "Video games are nothing new, and neither are reports of game
addiction. But today's most popular games are wholly immersive: Vast digital
landscapes unfold in eye-popping detail, nuanced characters evolve from one level
to the next.These games are deliberately designed, with the help of psychology
consultants, to make players want to keep playing, and they are available on every
platform - gaming consoles, computers, smartphones."

/* 695 */
"_id" : "Spy46xEp88zeLF6Nr",
"url" : "http://martinprosperity.org/content/the-global-creativity-index-
"image" : "http://martinprosperity.org/wp-
"title" : "The Global Creativity Index 2015 | Martin Prosperity Institute",
"description" : "This report presents the 2015 edition of the Global Creativity
Index, or GCI. The GCI is a broad-based measure for advanced economic growth and
sustainable prosperity based on the 3Ts of economic development-talent,
technology, and tolerance. It rates and ranks 139 nations worldwide on each of
these dimensions and on our overall measure of creativity [...]"

/* 696 */
"_id" : "ryMKsG87px6s7z2Mt",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAqz3Hf00g",
"image" : "",
"title" : "We're About To Cause A Mass Extinction",
"description" : "This is what extinction looks like - and here's how you can
still help. Video by: Eli Ralston You can help the conservation of endangered
species, by supporting our friends at: International Animal Rescue
(http://thedo.do/iar), the Ol Pejeta Conservancy (http://thedo.do/sudan) and
Wildcare Australia Inc: http://thedo.do/wildcare Love animals?"

/* 697 */
"_id" : "bCXuQgHGmJDoBHcN4",
"url" : "https://www.cnet.com/news/polish-christmas-ad-old-man-rubber-duck-
"image" :
"title" : "The Polish Christmas ad that's making YouTube weep buckets",
"description" : "Commentary: From a little-known auction site comes a tale of a
grandpa and his attempts to learn English."

/* 698 */
"_id" : "tSM8pWAWhk92TqjNk",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f0ed39dc-88f0-4379-
80ae-00deafe56985_4th AMA with James Jackson.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aef8ec71-0f00-4a8d-
"title" : "4th AMA with James Jackson",
"description" : null

/* 699 */
"_id" : "tQcXCD4JLrzD7M3k2",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/196cf468-b3be-45ff-
a524-45780029e9d1_3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/970d5b59-8bff-4882-
"title" : "3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan",
"description" : null

/* 700 */
"_id" : "fiHEa2yQzkEbTY7op",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sandy-hook-parents-release-eye-opening-
"image" : "http://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/12/05/b3de81e8-0fad-
"title" : "Sandy Hook parents release eye-opening PSA on gun violence",
"description" : "A video depicting a red-haired boy in search of a mystery girl
at his high school has captivated the internet, but not for the reason you might
think. The beginning of the ad focuses on a teenager named Evan, who's anxious for
summer break."

/* 701 */
"_id" : "8zdEmBwaQYoaW9uCL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Introducing Amazon Go and the world's most advanced shopping
"description" : "Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world's most
advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout - just grab and go! Learn more
at http://amazon.com/go"

/* 702 */
"_id" : "7sTWCPjJ42WeWbb5A",
"url" : "https://www.thenation.com/article/did-medieval-muslims-invent-modern-
"image" : "http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Omar-
"title" : "Did Medieval Muslims Invent Modern Secularism?",
"description" : "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in Edward FitzGerald's
innovative and witty 1859 translation, went viral in the West for the first two-
thirds of the twentieth century. It created an alternative to Orientalist images of
the Middle East as roiled by religious fanaticism, puritanism, and obscurantism."

/* 703 */
"_id" : "XrsjaByL2XDoXrjdy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4GLAKEjU4w",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Cooke - What A Wonderful World (Official Lyric Video)",
"description" : "Lyric Video for \"What A Wonderful World\" performed by Sam
Cooke. Directed by: Hector Santizo Producers: Julian Klein, Robin Klein, Mick
Gochanour, Hector Santizo (C) 2015 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc."

/* 704 */
"_id" : "fxCLTKpFatFk9HwHP",
"url" : "http://www.businessinsider.in/Stephen-Hawking-Automation-and-AI-is-
"image" : "http://static-
"title" : "Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class
"description" : "Artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to
decimate middle class jobs, worsening inequality and risking significant political
upheaval, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a column in The Guardian, the award-
winning physicist wrote that \"the automation of factories has already decimated
jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the
most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 705 */
"_id" : "fRY2zrix4PRxbujro",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-gz4FtI83U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Raindropss \"EDUCATE A CHILD\" - Theme Song",
"description" : "\"Raindropss\" concentrates on delivering social awareness
messages to the public in the form of Short movies and theme songs through
entertainment & media."

/* 706 */
"_id" : "PqmY9v3d3CMicmyLY",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/nov/23/its-not-all-anal-
"image" :
"title" : "'It's not all anal sex': the German schools exploring love, equality
and LGBT issues",
"description" : "Last month in Wiesbaden, the picturesque German city famous
for champagne and hot springs, around 2,000 parents protested over changes to the
school curriculum. The cause of the furore? That children would be bombarded with
lessons about anal sex, dildos and dark rooms. Despite their fears, anal sex is not
being snuck into lessons."
/* 707 */
"_id" : "qaCesStQj8BA595qx",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)",
"description" : "HIT SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CLASSIC VIDEOS Pink Floyd - Another
Brick In The Wall Lifted from \"Pink Floyd The Wall\" film, this video is actually
comprised of two songs: \"The Happiest Days Of Our Lives\" and \"Another Brick In
The Wall Pt. 2\" This video became the official video of \"Another Brick In The
Wall Pt."

/* 708 */
"_id" : "vTSoXon9TgYfZBvvr",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6949df01-787e-49e8-
a188-81fa60e16229_2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya.jpeg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49fe6d8b-b9cb-4ae6-
"title" : "2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya",
"description" : null

/* 709 */
"_id" : "6zwyxmGR74m4hJ8iM",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth",
"description" : "In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his
three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial
photographs in his series \"The Earth From Above,\" personal interviews from around
the globe featured in his web project \"6 billion Others,\" and his soon-to-be-
released movie, \"Home,\" which documents human impact on the environment through
breathtaking video."

/* 710 */
"_id" : "ESu869dgDN69qW8os",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eeyx9S1hOV4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Aerosmith Dream On Lyrics HQ Sound",
"description" : "Aerosmith - Dream On (lyrics) : Very time when I look in the
mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like
dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know
nobody knows Where"

/* 711 */
"_id" : "qKd4qKFxa9L9H6C4q",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2015/04/08/heres-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Here's how we can reinvent the classroom for the digital age",
"description" : "When I was in elementary school, about 50 years ago, teachers
used to stand in front of a class of 40 or 50 children and write on a blackboard
with chalk. To make sure the material was absorbed, the teacher asked occasional
questions and assigned lots of homework."

/* 712 */
"_id" : "cXyGX8bMgS2nqWh6K",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/homeschooling-in-india-alternative-
"image" : "http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories/home-school-
"title" : "Class of their own",
"description" : "Almost a century ago, Rabindranath Tagore wrote Tota Kahani,
the story of a free-spirited parrot who would do nothing but hop, skip, fly and
sing all day. A king ordered that the bird be civilised, and so it was put in a
golden cage."

/* 713 */
"_id" : "9CADjnaXrmiGJ38Z6",
"url" : "http://warontherocks.com/2016/11/thinking-historically-a-guide-for-
"image" : "http://warontherocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Umbrella-
"title" : "Thinking Historically: A Guide for Strategy and Statecraft",
"description" : "Editor's Note: This is adapted from the 12th Annual Alvin H
Bernstein Lecture at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies of the Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, delivered by the author on November

/* 714 */
"_id" : "ZL7f9WGMwAjQi7bm4",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGMKvoEv1A",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper With Lyrics",
"description" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper : LYRICS : I come from far away My
boots don't know this ground But they know it's real It doesn't take too long For
this road to become A battle field And before I let one more fire go out Understand
that I won't"

/* 715 */
"_id" : "prQsAs7b3eAnEx8Sm",
"url" : "http://milunesco.unaoc.org/mil-articles/connecting-the-dots-media-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Connecting the dots: Media & Information Literacy, Preventing
Violent Extremism, and the Global Goals",
"description" : "Most of the efforts to prevent young people's attraction
towards violent extremism fall on ears that are mainly already immune to the lure
of violence connected to some form of religious extremism. Many research and
studies indicate that social exclusion (real or perceived) is in fact the main
engine that pushes young people towards violent forms of political and religious

/* 716 */
"_id" : "Dr2s9gCLH5tSFp33m",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8DBwchocvs&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "What are you going to make?",
"description" : "This International Women's Day, we're celebrating women
inventors, how they've changed the world, and are inspiring the next generation.
Learn more about them and tell us what you're going to make www.MakeWhatsNext.com"

/* 717 */
"_id" : "XkNYJ8jTJNwzziawT",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Imagine",
"description" : "Video clip"

/* 718 */
"_id" : "jhX24EeQfhW4fMrie",
"url" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/2016-winners/",
"image" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/wp-content/uploads/pluralplus.png",
"title" : "2016 Winners Archives | PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival",
"description" : "\"Ardiana\" portrays the life of Ardiana and her family after
migrating from Kosovo to Slovenia. From the lenses of her family, the video
describes why they migrated and the difficulties faced."

/* 719 */
"_id" : "GCnrZ2aBkcjNc5YW9",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 720 */
"_id" : "bFdrugLcwyRNMTuYZ",
"url" : "https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/finland-will-become-the-
"image" : "http://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_25/259910/preview-
"title" : "Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All
School Subjects",
"description" : "Finland's education system is considered one of the best in
the world. In international ratings, it's always in the top ten. However, the
authorities there aren't ready to rest on their laurels, and they've decided to
carry through a real revolution in their school system. Finnish officials want to
remove school subjects from the curriculum."
/* 721 */
"_id" : "8vD6At7CzjuvKJyEG",
"url" : "https://aeon.co/ideas/how-video-games-unwittingly-train-the-brain-to-
"image" : "http://alpha.aeon.co/images/e4fc00d9-f4fd-465c-a377-
"title" : "How video games unwittingly train the brain to justify killing -
Teodora Stoica | Aeon Ideas",
"description" : "Let's play a game. One of the quotes below belongs to a
trained soldier speaking of killing the enemy, while the other to a convicted felon
describing his first murder. Can you tell the difference? (1) 'I realised that I
had just done somethin..."

/* 722 */
"_id" : "WyNkgXxvuEnMzEBLC",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 723 */
"_id" : "vLHoQ5QiGbw4Ngf2Y",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/47a4608c-4a90-4e9f-
852b-a25272c65ef9_Pope Francis's.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pope Francis's",
"description" : null

/* 724 */
"_id" : "iu9ZETLLGnKYrdZLm",
"url" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/",
"image" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/images/matrix-pom.jpg",
"title" : "No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter",
"description" : "Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative
reporter for over 30 years."

/* 725 */
"_id" : "hmhv9yP65DxSL49as",
"url" : "http://commongroundmag.com/main-page.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Main Page",
"description" : "It's November, and we find ourselves at the end of a long,
nasty, and unavoidable election process. The nation is splintered, and the suspense
is palpable. Let's pray for subsequent unity-and peace. For our 42nd anniversary
Gratitude issue, I spoke with John Perry Barlow in his hospital room, where he is

/* 726 */
"_id" : "vyJx6y2tLmLSL6Mkt",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-
"image" :
"title" : "Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China",
"description" : "The current and former Facebook employees caution that the
software is one of many ideas the company has discussed with respect to entering
China and, like many experiments inside Facebook, it may never see the light of

/* 727 */
"_id" : "abdS3SgkJ6CZuSeMp",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/alt-right-
"image" :
"title" : "We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men
| Abi Wilkinson",
"description" : "For several years now, I've had a dark and fairly unusual
hobby. When I'm alone and bored and the mood strikes me, I'll open up my laptop and
head for a particularly unsavoury corner of the internet. No, not the bit you're
thinking of. Somewhere far worse."

/* 728 */
"_id" : "YRJ2odFP2ebTfsRa6",
"url" : "http://www.online-educa.com/programme/agenda/sessions/plenary-b",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Plenary Debate: This House Believes Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Could, Should and Will Replace Teachers | OEB",
"description" : "As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB`s expert speakers consider just how far AI can go. Could
intelligent machines really replace teachers? Should they? Would AI or a robot do a
better job?"

/* 729 */
"_id" : "Rmt5ixMu9FZtReG2v",
"url" : "https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn",
"image" :
"title" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master
tough subjects - University of California, San Diego | Coursera",
"description" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you
master tough subjects from University of California, San Diego. This course gives
you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art,
music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines."

/* 730 */
"_id" : "xwD6zqfxTpYSWaqsr",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoeeLxyNLQ",
"image" : "",
"title" : "WAR On Black Money - Is India READY For Radical Changes?: The
Newshour Debate (14th Nov)",
"description" : "BREAKING NEWS: PM Modi Gets Emotional In Goa
http://bit.ly/2fP5Ceu On THE NEWSHOUR, TIMES NOW Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami,
along with panelists - Siddharth Nath Singh, National Secretary, BJP; Sanjeev
Sanyal, World's Leading Financial Economist; Bejon Misra, Consumer Policy Expert &
Founder Consumer Online Foundation; Chengal Reddy, Farmers' Activist; Shahid
Siddiqui, President, Inter Faith Peace Foundation & Former Member of Parliament;
Saba Naqvi, Senior Journalist; Dr. Sameer Kaul, Political Analyst; and Dr. Fuad
Halim, Leader, CPI (M) - discussed - \"Is India ready for radical changes?\""

/* 731 */
"_id" : "JtuHtLwLcQ7cgGCZC",
"url" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/julian-assange-google-cia/",
"image" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/assange-
"title" : "Julian Assange -- 'Google is Not What it Seems' -- They 'Do Things
the CIA Cannot'",
"description" : "Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein
of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google - the
insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity's research - plays
the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas."

/* 732 */
"_id" : "ozAuaAyiKZ5yPfzjT",
"url" : "http://www.popmatters.com/post/dying-is-a-learning-opportunity/",
"image" : "http://images.popmatters.com/blog_art/m/mario-dead.jpg",
"title" : "Dying Is a Learning Opportunity",
"description" : "by Kym Buchanan 10 November 2016 A game's cues and feedback
shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it
can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong. Losing XP
for dying is wrong. Game design is often a matter of style and taste."

/* 733 */
"_id" : "rBkGj3FERN72zBP2r",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3921334/Indias-curb-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/m_logo_636x382px.png",
"title" : "India's move to curb",
"description" : "NEW DELHI, Nov 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nobel
laureate Kailash Satyarthi has welcomed India's overnight move to withdraw 500 and
1,000 rupee notes from circulation to crack down on corruption and counterfeit
currency, saying it would also to help curb human trafficking and child slavery."

/* 734 */
"_id" : "FXtRhXksoEjszPbMY",
"url" : "http://www.amazon.in/People-You-May-See/dp/1539070468",
"image" : "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e8s9yI3BL.jpg",
"title" : "The People You May See",
"description" : "Amazon.in - Buy The People You May See book online at best
prices in India on Amazon.in. Read The People You May See book reviews & author
details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders."

/* 735 */
"_id" : "tea8yH6L93QwmDQaL",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-live.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/07/us/politics/07POLDAILY-
"title" : "Presidential Election: Voters Decide Between Donald Trump and
Hillary Clinton",
"description" : "From watching these communities, it will become clear on
Tuesday why Mrs. Clinton's party enjoys a structural advantage in the Electoral
College. But this election may also hasten the day when more of the heartland
becomes out of reach, illustrating what Democrats lost as much as what they gained.
Madam President?"

/* 736 */
"_id" : "DfzRH5gSkkAbjutEi",
"url" : "https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/negative-emotions-key-well-
"image" : "http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/3AF238AE-3D54-
"title" : "Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being",
"description" : "A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his
relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and
encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his
painful experiences, he says, \"I'm sorry for being so negative.\""

/* 737 */
"_id" : "kiyKLYLkDM2cM7PhJ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoGej6BqMc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "'I don't vote with my vagina': Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary
Clinton - BBC Newsnight",
"description" : "Hollywood actress and environmental activist Susan Sarandon
talks to Evan Davis about the civil resistance on the Dakota access pipeline, the
US election and why she's not supporting Hillary Clinton for US president.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with
analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews."

/* 738 */
"_id" : "zFvXtPLdKQi9aWP5k",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/air-so-dirty-you-can-smell-taste-
"image" :
"title" : "Air so dirty you can smell, taste: Delhi grapples with toxic
"description" : "The concentration of PM2.5, tiny particulate pollution that
can clog lungs, averaged close to 700 micrograms per cubic meter. That's 12 times
the government norm and a whopping 70 times the World Health Organisation

/* 739 */
"_id" : "7Lux4P9D2AmE6ZvEs",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/03/pious-progressives-have-
"image" :
"title" : "Pious progressives have created a spiral of silence which could yet
conceal a Donald Trump victory",
"description" : "Ultimately, those behaviours collectively trigger a spiral
effect. This effect is well illustrated by the fact that the results came as a
surprise for voters themselves: the partisans of the more controversial choices did
not expect those balances of power, having had the false impression that their
choice was unpopular when interacting with other individuals."

/* 740 */
"_id" : "JhWEZSKHm4Gomuv85",
"url" : "http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding,
Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
"description" : "Mindful of the responsibility incumbent on States to achieve
through education the aims set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, the
Constitution of UNESCO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva
Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 12 August 1949, in order to"

/* 741 */
"_id" : "e8qDfYncghz7vqzg2",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/manish-jain-shikshantar-swaraj-
"image" : "",
"title" : "My freedom to unlearn: Real freedom is not the ability to just
choose our politicians. Real freedom is when we can choose our gurus",
"description" : "Co-founder of Shikshantar: The Peoples Institute for
Rethinking Education and Development, Udaipur; Manish Jain, 47, studied at Harvard
and Brown; Champion of unlearning and freedom from degrees; cofounded Swaraj
University, dedicated to the regeneration of local culture, economy and ecology."

/* 742 */
"_id" : "j3H4ha4Wxw6hYuYon",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UGsRcxaSAI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Before the Flood Official Trailer #1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD",
"description" : "Before the Flood Trailer 1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD [Official Trailer]"

/* 743 */
"_id" : "fGEmm7JCC5ti7LN3X",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/40384173",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Unreasonable@Sea 2 Minute Video!",
"description" : "(www.unreasonableatsea.com) Unreasonable at Sea is a mentor
driven accelerator for tech entrepreneurs who desire to take their ventures into
new international markets. We are selecting exclusively for technology based
companies who are working to solve the greatest social and environmental challenges
of this century. Why Unreasonable?"

/* 744 */
"_id" : "fHJ5AjDmJPSLPiekC",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/27/angela-merkel-internet-
"image" :
"title" : "Angela Merkel: internet search engines are 'distorting our
"description" : "Angela Merkel has called on major internet platforms to
divulge the secrets of their algorithms, arguing that their lack of transparency
endangers debating culture. The German chancellor said internet users had a right
to know how and on what basis the information they received via search engines was
channelled to them."

/* 745 */
"_id" : "E7dYmsF2Jp4JiFqqB",
"url" : "http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003290607",
"image" : "https://the-japan-news-archives.s3-ap-northeast-
"title" : "PCs empower kids with learning disabilities",
"description" : "By Toshiko Kuba / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff WriterYoung students
who have difficulty learning to read and write using printed materials are
discovering that personal computers and tablets are a significant help. Schools
have begun introducing these devices, but tests in many cases are still
administered on paper, preventing students with learning disabilities from having
their academic ability evaluated accurately."

/* 746 */
"_id" : "Mdr4oFpkJsFPEMHXs",
"url" : "https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/the-slow-science-
"image" :
"title" : "The \"Slow Science\" Movement Must Be Crushed!",
"description" : "Does science sometimes move too fast for own good? Or anyone's
good? Do scientists, in their eagerness for fame, fortune, promotions and tenure,
rush results into print? Tout them too aggressively? Do they make mistakes?
Exaggerate? Cut corners? Even commit outright fraud? Do journals publish articles
that should have been buried?"

/* 747 */
"_id" : "ekZna6feLtK3F4pT7",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/science-great-giver-bill-gates",
"image" :
"title" : "Science is the Great Giver",
"description" : "I'm traveling to the United Kingdom and France this week to
talk about how political leadership can accelerate innovation. The first promise of
any good politician is to make people's lives better, and scientific research
leading to innovation is one of the best ways to honor that promise."

/* 748 */
"_id" : "Su8PCDPCEkWBRS2be",
"url" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/09/26/how-mindfulness-and-
"image" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/wp-
"title" : "How Mindfulness and Storytelling Help Kids Heal and Learn",
"description" : "By Juli Fraga When mindfulness teacher Laurie Grossman
instructed a class at Reach Academy to let their eyes rest and close so they could
focus on their breathing, one student's eyes remained wide open. Instead of
following Grossman's cues, the student refused to close her eyes and stared at her

/* 749 */
"_id" : "JZP8dvYBrcy8AYM4Q",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/11/job-advertisement-uk-
"image" :
"title" : "Marketing firm posts 'only dyslexics need apply' job advert",
"description" : "A marketing firm has released a job advertisement that
stipulates applicants must be dyslexic as it wants employees who think differently.
The ad - which features a photograph of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was
dyslexic - says: \"We require people with a unique mind, so only dyslexics (like
Steve) should apply.\""

/* 750 */
"_id" : "TwoWLEMmXhtbYTWqJ",
"url" : "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why the increase in Japanese Nobel laureates since 2000? | United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization",
"description" : "'Every year, Japanese people excitedly await the announcement
from Sweden of the year's Nobel laureates,' comment the authors of the chapter on
Japan in the UNESCO Science Report, released in November 2015. 'If Japanese
scientists are named, there is great celebration in the media and the general

/* 751 */
"_id" : "W3LizJm89CCLajPuK",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Six-out-of-10-Indian-men-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives: UN study -
Times of India",
"description" : "NEW DELHI: Six out of 10 Indian men admit to having
perpetrated violence against their wives or partners, with men who experienced
discrimination as children or faced financial stresses more likely to be abusive,
said a study released on Monday."

/* 752 */
"_id" : "peBR92pBPf8uxbw7d",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Fibonacci in Lateralus",
"description" : "The Fibonacci sequence in Tool's Lateralus. *3-31-10* Youtube
just informed me that EMI owns this music and it's copyrighted, so if they decide
to remove the audio, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just for a school
project anyway. No big deal."

/* 753 */
"_id" : "y7Y3fJEaDS8ENRipg",
"url" : "https://www.fordfoundation.org/ideas/equals-change-blog/posts/weapons-
"image" : "https://fordfoundcontent.blob.core.windows.net/media/3116/cathy-o-
"title" : "\"Weapons of Math Destruction\": Data scientist Cathy O'Neil on how
unfair algorithms perpetuate inequality",
"description" : "Mathematical models-algorithms-increasingly fuel the decisions
and judgments that affect our lives: whether or not we get approved for a home
loan, how our job performance is evaluated, where we go to school, and how our
communities are policed. We like to think that math is neutral and these models
unbiased-certainly fairer than humans, with their opinions and prejudices."

/* 754 */
"_id" : "P64b7sta2BwWn4zrx",
"url" : "http://www.learningrx.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-dyslexia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia",
"description" : "As many as 15 - 20 percent of the population exhibit symptoms
of dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association, \"Dyslexia\"
simply means \"Poor with words or trouble with reading.\" This can refer to trouble
reading fluently, reading out loud, reading new words, and/or pronouncing words

/* 755 */
"_id" : "qtgcXTDx2ctDHkymD",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/11/scrap-sex-education-and-
"image" :
"title" : "Scrap sex education and make school children watch pornography,
suggests Dame Jenni Murray",
"description" : "Teenagers, meanwhile, should be given pornography to watch in
the same way they analyse literature or how a news bulletin is put together. \"Why
not show them pornography and teach them how to analyse it?\" she asked."

/* 756 */
"_id" : "znaF2CidL6JvjcYci",
"url" : "http://www.france24.com/en/20121204-2012-12-04-0717-wb-en-focus",
"image" : "http://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/home_1024/edition/FM
"title" : "Teachers rebel against 'curriculum of hate' - France 24",
"description" : "Latest update : 2012-12-06 Pakistani children are being fed a
diet of hatred, with government-approved textbooks inciting hatred and intolerance
of other cultures. Some teachers have now started deviating from the state
curriculum, which describes Hindus as gangsters and refers to Christians as
deranged crusaders."
/* 757 */
"_id" : "CEdKfhjsgvom9t8f6",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/how-mindfulness-meditation-permanently-
"image" :
"title" : "How Mindfulness Meditation Permanently Changes Your Brain",
"description" : "While many studies have focused on how mindfulness meditation
affects newcomers to the practice, a new study out of the University of Pittsburgh
examined the brains of long-time meditators specifically when they were not
meditating. \"MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness
practice, the brain's 'fight or flight' center, the amygdala, appears to shrink."

/* 758 */
"_id" : "rraHHsrTcXyjjwPKF",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/99991b47-9b6a-4201-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/727bc85a-bcff-43ca-
"title" : "Disrupting Extremism Profile Vignette",
"description" : null

/* 759 */
"_id" : "f4bJQtRhvKWMxvvnR",
"url" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/dundee/299043/dyslexia-
"image" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/wp-
"title" : "Dyslexia-friendly educational comics created by former Dundee
student used in schools - The Courier",
"description" : "A former Dundee student has created a series of comics to help
pupils with dyslexia and autism. Rossie Stone used crowdfunding to get his project
off the ground, and it is now being rolled out in schools across the country.
Rossie, who studied animation in the city, wants to use his comic book creations to
help ..."

/* 760 */
"_id" : "YXugY363izZZDaRb7",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/55cb63b3-3bbc-412d-
a6d6-680284ee1f85_Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16",
"description" : null

/* 761 */
"_id" : "2yr85A8TdCLs7a7iu",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-
"image" :
"title" : "Open dialogue in schools is the first step in fighting violent
"description" : "In the last year the world has seen attacks by violent
extremists in Gaziantep, Turkey, Brussels, Orlando, Nice and far too many others.
No longer are these isolated incidents; they are global threats to lives and to
freedom of speech, movement and choice. Fighting fire with fire is clearly not a
viable solution."

/* 762 */
"_id" : "SL7Rf9tMBkMJEpFRA",
"url" : "http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-binladen-climatechange-
"image" : "http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?
"title" : "Bin Laden called for Americans to rise up over climate change",
"description" : "WASHINGTON Osama bin Laden wrote a letter calling on the
American people to help President Barack Obama fight \"catastrophic\" climate
change and \"save humanity\", in the latest evidence of his worries about
environmental issues, newly released documents show The letter was among materials
that were seized in the May 2, 2011, U.S."

/* 763 */
"_id" : "a79g7o8wHW67dkqni",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 764 */
"_id" : "g3N9Q82cSdWEuKLS2",
"url" : "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2rt8fhqyv9pisp/Diff%20Learn%20Concept
"image" : "",
"title" : "Diff Learn Concept Paper.2",
"description" : null

/* 765 */
"_id" : "boWSDugGeKmZEqwLo",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/sep/30/elon-musk-spacex-mars-
"image" :
"title" : "Prepared to die: meet the people willing to risk their lives to
visit Mars",
"description" : "Why are people willing to risk their lives for a chance to
visit Mars? After SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced on Tuesday that he hoped to
send manned missions to Mars by 2022 but admitted there was a \"high\" chance of
death for participants, we asked readers why they'd risk it all."

/* 766 */
"_id" : "pDs4R5Z3MStDyAjnM",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdNAUJWJN08",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education",
"description" : "Noam Chomsky discusses the purpose of education, impact of
technology, whether education should be perceived as a cost or an investment and
the value of standardised assessment."

/* 767 */
"_id" : "MJN3M2HFyBmHnzQfz",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/09/26/being-expelled-for-poor-
"image" : "https://o.aolcdn.com/dims-
"title" : "Two Class XII Students Stab Teacher In Delhi's Nangloi After Being
Expelled For Poor Attendance",
"description" : "NEW DELHI -- Two class XII students of a government school in
West Delhi's Nangloi area allegedly stabbed their teacher in front of their
classmates yesterday after one of them was rusticated for low attendance. Teachers
protesting at Nangloi's govt school where a teacher was stabbed to death by 2 class
12th students."

/* 768 */
"_id" : "a9CGuWzRBGCDQvRxQ",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sal-khan-duck-duck-moose-apps-preschool-
"image" : "http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/08/30/97ab75c9-85f7-
"title" : "Khan Academy expands its digital education to preschoolers",
"description" : "Online education pioneer Sal Khan is expanding his learning
empire to reach its youngest students yet. Khan Academy has delivered more than 800
million free lessons on subjects ranging from basic math to computer science and
beyond, for everyone from kindergarteners to college students to adults wanting to
expand their knowledge."

/* 769 */
"_id" : "Sa7gtHWHatxk6xZkv",
"url" : "http://hackeducation.com/2016/09/22/pigeon",
"image" : "http://hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "ReConFigures: The Pigeons of Ed-tech",
"description" : "This talk was presented today at the Designs on eLearning
conference. The full slide deck is available here."

/* 770 */
"_id" : "CRW3C2wrEny7pk5WB",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 771 */
"_id" : "neRA34QwrZbzJY9K5",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Seminar-on-
"image" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-54473821,width-
"title" : "Seminar on learning disabilities, inclusive education - Times of
"description" : "The schemes, Pragati and Saksham, will be implemented by the
All India Council for Technical Education. CHNADIGARH: A seminar on learning
disability and inclusive education was organized for government school teachers of
Chandigarh administration and St. John's High School with an aim to promote
inclusive education."

/* 772 */
"_id" : "8RNNaPgDvWSh2vhw8",
"url" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/03/bioblitz-recognized-
"image" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/files/2016/09/Photo-2.jpg",
"title" : "BioBlitz Recognized as Integral to Cutting Edge Action-Oriented
Inquiry-Based Social Studies Teaching and Learning",
"description" : "The winning BioBlitz was designed specifically for the
students of Kailua High School, which is located on the Windward side of the
Hawaiian Island of Oahu. It was structured using the following learning steps:
First, the students were introduced to the compelling question, \"Can humans
reverse the negative effects they have had on the environment?\""

/* 773 */
"_id" : "BDt44sfdyqWqiw5wp",
"url" : "http://learnmore.economist.com/story/57c964d86f729017617b2098",
"image" : "http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/turtl-
"title" : "The Future of Work",
"description" : "THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion
at Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligen... As Silicon Valley fights for talent, universities struggle to hold on
to their stars THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion at
Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligence (AI)."

/* 774 */
"_id" : "isYr6Xz547j83m8se",
"url" : "http://www.livemint.com/Sundayapp/r8ESEnsr0UOnU0KiXDJT6M/Micro-
"image" : "http://www.livemint.com/rf/Image-
"title" : "Micro schools: Going beyond textbooks",
"description" : "Last month, Mumbai-based homeschooler Malvika Joshi made
headlines for getting a scholarship for the prestigious BSc programme at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) without having appeared in either the
10th or 12th board exams. It is interesting to read what Joshi's mother, Surpiya
Raj, has to say on the matter: \"Malvika was doing well in school, but somehow I
felt that my children need to be happy.\""

/* 775 */
"_id" : "3rBt7J59yGNvFZfZu",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 776 */
"_id" : "SuCHRgN6Qdv2FgeTi",
"url" : "http://time.com/4484681/new-atheism-jihad-apocalypse/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/isis-islamic-state-
"title" : "How to Fight Extremism with Atheism",
"description" : "The world isn't ending, but we face a tremendous problem from
people who believe it is. The beliefs of many radicals have become increasingly
apocalyptic over the past decade. They're convinced the end of the world is
imminent and that they have a special role in bringing it about."

/* 777 */
"_id" : "N7Fh3t69m8izMvpFh",
"url" : "http://unoy.org/2250-toolkit/",
"image" : "http://unoy.org/wp-content/uploads/YPS-logo.jpg",
"title" : "2250: A youth toolkit",
"description" : "Use the toolkit, share it, copy it! Just mention that it came
from UNOY Peacebuilders.Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. In December 2015 the United
Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250, the first ever thematic
resolution on Youth, Peace and Security. This historic document is very"
/* 778 */
"_id" : "EQJ5strAaRY8tcBQp",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0m_uuFB0h8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Economics of Happiness",
"description" : "Does earning a higher salary really make a person happier? Not
permanently, according to GSE Affiliated Professor and ICREA-IEA Researcher Ada
Ferrer-i-Carbonell. Her research in happiness economics has shed new light on what
determines a person's happiness, particularly the effects of income changes and
other life events on subjective satisfaction."

/* 779 */
"_id" : "eGDMxgv8rrWzfuxrq",
"url" : "https://en.unesco.org/news/lynn-davies-can-education-prevent-violent-
"image" :
"title" : "Lynn Davies: Can education prevent violent extremism?",
"description" : "Hard power is not enough to counter violent extremism based on
hatred and ignorance. How can education help? What should we do to build resilience
to propaganda among youth around the globe? How should schools address the issue?
Should teachers have a surveillance role?"

/* 780 */
"_id" : "GSE4yY7EJ4HPB6TsB",
"url" : "http://www.storypick.com/iraqi-sex-slave/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Iraqi Woman Who Was Captured By ISIS And Sold As A Sex Slave, Is Now
An UN Goodwill Ambassador.",
"description" : "The atrocities committed by ISIS are infamous across the
globe. The terrorist faction has raped, murdered and enslaved countless men, women
and children. A survivor of this terror, Nadia Murad, recently testified before the
UN regarding the horror she faced and brought the much needed attention of the
global organisation to this issue."

/* 781 */
"_id" : "BBzRQKR3raw5TSYN9",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/world/europe/muslim-teenager-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/09/15/world/15Emoji-web/15Emoji-
"title" : "Muslim Teenager Proposes Emoji of Woman Wearing a Head Scarf",
"description" : "BERLIN - The choice of princess, bride or dancer did not
really allow Rayouf Alhumedhi to express herself in a chat room she was creating.
As a Muslim teenager in Germany who wears a head scarf, she was disappointed by the
standard emoji options on her smartphone keyboard."

/* 782 */
"_id" : "XqZhKbzjR7AnAgMcn",
"url" : "http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/09/heres-how-obamas-female-staffers-made-
"image" : "http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/fashion/daily/2016/09/13/13-obama-
"title" : "Obama's Female Staffers Made Sure Their Voices Were Heard With a
Genius Strategy",
"description" : "When President Obama first took office, the White House wasn't
exactly the friendliest place for female staffers. Most of Obama's senior staffers
- such as former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and former economic adviser Lawrence
Summers - were men who'd worked on his campaign and subsequently filled his

/* 783 */
"_id" : "o9KFeYKNkxcvpytPb",
"url" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/damsels-of-the-sky-meet-the-demoiselle-
"image" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/demoiselle-
"title" : "Damsels of the Sky: Meet the Demoiselle Cranes",
"description" : "Demoiselle cranes were christened by the infamous queen Marie
Antoinette after the French word for damsel. They might look delicate, but the
birds are by no means fragile, and are known to make one of the harshest migrations
in the world. Every September, demoiselles make the arduous journey from Ch"

/* 784 */
"_id" : "vkjtyvzEAPoCdxY4s",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/182406879",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Dyslexia, As I See It",
"description" : "Dyslexia, As I See It, is a short film created in an effort to
educate viewers on the effects of dyslexia, taking a humanistic approach by talking
to those who have been diagnosed about their experiences, both growing up and with
daily living. Contact: callanmarchetti@gmail.com 2016 Callan Marchetti"

/* 785 */
"_id" : "4Zn2JK8ArQnGzQTmy",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/fashion/the-demise-of-the-pen.html",
"image" :
"title" : "The Demise of the Pen",
"description" : "The pen is dead. It was murdered by the finger. I first
realized this last week when my girlfriend asked to borrow a pen to sign the back
of one of those paper check things. \"Sure,\" I replied, picking up my laptop bag
to rummage inside."

/* 786 */
"_id" : "BPPR947NMCr8Mxmju",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/dec/09/nobel-winner-boycott-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals",
"description" : "Leading academic journals are distorting the scientific
process and represent a \"tyranny\" that must be broken, according to a Nobel prize
winner who has declared a boycott on the publications."

/* 787 */
"_id" : "Baknh9yHiBczLJWE6",
"url" : "https://www.wired.com/2016/09/googles-clever-plan-stop-aspiring-isis-
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/maxresdefault.jpg",
"title" : "Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring ISIS Recruits",
"description" : "Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of
divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field. In
the process, it's stumbled on a powerful tool for getting inside the minds of some
of the least understood and most dangerous people on the Internet: potential ISIS

/* 788 */
"_id" : "FzjrdkP4yMWFkdwS3",
"url" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/momondo-the-dna-journey-how-it-was-
"image" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/wp-
"title" : "momondo - The DNA Journey: how it was made - momondo",
"description" : "As of writing, our video campaign has been viewed more than 28
million times on our Facebook page, viewed more than five million times on our
YouTube channel, shared more than 600,000 times globally and commented on by
thousands of people from all over the world."

/* 789 */
"_id" : "wjzRrGBurHxytCQte",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/28/search-engines-
"image" :
"title" : "Search engines' role in radicalisation must be challenged, finds
"description" : "More than 484,000 Google keyword searches a month from around
the world, including at least 54,000 searches in the UK, return results dominated
by Islamist extremist material, a report into the online presence of jihadism has

/* 790 */
"_id" : "WfGaF8K9Tkv5Dv9uA",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/09/india-street-kids-
"image" :
"title" : "India: Street kids publish newspaper to raise awareness",
"description" : "Delhi, India - Sexual abuse, torture, drug addiction,
harassment at the hands of thugs and policemen sums up life of street children in
India. Delhi's Balaknama newspaper - the Voice of Children, which is run by the
street children has been working to highlight the plight of fellow youngsters."

/* 791 */
"_id" : "EdgyhAfvFXBrviQSF",
"url" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/",
"image" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/sites/gem-
"title" : "Global Education Monitoring Report",
"description" : "Attend a launch event for the new Global Education Monitoring

/* 792 */
"_id" : "NXLABXN35MnJDRYcw",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1892d4d9-bc87-4ab7-
85be-b9701e410e38_Modern day activism.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1b3c28c1-893c-4f09-
"title" : "Modern day activism",
"description" : null

/* 793 */
"_id" : "3ZmNyApuRWMWbuFxA",
"url" : "http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-will-be-late-by-50-years-in-
"image" : "http://i.ndtvimg.com/mt/2015-01/Youth_college_generic_650.jpg",
"title" : "India Could Be Late By 50 Years In Achieving Education Goals:
"description" : "New Delhi: Going by the current trend, India will be half a
century late in achieving its global education commitments and the country needs
fundamental changes in the education system if it wants to meet the 2030
sustainable development goals, a UNESCO report has said."

/* 794 */
"_id" : "ii9xjGAE5Xkn2FFYu",
"url" : "http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/02/did-chinese-civilization-come-
"image" : "http://foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/unknown-1.jpeg",
"title" : "Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?",
"description" : "On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun
Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at
the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the
landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn't just talk
about geochemistry."

/* 795 */
"_id" : "dfimRmCjkmdKSWe4h",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7bcded16-1894-44b6-
81b1-46f4b3cb644c_1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a8f9c662-4c5e-49ae-
"title" : "1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh",
"description" : null

/* 796 */
"_id" : "Th8QDKmEBgsaEv4Cn",
"url" : "https://esist.tech/2016/08/18/cognitive-offloading-how-the-internet-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/esistme.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/1311.jpg?
"title" : "Cognitive offloading: How the Internet is increasingly taking over
human memory - ESIST",
"description" : "Is our increasing use of the internet harming our memory?
Credit: Sergii Mostovyi / Fotolia Our increasing reliance on the Internet and the
ease of access to the vast resource available online is affecting our thought
processes for problem solving, recall and learning. In a new article published in
the journal Memory, researchers..."

/* 797 */
"_id" : "uCdCvccaB4fSCtabP",
"url" : "https://medium.com/@mohamedmelgadhafi/the-united-nations-is-neither-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The United Nations is Neither Good Nor Evil .. The UN is Just Dumb",
"description" : "What I usually hear from different people in different
countries when I meet with them and tell them I'm working for the UN is either \"OH
that's awesome you're doing so much good for the world you're my hero\" or \"Ha!
The most corrupted and evil entity on planet earth!"

/* 798 */
"_id" : "i7Ko9atk8x4WGMPj5",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=54812",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/News/dh/photos/large/2014/December/boy.jpg",
"title" : "UN News - Inclusive education vital for all, including persons with
disabilities - UN rights experts",
"description" : "Inclusive education is central to achieving high quality
education for all learners, including those with disabilities, and for the
development of inclusive, peaceful and fair societies, UN human rights experts have
said in authoritative new guidelines on the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities."
/* 799 */
"_id" : "dZGJznhDHvvN5S9J3",
"url" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/unesco-mgiep-launches-yespeace-india/",
"image" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yp-launch-
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India | MGIEP",
"description" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India 15th February, New Delhi
- UNESCO MGIEP took the next big stride after Malaysia, and towards youth
empowerment, with the launch of YESPeace-the Youth for Education, Sustainability
and Peace-India Country Programme."

/* 800 */
"_id" : "kz8kBqyp8xLoYNGnu",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3694732/No-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/17/22/365E3E0300000578-0-
"title" : "Centre frets over where to keep national treasures worth $100m",
"description" : "India is welcoming back a bevy of priceless artefacts, but the
central government is in a quandary over where to put these long-lost national
treasures amid massive security concerns. A series of ministerial meetings has
failed to find an answer, with scores of antiques - either stolen or illegally
exported from the country - due to be returned."

/* 801 */
"_id" : "HZAiLNyJsiMsaB7gR",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/aishwarya-subramanyam/i-get-so-annoyed-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/4474804/thumbs/o-ARUNDHATI-ROY-570.jpg?7",
"title" : "I Get So Annoyed When 'Cool' Young Women Say They Are Not Feminists:
Arundhati Roy",
"description" : "I have often wondered whether we should never meet the writers
whose books we love. Never watch them give lectures, never listen to them read,
never talk to them except to spell our names for an autograph in a controlled
environment where conversation may not serendipitously ensue."

/* 802 */
"_id" : "Ph33DKdHB5PDQEhNE",
"url" : "http://qz.com/252456/what-it-feels-like-to-be-the-last-generation-to-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/michael-harris.jpg?
"title" : "What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before
the internet",
"description" : "Technology has a lot to answer for: killing old businesses,
destroying the middle class, Buzzfeed. Technology in the form of the internet is
especially villainous, having been accused of everything from making us dumber
(paywall) to aiding dictatorships. But Michael Harris, riffing on the observations
of Melvin Kranzberg, argues that \"technology is neither good nor evil."
/* 803 */
"_id" : "NnTwFzKa6iYb4fFwq",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7762ba13-f7c4-4c60-
9af0-556085d8fbbc_5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria..jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/c700809e-0c6f-424a-
"title" : "5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria.",
"description" : null

/* 804 */
"_id" : "K6vvYutc8z8d3Rk6c",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 805 */
"_id" : "8Hwabpkss4quZBF3W",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/08/texas-guns-campus-
"image" :
"title" : "Texas colleges open with guns allowed in classrooms",
"description" : "Denton, Texas - As history professor Todd Moye returned to
campus after the summer break, he felt a certain unease. Under a new campus carry
law in Texas, concealed handguns are now allowed to be carried in university
buildings, including classrooms and dorms. Moye, whose curriculum at the University
of North Texas (UNT) centres on race relations in US history, told Al Jazeera that
he worries especially about the presence of guns during lectures on topics that
arouse strong feelings."

/* 806 */
"_id" : "J2ioz4DBBMFtcqHcC",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 807 */
"_id" : "GYJKtALqoMCM8Kia8",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-
"title" : "Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she
"description" : "Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out,
one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found.
Her report is in following post, which appeared on the blog of Grant Wiggins, the
co-author of \" Understanding by Design\" and the author of \" Educative
Assessment\" and numerous articles on education."

/* 808 */
"_id" : "LGkXQKKaQviJjAq4f",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 809 */
"_id" : "m4xsdsoYa56nw26JT",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 810 */
"_id" : "J4mkn64PXFxgz9Ybz",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/iit-a-no-go-but-unschooled-
"image" : "",
"title" : "IIT a no go, but 'unschooled' 17-year-old makes it to MIT",
"description" : "Seventeen-year-old Malvika Raj Joshi doesn't have a class X or
XII certificate but has made it to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), thanks to her computer programming talent. Hers is a story about
a mother's conviction to break stereotypes and the self belief of the teen."

/* 811 */
"_id" : "NRSAXYbsRiJYHrz23",
"url" : "http://www.wired.com/2014/02/dyslexic-musicians/",
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-
"title" : "What Musicians Can Tell Us About Dyslexia and the Brain",
"description" : "Dyslexia is a frustrating disorder that gives otherwise smart
people trouble with reading. Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but one popular
hypothesis is that the root of the problem is a deficit in the brain's ability to
process sounds, especially during childhood."

/* 812 */
"_id" : "SguaPZj8XBNEvvWg8",
"url" : "http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/46340/20160830/adults-
"image" :
"title" : "Most Adults Suffering From Depression Left Untreated, Here's Why",
"description" : "First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 04:10 AM EDT Medical practitioners
are now calling for a stronger effort to help those with depression. Recent
findings showed that fewer than one-third of American adults who are said to have
the disease are treated, and most of those who do receive treatment may not have
even screened positive."

/* 813 */
"_id" : "dNTxsDkSneurJak9L",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142547/Schools-deliberately-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/10/article-2142547-
"title" : "Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling errors to avoid
'damaging pupils' self esteem'",
"description" : "Teachers 'told to correct no more than three mistakes in one
piece of work' because 'too much red pen is discouraging' MP has called for Commons
debate on what he calls 'false kindness' - but refuses to name offending school
Teachers are being told not to correct more than three spelling errors at a time to
avoid damaging pupils' self-confidence, an MP revealed yesterday."

/* 814 */
"_id" : "KG87w2qET6MEj4Ffi",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "The GENERATOR",
"description" : "When adults and youth work together for Youth Liberation
causes, there is always a danger that the adults will bring adultism with them,
getting in the way of the youths' work or taking over entirely. I believe it's
important to articulate a code of conduct for \"adult allies\"."

/* 815 */
"_id" : "9h3PHYD2d5fCTRnyp",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/can-india-have-a-future-
"image" :
"title" : "Can India have a future without critical thinkers?",
"description" : "The committee advising on a new education policy offers a
frank diagnosis and comes up with a big wish list. But it pays little attention to
the humanities and social sciences and reinforces the anti-intellectualism of this
government With 65 per cent of its population under the age of 35 and 290 million
students (in schools and universities), no issue is arguably more critical for
India's future than education."

/* 816 */
"_id" : "eKx72FeGQg6xvWxPj",
"url" : "http://europe.newsweek.com/how-big-data-crowdfunding-internet-tech-
"image" : "http://d.europe.newsweek.com/en/full/61184/mohamed-bouhlel-nice-
"title" : "Crowdfunding and big data will stop violent extremism: here's how",
"description" : "Orlando. Baghdad. Nice. Dhaka. Munich. Normandy. The wave of
attacks sweeping across the world feels unstoppable, yet we may be the final
generation to deal with this problem. Using the same disruptive technology that has
overturned the music, hotel and taxi industries, we could solve the problems of
violenct extremism in one generation."

/* 817 */
"_id" : "CpsouSDhd4u5wssBJ",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" : "http://blog.ubi.com/app/uploads/2015/04/RafranzDavis_ACSlide.jpg",
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "Imagine being a 17-year-old high school student and having a
class schedule for your upcoming fall semester look something like this: 1st
Period: P.E."

/* 818 */
"_id" : "tw5ThuyK2ejaLgmGE",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "Faced with a world stuck in \"nostalgic fantasies about going
back to the past\", where politicians are \"no longer capable of producing
meaningful visions for the future\", Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari is turning to
the present in a new book announced on Thursday."

/* 819 */
"_id" : "HGERE3to2Ls3Te64p",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
"description" : "\"This prize is a tribute to the tireless efforts of many
millions of campaigners and concerned citizens worldwide who, ever since the dawn
of the atomic age, have loudly protested nuclear weapons, insisting that they can
serve no legitimate purpose and must be forever banished from the face of our
earth,\" ICAN said in a statement."

/* 820 */
"_id" : "HRYJaTYZGyBLPuDx7",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "http://cdn.vox-
"title" : "Assassin's Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "AnAssassin's Creed Origins educational mode will be released
in early 2018. Absent combat and action, it's being designed to teach players about
life in ancient Egypt. \"Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient Egypt\" is due
to be released as a free update for owners of Origins, which will debut Oct."

