PTC ProEngineer Fundamentals of Sheetmetal Design T780-320-01 PDF

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Fundamentals of
Sheetmetal Design
Release 2001
Fundamentals of Sheetmetal Design
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Document No. Date Description
T780-320-0A 06/14/01 Initial Printing of Fundamentals of Sheetmetal Design for Release 2001
T780-320-01 06/21/01 Revisions

Order Number DT-780-320-EN

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Training Agenda
Fundamentals of Sheetmetal Design

Day 1
Introduction to Sheetmetal Design
Primary Walls
Secondary Walls
Unbend, Bend back and Cuts
Notches and Punches

Day 2
Duplicating Features
Sheetmetal Forms
Bend Features
Unbending Sheetmetal Geometry
Sheetmetal Design Environment

Day 3
Converting Solid Parts
Project Laboratory
Documenting Sheetmetal Design
Sheetmetal Design Information
Table of Contents
Fundamentals of Sheetmetal Design


DESIGNING IN PRO/SHEETMETAL............................................................................. 1-2
Creating Sheetmetal Parts...................................................................................................1-2
Using Sheetmetal-specific Features....................................................................................1-4
Displaying the Sheetmetal Part ..........................................................................................1-4
Orienting the Sheetmetal Part.............................................................................................1-5
Developed Length ..............................................................................................................1-5
INTRODUCTION TO TOP-DOWN DESIGN.................................................................. 1-6
Disadvantages of the Traditional Design Approach ...........................................................1-7
Advantages of Top-Down Design Methodology................................................................1-8
ELEMENTS OF TOP-DOWN DESIGN ........................................................................... 1-8
Defining the Design Intent .................................................................................................1-8
Defining Preliminary Product Structure .............................................................................1-8
Using Skeleton Models.......................................................................................................1-8
Communicating Design Intent............................................................................................1-9
Populating the Assembly....................................................................................................1-9
Managing Part Interdependencies ......................................................................................1-9
PRO/ENGINEER TOP-DOWN DESIGN TOOLS ......................................................... 1-10
Layouts .............................................................................................................................1-10
Skeletons ..........................................................................................................................1-11
Data Sharing Features.......................................................................................................1-12
Managing References / Interdependencies .......................................................................1-14
IMPLEMENTING THE SHEETMETAL DESIGN APPROACH.................................. 1-16
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 1-21


WALL TYPES ................................................................................................................... 2-2
CREATING PRIMARY WALLS...................................................................................... 2-2
Wall Feature Options..........................................................................................................2-2
Sketching Techniques.........................................................................................................2-4
CREATING UNATTACHED WALLS............................................................................. 2-6
Merging Unattached Walls.................................................................................................2-6
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................2-7
EXERCISE 1: Creating the Cable Box Base ..................................................................... 2-8
EXERCISE 2: Creating an Unattached Wall ................................................................... 2-13
MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................2-25


CREATING SECONDARY WALLS ................................................................................3-2
Using the No Radius options.............................................................................................. 3-2
Using the Use Radius options ............................................................................................ 3-3
Creating a Twist Wall ........................................................................................................ 3-7
Creating an Extended Wall ................................................................................................ 3-8
Creating walls with Relief.................................................................................................. 3-9
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................3-11
EXERCISE 1: Adding Walls to the Cable Box Base....................................................... 3-12
EXERCISE 2: Adding Walls to the Tuner Cover ............................................................ 3-15
MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................3-25


CREATING A REGULAR UNBEND FEATURE ............................................................4-2
CREATING A FLAT PATTERN FEATURE ...................................................................4-3
CREATING A BEND BACK FEATURE .........................................................................4-4
CREATING SHEETMETAL CUTS..................................................................................4-5
Dimensioning Scheme ....................................................................................................... 4-6
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................4-7
EXERCISE 1: Creating a Sheetmetal Cut.......................................................................... 4-8
MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................4-14


CREATING NOTCH AND PUNCH USER-DEFINED FEATURES...............................5-2
Using Notch Relief for Design Intent ................................................................................ 5-3
Creating a Punch or Notch UDF ........................................................................................ 5-3
Placing a Punch or Notch Feature ...................................................................................... 5-5
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................5-6
EXERCISE 1: Creating Notches in the Flat State of the Model ........................................ 5-7
MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................5-16


Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
DUPLICATING FEATURES USING PATTERNS ..........................................................6-2
Creating Patterns ................................................................................................................6-2
Using Pattern Tables ..........................................................................................................6-4
CREATING LOCAL GROUPS......................................................................................... 6-5
Patterning a Local Group....................................................................................................6-6
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 6-10
EXERCISE 1: Modifying the Cable Box Pattern.............................................................6-11
EXERCISE 2: Using Groups on the Tuner Cover............................................................6-18
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 6-23


CREATING FORM FEATURES ...................................................................................... 7-2
CREATING FORM PARTS.............................................................................................. 7-2
Creating Rips in the Geometry ...........................................................................................7-4
Using Multiple Forms on a Single Die Model....................................................................7-5
Using Multiple Forms on a Single Punch Model ...............................................................7-6
PLACING FORM FEATURES ......................................................................................... 7-7
Placing By Reference .........................................................................................................7-7
Copying the Geometry .......................................................................................................7-7
FLATTENING FORM FEATURES ................................................................................. 7-7
CREATING EDGE TREATMENTS................................................................................. 7-8
Determining the Developed Length ...................................................................................7-9
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 7-10
EXERCISE 1: Adding Forms to the Cable Box ...............................................................7-11
EXERCISE 2: Placing Louvers (Challenge Exercise) .....................................................7-19
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 7-22


CREATING BEND FEATURES....................................................................................... 8-2
Angle Bend.........................................................................................................................8-2
Roll Bend............................................................................................................................8-2
ADDING BEND LINE ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................... 8-5
CREATING HEMS............................................................................................................ 8-8
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 8-11
EXERCISE 1: Creating a Model in the Flat.....................................................................8-12
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 8-28


UNBENDING SHEETMETAL GEOMETRY.................................................................. 9-2
Unbending Ruled Geometry .............................................................................................. 9-2
Unbending Non-ruled Geometry........................................................................................ 9-2
Adding Tears to the Geometry........................................................................................... 9-3
Creating Deformation Areas .............................................................................................. 9-5
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ..........................................................................................9-9
EXERCISE 1: Creating a Regular Unbend Feature......................................................... 9-10
EXERCISE 2: Cross Sectional Unbend ........................................................................... 9-12
EXERCISE 3: Creating a Deformation Area ................................................................... 9-17
MODULE SUMMARY....................................................................................................9-22


CALCULATING DEVELOPED LENGTH.....................................................................10-2
Using the Default Formula............................................................................................... 10-2
Using Bend Tables........................................................................................................... 10-3
SETTING UP DEFAULT BEND RADIUS.....................................................................10-6
SETTING DEFAULT FIXED GEOMETRY...................................................................10-7
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................10-8
EXERCISE 1: Calculating the Developed Length of a Sheetmetal Part.......................... 10-9
EXERCISE 2: Setting Up for Sheetmetal ...................................................................... 10-13
MODULE SUMMARY..................................................................................................10-22


CREATING SHEETMETAL PARTS FROM SOLID PARTS .......................................11-2
CREATING A DEVELOPABLE PART..........................................................................11-3
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................11-7
EXERCISE 1: Converting a Sheetmetal Part................................................................... 11-8
EXERCISE 2: Using the Sheetmetal Conversion Feature ............................................. 11-10
MODULE SUMMARY..................................................................................................11-15


LABORATORY PRACTICAL ........................................................................................12-2
EXERCISE 1: Sheetmetal Part Creation.......................................................................... 12-3
EXERCISE 2: Unbending Complex Geometry ............................................................. 12-11
MODULE SUMMARY..................................................................................................12-13


CREATING FLAT STATES USING FAMILY TABLES ..............................................13-2
Retrieving Instances......................................................................................................... 13-3
CREATING MULTI-MODEL DRAWINGS...................................................................13-3
DOCUMENTING THE BEND ORDER ......................................................................... 13-4
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 13-6
EXERCISE 1: Documenting the Model ...........................................................................13-7
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 13-19


EXTRACTING SHEETMETAL DESIGN INFORMATION......................................... 14-2
Calculating Measurements ...............................................................................................14-2
Analyzing Surfaces...........................................................................................................14-2
Generating Bend Reports .................................................................................................14-3
Generating Radii Reports .................................................................................................14-4
SETTING UP DESIGN RULES...................................................................................... 14-5
Establishing a Design Rule Table.....................................................................................14-5
LABORATORY PRACTICAL ....................................................................................... 14-7
EXERCISE 1: Using Sheetmetal Information Tools........................................................14-8
MODULE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 14-12

Introduction to Sheetmetal Design

In this module you are introduced to the Pro/SHEETMETAL design
environment. You learn about the top down design approach for
designing sheetmetal models.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Identify the capabilities of the Pro/SHEETMETAL design

Identify the sheetmetal-specific feature types.
Describe the display and orientation of a sheetmetal part.
Define the concept of developed length.
Describe the principles of top-down design.
Implement the top-down design approach for designing sheetmetal
parts in Pro/ENGINEER.

Page 1-1

Using Pro/SHEETMETAL to generate sheetmetal components enables
you to do the following:

Design a sheetmetal part that defines the supporting structures in an

Add sheetmetal-specific features such as walls, bends, cuts, punches,
notches, and forms to a model in either the formed or flat condition
Control the developed length of the bends when creating a flat instance
of the model
Create flat patterns and flat states of the model geometry to reflect the
manufacturing and design models
Create bend order tables that define the bend order, bend radius, and
bend angle used in the manufacturing process
Document the design by generating production drawings of the flat
model and design model, as well as bend order tables

Creating Sheetmetal Parts

You can create sheetmetal parts using the following methods:

Sheetmetal Mode Create a new sheetmetal part using the default


Pag e 1- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 1: Creating a New Sheetmetal Part

You can select the default template or choose one from a list of standard
or user customizable templates. When you use a template that contains
designated parameters, you can enter parameter values as you create the
model. Templates include default datum planes, coordinate system, saved
views, and layers.

Assembly Mode Create a sheetmetal component in an assembly.

Figure 2: Creating a Sheetmetal Component

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 3


Sheetmetal Applications Convert solid models to sheetmetal

models using the Applications pull-down menu as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 3: Converting Solid to Sheetmetal Models

Using Sheetmetal-specific Features

Pro/ENGINEER offers the following sheetmetal-specific feature types.

notches bend backs

punches forms
bends walls
unbends and flat pattern

Create features in an order that captures your design intent, not
in the order that you manufacture the geometry.

Displaying the Sheetmetal Part

A sheetmetal part displays with green and white surfaces with side
surfaces in between to define depth. This enables you to visualize the part
and geometry selection, since sheetmetal parts tend to be comparatively

Sheetmetal parts have a constant thickness. Pro/ENGINEER creates the

white surface by offsetting it from the green surface by the amount of the
material thickness. The side (depth) surfaces do not appear until the part
has been successfully regenerated.

Pag e 1- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Orienting the Sheetmetal Part

When orienting a sheetmetal part, the first selection must be a planar
surface or a datum plane and the second selection may be an edge. (This
orientation method is available in all modes of Pro/ENGINEER.) You can
also use saved views if the default or a customized template was used to
create the sheetmetal part.

Developed Length
Pro/ENGINEER automatically compensates for stretching that occurs in
the area of a bend by calculating the developed length. The system takes
into account the thickness of the sheetmetal, the radius of the bend, the
bend angle, and other material properties. This capability enables you to
capture your design intent through the creation of the formed sheetmetal
model. It also enables you to create a flat form of the model for
manufacturers to use to develop the actual model.

Figure 4: The Developed Length

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 5



The Top-down design methodology captures the top-level design criteria
and passes this information from the top level of the products structure to
all related subsystems.


Component Component Component

Figure 5: Distribution of Information from Top to Bottom

The stages of top-down design are:

Creating product structure
Sharing design-critical information
Capturing interactions between individual components
Top-down design can be conceived as an ongoing process of capturing,
communicating, and managing design information. It is the best
methodology to harness and control Pro/ENGINEERs associative design
tools when conceptualizing and building large assemblies.

Pag e 1- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 6: Top-down Design Architecture

In the traditional assembly design approach, an engineer designs

individual components independent of the assembly, using a manual
approach to ensure that components fit properly and meet design criteria.

Component Component Component

Design Design Design


Figure 7: Traditional Design Approach

Disadvantages of the Traditional Design Approach

The designer places components in subassemblies and then brings those
subassemblies together to develop the top-level assembly.

Often, after creating the assemblies, a designer discovers that the models
do not meet the design criteria (for example, a critical interface on two
models does not match).

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 7


After detecting problems, the designer manually adjusts each model. As

the assembly grows, detecting these inconsistencies and correcting them
consume a considerable amount of time.

Advantages of Top-Down Design Methodology

Top-down design methodology can be used to:

Manage large assemblies

Organize complex designs
Control motion
Support more flexible assembly designs.


Defining the Design Intent
All products are designed with some preliminary planning. Sketches,
ideas, proposals and specifications define the products' purpose, function
and design. This information helps define the structure of the design and
the detailed requirements of individual components within

Defining Preliminary Product Structure

The product structure consists of a list of components and their hierarchy
within the assembly design. Using Pro/ENGINEER you can create a
product structure of the subassemblies and parts without creating any
geometry. Existing subassemblies and parts can also be added to the
product structure without assembly.

Using Skeleton Models

Skeleton models act as a 3-D layout of the assembly, and serve a variety
of purposes defining form, fit, and function of an assembly. Some
examples are:

Space claim (form / fit)

Component to component interface definition (fit)

Pag e 1- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Motion representation (function)

The skeleton model stores design intent at different levels of the product
structure. Various Pro/ENGINEER data-sharing features such as Copy
Geometry and Shrinkwrap can be used to communicate and propagate
the design intent from level to level and from model to model.

Communicating Design Intent

Top-level design information, such as important mounting locations and
space claim requirements, can be placed in the top-level assembly skeleton
model. It can then be distributed to the appropriate subassembly skeleton
models as needed. Each subassembly can contain a skeleton model with
only the pertinent design information for that subassembly. The
subassembly design team can work on their own design with local access
to the top-level design criteria.

Populating the Assembly

Once the skeletal representation of the assembly has been defined, and the
top-level design criteria have been distributed, individual component
design can begin.

Many methods exist for populating the assembly structure with detailed
parts. Existing components can be assembled, or components can be
created in the context of the assembly. These individual parts can be
related to each other using other functionality such as assembly relations,
skeleton models, layouts, and merge features to further capture design

Managing Part Interdependencies

Managing interdependencies allows components from one design to be
used in another and provides a means for controlled change and update of
the entire assembly design.

Pro/ENGINEER tools help you to set up, investigate, and understand

existing interdependencies between components.

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 9



The following Pro/ENGINEER tools enable you to successfully capture
design intent using the top-down design approach:

Layouts are central locations in which you can capture non-geometrical
top-level design criteria. A layout is useful when you do not have exact
information about the geometry. Dimensions, parameters, and relations
defined in a Layout can be parametrically linked to skeletons or part

Figure 8: Layout for a Race-Car Model

Pag e 1- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 9: Using Layouts as a Top-Down Design Tool

Skeletons are central locations where you can capture geometrical central
design information for a model. You can use skeleton models to represent
the design information in a layout in a 3-D representation. There are three
typical uses for skeletons:
Space claim (form / fit)

Figure 10: Using Skeletons for Space Claimes

Component to component interface definition (fit)

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 11


Figure 11: Using Skeletons for Fit

Motion representation (function)

Figure 12: Using Skeletons for Motion Representation

Data Sharing Features

Publish Geometry Allows you to document the design information,
making it easier for others to use the Copy Geometry function.

Pag e 1- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 13: The Publish Geometry Dialog Box

Copy Geometry Allows you to transfer design information such as

surfaces, datum planes, and datum axes from one model to another.

Figure 14: Accessing the Copy Geometry Feature

Shrinkwrap Allows you to shrinkwrap a model or assembly with a

surface, thereby dramatically reducing regeneration time in the
recipient model.

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 13


Figure 15: Accessing the Shrinkwrap Feature

Managing References / Interdependencies

Two functions that help the user in the sixth and ongoing step of top-down
design are Reference Control and the Global Reference Viewer

Reference Control
The EXTERNAL REFERENCE CONTROL dialog box allows you to define
the allowable scope for external references. This function is particularly
useful when designing in an assembly, or when creating Copy Geometry

Pag e 1- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 16: Reference Control Dialog Boxes

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 15


Global Reference Viewer

The GLOBAL REFERENCE VIEWER enables you to find any type of
external reference between models in an assembly. It ensures that only
desired references have been created and troubleshoots the existing

Figure 17: Reference Graph and Global Reference Viewer Dialog Boxes


You can generate sheetmetal models at either the sheetmetal level or the
assembly level, but the assembly level enables you to use the top-down
design approach.

The following is a typical design approach for creating sheetmetal parts at

the assembly level:

1. Create the assembly by assembling all major components relative

to each other. You can include simple supporting structures, or
sheetmetal parts that are not completely defined at this time.

Pag e 1- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 18: Assembly of Sheetmetal Components

2. Create or modify sheetmetal parts in Assembly mode using the

internal components as references. This process will aid in creating
support walls, form features for stiffening panels, and punches and
notches for fastening the components. The following figure shows
the cover created in the assembly mode referencing internal
components and later completed in the Sheetmetal mode by adding
additional features.

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 17


Figure 19: Modify Sheetmetal Parts in Assembly Mode

3. After the cabinet and supporting structures are defined relative to

the internal components and each other, add any remaining
components or features.

4. Create or select a bend table to provide material allowances when

unbending the part. The bend table data is used to ensure accurate
flat pattern geometry of the sheetmetal part.

5. In the sheetmetal mode, create a bend order table to define the

bending sequences for each part.

6. Add a Flat Pattern feature. This will create an automatic unbend

feature in the designed sheetmetal model.

7. Create a family table for each sheetmetal part that includes at least
two instances, flat state instance and the as designed instance.

Pag e 1- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


These instances are automatically created using the Flat State

menu option.

8. Document the design using a multi-model drawing. You can

include both the flat state and as designed instances. Show the
feature dimensions for the as designed part and create dimensions
for the flat state part. Add the bend order table as a note.

Figure 20: Multi-Model drawing

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 19


Figure 21: Bend Order Table

Pag e 1- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned about:

The capabilities of the Pro/SHEETMETAL design environment.

The principles of Top-down design.
Implementing the top-down design methodology in designing
sheetmetal components.

Introducti on to Sh eetm etal D esig n Pag e 1- 21


Primary Walls
In this module you learn how to create primary walls. The first
sheetmetal feature must be a wall. You learn how to create
unattached walls and merge them with the final geometry.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Start a new sheetmetal design model with a primary wall

Use sketching techniques to create the section for a primary wall
Create unattached walls and merge them with the final geometry to
gain flexibility in starting a new design.

Page 2-1

Pro/SHEETMETAL gives you the ability to create two types of walls:

Primary Walls Do not need another wall in order to exist, and are
created as unattached walls.
Secondary Walls Must be attached to another wall because they
cannot exist independently, and are always a child of another wall.


Wall Feature Options
To create any model in Pro/ENGINEER, you start with three default
datum planes. If you use one of the sheetmetal templates, the part will
automatically include the default datum planes. When creating sheetmetal
geometry, you must add a wall as the next feature.

The following options are commonly used for creating walls:

Extrude Sketches the side-section of the wall and extrudes it to a

specified depth, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1: Extruding to a Specified Depth

Revolve Sketches the side-section of the wall and revolves it about a

centerline, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 2: Revolving about a Centerline

Blend Uses parallel, rotational or general blend feature forms to create a

wall, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3: Using Blend Feature Forms

Flat Sketches the boundaries of the wall in the Sketch plane, as

shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Sketching in a Plane

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 3


Offset Offsets from an existing surface, as shown in the following


Figure 5: Offsetting from an Existing Surface

You can also use advanced feature creation options like
variable section sweep, swept blend, and so on to create
primary walls.

