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In attention to Transylvania College,

I havent always thought about becoming a teacher. Right after I graduated high-school, even
though I had a strong call for the humanities and literature, due to my curiosity and desire to
learn more about other people life experiences I decided to study Journalism at Babes-Bolyai.

Those were three years of diverse experiences, in which I had to practice being courageous,
getting in front of the row, searching and documenting stories and I also got to experience the
magic that happens when another person opens up in front of you, who are a stranger, and put his
life story into your hands and I also experienced the satisfaction of seeing your story published,
knowing that it may reach and touch other people.

However, being a curios person, I was attracted to the world of innovation and technique and
what you can do by the help of technology, so I did a Masters in Complementary Studies in
Computer Science, hoping that I could use the technical skills in my journalistic projects. I
became a Quality Assurance tester at an IT company and since then I can appreciate and also
critique the way the websites that I enter daily, or weekly, are build. It gave me a strong eye for
details, which I didnt really have before and it built my interests in start-ups and innovation.

Having worked in a big team, on a project that is five years old, for a client that knows how to
bring up challenging tasks and also situations, I had the opportunity to observe the dynamic of
the team and also of the project. I learned why it is important to be a good comunicator, to know
how to schedule your tasks, and how to constantly addapt.

Even though the years in IT industry were rewarding, i decided to leave the field because i
started to feel unmotivated, due to the lack of communication(which is a need for me, i could
say), of being involved in work that needed direct contect with people (more than with
computers), a work in which i could practice my creativity.

Also, during my interviews with different people i kept hearing that a main problem is the lack of
competitive people, people that not only need to be good employees, but most of all, they must
be a factor of change.

I understood that the generations that are to come, are the ones who will build our world by
using their knowledge, their good education, and when i refer to education i am not talking only
about theortical and practical skills, but also about a set of strong values, of a good character
which is, i belive, built at home and in school. Without professionals, we are at risk of
mediocrity, of unfulfitment and poor living conditions.

This is why i think Transylvania College is a factor of change in romanian society, because it
offers the opportunity of exploring and growing a child talents, of educating in a personalized
way the children, according to their needs, their specific personality and their capacities. Only
with a strong base people are able to grow into responsible adults who can choose what is best
for them and once they do that, it can only be the best choice for society also. Because someone
with great values and great knowledge can have the power to resist in front af adversity, can have
the creativity to build something that didnt exist before, or can have the curiosity and thirst for
knowledge in order to explore different scientifical areas and improve our lives.

This is why i would like to be part of Transylvania College, to combine my desire for
communication, for working with young people, with the satisfaction of being a factor in
educating the new generation that will lead the change not only in our country, but at an
international level.

Kind Regards,

Oana Brian

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