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Instruction Manual

Version :2.00

May 2007
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Instruction manual of TFC software Date : May 2007
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1. Presentation ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Limits of the software ...................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Precision of calculations ...............................................................................................................................3
2. Conventions and assumptions .................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Conventions for signs and notations............................................................................................................4
2.2 Assumptions for calculation according to BAEL / AT CSTB at Service Limit State ............................6
2.3 Assumptions according to BAEL / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit State...................................................10
2.4 Assumptions for shear calculation according to BAEL...........................................................................13
2.5 Assumptions according to EC2 / AT CSTB at Service limit State..........................................................14
2.6 Assumptions according to EC2 / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit State......................................................17
2.7 Assumptions for shear calculation according to EC2 ..............................................................................20
2.8 Assumptions according to BS / AT CSTB at Service Limit State...........................................................21
2.9 Assumptions according to BS / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit state .........................................................24
2.10 Assumptions for shear calculation according to BS.................................................................................27
3. Installation............................................................................................................................... 29
4. Use of the software .................................................................................................................. 30
4.1 Starting the software...................................................................................................................................31
4.2 Main buttons of the software .....................................................................................................................32
4.3 Tab Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................33
4.4 Tab Design ...............................................................................................................................................38
4.5 Tab Check................................................................................................................................................39
5. Comments ................................................................................................................................ 45
6. Appendix : Example of the calculation note .......................................................................... 46
7. Reference Documents ............................................................................................................. 47
8. Generalities and Notations...................................................................................................... 47
9. Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 47
9.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................................................................47
9.2 Checking Results.........................................................................................................................................49
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1. Presentation

The TFC software aims at determining and checking reinforcement and TFC strips of a reinforced concrete
section subject to bending and/or axial force and/or shear.

1.1 Limits of the software

Shapes of the sections :

o Rectangular, T or I Sections
o I section allows the modelling of some chamfers

Available Codes :
o Calculation according to BAEL 91-revision 99 for both Service Limit State (SLS) and
Ultimate Limit State (ULS).
o Calculation according to EC2 (Eurocode) for both Service Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate
Limit State (ULS).
o Calculation according to BS (British Standard), BS8110 edition 1997 for both Service
Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS).
o TFC according to AVIS TECHNIQUE 3/04-424 from CSTB

Calculation :
o Determination and checking with 4 layers for reinforcement. Reinforcement can be defined
with different strengths.
o Number of TFC layers no restricted.

1.2 Precision of calculations

The software stops the iterations for finding the balanced position (that means the neutral axis position)
when the difference obtained in the balanced section is less than 0,10 kN for the axial force and less than
0,10 kNm for the bending moment.
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2. Conventions and assumptions

2.1 Conventions for signs and notations

Conventions for signs :

o A positive axial force corresponds to a compressive axial force

o A positive bending moment gives a compressive stress at top fibre
o A positive stress or strain means compressive stress or strain

M+ V



Notations used according the different type of sections :

o Rectangular Section

h Depth of the section
b h b Width of the section
zk Ask, Asj Reinforcement area
Ask zk, zj Positions of reinforcement layers
bfs1 Width Upper strip
efs2 bfs2 Width lateral upper strip
bfs2, Afs2 efs2 Distance from top fibre to top of lateral upper strip

bfi1 Width Lower strip

bfi2, Afi2 bfi2 Width lateral lower strip
bfi1, Afi1 efi2 Distance from bottom fibre to bottom of lateral
lower strip
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o T Section
z h Depth
zj hs b Width
Asj bs Flange width
b h hs Flange depth
zk Ask, Asj Reinforcement Area
Ask zk, zj Positions of reinforcement layers
bfs1 Width Upper strip
efs2 bfs2 Width lateral upper strip
bfs1 bfs2 efs2 Distance from top fibre to top of lateral upper strip
Afs1 Afs2
bfs3, Afs3 bf3 Width bottom strip of the flange
bfi1 Width Lower strip
bfi2, Afi2
bfi1, Afi1 bfi2 Width lateral bottom strip
efi2 Distance from bottom fibre to bottom of lateral
lower strip

o I Section

h Depth
bs b Web width
zj hs
Asj bs Upper flange width
b hs Upper flange depth
h bi Lower flange width
bi zk hi Lower flange depth
hi Ask, Asj Reinforcement Area
o zk, zj Positions of reinforcement layers

bfs1 Width Upper strip

efs2 bfs2 Width lateral upper strip
bfs1 bfs2
Afs1 efs2 Distance from top fibre to top of lateral upper strip
bfs3, Afs3 bf3 Width of bottom strip of the upper flange
bfi3, Afi3 bfi1 Width Lower strip
bfi2, Afi2 bfi2 Width lateral lower strip
bfi1, Afi1 efi2 Distance from bottom fibre to bottom of lateral
lower strip
bfi3 Width of upper strip of the lower flange
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o I Section with chamfers

h Depth
b Web width
bs Upper flange width
bs hs Upper flange depth
Asj hs bgs Upper gusset width
hgs Upper gusset depth
hgs bgs
b zj h Lower flange width
hgi hi Lower flange depth
Ask hi bgi Lower gusset width
bi zk
hgi Lower gusset depth
Ask, Asj Reinforcement Area
zk, zj Positions of reinforcement layers

bfs1 Width Upper strip

bfs2 Width lateral upper strip
bfs1 efs2
bfs2 efs2 Distance from top fibre to top of lateral upper strip
Afs2 bf3 Width of bottom strip of the upper flange
bfs3, Afs3
bfi1 Width Lower strip
bfi3, Afi3 bfi2 Width lateral lower strip
bfi1, Afi1 bfi2, Afi2 efi2 Distance from bottom fibre to bottom of lateral lower
efi2 strip
bfi3 Width of upper strip of the lower flange

Note :

The position of reinforcement shall be defined respect to the bottom fibre.