/* 821 */
"_id" : "9o9Mdfokt8BPGxdsC",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "http://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi's 35-day Bharat Yatra,
an effort to ensure a safe childhood for future generations, was launched at the
Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari on September 11. ' Nikal Pade Hein ',
written by Satyarthi, composed by Indian Ocean, and featuring Sonam Kalra has,
within 24 hours, crossed two million views on Facebook and YouTube."

/* 822 */
"_id" : "EjeYbHm2WEXQwxnCR",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/mark-zuckerberg-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/30/opinion/29tufekci-promo-
"title" : "Opinion | Zuckerberg's Preposterous Defense of Facebook",
"description" : "Mr. Zuckerberg's preposterous defense of Facebook's failure in
the 2016 presidential campaign is a reminder of a structural asymmetry in American
politics. It's true that mainstream news outlets employ many liberals, and that
this creates some systemic distortions in coverage (effects of trade policies on
lower-income workers and the plight of rural America tend to be underreported, for

/* 823 */
"_id" : "BjxZo6yNitsEn2uRN",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/23/opinion/sunday/facebook-ad-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | Facebook's Ad Scandal Isn't a 'Fail,' It's a Feature",
"description" : "People who use the platform to keep in touch with loved ones
may forget that the site makes its money by serving as a conduit for whatever
messages people with money want to push at us."

/* 824 */
"_id" : "MmioLDEE4cEyfAR6r",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/world/middleeast/saudi-yoda-king-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/22/world/22saudi-
"title" : "Saudi Textbook Withdrawn Over Image of Yoda With King",
"description" : "\"I am the one who designed it, but I am not the one who put
it in the book,\" said the artist, Abdullah Al Shehri, by phone from Riyadh. The
image was part of a series in which Mr. Shehri, who is 26 and goes by the nickname
Shaweesh, mixes pop culture icons into historic photographs."

/* 825 */
"_id" : "tJe9urKBSMnTNiAgk",
"url" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/kids-bored-entitled/",
"image" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Reasons-
"title" : "Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored At School, Feel Entitled, Have Little
Patience & Few Real Friends",
"description" : "By Jacqueline Victoria Prooday, OT finds today's kids come to
school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern
lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with
years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers."

/* 826 */
"_id" : "4CjaoYZvKYeCup5Sk",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/hcirodov",
"image" :
"title" : "H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov) | Twitter",
"description" : "The latest Tweets from H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov). A shadow
account of PM Modi, by following those whom PM follows. Follow to see what appears
on PM Modi's timeline. Varanasi, India"

/* 827 */
"_id" : "uoR32CsvJWJcvNud8",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealand's Election Had Been Predictable. Then 'Jacindamania'
"description" : "One recent poll showed Labour slightly ahead. Since Ms.
Ardern's rise, the party's projected share of the vote has jumped by around 20
points. \"In the last two elections, it's been relatively clear that the governing
party would be the National Party,\" said Andrew Geddis, a professor at the law
school of the University of Otago."

/* 828 */
"_id" : "HBGtRcagWJSD6u6DB",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Myanmar will refuse entry to members of a United Nations
investigation focusing on allegations of killings, rape and torture by security
forces against Rohingya Muslims, an official has said. The government, led by Nobel
laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, had already said it would not cooperate with a mission
set up after a human rights council resolution was adopted in March."

/* 829 */
"_id" : "tNycukLehqrCsLT92",
"url" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/kai-fu-lee-speech",
"image" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/files/engineering/DSC_2930_1.jpg",
"title" : "An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy",
"description" : "Thank you, Class of 2017. Thank you so much for inviting me to
speak at this wonderful commencement ceremony. It's an honor to be back at Columbia
to address this distinguished group of graduates, parents, siblings and special
guests. We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day."

/* 830 */
"_id" : "WEkdBZ6EgaCuriwia",
"url" : "http://www.adeanet.org/en/news/leading-young-people-to-win-up-to-
"image" : "http://www.adeanet.org/sites/default/files/yvonne_and_young.jpg",
"title" : "Leading Young People to win up to US$10,000 - Register here!",
"description" : "The African Union Commission's Department of Human Resources
Science and Technology (AUC-HRST) - Education Division and the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa's Working Groups on Communication for Education
and Development (ADEA WG-COMED) and Education Management and Policy Support (ADEA
WG-EMPS) This award is in the form of a competition that is open only to innovation
hubs and youth councils in Africa."

/* 831 */
"_id" : "GPRk6MkeBaxNYatQR",
"url" : "https://qz.com/994486/the-way-you-draw-circles-says-a-lot-about-you/",
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/circle-beeswarm-1.png?
"title" : "How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how
culture shapes our instincts",
"description" : "Let's do a quick exercise. Are you ready? Draw a circle in the
box below. Don't think too hard! Did you start at the top or bottom? Clockwise or
counterclockwise? New data show that the way you draw a circle holds clues about
where you come from."

/* 832 */
"_id" : "6xW778ztzMrn3pd7Q",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/26/opinion/sunday/good-robot-teacher-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Secret to a Good Robot Teacher",
"description" : "To investigate the importance such social cues might play in
learning from technology, we recently conducted a study with 4- to 7-year-old
children from schools in Boston. The children listened to a story read by a robot
that looked like a cute plush creature with an animated face that allowed for
emotional expressions and eye and mouth movements."

/* 833 */
"_id" : "hGpWq8xZHMvHnaWEL",
"url" : "http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/why-psychopathic-brains-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why psychopathic brains overvalue immediate rewards",
"description" : "Joshua Buckholtz wants to change the way you think about
psychopaths - and he's willing to go to prison to do it. An associate professor of
psychology at Harvard, Buckholtz is the senior author of a study that relies on
brain scans of nearly 50 prison inmates to help explain why psychopaths make poor
decisions that often lead to violence or other anti-social behavior."

/* 834 */
"_id" : "LEW8dWnknLWrHKZzY",
"url" : "https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienturbot/2017/08/22/artificial-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Don't Ignore it, Harness it!",
"description" : "\"Human plus machine isn't the future, it's the present,\"
Garry Kasparov said in a recent TED talk. And this \"present\" is transforming the
world of education at a rapid pace.With children increasingly using tablets and
coding becoming part of national curricula around the world, technology is becoming
an integral part of classrooms, just like chalk and blackboards."

/* 835 */
"_id" : "5iDMwHQ3aXe4Nh4yR",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/20/elon-musk-killer-
"image" :
"title" : "Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer
"description" : "Some of the world's leading robotics and artificial
intelligence pioneers are calling on the United Nations to ban the development and
use of killer robots. Tesla's Elon Musk and Alphabet's Mustafa Suleyman are leading
a group of 116 specialists from across 26 countries who are calling for the ban on
autonomous weapons."

/* 836 */
"_id" : "2kM3vEEhceDmb6Xwj",
"url" : "https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/the-worlds-
"image" :
"title" : "The World's Smartest Countries",
"description" : "The countries most likely to produce the next Google. When
Sergey Brin was 16 and his family had already been living in the United States for
a decade, his father took him on a short trip back to Russia. It was 1990 and the
Soviet Union was collapsing."

/* 837 */
"_id" : "GnDqQzd64JZppPktt",
"url" : "https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/forced-sexual-intercourse-
"image" :
"title" : "Forced Sexual Intercourse With Wife Above 15 Yrs Of Age Not Rape,
Says SC",
"description" : "The raging issue whether to make forced marital intercourse
and sexual acts part of offence of rape in penal law has been extensively debated
and now it cannot be considered as a criminal act, the Supreme Court today said."

/* 838 */
"_id" : "6FWwZjZwbh5QEF7AT",
"url" : "https://www.economist.com/news/business/21726078-sacked-james-damore-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "A Google employee inflames a debate about sexism and free speech",
"description" : "SILICON VALLEY'S leading firms celebrate disruption, but not
disruptive employees. Google has found itself at the centre of controversy after an
anonymous software engineer, later revealed to be a young Harvard graduate called
James Damore, published a ten-page memo on two internal company networks explaining
why there are so few women in the upper echelons of the technology industry."

/* 839 */
"_id" : "NJnBQPWEiS8kKPA3Y",
"url" : "http://ithrivegames.org/putting-it-in-context-using-commercial-video-
"image" : "http://ithrivegames.org/wp-
"title" : "Putting It In Context: Using Commercial Video Games In Education",
"description" : "08/8/17 Paul Darvasi Editor's note: As teens head back to
school, we're putting the focus on how one inventive and passionate educator makes
commercial video games (as well as games of his own invention) a vibrant part of
his teaching approach. Paul Darvasi teaches high school English at Royal St."

/* 840 */
"_id" : "iPEPeoHZxQZjTdQvk",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/05/world/asia/china-textbooks-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/04/world/04china-textbooks-
"title" : "Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores",
"description" : "But experts say England is the first country to forge ahead
with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the
East. Under a $54 million initiative funded by the government, more than half the
primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to math that is used in
top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore."

/* 841 */
"_id" : "aTb2XHsnupTkXkwiz",
"url" : "https://scroll.in/article/726354/i-am-not-against-one-nation-in-
"image" : "http://d1u4oo4rb13yy8.cloudfront.net/69fdf26e-95e7-4ca6-9f70-
"title" : "'I am not against one nation in particular, but against the general
idea of all nations.'",
"description" : "Our real problem in India is not political. It is social. This
is a condition not only prevailing in India, but among all nations. I do not
believe in an exclusive political interest. Politics in the West have dominated
Western ideals, and we in India are trying to imitate you."

/* 842 */
"_id" : "rxyto3piTvXK8yTbg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/04/pearson-to-axe-3000-
"image" :
"title" : "Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business",
"description" : "Pearson is to cut 3,000 jobs as the embattled company looks to
slash costs after a slump at its US higher education business. The world's largest
education company, which has issued five profit warnings in the last four years,
intends to cut about 10% of its 32,000 global workforce."

/* 843 */
"_id" : "C5NaLTso5vTDyMTgK",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/sci-hub-s-cache-pirated-papers-
"image" :
"title" : "Sci-Hub's cache of pirated papers is so big, subscription journals
are doomed, data analyst suggests",
"description" : "There is no doubt that Sci-Hub, the infamous-and, according to
a U.S. court, illegal-online repository of pirated research papers, is enormously
popular. (See Science's investigation last year of who is downloading papers from
Sci-Hub.) But just how enormous is its repository?"

/* 844 */
"_id" : "2wdZ8pyF3xcDrYh8z",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-tracker/",
"image" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-
"title" : "Hate Tracker: India's first national database of hate",
"description" : "Hate tracker: Latest news on hate crime, racism, mob lynching,
gau rakshaks engaged in vandalism, cow vigilantes taking law into their hands,
attacks on Dalits, caste and religion based crimes in India from Hindustan Times"

/* 845 */
"_id" : "kMWYDz2t2wLxzsyQF",
"url" : "https://hackernoon.com/what-educators-must-learn-from-ibms-betrayal-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "What educators must learn from IBM's 'betrayal of science'",
"description" : "There are two versions of mathematics. The first is the
mathematics of schooling, a collection of closed problems and hard truths to be
learned for exams. We've all experienced it, few of us have enjoyed or excelled at
it. The second version is a more open, beautiful and empowering representation of
the subject, often the focus of my writing."

/* 846 */
"_id" : "ifM9WnYfn3DCdvdMP",
"url" : "https://www.theatlas.com/charts/rkGpbqWbW",
"image" : "http://www.theatlas.com/i/atlas_rkGpbqWbW@2x.png",
"title" : "More people were displaced due to conflict in DRC than anywhere
"description" : "Countries with the most displacements by violence | Atlas -
charts and data, powered by Quartz."

/* 847 */
"_id" : "YBY68RY2jBBMDQr5k",
"url" : "https://searchingforsyria.org/en/",
"image" : "http://searchingforsyria.org/images/share/facebook/en/en-
"title" : "Searching for Syria",
"description" : "Exploring the world's top questions about the Syrian refugee
crisis. A project from UNHCR in partnership with Google. searchingforsyria.org"

/* 848 */
"_id" : "CfHakw33D6oqh3xTx",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 849 */
"_id" : "4pEoihJwzmAnyEQgC",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/opinion/how-we-are-ruining-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | How We Are Ruining America",
"description" : "Over the past generation, members of the college-educated
class have become amazingly good at making sure their children retain their
privileged status. They have also become devastatingly good at making sure the
children of other classes have limited chances to join their ranks."

/* 850 */
"_id" : "jcDtynZvqhDpHy65y",
"url" : "https://www.cfr.org/global/global-conflict-tracker/p32137",
"image" : "http://www.cfr.org/content/ips/assets/gct-content-entry-
"title" : "Global Conflict Tracker",
"description" : "Learn about the world's top hotspots with the Center for
Preventive Action's (CPA) interactive Global Conflict Tracker."

/* 851 */
"_id" : "PdqdRQrmrFyXr47SL",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b9a4c754-fa46-4a14-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aabd109f-b76f-4f2f-
"title" : "26adf679-bbca-4e28-ad2c-d097808d6d2e_IMG_20170117_141550830",
"description" : null

/* 852 */
"_id" : "dZ8o68T3wfqPnDAKc",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/magazine/can-a-tech-start-up-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/07/02/magazine/02bridge2/02mag-
"title" : "Can a Tech Start-Up Successfully Educate Children in the Developing
"description" : "Bridge International Academies - a chain of inexpensive
private schools - has ambitious plans to revolutionize education for poor children.
But can its for-profit model work in some of the most impoverished places on

/* 853 */
"_id" : "4p2PvZrr5jE6Jaurc",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/24/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/06/25/opinion/sunday/25lee/25lee-
"title" : "Opinion | The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence",
"description" : "BEIJING - What worries you about the coming world of
artificial intelligence? Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot
of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about
the \"singularity\" - that point in history when A.I. surpasses human intelligence,
leading to an unimaginable revolution in human affairs."

/* 854 */
"_id" : "RmXGyy6sZCymrQ7tH",
"url" : "https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/creepy-futures-nicholas-carrs-
"image" : "http://lareviewofbooks-org-cgwbfgl6lklqqj3f4t3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-
"title" : "Creepy Futures: Nicholas Carr's History of the Future - Los Angeles
Review of Books",
"description" : "IN 1964, having taken a year off from college, I got a job in
the General Motors pavilion at the New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows.
Sporting a red blazer emblazoned with the Cadillac crest, I escorted VIP guests on
the Futurama II ride, a successor to the original 1939 Fair's Futurama, billed
as \"a journey for everyone today into the everywhere of tomorrow.\""

/* 855 */
"_id" : "ZBLM7yZhaSALs6ewr",
"url" : "https://www.susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-
"image" :
"title" : "Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber",
"description" : "As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe
in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why
I left and what my time at Uber was like."

/* 856 */
"_id" : "6CKTik7z4gBj33eKF",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40273700",
"image" :
"title" : "UN warns 'no progress' on 260 million missing school places - BBC
"description" : "Global pledges to provide education for all young people show
little chance of being achieved, according to annual figures from the United
Nations. There are 264 million young people without access to school, with few
signs of progress, says Unesco. Around the world, almost one in 10 children does
not even have access to primary level education."
/* 857 */
"_id" : "yW5gSm3GcAgcivswo",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/women-react-to-sexism-in-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/06/22/us/14kamala-vid/14kamala-
"title" : "'Is There a Man I Can Talk To?': Stories of Sexism in the
"description" : "\"I have been on email threads with a team of colleagues, and
if I state a fact that is not in agreement with what one of my male co-workers has
said, he sends me a message later telling me that I need to 'soften my responses'
to him."

/* 858 */
"_id" : "uyCrMmwxtyamp8tLT",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/2017/06/announcing-the-new-envoy-on-
"image" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Capture-
"title" : "Announcing the new Envoy on Youth - Jayathma Wickramanayake",
"description" : "United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres has
appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his next Envoy on Youth."

/* 859 */
"_id" : "Ag4ZWk5pwiubvSow2",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpUSNxuuwfA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Math That Predicted the Arab Spring",
"description" : "In this Pilot of Math that Explains the World, Motherboard
talks to Yaneer Bar Yam, founder of the New England Complex Systems Institute who
used new physics based math to explain the correlation between food supply and the
Arab Spring."

/* 860 */
"_id" : "vQJLvbqY8KC5Cr4ZP",
"url" : "http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/17/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Everyone keeps talking about AI-here's what it really is and why
it's so hot now",
"description" : "Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from Apple's iPhone
keyboard to Zillow's home price estimates. There's also a lot of stuff out there
that marketers are calling AI, but really isn't. Perhaps things reached a new high
point last month when AlphaGo, a virtual player of the ancient Chinese board game
Go developed by Alphabet's DeepMind AI research group, trounced the top human
player in the world, China's Ke Jie."

/* 861 */
"_id" : "iXRdnwhQAGprSZBGe",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40250219",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Tough school? War, illiteracy and hope in Afghanistan - BBC News",
"description" : "The idea of drafting a nation's brightest new graduates to
become teachers in the most deprived areas has been used in both the United States
and the UK, where the approach was pioneered by Teach for America and Teach First

/* 862 */
"_id" : "YKgyNSyLofXEqDbpY",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/13/open-university-
"image" :
"title" : "Open University jobs at risk in 100m 'root and branch' overhaul",
"description" : "Staff at the Open University are preparing for job losses as
part of a radical overhaul to try to secure the institution's financial future. The
OU vice-chancellor, Peter Horrocks, told staff on Tuesday that a \"root and branch
review\" of every aspect of the university's operations was being launched to
achieve savings of 100m from the annual budget of 420m, the bulk of which would
be invested in a digital transformation programme."

/* 863 */
"_id" : "EXaTXmm49n8GXkaAx",
"url" : "https://www.engadget.com/2017/06/08/video-game-trailernominated-for-
"image" : "http://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?
"title" : "A video game trailer is eligible to be nominated for an Academy
"description" : "With its thought-provoking trailer running at almost 11
minutes long, the promo video highlights the interconnected nature of, well,
everything. Overdubbed with a speech from renowned British philosopher, Alan Watts,
the trailer uses in-game footage to show life in all its strange and wonderful
forms. Thanks to its length and intriguing subject matter, this clever promotional
video could theoretically win an Academy Award for best animated short film."

/* 864 */
"_id" : "wAziYEDLyvZw7bMK5",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/mar/19/yuval-harari-sapiens-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: 'Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a
century or so'",
"description" : "Last week, on his Radio 2 breakfast show, Chris Evans read out
the first page of Sapiens, the book by the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari.
Given that radio audiences at that time in the morning are not known for their
appetite for intellectual engagement - the previous segment had dealt with Gary
Barlow's new tour - it was an unusual gesture."

/* 865 */
"_id" : "RSrFg8eXKXnWZo6pT",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49a3af57-9271-41a4-
be10-edd83f180a31_15th AMA with James Paul Gee.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f23cc023-3188-4bde-
"title" : "15th AMA with James Paul Gee",
"description" : null

/* 866 */
"_id" : "ppEjYgzmzb3Xau7Dy",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/tech-billionaires-
"image" :
"title" : "The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America's Schools",
"description" : "The involvement by some of the wealthiest and most influential
titans of the 21st century amounts to a singular experiment in education, with
millions of students serving as de facto beta testers for their ideas. Some tech
leaders believe that applying an engineering mind-set can improve just about any
system, and that their business acumen qualifies them to rethink American

/* 867 */
"_id" : "Lkb8YKNRxwqkkBKYY",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORthzIOEf30&feature=youtu.be&t=33s",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The biology of our best and worst selves | Robert Sapolsky",
"description" : "How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also
so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert
Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to
millions of years before they occurred."

/* 868 */
"_id" : "C7eEYmGJytvQvDNCe",
"url" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-
"image" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business
"title" : "The role of expertise and judgment in a data-driven world",
"description" : "The Obama campaign's former data-analytics chief explains why
a healthy dose of skepticism and a clear understanding of the process behind data
collection leads to stronger strategies and real impact. Using data can drive
better decision making, but numbers alone don't paint the entire picture when it
comes to forming a cohesive strategy."

/* 869 */
"_id" : "nbcWowS43rvAeKbSn",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-40118188",
"image" :
"title" : "Global Peace Index 2017: World slightly more peaceful than last year
- BBC News",
"description" : "Levels of peace around the world have improved slightly for
the first time since the Syrian war began, but harmony has decreased in the US and
terrorism records have increased, a Sydney-based think-tank has found. The
Institute for Economics and Peace published its Global Peace Index on Thursday for
the 10th year running."

/* 870 */
"_id" : "v8RACaE7Mt2wC5igo",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psM_C8oqJQs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllnen |
"description" : "Marjo Kyllnen at TEDxHamburg (www.tedxhamburg.de) on
redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllnen is the
Education Manager at General Education division in Helsinki. She has PhD in
Education. She defended her doctoral thesis on Future School and Leadership in
December 2011."

/* 871 */
"_id" : "z52SgEt5kXoXH5T3v",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/05/30/donald-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Analysis | Donald Trump just threatened Germany over trade. Here's
what you need to know",
"description" : "This morning, President Trump wrote a tweet saying that the
U.S. had a \"MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany.\" He further said that this was
bad for the U.S. and (in what seemed to be a vague threat against Germany) said
that this would change."

/* 872 */
"_id" : "cF4MPkRc9Yr9FsG7g",
"url" : "https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/",
"image" : "http://willrobotstakemyjob.com/img/og.jpg",
"title" : "Will Robots Take My job?",
"description" : "Find out how susceptible is your job is to computerisation"

/* 873 */
"_id" : "PQHEmXZvygLdvB4Fp",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/world/europe/manchester-bombing-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/05/28/world/ABEDI1/ABEDI1-
"title" : "'Forgive Me': Manchester Bomber's Tangled Path of Conflict and
"description" : "It is the story of a strict father's flight from the
repression of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya's leader at the time, and a personal
jihad against that dictatorship, which in turn shook up his children's world."

/* 874 */
"_id" : "k8GPqfWydrscvgNg7",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfahDTQDFg",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Little Big Shots - The Planet Is in Good Hands (Episode Highlight)",
"description" : "Henry is passionate about the planet and couldn't be more
awesome. \" Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/NBCLittleBigShots \" Little Big Shots
Returns Wednesday May 31 8/7c on NBC!"

/* 875 */
"_id" : "t2w6Z429KRA4MZ3i3",
"url" : "http://time.com/4792596/mindfulness-exercises-morality-carpe-diem/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/mindfullness-
"title" : "How We Ruined Mindfulness",
"description" : "Those are familiar words, I'm sure, because we are living
through a mindfulness revolution. Mindfulness courses have swept the world, with
hundreds of thousands of people taking classes in Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) and other meditation techniques in community centers, schools,
hospitals, prisons and businesses."

/* 876 */
"_id" : "ar8GcaSzMwpn3N39T",
"url" : "https://www.ted.com/speakers/rutger_bregman",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Rutger Bregman",
"description" : "The world is changing faster than ever, bringing with it
brand-new problems, while our most persistent troubles - like poverty and health -
haven't gone anywhere. One thing has become abundantly clear: our machines aren't
going to save us; people are. How do we respond to problems new and old with
humanity and dignity?"

/* 877 */
"_id" : "NEwNMfrCvxtpinFAg",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/31bddd9b-3493-46a9-
8d0b-953f5f2ba53e_Things my teachers can do better.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2278ae05-b1a0-4c2d-
"title" : "Things my teachers can do better",
"description" : null

/* 878 */
"_id" : "fJM9FB6CR2YxfCtud",
"url" : "https://medium.freecodecamp.com/the-race-is-on-for-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The race is on for artificial intelligence. Here's who is winning.",
"description" : "On Saturday, Louisville, Kentucky hosted the 143rd running of
the Kentucky Derby. It was a spectacle where more than 150k people watched in
person. Millions more followed on television and streaming media. The winner
received a $1.4 million prize, and the opportunity for more winnings in later races
this year."

/* 879 */
"_id" : "oH6mES9GPmQk3cmgE",
"url" : "https://futurism.com/harvard-may-have-pinpointed-the-source-of-human-
"image" : "http://futurism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/800px-
"title" : "Harvard May Have Pinpointed the Source of Human Consciousness",
"description" : "A study of 36 patients with brainstem lesions revealed that
the majority of those in comas had damage in a specific area of the brainstem,
while most conscious patients did not. The identification of the areas of the brain
responsible for consciousness could lead to new treatment options for patients in
comas or vegetative states."

/* 880 */
"_id" : "QeJdLTbdzKqtuHz7G",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f35e0e0b-b524-41a5-
8d13-782fca83f562_14th AMA with Chris Plutte.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9a1a8edd-7394-493d-
"title" : "14th AMA with Chris Plutte",
"description" : null

/* 881 */
"_id" : "435v23QtyFr9bKRaD",
"url" : "http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/89245588/unique-school-
"image" :
"title" : "Unique school helps unlock minds of dyslexic children",
"description" : "Toby van Rensburg felt dreadful when he was criticised by a
previous teacher because he couldn't write. The 11-year-old has dysgraphia -
difficulty with writing; auditory processing disorder - caused when the ears and
brain do not fully coordinate; dyscalculia - a mathematical learning difficulty and
\"traces\" of dyslexia - a common reading difficulty."

/* 882 */
"_id" : "ty4Nx2py8eyGBR6oZ",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/children-should-be-playing-
"image" :
"title" : "Children should be playing more games in the classroom. Here's why",
"description" : "Learning games take students deeper into the engaging content
already available in classrooms, museums, parks, and homes."

/* 883 */
"_id" : "YwGHuXYNwSy3tGXf6",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a93d4fdf-dd8d-489f-
ada2-7f2ebb3e83e0_13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ec486ae5-a6bf-43a7-
"title" : "13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan",
"description" : null

/* 884 */
"_id" : "osJaCWFinSfmkk3bQ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f81afc5b-47cb-4f76-
955f-6059885cebc7_12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7a814922-1bd7-47b9-
"title" : "12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat",
"description" : null

/* 885 */
"_id" : "72KtSMcXAZHaSrPmc",
"url" : "http://www.cet.iitkgp.ac.in/cet_site/ab_research.jsp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur",
"description" : "Signs and manifestations of dyslexia have been studied for
alphabetic and logographic languages [1,2,5-7]. However, such initiatives are still
in infancy for Indian languages, such as Bangla, Devnagri and other Indian scripts,
which follows abugida writing system."

/* 886 */
"_id" : "t9P7iMqwhaTAnk3re",
"url" : "https://backchannel.com/the-myth-of-a-superhuman-ai-59282b686c62?
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The Myth of a Superhuman AI - Backchannel",
"description" : "I' ve heard that in the future computerized AIs will become so
much smarter than us that they will take all our jobs and resources, and humans
will go extinct. Is this true? That's the most common question I get whenever I
give a talk about AI."

/* 887 */
"_id" : "ni6w6HJC8b8M3mGMM",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0e1a3f8e-2c13-497e-
bfab-20cc27ecae98_11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4f028ef9-c5d7-4c1d-
"title" : "11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik",
"description" : null

/* 888 */
"_id" : "mtMDT3tbCdk6W55rd",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0a33ce3e-0efe-455d-
8830-4dce18f7b1cc_10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/8a8c7107-e579-4744-
"title" : "10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson",
"description" : null

/* 889 */
"_id" : "RTu6Fj3p56kzpjEhZ",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2017/05/france-secularism-and-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "France, secularism and religion: Emmanuel Macron has a history
buff's view of Islam and religious strife | The Economist",
"description" : "America's founding fathers, influenced by the French
enlightenment, were determined not to let European-style religious wars tear their
young republic apart. Although people still argue about what exactly those founders
believed, historians agree that avoiding internal strife was one of their main
concerns when they barred the establishment of any particular religion."

/* 890 */
"_id" : "tMEMiTRvpMGEtCukc",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700760-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Education and policy: Re-educating Rita | The Economist",
"description" : "IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a
professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a
colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their \"Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence\" course available free online."
/* 891 */
"_id" : "oa7Gd8EnELseozwP5",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Regulating the internet giants: The world's most valuable resource
is no longer oil, but data | The Economist",
"description" : "A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry,
prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A
century ago, the resource in question was oil. Now similar concerns are being
raised by the giants that deal in data, the oil of the digital era."

/* 892 */
"_id" : "TLEfyZqYuG9NJb93z",
"url" : "https://thewire.in/132585/india-is-facing-a-mental-health-crisis-one-
"image" : "http://thewire.in/wp-
"title" : "India Is Facing a Mental Health Crisis - and Its Education System Is
Ill Equipped to Handle It",
"description" : "On an April evening in a campus town, a group of college
students across various disciplines - sciences and humanities - stepped away from
their studies to meet under the stars and share stories through art and readings.
All these narratives were on mental health struggles."

/* 893 */
"_id" : "CkC5efcKR6SgN6qsw",
"url" : "https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/200-free-art-books-download-
"image" : "http://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1493766758907-
"title" : "200+ Free Art Books Are Now Available to Download from the
"description" : "Tomes of work by Picasso, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, Flavin,
Klimt, Rothko, and more are as good as yours."

/* 894 */
"_id" : "6qCaDjPtZTStBHDqJ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/33a37248-b116-4d56-
a93a-e49d1e2cba47_9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bc0b56f8-49ba-4649-
"title" : "9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson",
"description" : null

/* 895 */
"_id" : "gXpiGkqdmHGrRFhk5",
"url" : "http://ideas.ted.com/are-you-ready-for-the-impending-age-of-robots/",
"image" : "http://tedideas.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/web_brain-
"title" : "Are you ready for the impending age of robots?",
"description" : "The next big new-era-inducing change is likely to be the
arrival of artificial intelligence, in the form of robots smart enough to
substitute wholesale for human workers."

/* 896 */
"_id" : "yLWar22TspZpa48Tq",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVC6FlDKvmA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Heineken Commerical Alternative Ending",
"description" : "Original video credits :https://streamable.com/3m65z Support
this channel by buying as you normally would on amazon: http://amzn.to/2pnV1NO Damn
that's cold"

/* 897 */
"_id" : "FiwMwy6PZQsQcswiy",
"url" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/about-mindfulness/research/",
"image" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/wp/wp-
"title" : "Research on Mindfulness in Education | Mindful Schools",
"description" : "Numerous studies show improved attention1 , including better
performance on objective tasks that measure attention.2 Mindfulness is associated
with emotion regulation across a number of studies3 ."

/* 898 */
"_id" : "wHq36Ju9dbsedfmtn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/18706b30-8ee7-491d-
b918-b0cf409cd165_8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e2aa501a-6bab-4a3b-
"title" : "8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin",
"description" : null

/* 899 */
"_id" : "SiYLh3HqWA3Dq4XqD",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it?",
"description" : "Scared of superintelligent AI? You should be, says
neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris -- and not just in some theoretical way.
We're going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven't yet grappled
with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we
treat ants."

/* 900 */
"_id" : "MGWGuNDEAFoB8sEYb",
"url" : "https://www.fastcompany.com/40412848/heineken-just-put-out-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Heineken Just Put Out The Antidote to That Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad",
"description" : "WHAT: \"World's Apart,\" a new Heineken ad that involves some
frank conversations between people with differing views. WHO: Agency Publicis
London WHY WE CARE: Earlier this month, Pepsi tried to walk in step with the
#Resistance, and ended up falling on its face. Hard."

/* 901 */
"_id" : "GifxMLMdj8PhzRQro",
"url" : "http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/iceland-teen-substance-
"image" : "http://www.abc.net.au/cm/lb/8208376/data/iceland-2-data.jpg",
"title" : "Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse - but the rest of the
world isn't listening",
"description" : "It's a little before three on a sunny Friday afternoon and
Laugardalur Park, near central Reykjavik, looks practically deserted. There's an
occasional adult with a pushchair, but the park's surrounded by apartment blocks
and houses, and school's out - so where are all the kids?"

/* 902 */
"_id" : "asEbqY7ihApTaDTte",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/552395e1-82c3-4cd0-
8064-3722898c02f7_7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9c87a9af-2972-44d1-
"title" : "7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman",
"description" : null

/* 903 */
"_id" : "TcMtcSBWSjQuM4WWZ",
"url" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2017/04/20/benefits-of-video-
"image" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/gone-
"title" : "Roundtable Discussion: Teaching with Games, Part 1",
"description" : "I recently met Paul Darvasi and Aleksander Husy at the annual
UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education in Ottawa, where we were on a panel
hosted by the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable
Development. The subject of our panel was a debate on the topic, \"Innovative
pedagogies for ESD and Global Citizenship Education: Is game-based learning the

/* 904 */
"_id" : "DShHmTrg8Kpy4xWEv",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/video-gaming-to-be-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-
"title" : "Video gaming to be featured at 2022 Asian Games",
"description" : "Video gaming will be featured as a full sport at the 2022
Asian Games, with competitors in electronic sports set to receive medals for their
digital prowess. The Olympic Council of Asia says it will introduce esports to the
official program of the Asian Games at Hangzhou, China."

/* 905 */
"_id" : "HvdxrSGovs3GM9rDL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qym11JnFQBM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens",
"description" : "Microsoft HoloLlens brings holography into physical world. Now
its possible to create what you think. Its easy to convert your imagination into
designs. Easier to explore the places never actually being there. According to
Microsoft \"The era of holographic computing is here.\""

/* 906 */
"_id" : "t32xsHmZoaKvTfoqa",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/opinion/the-point-of-hate.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Point of Hate",
"description" : "Individuals experiencing hate, on the other hand, retain
nearly all of their capacity for evaluating a situation. Neuroscientists have
suggested that rational planning is maintained because \"the hater may want to
exercise judgment in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise extract
revenge\" - hardly an encouraging conclusion."

/* 907 */
"_id" : "366zXGnx87WnsBKf7",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/let-s-talk-about-trolls-
"image" :
"title" : "Let's Talk About Trolls | Online abuse a modern-day weapon to
silence women: Barkha Dutt",
"description" : "I have been called a whore, a 'randi', 'c***\", bitch and
'presstitute\" on Twitter and other social media platforms so often that now I
barely notice it. It is not unusual for me to get tweets that go like this: \"Tum
agar randi bhi ban jaogi, phir bhi tujhe koi nahi ch*****\" (even if you become a
prostitute, no one will have sex with you)."

/* 908 */
"_id" : "MXELpD3CRJaaHwK4S",
"url" : "http://www.atimes.com/playing-sustainability-games-can-transform-2030-
"image" : "http://static.atimes.com/images/atlogo-fb-1200x630.png",
"title" : "Playing for sustainability: How games can transform the world",
"description" : "Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs
across Asia"

/* 909 */
"_id" : "93P3ZsHikza4EnYnM",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/the-data-or-the-hunch",
"image" : "http://1843magazine.static-
"title" : "The data or the hunch",
"description" : "John Hammond was a boy of ten when he fell in love with the
new music called jazz. Rather than heading home after school to his family's
mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he would jump on an uptown bus and
deposit himself, 30 blocks away, in a different world."

/* 910 */
"_id" : "Pu7DBQYnq23QaMenk",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4404422/UN-peacekeepers-child-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2017/04/12/17/wire-388173-1492016115-
"title" : "UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests",
"description" : "Rape victim has revealed how she was forced to have sex with
UN workers She claims peacekeepers in Haiti offered children cookies in return for
sex In Haiti, 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited children from 2004 to 2007 A
rape victim has told how she was forced to have sex with UN workers who were
supposed to be on a peacekeeping mission in Haiti."

/* 911 */
"_id" : "r8tgKHqeoHXQZjy24",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/12/doughnut-growth-
"image" :
"title" : "Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics - the
doughnut | George Monbiot",
"description" : "So what are we going to do about it? This is the only question
worth asking. But the answers appear elusive. Faced with a multifaceted crisis -
the capture of governments by billionaires and their lobbyists, extreme inequality,
the rise of demagogues, above all the collapse of the living world - those to whom
we look for leadership appear stunned, voiceless, clueless."

/* 912 */
"_id" : "f3CoGaWA86yYyjLtg",
"url" : "http://blog.ed.ted.com/2017/02/24/should-emotions-be-taught-in-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/blog.ed.ted.com/wp-
"title" : "Should emotions be taught in schools?",
"description" : "Who taught you how to identify and manage your emotions, how
to recognize them when they arose, and how to navigate your way through them? For
many adults, the answer is: No one. You hacked your way through those confusing
thickets on your own."

/* 913 */
"_id" : "47tDRuBLqyaNmBKBo",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/00108fee-edb1-42cc-
bb53-bd1691b794ab_Finland schools.mp4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Finland schools",
"description" : null

/* 914 */
"_id" : "78Wk2AAzFFB9xh5KT",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/youth-modern-in-look-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth modern in look, conservative in outlook: survey",
"description" : "Indian youth are certainly becoming more modern in their
appearance and consumption habits, \"but their thoughts and views reflect a
troubling inclination towards intolerance and conservatism\", says a national
survey of their attitudes, anxieties and aspirations, released in New Delhi on

/* 915 */
"_id" : "qjfZ7ReWwbyY6NpXj",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Emtithal Mahmoud: A young poet tells the story of Darfur",
"description" : "Emtithal \"Emi\" Mahmoud writes poetry of resilience,
confronting her experience of escaping the genocide in Darfur in verse. She shares
two stirring original poems about refugees, family, joy and sorrow, asking, \"Will
you witness me?\""

/* 916 */
"_id" : "iLsL4rd8auCTHTnyQ",
"url" : "https://www.elitereaders.com/performance-artist-marina-abramovic-
"image" : "http://www.elitereaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/performance-
"title" : "Performance Artist Stood Still For 6 Hours to Let People Do What
They Wanted to Her Body",
"description" : "by Faye 349.6k Views Many of us know Yugoslavian performance
artist Marina Abramovic through the video of her painfully silent reunion with and
her former lover Frank Uwe \"Ulay\" Laysiepen. Many people have hailed Abramovic as
the \"grandmother of performance art.\" After all, she has been staging thought-
provoking interactive installations for more than 40 years."

/* 917 */
"_id" : "kyoSpDgNXD5qzFgBd",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/explained/lokniti-csds-kas-survey-
"image" : "http://images.indianexpress.com/2017/04/graph-one.jpg?w=600",
"title" : "LOKNITI-CSDS-KAS survey: Mind of the youth",
"description" : "A year ago, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
(CSDS) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) conducted a sample
survey-based study that sought to answer key questions about how India's youth
thought and lived. The respondents were aged 15-34, and interviews were conducted
across the country."

/* 918 */
"_id" : "6zPpBLHkMaHMqHZpu",
"url" : "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/how-finland-is-
"image" :
"title" : "Finland's fighting inequality with education, and winning. What's
their secret?",
"description" : "Finland has remade its education system to help kids like Lara
Osman - born to poor, immigrant parents - grow up to be middle-class success
stories. Doug Saunders reports Photography by Sakari Piippo for The Globe and Mail
In most other countries, Lara Osman's prospects would not be good."

/* 919 */
"_id" : "aJT44GTijC2mg7naX",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/ceiling-fans-with-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Ceiling fans with springs, sensors to check suicides in Kota",
"description" : "A siren sensor and a spring device that will lower ceiling
fans if anyone over 20 kg tries to hang from it will be affixed to fans in hostel
rooms in the coaching hub of Kota. The city is grappling with rising cases of
student suicides."

/* 920 */
"_id" : "2Xc8ix4GyGfdKxMAr",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/dispatches/the-daily/virtual-revenge-is-
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/woman-with-gun.jpg",
"title" : "Virtual revenge is sweet in Bangladesh",
"description" : "It is a sunny day in the Pakistani countryside. From your
vantage point you can see mud huts, palm trees and blue skies. Suddenly, an army
truck pulls up and from the back jump half a dozen soldiers - straight into the
path of a shooter."

/* 921 */
"_id" : "pEvq4xYzdiro5T5pv",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/computers-learn-cooperate-
"image" :
"title" : "Computers learn to cooperate better than humans",
"description" : "For the first time, computers have taught themselves how to
cooperate in games in which the objective is to reach the best possible outcome for
all players. The feat is far harder than training artificial intelligence (AI) to
triumph in a win-lose game such as chess or checkers, researchers say."

/* 922 */
"_id" : "nNhQhcF8vFb25BRun",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155918517468452/?
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Juice Media",
"description" : "The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i
and it's surprisingly honest and informative. <3 aloha Please help to keep us
going! https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Mahalo (thank you) to all the Patrons
who made this video possible!"

/* 923 */
"_id" : "J57f7LninDyoQpFZW",
"url" : "https://www.edge.org/conversation/jaron_lanier-the-myth-of-ai",
"image" :
"title" : "The Myth Of AI",
"description" : "That mythology, in turn, has spurred a reactionary, perpetual
spasm from people who are horrified by what they hear. You'll have a figure
say, \"The computers will take over the Earth, but that's a good thing, because
people had their chance and now we should give it to the machines.\""

/* 924 */
"_id" : "5KndwHnXqMkGpkbT9",
"url" : "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/trudeau-canada-refugees-banned-u-
"image" : "http://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/newshour/wp-
"title" : "Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.",
"description" : "TORONTO - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message
for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also
intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada's refugee policy. Trudeau
reacted to Trump's ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: \"To
those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of
your faith."

/* 925 */
"_id" : "wt8tCAAqaLXmoskjt",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" :
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence's White Guy Problem",
"description" : "This is fundamentally a data problem. Algorithms learn by
being fed certain images, often chosen by engineers, and the system builds a model
of the world based on those images. If a system is trained on photos of people who
are overwhelmingly white, it will have a harder time recognizing nonwhite faces."

/* 926 */
"_id" : "oqenAEuX63aJZR663",
"url" : "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sound-science-sound-
"image" : "http://cdn.psychologytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-
"title" : "When Good Intentions Go Awry",
"description" : "Online gaming is booming-consumers are champing at the bit to
play an increasingly large number of fun, free, and easily accessible games. Some
entrepreneurs have taken this opportunity to create online games meant to increase
empathy and positive attitudes toward certain marginalized groups, such as LGBT

/* 927 */
"_id" : "QxFYp2pqpoBFNsYib",
"url" : "http://lindfield.mindmixer.com/about-this-site",
"image" : "",
"title" : "About This Site | Lindfield's School of the Future: A Learning
Village by MindMixer",
"description" : "The Department of Education and Communities is seeking your
input in redeveloping the former UTS Ku-ring-gai site in Lindfield as an innovative
centre of learning. Leave feedback for the Department's consideration."

/* 928 */
"_id" : "sYtDWWLWn6yP3mt5Y",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"image" : "",
"title" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"description" : null

/* 929 */
"_id" : "K5BxveFMpsiA86fMr",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/20/meritocracy-
"image" :
"title" : "Meritocracy: the great delusion that ingrains inequality | Jo
"description" : "\"We must create a level playing field for American companies
and workers!\" shouted Donald Trump in his first address to Congress last month,
before announcing that tighter immigration controls would take the form of
a \"merit-based\" system."

/* 930 */
"_id" : "eB8ZGAMrD89wWB3T5",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvQ2AyCCu4&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "This Bloody Line",
"description" : "Directed by Ram Madhvani"

/* 931 */
"_id" : "FTTx8YBpCCrCPs4Wv",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-
"title" : "The lazy person's guide to saving the world - United Nations
Sustainable Development",
"description" : "End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix
climate change. Whoa. The Global Goals are important, world-changing objectives
that will require cooperation among governments, international organizations and
world leaders. It seems impossible that the average person can make an impact.
Should you just give up? No! Change starts with you."

/* 932 */
"_id" : "7iTgMtf3fkQ7zEzDR",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-Sk7_ykzU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sesame Street and Autism: We're Amazing, 1, 2, 3!",
"description" : "How is your child the same or different from Julia, Elmo, or
Abby? Tell us at #seeamazing. Sesame Street in Communities brings free video
content of everyone's favorite, furry Muppet friends as they help children and the
adults in their lives reach their highest potential."

/* 933 */
"_id" : "B7kYymhSMeAcz4dc6",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/technology/be-your-selves",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201704_TE_CON_01-RT-
"title" : "Be your selves",
"description" : "A friend who stumbled upon my Twitter account told me that my
tweets made me sound like an unrecognisable jerk. \"You're much nicer than this in
real life,\" she said. This is a common refrain about social media: that they make
people behave worse than they do in \"real life\"."

/* 934 */
"_id" : "TiXCqKuLnagmBC7hq",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JyTW4Rg2tE&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Internet Warriors",
"description" : "Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten
people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? Director Kyrre Lien meets
a global group of strongly opinionated individuals, who spend their time debating
online on the subjects they care most strongly about."

/* 935 */
"_id" : "YQ8MZEtaB4So2SstL",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/11/world-faces-worst-
"image" :
"title" : "World faces worst humanitarian crisis since 1945, says UN official",
"description" : "The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end
of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing
starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned."

/* 936 */
"_id" : "SkhZBRdaujcP3oHLD",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/12/no-evidence-to-back-
"image" :
"title" : "No evidence to back idea of learning styles | Letter",
"description" : "There is widespread interest among teachers in the use of
neuroscientific research findings in educational practice. However, there are also
misconceptions and myths that are supposedly based on sound neuroscience that are
prevalent in our schools."

/* 937 */
"_id" : "xfBpujwZHqdPwr2Jp",
"url" : "https://hbr.org/2013/08/why-do-so-many-incompetent-men",
"image" : "http://hbr.org/resources/images/hbr_opengraph_940x490.png",
"title" : "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?",
"description" : "There are three popular explanations for the clear under-
representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they
are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break
the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes,
that prevents women from accessing the ranks of power."

/* 938 */
"_id" : "SdoC9KvCNyWyzQZ3m",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5163103f-9e79-4e9e-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f82bb555-09f3-4466-
"title" : "KIDSAI001",
"description" : null

/* 939 */
"_id" : "kBc46xFnXjYNWdehf",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/09/opinion/a-ticket-to-hell.html",
"image" :
"title" : "A Ticket to Hell",
"description" : "He upset social conventions. For him, things had to be gilded
to be glamorous. All modesty - either real or contrived to guard against exposure -
was absent from the man. He was a glutton for attention and adoration. He chased
the spotlight and pimped celebrity for profit."

/* 940 */
"_id" : "PRgXccBEh9zRwdYMY",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/unesco_mgiep/status/839688883646443523",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP on Twitter",
"description" : "Highlights of day 3: UNESCO MGIEP's first ever #YesPeace
champion and @TheXFactor winner @emmanuelktwiter moves the delegates with Imagine

/* 941 */
"_id" : "pJegp7c5siwZLEq5B",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/content/ideas/anonymous/class-her-own",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/0513ILFE10-web.jpg",
"title" : "A class of her own",
"description" : "In the settlement of Moach Goth on the outskirts of Karachi
lives a heroine. To meet her you must drive out towards the provincial border of
Sindh and Balochistan. En route to Moach Goth, you are shown the flyover that
collapsed, the factory that burned, and an entrance to Lyari, the ghetto whose gang
wars and body-counts are in the papers every day."

/* 942 */
"_id" : "TNrWZev5jRG3qfKmB",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political
"description" : "How do we make sense of today's political divisions? In a
wide-ranging conversation full of insight, historian Yuval Harari places our
current turmoil in a broader context, against the ongoing disruption of our
technology, climate, media -- even our notion of what humanity is for."

/* 943 */
"_id" : "KR4jcTMwqDt7PR37r",
"url" : "https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-
"image" : "http://ourworldindata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Two-centuries-
"title" : "A history of global living conditions in 5 charts",
"description" : "This is the introduction to Our World in Data - the web
publication that shows how global living conditions are changing. A recent survey
asked \"All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse,
or neither getting better nor worse?\". In Sweden 10% thought t"

/* 944 */
"_id" : "XQFAEcTtX6KtegrYM",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/moral-economy-of-a-
"image" :
"title" : "Moral economy of a university",
"description" : "Indians do not have the patience to focus on a problem for an
extended period of time. We do not think of institutions in the long run. We panic
when there is a crisis but when a crisis dims, we lose our focus. As a result, we
are poor at institution-building."

/* 945 */
"_id" : "cjBYRdizzEyuQHifu",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/mar/01/burning-lakes-experts-
"image" :
"title" : "City of burning lakes: experts fear Bangalore will be uninhabitable
by 2025",
"description" : "On the evening of Thursday 16 February, residents in the
south-east part of Bangalore noticed huge plumes of smoke rising into the sky. The
smoke was coming from the middle of Bellandur Lake - the biggest lake in the city
at a little over 890 acres."
/* 946 */
"_id" : "CFc4hnqyeZKu83rxr",
"url" : "https://qz.com/778767/to-tell-someone-theyre-wrong-first-tell-them-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A philosopher's 350-year-old trick to get people to change their
minds is now backed up by psychologists",
"description" : "The 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal is perhaps best
known for Pascal's Wager which, in the first formal use of decision theory, argued
that believing in God is the most pragmatic decision. But it seems the French
thinker also had a knack for psychology. As Brain Pickings points out, Pascal set
out the most effective way..."

/* 947 */
"_id" : "5Pu5gYsWwBC3q43CY",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/857d1b8a-fc65-4de6-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/27cc31a7-01f3-455b-
"title" : "gged5",
"description" : null

/* 948 */
"_id" : "28g2y5P4p8BNbkYFs",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hKS4rucTY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Neuroscience of Compassion | Tania Singer",
"description" : "http://www.weforum.org/ Can training our brains help make the
world a better place? Tania Singer from the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences thinks it can. She's a social neuroscientist and
psychologist who says the brain's plasticity means it can be trained to make us
less selfish and more compassionate."

