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1. Which of the following is not an example of public sector innovation? Online bookselling etc
2. Which of the following is not a key challenge in managing networks? How to manage the travel
budget for different members of the network
3. Who is the first president of korea? rhee syngman
4. Which piece of classical music plays when the train has to stopto be cleaned (and therefore the
passengers have to get off and wait for the next train)? Boocherinis minuet in e
5. Name of the highest mountain in south korea? incorrect! Jeju
6. Portfolio management is : a way of balancing a spread of high, medium and low risk
innovation projects
7. Which one the sector that is NOT considered as creative industry according to John Howkins?
8. Which of the following is a famous South Korean car manufacturer? Hyundai
9. Korean second largest city by population is? Busan
10. Korea current president park geunhye was born in?1952
11. Which scholar of Korean history of the 16th century coded Confucian pricnciples for official use
by all Korean families? Cho kwang-jo
12. Name the type of government in South Korea? presidential republic
13. Marketing innovation refers to significantly improvements on product or package design,
price, placement or promotion
14. Which of the following is NOT a helpful search strategy for picking up weak signals about
discontinuities? Use well-tried voice of the customer tools to get market insight s from
existing customers
15. What was the flight number of Korean air lines civilian aeroplane shot down by USSR on 1
September 1983? 007
16. Which of the following south Korean sports became an Olympic medal sport at the 2000 sydney
games? Taek won do
17. Shiri or Swiri, directed by Kang Je-gyu, is often said to be the film that sparked the modern
Korean film industry in 1999? What kind of film is Shiri? action
18. Name the longest river in south korea? nakdong river
19. Which parallel roughly demarcates south and north korea? the 38th parallel
20. Which of the following is the recycled product of steel/tin cans? Car parts
21. What is the name of the alphabet that is used to speak and write Korean language? Hangul
22. Rothwells fifth generation model is: an approach to thinking about innovation which stresses
its highly networked nature
23. What is the currency of south korea? won
24. Which is the longest of the four major subway line? Line 2
25. Which of these is a potential source of innovation?
- Copying someone elses idea and developing it further
- The outcome of a programme of laboratory experiments all of the those
- Listening to voice of the customer to indentify needs
26. When didi the DVDs replace the VHS video cassete in popularity in the US? 2003
27. The traditional Korean martial art known as taekwondo was initially called Tae Soo Do. Tae
means to stomp and do means the way of, but what do soo/su and kwon mean?
Soo/su means hand and kwon means fist
28. Which of the following is NOT a type of innovation network? Railway timetabling meetings
29. Open innovation is: an approach to innovation management which stresses the importance of
connections inside and especially outside the organization
30. Total population of Korea in 2010 is around 74.000.000
31. Kiezkaufhaus is site that connects small local businesses on a single online platform.
32. Open innovation is: an approach which emphasizes knowledge flows in and out of
33. The Korean wave was a term coined in the 1990s that refers to what? An increase in the
popularity of south Korean culture worldwide
34. In 2016, san joses tech museum of innovation released a platform to show the product of
synthetic biology, bioengineering, and biological design. The platform is called BioDesign
35. On august 15, 1945, south korea gained its independence from which country? Japan
36. Which of the following is NOT a trigger for discontinuous innovation? Continuing developments
along an established technological trajectory
37. Which of the following best describes the Yangban of traditional Korean Society? Scholar-
38. Which of the following could be argued NOT to be a discontinuous innovation? The shift from
5.4 inch to 3.5 inch disc drives in computer storage
39. In various countries, solar power is used as the renewable power energy of spaceship
40. When the United Nations General Assmeblyformally adopted the universla integrated and
transformative 2030 agenda for sustainable development? September 2015
41. The Korean dance called the nabichum is known by what name in English, because of the
customes worn during the performance? Butterfly dance
42. How many south Koreans werekidnapped by Taliban in july 2007? 23
43. Who became the President of South Korea in 1988? Roh tae-woo
44. The national sport of korea is? Taekwondo
45. Which of these incredible events is held in south Korea? boryeong mud festival
46. Which of the following best describes the architecture and design of a traditional Korean
garden? Simple and natural
47. Which of the following facts about south korea is not true? Pyongyang is the capital of south
48. which of these Ps does not offer opportunities for innovation? Product
49. what does the term Kimchi refer to in south korea? it is a traditional south Korean dish
50. which of the following is NOT associated with successful implementation of innovation projects?