Sketching Techniques
When creating an extruded wall, you insert bends to represent inside and
outside radii. Usually, you dimension all bends in sheetmetal parts to the
inside. You use the Thicken option to thicken the material and dimension
the offset edges, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 6: Thickening the Material

It is common practice to dimension sheetmetal walls to the mold line (the

intersection of the flat wall extensions). To create this dimensioning
scheme you add Sketcher ctypelines and points while creating the wall
section. You then dimension to the Sketcher points instead of the tangent
points on the arc, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7: Defining a Mold Line

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 5



After you add the first wall of the model, you can create additional
unattached walls using the same methods. The following figure shows a
primary wall with an additional unattached wall. This enables you to
capture the intent of the model with greater flexibility by enabling you to
concentrate in more than one area on the model. Once you have created
the walls, you can use an unattached or secondary wall to bridge the gap
and then merge the geometry.

Figure 8: Unattached Wall

Merging Unattached Walls

To successfully merge an unattached wall with an unattached or secondary
wall, the wall geometry must be tangent to the wall with which you are
merging it.

Also, the corresponding green side of the unattached wall must be adjacent
to the green side of the adjacent wall. You can change this, if necessary,
by using the Swap Side element, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 9: Matching the Side

Pag e 2- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The goal of this laboratory is to create the primary wall of a sheetmetal
part as an unattached extruded wall, then create additional unattached
walls and merge the final geometry.

In the first exercise, you develop the lower housing of a cable box. You
thicken the extruded wall and apply an inside bend radius.

In the second exercise, you create two unattached offset walls and merge
them to complete the geometry of an assembly component using the top-
down design.


Icon Description
Primary Wall creation fly-out icons.
Unattached Flat Wall.

Unattached Extruded Wall

Revolved Wall

Blended Wall

Offset Wall.

Shape and Merge Walls fly-out icons.

Corner Relief




Merge Walls

Assemble at Default Location


P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 7


EXERCISE 1: Creating the Cable Box Base

Figure 10: First Wall of Cable Box

Task 1. Start the definition of a sheetmetal model.

1. Click File > Set Working Directory . Set <home directory of

user>/Sheetmetal_320 as your working directory.

Ask your instructor for assistance if you cannot find the
working directory or if it different for the classroom from what
is stated in the previous step.

2. Click File > New from the pull-down menu.

3. Type [CABLE_BOX_BASE] as the name.

4. Select Sheetmetal as the sub-type and the Use default template


Pag e 2- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 11: New Dialog Box

5. Click OK .

Task 2. Create an extruded wall on both sides of the FRONT datum


1. Click [Unattached Extruded Wall].

2. Click Both Sides > Done .

3. Select datum plane FRONT as the sketching plane.

4. Click Okay to confirm the direction of viewing the sketching


5. Select datum plane TOP as the top reference plane.

6. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

7. Sketch the section.

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 9


Figure 12: The Dimensioning Scheme

Task 3. Change the dimensioning scheme so that the system dimensions

the inside radius by thickening the geometry.

1. Click Sketch > Feature Tools > Thicken .

2. Click Flip or Okay to add material inside the sketched section.

3. Type [0.08] as the thickness and press <ENTER>.

4. Delete the existing radius dimension. Add a radius dimension to

the thicken line, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 13: Dimensioning the Thicken Line

5. Modify the radius dimension to [.13]

6. Click [Done] from the Sketcher.

7. Extrude to a blind depth of [12]. The completed wall feature

appears as shown in following figure.

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 11


Figure 14: The Finished Base

8. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Pag e 2- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 2: Creating an Unattached Wall

Figure 15: Custom Shield Part

Task 1. Create a new connector assembly and assemble the plastic

connector as the first component.

1. Click File > New and select Assembly as the TYPE. Type
[connector] as the name of the assembly as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 16: New Assembly

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 13


2. Click Component > Assemble . Select


3. Click [Assemble at Default location] from the COMPONENT

PLACEMENT dialog box, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 17: Placing Component at the Default Location

4. Click OK to complete the component placement.

Task 2. Create a new shield sheetmetal component at the assembly


1. Click Component > Create . Select Sheetmetal as the SUB-TYPE

and type [conn_shield], as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 18: New Sheetmetal Component

2. Click OK .

3. Click Data Sharing from the FEAT CLASS menu. Click

CopyGeom from the DATA SHARING menu.

4. Select Surface Refs element from the COPY GEOMETRY dialog

box. Click Define .

5. Select the surfaces on the right-hand side of the part, as shown in

the following figure.

Select these
two surfaces

Figure 19: Selecting Surfaces on the Right-hand Side

6. Click Done Sel to complete selecting the first set of surfaces.

7. Click Indiv Surfs from the SURF OPTIONS menu. Select the same
set of surfaces on the other side of the plastic shield as shown in
the following figure.

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 15


Select these two


Figure 20: Selecting Surfaces on the Left-hand Side

8. Click Done Sel > Done .

9. Click Misc Refs > Define from the COPY GEOMETRY dialog box.

10. Click Dtm Plane from the MISC REFS dialog box.

11. Click Sel by Menu . This will open up the SELECTION TOOLS
dialog box.

12. Click from the LOOK IN area and select the

PLASTIC_CONNECTOR.PRT. This will allow you to select the
datum planes of the plastic connector part.

13. Click Sel All and Select from the SELECTION TOOLS dialog box,
as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 21: Selecting the Datum Planes

14. Click Done Sel . The datum planes should appear in the MISC
REFS dialog box, as shown in the following figure.

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 17


Figure 22: Misc. References

15. Click OK . Click OK from the COPY GEOMETRY dialog box to

complete the copy geometry feature.

Task 3. Complete the shield part with sheetmetal walls.

1. Right-click on the CONN_SHIELD.PRT and click Open from the

model tree as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 2- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 23: Opening the Connector Shield part

The Copy Geometry feature becomes the first feature of the
connector shield part using the references from the assembly.
This Copy Geometry feature will become the parent of all the
features in the part and will automatically propagate any
changes made at the assembly level.

2. Create an unattached offset wall in the part. Click [Offset


3. Select the surface on the right-hand side, as shown using the black
cursor in the following figure.

Figure 24: Select the Right-hand Surface

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 19


4. This will automatically select the quilt on the other side of the part,
since both the surfaces belong to the same copy geometry feature.
Type [0] as the offset value and press <ENTER>.

5. If necessary, flip the arrow outward (to the right), as shown in the
following figure. Click Okay .

Figure 25: Offset Direction

6. Type [.05] as the thickness and press <ENTER>.

7. Click OK to complete the unattached wall. Notice that the system

added offset walls on both sides of the part as one feature. Since
both the side surfaces belong to one copy geometry feature a
parent child relationship is created between both the offset walls.

Task 4. Create an unattached flat wall that spans the gap between the
two offset walls.

1. Click [Unattached Flat Wall].

2. Select the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane. Flip the
arrow outward, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 26: Sketch Viewing Direction

Pag e 2- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Keep in mind that the direction of viewing is also the direction
in which Pro/ENGINEER adds the material thickness.

3. Click Okay.

4. Select the TOP datum plane as the top reference plane.

5. Delete any existing references from the REFERENCES dialog box

if necessary. Select the TOP datum plane and the two vertical edges
as dimensional references for the section, as shown in the
following figure.

Select the inside vertical

edges and TOP datum
plane as dimensional

Figure 27: Selecting References

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 21


Figure 28: References dialog box

6. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

7. Sketch a horizontal ctypeline aligned to the TOP datum plane.

Sketch a rectangle symmetric about the ctypeline. The vertical
edges lie on the referenced surfaces and dimension it, as shown in
following figure.

Figure 29: Section for Flat Wall

8. Click [Done] from the Sketcher and click OK to complete the


Task 5. Merge the three walls.

1. Click [Merge Walls].

Pag e 2- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


2. Select the small bend surface on the right hand offset wall and
click Done Sel > Done Refs .

3. Select the back green surface of the flat wall and click Done Sel >
Done Refs again, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 30: Merging the Flat Wall with the First Offset Wall

4. Click OK .

5. Create another merge feature for the other offset wall on the left
side. Repeat the above steps.

Figure 31: Finished Model

6. Save the part.

7. Activate the assembly window. Click Window . Select

CONNECTOR.ASM from the pull-down menu. Notice that the
assembly was updated with the changes made to the

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 23


Figure 32: Completed Connector Assembly

8. Save the assembly and erase all models from memory.

Pag e 2- 24 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned:

Primary walls are the first sheetmetal features to be created in a new

The dimensioning scheme can be controlled using the Thicken option
in the sketcher.
Final geometry can be merged to unattached walls to gain flexibility in
starting a new design.

P rim a ry Wa lls Pag e 2- 25


Secondary Walls
In this module you learn how to create secondary walls

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create an attached secondary wall to the length of the primary wall

Create an attached secondary wall partially along the primary wall
Create relief for secondary walls.

Page 3-1


You can create several different types of secondary walls by sketching the
bend in the wall or automatically creating a bend along the attachment

Using the No Radius options

Flat, No Radius Sketch the boundaries of the wall attached to the
selected edge. The new wall is automatically created parallel to the
adjacent wall, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 1: Flat, No Radius

Figure 2: A Wall Partially along the Edge

Extruded, No Radius Sketch the side section of the wall to extrude

along the attachment edge as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3: Extruded, No Radius

Pag e 3- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


If you sketch an arc to define the bend, you must sketch it tangent to the
attachment edge and adjacent to the green or white surface, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 4: Ensuring Tangency

You can also partially extrude the wall along the selected edge using the
blind depth option and by defining a sketching plane partially along the

Swept, No Radius You can attach the wall to a nonlinear edge, but
the edge must consist of all tangent entities, as shown in the following
figure. The green or white surfaces of the attachment edge do not
necessarily have to be planar.

Figure 5: Swept, No Radius

Using the Use Radius options

Flat, Use Radius You can define the sketching plane at a specific
angle through a selected attachment edge and then define a radius for
the desired bend at the attachment edge, as shown in the following

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 3

Figure 6: Flat, Use Radius

Extruded, Use Radius You can sketch the side profile of the wall
with a specified angle and then define the radius of the bend, as shown
in the following figure. This bend deforms a portion of the existing
attachment wall.

Figure 7: Extruded, Use Radius

You can also partially extrude a wall along an edge using a blind depth
and relief, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8: Using Make Datum and Blind Depth Option

Pag e 3- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Swept, Use Radius You can sketch the section for the wall, and
then specify the radius, as shown in the following figure. With the Use
Radius option, you cannot enter a wall angle that is greater than 180
to the adjacent green or white surface of the attachment edge.

Figure 9: Swept, Use Radius

Resulting Geometry
The Use Radius option produces different results, depending on the
attachment edge that you select, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 10: Attached to Inside Edge

Figure 11: Attached to Outside Edge

If you attach the geometry to an edge that is going to be the outside edge
of the wall, the length of the original wall does not change. However, if

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 5

you attach it to the inside edge, the wall extends a distance beyond the
length of the original wall that is equal to the thickness of the geometry.

Figure 12: Flat Walls

When creating a flat wall, Pro/ENGINEER also enables you to

automatically miter a corner by sketching outside the attachment edge and
aligning to an existing wall, as shown in the following figure. You must
add rip relief at the attachment edge.

Aligned to
inside edge

Figure 13: Mitered Corner

Specifying Part and Feature Bend Tables

When creating a wall with the Use Radius option, you must specify
whether you want to use a part bend table or a feature bend table. Bend
tables control the developed length of the bends. Using the Part Bend Tbl
option, you can use a single table to control all of the bends on the entire

Pag e 3- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Creating a Twist Wall

A twist takes the form of an extension to a straight edge on an existing
planar wall. It can be rectangular or trapezoidal. It has an axis running
through it center, perpendicular to the attach edge and it can be twisted
around the axis by a specified amount, as shown in the following figure.
You cannot use a radius with the twist wall type. You can unbend a
twisted wall using the regular unbend feature. You can also add more
walls to the end of the wall.

To generate the twisted geometry, you must specify the following values:

Point of attachment Length

Width at the start Twist angle
Width at the end Developed length

Figure 14: Twisted Wall

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 7

Creating an Extended Wall

To create an extended wall, you can extend the existing green surface of a
wall up to an existing planar surface or to a specified distance. Using this
technique, you can close gaps between walls in the geometry by extending
up to the inside or outside surfaces of the wall, as shown in the following
figure. You cannot use a radius with the extended wall type.

Open Corner

Right wall extended

to the inside surface
of this wall Left wall
extended to the
outside surface of
this wall

Figure 15: Closing Gaps between Walls by Extending

Pag e 3- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Creating walls with Relief

When creating walls or bends that require relief, the system provides an
automatic relief function. The choices are as follows:

No Relief Attach the wall without relief.

StrtchRelief Use material stretching to provide bend relief at the
wall attachment points, as shown in the following figure. The system
prompts for the width and angle of the stretch relief.

Figure 16: Stretch Relief

Rip relief At the wall attachment points, rip the existing material
normal to the edge and back to the tangent line as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 17: Rip Relief

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 9

RecRelief At the wall attachment points, apply a rectangular cut by

defining its width and depth, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 18: Rectangular Relief

ObrndRelief - At the wall attachment points, apply an obround cut by

defining its width and depth, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 19: Obround Relief

Pag e 3- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The goal of this laboratory is to create secondary walls with relief.

In the first exercise, you create secondary walls using different types of
automatic relief.

In the second exercise, you create secondary walls and create additional
extruded and extended walls to close gaps in the geometry.


Icon Description
Flat Wall fly-out icons

Flat Wall Use Radius

Flat Wall No Radius

Extruded Wall fly-out icons

Extruded Wall Use Radius

Extruded Wall No Radius

Extended Wall

Unbend and Bendback fly-out icons




Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 11

EXERCISE 1: Adding Walls to the Cable Box Base

Figure 20: Cable Box Base

Task 1. Create a FLAT, USE RADIUS wall with OBROUND relief on one
end of the cable box base.

1. Open CABLE_BOX_BASE.PRT. If you did not complete the base of

the cable box, open SECONDARY_CABLE_BASE.PRT.

2. Click [Flat Wall Use Radius].

3. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Inside Rad >
Done/Return .

4. Select the lower green edge to attach the wall, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 21: Attaching the Wall to the Lower Edge

5. Click Done to use the default bend angle of 90 degrees.

Pag e 3- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


6. Click Okay to accept the viewing direction.

7. Select the dimensional references, as indicated by the black cursors

in the following figure.

Figure 22: Sketching an Open Section

8. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

9. Sketch the section as an open section consisting of three lines, as

shown in the previous figure.

10. Click [Done] from the SKETCHER. Change the orientation to

the default view.

11. Click w/Relief > Done . A point on the attachment edge highlights
at the end of the new wall.

12. Click ObrndRelief > Done for the first end of the wall.

13. Click Enter Value , type [0.20] for the reliefs width and press

14. Click Tan To Bend .

15. Define the same relief for the other end of the wall. Repeat the
above steps.

16. Click Enter Value , type [0.13] for the bend radius value and press

17. Click OK to complete the feature. The part should appear as shown
in the following figure.

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 13

Figure 23: Flat Wall with Obround Relief

Task 2. Create another wall on the other end of the part.

1. Create a similar flat wall on the opposite end of the cable box. Use
Obround relief on both ends of the wall. Repeat the above steps
that you used to create the previous wall. The part should appear as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 24: Completed Cable Box Base

2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Pag e 3- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 2: Adding Walls to the Tuner Cover

Figure 25: Secondary Walls Added to Tuner Cover

Task 1. Create a flat wall on one end of the part that does not extend
past the existing wall.


2. Click [Flat Wall Use Radius].

3. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Inside Rad >
Done/Return .

4. Select the top edge as the attachment edge, as indicated in the

following figure.

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 15

Figure 26: Attachment Edge for Flat Wall

5. Click 90.000 > Done .

6. Click Okay for the direction of viewing the sketching plane.

7. Select the bottom surface of the side wall as a dimensional

reference, as indicated by the black cursor in the following figure.

8. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

9. Sketch an open section in which the endpoints pass through the

Sketcher points provided by the system as shown in the following
figure. (Align the horizontal edge to the bottom surface of the side
wall if necessary).

Figure 27: Open Section for Flat Wall

Pag e 3- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


10. Click [Done] from Sketcher.

11. Click w/Relief > Done .

12. Click Rip relief > Done twice for both ends of the wall.

13. Click Enter Value , type [.05] as the bending radius value and
press <ENTER>.

14. Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 2. Create an extruded wall on the other end of the model.

1. Click [Extruded Wall Use Radius].

2. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Inside Rad >
Done/Return .

3. Click One Side > Done .

4. Select the top white edge to attach the wall, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 28: Attachment Edge for Extruded Wall

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 17

5. Click Default to define the sketching plane

6. Click Flip for the viewing direction. (Arrow should point away
from the model).

7. Select the surface indicated by the black cursor in the following

figure as a dimensional reference. Click Close from the
REFERENCES dialog box.

8. Sketch the section as shown in the following figure. Make sure that
the endpoint passes through the Sketcher point provided by the
system. Align the other end to the dimensional reference that you
selected in the previous step.

Figure 29: Section for Extruded Wall

9. Click [Done] from the Sketcher.

10. Finish the wall definition using Rip relief on both ends. Type
[.05] as the bending radius value and press <ENTER>. The part
should appear as shown in the following figure. The walls that you
created using two different methods look identical.

Pag e 3- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 30: Flat and Extruded Walls

Task 3. Extend the flat wall to the outside of the side walls.

1. Click [Extended Wall].

2. Select the edge indicated by the black cursor in the following

figure as the edge to extend.

3. Click Query Sel to select the hidden inside surface of the side wall
to define the extension distance.

Select Hidden inside

surface of right side
wall to define the
extension distance

Figure 31: Defining the Geometry to Extend

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 19

4. Click OK . The part should appear as shown in the following figure.

Figure 32: Completed Extension

5. Create another wall extension on the other end of the flat wall
using the references shown in the following figure.

Figure 33: Defining the Second Wall Extension

Task 4. Use Extruded walls to create tabs on the back wall of the model
to close the gap.

1. Click [Extruded Wall No Radius].

2. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return .

Pag e 3- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


3. Click One Side > Done .

4. Select the attachment edge as shown in the following figure.

Figure 34: Specifying the Attachment Edge

5. Click Default to define the sketching plane

6. Click Okay if the arrow is pointing upward for the viewing

direction. (Use Flip if necessary)

7. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

8. Sketch a section consisting of a line and a tangent arc, as shown in

the following figure. Sketch the line first and then the tangent arc
with the arc center aligned to the horizontal wall surface. Use the
dimensioning scheme shown.

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 21

Figure 35: Section for Extruded Wall

9. Click Sketch > Feature Tools > Thicken to set the thickness of
the wall. Click [Done] from the Sketcher.

10. Click OK to finish the definition of the wall. It should appear as

shown in the following figure.(as viewed from the underside of the

Figure 36: Tab Created as an Extruded Wall

11. Add another Extruded No Radius wall to the other side of the
wall to fully close up the cover. Repeat the above steps. The
completed part should appear as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 3- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 37: Completed Part

Task 5. Determine if any of the walls that you created overlap in the
unbent state of the model.

1. Click [Unbend].

2. Click Regular > Done .

3. Select the top surface of the cover part to remain fixed.

4. Click Unbend All > Done .

5. Click OK to complete the feature. The unbent state of the model

should appear as shown in the following figure. If any of the walls
overlap, they will be highlighted in red.

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 23

Figure 38: Unbent State

6. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Pag e 3- 24 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned that:

When creating some secondary wall types, you have the option of
having the system automatically apply a radius at the attachment edge.
The Use Radius option produces different results depending on the
attachment edge selection.
You can extrude secondary walls partially along an attachment edge
by using the optional Depth element.
Automatic relief can be added to walls when necessary.

Se c o n d a ry Wal ls Pag e 3- 25

Unbend, Bend Back, and Cuts

In this module you learn to create features like sheetmetal cuts in the
flat state using a combination of unbend and bend back features.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create unbend features.

Create bend back features.
Create sheetmetal cut features.

Page 4-1


A regular unbend feature unbends the curved surfaces of a part created by
walls and bend features. You select a plane or edge to remain fixed while
unbending the part. It is good practice to select the same plane or edge
each time an unbend or bend back feature is created. This will keep the
part in a consistent orientation.

Original Model Unbend Select

Unbend All

Figure 1: Unbend Sheetmetal Geometry

Pag e 4- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign



Flat Pattern is an automatic-unbend feature that unbends the curved
surfaces of the part created by walls and bend features. The sheetmetal
model is permanently displayed in the fully flat condition once a flat
pattern feature is created.