/* 949 */
"_id" : "rHYAPkMXteZHcJZHo",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkueGrrQKu8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teacher Interviews / Destroying Poverty with Education / Sierra
"description" : "Miriam Mason-Sesay is a Top 50 Finalist of the Global Teacher
Prize and a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. She was a
teacher in the UK for eight years before she visited Sierra Leone."

/* 950 */
"_id" : "BET8AHjAPW6ZYLEFA",
"url" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"image" : "",
"title" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"description" : null

/* 951 */
"_id" : "92Txf5Df4bM4gKMxj",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Kiran Sethi: Kids, take charge",
"description" : "Kiran Bir Sethi shows how her groundbreaking Riverside School
in India teaches kids life's most valuable lesson: \"I can.\" Watch her students
take local issues into their own hands, lead other young people, even educate their

/* 952 */
"_id" : "s74eh6jwKn37MjK4d",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/24/education-publisher-
"image" :
"title" : "Education publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history",
"description" : "Pearson has reported a pre-tax loss of 2.6bn for 2016, the
biggest in its history, after a slump at its US education operation. The world's
largest education publisher, which in January saw almost 2bn wiped from its stock
market value after issuing its fifth profit warning in two years, reported the
record loss after taking a 2.55bn non-cash charge for \"impairment of goodwill
reflecting trading pressures\" in its North American businesses."

/* 953 */
"_id" : "xRJnupCNR7yY9eXDG",
"url" : "http://carnegieindia.org/2016/08/11/india-and-artificial-intelligence-
"image" : "http://carnegieendowment.org/images/article_images/GettyImages-
"title" : "India and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution",
"description" : "Shashi Shekhar Vempati Recent advances in artificial
intelligence (AI) are a wake-up call to policymakers in India, with every one of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flagship programs likely to be directly affected
within the next few years. With China making rapid progress in AI-based research,
it is imperative that India view AI as a critical element of national security

/* 954 */
"_id" : "3DCKPSNve9DnLwNbp",
"url" : "http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-video-games-be-allowed-in-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Should video games be allowed in school",
"description" : "Debate.org is a dynamic social community where you can voice
your opinion on today's hottest issues."

/* 955 */
"_id" : "ht5iMK7NuWdYvEZwm",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/96689c56-b167-4ff1-
9852-c598d69a2cc5_Gamers brain.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Gamers brain",
"description" : null

/* 956 */
"_id" : "otCydu49zoysLTyRf",
"url" : "http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-
"image" : "http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/170227_r29468-
"title" : "Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds",
"description" : "In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of
undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with
pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random
individual, the other by a person who had subsequently taken his own life."

/* 957 */
"_id" : "WNK28x5xhFiwTFvK6",
"url" : "http://theirworld.org/voices/cameroon-youth-ambassador-on-teachers-
"image" :
"title" : "\"When we teach children from birth in their first language, it
provides them the best chances of educational success\"",
"description" : "To mark International Mother Language Day on February 21,
Global Youth Ambassador Joannes Paulus Yimbesalu explains why teachers are on
strike over French being imposed in Cameroon's English-speaking regions. Whenever I
introduce myself as a Cameroonian to my peers globally, one thing they always ask
me about is our soccer team (which has just won the African Cup of Nations 2017)."

/* 958 */
"_id" : "skQvGSW3XFb9fGuzJ",
"url" : "http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015",
"image" :
"title" : "World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior",
"description" : "The World Bank launched the Global Insights Initiative (GINI).
GINI puts conclusions from the 2015 World Development Report into practice."

/* 959 */
"_id" : "nSMDJ9pYCf3LYZvWE",
"url" : "http://newmediaresearch.educ.monash.edu.au/lnm/the-failure-of-moocs/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The failure of MOOCs",
"description" : "failure, noun: \"The fact of failing to effect one's purpose\"
(Oxford English Dictionary, failure, n. 3a) Have MOOCs failed us? This depends on
their purpose. If their purpose was broadening access to chunks of higher
education, they're a success: Coursera alone has more than four times as many
students as the entire Australian higher education system."

/* 960 */
"_id" : "dFCr2gNa9iu9traje",
"url" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/10-best-teachers-world/",
"image" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/GTP-
"title" : "These are the 10 best teachers in the world - The Global Teacher
"description" : "We've all had teachers who have inspired us, who have made a
difference to our lives. Teachers have the power to make or break lives. A great
lesson can inspire a passion for a subject that lasts a lifetime, while lacklustre
teaching can kill any desire for learning."

/* 961 */
"_id" : "28KjfxNgb3j69pSNE",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/digital-education-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/images.indianexpress.com/2017/02/thinkstockphotos-
"title" : "A new divide in class",
"description" : "It is amusing to see an article fit for the advertisement
section managing to find space instead in the \"Ideas\" section of The Indian
Express. The article, titled \"A More Democratic Learning\" (February 16, 2017),
tries to persuade us to buy an academic product \"Micromasters in Data and
Economics for Development Policy\", a package of five online courses, leading to a
degree from MITx."

/* 962 */
"_id" : "QvQaYumu7GT5wQjwE",
"url" : "https://www.edutopia.org/article/border-crossings-matthew-farber",
"image" :
"title" : "Exploring the World in Your Class",
"description" : "In the past several years, the National Endowment of the
Humanities (NEH) has supported and funded digital games, including Mission US: City
of Immigrants, a game about the immigrant experience. You play as Lena Brodsky, a
Jewish immigrant in 1907 New York."

/* 963 */
"_id" : "JFdCpr4sDLtc7Aqoh",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 964 */
"_id" : "2uQzKH4kij2rpBiqW",
"url" : "http://theconversation.com/which-countries-punch-above-their-weight-
"image" : "http://cdn.theconversation.com/files/102815/width1356x668/image-
"title" : "Which countries punch above their weight in education rankings?",
"description" : "Rankings of countries based on how well their students perform
in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) always receive a great
deal of attention from the media and politicians. But PISA rankings, produced by
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, are limited when it
comes to evaluating the quality of education systems and their efforts to improve
children's lives."

/* 965 */
"_id" : "jXXP4AomgtxezvhAg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/02/digital-
"image" :
"title" : "We're over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience |
Simon Jenkins",
"description" : "Stepping outside the bubble of gloom this week I noticed
something surreal. Kodak was reviving its Ektachrome film range to meet a surging
demand for high-end traditional film. Was this the same Kodak, I wondered, that
went bankrupt in 2012 after 47,000 job losses, a moment hailed by seers as when the
digital revolution finally came of age?"

/* 966 */
"_id" : "YmrZGq892K3FvPW49",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/20/global-arms-weapons-
"image" :
"title" : "Global arms trade reaches highest point since cold war era",
"description" : "The global transfer of major weapons systems rose over the
past five years to the highest volume since the end of the cold war as the Middle
East nearly doubled its imports, according to an annual report on arms sales."

/* 967 */
"_id" : "s6R5QPkBu2QRDjcXB",
"url" : "http://hechingerreport.org/can-virtual-reality-teach-empathy/",
"image" : "http://hechingerreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chris-Berdik-
"title" : "Can Virtual Reality \"teach\" empathy? - The Hechinger Report",
"description" : "In November 2015, middle-school students from Westchester
County, New York, found themselves on a windswept field in South Sudan mingling
with a crowd of refugees fleeing civil war. Suddenly, they heard the deafening roar
of low-flying military cargo planes overhead, followed by large bags of grain
thudding to the ground all around them."

/* 968 */
"_id" : "xRcPREQLrz2XCq9Kv",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQnyPeQRuCI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth of the World - For a Better World",
"description" : "180 students from classrooms in ten different countries on six
different continents contributed to the making of this video. In our classroom in
Germany, we started with the question: \"What in this world makes you worried? How
could you express your worry and anger?\" and started to make plans for a video."

/* 969 */
"_id" : "ZjsxAwe7pgkGAdGk4",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ng-interactive/2017/feb/14/are-you-
"image" :
"title" : "Are you at risk? How pollution increases your chance of death -
"description" : "Greenpeace has calculated the increased risk of death at
varying levels of air pollution in 3,000 cities around the world - by combining
risk analysis from the IHME's Global Burden of Disease project with annual average
background levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5s) from the WHO"

/* 970 */
"_id" : "Hb4TePBRz2hftcsWZ",
"url" : "https://www.buzzfeed.com/emeynardie/13-childrens-books-that-encourage-
"image" : "http://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-
"title" : "Community Post: 13 Children's Books That Encourage Kindness Towards
"description" : "This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or
endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone
can post awesome lists and creations. Learn more or post your buzz!"

/* 971 */
"_id" : "MKecGcZc5czhNWBK3",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 972 */
"_id" : "vQ8zN5j2PjCqKNKeT",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/02/daily-chart-10",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Daily chart: Young people and free speech | The Economist",
"description" : "YOUNG people have always been more idealistic than their
elders, and more liberal too. In the 1960s baby-boomers spearheaded the social
revolution that liberalised values across Western countries. What were then fringe
issues, such as equality for women and racial minorities, are now social norms in
most rich countries."

/* 973 */
"_id" : "4usuJg9w6Y7oqkjRT",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/15/robots-schools-
"image" :
"title" : "In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be
redundant| George Monbiot",
"description" : "In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a
machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children
being taught to behave like machines? Children learn best when teaching aligns with
their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity."

/* 974 */
"_id" : "Tkv9CF8D47n46yrjq",
"url" : "http://nation.time.com/2013/09/26/the-class-of-2025/",
"image" : "http://timemilitary.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/class.jpg?w=260",
"title" : "What Colleges Will Teach in 2025",
"description" : "Reports on what supposedly educated Americans know-and more
sensationally, don't know-come along fairly regularly, each more depressing than
the last. A survey of recent college graduates commissioned by the American Council
of Trustees and Alumni and conducted by GfK Roper last year found that barely half
knew that the U.S."

/* 975 */
"_id" : "WpeJkbWTtSwDtDw9T",
"url" : "http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/we-are-chicago-video-game-
"image" :
"title" : "Can a video game be the ultimate empathy machine?",
"description" : "You're seated at the kitchen table, chatting with your mother,
sister, and a classmate between bites of spaghetti when a gunshot rings out from
somewhere near your house. Are you in danger? It's possible, but you've lived in
Englewood all your life and now that you're 18 years old, you're relatively used to
the disruptive sound of random gunfire."

/* 976 */
"_id" : "SRnDk3erWEXYE4RyA",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a02b35e1-e041-4365-
bc1d-7f1705fd9aee_emma changemaker.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4cd57f02-32ac-4bf9-
"title" : "emma changemaker",
"description" : null

/* 977 */
"_id" : "Z3DYcMDxufyuxiqGL",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/The-temptation-to-go-
"image" :
"title" : "The temptation to go viral",
"description" : "Newspapers recently published a story about a young man who
lay bleeding on a road while onlookers took pictures of him and made a video. The
incident happened in Koppal in Karnataka. The bicycle this 18-year-old was riding
was caught under the rear wheel of a State transport bus."

/* 978 */
"_id" : "bwWhixHbkepNo2Yoo",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 979 */
"_id" : "4qSFqvgjX7QKox6CC",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 980 */
"_id" : "emBiGwNzrFn4vXPno",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 981 */
"_id" : "3XLbfeEPwiDZ2gpPe",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6b810333-ebb6-44c9-
a47f-405833e702a3_Hajar IDRISSI.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ca9b5a27-61e3-4487-
"title" : "Hajar IDRISSI",
"description" : null

/* 982 */
"_id" : "xCGEijmmtXRwCXFxb",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/quora/how-will-education-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/5080158/images/o-PRIMARY-SCHOOL-CHILDREN-
"title" : "How Will Education Change in the Next Ten Years?",
"description" : "How will education change in the next 10 years? originally
appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to
learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Salman-Khan, founder
of Khan Academy, on Quora: Mastery Learning Here is where I see education moving
over the next ten years: First, mastery-learning will become much more mainstream."

/* 983 */
"_id" : "BP23PksxajvbqP6RQ",
"url" : "http://www.theage.com.au/world/australia-must-speak-up-about-myanmars-
"image" :
"title" : "'Sorrow beyond belief': Australia must speak up about devastating
cruelty loudly and clearly",
"description" : "Bangkok: A soldier slits a baby's throat for crying out for
his mother's milk. Soldiers stomp on the stomach of a mother while she is in labour
and then burn down her family home. Mass rapes, murders, forced disappearances,
beatings and families locked in torched houses and burnt alive."

/* 984 */
"_id" : "6XPZjWit5oaP5FeD2",
"url" : "http://forum.peaceopoly.org/blogs/paul-iregbenu-s-blog/945-how-we-
"image" : "",
"title" : "How We Make Way for Peace and Democracy Across Africa",
"description" : "As we look forward to the International Day of Peace, we at
PeaceOpoly are proud to play a small role in a very big world. Were on a journey to
ensure there is peace as Africa brings bear the tenets of democracy amidst its many
challenges, and technology is our ticket."

/* 985 */
"_id" : "7CBznHE3EitT5wx82",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5OcbNTqbM4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teaching - The Most Important Profession in the World | Mareike
Hachemer | TEDxHeidelberg",
"description" : "\"Why would you sit here and listen to a teacher?\" - simply
because Mareike flips the coin and beautifully shows us why we should rethink our
perspective on teaching. It is incredible which impact she and other teachers have
- social change, shaping the year 2100 and their students' everyday lives."

/* 986 */
"_id" : "mF3QnnDuEBrJTCbNi",
"url" : "http://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/china-to-ban-minors-
"image" : "http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-57017896,width-
"title" : "China to ban minors from playing online games from midnight to 8
a.m. - ET Telecom",
"description" : "Beijing: China is planning to ban online games for minors from
midnight to 8:00 a.m., according to a draft regulation on the protection of minors
issued by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs."

/* 987 */
"_id" : "kYSDYe92LYJ3DJ6sJ",
"url" : "https://hundred.org/news/the-first-ten-global-innovations-global-
"image" : "http://hundred-
"title" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education Cities
and Blueprints",
"description" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education
Cities and Blueprints Last week at Bett, an education and technology event held
annually in London attended by thousands of teachers, students and education
professionals, we announced our first ten global innovations in education! You can
find all ten of them here."

/* 988 */
"_id" : "eswsk4uyxxAou3Mfb",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/528e7ab2-95f4-4842-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b50e6496-0525-4a05-
"title" : "doc",
"description" : null

/* 989 */
"_id" : "LrMSy6HsRjAfw6TRf",
"url" : "http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-
"image" : "http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-
"title" : "Saudi Arabia celebrates its first ever Women's Day",
"description" : "Saudi Arabia has celebrated its own Women's Day, a first for
the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom. A three-day gathering was held at the King
Fahd Cultural Centre in the capital of Riyadh. It featured speakers who argued for
women's rights to drive and called for an end to the country's male guardianship

/* 990 */
"_id" : "vFzQ3zH9G6nsFawwQ",
"url" : "http://www.youthforchange.org/latest-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth power is the key to end FGM",
"description" : "Francis is a member of Youth For Change Tanzania Team - he
explains why it's crucial to recognise the role young people must play in in the
fight to end FGM. This blog was originally published for FGM Everybody's Business,
and we've republished it as part of our #WhyZeroFGM series."

/* 991 */
"_id" : "vS5u5DugyB5yjo27Y",
"url" : "http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/oped/Radical--not-cosmetic-reforms-needed-
"image" :
"title" : "TOUGH JUSTICE : Radical, not cosmetic reforms needed in",
"description" : "Monday, February 6, 2017 Dr Matiang'i's name became a Twitter
trend back in December 2016, where some people compared him to President Magufuli
because of his approach. Others made calls for him to run for the top office in
this year's polls."

/* 992 */
"_id" : "uKp9kEAXg82C4sef2",
"url" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/2017/01/26/effective-teaching-harvard/",
"image" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/files/2016/08/technology-teaching.jpg",
"title" : "What educators can learn about effective teaching from a Harvard
"description" : "Editor's note: This post by Alan November, written exclusively
for eSchool Media, is part of a series of upcoming articles by this notable
education thought leader. Check back soon for the next must-read post!] Harvard
professor David Malan has managed to pull off a neat trick: His Computer Science 50
course is the most popular course at both Harvard and Yale."

/* 993 */
"_id" : "hR3wXoKgy8khnTpeE",
"url" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/2017/01/norwegian-robot-learns-to-self-
"image" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/wp-
"title" : "Norwegian robot learns to self-evolve and 3D print itself in the
"description" : "WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF For the first time we are seeing how
it's possible for robots in the future to design and evolve, manufacture and
assemble themselves without human input Experts at the University of Oslo, Norway
have discovered a new way for robots to design, evolve and manufacture themselves,
without input from humans, using a form of artificial evolution called \"
Generative design,\" and 3D printers - although admittedly the team, for now at
least, still has to assemble the final product, robot, when it's printed."

/* 994 */
"_id" : "prP8fYTJXryhDyo3F",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21716030-young-voters-are-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Vote early, vote often: Why the voting age should be lowered to 16 |
The Economist",
"description" : "HOW young is too young? Rich democracies give different
answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and
cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an
adult at 14. Such thresholds vary wildly from place to place."

/* 995 */
"_id" : "ihDyY5hHWFitohKRA",
"url" : "http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/montreal/in-his-own-words-imam-
"image" :
"title" : "In his own words: Imam Hassan Guillet's address at Quebec City
funeral for 3 mosque victims",
"description" : "Ibrahima Barry, 39, Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Azzeddine
Soufiane, 57, were among the six men who died when a shooter entered the mosque
where they were attending evening prayers last Sunday. Here is a complete text of
Imam Hassan Guillet's English address."

/* 996 */
"_id" : "LSXH4tQqtQfDygzK9",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/these-are-the-books-the-most-
"image" :
"title" : "The top reads of 2016 - as chosen by influential leaders around the
"description" : "Facebook asked 62 of its 'global influencers' what they read
in 2016. This is what they said."

/* 997 */
"_id" : "7wyQ3hi2B6arxb5RS",
"url" : "http://www.dw.com/en/america-first-but-which-european-country-is-
"image" : "http://www.dw.com/image/37398066_304.jpg",
"title" : "'America First,' but which European country is second? Parody videos
make their pitch to Trump | Digital Culture | DW.COM | 03.02.2017",
"description" : "Shortly after Trump's inaugural declaration that from now on,
it would be only \"America First,\" a Dutch comedy show called \"Zondag Met
Lubach\" parodied the new US president's rhetoric, absurdly promoting all the
reasons why the Netherlands should come in second. The clip went viral."

/* 998 */
"_id" : "jc3wqKfLjzd5foWAu",
"url" : "http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/ak47-kalashnikov-russia-assault-
"image" : "http://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/gettyimages-
"title" : "Kalashnikov Is Hiring 1,700 People to Meet Demand for AK-47s",
"description" : "A steep surge in demand for AK-47s has led Russian gunmaker
Kalashnikov Group to increase its staff by 30%, with most orders being made for
export. CNBC reports that the company plans to create 1,700 new jobs this year, as
announced in a press release this week."

/* 999 */
"_id" : "WJDyqpAzc6swnP2RM",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H-uJu3hiDk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "YouthFirst_NGLS_Capacity Building Session_Advocacy",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-12-26."

/* 1000 */
"_id" : "XBTrvJrTG7Fj389K5",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqbAT8JA4k8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth First Madagascar_YWLP trailer_English_2015",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-05-21."

/* 1001 */
"_id" : "advHngS57i83LFTvx",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/Maharashtra-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Maharashtra textbook says 'ugliness' is reason for dowry demands",
"description" : "A textbook for Class XII in Maharashtra has cited \"ugliness\"
and physical handicap of a girl as a reason behind the dowry issue prevalent in the
country. The remark appears in a chapter in the sociology textbook titled 'Major
Social Problems in India' of the state Secondary and Higher Secondary education

/* 1002 */
"_id" : "5kxXjBtjq24vWzmDa",
"url" : "https://qz.com/677380/1700-years-ago-the-mismanagement-of-a-migrant-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/rtr2r5qg.jpg?
"title" : "1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its
"description" : "On Aug. 3, 378, a battle was fought in Adrianople, in what was
then Thrace and is now the province of Edirne, in Turkey. It was a battle that
Saint Ambrose referred to as \"the end of all humanity, the end of the world.\""

/* 1003 */
"_id" : "TNMfxA3g85r7YrG8e",
"url" : "http://www.documentarytube.com/videos/undercover-care-the-abuse-
"image" : "http://d1nz104zbf64va.cloudfront.net/dt/v/o/undercover-care-the-
"title" : "Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed",
"description" : "On the top floor of a special hospital, locked away from their
families and friends, a group of men and women are subjected to a regime of
physical viole..."

/* 1004 */
"_id" : "kfc8bB7eZTRZsf2ty",
"url" : "https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/",
"image" :
"title" : "The 'Busy' Trap",
"description" : "If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably had
to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default
response when you ask anyone how they're doing: \"Busy!\" \" So busy.\" \" Crazy
busy.\" It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint."

/* 1005 */
"_id" : "J6wuPrLmr6JTu7MXs",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/25/industrial-farming-one-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history",
"description" : "Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of
domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history. The
march of human progress is strewn with dead animals. Even tens of thousands of
years ago, our stone age ancestors were already responsible for a series of
ecological disasters."

/* 1006 */
"_id" : "PXTJLbEEyRaibLYd2",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21715634-moral-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "The case for compassion, not empathy",
"description" : "Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. By Paul
Bloom. Ecco; 304 pages; $26.99. Bodley Head; 290 pages; 18.99. IN an age of
partisan divides it has become popular to assert that the wounds of the world would
heal if only people made the effort to empathise more with each other."

/* 1007 */
"_id" : "Qe7HaBtPFd5s7ygNy",
"url" : "https://www.wsj.com/articles/can-mindfulness-help-students-do-better-
"image" : "http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/IV-
"title" : "Can 'Mindfulness' Help Students Do Better in School?",
"description" : "\"Mindfulness\" has gotten a lot of buzz recently, with
everyone from tech executives to professional athletes to lawmakers saying they use
it to combat stress, stay balanced and perform better on the job. Now some
educators and psychologists think schoolchildren could benefit from the practice,

/* 1008 */
"_id" : "P2ADXa73qHkuDjbo6",
"url" : "https://norrag.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/for-global-learning-metrics-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/norrag.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/learning.png?
"title" : "For Global Learning Metrics, Ask Cognitive Scientists",
"description" : "By Helen Abadzi, College of Education, University of Texas at
Arlington. The December of 2016 brought worrisome messages to many Ministries of
Education. The 2015 PISA and TIMSS[1] scores were publicized. Despite efforts,
Latin American countries have low scores, as do the wealthy Gulf States.
Policymakers are unsure how to improve instruction for better outcomes...."

/* 1009 */
"_id" : "Qec77axCXgnLRQmaD",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1010 */
"_id" : "nzC3KHQcofwbS4fe2",
"url" : "http://inspire.nayd.org/2017/01/in-conversation-with-stephen-
"image" : "",
"title" : "In Conversation with Stephen Machua",
"description" : "Progress, Challenges and the Future of Development in Africa
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the implementation of SDGs in Af..."

/* 1011 */
"_id" : "7WxBps2XmfJHtXSrH",
"url" : "http://www.aeinstein.org/nonviolentaction/198-methods-of-nonviolent-
"image" : "",
"title" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action",
"description" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action (PDF version) 198 METHODS OF
NONVIOLENT ACTION Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal
of \"nonviolent weapons\" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them,
classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion,
noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention."

/* 1012 */
"_id" : "4Nq2XKtyecZeoj6ry",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 1013 */
"_id" : "CMKnMy7osPBmdvfhr",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/01/six-year-old-
"image" :
"title" : "Six-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About
"description" : "They're more likely to avoid games meant for \"really, really
smart\" children."

/* 1014 */
"_id" : "sPQAjsT6Te9ZEHbwi",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mt3Q40RnaY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Nandini Singh at the Heritage School TEDx filmed by EducationWorld
"description" : "Nandini Chatterjee Singh is a cognitive neuroscientist at the
National Brain Research Centre. Her laboratory works on brain circuits for
Language, Literacy and Music. She is passionate about achieving universal literacy
by 2020. Her research shows that learning in the native language is the key to
functional literacy."

/* 1015 */
"_id" : "RsNdp7224ECXPjJB6",
"url" : "https://scinfolex.com/2017/01/25/hamon-veut-constitutionnaliser-les-
"image" : "http://scinfolex.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/flint7.jpg",
"title" : "Benot Hamon veut &laquo; constitutionnaliser les biens communs
&raquo; : pour quoi faire ?",
"description" : "Benot Hamon a donc termin en tte du premier tour de la
primaire de la Belle Alliance Populaire. Dans son programme, ce sont surtout des
propositions comme l'instauration d'un revenu universel d'existence ou une taxe sur
les robots qui ont retenu l'attention. Mais il comporte une autre mesure qui mrite
mon sens que l'on s'y..."

/* 1016 */
"_id" : "KXohkf9eYyyxmohGJ",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2017/1/24/14364864/unesco-video-games-
"image" : "http://cdn3.vox-
"title" : "Here's why the UN is getting interested in video games",
"description" : "Many of us have experienced playing a game that changed our
mind or our heart. Perhaps it was about injustices visited upon people who live
different lives to our own. Or it was about an ailment or illness sitting at the
periphery of our own experience. Or maybe it challenged lazy assumptions about

/* 1017 */
"_id" : "EdiyAKhxbwsrMcP3S",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 1018 */
"_id" : "zpK8sbniLzNYJeqnP",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11331034/Mindfulness-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Mindfulness: the saddest trend of 2015",
"description" : "How does your mind feel? Slowly revving back up after the
festive fug of Christmas? Chances are, in the slew of \"New Year New You\"
suggestions, you will have read about mindfulness. Indeed, it was pretty hard to
get through last year without noticing it."

/* 1019 */
"_id" : "CyfTHe3MwmiHJrvzy",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/23/is-mindfulness-
"image" :
"title" : "Is mindfulness making us ill?",
"description" : "I am sitting in a circle in a grey, corporate room with 10
housing association employees - administrators, security guards, cleaners - eyes
darting about nervously. We are asked to eat a sandwich in silence. To think about
every taste and texture, every chewing motion and bite."

/* 1020 */
"_id" : "vvcScLwRD74eHH45N",
"url" : "https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-ai-revolution-the-road-to-
"image" : "http://img.readitlater.com/direct?resize=w2000&url=http%3A%2F
"title" : "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why -
"description" : "PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline
viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three
weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could
not believe what I was reading."
/* 1021 */
"_id" : "AcxRXHXixEQQoTENF",
"url" : "http://www.hope-education.co.uk/netalogue/hope/classroom-of-the-
"image" : "http://images.findel-education.co.uk/classroom-of-the-future/img/f-
"title" : "The Classroom of The Future | Hope Education",
"description" : "The digital world means we're on the cusp of a technical
revolution which is limitless in education. Welcome to our classroom of the

/* 1022 */
"_id" : "pSinDmzuMaNSvonXr",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/474588/why-empathy-is-a-bad-
"image" :
"title" : "Empathy Doesn't Make You a Good Person",
"description" : "Paul Bloom, psychologist and Yale professor, argues that
empathy is a bad thing-that it makes the world worse. While we've been taught that
putting yourself in another's shoes cultivates compassion, it actually blinds you
to the long-term consequences of your actions."

/* 1023 */
"_id" : "vHDd9uSBaenCE2ooD",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-
"image" :
"title" : "Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems",
"description" : "Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of
communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name.
Mention it in conversation and you'll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your
listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it."

/* 1024 */
"_id" : "ydn928qB4owvY3fx8",
"url" : "http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeanbaptiste/2016/05/23/french-
"image" : "http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jeanbaptiste/files/2016/05/IMG_4797-
"title" : "French Billionaire Opens Free Coding University '42' In Silicon
"description" : "A rendering of the free coding school '42' that will open in
Fremont, Calif., in July for its first coding bootcamp. (Credit: Ecole 42) French
technology entrepreneur and billionaire Xavier Niel (#129 in 2016 and #7 in France
with a net worth of $8 billion) is investing $100 million of his [...]"

/* 1025 */
"_id" : "QL9nFi43MHFvLu7fZ",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38639891",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Chinese billionaire offers biggest education prize - BBC News",
"description" : "A Chinese technology billionaire is offering the world's most
valuable education prize. The Yidan Prize will award nearly $8m (6.64m) every year
to two research projects that have the potential to \"transform\" global education.
Charles Chen Yidan, who co-founded China's internet company, Tencent, wants to use
the prize to scale up innovative education research projects and replicate them
across the world."

/* 1026 */
"_id" : "YwHJNE4NNmE4uKu49",
"url" : "http://www.unescobkk.org/education/education-2030/2nd-apmed2030/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO Office in Bangkok: 2nd APMED2030",
"description" : "Senior officials from ministries of education from 32
countries, representatives from sub-regional, intergovernmental organizations,
civil society, UN agencies, UNESCO institutes and academia across the Asia-Pacific
region will convene at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030
II) from 16-18 November 2016 at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand."

/* 1027 */
"_id" : "9ZfSvWbAoBP4AWHzo",
"url" : "http://yolocaust.de/",
"image" : "http://yolocaust.de/images/fb.jpg",
"title" : "YOLOCAUST",
"description" : "Yolocaust is a project by Shahak Shapira that explores our
commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
with footage from Nazi extermination camps."

/* 1028 */
"_id" : "5HEhqQQznp7tD7zZg",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper",
"description" : "Long before sustainability was a buzzword, architect Shigeru
Ban was using ecologically sound building materials such as cardboard tubes. He
uses them to build remarkable temporary structures for disaster-struck nations such
as Haiti, Rwanda and Japan. Yet often, these buildings remain a beloved part of the
landscape long after they have served their intended purpose."

/* 1029 */
"_id" : "Xq8rkT5vYgXHjXLCv",
"url" : "http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/01/slavoj-i-ek-charlie-
"image" :
"title" : "Slavoj iek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really
full of passionate intensity?",
"description" : "Now, when we are all in a state of shock after the killing
spree in the Charlie Hebdo offices, it is the right moment to gather the courage to
think. We should, of course, unambiguously condemn the killings as an attack on the
very substance our freedoms, and condemn them without any hidden caveats (in the
style of \" Charlie Hebdo was nonetheless provoking and humiliating the Muslims too

/* 1030 */
"_id" : "ahc7vsyztHgDknC2h",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7Edq-QanM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Prof Krishna Kumar address at FICCI Publicon 2016",
"description" : "Uploaded by TheAGcreatives on 2016-12-04."

/* 1031 */
"_id" : "rX4rCP83jrTNsbEwh",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/world/asia/bhutan-gross-national-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/29/world/03BHUTAN-1/03BHUTAN-
"title" : "In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills",
"description" : "As the president of the Center for Bhutan Studies and GNH
Research, Mr. Ura has spent much of his time asking Bhutanese questions about
interactions with neighbors, quality of sleep and physical vigor in an attempt to
understand and measure subjective well-being."

/* 1032 */
"_id" : "uwmHTf42K6qrbCucc",
"url" : "http://www.games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Browse Sustainability Gamepedia - Games4Sustainability",
"description" : "Cities and communities. Simulation. Floods and Culture. 1-2
hours. Gifts of Culture is a board game role-playing simulation of a diverse
cultural community. It allows players to experience how cultural differences can
lead to troubles but at the same time they can also be helpful."

/* 1033 */
"_id" : "QPgidqXabYHZi5S22",
"url" : "http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/01/14/508991615/5-big-ideas-in-
"image" : "http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/01/09/measurement-ideas2-
"title" : "5 Big Ideas In Education That Don't Work",
"description" : "Small classes. High standards. More money. These popular
remedies for school ills aren't as effective as they're sometimes thought to be.
That's the somewhat controversial conclusion of education researcher John Hattie.
Over his career, Hattie has scrutinized more than 1,000 \"meta-analyses,\" looking
at all types of interventions to improve learning."

/* 1034 */
"_id" : "oZkHj6jcAYDydsbgu",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/4/30/8514675/a-saudi-prince-is-
"image" : "http://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "A Saudi Prince is using video games to fuel an intellectual
renaissance in the Middle East",
"description" : "Terrorist, cartoon stereotype, evil oppressive dictator. It's
through those lenses - those unfair representations of a complex, massive grouping
of a wide variety of people and what they believe in - that much of the non-Arab
world sees the population of the Middle East."

/* 1035 */
"_id" : "NZXCeFzCzEesWpJzk",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/body-politics",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201606_FE_RUS_005-
"title" : "Body Politics",
"description" : "Robert Rauschenberg, the subject of a major forthcoming
retrospective, has long been overshadowed by Andy Warhol. Caroline Roux looks at
how his influence on China is leading to a reassessment of his importance"

/* 1036 */
"_id" : "suHQ6P9TeL7ACYkNZ",
"url" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/research/curriculum-future-digital-game",
"image" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/system/files/CFF-icon2.jpg",
"title" : "Curriculum for the Future: The digital game | New Zealand Council
for Educational Research",
"description" : "Curriculum for the Future: The Digital Game is designed to
generate thought-provoking conversations about learning and curriculum today and in
the future. It's a fun way to think about complex ideas and it's great for playing
with a group of people who care about what we will learn in the future."

/* 1037 */
"_id" : "xhDQQ8dnhwn9hdBQH",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2017-05-01/language",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Finding a voice",
"description" : "Language: Finding a voice Computers have got much better at
translation, voice recognition and speech synthesis, says Lane Greene. But they
still don't understand the meaning of language I'M SORRY, Dave. I'm afraid I can't
do that.\""
/* 1038 */
"_id" : "hkGjaeniPEEcHXqtC",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/infographics/gamification-education/",
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/gamification-
"title" : "The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech",
"description" : "Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space.
How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? Learn all
about the impact of gaming on education in this infographic."

/* 1039 */
"_id" : "m7kHCSGFmB625YKgu",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c2bf7e-a038-48c5-
bea7-6e035f98bbc3_Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth",
"description" : null

/* 1040 */
"_id" : "k4j87AARe75CpBZZB",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-adaptive-learning-anyway-zach-
"image" :
"title" : "What is adaptive learning anyway?",
"description" : "As emerging technologies and methodologies reshape corporate
training, one phrase \"adaptive learning\" is among the biggest of the buzzwords. I
get asked all the time what exactly \"adaptive learning\" means. Most know the
technology has something to do with e-learning, personalized education, micro-
learning, badging, gamification, cloud-based learning, etc."

/* 1041 */
"_id" : "aGTRSLvPXJJ9k5xf8",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RdMDY5rYnY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pick Your Teacher: Democratic Schooling in the UK - Rebel
"description" : "The London Nautical School was founded in 1915 to train
students in maritime skills. Today it's a modern, non-selective inner London state
school for boys - with a very different approach to learning. At the start of the
year, teachers pitch their courses to the students, who are given the power to
choose what courses they want to study."

/* 1042 */
"_id" : "aYhDgDJQRqySuSivR",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Interactive Feature -
"description" : "A history of classroom technology, from the writing slate to
the electronic tablet."

/* 1043 */
"_id" : "NTXLshddyscMWXpb6",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c1477b-eccf-4f9f-
9974-bccd4b72c3fa_The Critical Thinking workbook.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Critical Thinking workbook",
"description" : null

/* 1044 */
"_id" : "BuyDsGcYD8PGDXrqg",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/61864513",
"image" : "",
"title" : "V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"",
"description" : "This is \"V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"\" by Being
Human on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them."

/* 1045 */
"_id" : "5ZM3DQdm2XpAyBQbS",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Education alone doesn't prevent violent extremism. Here's what else
you need.",
"description" : "In November, 15 years into the \"Global War on Terror,\" the
Obama administration expanded the scope of the war. The outgoing administration
declared al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group in Somalia, to be part of the armed
conflict that Congress approved in its Authorization of Military Force resolution
after the Sept."

/* 1046 */
"_id" : "GfQ7K97RgvgkiCvGW",
"url" : "https://www.thequint.com/blogs/2017/01/04/bengaluru-shame-you-can-
"image" : "http://images.assettype.com/thequint/2017-01/3ec173d1-8629-4dfa-
"title" : "Bengaluru Shame: You Can Choose to Be Safe, So Don't Blame the Mob",
"description" : "Let us examine if this issue was about gender inequality or
rather a law and order issue. It was the New Year's Eve. People were happy and in a
mood for fun and revelry. Each individual was wearing what they wanted to. Each
chose the beverage they liked the most."

/* 1047 */
"_id" : "WruHPGg9PvBg7BvPd",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/07/information-
"image" :
"title" : "Only 20% of US adults have information overload, but those who do
feel burden",
"description" : "Some 20% of American adults feel the burden of information
overload, with that figure at least doubling among those from poorer or less
educated backgrounds, according to a report released today by the Pew Research

/* 1048 */
"_id" : "SSz8RH5KcXc5jfs7f",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/resources/blog/adaptive-learning/good-
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/knewton-math-homework-tim-
"title" : "Good Students Do Their Homework | Knewton",
"description" : "As the school year begins again, so do the homework debates:
Do students have too much homework or too little? How young is too young? Is
homework making a difference? Or would kids be better off playing outside and going
to bed early, as one Texas teacher told her second-grade class?"

/* 1049 */
"_id" : "JgTfd7XrciYr7yStu",
"url" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/",
"image" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/images/app1.jpg",
"title" : "With AI, our words will be a window into our mental health- IBM
"description" : "If your brain is a black boxwe don't fully understand, then
speech is akey to its unlocking. In five years, what we say and write will be used
as indicators of our mental health and physical wellbeing. Patterns in our speech
and writing analyzed by cognitive systems will provide tell- tale signs of early-
stagemental disease that can prompt us to seek treatment."

/* 1050 */
"_id" : "DfesFLtuwrwoKjeW4",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/01/no-grades-no-timetable-
"image" :
"title" : "No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down",
"description" : "Anton Oberlnder is a persuasive speaker. Last year, when he
and a group of friends were short of cash for a camping trip to Cornwall, he
managed to talk Germany's national rail operator into handing them some free

/* 1051 */
"_id" : "f4NY3B5TrbuAyeG4u",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 1052 */
"_id" : "bTN9xKkJFcpYjDvsp",
"url" : "http://www.thankyouforplayingfilm.com/",
"image" :
"title" : "Home",
"description" : "Ryan, an indie video game developer, is creating a poetic
video game to document his experiences raising Joel, his 5-year-old son who has
terminal cancer."

/* 1053 */
"_id" : "oSDidNfJLMbmLBhnS",
"url" : "https://qz.com/841877/learn-how-to-meditate-through-video-games-and-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A practical guide for learning meditation through the art of
"description" : "Gaming and meditation have more in common than you think.
These seemingly unrelated pursuits both offer important self-development lessons
that use similar parts of our brains to mold us into better humans. Both also
suffer from public perception problems: Gaming is often seen as a potentially
harmful, violent waste of time dominated by teenage boys with..."

/* 1054 */
"_id" : "aqTJM9x6E9DcrH8GY",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151109-the-infinite-quotable-wisdom-
"image" :
"title" : "The infinite, quotable wisdom of Carl Sagan",
"description" : "His quotes and insights are all over the internet, but here's
why you should really care about Carl Sagan."

/* 1055 */
"_id" : "nB3EYtr95uFCL7iav",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/VineSurvivor/videos/1232136226872420/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Vine Survivor - I Never Finished Watching A Video This... |
"description" : "I Never Finished Watching A Video This Long Before But This
One Really Got Me !! For More Videos Visit: brutenews.com Credit:

/* 1056 */
"_id" : "M3wSwGNhjZmepbLtS",
"url" : "http://www.ipsnews.net/2016/11/coordinates-of-safety/",
"image" : "http://cdn.ipsnews.net/Library/2016/11/crime_3081396e.jpg",
"title" : "Coordinates of Safety",
"description" : "If we go by the National Crime Records Bureau reports,
incidence of serious crimes against women rose from 237 per day in 2001 to 313 per
day in 2015. These crimes include rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry deaths and
cruelty by husbands and relatives."

/* 1057 */
"_id" : "W2SJFNpmHEbyyieaF",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyc0M41k-mA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Best Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor festival-
Sara Rozik",
"description" : "It's an Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor
festival and the filmmaker Sara Rozik is only 20 years old!"

/* 1058 */
"_id" : "rqaR62PqdkTYC3FBc",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0tahJ4f7k&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon \"Give Peace a Chance\" Live in Toronto 1969",
"description" : "John Lennon played as part of the Plastic Ono Band, whose
members also included Yoko Ono, Klaus Voorman, Alan White, and Eric Clapton, a one
day festival, as Sweet Toronto Peace Festival, held September 13, 1969 at Varsity
Stadium on the campus of the University of Toronto and attended by some 20,000

/* 1059 */
"_id" : "8YKeT827gjMDmBtKy",
"url" : "http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/12/researchers-create-minecraft-
"image" : "http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-
"title" : "Minecraft expansion successfully tricks students into learning",
"description" : "Two chemists, a materials scientist and a game developer (all
professors), have created a Minecraft expansion designed to sneakily teach
chemistry and engineering concepts. They used the mod as part of a college course
and found preliminary results that suggest it works reasonably well."

/* 1060 */
"_id" : "pwPoR4xydJFFLXuDN",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?",
"description" : "Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing Where Is The Love?.
(C) 2003 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc."

/* 1061 */
"_id" : "W5CCPGQQWWimCij8h",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/this-nifty-infographic-is-a-great-
"image" :
"title" : "This Nifty Infographic Is a Great Introduction to Neuroplasticity
and Cognitive Therapy",
"description" : "It's startling to think about how we've got a spaceship
billions of miles away rendezvousing with Pluto, yet here on Earth there are major
aspects of our own anatomy that we're almost completely ignorant about. We've
climbed Everest, sent men to the moon, and invented the Internet - but we still
don't know how our brains work."

/* 1062 */
"_id" : "zkYEjW4q9ChDoAQYa",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161116-astronaut-andrew-thomas-we-
"image" :
"title" : "Astronaut Andrew Thomas: We need to teach rational thinking",
"description" : "Australian-born astronaut Andrew Thomas recently described his
life in orbit at BBC Future's World-Changing Ideas Summit. We caught up with him
after his session to ask which one idea could help improve society. Now a US
citizen, Thomas reflects on the recent presidential election and explains why
schools need to teach scientific and rational thinking."

/* 1063 */
"_id" : "HvNEFFC2MLePfDjgw",
"url" : "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Argumentative_Indian",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Argumentative Indian - Wikipedia",
"description" : "The Argumentative Indian is a book written by Nobel Prize
winning Indian economist Amartya Sen. It is a collection of essays that discuss
India's history and identity, focusing on the traditions of public debate and
intellectual pluralism."
/* 1064 */
"_id" : "Rp4nQYbdFz5izQw3z",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbKQ7nXx0o8&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas",
"description" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas Other videos seem to have war
pictures, famine, sadness and the like. John Lennon's Happy Christmas is about
peace, love, and happiness. Let's try to embrace that and not focus on the
atrocities. Have a Happy Christmas :)"

/* 1065 */
"_id" : "9W4ASYLTe4eLyhT64",
"url" : "http://childrenstech.com/blog/archives/17504",
"image" : "",
"title" : "A Heartfelt Tribute to Seymour Papert",
"description" : "\"The world lost an amazing wit, intellect, inventor,
bricoleur, scholar, freedom fighter, and friend with the passing of Seymour Papert.
He was arguably the most influential educator of the past half century. It would be
wise for us all to start thinking about what we each might do to build upon his
mighty legacy.\""

/* 1066 */
"_id" : "Z6oNQx6MJmQr9wHYy",
"url" : "http://learningforaction.com/the-learning-curve/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Learning Curve",
"description" : "Consistent with our mission, our aim is to advance the
sustainability and impact of social sector organizations. And, consistent with our
name, we endeavor to share that results in that will bring greater equity and
justice to all communities."

/* 1067 */
"_id" : "MsTyyDgk4GMaYFrEa",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 1068 */
"_id" : "g8uaMag3FnLTYkKLB",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/to-prevent-rapes-it-s-important-
"image" :
"title" : "To prevent rapes, it's important to understand why they occur",
"description" : "Between 2001 and 2015 the number of rapes doubled in India. In
Delhi, the rise was six-fold. If we go by the incidence of rapes (i.e. number of
rapes divided by 100,000 women), it was the worst state in 2015, followed by the
Northeast (excluding Assam)."

/* 1069 */
"_id" : "j9vX6y4W42BauhwRh",
"url" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/",
"image" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016",
"description" : "A Hack Education Project"

/* 1070 */
"_id" : "RQwHukKY7EqT9SrEz",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/11-ted-talks-that-highlight-
"image" :
"title" : "11 TED talks that will bring you one step closer to understanding
yourself and everyone around you",
"description" : "These 11 TED Talks show how strange and mysterious the human
mind really is."

/* 1071 */
"_id" : "5wnCDMS5eKHyh52iQ",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1072 */
"_id" : "8bNE9j67D6WiaRqoQ",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1073 */
"_id" : "t5qpg3JHsEYaostRM",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 1074 */
"_id" : "YhEfXQ6WZJKdcY6FB",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5bd5ef6c-d822-413c-
b342-a6cc53391364_Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\".jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/04212627-08e6-4c4a-
"title" : "Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\"",
"description" : null

/* 1075 */
"_id" : "iiDe4cjYGPjGkSbii",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/magazine/the-great-ai-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/12/18/magazine/18ai-cover-
"title" : "The Great A.I. Awakening",
"description" : "Four days later, a couple of hundred journalists,
entrepreneurs and advertisers from all over the world gathered in Google's London
engineering office for a special announcement. Guests were greeted with Translate-
branded fortune cookies. Their paper slips had a foreign phrase on one side - mine
was in Norwegian - and on the other, an invitation to download the Translate app."

/* 1076 */
"_id" : "hCEAuYYKSZx3m8fXT",
"url" : "http://nordic.businessinsider.com/this-swedish-billionaire-has-issued-
"image" :
"title" : "This Swedish billionaire has issued a $5 million award for anyone
who comes up with a UN 2.0",
"description" : "Laszlo Szombatfalvy, one of Sweden's most successful investors
of all time, is urging on the younger generation to re-think global governance."

/* 1077 */
"_id" : "MHZ8dECSuBKPGP4sT",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21712093-new-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Neuroscience: Scanning reveals what pregnancy does to a mother's
brain | The Economist",
"description" : "AS ANY parent will tell you, once you have had children
nothing is ever quite the same. Including, it seems, their mothers' brains. In a
paper just published in Nature Neuroscience, a team led by Elseline Hoekzema of the
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, in Spain, describe for the first time how
pregnancy alters women's brains, rewiring them in ways that persist long after a
child has been born."

/* 1078 */
"_id" : "DD2AkWwJbNyJncz4g",
"url" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/children-explain-
"image" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/magazine/rights-
"title" : "In Their Words: How Children Are Affected by Gender Issues",
"description" : "This story appears in the January 2017 issue ofNational
Geographic magazine. If you want candid answers about how gender shapes destiny,
ask the world's nine-year-olds. At nine, a girl in Kenya already knows that her
parents will marry her off for a dowry, to a man who may beat her."

/* 1079 */
"_id" : "SGCR4JeHKS9CSs68j",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/19/france-plans-
"image" :
"title" : "France plans internet ombudsman to safeguard free speech",
"description" : "France is considering appointing an official internet
ombudsman to regulate complaints about online material in order to prevent
excessive censorship and preserve free speech. A bill establishing a \"content
qualification assessment procedure\" has been tabled in the French senate and the
initiative was debated last week at a high level meeting attended by senators and
judges as well as policy officers from Google and Twitter."

/* 1080 */
"_id" : "6T2yDg7FkDGauv9GR",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/18/aleppo-elegy-for-doomed-
"image" :
"title" : "Aleppo: Elegy for a doomed city whose history spans centuries",
"description" : "I made my last visit to Aleppo, Syria's most populous city and
once its commercial hub, now a deeply wounded and broken city, just four months
before the Syrian uprising started in March 2011."

/* 1081 */
"_id" : "jpYTA3QpGP7vACa5c",
"url" : "http://ed.ted.com/featured/pkeqPuzO",
"image" : "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3MYEtQ5Zdn8/0.jpg",
"title" : "Why you think you're right - even if you're wrong",
"description" : "Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to
examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all
costs - or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Julia Galef examines the motivations
behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information,
interweaved with a compelling history lesson from 19th-century France."

/* 1082 */
"_id" : "bgsYcTLMnLjiR3CXj",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-broken-starting-from-scratch-
"image" :
"title" : "The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix
"description" : "My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty
years, it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and
miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats in the belfry,
and trolls in the basement."

