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Intensive Care Med

DOI 10.1007/s00134-017-4891-0


Terminal weaning or immediate

extubation forwithdrawing mechanical
ventilation incritically ill patients (the ARREVE
observational study)
RenRobert1,2,3, AmlieLeGouge4,5,6, NancyKentishBarnes7,8,9, AliceCottereau10, BrunoGiraudeau4,5,6,
MlanieAdda11, DjillaliAnnane12,13, JulietteAudibert14, FranoisBarbier15, PatrickBardou16, SimonBourcier17,18,
JeremyBourenne19, AlexandreBoyer20,21, FranoisBrenas22, VincentDas10, ArnaudDesachy23,
JrmeDevaquet24, MarcFeissel25, FrdriqueGanster26, MatGarrousteOrgeas27,28,29, GuillaumeGrillet30,
OlivierGuisset20,31, RebeccaHamidfarRoy32,33, AnneClaireHyacinthe34, SebastienJochmans35,
MercJourdain36,37,38, AlexandreLautrette39,40, NicolasLerolle41,42, OlivierLesieur43, FabienLion44,
PhilippeMateu45, BrunoMegarbane7,46, SybilleMerceron7,8,9, EmmanuelleMercier5,47,48, JonathanMessika49,
PaulMorinLonguet50, BndictePhilipponJouve51, JeanPierreQuenot52,53,54, AnneRenault55,56,
XavierRepesse57, JeanPhilippeRigaud58, SgolneRobin17,59,60, AntoineRoquilly61,62, AmlieSeguin63,
DidierThevenin64, PatriceTirot65, IsabelleVinatier66, ElieAzoulay7,8,9 andJeanReignier61,67,68*

2017 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany and ESICM

Purpose: The relative merits of immediate extubation versus terminal weaning for mechanical ventilation withdrawal
are controversial, particularly regarding the experience of patients and relatives.
Methods: This prospective observational multicentre study (ARREVE) was done in 43 French ICUs to compare
terminal weaning and immediate extubation, as chosen by the ICU team. Terminal weaning was a gradual decrease
in the amount of ventilatory assistance and immediate extubation was extubation without any previous decrease in
ventilatory assistance. The primary outcome was posttraumatic stress symptoms (Impact of Event Scale Revised, IES-R)
in relatives 3months after the death. Secondary outcomes were complicated grief, anxiety, and depression symptoms
in relatives; comfort of patients during the dying process; and job strain in staff.
Results: We enrolled 212 (85.5%) relatives of 248 patients with terminal weaning and 190 relatives (90.5%) of 210
patients with immediate extubation. Immediate extubation was associated with airway obstruction and a higher

Service de Mdecine Intensive Ranimation, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Hotel-Dieu, 30 Bd. Jean Monnet, 44093Nantes Cedex 1,
Full author information is available at the end of the article

Take-home message: Using immediate extubation or terminal weaning

to withdraw mechanical ventilation was not associated with additional
psychological distress in relatives when each method was standard
practice in the ICU where it was applied, in the ARREVE multicentre
observational study. However, worse patient discomfort with immediate
extubation compared to terminal weaning indicated room for improving
end-of-life care.
mean Behavioural Pain Scale score compared to terminal weaning. In relatives, IES-R scores after 3months were not
significantly different between groups (31.918.1 versus 30.516.2, respectively; adjusted difference, 1.9; 95%
confidence interval, 5.9 to 2.1; p=0.36); neither were there any differences in complicated grief, anxiety, or depres
sion scores. Assistant nurses had lower job strain scores in the immediate extubation group.
Conclusions: Compared to terminal weaning, immediate extubation was not associated with differences in psycho
logical welfare of relatives when each method constituted standard practice in the ICU where it was applied. Patients
had more airway obstruction and gasps with immediate extubation.
Trial registration: identifier: NCT01818895.
Keywords: Critical care, Treatment limitation, Terminal weaning, Immediate extubation, Mechanical ventilation,

