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Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Ar Rohmah Putri

Pesantren Hidayatullah Malang

NPSN: 20577343 NSS: 302051830003
Website: Email:
Jl. Raya Jambu No. 01 Sumbersekar Kec. Dau Kab. Malang Telp. 0341 532088 Fax. 0341 463442 KP. 65151

Kegiatan : Ulangan Tengah Semester Genap 2016/2017 Kelas :X

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 4 Maret 2017
Kode Soal : 10004 Waktu : 90 menit

Choose the best answer!

1. Surya : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Lusi : ......... it will be very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
Fill the blank with the right expression.
A. Well, Im not sure. D. What a great idea
B. Id love to but I dont think I can come. E. I dont have any idea
C. Im really sorry. I already have my own. .

2. Robi invites Sandra to go to a movie.

Robi : Hi, Sandra. There will be a great lm tonight. It's about Nasreddin.
Would you like to go to the movie with me?
Sandra : Of course. I'd love to. When will you pick me up?
Robi : I'll pick you up at 7.30. Be ready.
Sandra : Oke
What does the bold expression for?
A. accepting invitation D. making invitation
B. rejecting invitation E. formal greeting
C. introducing oneself

3. Vina is very busy doing her English homework, while Sheila, her friend phones Vina to come to her party.
Sheila :Hello, this is Sheila. May I speak to Vina?
Vina :This is Vina speaking.
Sheila :Oh, hi Vina. I wonder if youd like to come to my house tonight. Were having a great party.
Vina :I dont think I can. Im doing my homework. Im afraid I couldnt finish my homework.
Sheila :Thats alright.
Vina :I hope you enjoy your party.
Sheila :Thanks Vina
What does the bold expression for?
A. accepting invitation D. making invitation
B. rejecting invitation E. formal greeting
C. introducing oneself

4. Complete the dialogue below with the right answer.

Rifaldi : I ................ Ar rohmah Students Exchange Program next year.
Rabbani : Thats a good idea
A. join D. will join
B. joined E. joining
C. were joining

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Understand the invitation letter below to answer questions number 5 and 6.

5. Based on the invitation letter above, The smiths will reserve rooms for the guest who stay for how long?
A. during the night D. every night
B. after the night E. from night to night
C. before the night

6. Who will receive the invitation letter above?

A. The Smithss friends D. The smith, Charles and Anne
B. Belles friends E. Charles and Anne
C. everyone

7. Fill in the blank with the suitable answer!

Andina : What is your plan for this weekend?
Bety : I ............ my brother.
A. will visit D. would visiting
B. visited E. visit
C. were visited

Understand the invitation letter below to answer questions number 8 until 10.

8. Based on the invitation letter above, the students can join some program, except....
A. Story Telling Contest D. Wall Magazine Competition
B. Choir Contest E. Pledge contest
C. Basketball Match

9. The competition will last for . . . days.

A. 2 D. 5
B. 3 E. 6
C. 4

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10. They are, Choir Contest,.........
Choir means a group of pepople trained to ......... together.
A. Sing D. Act
B. Dance E. Swim
C. Play

11. Every night the watchman turns on the light and .......... around the building every half an hour.
Complete the blank spaces with the suitable answer.
A. is walking D. walked
B. walk E. walking
C. walks
12. Understand the text below to answer questions number 12 until 14.

My Favorite Teacher
Everyone has a favourite teacher, someone who we feel a special connection with. In primary school, my favourite
teacher is Ms. Nuraini. I am not such a good pupil, but just looking at Ms. Nuraini make me feel that I am going to learn. Ms.
Nuraini is 45 years old and rather short about 1.50 meters. Since I am short too, I always feel a bit nervous with tall teacher
who tower menacingly over me. It is reassuring to be around Ms. Nuraini. Also, I always enjoy the fragrance of the herbs
that she grow in our classroom. On the top of her round head, Ms. Nuraini always wear a colourful headscarf with an
intriguing design. This, plus her warm smile, brightened the lessons in her classroom. However, the best part of her face is
her kind eyes that says to her students, I care deeply about you.
Ms. Nuraini usually wear bright long sleeve blouse that go well with her coffee - colour skin. She does not wear much
jewellery, just a simple Casio watch on her left hand and a ruby red ring on the ring finger of her right hand. The other
decoration on her hand come from types of ink from whiteboard markers and other sources. On most days, Ms. Nuraini
wear loose-fitting pants. Finally, on her feet, she often has brown closed-toe shoes with just a slightly raise heel that make
a peculiar clip-clop sound as she walk. These low-heeled shoes make it easy for Ms. Nuraini to walk briskly around the
classroom to help us when we are doing group activities. I can still feel her friendly touch on my shoulder as she stand
listening carefully to our group or explaining something that none of us can figure out.

12. The purpose of the text is ..

A. To tell what happen with Ms. Nuraini. D. To entertain the reader with Ms. Nuraini.
B. To describe how Ms. Nuraini looks like. E. To report about Ms. Nurainis life.
C. To tell someone how to make favorite teacher.

13. According to the text above, the following are statements are true, except.......
A. Ms. Nuraini is friendly. D. Ms. Nuraini wear a colourful headscarf.
B. Ms. Nuraini always wear low heel shoes. E. Ms Nuraini does not wear much accessories.
C. Ms. Nuraini is shorter than the writer.