You select a plane or edge to remain fixed while unbending the part with a
flat pattern feature. The flat pattern feature will automatically reorder itself
to be the last feature in the model tree even if walls and bend features are
added after the flat pattern was created.

Figure 2: Flat Pattern Feature

The Flat Pattern is an unbend feature created to display the fully flat
condition of the design model. A Flat State instance should be created in
order to document both the fully formed Design State and the fully flat
state of a sheetmetal part.

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 3



The bend back feature is used to return an unbent feature to its original
condition. When you create a bend back feature, you can specify contours
to remain fixed (that is, unbent) by selecting on the edge of that contour.

Figure 3: The Bend Back Feature

When a sheetmetal wall overlaps and intersects in the unbent
position, the system highlights it and issues a warning.

Pag e 4- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign



A sheetmetal cut feature enables you to create Thru All and Thru Next
cuts. The techniques for creating the cuts are the same as in Part mode.
Unlike the solid cut, the sheetmetal cut removes material normal to the
green or white side of the model in order to emulate common sheetmetal
manufacturing processes. The solid cut removes material normal to the
sketching plane.

Solid cut

Sheetmetal cut projected on the white side

Sheetmetal cut projected on green side

Figure 4: Removing Material Using a Sheetmetal Cut

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 5


Dimensioning Scheme
Features may be added to the sheetmetal part while the part is in any
design condition (that is, completely bent, completely unbent in its flat
condition, or at any stage in-between). It is easier to design sheetmetal
parts in the completely bent condition. When you create an unbend
feature, it is important to select sketcher references carefully. See the
example in the following figure.

Cut created after bend

Cut created before bend and unbend features

When bend is created, When bent back, cut section

new surfaces result. Cut stays with cut feature. The
section stays in old cut could have been created
surface location. in the bent state.

Figure 5: Creating a Cut in the Flat Condition

Pag e 4- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The goal of this laboratory is to create sheetmetal cuts across bent
geometry that result in flat contours.

In this exercise, you create a wall with two bends. You create an unbend
feature followed by a sheetmetal cut. A bend back feature is then created,
but with a contour remaining flat.


Icon Description
Primary Wall fly-out icons.

Unattached Extruded Wall


Unbend and Bend back fly-out icons


Bend back

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 7


EXERCISE 1: Creating a Sheetmetal Cut

Figure 6: Sheetmetal Cuts with Flat Contours

Task 1. Create a new sheetmetal part.

1. Using the default template, create a new sheetmetal part named


2. Click [Unattached Extruded Wall].

3. Click Okay to accept the default direction.

4. Select the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane. Accept the
default direction. Select the TOP datum plane as the Top reference

5. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

6. Sketch three line segments using the dimension scheme shown in

the following figure.

Pag e 4- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 7: Extruded Wall

7. Click [Done].

8. The arrow should point outward. Click Okay . Type [.5] as the
thickness and press <ENTER>.

9. Click Blind > Done . Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 2. Create an unbend feature

1. Click [Unbend].

2. Click Regular > Done .

3. Select the surface shown in the following figure to remain fixed.

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 9


Select this
surface to
remain fixed

Figure 8: Surface to Remain Fixed during Unbend

4. Click Unbend All > Done and click OK to complete the feature.

Task 3. Create a Sheetmetal cut on the part.

1. Click Insert> Create > Sheet Metal Cut > Thin from the pull-
down menu.

2. Select the large top surface as shown in the following figure as the
sketching plane.

Select this surface

as the sketching

Figure 9: Sketching Plane for Cut

3. Select the FRONT datum plane as the Bottom reference plane.

4. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

5. Sketch three line segments for the cut, and dimension the cut as
shown in the following figure.

Pag e 4- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 10: Section for Cut

6. Click [Done]. Flip the arrow to point outside the section.

Click Okay.

7. Type [0.25] for the width of the cut feature and press <ENTER>.

8. Click Thru Next > Done for the depth of the cut. Click OK to
complete the feature. The completed feature should appear as
shown in the following figure.

Task 4. Create a Bend Back feature.

1. Click [Bend Back].

2. Select the same surface that you used for the unbend feature to
remain fixed, as shown in the following figure.

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 11


Select this
surface to remain

Figure 11: Specifying the Fixed Surface

3. Click BendBack Sel > Done .

4. Select the unbent surface as shown in the following figure.

Select the unbend

surface to bend

Figure 12: Select References for Bend Back

5. Click Done Sel > Done Refs .

6. Type [yes] at the prompt for the contour to remain flat and press

7. Click OK to complete the feature. The part should appear as shown

in the following figure.

Pag e 4- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 13: Completed Part

8. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Unbend , Bend B ack , and Cu ts Pag e 4- 13


In this module, you have learned:

Selected curved surfaces created by Wall and Bend features can be

A Flat Pattern feature can be used to set the design model to a fully flat
An unbent surface can be returned to the bent condition using an Bend
Back feature.
Sheetmetal cuts can be created Thru All or Thru Next .
Sheetmetal cuts always remove material normal to the green or white
surface of the model.
When bending back a contour, that partially intersects a bend, the
system gives you a choice for the contour to remain flat.

Pag e 4- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Notches and Punches

In this module you learn how punches and notches are used to
create cuts and capture manufacturing information.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create user-defined features.

Create notch and punch features using user-defined features.

Page 5-1


Notches are used to relieve material that interferes with bending in places
such as the corners of flanges. Punches are template cutouts. Punches and
notches are manufacturing operations.

In Pro/ENGINEER notches and punches are created using cuts and user-
defined features (UDF); in manufacturing, each punch or notch has a
specific tool that defines its shape. Punches and notches can be used to
create cuts and capture manufacturing information such as the tool name.

The following figure shows examples of notches and a punch that can be
defined with user-defined features (UDF).

Figure 1: Sheetmetal Notches and Punch

To create a notch or punch UDF, you use the following parameters that are
specific to sheetmetal design and manufacturing:

A coordinate system to locate tooling for automated punch and notch

A specific tool ID to specify the proper tool for the manufacturing
A single sheetmetal cut feature, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2: Using a Notch UDF

Pag e 5- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Using Notch Relief for Design Intent

When you create a sheetmetal part, you add the notch relief before
bending. However, you can capture your design intent more accurately by
creating the part in the formed state. Instead of adding relief and then
creating the wall, you focus on dimensioning the walls to preserve your
design intent. Using this method, you increase your regeneration speed by
suppressing the notches, since the walls are not children to those entities.

Creating a Punch or Notch UDF

Use the following steps to create a notch or punch UDF:

1. Create a simple sheetmetal part to serve as a reference part.

2. Create a cut feature. Sketch the desired section for the punch or
notch. Be sure to include the coordinate system. When you align
and dimension, keep in mind the convenience of eventual
placement of the UDF.

If a notch is intended to relieve material in bend areas, create a
bend and unbend it. When sketching the cut, align its sides to
the bend edges.

If you set up relations for the feature, it reduces the number of
variable dimensions you have to type when placing the punch
or notch.

3. Click Feature > UDF Library. The UDF menu displays.

4. Click Create , then type the name of the UDF. The UDF OPTIONS
menu displays.

5. Click Stand Alone > Done .

6. The system prompts you to indicate whether you want to include

the reference part. If the part is simple, type [Y]; otherwise, type
[N]. The UDF STANDALONE dialog box appears.

No tch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 3


7. The UDF FEATS menu appears with Add pre-selected. This, in

turn, diplays the SELECT FEAT menu. Select the cut feature, then
click Done > Done/Return .

8. Type [Y] when the system prompts you to indicate whether you are
defining this UDF for a punch or a notch feature.

If a coordinate system is not included in the feature, the UDF
creation is aborted at this point.

9. In response to the system prompt, type the tool name.

10. The SYMMETRY menu displays to define the symmetry of the tool
relative to the feature coordinate system. Click one of the options.

11. Respond to prompts for the reference geometry.

12. Click OK in the dialog box. The system creates and stores the UDF.

13. Click Done/Return in the UDF menu.

Pag e 5- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


All punch and notch UDF feature attributes, including Tool
Name and Symmetry Flags, can be redefined after the UDF
has been placed on the base part.

When you are creating a table-driven punch/notch group, you

can modify any instance Tool Name in the table.

Placing a Punch or Notch Feature

1. Click or .

2. Select the UDF, .gph, from the OPEN dialog box.

3. Specify whether the reference part should be retrieved or not. The

GROUP ELEMENTS dialog box dislpays.

4. The SCALE menu appears. Click one of the first two options, then
click Done .

5. The DISP OPTION menu displays. Click one of the first three
options, then click Done .

6. The SEL REF menu appears. Select the placement references to

place the UDF

No tch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 5


The goal of this laboratory is to use UDFs to simplify the creation of
multiple notch features and to incorporate non-constant wall thickness
into a sheetmetal part.

In this exercise, you create a cut that is used to define a UDF. The UDF is
then used to define notch features in the flat state of another part.

Icon Description
Unbend and Bend back fly-out icons
Bend back
SMT cut
Sketcher coordinate system and point fly-out icons
Sketcher coordinate system
Relief fly-out icons

Pag e 5- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 1: Creating Notches in the Flat State of

the Model
Task 1. Unbend the reference part.


Surface to
remain fixed


2. Click [Unbend].

3. Click Regular > Done . Select the top surface to remain fixed as
shown in the above figure.

4. Click Unbend All > Done .

5. Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 2. Create a sheetmetal (SMT) cut to define a notch.

1. Click [SMT cut].

2. Select the top surface of the bend to be the sketching plane, as

shown in the following figure.

No tch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 7


Sketching plane

Bottom reference

Figure 4: References for Sheetmetal Cut

3. Click Okay to accept the default direction of viewing the sketching


4. Select the small edge surface of the bend to be the BOTTOM

reference plane, as shown in the preceding figure.

5. Specify the references, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 5- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select vertical
tangent bend edge
as a reference

Select vertical axis

A_1 as a reference

Select horizontal
axis A_2 as a

Figure 5: Sketching the Cut

6. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

7. Sketch horizontal and vertical centerlines along the bend axes.

8. Sketch a rectangle, as shown in the above figure. Do not use any

other alignments to the part.

9. Click [Sketcher Coordinate System]. Sketch a coordinate

system at the intersection of the two centerlines (at the center of
the rectangle).

10. Click [Done].

11. Click Okay to remove the material from the inside of the section

12. Click Thru All > Done .

13. Click OK . The part should display, as shown in the following


No tch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 9


Figure 6: Completed Cut

Task 3. Define a UDF from the finished cut.

1. Click Feature > UDF Library > Create and type

[square_notch] and press <ENTER>.

2. Click Stand Alone > Done .

3. Type [yes] to include the reference part and press <ENTER>.

4. Select the square sheetmetal cut that you just created in the
previous task.

5. Click Done Sel > Done > Done/Return .

6. Type [Y] to confirm that you are defining a UDF for a notch and
press <ENTER>.

7. Type [square] as the tool name and press <ENTER>.

8. Click Both to have the tool symmetric about both axes.

9. Enter prompts for the five references, as shown in the following

figure. Repaint the screen and use the Next and Previous menu
manager options to verify the prompts that you have entered.
When you have finished, click Done/Return .

The section of the cut and the axes will be highlighted in blue
along with the reference that you are entering the prompt for.

Pag e 5- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Vertical bend
axis (A_1)

Placement plane
(vertical bend

End surface
(small horizontal
bend surface)

Vertical bend
tangent edge
Horizontal bend
axis (A_2)

Figure 7: Defining a UDF from the Cut

10. Click Var Elements > Define from the FEATURE dialog box, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 8: Feature Dialog Box

11. Select the square sheetmetal cut feature.

12. Check the MaterialSide option from the SEL ELEMENT dialog

13. Click Done .

14. Click Done Sel and OK to complete the UDF.

Notch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 11


15. Save the model and close the window.

Task 4. Place the UDF on the tuner cover model to create notch relief at
the corners.

1. Open TUNER_COVER.PRT. If you did not complete the secondary

walls on the part, retrieve NOTCH_TUNER_COVER.PRT. The part
opens in the unbent state as shown in the following figure.

Figure 9: The tuner cover part

2. Click [Notch].

3. Select the SQUARE_NOTCH.GPH file that you just created. Click

Open .

4. Type [yes] to retrieve the reference part and press <ENTER>. You
can use the reference part to help place the UDF.

5. Click Same Dims > Done > Normal > Done . This defines the
group to have the same dimensions as the UDF and displays them
so they may be modified.

Pag e 5- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


6. Respond to the prompts by specifying the appropriate references,

as shown in the following figure. You can start applying the notch
for the lower, right-hand corner of the part.
Vertical bend
tangent edge Placement plane

Vertical bend

End surface

Horizontal bend

Figure 10: Adding the Square Relief

7. Click MaterialSide > Define from the FEATURE dialog box.

Make sure that the arrow points inside the cut section of the notch.
If necessary flip it. Click Okay.

8. Click OK to place the notch UDF.

9. Click Done . The completed notch is shown in the following figure.

Notch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 13


Figure 11: Defining the Notch

10. Add the notch relief to the other three corners on the part repeating
the above steps. Make sure that the Material Side is towards the
inside of the cut section when you place the notches.

Add the

Fixed surface for

bend back

Figure 12: Adding Notch Relief to Other Corners

Pag e 5- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 5. Bend back the model to its formed state.

1. Click [Bend Back].

2. Select the large top surface to remain fixed as shown in the

previous figure.

3. Click BendBack All > Done .

4. Click OK to complete the feature as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13: The Completed Part

5. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Notch es and Pu n ches Pag e 5- 15


In this module, you have learned that:

Notches and punches are created by first defining a UDF.

A simple sheetmetal part can be used to define the notch or punch
A coordinate system must be included in the UDF if it is to be used as
a notch or punch UDF.

Pag e 5- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Duplicating Features
In this module, you learn the different options available for
duplicating features in sheetmetal models.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create multiple instances of a feature using patterns.

Create and modify instances of a feature using a pattern table.
Create instances of a group of different features using local groups.

Page 6-1


A Pattern enables you to create many duplicates, or instances, of a single
feature, referred to as the lead feature. Using the patterning technique to
design your models offers you the following benefits:

You can increase your productivity by quickly and easily reproducing

a feature multiple times.
You can perform operations on an entire pattern, rather than the
individual features. For example, you can easily suppress a pattern or
add it to a layer.
You can control a pattern parametrically by changing pattern
parameters such as the number of instances created in one or two
directions, or the spacing between instances.
You can increase your efficiency by modifying a pattern rather than
changing many individual features. In a pattern, when you modify the
dimensions in the lead feature, the system changes all instances

Creating Patterns
Pattern instances can affect the dimensioning scheme of your model and
the order in which you create features. Therefore, before using patterns in
a model, you should perform some work in advance.

In Pro/ENGINEER, you can create two types of patterns to define the

location of instances: dimension patterns and reference patterns. With a
dimension pattern, you can use dimensions to control the position of the
instances. With a reference pattern, you can reference an existing pattern.

Dimension Patterns
The default method for creating a dimension pattern is to increment the
driving dimensions of the lead feature as shown in the following figure.
After you select the dimensions to increment, you must specify an
incremental value for each, as well as the number of instances that the
system should pattern in each direction.

Pag e 6- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The Pattern

The lead feature

and dimensions

Figure 1: Dimension Pattern

When incrementing dimensions to create a dimension pattern,
the system creates parameters for the number of instances in
each direction as well as the incremental spacing.

The dimensioning scheme of the lead feature is important. You

cannot add dimensions to increment in the pattern; the system
must use the dimensions that already exist in the feature.

Reference Patterns
When you reference an existing pattern in a model, the reference must be
the leader of the pattern as shown in the following figure.

To create this type of pattern, you choose the Ref Pattern option as the
pattern type, and the system creates a pattern of the feature by following
the existing pattern.

Contrary to the dimension pattern, the system does not provide
parameters for the number of instances or increment values in
a reference pattern. It obtains this information from the pattern
that it references. A reference pattern updates automatically
when the pattern that it references changes.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 3


Secondary wall
built on lead
features edge

Figure 2: Reference Pattern

Using Pattern Tables

You can locate the instances of a dimension pattern by using a pattern
table. With a pattern table, you control the location of the instances by
creating an absolute dimension to the same reference as the leader. You
enter the dimensions in tabular format and edit each instances dimensions
independently. You can also remove the individual instances from a
pattern by removing the entries from the table. This technique enables you
to create more complex configurations of instances with unequal spacing
or irregular sizes, as shown in the following figure.

Cut location
driven by a table

Figure 3: Table-driven Pattern

Pag e 6- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


A Pattern table is useful when:

A Pattern is too complex or irregular to use incremental dimensions.

The design intent requires you to locate each instance to the same
reference, rather than incrementally from the previous instance.
Multiple models must share the same pattern.
You need to create multiple pattern configurations for different
variations of the model.


To pattern multiple features simultaneously, you must create a local
group. A Local group allows you to create multiple reference patterns of a
set of features so that they behave as a single entity. The Model Tree
reflects this grouping as a single feature in the models structure as shown
in the following figure.

Figure 4: Grouping Features

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 5


CUT group

Figure 5: Creating a Local Group

You can only group features that are in consecutive order in
the regeneration cycle.

Patterning a Local Group

Using the Pattern option in the GROUP menu, you can create a dimension
pattern or a reference pattern of a local group, as you would for other
patterned features. In some cases, you can use a local group pattern or a
regular feature pattern.

Pag e 6- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 6: Patterning a Local Group

Breaking a Pattern Definition

Once you have created a group pattern, you can use the Unpattern option
in the GROUP menu to break the pattern definition without removing the
instances that the pattern created. After unpatterning the group, the
features continue to behave as one feature, but you can move or delete the
individual groups.

location after

Figure 7: Unpatterning

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 7


Breaking a Pattern Group

To work on individual features, you can break up a group. However, you
must unpattern the group before you can ungroup it.

Wall and Round

deleted after

Figure 8: Ungrouping

Pag e 6- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Breaking Dimensional Dependency

After unpatterning or ungrouping, the dimensions of the group are still
dependent on the leader instance. To break this dependency, you use the
Make Indep option in the MODIFY menu.

Dependency of this

Figure 9: Breaking Dimensional Dependency

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 9


The goal of this laboratory is to use patterns and local groups to
duplicate features.

In the first exercise, you modify a pattern of mounting forms by using a
pattern table to dimension from the original reference.

In the second exercise, you create local groups, then pattern and unpattern
them to break the dimensional dependency of the instances.


Icon Description
Flatten Form

Pag e 6- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 1: Modifying the Cable Box Pattern

Figure 10: The Finished Model

Task 1. Redefine the pattern of mounting forms and drive the pattern
using a table.


2. Redefine the pattern of mounting forms. Click Feature >

Redefine ; then select one of the mounting forms.

3. Click Pattern > Done .

4. Use a table to drive the pattern. Click To Table ; type [mounts] as

the name and press <ENTER>. Click Done/Return and Done.

Task 2. Modify the location of an instance independent of the other

instances of the pattern. Also, edit the table directly to change the location
of the instances.

1. Move one instance in the pattern. Click Modify and select the
instance as shown in the following figure. Change the 2.25
dimension to 5.00. Click Regenerate.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 11


Modify this

Modify 2.25

Figure 11: Modifying the Location of an Instance

2. Modify the pattern table. Click Modify > Pattern Table . Select
and edit the MOUNTS table using the edit option, as shown in the
following figure.

Pag e 6- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 12: Editing the Mounts Pattern Table

Pro/TABLE displays the table instances (denoted by the
column idx). The * indicates that the value is set by the
leader of the pattern.

3. Change the entry in the 2nd column for IDX 1 from * to 1.5.

4. Delete the row for entry IDX 4. Highlight the row. Click Edit >
Delete > Rows , and OK .

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 13


Figure 13: Pro/TABLE Display for Patterned Mounting Form

5. The edited table should display as shown in the following figure.

Figure 14: Edited Mounts Table

6. Save the file and exit the Pro/TABLE editor.

7. Click OK . Click Regenerate . The system removes the form


Pag e 6- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 15: Modified Mounting Pattern

Task 3. Flatten the lead form feature.