/* 1083 */
"_id" : "7GkEZLPxes7zZnr4E",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-
"image" :
"title" : "Could the best way to make money from science be to give it away for
"description" : "The Neuro, or the Montreal Neurological Institute and
Hospital. is setting up an experiment in experimentation, an Open Science
Initiative with the express purpose of finding out the best way to realise the
potential of scientific research. It is hard to be against 'open science'."

/* 1084 */
"_id" : "7MueBtEw6uxR56sS6",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/China-slams-India-over-
"image" :
"title" : "China slams India over invite to Dalai Lama at Rashtrapati Bhavan",
"description" : "China has slammed India for inviting the Dalai Lama, Tibetan
spiritual leader, at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, and urged New Delhi to
respect Beijing's \"core interest\" in order to avoid \"any disturbance\" in
bilaateral ties."
/* 1085 */
"_id" : "mifkrJ4LBCyGqKGmg",
"url" : "http://www.asianage.com/opinion/columnists/171216/how-to-lead-
"image" : "http://images.asianage.com/images/aa-Cover-
"title" : "How to lead UN",
"description" : "Secretary-Generals often fail to deliver because the method of
their selection itself is flawed and non-transparent. Antonio Guterres (Photo: AP)
The swearing-in of Portugal's Antonio Guterres as the ninth Secretary-General of
the United Nations on December 12 is an occasion to reflect on the leadership
required in the world body in the face of mounting challenges."

/* 1086 */
"_id" : "47cG3ad4xbwSJGemk",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/11dd2b58-d8c3-49e0-
8c50-3fd9a61df6d0_Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill",
"description" : null

/* 1087 */
"_id" : "oLNHaGJJ4YhEHAZDw",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/efc8f0d5-e407-46b7-
9ded-8f5318e4eb33_OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38",
"description" : null

/* 1088 */
"_id" : "aPFBtCRvjjGZKj9g7",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0369d081-c6dd-47c5-
b291-3889dc44797c_PISA 2015 Results.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "PISA 2015 Results",
"description" : null

/* 1089 */
"_id" : "etpjAGwujJTGvgwYa",
"url" : "http://www.torontosun.com/2016/12/14/colorado-school-district-decides-
"image" : "http://storage.torontosun.com/v1/suns-prod-
"title" : "Colorado school district decides whether to arm teachers",
"description" : "A rural Colorado school district is deciding whether to arm
its teachers and other school staff to protect its students."

/* 1090 */
"_id" : "F62aET7hvSYBxbviG",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/83e7b50d-91ae-469a-
91ac-993f72853854_Dear Friend.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/eadbcbd7-7ed7-4972-
"title" : "Dear Friend",
"description" : null

/* 1091 */
"_id" : "7Jeewk2i4Mtz6bEHg",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnD-3q8ays",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OEB 2016 - Plenary Debate",
"description" : "Christoph Benzmller - Freie Universitt Berlin - Germany
Donald Clark - Plan B Learning - UK Andrew Keen - Author and salonFutureCast - USA
Nell Watson - Poikos - Belgium As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB's expert speakers consider just how far AI can go."

/* 1092 */
"_id" : "eH9aybNhBZv3TDWEA",
"url" : "http://distractify.com/trending/2016/12/13/horrors-of-war",
"image" : "http://wp-prod-02.distractify.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/aleppo-
"title" : "People Are Sending Their Final Goodbyes From Inside Aleppo",
"description" : "As the battle for Aleppo comes to a close, with Syrian regime
forces closing in on the last remaining pockets of resistance. The Assad regime has
been found killing every man, woman, and child in sight in what the United Nations
is calling a 'complete meltdown of humanity.'"

/* 1093 */
"_id" : "FDcgu5f3wnk4hm8gS",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9vbCcI-JN4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Future of Learning Intro",
"description" : "Original video \"The Future of Learning, Networked Society by
Ericsson can be found at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quYDkuD4dMU"

/* 1094 */
"_id" : "wiwoBXkicup8eNmBx",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4c9dff42-bd76-4289-
805c-0a823b1929c2_6th AMA with Jules Csillag.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e3d32ff3-ddc6-4187-
"title" : "6th AMA with Jules Csillag",
"description" : null

/* 1095 */
"_id" : "pgrd4E8mNmr77td5w",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l4nVByCL44",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Blowin in The Wind - Bob Dylan",
"description" : "Blowin in The Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk
down, Before you can call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail, Before
she sleeps in the sand? Yes, and how many times must cannonballs fly, Before
they're forever banned?"

/* 1096 */
"_id" : "29TXu9xDi4TkGbe3W",
"url" : "http://www.wikihow.com/Start-Your-Own-Country",
"image" : "http://www.wikihow.com/images/c/cb/Start-Your-Own-Country-Step-
"title" : "How to Start Your Own Country",
"description" : "Tired of the crazy politics and government interference or
social permissiveness? Has your tax burden become more than you can bear? If you've
ever thought that if people just did it your way, things would be much better...we
have good..."

/* 1097 */
"_id" : "j494bAeFqXfCtMpBG",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bb8dd51f-0599-43eb-
80e3-8ba8517196ae_Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ceda6f5a-98e9-423e-
"title" : "Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?",
"description" : null

/* 1098 */
"_id" : "KtzEivjxxmt5tKBay",
"url" : "http://forward.com/culture/356537/why-times-trump-cover-is-a-
"image" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.forward.com/images/cropped/trump-
"title" : "Why Time's Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art",
"description" : "Time Magazine's annual \"Person of the Year\" announcement is,
year after year, grossly misunderstood. Time Magazine is clear on its sole
criterion - \"the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on
the events of the year\" - yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find
countless people who seem to think that the \"Person of the Year\" selection is
tantamount to an endorsement."

/* 1099 */
"_id" : "6LmyAnJEHofDCixuz",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDrzKBF6gDU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "LOUIS ARMSTRONG what wonderful world",
"description" : "I see trees of green red roses too Veo rboles verdes y rosas
rojas tambin I see them bloom, for me and you las veo florecer, para ti y para mi
and I think to myself, What a wonderful world."
/* 1100 */
"_id" : "kZwijZYBafsZogBxi",
"url" : "https://www.opendemocracy.net/geoffrey-macdonald-luke-waggoner/from-
"image" :
"title" : "From countering to preventing violent extremism",
"description" : "Fighting extremism isn't just about military and intelligence
solutions. What strategies should governments and civil society groups pursue?
Countering violent extremism (CVE)-which aims to hinder the recruitment efforts of
violent extremists as well as address the conditions that facilitate
radicalization-has become an umbrella term encompassing disparate non-coercive
responses to terrorism and other forms of ideological violence."

/* 1101 */
"_id" : "zSpXCbika5tykinW4",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5d0d0fb0-094c-43ef-
bb47-398817927460_5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5df20c34-9743-40d7-
"title" : "5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz",
"description" : null

/* 1102 */
"_id" : "yiYuGcoc7LNmQ3Nsm",
"url" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2016/12/07/video-games-are-
"image" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/wp-
"title" : "Video games are more addictive than ever. This is what happens when
kids can't turn them off.",
"description" : "Video games are nothing new, and neither are reports of game
addiction. But today's most popular games are wholly immersive: Vast digital
landscapes unfold in eye-popping detail, nuanced characters evolve from one level
to the next.These games are deliberately designed, with the help of psychology
consultants, to make players want to keep playing, and they are available on every
platform - gaming consoles, computers, smartphones."

/* 1103 */
"_id" : "a46KBaLK7de9gRPAp",
"url" : "http://martinprosperity.org/content/the-global-creativity-index-
"image" : "http://martinprosperity.org/wp-
"title" : "The Global Creativity Index 2015 | Martin Prosperity Institute",
"description" : "This report presents the 2015 edition of the Global Creativity
Index, or GCI. The GCI is a broad-based measure for advanced economic growth and
sustainable prosperity based on the 3Ts of economic development-talent,
technology, and tolerance. It rates and ranks 139 nations worldwide on each of
these dimensions and on our overall measure of creativity [...]"

/* 1104 */
"_id" : "57aEiLEJuP8uowBet",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAqz3Hf00g",
"image" : "",
"title" : "We're About To Cause A Mass Extinction",
"description" : "This is what extinction looks like - and here's how you can
still help. Video by: Eli Ralston You can help the conservation of endangered
species, by supporting our friends at: International Animal Rescue
(http://thedo.do/iar), the Ol Pejeta Conservancy (http://thedo.do/sudan) and
Wildcare Australia Inc: http://thedo.do/wildcare Love animals?"

/* 1105 */
"_id" : "6XaRi2HojegF5RegD",
"url" : "https://www.cnet.com/news/polish-christmas-ad-old-man-rubber-duck-
"image" :
"title" : "The Polish Christmas ad that's making YouTube weep buckets",
"description" : "Commentary: From a little-known auction site comes a tale of a
grandpa and his attempts to learn English."

/* 1106 */
"_id" : "AC4Ty4w5HjznwAStb",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f0ed39dc-88f0-4379-
80ae-00deafe56985_4th AMA with James Jackson.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aef8ec71-0f00-4a8d-
"title" : "4th AMA with James Jackson",
"description" : null

/* 1107 */
"_id" : "MZFH3tXo5yB5XA6MT",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/196cf468-b3be-45ff-
a524-45780029e9d1_3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/970d5b59-8bff-4882-
"title" : "3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan",
"description" : null

/* 1108 */
"_id" : "z5x3ag3iFkbaxvAbR",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sandy-hook-parents-release-eye-opening-
"image" : "http://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/12/05/b3de81e8-0fad-
"title" : "Sandy Hook parents release eye-opening PSA on gun violence",
"description" : "A video depicting a red-haired boy in search of a mystery girl
at his high school has captivated the internet, but not for the reason you might
think. The beginning of the ad focuses on a teenager named Evan, who's anxious for
summer break."

/* 1109 */
"_id" : "Adgnw8s3JK56LQvsi",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Introducing Amazon Go and the world's most advanced shopping
"description" : "Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world's most
advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout - just grab and go! Learn more
at http://amazon.com/go"

/* 1110 */
"_id" : "7CqSxos959mybzays",
"url" : "https://www.thenation.com/article/did-medieval-muslims-invent-modern-
"image" : "http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Omar-
"title" : "Did Medieval Muslims Invent Modern Secularism?",
"description" : "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in Edward FitzGerald's
innovative and witty 1859 translation, went viral in the West for the first two-
thirds of the twentieth century. It created an alternative to Orientalist images of
the Middle East as roiled by religious fanaticism, puritanism, and obscurantism."

/* 1111 */
"_id" : "CcTaoodFnXNzg4SMc",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4GLAKEjU4w",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Cooke - What A Wonderful World (Official Lyric Video)",
"description" : "Lyric Video for \"What A Wonderful World\" performed by Sam
Cooke. Directed by: Hector Santizo Producers: Julian Klein, Robin Klein, Mick
Gochanour, Hector Santizo (C) 2015 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc."

/* 1112 */
"_id" : "XJNqYzu8zTiRTfhTS",
"url" : "http://www.businessinsider.in/Stephen-Hawking-Automation-and-AI-is-
"image" : "http://static-
"title" : "Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class
"description" : "Artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to
decimate middle class jobs, worsening inequality and risking significant political
upheaval, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a column in The Guardian, the award-
winning physicist wrote that \"the automation of factories has already decimated
jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the
most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 1113 */
"_id" : "Fo8HNGZtMMqRvupR4",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-gz4FtI83U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Raindropss \"EDUCATE A CHILD\" - Theme Song",
"description" : "\"Raindropss\" concentrates on delivering social awareness
messages to the public in the form of Short movies and theme songs through
entertainment & media."

/* 1114 */
"_id" : "gM8mbRYMGsBx3FRiL",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/nov/23/its-not-all-anal-
"image" :
"title" : "'It's not all anal sex': the German schools exploring love, equality
and LGBT issues",
"description" : "Last month in Wiesbaden, the picturesque German city famous
for champagne and hot springs, around 2,000 parents protested over changes to the
school curriculum. The cause of the furore? That children would be bombarded with
lessons about anal sex, dildos and dark rooms. Despite their fears, anal sex is not
being snuck into lessons."

/* 1115 */
"_id" : "XbPrgXn5ZkimPvGhz",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)",
"description" : "HIT SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CLASSIC VIDEOS Pink Floyd - Another
Brick In The Wall Lifted from \"Pink Floyd The Wall\" film, this video is actually
comprised of two songs: \"The Happiest Days Of Our Lives\" and \"Another Brick In
The Wall Pt. 2\" This video became the official video of \"Another Brick In The
Wall Pt."

/* 1116 */
"_id" : "NYt39YPsmroJrWPxQ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6949df01-787e-49e8-
a188-81fa60e16229_2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya.jpeg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49fe6d8b-b9cb-4ae6-
"title" : "2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya",
"description" : null

/* 1117 */
"_id" : "uzuoEMaa4Q6Gs653B",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth",
"description" : "In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his
three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial
photographs in his series \"The Earth From Above,\" personal interviews from around
the globe featured in his web project \"6 billion Others,\" and his soon-to-be-
released movie, \"Home,\" which documents human impact on the environment through
breathtaking video."

/* 1118 */
"_id" : "np73P2pWNpwpLi3jm",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eeyx9S1hOV4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Aerosmith Dream On Lyrics HQ Sound",
"description" : "Aerosmith - Dream On (lyrics) : Very time when I look in the
mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like
dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know
nobody knows Where"

/* 1119 */
"_id" : "aJM6nFGztkJPkQGSR",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2015/04/08/heres-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Here's how we can reinvent the classroom for the digital age",
"description" : "When I was in elementary school, about 50 years ago, teachers
used to stand in front of a class of 40 or 50 children and write on a blackboard
with chalk. To make sure the material was absorbed, the teacher asked occasional
questions and assigned lots of homework."

/* 1120 */
"_id" : "dKEJNBDqcE3sjFXaW",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/homeschooling-in-india-alternative-
"image" : "http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories/home-school-
"title" : "Class of their own",
"description" : "Almost a century ago, Rabindranath Tagore wrote Tota Kahani,
the story of a free-spirited parrot who would do nothing but hop, skip, fly and
sing all day. A king ordered that the bird be civilised, and so it was put in a
golden cage."

/* 1121 */
"_id" : "oE3up57PRa4n7tEvD",
"url" : "http://warontherocks.com/2016/11/thinking-historically-a-guide-for-
"image" : "http://warontherocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Umbrella-
"title" : "Thinking Historically: A Guide for Strategy and Statecraft",
"description" : "Editor's Note: This is adapted from the 12th Annual Alvin H
Bernstein Lecture at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies of the Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, delivered by the author on November

/* 1122 */
"_id" : "BKQApktBeBiCmfCpA",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGMKvoEv1A",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper With Lyrics",
"description" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper : LYRICS : I come from far away My
boots don't know this ground But they know it's real It doesn't take too long For
this road to become A battle field And before I let one more fire go out Understand
that I won't"

/* 1123 */
"_id" : "7doEW2H3AbyYTmtdk",
"url" : "http://milunesco.unaoc.org/mil-articles/connecting-the-dots-media-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Connecting the dots: Media & Information Literacy, Preventing
Violent Extremism, and the Global Goals",
"description" : "Most of the efforts to prevent young people's attraction
towards violent extremism fall on ears that are mainly already immune to the lure
of violence connected to some form of religious extremism. Many research and
studies indicate that social exclusion (real or perceived) is in fact the main
engine that pushes young people towards violent forms of political and religious

/* 1124 */
"_id" : "WZwSyKABXbRmPNmum",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8DBwchocvs&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "What are you going to make?",
"description" : "This International Women's Day, we're celebrating women
inventors, how they've changed the world, and are inspiring the next generation.
Learn more about them and tell us what you're going to make www.MakeWhatsNext.com"

/* 1125 */
"_id" : "8x6vjNYyyYEfBwQva",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Imagine",
"description" : "Video clip"

/* 1126 */
"_id" : "33nR9JwfhSxRPup3v",
"url" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/2016-winners/",
"image" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/wp-content/uploads/pluralplus.png",
"title" : "2016 Winners Archives | PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival",
"description" : "\"Ardiana\" portrays the life of Ardiana and her family after
migrating from Kosovo to Slovenia. From the lenses of her family, the video
describes why they migrated and the difficulties faced."

/* 1127 */
"_id" : "SMFfhYKGb9WzEpYc7",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1128 */
"_id" : "DcFAANDX9uduL9LKx",
"url" : "https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/finland-will-become-the-
"image" : "http://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_25/259910/preview-
"title" : "Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All
School Subjects",
"description" : "Finland's education system is considered one of the best in
the world. In international ratings, it's always in the top ten. However, the
authorities there aren't ready to rest on their laurels, and they've decided to
carry through a real revolution in their school system. Finnish officials want to
remove school subjects from the curriculum."

/* 1129 */
"_id" : "xmBPz8knDGn7dC8f9",
"url" : "https://aeon.co/ideas/how-video-games-unwittingly-train-the-brain-to-
"image" : "http://alpha.aeon.co/images/e4fc00d9-f4fd-465c-a377-
"title" : "How video games unwittingly train the brain to justify killing -
Teodora Stoica | Aeon Ideas",
"description" : "Let's play a game. One of the quotes below belongs to a
trained soldier speaking of killing the enemy, while the other to a convicted felon
describing his first murder. Can you tell the difference? (1) 'I realised that I
had just done somethin..."

/* 1130 */
"_id" : "qySLgMj4y8aiy8qhu",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 1131 */
"_id" : "cG8ttEmLj8fiNexdb",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/47a4608c-4a90-4e9f-
852b-a25272c65ef9_Pope Francis's.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pope Francis's",
"description" : null

/* 1132 */
"_id" : "b6BGJStnppSi9MGvx",
"url" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/",
"image" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/images/matrix-pom.jpg",
"title" : "No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter",
"description" : "Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative
reporter for over 30 years."

/* 1133 */
"_id" : "dk8DzBs3Rb9JtCnM6",
"url" : "http://commongroundmag.com/main-page.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Main Page",
"description" : "It's November, and we find ourselves at the end of a long,
nasty, and unavoidable election process. The nation is splintered, and the suspense
is palpable. Let's pray for subsequent unity-and peace. For our 42nd anniversary
Gratitude issue, I spoke with John Perry Barlow in his hospital room, where he is

/* 1134 */
"_id" : "596NTm9GRbrrCyPct",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-
"image" :
"title" : "Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China",
"description" : "The current and former Facebook employees caution that the
software is one of many ideas the company has discussed with respect to entering
China and, like many experiments inside Facebook, it may never see the light of

/* 1135 */
"_id" : "KDMFieTDbpYJbQvru",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/alt-right-
"image" :
"title" : "We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men
| Abi Wilkinson",
"description" : "For several years now, I've had a dark and fairly unusual
hobby. When I'm alone and bored and the mood strikes me, I'll open up my laptop and
head for a particularly unsavoury corner of the internet. No, not the bit you're
thinking of. Somewhere far worse."

/* 1136 */
"_id" : "9YbJzJMQeAq5EtPXp",
"url" : "http://www.online-educa.com/programme/agenda/sessions/plenary-b",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Plenary Debate: This House Believes Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Could, Should and Will Replace Teachers | OEB",
"description" : "As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB`s expert speakers consider just how far AI can go. Could
intelligent machines really replace teachers? Should they? Would AI or a robot do a
better job?"

/* 1137 */
"_id" : "78YWpeoFKoKwyr6tt",
"url" : "https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn",
"image" :
"title" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master
tough subjects - University of California, San Diego | Coursera",
"description" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you
master tough subjects from University of California, San Diego. This course gives
you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art,
music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines."

/* 1138 */
"_id" : "8mf2jLpC35FHqJRSa",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoeeLxyNLQ",
"image" : "",
"title" : "WAR On Black Money - Is India READY For Radical Changes?: The
Newshour Debate (14th Nov)",
"description" : "BREAKING NEWS: PM Modi Gets Emotional In Goa
http://bit.ly/2fP5Ceu On THE NEWSHOUR, TIMES NOW Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami,
along with panelists - Siddharth Nath Singh, National Secretary, BJP; Sanjeev
Sanyal, World's Leading Financial Economist; Bejon Misra, Consumer Policy Expert &
Founder Consumer Online Foundation; Chengal Reddy, Farmers' Activist; Shahid
Siddiqui, President, Inter Faith Peace Foundation & Former Member of Parliament;
Saba Naqvi, Senior Journalist; Dr. Sameer Kaul, Political Analyst; and Dr. Fuad
Halim, Leader, CPI (M) - discussed - \"Is India ready for radical changes?\""

/* 1139 */
"_id" : "PFSvtdZT8tMea54z6",
"url" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/julian-assange-google-cia/",
"image" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/assange-
"title" : "Julian Assange -- 'Google is Not What it Seems' -- They 'Do Things
the CIA Cannot'",
"description" : "Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein
of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google - the
insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity's research - plays
the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas."

/* 1140 */
"_id" : "r2unhjxk4vn3LQRXB",
"url" : "http://www.popmatters.com/post/dying-is-a-learning-opportunity/",
"image" : "http://images.popmatters.com/blog_art/m/mario-dead.jpg",
"title" : "Dying Is a Learning Opportunity",
"description" : "by Kym Buchanan 10 November 2016 A game's cues and feedback
shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it
can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong. Losing XP
for dying is wrong. Game design is often a matter of style and taste."

/* 1141 */
"_id" : "KHRSWpLZBSqA58SoA",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3921334/Indias-curb-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/m_logo_636x382px.png",
"title" : "India's move to curb",
"description" : "NEW DELHI, Nov 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nobel
laureate Kailash Satyarthi has welcomed India's overnight move to withdraw 500 and
1,000 rupee notes from circulation to crack down on corruption and counterfeit
currency, saying it would also to help curb human trafficking and child slavery."

/* 1142 */
"_id" : "dzJKiLt3mLNDBXDBt",
"url" : "http://www.amazon.in/People-You-May-See/dp/1539070468",
"image" : "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e8s9yI3BL.jpg",
"title" : "The People You May See",
"description" : "Amazon.in - Buy The People You May See book online at best
prices in India on Amazon.in. Read The People You May See book reviews & author
details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders."

/* 1143 */
"_id" : "k38Wyh2HvShxaQu5C",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-live.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/07/us/politics/07POLDAILY-
"title" : "Presidential Election: Voters Decide Between Donald Trump and
Hillary Clinton",
"description" : "From watching these communities, it will become clear on
Tuesday why Mrs. Clinton's party enjoys a structural advantage in the Electoral
College. But this election may also hasten the day when more of the heartland
becomes out of reach, illustrating what Democrats lost as much as what they gained.
Madam President?"

/* 1144 */
"_id" : "B7rn8Ek4nxJ5joaqg",
"url" : "https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/negative-emotions-key-well-
"image" : "http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/3AF238AE-3D54-
"title" : "Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being",
"description" : "A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his
relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and
encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his
painful experiences, he says, \"I'm sorry for being so negative.\""

/* 1145 */
"_id" : "7Bzc7kRt8yrzBXzhM",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoGej6BqMc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "'I don't vote with my vagina': Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary
Clinton - BBC Newsnight",
"description" : "Hollywood actress and environmental activist Susan Sarandon
talks to Evan Davis about the civil resistance on the Dakota access pipeline, the
US election and why she's not supporting Hillary Clinton for US president.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with
analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews."

/* 1146 */
"_id" : "T7TPmANg5gRipaSA8",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/air-so-dirty-you-can-smell-taste-
"image" :
"title" : "Air so dirty you can smell, taste: Delhi grapples with toxic
"description" : "The concentration of PM2.5, tiny particulate pollution that
can clog lungs, averaged close to 700 micrograms per cubic meter. That's 12 times
the government norm and a whopping 70 times the World Health Organisation

/* 1147 */
"_id" : "NnRy52wsa7RMAPvgq",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/03/pious-progressives-have-
"image" :
"title" : "Pious progressives have created a spiral of silence which could yet
conceal a Donald Trump victory",
"description" : "Ultimately, those behaviours collectively trigger a spiral
effect. This effect is well illustrated by the fact that the results came as a
surprise for voters themselves: the partisans of the more controversial choices did
not expect those balances of power, having had the false impression that their
choice was unpopular when interacting with other individuals."

/* 1148 */
"_id" : "TYRuoY5cKqDWpSmCz",
"url" : "http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding,
Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
"description" : "Mindful of the responsibility incumbent on States to achieve
through education the aims set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, the
Constitution of UNESCO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva
Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 12 August 1949, in order to"

/* 1149 */
"_id" : "cWW4W9iRvuwqtjmeo",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/manish-jain-shikshantar-swaraj-
"image" : "",
"title" : "My freedom to unlearn: Real freedom is not the ability to just
choose our politicians. Real freedom is when we can choose our gurus",
"description" : "Co-founder of Shikshantar: The Peoples Institute for
Rethinking Education and Development, Udaipur; Manish Jain, 47, studied at Harvard
and Brown; Champion of unlearning and freedom from degrees; cofounded Swaraj
University, dedicated to the regeneration of local culture, economy and ecology."

/* 1150 */
"_id" : "RkyarDNuBbxmLDEbj",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UGsRcxaSAI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Before the Flood Official Trailer #1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD",
"description" : "Before the Flood Trailer 1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD [Official Trailer]"

/* 1151 */
"_id" : "CrpdY8iqtWu68jafv",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/40384173",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Unreasonable@Sea 2 Minute Video!",
"description" : "(www.unreasonableatsea.com) Unreasonable at Sea is a mentor
driven accelerator for tech entrepreneurs who desire to take their ventures into
new international markets. We are selecting exclusively for technology based
companies who are working to solve the greatest social and environmental challenges
of this century. Why Unreasonable?"

/* 1152 */
"_id" : "aRnAMYLNYa2ZtECxg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/27/angela-merkel-internet-
"image" :
"title" : "Angela Merkel: internet search engines are 'distorting our
"description" : "Angela Merkel has called on major internet platforms to
divulge the secrets of their algorithms, arguing that their lack of transparency
endangers debating culture. The German chancellor said internet users had a right
to know how and on what basis the information they received via search engines was
channelled to them."

/* 1153 */
"_id" : "yWhQREcqjYzQrDLYo",
"url" : "http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003290607",
"image" : "https://the-japan-news-archives.s3-ap-northeast-
"title" : "PCs empower kids with learning disabilities",
"description" : "By Toshiko Kuba / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff WriterYoung students
who have difficulty learning to read and write using printed materials are
discovering that personal computers and tablets are a significant help. Schools
have begun introducing these devices, but tests in many cases are still
administered on paper, preventing students with learning disabilities from having
their academic ability evaluated accurately."

/* 1154 */
"_id" : "zHZSLZLkTehWGEPri",
"url" : "https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/the-slow-science-
"image" :
"title" : "The \"Slow Science\" Movement Must Be Crushed!",
"description" : "Does science sometimes move too fast for own good? Or anyone's
good? Do scientists, in their eagerness for fame, fortune, promotions and tenure,
rush results into print? Tout them too aggressively? Do they make mistakes?
Exaggerate? Cut corners? Even commit outright fraud? Do journals publish articles
that should have been buried?"

/* 1155 */
"_id" : "9iySTGnE2BP77fpaR",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/science-great-giver-bill-gates",
"image" :
"title" : "Science is the Great Giver",
"description" : "I'm traveling to the United Kingdom and France this week to
talk about how political leadership can accelerate innovation. The first promise of
any good politician is to make people's lives better, and scientific research
leading to innovation is one of the best ways to honor that promise."

/* 1156 */
"_id" : "Sgnae7BQqGekBScAc",
"url" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/09/26/how-mindfulness-and-
"image" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/wp-
"title" : "How Mindfulness and Storytelling Help Kids Heal and Learn",
"description" : "By Juli Fraga When mindfulness teacher Laurie Grossman
instructed a class at Reach Academy to let their eyes rest and close so they could
focus on their breathing, one student's eyes remained wide open. Instead of
following Grossman's cues, the student refused to close her eyes and stared at her

/* 1157 */
"_id" : "Y22DwKmhzTM8CC4Zg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/11/job-advertisement-uk-
"image" :
"title" : "Marketing firm posts 'only dyslexics need apply' job advert",
"description" : "A marketing firm has released a job advertisement that
stipulates applicants must be dyslexic as it wants employees who think differently.
The ad - which features a photograph of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was
dyslexic - says: \"We require people with a unique mind, so only dyslexics (like
Steve) should apply.\""

/* 1158 */
"_id" : "hWNTRfzYL6PyZ5boo",
"url" : "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why the increase in Japanese Nobel laureates since 2000? | United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization",
"description" : "'Every year, Japanese people excitedly await the announcement
from Sweden of the year's Nobel laureates,' comment the authors of the chapter on
Japan in the UNESCO Science Report, released in November 2015. 'If Japanese
scientists are named, there is great celebration in the media and the general

/* 1159 */
"_id" : "gfurCBM5kQXqAkMRz",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Six-out-of-10-Indian-men-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives: UN study -
Times of India",
"description" : "NEW DELHI: Six out of 10 Indian men admit to having
perpetrated violence against their wives or partners, with men who experienced
discrimination as children or faced financial stresses more likely to be abusive,
said a study released on Monday."

/* 1160 */
"_id" : "cdLCYurYgDKbzbXpL",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Fibonacci in Lateralus",
"description" : "The Fibonacci sequence in Tool's Lateralus. *3-31-10* Youtube
just informed me that EMI owns this music and it's copyrighted, so if they decide
to remove the audio, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just for a school
project anyway. No big deal."

/* 1161 */
"_id" : "TdcfeS65dHZaGjSvL",
"url" : "https://www.fordfoundation.org/ideas/equals-change-blog/posts/weapons-
"image" : "https://fordfoundcontent.blob.core.windows.net/media/3116/cathy-o-
"title" : "\"Weapons of Math Destruction\": Data scientist Cathy O'Neil on how
unfair algorithms perpetuate inequality",
"description" : "Mathematical models-algorithms-increasingly fuel the decisions
and judgments that affect our lives: whether or not we get approved for a home
loan, how our job performance is evaluated, where we go to school, and how our
communities are policed. We like to think that math is neutral and these models
unbiased-certainly fairer than humans, with their opinions and prejudices."

/* 1162 */
"_id" : "pX7kfKENbambD2nEf",
"url" : "http://www.learningrx.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-dyslexia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia",
"description" : "As many as 15 - 20 percent of the population exhibit symptoms
of dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association, \"Dyslexia\"
simply means \"Poor with words or trouble with reading.\" This can refer to trouble
reading fluently, reading out loud, reading new words, and/or pronouncing words

/* 1163 */
"_id" : "HSnpdaETyNRHmyqR4",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/11/scrap-sex-education-and-
"image" :
"title" : "Scrap sex education and make school children watch pornography,
suggests Dame Jenni Murray",
"description" : "Teenagers, meanwhile, should be given pornography to watch in
the same way they analyse literature or how a news bulletin is put together. \"Why
not show them pornography and teach them how to analyse it?\" she asked."

/* 1164 */
"_id" : "BwkvAdXezAycjToAu",
"url" : "http://www.france24.com/en/20121204-2012-12-04-0717-wb-en-focus",
"image" : "http://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/home_1024/edition/FM
"title" : "Teachers rebel against 'curriculum of hate' - France 24",
"description" : "Latest update : 2012-12-06 Pakistani children are being fed a
diet of hatred, with government-approved textbooks inciting hatred and intolerance
of other cultures. Some teachers have now started deviating from the state
curriculum, which describes Hindus as gangsters and refers to Christians as
deranged crusaders."

/* 1165 */
"_id" : "Dgpehb2YG8iq5sWnw",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/how-mindfulness-meditation-permanently-
"image" :
"title" : "How Mindfulness Meditation Permanently Changes Your Brain",
"description" : "While many studies have focused on how mindfulness meditation
affects newcomers to the practice, a new study out of the University of Pittsburgh
examined the brains of long-time meditators specifically when they were not
meditating. \"MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness
practice, the brain's 'fight or flight' center, the amygdala, appears to shrink."

/* 1166 */
"_id" : "j7cMEEyBzirQTDXZn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/99991b47-9b6a-4201-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/727bc85a-bcff-43ca-
"title" : "Disrupting Extremism Profile Vignette",
"description" : null

/* 1167 */
"_id" : "n4bLQrAASKew4owWK",
"url" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/dundee/299043/dyslexia-
"image" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/wp-
"title" : "Dyslexia-friendly educational comics created by former Dundee
student used in schools - The Courier",
"description" : "A former Dundee student has created a series of comics to help
pupils with dyslexia and autism. Rossie Stone used crowdfunding to get his project
off the ground, and it is now being rolled out in schools across the country.
Rossie, who studied animation in the city, wants to use his comic book creations to
help ..."

/* 1168 */
"_id" : "mWKNRBw8cD47jkrZz",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/55cb63b3-3bbc-412d-
a6d6-680284ee1f85_Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16",
"description" : null

/* 1169 */
"_id" : "NYiTjCd4XFqjN4G85",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-
"image" :
"title" : "Open dialogue in schools is the first step in fighting violent
"description" : "In the last year the world has seen attacks by violent
extremists in Gaziantep, Turkey, Brussels, Orlando, Nice and far too many others.
No longer are these isolated incidents; they are global threats to lives and to
freedom of speech, movement and choice. Fighting fire with fire is clearly not a
viable solution."

/* 1170 */
"_id" : "96oC2ceg3mKC2MjEH",
"url" : "http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-binladen-climatechange-
"image" : "http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?
"title" : "Bin Laden called for Americans to rise up over climate change",
"description" : "WASHINGTON Osama bin Laden wrote a letter calling on the
American people to help President Barack Obama fight \"catastrophic\" climate
change and \"save humanity\", in the latest evidence of his worries about
environmental issues, newly released documents show The letter was among materials
that were seized in the May 2, 2011, U.S."

/* 1171 */
"_id" : "SioaHFMZA2WBKNKPL",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 1172 */
"_id" : "y2LrHp34QDtyDBK7P",
"url" : "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2rt8fhqyv9pisp/Diff%20Learn%20Concept
"image" : "",
"title" : "Diff Learn Concept Paper.2",
"description" : null

/* 1173 */
"_id" : "9LQr22c7nRbLZaciY",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/sep/30/elon-musk-spacex-mars-
"image" :
"title" : "Prepared to die: meet the people willing to risk their lives to
visit Mars",
"description" : "Why are people willing to risk their lives for a chance to
visit Mars? After SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced on Tuesday that he hoped to
send manned missions to Mars by 2022 but admitted there was a \"high\" chance of
death for participants, we asked readers why they'd risk it all."

/* 1174 */
"_id" : "YfYiTQ4JbBv8EwDMS",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdNAUJWJN08",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education",
"description" : "Noam Chomsky discusses the purpose of education, impact of
technology, whether education should be perceived as a cost or an investment and
the value of standardised assessment."

/* 1175 */
"_id" : "dtgqRd7xSm4iTTyXv",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/09/26/being-expelled-for-poor-
"image" : "https://o.aolcdn.com/dims-
"title" : "Two Class XII Students Stab Teacher In Delhi's Nangloi After Being
Expelled For Poor Attendance",
"description" : "NEW DELHI -- Two class XII students of a government school in
West Delhi's Nangloi area allegedly stabbed their teacher in front of their
classmates yesterday after one of them was rusticated for low attendance. Teachers
protesting at Nangloi's govt school where a teacher was stabbed to death by 2 class
12th students."

/* 1176 */
"_id" : "WSt7uvGc4uQJYGbrY",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sal-khan-duck-duck-moose-apps-preschool-
"image" : "http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/08/30/97ab75c9-85f7-
"title" : "Khan Academy expands its digital education to preschoolers",
"description" : "Online education pioneer Sal Khan is expanding his learning
empire to reach its youngest students yet. Khan Academy has delivered more than 800
million free lessons on subjects ranging from basic math to computer science and
beyond, for everyone from kindergarteners to college students to adults wanting to
expand their knowledge."

/* 1177 */
"_id" : "LEac7FEGysPzfMo8v",
"url" : "http://hackeducation.com/2016/09/22/pigeon",
"image" : "http://hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "ReConFigures: The Pigeons of Ed-tech",
"description" : "This talk was presented today at the Designs on eLearning
conference. The full slide deck is available here."

/* 1178 */
"_id" : "BFRYQ3WBYbEuteeu3",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1179 */
"_id" : "oxRcvqmiJLKDox45u",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Seminar-on-
"image" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-54473821,width-
"title" : "Seminar on learning disabilities, inclusive education - Times of
"description" : "The schemes, Pragati and Saksham, will be implemented by the
All India Council for Technical Education. CHNADIGARH: A seminar on learning
disability and inclusive education was organized for government school teachers of
Chandigarh administration and St. John's High School with an aim to promote
inclusive education."

/* 1180 */
"_id" : "RNCJXHi39jXT3BzTq",
"url" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/03/bioblitz-recognized-
"image" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/files/2016/09/Photo-2.jpg",
"title" : "BioBlitz Recognized as Integral to Cutting Edge Action-Oriented
Inquiry-Based Social Studies Teaching and Learning",
"description" : "The winning BioBlitz was designed specifically for the
students of Kailua High School, which is located on the Windward side of the
Hawaiian Island of Oahu. It was structured using the following learning steps:
First, the students were introduced to the compelling question, \"Can humans
reverse the negative effects they have had on the environment?\""

/* 1181 */
"_id" : "TpGakSfHSPam2yQ6v",
"url" : "http://learnmore.economist.com/story/57c964d86f729017617b2098",
"image" : "http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/turtl-
"title" : "The Future of Work",
"description" : "THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion
at Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligen... As Silicon Valley fights for talent, universities struggle to hold on
to their stars THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion at
Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligence (AI)."

/* 1182 */
"_id" : "xdBeL5JeEF5dt9wB5",
"url" : "http://www.livemint.com/Sundayapp/r8ESEnsr0UOnU0KiXDJT6M/Micro-
"image" : "http://www.livemint.com/rf/Image-
"title" : "Micro schools: Going beyond textbooks",
"description" : "Last month, Mumbai-based homeschooler Malvika Joshi made
headlines for getting a scholarship for the prestigious BSc programme at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) without having appeared in either the
10th or 12th board exams. It is interesting to read what Joshi's mother, Surpiya
Raj, has to say on the matter: \"Malvika was doing well in school, but somehow I
felt that my children need to be happy.\""
/* 1183 */
"_id" : "meD6YyFSttFgHw9eg",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1184 */
"_id" : "MCsgfP2JNajQrHixQ",
"url" : "http://time.com/4484681/new-atheism-jihad-apocalypse/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/isis-islamic-state-
"title" : "How to Fight Extremism with Atheism",
"description" : "The world isn't ending, but we face a tremendous problem from
people who believe it is. The beliefs of many radicals have become increasingly
apocalyptic over the past decade. They're convinced the end of the world is
imminent and that they have a special role in bringing it about."

/* 1185 */
"_id" : "eyZKk5DrLNfQKnYkD",
"url" : "http://unoy.org/2250-toolkit/",
"image" : "http://unoy.org/wp-content/uploads/YPS-logo.jpg",
"title" : "2250: A youth toolkit",
"description" : "Use the toolkit, share it, copy it! Just mention that it came
from UNOY Peacebuilders.Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. In December 2015 the United
Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250, the first ever thematic
resolution on Youth, Peace and Security. This historic document is very"

/* 1186 */
"_id" : "NAk5YuK5RfzvrnGH7",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0m_uuFB0h8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Economics of Happiness",
"description" : "Does earning a higher salary really make a person happier? Not
permanently, according to GSE Affiliated Professor and ICREA-IEA Researcher Ada
Ferrer-i-Carbonell. Her research in happiness economics has shed new light on what
determines a person's happiness, particularly the effects of income changes and
other life events on subjective satisfaction."

/* 1187 */
"_id" : "n3qfFyJmM8ByXkd96",
"url" : "https://en.unesco.org/news/lynn-davies-can-education-prevent-violent-
"image" :
"title" : "Lynn Davies: Can education prevent violent extremism?",
"description" : "Hard power is not enough to counter violent extremism based on
hatred and ignorance. How can education help? What should we do to build resilience
to propaganda among youth around the globe? How should schools address the issue?
Should teachers have a surveillance role?"

/* 1188 */
"_id" : "RtwnbpRN5AfuAqgL2",
"url" : "http://www.storypick.com/iraqi-sex-slave/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Iraqi Woman Who Was Captured By ISIS And Sold As A Sex Slave, Is Now
An UN Goodwill Ambassador.",
"description" : "The atrocities committed by ISIS are infamous across the
globe. The terrorist faction has raped, murdered and enslaved countless men, women
and children. A survivor of this terror, Nadia Murad, recently testified before the
UN regarding the horror she faced and brought the much needed attention of the
global organisation to this issue."

/* 1189 */
"_id" : "pP7bExFjyhNc6iHqu",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/world/europe/muslim-teenager-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/09/15/world/15Emoji-web/15Emoji-
"title" : "Muslim Teenager Proposes Emoji of Woman Wearing a Head Scarf",
"description" : "BERLIN - The choice of princess, bride or dancer did not
really allow Rayouf Alhumedhi to express herself in a chat room she was creating.
As a Muslim teenager in Germany who wears a head scarf, she was disappointed by the
standard emoji options on her smartphone keyboard."

/* 1190 */
"_id" : "ZLHKa7x4oxk5rSyoF",
"url" : "http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/09/heres-how-obamas-female-staffers-made-
"image" : "http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/fashion/daily/2016/09/13/13-obama-
"title" : "Obama's Female Staffers Made Sure Their Voices Were Heard With a
Genius Strategy",
"description" : "When President Obama first took office, the White House wasn't
exactly the friendliest place for female staffers. Most of Obama's senior staffers
- such as former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and former economic adviser Lawrence
Summers - were men who'd worked on his campaign and subsequently filled his

/* 1191 */
"_id" : "G9cspcuiTXHYAz8FF",
"url" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/damsels-of-the-sky-meet-the-demoiselle-
"image" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/demoiselle-
"title" : "Damsels of the Sky: Meet the Demoiselle Cranes",
"description" : "Demoiselle cranes were christened by the infamous queen Marie
Antoinette after the French word for damsel. They might look delicate, but the
birds are by no means fragile, and are known to make one of the harshest migrations
in the world. Every September, demoiselles make the arduous journey from Ch"

/* 1192 */
"_id" : "sBBYRGfJdTwS7Ho3x",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/182406879",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Dyslexia, As I See It",
"description" : "Dyslexia, As I See It, is a short film created in an effort to
educate viewers on the effects of dyslexia, taking a humanistic approach by talking
to those who have been diagnosed about their experiences, both growing up and with
daily living. Contact: callanmarchetti@gmail.com 2016 Callan Marchetti"

/* 1193 */
"_id" : "HgyGZiAptWYM76d3c",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/fashion/the-demise-of-the-pen.html",
"image" :
"title" : "The Demise of the Pen",
"description" : "The pen is dead. It was murdered by the finger. I first
realized this last week when my girlfriend asked to borrow a pen to sign the back
of one of those paper check things. \"Sure,\" I replied, picking up my laptop bag
to rummage inside."

/* 1194 */
"_id" : "X5kMTmYMq38ghSqrE",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/dec/09/nobel-winner-boycott-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals",
"description" : "Leading academic journals are distorting the scientific
process and represent a \"tyranny\" that must be broken, according to a Nobel prize
winner who has declared a boycott on the publications."

/* 1195 */
"_id" : "hbiZ5j2reBtqMZjta",
"url" : "https://www.wired.com/2016/09/googles-clever-plan-stop-aspiring-isis-
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/maxresdefault.jpg",
"title" : "Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring ISIS Recruits",
"description" : "Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of
divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field. In
the process, it's stumbled on a powerful tool for getting inside the minds of some
of the least understood and most dangerous people on the Internet: potential ISIS

/* 1196 */
"_id" : "6bAqD4zwWT5xqvhcD",
"url" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/momondo-the-dna-journey-how-it-was-
"image" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/wp-
"title" : "momondo - The DNA Journey: how it was made - momondo",
"description" : "As of writing, our video campaign has been viewed more than 28
million times on our Facebook page, viewed more than five million times on our
YouTube channel, shared more than 600,000 times globally and commented on by
thousands of people from all over the world."

/* 1197 */
"_id" : "HHhZZ2SM66HvYfNE8",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/28/search-engines-
"image" :
"title" : "Search engines' role in radicalisation must be challenged, finds
"description" : "More than 484,000 Google keyword searches a month from around
the world, including at least 54,000 searches in the UK, return results dominated
by Islamist extremist material, a report into the online presence of jihadism has

/* 1198 */
"_id" : "aapcsLipimCay8RXm",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/09/india-street-kids-
"image" :
"title" : "India: Street kids publish newspaper to raise awareness",
"description" : "Delhi, India - Sexual abuse, torture, drug addiction,
harassment at the hands of thugs and policemen sums up life of street children in
India. Delhi's Balaknama newspaper - the Voice of Children, which is run by the
street children has been working to highlight the plight of fellow youngsters."

/* 1199 */
"_id" : "9ezf7A88fzW33QRof",
"url" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/",
"image" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/sites/gem-
"title" : "Global Education Monitoring Report",
"description" : "Attend a launch event for the new Global Education Monitoring

/* 1200 */
"_id" : "WKtPrgTLr8d5EEiv5",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1892d4d9-bc87-4ab7-
85be-b9701e410e38_Modern day activism.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1b3c28c1-893c-4f09-
"title" : "Modern day activism",
"description" : null

/* 1201 */
"_id" : "rzteTirHAotE6fhGc",
"url" : "http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-will-be-late-by-50-years-in-
"image" : "http://i.ndtvimg.com/mt/2015-01/Youth_college_generic_650.jpg",
"title" : "India Could Be Late By 50 Years In Achieving Education Goals:
"description" : "New Delhi: Going by the current trend, India will be half a
century late in achieving its global education commitments and the country needs
fundamental changes in the education system if it wants to meet the 2030
sustainable development goals, a UNESCO report has said."

/* 1202 */
"_id" : "bPTvjmzD9iRyuZ7g9",
"url" : "http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/02/did-chinese-civilization-come-
"image" : "http://foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/unknown-1.jpeg",
"title" : "Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?",
"description" : "On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun
Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at
the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the
landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn't just talk
about geochemistry."

/* 1203 */
"_id" : "va9Tsj3LcPsBLb3Pm",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7bcded16-1894-44b6-
81b1-46f4b3cb644c_1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a8f9c662-4c5e-49ae-
"title" : "1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh",
"description" : null

/* 1204 */
"_id" : "36ymwjdfP7qjsxGMv",
"url" : "https://esist.tech/2016/08/18/cognitive-offloading-how-the-internet-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/esistme.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/1311.jpg?
"title" : "Cognitive offloading: How the Internet is increasingly taking over
human memory - ESIST",
"description" : "Is our increasing use of the internet harming our memory?
Credit: Sergii Mostovyi / Fotolia Our increasing reliance on the Internet and the
ease of access to the vast resource available online is affecting our thought
processes for problem solving, recall and learning. In a new article published in
the journal Memory, researchers..."

/* 1205 */
"_id" : "KFDfZgceAcYehPhsT",
"url" : "https://medium.com/@mohamedmelgadhafi/the-united-nations-is-neither-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The United Nations is Neither Good Nor Evil .. The UN is Just Dumb",
"description" : "What I usually hear from different people in different
countries when I meet with them and tell them I'm working for the UN is either \"OH
that's awesome you're doing so much good for the world you're my hero\" or \"Ha!
The most corrupted and evil entity on planet earth!"

/* 1206 */
"_id" : "adyCQL9bEX8WRwhC6",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=54812",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/News/dh/photos/large/2014/December/boy.jpg",
"title" : "UN News - Inclusive education vital for all, including persons with
disabilities - UN rights experts",
"description" : "Inclusive education is central to achieving high quality
education for all learners, including those with disabilities, and for the
development of inclusive, peaceful and fair societies, UN human rights experts have
said in authoritative new guidelines on the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities."

/* 1207 */
"_id" : "BM7jvFc3QRkYRk39J",
"url" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/unesco-mgiep-launches-yespeace-india/",
"image" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yp-launch-
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India | MGIEP",
"description" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India 15th February, New Delhi
- UNESCO MGIEP took the next big stride after Malaysia, and towards youth
empowerment, with the launch of YESPeace-the Youth for Education, Sustainability
and Peace-India Country Programme."

/* 1208 */
"_id" : "aYTMBZfiwgqqewvLr",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3694732/No-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/17/22/365E3E0300000578-0-
"title" : "Centre frets over where to keep national treasures worth $100m",
"description" : "India is welcoming back a bevy of priceless artefacts, but the
central government is in a quandary over where to put these long-lost national
treasures amid massive security concerns. A series of ministerial meetings has
failed to find an answer, with scores of antiques - either stolen or illegally
exported from the country - due to be returned."

/* 1209 */
"_id" : "EZiyKKG5acYyQrfF3",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/aishwarya-subramanyam/i-get-so-annoyed-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/4474804/thumbs/o-ARUNDHATI-ROY-570.jpg?7",
"title" : "I Get So Annoyed When 'Cool' Young Women Say They Are Not Feminists:
Arundhati Roy",
"description" : "I have often wondered whether we should never meet the writers
whose books we love. Never watch them give lectures, never listen to them read,
never talk to them except to spell our names for an autograph in a controlled
environment where conversation may not serendipitously ensue."

