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R. K.

22515 Holly Lake Drive,
Katy, TX 77450

C. B. Meher-Homji Gas Turbine Fogging Technology:

M. A. Chaker A State-of-the-Art ReviewPart
Bechtel Corporation,
3000 Post Oak Boulevard,
Houston, TX 77056
II: Overspray FoggingAnalytical
and Experimental Aspects
M. Bianchi
The strong influence of ambient temperature on the output and heat rate on a gas turbine
F. Melino has popularized the application of inlet fogging and overspray for power augmentation.
One of the main advantages of overspray fogging is that it enhances power output as a
A. Peretto result of decrease in compression work associated with the continuous evaporation of
water within the compressor due to fog intercooling. A comprehensive review on the
University of Bologna, current understanding of the analytical and experimental aspects of overspray fogging
DIEM, Facolta di Ingegneria, technology as applied to gas turbines is presented in this paper.
Viale Risorgimento 2, DOI: 10.1115/1.2364004
Bologna 40136, Italy
Keywords: power augmentation, overspray, high fogging, wet compression, compressor
S. Ingistov
Watson Cogeneration Co./BP,
11850 S. Wilmington Avenue,
P. O. Box 6203,
Carson, CA 90749

Introduction riences with inlet fogging systems have been presented in Part III
2 of this paper. In addition to discussing current status of re-
Ambient temperature strongly influences gas turbine perfor-
search and development efforts in the subject area, a list of unre-
mance with power output dropping by approximately 0.500.90%
solved issues and future needs is also presented in this paper.
for every 1 C of temperature rise. There is also a significant
increase in the gas turbine heat rate as the ambient temperature
rises, resulting in an increased operating cost. As the increase in Overspray Fogging
power demand often coincides with high ambient temperatures,
Overspray fogging also referred to as high fogging, wet com-
evaporative fogging has become a popular approach for cooling of
pression, and fog intercooling is derived by the deliberate intro-
the inlet air during the hot part of the day when the coincident
duction of fog droplets into an axial flow compressor of a gas
relative humidity is typically low. Theoretical and experimental
turbine. The compressor of a gas turbine consumes a considerable
aspects relating to inlet evaporative fogging have been covered in
amount of the gross work produced by the gas turbine two-thirds
Part I 1 of this three-part paper. or more for older machines as is evident from Fig. 1 which shows
Evaporative fogging, however, tends to become ineffective as compressor work input ratio W_C for a wide range of old and
the relative humidity increases resulting in a low temperature de- new technology turbines. Whereas, the compressor work input
pression. In situations such as these, overspray fogging where a ratio is defined as the compressor work divided by the total work
deliberate introduction of fine fog droplets into the axial flow produced by the turbine. One of the main advantages of overspray
compressor provides an intercooling effect reducing compressor fogging is that it enhances power output as a result of decrease in
work and providing significant power augmentation and heat rate compression work associated with the continuous evaporation of
reduction. Several major gas turbine original equipment manufac- water within the compressor. Other factors which contribute to
turers OEMs offer overspray technology for their gas turbines power augmentation are: 1 increased flow rate through the tur-
and have active research programs underway in this area. The bine and 2 increase in specific heat capacity of the fluid mixture
main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review flowing through the turbine. For most applications, the amount of
of the work accomplished as of this date in the area of overspray overspray is in the range of 0.51% of the air mass flow rate of
fogging and discuss both theoretical and practical issues that must the gas turbine.
be considered during the design and implementation of overspray
systems. Additional practical considerations and operational expe- Nozzle Location for Overspray Fogging. It is commonly ac-
cepted that overspray fogging nozzles should be located relatively
close to the axial compressor inlet to prevent large size droplets
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute IGTI of ASME for pub- accumulated on the duct walls from entering in the compressor
received October 1, 2005; final manuscript received February 1, 2006. IGTI Review
and causing damage to the blades. In most commercial applica-
Chair: R. S. Abhari. Paper presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Land, Sea, and tions, the nozzle array is located in the downflow section of the
Air, Barcelona, Spain, May 811 2006, Paper No. GT2005-68337. duct downstream of silencer prior to the compressor inlet bell