2.2 Assumptions for calculation according to BAEL / AT CSTB at Service Limit State

2.2.1 Diagram for concrete : ()

bc Lim=0.6 fc

bc Lim=bc Lim/Eb

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2.2.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()

sc Lim=fe

st Lim
sc Lim

st Lim

2.2.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

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2.2.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A

Pivot B
Pivot A

st Lim bc Lim

Young modulus of concrete calculated according to Article A.2.1.21 of BAEL 91 : Eb = 11000fc1/3

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 15 for reinforcement.

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 7,50 for TFC.

The value of ft (tensile strength of concrete) is calculated according to 2 different ways

o Article A.2.1.12 of BAEL 91: ft = 0,6+0,06fc
o Annals BTP dated June 1997 for BHP (high performance concrete) with fc60 MPa: ft =
0,275 fc2/3

sc Lim and st Lim are worth fe (yield strength of reinforcement) by default.

The minimum reinforcement is not taken into account by the software.

The software allows the User to enter the value of the allowable stress at SLS (Service Limit State) in case
this value is not equal to the retained value by default : fe.

TFC Lim is worth 550 MPa

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The bending moment (M) applied to a section can be split into :

o A bending moment (M1) acting before strengthening and therefore before placing TFC
o An additional bending moment (M2) acting after strengthening
(We get : M=M1+M2)

The acting stresses in materials result from the sum of the stresses due to M1 calculated without TFC
strengthening and of the stresses due to M2 calculated with TFC strengthening.

In order to simulate the staging effect, the software proceeds as follows :

First step (M1, N1)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement and Concrete

o Calculation of the strains of the fibres where TFC will be applied (0)

Second step (M2, N2)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement, Concrete and TFC.

o Summation of the stresses determined in the first step with the ones determined in the
second step.
o Verification that the sum of stresses is allowable.

Important comment :
- When the fibre where TFC will be placed is in compression during the first step, it is advisable to
add to the stress determined in the second step, the corresponding stress value that TFC gets due to
the decompression of the fibre in compression where TFC is glued :

Example : Rectangular Section 100 cm wide ; 25 cm deep ; T12, 20 cm apart at bottom layer (5,65
cm2/m) ; T8 20 cm apart at top layer (2,52 cm2/m) ; cover 5 cm ; concrete B25 (fc = 25 MPa) on
cylindrical samples ; reinforcement Grade 400 MPa (fy = 400 MPa).

Stage 1 : M1 = 30 kNm/m
Depth of concrete in compression : 4,9 cm
Compressive stress in concrete : 6,30 MPa
Stress in reinforcement T8 : 36,80 MPa (compression)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -290,38 MPa (tension)

Stage 2 : M2 = -80 kNm/m (variation of moment)

Required TFC : Af = 9,83 cm2
Depth of concrete in compression : y = 6,1 cm
Variation of stress in reinforcement T8 : -436,80 MPa
Variation of stress in reinforcement T12 : +31,68 MPa
Variation of stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa

Verification of stresses : obtained by summing stages 1 and 2

Stress in reinforcement T8 : -400,00 MPa (less than fy : allowable)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -258,70 MPa
Stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa - 47,25 MPa = -306,99 MPa
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For the stress in TFC, it shall be summed the decompression of the top fibre (fibre where TFC is placed) :
= 6,30 MPa * 7,5 (modular ratio for TFC) = 47,25 MPa

The software does not calculate the stress of 47,25 MPa to be added to the TFC stress. However, it
determines correctly the total stresses in T8 and T12 bars so as the required TFC quantity.

Case of the section subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending moment :

The software can be also used for a section is subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending
moment (tie element). However, the tab Design is only workable if reinforcement is placed
symmetrically within the section. In some cases, reinforcement can be asymmetrical, it should therefore
only use the tab check in which the User indicates the TFC areas where they are required.

2.3 Assumptions according to BAEL / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit State

2.3.1 Diagram for concrete : ()


o o
2 /oo 3.5 /oo

2.3.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()


Fe/E 10 o/oo

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2.3.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

2.3.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A


Pivot A
Pivot B
-10 2 c = 3,5 (10E-3)


h Nu
As Mu

Af f Ff

Checking and Calculations are carried out according to the 3 pivots rule of BAEL.

The maximum strain for TFC is taken equal to 8,7 , it is less than the one of Pivot A of BAEL
taken equal to 10 .
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The forces are balanced by concrete, reinforcement and TFC capacity. The calculation is carried
out without taking into account the stages under the Ultimate Limit State combination.

0.85 f c
The maximum compressive stress in concrete is ccLim = f cc =

According to BAEL 99, the maximum allowable strain in concrete is c=3.5 o/oo
For BHP (High Performant concrete), and according to BTP annals dated June 1997 :
4.5 0.025 f c
c =

For Ultimate Limit State not Accidental, c=1,50 et s=1,15

For Accidental combination, c=1,15 et s=1,00

The Youngs modulus for reinforcement Es is 200000 MPa

The coefficient is as follows :

o 1,00 if loads are applied more than 24 h
o 0,90 if loads are applied between 1 h and 24 h
o 0,85 if loads are applied less than 1 h

The ultimate strain in TFC is limited to fu=1050 MPa with a safety factor of f=1,15

2.3.5 Additional checking

Bonding stress (prevention against peeling failure) :

The checking of the bonding stress is carried out according to the Technical document from CSTB
paragraph 12.4. For lateral strips, when the strip crosses the neutral axis, the area within the
compression zone is neglected and the calculation is carried out as follows :

; (b fi = h x )
Vu F fi
i =
b fi d F f + Fs
f max (h x)
Ffi =
i < u

Af f max

Bonding stress at strip ends :

It shall be checked at the sections where strips stop :
1- The reinforced concrete section without any TFC strengthening is able to resist to the acting forces,
2- The bonding stress at the strip end section remains allowable, this condition consists to check :
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F fi . A fi
i =
b fi .l a
i < u

Where Ffi, the axial force, Afi the area and bfi the width of the tensile area of the strip.
la = 0,1m is the effective anchorage length.