Introduction versus terminal weaning regarding the long-term pres-

Worldwide, an increasing number of deaths occur in the ence in relatives of PTSD-related symptoms, complicated
intensive care unit (ICU) after a decision to withdraw grief, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. We also
life support [15]. A major goal is to avoid unnecessary compared comfort of patients during the dying process
suffering due to prolongation of the dying process. Rela- and well-being of ICU staff members between the two
tives of patients who die in the ICU have been reported methods.
to experience psychological distress manifesting as post-
traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD)-related symptoms, Methods
complicated grief, anxiety, and/or depression, to degrees Study design
that vary according to the treatments provided and the ARREVE was a prospective, observational, multicentre
quality of dying of the patient [68]. study conducted in 43 French ICUs (in 20 university and
Withdrawal of mechanical ventilation holds a spe- 23 non-university hospitals) from February 2013 through
cial place in the process of discontinuing life-sustaining April 2014. Critically ill adults (older than 18years) with
treatments in ICU patients. Mechanical ventilation is a decision to withdraw invasive mechanical ventilation,
withdrawn either by immediate extubation or by termi- and the main adult relative of each, were enrolled in the
nal weaning (gradual decrease in ventilatory support). study.
The choice between these two methods is controversial, Participating relatives were informed that the clinical
and whether it influences the experience of the patients data of the patients would be collected and were asked for
and relatives is unclear [911]. The main challenge to consent to a phone interview by a psychologist 3, 6, and
mechanical ventilation withdrawal consists in prevent- 12months after the death. Exclusion criteria for patients
ing discomfort to the patient and, therefore, additional were non-invasive ventilation, brain death, and death
distress in the relatives [1214]. In addition, mechanical within 48 h after ICU admission or before the initiation
ventilation has a deep psychological meaning, as it main- of mechanical ventilation withdrawal; relatives with insuf-
tains breathing, which symbolizes life in many cultures. ficient knowledge of French for a phone interview and
Compared to terminal weaning, immediate extubation is those who declined participation were excluded. Consent
generally viewed as providing a more natural dying pro- to the study was obtained from the relatives after the deci-
cess, with less ambiguity, but with a higher risk of patient sion to withdraw mechanical ventilation but before its
discomfort related to airway obstruction [14]. Previ- implementation. For each patient, we included the closest
ous studies suggested better satisfaction and lower rates relative among those actively involved in exchanges with
of complicated grief among relatives of patients who the ICU team, as identified by the ICU physicians.
died without the endotracheal tube [15, 16]. Other data, For each patient, we included one nurse, one nursing
however, suggest greater family satisfaction after termi- assistant, one senior ICU physician, and one resident,
nal weaning and worse patient distress after immediate all of whom had provided care to the patient during the
extubation [15, 17]. No study has compared the psycho- last day before death or ICU discharge. The ethics com-
logical variables of relatives after terminal weaning ver- mittee of the French Intensive Care Society (FICS-SRLF)
sus immediate extubation [2, 10]. ICU staff members also approved the study (see supplementary Appendix).
express concern about choosing the best procedure for
mechanical ventilation withdrawal [13, 18, 19]. Terminal weaning andimmediate extubation
We designed the prospective observational multicen- Immediate extubation consisted in extubation with no
tre ARREVE study to compare immediate extubation previous decrease in ventilatory assistance. Terminal
weaning was defined as a decrease in the amount of ven- the patient was completed during the interview 3months
tilatory assistance (oxygen supply and/or tidal volume after the death.
and/or positive expiratory pressure and/or respiratory A relative was considered unreachable after 10 unan-
rate) and/or as initiation of spontaneous ventilation with swered telephone calls. Relatives unreachable 3 months
a T-piece. The terminal weaning procedure could include after the death were called 6 months after the death.
the discontinuation of treatments used as adjuncts to Relatives who were unreachable 3 and 6months after the
mechanical ventilation (i.e. prone position and/or nitric death were not called for the 12-month interview.
oxide and/or almitrine), and secondary extubation per-
formed in the event of prolonged dying causing distress Psychological assessments ofICU staff
to the patient and/or the family. The ICU staff members completed the Job Strain Score
The choice between immediate extubation and termi- (JSS). This 12-item tool explores three domains (job
nal weaning was made by the ICU physician and other demand, control, and social support) and has been vali-
staff members when withdrawal of mechanical ventila- dated in ICU staff [26, 27]. For each patient, the nurse,
tion was decided, according to local practices and pref- nursing assistant, senior physician, and resident included
erences of both relatives and ICU staff. Concomitant in the study completed the JSS either shortly after the
decisions to withdraw or withhold other treatments were death or on the day of ICU discharge if the patient did
at the discretion of the ICU staff. In this observational not die in the ICU. Total JSS values can range from 3
study, no specific recommendations were made about to 9, with higher scores indicating lower job strain. In
end-of-life care, including the use of sedative agents. addition, each staff member completed a questionnaire of
three general items evaluating their satisfaction with the
Study outcomes patients end of life.
Patient outcomes
Comfort of patients during the dying process was Sample size
assessed on the basis of both the proportions of patients No reliable data were available for anticipating the IES-R
with airway obstruction and/or gasping and the Behav- difference between groups. Given the observational
ioural Pain Scale (BPS) score [20]. design, we planned to perform adjusted analyses and
therefore required a number of observations appropri-
Psychological assessments ofrelatives: primary outcome ate for the large number of covariates taken into account,
Relatives were interviewed over the phone by a psy- i.e. about 40 continuous and 10 qualitative covariates. We
chologist 3, 6, and 12months after the death, with three consequently planned to recruit 400 relatives in all [28].
validated instruments widely used in relatives of ICU
patients. The Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) Statistical analysis
was completed to assess PTSD-related symptoms 3 and Continuous variables were reported as meanstandard
12 months after the death; scores can range from 0 (no deviation (SD) or median and interquartile range (IQR)
symptoms) to 88 (severe symptoms), and a score greater and categorical variables as number and proportions.
than 32 indicates PTSD-related symptoms. The IES-R Missing data were handled as follows: when a single
score 3 months after the death was the primary study quantitative item was missing, we imputed the median of
outcome [8, 2123]. observed values for this item then calculated the score;
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) otherwise, we eliminated the relative from the analysis
includes two subscales for symptoms of anxiety and of of the relevant outcome measure. The Student test and
depression, respectively. The total score can range from Chi square test were applied to compare the two groups.
0 (no anxiety or depression) to 42 (severe anxiety and Between-group mean differences in scores were esti-
depression). An anxiety or depression subscore greater mated, as well as their 95% confidence intervals. Adjusted
than 8 indicates clinically meaningful symptoms [7, 24]. analyses were performed using linear and logistic regres-
Relatives completed the HADS 3, 6, and 12months after sions. The covariates are listed in the supplementary
the death. Finally, the Inventory of Complicated Grief Appendix. We also performed three sensitivity analy-
(ICG) was completed by the relatives 6 and 12 months ses of the primary outcome, by using a propensity score
after the death [16, 25]. ICG scores can range from 0 (no instead of conventional multivariate analysis, by adding a
complicated grief ) to 76, and scores greater than 25 indi- random centre effect then using a mixed model approach,
cate complicated grief. and by combining these two approaches. Statistical anal-
An additional questionnaire of three general items yses were performed with SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute,
evaluating the relatives satisfaction with the end of life of Cary, NC) and R 3.0.2 (
Results Psychological variables ofrelatives inthe two groups
Characteristics ofthe patients andrelatives Primary outcome
Among 1674 patients treated with mechanical ventila- Three months after the death, the mean IES-R score in
tion, 458 patients with a decision to withdraw invasive the relatives was not significantly different between
mechanical ventilation were included (Fig. 1). The dis- groups. The proportion of relatives with PTSD-related
tribution of terminal weaning and immediate extubation symptoms was also similar (Table 3 and eTables 78).
among the 43 participating centres is shown in eTable1. These results were unchanged both after adjustment and
We were able to include 190 (90.5%) relatives of the 210 in the sensitivity analyses.
patients with immediate extubation and 212 (85.5%) rela-
tives of the 248 patients with terminal weaning. Demo- Secondary outcomes
graphic characteristics of enrolled relatives did not differ One year after the death, neither the mean IES-R score
between groups (Table1). nor the frequency of PTSD-related symptoms differed
Patient characteristics are reported in Table1 and eTa- significantly between groups (Table 3 and eTable 7).
ble2. Compared to patients with immediate extubation, Similarly, ICG scores showed no significant differences
more patients with terminal weaning had previous activ- between groups after 6 months or 1 year. Finally, nei-
ity limitation, previous ICU admission, surgical diagno- ther the HADS scores nor the frequency of anxiety or
sis, and acute respiratory failure at admission. At the time depression symptoms was significantly different between
of the withdrawal decision, compared to patients with groups 3months, 6months, or 1year after the death. Sat-
immediate extubation, those with terminal weaning had a isfaction of relatives with end-of-life care in the ICU, par-
longer ICU stay, worse Sequential Organ Failure Assess- ticipation in decisions, and respect of the patients wishes
ment (SOFA) score, greater vasoactive drug use, higher were high in both groups, with no significant difference
inspired oxygen fraction, and higher end-expiratory (eTable9).
Psychological variables ofICU staff inthe two groups
Decisions towithdraw mechanical ventilation andcomfort Total JSS values in the assistant nurses were better with
ofpatients duringthe dying process immediate extubation compared to terminal wean-
Compared to relatives in the terminal weaning group, ing (Table4 and eTable10). Total scores for other ICU
those in the immediate extubation group were more staff categories were not significantly different between
often involved in the withdrawal decision and in choos- groups. Subscores indicated higher demand in nurses
ing between the two methods (eTable 4). Concomitant of the terminal weaning group compared to the imme-
decisions to withdraw life-sustaining treatments were diate extubation group. Conversely, higher control
more common in the terminal weaning group than in the and stronger social support were reported in assistant
immediate extubation group. Other circumstances sur- nurses and physicians, respectively, with immediate
rounding decisions to withdraw mechanical ventilation extubation compared to terminal weaning. Satisfac-
did not differ between groups. tion of residents with end-of-life care was lower in the
The dying process is described in Table2 and eTables5 immediate extubation group, whereas in the other three
and 6. Presence of a relative in the room was twice as ICU staff categories no significant differences were
common during immediate extubation than during the found (eTable14).
first step of terminal weaning. Immediate extubation was
associated with gasping or symptomatic airway obstruc- Discussion
tion and with a higher mean BPS score, compared to This large pragmatic multicentre observational study is
terminal weaning. Use of opioids, hypnotic drugs, and the first comparison of immediate extubation versus ter-
neuromuscular blocking agents was more common in minal weaning in terms of quality of death of critically ill
the terminal weaning group. Secondary extubation was patients, as assessed by the comfort of dying in patients
performed eventually in 26 (10.8%) patients receiving ter- and the psychological well-being of relatives and ICU
minal weaning, usually because of a prolonged dying pro- staff. Immediate extubation was associated with greater
cess. All patients with terminal weaning died in the ICU, airway obstruction, a higher frequency of gasping, and
whereas 11 (5.2%) patients were transferred to another higher BPS scores. In the relatives, PTSD-related symp-
ward after immediate extubation. Time to death in the toms, complicated grief, and symptoms of anxiety and
ICU did not differ after terminal weaning initiation and depression up to 1year after the death were not signifi-
after immediate extubation. Proportions of patients with cantly different between the two groups. In the staff, job
relatives at their bedside at death in the ICU were similar strain of assistant nurses was lower with immediate extu-
in both groups. bation compared to terminal weaning.
1674 patients treated with mechanical 1216 patients were not included in the study:
ventilation had a decision to withhold or
withdraw life-sustaining therapy 121 patients with brain death
376 patients dead or discharged
before any intervention on mechanical
224 patients dead within 48 h after
ICU admission
21 patients with no relative
4 patients with no French-speaking
28 patients with no visit by a relative
in the ICU before the treatment-limitation
458 patients with a decision to withdraw decision
mechanical ventilation at the end of life 2 patients younger than 18 years
included in the study 70 patients whose relatives refused to
370 with other reasons