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sented in the later part of this paper, recent studies 1,7,8,10,11
clearly show the importance of droplet size on the evaporation
process both upstream and within the compressor.
A thermodynamic analysis procedure for wet compression,
similar to the above discussed work of Hill, but including a dis-
cussion on droplet size, evaporation rate, evaporation time, and
the breakup of water droplets was recently presented by Zheng et
al. 7. As shown by Zheng et al., pressure and temperature for the
wet compression process are related by the thermodynamic rela-
tion given below


m L dw 1 n
= + 2
m1 1 R dT 1n1
Fig. 1 Compressor work input ratio W_C versus turbine inlet And for isentropic wet compression
temperature TIT for existing gas turbines ambient condi-
tions: 40 C and 40% RH k L dw
= + 3
k 1 1 R dT
The compressor work with wet compression can be calculated
mouth or intake cone in case of cold-end drive machines. Further using Eq. 4 given below 7
details relating to the placement of fog nozzles are presented in Wc = ha2 ha1 + w2hw2 w1hw1 fh f1 4
Part I 1 of this paper.
The concept of overspray wet compression is as old as devel- In Eqs. 13, m and k represent the polytropic and isentropic
opment of propulsion gas turbines as is evident from the work of exponents, respectively, for wet compression process, and n and
Kleinschmidt in the late 1940s 3. Kleinschmidt noted that wet represent polytropic and isentropic exponents, respectively, for
compression was more effective in improving gas turbine cycle dry compression process. Variables L, R, and dw / dT represent
performance than with traditional compressor intercooling using latent heat of vaporization, gas constant, and evaporation rate,
an external intercooler. The reason for this, he argued, was that respectively. Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to compressors inlet and
the heat removed from the air was returned to the working fluid in discharge conditions, respectively. Subscripts a, w, and f refer to
the form of steam. For a given value of turbine inlet temperature, air, steam water vapor, and water, respectively.
Kleinschmidts analysis further showed that the wet compression The thermodynamic analysis by Zheng et al. 7 showed that
not only increased cycle efficiency for a given pressure ratio but the polytropic index of actual wet compression is lower than the
also increased the cycle pressure ratio at which maximum effi- dry air compression process which results in reduced compressor
ciency occurred. There is a lot of analytical and experimental work, compressor discharge temperature, and increased compres-
work reported on overspray fogging in the literature 318, par- sion efficiency with wet compression. For given values of com-
ticularly, in the last five to six years. pression ratio and evaporation rate, it can be shown that the com-
Early work on wet compression was focused on the use of pressor discharge temperature becomes less than even that for an
water injection for thrust augmentation of aircraft engines. In the isentropic dry compression process see Fig. 2a. The legends
early 1950s, a detailed procedure for estimating thrust augmenta- t2di, t2d, t2wi, and t2w in Fig. 2a represent compressor dis-
tion of a turbojet engine with the help of a psychrometric chart charge temperature corresponding to dry-isentropic, dry, wet-
and Mollier diagram was presented by Wilcox and Trout 4. The isentropic, and actual wet compression processes, respectively. It
analytical study of Wilcox and Trout showed the impact of factors was further shown that wet compression was more effective at
such as altitude, flight Mach number, and atmospheric temperature high values of compressor pressure ratio and that, for a given
on the thrust boost associated with water injection. Beede et al. 5 value of pressure ratio and evaporation rate, compression work
experimentally examined the effects of water injection on the per- can be lower than that required for the isentropic dry air compres-
formance of a double-entry centrifugal compressor. Their study sion as is evident from Fig. 2b. The legends wdi, wd, wwi, and
showed increase in total pressure ratio with an increased amount ww in Fig. 2b represent compression work corresponding to dry-
of injected water. isentropic, dry, wet-isentropic, and actual wet compression pro-
In the early 1960s, Hill 6 presented a systematic aerothermo- cesses, respectively. While lacking a detailed explanation, Zheng
dynamic analysis procedure for evaluating the effects of water et al. noted that better evaporation could be achieved with smaller
injection on the performance characteristics of an axial compres- droplets diameter.
sor and found good agreement with experimental results on A detailed analytical and experimental investigation of over-
medium- and high-pressure ratio compressors of turboshaft en- spray using a 115 MW gas turbine Hitachi Frame 9E by Uta-
gines. For a given value of an evaporation parameter defined as mura et al. 8 showed a 10% gain in power output and a 3%
w / , Hill noted that the amount of work reduction due to water increase in thermal efficiency with 1% overspray. Their simplified
injection was not affected by the compressor pressure ratio. More- model of droplets evaporation showed incomplete evaporation in-
over, stage work distribution was affected by the evaporation in- side the 17-stage compressor for size of droplets larger than
side the compressor such that initial stages were found unloaded. 30 m. However, complete evaporation could be attained within
He further noted that the process of mixing and evaporation de- the compressor for size of droplets lower than 20 m. A new
pends more on the geometry and rotational speed of the compres- parameter, termed incremental efficiency, as a measure of wet
sor than on the initial droplet sizes and their distribution. It is compression effectiveness and defined as the ratio of incremental
highly likely that this conclusion could be due to the limited un- power to additional fuel consumption, was introduced and found
derstanding of heat transfer effects, droplet measurement tech- to be 10% higher than the thermal efficiency for the dry case and
niques available at the time, and factors relating to the state of independent of spray rate.
fogging technology in the early 1960s. However, as will be pre- A linearized one-dimensional analysis of compressor off-design