/* 1210 */
"_id" : "oisckKxSGvMzPGvs3",
"url" : "http://qz.com/252456/what-it-feels-like-to-be-the-last-generation-to-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/michael-harris.jpg?
"title" : "What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before
the internet",
"description" : "Technology has a lot to answer for: killing old businesses,
destroying the middle class, Buzzfeed. Technology in the form of the internet is
especially villainous, having been accused of everything from making us dumber
(paywall) to aiding dictatorships. But Michael Harris, riffing on the observations
of Melvin Kranzberg, argues that \"technology is neither good nor evil."

/* 1211 */
"_id" : "bL7NMfMsfpFMnfACN",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7762ba13-f7c4-4c60-
9af0-556085d8fbbc_5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria..jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/c700809e-0c6f-424a-
"title" : "5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria.",
"description" : null

/* 1212 */
"_id" : "bTSBiKNrHBAsGaKRf",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1213 */
"_id" : "w4qamHyvCYtJzPkFu",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/08/texas-guns-campus-
"image" :
"title" : "Texas colleges open with guns allowed in classrooms",
"description" : "Denton, Texas - As history professor Todd Moye returned to
campus after the summer break, he felt a certain unease. Under a new campus carry
law in Texas, concealed handguns are now allowed to be carried in university
buildings, including classrooms and dorms. Moye, whose curriculum at the University
of North Texas (UNT) centres on race relations in US history, told Al Jazeera that
he worries especially about the presence of guns during lectures on topics that
arouse strong feelings."

/* 1214 */
"_id" : "E6DmeLBeEK6Q48Dot",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1215 */
"_id" : "M4toisscfbK6JQ7xm",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-
"title" : "Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she
"description" : "Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out,
one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found.
Her report is in following post, which appeared on the blog of Grant Wiggins, the
co-author of \" Understanding by Design\" and the author of \" Educative
Assessment\" and numerous articles on education."

/* 1216 */
"_id" : "kw8SMQCTCKDsAQkux",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1217 */
"_id" : "CHwgPHj2ebdrCJRjc",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null
/* 1218 */
"_id" : "JihpJFbbQn4P58XAc",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/iit-a-no-go-but-unschooled-
"image" : "",
"title" : "IIT a no go, but 'unschooled' 17-year-old makes it to MIT",
"description" : "Seventeen-year-old Malvika Raj Joshi doesn't have a class X or
XII certificate but has made it to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), thanks to her computer programming talent. Hers is a story about
a mother's conviction to break stereotypes and the self belief of the teen."

/* 1219 */
"_id" : "DYFPHeFQvssPXPB8q",
"url" : "http://www.wired.com/2014/02/dyslexic-musicians/",
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-
"title" : "What Musicians Can Tell Us About Dyslexia and the Brain",
"description" : "Dyslexia is a frustrating disorder that gives otherwise smart
people trouble with reading. Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but one popular
hypothesis is that the root of the problem is a deficit in the brain's ability to
process sounds, especially during childhood."

/* 1220 */
"_id" : "D6EZEKKgLk7KyfZFX",
"url" : "http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/46340/20160830/adults-
"image" :
"title" : "Most Adults Suffering From Depression Left Untreated, Here's Why",
"description" : "First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 04:10 AM EDT Medical practitioners
are now calling for a stronger effort to help those with depression. Recent
findings showed that fewer than one-third of American adults who are said to have
the disease are treated, and most of those who do receive treatment may not have
even screened positive."

/* 1221 */
"_id" : "ZPzSwjK8idLoTLwTS",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142547/Schools-deliberately-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/10/article-2142547-
"title" : "Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling errors to avoid
'damaging pupils' self esteem'",
"description" : "Teachers 'told to correct no more than three mistakes in one
piece of work' because 'too much red pen is discouraging' MP has called for Commons
debate on what he calls 'false kindness' - but refuses to name offending school
Teachers are being told not to correct more than three spelling errors at a time to
avoid damaging pupils' self-confidence, an MP revealed yesterday."

/* 1222 */
"_id" : "GwL2dTBwAsuxMuj9s",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "The GENERATOR",
"description" : "When adults and youth work together for Youth Liberation
causes, there is always a danger that the adults will bring adultism with them,
getting in the way of the youths' work or taking over entirely. I believe it's
important to articulate a code of conduct for \"adult allies\"."

/* 1223 */
"_id" : "HWBZA4Zm27ASQ5ofW",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/can-india-have-a-future-
"image" :
"title" : "Can India have a future without critical thinkers?",
"description" : "The committee advising on a new education policy offers a
frank diagnosis and comes up with a big wish list. But it pays little attention to
the humanities and social sciences and reinforces the anti-intellectualism of this
government With 65 per cent of its population under the age of 35 and 290 million
students (in schools and universities), no issue is arguably more critical for
India's future than education."

/* 1224 */
"_id" : "TgiKh8KZZscsYqqgq",
"url" : "http://europe.newsweek.com/how-big-data-crowdfunding-internet-tech-
"image" : "http://d.europe.newsweek.com/en/full/61184/mohamed-bouhlel-nice-
"title" : "Crowdfunding and big data will stop violent extremism: here's how",
"description" : "Orlando. Baghdad. Nice. Dhaka. Munich. Normandy. The wave of
attacks sweeping across the world feels unstoppable, yet we may be the final
generation to deal with this problem. Using the same disruptive technology that has
overturned the music, hotel and taxi industries, we could solve the problems of
violenct extremism in one generation."

/* 1225 */
"_id" : "DNwDLtx7Dgmfti27P",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" : "http://blog.ubi.com/app/uploads/2015/04/RafranzDavis_ACSlide.jpg",
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "Imagine being a 17-year-old high school student and having a
class schedule for your upcoming fall semester look something like this: 1st
Period: P.E."

/* 1226 */
"_id" : "H7AqhH3qYsKN4LAMA",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "Faced with a world stuck in \"nostalgic fantasies about going
back to the past\", where politicians are \"no longer capable of producing
meaningful visions for the future\", Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari is turning to
the present in a new book announced on Thursday."

/* 1227 */
"_id" : "2yN2MEGgAw84ephST",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
"description" : "\"This prize is a tribute to the tireless efforts of many
millions of campaigners and concerned citizens worldwide who, ever since the dawn
of the atomic age, have loudly protested nuclear weapons, insisting that they can
serve no legitimate purpose and must be forever banished from the face of our
earth,\" ICAN said in a statement."

/* 1228 */
"_id" : "jCvB8jn3D5hGPj7JM",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "http://cdn.vox-
"title" : "Assassin's Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "AnAssassin's Creed Origins educational mode will be released
in early 2018. Absent combat and action, it's being designed to teach players about
life in ancient Egypt. \"Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient Egypt\" is due
to be released as a free update for owners of Origins, which will debut Oct."

/* 1229 */
"_id" : "iMypX4GZJQLTPD29Q",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "http://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi's 35-day Bharat Yatra,
an effort to ensure a safe childhood for future generations, was launched at the
Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari on September 11. ' Nikal Pade Hein ',
written by Satyarthi, composed by Indian Ocean, and featuring Sonam Kalra has,
within 24 hours, crossed two million views on Facebook and YouTube."

/* 1230 */
"_id" : "NTh3cm9JR82M6DqBq",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/mark-zuckerberg-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/30/opinion/29tufekci-promo-
"title" : "Opinion | Zuckerberg's Preposterous Defense of Facebook",
"description" : "Mr. Zuckerberg's preposterous defense of Facebook's failure in
the 2016 presidential campaign is a reminder of a structural asymmetry in American
politics. It's true that mainstream news outlets employ many liberals, and that
this creates some systemic distortions in coverage (effects of trade policies on
lower-income workers and the plight of rural America tend to be underreported, for

/* 1231 */
"_id" : "QNaDuyjdkzFMb8YRA",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/23/opinion/sunday/facebook-ad-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | Facebook's Ad Scandal Isn't a 'Fail,' It's a Feature",
"description" : "People who use the platform to keep in touch with loved ones
may forget that the site makes its money by serving as a conduit for whatever
messages people with money want to push at us."

/* 1232 */
"_id" : "hnq2hodNsB6oX3NGR",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/world/middleeast/saudi-yoda-king-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/22/world/22saudi-
"title" : "Saudi Textbook Withdrawn Over Image of Yoda With King",
"description" : "\"I am the one who designed it, but I am not the one who put
it in the book,\" said the artist, Abdullah Al Shehri, by phone from Riyadh. The
image was part of a series in which Mr. Shehri, who is 26 and goes by the nickname
Shaweesh, mixes pop culture icons into historic photographs."

/* 1233 */
"_id" : "NNEpmzjCde3GDJxwW",
"url" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/kids-bored-entitled/",
"image" : "http://deeprootsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Reasons-
"title" : "Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored At School, Feel Entitled, Have Little
Patience & Few Real Friends",
"description" : "By Jacqueline Victoria Prooday, OT finds today's kids come to
school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern
lifestyle that contribute to this. She writes: I am an occupational therapist with
years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers."

/* 1234 */
"_id" : "xz37qzwsLvFK4xyAt",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/hcirodov",
"image" :
"title" : "H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov) | Twitter",
"description" : "The latest Tweets from H. C. Irodov (@hcirodov). A shadow
account of PM Modi, by following those whom PM follows. Follow to see what appears
on PM Modi's timeline. Varanasi, India"

/* 1235 */
"_id" : "WZXqLDMBHK4iuHhkv",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealand's Election Had Been Predictable. Then 'Jacindamania'
"description" : "One recent poll showed Labour slightly ahead. Since Ms.
Ardern's rise, the party's projected share of the vote has jumped by around 20
points. \"In the last two elections, it's been relatively clear that the governing
party would be the National Party,\" said Andrew Geddis, a professor at the law
school of the University of Otago."

/* 1236 */
"_id" : "9Qin4YMmLkYFCxnku",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Myanmar will refuse entry to members of a United Nations
investigation focusing on allegations of killings, rape and torture by security
forces against Rohingya Muslims, an official has said. The government, led by Nobel
laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, had already said it would not cooperate with a mission
set up after a human rights council resolution was adopted in March."

/* 1237 */
"_id" : "aXxRFSw7Axjo3dQu5",
"url" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/kai-fu-lee-speech",
"image" : "http://engineering.columbia.edu/files/engineering/DSC_2930_1.jpg",
"title" : "An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy",
"description" : "Thank you, Class of 2017. Thank you so much for inviting me to
speak at this wonderful commencement ceremony. It's an honor to be back at Columbia
to address this distinguished group of graduates, parents, siblings and special
guests. We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day."

/* 1238 */
"_id" : "Qhm37ySjXZn42eGgw",
"url" : "http://www.adeanet.org/en/news/leading-young-people-to-win-up-to-
"image" : "http://www.adeanet.org/sites/default/files/yvonne_and_young.jpg",
"title" : "Leading Young People to win up to US$10,000 - Register here!",
"description" : "The African Union Commission's Department of Human Resources
Science and Technology (AUC-HRST) - Education Division and the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa's Working Groups on Communication for Education
and Development (ADEA WG-COMED) and Education Management and Policy Support (ADEA
WG-EMPS) This award is in the form of a competition that is open only to innovation
hubs and youth councils in Africa."

/* 1239 */
"_id" : "sy7JxHXFShhYJCfKb",
"url" : "https://qz.com/994486/the-way-you-draw-circles-says-a-lot-about-you/",
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/circle-beeswarm-1.png?
"title" : "How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how
culture shapes our instincts",
"description" : "Let's do a quick exercise. Are you ready? Draw a circle in the
box below. Don't think too hard! Did you start at the top or bottom? Clockwise or
counterclockwise? New data show that the way you draw a circle holds clues about
where you come from."

/* 1240 */
"_id" : "GBYpQtvjrs4T7D5db",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/26/opinion/sunday/good-robot-teacher-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Secret to a Good Robot Teacher",
"description" : "To investigate the importance such social cues might play in
learning from technology, we recently conducted a study with 4- to 7-year-old
children from schools in Boston. The children listened to a story read by a robot
that looked like a cute plush creature with an animated face that allowed for
emotional expressions and eye and mouth movements."

/* 1241 */
"_id" : "5CSQvgXqchHx6g3Gk",
"url" : "http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/why-psychopathic-brains-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why psychopathic brains overvalue immediate rewards",
"description" : "Joshua Buckholtz wants to change the way you think about
psychopaths - and he's willing to go to prison to do it. An associate professor of
psychology at Harvard, Buckholtz is the senior author of a study that relies on
brain scans of nearly 50 prison inmates to help explain why psychopaths make poor
decisions that often lead to violence or other anti-social behavior."

/* 1242 */
"_id" : "msTvK3hDc4Ryo9MPC",
"url" : "https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienturbot/2017/08/22/artificial-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Don't Ignore it, Harness it!",
"description" : "\"Human plus machine isn't the future, it's the present,\"
Garry Kasparov said in a recent TED talk. And this \"present\" is transforming the
world of education at a rapid pace.With children increasingly using tablets and
coding becoming part of national curricula around the world, technology is becoming
an integral part of classrooms, just like chalk and blackboards."

/* 1243 */
"_id" : "53Ck3jBNqpdCfegxr",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/20/elon-musk-killer-
"image" :
"title" : "Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer
"description" : "Some of the world's leading robotics and artificial
intelligence pioneers are calling on the United Nations to ban the development and
use of killer robots. Tesla's Elon Musk and Alphabet's Mustafa Suleyman are leading
a group of 116 specialists from across 26 countries who are calling for the ban on
autonomous weapons."

/* 1244 */
"_id" : "PFY5cGTC3fc3rdKkd",
"url" : "https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/the-worlds-
"image" :
"title" : "The World's Smartest Countries",
"description" : "The countries most likely to produce the next Google. When
Sergey Brin was 16 and his family had already been living in the United States for
a decade, his father took him on a short trip back to Russia. It was 1990 and the
Soviet Union was collapsing."

/* 1245 */
"_id" : "JDaZu95KZaAn5pJFc",
"url" : "https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/forced-sexual-intercourse-
"image" :
"title" : "Forced Sexual Intercourse With Wife Above 15 Yrs Of Age Not Rape,
Says SC",
"description" : "The raging issue whether to make forced marital intercourse
and sexual acts part of offence of rape in penal law has been extensively debated
and now it cannot be considered as a criminal act, the Supreme Court today said."

/* 1246 */
"_id" : "xndC6sdiYwPPQSddo",
"url" : "https://www.economist.com/news/business/21726078-sacked-james-damore-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "A Google employee inflames a debate about sexism and free speech",
"description" : "SILICON VALLEY'S leading firms celebrate disruption, but not
disruptive employees. Google has found itself at the centre of controversy after an
anonymous software engineer, later revealed to be a young Harvard graduate called
James Damore, published a ten-page memo on two internal company networks explaining
why there are so few women in the upper echelons of the technology industry."

/* 1247 */
"_id" : "AxQtcJWPM5s6bEQ9C",
"url" : "http://ithrivegames.org/putting-it-in-context-using-commercial-video-
"image" : "http://ithrivegames.org/wp-
"title" : "Putting It In Context: Using Commercial Video Games In Education",
"description" : "08/8/17 Paul Darvasi Editor's note: As teens head back to
school, we're putting the focus on how one inventive and passionate educator makes
commercial video games (as well as games of his own invention) a vibrant part of
his teaching approach. Paul Darvasi teaches high school English at Royal St."

/* 1248 */
"_id" : "G8a2t3uYkT6pW97ud",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/05/world/asia/china-textbooks-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/04/world/04china-textbooks-
"title" : "Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores",
"description" : "But experts say England is the first country to forge ahead
with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the
East. Under a $54 million initiative funded by the government, more than half the
primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to math that is used in
top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore."

/* 1249 */
"_id" : "8CY2zwHwCKeyDMgAW",
"url" : "https://scroll.in/article/726354/i-am-not-against-one-nation-in-
"image" : "http://d1u4oo4rb13yy8.cloudfront.net/69fdf26e-95e7-4ca6-9f70-
"title" : "'I am not against one nation in particular, but against the general
idea of all nations.'",
"description" : "Our real problem in India is not political. It is social. This
is a condition not only prevailing in India, but among all nations. I do not
believe in an exclusive political interest. Politics in the West have dominated
Western ideals, and we in India are trying to imitate you."

/* 1250 */
"_id" : "ASNKaSyhZr5FhQn6o",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/04/pearson-to-axe-3000-
"image" :
"title" : "Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business",
"description" : "Pearson is to cut 3,000 jobs as the embattled company looks to
slash costs after a slump at its US higher education business. The world's largest
education company, which has issued five profit warnings in the last four years,
intends to cut about 10% of its 32,000 global workforce."

/* 1251 */
"_id" : "mvF5zQtaNbHNmk68u",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/sci-hub-s-cache-pirated-papers-
"image" :
"title" : "Sci-Hub's cache of pirated papers is so big, subscription journals
are doomed, data analyst suggests",
"description" : "There is no doubt that Sci-Hub, the infamous-and, according to
a U.S. court, illegal-online repository of pirated research papers, is enormously
popular. (See Science's investigation last year of who is downloading papers from
Sci-Hub.) But just how enormous is its repository?"

/* 1252 */
"_id" : "Bo6KZS23LTWymSNgK",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-tracker/",
"image" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/hate-
"title" : "Hate Tracker: India's first national database of hate",
"description" : "Hate tracker: Latest news on hate crime, racism, mob lynching,
gau rakshaks engaged in vandalism, cow vigilantes taking law into their hands,
attacks on Dalits, caste and religion based crimes in India from Hindustan Times"

/* 1253 */
"_id" : "LmfmEGxfA7e82dAHL",
"url" : "https://hackernoon.com/what-educators-must-learn-from-ibms-betrayal-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "What educators must learn from IBM's 'betrayal of science'",
"description" : "There are two versions of mathematics. The first is the
mathematics of schooling, a collection of closed problems and hard truths to be
learned for exams. We've all experienced it, few of us have enjoyed or excelled at
it. The second version is a more open, beautiful and empowering representation of
the subject, often the focus of my writing."

/* 1254 */
"_id" : "wiEo7qMyTEH7chKvr",
"url" : "https://www.theatlas.com/charts/rkGpbqWbW",
"image" : "http://www.theatlas.com/i/atlas_rkGpbqWbW@2x.png",
"title" : "More people were displaced due to conflict in DRC than anywhere
"description" : "Countries with the most displacements by violence | Atlas -
charts and data, powered by Quartz."

/* 1255 */
"_id" : "jwpQtK6acQkrHzFkG",
"url" : "https://searchingforsyria.org/en/",
"image" : "http://searchingforsyria.org/images/share/facebook/en/en-
"title" : "Searching for Syria",
"description" : "Exploring the world's top questions about the Syrian refugee
crisis. A project from UNHCR in partnership with Google. searchingforsyria.org"

/* 1256 */
"_id" : "keyjrbnbmoazMLtLh",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1257 */
"_id" : "SfKBkLkAPgahXA5yq",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/opinion/how-we-are-ruining-
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | How We Are Ruining America",
"description" : "Over the past generation, members of the college-educated
class have become amazingly good at making sure their children retain their
privileged status. They have also become devastatingly good at making sure the
children of other classes have limited chances to join their ranks."

/* 1258 */
"_id" : "GQLaiR4HM9vaPgCg5",
"url" : "https://www.cfr.org/global/global-conflict-tracker/p32137",
"image" : "http://www.cfr.org/content/ips/assets/gct-content-entry-
"title" : "Global Conflict Tracker",
"description" : "Learn about the world's top hotspots with the Center for
Preventive Action's (CPA) interactive Global Conflict Tracker."

/* 1259 */
"_id" : "r4migEo8FLNsjtdtw",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b9a4c754-fa46-4a14-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aabd109f-b76f-4f2f-
"title" : "26adf679-bbca-4e28-ad2c-d097808d6d2e_IMG_20170117_141550830",
"description" : null

/* 1260 */
"_id" : "uLsCThnnCZxQr7ikv",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/magazine/can-a-tech-start-up-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/07/02/magazine/02bridge2/02mag-
"title" : "Can a Tech Start-Up Successfully Educate Children in the Developing
"description" : "Bridge International Academies - a chain of inexpensive
private schools - has ambitious plans to revolutionize education for poor children.
But can its for-profit model work in some of the most impoverished places on

/* 1261 */
"_id" : "ZQ3s9uKkSfi99RHXa",
"url" : "https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/24/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/06/25/opinion/sunday/25lee/25lee-
"title" : "Opinion | The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence",
"description" : "BEIJING - What worries you about the coming world of
artificial intelligence? Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot
of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about
the \"singularity\" - that point in history when A.I. surpasses human intelligence,
leading to an unimaginable revolution in human affairs."

/* 1262 */
"_id" : "qizQ5NCZ4gYy9mhzs",
"url" : "https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/creepy-futures-nicholas-carrs-
"image" : "http://lareviewofbooks-org-cgwbfgl6lklqqj3f4t3.netdna-ssl.com/wp-
"title" : "Creepy Futures: Nicholas Carr's History of the Future - Los Angeles
Review of Books",
"description" : "IN 1964, having taken a year off from college, I got a job in
the General Motors pavilion at the New York World's Fair in Flushing Meadows.
Sporting a red blazer emblazoned with the Cadillac crest, I escorted VIP guests on
the Futurama II ride, a successor to the original 1939 Fair's Futurama, billed
as \"a journey for everyone today into the everywhere of tomorrow.\""

/* 1263 */
"_id" : "Js3HyotbiHTZqayhW",
"url" : "https://www.susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-
"image" :
"title" : "Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber",
"description" : "As most of you know, I left Uber in December and joined Stripe
in January. I've gotten a lot of questions over the past couple of months about why
I left and what my time at Uber was like."

/* 1264 */
"_id" : "SfeLHmjgBW8nAMYZT",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40273700",
"image" :
"title" : "UN warns 'no progress' on 260 million missing school places - BBC
"description" : "Global pledges to provide education for all young people show
little chance of being achieved, according to annual figures from the United
Nations. There are 264 million young people without access to school, with few
signs of progress, says Unesco. Around the world, almost one in 10 children does
not even have access to primary level education."

/* 1265 */
"_id" : "hBPe7JwZ97pSJo3JM",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/business/women-react-to-sexism-in-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/06/22/us/14kamala-vid/14kamala-
"title" : "'Is There a Man I Can Talk To?': Stories of Sexism in the
"description" : "\"I have been on email threads with a team of colleagues, and
if I state a fact that is not in agreement with what one of my male co-workers has
said, he sends me a message later telling me that I need to 'soften my responses'
to him."

/* 1266 */
"_id" : "6MGCeXqL9SuyBE4vn",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/2017/06/announcing-the-new-envoy-on-
"image" : "http://www.un.org/youthenvoy/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Capture-
"title" : "Announcing the new Envoy on Youth - Jayathma Wickramanayake",
"description" : "United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres has
appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his next Envoy on Youth."

/* 1267 */
"_id" : "QTZi2vgrRrQNfb4ts",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpUSNxuuwfA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Math That Predicted the Arab Spring",
"description" : "In this Pilot of Math that Explains the World, Motherboard
talks to Yaneer Bar Yam, founder of the New England Complex Systems Institute who
used new physics based math to explain the correlation between food supply and the
Arab Spring."

/* 1268 */
"_id" : "YfLQoCnYWD4ydiStv",
"url" : "http://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/17/what-is-artificial-intelligence.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Everyone keeps talking about AI-here's what it really is and why
it's so hot now",
"description" : "Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from Apple's iPhone
keyboard to Zillow's home price estimates. There's also a lot of stuff out there
that marketers are calling AI, but really isn't. Perhaps things reached a new high
point last month when AlphaGo, a virtual player of the ancient Chinese board game
Go developed by Alphabet's DeepMind AI research group, trounced the top human
player in the world, China's Ke Jie."

/* 1269 */
"_id" : "ndoo3stC4d839fWW4",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40250219",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Tough school? War, illiteracy and hope in Afghanistan - BBC News",
"description" : "The idea of drafting a nation's brightest new graduates to
become teachers in the most deprived areas has been used in both the United States
and the UK, where the approach was pioneered by Teach for America and Teach First

/* 1270 */
"_id" : "K2AouNSsH4H6uz7vB",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/jun/13/open-university-
"image" :
"title" : "Open University jobs at risk in 100m 'root and branch' overhaul",
"description" : "Staff at the Open University are preparing for job losses as
part of a radical overhaul to try to secure the institution's financial future. The
OU vice-chancellor, Peter Horrocks, told staff on Tuesday that a \"root and branch
review\" of every aspect of the university's operations was being launched to
achieve savings of 100m from the annual budget of 420m, the bulk of which would
be invested in a digital transformation programme."

/* 1271 */
"_id" : "8h9aST2hjwtARSaEQ",
"url" : "https://www.engadget.com/2017/06/08/video-game-trailernominated-for-
"image" : "http://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?
"title" : "A video game trailer is eligible to be nominated for an Academy
"description" : "With its thought-provoking trailer running at almost 11
minutes long, the promo video highlights the interconnected nature of, well,
everything. Overdubbed with a speech from renowned British philosopher, Alan Watts,
the trailer uses in-game footage to show life in all its strange and wonderful
forms. Thanks to its length and intriguing subject matter, this clever promotional
video could theoretically win an Academy Award for best animated short film."

/* 1272 */
"_id" : "xdK8mEdxoafXj2QZg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/mar/19/yuval-harari-sapiens-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: 'Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a
century or so'",
"description" : "Last week, on his Radio 2 breakfast show, Chris Evans read out
the first page of Sapiens, the book by the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari.
Given that radio audiences at that time in the morning are not known for their
appetite for intellectual engagement - the previous segment had dealt with Gary
Barlow's new tour - it was an unusual gesture."

/* 1273 */
"_id" : "AdRBKkhHDWWtzwr5D",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49a3af57-9271-41a4-
be10-edd83f180a31_15th AMA with James Paul Gee.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f23cc023-3188-4bde-
"title" : "15th AMA with James Paul Gee",
"description" : null

/* 1274 */
"_id" : "7AxdQ8Dgfdf95wics",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/06/technology/tech-billionaires-
"image" :
"title" : "The Silicon Valley Billionaires Remaking America's Schools",
"description" : "The involvement by some of the wealthiest and most influential
titans of the 21st century amounts to a singular experiment in education, with
millions of students serving as de facto beta testers for their ideas. Some tech
leaders believe that applying an engineering mind-set can improve just about any
system, and that their business acumen qualifies them to rethink American

/* 1275 */
"_id" : "dJWt4TGPF2Cz5JPGG",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORthzIOEf30&feature=youtu.be&t=33s",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The biology of our best and worst selves | Robert Sapolsky",
"description" : "How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also
so brutal and violent? To understand why we do what we do, neuroscientist Robert
Sapolsky looks at extreme context, examining actions on timescales from seconds to
millions of years before they occurred."

/* 1276 */
"_id" : "sx9BZBBLmuhD65dhK",
"url" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-
"image" : "http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business
"title" : "The role of expertise and judgment in a data-driven world",
"description" : "The Obama campaign's former data-analytics chief explains why
a healthy dose of skepticism and a clear understanding of the process behind data
collection leads to stronger strategies and real impact. Using data can drive
better decision making, but numbers alone don't paint the entire picture when it
comes to forming a cohesive strategy."

/* 1277 */
"_id" : "azbuSzFJefHEajPPA",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-40118188",
"image" :
"title" : "Global Peace Index 2017: World slightly more peaceful than last year
- BBC News",
"description" : "Levels of peace around the world have improved slightly for
the first time since the Syrian war began, but harmony has decreased in the US and
terrorism records have increased, a Sydney-based think-tank has found. The
Institute for Economics and Peace published its Global Peace Index on Thursday for
the 10th year running."

/* 1278 */
"_id" : "PF42RT7GwdMhzu9d6",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psM_C8oqJQs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllnen |
"description" : "Marjo Kyllnen at TEDxHamburg (www.tedxhamburg.de) on
redesigning education for the future. Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllnen is the
Education Manager at General Education division in Helsinki. She has PhD in
Education. She defended her doctoral thesis on Future School and Leadership in
December 2011."

/* 1279 */
"_id" : "cN6xL7RMgWcXBqC5y",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/05/30/donald-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Analysis | Donald Trump just threatened Germany over trade. Here's
what you need to know",
"description" : "This morning, President Trump wrote a tweet saying that the
U.S. had a \"MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany.\" He further said that this was
bad for the U.S. and (in what seemed to be a vague threat against Germany) said
that this would change."

/* 1280 */
"_id" : "JQ6PBR4MFB64foHG2",
"url" : "https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/",
"image" : "http://willrobotstakemyjob.com/img/og.jpg",
"title" : "Will Robots Take My job?",
"description" : "Find out how susceptible is your job is to computerisation"

/* 1281 */
"_id" : "FGMgMQ5XpMAYZrcpb",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/world/europe/manchester-bombing-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/05/28/world/ABEDI1/ABEDI1-
"title" : "'Forgive Me': Manchester Bomber's Tangled Path of Conflict and
"description" : "It is the story of a strict father's flight from the
repression of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya's leader at the time, and a personal
jihad against that dictatorship, which in turn shook up his children's world."

/* 1282 */
"_id" : "zMrmSMy5Api3N6tdm",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfahDTQDFg",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Little Big Shots - The Planet Is in Good Hands (Episode Highlight)",
"description" : "Henry is passionate about the planet and couldn't be more
awesome. \" Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/NBCLittleBigShots \" Little Big Shots
Returns Wednesday May 31 8/7c on NBC!"

/* 1283 */
"_id" : "RSXo8DQHchZQdiifK",
"url" : "http://time.com/4792596/mindfulness-exercises-morality-carpe-diem/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/mindfullness-
"title" : "How We Ruined Mindfulness",
"description" : "Those are familiar words, I'm sure, because we are living
through a mindfulness revolution. Mindfulness courses have swept the world, with
hundreds of thousands of people taking classes in Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) and other meditation techniques in community centers, schools,
hospitals, prisons and businesses."

/* 1284 */
"_id" : "iJCJgFWsmSMtn827d",
"url" : "https://www.ted.com/speakers/rutger_bregman",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Rutger Bregman",
"description" : "The world is changing faster than ever, bringing with it
brand-new problems, while our most persistent troubles - like poverty and health -
haven't gone anywhere. One thing has become abundantly clear: our machines aren't
going to save us; people are. How do we respond to problems new and old with
humanity and dignity?"

/* 1285 */
"_id" : "ET8MWpgukTGtmSgMn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/31bddd9b-3493-46a9-
8d0b-953f5f2ba53e_Things my teachers can do better.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2278ae05-b1a0-4c2d-
"title" : "Things my teachers can do better",
"description" : null

/* 1286 */
"_id" : "ff2GQY42yzkRzYvv4",
"url" : "https://medium.freecodecamp.com/the-race-is-on-for-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The race is on for artificial intelligence. Here's who is winning.",
"description" : "On Saturday, Louisville, Kentucky hosted the 143rd running of
the Kentucky Derby. It was a spectacle where more than 150k people watched in
person. Millions more followed on television and streaming media. The winner
received a $1.4 million prize, and the opportunity for more winnings in later races
this year."

/* 1287 */
"_id" : "o6avENjawmDN5TNGs",
"url" : "https://futurism.com/harvard-may-have-pinpointed-the-source-of-human-
"image" : "http://futurism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/800px-
"title" : "Harvard May Have Pinpointed the Source of Human Consciousness",
"description" : "A study of 36 patients with brainstem lesions revealed that
the majority of those in comas had damage in a specific area of the brainstem,
while most conscious patients did not. The identification of the areas of the brain
responsible for consciousness could lead to new treatment options for patients in
comas or vegetative states."

/* 1288 */
"_id" : "iJyEroRe3HYJRwB3G",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f35e0e0b-b524-41a5-
8d13-782fca83f562_14th AMA with Chris Plutte.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9a1a8edd-7394-493d-
"title" : "14th AMA with Chris Plutte",
"description" : null

/* 1289 */
"_id" : "cQarjp6znSWXPXxmp",
"url" : "http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/89245588/unique-school-
"image" :
"title" : "Unique school helps unlock minds of dyslexic children",
"description" : "Toby van Rensburg felt dreadful when he was criticised by a
previous teacher because he couldn't write. The 11-year-old has dysgraphia -
difficulty with writing; auditory processing disorder - caused when the ears and
brain do not fully coordinate; dyscalculia - a mathematical learning difficulty and
\"traces\" of dyslexia - a common reading difficulty."

/* 1290 */
"_id" : "PXm6ec8N9y568eoz2",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/children-should-be-playing-
"image" :
"title" : "Children should be playing more games in the classroom. Here's why",
"description" : "Learning games take students deeper into the engaging content
already available in classrooms, museums, parks, and homes."

/* 1291 */
"_id" : "ZA8PS7Q3R8e7XsjTa",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a93d4fdf-dd8d-489f-
ada2-7f2ebb3e83e0_13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ec486ae5-a6bf-43a7-
"title" : "13th AMA with Chade-Meng Tan",
"description" : null

/* 1292 */
"_id" : "D2FR9MePJ8Z6c5mNq",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f81afc5b-47cb-4f76-
955f-6059885cebc7_12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7a814922-1bd7-47b9-
"title" : "12th AMA with Rafael Tyszblat",
"description" : null

/* 1293 */
"_id" : "xTKzWdPjD2P6fiLGd",
"url" : "http://www.cet.iitkgp.ac.in/cet_site/ab_research.jsp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur",
"description" : "Signs and manifestations of dyslexia have been studied for
alphabetic and logographic languages [1,2,5-7]. However, such initiatives are still
in infancy for Indian languages, such as Bangla, Devnagri and other Indian scripts,
which follows abugida writing system."

/* 1294 */
"_id" : "CeK5D4hzPoynNoKAZ",
"url" : "https://backchannel.com/the-myth-of-a-superhuman-ai-59282b686c62?
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The Myth of a Superhuman AI - Backchannel",
"description" : "I' ve heard that in the future computerized AIs will become so
much smarter than us that they will take all our jobs and resources, and humans
will go extinct. Is this true? That's the most common question I get whenever I
give a talk about AI."

/* 1295 */
"_id" : "Qjz9JmFrB9Y2TH7bn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0e1a3f8e-2c13-497e-
bfab-20cc27ecae98_11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4f028ef9-c5d7-4c1d-
"title" : "11th AMA with Professor Marilee Bresciani Ludvik",
"description" : null

/* 1296 */
"_id" : "WzdsEtWGpbW8Etkc7",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0a33ce3e-0efe-455d-
8830-4dce18f7b1cc_10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/8a8c7107-e579-4744-
"title" : "10th AMA with Dr. Rick Hanson",
"description" : null

/* 1297 */
"_id" : "SamNojfDPLeqyn88K",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2017/05/france-secularism-and-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "France, secularism and religion: Emmanuel Macron has a history
buff's view of Islam and religious strife | The Economist",
"description" : "America's founding fathers, influenced by the French
enlightenment, were determined not to let European-style religious wars tear their
young republic apart. Although people still argue about what exactly those founders
believed, historians agree that avoiding internal strife was one of their main
concerns when they barred the establishment of any particular religion."

/* 1298 */
"_id" : "qgGcnEboxDsa4JoDo",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700760-artificial-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Education and policy: Re-educating Rita | The Economist",
"description" : "IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a
professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a
colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their \"Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence\" course available free online."

/* 1299 */
"_id" : "6bAcBwux5zwKJREbR",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Regulating the internet giants: The world's most valuable resource
is no longer oil, but data | The Economist",
"description" : "A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry,
prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A
century ago, the resource in question was oil. Now similar concerns are being
raised by the giants that deal in data, the oil of the digital era."

/* 1300 */
"_id" : "5N5QMfQ2gACY6AARy",
"url" : "https://thewire.in/132585/india-is-facing-a-mental-health-crisis-one-
"image" : "http://thewire.in/wp-
"title" : "India Is Facing a Mental Health Crisis - and Its Education System Is
Ill Equipped to Handle It",
"description" : "On an April evening in a campus town, a group of college
students across various disciplines - sciences and humanities - stepped away from
their studies to meet under the stars and share stories through art and readings.
All these narratives were on mental health struggles."

/* 1301 */
"_id" : "Yi7hauP8MC6JP3dYe",
"url" : "https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/200-free-art-books-download-
"image" : "http://video-images.vice.com/_uncategorized/1493766758907-
"title" : "200+ Free Art Books Are Now Available to Download from the
"description" : "Tomes of work by Picasso, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, Flavin,
Klimt, Rothko, and more are as good as yours."

/* 1302 */
"_id" : "pKuErs4Bsz4QG4m3m",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/33a37248-b116-4d56-
a93a-e49d1e2cba47_9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bc0b56f8-49ba-4649-
"title" : "9th AMA with Dr. Richard Davidson",
"description" : null

/* 1303 */
"_id" : "dnePCBky8RHmwSuXR",
"url" : "http://ideas.ted.com/are-you-ready-for-the-impending-age-of-robots/",
"image" : "http://tedideas.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/web_brain-
"title" : "Are you ready for the impending age of robots?",
"description" : "The next big new-era-inducing change is likely to be the
arrival of artificial intelligence, in the form of robots smart enough to
substitute wholesale for human workers."

/* 1304 */
"_id" : "MBjxCs8viNzwCJAez",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVC6FlDKvmA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Heineken Commerical Alternative Ending",
"description" : "Original video credits :https://streamable.com/3m65z Support
this channel by buying as you normally would on amazon: http://amzn.to/2pnV1NO Damn
that's cold"

/* 1305 */
"_id" : "FN7PEBQWFSgP6ctQd",
"url" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/about-mindfulness/research/",
"image" : "http://www.mindfulschools.org/wp/wp-
"title" : "Research on Mindfulness in Education | Mindful Schools",
"description" : "Numerous studies show improved attention1 , including better
performance on objective tasks that measure attention.2 Mindfulness is associated
with emotion regulation across a number of studies3 ."

/* 1306 */
"_id" : "wisNcPgjEPaYM3Tyi",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/18706b30-8ee7-491d-
b918-b0cf409cd165_8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e2aa501a-6bab-4a3b-
"title" : "8th AMA with Dr. Phillipe Goldin",
"description" : null

/* 1307 */
"_id" : "Sk6gNQBJ5sw4SCurr",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it?",
"description" : "Scared of superintelligent AI? You should be, says
neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris -- and not just in some theoretical way.
We're going to build superhuman machines, says Harris, but we haven't yet grappled
with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we
treat ants."

/* 1308 */
"_id" : "8rXqrPxR3bf5xikcM",
"url" : "https://www.fastcompany.com/40412848/heineken-just-put-out-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Heineken Just Put Out The Antidote to That Pepsi Kendall Jenner Ad",
"description" : "WHAT: \"World's Apart,\" a new Heineken ad that involves some
frank conversations between people with differing views. WHO: Agency Publicis
London WHY WE CARE: Earlier this month, Pepsi tried to walk in step with the
#Resistance, and ended up falling on its face. Hard."

/* 1309 */
"_id" : "C5rgSZZqKeBLNMy5i",
"url" : "http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/iceland-teen-substance-
"image" : "http://www.abc.net.au/cm/lb/8208376/data/iceland-2-data.jpg",
"title" : "Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse - but the rest of the
world isn't listening",
"description" : "It's a little before three on a sunny Friday afternoon and
Laugardalur Park, near central Reykjavik, looks practically deserted. There's an
occasional adult with a pushchair, but the park's surrounded by apartment blocks
and houses, and school's out - so where are all the kids?"

/* 1310 */
"_id" : "4Fmv2gkBNyZNrEyNX",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/552395e1-82c3-4cd0-
8064-3722898c02f7_7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/9c87a9af-2972-44d1-
"title" : "7th AMA with Dr. Steven Hickman",
"description" : null

/* 1311 */
"_id" : "y9BxyqisP8mFeGr5f",
"url" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/2017/04/20/benefits-of-video-
"image" : "http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/gone-
"title" : "Roundtable Discussion: Teaching with Games, Part 1",
"description" : "I recently met Paul Darvasi and Aleksander Husy at the annual
UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education in Ottawa, where we were on a panel
hosted by the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable
Development. The subject of our panel was a debate on the topic, \"Innovative
pedagogies for ESD and Global Citizenship Education: Is game-based learning the

/* 1312 */
"_id" : "yqgMoCd3JCjSa2MHb",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/video-gaming-to-be-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-
"title" : "Video gaming to be featured at 2022 Asian Games",
"description" : "Video gaming will be featured as a full sport at the 2022
Asian Games, with competitors in electronic sports set to receive medals for their
digital prowess. The Olympic Council of Asia says it will introduce esports to the
official program of the Asian Games at Hangzhou, China."

/* 1313 */
"_id" : "LkihpeLt5MceYjafy",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qym11JnFQBM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens",
"description" : "Microsoft HoloLlens brings holography into physical world. Now
its possible to create what you think. Its easy to convert your imagination into
designs. Easier to explore the places never actually being there. According to
Microsoft \"The era of holographic computing is here.\""

/* 1314 */
"_id" : "N8p4C8vf3GwCyhJiM",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/opinion/the-point-of-hate.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Opinion | The Point of Hate",
"description" : "Individuals experiencing hate, on the other hand, retain
nearly all of their capacity for evaluating a situation. Neuroscientists have
suggested that rational planning is maintained because \"the hater may want to
exercise judgment in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise extract
revenge\" - hardly an encouraging conclusion."

/* 1315 */
"_id" : "5EMg7Xuk67824edco",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/let-s-talk-about-trolls-
"image" :
"title" : "Let's Talk About Trolls | Online abuse a modern-day weapon to
silence women: Barkha Dutt",
"description" : "I have been called a whore, a 'randi', 'c***\", bitch and
'presstitute\" on Twitter and other social media platforms so often that now I
barely notice it. It is not unusual for me to get tweets that go like this: \"Tum
agar randi bhi ban jaogi, phir bhi tujhe koi nahi ch*****\" (even if you become a
prostitute, no one will have sex with you)."

/* 1316 */
"_id" : "6CAL9fkjS5YuzHcaP",
"url" : "http://www.atimes.com/playing-sustainability-games-can-transform-2030-
"image" : "http://static.atimes.com/images/atlogo-fb-1200x630.png",
"title" : "Playing for sustainability: How games can transform the world",
"description" : "Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current affairs
across Asia"

/* 1317 */
"_id" : "3cGKrJiNcTDpDybyP",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/the-data-or-the-hunch",
"image" : "http://1843magazine.static-
"title" : "The data or the hunch",
"description" : "John Hammond was a boy of ten when he fell in love with the
new music called jazz. Rather than heading home after school to his family's
mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, he would jump on an uptown bus and
deposit himself, 30 blocks away, in a different world."

/* 1318 */
"_id" : "HpTxTy5nPTShZPQNC",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4404422/UN-peacekeepers-child-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/1/2017/04/12/17/wire-388173-1492016115-
"title" : "UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests",
"description" : "Rape victim has revealed how she was forced to have sex with
UN workers She claims peacekeepers in Haiti offered children cookies in return for
sex In Haiti, 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited children from 2004 to 2007 A
rape victim has told how she was forced to have sex with UN workers who were
supposed to be on a peacekeeping mission in Haiti."

/* 1319 */
"_id" : "AAqyKPh97nD6txTWS",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/12/doughnut-growth-
"image" :
"title" : "Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics - the
doughnut | George Monbiot",
"description" : "So what are we going to do about it? This is the only question
worth asking. But the answers appear elusive. Faced with a multifaceted crisis -
the capture of governments by billionaires and their lobbyists, extreme inequality,
the rise of demagogues, above all the collapse of the living world - those to whom
we look for leadership appear stunned, voiceless, clueless."

/* 1320 */
"_id" : "YMbgmbPDR7YekMEi4",
"url" : "http://blog.ed.ted.com/2017/02/24/should-emotions-be-taught-in-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/blog.ed.ted.com/wp-
"title" : "Should emotions be taught in schools?",
"description" : "Who taught you how to identify and manage your emotions, how
to recognize them when they arose, and how to navigate your way through them? For
many adults, the answer is: No one. You hacked your way through those confusing
thickets on your own."

/* 1321 */
"_id" : "3ACTb5ZKvRgxstXSq",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/00108fee-edb1-42cc-
bb53-bd1691b794ab_Finland schools.mp4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Finland schools",
"description" : null

/* 1322 */
"_id" : "QdSC4jMcx3rg86Q7R",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/youth-modern-in-look-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth modern in look, conservative in outlook: survey",
"description" : "Indian youth are certainly becoming more modern in their
appearance and consumption habits, \"but their thoughts and views reflect a
troubling inclination towards intolerance and conservatism\", says a national
survey of their attitudes, anxieties and aspirations, released in New Delhi on

/* 1323 */
"_id" : "SjTcZCHENEoqQZruy",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Emtithal Mahmoud: A young poet tells the story of Darfur",
"description" : "Emtithal \"Emi\" Mahmoud writes poetry of resilience,
confronting her experience of escaping the genocide in Darfur in verse. She shares
two stirring original poems about refugees, family, joy and sorrow, asking, \"Will
you witness me?\""

/* 1324 */
"_id" : "4goCmk9WzsD2xzniX",
"url" : "https://www.elitereaders.com/performance-artist-marina-abramovic-
"image" : "http://www.elitereaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/performance-
"title" : "Performance Artist Stood Still For 6 Hours to Let People Do What
They Wanted to Her Body",
"description" : "by Faye 349.6k Views Many of us know Yugoslavian performance
artist Marina Abramovic through the video of her painfully silent reunion with and
her former lover Frank Uwe \"Ulay\" Laysiepen. Many people have hailed Abramovic as
the \"grandmother of performance art.\" After all, she has been staging thought-
provoking interactive installations for more than 40 years."

/* 1325 */
"_id" : "m8e3htLQXBETBypBF",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/explained/lokniti-csds-kas-survey-
"image" : "http://images.indianexpress.com/2017/04/graph-one.jpg?w=600",
"title" : "LOKNITI-CSDS-KAS survey: Mind of the youth",
"description" : "A year ago, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
(CSDS) in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) conducted a sample
survey-based study that sought to answer key questions about how India's youth
thought and lived. The respondents were aged 15-34, and interviews were conducted
across the country."

/* 1326 */
"_id" : "k4xjzbTq9phruSvZP",
"url" : "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/how-finland-is-
"image" :
"title" : "Finland's fighting inequality with education, and winning. What's
their secret?",
"description" : "Finland has remade its education system to help kids like Lara
Osman - born to poor, immigrant parents - grow up to be middle-class success
stories. Doug Saunders reports Photography by Sakari Piippo for The Globe and Mail
In most other countries, Lara Osman's prospects would not be good."

/* 1327 */
"_id" : "Nwc4xnmBD9sLEvTpS",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/ceiling-fans-with-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Ceiling fans with springs, sensors to check suicides in Kota",
"description" : "A siren sensor and a spring device that will lower ceiling
fans if anyone over 20 kg tries to hang from it will be affixed to fans in hostel
rooms in the coaching hub of Kota. The city is grappling with rising cases of
student suicides."

/* 1328 */
"_id" : "pYNGSpk9xKEooXQLn",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/dispatches/the-daily/virtual-revenge-is-
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/woman-with-gun.jpg",
"title" : "Virtual revenge is sweet in Bangladesh",
"description" : "It is a sunny day in the Pakistani countryside. From your
vantage point you can see mud huts, palm trees and blue skies. Suddenly, an army
truck pulls up and from the back jump half a dozen soldiers - straight into the
path of a shooter."

/* 1329 */
"_id" : "zi9Rsi43Sej4xHMr4",
"url" : "http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/computers-learn-cooperate-
"image" :
"title" : "Computers learn to cooperate better than humans",
"description" : "For the first time, computers have taught themselves how to
cooperate in games in which the objective is to reach the best possible outcome for
all players. The feat is far harder than training artificial intelligence (AI) to
triumph in a win-lose game such as chess or checkers, researchers say."

/* 1330 */
"_id" : "MDueytcxEqEuLyQeu",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/juicerapnews/videos/10155918517468452/?
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Juice Media",
"description" : "The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i
and it's surprisingly honest and informative. <3 aloha Please help to keep us
going! https://www.patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia Mahalo (thank you) to all the Patrons
who made this video possible!"

/* 1331 */
"_id" : "84QY4P6cTvyNkQsx8",
"url" : "https://www.edge.org/conversation/jaron_lanier-the-myth-of-ai",
"image" :
"title" : "The Myth Of AI",
"description" : "That mythology, in turn, has spurred a reactionary, perpetual
spasm from people who are horrified by what they hear. You'll have a figure
say, \"The computers will take over the Earth, but that's a good thing, because
people had their chance and now we should give it to the machines.\""

/* 1332 */
"_id" : "Xtq52FYAJsQc4EDix",
"url" : "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/trudeau-canada-refugees-banned-u-
"image" : "http://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/newshour/wp-
"title" : "Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.",
"description" : "TORONTO - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message
for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you. He also
intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada's refugee policy. Trudeau
reacted to Trump's ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: \"To
those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of
your faith."