2.4 Assumptions for shear calculation according to BAEL

The shear force Vu (reduced) at Ultimate Limit State should be balanced by shear reinforcement, shear
prestress bars (when they exist), by the compression area of concrete and by TFC strips.

The shear resistance is calculated according to BPEL, article 7.3, which corresponds to :

Vu VR = Vs + Vf + Vb
With :

At f sin( + u )
Vs = . z. e . Shear resistance for reinforcement
st s sin u

Af sin( f + u )
Vf = .z f . f . Shear resistance for TFC
sf sin u
2 u
tan (2 u ) = et 60 u 30
xu tu
f = 913 MPa if strips are closed or anchored,
f = 2 MPa*0,1m/0,48mm = 417 MPa if anchorage is ensured by means of bonding,
zf = defined in Article 14.1 of the Technical Document from CSTB.

Vb = k bn .z shear resistance for concrete
If N = 0 : only flexure => k = 1
If N > 0 : flexure + axial force => k = 1+3 *m/fc
If N < 0 : flexure + axial force => k = 1-10*|m|/fc
m = NELS/B and B = area of the concrete section
Values of k :
k = 0 : in case of construction joint not correctly treated or in case of very severe exposure
k 1 : in case of construction joint correctly treated.
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2.5 Assumptions according to EC2 / AT CSTB at Service limit State

2.5.1 Diagram for concrete : ()

cc Lim=0.6 fc

cc Lim=cc Lim/Ec

2.5.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()

sc Lim= 0,8 fy

st Lim
sc Lim

st Lim = 0,8 fy

Comment :
The limit value of 0,80 fy for reinforcement stress can be modified in accordance with the Client or its
Adviser. The software allows the User to enter the value of the allowable stress at SLS (Service Limit
State) in case this value is not equal to the retained value by default : 0,8 fy
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2.5.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

2.5.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A

Pivot B
Pivot A

st Lim bc Lim

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 15 for reinforcement.

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 7,50 for TFC.

TFC Lim is taken equal to 550 MPa

The bending moment (M) applied to a section can be split into :

o A bending moment (M1) acting before strengthening and therefore before placing TFC
o An additional bending moment (M2) acting after strengthening
(We get : M=M1+M2)
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The acting stresses in materials result from the sum of the stresses due to M1 calculated without TFC
strengthening and of the stresses due to M2 calculated with TFC strengthening.

In order to simulate the staging effect, the software proceeds as follows :

First step (M1, N1)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement and Concrete

o Calculation of the strains of the fibres where TFC will be applied (0)

Second step (M2, N2)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement, Concrete and TFC.

o Summation of the stresses determined in the first step with the ones determined in the
second step.
o Verification that the sum of stresses is allowable.

Important comment :
- When the fibre where TFC will be placed is in compression during the first step, you must add to
the stress determined in the second step, the corresponding stress value in the TFC due to the
decompression of the fibre compressed during the first step :

Example : Rectangular Section 100 cm wide ; 25 cm deep ; T12, 20 cm apart at bottom layer (5,65
cm2/m) ; T8 20 cm apart at top layer (2,52 cm2/m) ; cover 5 cm ; concrete B25 (fc = 25 MPa) on
cylindrical samples ; reinforcement Grade 500 MPa (fy = 500 MPa).

Stage 1 : M1 = 30 kNm/m
Depth of concrete in compression : 4,9 cm
Compressive stress in concrete : 6,30 MPa
Stress in reinforcement T8 : 36,80 MPa (compression)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -290,38 MPa (tension)

Stage 2 : M2 = -80 kNm/m (variation of moment)

Required TFC : Af = 9,83 cm2
Depth of concrete in compression : y = 6,1 cm
Variation of stress in reinforcement T8 : -436,80 MPa
Variation of stress in reinforcement T12 : +31,68 MPa
Variation of stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa

Verification of stresses : obtained by summing stages 1 and 2

Stress in reinforcement T8 : -400,00 MPa (less than 0,8 fy : allowable)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -258,70 MPa
Stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa - 47,25 MPa = -306,99 MPa

For the stress in TFC, it shall be summed the decompression of the top fibre (fibre where TFC is placed) :
= 6,30 MPa * 7,5 (modular ratio for TFC) = 47,25 MPa

The software does not calculate the stress of 47,25 MPa to be added to the TFC stress. However, it
determines correctly the total stresses in T8 and T12 bars so as the required TFC quantity.
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Case of the section subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending moment :

The software can be also used for a section is subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending
moment (tie element). However, the tab Design is only workable if reinforcement is placed
symmetrically within the section. In some cases, reinforcement can be asymmetrical, it should therefore
only use the tab check in which the User indicates the TFC areas where they are required.

2.6 Assumptions according to EC2 / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit State

2.6.1 Diagram for concrete : ()

cu = fc / c

o o
2 /oo 3,5 /oo

2.6.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()

fyk = 1,05 fyd

fyd = fy / s


fy/E 10 o/oo ud = uk = ud/0,9
50 o/oo
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2.6.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

2.6.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A
Pivot C

Pivot C
Pivot A
Pivot B
-10 2


h Nu
As Mu

Af f Ff

Checking and calculations are carried out in accordance with the 3 pivots rule.

The maximum strain in TFC is limited to 8,7 , it is less than the one of Pivot A of EC2 limited to
10 .
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The forces are balanced by concrete, reinforcement and TFC capacity. The calculation is carried
out without taking into account the stages under the Ultimate Limit state combination.