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power APRIL 2007, Vol. 129 / 455

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Fig. 3 Effects of spray flow rate and polytropic efficiency de-
noted by n in the legend on specific work ratio for pressure
ratio of 30 see Ref. 10

model called droplet model, the limitations of the ideal model

were addressed. Their analysis showed that the maximum spray
flow rate, which corresponds to complete saturation at the com-
pressor discharge for a given pressure ratio, depends on the pres-
sure ratio and polytropic efficiency and its value is higher for a
compressor with lower efficiency. The results further show that
difference in specific work reduction due to polytropic efficiency
change is insignificant for spray flow rates less than 2% see Fig.
3. It is possible that the negligible effect of polytropic efficiency
for spray flow rate less than 2% is due to the fact that stage
mismatching and associated aerodynamic losses are not
The effects of droplet size on compressor work ratio with a
compression rate of 870 bars/s or pressure ratio of 30 for poly-
tropic efficiency values of 100% and 80%, based on the droplet
model of Haertel and Pfeiffer are shown in Figs. 4a and 4b,
respectively. It is evident that an increased specific work reduction
due to overspray fogging, for a given spray flow rate and droplet
size, can be achieved for a compressor with lower efficiency. Be-
cause of the fact that the models proposed by Haertel and Pfeiffer
did not consider effects of stage mismatching with high fogging,
there exists a possibility of overestimation of the reduction in
compressor specific work and discharge temperature drop.
A method combining droplet evaporation and mean-line com-
pressor performance to examine the effects of wet compression on
Fig. 2 a Effect of evaporation rate on compressor exit tem- stage-by-stage performance was presented by White and Meacock
perature for wet compression process at a pressure ratio of 30 11. An evaluation of overall compressor performance character-
see Ref. 7 and b effect of evaporation rate on compression
istics showed characteristics progressively moving to a higher
work for wet compression process at a pressure ratio of 30
see Ref. 7 flow and pressure ratio with increasing water injection rate. The
increase in mass flow due to wet compression is due to the water
injected and also the cooling caused by an evaporation effect and
is therefore higher than the additional amount of injected water.
performance, with simplifying assumptions that the gas constant, Furthermore, their analysis indicated a decrease in aerodynamic
polytropic efficiency, and blade speed remain constant through efficiency as the injection rate increased which was mainly attrib-
compressor in presence of overspray, was presented by Horlock uted to off-design operation of all the stages as seen in Fig. 5
9. The values of constant pressure specific heat and polytropic which shows stage-by-stage normalized flow coefficient. Their
exponent were assumed to have a first order change due to evapo- study clearly shows the unloading increased flow coefficient
ration within the compressor. Also, the droplet temperature was compared to the design value of early stages and overloading
assumed not to change through compressor while estimating the decrease in flow coefficient of later stages of a compressor.
evaporation rate which implies neglecting the effect of convective Sexton and Sexton 12 conducted a parametric study on the
heat transfer from droplets and overestimating evaporation length effects of evaporative and overspray fogging including stage-by-
for a given droplet size. stage performance on a 16-stage 19.8 pressure ratio compressor.
A detailed study using two analytical models for overspray fog- Their diffusion-controlled evaporation model assumes that each
ging, considering the effects of compression rate, droplet size, and droplet of water would be rapidly entrained in the air stream and
polytropic efficiency on overall compressor performance, was re- attains air velocity implying neglect of convective heat and mass
cently presented by Haertel and Pfeiffer 10. In the first model transfer effects. Their study shows higher performance gains for
termed ideal model, the air-liquid mixture was assumed to be in combined effects of inlet evaporative and overspray fogging in
a thermodynamic equilibrium through the compression process. comparison to if the water is injected directly into the compressor
This implies that the droplets are very small and that the compres- bell mouth.
sion rate does not affect thermodynamic changes. In the second Recently, a detailed thermodynamic analysis on the effects of