/* 1333 */
"_id" : "ngF7GbodWcDfBF9K2",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-
"image" :
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence's White Guy Problem",
"description" : "This is fundamentally a data problem. Algorithms learn by
being fed certain images, often chosen by engineers, and the system builds a model
of the world based on those images. If a system is trained on photos of people who
are overwhelmingly white, it will have a harder time recognizing nonwhite faces."

/* 1334 */
"_id" : "CENWrEFuTRAqCbJ7G",
"url" : "https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sound-science-sound-
"image" : "http://cdn.psychologytoday.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-
"title" : "When Good Intentions Go Awry",
"description" : "Online gaming is booming-consumers are champing at the bit to
play an increasingly large number of fun, free, and easily accessible games. Some
entrepreneurs have taken this opportunity to create online games meant to increase
empathy and positive attitudes toward certain marginalized groups, such as LGBT

/* 1335 */
"_id" : "Zjwsqonjdhhf36dEA",
"url" : "http://lindfield.mindmixer.com/about-this-site",
"image" : "",
"title" : "About This Site | Lindfield's School of the Future: A Learning
Village by MindMixer",
"description" : "The Department of Education and Communities is seeking your
input in redeveloping the former UTS Ku-ring-gai site in Lindfield as an innovative
centre of learning. Leave feedback for the Department's consideration."

/* 1336 */
"_id" : "FNdMcAT9myL7KFteZ",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"image" : "",
"title" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4187896/Elephant-rescued-
"description" : null

/* 1337 */
"_id" : "zJ3wJ6xkCEkshb6Jw",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/20/meritocracy-
"image" :
"title" : "Meritocracy: the great delusion that ingrains inequality | Jo
"description" : "\"We must create a level playing field for American companies
and workers!\" shouted Donald Trump in his first address to Congress last month,
before announcing that tighter immigration controls would take the form of
a \"merit-based\" system."

/* 1338 */
"_id" : "ZP47hky8BWBpAejNE",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvQ2AyCCu4&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "This Bloody Line",
"description" : "Directed by Ram Madhvani"
/* 1339 */
"_id" : "mnDXXNdQxxFQcpdGt",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-
"title" : "The lazy person's guide to saving the world - United Nations
Sustainable Development",
"description" : "End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix
climate change. Whoa. The Global Goals are important, world-changing objectives
that will require cooperation among governments, international organizations and
world leaders. It seems impossible that the average person can make an impact.
Should you just give up? No! Change starts with you."

/* 1340 */
"_id" : "PznKmoDg3Nhjj2FcP",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-Sk7_ykzU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sesame Street and Autism: We're Amazing, 1, 2, 3!",
"description" : "How is your child the same or different from Julia, Elmo, or
Abby? Tell us at #seeamazing. Sesame Street in Communities brings free video
content of everyone's favorite, furry Muppet friends as they help children and the
adults in their lives reach their highest potential."

/* 1341 */
"_id" : "42eBSgEMyBRrBJk9Q",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/technology/be-your-selves",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201704_TE_CON_01-RT-
"title" : "Be your selves",
"description" : "A friend who stumbled upon my Twitter account told me that my
tweets made me sound like an unrecognisable jerk. \"You're much nicer than this in
real life,\" she said. This is a common refrain about social media: that they make
people behave worse than they do in \"real life\"."

/* 1342 */
"_id" : "sWKp8eRazh2DTxdA8",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JyTW4Rg2tE&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Internet Warriors",
"description" : "Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten
people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? Director Kyrre Lien meets
a global group of strongly opinionated individuals, who spend their time debating
online on the subjects they care most strongly about."

/* 1343 */
"_id" : "naF4rxSfzigi5AXah",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/11/world-faces-worst-
"image" :
"title" : "World faces worst humanitarian crisis since 1945, says UN official",
"description" : "The world faces the largest humanitarian crisis since the end
of the second world war with more than 20 million people in four countries facing
starvation and famine, a senior United Nations official has warned."

/* 1344 */
"_id" : "vgREiqtTzHnnwcnih",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/12/no-evidence-to-back-
"image" :
"title" : "No evidence to back idea of learning styles | Letter",
"description" : "There is widespread interest among teachers in the use of
neuroscientific research findings in educational practice. However, there are also
misconceptions and myths that are supposedly based on sound neuroscience that are
prevalent in our schools."

/* 1345 */
"_id" : "RCxDbFZbopC9n93NW",
"url" : "https://hbr.org/2013/08/why-do-so-many-incompetent-men",
"image" : "http://hbr.org/resources/images/hbr_opengraph_940x490.png",
"title" : "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?",
"description" : "There are three popular explanations for the clear under-
representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they
are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break
the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes,
that prevents women from accessing the ranks of power."

/* 1346 */
"_id" : "R3cmSPHcfidtR3vBy",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5163103f-9e79-4e9e-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f82bb555-09f3-4466-
"title" : "KIDSAI001",
"description" : null

/* 1347 */
"_id" : "6fvgqJnzYRbHkaMYm",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/09/opinion/a-ticket-to-hell.html",
"image" :
"title" : "A Ticket to Hell",
"description" : "He upset social conventions. For him, things had to be gilded
to be glamorous. All modesty - either real or contrived to guard against exposure -
was absent from the man. He was a glutton for attention and adoration. He chased
the spotlight and pimped celebrity for profit."

/* 1348 */
"_id" : "CmF5utz5H4f4E22vo",
"url" : "https://twitter.com/unesco_mgiep/status/839688883646443523",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP on Twitter",
"description" : "Highlights of day 3: UNESCO MGIEP's first ever #YesPeace
champion and @TheXFactor winner @emmanuelktwiter moves the delegates with Imagine

/* 1349 */
"_id" : "5BbkEJJHdb65emdEg",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/content/ideas/anonymous/class-her-own",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/0513ILFE10-web.jpg",
"title" : "A class of her own",
"description" : "In the settlement of Moach Goth on the outskirts of Karachi
lives a heroine. To meet her you must drive out towards the provincial border of
Sindh and Balochistan. En route to Moach Goth, you are shown the flyover that
collapsed, the factory that burned, and an entrance to Lyari, the ghetto whose gang
wars and body-counts are in the papers every day."

/* 1350 */
"_id" : "Egw2ihjkyEWuMmKoi",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political
"description" : "How do we make sense of today's political divisions? In a
wide-ranging conversation full of insight, historian Yuval Harari places our
current turmoil in a broader context, against the ongoing disruption of our
technology, climate, media -- even our notion of what humanity is for."

/* 1351 */
"_id" : "j9v7dpA8dXapoN3pk",
"url" : "https://ourworldindata.org/a-history-of-global-living-conditions-in-5-
"image" : "http://ourworldindata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Two-centuries-
"title" : "A history of global living conditions in 5 charts",
"description" : "This is the introduction to Our World in Data - the web
publication that shows how global living conditions are changing. A recent survey
asked \"All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse,
or neither getting better nor worse?\". In Sweden 10% thought t"
/* 1352 */
"_id" : "XrF7EFovsSNosHxTr",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/moral-economy-of-a-
"image" :
"title" : "Moral economy of a university",
"description" : "Indians do not have the patience to focus on a problem for an
extended period of time. We do not think of institutions in the long run. We panic
when there is a crisis but when a crisis dims, we lose our focus. As a result, we
are poor at institution-building."

/* 1353 */
"_id" : "eEMHYBaqxyggcvQLW",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/mar/01/burning-lakes-experts-
"image" :
"title" : "City of burning lakes: experts fear Bangalore will be uninhabitable
by 2025",
"description" : "On the evening of Thursday 16 February, residents in the
south-east part of Bangalore noticed huge plumes of smoke rising into the sky. The
smoke was coming from the middle of Bellandur Lake - the biggest lake in the city
at a little over 890 acres."

/* 1354 */
"_id" : "kHozNzWwT4HvQrJaR",
"url" : "https://qz.com/778767/to-tell-someone-theyre-wrong-first-tell-them-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A philosopher's 350-year-old trick to get people to change their
minds is now backed up by psychologists",
"description" : "The 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal is perhaps best
known for Pascal's Wager which, in the first formal use of decision theory, argued
that believing in God is the most pragmatic decision. But it seems the French
thinker also had a knack for psychology. As Brain Pickings points out, Pascal set
out the most effective way..."

/* 1355 */
"_id" : "5dckLF8EJZMt4jvbc",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/857d1b8a-fc65-4de6-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/27cc31a7-01f3-455b-
"title" : "gged5",
"description" : null

/* 1356 */
"_id" : "QARwPPjj6zc6ht5Pz",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-hKS4rucTY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Neuroscience of Compassion | Tania Singer",
"description" : "http://www.weforum.org/ Can training our brains help make the
world a better place? Tania Singer from the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences thinks it can. She's a social neuroscientist and
psychologist who says the brain's plasticity means it can be trained to make us
less selfish and more compassionate."

/* 1357 */
"_id" : "EqzSWmPeAv9m8pnZa",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkueGrrQKu8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teacher Interviews / Destroying Poverty with Education / Sierra
"description" : "Miriam Mason-Sesay is a Top 50 Finalist of the Global Teacher
Prize and a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. She was a
teacher in the UK for eight years before she visited Sierra Leone."

/* 1358 */
"_id" : "PoaWC4qdJhXsnm4QZ",
"url" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"image" : "",
"title" : "www.mareikehachemer.jimdo/blog",
"description" : null

/* 1359 */
"_id" : "nrpQrLoNYdQrhQKp5",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Kiran Sethi: Kids, take charge",
"description" : "Kiran Bir Sethi shows how her groundbreaking Riverside School
in India teaches kids life's most valuable lesson: \"I can.\" Watch her students
take local issues into their own hands, lead other young people, even educate their

/* 1360 */
"_id" : "JQzNY5juExmMahxDN",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/24/education-publisher-
"image" :
"title" : "Education publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history",
"description" : "Pearson has reported a pre-tax loss of 2.6bn for 2016, the
biggest in its history, after a slump at its US education operation. The world's
largest education publisher, which in January saw almost 2bn wiped from its stock
market value after issuing its fifth profit warning in two years, reported the
record loss after taking a 2.55bn non-cash charge for \"impairment of goodwill
reflecting trading pressures\" in its North American businesses."

/* 1361 */
"_id" : "sxiwdTGmRaqHceAWu",
"url" : "http://carnegieindia.org/2016/08/11/india-and-artificial-intelligence-
"image" : "http://carnegieendowment.org/images/article_images/GettyImages-
"title" : "India and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution",
"description" : "Shashi Shekhar Vempati Recent advances in artificial
intelligence (AI) are a wake-up call to policymakers in India, with every one of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's flagship programs likely to be directly affected
within the next few years. With China making rapid progress in AI-based research,
it is imperative that India view AI as a critical element of national security

/* 1362 */
"_id" : "9omiq3Bur8dnjDHfB",
"url" : "http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-video-games-be-allowed-in-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Should video games be allowed in school",
"description" : "Debate.org is a dynamic social community where you can voice
your opinion on today's hottest issues."

/* 1363 */
"_id" : "d5GujbCYKkoiZgxAA",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/96689c56-b167-4ff1-
9852-c598d69a2cc5_Gamers brain.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Gamers brain",
"description" : null

/* 1364 */
"_id" : "o24twCGM9poYemYfb",
"url" : "http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-
"image" : "http://www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/170227_r29468-
"title" : "Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds",
"description" : "In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of
undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with
pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random
individual, the other by a person who had subsequently taken his own life."

/* 1365 */
"_id" : "x4YK3JcWGbhPiiXcX",
"url" : "http://theirworld.org/voices/cameroon-youth-ambassador-on-teachers-
"image" :
"title" : "\"When we teach children from birth in their first language, it
provides them the best chances of educational success\"",
"description" : "To mark International Mother Language Day on February 21,
Global Youth Ambassador Joannes Paulus Yimbesalu explains why teachers are on
strike over French being imposed in Cameroon's English-speaking regions. Whenever I
introduce myself as a Cameroonian to my peers globally, one thing they always ask
me about is our soccer team (which has just won the African Cup of Nations 2017)."

/* 1366 */
"_id" : "4z5QsTp6YRgmADmbr",
"url" : "http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2015",
"image" :
"title" : "World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior",
"description" : "The World Bank launched the Global Insights Initiative (GINI).
GINI puts conclusions from the 2015 World Development Report into practice."

/* 1367 */
"_id" : "yHfjJwZHmK88fb5TC",
"url" : "http://newmediaresearch.educ.monash.edu.au/lnm/the-failure-of-moocs/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The failure of MOOCs",
"description" : "failure, noun: \"The fact of failing to effect one's purpose\"
(Oxford English Dictionary, failure, n. 3a) Have MOOCs failed us? This depends on
their purpose. If their purpose was broadening access to chunks of higher
education, they're a success: Coursera alone has more than four times as many
students as the entire Australian higher education system."

/* 1368 */
"_id" : "mT4wRJJqpDEXLshEo",
"url" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/10-best-teachers-world/",
"image" : "http://www.globalteacherprize.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/GTP-
"title" : "These are the 10 best teachers in the world - The Global Teacher
"description" : "We've all had teachers who have inspired us, who have made a
difference to our lives. Teachers have the power to make or break lives. A great
lesson can inspire a passion for a subject that lasts a lifetime, while lacklustre
teaching can kill any desire for learning."

/* 1369 */
"_id" : "sZfrib8XybmoZGrXn",
"url" : "http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/digital-education-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/images.indianexpress.com/2017/02/thinkstockphotos-
"title" : "A new divide in class",
"description" : "It is amusing to see an article fit for the advertisement
section managing to find space instead in the \"Ideas\" section of The Indian
Express. The article, titled \"A More Democratic Learning\" (February 16, 2017),
tries to persuade us to buy an academic product \"Micromasters in Data and
Economics for Development Policy\", a package of five online courses, leading to a
degree from MITx."

/* 1370 */
"_id" : "oDAW4mZH9WLvLDdEi",
"url" : "https://www.edutopia.org/article/border-crossings-matthew-farber",
"image" :
"title" : "Exploring the World in Your Class",
"description" : "In the past several years, the National Endowment of the
Humanities (NEH) has supported and funded digital games, including Mission US: City
of Immigrants, a game about the immigrant experience. You play as Lena Brodsky, a
Jewish immigrant in 1907 New York."

/* 1371 */
"_id" : "uBFDA7yfssTyLA9fy",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1372 */
"_id" : "td8XzaYry6RadpcuL",
"url" : "http://theconversation.com/which-countries-punch-above-their-weight-
"image" : "http://cdn.theconversation.com/files/102815/width1356x668/image-
"title" : "Which countries punch above their weight in education rankings?",
"description" : "Rankings of countries based on how well their students perform
in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) always receive a great
deal of attention from the media and politicians. But PISA rankings, produced by
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, are limited when it
comes to evaluating the quality of education systems and their efforts to improve
children's lives."

/* 1373 */
"_id" : "pNXoC5fpJCyS5re6a",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/02/digital-
"image" :
"title" : "We're over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience |
Simon Jenkins",
"description" : "Stepping outside the bubble of gloom this week I noticed
something surreal. Kodak was reviving its Ektachrome film range to meet a surging
demand for high-end traditional film. Was this the same Kodak, I wondered, that
went bankrupt in 2012 after 47,000 job losses, a moment hailed by seers as when the
digital revolution finally came of age?"

/* 1374 */
"_id" : "iXa3CJbRQHEpSfsq5",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/20/global-arms-weapons-
"image" :
"title" : "Global arms trade reaches highest point since cold war era",
"description" : "The global transfer of major weapons systems rose over the
past five years to the highest volume since the end of the cold war as the Middle
East nearly doubled its imports, according to an annual report on arms sales."

/* 1375 */
"_id" : "mGmP4xC6NYXcyffT8",
"url" : "http://hechingerreport.org/can-virtual-reality-teach-empathy/",
"image" : "http://hechingerreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chris-Berdik-
"title" : "Can Virtual Reality \"teach\" empathy? - The Hechinger Report",
"description" : "In November 2015, middle-school students from Westchester
County, New York, found themselves on a windswept field in South Sudan mingling
with a crowd of refugees fleeing civil war. Suddenly, they heard the deafening roar
of low-flying military cargo planes overhead, followed by large bags of grain
thudding to the ground all around them."

/* 1376 */
"_id" : "C4zHAGb7zZ2stub5z",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQnyPeQRuCI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth of the World - For a Better World",
"description" : "180 students from classrooms in ten different countries on six
different continents contributed to the making of this video. In our classroom in
Germany, we started with the question: \"What in this world makes you worried? How
could you express your worry and anger?\" and started to make plans for a video."

/* 1377 */
"_id" : "Q8ffjRPqkL7foYiyM",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ng-interactive/2017/feb/14/are-you-
"image" :
"title" : "Are you at risk? How pollution increases your chance of death -
"description" : "Greenpeace has calculated the increased risk of death at
varying levels of air pollution in 3,000 cities around the world - by combining
risk analysis from the IHME's Global Burden of Disease project with annual average
background levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5s) from the WHO"

/* 1378 */
"_id" : "jPxqoSsZgPG7ZCLRz",
"url" : "https://www.buzzfeed.com/emeynardie/13-childrens-books-that-encourage-
"image" : "http://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-
"title" : "Community Post: 13 Children's Books That Encourage Kindness Towards
"description" : "This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or
endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone
can post awesome lists and creations. Learn more or post your buzz!"

/* 1379 */
"_id" : "gRHytM2LyQSZSd3Y4",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 1380 */
"_id" : "HdM6a9aW6tXd3pBHK",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/02/daily-chart-10",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Daily chart: Young people and free speech | The Economist",
"description" : "YOUNG people have always been more idealistic than their
elders, and more liberal too. In the 1960s baby-boomers spearheaded the social
revolution that liberalised values across Western countries. What were then fringe
issues, such as equality for women and racial minorities, are now social norms in
most rich countries."
/* 1381 */
"_id" : "2w2cc7y3nZQgkQs5v",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/15/robots-schools-
"image" :
"title" : "In the age of robots, our schools are teaching children to be
redundant| George Monbiot",
"description" : "In the future, if you want a job, you must be as unlike a
machine as possible: creative, critical and socially skilled. So why are children
being taught to behave like machines? Children learn best when teaching aligns with
their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity."

/* 1382 */
"_id" : "DsAkem3CCpYXsxhXv",
"url" : "http://nation.time.com/2013/09/26/the-class-of-2025/",
"image" : "http://timemilitary.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/class.jpg?w=260",
"title" : "What Colleges Will Teach in 2025",
"description" : "Reports on what supposedly educated Americans know-and more
sensationally, don't know-come along fairly regularly, each more depressing than
the last. A survey of recent college graduates commissioned by the American Council
of Trustees and Alumni and conducted by GfK Roper last year found that barely half
knew that the U.S."

/* 1383 */
"_id" : "RYa8FJjb6CZmovsTk",
"url" : "http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/we-are-chicago-video-game-
"image" :
"title" : "Can a video game be the ultimate empathy machine?",
"description" : "You're seated at the kitchen table, chatting with your mother,
sister, and a classmate between bites of spaghetti when a gunshot rings out from
somewhere near your house. Are you in danger? It's possible, but you've lived in
Englewood all your life and now that you're 18 years old, you're relatively used to
the disruptive sound of random gunfire."

/* 1384 */
"_id" : "5mNniQvg9EgTSjPtR",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a02b35e1-e041-4365-
bc1d-7f1705fd9aee_emma changemaker.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4cd57f02-32ac-4bf9-
"title" : "emma changemaker",
"description" : null
/* 1385 */
"_id" : "xLs2aKnJx2wXxwtcQ",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/The-temptation-to-go-
"image" :
"title" : "The temptation to go viral",
"description" : "Newspapers recently published a story about a young man who
lay bleeding on a road while onlookers took pictures of him and made a video. The
incident happened in Koppal in Karnataka. The bicycle this 18-year-old was riding
was caught under the rear wheel of a State transport bus."

/* 1386 */
"_id" : "9hFFpWmffTqhWnFSP",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 1387 */
"_id" : "fuRkYWi9SvnGbsnzZ",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1388 */
"_id" : "NTP5yJtzvFob5WMsj",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/silicon-valley-rightour-jobs-already-
"image" :
"title" : "Silicon Valley is right-our jobs are already disappearing",
"description" : "Andrew Yang Follow Following Unfollow Andrew Yang Sign in to
follow this author Stephen Hawking says that \"we are at the most dangerous moment
in the development of humanity\" and that the \" rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most
caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 1389 */
"_id" : "ECyKhKSenpQr7Wsfp",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6b810333-ebb6-44c9-
a47f-405833e702a3_Hajar IDRISSI.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ca9b5a27-61e3-4487-
"title" : "Hajar IDRISSI",
"description" : null

/* 1390 */
"_id" : "ATE4tKGA6YAbeKzGe",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/quora/how-will-education-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/5080158/images/o-PRIMARY-SCHOOL-CHILDREN-
"title" : "How Will Education Change in the Next Ten Years?",
"description" : "How will education change in the next 10 years? originally
appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to
learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Salman-Khan, founder
of Khan Academy, on Quora: Mastery Learning Here is where I see education moving
over the next ten years: First, mastery-learning will become much more mainstream."

/* 1391 */
"_id" : "MmuarduaxsD2zpgof",
"url" : "http://www.theage.com.au/world/australia-must-speak-up-about-myanmars-
"image" :
"title" : "'Sorrow beyond belief': Australia must speak up about devastating
cruelty loudly and clearly",
"description" : "Bangkok: A soldier slits a baby's throat for crying out for
his mother's milk. Soldiers stomp on the stomach of a mother while she is in labour
and then burn down her family home. Mass rapes, murders, forced disappearances,
beatings and families locked in torched houses and burnt alive."

/* 1392 */
"_id" : "cdbCYWAQbKCNpv4rt",
"url" : "http://forum.peaceopoly.org/blogs/paul-iregbenu-s-blog/945-how-we-
"image" : "",
"title" : "How We Make Way for Peace and Democracy Across Africa",
"description" : "As we look forward to the International Day of Peace, we at
PeaceOpoly are proud to play a small role in a very big world. Were on a journey to
ensure there is peace as Africa brings bear the tenets of democracy amidst its many
challenges, and technology is our ticket."

/* 1393 */
"_id" : "CpEpMPPD7WQBqwzHT",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5OcbNTqbM4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Teaching - The Most Important Profession in the World | Mareike
Hachemer | TEDxHeidelberg",
"description" : "\"Why would you sit here and listen to a teacher?\" - simply
because Mareike flips the coin and beautifully shows us why we should rethink our
perspective on teaching. It is incredible which impact she and other teachers have
- social change, shaping the year 2100 and their students' everyday lives."

/* 1394 */
"_id" : "Mwx9oQbQCQNvbHczK",
"url" : "http://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/china-to-ban-minors-
"image" : "http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-57017896,width-
"title" : "China to ban minors from playing online games from midnight to 8
a.m. - ET Telecom",
"description" : "Beijing: China is planning to ban online games for minors from
midnight to 8:00 a.m., according to a draft regulation on the protection of minors
issued by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs."

/* 1395 */
"_id" : "jKLX6aWeGuKYuzNNZ",
"url" : "https://hundred.org/news/the-first-ten-global-innovations-global-
"image" : "http://hundred-
"title" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education Cities
and Blueprints",
"description" : "The First Ten Global Innovations: Global Oneness, Education
Cities and Blueprints Last week at Bett, an education and technology event held
annually in London attended by thousands of teachers, students and education
professionals, we announced our first ten global innovations in education! You can
find all ten of them here."

/* 1396 */
"_id" : "pscf2nnpqCyzE7uCf",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/528e7ab2-95f4-4842-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/b50e6496-0525-4a05-
"title" : "doc",
"description" : null

/* 1397 */
"_id" : "bz3R8vKCuTSk5SjRN",
"url" : "http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-
"image" : "http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-
"title" : "Saudi Arabia celebrates its first ever Women's Day",
"description" : "Saudi Arabia has celebrated its own Women's Day, a first for
the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom. A three-day gathering was held at the King
Fahd Cultural Centre in the capital of Riyadh. It featured speakers who argued for
women's rights to drive and called for an end to the country's male guardianship

/* 1398 */
"_id" : "xJE6kcsYuogk6CyJW",
"url" : "http://www.youthforchange.org/latest-
"image" :
"title" : "Youth power is the key to end FGM",
"description" : "Francis is a member of Youth For Change Tanzania Team - he
explains why it's crucial to recognise the role young people must play in in the
fight to end FGM. This blog was originally published for FGM Everybody's Business,
and we've republished it as part of our #WhyZeroFGM series."

/* 1399 */
"_id" : "X9r4XHWwCju82AFN4",
"url" : "http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/oped/Radical--not-cosmetic-reforms-needed-
"image" :
"title" : "TOUGH JUSTICE : Radical, not cosmetic reforms needed in",
"description" : "Monday, February 6, 2017 Dr Matiang'i's name became a Twitter
trend back in December 2016, where some people compared him to President Magufuli
because of his approach. Others made calls for him to run for the top office in
this year's polls."

/* 1400 */
"_id" : "RbQAwBB2AxvCjscWz",
"url" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/2017/01/26/effective-teaching-harvard/",
"image" : "http://www.eschoolnews.com/files/2016/08/technology-teaching.jpg",
"title" : "What educators can learn about effective teaching from a Harvard
"description" : "Editor's note: This post by Alan November, written exclusively
for eSchool Media, is part of a series of upcoming articles by this notable
education thought leader. Check back soon for the next must-read post!] Harvard
professor David Malan has managed to pull off a neat trick: His Computer Science 50
course is the most popular course at both Harvard and Yale."

/* 1401 */
"_id" : "otbgumnDqs9cmEmzW",
"url" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/2017/01/norwegian-robot-learns-to-self-
"image" : "http://www.globalfuturist.org/wp-
"title" : "Norwegian robot learns to self-evolve and 3D print itself in the
"description" : "WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF For the first time we are seeing how
it's possible for robots in the future to design and evolve, manufacture and
assemble themselves without human input Experts at the University of Oslo, Norway
have discovered a new way for robots to design, evolve and manufacture themselves,
without input from humans, using a form of artificial evolution called \"
Generative design,\" and 3D printers - although admittedly the team, for now at
least, still has to assemble the final product, robot, when it's printed."

/* 1402 */
"_id" : "eJ4W2fgHNAHZgxBq7",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21716030-young-voters-are-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-
"title" : "Vote early, vote often: Why the voting age should be lowered to 16 |
The Economist",
"description" : "HOW young is too young? Rich democracies give different
answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and
cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an
adult at 14. Such thresholds vary wildly from place to place."

/* 1403 */
"_id" : "7YaCAxPaq5cX84ceQ",
"url" : "http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/montreal/in-his-own-words-imam-
"image" :
"title" : "In his own words: Imam Hassan Guillet's address at Quebec City
funeral for 3 mosque victims",
"description" : "Ibrahima Barry, 39, Mamadou Tanou Barry, 42, and Azzeddine
Soufiane, 57, were among the six men who died when a shooter entered the mosque
where they were attending evening prayers last Sunday. Here is a complete text of
Imam Hassan Guillet's English address."

/* 1404 */
"_id" : "Dd4Zixz5A5CRQZraM",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/these-are-the-books-the-most-
"image" :
"title" : "The top reads of 2016 - as chosen by influential leaders around the
"description" : "Facebook asked 62 of its 'global influencers' what they read
in 2016. This is what they said."

/* 1405 */
"_id" : "mveH3rxdFMeEpryzW",
"url" : "http://www.dw.com/en/america-first-but-which-european-country-is-
"image" : "http://www.dw.com/image/37398066_304.jpg",
"title" : "'America First,' but which European country is second? Parody videos
make their pitch to Trump | Digital Culture | DW.COM | 03.02.2017",
"description" : "Shortly after Trump's inaugural declaration that from now on,
it would be only \"America First,\" a Dutch comedy show called \"Zondag Met
Lubach\" parodied the new US president's rhetoric, absurdly promoting all the
reasons why the Netherlands should come in second. The clip went viral."

/* 1406 */
"_id" : "WREbKevsy9GvRf4vq",
"url" : "http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/ak47-kalashnikov-russia-assault-
"image" : "http://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/gettyimages-
"title" : "Kalashnikov Is Hiring 1,700 People to Meet Demand for AK-47s",
"description" : "A steep surge in demand for AK-47s has led Russian gunmaker
Kalashnikov Group to increase its staff by 30%, with most orders being made for
export. CNBC reports that the company plans to create 1,700 new jobs this year, as
announced in a press release this week."

/* 1407 */
"_id" : "7zDgKPpX8Gd5Nz9uS",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H-uJu3hiDk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "YouthFirst_NGLS_Capacity Building Session_Advocacy",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-12-26."

/* 1408 */
"_id" : "4W4qJLjayHPE5Np7W",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqbAT8JA4k8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Youth First Madagascar_YWLP trailer_English_2015",
"description" : "Uploaded by Tina Razafinimanana on 2015-05-21."

/* 1409 */
"_id" : "p5KsL2vSLajgEYmD3",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/Maharashtra-
"image" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-
"title" : "Maharashtra textbook says 'ugliness' is reason for dowry demands",
"description" : "A textbook for Class XII in Maharashtra has cited \"ugliness\"
and physical handicap of a girl as a reason behind the dowry issue prevalent in the
country. The remark appears in a chapter in the sociology textbook titled 'Major
Social Problems in India' of the state Secondary and Higher Secondary education

/* 1410 */
"_id" : "MPx6vx3682jCbe3oy",
"url" : "https://qz.com/677380/1700-years-ago-the-mismanagement-of-a-migrant-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/rtr2r5qg.jpg?
"title" : "1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its
"description" : "On Aug. 3, 378, a battle was fought in Adrianople, in what was
then Thrace and is now the province of Edirne, in Turkey. It was a battle that
Saint Ambrose referred to as \"the end of all humanity, the end of the world.\""

/* 1411 */
"_id" : "xvHjuHz8JLMCXbW6A",
"url" : "http://www.documentarytube.com/videos/undercover-care-the-abuse-
"image" : "http://d1nz104zbf64va.cloudfront.net/dt/v/o/undercover-care-the-
"title" : "Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed",
"description" : "On the top floor of a special hospital, locked away from their
families and friends, a group of men and women are subjected to a regime of
physical viole..."

/* 1412 */
"_id" : "3A73E59NGRHcGtKmx",
"url" : "https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/",
"image" :
"title" : "The 'Busy' Trap",
"description" : "If you live in America in the 21st century you've probably had
to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It's become the default
response when you ask anyone how they're doing: \"Busy!\" \" So busy.\" \" Crazy
busy.\" It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint."

/* 1413 */
"_id" : "sAD3biwKypkMtzyqm",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/25/industrial-farming-one-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history",
"description" : "Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of
domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history. The
march of human progress is strewn with dead animals. Even tens of thousands of
years ago, our stone age ancestors were already responsible for a series of
ecological disasters."

/* 1414 */
"_id" : "hb47J9MmeRKpbXMok",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21715634-moral-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "The case for compassion, not empathy",
"description" : "Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. By Paul
Bloom. Ecco; 304 pages; $26.99. Bodley Head; 290 pages; 18.99. IN an age of
partisan divides it has become popular to assert that the wounds of the world would
heal if only people made the effort to empathise more with each other."

/* 1415 */
"_id" : "2NwcTWqZYCsCXwwqC",
"url" : "https://www.wsj.com/articles/can-mindfulness-help-students-do-better-
"image" : "http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/IV-
"title" : "Can 'Mindfulness' Help Students Do Better in School?",
"description" : "\"Mindfulness\" has gotten a lot of buzz recently, with
everyone from tech executives to professional athletes to lawmakers saying they use
it to combat stress, stay balanced and perform better on the job. Now some
educators and psychologists think schoolchildren could benefit from the practice,

/* 1416 */
"_id" : "2pue2TtW5Kb69D3RS",
"url" : "https://norrag.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/for-global-learning-metrics-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/norrag.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/learning.png?
"title" : "For Global Learning Metrics, Ask Cognitive Scientists",
"description" : "By Helen Abadzi, College of Education, University of Texas at
Arlington. The December of 2016 brought worrisome messages to many Ministries of
Education. The 2015 PISA and TIMSS[1] scores were publicized. Despite efforts,
Latin American countries have low scores, as do the wealthy Gulf States.
Policymakers are unsure how to improve instruction for better outcomes...."

/* 1417 */
"_id" : "GKdvmyfZiBJydaYKD",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1418 */
"_id" : "2EH7aeLCkKtEi6uen",
"url" : "http://inspire.nayd.org/2017/01/in-conversation-with-stephen-
"image" : "",
"title" : "In Conversation with Stephen Machua",
"description" : "Progress, Challenges and the Future of Development in Africa
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the implementation of SDGs in Af..."

/* 1419 */
"_id" : "YrzCD6gCuLszcP2Hr",
"url" : "http://www.aeinstein.org/nonviolentaction/198-methods-of-nonviolent-
"image" : "",
"title" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action",
"description" : "198 Methods of Nonviolent Action (PDF version) 198 METHODS OF
NONVIOLENT ACTION Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal
of \"nonviolent weapons\" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them,
classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion,
noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention."

/* 1420 */
"_id" : "wyXB2ZGNDsocBCDbZ",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 1421 */
"_id" : "b5vbWugcYehEydqAp",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/01/six-year-old-
"image" :
"title" : "Six-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About
"description" : "They're more likely to avoid games meant for \"really, really
smart\" children."

/* 1422 */
"_id" : "TncgBZEtcm6Z7CdTZ",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mt3Q40RnaY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Nandini Singh at the Heritage School TEDx filmed by EducationWorld
"description" : "Nandini Chatterjee Singh is a cognitive neuroscientist at the
National Brain Research Centre. Her laboratory works on brain circuits for
Language, Literacy and Music. She is passionate about achieving universal literacy
by 2020. Her research shows that learning in the native language is the key to
functional literacy."

/* 1423 */
"_id" : "Zdk4m3kFDjFtbRJoX",
"url" : "https://scinfolex.com/2017/01/25/hamon-veut-constitutionnaliser-les-
"image" : "http://scinfolex.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/flint7.jpg",
"title" : "Benot Hamon veut &laquo; constitutionnaliser les biens communs
&raquo; : pour quoi faire ?",
"description" : "Benot Hamon a donc termin en tte du premier tour de la
primaire de la Belle Alliance Populaire. Dans son programme, ce sont surtout des
propositions comme l'instauration d'un revenu universel d'existence ou une taxe sur
les robots qui ont retenu l'attention. Mais il comporte une autre mesure qui mrite
mon sens que l'on s'y..."

/* 1424 */
"_id" : "NSupXun4Ak6cqCHEJ",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2017/1/24/14364864/unesco-video-games-
"image" : "http://cdn3.vox-
"title" : "Here's why the UN is getting interested in video games",
"description" : "Many of us have experienced playing a game that changed our
mind or our heart. Perhaps it was about injustices visited upon people who live
different lives to our own. Or it was about an ailment or illness sitting at the
periphery of our own experience. Or maybe it challenged lazy assumptions about

/* 1425 */
"_id" : "P9qXSMnC6fCmbg9ms",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/us/politics/keystone-dakota-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/us/25trump-1/25trump-1-
"title" : "Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama",
"description" : "WASHINGTON - President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to
further dismantle his predecessor's policies as he revived the Keystone XL pipeline
that stirred years of debate over the balance between the nation's energy needs and
efforts to stem climate change."

/* 1426 */
"_id" : "PRXArmaqGeMza8dvq",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11331034/Mindfulness-the-
"image" :
"title" : "Mindfulness: the saddest trend of 2015",
"description" : "How does your mind feel? Slowly revving back up after the
festive fug of Christmas? Chances are, in the slew of \"New Year New You\"
suggestions, you will have read about mindfulness. Indeed, it was pretty hard to
get through last year without noticing it."
/* 1427 */
"_id" : "hSPuMEpZMChweyg2P",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/23/is-mindfulness-
"image" :
"title" : "Is mindfulness making us ill?",
"description" : "I am sitting in a circle in a grey, corporate room with 10
housing association employees - administrators, security guards, cleaners - eyes
darting about nervously. We are asked to eat a sandwich in silence. To think about
every taste and texture, every chewing motion and bite."

/* 1428 */
"_id" : "4jfqgETLXKNvZPwKT",
"url" : "https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-ai-revolution-the-road-to-
"image" : "http://img.readitlater.com/direct?resize=w2000&url=http%3A%2F
"title" : "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why -
"description" : "PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline
viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three
weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could
not believe what I was reading."

/* 1429 */
"_id" : "6Y5JEjKQgeKECfktF",
"url" : "http://www.hope-education.co.uk/netalogue/hope/classroom-of-the-
"image" : "http://images.findel-education.co.uk/classroom-of-the-future/img/f-
"title" : "The Classroom of The Future | Hope Education",
"description" : "The digital world means we're on the cusp of a technical
revolution which is limitless in education. Welcome to our classroom of the

/* 1430 */
"_id" : "A8zWGfFNXZ3HsmMtx",
"url" : "https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/474588/why-empathy-is-a-bad-
"image" :
"title" : "Empathy Doesn't Make You a Good Person",
"description" : "Paul Bloom, psychologist and Yale professor, argues that
empathy is a bad thing-that it makes the world worse. While we've been taught that
putting yourself in another's shoes cultivates compassion, it actually blinds you
to the long-term consequences of your actions."

/* 1431 */
"_id" : "xqAsPoZS2ioteMaJu",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-
"image" :
"title" : "Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems",
"description" : "Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of
communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name.
Mention it in conversation and you'll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your
listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it."

/* 1432 */
"_id" : "qp8gGGZSEQqX42npQ",
"url" : "http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeanbaptiste/2016/05/23/french-
"image" : "http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jeanbaptiste/files/2016/05/IMG_4797-
"title" : "French Billionaire Opens Free Coding University '42' In Silicon
"description" : "A rendering of the free coding school '42' that will open in
Fremont, Calif., in July for its first coding bootcamp. (Credit: Ecole 42) French
technology entrepreneur and billionaire Xavier Niel (#129 in 2016 and #7 in France
with a net worth of $8 billion) is investing $100 million of his [...]"

/* 1433 */
"_id" : "b38qnRq48jN6inJme",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38639891",
"image" : "http://ichef-
"title" : "Chinese billionaire offers biggest education prize - BBC News",
"description" : "A Chinese technology billionaire is offering the world's most
valuable education prize. The Yidan Prize will award nearly $8m (6.64m) every year
to two research projects that have the potential to \"transform\" global education.
Charles Chen Yidan, who co-founded China's internet company, Tencent, wants to use
the prize to scale up innovative education research projects and replicate them
across the world."

/* 1434 */
"_id" : "Q23AMg53jMottNDAJ",
"url" : "http://www.unescobkk.org/education/education-2030/2nd-apmed2030/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "UNESCO Office in Bangkok: 2nd APMED2030",
"description" : "Senior officials from ministries of education from 32
countries, representatives from sub-regional, intergovernmental organizations,
civil society, UN agencies, UNESCO institutes and academia across the Asia-Pacific
region will convene at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030
II) from 16-18 November 2016 at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand."

/* 1435 */
"_id" : "iL4xBepgBNkYKXYNq",
"url" : "http://yolocaust.de/",
"image" : "http://yolocaust.de/images/fb.jpg",
"title" : "YOLOCAUST",
"description" : "Yolocaust is a project by Shahak Shapira that explores our
commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
with footage from Nazi extermination camps."

/* 1436 */
"_id" : "KcTXKmuA7cGoRggYX",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper",
"description" : "Long before sustainability was a buzzword, architect Shigeru
Ban was using ecologically sound building materials such as cardboard tubes. He
uses them to build remarkable temporary structures for disaster-struck nations such
as Haiti, Rwanda and Japan. Yet often, these buildings remain a beloved part of the
landscape long after they have served their intended purpose."

/* 1437 */
"_id" : "y5oERk3hQBjx4uRfj",
"url" : "http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/01/slavoj-i-ek-charlie-
"image" :
"title" : "Slavoj iek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really
full of passionate intensity?",
"description" : "Now, when we are all in a state of shock after the killing
spree in the Charlie Hebdo offices, it is the right moment to gather the courage to
think. We should, of course, unambiguously condemn the killings as an attack on the
very substance our freedoms, and condemn them without any hidden caveats (in the
style of \" Charlie Hebdo was nonetheless provoking and humiliating the Muslims too

/* 1438 */
"_id" : "P8pKosJgHKi4vScfY",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7Edq-QanM",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Prof Krishna Kumar address at FICCI Publicon 2016",
"description" : "Uploaded by TheAGcreatives on 2016-12-04."

/* 1439 */
"_id" : "uonQTPupCLeZKhiTt",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/world/asia/bhutan-gross-national-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/29/world/03BHUTAN-1/03BHUTAN-
"title" : "In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills",
"description" : "As the president of the Center for Bhutan Studies and GNH
Research, Mr. Ura has spent much of his time asking Bhutanese questions about
interactions with neighbors, quality of sleep and physical vigor in an attempt to
understand and measure subjective well-being."

/* 1440 */
"_id" : "zhvrpHxWHT4vS5Rit",
"url" : "http://www.games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Browse Sustainability Gamepedia - Games4Sustainability",
"description" : "Cities and communities. Simulation. Floods and Culture. 1-2
hours. Gifts of Culture is a board game role-playing simulation of a diverse
cultural community. It allows players to experience how cultural differences can
lead to troubles but at the same time they can also be helpful."

/* 1441 */
"_id" : "y4hgcaPZEMbj7uWrQ",
"url" : "http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/01/14/508991615/5-big-ideas-in-
"image" : "http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/01/09/measurement-ideas2-
"title" : "5 Big Ideas In Education That Don't Work",
"description" : "Small classes. High standards. More money. These popular
remedies for school ills aren't as effective as they're sometimes thought to be.
That's the somewhat controversial conclusion of education researcher John Hattie.
Over his career, Hattie has scrutinized more than 1,000 \"meta-analyses,\" looking
at all types of interventions to improve learning."

/* 1442 */
"_id" : "YGTnwPgihfMZ2iT8k",
"url" : "http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/4/30/8514675/a-saudi-prince-is-
"image" : "http://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "A Saudi Prince is using video games to fuel an intellectual
renaissance in the Middle East",
"description" : "Terrorist, cartoon stereotype, evil oppressive dictator. It's
through those lenses - those unfair representations of a complex, massive grouping
of a wide variety of people and what they believe in - that much of the non-Arab
world sees the population of the Middle East."

/* 1443 */
"_id" : "pfsiwrDG8ikmn7FYF",
"url" : "https://www.1843magazine.com/features/body-politics",
"image" : "http://www.1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/201606_FE_RUS_005-
"title" : "Body Politics",
"description" : "Robert Rauschenberg, the subject of a major forthcoming
retrospective, has long been overshadowed by Andy Warhol. Caroline Roux looks at
how his influence on China is leading to a reassessment of his importance"

/* 1444 */
"_id" : "bJmepEdfSpv9MxDmi",
"url" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/research/curriculum-future-digital-game",
"image" : "http://www.nzcer.org.nz/system/files/CFF-icon2.jpg",
"title" : "Curriculum for the Future: The digital game | New Zealand Council
for Educational Research",
"description" : "Curriculum for the Future: The Digital Game is designed to
generate thought-provoking conversations about learning and curriculum today and in
the future. It's a fun way to think about complex ideas and it's great for playing
with a group of people who care about what we will learn in the future."

/* 1445 */
"_id" : "SuiZDPgaCjTxZq9eG",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2017-05-01/language",
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Finding a voice",
"description" : "Language: Finding a voice Computers have got much better at
translation, voice recognition and speech synthesis, says Lane Greene. But they
still don't understand the meaning of language I'M SORRY, Dave. I'm afraid I can't
do that.\""

/* 1446 */
"_id" : "mnRoGSMjpTx4MeTDN",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/infographics/gamification-education/",
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/gamification-
"title" : "The Gamification of Education Infographic #gamification #edtech",
"description" : "Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space.
How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? Learn all
about the impact of gaming on education in this infographic."

/* 1447 */
"_id" : "cCy4ufMWmc6Yh3bwD",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c2bf7e-a038-48c5-
bea7-6e035f98bbc3_Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bridging Learning Gaps for the Youth",
"description" : null

/* 1448 */
"_id" : "RyMKn9swmtkCMJeqD",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-adaptive-learning-anyway-zach-
"image" :
"title" : "What is adaptive learning anyway?",
"description" : "As emerging technologies and methodologies reshape corporate
training, one phrase \"adaptive learning\" is among the biggest of the buzzwords. I
get asked all the time what exactly \"adaptive learning\" means. Most know the
technology has something to do with e-learning, personalized education, micro-
learning, badging, gamification, cloud-based learning, etc."

/* 1449 */
"_id" : "8M5o5xiMJ3DRAoss9",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RdMDY5rYnY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pick Your Teacher: Democratic Schooling in the UK - Rebel
"description" : "The London Nautical School was founded in 1915 to train
students in maritime skills. Today it's a modern, non-selective inner London state
school for boys - with a very different approach to learning. At the start of the
year, teachers pitch their courses to the students, who are given the power to
choose what courses they want to study."

/* 1450 */
"_id" : "czWy9sa9WDJW7dxan",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Interactive Feature -
"description" : "A history of classroom technology, from the writing slate to
the electronic tablet."

/* 1451 */
"_id" : "y4srFkrd9t7pnsXMY",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/52c1477b-eccf-4f9f-
9974-bccd4b72c3fa_The Critical Thinking workbook.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Critical Thinking workbook",
"description" : null

/* 1452 */
"_id" : "CEbXZj6EtDfJP88ec",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/61864513",
"image" : "",
"title" : "V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"",
"description" : "This is \"V. S. Ramachandran on \"Gandhi Neurons\"\" by Being
Human on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them."
/* 1453 */
"_id" : "EoYEygE3mjyBcBh9c",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Education alone doesn't prevent violent extremism. Here's what else
you need.",
"description" : "In November, 15 years into the \"Global War on Terror,\" the
Obama administration expanded the scope of the war. The outgoing administration
declared al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group in Somalia, to be part of the armed
conflict that Congress approved in its Authorization of Military Force resolution
after the Sept."

/* 1454 */
"_id" : "2tvWKFwjSCcoGMdKw",
"url" : "https://www.thequint.com/blogs/2017/01/04/bengaluru-shame-you-can-
"image" : "http://images.assettype.com/thequint/2017-01/3ec173d1-8629-4dfa-
"title" : "Bengaluru Shame: You Can Choose to Be Safe, So Don't Blame the Mob",
"description" : "Let us examine if this issue was about gender inequality or
rather a law and order issue. It was the New Year's Eve. People were happy and in a
mood for fun and revelry. Each individual was wearing what they wanted to. Each
chose the beverage they liked the most."

/* 1455 */
"_id" : "2ihgG52Jjd8HPhidu",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/07/information-
"image" :
"title" : "Only 20% of US adults have information overload, but those who do
feel burden",
"description" : "Some 20% of American adults feel the burden of information
overload, with that figure at least doubling among those from poorer or less
educated backgrounds, according to a report released today by the Pew Research

/* 1456 */
"_id" : "wgX27waDnJczX5ggo",
"url" : "https://www.knewton.com/resources/blog/adaptive-learning/good-
"image" : "http://www.knewton.com/wp-content/uploads/knewton-math-homework-tim-
"title" : "Good Students Do Their Homework | Knewton",
"description" : "As the school year begins again, so do the homework debates:
Do students have too much homework or too little? How young is too young? Is
homework making a difference? Or would kids be better off playing outside and going
to bed early, as one Texas teacher told her second-grade class?"

/* 1457 */
"_id" : "JmhXkrAFRLyThGEWx",
"url" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/",
"image" : "http://www.research.ibm.com/5-in-5/mental-health/images/app1.jpg",
"title" : "With AI, our words will be a window into our mental health- IBM
"description" : "If your brain is a black boxwe don't fully understand, then
speech is akey to its unlocking. In five years, what we say and write will be used
as indicators of our mental health and physical wellbeing. Patterns in our speech
and writing analyzed by cognitive systems will provide tell- tale signs of early-
stagemental disease that can prompt us to seek treatment."

/* 1458 */
"_id" : "3iYn2XRwEA6uiMYM4",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/01/no-grades-no-timetable-
"image" :
"title" : "No grades, no timetable: Berlin school turns teaching upside down",
"description" : "Anton Oberlnder is a persuasive speaker. Last year, when he
and a group of friends were short of cash for a camping trip to Cornwall, he
managed to talk Germany's national rail operator into handing them some free

/* 1459 */
"_id" : "B3HmGfTkaeJasLRkX",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 1460 */
"_id" : "XsnAraKvyMjSCiMtL",
"url" : "http://www.thankyouforplayingfilm.com/",
"image" :
"title" : "Home",
"description" : "Ryan, an indie video game developer, is creating a poetic
video game to document his experiences raising Joel, his 5-year-old son who has
terminal cancer."

