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UNDERSTANDING THE VIBRATION FORCES IN INDUCTION MOTORS by Michael J. Costello President Magnetic Products and Services, Incorporated Hocston Texas Michael J. Costello graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 1880 ax an Electrical Engineer. Since then, he has been employed by Nippes Professional Associates and became Fres dont of te subsidiary, Magnetic Products fand Sereies, in July 1985. He has per- formed electrical and substation design of ‘power systems, and considerable analysis Fhe performance of rotting electrical ‘machines up to 500 MW. Mr. Costello has developed and plemented a Witness Accep- tance Testing, Manufacturing Inspection and Project Specifea- tions Program for clients, mostly in the petrochemical industry. He ts a member of the IEEE and is presently serving on the Working Committee PII for the revision of Standards on Tet ing Induction Motors as well a the Induction Machinery Sub- committe of PES. Hats aloo amember of The Vibration Institut, ABSTRACT Squirrel cage induction motorshave been used extensively in industry for over 50 years. While it appears that vibration prob- Tems are more pronounced nowadays, certain basic construction features have always existed and have created considerable difi- culty from the intial stages of motor development. As induction ‘motor theory has never changed, the electromechanical forcing functions have always existed and created vibration problems. Infact, some ofthe most complete and best references on vibrax tion in indvetion motors were written 30 to 40 years ago It ap- eats, however, that only recently has the induetion motor been Critically reviewed by mechanical engineers and rotating ‘machinery specialists. Motors are now being treated fo: what they are~ extremely complex rotating machines having not only the associated mechanical forces, but electromagnetic and elec- twomechanical forees as well. The basic operating principles of motors are discussed as wells the lateral vibration forcing func- tions encountered when troubleshooting motor vibration prob- lems. All motors described herein are squirtel cage, polyphase, 60H design INTRODUCTION ‘The present trend in industry is towards long term relisility ‘on all major equipment. In order to accomplish this, more and ‘more motors are being outfitted for vibration and temperature ‘monitoring systems. While proximity probes have been in serv~ ice to measure vibration for over 20 years on turbines and oo pressors, most motor manufacturers have not used them until the last five to seven years, It was only five years ago when & ‘manufacturer stated he knew a motor’s mechanical performance 0 ‘was acceptable when he could stand anickel on end on the bear ing housing. ‘There is no doubt thatthe induction motor has evolved eon- siderably over the past 20 years; however, this evolution was die tated privarily from an electrical standpoint. Insulation mate- rials were developed which allowed manufacturers to build larger horsepower machines, and run them at progressively higherand higher temperatures. As an aftermath of government Tegal actions inthe 1950s, the “White Sale” eliminated price fix- {ng between the manufacturers. This brought competition and effectively lowered motor prices drastically. During the 1960s and 1970s, material improvements and new manufacturing pro- cedures resulted in significantly more efficient machines. Motor base prices continued to dropand even now are lower than they ‘were 15 years ago. During this period, the mechanical arpect of the motor beeame altered signifantiy: Motor frames were re- uced in physical size, weight, ard structural strength for @ given horsepower. However, they were stil to contain the same forces as ther larger and more robust predecessors ‘As a result of recent problems, the need for equipment relia- bility, more knowledge in rotordynamies sad more stringent user specifiations, motor manufacturers are presently being forced to evaluate their product's mechanical performance: INDUCTION MOTOR OPERATING PRINCIPLES ‘Tounderstand the operation ofan induction motor, itisimpor tant to become familiar with its major eomponents. A cutaway of typical large motor is shown in Figure I-A squirrel cage n= duction motor consists of the following major components * Stator—The stator consists of an electrical winding and a cylindrical laminated steel core in which the winding coils are inserted. After insertion, the colls are connected ina manner to produce alternate pole polarity, the number of which dictates the speed of the motor. * Rotor—The rotor is made up of a shaft, and a cylindrical laminated steel core in which the rotor winding is inserted. In a squirrel cage design, the rotor winding consists of nonmagne- tic bars which are inserted through slots in the core. The bar tends connect to end rings which short circuit the bars. The bars and end rings together make up the rotor “squirrel cage.” + Frame—The frame of the machine i either a fabricated or cast