Testinitialvi Engleza

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Limba englez clasa a VI-a

I. Rearrange the sentences to complete the conversation:

A: Would you like something to drink?
B: Yes, please.

a) With milk and sugar?

b) Thanks very much.
c) Would you like tea, coffee or orange juice?
d) Just sugar, please.
e) Here you are.
f) Tea, please.

II. Complete the sentences with these words:

* hes *his *shes *her *youre *your

A: Whats your name?

B: My name s Emily.

1. A: Whats Emilys mothers name?

B: I dont know, but fathers name is Tom.

2. A: Wheres Emily now?

B: at school.

3. A: Wheres father?
B: My father? at home.
A: But thats car over there.
B: Yes, right. It is.

III. Complete with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets:

Last night I (go) . to my favourite restaurant in West Street.

After I (have) .. my usual dinner , I (leave) .. the
restaurant at about 11 oclock. It (be) a warm evening and I
(decide) ........ to walk along the beach.

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