/* 1461 */
"_id" : "odKxkHjMwSMfRDde8",
"url" : "https://qz.com/841877/learn-how-to-meditate-through-video-games-and-
"image" : "",
"title" : "A practical guide for learning meditation through the art of
"description" : "Gaming and meditation have more in common than you think.
These seemingly unrelated pursuits both offer important self-development lessons
that use similar parts of our brains to mold us into better humans. Both also
suffer from public perception problems: Gaming is often seen as a potentially
harmful, violent waste of time dominated by teenage boys with..."

/* 1462 */
"_id" : "cMsPxdKd3kEuzoSvp",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151109-the-infinite-quotable-wisdom-
"image" :
"title" : "The infinite, quotable wisdom of Carl Sagan",
"description" : "His quotes and insights are all over the internet, but here's
why you should really care about Carl Sagan."

/* 1463 */
"_id" : "XcXn8DJ9CiT8eKSry",
"url" : "https://www.facebook.com/VineSurvivor/videos/1232136226872420/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Vine Survivor - I Never Finished Watching A Video This... |
"description" : "I Never Finished Watching A Video This Long Before But This
One Really Got Me !! For More Videos Visit: brutenews.com Credit:

/* 1464 */
"_id" : "RneR9rN7KftMLiuGf",
"url" : "http://www.ipsnews.net/2016/11/coordinates-of-safety/",
"image" : "http://cdn.ipsnews.net/Library/2016/11/crime_3081396e.jpg",
"title" : "Coordinates of Safety",
"description" : "If we go by the National Crime Records Bureau reports,
incidence of serious crimes against women rose from 237 per day in 2001 to 313 per
day in 2015. These crimes include rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry deaths and
cruelty by husbands and relatives."
/* 1465 */
"_id" : "Rvcp35ode5CCEGoHv",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyc0M41k-mA",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Best Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor festival-
Sara Rozik",
"description" : "It's an Egyptian short film that won an award at the Luxor
festival and the filmmaker Sara Rozik is only 20 years old!"

/* 1466 */
"_id" : "idnGebtWzy6tv2zoo",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0tahJ4f7k&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon \"Give Peace a Chance\" Live in Toronto 1969",
"description" : "John Lennon played as part of the Plastic Ono Band, whose
members also included Yoko Ono, Klaus Voorman, Alan White, and Eric Clapton, a one
day festival, as Sweet Toronto Peace Festival, held September 13, 1969 at Varsity
Stadium on the campus of the University of Toronto and attended by some 20,000

/* 1467 */
"_id" : "3Sixptyx8ZNNEfDLy",
"url" : "http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/12/researchers-create-minecraft-
"image" : "http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-
"title" : "Minecraft expansion successfully tricks students into learning",
"description" : "Two chemists, a materials scientist and a game developer (all
professors), have created a Minecraft expansion designed to sneakily teach
chemistry and engineering concepts. They used the mod as part of a college course
and found preliminary results that suggest it works reasonably well."

/* 1468 */
"_id" : "aE2KqQfgaj33irT2e",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?",
"description" : "Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing Where Is The Love?.
(C) 2003 Interscope Geffen (A&M) Records A Division of UMG Recordings Inc."

/* 1469 */
"_id" : "SMWwnk76v7gLkxXPp",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/this-nifty-infographic-is-a-great-
"image" :
"title" : "This Nifty Infographic Is a Great Introduction to Neuroplasticity
and Cognitive Therapy",
"description" : "It's startling to think about how we've got a spaceship
billions of miles away rendezvousing with Pluto, yet here on Earth there are major
aspects of our own anatomy that we're almost completely ignorant about. We've
climbed Everest, sent men to the moon, and invented the Internet - but we still
don't know how our brains work."

/* 1470 */
"_id" : "4XuqdYdu9STM8L7Fq",
"url" : "http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161116-astronaut-andrew-thomas-we-
"image" :
"title" : "Astronaut Andrew Thomas: We need to teach rational thinking",
"description" : "Australian-born astronaut Andrew Thomas recently described his
life in orbit at BBC Future's World-Changing Ideas Summit. We caught up with him
after his session to ask which one idea could help improve society. Now a US
citizen, Thomas reflects on the recent presidential election and explains why
schools need to teach scientific and rational thinking."

/* 1471 */
"_id" : "wTFz4D52cZDeJun6W",
"url" : "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Argumentative_Indian",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Argumentative Indian - Wikipedia",
"description" : "The Argumentative Indian is a book written by Nobel Prize
winning Indian economist Amartya Sen. It is a collection of essays that discuss
India's history and identity, focusing on the traditions of public debate and
intellectual pluralism."

/* 1472 */
"_id" : "wweTZdukXq6L8RcHe",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbKQ7nXx0o8&app=desktop",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas",
"description" : "John Lennon - Happy Christmas Other videos seem to have war
pictures, famine, sadness and the like. John Lennon's Happy Christmas is about
peace, love, and happiness. Let's try to embrace that and not focus on the
atrocities. Have a Happy Christmas :)"

/* 1473 */
"_id" : "uFtABaDFnpi9Cg3xp",
"url" : "http://childrenstech.com/blog/archives/17504",
"image" : "",
"title" : "A Heartfelt Tribute to Seymour Papert",
"description" : "\"The world lost an amazing wit, intellect, inventor,
bricoleur, scholar, freedom fighter, and friend with the passing of Seymour Papert.
He was arguably the most influential educator of the past half century. It would be
wise for us all to start thinking about what we each might do to build upon his
mighty legacy.\""
/* 1474 */
"_id" : "NXtSdgeroo9LW8CDD",
"url" : "http://learningforaction.com/the-learning-curve/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Learning Curve",
"description" : "Consistent with our mission, our aim is to advance the
sustainability and impact of social sector organizations. And, consistent with our
name, we endeavor to share that results in that will bring greater equity and
justice to all communities."

/* 1475 */
"_id" : "pLpGP2enEMSumkxLi",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/praxis/five-reasons-you-should-be-less-
"image" :
"title" : "Five Reasons You Should Be Less Empathetic",
"description" : "\"I feel your pain,\" President Bill Clinton liked to say,
teeth clamping his lower lip. President Obama has expressed the same sentiment."

/* 1476 */
"_id" : "rdtypBNNnNZsCLp9N",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/to-prevent-rapes-it-s-important-
"image" :
"title" : "To prevent rapes, it's important to understand why they occur",
"description" : "Between 2001 and 2015 the number of rapes doubled in India. In
Delhi, the rise was six-fold. If we go by the incidence of rapes (i.e. number of
rapes divided by 100,000 women), it was the worst state in 2015, followed by the
Northeast (excluding Assam)."

/* 1477 */
"_id" : "pHwu45zoiRsB9r6Dk",
"url" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/",
"image" : "http://2016trends.hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2016",
"description" : "A Hack Education Project"

/* 1478 */
"_id" : "C3CgmwqFLuRYAzP36",
"url" : "https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/11-ted-talks-that-highlight-
"image" :
"title" : "11 TED talks that will bring you one step closer to understanding
yourself and everyone around you",
"description" : "These 11 TED Talks show how strange and mysterious the human
mind really is."

/* 1479 */
"_id" : "orq6qoTpBD9jwuqkc",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1480 */
"_id" : "5WTWYidTHHcuK8sgd",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1481 */
"_id" : "xEtGzWo39L3Nsn6xs",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-hutton/why-we-should-be-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/3337804/images/o-DEFAULT-facebook.jpg",
"title" : "Why We Should Be Designing Our Schools The Same Way We Design
Today's Offices",
"description" : "One afternoon about six years ago, I was entering the school (
Beaver Country Day School) and passing some Middle School (grades 6-8)
classrooms.For some reason, for the first time, I asked myself, \"Every adult in
the school sits in a chair that is on wheels. Why aren't student chairs on

/* 1482 */
"_id" : "j5rfLXCqwG9hi4kTy",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5bd5ef6c-d822-413c-
b342-a6cc53391364_Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\".jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/04212627-08e6-4c4a-
"title" : "Bill Bryson \"A really short history of nearly everything\"",
"description" : null

/* 1483 */
"_id" : "NLLb5YcMJrRbjBhhZ",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/magazine/the-great-ai-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/12/18/magazine/18ai-cover-
"title" : "The Great A.I. Awakening",
"description" : "Four days later, a couple of hundred journalists,
entrepreneurs and advertisers from all over the world gathered in Google's London
engineering office for a special announcement. Guests were greeted with Translate-
branded fortune cookies. Their paper slips had a foreign phrase on one side - mine
was in Norwegian - and on the other, an invitation to download the Translate app."

/* 1484 */
"_id" : "M6NpSMa7qg3Ji8CPn",
"url" : "http://nordic.businessinsider.com/this-swedish-billionaire-has-issued-
"image" :
"title" : "This Swedish billionaire has issued a $5 million award for anyone
who comes up with a UN 2.0",
"description" : "Laszlo Szombatfalvy, one of Sweden's most successful investors
of all time, is urging on the younger generation to re-think global governance."

/* 1485 */
"_id" : "bzMFb7wvSD44uJwQ8",
"url" : "http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21712093-new-
"image" : "http://cdn.static-
"title" : "Neuroscience: Scanning reveals what pregnancy does to a mother's
brain | The Economist",
"description" : "AS ANY parent will tell you, once you have had children
nothing is ever quite the same. Including, it seems, their mothers' brains. In a
paper just published in Nature Neuroscience, a team led by Elseline Hoekzema of the
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, in Spain, describe for the first time how
pregnancy alters women's brains, rewiring them in ways that persist long after a
child has been born."

/* 1486 */
"_id" : "P2wnDddyEiiM4Bn6A",
"url" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/children-explain-
"image" : "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/magazine/rights-
"title" : "In Their Words: How Children Are Affected by Gender Issues",
"description" : "This story appears in the January 2017 issue ofNational
Geographic magazine. If you want candid answers about how gender shapes destiny,
ask the world's nine-year-olds. At nine, a girl in Kenya already knows that her
parents will marry her off for a dowry, to a man who may beat her."

/* 1487 */
"_id" : "6fPSRmYMQHwqFb3gG",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/19/france-plans-
"image" :
"title" : "France plans internet ombudsman to safeguard free speech",
"description" : "France is considering appointing an official internet
ombudsman to regulate complaints about online material in order to prevent
excessive censorship and preserve free speech. A bill establishing a \"content
qualification assessment procedure\" has been tabled in the French senate and the
initiative was debated last week at a high level meeting attended by senators and
judges as well as policy officers from Google and Twitter."

/* 1488 */
"_id" : "pESzYYuxQBcMG3Tw3",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/18/aleppo-elegy-for-doomed-
"image" :
"title" : "Aleppo: Elegy for a doomed city whose history spans centuries",
"description" : "I made my last visit to Aleppo, Syria's most populous city and
once its commercial hub, now a deeply wounded and broken city, just four months
before the Syrian uprising started in March 2011."

/* 1489 */
"_id" : "YWJHxjeXgtwnaTKgT",
"url" : "http://ed.ted.com/featured/pkeqPuzO",
"image" : "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3MYEtQ5Zdn8/0.jpg",
"title" : "Why you think you're right - even if you're wrong",
"description" : "Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to
examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all
costs - or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Julia Galef examines the motivations
behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information,
interweaved with a compelling history lesson from 19th-century France."

/* 1490 */
"_id" : "uzQcBHMioJkQE9p4w",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-broken-starting-from-scratch-
"image" :
"title" : "The internet is broken. Starting from scratch, here's how I'd fix
"description" : "My big idea is that we have to fix the internet. After forty
years, it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and
miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats in the belfry,
and trolls in the basement."

/* 1491 */
"_id" : "zGaWmvkZjFNNHkB9n",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-
"image" :
"title" : "Could the best way to make money from science be to give it away for
"description" : "The Neuro, or the Montreal Neurological Institute and
Hospital. is setting up an experiment in experimentation, an Open Science
Initiative with the express purpose of finding out the best way to realise the
potential of scientific research. It is hard to be against 'open science'."

/* 1492 */
"_id" : "sZveuf3NEpGSApgjP",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/China-slams-India-over-
"image" :
"title" : "China slams India over invite to Dalai Lama at Rashtrapati Bhavan",
"description" : "China has slammed India for inviting the Dalai Lama, Tibetan
spiritual leader, at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan, and urged New Delhi to
respect Beijing's \"core interest\" in order to avoid \"any disturbance\" in
bilaateral ties."

/* 1493 */
"_id" : "pA5bCCS74aQ7RejKq",
"url" : "http://www.asianage.com/opinion/columnists/171216/how-to-lead-
"image" : "http://images.asianage.com/images/aa-Cover-
"title" : "How to lead UN",
"description" : "Secretary-Generals often fail to deliver because the method of
their selection itself is flawed and non-transparent. Antonio Guterres (Photo: AP)
The swearing-in of Portugal's Antonio Guterres as the ninth Secretary-General of
the United Nations on December 12 is an occasion to reflect on the leadership
required in the world body in the face of mounting challenges."

/* 1494 */
"_id" : "JtopzFEZ2cJuX6hPQ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/11dd2b58-d8c3-49e0-
8c50-3fd9a61df6d0_Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Bill Summary- Right of Persons with disabilities bill",
"description" : null
/* 1495 */
"_id" : "CAEdyDwsHPwRgvNLn",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/efc8f0d5-e407-46b7-
9ded-8f5318e4eb33_OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OECD-EDU EDPC RD(2016)38",
"description" : null

/* 1496 */
"_id" : "WxNcNxNKdAQ7zdeQS",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/0369d081-c6dd-47c5-
b291-3889dc44797c_PISA 2015 Results.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "PISA 2015 Results",
"description" : null

/* 1497 */
"_id" : "3QhqpDLnTuzXjmNaq",
"url" : "http://www.torontosun.com/2016/12/14/colorado-school-district-decides-
"image" : "http://storage.torontosun.com/v1/suns-prod-
"title" : "Colorado school district decides whether to arm teachers",
"description" : "A rural Colorado school district is deciding whether to arm
its teachers and other school staff to protect its students."

/* 1498 */
"_id" : "uEFMFf3wTApKL8gMT",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/83e7b50d-91ae-469a-
91ac-993f72853854_Dear Friend.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/eadbcbd7-7ed7-4972-
"title" : "Dear Friend",
"description" : null

/* 1499 */
"_id" : "4EE4GnGk72wtnwsCq",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnD-3q8ays",
"image" : "",
"title" : "OEB 2016 - Plenary Debate",
"description" : "Christoph Benzmller - Freie Universitt Berlin - Germany
Donald Clark - Plan B Learning - UK Andrew Keen - Author and salonFutureCast - USA
Nell Watson - Poikos - Belgium As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB's expert speakers consider just how far AI can go."

/* 1500 */
"_id" : "k6WZCsGJpbz9z8W2Y",
"url" : "http://distractify.com/trending/2016/12/13/horrors-of-war",
"image" : "http://wp-prod-02.distractify.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/aleppo-
"title" : "People Are Sending Their Final Goodbyes From Inside Aleppo",
"description" : "As the battle for Aleppo comes to a close, with Syrian regime
forces closing in on the last remaining pockets of resistance. The Assad regime has
been found killing every man, woman, and child in sight in what the United Nations
is calling a 'complete meltdown of humanity.'"

/* 1501 */
"_id" : "6yet7wAYwrtqaKBq9",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9vbCcI-JN4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Future of Learning Intro",
"description" : "Original video \"The Future of Learning, Networked Society by
Ericsson can be found at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quYDkuD4dMU"

/* 1502 */
"_id" : "oxcPzdhe9AWHRY7Q5",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/4c9dff42-bd76-4289-
805c-0a823b1929c2_6th AMA with Jules Csillag.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/e3d32ff3-ddc6-4187-
"title" : "6th AMA with Jules Csillag",
"description" : null

/* 1503 */
"_id" : "TyhhP9JcggN56Fera",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l4nVByCL44",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Blowin in The Wind - Bob Dylan",
"description" : "Blowin in The Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk
down, Before you can call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail, Before
she sleeps in the sand? Yes, and how many times must cannonballs fly, Before
they're forever banned?"

/* 1504 */
"_id" : "cwRDwBBEh5aqmC7At",
"url" : "http://www.wikihow.com/Start-Your-Own-Country",
"image" : "http://www.wikihow.com/images/c/cb/Start-Your-Own-Country-Step-
"title" : "How to Start Your Own Country",
"description" : "Tired of the crazy politics and government interference or
social permissiveness? Has your tax burden become more than you can bear? If you've
ever thought that if people just did it your way, things would be much better...we
have good..."

/* 1505 */
"_id" : "qgfasWZkWehKTzwAj",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bb8dd51f-0599-43eb-
80e3-8ba8517196ae_Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ceda6f5a-98e9-423e-
"title" : "Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro?",
"description" : null

/* 1506 */
"_id" : "urLdXNa2fMdrqGc2t",
"url" : "http://forward.com/culture/356537/why-times-trump-cover-is-a-
"image" : "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.forward.com/images/cropped/trump-
"title" : "Why Time's Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art",
"description" : "Time Magazine's annual \"Person of the Year\" announcement is,
year after year, grossly misunderstood. Time Magazine is clear on its sole
criterion - \"the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on
the events of the year\" - yet, do a simple search on Twitter and you will find
countless people who seem to think that the \"Person of the Year\" selection is
tantamount to an endorsement."

/* 1507 */
"_id" : "bis3MMsF5wftYTE8u",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDrzKBF6gDU",
"image" : "",
"title" : "LOUIS ARMSTRONG what wonderful world",
"description" : "I see trees of green red roses too Veo rboles verdes y rosas
rojas tambin I see them bloom, for me and you las veo florecer, para ti y para mi
and I think to myself, What a wonderful world."

/* 1508 */
"_id" : "AALtvdqvzHg6Q7LAz",
"url" : "https://www.opendemocracy.net/geoffrey-macdonald-luke-waggoner/from-
"image" :
"title" : "From countering to preventing violent extremism",
"description" : "Fighting extremism isn't just about military and intelligence
solutions. What strategies should governments and civil society groups pursue?
Countering violent extremism (CVE)-which aims to hinder the recruitment efforts of
violent extremists as well as address the conditions that facilitate
radicalization-has become an umbrella term encompassing disparate non-coercive
responses to terrorism and other forms of ideological violence."

/* 1509 */
"_id" : "pXbPYCDkEhc5yjgr8",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5d0d0fb0-094c-43ef-
bb47-398817927460_5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/5df20c34-9743-40d7-
"title" : "5th AMA with Dr. Jerome Schultz",
"description" : null

/* 1510 */
"_id" : "vehxGF3ZhSjKqCQ9x",
"url" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2016/12/07/video-games-are-
"image" : "http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/wp-
"title" : "Video games are more addictive than ever. This is what happens when
kids can't turn them off.",
"description" : "Video games are nothing new, and neither are reports of game
addiction. But today's most popular games are wholly immersive: Vast digital
landscapes unfold in eye-popping detail, nuanced characters evolve from one level
to the next.These games are deliberately designed, with the help of psychology
consultants, to make players want to keep playing, and they are available on every
platform - gaming consoles, computers, smartphones."

/* 1511 */
"_id" : "WHQP4G4bR2jmXasN9",
"url" : "http://martinprosperity.org/content/the-global-creativity-index-
"image" : "http://martinprosperity.org/wp-
"title" : "The Global Creativity Index 2015 | Martin Prosperity Institute",
"description" : "This report presents the 2015 edition of the Global Creativity
Index, or GCI. The GCI is a broad-based measure for advanced economic growth and
sustainable prosperity based on the 3Ts of economic development-talent,
technology, and tolerance. It rates and ranks 139 nations worldwide on each of
these dimensions and on our overall measure of creativity [...]"

/* 1512 */
"_id" : "jF2jLCE3NxwPk3Bae",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAqz3Hf00g",
"image" : "",
"title" : "We're About To Cause A Mass Extinction",
"description" : "This is what extinction looks like - and here's how you can
still help. Video by: Eli Ralston You can help the conservation of endangered
species, by supporting our friends at: International Animal Rescue
(http://thedo.do/iar), the Ol Pejeta Conservancy (http://thedo.do/sudan) and
Wildcare Australia Inc: http://thedo.do/wildcare Love animals?"

/* 1513 */
"_id" : "v7PGxrPm5PkSS3KMj",
"url" : "https://www.cnet.com/news/polish-christmas-ad-old-man-rubber-duck-
"image" :
"title" : "The Polish Christmas ad that's making YouTube weep buckets",
"description" : "Commentary: From a little-known auction site comes a tale of a
grandpa and his attempts to learn English."

/* 1514 */
"_id" : "iTjRu6hnikZbzfSJh",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/f0ed39dc-88f0-4379-
80ae-00deafe56985_4th AMA with James Jackson.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/aef8ec71-0f00-4a8d-
"title" : "4th AMA with James Jackson",
"description" : null

/* 1515 */
"_id" : "pWg9oC9GmQ8Gdo4f5",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/196cf468-b3be-45ff-
a524-45780029e9d1_3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/970d5b59-8bff-4882-
"title" : "3rd AMA with Masarrat Khan",
"description" : null

/* 1516 */
"_id" : "6sRJb5GpgZKq8kRsm",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sandy-hook-parents-release-eye-opening-
"image" : "http://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/12/05/b3de81e8-0fad-
"title" : "Sandy Hook parents release eye-opening PSA on gun violence",
"description" : "A video depicting a red-haired boy in search of a mystery girl
at his high school has captivated the internet, but not for the reason you might
think. The beginning of the ad focuses on a teenager named Evan, who's anxious for
summer break."

/* 1517 */
"_id" : "Ra9encRBWWmSbu3Wn",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Introducing Amazon Go and the world's most advanced shopping
"description" : "Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world's most
advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout - just grab and go! Learn more
at http://amazon.com/go"

/* 1518 */
"_id" : "FQg2arKrM9xcHLsas",
"url" : "https://www.thenation.com/article/did-medieval-muslims-invent-modern-
"image" : "http://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Omar-
"title" : "Did Medieval Muslims Invent Modern Secularism?",
"description" : "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in Edward FitzGerald's
innovative and witty 1859 translation, went viral in the West for the first two-
thirds of the twentieth century. It created an alternative to Orientalist images of
the Middle East as roiled by religious fanaticism, puritanism, and obscurantism."

/* 1519 */
"_id" : "69E8ixqRTvsHsW45o",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4GLAKEjU4w",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Sam Cooke - What A Wonderful World (Official Lyric Video)",
"description" : "Lyric Video for \"What A Wonderful World\" performed by Sam
Cooke. Directed by: Hector Santizo Producers: Julian Klein, Robin Klein, Mick
Gochanour, Hector Santizo (C) 2015 ABKCO Music & Records, Inc."

/* 1520 */
"_id" : "ZuHyBBAhtiEnFdBP8",
"url" : "http://www.businessinsider.in/Stephen-Hawking-Automation-and-AI-is-
"image" : "http://static-
"title" : "Stephen Hawking: Automation and AI is going to decimate middle class
"description" : "Artificial intelligence and increasing automation is going to
decimate middle class jobs, worsening inequality and risking significant political
upheaval, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a column in The Guardian, the award-
winning physicist wrote that \"the automation of factories has already decimated
jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is
likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the
most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.\""

/* 1521 */
"_id" : "GYg5DvAQN2zrfuCZh",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-gz4FtI83U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Raindropss \"EDUCATE A CHILD\" - Theme Song",
"description" : "\"Raindropss\" concentrates on delivering social awareness
messages to the public in the form of Short movies and theme songs through
entertainment & media."

/* 1522 */
"_id" : "KoLuHderzfN7Nyt2B",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/nov/23/its-not-all-anal-
"image" :
"title" : "'It's not all anal sex': the German schools exploring love, equality
and LGBT issues",
"description" : "Last month in Wiesbaden, the picturesque German city famous
for champagne and hot springs, around 2,000 parents protested over changes to the
school curriculum. The cause of the furore? That children would be bombarded with
lessons about anal sex, dildos and dark rooms. Despite their fears, anal sex is not
being snuck into lessons."

/* 1523 */
"_id" : "ALE383Pf9TkkbEtMP",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5ApYxkU-U",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)",
"description" : "HIT SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CLASSIC VIDEOS Pink Floyd - Another
Brick In The Wall Lifted from \"Pink Floyd The Wall\" film, this video is actually
comprised of two songs: \"The Happiest Days Of Our Lives\" and \"Another Brick In
The Wall Pt. 2\" This video became the official video of \"Another Brick In The
Wall Pt."

/* 1524 */
"_id" : "SDARYTymQ5sfCRGfM",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/6949df01-787e-49e8-
a188-81fa60e16229_2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya.jpeg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/49fe6d8b-b9cb-4ae6-
"title" : "2nd AMA with Robin Chaurasiya",
"description" : null

/* 1525 */
"_id" : "LpREsWN3BMCpx7wgD",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth",
"description" : "In this image-filled talk, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his
three most recent projects on humanity and our habitat -- stunning aerial
photographs in his series \"The Earth From Above,\" personal interviews from around
the globe featured in his web project \"6 billion Others,\" and his soon-to-be-
released movie, \"Home,\" which documents human impact on the environment through
breathtaking video."

/* 1526 */
"_id" : "7GF8JQ5TAdE6vvnv9",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eeyx9S1hOV4",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Aerosmith Dream On Lyrics HQ Sound",
"description" : "Aerosmith - Dream On (lyrics) : Very time when I look in the
mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like
dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know
nobody knows Where"

/* 1527 */
"_id" : "kZ5NAeCqfoth6xxTX",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2015/04/08/heres-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-
"title" : "Here's how we can reinvent the classroom for the digital age",
"description" : "When I was in elementary school, about 50 years ago, teachers
used to stand in front of a class of 40 or 50 children and write on a blackboard
with chalk. To make sure the material was absorbed, the teacher asked occasional
questions and assigned lots of homework."

/* 1528 */
"_id" : "92myFdzgioxkeB7u2",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/homeschooling-in-india-alternative-
"image" : "http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories/home-school-
"title" : "Class of their own",
"description" : "Almost a century ago, Rabindranath Tagore wrote Tota Kahani,
the story of a free-spirited parrot who would do nothing but hop, skip, fly and
sing all day. A king ordered that the bird be civilised, and so it was put in a
golden cage."

/* 1529 */
"_id" : "KkPxTBxSPikwtYtAQ",
"url" : "http://warontherocks.com/2016/11/thinking-historically-a-guide-for-
"image" : "http://warontherocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Umbrella-
"title" : "Thinking Historically: A Guide for Strategy and Statecraft",
"description" : "Editor's Note: This is adapted from the 12th Annual Alvin H
Bernstein Lecture at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies of the Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, delivered by the author on November

/* 1530 */
"_id" : "gsXMewDCwpo9MJKA6",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxGMKvoEv1A",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper With Lyrics",
"description" : "Chris Cornell - The Keeper : LYRICS : I come from far away My
boots don't know this ground But they know it's real It doesn't take too long For
this road to become A battle field And before I let one more fire go out Understand
that I won't"

/* 1531 */
"_id" : "JbxWJExKwHfuoEkfJ",
"url" : "http://milunesco.unaoc.org/mil-articles/connecting-the-dots-media-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Connecting the dots: Media & Information Literacy, Preventing
Violent Extremism, and the Global Goals",
"description" : "Most of the efforts to prevent young people's attraction
towards violent extremism fall on ears that are mainly already immune to the lure
of violence connected to some form of religious extremism. Many research and
studies indicate that social exclusion (real or perceived) is in fact the main
engine that pushes young people towards violent forms of political and religious

/* 1532 */
"_id" : "ax8QZzPq5vfAafZsz",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8DBwchocvs&feature=youtu.be",
"image" : "",
"title" : "What are you going to make?",
"description" : "This International Women's Day, we're celebrating women
inventors, how they've changed the world, and are inspiring the next generation.
Learn more about them and tell us what you're going to make www.MakeWhatsNext.com"

/* 1533 */
"_id" : "RbJsXRgczsBsbjfaA",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgYAHHkPFs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "John Lennon - Imagine",
"description" : "Video clip"

/* 1534 */
"_id" : "gsE3vZKsrGSTZNp6o",
"url" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/2016-winners/",
"image" : "http://pluralplus.unaoc.org/wp-content/uploads/pluralplus.png",
"title" : "2016 Winners Archives | PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival",
"description" : "\"Ardiana\" portrays the life of Ardiana and her family after
migrating from Kosovo to Slovenia. From the lenses of her family, the video
describes why they migrated and the difficulties faced."

/* 1535 */
"_id" : "PJ28WMQJu5if5jDpc",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1536 */
"_id" : "RmkXjf8m3ogZkKoeQ",
"url" : "https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/finland-will-become-the-
"image" : "http://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_25/259910/preview-
"title" : "Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All
School Subjects",
"description" : "Finland's education system is considered one of the best in
the world. In international ratings, it's always in the top ten. However, the
authorities there aren't ready to rest on their laurels, and they've decided to
carry through a real revolution in their school system. Finnish officials want to
remove school subjects from the curriculum."

/* 1537 */
"_id" : "JWcGH3fonrfuMXbK7",
"url" : "https://aeon.co/ideas/how-video-games-unwittingly-train-the-brain-to-
"image" : "http://alpha.aeon.co/images/e4fc00d9-f4fd-465c-a377-
"title" : "How video games unwittingly train the brain to justify killing -
Teodora Stoica | Aeon Ideas",
"description" : "Let's play a game. One of the quotes below belongs to a
trained soldier speaking of killing the enemy, while the other to a convicted felon
describing his first murder. Can you tell the difference? (1) 'I realised that I
had just done somethin..."

/* 1538 */
"_id" : "z8ZqnvRK5q5KuSZsG",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 1539 */
"_id" : "yJG4oGrFY5G5QefFQ",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/47a4608c-4a90-4e9f-
852b-a25272c65ef9_Pope Francis's.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Pope Francis's",
"description" : null

/* 1540 */
"_id" : "Ap5rELginGc8xv8N2",
"url" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/",
"image" : "http://nomorefakenews.com/images/matrix-pom.jpg",
"title" : "No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter",
"description" : "Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative
reporter for over 30 years."

/* 1541 */
"_id" : "wBk6TxR38CAnbP2Kj",
"url" : "http://commongroundmag.com/main-page.html",
"image" :
"title" : "Main Page",
"description" : "It's November, and we find ourselves at the end of a long,
nasty, and unavoidable election process. The nation is splintered, and the suspense
is palpable. Let's pray for subsequent unity-and peace. For our 42nd anniversary
Gratitude issue, I spoke with John Perry Barlow in his hospital room, where he is

/* 1542 */
"_id" : "JjFST5TDxjchvxgww",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-
"image" :
"title" : "Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China",
"description" : "The current and former Facebook employees caution that the
software is one of many ideas the company has discussed with respect to entering
China and, like many experiments inside Facebook, it may never see the light of

/* 1543 */
"_id" : "C8XGcfEWeNN7id64W",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/alt-right-
"image" :
"title" : "We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men
| Abi Wilkinson",
"description" : "For several years now, I've had a dark and fairly unusual
hobby. When I'm alone and bored and the mood strikes me, I'll open up my laptop and
head for a particularly unsavoury corner of the internet. No, not the bit you're
thinking of. Somewhere far worse."

/* 1544 */
"_id" : "Dbqr8j3pHLy6PGaW7",
"url" : "http://www.online-educa.com/programme/agenda/sessions/plenary-b",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Plenary Debate: This House Believes Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Could, Should and Will Replace Teachers | OEB",
"description" : "As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly
ubiquitous and its use in applications in education and training becomes more
commonplace, OEB`s expert speakers consider just how far AI can go. Could
intelligent machines really replace teachers? Should they? Would AI or a robot do a
better job?"

/* 1545 */
"_id" : "MrujesTF2nZS5o2hq",
"url" : "https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn",
"image" :
"title" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master
tough subjects - University of California, San Diego | Coursera",
"description" : "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you
master tough subjects from University of California, San Diego. This course gives
you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art,
music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines."

/* 1546 */
"_id" : "qEfJJNxxa5XXnftvH",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoeeLxyNLQ",
"image" : "",
"title" : "WAR On Black Money - Is India READY For Radical Changes?: The
Newshour Debate (14th Nov)",
"description" : "BREAKING NEWS: PM Modi Gets Emotional In Goa
http://bit.ly/2fP5Ceu On THE NEWSHOUR, TIMES NOW Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami,
along with panelists - Siddharth Nath Singh, National Secretary, BJP; Sanjeev
Sanyal, World's Leading Financial Economist; Bejon Misra, Consumer Policy Expert &
Founder Consumer Online Foundation; Chengal Reddy, Farmers' Activist; Shahid
Siddiqui, President, Inter Faith Peace Foundation & Former Member of Parliament;
Saba Naqvi, Senior Journalist; Dr. Sameer Kaul, Political Analyst; and Dr. Fuad
Halim, Leader, CPI (M) - discussed - \"Is India ready for radical changes?\""

/* 1547 */
"_id" : "fRY9aM67GtwHrgvab",
"url" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/julian-assange-google-cia/",
"image" : "http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/assange-
"title" : "Julian Assange -- 'Google is Not What it Seems' -- They 'Do Things
the CIA Cannot'",
"description" : "Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein
of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google - the
insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity's research - plays
the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas."

/* 1548 */
"_id" : "8D97ncEfYwZYQSQpT",
"url" : "http://www.popmatters.com/post/dying-is-a-learning-opportunity/",
"image" : "http://images.popmatters.com/blog_art/m/mario-dead.jpg",
"title" : "Dying Is a Learning Opportunity",
"description" : "by Kym Buchanan 10 November 2016 A game's cues and feedback
shouldn't quell the impulse to take a risk, shouldn't smother learning before it
can happen. If XP measures learning, then losing XP for dying is wrong. Losing XP
for dying is wrong. Game design is often a matter of style and taste."

/* 1549 */
"_id" : "6dpRJosRxbC5W6NXZ",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3921334/Indias-curb-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/m_logo_636x382px.png",
"title" : "India's move to curb",
"description" : "NEW DELHI, Nov 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nobel
laureate Kailash Satyarthi has welcomed India's overnight move to withdraw 500 and
1,000 rupee notes from circulation to crack down on corruption and counterfeit
currency, saying it would also to help curb human trafficking and child slavery."

/* 1550 */
"_id" : "peBCruyr5tENcWhdy",
"url" : "http://www.amazon.in/People-You-May-See/dp/1539070468",
"image" : "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e8s9yI3BL.jpg",
"title" : "The People You May See",
"description" : "Amazon.in - Buy The People You May See book online at best
prices in India on Amazon.in. Read The People You May See book reviews & author
details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders."

/* 1551 */
"_id" : "CHeKz8q97eksZPFrW",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-live.html",
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/11/07/us/politics/07POLDAILY-
"title" : "Presidential Election: Voters Decide Between Donald Trump and
Hillary Clinton",
"description" : "From watching these communities, it will become clear on
Tuesday why Mrs. Clinton's party enjoys a structural advantage in the Electoral
College. But this election may also hasten the day when more of the heartland
becomes out of reach, illustrating what Democrats lost as much as what they gained.
Madam President?"

/* 1552 */
"_id" : "k2hThgRCJ5ZHBAjcn",
"url" : "https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/negative-emotions-key-well-
"image" : "http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/3AF238AE-3D54-
"title" : "Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being",
"description" : "A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his
relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and
encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his
painful experiences, he says, \"I'm sorry for being so negative.\""
/* 1553 */
"_id" : "noskitfu8ikehfscw",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoGej6BqMc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "'I don't vote with my vagina': Susan Sarandon on not backing Hillary
Clinton - BBC Newsnight",
"description" : "Hollywood actress and environmental activist Susan Sarandon
talks to Evan Davis about the civil resistance on the Dakota access pipeline, the
US election and why she's not supporting Hillary Clinton for US president.
Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with
analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews."

/* 1554 */
"_id" : "xMDWfvBXhwMyB2Moz",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/air-so-dirty-you-can-smell-taste-
"image" :
"title" : "Air so dirty you can smell, taste: Delhi grapples with toxic
"description" : "The concentration of PM2.5, tiny particulate pollution that
can clog lungs, averaged close to 700 micrograms per cubic meter. That's 12 times
the government norm and a whopping 70 times the World Health Organisation

/* 1555 */
"_id" : "wKvKW4wW4MXNGF5Q7",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/03/pious-progressives-have-
"image" :
"title" : "Pious progressives have created a spiral of silence which could yet
conceal a Donald Trump victory",
"description" : "Ultimately, those behaviours collectively trigger a spiral
effect. This effect is well illustrated by the fact that the results came as a
surprise for voters themselves: the partisans of the more controversial choices did
not expect those balances of power, having had the false impression that their
choice was unpopular when interacting with other individuals."

/* 1556 */
"_id" : "XDXpxtJ8SBYj7bSdW",
"url" : "http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding,
Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
"description" : "Mindful of the responsibility incumbent on States to achieve
through education the aims set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, the
Constitution of UNESCO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva
Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War of 12 August 1949, in order to"

/* 1557 */
"_id" : "ia9QoXWpQ6f3iDayg",
"url" : "http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/manish-jain-shikshantar-swaraj-
"image" : "",
"title" : "My freedom to unlearn: Real freedom is not the ability to just
choose our politicians. Real freedom is when we can choose our gurus",
"description" : "Co-founder of Shikshantar: The Peoples Institute for
Rethinking Education and Development, Udaipur; Manish Jain, 47, studied at Harvard
and Brown; Champion of unlearning and freedom from degrees; cofounded Swaraj
University, dedicated to the regeneration of local culture, economy and ecology."

/* 1558 */
"_id" : "YqAX7SkAjecmdBWrt",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UGsRcxaSAI",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Before the Flood Official Trailer #1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD",
"description" : "Before the Flood Trailer 1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
Documentary Movie HD [Official Trailer]"

/* 1559 */
"_id" : "H66WWsgMcY5zEGBiB",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/40384173",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Unreasonable@Sea 2 Minute Video!",
"description" : "(www.unreasonableatsea.com) Unreasonable at Sea is a mentor
driven accelerator for tech entrepreneurs who desire to take their ventures into
new international markets. We are selecting exclusively for technology based
companies who are working to solve the greatest social and environmental challenges
of this century. Why Unreasonable?"

/* 1560 */
"_id" : "3w9ZX6H9KoC9PERHP",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/27/angela-merkel-internet-
"image" :
"title" : "Angela Merkel: internet search engines are 'distorting our
"description" : "Angela Merkel has called on major internet platforms to
divulge the secrets of their algorithms, arguing that their lack of transparency
endangers debating culture. The German chancellor said internet users had a right
to know how and on what basis the information they received via search engines was
channelled to them."

/* 1561 */
"_id" : "wMqsEMSDHvXSrMqEt",
"url" : "http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0003290607",
"image" : "https://the-japan-news-archives.s3-ap-northeast-
"title" : "PCs empower kids with learning disabilities",
"description" : "By Toshiko Kuba / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff WriterYoung students
who have difficulty learning to read and write using printed materials are
discovering that personal computers and tablets are a significant help. Schools
have begun introducing these devices, but tests in many cases are still
administered on paper, preventing students with learning disabilities from having
their academic ability evaluated accurately."

/* 1562 */
"_id" : "ztnnL4AoyWEkSixog",
"url" : "https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/the-slow-science-
"image" :
"title" : "The \"Slow Science\" Movement Must Be Crushed!",
"description" : "Does science sometimes move too fast for own good? Or anyone's
good? Do scientists, in their eagerness for fame, fortune, promotions and tenure,
rush results into print? Tout them too aggressively? Do they make mistakes?
Exaggerate? Cut corners? Even commit outright fraud? Do journals publish articles
that should have been buried?"

/* 1563 */
"_id" : "WeE3De3vZhosgxN75",
"url" : "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/science-great-giver-bill-gates",
"image" :
"title" : "Science is the Great Giver",
"description" : "I'm traveling to the United Kingdom and France this week to
talk about how political leadership can accelerate innovation. The first promise of
any good politician is to make people's lives better, and scientific research
leading to innovation is one of the best ways to honor that promise."

/* 1564 */
"_id" : "tkrXTkWXpzF6ZKLrd",
"url" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/09/26/how-mindfulness-and-
"image" : "https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/wp-
"title" : "How Mindfulness and Storytelling Help Kids Heal and Learn",
"description" : "By Juli Fraga When mindfulness teacher Laurie Grossman
instructed a class at Reach Academy to let their eyes rest and close so they could
focus on their breathing, one student's eyes remained wide open. Instead of
following Grossman's cues, the student refused to close her eyes and stared at her

/* 1565 */
"_id" : "Tk4WiE395QX7XknGu",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/feb/11/job-advertisement-uk-
"image" :
"title" : "Marketing firm posts 'only dyslexics need apply' job advert",
"description" : "A marketing firm has released a job advertisement that
stipulates applicants must be dyslexic as it wants employees who think differently.
The ad - which features a photograph of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was
dyslexic - says: \"We require people with a unique mind, so only dyslexics (like
Steve) should apply.\""

/* 1566 */
"_id" : "iTqzmbcmymDQCn9FD",
"url" : "http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Why the increase in Japanese Nobel laureates since 2000? | United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization",
"description" : "'Every year, Japanese people excitedly await the announcement
from Sweden of the year's Nobel laureates,' comment the authors of the chapter on
Japan in the UNESCO Science Report, released in November 2015. 'If Japanese
scientists are named, there is great celebration in the media and the general

/* 1567 */
"_id" : "FuCoSAA3Q36untaZ7",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Six-out-of-10-Indian-men-
"image" : "",
"title" : "Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives: UN study -
Times of India",
"description" : "NEW DELHI: Six out of 10 Indian men admit to having
perpetrated violence against their wives or partners, with men who experienced
discrimination as children or faced financial stresses more likely to be abusive,
said a study released on Monday."

/* 1568 */
"_id" : "xDhXNsXWZM4pzjRSe",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Fibonacci in Lateralus",
"description" : "The Fibonacci sequence in Tool's Lateralus. *3-31-10* Youtube
just informed me that EMI owns this music and it's copyrighted, so if they decide
to remove the audio, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just for a school
project anyway. No big deal."

/* 1569 */
"_id" : "GBYHb7RYfT7ujLWFw",
"url" : "https://www.fordfoundation.org/ideas/equals-change-blog/posts/weapons-
"image" : "https://fordfoundcontent.blob.core.windows.net/media/3116/cathy-o-
"title" : "\"Weapons of Math Destruction\": Data scientist Cathy O'Neil on how
unfair algorithms perpetuate inequality",
"description" : "Mathematical models-algorithms-increasingly fuel the decisions
and judgments that affect our lives: whether or not we get approved for a home
loan, how our job performance is evaluated, where we go to school, and how our
communities are policed. We like to think that math is neutral and these models
unbiased-certainly fairer than humans, with their opinions and prejudices."

/* 1570 */
"_id" : "iiQtqstrpQY7YLkpY",
"url" : "http://www.learningrx.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-dyslexia/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia",
"description" : "As many as 15 - 20 percent of the population exhibit symptoms
of dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association, \"Dyslexia\"
simply means \"Poor with words or trouble with reading.\" This can refer to trouble
reading fluently, reading out loud, reading new words, and/or pronouncing words

/* 1571 */
"_id" : "AzJZmnrkQrsAN5Mbe",
"url" : "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/11/scrap-sex-education-and-
"image" :
"title" : "Scrap sex education and make school children watch pornography,
suggests Dame Jenni Murray",
"description" : "Teenagers, meanwhile, should be given pornography to watch in
the same way they analyse literature or how a news bulletin is put together. \"Why
not show them pornography and teach them how to analyse it?\" she asked."

/* 1572 */
"_id" : "xPPMpcJc3qGYpyCM4",
"url" : "http://www.france24.com/en/20121204-2012-12-04-0717-wb-en-focus",
"image" : "http://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/home_1024/edition/FM
"title" : "Teachers rebel against 'curriculum of hate' - France 24",
"description" : "Latest update : 2012-12-06 Pakistani children are being fed a
diet of hatred, with government-approved textbooks inciting hatred and intolerance
of other cultures. Some teachers have now started deviating from the state
curriculum, which describes Hindus as gangsters and refers to Christians as
deranged crusaders."

/* 1573 */
"_id" : "LnRovNewcPb4i79XF",
"url" : "http://bigthink.com/ideafeed/how-mindfulness-meditation-permanently-
"image" :
"title" : "How Mindfulness Meditation Permanently Changes Your Brain",
"description" : "While many studies have focused on how mindfulness meditation
affects newcomers to the practice, a new study out of the University of Pittsburgh
examined the brains of long-time meditators specifically when they were not
meditating. \"MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness
practice, the brain's 'fight or flight' center, the amygdala, appears to shrink."

/* 1574 */
"_id" : "NWoHMztjMNunAvnd3",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/99991b47-9b6a-4201-
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/727bc85a-bcff-43ca-
"title" : "Disrupting Extremism Profile Vignette",
"description" : null

/* 1575 */
"_id" : "P4C8KhvZFbDSc295v",
"url" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/dundee/299043/dyslexia-
"image" : "https://www.thecourier.co.uk/wp-
"title" : "Dyslexia-friendly educational comics created by former Dundee
student used in schools - The Courier",
"description" : "A former Dundee student has created a series of comics to help
pupils with dyslexia and autism. Rossie Stone used crowdfunding to get his project
off the ground, and it is now being rolled out in schools across the country.
Rossie, who studied animation in the city, wants to use his comic book creations to
help ..."

/* 1576 */
"_id" : "fraxETfuTuCsC5iS6",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/55cb63b3-3bbc-412d-
a6d6-680284ee1f85_Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16.pdf",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Newsletter UN New Delhi Sep 16",
"description" : null

/* 1577 */
"_id" : "bKbt7p2ZfYhCXMd6w",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-
"image" :
"title" : "Open dialogue in schools is the first step in fighting violent
"description" : "In the last year the world has seen attacks by violent
extremists in Gaziantep, Turkey, Brussels, Orlando, Nice and far too many others.
No longer are these isolated incidents; they are global threats to lives and to
freedom of speech, movement and choice. Fighting fire with fire is clearly not a
viable solution."

/* 1578 */
"_id" : "PxPkZsF24jq6qzQ86",
"url" : "http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-binladen-climatechange-
"image" : "http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?
"title" : "Bin Laden called for Americans to rise up over climate change",
"description" : "WASHINGTON Osama bin Laden wrote a letter calling on the
American people to help President Barack Obama fight \"catastrophic\" climate
change and \"save humanity\", in the latest evidence of his worries about
environmental issues, newly released documents show The letter was among materials
that were seized in the May 2, 2011, U.S."

/* 1579 */
"_id" : "58mPXxWGfbZdMjMer",
"url" : "http://www.popsci.com/six-charts-show-why-no-one-is-talking-about-
"image" :
"title" : "Six Charts Show Why No One Is Talking About Climate Change",
"description" : "If you're like the average American, you are probably worried
to some degree about climate change. But odds are you don't spend a lot of time
talking about it. At least that's what the data show. Social scientists disagree
about why this is the case, but a new report from the Yale Program on Climate
Change Communication offers a compelling explanation."

/* 1580 */
"_id" : "yvP7XSAmjGpFFTLjF",
"url" : "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2rt8fhqyv9pisp/Diff%20Learn%20Concept
"image" : "",
"title" : "Diff Learn Concept Paper.2",
"description" : null

/* 1581 */
"_id" : "96PqDfvuEqS4hBbo4",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/sep/30/elon-musk-spacex-mars-
"image" :
"title" : "Prepared to die: meet the people willing to risk their lives to
visit Mars",
"description" : "Why are people willing to risk their lives for a chance to
visit Mars? After SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced on Tuesday that he hoped to
send manned missions to Mars by 2022 but admitted there was a \"high\" chance of
death for participants, we asked readers why they'd risk it all."

/* 1582 */
"_id" : "dpDqoYZvtCE9sCLpE",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdNAUJWJN08",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education",
"description" : "Noam Chomsky discusses the purpose of education, impact of
technology, whether education should be perceived as a cost or an investment and
the value of standardised assessment."

/* 1583 */
"_id" : "v5YcdmfwZa3K5HRbw",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2016/09/26/being-expelled-for-poor-
"image" : "https://o.aolcdn.com/dims-
"title" : "Two Class XII Students Stab Teacher In Delhi's Nangloi After Being
Expelled For Poor Attendance",
"description" : "NEW DELHI -- Two class XII students of a government school in
West Delhi's Nangloi area allegedly stabbed their teacher in front of their
classmates yesterday after one of them was rusticated for low attendance. Teachers
protesting at Nangloi's govt school where a teacher was stabbed to death by 2 class
12th students."

/* 1584 */
"_id" : "zKFbdaocJpbDDsEPP",
"url" : "http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sal-khan-duck-duck-moose-apps-preschool-
"image" : "http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/08/30/97ab75c9-85f7-
"title" : "Khan Academy expands its digital education to preschoolers",
"description" : "Online education pioneer Sal Khan is expanding his learning
empire to reach its youngest students yet. Khan Academy has delivered more than 800
million free lessons on subjects ranging from basic math to computer science and
beyond, for everyone from kindergarteners to college students to adults wanting to
expand their knowledge."