1. Create a flatten form feature from the leader of the pattern. Click
[Flatten Form].

2. Select the Form element from the model dialog box and click
Define .

3. Select the leader form feature as shown in the following figure.

Click Done Sel > Done Refs .

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 15


Flatten this

Figure 16: Creating a Flatten Form Feature

4. Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 4. Define a reference pattern for flattening the other form features
of the original pattern.

1. Create a reference pattern for the flatten form feature. Click

Feature > Pattern and select the flatten form feature that you just
created. The system automatically references the other pattern

Pag e 6- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 17: Creating a Reference Pattern for the Flatten Form Feature

2. Save the model and erase the part from memory.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 17


EXERCISE 2: Using Groups on the Tuner Cover

Task 1. Pattern the form in the top of the cover.


2. Try to pattern the form in the top of the cover. Click Feature >
Pattern . Select the form feature.

The system warns you that you cannot pattern this feature
because the form was placed on the part using the Copy
option. When Pro/ENGINEER copies forms, it copies all of
the features into the part independently.


3. Click Quit to exit patterning.

Task 2. Group these features so that you can pattern them.

1. Create a local group of the form features. Click Group > Local
Group , then type [TOP_FORMS] as the name and press <ENTER>.

Pag e 6- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


2. Specify the features of the form to use in the group. Select the
features from the model tree, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 19: Selecting Features for Grouping

3. Click Done Sel > Done to complete creating the group.

Task 3. Manipulate the features of the group using various options.

1. Pattern the group. Click Pattern from the GROUP menu. Select
TOP_FORMS from the model tree.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 19


Increment these
dimensions in the
second direction.

Increment these
dimensions in the
first direction.

Figure 20: Patterning the Group

2. For the first direction, select the 1.00 dimension (locating the form
from the front wall). Type [1] as the dimension increment and
press <ENTER>.

3. Select the .5 dimension (representing the depth of the form

features cut). Type [.2] as the dimension increment and press

4. Click Done . Type [2] as the total number of instances in this

direction and press <ENTER>.

5. For the second direction, select the .70 dimension (locating the
form from the right side wall). Type [1] as the dimension
increment and press <ENTER>.

6. Select the .63 dimension (representing the width of the form

features cut). Type [.2] as the dimension increment and press

7. Click Done . Type [2] as the total number of instances in this

direction and press <ENTER>.

8. Note that all four forms are of different sizes.

Pag e 6- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 21: Completed Pattern of the Group

Task 4. According to the design intent, you should be able to control

each of the forms independently of one another. Break the pattern

1. Unpattern the group. Click Unpattern from the GROUP menu.

Select any of the form instances.

2. Click Done Sel > Done .

3. Click Done/Return > Done to get to the PART menu.

4. Modify one of the forms independently. Change the location of the

form feature. Click Modify. Select the form, as shown in the
following figure.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 21


Move this form

Figure 22: Breaking the Pattern Relationship

5. Click the 2.00 dimension. Type [2.5] and press <ENTER>. Click
Regenerate .

6. Save and erase the model.

Figure 23: Completed Tuner Cover

Pag e 6- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned how to:

Use Pattern to create instances of a feature.

Modify instances of a feature using a pattern table.
Use Local Group to duplicate a group of different features.

Dupl icat ing F eatu re s Pag e 6- 23


Sheetmetal Forms
In this module, you learn how to complete a forming operation to
plastically deform a sheetmetal model. Plastic deformation changes
the material properties of the metal as it flows under the force of the
forming operation.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create form features.

Create form parts.
Place form features.
Create a flatten form feature.
Use solid features to show edge treatments.

Page 7-1


To create a form feature, you use reference geometry. You can create two
types of sheetmetal forms: die and punch.

A die form represents the forming geometry (convex or concave)

surrounded by a bounding plane. The surface that surrounds the
forming geometrythe base planemust be planar, and the base
plane must completely surround the forming geometry. You can
reference multiple die forms from a single model.
A punch form represents only forming geometry, using the entire
model to form the sheetmetal part.

Die Form Punch Form

Figure 1: Forms


The form model can be a solid part or another sheetmetal part. You start
the creation of both types of form models using default datum planes. To
make it easier to place the form, the datum planes should intersect at the
center of the form feature. If you use a sheetmetal model, the form should
conform to the green side of the sheetmetal component.

When creating a form model, keep in mind the following:

Any convex surface must have a radius that is larger than the thickness
of the sheetmetal or equal to zero if the form is mated to the sheetmetal

Pag e 7- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Convex radius
greater than

Figure 2: Convex Surface

Any concave surface must have a radius that is larger than the
thickness of the sheetmetal or equal to zero if the form is aligned to the
sheetmetal geometry.

Concave radius
greater than

Figure 3: Concave Surface

The form can contain a combination of convex and concave geometry,

creating hollows. It is recommended that the hollows in the form not
drop below the base plane or mating surface.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 3

H ollo w ab ove
base p lane

Figure 4: Hollows

The model can contain a coordinate system that you can reference to
determine where a forming die should strike the part in the
manufacturing process.

Creating Rips in the Geometry

Some forming operations consist of two tasks: plastically deforming the
sheetmetal and actually cutting the sheetmetal. The following figure shows
an example of a cooling fin that is cut through the side of the sheetmetal
housing. You can represent the shearing of the material by excluding
surfaces from the form when you place it on the sheetmetal model.

Pag e 7- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Excluded surface

Figure 5: Shearing Material

Using Multiple Forms on a Single Die Model

In some cases, it may be more convenient to store multiple forms on a
single form die model.

Figure 6: Using Multiple Forms in a Single Die Model

For Pro/ENGINEER to distinguish one set from another, however, you

must specify a seed surface. The seed surface gathers all surfaces that are
surrounded by the base plane to create the form. You must select the seed
surface in all die forms, even if there is only one set of form geometry.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 5

Seed surface

Base plane

Figure 7: Specifying a Seed Surface

Using Multiple Forms on a Single Punch Model

To reduce the number of models stored for punch forms, you create a
punch model with two sides, as shown in the following figure. You select
one side or the other, with respect to the mating surface that you use in the
punch model.

Figure 8: Using Both Sides of a Punch Model

Pag e 7- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign



When placing a form feature, you should consider the design intent,
particularly in terms of how the form feature references other features in
the model, as well as how it is referenced when you place it. The system
uses assembly type constraints to determine the location of the form
feature on the model. If you move a feature that the form references, the
system updates the forms location parametrically.

Placing By Reference
You can place a form feature so that it references the original forming
model at all times. If the original form model changes, the geometry on
the sheetmetal part also changes. If the sheetmetal model cannot find the
referenced form model, the system freezes the geometry on the

Copying the Geometry

When you do not want to associate the geometry of the form to the
reference model, you can place the form model by copying all of the form
geometry into the sheetmetal model. This copy operation creates a
completely independent version of the form geometry; therefore, when
you make a change to the form, the system does not reflect it in the


In some cases, you may have to return a sheetmetal model to its original
flat state after you have placed form features on it. The form features do
not get flattened along with the bend features in the model. You can use
[Flatten Form] to flatten the form geometry in the model.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 7

Figure 9: Flattening the Form

You should use the as a tool to create the flatten form
feature, not to reduce regeneration time.


Some solid features are available for use in sheetmetal parts. They can be
added in Sheetmetal mode, as well as in Part and Assembly modes. Holes,
rounds, chamfers, cuts, and protrusions are available. All features can be
placed on white surfaces and edges, as well as green surfaces and edges.

You can create solid features, such as round and chamfers, to denote
multiple types of sheetmetal geometry (for example, a radius in the corner
of a cut). You can also use them to show edge treatments in order to make
the sheetmetal a nonconstant wall thickness, as shown in the following

Pag e 7- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 10: Edge Treatments

Determining the Developed Length

If you apply an edge treatment to the edge of a sheetmetal model using a
forming operation such as rolling, you must adjust the developed length of
that model. Using the optional Edge Treatment element of [Flatten
Form], you can adjust the length based on the volume of material that you
remove, as shown in the following figure.


shortened to
keep same

Figure 11: Determining the Developed Length

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 9

The goal of this laboratory is to reference the geometry in another model
to create form features in a sheetmetal part.

In the first exercise, you use two different form models to create geometry
in a sheetmetal part.

In the second exercise, you place a die form that represents louvers on a
part for ventilation.


Icon Description
Form fly-out icons


Flatten Form

SMT cut

Unbend fly-out icons


Pag e 7- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 1: Adding Forms to the Cable Box

Figure 12: Form Geometry

Task 1. Create the formed feature for the recess on the cover part.


2. Click [Form]. Click Die > Reference > Done .

3. Open MOUNT_FORM.PRT for the referencing geometry. The form

part opens in a second window along with a component placement

4. Click Mate from the PLACE menu. Select the top surface of the
form and the underside surface on the cable box part, as shown in
the following figure.

5. Click Align Offset from the PLACE menu. Select FRONT on the
form part, Yellow from the DTM ORIENT menu and the front wall
of the cable box, as shown in the following figure. Type [2] as the
offset value and press <ENTER>.

6. Click Align Offset from the PLACE menu. Select SIDE on the
form part, Yellow from the DTM ORIENT menu and the inside
surface of the left wall in the cable box, as shown in the following
figure. Type [.75] as the offset value and press <ENTER>.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 11

Mate top of form to the

underside of cable box

Align Offset SIDE and

the left wall inside
surface of cable box by
Align Offset FRONT .75
and the front of cable
box by 2

Figure 13: Assembling the Form to the Cable Box

If you have selected the wrong constraint or entered the wrong
value, use the COMPONENT PLACEMENT window to
redefine it.

7. The Message Window prompts, Form feature can now be

placed. Click Show Placement from the MOD COMP PLACE
menu to preview the placement of the form, then click Done to
complete the placement.

8. Refer to the MOUNT_FORM.PRT in the sub-window. Select the top

surface of the form as the boundary plane, as shown in the
following figure. Select the round that touches the bounding plane
as the seed surface.

Pag e 7- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select these
surfaces to

Seed Surface Boundary Plane

(Round) (Top planar

Figure 14: Seed and Boundary Surfaces

9. Click Exclude Surf > Define from the model dialog box. Select
the three surfaces to exclude, as shown in the above figure. Click
Done Sel > Done Refs .

10. Click Preview to preview the form feature. Click OK to complete

placing the form.

Figure 15: Completed Form Feature

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 13

Task 2. Create multiple instances of the form.

1. Click Feature > Pattern . Select the form that you just placed.

Figure 16: Patterning the Form

2. Select the 2.00 dimension and increment the value by 4. Click

Done . Type [3] as the total number of instances for the first
direction and press <ENTER>.

3. Select the 0.75 dimension and increment the value by 1.5. Click
Done . Type [2] as the total number of instances for the second
direction and press <ENTER>.

Task 3. Create the knockouts on the side of the box as a pattern of form

1. Click [Form].

2. Click Punch > Reference > Done .

3. Open COAX_FORM.PRT as the reference part.

4. Place the form on the cable box using the assembly constraints, as
shown in the following figures.

Pag e 7- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Align offset
FRONT (Yellow
side) datum with
inside surface of
the back wall.
Enter [3] as

Mate offset
hidden surface on
form with right
Align offset TOP
wall surface on
datum (Yellow
the cable box.
side) with top
Enter [.04] as
surface of the
box. Enter [-
1.25] as value.

Figure 17: Punch Form References

5. Click Show Placement > Done . Flip the arrow towards the model
and click Okay.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 15

Figure 18: Placing the punch form

6. Select the optional Exclude Surf element in the FORM dialog box
and click Define .

7. Select the two cylindrical surfaces to exclude from the form

feature, as shown in the following figure.

Exclude two side


Figure 19: Exclude Surfaces

8. Click OK to complete the punch form feature.

Pag e 7- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 4. Duplicate the punch form feature.

1. Click Feature > Pattern . Select the knock out form feature that
you just created.

Increment by 1 to
create two

Figure 20: Patterning the punch form

2. Select the 3.00 dimension as the dimension to increment in the first


3. Type an increment value of [1] and press <ENTER>.

4. Click Done . Type [2] as the total number of instances press


5. Click Done when asked for the second direction. The completed
part should appear as shown in the following figure.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 17

Figure 21: Completed Cable Box

6. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Pag e 7- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 2: Placing Louvers (Challenge Exercise)

Figure 22: Ventilation Louvers

Task 1. Add the form model as a reference die form, pattern the form,
and mirror the part.


2. Add the FORM_LOUVER.PRT form model as a Die By Reference .

Locate the form, as shown in the following figure. Exclude the
surface to create a vent opening.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 19

Seed plane

Align offset
DTM1, yellow Align offset the yellow
side from this side of DTM2 from this
top surface of hidden surface of the
the box by 1.0 box by 2.5

Mate these

Figure 23: Form References

3. Pattern the form to match the dimensioning scheme shown in the

following figure.

Pag e 7- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 24: Patterning the Form

4. Click Feature > Mirror Geom to mirror the part. The part should
appear as shown in the following figure.

Figure 25: Mirroring the Part

5. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Sh e etmet al Fo rm s Pag e 7- 21

In this module, you have learned:

You use a reference model to create a form feature.

A form model can be a solid part or a sheetmetal part.
You can represent rips or the shearing of the material by excluding
surfaces from the form when you place it on the sheetmetal model.
The [Flatten Form] option is used to flatten form geometry in the
sheetmetal model.

Pag e 7- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Bend Features
In this module, you learn how to develop a sheetmetal model from
the flat definition and then add bends and other geometry to reflect
the true manufacturing process.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create Angle or Roll type bends on flat geometry.

Add bend line adjustment to obtain the desired location of the bend
Create hem features.

Page 8-1


A bend feature adds a bend to a flat section of the part. A bend cannot be
added where it crosses another bend feature. There are two types of bend

Angle Bend
An Angle type bend creates a bend with a specified radius and angle, as
shown in the following figure. An angle appears along the axis of the
radius to show bend direction. The angle can be flipped to change the
direction of bending.

Figure 1: Bend Feature Using the Angle Option

Roll Bend
A Roll type bend creates a bend with a specified radius, but the resulting
angle will be determined by the radius and the amount of material to bend,
as shown in the following figure.

Fixed Side

Bend Side

Figure 2: Bend Feature Using the Roll Option

Pag e 8- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


For each Angle or Roll bend there are three options to choose from
Regular , W/Transit , and Planar .

Regular Bend Option

A regular bend creates a bend with no transitional surfaces.

W/Transit (With Transition) Bend Option

A bend with a transition deforms the surface between the bend and an area
that is to remain flat, as shown in the following figure.

Bend line

Transition lines
Surfaces remain

Figure 3: Bend with Transition

Planar Bends
A planar bend creates a bend feature around an axis that is perpendicular
to the green surface and sketching plane, as shown in the following figure.
The neutral point for planar bends is placed according to the current y-
factor, and bend tables are not applicable.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 3


Axis normal to

Figure 4: Planar Bend

You can specify automatic bend relief for bend features using the w/Relief
option. The system highlights each end of the bend entity for specifying
bend relief.

You can also create a bend or unbend feature over a form feature, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 5: Bend over a Form Feature

Pag e 8- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign



A bend line is used as a reference point for developed length calculation
when creating bend geometry. The location of the resulting wall depends
on which side of the bend line you create the bend as shown in the
following figures.

Bend Side and

Fixed Side

Figure 6: Bend Side Down

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 5


Bend Side

Fixed Side

Figure 7: Bend Side Up

Bend Side
Fixed Side

Figure 8: Both Sides

Pag e 8- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


You can control the location of a bend feature by adding a bend line
adjustment (BLA). BLA is the dimension that locates the sketched bend
line from a reference. It can be modified to manipulate the placement of
the bend. For two surfaces to be coplanar, the developed length of the
bend (L) would have to be equal to the sum of the inside radius (R) and
the thickness (T), as shown in the following figure.

These surfaces
are not coplanar


L = developed length of bend

R = inside bend radius
T = material thickness

Figure 9: Zero BLA

Since the system calculates both the radius of the bend and developed
length of the bend, a relation can be written to drive the BLA. Any change
to the model will be reflected in the bend line placement, as shown in the
following figure.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 7


BLA = L - (R + T)
These surfaces
are coplanar


Figure 10: Relationship for BLA

A hem is a finishing feature used to bend sharp edges of a sheetmetal part.
There are five types of hem options.

Open Hem The open hem option bends and flattens a section of
sheetmetal wall 180 about a selected edge. You can define the radius of
the bend and the width of the wall to be bent, as shown in the following

Figure 11: Open Hem

Pag e 8- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Flushed Hem The flushed hem option sets the radius of the bend to be
equal to the thickness of the wall. You have to define the width of the wall
to be bent as shown in the following figure.

Figure 12: Flushed Hem

Duck Hem The duck hem option interlocks and flattens two pieces of
sheetmetal to make them coplanar. This is sometimes more useful than
using a single large piece of sheetmetal. You define the bend radii, the
bend angle, the overall width, and the offset for a duck hem, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 13: Duck Hem

C Hem The C hem option is similar to the open hem option, but you
define an offset from the plane of the sheetmetal wall containing the select
edge for bending, thus creating a C-shaped hem.

Figure 14: C Hem

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 9


Z Hem The Z hem option bends a section of sheetmetal wall about a

selected edge twice (double hem) to create a Z shaped hem, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 15: Z Hem

Pag e 8- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The goal of this laboratory is to create a model in Sheetmetal mode
entirely with flat walls and bends.

In this exercise, you create a part with flat walls and then bend the
geometry into shape using a combination of Angle and Roll bends. Then
you add rounds and hems to finish the part.

Icon Description
Bend fly-out icons



Primary wall fly-out icons

Unattached Flat Wall

Unbend fly-out icons


Bend back

Flat Wall fly-out icons

Flat Wall No Radius

Apply changes and close; Commit and Exit

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 11


EXERCISE 1: Creating a Model in the Flat

Figure 16: Final Geometry

Task 1. Create a new sheetmetal part with a flat wall as the base feature.

1. Create a new sheetmetal part named CLIP using the default


2. Click [Unattached Flat Wall].

3. Select the FRONT datum plane as the sketching plane. Click Okay.
Select the TOP datum plane as the Top reference plane.

4. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

5. In Sketcher, click Utilities > Sketcher Preferences from the pull-

down menu.

6. Click the Parameters tab and change the Num Digits value to [3].
Click [Apply changes and close].

Pag e 8- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


7. Sketch the section, as shown in the following figure.

Sketch a centerline aligned to the Right datum plane and make
the Tsection symmetric about the centerline using the
[Constraints] option.

Figure 17: Sketching the First Base Feature

8. Click [Done]. Type a thickness of [0.01] and press

<ENTER>. Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 2. Create a roll bend with transition areas where the clip attaches
to the pencil.

1. Click [Bend].

2. Click Roll > w/ Transition > Done.

3. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Inside Rad >
Done/Return .

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 13


4. Select the green side of the part as the sketching plane. Click Okay
for the viewing direction, and select the lower edge of the T as
the Bottom reference plane.

5. Select left hand surface and bottom surface of the T as the

dimensional references, as shown in the following figure. Click
Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

6. Sketch the single vertical bend line, then dimension it, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 18: Sketching the Bend Line for the Roll

7. Click [Done]. When the system prompts you to indicate

which side to create the feature, click Both to center the roll bend
on the sketched line, then click Okay to fix the area.

The system grays out the previous sketch, waiting for you to
sketch the transition areas. The first line that you sketch for a
transition area dictates the side that should remain bent.

Pag e 8- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


8. Select the dimensional references, as shown in the following

figure. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box. Sketch two
horizontal lines.

Figure 19: Sketching Transitional Areas

9. Click [Done]. When the system prompts you to define

another transition area, type [no] and press <ENTER>.

10. Click Enter Value . Type [0.16] as the bend radius and press
<ENTER>. Click OK to complete the feature. The part should
appear as shown in the following figure. Note that the bend starts
its transition at the first sketched line and is completely flat at the

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 15


Select the front green

edge to remain fixed
while unbending

Figure 20: Roll Bend with Transition

Task 3. Create an Unbend All feature, add two additional walls without
a radius, and bend back the geometry.

1. Click [Unbend]. Click Regular > Done . Select the edge

indicated in the previous figure to remain fixed.

2. Click Unbend All > Done . Click OK . Note that the bend axis is
now visible.

3. Create a flat wall attached to the lower edge. Click [Flat Wall
No Radius].

4. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return . Select the lower green edge
of T as the attachment edge.