structure in which the stator is inserted. This frame must be strong enough to withstand mechanical and electromechani- cal forces along with providing ar passages employed to cool the motor. ‘+ Endlosure— Various enclosures can be specified such as DP (dip proof, WPI (weather protected 1), WEIL (weather pro- tected TI), TEWAC (totaly enclosed, wateraircooled), ete, ‘These enclosures are either integral with or are installed on top, bottom, or sides ofthe frame ‘The basie theory of the induction motor is actually very sim ple, As an alternating polyphase voltage Is applied to the ends of the stator windings, currents flowing in coil groups produce ‘multipole alternating magnetic field which rotates around the Figure 1. Cutaway of a Typical Large Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Outlining the Various Major Components. stator ID."The number of alternate polarity magnetic poles set tup by the winding connections dictate the speed ofthe rotating ‘magnet eld, The motoe synchronous speed is as follows; motor synchronous speed = 120 x frequeney of applied voltage (H2) ‘umber of poles Currents in the rotor cage are induced across the air gap of the motor in amanner similar to those induced inthe secondary of a transformer. It is diferent from the transformer, however, since the secondary or rotor winding rotates physially, trying to gain synchronism with the stator winding rotating field [1). ‘The rotor cannot achieve synchronism because of torque or load ‘on its shaft. The amount of speed by which the rotor lags the stator synchronous field is called “slip.” The amount of slip and ‘motor eurrent are higher as the motor torque ad i increased, Asthe field rotates around the stator, the reactionary tangential force, which isa function of load torque, core loss, and fricon and windage losses, slips behind the stator magnetic field. ‘Under no load conditions, sip is low because torque needs only to overcome the core and friction and windage losses; however, a slight current is induced in the rotor cage. Because of this, some slip is present even at no load, therefore, synchronous speed can never be reached. “The torque to azceletate an inertial load to an operating speed, will at any speed, be equal tothe difference between the ‘motor torque developed and the load torque. The motor torque isa funetion of the apolied voltage during starting conditions, and the load torque usually varies with speed, The rae of accel- tration is proportional to this torque dilerence, and the motor will hang up at a low speed value if the torque differential reaches zero. This may also occur ifthe motor design isch that its speed characteristie curve has parasitic torques or cusps ERY SYMPOSIUM. MOTOR VIBRATION Vibration analysis and rotordynamics has hecome scence in itself, generally sued and reviewed by mechanical engineers or rotating machisery specialists, I isnot uncommon for bine and compressor rotors to soccesflly operate at speeds in exces of 2,000 rpm. Therefore, nos otating machinery spe- alist cannot understand how motors, having maxim speeds {of 3600 rin, can exhibit vibration problems which are so df= foul to dingove. While motor speeds are relatively los om pared with urbomachinery, the dymamies associated wth them fan be extremely complex due to additional ring finctions present which ae nt found ina mechanial machine. Addo thisarotormbichisalaminated steel cylindrical coreheldasialy tindercompresson and shrunk on a shalt aswell asa rotor cage sh iiherenty oe andthe diel orton atn lingnostis increases draratialy. Mii tue that two pele (2600 rpm) motors behave the worst when discuising mechanical performance; however, lower Speed motors operate on the same priteples. Electromagnetic forcing functions are generated at ll motes otor speeds, how ever, they ae more pronounced for two ple machines die to the greater foree between the magnetic poles (2). In addition, twopole motorshave greater central ores and normally op- trite much closer the fst ential speed Does the addition of electromagnetic forces relly complicate motor vibration diagnosis? Not in isell however. when they te combined with the mechanical foes seen on allotting Inachines, analysis becomes dificult, The fact that the ele ttomagnetie foring fequencies may be very close to running speedy or its mulipen, makes it sy to understand, why Ahochanical and electrical engioers alike have such ifialty i Inotor vibration diagnostics "fo understand vibration in motors, the frst thing to re- member is that ii als a mechanieal machine having all he fbreing functions as any rotating mechanical machine The shaft inst be straght, the rotor must be balanced, bearings mt be equate, ete. Becta, varius inherent electromagnetic foyos ens which eannot be eilted. Problems vil occur when either the mechanical, electromagnetic, or elec: ‘vomechanical forces become excessive, which ean occur dve to 2 numberof reasons. 