The maximum compressive stress in concrete is ccLim = f cc =

According to EC2, the maximum allowable strain in concrete is c=3.5 o/oo

For ULS not accidental, c=1,50 and s=1,15

For Accidental combination, c=1,15 and s=1,00

The modulus of elasticity for reinforcement Es is 200000 MPa

The ultimate strain in TFC is limited to fu=1050 MPa with a safety factor of f=1,15

2.6.5 Additional checking

Bonding stress (prevention against peeling failure) :

The check of the bonding stress is carried out according to the Technical document from CSTB
paragraph 12.4. For lateral strips, when the strip crosses the neutral axis, the area within the
compression zone is neglected and the calculation is carried out as follows :

; (b fi = h x )
Vu F fi
i =
b fi d F f + Fs
f max (h x)
Ffi =
i < u

Af f max

Bonding stress at strip ends :

It shall be checked at the sections where strips stop :
1- The reinforced concrete section without any TFC strengthening is able to resist to the acting forces,
2- The bonding stress at the strip end section remains allowable, this condition consists to check :

F fi . A fi
i =
b fi .l a
i < u

Where Ffi, the axial force, Afi the area and bfi the width of the tensile area of the strip.
la = 0,1m is the effective anchorage length.
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2.7 Assumptions for shear calculation according to EC2

The shear force Vu (reduced) at Ultimate Limit State should be balanced by shear reinforcement, shear
prestress bars (when they exist), by the compression area of concrete and by TFC strips.

The shear resistance is calculated according to EC2, which corresponds to :

Vu VR = Vs + Vf + Vc
With :

Vs : Shear resistance for reinforcement

Vf : Shear resistance for TFC
Vc : Shear resistance for concrete

Vc = Max [b d (CRd,c k (100 l fck)1/3 + k1 cp) ; b d (vmin + k1 cp)]

With :
fck : concrete strength in MPa
b : width in mm
d : effective depth in mm
k = Min [1 + (200/d)1/2 ; 2] with d in mm
l = Min [Asl / (b d) ; 0,02] with Asl : area of tensile reinforcement
cp = NEd / Ac with Ned (axial force > 0 for a compression) ; Ac : area of concrete in mm2
CRd,c = 0,18 / c
k1 = 0,15
vmin = 0,035 k3/2 fck1/2

Vs = Min [VRd,s ; VRd,max]

With :
VRd,s = Asw / (s z fywd cotan)
VRd,max = cw b z 1 fcd / (cotan + tan)
Where :
Asw : shear reinforcement
s : spacing of shear reinforcement
z = 0,9 d
fywd = 0,80 fywk (shear reinforcement strength)
= 45 degrees by default (angle of the strut / horizontal)
1 = 0,60 (1 fck/250) (reduction of cracked concrete strength for shear)
cw = 1 without compressive axial force
1 + cp/fcd for 0 < cp/fcd < 0,25
1,25 for 0,25 < cp/fcd < 0,50
2,50 (1 - cp/fcd) for 0,50 < cp/fcd < 1,0
fcd = fck / c

Vf : please refer to the formulae of paragraph 2.4

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2.8 Assumptions according to BS / AT CSTB at Service Limit State

2.8.1 Diagram for concrete : ()

cc Lim=0.6 fc

cc Lim=cc Lim/Ec

2.8.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()

sc Lim= 0,8 fy

st Lim
sc Lim

st Lim = 0,8 fy

Comment :
The limit value of 0,80 fy for reinforcement stress can be modified in accordance with the Client or its
Adviser. The software allows the User to enter the value of the allowable stress at SLS (Service Limit
State) in case this value is not equal to the retained value by default : 0,8 fy
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2.8.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

2.8.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A

Pivot B
Pivot A

st Lim cc Lim

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 15 for reinforcement.

The modular ratio n is taken equal to 7,50 for TFC.

TFC Lim is worth 550 MPa

The bending moment (M) applied to a section can be split into :

o A bending moment (M1) acting before strengthening and therefore before placing TFC
o An additional bending moment (M2) acting after strengthening
(We get : M=M1+M2)
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The acting stresses in materials result from the sum of the stresses due to M1 calculated without TFC
strengthening and of the stresses due to M2 calculated with TFC strengthening.

In order to simulate the staging effect, the software proceeds as follows :

First step (M1, N1)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement and Concrete

o Calculation of the strains of the fibres where TFC will be applied (0)

Second step (M2, N2)

o Calculation of stresses in Reinforcement, Concrete and TFC.

o Summation of the stresses determined in the first step with the ones determined in the
second step.
o Verification that the sum of stresses is allowable.

Important comment :
- When the fibre where TFC will be placed is in compression during the first step, you must add to
the stress determined in the second step, the corresponding stress value in the TFC due to the
decompression of the fibre compressed during the first step :

Example : Rectangular Section 100 cm wide ; 25 cm deep ; T12, 20 cm apart at bottom layer (5,65
cm2/m) ; T8 20 cm apart at top layer (2,52 cm2/m) ; cover 5 cm ; concrete B25 (fc = 25 MPa) on
cylindrical samples ; reinforcement Grade 500 MPa (fy = 500 MPa).

