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LEADER : GustiAyuKomangTrisnaDewi
MODERATOR : Sang AyuPutuWidyaWistarani
SPEAKER (TTS) : Ni Putu Dian Yuniantari
SPEECH EVALUATOR : KadekDwiJuniaPuspita Sari
GRAMMARIAN : Ni WayanCintia Devi Utami
AH COUNTER : Ni WayanMariadnyani
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
How are you today? I hope you are all still in a blessing of God.

First of all, in this great opportunity, Let us thank to the God for blessing us, for his allowance
we have been given opportunity to get knowledge at this moment. Well, let me introduce myself;
My name is .......................its my honour to be a leader here.
Before starting our discussion, let me introduce myself and the members of our meeting today. I
am GustiAyuKomang as a Leader of this Toastmaster.
The first, there is WidyaWistarani as the moderator who guidance in this meeting.
The second is Dian Yuniarti as a Speaker who presents the topic today.
The third there is Juliartha as a Table topic Speaker.
The fourth there isDwiJunia as a Speech evaluator.
The fifth is Devi Utami as a grammarian.
The sixth is Maria as an Ah Counter.
The seventh is Rike Diana as a Timer.

And the topic which we are going to present now is Cancer

To discuss the topic more specifically, it will be presented by the Speaker but before that,please
welcome Ms.WidyaMistarani as our moderator who manage the toastmaster today.
Ms.WidyaMistarani, time is yours.

Alright, thats all the presentation has been done well. Take the positive things of this
presentation, I wish you get the advantages and useful for you. Ill say the greatest thanks to the
Moderator, to the Speaker, Speech evaluator, Ah-counter, Grammarian, Table topic, and all the
participants here. Give a huge applause for us and see you on the next Toastmaster.
Thank you for the time given me. Good morning everybody...
I am very proud of standing here in a great moment and meet all of you here.
I would like to deliver my grateful to the almighty god, Ida Sang HyangWidhiWasa, who
bestows us, so we are able to hold this meeting, and also thanks to all of the participants who
attends here today.
Well, now please welcome to our Table topic today; Mr.Juliartha who explains about the cancer
in general and also gives a conclusion at the last session. Mr.Juliartha, the time is yours
Give applause to our Table topic and now please welcome to the Speaker of the day who
explains it more detail about cancer. Ms.Dian Yunianthari, time is yours
Give applause to the speaker. Well, thats good explanation, now please welcome to Speech
Evaluator. Ms.JuniaPuspita Sari, time is yours.
Give applause to our Speech evaluator. That should be correct evaluation which very important
for our skill specially in speaking.
Now please welcome to Cintya Devi Utami as our grammarian.
Well, give applause to our grammarian who just has explained us the grammar terms and thats
also very important for us and it needs to be attention carefully. Now, please welcome to our Ah-
counter. To Ms.Mariadyani,time is yours.
Give applause to our ah-counter and now please welcome to Mr.Juli, who wants to give a
concussion about our topic today. Mr.Juliartha, the time is yours
MODERATOR:Give applause to our Table topic and please welcome to our Timer today.
Ms.Rike Diana, time is yours.
Finally we have reached the last session of the Toastmaster today. Thank you to everybody here,
I am very happy to meet you all and the last please welcome to our Leader. Ms.TrisnaDewi, time
is yours.
Thank you, well, my name is Mr. Juliartha and I am here as Table topic.
I think almost people here has ever heard about Cancer and may be some of us assume that the
cancer is one of an awful word in the world because some varieties of cancer still doesnt have
the specific medicine which able to cure the patient of cancer.
Cancer is a potentially fatal disease caused mainly by environmental factors that mutate genes
encoding critical cell-regulatory proteins. The resultant aberrant cell behaviour leads to
expansive masses of abnormal cells that destroy surrounding normal tissue and can spread to
vital organs resulting in disseminated disease, commonly a harbinger of imminent patient death.
Thats all from me and to discuss it in more detail, it will be presented by the speaker. Thank you

Thank you. Well let me present the conclusion of the topic today.
Cancer is a complex genetic disease that is caused primarily by environmental factors. The
cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) can be present in a food and water, in the air, and in
chemicals and sunlight that people are exposed to.
The classification of Cancer based on the behaviour terms are divided to be two terms, they are:
benign and malignant.
The management of a patient with cancer is dependent upon a number of pieces of information
that can be gathered about the tumour:
. the tissue of origin
. benign or malignant
. tumour grade
. tumour stage
The treatment of Cancer treatment is usually a combination of a number of different modalities
such as Surgery, Chemotherapy, and Radiotherapy.
I think thats all the resume of a cancer today, thank you for attention and see you
Thanks for the time given to me, let me introduce myself first, my name is .. Now Im going to
explain about the Headache.
Such as the Leader has said before, Cancer is a potentially fatal disease caused mainly by
environmental factors that mutate genes encoding critical cell-regulatory proteins. The resultant
aberrant cell behaviour leads to expansive masses of abnormal cells that destroy surrounding
normal tissue and can spread to vital organs resulting in disseminated disease, commonly a
harbinger of imminent patient death.