/* 1585 */
"_id" : "Adpr9iATeqiKk7ev7",
"url" : "http://hackeducation.com/2016/09/22/pigeon",
"image" : "http://hackeducation.com/assets/images/typewriter.png",
"title" : "ReConFigures: The Pigeons of Ed-tech",
"description" : "This talk was presented today at the Designs on eLearning
conference. The full slide deck is available here."

/* 1586 */
"_id" : "e2zQK7mpRTiM2s2rT",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1587 */
"_id" : "R5QyjgamYDoBox8r7",
"url" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/Seminar-on-
"image" : "http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-54473821,width-
"title" : "Seminar on learning disabilities, inclusive education - Times of
"description" : "The schemes, Pragati and Saksham, will be implemented by the
All India Council for Technical Education. CHNADIGARH: A seminar on learning
disability and inclusive education was organized for government school teachers of
Chandigarh administration and St. John's High School with an aim to promote
inclusive education."

/* 1588 */
"_id" : "ZZvJX4uR5rADDSWcB",
"url" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2016/09/03/bioblitz-recognized-
"image" : "http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/files/2016/09/Photo-2.jpg",
"title" : "BioBlitz Recognized as Integral to Cutting Edge Action-Oriented
Inquiry-Based Social Studies Teaching and Learning",
"description" : "The winning BioBlitz was designed specifically for the
students of Kailua High School, which is located on the Windward side of the
Hawaiian Island of Oahu. It was structured using the following learning steps:
First, the students were introduced to the compelling question, \"Can humans
reverse the negative effects they have had on the environment?\""

/* 1589 */
"_id" : "KuBFm3earH5pk6Wg6",
"url" : "http://learnmore.economist.com/story/57c964d86f729017617b2098",
"image" : "http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/turtl-
"title" : "The Future of Work",
"description" : "THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion
at Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligen... As Silicon Valley fights for talent, universities struggle to hold on
to their stars THAT a computer program can repeatedly beat the world champion at
Go, a complex board game, is a coup for the fast-moving field of artificial
intelligence (AI)."

/* 1590 */
"_id" : "jystPiuqwf6f2zvMK",
"url" : "http://www.livemint.com/Sundayapp/r8ESEnsr0UOnU0KiXDJT6M/Micro-
"image" : "http://www.livemint.com/rf/Image-
"title" : "Micro schools: Going beyond textbooks",
"description" : "Last month, Mumbai-based homeschooler Malvika Joshi made
headlines for getting a scholarship for the prestigious BSc programme at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) without having appeared in either the
10th or 12th board exams. It is interesting to read what Joshi's mother, Surpiya
Raj, has to say on the matter: \"Malvika was doing well in school, but somehow I
felt that my children need to be happy.\""

/* 1591 */
"_id" : "jGwQ6MeKC5ayC2s3n",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1592 */
"_id" : "pDtSrhQeDc25w9FRC",
"url" : "http://time.com/4484681/new-atheism-jihad-apocalypse/",
"image" : "http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/isis-islamic-state-
"title" : "How to Fight Extremism with Atheism",
"description" : "The world isn't ending, but we face a tremendous problem from
people who believe it is. The beliefs of many radicals have become increasingly
apocalyptic over the past decade. They're convinced the end of the world is
imminent and that they have a special role in bringing it about."

/* 1593 */
"_id" : "S3JjT6aYdZWeLhXio",
"url" : "http://unoy.org/2250-toolkit/",
"image" : "http://unoy.org/wp-content/uploads/YPS-logo.jpg",
"title" : "2250: A youth toolkit",
"description" : "Use the toolkit, share it, copy it! Just mention that it came
from UNOY Peacebuilders.Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. In December 2015 the United
Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250, the first ever thematic
resolution on Youth, Peace and Security. This historic document is very"

/* 1594 */
"_id" : "agmgeiBZ5pwnBFh8W",
"url" : "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0m_uuFB0h8",
"image" : "",
"title" : "The Economics of Happiness",
"description" : "Does earning a higher salary really make a person happier? Not
permanently, according to GSE Affiliated Professor and ICREA-IEA Researcher Ada
Ferrer-i-Carbonell. Her research in happiness economics has shed new light on what
determines a person's happiness, particularly the effects of income changes and
other life events on subjective satisfaction."

/* 1595 */
"_id" : "eq3i5D8Dv994MZFvr",
"url" : "https://en.unesco.org/news/lynn-davies-can-education-prevent-violent-
"image" :
"title" : "Lynn Davies: Can education prevent violent extremism?",
"description" : "Hard power is not enough to counter violent extremism based on
hatred and ignorance. How can education help? What should we do to build resilience
to propaganda among youth around the globe? How should schools address the issue?
Should teachers have a surveillance role?"

/* 1596 */
"_id" : "9FXsE9Yx5rXk6nDZi",
"url" : "http://www.storypick.com/iraqi-sex-slave/",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Iraqi Woman Who Was Captured By ISIS And Sold As A Sex Slave, Is Now
An UN Goodwill Ambassador.",
"description" : "The atrocities committed by ISIS are infamous across the
globe. The terrorist faction has raped, murdered and enslaved countless men, women
and children. A survivor of this terror, Nadia Murad, recently testified before the
UN regarding the horror she faced and brought the much needed attention of the
global organisation to this issue."

/* 1597 */
"_id" : "s6JfSuQ2usrzXbotJ",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/world/europe/muslim-teenager-
"image" : "http://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/09/15/world/15Emoji-web/15Emoji-
"title" : "Muslim Teenager Proposes Emoji of Woman Wearing a Head Scarf",
"description" : "BERLIN - The choice of princess, bride or dancer did not
really allow Rayouf Alhumedhi to express herself in a chat room she was creating.
As a Muslim teenager in Germany who wears a head scarf, she was disappointed by the
standard emoji options on her smartphone keyboard."

/* 1598 */
"_id" : "Px4ymfe5ffzyRef65",
"url" : "http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/09/heres-how-obamas-female-staffers-made-
"image" : "http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/fashion/daily/2016/09/13/13-obama-
"title" : "Obama's Female Staffers Made Sure Their Voices Were Heard With a
Genius Strategy",
"description" : "When President Obama first took office, the White House wasn't
exactly the friendliest place for female staffers. Most of Obama's senior staffers
- such as former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and former economic adviser Lawrence
Summers - were men who'd worked on his campaign and subsequently filled his

/* 1599 */
"_id" : "iMJYtirxDMg9wQrRx",
"url" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/damsels-of-the-sky-meet-the-demoiselle-
"image" : "http://www.natgeotraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/demoiselle-
"title" : "Damsels of the Sky: Meet the Demoiselle Cranes",
"description" : "Demoiselle cranes were christened by the infamous queen Marie
Antoinette after the French word for damsel. They might look delicate, but the
birds are by no means fragile, and are known to make one of the harshest migrations
in the world. Every September, demoiselles make the arduous journey from Ch"

/* 1600 */
"_id" : "F3pRfXE8Gquyxxmtu",
"url" : "https://vimeo.com/182406879",
"image" : "",
"title" : "Dyslexia, As I See It",
"description" : "Dyslexia, As I See It, is a short film created in an effort to
educate viewers on the effects of dyslexia, taking a humanistic approach by talking
to those who have been diagnosed about their experiences, both growing up and with
daily living. Contact: callanmarchetti@gmail.com 2016 Callan Marchetti"

/* 1601 */
"_id" : "224u2SvdsHBFKgF9g",
"url" : "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/24/fashion/the-demise-of-the-pen.html",
"image" :
"title" : "The Demise of the Pen",
"description" : "The pen is dead. It was murdered by the finger. I first
realized this last week when my girlfriend asked to borrow a pen to sign the back
of one of those paper check things. \"Sure,\" I replied, picking up my laptop bag
to rummage inside."

/* 1602 */
"_id" : "qv7yxA8nceY6P4KhT",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/dec/09/nobel-winner-boycott-
"image" : "http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-
"title" : "Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals",
"description" : "Leading academic journals are distorting the scientific
process and represent a \"tyranny\" that must be broken, according to a Nobel prize
winner who has declared a boycott on the publications."

/* 1603 */
"_id" : "dkg5QAdJzTafbbqv2",
"url" : "https://www.wired.com/2016/09/googles-clever-plan-stop-aspiring-isis-
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/maxresdefault.jpg",
"title" : "Google's Clever Plan to Stop Aspiring ISIS Recruits",
"description" : "Google has built a half-trillion-dollar business out of
divining what people want based on a few words they type into a search field. In
the process, it's stumbled on a powerful tool for getting inside the minds of some
of the least understood and most dangerous people on the Internet: potential ISIS

/* 1604 */
"_id" : "8o2iKLpn8xxq7MBLa",
"url" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/momondo-the-dna-journey-how-it-was-
"image" : "http://www.momondo.com/inspiration/wp-
"title" : "momondo - The DNA Journey: how it was made - momondo",
"description" : "As of writing, our video campaign has been viewed more than 28
million times on our Facebook page, viewed more than five million times on our
YouTube channel, shared more than 600,000 times globally and commented on by
thousands of people from all over the world."

/* 1605 */
"_id" : "2jm4uTQB2SdzTSQjq",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/28/search-engines-
"image" :
"title" : "Search engines' role in radicalisation must be challenged, finds
"description" : "More than 484,000 Google keyword searches a month from around
the world, including at least 54,000 searches in the UK, return results dominated
by Islamist extremist material, a report into the online presence of jihadism has

/* 1606 */
"_id" : "hrFmQDc4vWevY8mwe",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/09/india-street-kids-
"image" :
"title" : "India: Street kids publish newspaper to raise awareness",
"description" : "Delhi, India - Sexual abuse, torture, drug addiction,
harassment at the hands of thugs and policemen sums up life of street children in
India. Delhi's Balaknama newspaper - the Voice of Children, which is run by the
street children has been working to highlight the plight of fellow youngsters."

/* 1607 */
"_id" : "i2zka9W5fHco34wP2",
"url" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/",
"image" : "http://en.unesco.org/gem-report/sites/gem-
"title" : "Global Education Monitoring Report",
"description" : "Attend a launch event for the new Global Education Monitoring

/* 1608 */
"_id" : "tZJhxzozcipowt4zB",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1892d4d9-bc87-4ab7-
85be-b9701e410e38_Modern day activism.jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/1b3c28c1-893c-4f09-
"title" : "Modern day activism",
"description" : null

/* 1609 */
"_id" : "Xs9a6w2C4ovGeeDNS",
"url" : "http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-will-be-late-by-50-years-in-
"image" : "http://i.ndtvimg.com/mt/2015-01/Youth_college_generic_650.jpg",
"title" : "India Could Be Late By 50 Years In Achieving Education Goals:
"description" : "New Delhi: Going by the current trend, India will be half a
century late in achieving its global education commitments and the country needs
fundamental changes in the education system if it wants to meet the 2030
sustainable development goals, a UNESCO report has said."

/* 1610 */
"_id" : "eC9JFQuwH4bCExTC6",
"url" : "http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/09/02/did-chinese-civilization-come-
"image" : "http://foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/unknown-1.jpeg",
"title" : "Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?",
"description" : "On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun
Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at
the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the
landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn't just talk
about geochemistry."

/* 1611 */
"_id" : "snZFQ3rvhTdqAPQ7k",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7bcded16-1894-44b6-
81b1-46f4b3cb644c_1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh.png",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/a8f9c662-4c5e-49ae-
"title" : "1st AMA with Dr. Nandini C. Singh",
"description" : null

/* 1612 */
"_id" : "W95mHuFt3HZLDpn7s",
"url" : "https://esist.tech/2016/08/18/cognitive-offloading-how-the-internet-
"image" : "http://i2.wp.com/esistme.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/1311.jpg?
"title" : "Cognitive offloading: How the Internet is increasingly taking over
human memory - ESIST",
"description" : "Is our increasing use of the internet harming our memory?
Credit: Sergii Mostovyi / Fotolia Our increasing reliance on the Internet and the
ease of access to the vast resource available online is affecting our thought
processes for problem solving, recall and learning. In a new article published in
the journal Memory, researchers..."

/* 1613 */
"_id" : "bfGP3WwoJYndDJbxB",
"url" : "https://medium.com/@mohamedmelgadhafi/the-united-nations-is-neither-
"image" : "http://cdn-images-
"title" : "The United Nations is Neither Good Nor Evil .. The UN is Just Dumb",
"description" : "What I usually hear from different people in different
countries when I meet with them and tell them I'm working for the UN is either \"OH
that's awesome you're doing so much good for the world you're my hero\" or \"Ha!
The most corrupted and evil entity on planet earth!"

/* 1614 */
"_id" : "dWq5jXchqNPBS65Em",
"url" : "http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=54812",
"image" : "http://www.un.org/News/dh/photos/large/2014/December/boy.jpg",
"title" : "UN News - Inclusive education vital for all, including persons with
disabilities - UN rights experts",
"description" : "Inclusive education is central to achieving high quality
education for all learners, including those with disabilities, and for the
development of inclusive, peaceful and fair societies, UN human rights experts have
said in authoritative new guidelines on the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities."

/* 1615 */
"_id" : "yx8BENPw9GmLH9kvf",
"url" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/unesco-mgiep-launches-yespeace-india/",
"image" : "http://mgiep.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/yp-launch-
"title" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India | MGIEP",
"description" : "UNESCO MGIEP launches YESPeace India 15th February, New Delhi
- UNESCO MGIEP took the next big stride after Malaysia, and towards youth
empowerment, with the launch of YESPeace-the Youth for Education, Sustainability
and Peace-India Country Programme."

/* 1616 */
"_id" : "TdHPcStMoA65q4qpW",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3694732/No-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/17/22/365E3E0300000578-0-
"title" : "Centre frets over where to keep national treasures worth $100m",
"description" : "India is welcoming back a bevy of priceless artefacts, but the
central government is in a quandary over where to put these long-lost national
treasures amid massive security concerns. A series of ministerial meetings has
failed to find an answer, with scores of antiques - either stolen or illegally
exported from the country - due to be returned."

/* 1617 */
"_id" : "NprHrfbMBHRmTdCbx",
"url" : "http://www.huffingtonpost.in/aishwarya-subramanyam/i-get-so-annoyed-
"image" : "http://i.huffpost.com/gen/4474804/thumbs/o-ARUNDHATI-ROY-570.jpg?7",
"title" : "I Get So Annoyed When 'Cool' Young Women Say They Are Not Feminists:
Arundhati Roy",
"description" : "I have often wondered whether we should never meet the writers
whose books we love. Never watch them give lectures, never listen to them read,
never talk to them except to spell our names for an autograph in a controlled
environment where conversation may not serendipitously ensue."

/* 1618 */
"_id" : "TPoTpGNnmKHTZGYuf",
"url" : "http://qz.com/252456/what-it-feels-like-to-be-the-last-generation-to-
"image" : "http://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/michael-harris.jpg?
"title" : "What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before
the internet",
"description" : "Technology has a lot to answer for: killing old businesses,
destroying the middle class, Buzzfeed. Technology in the form of the internet is
especially villainous, having been accused of everything from making us dumber
(paywall) to aiding dictatorships. But Michael Harris, riffing on the observations
of Melvin Kranzberg, argues that \"technology is neither good nor evil."

/* 1619 */
"_id" : "DpKKoc5cF6YoKXXqg",
"url" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/7762ba13-f7c4-4c60-
9af0-556085d8fbbc_5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria..jpg",
"image" : "https://kcommons-files.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/c700809e-0c6f-424a-
"title" : "5-year-old Omran Daqneesh sits in an ambulance after being pulled
out or a building hit by an airstrike, in Aleppo, Syria.",
"description" : null

/* 1620 */
"_id" : "Q9FSi27a6qngYWaCy",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1621 */
"_id" : "fyL5Y7kctgsNHJGus",
"url" : "http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/08/texas-guns-campus-
"image" :
"title" : "Texas colleges open with guns allowed in classrooms",
"description" : "Denton, Texas - As history professor Todd Moye returned to
campus after the summer break, he felt a certain unease. Under a new campus carry
law in Texas, concealed handguns are now allowed to be carried in university
buildings, including classrooms and dorms. Moye, whose curriculum at the University
of North Texas (UNT) centres on race relations in US history, told Al Jazeera that
he worries especially about the presence of guns during lectures on topics that
arouse strong feelings."

/* 1622 */
"_id" : "MnP7pwCqcti7ccSgg",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1623 */
"_id" : "yurnTLmERCBPDgPa6",
"url" : "https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-
"image" : "http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-
"title" : "Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she
"description" : "Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out,
one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found.
Her report is in following post, which appeared on the blog of Grant Wiggins, the
co-author of \" Understanding by Design\" and the author of \" Educative
Assessment\" and numerous articles on education."

/* 1624 */
"_id" : "BnjByupbBQS62Qn8k",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1625 */
"_id" : "FNsTA434uAahhHMJ7",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : null,
"description" : null

/* 1626 */
"_id" : "hpSHT7Ffm5P5J5Nr2",
"url" : "http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/iit-a-no-go-but-unschooled-
"image" : "",
"title" : "IIT a no go, but 'unschooled' 17-year-old makes it to MIT",
"description" : "Seventeen-year-old Malvika Raj Joshi doesn't have a class X or
XII certificate but has made it to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), thanks to her computer programming talent. Hers is a story about
a mother's conviction to break stereotypes and the self belief of the teen."

/* 1627 */
"_id" : "vphKMEJaujBXN3w3K",
"url" : "http://www.wired.com/2014/02/dyslexic-musicians/",
"image" : "http://www.wired.com/wp-
"title" : "What Musicians Can Tell Us About Dyslexia and the Brain",
"description" : "Dyslexia is a frustrating disorder that gives otherwise smart
people trouble with reading. Nobody knows exactly what causes it, but one popular
hypothesis is that the root of the problem is a deficit in the brain's ability to
process sounds, especially during childhood."
/* 1628 */
"_id" : "TYtH6WZQXKAJ9SrgD",
"url" : "http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/46340/20160830/adults-
"image" :
"title" : "Most Adults Suffering From Depression Left Untreated, Here's Why",
"description" : "First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 04:10 AM EDT Medical practitioners
are now calling for a stronger effort to help those with depression. Recent
findings showed that fewer than one-third of American adults who are said to have
the disease are treated, and most of those who do receive treatment may not have
even screened positive."

/* 1629 */
"_id" : "4SrQNguDorccNFmME",
"url" : "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142547/Schools-deliberately-
"image" : "http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/10/article-2142547-
"title" : "Schools are deliberately failing to correct spelling errors to avoid
'damaging pupils' self esteem'",
"description" : "Teachers 'told to correct no more than three mistakes in one
piece of work' because 'too much red pen is discouraging' MP has called for Commons
debate on what he calls 'false kindness' - but refuses to name offending school
Teachers are being told not to correct more than three spelling errors at a time to
avoid damaging pupils' self-confidence, an MP revealed yesterday."

/* 1630 */
"_id" : "BqrTJudnRLqqRvYd6",
"url" :
"image" : "",
"title" : "The GENERATOR",
"description" : "When adults and youth work together for Youth Liberation
causes, there is always a danger that the adults will bring adultism with them,
getting in the way of the youths' work or taking over entirely. I believe it's
important to articulate a code of conduct for \"adult allies\"."

/* 1631 */
"_id" : "AzAhsRkn6s3nzf6SW",
"url" : "http://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/can-india-have-a-future-
"image" :
"title" : "Can India have a future without critical thinkers?",
"description" : "The committee advising on a new education policy offers a
frank diagnosis and comes up with a big wish list. But it pays little attention to
the humanities and social sciences and reinforces the anti-intellectualism of this
government With 65 per cent of its population under the age of 35 and 290 million
students (in schools and universities), no issue is arguably more critical for
India's future than education."

/* 1632 */
"_id" : "sEZdWP7zvpBvSotcb",
"url" : "http://europe.newsweek.com/how-big-data-crowdfunding-internet-tech-
"image" : "http://d.europe.newsweek.com/en/full/61184/mohamed-bouhlel-nice-
"title" : "Crowdfunding and big data will stop violent extremism: here's how",
"description" : "Orlando. Baghdad. Nice. Dhaka. Munich. Normandy. The wave of
attacks sweeping across the world feels unstoppable, yet we may be the final
generation to deal with this problem. Using the same disruptive technology that has
overturned the music, hotel and taxi industries, we could solve the problems of
violenct extremism in one generation."

/* 1633 */
"_id" : "2QB9MQxNaBZ47Mcy3",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1634 */
"_id" : "F245TniejzrGnQjEu",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1635 */
"_id" : "mNfu68HwES3yKfEQp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1636 */
"_id" : "SPmfySynLhztutrjs",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1637 */
"_id" : "HaZB3dcvft5LFifE4",
"url" : "",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1638 */
"_id" : "oBac5oM9vAkn8TSjd",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1639 */
"_id" : "wBDAEocjJBEw2pcbT",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1640 */
"_id" : "fGL6y2y2MWr92JchA",
"url" : "https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienturbot/2017/08/22/artificial-
"image" : "https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/600x315/smart/https%3A%2F
"title" : "Artificial Intelligence In Education: Don't Ignore It, Harness It!",
"description" : "AI may not be end up being the next giant leap in education
but lets not ignore its inherent strengths that could help address the glaring
gaps in education, that we have been struggling to fill for decades."

/* 1641 */
"_id" : "EfgN6JArZzhA5EnuP",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealands Election Had Been Predictable. Then Jacindamania
"description" : "After becoming the Labour Partys youngest leader last month,
Jacinda Ardern is disrupting New Zealands status quo and may be the next prime

/* 1642 */
"_id" : "T7g7BbHEDN6Whn7iy",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1643 */
"_id" : "ixcs4hyfHDC8bdJYj",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1644 */
"_id" : "3Fx8JKEjpzKuXKDhK",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1645 */
"_id" : "XwpmsZXxanxuGyyjy",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1646 */
"_id" : "q2MmfCYCEPwSxvmsE",
"url" : "https://www.theatlas.com/charts/rkGpbqWbW",
"image" : "https://www.theatlas.com/i/atlas_rkGpbqWbW@2x.png",
"title" : "More people were displaced due to conflict in DRC than anywhere
"description" : "Countries with the most displacements by violence"

/* 1647 */
"_id" : "WBD9ucau4tcB6MuWw",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1648 */
"_id" : "JgaDXXcPMNBA5rmuW",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/mark-zuckerberg-
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/30/opinion/29tufekci-promo-
"title" : "Opinion | Zuckerbergs Preposterous Defense of Facebook",
"description" : "If everyone is upset with you, as the platforms chief says,
are you really doing something right?"

/* 1649 */
"_id" : "FZ6oDKbCQ2X4npigE",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1650 */
"_id" : "7p7H6sKwpuP2RFb7P",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1651 */
"_id" : "Se2EeLRNRhFZ3xC4j",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1652 */
"_id" : "7Q9eeRWYLiF8qZo5a",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1653 */
"_id" : "6hwfuFCPoq3d4boAd",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1654 */
"_id" : "PDmNaCF4gwgC66mB7",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "https://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "The song, which was written by the Nobel Laureate himself, was
composed by Indian ocean and features Sonam Kalra from the Sufi Gospel Project"

/* 1655 */
"_id" : "WsoLH9NSfJvZkCNaK",
"url" : "https://yourstory.com/2017/09/kailash-satyarthi-indian-ocean-nikal-
"image" : "https://d28dwf34zswvrl.cloudfront.net/wp-
"title" : "This video by Kailash Satyarthi and Indian Ocean is breaking the
"description" : "The song, which was written by the Nobel Laureate himself, was
composed by Indian ocean and features Sonam Kalra from the Sufi Gospel Project"

/* 1656 */
"_id" : "pbe5Yjh77xxSJBP8m",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1657 */
"_id" : "drgdB7qASzPAG4s5z",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/04/world/asia/jacinda-ardern-new-
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/05/world/00jacinda-
"title" : "New Zealands Election Had Been Predictable. Then Jacindamania
"description" : "After becoming the Labour Partys youngest leader last month,
Jacinda Ardern is disrupting New Zealands status quo and may be the next prime

/* 1658 */
"_id" : "7tJeHNew2iCzSAnxb",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1659 */
"_id" : "yJGxoeqWAjrkyydsD",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1660 */
"_id" : "sERYotqwNbNekaXWv",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1661 */
"_id" : "qeBsxu9wkg5HYK8hE",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Government led by Aung San Suu Kyi says it will deny entry to
mission after UN report said treatment of minority group could amount to ethnic

/* 1662 */
"_id" : "dbgKxTEjgDupodkGK",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1663 */
"_id" : "bngqJsDc35YYTvLuA",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1664 */
"_id" : "unPpXvjXfa4jDk3X3",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/30/myanmar-refuses-visas-
"image" :
"title" : "Myanmar refuses visas to UN team investigating abuse of Rohingya
"description" : "Government led by Aung San Suu Kyi says it will deny entry to
mission after UN report said treatment of minority group could amount to ethnic

/* 1665 */
"_id" : "FqZq4HmwMuaLTatMY",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1666 */
"_id" : "9nbmnSbnSwscpAP72",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1667 */
"_id" : "zQoy9uHkYLAWJTszZ",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1668 */
"_id" : "eZu3ce2PcckCoLucP",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1669 */
"_id" : "q7gxoQcQSZgxwqv3P",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1670 */
"_id" : "nZijG7CgfYcTp62Qw",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1671 */
"_id" : "miDppkPHG5PqacMbk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1672 */
"_id" : "wmN4Xbcygi95QaWRH",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1673 */
"_id" : "fqf7q3XxcXEGeqw5m",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1674 */
"_id" : "zbuc2sr9ycZddvSkf",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1675 */
"_id" : "9x2fdfbiveQEwkKtX",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1676 */
"_id" : "sDi3beboKhbMsA4WN",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1677 */
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"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1678 */
"_id" : "CA98wSKSaB3izxagH",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1679 */
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"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

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"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1702 */
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videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1717 */
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"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1724 */
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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1725 */
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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1728 */
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"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1731 */
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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

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"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1735 */
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"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"
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"image" :
"title" : "Google",
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videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1739 */
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"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1740 */
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"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

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"image" :
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"description" : "Government led by Aung San Suu Kyi says it will deny entry to
mission after UN report said treatment of minority group could amount to ethnic

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"image" :
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"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1745 */
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"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
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"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."
/* 1746 */
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"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/22/world/22saudi-
"title" : "Saudi Textbook Withdrawn Over Image of Yoda With King",
"description" : "A Saudi artist says he has no idea how his image of the Jedi
master and a Saudi monarch ended up in textbooks. The government was

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"image" :
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"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

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"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

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"image" :
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"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

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"description" : "Commencement Speech, Engineering School of Columbia University
May 15, 2017 Class Day By Kai-Fu Lee Founder &amp; CEO, Sinovation Ventures
President, Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute&nbsp;"

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"image" :
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"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

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"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
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"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1770 */
"_id" : "ErkRBjqdp2GiS3Zbd",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1771 */
"_id" : "QRxpSGSgXpXZWBJp6",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1772 */
"_id" : "sMbzg7btXuAD3H8rm",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1773 */
"_id" : "SLcGe4aKuHiKkbpdq",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1774 */
"_id" : "iNajzW8e4iHxeg9mg",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1775 */
"_id" : "hWGNrYwtzaDfNP9wB",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1776 */
"_id" : "qHDFSFZPDDaq57dD2",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1777 */
"_id" : "qa95ujrtF8eiuegrj",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1778 */
"_id" : "ySwXpxutida76Qu8v",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1779 */
"_id" : "LrL227Q77KsWg76aa",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1780 */
"_id" : "gBZjYdTnDPm3KkzCc",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1781 */
"_id" : "Fv4Pkqj9c8pKGKR9Z",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1782 */
"_id" : "a39kjv2QQzKQKNmhz",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1783 */
"_id" : "i5HrtnA8j6FaJo7LB",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1784 */
"_id" : "yxaNonHRC2epqFC7w",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1785 */
"_id" : "NtweZabp7GY4Q6CNm",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1786 */
"_id" : "8eQZEsaS4BoELPpkP",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1787 */
"_id" : "zcj2Mw57hLwNc8viB",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1788 */
"_id" : "QX24f6bhSbaFnpYEN",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1789 */
"_id" : "ePPmL5KsGcbkygWo7",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1790 */
"_id" : "2xm2tEqxeiQ4HDbae",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1791 */
"_id" : "jTcDfs2597tK56BYP",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1792 */
"_id" : "X94ruH32SdCgDkZhc",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1793 */
"_id" : "HfHs3HjQw8uEEfBv5",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1794 */
"_id" : "yM8EoC55u42Y2756C",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1795 */
"_id" : "bxqunmf7BHg8D8KCR",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1796 */
"_id" : "A5qqhfMoC7mraJXwN",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1797 */
"_id" : "i68rjkaeJhKYLy3CA",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1798 */
"_id" : "ES2dr2ACfivfr8oTt",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1799 */
"_id" : "LRjP2FMPuH9R3sPSr",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1800 */
"_id" : "rjM5mDMukBahadbvq",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1801 */
"_id" : "kQJBXRgbvGYmBvy9s",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1802 */
"_id" : "7SFR8Y3JMW4fNusyW",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1803 */
"_id" : "9RJZkE6vFeXbehnCQ",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1804 */
"_id" : "8KQXi42eBKwvctGdf",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1805 */
"_id" : "tapJaiv96c9CWyvJF",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1806 */
"_id" : "2fCGys5RFZAbcJE9N",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1807 */
"_id" : "Cr8SG9y4Qih9xTEbj",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1808 */
"_id" : "bFCbJxd399WYrJZmz",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/celebrating-selena-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Celebrating Selena! #SelenaDoodle #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1809 */
"_id" : "XZfAghS5r26usitTv",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1810 */
"_id" : "XTX3wrenbFzuAHNrg",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1811 */
"_id" : "ixPe9ivx2f24NRuhR",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1812 */
"_id" : "F9mEeFcqa8HLAhM6D",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1813 */
"_id" : "5amdvNdACzrYf8kaM",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1814 */
"_id" : "HBpPZj8mXiKjbLp5N",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1815 */
"_id" : "QAEncuCcsvyYNZZbD",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1816 */
"_id" : "FooELpXz2GHPCBzmp",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1817 */
"_id" : "RtW5ZAX7TGbtA87aW",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1818 */
"_id" : "z7fc4RQdwmqAe8Wpa",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1819 */
"_id" : "CdtTP6GwCxcxa5dBy",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1820 */
"_id" : "6ZShYDMddWq5c3aps",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1821 */
"_id" : "x2CZ42StM6k4cvoAp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1822 */
"_id" : "LAJm8b3poi6r77v8M",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1823 */
"_id" : "RYz3Kp7r8jRMvkrQc",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1824 */
"_id" : "ZsiYQGxt3iaTcunPx",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1825 */
"_id" : "DCAr5pzSNW9WJvg5B",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1826 */
"_id" : "dXNTi9M6HuwN2yLej",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1827 */
"_id" : "Q7mTb2h6d9Tm7ewbo",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1828 */
"_id" : "Rm9ENe67ZkQ3CkbnT",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear
/* 1829 */
"_id" : "ChK4xyq9mFXkK9EZP",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1830 */
"_id" : "LiawDpKwnHTS23wxC",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1831 */
"_id" : "JmSCd8k6ex3hmJCxB",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1832 */
"_id" : "sKerD4KKCcxbr5uYs",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1833 */
"_id" : "aBTaouCakN2gD3qC9",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1834 */
"_id" : "enJ5hbJX2WYafMiXM",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1835 */
"_id" : "7RsfmRxtmz25eb6Eq",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1836 */
"_id" : "4sRxoaqvXfing5Ryh",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1837 */
"_id" : "svAhKwMj2ZZ5biHKk",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1838 */
"_id" : "zqXRGSM9p5qqmTgxW",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1839 */
"_id" : "TBYnqAhDTAw2ngi2j",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1840 */
"_id" : "vp5RwMdagPRNbYGM7",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1841 */
"_id" : "v7aykqpxfHP5sPShy",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1842 */
"_id" : "QjxDsnrEfuTjEzDb5",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1843 */
"_id" : "pfDYssBgmiTHtpnni",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1844 */
"_id" : "yavFnH46en8t5hc8m",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1845 */
"_id" : "gZriz9wQRLMubarPp",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"
/* 1846 */
"_id" : "eScr9M4CJP4DtdKJh",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1847 */
"_id" : "H6qq8NMERCrzHS42W",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1848 */
"_id" : "e8jX88yobjCRFB9sh",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1849 */
"_id" : "7hByuyRRwkJsJhNJa",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1850 */
"_id" : "6NXgJqSj9LfNuuxjD",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1851 */
"_id" : "28EtqMtJ6XPMbKAmM",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1852 */
"_id" : "fdQoBQciLAeWSG4Mx",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1853 */
"_id" : "8vgET584GWRhRoBgj",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1854 */
"_id" : "hxAewP6Rrq4DDLmzi",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1855 */
"_id" : "ExgHHusKh78dhZgc9",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1856 */
"_id" : "rCgQoxnSWcN7cxKSd",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1857 */
"_id" : "tsQbYooh797zeP3iA",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1858 */
"_id" : "JTdyq3BBthmyx7Mde",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1859 */
"_id" : "suomvFZ8KQSrtSEby",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1860 */
"_id" : "YGYrGecyrpPA6poGb",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1861 */
"_id" : "FtdsCMrAa6QXkkjdw",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1862 */
"_id" : "Y3CDhLGNoCt9JEdud",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1863 */
"_id" : "vcKYFTDvAPYRgmjhs",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1864 */
"_id" : "sYENTeDDTagzi65i4",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1865 */
"_id" : "yswv9PPZms3EayPHm",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1866 */
"_id" : "4aLY7uWTLRzzb9Nxt",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1867 */
"_id" : "ZfYYmG4ryfNHCm6qt",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1868 */
"_id" : "ADrHy8duG6xGYyMAe",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1869 */
"_id" : "2eFum3vh4EBRGALi5",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1870 */
"_id" : "hH28uCQdg8XPnpKTi",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1871 */
"_id" : "psfucDgRA8EtMGN8L",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1872 */
"_id" : "H4u32M9CfEKd8hFHw",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1873 */
"_id" : "cQqjJwPLqyqF3krme",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1874 */
"_id" : "89TSC2MPAF9mLBeg4",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1875 */
"_id" : "osDWdTZ6QKoC6ykDc",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1876 */
"_id" : "pzkXd5Namp5icx5L7",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1877 */
"_id" : "mRhqnDuMvqqJq5zsx",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1878 */
"_id" : "vFPDmATQEEqGtum9i",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1879 */
"_id" : "7ipzRRn33tLasDmrD",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1880 */
"_id" : "beA2zTcZDzG2jmmSJ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1881 */
"_id" : "pDzitYQviPtoxfwn4",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1882 */
"_id" : "oNcDdKhjugheFD8Jg",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1883 */
"_id" : "HGy5YHYvYjQzRqoTt",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1884 */
"_id" : "mMKq9sQ7Q4k8xy7Yq",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1885 */
"_id" : "XsKjPgn5kczy2ByHq",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1886 */
"_id" : "qpkwCMfvKJQtttbHK",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1887 */
"_id" : "RCvc6HY2Th9X3ua9G",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1888 */
"_id" : "DQe9rm8yEChjtYL9x",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"
/* 1889 */
"_id" : "MTx3ywWTipuTDodCX",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1890 */
"_id" : "GTjt73A3YYQ95JQT8",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1891 */
"_id" : "43WLFy262hyxpK4cE",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1892 */
"_id" : "z93P6A4eAwztPZS2a",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1893 */
"_id" : "KedPfARWaRipJfW7h",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1894 */
"_id" : "kkEFLZWZ2sTzDJpsY",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1895 */
"_id" : "XHQYKZp6QmbMGdBbJ",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1896 */
"_id" : "N8dcQ2CASyADvuB2A",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1897 */
"_id" : "9W7MNiAgNgSs8rpBW",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1898 */
"_id" : "AKaqfAv39xryZT5Rd",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1899 */
"_id" : "QCGavQmfugh8Bvyd8",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1900 */
"_id" : "njncz4rZ7fqQoekgR",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1901 */
"_id" : "T9vgA2fcwK5xNyLes",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1902 */
"_id" : "LjSMnYyM4qyCQMYEK",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1903 */
"_id" : "8PP9ANzDN8NjWQ5H6",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1904 */
"_id" : "kjzKjNNRXQkvtsrAE",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1905 */
"_id" : "hJQSkycJzeaHpDwud",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."
/* 1906 */
"_id" : "kByy6YgmhK7RJLft7",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1907 */
"_id" : "FrqSfP5aqNxG5Xa3z",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1908 */
"_id" : "xzP6BTPnqtMXa96rZ",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1909 */
"_id" : "h4tTg852xybbbg6XY",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1910 */
"_id" : "XweF9Ptg8H9B4ZYsd",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1911 */
"_id" : "fE5fR9XAmjvkDmN93",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1912 */
"_id" : "25JBeJknrefHXgPqL",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1913 */
"_id" : "wbJPqMiXqSdc4e8XT",
"url" : "https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/27/16371830/assassins-creed-origins-
"image" : "https://cdn0.vox-
"title" : "Assassins Creed Origins zero-combat mode coming next year",
"description" : "Learning addition offers lectures and tours of ancient Egypt"

/* 1914 */
"_id" : "SWcZ2FZdJfdrtREMX",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1915 */
"_id" : "MicwX7Ws9hBpruNs7",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1916 */
"_id" : "zSht7fgSwEB9jE7Kn",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1917 */
"_id" : "T3SifxYTvdsc5xHLD",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1918 */
"_id" : "fKAbbQEAqrfwHusNe",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."
/* 1919 */
"_id" : "2GF6rumreBCRmonBS",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1920 */
"_id" : "ydtp4oKAxZC7HCj43",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1921 */
"_id" : "pcpLMCS7C6TnedmKF",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1922 */
"_id" : "QeWvsu2eaCQPgnDGQ",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1923 */
"_id" : "RdWJ94GMn3BWNkn5o",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1924 */
"_id" : "SPbugAMEh5cgon4zM",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1925 */
"_id" : "A2yihEyEDwchWSQ4u",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1926 */
"_id" : "L6dGvQiDdB58ZN2Tb",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1927 */
"_id" : "QqAtwSSeexyjMtKA8",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1928 */
"_id" : "iCMyH85GBLva3ierc",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1929 */
"_id" : "9ERGQHpBmpzqNFCp3",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1930 */
"_id" : "aLzzE9vP76NfL3hS3",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1931 */
"_id" : "naYJjCk6Qgh8NjEYj",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1932 */
"_id" : "S8ABdut8cx6RiWjjp",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""
/* 1933 */
"_id" : "Fvn6Z3HJjCGRHNHEs",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1934 */
"_id" : "h5CfHmviJPrpbCm8D",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1935 */
"_id" : "iMEgkKT9NtnkwmSGk",
"image" : "",
"title" : "",
"description" : ""

/* 1936 */
"_id" : "eH2TbPGvxibDwzasQ",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1937 */
"_id" : "6t9Hq2NKHjNbNko6M",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1938 */
"_id" : "FHq4QQRQrJ4QqnKdv",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1939 */
"_id" : "ksFcBgAozpaD2xhrE",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1940 */
"_id" : "e7toae4vjfkwM7LM3",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1941 */
"_id" : "gEwPm8N6EpENzq4zc",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1942 */
"_id" : "u95qJd9F8jWFBGqqP",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear
/* 1943 */
"_id" : "kMRtbuExFEscFnLTC",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1944 */
"_id" : "cXabSGkJzkDkt2ZDu",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1945 */
"_id" : "q3rNZNhMpdGytKfHT",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1946 */
"_id" : "5HouKK2xkr4nhpQ8u",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1947 */
"_id" : "QfsSWngF4vmZo76HF",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1948 */
"_id" : "tNfEBjHciomZ3Suxf",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1949 */
"_id" : "e3Q4sccG28Syj8WBm",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1950 */
"_id" : "SXD3TNMcmovCgT6KW",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1951 */
"_id" : "7oiaetExEAahmnbNA",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1952 */
"_id" : "k6Ks9wvXfafZ8xbYc",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1953 */
"_id" : "BJDFDxyrqXBaftJLA",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1954 */
"_id" : "KkTfMvgdw7PRPTJjG",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1955 */
"_id" : "TtrNPgtuxekZDjvGM",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1956 */
"_id" : "hpsCKzBvEv7jSQ3f2",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1957 */
"_id" : "GGDoksQFkmKgYhghq",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1958 */
"_id" : "2j8SDYAvm5tDJrPpx",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1959 */
"_id" : "KpvbFE4SdwdQ7hcQB",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1960 */
"_id" : "6ym7sfboRK4j8yw4s",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1961 */
"_id" : "sRxAYHRnEkidrw8FG",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1962 */
"_id" : "gGr5jLoygPZ9j8Ch9",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1963 */
"_id" : "ocFD6XLozoEMNNpND",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1964 */
"_id" : "TbAxnWx5QackBbnEr",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"
/* 1965 */
"_id" : "JJwY4B5DSffiuTAi4",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1966 */
"_id" : "882yNms3MCa4ikkjW",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1967 */
"_id" : "hBua5BeN5D3erRJgZ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1968 */
"_id" : "kN6RZN76p7aQbgZWL",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1969 */
"_id" : "zBvQkuvf3RPyrQMo3",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1970 */
"_id" : "NtBnnqPqymB2ATAyD",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1971 */
"_id" : "w4cgHb6mtGTgzacRD",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1972 */
"_id" : "vQh3YmWYHgRDyYL36",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1973 */
"_id" : "Gqzvzj922mCk9NZZx",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1974 */
"_id" : "ZhdAJ2kWAPec9utZR",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1975 */
"_id" : "7aRYqaKqW6Qxkadvz",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1976 */
"_id" : "M9keYZZvH4KbgpwuX",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1977 */
"_id" : "nHXw9ZBMkgnNx5eXQ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1978 */
"_id" : "hxd29YwrTxNmef68Z",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1979 */
"_id" : "5jcZQBm2rvbAo5Akg",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1980 */
"_id" : "MdvxD3Zg6mjDm5DX9",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1981 */
"_id" : "46aYbvtAd7J6dNsBc",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1982 */
"_id" : "6Ko45bWcLGbXLZbTw",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1983 */
"_id" : "wmWpZ8mQH3LjGHeFK",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1984 */
"_id" : "vAY74uRrpCsLN74Mk",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1985 */
"_id" : "voZbWTTxapCAPyM8Z",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1986 */
"_id" : "q2eXBdRFr6J2wuWvP",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1987 */
"_id" : "CQqAQ7qzGQApABJv4",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1988 */
"_id" : "WgCe7SoKQfXAjaqfE",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1989 */
"_id" : "WMbzhQRms9hb6ND6P",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1990 */
"_id" : "iFrfNvgwj6t4u5Fbd",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 1991 */
"_id" : "euDzaQwKL5nunQy3z",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1992 */
"_id" : "4TAxrXiBCLPxHBrzH",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 1993 */
"_id" : "75NcKXL6oDa84E9fL",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1994 */
"_id" : "rc6pJddoFWKiyisP5",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" :
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "Search the world's information, including webpages, images,
videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what
you're looking for."

/* 1995 */
"_id" : "2oDJAnL9pjNdf6MPg",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 1996 */
"_id" : "XnTQzmKiL3yeTfxD4",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1997 */
"_id" : "hFPdYCLoB6ipv9r3M",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1998 */
"_id" : "7rqaEEQgF6vujj67q",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 1999 */
"_id" : "vQwDbT2SFWBtWvSGG",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2000 */
"_id" : "MEiC3eBAfoFjLmZRq",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2001 */
"_id" : "iBgvb2pa8JRTLKE9h",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2002 */
"_id" : "YBKjC2hecQwHtgZ8F",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2003 */
"_id" : "Y23YeQ7JZbYzE7oHY",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2004 */
"_id" : "9TsxiinGKaorLYuRo",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2005 */
"_id" : "RXW4NRAjqL5xkMKfP",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2006 */
"_id" : "C8kcfAtGhKPKGTjYJ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2007 */
"_id" : "HGJsAmTtB8gPPDegQ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2008 */
"_id" : "dA7y8JXjCxsgHhwXx",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2009 */
"_id" : "PuZbgoWNGb97xcpSi",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2010 */
"_id" : "fxpSEyQHhofwzNYbw",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2011 */
"_id" : "wstjsPsujhdjna6xx",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2012 */
"_id" : "4qw32ihPcXyEJyaRa",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2013 */
"_id" : "ksu6QeXrGSt69ifkS",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2014 */
"_id" : "XCNsvWcJKmJpvhiLA",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2015 */
"_id" : "mAukHsjWBn92MBoMr",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2016 */
"_id" : "xtYovxE9bYKik4Wef",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2017 */
"_id" : "reJ2BMgjCKdLMwx3t",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2018 */
"_id" : "msJZf9dJTx5PXTRRZ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2019 */
"_id" : "9E6Th2oTnZsawR3QQ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2020 */
"_id" : "ZAWHfuL64tvShrBN6",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2021 */
"_id" : "DmsBtmkgjkdQikwd2",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2022 */
"_id" : "988bYBTJcK7avrHvd",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2023 */
"_id" : "F9MTxArCabJ23oRhn",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2024 */
"_id" : "GJxqiEiPCLqf6pvaH",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2025 */
"_id" : "KJpzk2TR5b7Jhtk3C",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2026 */
"_id" : "qgvk7FmB62oSCA4MS",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2027 */
"_id" : "WrZK6y9BPSgwzzdKs",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 2028 */
"_id" : "9rkhapTGQdyZgaSRL",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2029 */
"_id" : "qfRaBXokWL7FpMCRG",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 2030 */
"_id" : "CMyB5qvBem8aeACbG",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2031 */
"_id" : "wuGNg2fjBqKWtErrh",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2032 */
"_id" : "KciXJCyLi46PufcFw",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2033 */
"_id" : "9igpXgg3R738kWcA3",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2034 */
"_id" : "Jmopgp25JYTPqdT84",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2035 */
"_id" : "iqzD2CzMBAaCdE6Hu",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"
/* 2036 */
"_id" : "bXvN4jeoTF2t64rew",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2037 */
"_id" : "gpCSNc4W3Ju8DaR5c",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2038 */
"_id" : "Ry33ziTeGap86vbsu",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2039 */
"_id" : "2E6ovae9kw3gQ6BHk",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2040 */
"_id" : "uewLw3gLKP2iHCknK",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2041 */
"_id" : "eSRaJ64SN6jWa4HeX",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 2042 */
"_id" : "MCbZYaXJRK3zKtf3Q",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2043 */
"_id" : "Yaso7QAZ7K5yrsehv",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2044 */
"_id" : "NJm4jtkXaFZKAvEJ5",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 2045 */
"_id" : "HrxcKr9P2vipomq6v",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2046 */
"_id" : "nwFhzGdYmFGjpsoRa",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2047 */
"_id" : "G4LL4T9r6BobKBXny",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2048 */
"_id" : "Hg3h7KecNtsqbXN7P",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2049 */
"_id" : "nYGQyKng9zKwPgMhi",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2050 */
"_id" : "Po9snrEBPdQdMfTEt",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 2051 */
"_id" : "jLAxxz86rv68PzNeZ",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2052 */
"_id" : "gZKY4TAHPfX8ZDsHY",
"url" : "www.google.com",
"image" : "https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2017/s-chandrasekhars-107th-
"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2053 */
"_id" : "mPTdGZuxw7Z24u7G9",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

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"title" : "Google",
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"title" : "Google",
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"title" : "Google",
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"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2060 */
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"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2061 */
"_id" : "8ToujFoosdkDDhM66",
"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"
/* 2062 */
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"url" : "www.google.com",
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"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

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"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

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"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

/* 2065 */
"_id" : "ReT2CSrTcEmAcefPa",
"url" : "http://blog.ubi.com/games-for-learning-summit/",
"image" :
"title" : "Ubisoft Participates in the Games for Learning Summit - UbiBlog -
"description" : "What if you could play games in a classroom setting? What
would your schedule look like? Ubisoft attended the Games for Learning Summit to
discuss videogames as educational tools."

/* 2066 */
"_id" : "huN9oC7BHLXLjuKbR",
"url" : "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/world/nobel-peace-prize.html",
"image" : "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/10/07/world/07Nobel3/07Nobel3-
"title" : "Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons",
"description" : "The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons was
honored for a new treaty signed by more than 50 countries, none of them nuclear

/* 2067 */
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"url" : "https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/06/sapiens-author-harari-
"image" :
"title" : "Yuval Noah Harari's new book to cover global warming, God and
"description" : "The historians next book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century,
will ask what should we teach children today to prepare them for the world of
tomorrow and promises a sweeping look at the future"

/* 2068 */
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"title" : "Google",
"description" : "S. Chandrasekhars 107th Birthday #GoogleDoodle"

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"title" : "Google",
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