5. Click Okay to accept the viewing direction. Click Close from the
REFERENCES dialog box.

6. Sketch three lines to complete the wall section with a centerline

aligned to the axis of the bend to make the sketch symmetric. Also,
make sure the two line entities on either side of the centerline are
of equal length, as shown in the following figure.

Do not sketch a line over the attachment edge between the two
sketch points. There should be only three line entities and a
centerline aligned to the bend axis.

Pag e 8- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 21: Sectioning the Additional Wall

7. Click [Done]. Click OK to complete the feature.

8. Create another flat wall repeating the above steps, as shown in the
following figure.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 17


Figure 22: Second Additional Wall Section

9. Create a bend back feature to bend back all of the geometry. Click
[Bend Back].

10. Select the same front green edge on the left-hand side of the T wall
that you used for the Unbend feature to remain fixed.

11. Click BendBack All > Done . Click OK to complete the feature.
The part should display as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 8- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 23: Clip after Creating the Two Additional Flat Walls

Task 4. Create a series of angular bends on the lower portion of the clip
to fold up the various walls.

1. Click [Bend].

2. Click Angle > Regular > Done.

3. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Outside Rad >
Done/Return .

4. Select the green side of the wall that you just created in the
previous task as the sketching plane.

5. Click Okay to accept the default viewing direction. Select the

lowest horizontal green edge as the Bottom reference plane.

6. Select the two vertices, as shown in the following figure.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 19


Side to remain

Sketch this

Select these
vertices as
references and
align the
Side to create sketched line to
bend feature them

Figure 24: Creating a 90-Degree Bend

7. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

8. Sketch a horizontal line aligned to the two vertices that you

selected as references in the previous step, as shown in the
previous figure.

9. Click [Done].

10. Create the bend feature below the sketched line. Click Flip from
the BEND SIDE menu, so that the arrow points down below the
sketched line. Click Okay.

11. Click Okay from the DIRECTION menu to accept the area above
the sketched line as the side to remain fixed.

12. Click No Relief > Done .

13. Rotate the model to view the bend angle of 90 degrees. Click Flip ,
if necessary. Click Done .

The most effective way to work with bend angles is to choose
a direction, preview the bend, and then flip, if necessary.

Pag e 8- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


14. Type [0.012] as the bend radius and press <ENTER>. Click
Preview . Make sure the bend is in the correct direction. Click OK
to complete the feature.

15. Create a vertical bend. Click [Bend].

16. Click Angle > Regular > Done.

17. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Outside Rad >
Done/Return .

18. Select the green side of the wall that you just created in the
previous task as the sketching plane.

19. Click Okay to accept the default viewing direction. Select the
bottom green surface of the bent wall as the Bottom reference

20. Delete the existing reference from the REFERENCES dialog box.
Select the bottom edge and the left edge as dimensional references,
as shown in the following figure.

Sketch this line

Bend side

Fixed side

Align to
edges, not to

Figure 25: Creating the Second 90-Degree Bend

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 21


21. Sketch the vertical bend line and dimension it, as shown in the
previous figure.

22. Create the bend on the left-hand side of the line toward the outside
of the model. Click Flip > Okay .

23. Click Okay to set the right-hand side as the side to be fixed. Click
No relief > Done . Accept the 90 -degree angle.

24. Click Flip if necessary to create the bend on the correct side. Click
Done .

25. Type [0.012] as the bend radius and press <ENTER>. Click
Preview . Make sure the bend is in the correct direction. Click OK
to complete the feature.

26. Create the another vertical bend on the other side of the clip using
the same sketching and reference planes as the previous bend that
you just created. Repeat the above steps that you used for the
previous vertical bend. The part should appear as shown in the
following figure.

You can use the Use Prev option when prompted to select the
sketching and reference plane. This will use the sketching and
reference plane that you selected for the previous bend.

Top reference

Sketching plane
(green side)

Figure 26: Specifying the Sketching Plane and Top Reference Plane

Pag e 8- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


27. Create a 90 angular bend on the bottom wall. Click [Bend].

28. Click Angle > Regular > Done.

29. Click Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return > Outside Rad >
Done/Return .

30. Select the green side of the bottom wall as the sketching plane.
Click Okay to accept the viewing direction. Select the white side
of the larger flat wall as the TOP reference plane, as shown in the
previous figure.

31. Delete the existing references in the REFERENCES dialog box.

Select the dimensional references, as shown in the following
figure. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box.

Bend side

Fixed side
Select the small
horizontal edge
as dimensional

Select the vertical

edge as
Select the vertical dimensional
edge as dimensional reference

Figure 27: Creating the Next 90-Degree Bend

32. Sketch a bend line and dimension it, as shown in the above figure.
Click [Done].

33. Make sure the bend side is the above the sketched line, as shown in
the above figure. Click Okay .

34. Click Flip if necessary to fix the side below the sketched line.
Click Okay.

35. Click No Relief > Done . Accept the 90 -degree angle.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 23


36. Click Flip if necessary to create the bend on the correct side. Click
Done .

37. Type [0.012] as the bend radius and press <ENTER>. Click
Preview . Make sure the bend is in the correct direction. Click OK
to complete the feature.

38. Create the final 90 bend using the approach that you used to
create the previous bend. Use the information shown in the
following figure to complete the bend feature.

Sketch this Bend side


Fixed side

Figure 28: Creating the Last Bend

Task 5. Create solid rounds on the sharp corners of the bottom portion
of the clip.

1. Click Insert> Round > Simple > Done . Click Constant > Edge
Chain > Done.

2. Click Tangent Chain and select the four edges, as shown in the
following figure.

Pag e 8- 24 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select these edges

to create the round

Figure 29: Specifying the Edges for the Round

3. Click Done . Type [0.012] as the radius and press <ENTER>.

4. Click OK to complete the feature.

Task 6. Add hems to finish creating the clip part.

1. Click [Hem].

Select this outer

edge as a hem

Select this outer

edge as a hem

Figure 30: Selecting Hem Reference Edges

2. Select the outer edge of the left wall as the edge reference. Click
Done . Click Done again to accept the direction of the hem.

3. Click Okay to accept upward direction of the horizontal plane.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 25


4. Change the radius to [0.012] and press <ENTER>, as shown in

the following figure.

5. Click [Commit and Exit] to complete the hem.

6. Create another hem using the outer edge of the right hand side
bend as reference. Repeat the above steps. The part should appear
as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 8- 26 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 31: Finished Hem

7. Save the file and erase it from memory.

Bend Featu r es Pag e 8- 27


In this module, you have learned that:

An angle type bend creates a bend with a specified radius and angle.
A roll type bend creates a bend with a specified radius, but the
resulting angle will be determined by the radius and the amount of
material to bend.
A regular bend creates a bend with no translational surfaces.
A bend with transition deforms the surface between the bend and an
area that is to remain flat.
Planar bends create a bend feature around an axis that is perpendicular
to the green surface and sketching plane.
You can specify automatic relief for a bend feature.
You can control the location or placement of a bend feature by adding
bend line adjustment.
You can create finishing features like solid rounds and chamfers and
hems to remove sharp corners and edges of a sheetmetal part.

Pag e 8- 28 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Unbending Sheetmetal Geometry

In this module, you learn to unbend deformed sheetmetal geometry.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Unbend ruled geometry.

Unbend non-ruled geometry.
Add tears to geometry.
Create deformation areas.

Page 9-1


Depending on the complexity of the sheetmetal design model, to unbend
the geometry you can:

Create a regular unbend feature to unbend ruled geometry.

Create a cross section driven unbend feature to unbend non-ruled
Create tears in geometry by ripping.
Create deformation areas.

Unbending Ruled Geometry

You can unbend ruled bends and walls in the sheetmetal model using the
Regular unbend feature. The material must be unbendable or developable
in order for the system to successfully create an unbend feature. You
cannot unbend non-ruled surfaces using a regular unbend feature.

Unbending Non-ruled Geometry

To unbend non-ruled sheetmetal geometry, you can create the cross-
section driven unbend feature, as shown in the following figure. The cross
section term refers to the curve that you use to influence the shape of the
unbent wall.

Pag e 9- 2 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Selected curve
Sketched section

Figure 1: Cross Section Driven Unbend Feature

The system does not determine a developed length for cross
sectional driven unbends.

Adding Tears to the Geometry

Using the following methods, you can unbend sheetmetal geometry by
tearing it:

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 3


Regular Rip Cut the geometry by creating a sketched section to use

as the rip line.

Rip created

Figure 2: Regular Rip

Edge Rip Select existing edges to define references for a zero

volume cut.

Figure 3: Edge Rip

Pag e 9- 4 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Surface Rip Select a surface patch on the geometry and exclude the
entire surface from the model by creating a cut in the geometry.

removed using
a surface rip

Edge rip added

along this edge

Figure 4: Surface Rip

Creating Deformation Areas

When creating a regular unbend feature, Pro/ENGINEER highlights
geometry that it is going to deform as a result of the operation. If the
deformed surface does not extend to the edges of the model, you must
specify a surface to deform so that it does extend to its boundaries, as
shown in the following figure.

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 5


Select this

Figure 5: Selecting an Area to Deform

If an appropriate surface does not exist on the model, you can break up a
surface into multiple patches by creating a deformation area, then specify
this area as the area to deform during the unbend operation. This gives you
the advantage of creating geometry that closely reflects the developed
part, as shown in the following figure.

Deformation calculated
only in these

Figure 6: Deformation Areas

Pag e 9- 6 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The developed lengths of the unbent geometry reflect the proper values.
Pro/ENGINEER approximates the geometry in the deformation area by
attaching the vertices with a line segment. The geometry does not become
thinner or thicker.

Pro/ENGINEER also enables you to sketch the deformed geometry since

the flat pattern is typically determined empirically. The part shown in the
following figure has a deform area defined and the default flat pattern is
shown on the right-hand side.

Figure 7: Flat State with Automatic Deform Control

By redefining the Deform Control element in the FEATURE dialog box,

you can sketch the deform area's shape using the current sketcher
constraints. In the following figure, a tangent arc has been sketched to
change the deformed geometry.

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 7


Figure 8: Flat State with Manual Deform Control

In addition to using the Deform Area feature during unbending, you can
also use it to define edges for edge rips, or to split surfaces for bend line

Pag e 9- 8 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


The goal of this laboratory is to unbend both ruled and non-ruled

In the first exercise, the geometry contains some walls with curvature in
two directions. You cannot automatically unbend the walls using the
Regular Unbend option. You deform some surfaces to unbend the part
and then extend the deformation to the outside of the model.

In the second exercise, you use the cross section driven unbend feature to
unbend the part.

In the third exercise, you create a deformation area feature to unbend the


Icon Description
Unbend and Bend back fly-out icons


Form fly-out icons

Deform Area

Edge fly-out icons

Use Edge


Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 9


EXERCISE 1: Creating a Regular Unbend Feature

Task 1. Open the TRANS sheetmetal part and create a Regular Unbend
feature by selecting deformation areas.

2. Open TRANS.PRT.

3. Click [Unbend]. Click Regular > Done .

4. Select the surface to remain fixed, as shown in the following

figure. Click Unbend All > Done .

Surface to remain fixed

(can be the white or
green side)

Figure 9: Specifying Surface to Remain Fixed

5. Pro/ENGINEER highlights two of the curved surfaces on the model

and warns you that some deformation surfaces do not reach outside
the part. Select the surfaces to deform, as shown in the following

Select these surfaces

adjacent to the
boundary (green or

Figure 10: Specifying Additional Surfaces to Deform

Pag e 9- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


6. Click Done Sel > Done Refs .

7. Click OK to complete the feature. The unbent part should appear as

shown in the following figure

Figure 11: Finished Model

8. Save the file and erase it from memory.

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 11


EXERCISE 2: Cross Sectional Unbend

Figure 12: Cross Sectional Unbend

Task 2. Open XSEC.PRT and unbend the left-hand side of the part.

1. Open XSEC.PRT.

2. Click [Unbend]. Click Xsec Driven > Done .

3. You are prompted to select the fixed edges. Click Surf Chain in
the CHAIN menu. Select the surface shown in the following figure.

Pag e 9- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select these two

Select this
surface for Surf

These edges
make the desired

Figure 13: References for First Unbend

4. Click From-To . Select the highlighted vertices shown in the above

figure. Click Next or Accept to select the three edges for the chain,
as shown in the above figure.

5. Click Done when the chain has been selected.

6. You are asked to specify a curve to control the cross sections.

Click Select Curve > Done .

7. Select the same three edges for the curve. Click Done .

8. Keep the inside area fixed (right side of curve). Click OK . The part
should display, as shown in the following figure.

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 13


Figure 14: First Unbend

Task 3. Unbend the right-hand side of the part with a cross section

1. Create another Xsec Driven unbend feature. When prompted to

select fixed edges, click One by One in the CHAIN TYPE menu.
Select the edge shown in the following figure. Click Done .

Pag e 9- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select this edge for

the second unbend

Select this
surface as the
sketching plane
for the control

Figure 15: References for Second Unbend

2. Click Sketch Curve > Done . Select the surface shown in the
above figure as the sketching plane and DTM3 as the Bottom
reference plane.

3. Select the following vertices as dimensional references. Click

Close from the REFERENCES dialog box. Sketch a line as the
control curve section, as shown in the following figure.

Sketch line
referencing these
Fixed Side

Figure 16: Section for Cross Section Unbend

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 15


4. Click [Done].

5. Select the side shown in the previous figure to keep fixed, then
click OK to complete the unbend. (Click Flip if necessary). The
finished part should display as shown in the following figure.

Figure 17: Completed Part

6. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Pag e 9- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 3: Creating a Deformation Area

Figure 18: Final Geometry

Task 1. Open DEFORM_AREA.PRT and create a Regular Unbend



2. Click [Unbend]. Click Regular > Done . Select the surface to

be fixed as shown in the following figure.

Select this
surface to
remain fixed

Figure 19: Specifying Surface to Remain Fixed

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 17


3. Click Unbend All > Done . Pro/ENGINEER highlights the

deformed surfaces inside the model. Select the surfaces to deform
when unbending, as shown in the following figure.

Select these
surfaces to

Figure 20: Specifying Surface to Deform

4. Click Done Sel > Done Refs .

5. Click OK to complete the unbend. The unbent part should display,

as shown in the following figure.


Figure 21: Distorted Surfaces Resulting from Automatic Selection

6. Delete this undesirable unbend feature.

Pag e 9- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 2. Create deformation areas; then use one of the deformation areas
to create a Regular Unbend feature.

1. Click [ Deform Area] .

2. Select the front surface for a sketching plane and DTM1 to face the
Right side of the screen, as shown in the following figure.

Sketching Plane

Figure 22: Selecting the Sketching Plane

3. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box. Click Yes from
the MISSING REFERENCES dialog box.

4. Sketch the deformation area shown in the following figure. Click

[Use Edge]. Select the curves. Click Close . Sketch two lines
connecting the vertices of the two arcs.

Select these
curves for
Use Edge

Figure 23: Deformation Area Sketch

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 19


5. Click [Done]. Click OK to complete the deform area feature.

A second identical deform area feature has already been created on
the opposite side of the model for you.

6. Create a Regular Unbend feature. Click [Unbend]. Click

Regular > Done . Specify the top surface to remain fixed, as shown
in the following figure.


Deform area (similar

surface on other

Figure 24: Specifying the Deformation Area

7. Select the deformation areas as the additional surfaces to deform,

as shown in the previous figure. Click Done Sel > Done Refs .

Pag e 9- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 25: Unbent Geometry with Deformation Areas

8. Click OK to complete the feature. Note that the system isolated the
large deformation in the deformation areas, which it was forced to
stretch considerably, as shown in the above figure.

9. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Unbend ing Sh eetmet al Geom et ry Pag e 9- 21


In this module, you have learned:

A regular unbend feature can be used to unbend ruled geometry.

A cross section driven bend can be used to unbend non-ruled
Rip features can be created to enable sheetmetal geometry to be
When creating a regular unbend feature, Pro/ENGINEER highlights
geometry that it is going to deform as a result of the operation. If the
deformed surface does not extend to the edges of the model, you must
specify a surface or deformation area to deform so that it does extend
to its boundaries

Pag e 9- 22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Sheetmetal Design Environment

In this module, you learn to configure the Pro/SHEETMETAL
design environment to effectively capture design intent when
designing sheetmetal models.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Calculate the developed length of a sheetmetal model.

Setup bend tables.
Specify a default radius for bends.
Specify default fixed geometry for unbend and bend back features

Page 10-1


When you unbend a sheetmetal model, the developed length that
Pro/ENGINEER calculates may not be appropriate for your particular
manufacturing process. You can override the bend calculation by
modifying the bend. If you change the dimension of the developed length
manually to override the system calculation, you can reset it at any time in
the design cycle.

Using the Default Formula

Pro/ENGINEER uses a standard bend formula to calculate the developed
length of a sheetmetal model. If you currently use this formula to calculate
the developed length of bends, you should not need to make any further

L = (/2 x R + yfactor x T) /90


L = developed length

R = inside radius

T = material thickness

= bend angle

The y-factor
The developed length calculation includes a parameter called the y-factor,
which is a ratio based on the neutral bend line with respect to the thickness
of the material, as illustrated in the following figure. The y-factors default
value is 0.50, but you can modify it using the following methods:

Enter a new value using sheetmetal setup menu option.

Enter a new value for the K-factor (default is 0.318310)
Specify a new value using the configuration file option
INITIAL_BEND_Y_FACTOR. This setting only affects new parts.

Pag e 1 0-2 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


A. Before the Bend y factor = ( / 2) * K factor

B. After the Bend K factor = / T

1. Neutral bend line

Figure 1: The y-factor

Using Bend Tables

Instead of using the default formula to calculate the developed length of a
sheetmetal model, you can use a bend table. Bend tables consist of
tabulated data, as shown in the following figure, with the radii in columns
across the top and varying thicknesses in rows. The body of the table
documents the various developed lengths.

If the radius and thickness exactly match the values in the table, the
system uses the exact value.
If a value falls between two table values, it is interpolated.
If a value is outside the table, it uses the tables formula, if it has one.
If it does not have a table formula, it uses the default formula and the

Figure 2: Radius and Thickness Entries

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-3


To be sure that the bend table uses the same material type that
you have specified in the SETUP menu, you can assign
materials within the bend table to check the material properties
of the sheetmetal model.

Predefined Bend Tables

The three bend tables listed below are available with Pro/ENGINEER.
You can use them without changing them, or use them as a starting point
to develop your own company standard table.

TABLE1 Used for Soft Brass and Copper, as shown in the following
TABLE2 Hard Brass, Copper, Soft Steel, and Aluminum
TABLE3 Hard Copper, Bronze, Cold Rolled Steel, and Spring Steel

Figure 3: Standard Bend Table

You can customize the standard bend tables to suit your company
standards. You can setup the materials and conversion factors when

Pag e 1 0-4 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


You can customize the standard bend tables to suit your company
standards. You can setup the materials and conversion factors when
customizing a bend table. An example of a customized bend table is
shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Customized Table

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-5



Figure 5: Setting up parameters

To incorporate the company standards for your sheetmetal models, you

can use the parameter SMT_DFLT_BEND_RADIUS to define a default
radius for bend features. When you add this parameter to your model, the
system makes the By Param option available. If you choose this option
when adding bends or using radius walls, the system automatically adds a
relation to drive the dimension.

Pag e 1 0-6 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


If you sketch a bend in Sketcher, you cannot make the
dimension equal to the default radius parameter. You must
manually write a relationship to drive the bend with the default

If the value of the default radius is changed, all of the radii that
you set using the By Param option and any relations that you
wrote using the parameter automatically updates.


When unbending and bending back sheetmetal geometry, it is always good
practice to specify the same surface or edge to remain fixed. You can use
the SETUP menu option Fixed Geom to automatically specify the same
reference when creating unbend and bend back features.

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-7


The goal of this laboratory is to use set up options to control the default
bend radius, default fixed geometry, and developed length.

In the first exercise, you calculate and modify the developed length of a
sheetmetal part.

In the second exercise, you setup the default bend radius, fixed geometry
and a bend table to configure the sheetmetal design environment.