Stage 1 : M1 = 30 kNm/m
Depth of concrete in compression : 4,9 cm
Compressive stress in concrete : 6,30 MPa
Stress in reinforcement T8 : 36,80 MPa (compression)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -290,38 MPa (tension)

Stage 2 : M2 = -80 kNm/m (variation of moment)

Required TFC : Af = 9,83 cm2
Depth of concrete in compression : y = 6,1 cm
Variation of stress in reinforcement T8 : -436,80 MPa
Variation of stress in reinforcement T12 : +31,68 MPa
Variation of stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa

Verification of stresses : obtained by summing stages 1 and 2

Stress in reinforcement T8 : -400,00 MPa (less than 0,8 fy : allowable)
Stress in reinforcement T12 : -258,70 MPa
Stress in TFC : -259,74 MPa - 47,25 MPa = -306,99 MPa

For the stress in TFC, it shall be summed the decompression of the top fibre (fibre where TFC is placed) :
= 6,30 MPa * 7,5 (modular ratio for TFC) = 47,25 MPa

The software does not calculate the stress of 47,25 MPa to be added to the TFC stress. However, it
determines correctly the total stresses in T8 and T12 bars so as the required TFC quantity.
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Case of the section subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending moment :

The software can be also used for a section is subject to a tensile axial force without concomitant bending
moment (tie element). However, the tab Design is only workable if reinforcement is placed
symmetrically within the section. In some cases, reinforcement can be asymmetrical, it should therefore
only use the tab check in which the User indicates the TFC areas where they are required.

2.9 Assumptions according to BS / AT CSTB at Ultimate Limit state

2.9.1 Diagram for concrete : ()

Data : fcu (on cubic samples) 0 MPa fcu 50 MPa

Parabola Plateau

0,67 fcu / c

0,24 [fcu / c]1/2 3,50

5500 [fcu / c]

fcu 5500 2 2 fcu

Equation of the parabola : fc = 5500 . - . for 0 0,24.
c 2,68 c
Safety factor : c = 1,50
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2.9.2 Diagram for reinforcement : ()



fy/(s E) 10 o/oo

Safety factor : s = 1,05

Modulus of Elasticity : E = 200000 MPa

2.9.3 Diagram for TFC : ()


E=105000 MPa

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2.9.4 Limit strains of the section

Pivot B
Pivot A


Pivot A
Pivot B
-10 2


h Nu
As Mu

Af f Ff

Checking and calculations are carried out according to the rule of the pivots.

The maximum strain in TFC is taken equal to 8,7 , it is less than the one of Pivot A limited to 10

The efforts are balanced by concrete, reinforcement and TFC capacity. The calculation is carried
out without taking into account the stages under the ultimate Limit state combination.

0,67 f cu
The maximum compressive stress in concrete is ccLim = f cc =

According to BS, the maximum allowable strain in concrete is c = 3,5 o/oo

For Ultimate Limit State not Accidental, c=1,50 and s=1,05

For Accidental combination, c=1,15 and s=1,00

The modulus of elasticity for reinforcement Es is 200000 MPa

The ultimate strain in TFC is limited to fu=1050 MPa with a safety factor of f=1,15
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2.9.5 Additional checking

Bonding stress (prevention against peeling failure) :

The check of the bonding stress is carried out according to the Technical document from CSTB
paragraph 12.4. For lateral strips, when the strip crosses the neutral axis, the area within the
compression zone is neglected and the calculation is carried out as follows :

; (b fi = h x )
Vu F fi
i =
b fi d F f + Fs
f max (h x)
Ffi =
i < u

Af f max

Bonding stress at strip ends :

It shall be checked at the sections where strips stop :
1- The reinforced concrete section without any TFC strengthening is able to resist to the acting forces,
2- The bonding stress at the strip end section remains allowable, this condition consists to check :
F fi . A fi
i =
b fi .l a
i < u

Where Ffi, the axial force, Afi the area and bfi the width of the tensile area of the strip.
la = 0,1m is the effective anchorage length.

2.10 Assumptions for shear calculation according to BS

The shear force Vu at Ultimate Limit State should be balanced by shear reinforcement, shear prestress bars
(when they exist), by the compression area of concrete and by TFC strips resistance.

The shear resistance is calculated according to BS, which corresponds to :

Vu VR = Vs + Vf + Vc
With :

Vs : Shear resistance for reinforcement

Vf : Shear resistance for TFC
Vc : Shear resistance for concrete
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Vc = b d vc
With :
b: width of the section at the neutral axis
d: effective depth
vc = [0,79 / c] * [100 As / (b d)]1/3 * [400 / d]1/4
c = 1,25
[100 As / (b d)]1/3 3
[400 / d]1/4 1

vc Min [0,80 (fcu)1/2 ; 5 MPa]

In case it exists an axial force N concomitant to a bending moment M, the value of vc is replaced by vc in
the formula.
vc = vc + 0,60 [(N V h / (Ac M)]
With :
Ac : concrete area
h: depth of the concrete section
M and V in absolute value and N taken positive if it is a compression (negative if it is a tension).

vc Min [0,80 (fcu)1/2 ; 5 MPa]

Vs = (Asb / sb) (d d) (0,87 fyv) (cos + sin cotan)

With :
Asb : shear reinforcement at the neutral axis
sb : spacing of shear reinforcement
d: effective depth
d : distance from the fibre in compression to the first layer of reinforcement in
fyv : shear reinforcement strength
: angle of the shear reinforcement respect to the horizontal (> 45 degrees)
= 45 degrees (angle of the compression strut / horizontal)

Vf : please refer to formulae of paragraph 2.4

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3. Installation

The software can be only installed on Windows 95 and Windows NT4 and their updated versions.

The installation of the software on the hard disk of the computer consists of copying all the files contained
in the CD-ROM. To start the program, please double click on TFC.exe

Attention : any modification of the provided files is illegal and cause the immediate and irreversible stop of
the program.
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4. Use of the software

The User should be accustomed with Windows environment. If not, he should refer to the Windows guide-

In a dialogue box, press the button Tab to go to the next capture field and press on both buttons
Shift + Tab to go to the previous capture field.

The capture fields of numbers include an interpreter of mathematical functions that allows to do
simplified calculations. You can use the operators (+, -, *, /, ^), the trigonometrical functions (sin, cos, tan,
asin, acos, atan, with angles in radians), the hyperbolic functions (sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh), and
the following functions (ln, log, exp, sqr, sqrt, abs).
For instance, to capture the width b of the web, you can type in the field 1.25-2*0.50 and the result 0.25
will be written in the concerned field.