High salaries for R&D directors
51. connected worlds is a fair project using 15 projectors and 12 Microsoft Kinect cameras to create
an immersive, interactive ecosystem that is spread across a 3,000-square-foot, projection-
mapped floor and is complete with 45-foot-tall waterfall. The fair is conducted in new york
52. how many territories and states does south korea have? Correct! 4 regions and 9 provinces
53. innovation is implementation of new or significantly improved products/services,
marketing, organizational and processes
54. nicrosoft hololans was first introduced in 2016
55. the following are considered contaminants and are not compatible with newspaper recycling,
except magazines
56. a SWOT analysis will have greater utility for: interface management and knowledge production
57. when was the Korean war fought? 1950-53
58. what do you get at astation if you ask for a jeong-aek seung chagwon? multiple-use subway
59. the population of capital city of korea in 2012 is? 9,126,546
60. what is the population of south korea in 2007? 59,024,737
61. what percentage of south korea is covered n\by water? 3%
62. blue ocean refer to: a strategic approach to search for innovation opportunities
63. Kondratiev waves are an observation about clusters of significant innovations and their
radical impact originally made by a Russian economist
64. What is the main aim of the existence of a project management portfolio? Prioritizing and sort
each project to fulfill conditions establo9shed such as cost, strategic values, etc.;
65. Hangeuls is the name of Korean writing system
66. Gong ji-youngs 2009 novel the crucibletakes its name from the Arthur miller play of the same
name. however, instead of witchcraft, what is novel about? Abuse of students at school
67. Who created Hangeul? king sejong the great
68. Em-sense that links people even closer into those instant connections through the power of
phisycal touch is developed by a student of Carnegie mellon university
69. Which of the following is not a trigger for innovation? Dividends paid to shareholders during
the past two years.
70. What is the Korean term for the family genealogy? Chokpo
71. Which of these is NOT an example of process innovation? Tooth-whitening chewing gum
72. Who is the current supreme leader of the DPRK? Kim jong un
73. Amino is one of health appliacation thah is developed in USA
74. How many goasl are there in UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development? 17
75. The insanely popular song gangnam style by south korea musician psy refers to what exactly?
A district in seoul
76. Division for sustainable development of Department eof Economic and Social Affairs of United
Nations Office is located in New York
77. Most popular sport in korea is football
78. What is the total area of south korea? 99,646 km2/38,492 sq mi
79. Facebook reactions is an innovative feature in facebook that is created in 2016
80. Here are some efficient energy uses, EXCEPT using dark roof for buildings
81. Who is the current president of the ROK? Park geunhye
82. The following would be typical examples of market pull innovations, except nanotechnology-
based paints
83. Which of the following is NOT a core process to be managed in effective innovation networking?
Level and frequency of subscription payments
84. The hydroLily is a device that turns air into water by accelerating natural condensations
processes, offering the potential to provide drinking water to remote areas. This product is
developed by a student from university of California Berkeley
85. A stage gate system is an approach to project management in new product development
86. Hangeul was created during the Joseon Dynaswty in 1443
87. Name of the highest populated city in south korea? seoul
88. What is the name of the CalTech seismologist who invented the scale used to measure the
magnitude of earthquakes? Charles richter
89. The following are associated with successful innovating organizations, except high market
90. Many traditional Korean homes were equipped with a highly effective heating mechanism.
What was this early home heating system called? Sangyong
91. Current korea president park geunhye is the leader of political party? Democratic justice party
92. In 2015 vanmoof and spinlister receives an award at innovation by design award 2015 for their
product which is: bike-sharing app
93. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of a lack of portfolio management in new product
development? Key researchers leave because of poor financial rewards
94. Which country, outside of the two koreas, contains the largets population of ethnic Koreans?
95. Which city hosted 1988 olympics? Seoul
96. When did construction start on the Seoul subway network? 1970
97. What can be a benefit of innovation? Product diversification
98. Jokbal, a popular kporean dish of pigs feet braised in rice wine, is considered an anju. An
anjuis a dish served alongside what? Alcohol
99. The icon A5 si a/an amphibious aircraft that is developed by a company named ICON.
100. How many stations are there on the subway in total? 115

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