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APCSP Performance Task Q1

The computing innovation I chose is Face++, a facial recognition software from China that is being used
to make several different technological advancements. One of the biggest advancements that is now
possible because of Face++ is the ability to be able to use facial recognition to make payments. It is also
being used in surveillance systems to locate criminals by face scanning pedestrians. According to Will
Knight, Face++ works by pinpointing eighty three specific points on the face. By measuring the distances
between the points, the software is able to identify the subject.

In order to create my artifact, I first created a Powerpoint slide. I then found four pictures that represent
my computational artifact and placed them in the corners of my Powerpoint slide. I then placed, in the
middle of the slide, the English logo for Face++.

Face++ software could have many different effects on the technology world. Catherine Shu says, Alipay,
an app that uses this software, allows the user to make payments with face identification. This is
beneficial because it could potentially eliminate credit card fraud, since carrying money is no longer
necessary. Another thing that Face++ is being used for is surveillance. Cameras can be found in almost
any populated area of China. Paired with Face++, these surveillance systems now have the ability to
identify criminals through facial recognition. This innovation will be helpful to society, dropping crime
rates by making criminal identification easier. Although there are several beneficial effects of Face++,
there is also some harmful effects. Angelo Young says that because Face++ is being utilized by
surveillance systems, taking away peoples privacy. Face++ is not only created to recognize users, it has
been made to recognize everyone. Therefore, even those who have no affiliation with products that use
this software will have no choice but to be constantly under watch. If this technology were to fall into
the wrong hands, it could reap very negative effects. If it were to become available through the black
market, criminals could use it to their advantage. For instance, if Face++ was utilized by criminals to
track the location of an important government official, they could easily assassinate said person or take
them hostage for ransom money. While Face++ has many benefits, in the wrong hands, it could be

In order for Face++ to be utilized, data usage is essential. The data being used by this software is facial
recognition. The software must contain the facial recognition data of every single person in the area that
this technology is being used in order to be most effective. According to Will Knight, China already has a
national identification database, making it a lot easier for Face++ to get its necessary data. If this
technology were to come to a place like the United States, where facial identification is not required, it
would be a lot harder to get Face++ the data it needs. As with many technologies, this software has its
data concerns. One possible concern. There are many people on earth with either identical twins or
doppelgangers. If the facial scanners were to mistake one person for another, it could cause many
problems. The creators of Face++ have made it impossible for an imposter to use a picture of someone
else to bypass the softwares security system. They have done so by requiring a series of facial
movements from the person being scanned. However, if one were to get access to the right technology,
they could possibly use a form of augmented reality to manipulate the system. This brings up a lot of
security concerns that will have to be addressed by the creators of Face++ if they want the software to
be successful.


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