14. On top of her round head, Ms. Nuraini always wore a colorful headscarf with an intriguing design. The underlined word
means very..
A. exciting D. surprising
B. amazing E. wonderful
C. interesting

15. Customer
D. : Could you please book me on the next flight to Mexico City?
Reservationist : Im sorry, sir. Our airline .......... to Mexico City.
E. A. will not fly D. doesn't fly
B. did not fly E. were not flying
C. was not fly

16. I usually....... to school on Monday till Saturday while on Sunday I ........... my time with family.
Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
A. go and spend D. gone and spent
B. going and spending E. will spend and will spend
C. went and spend

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Understand the text below to answer questions number 17 until 18.

Purna Bhakti Museum

Purna Bhakti Pertiwi museum is a place to preserve the historical evidence of Mr. Soeharto's struggle and service to the
country and nation from early independence up to the era of national development. As a tourist attraction, this museum also
houses a number of the finest works of art presented to Mr. and Mrs. Soeharto by friends and colleagues from all corners of
the world. Read our booklet and you will have a glimpse at Purna Bhakti Pertiwi. It covers the meaning and material of the
existing collection, consisting of various kinds and froms of the works of art, which makes this museum appealing to visit.

17. ...... is a place to preserve the historical evidence (paragraph 1)

Find the synonym of the underlined word.
A. Protect D. Create
B. Reserve E. Build
C. Collect

18. What is the content of the third paragraph?

A. The appearance of the museum. D. The content of Purna Bhakti Museum booklet.
B. Purna Bhakti Museum as tourist attraction. E. Glimpse for visit Purna Bhakti Museum.
C. How to visit Purna Bhakti Museum from the booklet.

Understand the text below to answer questions number 19 until 23.

Dear: Maryam
Sarah, I am writing to you just to remind about our holiday plan in your city next month. I (19) _______ So happy being
there with you. We (20) _______ many tourism objects like Parangtritis Beach, Prambanan Temple, and Malioboro. We
will enjoy the places. We (21) _______ many foods and souvenirs there. We also (22) _______ the picture scenery. I just
cant imagine, we (23) _______ happy spending time together. I just cant wait to enjoy our holiday.

19. A. Is D. were
B. was E. will
C. will be

20. A. visited D. will visit

B. visiting E. Was visited
C. will visited

21. A. Will buy D. will be buy

B. bought E. Was buying
C. were bought

22. A. will take D. will took off

B. will takes E. will take out
C. will be take

23. A. were D. will be

B. was E. will
C. is

24. Every Monday Khadeeja drives her daughter to badminton practice.

Change the sentence above into the negative form.
A. Every Monday Khadeeja did not drive her daughter to badminton practice.
B. Every Monday Khadeeja does not drive her daughter to badminton practice.
C. Every Monday Khadeeja do not drive her daughter to badminton practice.
D. Every Monday Khadeeja will not drive her daughter to badminton practice.
E. Every Monday Khadeeja is not drive her daughter to badminton practice.

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Understand the passage below to answer question number 25.

Situated among tropical gardens right by the sea, Sanur Beach Hotel offers a friendly atmosphere. The
accommodation comprises tastefully furnished air conditioned rooms with mini bars, baths, showers, and
balcony and patio. For those who prefer extra privacy, they are some elegant Balinese style bungalows around
the gardens. Other facilities include three restaurants 24 hours coffee shop and swimming pool, tennis and
badminton court and shopping arcades. Water sports including windsurfing and sailing, can be arranged from
the beach.

25. Which of the following sentences is not true about the hotel?
A. It provides water-sport. D. It has a restaurant and coffee shop.
B. It has a swimming pool. E. Beautiful garden are surrounding it.
C. Every room is air conditioned.

II. Essay

1. Make simple future tense sentense using the following words. Every sentence should be in a form of positive, negative,
and introgative sentences.
A. attend B. smart

2. Make simple present tense sentence using the following words. Every sentence should be in a form of positive,
negative, and introgative sentences.
A. create B. the best students

3. Understand the following text below. Then punctuate and capitalise it correctly.
pink beach
pink beach or pantai merah muda is one of the beaches in komodo island east nusa tenggara the beach is called pink
beach because the sand beach is pink the pink color of its beach is a mixture of white sand beach colors mixed with
crushed coral shells calcium carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small and also foraminifera microscopic
amoeba that has a red body shell at pink beach there are so many marine organisms no fewer than 1000 species of fish
260 species of coral and 70 species of sponge can be found here having so much marine life this place is a proper spot
for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers

4. Create dialogues based on the following situations. Make appointment and invitation then accept each of them. (choose
only one topic).
A. playing tennis B. go to movie

5. Based on the story above, find the correct meaning of the words by choosing the exact explanation in the table which is

A. scenery .............................................................
B. protect .............................................................
C. located .............................................................
D. history .............................................................
E. resort .............................................................

1. Past event of a particular period, country or

2. General appearance of natural environment
3. Keep someone or something save from injury,
damage or loss.
4. Place where many people go for rest.
5. To be in a particular place.

___oOo___MAAN NAJAH___oOo___

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