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Introduction t
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology

by B. Bhushan
A biological system can be exceedingly small.
Many of the cells are very tiny, but they are very
active; they manufacture various substances; they
walk around; they wiggle; and they do all kinds of
marvelous things all on a very small scale. Also,
1.1 Background and Definition
they store information. Consider the possibility of Nanotechnology ............................... 1
that we too can make a thing very small which
does what we want that we can manufacture 1.2 Why Nano?........................................... 2
an object that maneuvers at that level. 1.3 Lessons from Nature ............................. 2
(From the talk Theres Plenty of Room at the 1.4 Applications in Different Fields .............. 3
Bottom, delivered by Richard P. Feynman at the
annual meeting of the American Physical Society at 1.5 Reliability Issues of MEMS/NEMS ............. 4
the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 1.6 Organization of the Handbook............... 5
CA, on December 29, 1959.)
References .................................................. 5

1.1 Background and Definition of Nanotechnology

On Dec. 29, 1959, at the California Institute of Tech- National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) in the fiscal
nology, Nobel Laureate Richard P. Feynman gave a talk year 2001 budget, and made it a top science and tech-
at the annual meeting of the American Physical So- nology priority [1.2, 3]. The objective of this initiative
ciety that has become one of the twentieth centurys was to form a broad-based coalition in which academe,
classic science lectures, titled Theres Plenty of Room the private sector, and local, state, and federal govern-
at the Bottom [1.1]. He presented a technological vi- ments would work together to push the envelope of
sion of extreme miniaturization several years before the nanoscience and nanoengineering to reap nanotechnol-
word chip became part of the lexicon. He talked about ogys potential social and economic benefits.
the problem of manipulating and controlling things on Nanotechnology literally means any technology per-
a small scale. Extrapolating from known physical laws, formed on a nanoscale that has applications in the real
Feynman envisioned a technology using the ultimate world. Nanotechnology encompasses the production
toolbox of nature, building nanoobjects atom by atom and application of physical, chemical, and biological
or molecule by molecule. Since the 1980s, many inven- systems at scales ranging from individual atoms or
tions and discoveries in the fabrication of nanoobjects molecules to submicron dimensions, as well as the
have become a testament to his vision. In recognition of integration of the resulting nanostructures into larger
this reality, the National Science and Technology Coun- systems. Nanotechnology is likely to have a pro-
cil (NSTC) of the White House created the Interagency found impact on our economy and society in the early
Working Group on Nanoscience, Engineering and Tech- twenty-first century, comparable to that of semiconduc-
nology (IWGN) in 1998. In a January 2000 speech at tor technology, information technology, or cellular and
the same institute, former President William J. Clinton molecular biology. Science and technology research in
talked about the exciting promise of nanotechnology nanotechnology promises breakthroughs in such areas as
and, more generally, the importance of expanding re- materials and manufacturing, nanoelectronics, medicine
search in nanoscale science and technology. Later that and healthcare, energy, biotechnology, information tech-
month, he announced in his State of the Union Ad- nology, and national security. It is widely felt that
dress an ambitious $ 497 million federal, multi-agency nanotechnology will be the next industrial revolution.

1 Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology

B. Bhushan ! Springer 2004
2 Introduction to Nanotechnology

Nanometer-scale features are mainly built up from The micro- and nanosystems include micro/nano-