Icon Description
Unbend and Bend back fly-out icons

Bend back

Flat Wall fly-out icons

Flat Wall Use Radius

Extended Wall


Pag e 1 0-8 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


EXERCISE 1: Calculating the Developed Length of

a Sheetmetal Part
Task 1. Open the MEASURE part and create an unbend feature.


2. Create a regular unbend all feature. Click [Unbend]. Complete

the unbend feature using the surface indicated in the following
figure as the fixed surface.

Select this
surface to
remain fixed

Figure 6: Specifying the Fixed Surface

Task 2. Measure the length of the fixed part.

1. Click Analysis > Measure .

2. Click Distance on the TYPE drop-down list in the MEASURE

dialog box. Specify the FROM and TO surfaces shown in the
following figure using Query Sel .

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-9


Select this
hidden surface
as the From

surface as
the To

Figure 7: Measuring the Distance Between the Two End Surfaces

Task 3. Save this analysis for future use.

1. The system calculates the distance as 3.91040 and displays it in

the RESULTS box. Click Saved Analyses to expand the area in
the MEASURE dialog box.

2. Type [distance] in the NAME text box and press <ENTER>. The
analysis is stored, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 0-10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 8: Saving the distance analysis

3. Close the dialog box.

Task 4. Change the thickness of the first wall to update the developed

1. Click Modify from the PART menu and select FIRST WALL from
the Model Tree. Select the .25 THICK dimension, as shown in the
following figure. Type [.1] and press <ENTER>.

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-11


Modify the

Figure 9: Modifying the Thickness

2. Regenerate the part.

3. Check the analysis that you saved earlier. Click Analysis >
Measure . Click Distance from the SAVED ANALYSES area of the
dialog box.

4. Click Retrieve and notice that the distance value is now 3.83540

5. Close the dialog box.

Task 5. Manually change the developed length so that an internal

equation does not drive it.

1. Click Modify. Select FIRST WALL from the Model Tree again.

2. Select the .84 DEV .L dimension. Click Enter Value . Type [1.00]
as the length and press <ENTER>.

3. Regenerate the part.

4. Retrieve the saved measure analysis DISTANCE again. Notice that

the distance is listed as 4.00000.

5. Save the model and erase it from memory.

Pag e 1 0-12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 2: Setting Up for Sheetmetal Design

Task 1. Open the U_SHAPE sheetmetal part and set the default radius
using the SETUP menu.

1. Open U_SHAPE.PRT.

2. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Parameters.

3. Type [0.25] as the value for the SMT_DFLT_BEND_RADIUS

parameter as shown in the following figure.

Figure 10: Setting the Default Bend Radius

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-13


You will be informed by the system status that you have not
used the thickness or 2 * thickness default settings. You have
specified a numeric value as the default bend radius for all
bend features.

4. Click OK .

Task 2. Create a flat wall that uses the default radius.

1. Click [Flat Wall Use Radius]. Create a flat wall with a radius
and that uses the part bend table and an inside radius. Select the
white edge as shown in the following figure to attach the wall.
Specify an angle of 90.

Attach wall to
this white edge

Figure 11: Specifying the attachment edge.

2. Sketch the wall, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 0-14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Reference the top

wall surface for

Sketch to points

Figure 12: Sketching the First Wall

3. Finish the sketch and then click W/Relief > Rip relief for both
ends of the wall.

4. Click By Param from the SEL RADIUS menu. Click OK to

complete the wall. The completed wall should appear as shown in
the following figure. The inside radius was automatically set to

Task 3. Extend the flat wall to close the gap.

1. Create an extended wall. Click [Extended Wall]. Specify the

top green edge to extend and the outside right-hand surface as the
Up to Plane reference, as shown in the following figure.

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-15


Extend to this
outside surface

Specify this top

green edge to

Figure 13: Creating Extend Wall feature

Wall extended to

Figure 14: Extended Wall Feature Geometry

Task 4. Define a default surface to remain fixed and create unbend and
bend back features.

1. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Fixed Geom > Select .

2. Select the white surface shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 0-16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Select this surface

to remain fixed

Figure 15: Specifying a Surface to Remain Fixed

3. Click Done/Return > Done/Return .

4. Click [Unbend]. Unbend the entire part. Note that you did not
have to specify a fixed surface.

5. Click [Bend Back]. Bend back the entire part. Again, note that
you did not have to specify a fixed surface.

6. Since you do not need the two features that you just created, Delete

Task 5. Create an additional flat wall and check the relations that the
system created as a result of using the By Param radius option.

1. Create a flat wall with a radius and that uses the part bend table
and an inside radius. Select the white edge shown in the following
figure to attach the wall. Specify an angle of 90.

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-17


Attach to this
inside edge

Figure 16: Specifying Attachment Edge for the Wall

2. Sketch the wall, as shown in the following figure.

sketch to
outside wall

endpoints to
attachment edge

Figure 17: Sketching the Additional Wall

3. Click [Done] to complete the sketch. Click W/Relief > Strtch

Relief > Done > Enter Value . Type [0.25] as the width value of
the stretch and press <ENTER>. Type [45] as the angle and press
<ENTER>. Repeat this step for the other end too.

Pag e 1 0-18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


4. Click By Param for the radius of the bend and OK to complete the
feature. The part appears as shown in the following figure.

Figure 18: Geometry after Creating the Wall

5. Click Relations from the PART menu. Click Part Rel> Show Rel .
These relations set the bend radius of the wall features equal to the
parameter for the default radius that you set in a previous step.
Close the window.

6. Click Done from the MODEL REL menu. Click Modify and select
the flat wall you just created in the previous step. Note that the
developed length of the bend is 0.52. Click Done .

Task 6. Modify an existing bend table and assign it to the sheetmetal


1. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Bend Allow > Bend Table >
Define > From Part . Type [U_SHAPE] as the name and press

2. Select the END MATERIALS row. Click Edit > Insert . Select
Before current selections . Click OK , as shown in the following

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-19


Figure 19: Inserting a row

3. Enter [Brass] as the material in the newly inserted row.

Figure 20: Editing the Bend Table

4. When finished editing, save and exit the Pro/TABLE editor. Click
Done/Return until you reach the PART SETUP Menu.

Pag e 1 0-20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


5. Define a material file named Brass. Click Material from THE

PART SETUP menu. Click Define . Type [brass] as the name and
press <ENTER>.

6. In the text editor, scroll down to BEND_TABLE. At the end of this

line (next to '='), type [u_shape], which was the bend table that
you created in the previous step. Save the file and exit the editor.

7. Click Assign from the MATL MGT menu. Click From Part
>BRASS > Accept to assign the material to the part.

8. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Bend Allow > Bend Table > Set >
Confirm > From Part > U_SHAPE to assign the bend table to the
part. The system regenerates the model. If you made an error, the
system displays a warning. Click Done/Return until you close all
the sub menus.

9. Click Modify from the PART Menu. Select the last wall feature.
The developed length is now 0.53. Click Done .

10. Click Setup > Sheetmetal > Bend Allow > Bend Table > Show
> From Part > U_SHAPE. Confirm that the developed length of
0.53 is correct for a thickness of 0.25 and radius of 0.25.

11. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Sh e etmet al De sign En vi ronm ent Pag e 1 0-21


In this module, you have learned that:

Pro/ENGINEER uses a standard bend formula to calculate the

developed length of a sheetmetal model.
Instead of using the default formula to calculate the developed length
of a sheetmetal model, you can use a bend table.
You can use the SMT_DFLT_BEND_RADIUS parameter to set a default
value for bend radius. The system automatically adds a relation to
drive the dimension, if you choose the By Param option when adding
bends or use-radius walls.
You can use the SETUP menu option Fixed Geom to automatically
specify the same reference when creating unbend and bend back

Pag e 1 0-22 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Converting Solid Parts

In this module you learn how to convert solid parts to sheetmetal
parts. You also learn to use the conversion feature to make the
converted sheetmetal part developable.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Convert a solid part into a sheetmetal part

Add a conversion feature.

Page 11-1


Solid Pro/ENGINEER parts that are retrieved in Sheetmetal mode can be
converted to sheetmetal parts using two methods.

Driving Srf You can use this option to convert a solid part that has a
uniform thickness and can be offset by the material thickness. The system
prompts for a surface to use as the driving (green) surface.

Figure 1: Using a Driving Surface

Shell If the part does not have uniform thickness, the Shell option can
be used to shell the solid part and convert it at the same time.

Pag e 1 1-2 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Figure 2: Shelling a Model

Once converted to a sheetmetal part, all of the existing geometry is

referenced to define the base wall feature. Any feature created in
Sheetmetal mode has to be deleted to convert the part back to a solid part.


Once the part is converted into a sheetmetal part, it may still be
undevelopable. To convert the geometry so that it can be developed, a
single feature can be added to the part. A Conversion feature enables
multiple elements to be defined at once. These elements are as follows:

Point Reliefs This element creates points along an edge to break the
edge into multiple segments.

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 3

Figure 3: Splitting an Edge

Edge Rip This element rips the geometry along an edge, similar to the
Rip feature. The rip can then be converted from an open type edge to one
in which the wall has overlap.

Rip Connect This element rips the geometry between two points or
vertices in the model.

Edge rips added Rip connect

Figure 4: Using Rip Connect

Pag e 1 1-4 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Bends This element creates edge bends along non-tangent edges.

Figure 5: Edge Bend

Corner Relief Creates round or obround corner relief at eligible corners.

The vertices selected or affected are highlighted with symbols that indicate
the type of conversion feature or relief feature defined.

Corner relief
created in
combination with
edge rip and

Figure 6: Circular Corner Relief

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 5

Table 1: Conversion Feature Symbols

Symbol Conversion Feature
Ob Obround
Cir Circular
None Square corner is generated
No No relief is applied, the default V-notch is applied

Pag e 1 1-6 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


The goal of this laboratory is to convert a solid part into a developable
sheetmetal part.

In the first exercise, you retrieve a solid part and use the shell method to
convert it into a sheetmetal part. You then, unbend the model by adding a
rip feature.

In the second exercise, you use the special sheetmetal conversion feature
to convert a solid part into sheetmetal.


Icon Description
Unbend fly-out icons


Relief fly-out icons



Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 7

EXERCISE 1: Converting a Sheetmetal Part

Figure 7: Solid Part to Flattened Sheetmetal Part

Task 1. Open the CONVERSION sheetmetal part and convert it to

sheetmetal geometry.


2. Convert the part to sheetmetal. Click Applications > Sheetmetal .

3. Click Shell and specify the removal of the three hidden surfaces as
shown in the following figure.

Select these
three hidden
surfaces to
remove (two
sides and

Figure 8: Specifying the Surfaces to Remove

Pag e 1 1-8 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


4. Click Done Sel > Done Refs . Type [0.25] as the shell thickness
and press <ENTER>.

Task 2. Add an edge rip feature to one of the edges and then unbend the

1. Click [Rip]. Click Edge Rip > Done .

2. Select two edges (white or green) as shown in the following figure.

Fixed surface for


Select these edges

for the edge rip

Figure 9: Specifying the Edges to Create the Edge Rip

3. Click Done Sel > Done Refs . Click OK to complete the rip.

4. Create a regular unbend feature. Click [Unbend].

5. Click Regular > Done . Specify the top surface to remain fixed as
shown in the above figure.

6. Click Unbend All > Done . Note that some deformation of the
convex triangular corner occurs as the system unbends it. Click OK
to complete the feature.

If your unbent wall contains a square rather than a small
triangle in the corner, you selected only one edge for the rip
feature. Repeat the previous step to select the other edge also.

7. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 9

EXERCISE 2: Using the Sheetmetal Conversion


Figure 10: Converting a solid part

Task 1. Open the CONVERT part and convert it to sheetmetal.

1. Open CONVERT.PRT. This part was created as a solid part. It

consists only of default datum planes and two rectangular

2. Click Applications > Sheetmetal .

3. Click Shell on the SMT CONVERT menu.

4. Select the three surfaces, as shown in the following figure to

remove with the shell. Type [0.20] as the thickness and press

Select these
three surfaces
to remove (one
on top and two
hidden back
and side

Figure 11: Selecting Surfaces to Remove

Pag e 1 1-10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 2. Convert the geometry to sheetmetal geometry using the

conversion feature.

1. Click [Conversion]. Note that all five elements in the dialog

box are optional.

2. Click Point Reliefs > Define .

3. Click Create to create a datum point to locate the point relief.

4. Select the edge indicated in the following figure, click Offset , and
select the right hand surface as the offset plane to locate the point.

Select this
green edge

Select this
surface as

Figure 12: Creating the Datum Point

5. Type [1.8] for the offset distance and press <ENTER>. Click

Do not click OK . You still have to define the other elements
for the conversion feature.

6. Double-click Edge Rip from the dialog box. Select the three edges
shown in the following figure. Click Done Sel > Done Sets .

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 1 1

Select these three

green edges for
edge rip

Figure 13: Specifying Edges on Which to Create the Edge Rip

7. Double-click Rip Connect in the dialog box and click Add .

8. For the first end, select the datum point you created for the point
relief. The system then highlights all of the possible corners and
other rip features to connect the rip. Select the bottom vertex of the
other rip, as shown in the following figure.

Select this vertex

for second end

Select the
datum point
for first end

Figure 14: Creating the Rip Connect

9. Click OK > Done Sets .

Pag e 1 1-12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


10. Double-click Corner Reliefs in the dialog box and click Add .
One corner of the model has a note attached to it that reads,
No. This note indicates that this corner is eligible for corner
relief, but currently has none.

11. Select the note and click Redefine .

12. Click Corner # 1 > Done .

13. A dialog box appears. Double-click Corner Relief .

14. Click Circular > Enter Value .

15. Type [0.5] for the dimension value and press <ENTER>.

16. Click OK > Done Sets.

17. Click Preview to preview the conversion feature.

Note that the conversion feature is about to add edge bends
automatically to all remaining sharp corners, using the
thickness of the material as an inside radius. Instead of
selecting the Bends element to manually add or remove
edges, you allow the system to select them all automatically.

18. Click OK to complete the conversion feature. The part should

appear as shown in the following figure.

Figure 15: Final Geometry after Using the Conversion Feature

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 1 3

Task 3. With the conversion feature in place, unbend the part.

1. Create a regular, unbend feature. Click [Unbend]. Specify an

appropriate surface of your choice to remain fixed. The finished
part should appear as shown in the following figure.

Figure 16: Final Geometry

2. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Pag e 1 1-14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned that:

Solid parts can be converted to sheetmetal parts using

A Conversion feature can be used to make the converted sheetmetal
part developable.

Co n v e r t i n g So l i d P a rt s Pag e 1 1- 1 5

Project Laboratory
In this project module, you practice how to create sheetmetal models
using the top-down design approach. You will also use
Pro/ENGINEERs sheetmetal design tools to unbend complex

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Design sheetmetal models using the top-down design approach.

Unbend complex geometry.

Page 12-1

The goal of this laboratory is to create a sheetmetal component in an
assembly using the top-down design approach. You also unbend a
sheetmetal part using deformation areas.

In the first exercise, you complete the battery bracket part located in the
routed system sub-assembly of a car that was created using the top-down
design approach. The necessary assembly information has been copied
into the battery bracket part. The changes made to the top-level assembly
will automatically be reflected in the battery bracket part.

In the second exercise, you unbend a connector part where the ends were
created first and completed by blending the wall in between them.
Pro/ENGINEER will indicate that some of the geometry needs to be
deformed to create the flat pattern.

Pag e 1 2-2 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


EXERCISE 1: Sheetmetal Part Creation

Finished Battery

Figure 1: Routed System Assembly

Task 1.Open the BATTERY_BRACKET part from the

ROUTED_SYSTEM assembly and add the first extruded wall.

1. Click File > Set Working Directory and change your working
directory to <user home directory>\Sheetmetal_320\Project.

2. Open ROUTED_SYSTEM.ASM. Review the assembly.

3. Right-click on BATTERY_BRACKET.PRT and open it from the

Model Tree.

4. Switch to the 1_WALL view from the saved view list. Adjust your
model orientation by panning and zooming in for better viewing.

5. Create an Extruded Use Radius wall with an Inside Radius and to

One Side of the sketching plane. Select the edge shown in the
following figure as the attachment edge.

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 3

Select the bottom

edge as attachment

Figure 2: Specifying the Attachment Edge

6. Use the Default sketching plane and accept the default viewing
direction of the sketching plane.

7. Select the edge of the copied geometry feature as a dimensional

reference, as shown in the following figure.

Select this copy

geometry edge as

Figure 3: Specifying Dimensional Reference

Pag e 1 2-4 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


8. Sketch four line segments and three fillets of equal radii, and
dimension the section, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Sketching the First Extruded Wall

9. Complete the wall with No Relief and set the Bend Radius to be
equal to the thickness of the part.

Task 2. Setup Sheetmetal Parameters as default values for commonly

used feature options.

1. Click Setup > Sheetmetal >Parameters .

2. Click Edit > Set Attribute to Auto > Yes in the SHEETMETAL
PARAMETERS dialog box.

3. Set the Value Yes for SMT_PART_BEND_ALLOW_DFLTS,

SMT_SHARPS_TO_BEND and Thru all depth value for
SMT_DFLT_DEPTH_OPTION, as shown in the following figure.
Click OK to apply these parameters.

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 5

Figure 5: Setting Up Sheetmetal Parameters

Task 3. Create another extruded wall on the other side of the bracket

1. Switch to the view labeled 2_WALL. Create another Extruded Use

Radius wall, similar to the first one, using the attachment edge, as
shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 2-6 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Select bottom edge

as attachment edge

Figure 6: Specifying the attachment edge

2. Sketch the wall and dimension it, as shown in the following figure.

Select this copy

geometry edge as

Figure 7: Sketching the Second Extruded Wall

3. Complete creating the wall. Notice that the system did not prompt
you for some of the attributes, since you set default values using

Task 4. Setup automatic bend relief for secondary walls

1. Set the SMT_DFLT_BEND_REL_TYPE to Rip , as shown in the

following figure. Click OK to apply it.

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 7

Figure 8: Setting Up Automatic Bend Relief

Task 5. Create a flat use radius wall

1. Switch to the view labeled 3_FLAT_WALL. Create a Flat Use

Radius wall using the attachment edge, as shown in the following

Select bottom edge

as attachment edge

Figure 9: Specifying Attachment Edge

2. Sketch the wall and dimension it, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 2-8 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Select these edges as

Align end points to dimensional references
the attachment edge

Figure 10: Sketching the Flat Wall

3. Complete the wall. Notice that the system added a rip relief

Task 6. Create extend walls on both ends of the flat walls.

1. Create an Extend wall on the right-hand side end of the flat wall by
selecting the edge and up to the surface, as shown in the following

Select outside edge

and outside surface
to extend upto.

Figure 11: Extending the Right-hand Side of the Flat Wall

2. Create another extend wall on the left-hand side using the edge and
surface, as shown in the following figure.

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 9

Select outside
edge and outside
surface to extend

Figure 12: Extending the Left-hand Side of the Flat Wall

3. Save the BATTERY_BRACKET.PRT and open the

ROUTED_SYSTEM.ASM. The system automatically updated the
assembly with the changes to the BATTERY_BRACKET.PRT.

4. Save the assembly and erase all the models from memory.

Pag e 1 2-10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 2: Unbending Complex Geometry

Select the top flat

surface to remain

Figure 13: Connector Part

Task 1. Open the CONNECTOR.PRT and create a regular Unbend.

1. Open CONNECTOR.PRT. Create a Regular Unbend All feature.

Select the surface shown in the above figure to remain fixed.

2. Switch to the views labeled 1_DEFORM and 2_DEFORM to select

the surfaces to deform, as shown in the following figure.

Select these side

surfaces as
deform areas

Figure 14: Selecting the Deform Areas

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 11

3. Refine the shape of the deformed sections. Click Deform Control

> Define > Auto Area #1 > Deform Type > Manual .

4. Sketch a spline, as shown in the following figure, and complete the


Sketch a spline
for the deform

Figure 15: Refining the Deform Area

5. Save the completed connector part and erase it from memory.

Figure 16: Unbent Connector

Pag e 1 2-12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


You have learned to:

Create a sheetmetal component using the top-down design approach

and unbend complex sheetmetal geometry using deformation areas.