The capture fields of numbers also include an interpreter of reinforcement area : as a matter of fact,
when the software needs a reinforcement area, the user can indicate the number of bars and their diameters.
For instance, in a capture field, you can type :
2HA20+HA18 or 2D20+D18 or 2DX20+DX18
The text will be substituted by 8.83 cm2 if the capture field asks for a value in cm2.
(HA means high bond steel ; D means diameter ; DX means mild steel)
(20 and 18 corresponds to the diameter of each category of bars)
(2 means a couple of 20 mm diameter bars)
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4.1 Starting the software

To start the software, please double click on the TFC symbol

To start the software, you have to read first carefully the Use agreement and to accept it.

When you start the software, you can select the language, either in French, or in English or in
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4.2 Main buttons of the software

Description of the main buttons and of the menu of the dialogue box :

o Button New : To press this button will erase all the existing data and all the previous
calculations. It allows to create a new data file.
o Button Open : To press this button allows to open an existing data file including its
output. The corresponding files get an extension .TFC . Such files can only be read by
the TFC software.

o Button Options : To press this button will open the Capture of options Box :

Select units, number of decimals for each unit..

Language for output file (French, English or Spanish)
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o Button About : To press this button allows to see the use agreement.
o Button Help : to press this button allows to look at the instruction book of the software.
o Button Quit : To press this button close the software.

4.3 Tab Assumptions

4.3.1 Tab Project

Description of the fields concerned by the Tab Project :

(These fields will be automatically filled in the calculation note created by the software. However,
you may decide not filling one or some of these fields)

o Field Project : This field allows to indicate the name of the project.
o Field Branch name : This field allows to indicate the name of the section purpose of
the calculation in progress.
o Field Project code : This field allows to indicate the contract code.
o Field Note number : This field allows to indicate the number of the corresponding
calculation note.
o Field Engineer : This field allows to indicate the name of the Engineer in charge of the
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Tab Geometry

Description of the fields concerned by the tab Geometry :

o Field Section : This field allows to select between three kind of section : rectangular, T
section and I section (with or without gussets)
o Field Concrete section : This field allows to capture the geometry of the section.
o Field Longitudinal reinforcement : This field allows to capture the values of the
different layers of reinforcement (until 4 different layers) always respect to the bottom
o Field Transverse reinforcement : This field allows to capture the value of the shear

o The sketch at the top allows to visualize the captured data in the fields : concrete,
longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement.

o The sketch at the bottom gives the correspondence between geometry data and
reinforcement data.
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4.3.2 Tab Materials and Loads

Description of the fields concerned by the tab Materials and Loads :

o Field Strengthening : For this version, only the TFC strengthening is available
o Field Code : For this version, only the Technical Document & BAEL 99, the Technical
Document and EC2, and the Technical Document and BS are available
o Field Materials : This field allows to indicate the concrete strength and the
reinforcement strengths. It is possible to consider different reinforcement strengths : for
using such a possibility, you do not have to tick the box Same yield strength for all
bars . If the User wishes to enter himself the allowable stresses at SLS in reinforcement,
he must click the tab Allowable stress at SLS .
o Field Forces at gravit : This field allows to select the forces applied at COG (value by
default) to a distance zp from COG.
o Field Loads during strengthening : This field allows to mention the values of bending
moment, axial force and shear force of the dead loads (G1) and the live loads (Q1) acting
during the strengthening.
o Field Supplementary loads after strengthening : This field allows to mention the
values of bending moment, axial force and shear force of the supplementary dead loads
(G2) and the supplementary live loads (Q2) acting after the strengthening.
o Field Load Combinations : This field allows to indicate the weighted factors for the
combination at Service Limit State, at Ultimate Limit State and for Accidental
combination. It is possible to give different factors for each unitarian effort.
o Field Load duration : This field allows to select the duration of the loading between >
24 h, >1 h and <24 h or <1 h. This field is only available under BAEL code.
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When the User does not tick the box Same yield strength for all bars , a tab appears called Yield
strengths for bars .

By clicking the tab Yield strengths for bars , a small screen appears :

Then, the User can enter for each layer of reinforcement the value of the corresponding Yield Strength.
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By clicking the tab Allowable stress at SLS , a small screen appears :

Then the User can tick the box Modification of allowable stresses at SLS in reinforcement . If he
does it, the User gets access to the values of the allowable stresses written into the screen determined by the
software according the retained values (fy for BAEL and 0,8 fy for BS or EC2) and can modify them. In
case reinforcement gets the same yield strength, only the first line is accessible and can be modified : the
other lines are automatically modified too. Otherwise, all the values can be modified.

Only the boxes not in grey can be modified.

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4.4 Tab Design

Once the geometrical, the materials and the loads data entered, you can decide to carry out a design
calculation or a check calculation for TFC.
By pressing the tab design, the software calculates the following values :

A first field indicates the position of the calculated TFC and the maximum required quantity of
TFC according the result of the three studied combinations.
Field SLS results : This field displays, during strengthening and after strengthening, the
required quantity of TFC (Af), the stress in TFC (Sigma_f), the depth of concrete in compression
(hComp), the stress in concrete (Sigma_bc), the stress in reinforcement of the top layer
(Sigma_sSup) and the stress in reinforcement of the bottom layer (Sigma_sInf).
Field ULS results : This field displays, for Ultimate Limit State and for Accidental
combination, the required quantity of TFC (Af), the strain in TFC (Epsilon_f), the depth of
concrete in compression (hComp), the strain in concrete (Epsilon_bc), the strain in reinforcement
of the top layer (Epsilon_sSup) and the strain in reinforcement of the bottom layer (Epsilon_sInf).

In case the section is justified without requiring TFC or reinforcement is not sufficient, a message appears
respectively in green or in red.

