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The act of going on the property and

excluding the lawful possessor therefrom
RULE 70 necessarily implies the exertion of force over the
property, and this is all that is necessary. The
G.R. No. L-12838 March 9, 1918 words "by force, intimidation, threat, strategy or
stealth" including every situation or condition
FELIX MEDIRAN, plaintiff-appellant, under which one person can wrongfully enter
vs. upon real property and exclude another, who has
MAXIMIANO VILLANUEVA, ET AL., had prior possession, therefrom.
WON the Justice of the Peace has jurisdiction
FACTS to hear actions of forcible entry regardless of
any claim of ownership by either party
Felix Mediran, for many years prior to the
occurrence which left to the institution for the Yes. The circumstance that proof of title is
present action, had been in lawful and introduced at the hearing or that a claim of
undisturbed possession of the premises in ownership is made by either or both of the parties
question and during a large part of this time had is not material. It should be borne in mind that
cultivated portions thereof either in person or by the factor which defeats the jurisdiction of the
means of a laborer whom he placed in charge of court of the justice of the peace is the necessity to
the premises to cultivate the same on shares. adjudicate the question of title.

What sort of possession is here intended?

About the middle of December 1915, while
laborers employed by the plaintiff were engaged
at work preparatory to planting, the defendants
appeared on the scene and ordered them to Evidently the word "possession," as used in
depart, which they did. And the Mediran found section 80 means nothing more than the physical
the defendants planting in the fields. The plaintiff possession, not legal possession in the sense
ordered the defendants to desist, but they replied contemplated in article 444 of the Civil Code.
with a threat to the effect that if he bothered them
something ill would befall him. Can the fact of possession be established by the
plaintiff in an action of forcible entry and
Hence, an action of forcible entry and unlawful detainer by proof of ownership?
detainer in the court of the justice of the peace of
the municipality of Amadeo, Cavite, against the Yes. . The proof of actual possession, based upon
defendants Maximiano Villanueva, Jacinto these acts of dominion, is sufficient. If party can
Villanueva, and Pedro Villanueva, to recover the prove of external acts of dominion over a
possession of a parcel of land situated in said particular piece of ground, as continuous
municipality, alleging that he had been in cultivation or the uninterrupted taking of produce
possession thereof until on or about December from the fields, he has no need to resort to proof
15, 1915, when the defendants unlawfully of ownership.
entered thereon and thereafter forcibly detained
the same from him. Petition granted.

WON the act the defendant constitute the use of

"force," as contemplated in the provision.

Yes. , the trespasser does not have to institute a

state war. Nor is it even necessary that he should
use violence against the person of the party in

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