Chapter 13 Study Guide Complete)

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AP European History Study Guide Chapter 13

The Netherlands: Golden Age to Decline

1) How did the political and religious life of the Netherlands differ from the rest of Europe?
A: Political and religious life of the Netherlands differed from the rest of Europe because the Dutch had some crazy
toleration of religions. They were chill; they let all religions come like Jews and stuff. Politically, they had a
republic which was great, all the provinces had some power and it was evened out. They didn’t really trust the
monarchy or the house of orange. These guys were C H I L L, remember that word with the Netherlands/Dutch!!!
2) By what means did the Dutch prosper economically during the 17th and 18th centuries?
A: OK, with all these good toleration stuff these guys did, they also prospered economically…they were like the
perfect country. They prospered through urban unification, overseas trading, and a transformed agriculture. First of
all urban unification…A LOT of people lived in the citys so big populations in cities. Next, the overseas trading…
they had some shit called the “seaborne empire”, this empire was beastly…it let them trade in East Asia so with this
the Dutch East India Company formed and this company beasted everything…it shifted protuguse dominance in the
spice trade. They started owning the spice trade so they got a hella lota money!!

Two Models of European Political Development

3) What were the two models of government that formed in Europe during the 17th century?
A: The 2 models of government that formed in Europe during this time was Parliamentary Monarchy (ENGLISH)
and Political Absolutism (FRENCH).
a. What path did France follow and what path did England follow?
A: The French AKA France followed Political Absolutism but the English AKA England failed at that….so the
English had a parliamentary monarchy.
b. What was the background reason for each?
A: Both of these models came out from military worry (the kings had to fund for military but were’s the
revenue). Monarchies NOT DEPENDENT on the support of nobility, diets or assemblies achieved absolute
rule (France).