456 / Vol. 129, APRIL 2007 Transactions of the ASME

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gain compared to the other machines discussed. The field data
show a power boost in the amount of 5.64% for 1% overspray.
Jolly also noted that the payback period for a wet compression
system is less than half that of an inlet chiller system.
Li and Zheng 17,18 recently presented compressor stability
analysis in presence of wet compression and noted that in addition
to improving gas turbine performance, water injection stabilizes
aerodynamic instabilities in the compressor.
Another approach to wet compression, by using inter-stage wa-
ter injection, has also been examined 19,20. Arsenev and Berk-
ovich 19 compared overall performance considering cases of
water injection in different stages including upstream of a com-
pressor and for a compressor modified for water injection effects.
Their study showed that water injection effects are improved if
water is injected within the compressor. The presented results sug-
gested an optimum compressor stage for water injection, as for the
configuration studied the performance improvement was higher
with water injected at the third stage.
Recently, Bagnoli et al. 21 investigated the effects of inter-
stage injection on the performance of a GE Frame 7EA gas tur-
bine using aerothermodynamic modeling. In addition to estimat-
ing the overall gas turbine performance changes achievable with
the interstage injection approach, the study presented impact of
interstage injection on stage-by-stage compressor performance
characteristics of the selected gas turbine. This study showed,
similar to the work of White and Meacock 11, that various
stages in a compressor operate at off-design conditions and the
first few stages are unloaded and later stages are overloaded. An
Fig. 4 a Effect of droplet size on specific work ratio com-
increased amount of water injection results in the operating point
pression rate 870 bars/s and polytropic efficiency 100%; b moving closer to the surge line in the 17th stage see Fig. 6, for
effect of droplet size on specific work ratio compression rate the modeled machine, suggesting that one has to be cautious in
870 bars/s and polytropic efficiency 80% see Ref. 10 selecting the water amount in case of both interstage injection and
overspray fogging.
Analytical studies on the effect of droplets on the blade surface
wet compression in a regenerative cycle gas turbine was presented reveal requirements for very small size 1 5 m droplets 22.
by Zheng et al. 13. For a given value of compression pressure The use of swirl-flash technology, where pressurized hot water is
ratio and turbine inlet temperature, specific power of a regenera- sprayed through a swirl nozzle, has demonstrated achieving drop-
tive gas turbine with wet compression almost doubles compared lets of 2.2 m in the laboratory. Swirl-Flash technology has been
to a simple cycle gas turbine. Also the cycle efficiency of a regen- applied on a number of gas turbines including a GE Frame 6,
erative cycle with wet compression can be competitive with any Siemens V94.2, and an ABB 9D 2224. By using swirl nozzles
advanced combined cycle system. fed by high temperature pressurized water, droplets roughly ten
Jolly 15 presented results of field experiences with overspray times smaller in diameter and a thousand times smaller in volume
on three gas turbines: GE Frame 6B, Siemen-Westinghouse and weight than the droplets from a normal swirl spray could be
W501D5A, and Alstom GT-24. It was shown that an advanced achieved as reported by Liere et al. 24. It was also shown that
technology GT-24 requires relatively less water per unit power approximately 14% power boost could be obtained for an ABB
9D gas turbine with 2% overspray injection rate. Compared to
inlet evaporative fogging, overspray has an advantage as it allows
the air to reach saturation in ambient conditions with high relative
humidity and low dry-bulb temperature due to the large quantity
of small size droplets in the spray which results in faster
In case droplets are not evaporated in the allowed time, they
may flow through the compressor and boost the power while
evaporating in the compressor. However, in order to maximize the
benefit of a fogging system, it is important to get as close as
possible to saturation at the compressor bell mouth. As an ex-
ample, the power boost achievable for a given ambient condition
which requires 0.5% of water injection to achieve saturation at
the compressor inlet under different amount of injected water for
selected gas turbines is shown in Fig. 7. It is evident from Fig. 7
that the power boost due to fog injected to saturate the air is
higher than the power boost due to overspray. For example, for
the ABB GT8C, the power boost up to the saturation point is 2.5%
for each 1% of water sprayed into the airflow. Whereas, the power
boost for GT8C is reduced to 1.25% for each 1% of injected water
with overspray.
Fig. 5 Stage flow coefficient relative to their design value Figure 8 shows the progressive boost in power with increase in
effect of wet compression with 5 m droplets see Ref. 11 the amount of water sprayed with the inlet airflow for given am-

