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Stanislav, Prophet of Calomena Name: Stanislav Virtue: Dedication 11th Generation

Gender: M Vice: Stubbornness Caitiff
Q Caine was the child of the devil! Only Calomena can bring us salvation V V CbN.91

Dedication Stubbornness
In pursuit of your cause, you will You are so convinced of the Inteligence ooooo
Strength ooooo
Presence ooooo

give up life, hope, morality - correctness of your cause that Wits ooooo
Dexterity ooooo
Manipulation ooooo

anything to achieve your goal. you cant compromise. Resolve ooooo
Stamina ooooo
Composure ooooo

Background: S
In his visions, Calomena informed him that the Childer of Caine Mental Physical Social
were personifications of material evil and must be destroyed - Enigmas ooooo
Stealth ooooo
Empathy ooooo

however, the clanless were her "Chosen"; heralds of the Investigation ooooo
Survival ooooo
Intimidation ooooo

Apocalypse and Calomena's imminent return. Occult ooooo
ooooo Persuasion ooooo

ooooo ooooo Streetwise ooooo

Dressing in simple robes and rejecting all physical adornments. ooooo ooooo Subterfuge ooooo

Shoulder-length black hair and deep black eyes ooooo ooooo ooooo
ooooo ooooo ooooo
ooooo ooooo ooooo

R Disciplines D Health
It is your holy duty to convert those around you, and no price is
Auspex ooooo
ooooo oooooooooooo

Chimestry ooooo
too high. You speak with a simple passion that infects your Dementation ooooo
followers and frightens your enemies. Presence ooooo
ooooo Willpower
ooooo ooooo oooooooooo

ooooo ooooo
G ooooo ooooo Road of Heaven
ooooo ooooo oooooooooo

Destroy the devil spawn Convert the clanless ooooo ooooo
ooooo ooooo Vitae

Per Turn 1

Secret: knows little of Constantinople's Cainite society oooooooooo

Haven: Monastery of Saint Luke, amid the ruins of Arcadius
Size: 5 Attack
Speed: 10 Bite (0L | +0 Init.)
Defense: 3
Armor: None Initiative Mod: 7

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