Constitutional Crisis and Settlement in Stuart England

4) Who was James I (r. 1603-1625)?
James I was this guy who became the King of England after he succeeded Elizabeth 1. He was a stiff, he inherited
all that royal debt and divided the churches; he didn’t want peoples advice.
a. What books did he write or commission and what was his religious background?
A: He lectured about his divine right powers in a book called The True Law of Free Monarchies, he was a
faggot. He is catholic and made people believe he was PRO-catholic when he made peace with Spanish so ppl
got suspicious.
b. Was he well-liked (why or why not)?
A: No. He kept antagonizing Puritans with hierarchical structure he retained for the Anglican Church. He
though the Episcopal of bishops structure was necessary but other people liked a more loose church. He fueled
anti-catholic thoughts!!
5) What was James I’s relationship like with the Puritans and what was the result of this relationship?
A:Puritans hate Jame I. He kept antagonizing Puriatans with hieracrchical structure he retained for the Anglican
Church. “No Bishop, No King”. Puritans wanted a loose church that had individual congregations to control local
affairs (Presbytarian).Religious dissenters started to leave England as a result and Puritan separatists founded
Plymouth colony in North America. England v Spain before he died.
6) Who was Charles I (r. 1625-1649)?
A: Charles I was James the faggot I’s son. King of England.
a. What actions did he take to raise funds for the war with Spain?
A: He obtained money through new tariffs and duties and ship money (coastal twons required to contribute
either ships or money for defense). He imprisoned ppl when they refused. Forced loans. Parliament finally
met and said they will give him funds if he agrees to Petition of Right. It said no forced loans or taxation
without requested of parliament, and no freeman will be imprisoned without due cause and no soldiers billeted
in private homes.
b. Was he well-liked (why or why not) and how did he die?
A: no, lots of people hated him because of his crazy hard taxes and his stupid decisions of not calling
parliament. Puritans resented his religious policies. executed as a public criminal.
7) What was the Petition of Right?
A: A document issued by parliament to require that there would be no forced loans or taxation without the consent
of parliament. Also said no freeman will be imprisoned without due cause and no soldiers billeted in private homes.
8) Why did Charles I appear to be Catholic?
A: He appeared to be Catholic because he made peace with France and spain.
9) Why was Charles I eventually forced to call Parliament?
He was forced to call the short parliament because he had insufficient resources for war with the rebelling Scotts.
They refused until he solved some problems.
a. What was the Short Parliament?
A parliament that only lasted 2 months, this parliament got dissolved cause he got pissed that they wouldn’t
give him the money.
10) What was decided at the Long Parliament (1640-1660) and what were their areas of disagreement?
At the long parliament: House of Commons impeached some of Charles advisors, parliament said king couldn’t
dissolve without permission.
11) Why did England break into a Civil War from 1642 to 1646?
Parliament said king couldn’t dissolve it without permission so Charles invaded parliament, opponents escaped, he
fled London and raised an army, Parliament raises an arm, BAM.
a. Who were the Cavaliers and the Roundheads?
Cavaliers = King Supporters Roundheads = Parliament
12) Who was Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)?
The beastly leader of Parliaments New Model Army. Before that he was a country squire willing to tolerate an
established majority church.
a. What was his army called, what was his title and what did he establish?
His army was called New Model army and he established republic.
b. Was he well-liked (why or why not)?
Yes in the beginning……………No at the end. He started conquering and ruling with an iron fist disbanding
parliament, and ruling as a lord protector.
13) Who was Charles II (r. 1660-1685)?
Charles II was the son of Charles I who returned to England after negotiating with the army.
a. What were his religious beliefs?
Restored Anglican Church but he had secret Catholic sympathies and favored religious tolerations. He was
going to convert to catholiscm in a deal with Lous XIV but he never did it. Remember him as the liar guy.
14) What was the Clarendon Code?
A: The clarendon code was a series of laws that excluded Roman Catholics, Presbyterians and Independents from
the official religious and political life o the nation. The guys that were responsible for this was the ultra roylists in
15) What was the Declaration of Indulgence?
A: The declaration of indulgence suspended all laws against Roman Catholics and non-aglican protestants.
16) What was the Test Act?
A: The test act was passed by parliament and required all civil and military officials of the crown to swear an oath
AGAINST the doctrine of transubstantiation. This hurt Roman Catholics because they believed in transusbstation
and they didn’t wanna swear an oath against it so I guess this discouraged them to become civil and military
17) Who was James II (r. 1685-1688)?
A: James II was the king of England. (CHARLES BROTHER, NOT SON OF THE OTHER JAMES)
a. What were his religious beliefs and what were his goals?
A: This guy was a devout Catholic (people were cool with that until he gave birth to a heir, then they were like
wtf we cant have these catholic people in the throne for this long). His wanted free worship (obviously cause he
was a catholic).
18) What was the Glorious Revolution (1688)?
A: The “Bloodless” glorious revolution was basically William orange guy and his wife Mary (James daughter &
protestant) coming in and taking that shit over. Parliament invited these guys to come in and James fled to France
so these guys were the new monarchs. People supported William orange guy more than James… bastards.
a. Who took power and how?
A: William Orange III and Mary II. William Orange III was previously the chief of Netherlands and led the
opposition against Louis. Mary II was James II’s daughter and protestant…yes, wtf!!
19) What was said in the English Bill of Rights?
A: Bill of Rights = Limited the powers of the monarchy and guaranteed the civil liberties of the English privileged
class. So England’s monarchies are now subject to law and had to rule with consent of parliament which will be
called every 3 years. Also prohibited Roman Catholics from occupying the English throne.
20) What was the Act of Settlement (1701)?
The act of settlement said that English crown would go to Protestant house of Hanover in Germany if Anne (poor
daughter of James II, guy who fled ) AND the heir heir to the childless williamm III died without issue.
a. What was the result of this Act?
Elector of Hanover became King George I of Great Britain (since England and Scotland had been combined in
that act of union thing)
21) Who was Sir Robert Walpole (1676-1745)?
Sir Robert Walpole is a beast. He took over the helm of government…before it it was in flux but he made them the
political model for the rest of Europe.
22) What was England like during the “Age of Walpole”?
- monarchs had real limits
- newspapers, debate flourished free speech!!
- No large standing army
- lots of religious toleration
- combined military power with both religious and political liberty.
- they beasted it, huge power