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power APRIL 2007, Vol. 129 / 457

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Fig. 6 a First stage performance maps and operating points with water injection reference: ISO case; b seventeenth
stage performance maps and operating points with water injection reference: ISO case; c first stage performance maps and
operating points with water injection reference: HOT case; d seventeenth stage performance maps and operating points
with water injection reference: HOT case see Ref. 21

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some practical issues that are of importance. In general, most
machines operate with an overspray level not exceeding 2% of the
air mass flow but the limiting amount of injected water is machine
specific. There are several engineering issues that have to be ad-
dressed prior to the implementation of overspray including issues
relating to compressor inlet temperature profile distortion, tran-
sient effects, and reduction in the compressors operating surge
margin. Particular care should be taken of cooling air flows issues
as the compressor loading will change with overpsray which
could result in modified cooling flows due to a modified pressure
profile through the compressor. Several practical aspects relating
to these issues are covered in part III of this paper.

CF* corrected flow normalized to the design value
CS* corrected speed normalized to the design value
dw / dT evaporation rate kg/K
D droplet diameter m
Fig. 7 Power boost due to water sprayed in the airflow DBT DBT dry-bulb temperature C
= 37.8 C 100 F, WBT= 26.1 C 79 F n compressor polytropic efficiency
PHI flow coefficient =Vx / U
PHI* design flow coefficient
pi compressor pressure ratio
RH relative humidity %
RA active radius of the droplet
t2d compressor discharge temperature-dry K
t2di isentropic compressor discharge temperature-
dry K
t2w compressor discharge temperature-wet K
t2wi isentropic compressor discharge temperature
T2 compressor discharge temperature K
TIT turbine inlet temperature C
U blade velocity m/s
Vx axial flow velocity m/s
w vapor to air mass ratio
wd compressor work-dry kJ/kg
wdi isentropic compressor work-dry kJ/kg
ww compressor work-wet kJ/kg
Fig. 8 Experimental power boost due to water sprayed with wwi isentropic compressor work-wet kJ/kg
the airflow in an advanced industrial gas turbine inlet air duct WBT wet bulb temperature C
W_C compressor work input ratio
WIP water injection point
bient psychrometric conditions. The figure shows the step changes s* pressure ratio normalized to the design value
in power output as the injected water flow is stepped up by the ratio of latent heat of coolant to latent heat of
activation of additional fog stages. water
ratio of temperature to standard day
Ongoing Areas of Research temperature
Issues that need to be researched in the area of overspray fog-
ging are common to the areas mentioned in part III of this paper. References
Specific issues relating to overspray include: 1 Bhargava, R. K., Meher-Homji, C. B., Chaker, M. A., Bianchi, M., Melino, F.,
Peretto, A., and Ingistov, S., 2007, Gas Turbine Fogging Technology: A State-
study of the interaction of water injection quantity and the of-the-Art ReviewPart I: Inlet Evaporative FoggingAnalytical and Experi-
surge margin of the machinethis should be evaluated un- mental Aspects, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129, pp. 443453.
der both new and deteriorated compressor conditions 2 Bhargava, R. K., Meher-Homji, C. B., Chaker, M. A., Bianchi, M., Melino, F.,
Peretto, A., and Ingistov, S., 2007, Gas Turbine Fogging Technology: A State-
innovative thermodynamic cycles utilizing overspray of-the-Art ReviewPart III: Practical Considerations and Operational Experi-
special control systems to provide power during under- ence, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129, pp. 461472.
frequency operation 3 Kleinschmidt, R. V., 1947, Value of Wet Compression in Gas-Turbine
nozzle testing protocols and standardization Cycles, Mech. Eng. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., 692, pp. 115116.
4 Wilcox, E. C., and Trout, A. M., 1951, Analysis of Thrust Augmentation of
special control issues relating to multispool gas turbines Turbojet Engines by Water Injection at Compressor Inlet Including Charts for
Calculating Compression Processes With Water Injection, NACA Report No.
Concluding Remarks 1006.
5 Beede, W. L., Hamrick, J. T., and Withee, J. R., 1951, Evaluation of Cen-
Overspray fogging is being applied to both new and existing trifugal Compressor Performance With Water Injection, NACA RM-E51E21.
gas turbines with most OEMs working on ongoing implementa- 6 Hill, P. G., 1963, Aerodynamic and Thermodynamic Effects of Coolant In-
tion programs at this time. Several existing gas turbines users jection on Axial Compressors, Aeronaut. Q., 13, pp. 331348.
7 Zheng, Q., Sun, Y., Li, S., and Wang, Y., 2002, Thermodynamic Analyses on
utilize overspray as a means for augmenting power. This paper has Wet Compression Process in the Compressor of Gas Turbine, ASME Paper
provided a review on the current understanding of analytical and No. GT-2002-30590.
experimental aspects of overspray fogging technology including 8 Utamura, M., Kuwahara, T., Murata, H., and Horii, N., 1999, Effects of