their elemental constituents. Chemical synthesis the electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) (e.g., sen-
spontaneous self-assembly of molecular clusters (mo- sors, actuators, and miniaturized systems comprising
lecular self-assembly) from simple reagents in solution sensing, processing, and/or actuating functions), micro-
or biological molecules (e.g., DNA) are used as mechatronics, optoelectronics, microfluidics, and sys-
building blocks for the production of three-dimensional tems integration. These systems can sense, control, and
nanostructures, including quantum dots (nanocrystals) activate on the micro/nanoscale and function individu-
of arbitrary diameter (about 10 to 105 atoms). A var- ally or in arrays to generate effects on the macroscale.
iety of vacuum deposition and nonequilibrium plasma The microsystems market in 2000 was about $ 15 bil-
chemistry techniques are used to produce layered lion, and, with a projected 1020 % annual growth rate,
nanocomposites and nanotubes. Atomically controlled it is expected to increase to more than $ 100 billion by
structures are produced using molecular beam epitaxy the end of this decade. The nanosystems market in 2001
and organo-metallic vapor phase epitaxy. Micro- and was about $ 100 million and the integrated nanosys-
nanosystem components are fabricated using top-down tems market is expected to be more than $ 25 billion
lithographic and nonlithographic fabrication techniques by the end of this decade. Due to the enabling na-
and range in size from micro- to nanometers. Continued ture of these systems, and because of the significant
improvements in lithography for use in the produc- impact they can have on the commercial and defense
tion of nanocomponents have resulted in line widths applications, venture capitalists, industry, as well as
as small as 10 nanometers in experimental prototypes. the federal government have taken a special interest
The nanotechnology field, in addition to the fabrication in nurturing growth in this field. Micro- and nanosys-
of nanosystems, provides the impetus to development of tems are likely to be the next logical step in the silicon
experimental and computational tools. revolution.

1.2 Why Nano?

The discovery of novel materials, processes, and phe- materials. Nanosystems are expected to find various
nomena at the nanoscale, as well as the development unique applications. Nanostructured materials can be
of new experimental and theoretical techniques for made with unique nanostructures and properties. This
research provide fresh opportunities for the develop- field is expected to open new venues in science and
ment of innovative nanosystems and nanostructured technology.

1.3 Lessons from Nature

Nanotechnology is a new word, but it is not an entirely This is an example of a biological molecular ma-
new field. Nature has many objects and processes that chine. The flagella motor is driven by the proton
function on a micro- to nanoscale [1.2, 4]. The under- flow caused by the electrochemical potential differ-
standing of these functions can guide us in imitating and ences across the membrane. The diameter of the bearing
producing nanodevices and nanomaterials. is about 2030 nm, with an estimated clearance of
Billions of years ago, molecules began organiz- about 1 nm.
ing themselves into the complex structures that could In the context of tribology, some biological systems
support life. Photosynthesis harnesses solar energy to have anti-adhesion surfaces. First, many plant leaves
support plant life. Molecular ensembles are present in (such as lotus leaf) are covered by a hydrophobic cuticle,
plants, which include light harvesting molecules, such which is composed of a mixture of large hydrocar-
as chlorophyll, arranged within the cells on the nanome- bon molecules that have a strong hydrophobia. Second,
ter to micrometer scales. These structures capture light the surface is made of a unique roughness distribu-
energy, and convert it into the chemical energy that tion [1.6, 7]. It has been reported that for some leaf
drives the biochemical machinery of plant cells. Live surfaces, the roughness of the hydrophobic leaf surface
organs use chemical energy in the body. The flagella, decreases wetness, which is reflected in a greater contact
a type of bacteria, rotates at over 10,000 RPM [1.5]. angle of water droplets on such surfaces.

Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology

B. Bhushan ! Springer 2004
Introduction to Nanotechnology 1.4 Applications in Different Fields 3

1.4 Applications in Different Fields

Science and technology continue to move forward in wobble motors and actuators for tip-based recording
making the fabrication of micro/nanodevices and sys- schemes have also been fabricated [1.24].
tems possible for a variety of industrial, consumer, and BIOMEMS are increasingly used in commercial and
biomedical applications. A range of MEMS devices defense applications (e.g., [1.4,2528]). Applications of
have been produced, some of which are commercially BIOMEMS include biofluidic chips (otherwise known
used [1.4, 812]. A variety of sensors are used in indus- as microfluidic chips, bioflips, or simply biochips)
trial, consumer, and biomedical applications. Various for chemical and biochemical analyses (biosensors)
microstructures or microcomponents are used in micro- in medical diagnostics (e.g., DNA, RNA, proteins,
instruments and other industrial applications, such as cells, blood pressure and assays, and toxin identifi-
micromirror arrays. Two of the largest killer indus- cation) and implantable pharmaceutical drug delivery.
trial applications are accelerometers (about 85 million The biosensors, also referred to as lab-on-a-chip, inte-
units in 2002) and digital micromirror devices (about grate sample handling, separation, detection, and data
$ 400 million in sales in 2001). Integrated capacitive- analysis onto one platform. Biosensors are designed
type, silicon accelerometers have been used in airbag to either detect a single or class of (bio)chemicals or
deployment in automobiles since 1991 [1.13, 14]. system-level analytical capabilities for a broad range
Accelerometer technology was about a billion-dollar- of (bio)chemical species known as micro total analysis
a-year industry in 2001, dominated by Analog Devices systems (TAS). The chips rely on microfluidics and
followed by Motorola and Bosch. Commercial digital involve the manipulation of tiny amounts of fluids in
light processing (DLP) equipment using digital micro- microchannels using microvalves for various analyses.
mirror devices (DMD) were launched in 1996 by Texas The test fluid is pumped into the chip generally using
Instruments for digital projection displays in portable an external pump for analyses. Some chips have been
and home theater projectors, as well as table-top and designed with an integrated electrostatically actuated
projection TVs [1.15, 16]. More than 1.5 million pro- diaphragm-type micropump. Silicon-based, disposable
jectors were sold before 2002. Other major industrial blood-pressure sensor chips were introduced in the
applications include pressure sensors, inkjet printer early 1990s by NovaSensor for blood pressure moni-
heads, and optical switches. Silicon-based piezoresis- toring (about 20 million units in 2002). A variety of
tive pressure sensors for manifold absolute pressure biosensors are manufactured by various companies, in-
sensing for engines were launched in 1991 by Nova- cluding ACLARA, Agilent Technologies, Calipertech,
Sensor, and their annual sales were about 25 million and I-STAT.
units in 2002. Annual sales of inkjet printer heads with After the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, concern over
microscale functional components were about 400 mil- biological and chemical warfare has led to the develop-
lion units in 2002. Capacitive pressure sensors for ment of handheld units with bio- and chemical sensors
tire pressure measurements were launched by Mo- for the detection of biological germs, chemical or nerve
torola. Other applications of MEMS devices include agents, mustard agents, and chemical precursors to
chemical sensors; gas sensors; infrared detectors and protect subways, airports, the water supply, and the
focal plane arrays for earth observations; space sci- population [1.29].
ence and missile defense applications; pico-satellites for Other BIOMEMS applications include minimal
space applications; and many hydraulic, pneumatic, and invasive surgery, such as endoscopic surgery, laser
other consumer products. MEMS devices are also be- angioplasty, and microscopic surgery. Implantable ar-
ing pursued in magnetic storage systems [1.17], where tificial organs can also be produced.
they are being developed for super-compact and ultra- Micro-instruments and micro-manipulators are used
high recording-density magnetic disk drives. Several to move, position, probe, pattern, and characterize
integrated head/suspension microdevices have been fab- nanoscale objects and nanoscale features. Miniatur-
ricated for contact recording applications [1.18, 19]. ized analytical equipment includes gas chromatography
High-bandwidth, servo-controlled microactuators have and mass spectrometry. Other instruments include
been fabricated for ultrahigh track-density applications, micro-STM, where STM stands for scanning tunneling
which serve as the fine-position control element of microscope.
a two-stage, coarse/fine servo system, coupled with Examples of NEMS include nanocomponents, nano-
a conventional actuator [1.2023]. Millimeter-sized devices, nanosystems, and nanomaterials, such as

