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Criminal Law 1


1. What law gave birth to the Revised Penal Code and when did it took
a. a. RA 3815 Jan 1, 1923 c. RA 3185 Jan 1, 1932
b. b. RA 3815 Jan 1, 1932 d. RA 3518 Jan 1, 1932

2. Which of the following is not a source of Phil. Penal Laws?

a. a. Rev. Penal Code c. Penal Pres. Decrees
b. b. Special Penal Laws d. Legislative Decrees

3. Philippine Penal Law is applicable within the Phil. territory to include:

a. its atmosphere c. maritime zone
b. interior waters d. all of them

4. The principle that sovereign and head of states are exempted from
criminal h a relation to the liability is covered by this law.
a. Law of Foreign Affairs c Law in Preferred Head of States
b. Law of preferential treatment d. Law of Preferential Application

5. Obligation and Securities issued by the Philippine Government refers to:

a. money bills c. Government Bonds
b. coins d. Letter of Credit

6. Characteristics of criminal law wherein penal law undertakes to punish

all crimes committed within the Philippine territory
a. Territoriality c. Prospectivity
b. Extra Territoriality d. Generality

7. Select the persons not exempted from criminal liability.

a. Ambassadors c. changes d affraires
b. ministers d. consuls

8. 10. The criminal acts punished by the Revised Penal Code.

a. felonies c. Offenses
b. crimes d. Misdemeanor

9. What will a judge do if the acts done by a person being tried in court is
not covered by law?
a. Convict the accused c. Place the accused under
b. Acquit the accused d. Give the accused Parole

10. It exists when two or more person comes to an agreement to commit a

felony and decided to do it.
a. Conspiracy c. Confederation
b. Proposal d. Accomplish

11. Stage of the commission of a felony when all the elements necessary for
its execution and accomplishment are present.
a. attempted b. frustrated
c. consummated d. enumerated

12. Incurred by a person committing a felony although the wrongful act done
by different from what he intend to do.
a. felony b. offense
c. criminal liability d. civil liability

13. It is committed when a person who decided to commit a felony proposes
its execution to another person.
a. accessory b. accomplice
c. conspiracy d. proposal
14. Felony is committed either by Culpa or?
a. fault b. dolo
c. neglect d. lack of skill

15. Power of the state to define and punish crime.

a. power of eminent domain c. notice power
b. legislative power d. executive power

16. If an offense was committed by a Japanese national on board a

Singapore Airlines plane abort to land at the NAIA. What penal law will
a. Singapore Law c. Philippine Law
b. Japanese Law d. International Law

17. Felonies punishable only when they are committed.

a. Consumated Felonies c. Frustrated Felonies
b. Attempted Felonies d. Light Felonies

18. Another word for deceit?

a. dolo b. culpa
c. fault d. negligence

Part Two
19. What is criminal law and give the sources of our penal laws.

20. What is an impossible crime? Explain and give examples.

21. Give at least 5 examples of each circumstance under the revised penal

22. What is the distinction between Self Defense, Defense of a Relative and
Defense of a Stranger?

23. What are the modes of incurring criminal liability?



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