210 patients had immediate extubation 248 patients had terminal weaning

204 ICU nurses 246 ICU nurses

176 ICU nursing assistants 226 ICU nursing assistants

202 ICU physicians 244 ICU physicians

141 ICU residents 178 ICU residents

199 patients died in the ICU 248 patients died in the ICU

190* relatives completed questionnaires with a 212* relatives completed questionnaires with a
psychologist: psychologist:

182 relatives 3 months after the death 208 relatives 3 months after the death
(IES-R, HADS, and satisfaction questionnaire) (IES-R, HADS, and satisfaction questionnaire)
168 relatives 6 months after the death (HADS and ICG) 186 relatives 6 months after the death (HADS and ICG)
152 relatives 12 months after the death (IES-R, HADS, 159 relatives 12 months after the death (IES-R, HADS,
and ICG) and ICG)

Fig.1 Study flowchart. ICU intensive care unit, IES-R Impact of Events Scale-Revised, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, ICG Inventory of
Complicated Grief. *For each patient, a single relative completed the questionnaires. Relatives who did not respond to phone calls 3months after
the patients death were called again 3months later. If they did not respond then, they were not called 12months after the death. Those relatives
who completed questionnaires 3months after the death but did not answer the phone calls 6months after the death were called 12months after
the death and invited to complete questionnaires

Considerable variation exists in practices for mechani- methods is mainly a matter of opinion. In the current large
cal ventilation withdrawal in the ICU [11, 12]. Few data are study under the conditions of everyday practice, immedi-
available for determining whether one method is superior ate extubation and terminal weaning were preferred by
over the other. Consequently, the choice between the two nearly identical proportions of ICU staff; however, the
Table1 Characteristics ofthe patients andenrolled relatives
Patient characteristics atadmission Immediate extubation Terminal weaning p value
n=210 n=248