'A tis presetation is directed towards the mechanical en- sincer, the prely mechanta dynamics ofa rotating system wil nat be discussed, The eleewomagnetic and electromechencal fspets wil be the point of concentration, Electromagnetic forces are those which are purely magnetic crested by the oat ing magnetic field. Elecromechanial forces are those frces Inost commonly generated asa esalt ofan electromagnet ee trl mechanical force, suchas unbalance or bent shal acting incooperation with one another. ean also result om an eloe- ttomagneti force and electrical disiymmetry (broken bars oF Cracked end rings) lo working in concert estromagnetic Forces The two main electromagnetic forces in an induction motor ‘occur at 60 Hz and 120 Hz. The frequency of the main air gap ‘magnetic flux wave is 6D Hz; however, iis actually a torsional fanetion on the rotor. Any dissymmetry in the magnet ercuit will produce a lateral force whose frequency is at 60 Hz, This ‘components generally very small and normally ota concer. Tnherent 120 Hz Force ~The existence of a 120 Fi force can result primarily from bvo sources, Ttis the resul of the inherent ‘magnetic attraction between the rotor and stator acting on 25 ile point on the stator core each time it comes under the infl- tence ofa rotating magnetic fleld poe. - Tn one cycle of voltage, a magnetic field pole will pas this si tionary point twice in one rotation of the magnetic feld for two UNDERSTANDING THE VIBRATION FORCES IN INDUCTION MOTORS 6 pole motors, four times in one rotation ofthe magnetic field for four pole motors six times for sx pole motors, et. The speed of rotation of the magnetic field poles is exactly 60 He for to pole motors, exactly 30 Hz for four pole motors, and exactly 20 Hi for six pole motors. Asa result, the frequency ofthe force of attraction between the rotor and stator is 60 Hz times two for two pole motors, 30 Hz mes four for four pole motors, and 20 He times six for six pole motors. This 120 Hz foree can, there= fore, be defined as being a funetion ofthe speed ofthe rotating magnetic field times the number of magneti field poles. OF course, asthe number of poles dictate the speed ofthe rotating magnetic field, this force as defined above, must always have & frequency of 120 Hz and, therefore, i independent of the number of magnetic field poles, While itis demonstrated prviously that an inherent 120 Hz force is present on all induetion motors, the amplitude ofthis force is typically more pronounced on two pole motors. This is due te the much greater distance between the poles on @ two pole motor (180 degrees) as opposed to on slower speed machines, 90 degrees for four pole motors, 60 degrees for six pole motors, ete 120 Hs force due ta gap dssymmetry ~The second source for 120 Hz vibration forces, while not inherent in the motor, gener ally always exists de to pont of minimum air gap being present in the motor. Ideally, the rotor should be perfetly concentric with the stator bore, Practically, however, due to manufacturing and assembly tolerances, this situation is impossible to achieve. Hopefully, the maximum deviation in the airgap will not be grester than five percent from the average (especially on hi ‘speed motors) If its astomed that the rotor is perfectly concentric with the Stator, the net effect ofthe magnetic flux forees in the ait gap is entirely balanced between magnetic field pole pairs (north and south pole}. If, however, a point of minimum air gap exists in the motor, and a magnetic pole lines up with this point, itereates fan area of maximum flux density and therefore the magnetic forces between the pole pairs are unbalanced. This unbalance creates « magnetic pull force occurring each time 2 magnetic field pole passes the point of maximum flux density. It can, therefore, be stated that this 120 Hz foree due to airgap dissym- metry is also defined as a function of the speed ofthe rotating magnetic field times the number of poles. As vas the ease for the inherent 120 Hz force, the fequency of the airgap dissym- retry force is independent of the number of pales and occurs atexactly 120 Hz (3). The generation ofthe 120 H2 force due to air gap dissymmetry is demonstrated in Figure 2 The electromagnetic forees discussed previously are depen dent entirely on voltage and the rotating magnetic flux wave ‘his means that they exist whether the machine is running at no load or fll load. Ie fs possible, however, that an inerease in temperature resulting from a fll oad run, can alter the airgap mechanically, thereby increasing the ar gap dssymmetry and with it the 120 Hz forces from the no load runs. Its for this reason that both afl load and no lod test are valuable when diagnosing motor vibration problems. Electromechanical Forces Electromechanical forces are present on all motors to some ex tent and are directly related tothe motor slip speed. The forees can be generated by number of either electromagnetic or mechanical dissymmetsies, which creates an unbalance mag- netic pull force with a frequency of modulation. The two most common modulating unbalance magnetic pull forces occur ata frequency of 1) the number of poles times