Both calculations are feasible, flexure with or without concomitant axial force, or only tensile axial force
without any bending moment. In case of the tensile axial force alone, reinforcement shall be symmetrical in
order to allow the software to calculate itself the required TFC quantity.
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4.5 Tab Check

In this tab, the User can capture the TFC strengthening he would like to place and run the software in order
to justify his design.

Description of the fields concerned by the tab check :

o Field TFC Layers arrangement : This field allows to capture the different layers of
TFC required for flexure (or tensile axial force). For each location, you can select the
number of layers and their width, the software automatically calculates the captured
strengthening area. In order to facilitate the marking of the strengthening strips a sketch
shows the location of the strips with regards to the concrete section.
o Field Shear efforts : This field allows to select :
The inclination of the strips for shear strengthening.
The kind of construction joint : No construction joint, construction joint without
treatment or construction joint with treatment
Disposition of TFC for shear strengthening : Nothing, strips closing the section,
U strips, U strips with drills, laterals strips or laterals strips with drills . The
software limits the choice according to the shape of the section.
Finally, it can be selected to calculate for a typical section or an End section. An
end section corresponds to the section where TFC strips stop. In the case of end
section,, the shear forces concomitant with the bending moments shall be
(Note : The software only carries out check calculations for shear strengthening)

Once all the data captured, you can run the checking calculation by ticking the tab check at the
bottom right.
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4.5.1 Tab Check Service Limit State

The checking box opens on the tab Service Limit State. The software indicates the following values
during and after the strengthening.

Values of loads entered : (N1, M1) during the strengthening and (N1+N2, M1+M2) after the
Values of the maxima and minima bending moment that the section can resist to : (M1 min, M1
max) during the strengthening and (M1+M2 min, M1 + M2 max) after the strengthening.
Values of the depth in compression and the compressive stress in concrete : hComp and Sigma_c
Values of the stresses and locations of the different layers of reinforcement and TFC: As1,Afi1.
Values of the allowable stresses for concrete, reinforcement and TFC : Sigma_c Max and
Sigma_Af max.

A message indicates if the section is justified (in green) or if the resistant moments are overpassed (in red).
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4.5.2 Tab Check Ultimate Limit State

The tab Check-Ultimate Limit State indicates the values as follows :

Values of the entered loads at Ultimate Limit State : (N, M).

Values of the resistant moments (maxima and minima) : (M min, M max).
Value of the depth in compression : hComp
Value of the strain in concrete : Epsilon_cu
Value of the stress in concrete : Sigma_cu
Lever arm of the compression force in concrete respect to the bottom fibre : zbc
Lever arm of the the tensile force in TFC respect to the bottom fibre : zAft
Value of the lever arm of the section : dz
Value of the stresses, locations and strains of the different layers of reinforcement and of TFC. For
the TFC, the software also indicates the value of the bonding stress at the contact with concrete :

A message indicates if the section is justified (in green) or if the resistant moments are overpassed (in red).

Attention : In case the checked section is an end section, the conditions checked by the software are the
following ones :
The section shall resist without TFC (because TFC stops here), the corresponding values are
indicated in brackets,
The bonding stress remains allowable.
Both conditions have to be checked.
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4.5.3 Tab Check Accidental Ultimate Limit state

The tab Check - Accidental Ultimate Limit State indicates the values as follows :

Values of the entered loads at Ultimate Limit State : (N, M).

Values of the resistant moments (maxima and minima) : (M min, M max).
Value of the depth in compression : hComp
Value of the strain in concrete : Epsilon_cu
Value of the stress in concrete : Sigma_cu
Lever arm of the compression force in concrete respect to the bottom fibre : zbc
Lever arm of the tensile force in TFC respect to the bottom fibre : zAft
Value of the lever arm of the section : dz
Value of the stresses, locations and strains of the different layers of reinforcement and of TFC. For
the TFC, the software also indicates the value of the bonding stress at the contact with concrete :

A message indicates if the section is justified (in green) or if the resistant moments are overpassed (in red).

Attention : In case the checked section is an end section, the conditions checked by the software are the
following ones :
The section shall resist without TFC (because TFC stops here), the corresponding values are
indicated in brackets,
The bonding stress remains allowable.
Both conditions have to be checked.
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4.5.4 Tab Check Shear

The tab Check Shear indicates the values as follows :

Geometrical characteristics of the section.

Value of the shear force taking into account in the calculation
Value of the shear resistance for concrete
Value of the shear resistance for reinforcement
Required shear strengthening by TFC (Af/sf) in order to justify the shear resistance of the section

A message indicates if the section is justified or if TFC contribution is useless (in green) or if TFC
strengthening for shear is impossible (in red).
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4.5.5 Saving of the data and visualization of the output.

Saving of data : By clicking the Tab Save, you can save the data with the extension .TFC.

Visualization of the output : Once the data saved, the software asks you for looking at the
calculation note :

By clicking on the tab oui the calculation note is opened with a Word format. You can then
look at it or save it with the extension .rtf.

You will find at the end of the instruction book an example of calculation note.
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This paragraph indicates some mistakes and warnings in order to prevent the User to design incorrectly
TFC strengthening.

- Tab Design, the position of TFC is by default the bottom fibre of the section. Consequently, for
sections subject to a hogging moment, the tensile fibre is the top fibre and not any more the bottom
fibre. It shall therefore be indicated in the field TFC position zAf the value of h (h being the
depth of the section).

- For shear strengthening, longitudinal reinforcement shall be captured for calculations carried out in
accordance with EC2 or BS codes.

- In case of tensile axial force without bending moment, only the tab check can be used whenever
reinforcement is asymmetrical. As a matter of fact, the software cannot find a solution since too
much parameters are unknown.

