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USF Elementary Education Management Task Action Plan (Fall 2016)

Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content
What FEAPs and/or Standards Domain 2a- Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention.
relate to this lesson? The FEAPs
are most likely domain 2 and are Domain 2c- Conveys high expectations to all students.
located in canvas as well as in your
Objectives-Management Task Intern will line students up for lunch.
List the management task here

What background knowledge is 1. Students are to be aware of the classroom's Essential Agreements
necessary for a student to Following directions quickly and quietly the first time. (Principled)
successfully complete this task? Keeping hands, feet, and ALL objects to themselves. (Respectful)
Ask your CT
What classroom
rules/expectations are aligned
2. Students are already aware of the line up order, which will alleviate confusion on where
with this task? to line up. There is a line up system already in place, that students should be following.
What procedures are in place
to help students in meeting the 3. Before engaging in this task, I will let students know that we will be having a special guest
rules/expectations? joining us to walk us over to lunch. In addition, I reassure students that they are to be on
What rules/expectations or their best behavior. Lastly, before we are lining up, I will remind students that they are
procedures might you go over supposed to remain on Level 0.
with students before engaging
in this task?

Task Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan: This is the Time Who is *Time is contingent on when the lesson ends*
longest section of your responsible
lesson/action plan (What exactly (Teacher or 11:45-11:50- When the lesson is coming to an end, as the intern I will be
do you plan to do? Be thorough. Students)? responsible for letting students know that we have a special guess walking
Begin this section by observing with us to lunch today, so it is important that you all are on your best
your CT and writing down the behavior.
steps they take!)
USF Elementary Education Management Task Action Plan (Fall 2016)
Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Date of Lesson:

Be sure to address all of the 11:50-11:53- The intern will be responsible for catching the
following: attention of the class. Following, that the intern will be responsible
How will you review and/or for reassuring students that they are to be on a Level 0, while lining
model the classroom up and while in the line. The intern is responsible for lining students
up. The intern will say: "1"- Students know that that means get out
What will you as the teacher
if your chair and stand behind it. "2"- Students when then push in
do and say during the task?
What teacher talk will you use? their chairs. "3 ABC"- Students will line up in ABC order, after the
What will the students do and line leader, door holder, and lights person for the week. Recently, we
say? What will it look like and welcomed an additional 8 students to our class, so those students
sound like if students are will line up at the end of the line. (Those 8 students will not be in
meeting your expectations? ABC order.)

11:53-11:55- One student will be responsible for dispensing hand

sanitizer to students who wish to have some. The intern will be
responsible for recognizing students who are displaying the proper
The intern will say things like, "Thank you Sue for being on Level 0."
or "I love the way Ray is on Level 0."

11:55-12:00- Once students are on Level 0, the intern will then say
"Proceed" and students will begin to walk to lunch. Students are
already aware of where to stop, before continuing to walk. Before
students can start walking again, the teacher will say "Proceed". If
there happens to be students who are not following directions, I will
remind that student that they should be on a Level 0. ("Carol
remember we are on a Level 0."
At times the door holder, may want to run to get back
into their space in line; if I see that happening I will say things like,
("Walking feet, Jimmy.") In the mist of redirecting students, I will
also still recognize students who are meeting my expectations.
USF Elementary Education Management Task Action Plan (Fall 2016)
Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Date of Lesson:

*If students are meeting my expectations they will walk from

the classroom to lunch at a Level 0.*

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