the slip speed, and 2) ‘one times the slip speed. “To produce a force having a frequency of he number of poles times the slip speed, a revolving point of minimum air gap must Figure 2. Generation of 120 Hz Electromagnetic Force Due to Air Gap Dissymmetry, bbe presentinthe machine. Ducto the reasons discussed for elec- tromagnetic forces, this miimom air gap is present on all machines; however, its deviation from the average iswhat deter tnines the amplitude ofthe resulting modulating force. In al tion, besides resulting from normal manufacturing, this can result from much more severe problems such asa bent shaft broken rotor bars, excessive unbalance, ete. The reveling point of minimum airgap will, as shown ia Figure 3, comes Under the influence of maximum x density (magnet pole) ‘seein one slp eyee fora two pale motor and four ies i one slipeyee for a our pole machine. This produces an unbalanced magnetic pull force modulating, pulsating, or beating ata fre- quency ofthe numberof ples times the slip speed [2 Although not as prevalent, the second most common elec- teomechaniea forees has frequency afone times the sip speed. For this to ccar, two dssyimmetres must occur simultaneously between the rotor and stator. An example would be ofa rotor which was not adequately centered radially in th stator and ‘hich also exhibits excessive unbalance. Assuming this example {s ofa two pole motor, when a magnetic pole ines up with the point of minimum alr gap, the mechanical unbalance is 150 de- {ree from tis pointand therfore, the unbalance magnetic pull will tend fo “balance” the rotor (2). The resulting force wl, ierefore, be negligble during one halfeyele flip. Duringthe coer half eyele, the magnet pul willie uy withthe anba 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINETEENTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM Figure 3. Demonstration of Electromechantcal Force with a Fre- ‘quency of the Number of Poles Times Sip Speed. lance amplifying the unbalanced magnetic pull force, Therefore, the resulting modulating force will occur once in one cycle of slip. This situation is demonstrated in Figure 4 ‘While it is also possible for this to occur on slower speed ‘motors, a one times slip frequency force is much more dificult to produce. As seen in Figure 4, for the four pole motor, a pro- nounced force occurs when the unbalance force lines up withthe tunbalaneed magnetic pull force ereated by the point of ‘minimum air gap. In addition, a force is created each time the ‘unbalance force comes under the influence of a magnetic pole except then the pole is 180 degrees from the point of minimum airgap. This, in efect, also creates an unbalanced magnetic pull force; but, itis not as great as when the unbslance lines up di= rectly with the pole. Because of this, the unbalanced magnetic pull force will have a tendeney to modulate atone times slip fre- ‘queey. As this foreing function has yet to be seen on slower speed machines, it should not be of a concer. Rither of the electromechanical forces previously described above would be superimposed on any of the vibration compo nents whether it be the unfiltered or filtered values. The result ‘would be that particular vibration component modulating at ei ther one times slip speed or the number of poles times slip speed. Is important to remember that slip frequency related ‘unbalance magnetic pull force is always present; however, it Figure 4. Demonstration of Electromechanical Force Having a Frequency One Times the Slip Speed. should not be excessive. The amplitude of modulation should tot be above 20 fo 95 percent. TFA is, amore severe diy ‘ety is present, mst tly det sloppy machining or exces Sve tletnces during motor assembly. Celtel probs such fr broken rotor bars, end rng cracks or bent shale exhibit the Stmne modulation characteristics, therefore all exeessive mode lation must be vetted ‘A common mcrooepton i tha these unbalance magne pull ces exist only when the machine operating atl oad fr closet fall load. Ths is probably due tothe at tat one an hear an audible best fallload while nothearing one at no oad. The unbalance magnetic pul fre wl not exsta no load ifthe dissymmetry is lal elated suchas. broken rotor br ov ther- mal bows however, i itt from sloppy manufacturing tech niques the frees exist even a no load Since the unbalance magnetic pul is dependent upon slip, and as described inthe baste theory section ofthis pope, pis present even ao load, it makes nse that those modulation forcescan leo estate load, At no Toad, however, he slip and, therefore, the forcing frequency is very low Typiel no load sip Sequence are between 0.001 Hz and 0.000 He (0.08 span O38 rpm) whereas, flload ip vals typical range between 0125 Ft 0.5 He (iS pn to 0 rom). As avesul, doningno load operation the time forthe revolving pent at minimum at gap UNDERSTANDING THE VIBRATION FORCES IN INDUCTION MOTORS a tocome under then lence of maximom x density wl be ap- Pepi et vente is, However ds Gad operation, this time is only between to and