P ro j e c t L ab o rat o r y Pag e 1 2- 13

Documenting Sheetmetal Design

In this module you learn how to create a multi-model production
drawing. You learn how to document the bend order sequence of a
sheetmetal part.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create a production drawing showing the flat and designed states

of a sheetmetal part.
Document the bend order sequence of a sheetmetal part using a
bend order table.

Page 13-1


You can assist manufacturing by creating Flat Pattern representations from
the sheetmetal design model using the Flat State option in the SETUP
menu. The system creates a simple family table with the as designed
model as the generic and the Flat State as the instance. The system will
automatically update the flat state with all modifications made to the
design model.

Family tables offer an efficient method for developing variations of your

sheetmetal design. You can generate variations of the original model by
reusing the existing data. The variations are referred to as instances and
the original model is known as the generic model.

Using this method, you can increase your productivity by:

Storing multiple similar models within the same file.

Saving different steps of the manufacturing of a model.
Saving a developed flat instance inside a formed generic model.
The instances created with the Flat State option are initially completely
unbent. Features created in Flat State instances behave just like those
created in regular family table members.

You can create the first flat state instance from a generic model that is
either fully formed or fully flat.

If the generic model is (fully) formed, the UNBEND FEATURE dialog

box prompts for the unbends necessary to make it fully flat. The
system then creates the instance. The family table for the generic
model now contains a new column listing the new unbends. The
unbends are suppressed for the generic model and enabled for the
If the generic model is already flattened (fully flat), the system
prompts you to select the unbends that you created to make it that way.
It creates the first flat state instance and bends back the generic (by
suppressing the unbend). The Family Table for the generic model now
contains a new column listing the unbends. The unbends are
suppressed for the generic and enabled for the instances.

Pag e 1 3-2 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Retrieving Instances
Once the family table resulting from the flat state is created, you can
retrieve the flat state instance using one of the following three methods:

Highlight the instance name in the FAMILY TABLE dialog box and
click Open .
Open the generic model to obtain a list of its instances. You can
retrieve either the generic model or a specific instance. When
retrieving an instance, you can select the instance by its name or by a
specific parameter.
If an instance index file is present, retrieve the instance directly.


Once you have defined a flat state, you can use both instances of the
model in a production drawing. By creating a multi-model drawing, you
can add details, drawing annotations and dimensions for both states, as
well as independently scale views of the instances.

When you add a model to a drawing, Pro/ENGINEER only
associates that model. Once you have associated both instances
of the sheetmetal model to the drawing, you can change the
active model using the Set Model option in the DWG
MODELS menu.

Tweaking the Flat Pattern

The flat pattern that the system generates when you create an unbend
feature may not represent the exact outline of the model because
deformation areas may exist in the model geometry. Using your
knowledge of sheet geometry, you can add material to the flat pattern by
using the Deform Control element discussed earlier.

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-3


Figure 1: Using Deform Control to Tweak the Flat Geometry


To document the bend order for manufacturing, you can use a bend order
table, as shown in the following figure. With the model completely
unbent, you can select the bend or groups of bends in sequence; then save
the bend order table to a file named PARTNAME.BOT. You can show it on
a production drawing by creating a note and reading it in the .BOT file. If
you change the table in Sheetmetal mode, the note on the drawing
automatically updates; however, you must add any new bends to the table

Pag e 1 3-4 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Sequence 1,
Sequence 3, Bend 1
Bend 1
Sequence 1,
Bend 2
Sequence 2,
Bend 1
Sequence 2,
Bend 2
Sequence 4,
Bend 1

Figure 2: Creating a Bend Order Table

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-5


The goal of this laboratory is to document the manufacturing process of
a sheetmetal model.

In this exercise, you add a solid protrusion to a sheetmetal part and
document the manufacturing process by creating a production drawing.


Icon Description
Flat Wall fly-out icons

Flat Use Radius Wall

Unbend fly-out icons

Show/Erase Axes

Show All detail items

Show/Erase Notes

Pag e 1 3-6 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


EXERCISE 1: Documenting the Model

Task 1. Retrieve the DOC_CONVERSION sheetmetal part and create a
flat state.

1. Open DOC_CONVERSION.PRT. Select the GENERIC and click

Open in the SELECT INSTANCE dialog box. This part contains an
edge rip feature that enables it to be flattened.

Select this
surface to
fixed The edge rip
feature is
located along
this edge

Figure 3: Specifying the Surface to Remain Fixed

2. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Flat State > Create .

3. Accept the default name of DOC_CONVERSION_FLAT1 for the

flat pattern instance. Press <ENTER>. Click Fully Formed from
the PART STATE menu.

4. Select the top surface, as shown in the above figure, to remain

fixed. It highlights the corner surface in red and indicates that it
will be deformed.

5. Click OK . The system automatically creates a third version of the

model in the family table, which now includes the following:
A fully formed version (the generic).
A fully flat version (the flat state named
DOC_CONVERSION_FLAT1) using edge rips.
A special version for the bend order table with the corner
removed by a surface rip.

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-7


Task 2. Open the flat state instance.

1. Click Window > Close to close the active window.


DOC_CONVERSION_FLAT1 and click Open in the SELECT
INSTANCE dialog box.

Task 3. Redefine the unbend feature to define Deform Control to better

represent the flat state geometry.

1. Select the Unbend feature from the model tree and right-click
Redefine as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Redefining the Unbend

2. Select the DEFORM CONTROL element and click Define .

3. Click Auto Area # 1 . The UNBEND dialog box displays.

4. Select the DEFORM TYPE element and click Define .

5. Click Manual . The system automatically places you in Sketcher, so

that the deform area can be sketched.

6. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box. Sketch a single

arc, as shown in the following figure, to define the deformed area.

Pag e 1 3-8 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Have the endpoints

and center of the arc
snap to these

Figure 5: Sketching Protrusion to Add to the Instance

7. Click [Done]. Click OK > Done > OK . Set the unbent part to
its default orientation, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6: Unbent with Deform Control

8. Save the model and close the active window.

Task 4. Create an additional wall on the generic model. Check the

Model Tree for the suppressed unbend feature.

1. Open DOC_CONVERSION.PRT. Select the GENERIC and click

Open in the SELECT INSTANCE dialog box.

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-9


2. Create a flat use radius wall. Click [Flat Use Radius]. Click
Part Bend Tbl > Done/Return . Click Inside Rad > Done/Return .

3. Select the green edge as shown in the following figure. Accept the
default bend angle of 90 degrees, and click Done . Click Okay to
accept the default viewing direction.

Select this edge

(green side)

Figure 7: Specifying the Edge for the Wall Feature

4. Click Close from the REFERENCES dialog box. Sketch three lines
and dimension them, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8: Sketching Section of the Additional Wall

5. Click [Done].

Pag e 1 3-10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


6. Click No Relief > Done. Click Enter Value and type [0.25] as
the bend radius and press <ENTER>.

7. Click OK to complete the feature.

8. Save the model and close the active window.
9. Open the fully flat state (i.e., DOC_CONVERSION_FLAT1). Notice
the new wall in the flat instance. Click Regenerate , if necessary.
10. Close the window.

Any changes made to the fully formed generic will be
propagated to the flat state instance automatically.

Task 5. Create a bend order table for the DOC_BND_ORD_TBL



click Open in the SELECT INSTANCE dialog box. Set the model to
the default orientation.

Since the bend order table cannot unbend any geometry that
has to be deformed, this instance contains a surface rip that
removes the convex corner from the model.

Specify this
surface to remain

Figure 9: Specifying the Top Surface to Remain Flat

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-11


2. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Bend Order > Show/Edit . Select
the top flat surface of the part, as shown in the above figure.
3. Select the first two bends, as shown in the following figure. These
will be included in the first bend sequence.

Select these two


Figure 10: Specifying Bends for Bend Order Table

4. Click Done Sel > Next . Specify the top same surface to remain
fixed. The system bends back the two selected bends and displays
the model, as shown in the following figure.

5. Select the bend for the second sequence, as shown in the following

Select this
bend for the

Figure 11: Specifying Bend for Second Sequence

Pag e 1 3-12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


6. Click Done Sel > Next , and specify the same top surface to remain

7. The model should now have the bend in the second bend sequence
bent back, as shown in the following figure. Select the last bend, as
shown in the following figure.

Select this bend

Figure 12: Specifying Bend for Third Sequence

8. Click Done Sel > Done , and specify the same surface to remain
fixed. The system should now inform you that the bending
sequence is successful.

9. Click Info to view the bend order table. The table should appear as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 13: Bend Order Table

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-13


The out and in references in the bend order table refer to the
GREEN side of the sheetmetal. Since it is a text file, you can
modify text in the .bot file at any time.

10. Close the INFORMATION window.

11. To create a drawing with the bend order table that includes the
notes to the appropriate bend, create a regular unbend all feature in
the DOC_BND_ORD_TBL instance. Click [Unbend].

12. Click Regular > Done . Select the same top surface of the model to
remain fixed.

13. Click Unbend All > Done . Click OK to complete the unbend

14. Save the model and close the window. Make sure you close all
active windows, if open.

Task 6. Create a two-sheet multi-model drawing to document the flat

state and bend order table that you just created.

1. Create a new drawing. Click File > New . Click Drawing as the file
type. Type [DOC_CONV]. Remove the check mark from the Use
default template check mark at the bottom of the NEW dialog
box. Click OK .

2. Click Browse to select DOC_CONVERSION.PRT as the default

model, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 3-14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 14: Selecting the default model

3. Click Open . Accept all other defaults and click OK .

4. Select THE GENERIC and click Open in the SELECT INSTANCE

dialog box.

5. Create a general view of the generic model. Click Views > Add
View > General > Full View > No Xsec > Scale > Done .

6. Select a point in the right upper corner of the drawing to place the

7. Type [0.3] as the scale and press <ENTER>. Leave the view in the
default orientation. Click OK from the ORIENTATION dialog box.

8. Add the flat state instance to the drawing. Click Dwg Models >
Add Model.

9. Select the DOC_CONVERSION.PRT and click Open. Select the

dialog box and click Open .

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-15


10. Click Add View > General > Full View > No Xsec > Scale >
Done .

11. Select a point in the lower left-hand corner.

12. Type [0.3] as the scale and press <ENTER>.

13. Orient the view. Select the top green surface as the FRONT
reference and the top green edge of the model as the TOP
reference. Click OK . If necessary move the view to locate it, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 15: Design and Flat State Models

14. Click View > Show and Erase . This should open up the
SHOW/ERASE dialog box.

15. Click SHOW tab and . Click in the SHOW BY

area of the dialog box. Click Yes to confirm the Show All. Click
Accept All in the PREVIEW tab.

16. Click Close to close the dialog box.

17. Click Insert > Dimension > New References . Create the
dimensions shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 3-16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Use the same technique to create dimensions as you would in
the sketcher. Select the entities. Middle-click to place the

Figure 16: First Sheet of Drawing

18. Click Return from the ATTACH TYPE menu. Make sure you are in
the DRAWING menu.

19. Create a second sheet to display the bend order table. Click Sheets
> Add > Done/Return . The system will add a sheet and make that

20. Click Views > Dwg Models > Add Model .

21. Select DOC_CONVERSION.PRT and click Open. Select

dialog box.

22. Click Add View > General> Full View> No Xsec > Scale >
Done .

23. Select a point in the middle of the screen.

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-17


24. Type [0.3] as the scale and press <ENTER>.

25. Select the top green side as the FRONT reference and the top green
edge as the TOP reference. Click OK from the ORIENTATION
dialog box. If necessary, move the view to locate it to the middle
of the drawing.

26. Click Done/Return .

27. Click View > Show and Erase .

28. Click the SHOW tab. Click and . Click

in the SHOW BY area of the dialog box. Click Yes to confirm the
Show All. Click Accept All in the PREVIEW tab. This will display
the bend order table, as shown in the following figure.

29. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Figure 17: Second Sheet of Drawing

30. Save the drawing and erase it from memory.

Pag e 1 3-18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


In this module, you have learned that:

You can create a flat state instance of a sheetmetal part for use in
documenting the design for manufacturing.
You can create the flat state instance from a generic sheetmetal part
that is either fully formed or fully flat.
Once you have defined a flat state, you can use both instances of the
model in a production drawing.
You can tweak the flat pattern by creating a flat wall or solid
protrusion in the model.
To document the bend order for manufacturing, you can use a bend
order table.

Docum enting Sh eetm eta l Des ign Pag e 1 3-19


Sheetmetal Design Information

In this module, you learn how to extract design information from a
sheetmetal part. You learn to setup standard sheetmetal design rules.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Calculate measurements on a sheetmetal model.

Use Gaussian Curvature analysis to identify surfaces that cannot be
unbent without deformation.
Generate sheetmetal bend reports.
Generate sheetmetal radii reports.
Set up design rules.

Page 14-1


Pro/ENGINEER provides you with unique tools that you can use to
extract design information from a sheetmetal part.

Calculating Measurements
Using the Measure option from the ANALYSIS menu, you can determine
the curve length, angle, surface area, and distance. For example, you can
compare the length of an edge on a bend in its bent state versus its unbent
state or check complex angles between walls.

Analyzing Surfaces
One of the most common problems encountered when modeling
sheetmetal components is an inability to unbend the geometry. Surfaces
that curve in two directions must deform drastically to form that shape in a
sheetmetal model. Pro/ENGINEER cannot capture this deformation
through empirical formulation. Using the Gaussian curvature tool, you can
calculate a summation of the maximum and minimum curvature vectors at
any point on a surface, as shown in the following figure.

Fringe Plot
surfaces with

Pag e 1 4-2 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Figure 1: Using the Gaussian Curvature Tool

Pro/ENGINEER highlights the model with a fringe plot, distinguishing

any surface that curves in two directions (non-developable) from those
with zero curvature. Planar surfaces and ruled surfaces (cylinders and
cones) have a Gaussian curvature value of zero, since there is no curvature
in at least one direction on the surface.

Generating Bend Reports

By generating a bend report, as shown in the following figure, you can
interrogate bends on a model to obtain information on the overall
calculation parameters used in the component. The report can also provide
you with information concerning bends that are not 90 degrees, so that you
can interrogate them further. This can be very helpful when you use bend
tables or a bend formula that does not consider the bend angle in its

Sh e etmet al De sign Info rm at ion Pag e 1 4-3


Figure 2: Typical Bend Report

Generating Radii Reports

Using a sheetmetal radii report, as shown in the following figure, you can
investigate the bend radii of a model, including the feature ID, dimension
parameter name, and the radius value. You can use radii reports to also
quickly determine if the radii values adhere to the company standard.

Pag e 1 4-4 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Figure 3: Typical Radii Report


Design rules vary according to the materials and manufacturing process
that you use to develop your model. To set up design rules for a model,
you can use the Design Rules option in the SHEETMETAL SETUP menu.

Establishing a Design Rule Table

To set up design rules, you must establish a design rule table, as shown in
the following figure, and assign it to the model. You can develop as many
tables as you would like, based on the different manufacturing practices
and materials that you use. Using the tables, you can establish rules for
values such as minimal slot widths and depths, minimal cut distances from
boundaries, and minimal wall heights.

Sh e etmet al De sign Info rm at ion Pag e 1 4-5


Figure 4: Default Settings

After you set up the rules for your model, you can check for design
violations in the model. An information window displays the rule name
and formula, along with the dimensional values, enabling you to determine
why it did not meet the rule criteria, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 5: Violated Rules

Pag e 1 4-6 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


The goal of this laboratory is to learn how to obtain information and
verify that your design rules have not been violated before sending the
sheetmetal part to manufacturing.

In this exercise, you use sheetmetal information tools to obtain design
information about the sheetmetal part.

Sh e etmet al De sign Info rm at ion Pag e 1 4-7


EXERCISE 1: Using Sheetmetal Information Tools

Task 1. Open the DOC_CABLEBOX sheetmetal part and review the



2. Click Info > Feature from the pull-down menu and select the last
three features in the model tree, one by one, to review them. Close
the information window. Click Done Sel after reviewing the

Task 2. Create a bend report.

1. Click Info > Sheetmetal from the pull-down menu.

2. Click Bend Report from the SHEEMETAL INFO dialog box, as

shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 4-8 Fundam ent al s of Sh e etm e t al De si gn


Figure 7: Sheetmetal Info Dialog

3. Clear the File check box to write output only to the screen. Click
OK .

4. Click View > Line Numbers in the information window. Note that
the part information is displayed on lines 2 through 8, including the
part name, material, thickness, y-factor and k-factor.

5. Note that the two bend IDs use a feature bend table (lines 10
through 15). In the Model Tree, identify the two bends with the
IDs shown in the information window. Select the two bends and
notice that the system highlights them on the model.

You may need to click View > Model Tree Setup >
Highlight Model in the MAIN window.

6. Note that the same two bend IDs are listed on lines 17 through 22
as being non-90-degree bends. After reviewing the information,
close the information window.

Task 3. Create a sheetmetal radii report.

1. Create a radii report. Click Info > Sheetmetal from the pull-down
menu. Click Radii Report and clear the File check box to write
output only to the screen.

2. Click View > Line Numbers in the information window.

3. Note that the part information is displayed on lines 2 through 8,

including the part name, material, thickness, y-factor and k-factor.

Sh e etmet al De sign Info rm at ion Pag e 1 4-9


4. Four bends were created (on lines 10 through 17) with non-
suggested radii. Use the Model Tree to determine the location of
these bends on the model, then close the window.

Task 4. Create a design rule, assign it to the part, and check the design.

1. Click Set Up > Sheet Metal > Design Rules > Define . Type
[rule_set1] as the name and press <ENTER>. A Pro/TABLE
editor appears.

2. Investigate the seven default design rules. Notice that the left
column contains parameter names for each design rule, and the
right column contains the design rule in the form of a value or
equation involving R and T. The design rule value or equation is
always the minimum allowable value.

3. Change the MIN_CUT_TO_BEND to [4*T+R], change

[0.5*T+R], and change MIN_CUT_TO_BOUND to [5*T]. Save and
exit Pro/TABLE editor.

4. Assign the rule set to the part. From the RULE MGMT menu, click
Assign > From Part > RULE_SET1 . Note the message that
appears in the message area.

5. From the INFO pull-down menu click Sheetmetal > Design

Check to check the design rules. Clear the File check box. Click
OK .

6. Click View > Line Numbers to display line numbers in the

information window.

7. Review the information window. Notice that line 3 displays the

design rule set that you assigned to this model.

8. Read the information in line 1. Select line 9 and observe the

model as it highlights the violating dimension [0.38]. The current
value column corresponds to the highlighted dimension. Using the
RULES VIOLATIONS DIAGNOSTIC window, investigate the
model further, and then click Cancel .

Task 5. Modify the model to avoid the two MIN_CUT_TO_BEND


1. Click Modify > Query Sel and select the rectangular form, as
shown in the following figure.

Pag e 1 4-10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Use Query
Sel to select

Figure 8: Modifying the Dimension

2. The system does not show the actual violated dimension of 0.38
because the form was placed with the offset dimension of 0.75.
Click the 0.75 dimension and change it to [0.85]. Regenerate the

3. Click Info > Sheetmetal > Design Check . Use the RULES
VIOLATIONS DIAGONISTICS window to verify that the
modification eliminated the violation.

4. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Sh e etmet al De sign Info rm at ion Pag e 1 4-11


Additional Exercises
This appendix provides you with additional practice of some of the
concepts covered in this training course. The exercises can be
completed during class if time permits, or they can be done on your
own time as they require no pre-existing files.

Page A-1

EXERCISE 1: Creating a Blended Primary Wall

In this exercise, you create a blended wall as the sheetmetal primary wall.

Figure 1: Blended Primary Wall

Task 1. Create a new sheetmetal part with a blended wall.

1. Create a new sheetmetal part named BLEND.PRT using the default


2. Click [Blended Wall]. Accept the defaults Parallel > Regular

Sec > Sketch Sec > Done > Straight > Done .

3. Select datum plane FRONT as the sketching plane and Flip the
arrow for the direction of feature creation.

4. Select datum plane TOP as the Top reference and sketch the first
section, as shown in the following figure.

Pag e A- 2 F u n d a m e n t a l s o f Sh e et m e t a l De s i g n

Figure 2: First Blend Section

5. Click Sketch > Feature Tools > Toggle Section (or click Toggle
Section from the pop-up menu) to toggle to sketch the second

6. Sketch the second section within the first, as shown in the

following figure.