Age (year), meanSD 6813 6714 0.53

Male, n (%) 122 (58.1) 163 (65.7) 0.09
BMI (kg/m2), meanSD 26.25.0 27.37.2 0.07
Living arrangements, n (%) 0.80
Unknown 1 (0.5) 3 (1.2)
At home with relative(s) 143 (68.1) 173 (69.8)
Institutionalised 12 (5.7) 12 (4.8)
Alone at home 54 (25.7) 60 (24.2)
Activity limitation (Knaus score)a, n (%) 0.004
A, normal health status 44 (21.0) 37 (15.0)
B, moderate activity limitation 108 (51.4) 105 (42.5)
C, severe activity limitation due to chronic disease 50 (23.8) 98 (39.7)
D, bedridden 8 (3.8) 7 (2.8)
Chronic diseases, n (%) 155 (73.8) 196 (79.0) 0.19
Renal failure 18 (8.6) 28 (11.3) 0.33
Heart failure 10 (4.8) 10 (4.0) 0.70
Liver disease 24 (11.4) 18 (7.3) 0.12
Pulmonary failure 25 (11.9) 43 (17.3) 0.10
Cancer or immunosuppression 49 (23.3) 91 (36.7) 0.002
Diabetes mellitus 46 (21.9) 57 (23.0) 0.78
Neurological disorder 52 (24.8) 55 (22.2) 0.51
Previous ICU stay during current hospital stay, n (%) 19 (9.0) 38 (15.3) 0.04
SAPS IIb, meanSD 6415 6219 0.19
Diagnostic category at ICU admission, n (%) 0.04
Medical 192 (91.4) 208 (83.9)
Scheduled surgery 3 (1.4) 5 (2.0)
Emergent surgery 15 (7.1) 35 (14.1)
Diagnosis at ICU admission, n (%) 0.002
Sepsis 29 (13.8) 35 (14.1)
Acute respiratory failure 30 (14.3) 73 (29.4)
Acute renal failure 2 (1.0) 7 (2.8)
Cardiac arrest 81 (38.6) 73 (29.4)
Acute heart failure 5 (2.4) 10 (4.0)
Acute central neurological failure 35 (16.7) 29 (11.7)
Multiple trauma 3 (1.4) 3 (1.2)
Suicide 8 (3.8) 2 (0.8)
Other 17 (8.1) 16 (6.4)
Patient characteristics attime ofmechanical ventilation withdrawal decision

ICU stay before decision (days), median [IQR] 6.0 [3.0; 12.0] 8.0 [4.0; 16.5] <0.001
SOFAc, meanSD 84 94 <0.001
RASS scored, meanSD 42 41 0.02
Behavioural Pain Scale scoree 2.51.1 2.40.8 0.29
Treatments, n (%)
Vasoactive drugs, n (%) 34 (16.2) 92 (37.1) <0.001
Dialysis, n (%) 15 (7.1) 28 (11.3) 0.13
FiO2, meanSD 3818 5223 <0.001
PEEP (cmH2O), meanSD 52 63 <0.001
PaO2/FiO2, meanSD 26496 209106 <0.001
Table1 continued
Relatives characteristics n=190 n=212

Age (year), meanSD 5414 5314 0.76

Males, n (%) 57 (30.2) 62 (29.2) 0.84
Relationship to patient, n (%) 0.21
Life partner (married or unmarried) 71 (37.6) 66 (31.1)
Grown child 87 (46.0) 97 (45.8)
Parent 3 (1.6) 9 (4.2)
Other 28 (14.8) 40 (18.9)
Work status, n (%) 0.05
Working 114 (60.3) 111 (52.4)
Unemployed 9 (4.8) 26 (12.3)
Retired 59 (31.2) 68 (32.1)
Other 7 (3.7) 7 (3.3)
Educational attainment, n (%) 0.88
No degree 27 (14.3) 35 (16.6)
Completed middle school 54 (28.6) 51 (24.2)
Graduated from high school 34 (18.0) 35 (16.6)
Bachelors degree 35 (18.5) 34 (16.1)
Graduate degree 39 (20.6) 56 (26.5)
Religion, n (%) 0.62
Catholic 115 (60.8) 128 (60.4)
Muslim 3 (1.6) 7 (3.3)
Jewish 0 (0.0) 2 (0.9)
No religion 62 (32.8) 64 (30.2)
Other 9 (4.8) 11 (5.2)
Present in the ICU when the patient died, n (%) 122 (64.9) 120 (56.6) 0.09
BMI body mass index, ICU intensive care unit, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiological Score version II, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, RASS Richmond
Agitation Sedation Scale, FiO2 inspired fraction of oxygen, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, PaO2/FiO2 ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure over fractional
inspired oxygen
Activity levels were defined according to the Knaus chronic health status score: A, previous good health, no functional limitations; B, mild-to-moderate limitation of
activity because of a chronic medical problem; C, chronic disease causing serious but not incapacitating limitation of activity; and D, severe restriction of activity due
to disease, including being bedridden or institutionalized because of illness [40]
The SAPS II provides a general measure of severity of acute critical illnesses. Values can range from 0 (lowest severity) to 163 (greatest severity, with 100% predicted
mortality). A score of 50 predicts 46.1% mortality. The SAPS II was calculated 24h after ICU admission [41]
The SOFA score provides a measure of organ failure severity. Values can range from 0 (no organ failure) to 24 (greatest severity of multi-organ failure) [42]
The RASS measures levels of sedation and agitation. Values can range from 5 (unrousable patient) to +4 (combative patient). Level 0 indicates an alert and calm
patient [43, 44]
The Behavioural Pain Scale measures pain in critically ill patients treated with mechanical ventilation [20]. Three items (facial expression, upper limb movements, and
compliance with mechanical ventilation) are scored from 1 to 4. In the current study on withdrawal of mechanical ventilation, the item compliance with mechanical
ventilation was not recorded. Therefore, values could range from 2 (no pain) to 8 (severe pain)

between-group differences in admission diagnoses sug- Symptomatic airway obstruction and gasps were more
gest a preference for immediate extubation in comatose common and the mean BPS score was higher in the
patients and for terminal weaning in patients with res- immediate extubation group. This finding can be ascribed
piratory failure. In contrast to previously stated opinions, to airway compromise directly related to removal of the
in our observational study, immediate extubation was not endotracheal tube with subsequent obstruction by the
associated with a greater burden on the relatives com- tongue and/or inability to remove secretions. Another
pared to terminal weaning [18]. Importantly, satisfaction factor may be underuse of analgesics and sedatives in
was very high among relatives and staff, with no difference patients undergoing immediate extubation. Higher doses
between methods, except in the residents. Thus, our study of opioids and sedatives were used in the patients under-
suggests that, for the relatives, the two methods may result going terminal weaning, in whom previous respiratory
in similar experiences, provided the staff members are well and/or multi-organ failure was more severe than in the
trained in, and comfortable with, the method they apply. immediate extubation group. Interestingly, time to death
Table2 Assessment ofthe dying process afterthe decision towithdraw mechanical ventilation
Immediate extubation Terminal weaning p value
(N=210) (N=248)