our second! Tis this reason, extremely low Bequetey hata beat cannot be heard at no load. tis, therefore, possible to ascertain the slip frequency mod- ulated electromectonial ores during anoload ras by monitor Inge vibration component contnuowly for op to approinately IBrminues, In ado, the ne load tip Speed an bs deter inne by aiming a strobe igh et at nat 60 He fr tvopae motors esaclly 90 zor four pole motor, ete, atthe shah end teyway, One can then se the keynay start to lag behind the strobe very slowly. The time required for the keyway to make Se complete revlon is the no loud sip speed, An example fusing this techiquets demonstrated in Case History Number a Formodulation forces to be eliminated, a perfectly symmetsi= cal machine, both electrically and mechanically would have to be manufactured. As this is not possible, the motor should be sade as symmetrical as tolerances allow, ‘The vibration troubleshooting chart presented in Table 1 should be beneficial when motor vibration problems occur. It covers most of the common occurrences in a simplified way; however, because ofthe multitude of electrical and mechanical factors which may precipitate a vibration problem, itis often ‘necessary to perform a basic analysis based on fundamental con- ‘cepts, most of whieh axe discussed herein. Since not all combi- rations of electrical and mechanical problems can ever be ‘ccounted for, tis very important to understand the natare, ‘origin, and behavior ofthe forees discussed here, ‘able 1, Vibretion Symptoms and Causes for Squirrel Cage Induction Motors. — 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINETEENTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM CONCLUSIONS While squirrel cage induction motors have been used wide spread in industry for over 50 years, it appears that the recent trend in long term reliability on major machines has now been instituted on motors, As aresult, users are evaluating motors ia the same manner they evaluate higher speed compressors’ and turbines’ mechanteal performance. Inthe purchasing stage itis, {important to recognize that stringent specifications alone do not ‘uarantee a well running and reliable machine. A thorough un- derstanding of induction motors must be known and employed when making up job specifications. The following aspects of ‘motor procuremeat should be followed in order to assure the user ofa well running and reliable motor * Write detailed motor specifications which rely on standards already published, ifapplicable to the motor application. Keep jn mind that vibration and manufacturing tolerances do nothave to be overly stringent for a good operating machine, Also, re- ‘member that a motor is a“completely different animal” from a turbine or compressor and, therefore, not al requirements can be interchanged ‘Submit the job specifications to motor vendors for com- ‘ments, Qualify Various motor manufacturers to ascertain their manuficturing, quality control and testing capabilites, * Contact other users of identical motors to learn oftheir ex- periences. Judgement has to be made here since a particular ‘machine can be either the “greatest” or a “piece of junk,” de- pending upon who is talking, It helps to have a specific list of uestions available and make certain that all failures are filly explained to determine responsibility * Evaluate the motor bids from a technical and an economle standpoint. Know the various manufacturers’ major design fea- tures and drawbacks, + A comprehensive design review should be made as soon as| the initial electrical and mechanical designs are finalized. Ifpos- sible, erosscheck the motor starting characteristics and the lat- tral critical speed analysis, Get satisfactory explanations on sige ailficant deviations between results. * Develop a complete and comprehensive shop inspection and witness test plan. It is most important to uulize qualiied in- spectors knowledgeable in motor manufacturing and eonstruc- tion. Witness agents must be knowledgeable in motor design, and electrical and mechanical testing. It is easy to understand that more than one person maybe required to satisfactorily com- plete the inspection and witness testing Tn order to understand the vibration forces within a motor, & {s important thatthe baste operating principles of motor theory be known. Vibration forces in motors can be of three pes: ‘mechanical, electromagnetic, or electromechanical, As this pre sentation is geared towards the mechanical engineer, only the latter two cases were reviewed, Eleetromagnetie vibration con- sists of 0 He (line frequency) and 120 Hz (twice line frequency) forees. Electromechanical forees consist of a unbalanced mag: netic pul force working in combination withan electromagnetic force so thatthe resulting vibration is mediulating ata frequency in relation to slip speed, Lastly, five actual case histories of motors exhibiting various vibration problems are presented. Each case is detailed in terms ‘ofthe troubleshooting and corrections necessary which resulted in well running