Figure 3: Second Blend Section

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A- 3


If you need to change the start point of one of the blend
sections, select the desired vertex on the section and click
Start Point from the pop-up menu.

7. After exiting from Sketcher, flip the arrow to the inside. Type
[0.1] as the thickness and [7.0] as the depth for the second
section, and press <ENTER>. The part should display as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 4: Completed Part

8. Save the file and erase it from memory.

Pag e A- 4 F u n d a m e n t a l s o f Sh e et m e t a l De s i g n

EXERCISE 2: Creating a Flat Primary Wall

In this exercise, you create a new sheetmetal part with a flat wall as the
sheetmetal primary wall.

Figure 5: Flat Primary Wall

Task 1. Create a new sheetmetal part with a flat wall.

1. Create a new sheetmetal part named SWEEP.PRT using the default


2. Click [Unattached Flat Wall].

3. Select datum plane FRONT as the sketching plane and datum plane
TOP as the Top reference.

4. Sketch the section as shown in the following figure.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A- 5


Figure 6: Section Dimensions

5. Type [0.1] as the thickness and press <ENTER>. The completed

part should display as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7: Completed Part

6. Save the file and erase it from memory.

Pag e A- 6 F u n d a m e n t a l s o f Sh e et m e t a l De s i g n

EXERCISE 3: Creating a Swept Secondary Wall

In this exercise, you create a swept secondary wall along a tangent edge.

Figure 8: Swept Secondary Wall

Task 2. Retrieve the sweep sheetmetal part and create a swept wall.

1. Open SWEEP.PRT.

2. Click [Swept No Radius Wall].

3. Click Tangnt Chain and select the green edges indicated in the
following figure. Note the location of the start point, and click
Start Point to change its location if necessary.

Start point

Select this green

edge for the
tangent chain

Figure 9: Defining the Trajectory Path

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A- 7


4. Accept the default upward direction, and create the cross-section of

the swept hem. Sketch the section as shown in the following
figure. Use a 270-degree 3-point arc, a tangent arc, and a line.

Figure 10: Section for the Swept Blend

5. When you have finished sketching, click No Relief > Done > OK .
The part displays as shown in the following figure.

Pag e A- 8 F u n d a m e n t a l s o f Sh e et m e t a l De s i g n

Figure 11: Completed Part

6. Save the file and erase it from memory.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A- 9


EXERCISE 4: Creating a Twisted Secondary Wall

In this exercise, you create a twist wall along an edge, and then unbend the
geometry to observe the changes that occur in the developed length.

Figure 12: Twisted Secondary Wall

Task 1. Create a flat primary wall.

1. Create a new part named TWIST.PRT using the default template.

2. Create a flat primary wall as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13: Flat Primary Wall

Pag e A- 10 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 2. Create a twisted wall along the bottom of the part.

1. Click Insert > Sheetmetal Wall > Twist.

2. Select the green or white lower edge of the wall, as indicated in the
following figure.

Select bottom
edge to attach the
twist wall

Figure 14: Attachment Edge

3. Click Use Middle to create a datum point at the midpoint of the

selected edge to locate the twist axis.

4. Type [2.0] as the start width and press <ENTER>. The default
value is the length of the selected edge.

5. Type [2.5] as the end width and press <ENTER>.

6. Type [2.5] as the twist length (length after twisting) and press

7. Type [90] as the twist angle and press <ENTER>.

8. Type [4.0] as the developed length and press <ENTER>. This

represents the length of the wall if you unbend it.

9. Click OK . The completed part displays, as shown in the following


Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-11


Figure 15: Completed Part

10. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Pag e A- 12 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


EXERCISE 5: Bend Line Adjustment

In this exercise, you control bend line placement with relations.

Task 1. Create a new sheetmetal part named BLA.PRT.

1. Create a sheetmetal part named BLA.PRT using the default


2. Create a flat wall, sketched on datum plane FRONT, as shown in

the following figure.

Figure 16: Section for Flat Wall

Task 2. Create two angular bend features.

1. Create a regular Angle bend using the part bend table and an inside
radius. Sketch the section shown in the following figure on the
large front face of the part.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-13


BS = bend side

FS = fixed side

Sketched bend line Use RecRelief here


Figure 17: Flat Wall Section

2. Specify the bend and fixed sides, as shown in the following figure.

3. Use RecRelief on the right side (inside) and no relief on the other
side. For the rectangular relief, specify a width of [0.5] and Up To
Bend depth.

4. The bend angle should be 90 degrees and the radius is [1.0]. If the
wall bends the wrong direction, Flip the direction. The part should
display as shown in the following figure.

Pag e A- 14 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 18: First Bend Feature

5. Create the same bend on the other side of the part as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 19: Second Bend feature

Task 3. Determine if bend line is in the desired location.

1. Click Analysis > Measure . Click Distance from the TYPE pull-
down menu.

2. Select the two surfaces shown in the following figure. The distance
reported should be 0.054. The two surfaces are not coplanar
because the bend line adjustment is incorrect. You used a value of
0.5. The formula for the BLA is BLA= L - (R+T), where L is the
developed length, R is the inside radius, and T is the thickness.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-15


Measure between
these surfaces

Figure 20: Distance Measurement

Task 4. Add a relation to control the BLA.

1. Click Modify and select the left bend. The dimensions should
display as shown in the following figure. The developed length (L)
is 1.70.

Figure 21: Bend Dimensions

2. Click Modify and select the original flat wall feature.

3. With the dimensions shown, click Relations .

4. Identify the symbolic form for the appropriate dimensions shown

in the following figure. Find the developed length (d14), the inside
radius (d13), the thickness (d8), and the BLA (d9). Your
dimension symbols may be different.

Pag e A- 16 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Figure 22: Dimensions Required for Relation

5. Click Add . The relation you need is the equation for the BLA. For
this example in the following figure, the relation is d9= d14 -
(d13+ d8). Enter your relation. Be sure to use your dimension
symbols. Press <ENTER> twice.

6. Regenerate the part.

7. Measure the distance again to ensure that the surfaces are coplanar.

8. Create a relation for the right-side bend.

9. To test the relations, modify both of the bend radii to [2.00].

10. Regenerate the part twice.

11. Measure again to ensure that the surfaces remain coplanar.

12. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-17


EXERCISE 6: Creating an Edge Bend and a Rip

In this exercise, you create a part with a constant thickness in Part mode,
convert the part into a sheetmetal part, and unbend it using the edge bend
and rip features.

Figure 23: Part with Edge bend and Rip

Task 1. Create a new solid part named RIP.PRT.

1. Create a new solid part named RIP.PRT using the default template.

2. Create an extruded thin protrusion with a rectangular section as

shown in the following figure.

3. Create the feature on both sides of the section.

4. Enter [0.1] as the width (thickness) of thin feature, and [4.0] as

the blind depth.

Figure 24: Sketch for Thin, Solid Protrusion

Pag e A- 18 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 2. Convert the solid part into a sheetmetal part.

1. Click Applications > Sheetmetal .

2. Click Driving Surface for the conversion method.

3. Specify the outer surface, as indicated in the following figure, as

the driving surface (the driving surface is the green side of a
sheetmetal part).

4. Accept the default value of [0.1000] for the thickness. The system
automatically converts the part into a sheetmetal part.

Select this surface as

the green surface

Add Edge Bend to

these edges

Figure 25: Specifying Driving Surface and Adding Edge Bends

Task 3. Create edge bends on the four corner edges.

1. Click [Bended Edge].

2. Select all four edges shown above in the above figure (you can
select inside or outside). Complete the feature. The system creates
the edge bends using the thickness of the material as the inside
radius of the bend.

3. Modify the radii of each bend to [2.0]. The model should display
as shown in the following figure.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-19


Sketch the rip on

this surface

Figure 26: Sketching Plane for the Rip Feature

Task 4. Create a regular rip.

1. Click [Rip]. Click Regular Rip > Done .

2. Select a surface, as indicated in the above figure, as the sketching

plane. Use the Default reference plane.

3. Sketch a spline shown in the following figure. Reference and

dimension the ends of the spline and complete the rip feature.

Figure 27: Section Sketch for the Rip Feature

Pag e A- 20 Fundament als of Sh e etme t al De sign


Task 5. Create a flat pattern of the model.

1. Click [Flat Pattern].

2. Specify a surface to remain fixed, as indicated in the following


Select this surface

to remain fixed
for flat pattern

Figure 28: Specifying Top Flat Surface to Remain Fixed

3. The completed flat pattern should display as shown in the

following figure.

Figure 29: Final Geometry

4. Save the part and erase it from memory.

Addit ional Exe r cis es Pag e A-21


Using PTC Help

You can use PTC Help to quickly search for Pro/ENGINEER
information. PTC Help includes quick references and detailed
information on selected topics.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Start PTC Help.

Search for specific information about Pro/ENGINEER.
Obtain context-sensitive help while performing a task.

Page B-1


PTC Help is a fully functional help system that is integrated into

PTC Help Features

PTC Help offers:

A new help system with a table of contents, an index, and searching

Context-sensitive help, allowing access to PTC Help with a click of
the mouse
Online Tutorials focussed on teaching different aspects of the software
Expanded help topics available as special dialog boxes
Please visit the PTC Technical Support Online Knowledge Database ,
which features thousands of Suggested Techniques. For more
information, see the Technical Support Appendix.


Launching Help: Four Methods
There are four procedures for launching the help system.

1. From the Main Menu

This is the standard way of accessing the full-blown help system complete
with contents, index, and search capabilities. Depending on your system
speed, it may take a few seconds to launch the entire help system.

Click Help > Contents and Index from the main menu as shown in the
following figure.

Pag e B- 2 Append ix B

Figure 1 Starting PTC Help

The Pro/ENGINEER Online Help homepage appears in your web browser


Figure 2: Contents and Index in PTC Help

In the left frame of the window, you see a list of topics arranged in a tree
structure. By clicking on each higher level topic, you can access sub-
topics, and by clicking the sub-topics you can access detailed instructions,
explanations, and tips.

Usin g PT C Help Pag e B- 3


2. Through Context-Sensitive Help

1. Click on the right end of the main toolbar.

2. Click on any icon or any part of the Pro/ENGINEER main window

about which you want an explanation.

3. A browser window opens that explains the topic.

4. In the following example, clicking on the model tree icon in the

toolbar launched a browser window that explained the icon

Figure 3: Context-Sensitive Help

5. In addition, you will also notice at the lower left there is a See
Also link which on clicking provides a list of related topics that
may be of immediate interest.

Pag e B- 4 Append ix B

6. You may click on any topic you want to read additionally.

Figure 4: The See Also List of Topics

3. Through Pro/ENGINEER Menu Manager

1. Click on the right end of the main Pro/ENGINEER toolbar.

2. Click any menu command from the menu manager.

3. A TOPIC ROUTER browser window opens with a list of topic links

that explain the menu command.

4. Click the topic you want to read.

5. In the following example, clicking on X-Section in the menu

manager launched the TOPIC ROUTER browser window with a list
of two useful topics.

Usin g PT C Help Pag e B- 5


Figure 5: Launching Help through Menu Manager

4. By Right-Clicking on Vertical Menu Commands

1. Right-click and hold on a menu command until the GETHELP

window appears.

Figure 6: Right-Clicking in Menu Manager

Pag e B- 6 Append ix B


There are four main branches in the PTC Help table of contents:
Welcome, Pro/ENGINEER Foundation, Using Foundation Modules, and
Using Additional Modules.

Figure 7: Four Main Branches in Help System

Consult the following list to find a particular module in the table of


Figure 8: Foundation and Additional Modules in Help

Usin g PT C Help Pag e B- 7


PTC Global Services: Technical Support

PTC Global Services is committed to providing top quality assistance
to our customers. In addition to our Technical Support Hotline, we
also have Web-based offerings that are designed to fit your
individual needs by providing 24 hour / 7 day availability.
PTC Global Services is also committed to continually improving
customer service. Through our Quality Monitoring program, we
have demonstrated our commitment to service by achieving Global
ISO 9000 Certification for our Technical Support offerings.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

Open a Technical Support Call.

Register for on-line Technical Support.
Navigate the PTC Products Knowledge Base.
Find telephone numbers for technical support and services.

Page C-1


Choose Support from the PTC Home Page or go directly to


Opening Technical Support Calls via E-mail
Send email to with copen as the e-mail subject.

Please use the following format (or download the template from

FNAME: First Name

LNAME: Last Name
CALLCENTER: U.S., Germany, France, U.K., Singapore, or
description starts
description continues
description ends

Pag e C- 2 Append ix C

Opening Technical Support Calls via Telephone

Call us directly by telephone (refer to the Contact Information page for
your Local Technical Support Center).

The Technical Support Engineer will ask you for the following
information when logging a call:

Your PTC software Configuration ID

Your name and telephone number
The PTC product (module) name
Priority of the issue

Opening Technical Support Calls via the Web

You can use the PTC Web site to open Technical
Support calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the Pro/CALL

Sending Data Files to PTC Technical Support

To send data files to PTC Technical Support, please follow the
instructions at:

When the call is resolved your data will be deleted by the Technical
Support Engineer. Your data will not be divulged to any third party
vendors under any circumstances. You may also request a Non-Disclosure
Agreement from the Technical Support Engineer.

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 3

Routing Your Technical Support Calls

Customer question

Telephone Call Web Call

Tech SupportEngineer Call is automatically created

creates a call in the database in the database

Investigation Call Back and Investigation

Support Engineer
solves issue or
reports it
to Development (SPR)

Software Performance Report

SPR fixed from Development

Software Performance Report (SPR)

SPR Verification through Tech. Support Engineer

Update CD to customer

Pag e C- 4 Append ix C

Assigning Technical Support Call Priorities

Extremely Critical Work stopped
Critical Work severely impacted
Urgent Work impacted
Not Critical
General Information

Software Performance Report Priorities

Top Priority Highly critical software issue that is causing a work
High Critical software issue that affects immediate work and a
practical alternative technique is not available.
Medium Software issue that does not affect immediate work or a
practical alternative technique is available.


Go to and click Sign-up Online , to open the
registration form and enter your Configuration ID.

To find your Pro/ENGINEER Configuration ID, click Help > About


Complete the information needed to identify yourself as a user with your

personal data. Please write down your username and password for future

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 5

After you have registered you will have full access to all Online Tools.

You can search our Knowledge Base using a Search-Engine. Our Online
Support Applications controls the status of calls (Call Tracker) and SPRs
(SPR Tracker) and adds comments to these. If you add a comment, the
Technical Support Engineer assigned to your call will be notified

Additionally, contact information such as the customer feedback line and

electronic order of software and manuals are available.

The Software Update Tool allows you to request the latest software
updates for any PTC product.


The Technical Support Knowledge Base contains over 18,000 documents.
Technical Application Notes (TANs), Technical Point of Interest (TPIs),
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and Suggested Techniques offer up-
to-date information about all relevant software areas. All FAQs and
Suggested Techniques are available in English, French, and German.

Pag e C- 6 Append ix C

Terminology used by Technical Support

TAN Technical Application Note provides information about SPRs that
may affect more than just the customer originally reporting an issue.
TANs also may provide alternative techniques to allow a user to continue

TPI Technical Point of Interest provides additional technical information

about a software product. TPIs are created by Technical Support to
document the resolution of common issues reported in actual customer
calls. TPIs are similar to TANs, but do not reference an SPR.

Suggested Techniques Provides step-by-step instructions including

screen snapshots, on how to use PTC software to complete common tasks.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to many of the most

commonly asked questions compiled from the PTC Technical Support

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 7


To subscribe to our Knowledge Base Monitor e-mail service, go to

1. Click Technical Support > Online Support Applications >

Knowledge Base Monitor .

2. Select the PTC Product or Module for which you want to get

3. You will receive daily e-mail with update information; this can
help you by upgrading to a new PTC product or to a new release.

Figure 1: Knowledge Base Monitor Sign Up

Pag e C- 8 Append ix C

PTC Technical Support Worldwide Electronic
These services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Web: (Support) (Education)
E-mail: (for opening calls and sending data) (for comments or suggestions about
the Customer Service Web site)
FTP (for transferring files to PTC Technical Support):

Technical Support Customer Feedback Line

The Customer Feedback Line is intended for general customer service
concerns that are not technical product issues.


Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 9

For assistance with technical issues, contact the Electronic Services noted
in the previous section, or the Technical Support line as listed in the Phone
and Fax Information sections below.

PTC has nine integrated Technical Support Call Centers in North

America, Europe, and Asia. Our worldwide coverage ensures telephone
access to Technical Support for customers in all time zones and in local

North America Phone Information

Customer Services (including Technical Support, License Management,
and Documentation Requests):

Within the United States and Canada:

Outside the United States and Canada:




Pag e C- 10 Append ix C

Europe Phone Information

Technical Support Phone Numbers:

Austria 0800 29 7542

Belgium 0800-15-241 (French)
0800-72567 (Dutch)
Denmark 8001-5593
Finland 0800-117092
France 0800-14-19-52
Germany 0180-2245132
49-89-32106-111 (for Pro/MECHANICA outside of
Ireland 1-800-409-1622
Israel 1-800-945-42-95 (All languages including Hebrew)
177-150-21-34 (English only)
Italy 800-79-05-33
Luxembourg 0800-23-50
Netherlands 0800022-4519
Norway 8001-1872
Portugal 05-05-33-73-69
South Africa 0800-991068
Spain 900-95-33-39
Sweden 020-791484
Switzerland 0800-55-38-33 (French)
0800-83-75-58 (Italian)
0800-552428 (German)
United Kingdom 0800-318677

License Management Phone Numbers:

Belgium 0800-75376
Denmark 8001-5593
Finland 0800-117-092
Eastern Europe 44 1252 817 078

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 1 1

France 0800-14-19-52
Germany 49 (0) 89-32106-0
Ireland 1-800-409-1622
Italy 39 (0) 39-65651
Netherlands 0800-022-0543
Norway 8001-1872
Portugal 05-05-33-73-69
Russia 44 1252 817 078
Spain 900-95-33-39
Sweden 020-791484
Switzerland 41 (0) 1-8-24-34-44
United Kingdom 0800-31-8677

Education Services Phone Numbers:

Benelux 31-73-644-2705
France 33-1-69-33-65-50
Germany 49 (0) 89-32106-325
Italy 39-039-65-65-652
Spain/Portugal 34-91-452-01-00
Sweden 46-8-590-956-00 (Malmo)
46-8-590-956-46 (Upplands Vasby)
Switzerland 41 (0) 1-820-00-80
United Kingdom 44-0800-212-565 (toll free within UK)

Asia and Pacific Rim Phone Information

Technical Support Phone Numbers:

Australia 1800-553-565
China* 10800-650-8185 (international toll free)
108-657 (manual toll free)
Hong Kong 800-933309
India* 000-6517

Pag e C- 12 Append ix C

Indonesia 001-803-65-7250
Japan 120-20-9023
Malaysia 1-800-80-1026
New Zealand 0800-44-4376
Philippines 1800-1-651-0176
Singapore 65-830-9899
South Korea 00798-65-1-7078 (international toll free)
080-3469-001 (domestic toll free)
Taiwan 0080-65-1256 (international toll free)
080-013069 (domestic toll free)
Thailand 001-800-65-6213
*Note: Callers dialing from India or China must provide the operator with
the respective string:
China MTF8309729
India MTF8309752
The operator will then connect you to the Singapore Technical Support

License Management Phone Numbers

Japan 81 (0) 3-3346-8280

Hong Kong (852) 2802-8982

Education Services Phone Numbers

Australia 61 2 9955 2833 (Sydney)

61 3 9561 4111 (Melbourne)
China 86-20-87554426 (GuangZhou)
86-21-62785080 (Shanghai)
86-10-65908699 (Beijing)
Hong Kong 852-28028982
India 91-80-2267272 Ext.#306 (Bangalore)
91-11-6474701 (New Delhi)
91-226513152 (Mumbai)

Cu s t o m e r Su p p o rt I n f o rm a t i o n Pag e C- 1 3

Japan 81-3-3346-8268
Malaysia 03-754 8198
Singapore 65-8309866
South Korea 82-2-3469-1080
Taiwan 886-2-758-8600 (Taipei)
886-4-3103311 (Taichung)
886-7-3323211 (Kaohsiung)

Up-to-Date + Worldwide = Maximum
Information ISO 9000 Productivity
Certification with
Quality Control

Pag e C- 14 Append ix C

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