Child Development Milestones

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Child Development Milestone Chart

Social and
Physical Intellectual Language
Age Emotional
Development Development Development
Lies in fetal
position with
Beginning to
knees tucked
up. Unable to
concepts e.g.
raise head.
becomes aware
Head falls Cries
of physical
backwards if vigorously.
Bonds with sensations such
pulled to sit. Respond to
At Birth mother. Smiles at as hunger.
Reacts to high-pitched
mother. Explores using
sudden sound. tones by moving
his senses.
Closes eye to his limbs.
Make eye
bright light.
contact and cry
Opens eye
to indicate
when held in
an upright
Pelvis is flat Takes
when lying increasing
down. Lower interest in his
Attentive to
back is still surroundings.
sounds made by
weak. Back Squeals with Shows interest
your voice.
and neck firm pleasure in playthings.
Indicates needs
when held appropriately. Understand
3 sitting. Grasps Reacts with cause and
Months objects placed pleasure to effect… e.g. if
cries. Beginning
in hands. familiar routines. you tie one end
to vocalise.
Turns head Discriminates of a ribbon to
Smile in
round to have smile. his toe and the
response to
a look at other to a
objects. mobile, he will
Establishes learn to move
eye contact. the mobile.
6 Can lift head Responds to Finds feet Double syllable
Months and shoulders. different tones of interesting. sounds such as
Sits up with mother. May show Understand 'mama' and
support. 'stranger shyness'. objects and 'dada'. Laughs
Enjoys Takes stuff to know what to in play. Screams
standing and mouth. expect of them. with annoyance.
jumping. Understand 'up'
objects from
one hand to
the other. Pulls
and 'down' and
self up to sit
and sits erect
with supports.
gestures, such
Rolls over
as raising his
prone to
arms to be
supine. Palmer
grasp of cube.
visual sense.
Grasps with
thumb and
index finger.
Releases toys
by dropping. Shows interest
Apprehensive tunefully.
Wiggles and in picture
about strangers. Vocalises to
9 crawls. Sits books. Watches
Imitates hand- attract attention.
Months unsupported. activities of
clapping. Clings Enjoy
Picks up others with
to familiar adults. communicating
objects with interest.
with sounds.
pincer grasp.
Looks for
fallen objects.
Holds bottle.
Is visually
1 Year Stands holding Cooperates with Responds to Babbles 2 or 3
furniture. dressing. Waves simple words
Stands alone goodbye. instructions. repeatedly.
for a second or Understands Uses trial-and- Responds to
two, then simple error to learn simple
collapses with commands. about objects. instructions.
a bump. Walks Demonstrate Understands
holding one affection. several words.
hand. Bends Participate in Uses jargon.
down and nursery rhymes.
picks up
objects. Pulls
to stand and
May walk
alone. Holds
spoon. Points
at objects.
Picks up small
Can crawl up
Helps with
Balance is
dressing. Indicates Can
poor. Can
soiled or wet communicate
15 crawl down
paints. Is very curious. needs. Jabbers
Months stairs
Emotionally freely and
dependent on loudly.
Builds 2 block
familiar adult.
tower. Can
place objects
Turns pages of
picture book.
Squats to pick
up toys. Can
walk alone.
without Plays alone near
spilling. Picks familiar adult.
up toy without Demands constant
Enjoys simple Uses 'Jargon'.
falling over. mothering. Drinks
picture books. Uses many
Shows from a cup with
Explores intelligible
18 preference for both hands. Feeds
environment. words. Repeats
Months one hand. Gets self with a spoon.
Knows the an adult’s last
up/down stairs Attains bowel
names of parts word. Jabbering
holding onto control. Tries to
of his body. established.
rail. Begins to sing. Imitates
jump with domestic
both feet. Can activities.
build a tower
of 3 or 4 cubes
and throw a
2 Years Can kick large Throws tantrum if Joins 2-3 Talks to self
ball. Squats
with ease.
Rises without
using hands.
Builds tower frustrated. Can put words in
of six cubes. on shoes. sentences.
Speaks over two
Able to run. Completely spoon Recognises
hundred words,
Walks up and feeds and drinks details in
and accumulate
down stairs 2 from cup. Is pictures. Uses
new words very
feet per step. aware of physical own name to
Builds tower needs. Dry by day. refer to self.
of 6 cubes.
Turns picture
book pages
one at a time.
Can jump off
lower steps.
Can pedal and
steer tricycle.
Goes up stairs
1 foot per step
Relates present
downstairs 2 Plays co-
activities and
feet per step. operatively .
past Constantly asks
Copies circle. Undresses with
experiences. questions.
Imitates cross assistance.
Can draw a Speaks in
3 Years and draws Imaginary
person with a sentences. Talks
man on companions.Tries
head. Can sort to himself when
request. Builds very hard to
objects into playing.
tower of 9 please. Uses
cubes. Has spoon and fork.
good pencil
control. Can
cut paper with
scissors. Can
thread large
beads on a
4 Years Sits with Argues with other Counts up to Many infantile
knees crossed. children. Plans 20. Asks substitutions in
Ball games games co- meanings of speech. Uses
skill increases. operatively. words. correct grammar
Goes down Dresses and Questioning at most of the
stairs one foot undresses with its height. time. Enjoy
per step. assistance. Draw counting up to
Imitates gate
with cubes.
Attends to own
Copies a
toilet needs.
cross. Can
Developing a recognisable twenty by
turn sharp
sense of humour. house. repetition.
corners when
Wants to be
Builds a tower
of 10 cubes.
Skips. Well
developed ball
skills. Can
walk on along
a thin line.
Fluent speech
Skips on both
Chooses own Writes name. with few
feet and hops.
friends. Dresses Draws a infantile
Draws a man
and undresses detailed substitutions in
and copies a
alone. Shows person. speech. Talks
5 Years triangle. Gives
caring attitudes Matches most about the past,
age. Can copy
towards others. colours. present and
an adult’s
Copes well with Understands future with a
personal needs. numbers. good sense of
Builds steps
with 3-4
Learns to skip
Draws with Fluent speech.
with rope.
Stubborn and precision and Can pronounce
Copies a
demanding. Eager to detail. majority of the
for fresh Developing sounds of his
6 Years Knows right
experiences. May reading skills own language.
from left and
be quarrelsome well. May Talk fluently
number of
with friends. write and with
fingers. Ties
independently. confidence.
shoe laces.

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