machine FIVE CASE HISTORIES + Rotor bar breakage on « compressor driver + Rotor Thermal bow due to smeared laminations * Stator core 120 H2 vibration transmitted to shaft and bear ing housings ‘* Demonstration of non linear damping of il flm + Demonstration of vibration modulation at one times slip speed Case History 1 ‘Three identical 1250 hp, 6900 Volt, 3600 rpm, induction motors were placed in service in 1978 at a waste water eoncen- trator plant for a utility company. The units were driving vapor compressors having a connected load inertia of four times the Listed “allowable NEMA WK? to accelerate without injurious temperature rise.” Over the next ve years, numerous oto fall lures occurred on all three motors, with atleast two failures per tunit. Each time, the rotor was repaired and placed back into ‘Vibration measurements were subsequently recorded on one of the repaired motors after it had been in service for two ‘months, Maximum unfiltered vibration levels on the bearing housing modulated between 1.6 and 3.4 mils. The frequency of the modulation was determined to be twice sip frequency with avery strong twice line frequency vibration component of 0.90 Ips which was also modulating at twice slip frequency (Figure 5). A higher harmonic of bar passing frequency was also noted inthe unfiltered valu. igure 5. Opposite Drive End Bearing Housing Horizontal Vio- ration a5 Measured by Accelerometer. ‘The following month, the motor was shut down and trans: ported to a service shop for inspection and repair. When the ‘olor vas pullel from the stator, numerous cracks were noted the end ring and rotor bar to end tng joints (Figures 6 and 7). Adationally, the rotor eage was extremely loose, such that the service shop started to swage the bars at an attempt to tighten the rotor cage (Figure 8). Reportedly, this had been the exact condition ofall the rotors whieh had previously filed. Work was stopped when it was decided that an analysis and assessment of {his poblem should be performes ‘Areview of the rotor design was mide, and itwas discovered that to compensate for the lose cage, the manufacture utilized ‘a halance/support ring assembly: Tis assembly oras bolted to the end ving and the ID was then shrunk tothe shad, thereby containing the radial looseness ofthe rotor cage. Across section ofthe rotor construction s shown is Figure. Restraining aloose iom is arcpable on «mechanical machine, however, on electceal machine, certain electrical and thermal paramnetors were neglected m "Bach ne a motor fs started, a large current flows inthe rotor bars and end ring, Theheat generated ducingthis statis almost UNDERSTANDING THE VIBRATION Figure 6. View of Crack n Rotor End Ring after Motor was Dis- assembled at Sereice Shop. Figure 7. Crack in Fotor Bar to End Ring Braze, equal tothe amount of energy imparted to the rotating system. ‘This heat, of couse, is greater when accelerating high inertia. Toads such as this, The temperature rise of the bars and end ving results in an axial growth of the bass pushing the end ring assem: bes away from the rotor core. Stresses are created due to cen: trifugal forwes acting on the end ring and bars along with temper ature gradients on the bars due to skin effect. These factors create bending stresses at the bar protrusion section and at the FORCES IN INDUCTION MOTORS 3 Figure 8. Service Shop Worker Attempting to Tighten Rotor Cage hy Swaging Rotor Bars. Swaging isthe act of mechanically displacing bar material in a manner such that st becomes tighter inthe slot = Te, Figure 9. Original Rotor Cross Section Showing Balance Ring! Support Ring Assembly, brazed bar joints to the end rings. For these reasons, itis impor tant to allow an unrestrained and predictable aal growth of the rotor bars. The end ring balance/suppor xingassembly the man tfacturer utilized on this machine may have avoided a valance problem; however, it didnot allow forthe design considerations {ust mentioned. Once this problem wasidentified, the motor manufacturer de signed and assembled new rots utilizing a tight cage, larger cn PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINETEENTH TURBOMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM ‘end rings for the high inertia starting, and a balance ring which, was allowed to slide on the shaft. Problems have not been re- ported on these machines since. Case History 2 During acceptance testing ofa 1500 hp, 2600 rpm motor, no Joad coupled vibration evelsona dynamometer stand were very low, Maximum unflkeed levels of 0.80 mils on the shaft and 0.25 mils on the bearing housing were measured. When the ‘motor was placed under load, the corresponding vibration level, spadually increased over afr hour period and stabilized at wn- filtered levels of 5 mls onthe shat and 0.78 mils onthe bear ing housing. Filtered rotational speed vibration levels showed approximately the same increase in shaft vibration and a comes: ‘ponding phase angle change of almost 180 degrees ‘Even though the measurements exhibted casi signs of a rotor thermal