Just before extubation or the first change in ventilator settings for terminal weaning
Relatives invited to stay in the patients room during extubation or the <0.001
first change in ventilator settings for terminal weaning, n (%)
Accepted 56 (27.5) 114 (46.9)
Refused 97 (47.5) 62 (25.5)
Not extended 51 (25.0) 67 (27.6)
People in the patients room, n (%)
Senior physician 164 (79.6) 218 (89.3) 0.004
Resident 82 (39.8) 80 (32.9) 0.13
Nurse 205 (99.5) 188 (77.4) <0.001
Nursing assistant 91 (44.2) 41 (16.9) <0.001
At least one relative 47 (22.8) 100 (41.2) <0.001
Religious representative 2 (1.0) 7 (2.9) 0.15
Palliative care team member(s) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.4) 0.36
During the dying processa
Patients vital signs
Maximal respiratory rate (/min), meanSD 2810 269 0.12
Airway obstructionb, n (%) 138 (65.7) 128 (51.6) 0.002
Gasping, n (%) 94 (44.8) 50 (20.2) <0.001
Highest Behavioural Pain Scalec score, meanSD 2.91.4 2.50.9 <0.001
Treatments received
Opioids, n (%) 169 (80.5) 229 (92.3) <0.001
Highest administration rate (mg/h), meanSD 12.418.1 23.331.5 <0.001
Hypnotic drugs, n (%) 154 (73.3) 219 (88.3) <0.001
Highest administration rate (mg/h), meanSD 23.049.6 40.286.8 0.02
Neuromuscular blocking agents, n (%) 4 (1.9) 41 (16.5) <0.001
At time of death
Time to death from extubation or first change in ventilator settings for 2.7 [0.4; 10.9] 3.9 [1.0; 17.8] 0.68
terminal weaning (h), median [IQR]
Death in the ICU, n (%) 199 (94.8) 248 (100.0) <0.001
Door of the room closed, n (%) 128 (68.1) 172 (72.6) 0.31
People in the room, n (%)
Senior physician 62 (32.8) 87 (36.0) 0.49
Resident 32 (17.0) 47 (19.5) 0.51
Nurse 135 (72.2) 156 (64.5) 0.09
Nursing assistant 63 (33.7) 62 (25.8) 0.08
At least one relative 106 (55.2) 139 (57.7) 0.61
Religious representative 2 (1.1) 4 (1.6) 0.70
Palliative care team member(s) 1 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 0.26
The respiratory rates and Behavioural Pain Scale scores in the table are the highest values observed during the dying process
ICU intensive care unit
The dying process was defined as starting at extubation in the immediate extubation group or at the first change in ventilator settings in the terminal weaning
group and ending at death
Patients with at least one episode of airway obstruction were recorded. Airway obstruction was assessed using an airway obstruction scale (1, none; 2, mild, without
clinical consequences; 3, with one sign of respiratory failure [respiratory rate >30, thoraco-abdominal swing, flaring of the nostrils, or diaphoresis]; and 4, airway
obstruction with two or more signs of respiratory failure)
The Behavioural Pain Scale measures pain in critically ill patients treated with mechanical ventilation [20]. Three items (facial expression, upper limb movements, and
compliance with mechanical ventilation) are scored from 1 to 4. In the current study on withdrawal of mechanical ventilation, the item compliance with mechanical
ventilation was not recorded. Therefore, values could range from 2 (no pain) to 8 (severe pain)
Table3 Assessment ofposttraumatic stress syndrome, complicated grief, anxiety, anddepression inrelatives afterthe decision towithdraw mechanical venti-
3months 6months 12months

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis Univariate analysis Multivariate Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Extubation Terminal P P Extuba- Terminal p p Immediate Terminal p p value
N=182 weaning value value tion weaning value value extubation weaning value
N=208 N=186 N=152
N=168 N=159
IES-R , meanSD N=158d
Total score 30.516.2 31.918.1 23.617.1 25.016.4
Estimated 1.4 [4.8; 2.0] 0.43 1.9 [5.9; 2.1] 0.36 1.4 [5.1; 2.3] 0.46 0.8 [5.2; 3.6] 0.72
[95% CI]
Intrusion 14.87.5 15.77.7 11.47.7 12.77.2
Estimated 0.9 [2.4; 0.6] 0.25 1.0 [2.8; 0.8] 0.26 1.3 [3.0; 0.3] 0.12 1.2 [3.2; 0.8] 0.24
[95% CI]
Hyperarousal 5.85.5 5.85.9 5.15.3 5.25.1
Estimated 0.0 [1.2; 1.1] 0.89 0.1 [1.4; 1.3] 0.93 0.1 [1.2; 1.1] 0.97 0.5 [0.9; 1.9] 0.46
[95% CI]
Avoidance 9.97.1 10.47.2 7.16.8 7.26.8
Estimated 0.5 [1.8; 1.0] 0.57 0.8 [2.5; 0.9] 0.37 0.1 [1.6; 1.5] 0.94 0.1 [2.0; 1.7] 0.88
[95% CI]
Presence of 84 (46.2) 89 (42.8) 40 (26.3) 50 (31.6)
n (%)
Odds ratio 1.15 [0.77; 1.71] 0.50 1.18 [0.70; 1.99] 0.54 0.77 [0.47; 1.26] 0.30 0.86 [0.44; 1.67] 0.64
[95% CI]
ICGb, meanSD
Total score 22.414.6 23.715.0 21.016.1 19.614.2
Estimated 1.3 [4.4; 1.8] 0.42 0.0 [3.6; 0.99 1.4 [2.0; 4.8] 0.42 1.6 [2.3; 5.6] 0.42
difference 3.5]
[95% CI]
Presence of 58 (34.5) 80 (43.0) 55 (36.2) 54 (34.0)
cated grief
n (%)
Odds ratio 0.70 [0.45; 1.07] 0.10 0.67 [0.37; 0.19 1.10 [0.69; 1.76] 0.68 1.07 [0.57; 2.02] 0.83
[95% CI] 1.22]
Table3 continued
3months 6months 12months

Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis Univariate analysis Multivariate Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Extubation Terminal P P Extuba- Terminal p p Immediate Terminal p p value
N=182 weaning value value tion weaning value value extubation weaning value
N=208 N=186 N=152
N=168 N=159
HADSc, meanSD
Total score 15.38.6 14.29.1 12.88.4 12.48.3 11.78.1 10.97.3
Estimated 1.1 [0.7; 2.9] 0.22 0.8 [1.2; 2.8] 0.42 0.4 [1.3; 2.2] 0.62 1.7 [0.4; 0.11 0.8 [0.9; 2.5] 0.35 1.4 [0.7; 3.4] 0.19
difference 3.7]
[95% CI]
Anxiety 8.24.6 7.94.9 7.64.7 7.54.8 7.34.5 6.94.2
Estimated 0.3 [0.7; 1.3] 0.55 0.2 [0.9; 1.3] 0.75 0.1 [-0.8; 1.2] 0.73 0.8 [0.4; 0.19 0.4 [0.6; 1.4] 0.42 0.6 [0.6; 1.8] 0.30
difference 2.0]
[95% CI]
Depression 7.15.3 6.25.5 5.25.0 4.94.8 4.54.6 4.04.2
Estimated 0.8 [0.3; 1.9] 0.13 0.7 [0.6; 1.9] 0.29 0.3 [0.8; 1.3] 0.61 0.9 [0.3; 0.15 0.5 [0.6; 1.4] 0.41 0.8 [0.4; 2.0] 0.22
difference 2.1]
[95% CI]
Presence of 76 (41.8) 87 (41.8) 70 (41.7) 73 (39.2) 50 (32.9) 49 (30.8)
n (%)
Odds ratio 0.99 [0.67; 1.45] 0.99 1.01 [0.60; 1.69] 0.97 1.10 [0.72; 1.69] 0.64 1.26 [0.72; 0.42 1.10 [0.68; 1.77] 0.69 1.26 [0.67; 2.39] 0.48
[95% CI] 2.20]
Presence of 72 (39.6) 63 (30.3) 42 (25.0) 41 (22.0) 26 (17.1) 21 (13.2)
n (%)
Odds ratio 1.50 [0.99; 2.29] 0.06 1.53 [0.89; 2.64] 0.13 1.18 [0.72; 1.93] 0.51 1.68 [0.87; 0.12 1.36 [0.73; 2.53] 0.34 1.51 [0.68; 3.38] 0.32
[95% CI] 3.23]
IES-R Impact of Events Scale-Revised, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, PTSD posttraumatic stress syndrome, ICG Inventory of Complicated Grief, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
Total scores on the Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) can range from 0 (no PTSD-related symptoms) to 88 (severe PTSD-related symptoms). A total IES-R score >32 indicates PTSD-related symptoms. The intrusion
subscore can range from 0 to 32, the hyperarousal subscore from 0 to 24, and the avoidance subscore from 0 to 32
The Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) score can range from 0 (no complicated grief ) to 76. Scores >25 indicate complicated grief
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale score can range from 0 (no anxiety or depression) to 42 (severe anxiety and depression). Anxiety or depression subscores >8 indicate clinically meaningful symptoms of
anxiety or depression, respectively
One relative had six unanswered items and was not included in the analysis
Table4 Job Strain Scores ofnurses, nursing assistants, senior physicians, andresidents
Nurses p Nursing assistants p Senior physicians p Residents p

Multivariate analysis

Immediate Terminal Immediate Terminal Immediate Terminal wean- Immediate Terminal

extubation weaning extubation weaning extubation ing extubation weaning
n=195 n=241 n=164 n=215 n=201 n=231 n=141 n=175
Multivariate analysis Multivariate analysis Multivariate analysis