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power APRIL 2007, Vol. 129 / 459

Downloaded 06 Jan 2011 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Intensive Evaporative Cooling on Performance Characteristics of Land-Based Part IWet Compression Moore Greitzer Transient Model, ASME Paper No.
Gas Turbine, Joint Power Generation Conference, PWR-Vol. 34. GT2004-54018.
9 Horlock, J. H., 2001, Compressor Performance With Water Injection, ASME 18 Li, M., and Zheng, Q., 2004, Wet Compression System Stability Analysis:
Paper No. 2001-GT-0343. Part IISimulations and Bifurcation Analysis, ASME Paper No. GT2004-
10 Haertel, C., and Pfeiffer, P., 2003, Model Analysis of High-Fogging Effects 54020.
on the Work of Compression, ASME Paper No. GT2003-38117. 19 Arsenev, L. V., and Berkovich, A. L., 1996, The Parameters of Gas-Turbine
11 White, A. J., and Meacock, A. J., 2003, An Evaluation of the Effects of Water Units With Water Injected Into the Compressor, Therm. Eng., 436, pp.
Injection on Compressor Performance, ASME Paper No. GT2003-38237. 461465.
12 Sexton, W. R., and Sexton, M. R., 2003, The Effects of Wet Compression on 20 Ingistov, S., 2001, Interstage Injection System for Heavy Duty Industrial Gas
Gas Turbine Engine Operating Performance, ASME Paper No. GT2003-
Turbine Model 7EA, ASME Paper No. 2001-GT-407.
21 Bagnoli, M., Bianchi, M., Melino, F., Peretto, A., Spina, P. R., Bhargava, R.,
13 Zheng, Q., Li, M., and Sun, Y., 2003, Thermodynamic Performance of Wet
and Ingistov, S., A Parametric Study of Interstage Injection on GE Frame
Compression and Regenerative WCR Gas Turbine, ASME Paper No.
GT2003-38517. 7EA Gas Turbine, ASME Paper No. GT2004-53042.
14 Yan, J., Ji, X., and Jonsson, M., 2003, Thermodynamic Property Models for 22 van Liere, J., and Laagland, G. H. M., 1998, The TOPHAT ProjectSwirl
the Simulation of Advanced Wet Cycles, ASME Paper No. GT2003-38298. Flash Technology to Reduce Maintenance Costs, KEMA Report No. 00376-
15 Jolly, S., 2003, Performance Enhancement of GT 24 With Wet Compression, KPG/SUP 98-1382.
Power-Gen International, Dec. 911, Las Vegas, NV. 23 van Liere, J., and Meijer, C. G., Power Augmentation and NOx Reduction of
16 Utamura, M., Takehara, I., Horii, N., and Kuwahara, T., 1997, A New Gas Gas Turbines by SwirlFlash Overspray Injection, Alpha Power Systems Pub-
Turbine Cycle for Economical Power Boosting, ASME Paper No. 97-AA- lication.
142. 24 van Liere, J., Laagland, G. H. M., and Meijer, C. G., Retrofit of Gas Turbines
17 Li, M., and Zheng, Q., 2004, Wet Compression System Stability Analysis: by SwirlFlash Overspray, Alpha Power Systems Publication.

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