instability (Bow), the manufacturer stated that the Uibration acceptance ertera of 2.0 ms had not been goaren- teed under loaded conditions. They fel that since the motor vi bration was below 2.0 mils under no load, the motor was accept able, During initial discussions, they stated that this condition ‘was the result of vibration influence from their dynomometer; however, this was disproved from a review of the vibration spectra which clearly confirmed orginal suspicions ofa thermal bow. ‘The rotor was disassembled fiom the stator and inspected ‘ety thoroughly As discussed earlier, the rotor core is made up ‘of thousands of cylindrical laminated steel sheets held in com- pression axially and shrunk onto the shaft, Each ofthese lani- hated sheots are insulated from one another in order to limit Totor surface eddy current loses and thereby reducing stray Joad losses. Since the laminated core is placed onthe shaft, itis effectively shorted tthe core ID. Local currents cannot flow un- Tessa short oceurs at diferent radial location, most often atthe core OD. One method oflaminatio shorting atthe core OD can tome fiom excessive burs touching one anther or piercing the coreplate ofan adjacent lamination, “An inspection ofthis rotors core OD, as viewed under a mag- nifying glass, showed areas ofthe rotor with smeared lamina tions over approximately 30 percent ofthe core surface. In these reas, localized eddy currents were cvevlated, thereby increas ing the rotor surface temperatures nonuniformly and resulting ina thennal bw. ince the surface losses increase with sip, the fptor did not bow until the machine was loaded, when the nor face eddy cursents were highest. The smearing of laminations was caused by a dul lathe cutting too, which was subsequently ‘comected. The entte rotor OD wasthen turned down tolesser diameter and the motor then reassembled. Whea the vibration ‘vas agun measured with the machine under lod, levels dd act Increase by more than 10 percent over the cet duration, while the phase angles didnot change more than 10 degrees over a four hour test - "The vibration data shown in Figure 10 was vecorded both be- fore and after the repair procedures. Case History 3 ‘AG00hp, 2300 Volt, NEMA 5000 fame motor was experiencing, very high vibration, modulating st two times the slip frequency fon both bearing housings and all shaft probes. Additionally, the ‘sce line frequeney vibration component was predominant and was also modulating at two times slip frequency. Tis important to note that twice lin frequency vibration is present on all induction motors no matter how many poles. On ‘avo pole motor suchas ths, it inherently results from the rotat- ing magneti field passing a single point ofthe stator twice in ‘one voltage eyele (sine wave). The resulting stator and rotor at= traction forces are independent of the voltage pola oor ZNSE RGR bra ener 7 AL Figure 10. Vibration Data Recorded Both Before and After Re- pairs fore, the magnet force oceurs at exactly vice line frequency, A the stator core is the primary forcing function, the decision ‘was made to isolate it from the bearing housir “The frame construction was afatly standard cast frame which is line bored to aecept the stalor core (Figure Il). In order to maintain close sir gap tolerances, ribs on the frame ID are boved cconeentrie with the end dell rabbit fits, In this machine, there ‘wore six ribs into which the stator core and winding were shrunk. As these 1ibs extend along the entire axial length ofthe frame, the core vibration easly transmits tothe end ofthe frame ‘which suppests the bearing housing, To isolate the core vibra- tion, notches were machined into the ribs as shown, fz NL Figure Il. Cost 500 Frame Showing the Ribs in Which the Stator Gore is Placed. To limit the transmission ofthe 120 Hz vibration from the stator core, each of the si ribs were notched as shown ‘in the cross section. This tends to isolate the core from the end frame to which the bearing housings are mounted. When the motor was assembled, the twice ine frequency vi- bration was lower; however, the excessive modulation was stil present. Only when anothes frame was modified was the cause Identified and corrected which resulted in reduced vibration levels. Itwas discovered that in addition tothe 120 Haz vibration problem, the original frame was improperly bored so that it was deflecting excessively in one direction simulating an out of round stator. The maximum shaft vibration is shown in Figure 12 both before and ater the modifications tothe frame. UNDERSTANDING THE VIBRATION FORCES IN INDUCTION MOTORS B SS igure 12. Plot Showing Instantaneous Peak to Peak Shaft Vibra- tion Levels Modulating at 2X the Slip Speed During a No Load Slip Cyele. Case History 4 ‘Atwo pole, 1250 hp motor had undergone vibration testing 2% the motor manufacturers plat without any problems. Unf tered vibration levels reached a maxim of 1-18 mils on the shal and 0.50 mils onthe bearing housing during the fll losd

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