- For calculations at SLS, the User must verify that the allowable values taken into account by the
software are the ones of the Design Criteria. Otherwise, the User has to modify the strength values
of the materials in order to reach the correct allowable values in accordance with the design

- For the calculations of beams, the User can take into account the participating flange. In such a
case, he shall first justify that the participating width is justified with regards to shear stress flow.
Then, for shear strengthening, the calculation shall consider the participating flange.

- When the neutral axis of a T section is within the flange, the U strips shall be anchored within the
flange by means of rods in carbon even if calculation allows to justify the shear strengthening
without drills.

- The software is a tool but it does not replace in anyway the responsibility of the Engineer. The
Engineer has to validate the scope of use, to adjust the calculations depending on the bonding stress
measured on site, to determine the strip lengths and to justify the end sections.

- The strip lengths shall be increased in accordance with the Technical Document from CSTB : say
0,9 h (h : depth of the section) + 10 cm.
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6. Appendix : Calculation note Example : 2.00
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Purpose : to justify the TFC strengthening with summary of assumptions and calculations data.

7. Reference Documents

BS 8110
TFC according to 3/04-424 CSTG technical specification approved by the CSTB.

8. Generalities and Notations


h Depth
b h b Width
Ask, Asj Reinforcement Area
Ask zk, zj Positions of reinforcement layers

bfs1 Width Upper strip

bfs1,Afs1 bfs2 Width lateral upper strip
bfs2, Afs2
efs2 Distance from top fibre to top of lateral upper strip

bfi1 Width Lower strip

bfi2, Afi2 bfi2 Width lateral lower strip
bfi1, Afi1
efi2 efi2 Distance from bottom fibre to bottom of lateral
lower strip

9. Calculations
9.1 Assumptions

9.1.1 Concrete geometry

b : 0.500 m
h : 1.000 m
bn : 0.500 m

9.1.2 Reinforcement
Longitudinal Reinforcement
zAs1 : 0.050 m As1 : 4.02 cm fe1 : 500.00 MPa
zAs2 : 0.080 m As2 : 2.26 cm fe2 : 500.00 MPa

Shear Reinforcement
At/st : 4.32 cm/m Slope Alpha : 90.000 deg fe : 500.00 MPa : 2.00
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9.1.3 TFC Strengthening

TFC Layers arrangement

Number of layers bf (m) e (m) Section (cm)

Afi1 3 0.500 7.20

Shear efforts

Alpha_f : 90.000 deg

Type of construction joint : No construction joint
TFC arrangement for shear : U strips
zf : 0.900 m
Sigma_fu : 417.00 MPa

Type of section : Typical section

9.1.4 Materials

Concrete strength fc : 30.00 MPa

Reinforcement yield strength fe : refer to 9.1.2.
Cracking : Moderate
Type of reinforcement : High Bond bars

9.1.5 Loads

Loads Combinations
M+ G1 G2 Q1 Q2
Service Limit State 1.00 1.00
N+ Main Ultimate State 1.40 1.40 1.60 1.60
Accidental Ultimate 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Load duration : > 24 h
zp : 0.500 m ( Forces at gravity center)

G1, Q1 : Loads during strengthening

G2, Q2 : Supplementary loads after strengthening

M (kN.m) N (kN) V (kN) M (kN.m) N (kN) V (kN)

G1 120.000 - 150.000 G2 150.000 - 150.000
Q1 - - - Q2 - - - : 2.00
V.Manual : 2.00
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9.2 Checking Results

9.2.1 SLS
Result : Cross section checked at SLS

During Strengthening After Strengthening

N1 : 0.000 kN N1 + N2 : 0.000 kN
M1 : 120.000 kN.m M1 + M2 : 270.000 kN.m
M1 min : -8.403 kN.m M min : -8.403 kN.m
M1 max : 218.673 kN.m M max : 358.082 kN.m
hComp1 : 0.170 m hComp2 : 0.211 m
bc1 : 3.19 MPa bc 1+2 : 6.38 MPa
Layer z (m) (MPa) Layer z (m) (MPa)
As1 0.050 -219.51 As1 0.050 -387.07
As2 0.080 -211.06 As2 0.080 -371.82
Afi1 0.000 -89.45

Limit Stresses
bc max : 18.00 MPa As1 min : -400.00 MPa
Af max : -550.00 MPa As2 min : -400.00 MPa
As3 min : -
As4 min : - Main Ultimate Limit State

Result : Cross section checked at ULS

N: 0.000 kN M min : -10.537 kN.m

M: 378.000 kN.m M max : 868.069 kN.m
hComp : 0.172 m zbc : 0.940 m
bc : 0.45 /1000 zAft : 0.037 m
bc : 8.93 MPa dz : 0.904 m
Layer z (m) (/1000) (MPa) (MPa)
As1 0.050 -2.05 -409.50
As2 0.080 -1.97 -393.70
Afi1 0.000 -2.18 -228.80 0.37 : 2.00
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Result : Checked at Accidental ULS

N: 0.000 kN M min : -11.602 kN.m

M: 270.000 kN.m M max : 888.625 kN.m
hComp : 0.162 m zbc : 0.945 m
bc : 0.30 /1000 zAft : 0.037 m
bc : 6.99 MPa dz : 0.908 m
Layer z (m) (/1000) (MPa) (MPa)
As1 0.050 -1.46 -291.14
As2 0.080 -1.40 -280.05
Afi1 0.000 -1.55 -162.55 0.26 Shear
Result : TFC section Af/sf calculated for shear

Geometrical properties A: 0.500000 m

S: 0.062500 m3
I: 0.041667 m4
dz : 0.904 m

Shear force V : 420.000 kN

Concrete Contribution vc : 0.32 MPa Vc : 152.932 kN

d : 0.950 m
Reinforcement Contribution d : 0.000 m Vs : 194.940 kN
: 45.000 deg
zf : 0.900 m
TFC Contribution Af/sf : 1.92 cm/m
f : 417.00 MPa

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