Job Strain Score

Estimated difference 0.1 [0.3; 0.5] 0.55 0.6 [0.2; 1.0] 0.01 0.3 [0.0; 0.7] 0.07 0.1 [0.3; 0.5] 0.54
[95% CI]
Estimated differ 0.2 [0.4; 0.0] 0.02 0.1 [0.3; 0.1] 0.41 0.1 [0.1; 0.2] 0.54 0.1 [0.3; 0.1] 0.21
ence [95% CI]
Estimated differ 0.1 [0.3; 0.2] 0.54 0.3 [0.1; 0.5] 0.02 0.2 [0.0; 0.4] 0.11 0.1 [0.4; 0.2] 0.52
ence [95% CI]
Social support
Estimated differ 0.0 [0.2; 0.2] 0.83 0.2 [0.0; 0.4] 0.06 0.2 [0.0; 0.4] 0.02 0.1 [0.1; 0.3] 0.21
ence [95% CI]
The Job Strain Score measures the degree of job strain by exploring three domains (job demand, control, and social support). The Job Strain Score is obtained by adding the control and social support subscores, then
subtracting the demand subscore [(social support+control)demand]. Total scores can range from 3 to 9. Higher scores indicate less job strain
from extubation or first change in ventilator settings for practices for the study might have generated bias due
terminal weaning did not differ between groups, in keep- to reluctance of ICU staff to apply methods with which
ing with previous findings [29]. Conceivably, physicians they felt uncomfortable. Moreover, we used a clear defi-
may be concerned about active shortening of the dying nition of terminal weaning and immediate extubation.
process related to pre-emptive deep sedation after extu- Immediate extubation was not preceded by interven-
bation [30]. On the other hand, in the terminal weaning tions on ventilator settings and very few patients in the
group, the greater use of opioids and sedatives, and the terminal weaning group underwent secondary extuba-
administration to some patients of neuromuscular block- tion. These conditions avoided any mismatch between
ing agents, may reflect a willingness to shorten the dying the two practices. Last, neither the adjusted nor the sen-
process, despite the double-effect principle and guide- sitivity analyses suggested any associations linking the
lines discouraging the use of neuromuscular blocking patients baseline characteristics or end-of-life practices
agents at the end of life [31, 32]. Both hypotheses suggest to the study results. A third limitation is that communi-
room for improving end-of-life care. However, the use cation between ICU staff and relatives was not evaluated
of neuromuscular blockade may also reflect an attempt in detail, and no specific recommendations were pro-
by ICU staff to avoid additional suffering in relatives of vided. Studies have emphasised the importance of good
patients who are deeply comatose with severe myoclonic communication with relatives of dying patients [16, 39].
status epilepticus or distressing agonal gasps despite high However, as previously stated, our aim was to interfere
doses of sedative drugs [32]. as little as possible with the everyday practice of the ICU
Finally, we found that the psychological welfare of the teams. The absence of difference in psychological welfare
ICU staff was better with immediate extubation than of relatives between groups suggests that communication
with terminal weaning. The emotional responses of staff between ICU staff and relatives in both groups was in line
members to death may affect their beliefs about whether with patient health state. The fourth limitation is that all
withdrawing life support is legitimate and whether com- participating ICUs were in France. Whether our findings
fort care should be offered as an option [33]. Differences apply to other countries is unclear. However, the ICUs
in perceptions of the two methods have been reported, were distributed throughout France and located in both
but their associations with markers for psychological university and community hospitals. Moreover, frequen-
burden in staff members had not been evaluated previ- cies and levels of PTSD-related symptoms, complicated
ously [13, 14, 18]. In ICU nurses, both caring for dying grief, and symptoms of anxiety and depression in the rel-
patients and the number of decisions to forego life-sus- atives were consistent with previous reports [6]. Last, the
taining treatments are associated with increased burnout, large size and varied case-mix of our patient population
which may also influence nurses beliefs and behaviours support the general applicability of our findings to other
[34]. In a recent study of ICU staff perceptions, a pref- countries and settings.
erence for terminal weaning was related to an unfavour- In conclusion, immediate extubation for mechanical
able perception of immediate extubation, whereas both ventilation withdrawal was not associated with differ-
staff members who preferred extubation and those with ences in psychological welfare of relatives compared to
no preference perceived extubation as providing a less terminal weaning, when each method constituted stand-
medicalised death and minimising ambiguity [18]. Thus, ard practice in the ICU where it was applied. Compared
identifying personal beliefs that might constitute barri- to terminal weaning, immediate extubation was associ-
ers to mechanical ventilation withdrawal is crucial when ated with less job strain in ICU staff. Patients had more
seeking to implement protocols for patient care [3538]. airway obstruction and gasps with immediate extubation,
The main limitation of this study is the absence of ran- indicating a need for better palliative care.
domisation. However, a major concern when perform-
Electronic supplementary material
ing end-of-life studies with psychological assessments The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00134-017-4891-0) contains
of relatives and staff is the risk of adverse effects induced supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
by modifying the usual practice of the ICUs in a direc-
Author details
tion contrary to the convictions of the participating ICU 1
Inserm CIC, 1402, axe Alive, Poitiers, France. 2Universit de Poitiers, Poitiers,
teams. Indeed, ICU staff members differ in their percep- France. 3Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Poitiers, Poitiers, France.
tions of immediate extubation and terminal weaning, Inserm CIC 1415, Tours, France. 5Universit de Tours, Tours, France. 6CHU
Tours, Tours, France. 7Universit Paris Diderot, Paris, France. 8Service de
suggesting a risk of poor compliance with random alloca- Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Saint-Louis, Paris, France. 9Groupe de Recherche
tion of the method of mechanical ventilation withdrawal Famira, Paris, France. 10Service de Ranimation polyvalente, CHI Andr
[19]. Another limitation is that end-of-life care was not Grgoire, Montreuil, France. 11Aix-Marseille Universit, APHM, URMITE, UMR
CNRS 7278, Hpital Nord, Ranimation des Dtresses Respiratoires et Infec
standardised, as shown by the differences in this regard tions Svres, Marseille, France. 12Inserm U 1173, Universit de Versailles-Saint
between the two groups. However, dictating end-of-life Quentin en Yvelines, Versailles, France. 13Service de Ranimation Mdicale,
Hpital Raymond Poincar, Assistance Publique des Hpitaux de Paris, service de Ranimation Mdicale, Bordeaux, France: Frdric Gurin RN, Didier
Garches, France. 14Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH de Chartres, Gruson, MD, PhD; CHU de la Cavale Blanche, Service de Ranimation Mdicale,
Chartres, France. 15Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHR dOrlans, Orlans, Brest, France: Amlie Bazire MD, Gwenael Prat, MD; CHU Cte de Nacre, Service
France. 16Service de Ranimation MdicoChirurgicale, CH de Montauban, de Ranimation Mdicale, Caen, France: Xavier Valette MD, Damien Du Chey
Montauban, France. 17Universit Paris-Descartes, Paris, France. 18Service ron, MD, PhD; CH de Charleville-Mzires, Service de Ranimation polyvalente,
de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Cochin, Assistance Publique des Hpitaux Charleville-Mzires, France: Bernard Just MD; CH de Chartres, Service de
de Paris, Paris, France. 19Aix-Marseille Universit, APHM, Hpital La Timone, Ranimation Polyvalente, Chartres, France: A Ben Salah, Pierre Kalfon, MD, PhD;