Rise of Absolute Monarchy in France (OK, were talking about France now…no more England)
23) Who were Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin and who did each work for and what did they
Both are chief ministers and worked for louis xiv
Cardianl Riechliu was a chief minister worked for Louis XIII (13), gave advice.
- increased direct and indirect taxes
- tried to curb power of nobility; banned dueling
- appointed inendants as eyes and ears of monarchy
- forced hugenots to relinquish there fortified towns
- limited the huegonots powers.
Cardinal Marzarin was a chief minister worked for Louis XIV (14), gave advice, he was the real ruler of France
when Louis was a lil boy.
- continued many of the policies of Richelieu
It says both worked for Louis XIV and helped him become powerful.
HEADS UP*** because these guys tried to limit the French protestants power (huegonots) there were lots of
rebellions amon French nobles…this is called fronde. (the rebellions were unsucesfuly but they convinved louis that
heavy handed policies could hurt him)
24) Who was Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715) and how did he rule France?
Louis XIV was an absolute ruler of France. He wanted all power to him, this guy was everywere, he was active…
working with nobles…using energy to do all these political tasks and stuff.
25) What was Versailles and how did Louis XIV use it?
Versailles was image of the monarchy. It was the largest secular structure in Europe, it displayed his wealth and he
wanted to show everybody he was a pimp so he displayed it through this. He used to to exert political control
because it was a template to royalty and the nobles that lived there were depended on king.
26) What was the “Divine Right of Kings”?
Only God could judge a king so they could not be bound to the dictates of nobles and parliaments.
27) Who was Jean-Baptist Colbert (1619-1683)?
Minister of finance and Louis primary advisor. He developed a unified internal market and expanded frances
commercial presense….created a free trade zone known as the Five Great FARMS.
28) Why did France fight in the War of Devolution?
France fought the War of Devolution because Louis supported the right that his first wife Mari was suppose to
inherit Spanish Netherlands.
a. What was the result and what treaty ended it?
Louis armies invaded Flanders and Franche-Comte…fought against triple alliance of England…Sweden. And
united provinces. The treaty of aix la chappele made louis gain control of certain towns bordering the Spanish
29) Who were the Jansenists?
The Jansenists were opossers of the Jesuits strong version of human free will in favor a calvin predestination view of
salvation. They were a catholic movent that arose in 1630s that opposed the theology and Jesuits.
a. What were their beliefs and how did Louis XI react to them?
Predestination view of salvation
Adhered to the teachings of st augstine
Original sin has corrupted mankind so much that indididuals could do NOTHING
Firm catholics but lived like puritans.
Louis allowed the papal bull by pope innocent that banned jannesim being endorsed in France…but rome was
the one being allowed to dictate moral policy in frace….parlement of paris allowed it once he died.
30) What were Louis XIV’s religious beliefs and how did he reveal this politically?
His religious beliefs were banning jannesim. Campaigh against the protestants to unite france religiously. Targeted
hugeunotes by persecuting them all over france and trying to get em co vonvert. Revoked editct of nantes and had
lots religious oppression. Oppressed religion, ppl got scared and thought he was a fanatic.
a. What was considered to be his greatest blunder?
Revoked the edit of nantes which had ppl living peacefully, not ppl thought he was a fanatic.
31) Why was the War of Spanish Succession fought (1701-1714)?
War of Spanish Sucession was fought because charles II died without an heir so his inheritance went to Louis
grandson who became phillip V of spain…spain fell to france and England Holland and the holy roman empire
formed the grand alliance. Holy roman emperaror was habsburb like charles and wanted a fair cshare of inheritance.
Louis got bested cause he went to wwar inadequately prepared but louis regined supreme in spain and war became
a. Who was involved, what was the result and what treaty ended it?
English (England Holland the HRE cause of alliance) v Spain = Spain because it was a stalemate.PEACE OF
32) Who was the Duke of Orleans?
Louis XIV was scueeded by his 5 year old son Louis XV (I think its XV), the boys uncle was the duke of Orleans
who became regent until 1720.
a. What scandal was he involved in and what policy of Louis XIV did he reverse?
Reversed policy and gave full power back to parliaments of paris. The scandal was