Cancer is a complex genetic disease that is caused primarily by environmental factors. The
cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) can be present in a food and water, in the air, and in
chemicals and sunlight that people are exposed to. Since epithelial cells cover the skin, line the
respiratory and alimentary tracts, and metabolize ingested carcinogens; itis not surprising that
over 90% of cancers occur in epithelia.
The causes of serious ill-health in the world are changing. Infection as a major cause is giving
way to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. In 1996 there
were 10 million new cancer cases worldwide and six million deaths attributed to cancer. In 2020
there are predicted to be 20 million new cases and 12 million deaths. Significantly, a
globalization of unhealthy lifestyles, particularly cigarette smoking and the adoption of many
features of the modern Western diet (high fat, low fibre content) will increase cancer incidence.
Tobacco use and diet each account for about 30% ofnew cancer cases, with infection associated
with a further 15%; thus, much of cancer is preventable. No individual can guarantee not to
contract the disease, but it is so strongly linked to diet and lifestyle that there are plenty of
positive steps that can be taken to reduce the chances: eat more fruit and vegetables, reduce the
intake of red meat and definitely do not smoke.
Cancer does not develop overnight, instead often evolving over many years with detectable
premalignant lesions presaging the development of full-blown malignancy. Malignant tumours
not only invade surrounding tissue, but are able to colonize other, often vital, organs, a process
known as metastasis. Widespread metastatic disease is usually a harbinger of imminent patient
death. Thus, immediate referral to the oncologist after detection of any suspicious lump or
symptom is paramount.
The classification of Cancer based on the behaviour terms are divided to be two terms, they are:
benign and malignant.
Benign tumours are generally slow-growing expansive masses that compress rather than invade
surrounding tissue. As such they generally pose little threat, except when growing in a confined
space like the skull, and can usually be readily excised. However, many so-called benign
tumours have malignant potential,notably those occurring in the large intestine, and these should
be removed before malignancy develops.
Malignant tumours are usually rapidly growing, invadingsurrounding tissue and, most
significantly, colonizing distant organs. The ability of tumour cells to detach from the original
mass (the primary tumour) and set up a metastasis (secondary tumour) discontinuous with the
primary is unequivocal proof of malignancy. Tumours are also classified according to their tissue
of origin; recognition of the parent tissue in a lymph node metastasis could establish the location
of a hitherto undiagnosed primary tumour.
Clinical assessment of cancer; The management of a patient with cancer is dependent upon a
number of pieces of information that can be gathered about the tumour:
. the tissue of origin
. benign or malignant
. tumour grade
. tumour stage
The treatment of Cancer treatment is usually a combination of a number of different modalities.
If the tumour is amenable to surgery, then surgery is the single most effective tool in the
anticancer armamentarium. Targeted radiotherapy is another option, as are combinations of
anticancer drugs. Most conventional anticancer drugs have been designed with deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) synthesis as their target.
Thus, patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy commonly suffer unwanted (hair loss) and
sometimes potentially life-threatening (anaemia and proneness to infections) side effects that
limit treatment.

Well thats all for my explanation and thanks for your attention.
Thanks for the time youve given to me, let me introduce myself first. My name is JuniaPuspita
Sari as Speech evaluator.
Well, according to me and based on my observation today:
The speaker explained the topic so clearly and easy to be understood because the dictions were
very good. She explained it well, relax, and her speaking was very good, event her pronunciation
was little bit not well enough.
She pronounced the word women with womn but it should be pronounced /womIn/
She pronounced the word developed with dIvelopd but it should be pronounced /divlpt/
She pronounced the word to be .. but it should be pronounced /./
The stress of word good morning was not in properly, it should be /good mrning/
The link sound in word thats all should be connected to be /szll/

Those are my corrections and my suggestion just need more practice in pronouncing the word
and also read loud fast to costume the tongue say the word more fluently, thank you.
Thanks for the time youve given to me. My name is Cintya Devi Utami and I am Grammarian.
Well, I am going to give some advices to the speaker related the grammar.
When she was explaining the presentation, she spoke the cluster headaches is a headache;
that should be the cluster headaches are headache because the cluster headaches here as
plural so the auxiliary of that statement should be is not are and without article a before
The second, she spoke ..; it should be .
The third case is they was very awful it should be they were veryawful
Those are my corrections, study harder about grammar and thanks a lot.
Thank you for the time and let me introduce myself first, my name is Mariadyani, and I am an
After I have observed to the Leader, Speaker, Moderator, Speech evaluator, and Grammarians
speech, I found some of them said ah, ehm, eh.
Well, the first to the Leader. The leader had said em for twice and ah for three times.
The second to the Moderator had said eh for once, then ah for five times, and eh for twice.
The third to the Speaker had said ah for four times and eh for once.
The fourth to the Speech evaluator had never said ah, eh, nor ehm.
The fifth to the grammarian had said ehm for twice and ah for once.
I think thats enough for me and thanks for attention.
Alright, I am the last here who give a report about the presentation today especially about how
long they spent the time for explaining.
First to the Leader had spent time for eight minutes. Started from 08:00 up to 08:08 AM.
Second to the Moderator had spent the time for about 30 minutes.
Third to the Speaker had spent the time for 12 minutes
Fourth to the Ah-counter had spent the time for 3 minutes
Fifth to the Grammarian had spent the time for 2 minutes.
Sixth to the Speech evaluator had spent for 5 minutes.
Those all my reports, thank you for attention, and Ill bring it back to the Moderator.

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