Ranimation et surveillance continue, Marseille, France. 20Universit de Bor CHU Gabriel Montpied, Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Clermont-Ferrand,
deaux, Bordeaux, France. 21Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Bordeaux, France: Mireille Adda, Laure Calvet, MD; CH de Dieppe, Service dAnesthsie-
Bordeaux, France. 22Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH Emile Roux, Le Ranimation, Dieppe, France: Stphanie Glinotte MD, Julien Dehay MD;
Puy En Velay, France. 23Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH dAngoulme, CHU Dijon, service de Ranimation Mdicale, France, Dijon, France: Nicolas
Angoulme, France. 24Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, Hpital Foch, Meunier-Beillard, Auguste Dargent, MD; CHU Albert Michallon, Clinique de
Suresnes, France. 25Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH de Belfort- la Ranimation Mdicale, Grenoble, France; INSERM U 1039, laboratoire des
Montbliard, Belfort, France. 26Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Hpital Emile radiopharmaceutiques biocliniques, La Tronche, France: Carole Schwebel, MD,
Muller, Mulhouse, France. 27Service de mdecine intensive et de ranimation, PhD; Agns Bonadona, MD; CHD de la Vende, Service de Ranimation Polyva
Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph, Paris, France. 28Groupe de recherche lente, La Roche-sur-Yon, France: Christine Lebert, MD; Laurent Martin-Lefevre,
Outcomerea, Paris, France. 29IAME, UMR 1137, INSERM Universit Paris MD; CH de La Rochelle, Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, La Rochelle,
Diderot, Dpartement de biostatistiques-HUPNVS-AP-HP, UFR de Mdecine- France: Nicolas Girard, CRA; Maxime Leloup, MD; CH du Mans, Service de Ran
Bichat, Paris, France. 30Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH Bretagne Sud, imation Mdico-chirurgicale, Le Mans, France: Dominique Vivier MD, Thomas
Lorient, France. 31Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Bordeaux, Hpital Rossignol MD; CH de Lens, Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, Lens, France:
Saint-Andr, Bordeaux, France. 32Universit Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France. Johanna Temime MD, Stphanie Barrailler MD; CH Bretagne Sud, Service de
CHU Albert Michallon, Clinique de la Ranimation Mdicale, Grenoble, Ranimation Polyvalente, Lorient, France: Guillaume Belliard, MD; APHM, Hpi
France. 34Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, Centre Hospitalier Annecy tal La Timone, Ranimation et surveillance continue, Marseille, France: Batrice
Genevois, Pringy, France. 35Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CH Marc Eon, MD; APHM, Hpital Nord, Ranimation des Dtresses Respiratoires et
Jacquet, Melun, France. 36Universit de Lille, Lille, France. 37Inserm U1190, Infections Svres, Marseille, France: Christophe Guervilly, MD; Sami Hraiech,
Lille, France. 38Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CHRU de Lille-Hpital MD; CH Marc Jacquet, Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Melun, France:
Roger Salengro, Lille, France. 39Universit de Clermont-Ferrand, ClermontFer Jonathan Chelly, MD; Claire-Marie Weyer, MD; CHU Htel-Dieu, Dpartement
rand, France. 40Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU Gabriel Montpied, dAnesthsie et Ranimation, Nantes, France: Karim Asehnoune MD, PhD;
ClermontFerrand, France. 41Universit dAngers, Angers, France. 42Dparte Raphael Cinotti, MD, PhD; CHR dOrlans, Service de Ranimation Polyvalente,
ment de Ranimation mdicale et Mdecine hyperbare, CHU Angers, Angers, Orlans, France: Thierry Boulain, MD; Grgoire Muller, MD; CHU Cochin, service
France. 43Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH de La Rochelle, La Rochelle, de Ranimation Mdicale, Assistance Publique des Hpitaux de Paris, Paris,
France. 44Service de Ranimation MdicoChirurgicale, Institut Gustave France: Jean-Paul Mira, MD, PhD; Hpital Foch, Service de Ranimation Polyva
Roussy, Paris Villejuif, France. 45Service de Ranimation polyvalente, CH de lente, Suresnes, France: Charles Cerf, MD; Justine Delesalle; Hpital Europen
Charleville-Mzires, CharlevilleMzires, France. 46Service de Ranima Georges Pompidou; Service dAnesthsie-Ranimation, Paris, France: Arnaud
tion Mdicale et Toxicologique, AssistancePubliqueHopitaux de Paris, CHU Follin MD, Nadge Rutter RN; CHU Louis Mourier, Service de Ranimation
Lariboisire, Paris, France. 47Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU de Tours, Mdico-chirurgicale, Paris, France: Clment Leclaire, MD; Stphane Gaudry,
Hpital Bretonneau, Tours, France. 48Rseau CRICS, Tours, France. 49IAME, MD; Institut Gustave Roussy, Service de Ranimation Mdico-Chirurgicale,
UMR 1137, INSERM, Universit Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cit, Service de Paris Villejuif, France: Franois Blot, MD; Annabelle Stoclin, MD; Hpital Paris
Ranimation mdico-chirurgicale, Hpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes, Saint Joseph, Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Paris, France: Benoit Misset,
France. 50Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CH Saint Nazaire, Saint Nazaire, MD; Lilia Soufir, MD, CHU Saint-Louis, Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Paris,
France. 51Service de Ranimation Mdicochirurgicale, CH de Roanne, France: Emmanuel Canet, MD; CHU Poitiers, service de Ranimation Mdicale,
Roanne, France. 52Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Universit de Bourgogne Poitiers, France: Rmi Coudroy MD, Arnaud Thille, MD; CHU Lariboisire,
Franche Comt, CHU Dijon, France. 53Equipe Lipness, UMR 866, Dijon, France. Assistance-Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Service de Ranimation Mdicale et
INSERM CIC 1432, Dijon, France. 55Equipe de recherche EPS (Ethique, Toxicologique, Paris, France: Isabelle Malissin, MD; Lamia Kerdjana, MD; Hpital
professionnalisme et sant) EA 686, Universit de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, Raymond Poincar, Service de Ranimation Mdicale, Assistance Publique
France. 56Service de Ranimation Mdicale, CHU de la Cavale Blanche, Brest, des Hpitaux de Paris, Garches, France: Diane Friedman, MD; CH de Roanne,
France. 57Service de Ranimation MdicoChirurgicale, Assistance publique- Ranimation mdico-chirurgicale, Roanne, France: P. Beuret, MD; K Hamdi.
hpitaux de Paris, CHU Ambroise Par, BoulogneBillancourt, France. 58Service
dAnesthsieRanimation, CH de Dieppe, Dieppe, France. 59Hpital Europen Compliance with ethical standards
Georges Pompidou, Paris, France. 60Service dAnesthsie-Ranimation, Paris,
France. 61Universit de Nantes, Nantes, France. 62Dpartement dAnesthsie Conflicts of interest
et Ranimation, CHU de Nantes, Nantes, France. 63Service de Ranimation The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Mdicale, CHU Cte de Nacre, Caen, France. 64Service de Ranimation Polyva
lente, CH de Lens, Lens, France. 65Service de Ranimation Mdicochirurgicale, Funding
CH du Mans, Le Mans, France. 66Service de Ranimation Polyvalente, CHD The ARREVE study was supported by grants from three non-profit organisa
de la Vende, La RocheSurYon, France. 67Service de Mdecine Intensive tions: the Fondation de France (#000332577), La Roche-sur-Yon Departmental
Ranimation, CHU de Nantes, Nantes, France. 68Service de Mdecine Intensive Hospital, and Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique National 2012 of
Ranimation, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Hotel-Dieu, 30 Bd. Jean Monnet, the French Ministry of Health (#13-0142).
44093Nantes Cedex 1, France.

Acknowledgements Received: 2 May 2017 Accepted: 18 July 2017

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and Vanessa Zinzoni who monitored the study; Isabelle Treillet and Cedric
Colombo, the psychologists who performed the interviews; and A. Wolfe,
MD, who helped to prepare and review the manuscript. We are grateful to all
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