Central and Eastern Europe

33) How was Central and Eastern Europe different from Western Europe in the 17th century?
They were much less advanced economically. Fewer cities, larger estates and no overseas empire.
34) What was the Pragmatic Sanction?
The pragmatic sanction = Charles VI devoted most of his reign to seeking the approval of his family, the estates of
his realms and the major foreign powers for a document called this. It provided the legal basis for a single line of
inheritance with the Habsburg dyansy. Through his daughter maria.
35) Who was Frederick William (r. 1640-1688) and what did he accomplish?
Began to forge some areas into a modern states…became the great elector. Established himself and his successors
as the central uniting power by breaking the local noble estates, organizing a royal bureaucrazy and building a strong
army. Gave power to junkers and they became powerful, most effective hohsome ruler.
36) Who was Frederick I (r. 1688-1713)? Describe his reign.
The achievement of a royal title was one of the few state building accomplishments of this guy…..he was the son of
the great elector and least prussion….built palaces founded halle univerty patronized arts and lived nicely. King of
Prussia, gave army to habsbury.
37) Who was Frederick William I (r. 1713-1740) and what did he accomplish?
Frederic I was both the most eccentric monarch to rule the Hohenzollern domains and one of the most effective.
Organized the bureaucracy along miliaty lines….the discipline he applied to arm was crazy. He avoided
conflict….built a crazy cool army. Officer corps highest social class of state…monarchy became forged into a
single political entity.

Russia Enters the European Political Arena

38) Who was Peter the Great (r. 1682-1725)?
Peter the Great was 10 years old when he got the fragile russan throne as co ruler.
a. What was he fascinated with and what did he accomplish?
Fascinated with everything modern, technology, science, industry. He succeeded in making the rest of Europe
take note of Russias might. Strenghten nation and reform habits…..lots of taxes polll tax………with this he
purses mercantilist policies which made Russia commercial nation, own join stock companies, merchant fleet
Ranks wherby subjects could rise in status based on contrbituions of state. Eliminted feudal organs of self
government and divided nation int 10 gov units. He eliminated the position of the atriarch and made church
under control of state.
39) Who fought in the Great Northern War (1700-1721)?
Sweden vs Russia = Russian
Again = at poltava peter and Sweden owned charless and Russia.
a. Why was it fought and what was the result?
Fought because peter wanted to replace there territory and dominant position in the Baltic. Ended with the treat
of nystadt and Russia gained significgant territory.

The Ottoman Empire

40) Describe the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century?
Largest and most stable political entity to arise in or near Europe……achiever this power between eleventh and
sixteenth centuries cause ottoman tribes migrated from asia…………..they conquered constintople and put an end to
the Byzantine empire.


Essay Questions
I. Louis XIV declared his goal was “one king, one law, one faith.” Analyze the methods
the king used to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which he was
II. Describe and analyze the changes in the role of Parliament in English politics between
the succession of James I and the Glorious Revolution?
III. Analyze the major ways through which Czar Peter the Great sought to reform his
society and its institutions in order to strengthen Russia and its position in Europe.
IV. Compare 17th century French absolutism with 17th century central and eastern
European absolutism.

Do the following for ALL the prompts:

1) Write a thesis statement. It should include the main ideas that you will discuss in each paragraph. Make
sure that it answers the question.
2) What is the main idea of your first paragraph? This should be a complete sentence.
3) What evidence will you use to support this idea?
4) What is the main idea of your second paragraph? This should be a complete sentence.
5) What evidence will you use to support this idea?
6) What is the main idea of your third paragraph? This should be a complete sentence.
7) What evidence will you use to support this idea?
8) Write your concluding paragraph. How will you end your essay?

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