1 Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology

B. Bhushan ! Springer 2004
4 Introduction to Nanotechnology

microcantilever with integrated sharp nanotips for STM micro/nanoparticles with drug molecules encapsulated

and atomic force microscopy (AFM), AFM array (milli- in functionized shells for a site-specific targeting ap-
pede) for data storage, AFM tips for nanolithography, plication, and a silicon capsule with a nanoporous
dip-pen nanolithography for printing molecules, bio- membrane filled with drugs for long term delivery,
logical (DNA) motors, molecular gears, molecularly nanodevices for sequencing single molecules of DNA
thick films (e.g., in giant magneto-resistive or GMR in the Human Genome Project, cellular growth using
heads and magnetic media), nanoparticles, (e.g., nano- carbon nanotubes for spinal cord repair, nanotubes for
magnetic particles in magnetic media), nanowires, nanostructured materials for various applications, such
carbon nanotubes, quantum wires (QWRs), quan- as spinal fusion devices, organ growth, and growth of
tum boxes (QBs), and quantum transistors [1.3034]. artificial tissues using nanofibers.
BIONEMS include nanobiosensors a microarray of Nanoelectronics can be used to build computer mem-
silicon nanowires, roughly a few nm in size, to selec- ory, using individual molecules or nanotubes to store bits
tively bind and detect even a single biological molecule, of information, as well as molecular switches, molecu-
such as DNA or protein, by using nanoelectronics to de- lar or nanotube transistors, nanotube flat-panel displays,
tect the slight electrical charge caused by such binding, nanotube integrated circuits, fast logic gates, switches,
or a microarray of carbon nanotubes to electrically de- nanoscopic lasers, and nanotubes as electrodes in fuel
tect glucose, implantable drug-delivery devices e.g., cells.

1.5 Reliability Issues of MEMS/NEMS

There is an increasing need for a multidisciplinary, Many MEMS/NEMS devices operate near their ther-
system-oriented approach to manufacturing micro/ mal dissipation limit. They may encounter hot spots
nanodevices that function reliably. This can only be that can cause failures, particularly in weak structures
achieved through the cross-fertilization of ideas from such as diaphragms or cantilevers. Thermal stressing
different disciplines and the systematic flow of infor- and relaxation caused by thermal variations can cre-
mation and people among research groups. Common ate material delamination and fatigue in cantilevers.
potential failure mechanisms for MEMS/NEMS that In large temperature changes, as experienced in the
need to be addressed in order to increase reliability are: space environment, bimetallic beams will also experi-
adhesion, friction, wear, fracture, fatigue, and contam- ence warping due to mismatched coefficients of thermal
ination. Surface micro/nanomachined structures often expansion. Packaging has been a big problem. The con-
include smooth and chemically active surfaces. Due to tamination, which probably happens in packaging and
the large surface area to volume ratio in MEMS/NEMS, during storage, can also strongly influence the reliabil-
they are particularly prone to stiction (high static fric- ity of MEMS/NEMS. For example, a particulate dust
tion) as part of normal operation. Fracture occurs when landed on one of the electrodes of a comb drive can
the load on a microdevice is greater than the strength cause catastrophic failure. There are no MEMS/NEMS
of the material. Fracture is a serious reliability con- fabrication standards, which makes it difficult to transfer
cern, particularly for the brittle materials used in the fabrication steps in MEMS/NEMS between foundaries.
construction of these components, since it can im- Obviously, studies of determination and suppres-
mediately, or eventually, lead to catastrophic failures. sion of active failure mechanisms affecting this new
Additionally, debris can be formed from the fracturing and promising technology are critical to the high re-
of microstructures, leading to other failure processes. liability of MEMS/NEMS and are determining factors
For less brittle materials, repeated loading over a long in successful practical application.
period causes fatigue that would also lead to the break- Mechanical properties are known to exhibit a depen-
ing and fracturing of the device. In principle, this failure dence on specimen size. Mechanical property evaluation
mode is relatively easy to observe and simple to pre- of nanometer-scaled structures is carried out to help
dict. However, the materials properties of thin films are design reliable systems, since good mechanical prop-
often not known, making fatigue predictions prone to erties are of critical importance in such applications.
error. Some of the properties of interest are: Youngs mod-

Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology

B. Bhushan ! Springer 2004

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